#I think a lot about the 10 thousand american soldiers in the korean war who were native american
Diversity win! the pilot bombing Hamhung is a Native American
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asiansknowing-blog · 6 years
On BTS/Korea and Japanese Imperialism
Hi, I’m sorry to make this first post so urgently but please take your time to read and think on this topic before spreading more rumors. 
Recently, BTS has been under fire for one of the members, Jimin, wearing a shirt that is “offensive” to Japan. And are confirmed to not be appearing on any Japanese television anymore.
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It is a shirt celebrating the liberation of Korea and the end of Japanese colonialism. People were upset because they believed it was cruel to wear a shirt celebrating the atomic bombing
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Except the problem IS the relation between Japan and Korea. It always has been. Obviously they aren’t celebrating the death of over hundred-thousands of people in the Pearl Harbor bombings. It’s not about that.
It’s about the end of the horrendous era of slavery and abuse in Korea.
“The Japanese military during the 1930s and 1940s is often compared to the military of Nazi Germany. . .”
“It really began in 1895 with Japan’s assassination of Korea’s Queen Min, and invasion of Korea. . .If you add, say, 2-million Koreans, 2-million Manchurians, Chinese, Russians, Many East European Jews (both Sephardic and Ashkenazi), and others killed by Japan between 1895 and 1937 (conservative figures), the total of Japanese victims is more like 10 million to 14 million.”
It’s about the end of how over 400,000 Korean/Asian women were kidnapped, raped and used for sex slavery
“an estimated 90 percent of ‘comfort women’ did not survive the war”
“Meanwhile, women who had been forced into sexual slavery became societal outcasts. Many died of sexually transmitted infections or complications from their violent treatments at the hands of Japanese soldiers; others committed suicide.”
“In 1987, after the Republic of South Korean became a liberal democracy, women started discussing their ordeals publicly. . .the issue flared into an international dispute when South Korea criticized a Japanese official’s denial of the events.” 
A link to more personal accounts of what happened to these women. Trigger warning: it’s hard to read and graphic about the sexual abuse.
It’s about how Japan still hasn’t properly apologized for any of it
It’s about how Japan LEAVES OUT parts of its horrific history in their TEXTBOOKS, further contributing to the confusion of the animosity many older generation Koreans hold towards Japan.
“The Chinese say 300,000 were killed and many women were gang-raped by the Japanese soldiers, but as I spent six months researching all sides of the argument, I learned that some in Japan deny the incident altogether.”
Japanese people are in complete denial, stating things such as, “The Chinese government hired actors and actresses, pretending to be the victims. . . “
“Fujioka believes [comfort women] were paid prostitutes. But Japan’s neighbours, such as South Korea and Taiwan, say they were forced to work as sex slaves for the Japanese army.”
“Equally, Japanese people often find it hard to grasp why politicians’ visits to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine - which honours war criminals among other Japanese soldiers - cause quite so much anger.”
However, a twitter user has compiled a thread on their take of the controversy over the tshirt, stating it’s not just about the shirt.
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Either way. Many Japanese news outlets and American news outlets have been covering the story contributing Jimin’s shirt as the cause for the cancellation of BTS’ appearance on Japanese television. 
I know this is a long post. But I just want to ask, please don’t just pass this off because it’s not about Western culture and history. There’s a lot more I want to say on these topics, but I want to make it clear that I don’t hold animosity towards Japanese people or Japan. I just don’t want there to be ignorance among Western BTS fans that don’t know the heartbreaking history of South Korea and why this is so important. 
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presssorg · 5 years
Latest: North Korea, GDP, Employment, Trump vs Iran, Trade War & Border Wall
AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s misfires on Iran, trade and that wall WASHINGTON — In President Donald Trump’s reckoning, an Iran tamed by him no longer cries “death to America,” the border wall with Mexico is proceeding apace, the estate tax has been lifted off the backs of farmers, the remains of U.S. soldiers from North Korea are coming home and China is opening its wallet to the U.S. treasury for the first time in history. These statements range from flatly false to mostly so. Here’s a week of political rhetoric in review: IRAN: TRUMP, speaking about Iranians “screaming ‘death to America”‘ when Barack Obama was in the White House: “They haven’t screamed ‘death to America’ lately.” — Fox News interview Friday. THE FACTS: Yes they have. The death-to-America chant is heard routinely.
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An Iranian navy boat tries to stop the fire of an oil tanker after it was attacked in the Gulf of Oman, June 13, 2019. Tasnim News Agency/Handout via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. - RC1D5E81AD00 The chant, “marg bar Amreeka” in Farsi, dates back even before Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution. Once used by communists, it was popularized by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the revolution’s figurehead and Iran’s first supreme leader after the U.S. Embassy takeover by militants. It remains a staple of hard-line demonstrations, meetings with current Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, official ceremonies, parliamentary sessions and main Friday prayer services in Tehran and across the country. Some masters of ceremonies ask audiences to tone it down. But it was heard, for example, from the crowd this month when Khamenei exhorted thousands to stand up against U.S. “bullying.” In one variation, a demonstrator at Tehran’s Quds rally last month held a sign with three versions of the slogan: “Death to America” in Farsi, “Death to America” in Arabic,” “Down with U.S.A.” in English. —— WAGES and TAXES TRUMP: “Wages are growing, and they are growing at the fastest rate for — this is something so wonderful — for blue-collar workers. The biggest percentage increase — blue-collar workers.” — remarks Tuesday in Council Bluffs, Iowa. THE FACTS: He’s claiming credit for a trend of rising wages for lower-income blue-collar workers that predates his presidency. Some of the gains also reflect higher minimum wages passed at the state and local level; the Trump administration opposes an increase to the federal minimum wage. With the unemployment rate at 3.6%, the lowest since December 1969, employers are struggling to fill jobs. Despite all the talk of robots and automation, thousands of restaurants, warehouses, and retail stores still need workers. They are offering higher wages and have pushed up pay for the lowest-paid one-quarter of workers more quickly than for everyone else since 2015. In April, the poorest 25% saw their paychecks increase 4.4% from a year earlier, compared with 3.1% for the richest one-quarter. Those gains are not necessarily flowing to the “blue collar” workers Trump cited. Instead, when measured by industry, wages are rising more quickly for lower-paid service workers. Hourly pay for retail workers has risen 4.1% in the past year and 3.8% for hotel and restaurant employees. Manufacturing workers — the blue collars — have seen pay rise just 2.2% and construction workers, 3.2%. —— TRUMP: “And to keep your family farms and ranches in the family, we eliminated the estate tax, also known as the ‘death tax,’ on the small farms and ranches and other businesses. That was a big one. … People were having a farm, they loved their children, and they want to leave it to their children. … And the estate tax was so much, the children would have to go out and borrow a lot of money from unfriendly bankers, in many cases. And they’d end up losing the farm, and it was a horrible situation.” — remarks in Council Bluffs. THE FACTS: There still is an estate tax. More small farms may be off the hook for it as a result of changes by the Republican-controlled Congress in 2017 but very few farms or small businesses were subject to the tax even before that happened. Congress increased the tax exemption — temporarily — so fewer people will be subject to those taxes. Previously, any assets from estates valued at more than $5.49 million, or nearly $11 million for couples, were subject to the estate tax in 2017. The new law doubled that minimum for 2018 to $11.2 million, or $22.4 million for couples. For 2019, the minimums rose to $11.4 million, or $22.8 million for couples. Those increased minimums will expire at the end of 2025. According to an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, only about 80 small farms and closely held businesses were subject to the estate tax in 2017. Those estates represent about 1 per cent of all taxable estate tax returns. —— NORTH KOREA TRUMP: “I think we’re going to do very well with North Korea over a period of time. I’m in no rush. … Our remains are coming back; you saw the beautiful ceremony in Hawaii with Mike Pence. We’re getting the remains back.” — joint news conference Wednesday with Poland’s president. THE FACTS: The U.S. is not currently getting additional remains of American service members killed during the Korean War. With U.S.-North Korea relations souring, the Pentagon said last month it had suspended its efforts to arrange negotiations this year on recovering additional remains of American service members. The Pentagon said it hoped to reach agreement for recovery operations in 2020. The Defence POW-MIA Accounting Agency said it has had no communication with North Korean authorities since the Vietnam summit between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in February. That meeting focused on the North’s nuclear weapons and followed a June 2018 summit where Kim committed to permitting a resumption of U.S. remains recovery; that effort had been suspended by the U.S. in 2005. The agency said it had “reached the point where we can no longer effectively plan, co-ordinate, and conduct field operations” with the North during this budget year, which ends Sept. 30. Last summer, in line with the first Trump-Kim summit in June, the North turned over 55 boxes of what it said were the remains of an undetermined number of U.S service members killed in the North during the 1950-53 war. So far, six Americans have been identified from the 55 boxes. U.S. officials have said the North has suggested in recent years that it holds perhaps 200 sets of American war remains. Thousands more are unrecovered from battlefields and former POW camps. The Pentagon estimates that about 5,300 Americans were lost in North Korea. —— BORDER WALL TRUMP: “We’re building a wall … And by next year, at the end of the year, we’re going to have close to 500 miles of wall.” — remarks Tuesday at the Republican Party of Iowa annual dinner. TRUMP: “We’re going to have close to 500 miles of wall built by the end of next year. That’s a lot. And we’re moving along very rapidly. We won the big court case, as you know, the other day. And that was a big victory for us.” — remarks Monday with Indianapolis 500 champions. THE FACTS: He’s being overly optimistic. It’s unclear how Trump arrives at 500 miles (800 km), but he would have to prevail in legal challenges to his declaration of a national emergency or get Congress to cough up more money to get anywhere close. Those are big assumptions. And by far the majority of the wall he’s talking about is replacement barrier, not new miles of construction. So far, the administration has awarded contracts for 247 miles (395 km) of wall construction, but more than half comes from Defence Department money available under Trump’s Feb. 15 emergency declaration. On May 24, a federal judge in California who was appointed by Obama blocked Trump from building key sections of the wall with that money. In a separate case, a federal judge in the nation’s capital who was appointed by Trump sided with the administration, but that ruling has no effect while the California injunction is in place. Even if Trump prevails in court, all but 17 miles (27 km) of his awarded contracts replace existing barriers. The White House says it has identified up to $8.1 billion in potential money under the national emergency, mostly from the Defence Department. Customs and Border Protection officials say the administration wants Congress to finance 206 miles (330 km) next year. The chances of the Democratic-controlled House backing that are between slim and none. —— TRADE TRUMP: “Right now, we’re getting 25% on $250 billion worth of goods. That’s a lot of money that’s pouring into our treasury. We’ve never gotten 10 cents from China. Now we’re getting a lot of money from China.” — remarks Monday. TRUMP: “We’re taking in, right now, billions and billions of dollars in tariffs, and they’re subsidizing product.” — remarks Tuesday in Council Bluffs. THE FACTS: He’s incorrect. The tariffs he’s raised on imports from China are primarily if not entirely a tax on U.S. consumers and businesses, not a source of significant revenue coming into the country. A study in March by economists from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Columbia University and Princeton University, before the latest escalation, found that the public and U.S. companies were paying $3 billion a month in higher taxes from the trade dispute with China, suffering $1.4 billion a month in lost efficiency and absorbing the entire impact. It’s also false that the U.S. never collected a dime in tariffs before he took action. Tariffs on goods from China are not remotely new. They are simply higher in some cases than they were before. Tariffs go back to the beginning of the U.S. and were once a leading source of revenue for the government. Not in modern times. They equate to less than 1% of federal spending. —— TRUMP: “Look, without tariffs, we would be captive to every country, and we have been for many years. That’s why we have an $800 billion trading deficit for years. We lose a fortune with virtually every country. They take advantage of us in every way possible.” — CNBC interview Monday. THE FACTS: Trump isn’t telling the whole story about trade deficits. When he refers to $800 billion trade gaps, he’s only talking about the deficit in goods such as cars and aircraft. He leaves out services — such as banking, tourism and education — in which the U.S. runs substantial trade surpluses that partially offset persistent deficits in goods. The goods and services deficit peaked at $762 billion in 2006. Last year, the United States ran a record $887 billion deficit in goods and a $260 billion surplus in services, which added up to an overall deficit of more than $627 billion. The U.S. does tend to run trade deficits with most other major economies. But there are exceptions, such as Canada (a nearly $4 billion surplus last year), Singapore ($18 billion) and Britain ($19 billion). Mainstream economists reject Trump’s argument that the deficits arise from other countries taking advantage of the United States. They see the trade gaps as the result of an economic reality that probably won’t bend to tariffs and other changes in trade policy: Americans buy more than they produce, and imports fill the gap. U.S. exports are also hurt by the American dollar’s status as the world’s currency. The dollar is usually in high demand because it is used in so many global transactions. That means the dollar is persistently strong, raising prices of U.S. products and putting American companies at a disadvantage in foreign markets. —— TRUMP: “You know, France charges us a lot for the wine and yet we charge them little for French wine. So the wineries come to me and they say — the California guys, they come to me: ‘Sir, we are paying a lot of money to put our products into France and you’re letting – meaning, this country is allowing this French wine which is great, we have great wine, too, allowing it to come in for nothing. It is not fair.”‘ — interview Monday with CNBC. THE FACTS: Trump, who’s been in the wine business, is technically wrong about France applying tariffs. The European Union does. He’s right about a disparity in wine duties. Tariffs vary by alcohol content and other factors. A bottle of white American wine with 13 per cent alcohol content imported into the EU carries a customs duty of 10 euro cents (just over 11 U.S. cents). A bottle of white wine from the EU exported to the United States has a customs duty of 5 U.S. cents. The gap in duties is narrower for red wine with an alcohol content of 14.5 per cent. Bulk wines are another story. The U.S. tariff is double the EU one, a break for American producers because bulk wine represents 25% of the volume of U.S. wine coming into the EU, according to the French wine exporter federation. The value of wine imported by France has jumped 200% over a decade. Americans are the top consumers of French wine exports. —— RUSSIA INVESTIGATION TRUMP, on special counsel Robert Mueller’s report: “The Mueller report spoke. … It said, ‘No collusion and no obstruction and no nothing.’ And, in fact, it said we actually rebuffed your friends from Russia; that we actually pushed them back — we rebuffed them.” — remarks Wednesday in Oval Office. THE FACTS: He’s wrong to repeat the claim that the Mueller report found no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign; it’s also false that his campaign in 2016 denied all access to Russians. Nor did the special counsel’s report exonerate Trump on the question of whether he obstructed justice. Mueller’s two-year investigation and other scrutiny revealed a multitude of meetings with Russians. Among them: Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer who had promised dirt on Clinton. On collusion, Mueller said he did not assess whether that occurred because it is not a legal term. He looked into a potential criminal conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign and said the investigation did not collect sufficient evidence to establish criminal charges on that front. Mueller noted some Trump campaign officials had declined to testify under the Fifth Amendment or had provided false or incomplete testimony, making it difficult to get a complete picture of what happened during the 2016 campaign. The special counsel wrote that he “cannot rule out the possibility” that unavailable information could have cast a different light on the investigation’s findings. In an interview broadcast Wednesday with ABC News, Trump said if a foreign power offered dirt on his 2020 opponent, he’d be open to accepting it and that he’d have no obligation to call in the FBI. “I think I’d want to hear it,” Trump said. “There’s nothing wrong with listening.” —— REPUBLICAN SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, Judiciary Committee chairman, in response to Trump’s comments that he’d be open to accepting political dirt from foreign adversaries like Russia: “The outrage some of my Democratic colleagues are raising about President Trump’s comments will hopefully be met with equal outrage that their own party hired a foreign national to do opposition research on President Trump’s campaign.” — tweet Thursday. THE FACTS: Graham is making an unequal comparison. He seeks to turn the tables on Democrats by pointing to their use of a dossier of anti-Trump research produced by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer, that was financed by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Graham also insists on “equal outrage” over Democrats using that information from a former intelligence officer of Britain, an ally with a history of shared intelligence with the U.S. That’s a different story from a foreign adversary such as Russia, which the Mueller report concluded had engaged in “sweeping and systematic” interference in the 2016 presidential election. Moreover, Steele was hired as a private citizen, though one with intelligence contacts. The Mueller report found multiple contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia, and the report said it established that “the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.” Trump and his GOP allies typically point to the Steele dossier as the basis for the Russia probe. But the FBI’s investigation began months before it received the dossier. —— TRUMP: “The Democrats were very unhappy with the Mueller report. So now they’re trying to do a do-over or a redo. And we’re not doing that. We gave them everything. We were the most transparent presidency in history.” — Oval Office remarks Wednesday. THE FACTS: It’s highly dubious to say Trump was fully co-operative in the Russia investigation. Trump declined to sit for an interview with Mueller’s team, gave written answers that investigators described as “inadequate” and “incomplete,” said more than 30 times that he could not remember something he was asked about in writing, and — according to the report — tried to get aides to fire Mueller or otherwise shut or limit the inquiry. In the end, the Mueller report found no criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia but left open the question of whether Trump obstructed justice. According to the report, Mueller’s team declined to make a prosecutorial judgment on whether to charge partly because of a Justice Department legal opinion that said sitting presidents shouldn’t be indicted. The report instead factually laid out instances in which Trump might have obstructed justice, specifically leaving it open for Congress to take up the matter. —— FEDERAL RESERVE TRUMP: “We have people on the Fed that really weren’t, you know, they’re not my people, but they certainly didn’t listen to me because they made a big mistake.” — CNBC interview. THE FACTS: Actually, most of the members on the Fed’s Board of Governors owe their jobs to Trump. In addition to choosing Jerome Powell, a Republican whom Obama had named to the Fed board, to be chairman, Trump has filled three other vacancies on the board in his first two years in office. Lael Brainard is the only Democrat on the board. There are still two vacancies on the seven-member board. Trump had earlier intended to nominate two political allies — Herman Cain and Stephen Moore — but both later withdrew in the face of sharp opposition from critics. —— AUTOMAKERS TRUMP: “Tariffs are a great negotiating tool, a great revenue producer and, most importantly, a powerful way to get … companies to come to the U.S.A., and to get companies that have left us for other lands to come back home. We stupidly lost 30% of our auto business to Mexico.” — tweets Tuesday. TRUMP: “They took 30% of our automobile companies. They moved into Mexico. All of the people got fired.” — interview Monday with CNBC. THE FACTS: He’s incorrect that Mexico took 30% of the U.S. automobile business in the years since the North American Free Trade Agreement took effect in 1994. In 2017, 14% of the vehicles sold in the U.S. were imported from Mexico, according to the Center for Automotive Research, a think-tank in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Parts imported from Mexico exceed 30%. —— TRUMP: “If the Tariffs went on at the higher level, they would all come back.” — tweet Tuesday. TRUMP: “What will happen is the companies will move into the United States, back where they came from. … They would all move back if they had to pay a 25% tax or tariff.” — interview Monday with CNBC. THE FACTS: He’s wrong to assume that auto companies in Mexico would immediately move back to the U.S. if there were a 25% tariff on Mexican-made vehicles and parts. It takes three years or four years minimum to plan, equip and build an auto assembly plant, so there would be little immediate impact on production or jobs. Auto and parts makers are global companies, and they would also look to countries without tariffs as a place to move their factories. The companies could also just wait until after the 2020 election, hoping that if Trump is defeated, the next president would get rid of the tariffs. “They’re not going to invest in duplicative capacity in response to short-term policy incentives,” said Kristen Dziczek, a vice-president at the Center for Automotive Research. It is possible that some production could be shifted back to the United States. General Motors, for instance, makes about 39% of its full-size pickup trucks at a factory in Silao, Mexico, mainly light-duty versions, according to analysts at Morningstar. If the U.S. imposed a 25% tariff on assembled automobiles, GM could shift some production to a factory in Fort Wayne, Indiana, that also makes light-duty pickups. But there are limits. That plant already is running on three shifts and is almost near its maximum capacity. Tariffs on Mexico probably would cost auto jobs in the U.S., too, because Mexico would almost certainly retaliate with tariffs of its own. Tariffs on both sides would raise prices of vehicles, because automakers probably would pass the charges onto their customers. Industry experts say higher prices would cause more buyers to shift into the used-vehicle market, cutting into new-vehicle sales. Tariffs could be higher than 25% because parts go back and forth across the border multiple times in a highly integrated supply chain. Vehicles built in Mexico get 20% to 30% of their parts from the U.S., so the tariffs would drive up prices there. That would hit lower-income people hard because automakers produce many lower-priced new vehicles in Mexico to take advantage of cheaper labour. About 62% of U.S. vehicle and parts exports go to Canada and Mexico, according to the Center for Automotive Research. Tariffs would add $1,300 to $4,500 to the price of vehicles based just on the cost of parts, the centre estimated. —— Associated Press writers Eric Tucker, Christopher Rugaber, Martin Crutsinger and Paul Wiseman in Washington, Elliot Spagat in San Diego, Tom Krisher in Detroit and Jon Gambrell in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, contributed to this report. —— Find AP Fact Check http://apne.ws/2kbx8bd Follow https://twitter.com/APFactCheck EDITOR’S NOTE — A look at the veracity of claims by political figures Published at Sat, 15 Jun 2019 11:57:41 +0000 Read the full article
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whitemanschina · 5 years
If nobody reads it, totally, fine. I just had to put it out for my fellow East Asians brothers out there that share the same fetish.
Like I said I am Asian (East Asian AMERICAN to be exact) I could be Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, or Japanese, but trust me. There are MILLIONS, maybe even TENS OF MILLIONS OF US worldwide who share this sexual fetish and seriously get off on this.
I remember watching a cooking show on TV and I will never forget this conversation: The white host tasted some pasta made from a Chinese chef (forgot his name, but this is was his cooking show in the 90s) and the white host said they were delicious and told the audience that pasta originally came from China and the west stole it. The Chinese chef replied in a joking way (but actually 100% true) "you also stole our women" and both men laughed. That quote will stuck with me.
I was a 14 year old Asian American back then in 2002. In my own family, on my father side, two of my female relatives are married to white men, and another one is currently dating one (100% having sex, and I would LOVE to watch). On my mother side, 1 female relative is married to a white Egyptian man (very great dude btw). I would say about \~70 to 95% of East Asian families in the US, especially Chinese American families have their some of their female relatives dating or married to White men. Chinese American parents have very little discrimination with their Chinese daughters marrying a White man, but a black man lol just no fucking way. There is literally no discrimination at all for Western men to be with a Chinese girl. Chinese women are/often eager and very sexually and romantically available and accessible to the 'white man'. Just visit ANY Chinese massage parlor, there are THOUSANDS alone in California (guaranteed sexual activity, dick rub, blowjob, vaginal sex, etc) . I live in San Francisco so I see white men and Chinese women/Orientals girls all the time on a daily basis. Literally, every single day I see will see more than 2 or 3, even see 5 or more would be normal. But I almost never see White women and Chinese men. This is sexual domination of one races man having sexual influence and power over another races women. I call it "soft power".
Majority western white women 99% do NOT have that sexual intimacy towards local Chinese men, as opposed to the uncountable number of Chinese women throwing themselves freely to Western men and making themselves their whores/wives. Totally unfair to Chinese men since a lot of Chinese men find white women to very beautiful but they are the forbidden fruit. Chinese are screwed different races of men not just Western colonial masters but also White colonial subjects and slaved would be reward Chinese pussy.
I wouldn't call them traitor whores. They chose to seduce the white colonizers due to being sexually colonized for so long and Chinese women "believe" wholeheartedly that White man have bigger endowed penis than their own Chinese men. It's a very humiliating and shameful but the stereotype is believed and supported by almost all Chinese women and most white women which turns them off sexually to Chinese men....its simply not an even 'battle field'. There are some Chinese who don't care about how good in bed you are, even if their Chinese husband's cock is half the size of a white colonizer she likely will avoid western men and solders to avoid being raped. Chinese laws can do nothing....westerners running around China, pillaging, raping. This mostly stopped after China accept ALL the u equal treaties from the western powers.
I began by researching some history, the 1st Asian woman that arrived in the US was Chinese and her name Afong Moy from Canton (Guangzhou). She was simply called 'The Chinese Lady', she was exhibited as an exotic, erotic, foreign female object from the Far East (as the first Chinese lady in the US Chinese men were forbid near here because she 'belonged' to her White master. Amoy Moy was ehitbited in a sexual manner to set the tone that Chinese women were promiscuous (true for many) and then the first wave of Asian women were also Chinese and they were all prostitutes (many Chinese civilian women were also smuggled over to the US and many other countries by the Chinese triads in China since Chinese men could not bring over their wives and families, The Chinese Triad was formed and began mass smuggling Chinese prostitutes and other captured or lure Chinese civilian girls, why not? China this time was under Western colonial rule.
The white expats and white colonizers were not under Chinese law even though they were in Chinese soil. In the beginning every western colonizer had their own people do as they please so mass rapes were happening across the country. Chinese men could not do anything because of West power superiority. They could only watch in shame as their own Chinese women were literally being "taken" as sexual prizes.
This was a great shame and humiliation to China. Chinese morale were at the lowest point in modern history, but Chinese women were having the best times of their lives....dating/having sex/and intimacy with Westerners in their special 'spheres of influence'.
In the US:
There were first 100s then quickly 1000s of Chinese prostitute began arriving, serving hundreds, even thousands of men of every race every single day. They're favorite clients would be White men as they were top of social hierarchy and had most money, but Chinese prostitutes were extremely cheap and some even eager to experience sex with these new white rulers. 10 cents or few cents in the 1800s and you can easily have Chinese pussies filled with foreign cum and not on Chinese soil for the first time.
During western colonization and the easy sexual domination of the China women, there were Chinese whore houses everywhere in every city, anywhere with white male presence , it's no wonder westerners saw the women of China as simply sexual commodities ... The very beautiful ones were put in special brothels. Meaning sexual access to the best China looking whores and captured Chinese civilian women were exclusively belong sexually to the white colonizers. Chinese were not allowed to enter. Harsh reality.
In the US 19th to 20th century , Chinese men could only have sex with Chinese prostitutes (Chinese men were prohibited to have relations to the white woman and the 'White man' simply did not allow Chinese men developing intimate or romantic relationships with white women. But it didn't really matter as white women DID NOT (99%) have any sort of "yellow FETISH" for the local men in China so Chinese guys can only fuck their own prostitutes whom served not just Chinese men, but also all men of other races. Western clients, any foreign man, even black negro slaves! Black slaves were the lowest of social hierarchy, and even THEY were getting it on with raw Chinese pussy 200 years ago (as with any non-Chinese man) It was so easy back then (even TODAY and more so) to fuck a Chinese women. The difference today is if you want to fuck Chinese women, it's as easy as simply going to a massage parlor (all mostly Chinese run businesses) and paying at most $200 including tip to have sex. Few Chinese massage parlors whores will deny your penis in her mouth or her hairy tight vagina if the price is right) but still, your foreign cock will be touched and you will be offered a 'happy ending' whether cumming all over her hands, or her face, or even in her vagina. I love going to massage parlors and pretend i'm a white man fucking an exotic Chinese milf. As I researched more, I became more more interested in a sexual way. I'm an East Asian male that have strong sexual lust towards my own races women! This is sooo much more common than you think.
I love history especially ones involving sexual domination of one race over another, in my case, it is the Western man's total sexual domination over East Asian women. Vietnam was conquered and dominated by the French, the Vietnamese women would offer themselves to French soldiers after submitting to the White conquerors. In the Vietnam war, there was an estimated 500,000 to 2,000,000 Vietnamese prostitutes. US soldiers didn't even have to rape them (In China, even Chinese women would also try solicit sex from the foreign soldiers, many times FOR FREE. Yup free Chinese pussy for the White man colonizers, but there would still be frequent gang rapes and forced sex against non-Chinese prostitutes (it was open season on the submissive Chinese female civilian population) by British, French, German, American, basically any and every westerner if they deem her pretty or just they want to show some sexual dominance because to them ALL Chinese women are "easy whores" and these sexually dominated women want it, yes, some Western solders really believed Chinese women all wanted to have sex with western men because of well.....so many free Chinese pussy being offered to the white colonizers. It would be have extremely rare for a White man or any non-Chinese foreign man to have NOT had sex with at least 10 or 100 Chinese women in a SINGLE DAY, it was very easy....)
17-20th century China was full of Chinese prostitutes, Chinese prostitution blew up to unimaginable scale after British and other nations started their unequal treaties. Many Chinese whore house and Chinese brothels were build to accommodate the Western colonial overlords. So many Chinese brothels and whore houses were all over China, especially close to spots where western soldiers stationed and Westerners spheres of influence. 10,000 of such places proving sex service to white men became normal. 10,000 still might be too low. In Guangdong province (British sphere of influence) there are already a few thousand brothels. Every street was a whore house. Western soldiers would be solicited to come in.
But even with so many eager China women offering their bodies, the White man would still take pleasure in raping, many times gang rapings of civilian Chinese women on the streets as far back as 18 to 19th century and that was a common sight not just in Guangdong province but all over China. Chinese could not resist the military might of the West and most Chinese men simply ignored what was happening and the future social-cultural ramifications it would bring in the future between their Chinese women and Western men even though SEXUAL acts between Chinese girls and white men became so common and happens brazenly frequently even out in public (sometimes out on the street, shops, in the Chinese Imperial Palace, anywhere and everywhere was fair game to the white man....), Especially in Western spheres of influence in China, this was the place to be a White man, they probably all felt like sex gods with so many eager Chinese women to have sexual and romantic intimacy with. When there are foreign invaders screwing your women in broad daylight and there's nothing you can do but watch you either become accustomed to it or grow a sexual fetish, both of which happened to many Chinese/East Asian men.
During the 2 centuries of Western colonization and sexual domination of the China woman, white men turned China into their personal whorehouse. When the French and British invaded the Forbidden City, the Imperial Palace in Beijing, they went and searched and rounded up and tied up all the women of the Chinese Imperial Court, many Chinese concubines were raped mercilessly with other Chinese high born and noble ladies of the court. Some women escaped, but where was no where to go, China was literally fractured and Western nations controlled huge areas of China extending even beyond their already large spheres of influence (they have total control in these areas.
Also during this time, Chinese women did not wear any undergarmets, it was simply a silk cloth with 2 strings tied, very easy access for the white colonial rapists. The Japanese was in China too and was appalled by all rapes committed by the Western nations, while at the same time many Chinese women would offer themselves to the Westerner soldier. It was weird, why rape if Chinese women and so many Chinese whore house and brothels were build specially to cater westerners. The Japanese found it even more tempting when they discovered Chinese women did not wear "panties". Even Chinese men would offer their Chinese wives to the White soldiers when demanded. There was no choice. I don't know how many Chinese wives were raped, fucked or inseminated by the Western soldiers, but I'm thinking in hundreds of thousands...
Aside from the Western colonial domination over China and its women, the Japanese decided they wanted more of China so they faked false flag attack and invade China. Even with all the whore houses and brothels China built to give the white man 'rest and reaction' (fucking Chinese women), it was still not enough. The Japanese being East Asian themselves invaded China and raped around 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 Chinese women. The infamous Rape of Nanjing along saw over 300,000 Chinese women raped. This is just one city. When the westerners saw what the Japanese were doing even they became shocked.
Not only did this sexual domination affect Chinese men, but also many East Asian men in the other Oriental countries that the Western nations colonized or went into. Thailand for example, was never colonized by the West, but today they are known to be the Oriental sexual paradise filled with Western sex tourist. Also back then more then 40 or 50% of Thais are Chinese due to the influx of Chinese immigrants through the 18th century or something, so even in Thailand the white man could still be fucking a Chinese lady.
White man and Chinese women are one of the MOST popular "interracial" pairing in world, maybe even history. Due to sheer size of Chinese populations and so many Chinese women, so many of whom are DESPERATELY EAGER to marry (or fuck) a western man either for citizenship, money, but I believe those are not completely true. Chinese women in general, in China, have a certain 'stereotype' regarding white men. Chinese women think White men have very large well endowed penises (mainstream porn confirms this), (also, lots of Chinese girls watch porn so they have seen the BWC, the same with BBC. Every Chinese man know this stereotype. Western males in China have been romantically and sexually dominating Chinese women for so long I don't even consider it 'interracial' TBH. It's like white women and black men but multiplied by 100x.
The ONLY porn I watch since I became fascinated with this subject is WMAF (White male, Asian female) or WMCF (White Male Chinese Female). If you type in just 'Asian porn' in most any porn video site, it is almost always white man fucking a Asian woman. I have found rare clips of Asian (Chinese) guy banging a white woman, but compared to how many White men are screwing and having romantic consensual intimacy with so many Chinese women from 2 centuries ago until now and not showing any signs of stopping makes it extremely one sided. it's absolutely NOT "fair" but this is the reality....and my secret fetish.
Am I a race traitor? It' weird, because even though I am East Asian American I am a STRONG supporter and love my motherland country, while at the same time I love the idea and get soo turned on by see our "exotic, slutty women" get fucked by White men, black men, any foreign man, but mostly White.
The 'Big White Cock' (BWC) stereotype is also true Japanese women, I think 100% Japanese women have this stereotype of White and Black men having larger penises than their own men. Japan even produce porn featuring Japanese women fucked by foreign White men, for the Japanese men to watch) You see how deep this sexual fetish goes now? I went to the massage parlor a while back, and saw 2 white guys come out, I'm one hundred percent positive their penises was serviced by some Chinese massage whore. At one Chinese massage parlor I usually frequent I became a regular to one of the beautiful Chinese milf in there. At the beginning she they would massage starting your back first, then legs, you will feel their hands grazing your balls (they know why you are here), and then you turn over. The Chinese masseuse will sometimes go straight to giving you a handjob or putting their mouths over your cock if you turned over and your dick is rock hard, or they give a handjob or blowjob signal. After being this Chinese massage milf's client for the 3rd time, the first thing I do is take her between my thighs and rubs her ass, pull down her bottoms and pull down her panties and lick the her pussy. I LOVE to lick Chinese/Asian pussy, they also really enjoy it.
In every single Chinese massage parlor I've visited, when I'm laying first down and she is in front of my head massaging my back I like to grope them, they hardly ever mind. I would squeeze her ass, stick my finger in her vagina, rub my hands all over her pussy then rub my cock with her juice (yea yea I'm so perverted and horny but I love to do that to them). Sometimes my white friends ask me where to get some Asian pussy, I happily introduce them to the massage parlor spots. It makes me feel good that I am helping a Chinese massage whore earn money and experience more "BWC" and "BBC". I even asked many Chinese massage girls if they ever have white customer. "Everyday" they say. I already expected that but hearing them tell me confirms my sexual fantasy and I cum so hard. I think most of the Chinese women working in massage parlors are infertile by their own choice because clients (Chinese and non-Chinese, especially white me know have easy access to what I consider an unlimited supply of Chinese women.
Besides Chinese massage parlors, there are more than 1,000,000 Chinese American women that are married to Western men. I think the article I read was somewhere between 40-50% of Chinese American females are married to Westerners. I would have guessed the percentage to be higher....but it seems accurate if you live in any big metropolitan American city with a Chinese population. Even in China, there is a "shortage" of Chinese women compared to Chinese men, addedto the fact that so many Chinese women in China, US, any western country etc, WANT to marry and fuck White men. I admit I have a colonized mindset regarding the sexual exploits and domination of Western white men against East Asian women, despite being East Asian male myself. Tumblr also used to be my SPOT for all WMAF material. It should be its own category.
Of course, I do not wish the extinction of my race. I am proud of my East Asian race but secretly LOVE the western sexual domination over East Asian women. From the as early as 17 or 18th century up until even NOW IN 2019, I keep seeing the trend. It has been 'normalized'. I know almost ZERO east asian man that objects their women being used and being sexually or romantically involved with the 'White man'
Today, in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and all over Southeast Asia, the 'White man' has access to unlimited Oriental pussy of every flavor. China maybe consider an "adversary" to the US led Western world order, but Chinese are still offering themselves to westerners. Also, in China there are approx. 500k white english teachers, and it is like an open secret but ignored by the Central Government. A LOT of these western english teachers are SEXPATS, white privilege is alive and well all over China, White English teachers are known to have sexual relations with their Chinese students (almost all Chinese students are predominantly female.... and English teachers white males. Some Chinese parents even pay extra for some White english teacher to come to their homes and even sleep over to teach their daughters English. A friend in China share with me stories all the time (He is an English teacher but not white, Asian) about how teaching english in China is like sex heaven.....if you are White...even sometimes black (for the Chinese ladies with BBC fetish, this is also trending....) Foreigners think Chinese women have small tight little vaginas, this is probably an evolutionary trait because Chinese men's penis are "stereotyped" by even our own Chinese women as 'tiny and small', while at the same Chinese women "stereotype" White men as being well-endowed, great in bed, and it's not false to say there are many tens of millions of Chinese women who have developed 'white fetish'......it's the reverse of 'yellow fetish' where White/foreign men look at Chinese/Oriental women as sex objects and have to seduce and have sex with them. The same goes with Chinese women, there are actually some big DATING SITES in CHINA that caters ONLY to WHITE MEN and CHINESE WOMEN.
Foreigners, Im talking mostly White men can literally book a trip to China and go on planned dates with Chinese women, you choose the one you like (there's so many Chinese women that sign up for these events but they get booked in like the first hour) and go on a sweet date with her, usually the night ends in some hotel room with a white man getting his 'yellow fever' fix. Even though many Chinese women are sexually easy (ESPECIALLY towards Western men) to obtain, whether in China or anywhere in the world, most also make great wives. There is a reason why millions of 'China women', local Chinese women in China are very eager to date/marry/fuck White expats.
200 years of Western colonization have made Chinese women one of the favorites of the Orientals (Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Filipinas, thai women etc) because Chinese women truly have zero discrimination against White men, actually a lot of non-Chinese men fuck Chinese women but the 'White' man are seen by a so many Chinese women as top of the sexual and social world hierarchy. The biggest country in the world and up and coming superpower can't even stop this sexual dominance of Chinese women by white men because it has become so ingrained.
Take Hong Kong for example, a Chinese ethnic city, had been under total control of white men for 150-200 years depending on how you count it. The Chinese women there (Yes Hong Kongers are 100% Chinese) were so accustomed to British rule, if you didn't mingle with the white British would been seen as unusable. The common sight would be something like white man having multiple (All the foreign consulates during this time had harms of Chinese women so the British and Western officially had plenty of "rest and reaction". Same goes with all the Western soldiers in China, they all were having sex (consensually MOST of the time, rapes in broad daylight, etc raping Chinese women in / engaging in sexually activities in China during this painful period of China's colonial history was very common) The stereotype "Chinese girls are easy" did not come from no where.....Even Chinese men will (secretly, became shameful) admit Chinese women are easy and to White men and other non-Chinese men....Chinese women are either whores/Loves white men (true), and are easy to sexually prey on. China in 17-20th century was like legit the 'White colonizers' sexual playground. Chinese men had no choice but to accept the reality, choose to ignore it, or it becomes their secret sexual fantasy.
Southeast Asia, besides Thailand was fully and totally colonized and controlled by the Western colonizers. The local Oriental women would be sexually dominated and submit, this was the easy part. In a strange way, Western colonization of the Far East, through military, economic and sexual domination of the local women turn many Asian women, like Chinese, Japanese, Koreans to develop a sexual fetish for their white colonizers. This 'white fetish' is very strong among the Far Eastern women, especially Chinese women who I believe due to sheer size of pollution and centuries of 'romantic and sexual' intimacy with the Western invaders/colonizers have by far the MOST "white fetish" loving Chinese women. I think the white mans biggest advantage today is their sexual conquest and sexual colonization of Far East women.
I've said way too much, but there is so much more to say. This is fucking actual history (taboo history) but look around you today, WMAF is so popular, Oriental women and White men date/fuck and Asian men don't mind or ignore it....there are even East Asian men who promote the sexual domination of Oriental women by Western men.
Even though White man DO NOT like to see Asian/Chinese men with THEIR white women, but they sure don't mind getting very intimate and sexual with women from the Far East. Because China is literally almost all of 'East Asia' and because I live in San Francisco where there is a a huge Chinese population (Note \~40% Chinese American women are marred to Western men, more than 60-70% maybe higher have date/or had sex with Non-Chinese men, mostly White men. They "love you long time" is an understatement. I just hope other East Asian women will continue the path of their 'white fetish' sexual fantasy.
I would never admit to having this fantasy. it's very shameful. Imagine if all Chinese and non-white men (excluding Black men) have total and unlimited access to white blonde hair blue eye's women's body and sexuality. Can you imagine tall blonde hair blue eyes white women being having sex with Chinese men for centuries and as so today millions of blonde hair blue eyes white women have developed a sexual fetish for Chinese men and having a stereotype that they love Chinese men's cock? Most white women, along with Chinese women have something in common, Chinese men are "stereotyped" with having very tiny penis and this would automatically turn off the White Goddess. It would be very shameful to the white man. But also, it's a two way road. White men today are not forcing themselves on or raping Chinese girls and women with impunity in China like the past couple centuries. Those white colonizers help developed a very deep ingrained colonized mentality on Chinese (and other Far East women) through unrestrained sexual dominance.
If you are a white man in Europe, say in the 19th century, and Chinese soldiers would take and rape your White women with impunity while you can only watch as one Chinese soldier after another gangbang your blonde hair blue eyed goddess in broad day light! Except the reserve happened and it created a cultural social situation where it is completely normal to see Chinese girls in the arms of White expats. 2019 and the trend is still going. Because this my favorite taboo secret subject, I like to keep up to date. So even today, in the world the most popular "interracial" pairing goes to White men and East Asian women by a LARGE margin. More Chinese women date/fuck/marry White men then all other non-East Asian /Oriental women combined! Size matters! There is also barely any negativity regarding the 'white man taking Chinese men' in China and in all Chinese populated areas in the world. That's pretty amazing.
I know most East Asian males will never admit to having this sexual fantasy, but will continue to ignore it because 1.) its reciprocal between White men and East Asian women and 2.) it has become so normalized and complete that it's become part of the mainstream culture. Subjects like these are rarely talked about because of the shamefulness from one side and also, most men of any race would strongly oppose or reject women from their own race to become whores (some Chinese men will call any Chinese women who lays in bed with a westerner or any foreign as "whores and sluts". But in this case of East-West, it's accepted. Chinese politics and US led Western politics might differ, but there is one common ground. Sex. Chinese women and white man having sex, going on dates, being intimate in public is all big cities in China.
(part 2 coming)
0 notes
investmart007 · 6 years
WASHINGTON | AP FACT CHECK: Trump's skewed claims on immigration, economy
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/RKMuNW
WASHINGTON | AP FACT CHECK: Trump's skewed claims on immigration, economy
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is distorting the truth when it comes to the impact of his administration’s policy regarding separating children from their parents at the U.S. border.
He falsely suggests that a newly signed executive order will permanently solve the problem of separations by keeping families together when they are detained for illegally crossing the border and exaggerates the number of immigration judges available to process their claims while they’re held in custody. A growing backlog of claims could mean that people will be held longer in detention until their cases are heard.
Among other questionable statements this past week, Trump declares that total denuclearization in North Korea has already begun, repeats misleading claims about the Russia probe and doesn’t tell the full story about the creation of new U.S. jobs and rising wages.
A look at some of his statements and the reality behind them: TRUMP: “And ultimately, we have to have a real border — not judges. Thousands and thousands of judges they want to hire. Who are these people? When we vet a single federal judge, it goes through a big process. Now we’re hiring thousands and thousands. … And it got so crazy that all of these thousands — we now have thousands of judges — border judges — thousands and thousands.” — remarks Tuesday to the National Federation of Independent Business.
TRUMP: “We shouldn’t be hiring judges by the thousands, as our ridiculous immigration laws demand, we should be changing our laws, building the Wall, hire Border Agents and Ice and not let people come into our country based on the legal phrase they are told to say as their password.” — tweet Thursday. THE FACTS: He’s incorrect about the U.S. having “thousands and thousands” of immigration judges and about thousands more judges being hired. The Justice Department’s immigration courts division has about 335 judges currently on staff nationwide, with the budget for 150 additional judges.
Dana Leigh Marks, past president of the National Association of Immigration Judges who also works in the Justice Department’s executive office for immigration review, said funding for immigration courts has increased modestly amid a growing backlog of cases. With a backlog of 700,000, each judge would have to take on more than 2,000 cases apiece to clear the docket.
The figures also don’t take into account a wave of expected retirements that would shrink the ranks of judges. A June 2017 Government Accountability Office report determined that 39 percent of immigration judges are now eligible for retirement. Congressional investigators blamed the mounting caseload in part on the slow hiring of immigration judges and said the federal government needed to do a better job to address staffing needs. ___
TRUMP: “We’re keeping families together, and this will solve that problem.” — remarks Wednesday at signing of order to halt his administration’s policy of separating children from their parents when they are detained illegally crossing the U.S. border.
THE FACTS: It doesn’t solve the problem. Trump’s executive order will continue his “zero tolerance policy” of criminally prosecuting all adults caught crossing the border illegally, and will now seek to keep families together in detention instead of separating them while their legal cases are heard by the courts. But a 1997 landmark settlement known as the Flores agreement that generally bars the government from keeping children in immigration detention for more than 20 days remains in place.
Trump is seeking to have the settlement overturned, but his Justice Department says the 20-day policy remains in effect until Congress or the courts take action to change that.
That means without further action from Congress or the courts, the Trump administration could be forced to again separate the immigrant children from their parents in three weeks. ___
TRUMP: “The big thing is, it will be a total denuclearization, which has already started taking place.” — remarks Thursday at Cabinet meeting.
THE FACTS: That’s not what his Pentagon chief, Jim Mattis, says. When asked by a reporter on Wednesday whether he had seen any sign that North Korea had begun steps toward denuclearization, Mattis replied, “I’m not aware of any. Obviously, we’re at the very front end of the process. Detailed negotiations have not begun.”
At a Singapore summit with Trump earlier this month, North Korea’s leader committed to “complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” but no details were worked out.
In May, prior to the summit, North Korea demolished tunnels at its sole underground nuclear test site, although outsiders have not inspected the result. Its nuclear program has many other elements, including nuclear materials production facilities, nuclear warheads, ballistic missiles and missile launchers. ___
TRUMP: “We have created more than 3.4 million new jobs since Election Day. 3.4 million. Think of what that means.” — remarks Tuesday to the National Federation of Independent Business.
THE FACTS: Well, one thing it means is that job creation has slowed a bit compared to its previous pace. Trump is right that U.S. companies have added 3.4 million jobs in the 18 months since his election, a healthy total. But in the previous 18 months, 3.7 million jobs were added. That’s not entirely surprising or a sign of a weakening economy — job gains typically decline as the unemployment rate falls and there are fewer people to hire. The unemployment rate is currently at an 18-year low of 3.8 percent. But Trump’s remarks suggest there has been a turnaround in job creation, when there hasn’t. ___
TRUMP: “Wages for working people are finally, after 22 years, rising again in our country.” — remarks Tuesday.
THE FACTS: Wages, before adjusting for inflation, have ticked up in recent months. But so has inflation, which is offsetting those gains. In May, average hourly pay rose 2.7 percent from a year earlier. Yet inflation rose slightly more during that time: 2.8 percent. Household incomes rose at a solid pace in 2015 and 2016, according to the Census Bureau, partly because inflation was much lower during that time. ___
TRUMP, on a health insurance option for small businesses and self-employed people: “You’re going to save massive amounts of money and have much better health care. It’s going to cost you much less. It’s going to be, I think, fantastic. And it’s very comprehensive. I will tell you, a lot of people — big, big percentages of this country — are going to be doing that.” — remarks Tuesday.
THE FACTS: Trump paints an overly rosy picture. It’s not projected that “big, big percentages” of people will benefit. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates a more modest impact of 4 million people who will be covered by the plans within five years but only some 400,000 — just 10 percent of those — who would have been uninsured. That’s compared to about 160 million who are covered by job-based insurance. ___
TRUMP: “‘I can’t think of something more concerning than a law enforcement officer suggesting that their (sic) going to use their powers to affect an election!’ Inspector General Horowitz on what was going on with numerous people regarding my election. A Rigged Witch Hunt!” — tweet Tuesday.
THE FACTS: Trump’s statement is misleading. He suggests that findings of a Justice Department watchdog report by inspector general Michael Horowitz on the 2016 Hillary Clinton email investigation means that special counsel Robert Mueller’s separate Russia probe — which he often criticizes as a “witch hunt” — is “rigged.” The IG report determined that the FBI had made mistakes in the handling of the Clinton probe, which Horowitz did describe as “extremely serious.” But Horowitz also dismissed the notion that the probe had been “rigged,” saying that investigators did not uncover evidence that political bias had influenced the FBI’s conclusion that Clinton should not be prosecuted.
The IG report released last week also did not address questions of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, the subject of the investigation led by Mueller, who was appointed last year to take over the FBI’s Russia probe after Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey. ___
TRUMP: “We’ve eliminated record numbers of job-killing regulations … we’ve cut more regulation than any other president in the history of our country whether it’s four years, eight years or in one case 16 years, we’ve cut more regulations in 500 days than any president. Even our 16-year president.” — remarks Wednesday at Duluth rally.
THE FACTS: Trump gets his history wrong, repeating a claim that a U.S. president once served 16 years. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the country’s longest-serving president, died after serving 12 years in office from 1933 to 1945. ___
TRUMP, on the return of remains from the Korean War: “We got back our great fallen heroes, the remains sent back today, already 200 have been sent back.” — remarks Wednesday.
THE FACTS: No remains have been returned, although Pentagon officials say they are prepared to receive them. Although the Singapore declaration said this would happen immediately, U.S. officials have given no indication that North Korea has committed to any specific timetable for the return.
On Thursday, in remarks at a Cabinet meeting, Trump modified his claim, saying, “They’ve already sent back or are in the process of sending back the remains of our great heroes who died in North Korea during the war.”
Aside from uncertainty over when North Korea will return the remains it has collected over the years, it’s unclear whether all will be in a condition to permit their positive identification, or whether they all are even Americans. A number of allied soldiers who fought alongside the U.S. during the war also are missing.
Nearly 7,700 American service members are listed as unaccounted for from the Korean War, of which an estimated 5,300 were lost in North Korea. ___
TRUMP: “There was a story two days ago, in a major newspaper, talking about people living in Canada, coming into the United States, and smuggling things back into Canada because the tariffs are so massive. The tariffs to get common items back into Canada are so high that they have to smuggle them in. They buy shoes, then they wear them. They scuff them up. … We’re treated horribly.” —remarks Tuesday.
THE FACTS: The president appears to be referring to a column in the New York Post about Canadians who buy shoes, jeans and outdoor goods in the United States and take them into Canada without paying duties or taxes. In some cases, the items aren’t available in Canada or were more expensive.
But most items made in the United States, including shoes, can be imported into Canada duty-free under NAFTA, an agreement that Trump has strongly criticized and is renegotiating with Canada and Mexico.
For its part, the United States imposes some of its highest tariffs on shoe imports. Duties on footwear average nearly 11 percent but for some products can reach nearly 68 percent, according to the U.S. International Trade Commission. Yet even with the higher costs imposed by tariffs, roughly 95 percent of shoes in the United States are imported from countries like China, Vietnam and Italy, the ITC says. ___
TRUMP: “The people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition. Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!” — tweet Monday.
TRUMP: “Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted.” — tweet Tuesday.
THE FACTS: Crime in Germany is not “way up.” It’s actually dropped to the lowest in a quarter century. According to official crime statistics released last month, crime in Germany dropped nearly 10 percent in 2017 compared with the previous year. Police recorded a total number of 5.8 million crimes last year, compared with 6.4 million cases in 2016. It was the lowest figure since 1992.
While violent crime declined, the number of homicides increased 3.2 percent last year. Several high-profile killings in which migrants were suspects made national headlines in recent years, even as others where the suspects were German received less attention. Trump cites no examples of how migrants have “strongly and violently” changed European culture, except to make his erroneous claim about crime in Germany.
Although there are noticeably more recent arrivals in the cities, there’s little sign of German culture being eroded by the influx of more than 1 million asylum seekers since 2015, primarily from Muslim countries.
0 notes
Friday, April 28th, 2017
International News:
--- "Two U.S. special operations forces soldiers killed in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday may have been struck by friendly fire in an operation targeting the emir of Islamic State militants in Afghanistan, the Pentagon said on Friday. Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis told reporters that the military was investigating whether the two troops may have been killed by ground fire, either by American forces or Afghan commandos taking part in the raid, though it appeared to be accidental. "We are investigating the circumstances of the combat deaths of the two Army Rangers in the beginning of what was an intense three-hour firefight," Davis said. "It is possible these Rangers were struck by friendly fire." Earlier in the day, the Pentagon identified the soldiers as Sergeant Joshua Rodgers, 22, and Sergeant Cameron Thomas, 23. A third soldier was wounded in the operation. In a statement, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said the United States owed the slain troops an "irredeemable debt." Davis said the target of the raid was Abdul Hasib, the emir of Islamic State in Afghanistan. The U.S. military suspected he was killed in the operation, but could not yet confirm it."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-afghanistan-military-idUSKBN17U2HE
--- "Marine Le Pen's bid to defy the odds and win the French presidency risked a setback on Friday when her designated stand-in as National Front party leader stood down to defend himself against charges he shares the views of Holocaust deniers. After an intense day of campaigning ahead of a May 7 run-off vote in which both the far-right's Le Pen and her centrist opponent Emmanuel Macron were carried back to the events of World War Two, surveys continued to show the independent Macron well ahead. But in a couple of potential blows to the centrist favorite, defeated far-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon stopped short of endorsing him, despite telling his faithful not to vote for Le Pen. And another loser from the first round, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, endorsed Le Pen, as expected. The abrupt departure of Jean-Francois Jalkh from the National Front (FN) party leadership before he had even taken on the job raised ghosts of the FN's past and revived a furor sparked by Le Pen's father when he called the Nazi gas chambers a "detail" of history. The renewed controversy threatens moves by Le Pen, who expelled her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, from the party two years ago, to cleanse the FN's image of xenophobic and anti-semitic associations and make it more palatable to a broader electorate. "There comes a time when the women and men of France must open their eyes to where the National Front comes from," Macron's campaign director Richard Ferrand said."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-election-idUSKBN17U0UQ?il=0
--- "A commander of the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia said on Friday U.S. forces would begin monitoring the situation along the Syria-Turkey frontier after cross-border fire between the Turkish military and YPG this week. The monitoring had not yet begun, but the forces would report to senior U.S. commanders, Sharvan Kobani told Reuters after meeting U.S. military officials in the town of Darbasiya next to the Turkish border. The officials had toured Darbasiya which was hit by Turkish artillery fire earlier in the week. Turkish warplanes carried out air strikes against Kurdish militants in northeastern Syria and Iraq's Sinjar region on Tuesday in an unprecedented bombardment of groups linked to the PKK, which is fighting an insurgency against Ankara in Turkey's southeast. Those attacks killed nearly 30 YPG fighters and officials, a monitoring group reported. Since Tuesday the YPG and Turkish forces have traded artillery fire along the Syria-Turkey border. Turkey's bombardment of YPG positions complicates the U.S.-backed fight against Islamic State in Syria, where the YPG has been a crucial partner on the ground for Washington."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-kurds-idUSKBN17U2JT?il=0
--- "U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned on Friday that failure to curb North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs could lead to 'catastrophic consequences,' while China and Russia rebuked Washington's threat of military force. The showdown in a meeting of the U.N. Security Council on North Korea highlighted the diplomatic challenges of resolving tensions over Pyongyang, with the Trump administration aggressively pressing Beijing to rein in its ally, and China and Russia pushing back against Washington's rhetoric. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told the 15-member council it was not only up to China to solve the North Korean problem. "The key to solving the nuclear issue on the peninsula does not lie in the hands of the Chinese side," Wang told the council in blunt remarks that Tillerson later rebuffed. The ministerial meeting of the council, chaired by Tillerson, exposed old divisions between the United States and China on how to deal with North Korea. China wants talks first and action later, while the United States wants North Korea to curtail its nuclear program before such talks start. "It is necessary to put aside the debate over who should take the first step and stop arguing who is right and who is wrong," Wang told the council. "Now is the time to seriously consider resuming talks." Tillerson responded: "We will not negotiate our way back to the negotiating table with North Korea, we will not reward their violations of past resolutions, we will not reward their bad behavior with talks.""
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-usa-un-tillerson-idUSKBN17U27O?il=0
Domestic & International News:
--- "A five-year-old U.S.-South Korean trade deal could be improved to increase access for American vehicles and deter currency manipulation, but changes will not necessarily shrink the U.S. trade deficit with the Asian export powerhouse. The U.S.-Korean Free Trade Agreement, whose anniversary falls next week, had promised to boost U.S. exports by $10 billion a year but in fact delivered an overall decline of $3 billion by the end of 2016, in part due to a slowdown in global trade. But the record of the accord, once dubbed the "highest standard deal" for America, is now in President Donald Trump's firing line. He told Reuters on Thursday the deal was "horrible" and he would renegotiate or terminate it. KORUS, as the deal is known, has been a boon for South Korea and its U.S. goods trade surplus has surged to $28 billion. "The standards in KORUS are good. The problem is that the South Korean economy is very weak," said Derek Scissors, resident scholar and Asian trade expert at the American Enterprise Institute. "Even if we renegotiate it, we're not going to get a surge in exports because they're just not growing that fast." Meanwhile, the U.S. economy is strengthening, supporting consumer demand for imported goods, including cars and electronics from South Korea."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-southkorea-idUSKBN17U325?il=0
--- "By U.S. President Donald Trump’s math, renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement and other deals will largely pay for the massive tax cuts his cabinet laid out earlier in the week. He is likely off by a factor of close to 10 - or more - according to trade and tax economists who say it does not make sense to think of the world in the two-dimensional, money-in-my-pocket or money-in-yours way that Trump did in a Thursday interview with Reuters. The president, for example, said that given the current $61 billion annual trade deficit with Mexico, the United States would be better off if the two countries did not trade at all, saying "You'll save yourself a hell of a lot of money." The former real estate developer's economic assessment appeared to overlook the ways in which a total halt to trade between the two neighbors would ripple through both nations - changing prices, currency values, jobs and wages, arguably helping some industries but damaging others. The net impact of Trump's calculations, which run counter to most widely accepted views of the benefits of trade, are hard to predict, said Claude Barfield, a trade expert at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. "These views about the trade deficit and its alleged negative impact...are nonsense, and are views he has held since the 1980s," said Barfield...Even if Trump achieved his wildest success, and eliminated the United States' $500 billion trade deficit solely through increased exports that boosted gross domestic product on a dollar-for-dollar basis, it would do little to dent the estimated $7 trillion in government deficits his tax plan is projected to generate over the next decade."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-trade-analysis-idUSKBN17U2SL?il=0
Domestic News:
--- "President Donald Trump pledged to uphold Americans' right to possess guns on Friday in a speech that he used to revisit some 2016 election campaign themes from his vow to build a border wall to dismissing a Democratic senator as "Pocahontas." Trump pledged his allegiance to the powerful National Rifle Association, the country's leading gun-rights advocacy group, at a convention attended by thousands. Elected in part on a law-and-order platform, Trump was the first sitting president to address the NRA since fellow Republican Ronald Reagan in 1983. "As your president, I will never, ever infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms," Trump told thousands of people attending the NRA's annual convention in Atlanta, Georgia. Trump, whose candidacy last year was endorsed by the NRA, marks his first 100 days in office on Saturday with no major legislative achievements but with a long litany of actions to loosen federal regulations and review free trade agreements. Stymied by his initial bid to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border when Congress balked at funding the initiative, Trump vowed he will sooner or later build the wall, which had been a signature campaign promise."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-guns-idUSKBN17U2SX?il=0
--- "U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that the United States should be able to boost gross domestic product growth far beyond its current levels over time. "I really believe it," Trump said in an interview with Fox News. "We're saying 3 (percent) but I say 4 over the next few years. And I say there's no reason we shouldn't be able to get at some point into the future to 5 and above." Last year the U.S. economy grew 1.6 percent, it's worst performance since 2011."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-economy-idUSKBN17U357?il=0
--- "The Republican-led Congress averted a U.S. government shutdown on Friday and gave lawmakers another week to work out federal spending through Sept. 30, with tricky issues like defense spending still unresolved. The Senate passed a stopgap spending bill by voice vote without opposition after the House earlier approved it by a tally of 382-30. President Donald Trump later signed the legislation, preventing a shutdown of many parts of the federal government on Saturday, his 100th day in office. The bill provides federal funding through May 5, allowing lawmakers to hammer out legislation in the coming days to keep the government funded for the rest of the fiscal year ending Sept. 30. Congress for months has been tied in knots trying to untangle $1 trillion in spending priorities. Lawmakers were supposed to have taken care of the current fiscal year appropriations bills by last Oct. 1. Democrats backed the stopgap bill a day after House Republican leaders again put off a vote on major healthcare legislation sought by Trump and opposed by Democrats to dismantle the 2010 Affordable Care Act, dubbed Obamacare, after Republican moderates balked at provisions added to entice hard-line conservatives. Republicans, already facing accusations from the opposition Democrats that they are unable to govern even though they control Congress and the White House, are motivated to avert the first government shutdown since 2013, but contentious matters remain on a spending bill covering the final five months of the fiscal year. With Trump seeking $30 billion in new defense spending in the measure and Democrats arguing that other domestic programs also need more money, congressional negotiators are moving toward a compromise."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-budget-idUSKBN17U26B?il=0
--- "U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday to extend offshore oil and gas drilling to areas that have been off limits - a move meant to boost domestic production but which could fall flat due to weak industry demand for the acreage. The order could open up swathes of the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, that former President Barack Obama had sought to protect from development after a huge BP oil spill in 2010. "We're opening it up....Today we're unleashing American energy and clearing the way for thousands and thousands of high-paying American energy jobs," Trump said as he signed the order. Trump had campaigned on a promise to do away with Obama-era environmental protections that he said were hobbling energy development without providing tangible benefits, pleasing industry and enraging environmental advocates. But the executive order, called the America-First Offshore Energy Strategy, comes as low oil prices and soaring onshore production have pushed industry demand for offshore leases near their lowest level in years, raising questions over the impact. A Reuters review of government data showed the amount of money that oil companies spent in the central Gulf of Mexico's annual lease sale dropped more than 75 percent between 2012 and 2017. Dollars bid per acre and the percentage of acreage receiving bids both declined more than 50 percent. The figures were similar in the western Gulf of Mexico, the only other zone that got offers for leases during that period, according to the figures from the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-drilling-idUSKBN17U05E?il=0
--- "President Donald Trump will sign an executive order on Saturday seeking to identify any problems caused by the nation's existing trade agreements, including an examination of U.S. involvement in the World Trade Organization, a top trade official said. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said his department would work to issue a report in 180 days outlining challenges with these trade deals and possible solutions. Ross singled out the World Trade Organization as an entity that may need to make some changes, although he cautioned that the administration had not made any decisions yet. "There's always the potential for amending organization's charters like the WTO, particularly when you're in the position we are," he said. "We're the number one importer in the whole world." Ross raised concerns that the WTO is too bureaucratic and does not hold meetings often enough. He also argued that the WTO has an "institutional bias" in favor of exporters and against countries that are being "beleaguered by inappropriate imports.""
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-trade-order-idUSKBN17V01Z?il=0
--- "The website of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA.gov, is getting a makeover to reflect the views of President Donald Trump and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, the agency said on Friday. “As EPA renews its commitment to human health and clean air, land and water, our website needs to reflect the views of the leadership of the agency,” it said in a statement. Trump, a climate change doubter, campaigned on a pledge to boost the U.S. oil and gas drilling and coal mining industries by slashing regulation. He also promised to pull Washington out of a global pact to fight climate change. The first page to be updated is one that reflects Trump’s executive order on energy independence, which calls for a review of the Clean Power Plan put into place by his predecessor, President Barack Obama, the statement said. "Language associated with the Clean Power Plan, written by the last administration, is out of date," it said. "Similarly, content related to climate and regulation is also being reviewed." The Clean Power Plan aimed to sharply reduce carbon dioxide emissions from electrical power generation over 25 years, focusing on reductions from coal-burning power plants and increasing the use of renewable energy and energy conservation. “We want to eliminate confusion by removing outdated language first and making room to discuss how we’re protecting the environment and human health by partnering with states and working within the law,” J.P. Freire, associate administrator for public affairs at the agency, said in the statement."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-epa-idUSKBN17V011?il=0
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topsolarpanels · 7 years
CNN 10 – April 18, 2017
April 18, 2017
Returning to our daily news coverage, today’s topics include the U.S. vice president’s trip-up to the Demilitarized Zone, the results of a vote in Turkey, and some history of records set by runners. Also featured: the pros and cons of solar power — and how it’s being utilized in part of Hawaii .
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hey. I’m Carl Azuz. Thanks for watching CNN 10.
We’re back to our daily coverage of explaining international events today. It starts with an American leader’s visit to a place that’s still technically at war .
No peace treaty has ever been signed on the Korean peninsula, though an armistice formally stopped the fighting and the conflict in 1953. The U.S. struggle in the war. It’s now an ally of South Korea. Yesterday, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence visited the demilitarized zone, the DMZ, the border line that divides North and South Korea .
Standing less than 100 feet from North Korean soldiers, the vice president said the Trump administration would have a different approach to North Korea than previous administrations did .
MIKE PENCE, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED Country: They’re going to abandon the failed policy of strategic patience, but we’re going to redouble our efforts to bring diplomatic and economic pressure to bear on North Korea. Our hope is that we can resolve this issue peaceably .
AZUZ: To do that, the U.S. is relying heavily in North Korea’s main ally, China, to pressure North Korea to give up its controversial nuclear program .
So far, the North has indicated it won’t. And though it tried out a missile on Sunday, the weapon apparently blew up right after it launched .
U.S. officials don’t think it was a long scope rocket that could reach other continents, but South Korea has said that if the North tests one of those, or tests a atomic weapon again, the North would receive a powerful punishment .
ERIN BURNETT, CNN ANCHOR: So, we’re going here unto the actual line to go into North Korea and I actually have to walk this route. We can’t shoot left, we can’t shoot right, w can only shoot forward. There’s a lot of restrictions on our cameras.
But to get here, we had to go through three checkpoints. We passed some anti-tank explosives and now, we’re about to go into these blue rooms and into the North Korea line .
So, the Northern korean and the South Koreans still meet in this room ?
PFC. ANDREW ZELLNER, U.S. ARMY: Yes, the last known visit was 2008.
BURNETT: Literally these microphones in the table are what defines the line. So, North Korea on this side, South Korea on that side. It seems so easy. It’s simply one step .
But when you think about all of the militarization and what you go through and the barbed wire, it’s certainly far from easy .
This concrete slab is literally the border. We’re shooting it from the Northern side. Seventeen inches by five inches, concrete. That’s it. That marks the border. It’s been here since 1953.
And now, the route that they passed messages, it’s pretty amazing. They don’t use email. They don’t actually even use a phone. There’s a phone but it rings and rings and Northern korean don’t answer it. They actually by bullhorn communicate to the Northern korean .
When we were inside the building, we could walk on to the North Korean side of it. But if I were to do that outside the building, to actually step over that line here, what would happen to me ?
ZELLNER: What would happen is all these soldiers here would make an attempt to stop you. Especially me, and if once you get over there, there’s some — no longer — we can longer help you. With an —
BURNETT: What do the Northern korean do ?
ZELLNER: Probably go down there and grab you .
BURNETT: For the South Korean soldiers, this is the most prestigious assigning there is, to serve here in the DMZ, they have to be at least five feet nine inches tall, which is taller than average, and every single one of them has a black belt in taekwondo .
So, Northern korean and South Koreans stand here every single day and stare at each other. The South Korean soldiers are right behind me, and then you can see that concrete house. That’s where North Korean tourists can come to visit the DMZ, and apparently a lot of Chinese actually come through the North Korean side as a well.
And then there’s that soldier. He stands there every single day. But the South Koreans and the Americans don’t know his name. So, they just refer to him as “Bob” .
So, we’re basically surrounded by North Korea now, right ?
ZELLNER: Yes. To give you a little notion of that, all this tree line and around that road and back is all North Korea .
BURNETT: So, it’s all North Korean and where we are sort of — I entail, one little safe place. But this is all mined as well, right ?
ZELLNER: Yes. There’s approximately, I’m assuming hundreds of thousands of mines within this area alone .
BURNETT: Amidst the minefields is a bridge and North Korea is on the other side. There’s actually a cement wall to prevent defectors from coming over to the South. It’s called the Bridge of No Return. And 62 years after the ceasefire, it’s still a lonely place .
BURNETT: Voters in Turkey have decided to change their Constitution, to shift their government form from a parliamentary system to a presidential one .
Sunday’s election was close. Just over 51 percent in favor of the changes, to a little more than 48 percent resisted. International officials who are monitoring the election said it took place during a, quote, “unlevel playing field” and that it fell short of a genuinely Democratic election.
Turkey’s government said the monitors’ findings reflected a, quote, “biased and prejudice approach” and that they were unacceptable .
The results will increase the power of Turkey’s current leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and they could allow him to serve as the nation’s chairman until 2029.
AZUZ( voice-over ): Ten-second trivia :
When and where was the first coordinated marathon held ?
1970 in New York, 1897 in Boston, 1896 in Athens, or 1976 in Paris ?
Though it commemorates an event that took place in 490 B.C ., the first coordinated marathon was run in Athens in 1896.
AZUZ: The second oldest marathon on that listing was run in 1897 in Boston. Fifteen runners started, 10 finished.
In yesterday’s race, the 121 st Boston marathon, more than 30,000 people entered the race. And despite comparatively warm temperatures in the low 70 s that took a toll on some runners, Kenya’s Geoffrey Kirui won the men’s division race in two hours, nine minutes, 37 seconds. Kenya’s Edna Kiplagat won the women’s division race in two hours, 21 minutes, 52 seconds. It was the first time either had operated the Boston marathon .
DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: One of the most iconic records was the four-minute mile, first achieved in 1954 by British medical student Roger Bannister .
Running at a velocity of 15 miles per hour, Bannister did what many considered impossible, suggesting the barrier wasn’t simply physical, but psychological. And after years of failed tries, his record was beaten, simply a few a few weeks later .
Since that miracle mile, runners have continued to chase records over longer and longer distances. In particular, 26 miles and 385 yards, better known to you and me as a marathon .
Today, the time set in 2003 by English runner Paula Radcliffe remains unbroken.
But it’s a different story for male challengers. In the past decade alone, the men’s world record has been broken five times, falling by one and a half minutes. The record of two hours, two minutes, 57 seconds is held by Kenyan Dennis Kimetto, after his remarkable run at the Berlin marathon in 2014.
But now, a different race is underway to reach beyond what many are calling running’s last frontier, the Sub 2 Hour marathon .
AZUZ: As alternative solutions energy source, solar power proves some promise and that it’s renewable, it’s sustainable, it can reduce energy expense. But it faces a lot of impediments. For one thing, different parts of the world get different sums of sunlight. Not everywhere get enough for solar energy, constructing the actual solar panel can be expensive and cause significant pollution, and once they are made they take up a lot of space, more than what’s available in some places .
Still part of Hawaii is finding a way to stimulate them work .
DAVID BISSELL, CEO, KAUAUI ISLAND UTILITY COOPERATIVE: This is the first and biggest combined battery and photovoltaic system in the world. This project generates energy during the daytime to power up the 4,500 houses on quiet name .
STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT( voice-over ): Solar power is not new, but storing this much energy from the sun is .
The project commissioned by Kauai Island Utility Cooperative is owned by Tesla. On about 50 acres of former sugarcane farmland, some 5,500 panels now stand, soaking up the sun’s power during the day to store in these Tesla batteries before feeding that energy to the entire island grid during peak hours in the evening .
BISSELL: Every day, these batteries will store enough power that they could drive a Tesla car 150,000 miles .
ELAM: One obvious benefit, less reliance on fossil fuels. The price of gas and oil can fluctuate. But the cost of this system will remain stable for the term of the utility’s 20 -year contract with Tesla .
( on camera ): It’s expensive to get fossil fuels here.
BISSELL: It is very expensive. We’re saving ten million gallons of fossil fuel a year with these projects. This project alone( INAUDIBLE) this place about 1.3 million gallons of diesel.
MICHAEL YAMANE, COO, KAUAI ISLAND UTILITY COOPERATIVE: I think this is the grid of the future. On reliability stand point, it’s adding a lot of value. No additional cost .
ELAM: Solar and the batteries, is that enough to power the island on its own all the time ?
YAMANE: We still need to run some conventional generation. But hopefully with other projects going, they just lower them all .
AZUZ: California’s wet wintertime didn’t only bring relief to the state to historic drought, it brought on a super bloom of wildflowers. This is being characterized as an explosion of vibrant coloring, an ocean of amber at Carrizo Plain National Monument. A female recorded this from her drone while she was camping. The wildflowers typically bloom in spring. April and May are usually the best months for considering them before the hotter summer months dry them .
Until then, they’ve got some serious flower power. And if you got cyme to check them out, you’ll find they’ll brilliant to their corymb. They’ve been raceme to bloom. With the petal to the metal, there’s been a spike in vibrancy. You can say they’ve arrived at the panicle of beauty.
Flower puns always in bloom on CNN 10. I’m Carl Azuz .
Click here to access the printable version of today’s CNN 10 transcript .
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