#I think I'll play it by ear
sincerely-sofie · 16 days
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Played around with that one Pokemon Fusion Generator website and quickly sketched out some of the results (with great creative liberties taken, hehe)
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liquidstar · 8 months
Oh fuck tomorrow I'm going to be a little birthday boy I keep almost forgetting
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natjennie · 5 months
literally "there's cornhole and there's you-nicycles, unicycles. I love to be on that big one wheel. when I look at you-nicycles, I feel it deep in here" is so..... the poignant and thematic romantic power ballad moment between two cornhole players from different states, one of whom got injured in a unicycle accident.
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fayeandknight · 1 month
Well tonight's practice did not fill me with confidence.
We treated runs like the real thing and had classmates in the ring. On our first run Forte broke his start line sit to circle the person who threw the piggy for him last week, looking for it.
It took an embarrassing effort to get him back.
Our second run he hit the contacts but blew through them instead of stopping for 2on2off. I went back each time and made him stop but it took several attempts.
And our last run was better in terms of performance but I was super anxious and the instructor called me out on sounding too stern. Which, fair. This is supposed to be a fun game we are playing together.
My plan is to not bring the piggy in from the car at all for the trial. I'm going to try to let go of any feelings of embarrassment and just figure we'll NQ.
It's an opportunity to practice in a different environment since I expect it will be far busier than practices. But at least it's at our club so there will be some familiarity.
At the end of the day, a Q is not more important than maintaining positivity both for Forte and for myself.
I am glad I only signed up for two runs a day and two days. I think trying for four runs in a day or three days, even with only two runs, would be too much for me.
This is a reminder to myself to take deep breaths and not let my anxiety get the better of me. We both enjoy playing agility and it would be foolish to sour it with putting too much pressure on either of us.
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xluciifer · 3 months
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njori · 9 months
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Realized I never posted him so here's my (first) tav, Leotis <3 He's a circle of spores druid 🍄
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eddsworldstuck · 20 days
i am once again jumping around in writing and wrote part of a chapter in act 3 while writing more of A1C1
and i am not okay
it was very cathartic tho
...i wrote it at 2 in the morning
on my phone
...do i need to mention again that this AU was revived to be a representation of my grief and help me process it, after playing both persona 3 portable and reload made me think about its core theme quite a bit?
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anyway have this doodle from last month from my doodle psd cause it's cute and to offset the sadness (guidesprite duo cause they both merged with their guidesprite when ascending)
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also the height difference is pretty accurate (heightcomparison.com)
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byanyan · 10 months
anyway, since I didn't share a pic earlier..... space byam
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steakout-05 · 9 months
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something i really like about the teddy bear jetpack is that he's sitting on a little heart shaped chair before you steal him,,, dude that's so cute he's jus a little guy .....
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
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hehe. rake's progress designs
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@oceanoecielo said: [ boardgame ] - sender and receiver play a boardgame together
(quality time starters - open)
"The hell are you smilin' so much for?" Salvatore narrows his eyes as he glares at the man sitting across from me. "You ain't winnin', ya' goddamn old fogey, in case you missed it." The insult doesn't quite land even as Salvatore says it--he's quite long in the tooth himself, even if he doesn't look it nearly as much as Simon does. Still, Salvatore drops the barb regardless, wrinkling his nose at the way Simon beams cheerfully at him.
By this point, Simon's bright attitude doesn't bother him nearly as much as it did previously, but it still mystifies him that the older man is still smiling despite Salvatore clearly winning their little game of checkers. Frankly, it's harder for Salvatore to enjoy his gloating when Simon seems so unaffected.
After a moment, Salvatore shakes his head. He means to sneer, to show his disgust at Simon for daring to enjoy life, but he doesn't have it in him. Instead, his smile is more bemused than anything else.
"Well, long as you're having fun," he says. "Even though I'm fuckin' destroyin' you." As he speaks, he moves his piece, slamming it down triumphantly on Simon's side of the board. "King me."
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autistic-shaiapouf · 1 year
Hour cuts having me home an hour early today and I'm swearing to myself I'll dedicate that hour to getting some art done
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pangolen · 1 year
writing down my needs while shopping for a new desktop like "it needs to run minecraft heavily modded really fucking well" and "it cannot light up pretty colors because i'm boring and hate fun (i am easily distracted by light and movement)"
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red-hood-vigilante · 1 year
my toxic trait is having an avoidant attachment style meaning i present myself to people as an airhead with a bad memory so they think i forget what they say when i actually just don't care enough to remember and have no interest in other people
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emile-hides · 1 year
Ayo me again
I can’t recommend the game Persona 4 highly ENOUGH ig, but as someone who also loves bears and silly little Guys, I know you would dig the game and a specific character a lot.
Unfortunately it’s kinda one of those games a la DR where you can’t look up absolutely ANYTHING because everything is a spoiler and every character has an arc, but in summary it follows the player character and his ragtag friend group over the course of a year in high school, and a bunch of bizarre supernatural murders start taking place in town, and you and your friends set about solving what’s going on and working towards putting an end to it, with the help of new friends and your own supernatural powers along the way.
There’s also multiple romance routes if you decide you wanna date, and the whole game is very very good and has a lot of heartfelt moments
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wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
The Musketeers Reaction: Friends and Enemies
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
You sure you don’t need to rest buddy? You’re huffing pretty hard
[Also, they had the horseshoe upside down; no wonder shit goes wrong  (Spoiler: shit goes wrong)]
I wouldn’t know which is which  😀
Ah! Your boo!  [Ma'am, do you really think I'd adore a person who steals and kills peop- oh.]  …. Yes  [You know what-  Just watch the show, woman]
[Also, btw... "d'Artagnan" is not pronounced the way they pronounce it.  It's not "Dart-an-yun."  It's "Dart-en-yaw" ish.  Rough phonetics because idk but it's roughly that]  Well now neither of those look even remotely correct. Gah damn ancient times  🙂 [Edit: someone mentioned that this might be intentional? To show he comes from outside the "posh" part of town? idk if that's the case, but it's an interesting theory]
[Hold up… ad.]  Okay!  [Bruh these ads are so long]  😂😂😂  [BRUH IT CHANGED TO CSI  Hold up]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  CSI said you ain’t cheating on it with the musketeers  [lkjsaldakfjadsf]
Wait, Peter Capaldi?  [Yup!]  Sounds familiar  [12th doctor]
[This is Athos]  😱😱  I already said he favors Daryl… right?  [Yes.  I think.  But ‘tis true]
Sir  [I love him]  No need to be rude to the water  [alskdjf It was ice]  Oh ☠️
[And this be Porthos]  Oh shit!  So these are the three musketeers?  [No… Those are the two Musketeers and d'Artagnan.  The third Musketeer ain't been along yet]  Oooooh
[This is Aramis.  He’s the third.  (And yes… he’s "that stupid")]  Well damn ☠️😂
Damn I need a corset… these cheap ass bras can’t compare  ‘Tis trueeee
[Also, to be clear… He's having an affair with the mistress ot the Cardinal.  One of the most important people in France.  The King's main advisor.  Just to put that in perspective.  That’s why Athos said “Tell me he’s not that stupid”]  Oh. Well SHIT 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😂😂😂  [Also, that's Peter Capaldi]  Yeah I recognized him immediately
How he not see him?!
Ahh the gang’s all together!
Ahhh, love  [“Or lust”]  Ye, lol  ["Oh look: a man, pretending to acknowledge the difference" - Ten Inch Hero]
[I love Athos]  😂😂😂
“Any lice or crabs?” ☠️
Why am I getting Izzy vibes off the Doctor?  [I mean.  You should… I’m getting them too alskdjf]  😂😂😂  [It’s the Cardinal tho… Since I'm assuming you don't wanna spell Richelieu every time]  Ye! I don’t ☠️☠️☠️ it wouldn’t turn out nice
Oh is that The Milady?  [I say nothing]
☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Adele tipping her hand here]  
Ack  [Technically, she was "undressed" in the first scene… Corset + petticoat = scandalous]  
Wellll… Cannnnn you trust her?
Well damn… This show is just crazy
Pause!  ADDDDD  [Is it an ad for Scream?  Because we might have the same on- MATTHEW LILLARDDDDDDDD]  NO *sigh* 🙁 [How dare]  FOUR FUKCING ADDDDSS  [Yup]  CRIMINAL MINDSSSS  [RUDE]  THE NEW ONE  [I got Star Trek tho so… I win]
OH I SEE WHATS HAPPENING!  le gasp… Imposters
That ribbon around her neck is giving the girl with the green ribbon vibes  [I seeeee!  *has no clue what that means*]  You donttttt knowwww that boook? 😱  [Nope.  WATCH THE SHOW]
Buddy.  You.  Really.  Came out.  WITH A BLOODY KNIFE.  [alskfdj Yup.  I never said d'Art was smart.  Well, wise, but shh; the rhyme was important]
[Love herrrr]
Ooooop he ded  [Buddy's not doing too hot]
[Ma'am fingering her ring like it'll take away her Impure Thoughts about d'art.  It will not]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
[Get ready for this Inigo Montoya-ass shit]  😂😂😂😂
“You killed my father. Prepare to die!”  
"We weren't going to kill him"  [*simultaneously* "We weren't going to kill him"  "Weren't we?"  "Next time let us know!"]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[The way Richelieu’s eyes widen on "murder" tho a;lkdsfj]
They were like oh shit they drug us into this  [They're kinda idiots tho.  What kind of criminal goes around like "oh, yeah, here's my name and rank!  Come arrest me!"]  EXACTLY
BRUH [Ruh roh]  
[Pause!  Ad]  I got one too lol  [I think it depends on time stamp for PlutoTV.  We'll probably line up perfectly for the most part.  Also… Jeremy Renner!]  Oh, I got Renner too!  [Mayor of whatever it is?]  Yes. [Countttt!]  Midpoint?  [Oh.  Okay!  I forgot those existed…  DO ITTTTT]  😂😂😂😂
– – –
Jezebel: We could not live in these times…  Our bad luck would get the whole family executed with these rules ☠️
Wench: aldskjf That's true!  The trials kinda.  Suck
Jezebel: Also idk why I didn’t automatically think the guy was an imposter at the beginning lol… I was like oooof!  Is this like… are his hands tied and he has to do this? Orrr??
Wench: Nope :)  Athos was too busy drinking and getting a hangover and half drowning himself to be robbing and murdering.  Not that he would do it anyway, it must be said.
Jezebel: Imma go on and make the prediction that the Doctor Cardinal had hired the imposters
Wench: :))) I say nothingggg!
Jezebel: Really, that’s all I can think of rn! But I’m enjoying it!
Wench: OIIIII!  THE CHARACTERS!  You must at least address Athos, please, I beg.  (But also.  I'd appreciate you discussing the main four laksdjf)
Jezebel: 😂😂😂😂 I definitely understand why Athos is your favorite
Wench: My beloved!  And you haven't even seen much yet
Jezebel: Lol!! And the other two are hilarious! Especially the flirty one! ☠️☠️
Wench: Aramis?
Jezebel: Ye
Wench: alkdsjflaksdjf  So... this is a show based loosely around a book.  When we get to endpoint, I'm telling you some Things, but I want to let you get the impression of the show first
Jezebel: And d’Art(I’m not even trying) is clearly young. His common sense is lacking ☠️
Wench: Precisely… Wait 'til I tell you about the book :) 
Jezebel: 💀💀💀💀  Also… I feel like this picture pretty much sums up the king ☠️☠️
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Wench: asdlkfj Accurate
Jezebel: And I love that Treville stands up for Athos! Instead of just believing he’s guilty
Wench: So, that's a thing... He’s kinda SPN Bobby.  And he’s basically father figure to the Three + d’Art (eventually known as Les Inseparables, or The Inseparables) and they are basically his kids.  (And I wanna say this is especially true for Athos, but I could be wrong with that bit)  So this is basically his son going off to be executed
Jezebel: Ahhh! 🙂 lol
Wench: Also… The music might sound familiar.  Not fully, but like in that haunting way where you think you've heard it before but can't place it?  That’s because the theme and (I think) some of the score was done by Murray Gold (aka the guy who did Doctor Who's score during the bits you've seen)
Jezebel: Both are BBC right?
Wench: Yes.  And you'll notice a lot of overlap.  You remember Mr. Blue Sky dude?  Elton?
Jezebel: Ack! Yes
Wench: He's a villain in a later season named Rochefort
Jezebel: Ahhh! I see 🙂  Also, I want to do the next episode like noon tomorrow if you can! So I’m not tired 😂😂 cause I’m enjoying this and I want to more consciously enjoy it lol!
Wench: Sounds good!
Jezebel: Ready?
Wench: Yup!
– – – 
Ooooop!  [Louis, panicking: "I am not panicking"]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[This mf]
Why would his body still be at the inn ☠️☠️☠️  [Why wouldn't it? lakdsjf]  B-because it’s an inn  [And?  Ya stick the dead bodies wherever there's space alkdsjf]  “Oh don’t mind the body… Scuffle this morning.  It’ll decompose in time.  All good.  Cheerio!”  [Basically!]
[Fun lil character scene!  And by fun I mean Trauma (™)]  Le gasp
The- He really left ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [alksdjflkdjf he did]
The womannnn!  Double crosssser
Oh shit.  They just all dead!  Tf?  [Yup!  Like I said: stick the bodies where ya can]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[btw... Musketeers = King's guard.  Red Guard = Cardinal's troops.  They're warring groups]  Ahhhhh! I see
Sir we know you’re in a massive library, so big there’s echo. But you don’t have to scream
Lol ☠️☠️☠️  [:))) I love Porthos and Aramis too!  It's not quiteeee to the same degree, but I adore them]  Yesss!  Flirt gives me Hook vibes. Just like he looks like him.  [Similar, yes.  There's some subtle difference or something (since I haven't hyperfixated on him) but yes]  😂😂😂
He turned into a dog
Oooop- [Constance, my beloved]  He’s been duped  [I really wanna know what happened to make her so friendly to Athos, ngl.  That was a really scandalous thing she just did]
Surprise is everything….  *two seconds later*  Surprise would have been everything
[Also, did I mention that Constance is badass?  Because she is]  No, you didn’t, but I love it
Get him d’Artinigo!  [... Ma’am]  That took so fucking long to type cause I couldn’t spell  Inigo. ☠️  [OH THAT'S- laksjdflkadsjf I thought it was just a typo]  😂😂😂
Well, shit
Ma’am! You were the one flirtinggggg and ring-twirling
[Heh heh heh.  You remember the formula for my faves?  Because um.  Heh.  Heh heh  Man be a bittttt uncaring about safety.]  *sigh*
Kid’s like yeahhhhh about before. Sorry  [He got an Athos Nod(™)]  🙂  [Athos Nod(™)s be important because man doesn't speak and he's gotta show respect somehow alskdjf]  That’s fair! ☠️☠️☠️ *sigh*
Ooooooof.  Well, damn, ma’am  [Yup]  DAMN  That’s dark af  [Yep]
Buddy… That’s your story now too
Ooooop- Bruh, he is just mordorring  [Makes you wonder why he needs Milady as an assassin]  Oh shit
Did he kill her with ol’ dude’s gun?  [I don't think so]
Oh shit  [Milady is such an interesting character, goodness]  I don’t .. are the priests allowed to say that ☠️  [They're not supposed to, but I guess they can] 
– – –
Jezebel: That shit was WILD! 😂😂😂  I really do like it tho!
Wench: GOOD
Jezebel: Poor Adele!
Wench: Yeah... She does get mentioned again, though.  It takes a bit, but she does.  She doesn't just get forgotten
Jezebel: My brain’s kinda all over the place… But poor Athos too!
Wench: You should go into more detail there :)  (Yes, I am going to try to sway you into Athos favoritism!  It's fine if you like the others more, but you need to know that this is happening.  My beloved!!!)
Jezebel: Loool!  Idk I really like Flirt!! 😂😂😂 but yeah I’ll probably fall for Athos before long 😂
Jezebel: Flirt, Aramis, same name different font… and spelling, shush
Wench: But nah, tbh, you might well end up liking Aramis better.  Most people do, judging by what I've seen in the fandom, but I admit it's not a fully reliable poll
Jezebel: I like his and Porthos’s relationship. Also idk. I say personality but I haven’t seen MUCH of it yet. I just can tell from what I’ve see I’ll like him. If that makes sense 👀☠️
Wench: Yeah, I get it
Jezebel: Also, married gal and d’Art are cute. Even if she is married and he is googly-eyeing priest killer
Wench: Constance is awesome, I agree.  And, tbh, Milady is super cool, even if homicidal
Jezebel: Fair!  Also… The cardinal can go suck eggs in hell with Izzy. ☠️☠️  And the king. Is a child. Like most kings are
Wench: It gets worse
Jezebel: And… Honestly I can’t think of more so share away about the book
Wench: OKAY SO.  First off, I need to explain introductions of each of the characters.  They changed this for the show, and, as I said in this post (here), I appreciate the new version but also mourn the loss because.  d'Art, instead of trying to avenge his father, is actually going to Paris to become a Musketeer.  On the way, he stops at an inn and, while there, a dude disses his horse.  Despite the fact that no, actually, he doesn't much like his horse, and has been bemoaning being stuck with it since he started out, he now has to challenge dude to a duel. Then, he loses.
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Wench: Fast-forward to when he gets to the Garrison: he arrives just in time to hear Porthos/Aramis giving a report to Treville (which features the fact that Athos has gotten severely wounded in a fight, fun fact).  Fast-forward a little more, d'Art is mid-talking to Treville about possibly getting a job there when he sees the dude outside his window and is like... Damn this job interview; I must pursue the man who insulted the horse I insulted myself not two days ago.  (d'Art and his horse is a very "no one is mean to them but me" situation)
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Wench: Anyway, in the process of trying to track down this dude, he: a) literally runs head-first into Athos (aggravating his, did I mention, Severe wound in the process) and refuses to apologize, thus getting challenged to a noon duel; b) runs past Porthos and discovers something a bit embarrassing, and then proceeds to taunt Porthos about it for no reason, thus getting challenged to a one o’clock duel; and c) after losing the guy he was trying to hard to follow (AND.  LITERALLY WHILE HE IS TALKING ABOUT BEING LESS HOT-HEADED. Because he’s realized he just got duel challenges from two Musketeers.) he comes across Aramis, accidentally exposes the fact that he’s having an affair with a married woman (not Adele), and thus gets challenged to a two o’clock duel.  And all of this while running down a single stretch of road ☠️
Jezebel: My little clueless buddy… At least show!him is not quite THAT clueless
Wench: OH AND.  They're all each other's seconds, so they all show up to Athos' duel and are like.  Wait.  Wot.  Buddy got in a fight with all three of us?  And it swiftly becomes apparent that yes, he did.  Within the span of fifteen minutes.  AND.  This is all forgotten because then the Red Guard show up and are like "Oh, hold up, you're dueling?  That's against the rules!  Let us arrest you" and it turns into a duel.
Jezebel: 😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️
Wench: Anyway... the book follows a different plot from the show, but I'm not sure I can fully enumerate how.  The Athos/Milady backstory is pretty accurate, but her fate changes between the two.  (And across the other adaptations, which I also might make you watch, just btw.)  I think Constance existed in the book but Milady kills her?  If I recall correctly.  (Very different plotline from the show, I'll tell you that now.)  Aramis, btw — as hasn't been developed in-show yet, but is hilarious — is both a womanizer and deeply religiously devout.  He literally goes over to a woman's house to teach her Bible study
Jezebel: 😂😂😂😂
Wench: And they study the Bible by studying God's gift of each other's bodies
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Wench: And.  I think the final thing that I haven't yet said.  The author of this book?  (The Three Musketeers?)  Is the same dude who wrote The Count of Monte Cristo.  He's one of if not my favorite author.  I read The Man in the Iron Mask too (which is the sequel to this book), but I hatedddddd it.  Not because of the writing, which was impeccable as ever, but because of what he did to the characters 😭
Jezebel: I’ve seen the one with Leo DiCaprio
Wench: Yeah, that's....  That's a story.  That's a very happy story.  Relatively.  If I recall correctly.  Only one of them dies.  In the book.  One of them gets exiled.  And the others.  All.  Fucking.  Die.  I sat there on the couch reading it and sobbing my eyes out because my dude killed off Athos' son, and then had Athos die of grief-tinged-old-age afterward.  The fucking pain.
Jezebel: 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ACK
Wench: He had a vision about it before the messenger even arrived btw
Jezebel: Ooooof 🥺🥺
Wench: I cried.  So fucking hard.  I legit did not recover for too long.
Jezebel: Well damn!! 😦 ack
Wench: Basically, in the book version, Aramis plots to replace the king with his twin, as was done in the film, but instead of it being successful, the king gets let back out of prison and takes over the throne again.  Aramis and Porthos go on the run, but Porthos dies in the process and Aramis is then essentially in exile, and d'Art dies in battle at the very end.  And Athos, as I said, has the above fate.  Still love Dumas, but he betrayed me with that
Jezebel: 💔💔💔💔
Wench: Anyway... comparably, the show is much lighter.  Is the good news!  And I think that’s all the book ranting I have.
Jezebel: 😂😂😂😂
Wench: Next episode tomorrow?
Jezebel: YES!
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