#I think I have a good sense of when genshin is going to drop the ball or not
stardustdiiving · 3 months
They’re going to confirm my idea of Arlecchino cycles of abuse story and I am going to go absolutely bonkers
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m1d-45 · 10 months
i love your sagau/imposter au fics so much (esp kazuha’s),, do you think nahida would be able to sense if the creator isnt an imposter because of her having access to Irminsul and being able to see if there are records of them? anyways okok so uh hear me out, maybe the creator tries to seek safety in sumeru while they’re being hunted? sorry if this is a lengthy ask ekwjkwm anyways thanks for reading, ur amazing !
sandy refuge
word count: 3.4k
-> warnings: spoilers for the final sumeru archon quest
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr
< masterlist >
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sumeru was a deadly nation.
liyue was guarded by the adepti, and inazuma’s storms tore the sea around the archipelago to shreds, but sumeru…
sumeru, the land of wisdom, headed by academics and led by scholars and sages. the nation split in two, lush forests barely a stones throw from barren deserts, believers of two (three?) separate gods walking side by side through the city. for a nation so divided, it was rare to get everybody to agree on something, every decision inevitably and invariably leaving some group of people unsatisfied.
and yet, there they were, united under one flag. eremites and the matra, the beige robes of the desert dwellers shifting in the wind besides the glittering armor of the akademiya’s soldiers, spears and swords aligned towards the same target.
it would be beautiful, if only you weren’t the one they rallied against.
you didn’t know how long you had been running when you managed to work your way past the wall, nor how long you had managed to stumble across sand dunes before finding your current oasis.
literally. trees swayed around a large pool of clear water, thick grass cushioning your knees as you barely hesitated before cupping some in your hands and drinking. it was blessedly cool, and you were tempted to swim in it and let it soothe the continuous heat from the desert sun. sadly, you didn’t have a spare set of clothes, and you weren’t keen on stripping when the matra could storm the place at any moment.
or the eremites. or the corp of thirty. or literally anybody else, since you’ve apparently been declared public enemy number one.
you splashed some water on your face and over your head, goosebumps rising where a drop raced beneath the collar of your shirt. how water was so cold when the sand was so hot, you didn’t know, but you weren’t going to complain.
after drinking a few more handfuls of the water, you finally looked around. there was a large spire of stone next to the oasis, flanked by large trees, with a thankfully abandoned hilichurl hut beside it.
you try not to think about how an archer would have had an easy shot as you were drinking.
at the base of a few of the trees is something green, and you remember the nuts that grew in the desert. you were too wary of the henna berries and the cacti they grew on to try and eat those, but you distinctly remember these being used in a few recipes.
all you could do was hope they were edible raw.
you stood—your vision blurred, the ground tilting, but you ignored it—and walked around the oasis, inspecting the green and hoping it wasn’t a fungus.
good news, it wasn’t. bad news, it was the husk of one of the nuts, hollow without any of the fruit inside. fresh, by the looks of it, the green leaves squishing instead of crumbling when you kicked at them.
you sat on the curved trunk of one of the trees, holding up a hand to shade your eyes as you looked up. you could see another nut, hanging off the top of a tree, but.. the bark of the trees were smooth, and any of your athletic abilities were worn away by exhaustion and malnutrition.
you let your head drop and tried not to focus on your hunger, instead inspecting the mix of sand and grass beneath your feet. sand and grass. all of sumeru, represented right at your feet. hot, slippery sand, and cool, spiky grass. the desert and the forest, two wildly different ecosystems, and yet… both drove you out.
you tried not to cry, to push away the helplessness of the situation, but you couldn’t. what had you done, you wondered, for your very face to cause such an uproar? for two separate groups of people, divided in location, name, and faith to ally in their shared hatred of you? if somebody asked you what the millelith, matra, and eremites had in common about six months ago, you couldn’t have answered. you’d have thought about it, maybe, but drawn a blank outside of ‘defenders.’
but what were they defending? and how were you a threat?
when the first tear fell, so did something else.
you jumped at the dense thud, digging your nails—overgrown, bitten at, broken—into the bark as you searched for the source of the noise.
a large fruit had fallen, the one you were eyeing earlier by the looks of it. it sat atop the empty husk of another, magically fallen from the tree by seemingly nothing.
you weren’t going to complain.
you slid off the tree, reaching for the nut, grabbing the stem and pulling, but dropped it just as fast. a fungus was standing just behind it, large orange eyes looking up at you.
you were frozen. would it attack you? was it trying to eat? did they even need to? could you get sick from fungus spores? even if you couldn’t, getting hurt wasn’t worth the meal…
the fungus tilted to one side, then the other, bumping the large fruit towards you.
it… was giving it back?
you stared, but the fungus didn’t move. when you carefully tugged at the nut, slowly drawing it closer so you could properly pick it up, it didn’t move. it just watched you, the rim of its cap slightly falling into its eyes.
you sat back on the tree, pulling it into your lap. the outer leaves were coarse, softening as you pulled away the many layers. there was a high chance some of the inner leaves were edible, but you didn’t want to take chances. the fruit itself was a pale green, easily tearing under your fingers. it was soft, with the barest edge of sweetness that had you prying up more. it wouldn’t make for a full meal, but it was certainly far better than nothing.
you checked on the fungus every once in a while, but it just stood there. by your guess, it was the floating anemo kind, but where was its group? fungi rarely appeared alone, and part of you felt bad.
(felt bad. for a fungus. you’re in dirty, torn clothes and on the run for your life, and you still find the empathy for a fungus. at least you knew your morals were still intact.)
you offered a piece of the nut to the fungus, but it didn’t react. instead it turned, floating into the air and drifting away.
you try to eat the fruit slowly, as to not make yourself sick, taking breaks to sip more water from the lake to dim the sweetness. you didn’t know how long the fruit would stay good now that you’d opened it, but you were trying to enjoy it. its not as if you were overflowing with excess, and you likely couldn’t linger here long. you don’t even know why you resorted to the desert anyway.. between cyno, the ruins, scorpions, the primal constructs.. to say it was dangerous was an understatement. even if you made it to the far west, the pari were there, and you didn’t think they would take too kindly to you. fontaine wouldn’t be much better, provided you somehow crossed the sea around it…
nowhere was safe. you supposed that was the point, that nobody would give you refuge, but it still hurt. you didn’t think you’d ever land in this situation when you first downloaded the game..
whatever. you’re not going to go down that path for the nth time. you hold the remains of the nut in one arm as you stand, picking off chunks as you walk toward the hilichurl hut. with any luck there would be something useful inside, or at least be a safe place to rest temporarily.
the camp looks like it’s been clear recently, which is both good and bad. good, because neither hilichurls nor patrols should come by here for a bit, but bad because it lowers your chances of finding anything useful. there’s no arrowheads or vegetables, not even embers in the fire pit, all the supply boxes long since broken.
at least it’s shelter. at least you had food today, and (hopefully) clean water. small wins, small wins…
you gather your strength and begin to drag all the rubble into the hut, using what was left of their training dummies to make a hollow pile. hopefully it would just look like trash to anyone walking by, and could maybe keep you warm. the scraps of furs littered over the camp were matted with something you didn’t want to think about, so this was your best bet.
man, you missed your bed.
you returned to the oasis for more water, scrubbing off some of the dirt from your arms and face. you wouldn’t be clean for long, what with the dirt floor you’d picked as your shelter, but it felt nice. a topical fix for a bone deep wound.
you didn’t try to clean your clothes, eyeing the sun dipping in the sky. having wet clothes wouldn’t help at night, even if it might feel good. perhaps tomorrow? yes, tomorrow. tomorrow you could scrub at your shirt—*blood doesn’t clean easily without soap*—and try to undo some of the knots in your hair, maybe even use leaves and some of the scraps of twine around the camp to bring some water with you.
tomorrow. you got this. surely.
(just ignore the fact that you don’t know where in the desert you are. or how easy it would be to get lost, or dehydrate. nope. this is a perfectly fine and normal situation that you have an okay amount of control over. you got this. you have to.)
you return to the hut, retrieving the other half of your fruit and taking it with you into your pitiful shelter. at least you didn’t have to worry about rain…
it was only slightly cramped beneath the pile of junk, but you had enough room for you and your food. you laid there for a long time, occasionally peeling off pieces to eat. you didn’t know how much was left, and you didn’t think about it, distracting yourself by thinking about tomorrow. if you were clever with some sticks you could fashion some wider soles for your shoes to get more grip on the sand, or maybe a hat to keep from burning… but there was water and food to worry about, but the area along the wall was certainly dangerous, but it might be worth it if it meant you lived a little longer…
you fell asleep at some point, the faint sweetness of your dinner lingering on your tongue.
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normally, waking up to someone barely a foot from your person would be unsettling. in your situation, it was terrifying.
you immediately pushed yourself back, crawling backwards away from nahida. she was kneeling, seeming surprised at your actions. you almost wondered how she was out here, and in your survey of the area, it clicked.
you weren’t in the hut anymore. you’d missed it in your fear, but you were lying on grass, in a small meadow. you didn’t pay too much attention to it though, putting a hand to your chest to try and calm your heart.
“just a dream,” you breathed, and nahida’s expression fell. not into anger, more.. sadness?
“i’m sorry if i startled you.” her voice was soft, but flat, motions stiff as she stood up and dusted off her dress.
what a weird dream. first you’re lucid, then she’s here… maybe it was wishful thinking. maybe your brain had finally had enough.
“it’s fine,” you said, taking another look around the field. tall trees arched high above you, the bushes and ferns between them reminding you of the rainforest. in the center were three chairs, with various plates laid out on the table between them. you stood, automatically wiping for any grass caught on you, only to find that you were actually wearing clean clothes again—one of your favorite outfits, actually.
you mostly ignored nahida as you walked to the table, looking over the various dishes. you recognized a few as sumeru recipes, but not all of them, deciding to pick at a bowl of fruit instead. you’re not sure how dreams work here—you haven’t had many since coming to teyvat—but it feels safer to stick with a food you’ve actually tried before.
(you ignore the nut from the oasis. calculated risk.)
“i hope they’re to your liking?” nahida’s voice is hesitant as she comes to your side, sitting in one of the chairs. you don’t do the same.
“i’m surprised i remember so many of these,” you say instead, looking over the sheer variety of food laid out. your subconscious has done well.. almost a bit too well.
“eat. you need the energy.”
“i’ll just miss them in the morning, and it’s not like they’ll give me any actual nutrition.”
“…please, my god.”
your head whips to her in an instant, the fruit falling from your hand as if it was poison. it could be, considering everything.
even after all these months, you’d let your guard down. in front of the one god who had control over dreams, you ate of her food and showed that you were weak.
nahida raises her hands, and you have half a mind to grab a knife off the table. it wouldn’t do anything, but it would make you feel better. “it’s just me. there’s nobody else in this dream.”
you should have known better. “leave me alone.”
“i mean you no harm, i only-“
you put your hands over your ears and close your eyes, trying to make yourself wake up. you pictured the walls of the hut, of your makeshift shelter and the leaves of last night’s dinner. you pretend you can’t hear her voice, that the only sound is the whisper of the wind.
if only you’d remembered her powers quicker, or perhaps discovered yours sooner.
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you don’t know how long it took you to break free from the dream, or if you managed to break it at all. you just knew that you woke up to the sounds of talking from outside your hut, the words were faint but still discernible from the wind. two voices, one soft and one rough, picking their way around the oasis.
you didn’t dare try to run, instead shifting some of the wood in your pile to cover the entrance. where could you even go if they found you? west was dangerous, east was deadly, north led you into either a sandstorm or a dead-end sea, and south was entirely uncharted, and that was assuming you even made it that far.
they came closer, and you reached for one of the smaller planks in your small shelter. it was still about the length of your forearm, and though the rest of the stack shifted, you felt a bit safer. maybe you could hide in a cave for a while until they left? no, that would mean you’d have to get enough of a lead to lose them, and you doubted you could run that fast.
“-abandoned.” there was a sound like a rock kicked against the side of the hut, covering the sound of your breath as you recognized the voice. “you sure this is the right place?”
“i’m certain, i saw it myself.”
and nahida. she probably tapped into your mind to see where you were trying to wake up to… it would be clever if your life wasn’t on the line.
footsteps drew ever closer, and it was getting hard to judge the distance. the hut was empty save for your little scrap pile, but how close was too close? could you even have a chance with wanderer’s skill? not to mention the dendro archon…
maybe you were doomed from the start. there was no good ending for you, just a constant delay of the fate that you dodged when you first set foot on this planet.
how long has it been? how much time have you borrowed? teyvat had ghosts, would you become one? would you return to earth? did your earth even exist anymore? this was not the time for this debate…
a shadow moved, and nahida’s voice was far closer than it was before. “divine one?”
you bit your cheek as to not laugh. ‘divine one.’ she already had a god, the one that had ordered this mess to begin with. the first person you ran into, ironically, who had on sight declared you a criminal. you didn’t want to be associated with that person at all, thank you. did she think that you thought you were the god? you wouldn’t be hiding if you did.
“buer. you’re talking to a pile of sticks.”
“i’m aware.” her voice grew quieter, like she’d turned around. “but we need to be patient.”
“there’s an easier way to do this, you know.”
“after all that’s happened? there’s no easy solution to this.”
“that’s not what i…” he sighed. “can i show you something?”
“what is it?”
the air hissed, your pile broken by a blade of wind down the middle. the anemo curved around you, acting as a shield as the wood splintered and flew. you quickly pushed yourself up, sitting against the wall and looking between the two of them. nahida looked terrified, and the shock on wanderer’s face is comical. looks like he didn’t expect you to actually be in there.
he removed his hat from his head, quickly dropping to one knee, nahida doing the same barely a moment after. “my god.. i apologize for my haste.”
nahida lifted her head, meeting your eyes with a hand to her chest. “and i’m sorry for invading your dream earlier. i just wanted to find you, and when i noticed you were in sumeru..”
wanderer is too prideful to apologize to anybody he doesn’t absolutely need to, even for a plan.. jut what’s going on here?
you fix your attention on nahida and hope she’s not a good liar. “don’t you already have a god you follow?”
nahida flinched, looking away. “that… was a mistake. i should have trusted my instincts, and for that i’m sorry. i had no idea that my silence would lead to this…”
either she’s a really convincing actor, or she means it. given the severity of the situation, you don’t want to assume.
“if it helps…” wanderer’s hands tighten on his hat, and he bows his head further. “my anemo protected you. even if i did mean to cause harm, that is more than enough proof of your identity.”
“…so i’m supposed to believe you? just like that?”
nahida shook her head. “i understand your apprehension. it’s hard to trust someone after everyone else has betrayed you, and i don’t expect you to come with me to the sanctuary right away. aaru village is close by, though, and i was hoping you would be willing to go there..?”
some part of you still thinks it’s a trick, that there would be a swarm of matra waiting for you. but honestly… running is tiring, and nahida is kind. you want to believe her, even if it does end up going poorly. what else do you have to lose, really?
you drop your poor excuse for a weapon, briefly checking your hands for splinters before standing up. you kick aside the remains of your dinner and dust yourself off, walking forward. “alright. i’ll go with you.”
nahida beams.
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genshinluvr · 11 months
Where I Truly Belong
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Villain!Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: Your arrival at Teyvat was sudden and you thought you'd be welcome with open arms and new friendship. However, you were terribly wrong. You were ignored, threatened, and chased out of the regions in Teyvat. One day, on the heart island outside of Liyue, a portal opens and an opportunity is given to you. An opportunity where you have power and control over fate. Perhaps this is where you truly belong.
Note: This fic mainly focuses on the reader, so not a lot of Genshin men will be speaking in this overall fic unless it's something huge. I don't know how I feel about this story. I have come to the conclusion that I suck ass at writing the main character as a villain. I thought this fic was going to be longer, but I think it's best to cut it short because I'm not sure where it's going, and leaving it as where it ended is good. This is my first attempt at writing a villain!reader, and I think it's decent-ish for my first time. Again, you guys might think it sucks ass and honestly, understandable if you do think it sucks. Anyway! I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: Reader gets impaled, mentions of blood, failed depictions of villainous reader
Word Count: 6.6k
Part 2 of Where I Truly Belong is [HERE].
The day you arrived at Teyvat, you were alone. The familiar faces of the characters you loved were nowhere to be found. You assumed they were going to try to find you and perhaps help you adjust to their world, but you were wrong. No one searched for you; therefore, you searched for them instead. When you found the beloved characters you love before being thrown into Teyvat, they ignored you. Even if they recognized you or had this sense of familiarity when seeing your face among the crowd, they continued on with their day as if you were never there. 
You run toward Aether, grabbing him by the wrist. “Aether! I finally found you! I—”
Aether yanks his wrist from your grasp, gazing at you like you had just grown two heads. Your heart drops to your chest, watching the blond man take a step back while the floating girl beside him gazes at you warily. Aether doesn’t say anything, and neither does Paimon.
“Do you know this person, Traveler?” Paimon asks, floating closer to Aether. 
Aether shakes his head. “I don’t know them, Paimon. I’m sorry, but you have the wrong person,” Aether states firmly, almost glaring at you.
You swallow the lump in your throat after hearing Aether’s response. Before you can say anything, a voice from a distance calls out to Aether and Paimon. You, Aether, and Paimon turn to see Lumine running toward the three of you with a big smile while Dainsleif follows behind.
Lumine stops in her tracks. “There you two are! I can’t believe you two ran off like that! I don’t understand how you and Dainsleif were traveling companions,” Lumine huffs, propping her hands on her hips.
“I was more of his babysitter, making sure he doesn’t get into trouble,” Dainsleif snorts, rolling his eyes when Aether grumbles incoherent words while Lumine and Paimon snicker.
You clear your throat. Lumine and Dainsleif look at you for a brief moment before Lumine loops her arms around Aether’s left arm, pulling him elsewhere with Paimon and Dainsleif following behind, leaving you standing in the middle of the field alone. Dark stormy clouds roll in, and you’re immediately soaked to the bone, watching the four figures get smaller and smaller. The four figures soon became blurry— you’re not sure if it’s because of the pouring rain or if it’s because of your tears. At this point, it’s hard for you to tell the difference between the two. 
You decided to stop by Mondstadt after meeting Aether, Lumine, Dainsleif, and Paimon. Once you reached the City of Freedom, you took shelter and made sure you weren’t entering the city looking like a soaked rat. After the sky clears up and you’re not soaked to the bone, you enter t the vast city. You thought the people of Mondstadt would be nicer when they see you, but you’re wrong. Huffman and Sara from Good Hunter are friendly people. However, people who have visions are the opposite. You tried talking to Albedo, Venti, Diluc, and Kaeya. Still, they all ignored you or acted like you were a crazy person.
“I believe you have one too many dandelion wines,” Kaeya chuckles, leaning against the counter at Angel's Share, nursing wine in his hands. 
Venti is sprawled over the counter at Angel's Share. You can practically see birds flying around his head. The poor Bard is not only drunk, but he’s also mumbling incoherently. Diluc sighs, cleaning the cup before tending to his duties around the tavern.
Diluc mumbles, “They’re not a customer, Kaeya.”
Venti scoots over to the Chief Alchemist, whispering loudly to the man, “Is it just me, or does this strange person look like they were fished out of Cider Lake?”
Albedo looks at you for a brief moment before gazing back at his sketch pad, not saying a word to the Bard. Even though none of them have outwardly shown you they don’t want you in Angel’s Share, you know from the way they look away from you and act around you they don’t want you in the same building as them. So, you gather up your things and leave the tavern. You’re used to being alone in your world, and seeing the people you adore treat you like you didn’t exist hurts. 
“Maybe the next region won’t be so bad,” you tell yourself.
Liyue is interesting. When you step into the beautiful region ruled by the Geo Archon, you are met with a polearm pointing at your throat. Xiao stands before you, glaring daggers at you with such distaste that it nearly made you want to skip Liyue altogether. 
“Outsiders are not welcomed to Liyue,” Xiao spats.
You know the Yaksha before you is doing his job to protect the region once ruled by the Geo Archon, but the way he gazes at you with such… hatred… made you second guess your presence in Liyue. 
You clear your throat. “I thought adventurers are welcomed to Liyue, Xiao,” you whisper, hands shaking at your side.
Xiao glares at you, not saying a word. Oh. When Xiao said that outsiders aren’t welcome in Liyue, he meant you. You’re not welcome to Liyue, not because you’re not an adventurer or a tourist from another region visiting the City of Contracts. It’s because you’re not from Teyvat. But even if you’re not from Teyvat, Aether, Dainsleif, Paimon, and Lumine aren’t even from Teyvat either. However, they’re still welcomed with open arms. 
“I won’t cause any harm, I promise. Is it a crime to walk into a region? I don’t have any weapons on me, nor do I pose a threat,” you say.
You dig into your pockets and hold your hands up to show Xiao you have no weapon on you. Xiao reluctantly points the polearm in the opposite direction of you and stares at you. You sigh in relief and walk past the Conquerer of Demons. In Mondstadt, no one pointed their weapons at you. In Liyue, though? You can’t really get upset with Xiao over it, really. All he’s doing is his duty to protect Liyue from danger.
When you step into Liyue Harbor, you stop in your tracks and look at the beautiful city. The City of Contracts is full of life, and the chatter of the citizens fills the once-silent air. After the encounter with the four outlanders, the men of Mondstadt and Xiao, you can't help but hesitate to continue further into the city. You know the Yaksha is watching your every move like a hawk. You don't necessarily blame him, but the encounter with Xiao made you hesitate.
Should you continue further into the City of Contracts? Or will the not-so-deceased Geo Archon make you face the wrath of the rock for stepping into his beloved city? Your hands shake at your sides, making you swallow the lump in your throat. You take a deep breath and continue into the city, making sure not to bump into a green-haired doctor and the former Geo Archon. You don't have anything against them, but they might have something against you, like how Xiao does when you step foot into the region. You stand in the middle of the city, staring at nothing. Why did you continue to venture into the City of Contracts?
You searched for the familiar faces from a beloved game you loved so much back in your world, only for them not to like you. It was a rude awakening, and you're unsure of why they treat you this way when you have never met them— nor did you plan on meeting the characters you have always loved. Someone bumps into you, causing you to stumble forward and snap out of your thoughts.
“Oh, I'm so sorry,” you say, turning to look at the person that bumped into you before freezing up.
“Why am I the one apologizing when I wasn’t the one that bumped into him?”
The ginger-haired Harbinger glares at you. “Next time, don't stand there and take up space,” Childe hisses, shoving past you and purposefully bumping your shoulders.
You rub your shoulders, watching the ginger Harbinger approach a certain Geo Archon, his demeanor changing almost instantly as he greets the Archon happily. 
You press your lips into a thin line before turning around and walking away. As you walk away, Zhongli looks at Childe quizzically. Childe dusts his clothes and props his hands on his hips, sighing and acting like nothing had happened. Once you're out of view, Zhongli turns to Childe.
“Childe? Is that who I think it is?” Zhongli murmurs, stroking his chin.
Childe scoffs, continuing not to know who you are even though he's very well aware. Childe nudges the Geo Archon to follow him to the restaurant where he, Zhongli, and Doctor Baizhu will be having dinner. Baizhu shakes his head, walking beside the Geo Archon.
“Just to let you know, you're a little bit harsh on them despite you being the one that bumped into them,” Baizhu mutters, shaking his head with disapproval.
Childe rolls his eyes and changes the subject as the two men arrive at the Liuli Pavilion. Meanwhile, you sit outside of the city of Liyue, hugging your knees to your chest. You made a massive mistake of seeking out these people that you adored in your world. You should've started a different life in Teyvat, living among the citizens of Teyvat and living in solitude. But of course, you being you, you decided to seek these people out, only to be disappointed in the end. 
You still have Inazuma and Sumeru to explore and visit. However, you want to avoid stepping foot in the two other regions after what happened with the outlanders, the men of Mondstadt, Xiao, and Childe. You have yet to meet Zhongli and Baizhu, so you can't make a judgment on how they would treat you upon meeting for the first time. But if Xiao reacted in such a way when you entered Liyue, who knows how Zhongli and Baizhu would react?
You nearly forgot how fast time passes in Teyvat. One minute it was the afternoon, and when you blink, the sun is already setting. Technically, time doesn't change in a blink of an eye, but it does feel like it in Teyvat. You close your eyes and rest your head on your knees. Would visiting Inazuma and Sumeru hurt? You're not going to try to meet the beloved characters you know and love. You want to see the architecture and city up close. 
And that is what you did. You went to the two regions, made sure to avoid bumping into any familiar faces, and somewhat succeeded. However, it lasted only a short time when Itto and Scaramouche brought awareness to your presence in Sumeru and Inazuma. So, you left the two regions in a hurry, and now you're on this little heart island far out of Liyue, sitting at the edge of the island.
You bury your feet into the sand, watching the waters crash to shore and wet the sand above your feet. You wiggle your toes and shield your eyes from the sun. A large portal suddenly opens beside you, making you jump and stumble back. A tall Abyss Lector emerges from the portal, arms open and hovering toward you.
“Stay back!” You scream, grabbing the nearest object to use as a weapon.
The Abyss Lector cackles and stops before you, leaving a reasonable distance between you two. The Abyss Lector continues to stare at you in silence as if waiting for you to calm down. You take a step back. The Abyss Lector crosses their arms over their chest, chest rumbling with laughter. 
“What do you want from me?” You whisper.
“Watching you try and fail over and over is pathetic,” says the Abyss Lector.
You stare at the being before you blankly. Oh, so the Abyss Lector has been watching you try to befriend the beloved heroes of each region with mirth. Yeah, you would be doing the same thing if you weren't, well, you. You cross your arms over your chest and sigh as a sense of dread falls over you. You're alone in this heart island with the Abyss Lector, probably their next target aside from Teyvat and the Archons.
“If you're going to insult me, can you do it after you kill me? It'll save me from the embarrassment,” you mutter.
The Abyss Lector howls with laughter, head thrown back, shoulders bouncing. “Kill you? I have a proposition for you, and you are to decide whether you want to do it or not,” says the Abyss Lector.
You can't help but be wary of the Abyss Lector. While the Abyss Lector has yet to harm you, the Abyss has caused catastrophic harm in the past. You decide to listen to the Abyss Lector's proposition. The Abyssal creature went on a ten-minute tangent about the offer and would answer many of your pressing questions. To your surprise, the Abyss Lector was patient with your questions and had no issues with you not understanding certain parts of the proposition. You're grateful the Abyss Lector didn't attack you upon first meeting you— technically, the Abyss Lector created a portal near you on the heart island outside of Liyue.
“So? Do we have a deal or no deal?” asks the Abyss Lector, holding their hands out.
You press your lips into a thin line. Is this really what you want to do? You can’t turn your back on the people you adore. However, with how they treated you…. Does it really matter at this point? 
You furrow your eyebrows, nodding. “I accept your offer,” you say, placing your hand in the Abyss Lector's hand.
The Abyss Lector claps their hands. “Wonderful! Please, step into the portal, and we shall start our journey together,” says the Abyss Lector.
The Abyss Lector lets out a cackle and opens the portal. You and the Abyss Lector step into the portal, sealing your fate. Time flies in the Abyss— three days on Teyvat is three months in the Abyss. You didn't mind the drastic change of time and how fast time flies by in the Abyss. It took some time, but you were able to get used to it. Because you're not from Teyvat or from their universe, you mapped out the areas on Teyvat for the Abyss Order to target. You didn't have to do the attacking and invading like the Abyss Herald, Abyss Lectors, and other Abyssal creatures. All you have to do is sit on the throne and tell them what to do.
You sit on the throne in the Abyss, leaning on your right arm and watching the Abyssal creatures roam around. As the ruler of the Abyss Order, there wasn't much for you to do. Sometimes you would embark on your journey to Teyvat with the Abyss Lector, witnessing the damage being done to Teyvat. Usually, you would feel anger and sadness when the Abyss Order is harming the citizens of Teyvat and wanting to inflict harm on the Archons, but now? You could care less about what is being done to the people of Teyvat and their Archons.
“Your Highness, it's time,” says the Abyss Lector, kneeling at the foot of the throne.
This isn't the first time you'll be visiting Teyvat while the Abyss Order is running amock on Teyvat. But for some reason, you can't help but feel anxious about visiting Teyvat. The Abyss Lector, named Agnarr, holds their hand out for you to take. You take a deep breath and grab Agnarr's hand. Egill levitates forward, nodding. The two Abyss Lectors lead you out of the throne room of the Abyss, opening the portal to Teyvat.
Sumeru is on fire— literally. You and the two Abyss Lectors stand afar, watching the citizens of Sumeru scream and scramble out of the city while it's engulfed in flames. You see familiar faces running to the farthest part of Sumeru, but you pay no attention. Other Abyss Lectors and Heralds open various portals around Sumeru City, floating toward the Great Tree. Abyss Mages emerge out of thin air, cackling and attacking those they see.
“What do you think, Your Highness?” asks Enjou, appearing out of thin air, startling you.
You press your hand against your racing heart and take a deep breath. You turn to Enjou, glaring at the Pyro Abyss Lector, who cackles after seeing your reaction. You huff and glare at Enjou, who is now levitating before you with his arms over his chest. Enjou has the tendency to scare the crap out of you at every chance he gets. On the other hand, Agnarr and Egill aren't fond of the idea of Enjou popping on and out of places to get a reaction out of you.
You take a deep breath. “Enjou, can you please stop doing that?” You ask.
Enjou hums. “Hmmm, I don't think I can do that, Your Highness. It's my job to make sure you're stealthy and always alert! Who knows, someone could attack you while we're not at your side,” Enjou says nonchalantly. 
“They needn't worry about their safety when they're with us,” Agnarr hisses at Enjou.
Egill scoffs, crossing their arms over their chest. “As if we'd let them be in harm's way. Those who try to take the Abyss Order's Ruler shall fall and watch the world around them burn,” Egill hisses.
Enjou raises his hands, shaking his head. You sigh, turning back to the scene of the burning city of Sumeru. The screams and cries fill the chilly night, sending chills down your spine. It has taken you months to get used to hearing the anguished screams of the citizens of Teyvat, but the more you listen to it, the more you have gotten used to it. While you did not want to hurt the citizens of Teyvat and only specific people who have hurt you and turned you away, the Abyss Order spares no one. Not even children and animals.
“Burning down buildings and villages won't do much for the Abyss Order,” you murmur, stroking your chin. “We'll discuss this when we return to the Abyss.”
Agnarr, Enjou, and Egill nod their heads. You yawn as Egill opens a portal to the Abyss. The three Abyss Lectors all levitate toward the portal with you by their side. Before you can step into the portal, an arrow flies by your face, forcing you to come to a stop. Agnarr and Egill step in front of you to shield you from harm, glaring at the perpetrator. You peek from their arms to see what's going on, only to realize Enjou is standing in front of Agnarr and Egill, blocking the perpetrator's view of you.
“Who dares to try to harm their Highness!” Enjou growls, his hands bursting into flames.
You hear a familiar laugh— a bitter laugh that causes goosebumps to appear on your arms. Childe. 
“As if they weren't the ones that cause mass chaos on Teyvat,” Al Haitham hisses.
You peek from behind Agnarr's arms to see Al Haitham standing there, glaring at the three Abyss Lectors. Al Haitham isn't alone. In fact, he's accompanied by twenty-six familiar faces, along with Lumine and Paimon, standing beside her twin brother and Dainsleif. You roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. You yawn dramatically, grabbing everyone's attention.
“If you're all finished with the dramatic entrance, I will be returning to my humble abode now,” you say with a blasé attitude.
Another arrow is shot, flying past your face and slicing your cheek open. You lightly touch the fresh cut on your cheek and gaze at the crimson blood on the tips of your fingers. You scoff, gazing at Gorou, who glares at you and bares his fangs, growling lowly. You wipe the blood on your clothes, shaking your head.
“Oh? So, you want to start something you can't finish?” You smirk bitterly. “Fine, have it your way, pests.”
Itto smirks. “Something we can't finish? I'm pretty sure you're the one that started something that you cannot finish!” Itto proclaims.
You prop your hands on your hips, glaring at the Oni. You cover your face with both hands briefly, sweeping your hands up and back your head, and your appearance changes instantly. Your eyes are bitch black, and the tips of your fingers are pitch black and dark blue with specs of glimmering stars that mimic the galaxy. A long cape similar to Dainsleif's drapes down your back and pools around your feet.
You close your eyes and begin muttering under your breath, your hair illuminating, and the shadows below you come to life, slithering toward your attackers. The first person to be snatched and dragged was Itto because of his annoying egotistical, and overly confident attitude. You hate how obnoxious he is, and he was once your favorite character from Inazuma due to his personality. 
But the longer you stay on Teyvat, the more you can't handle his loud personality. He reminds you too much of a particular person back in your world, and, quite frankly, hurting him will be another way of harming the person you knew in your world without actually harming them. Your patience and sanity have withered away, and you want to make them feel your wrath for how they have treated you since your arrival.
The shadowy tentacles wrap around Itto's ankles, yanking him up into the air before throwing him to the side. Itto lands on the ground with a hard thud, groaning in pain. You snicker and levitate in the air, crossing one leg over the other with your arms over your chest. A portal opens up behind you, and Dainsleif, Lumine, and Aether emerge from the portal, tackling you to the ground. You open the dirt ground, letting it swallow the four of you.
“How dare you attack the Ruler of the Abyss Order!” Enjou howls with anger, throwing balls of flames at your attackers.
Another portal opens beside Agnarr and Egill. You step out of the portal, dusting your clothes off with an infuriated sigh. Agnarr and Egill quickly whisk you away, opening up another portal. Scaramouche growls with anger, pointing at the portal as you, Agnarr, and Egill levitate away.
“They're getting away! Don't let them get away, dammit!” Scaramouche screams.
Xiao growls and appears before you in a blink of an eye and manages to kick you away from the two Abyss Lectors, sending you tumbling to the ground. You groan and kneel, looking up to see Xiao looming over you. Xiao clutches his jade spear so tight that he can snap it in half. The same jade spear you managed to get for him after blowing hundreds of dollars for that weapon on the damn weapon banner. Xiao raises his polearm up, preparing to impale you with his polearm. 
You wince and look away, bracing yourself to get impaled. You hear a loud squelch, a pained gasp, and an anguished scream. You turn to see Enjou's left hand sticking out of Xiao's chest— where his heart should be. You gulp and watch Enjou throw Xiao to the side, letting the Yaksha bleed out on the grass. Agnarr and Egill rush to you, pull you by your arm, and create a portal. The four of you soon fled the scene. 
“How disappointing. I wanted to see them all perish,” you sigh, plopping on your throne while rubbing your temples. “But it looks like I'll have to wait another day to witness the downfall.”
Agnarr comes forward. “Your Highness, are you alright?” asks Agnarr.
“I'm fine, Agnarr. I'm not physically harmed,” you murmur.
Egill gestures to your cheek. You subconsciously touch the wound on your cheek, feeling the stinging thin cut. It's a mere flesh wound, nothing more, nothing less. It's not like it can kill you unless it's laced with poison. If the arrowhead were to be laced with poison, you would've known immediately. It seems like this attack was more improvised than planned, given the fact how messy it turned out for the opposing side. 
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “I'm fine, Egill. It's a mere cut. It won't kill me,” you murmur, brushing away Egill's concern.
The one thing you wish didn't happen was fleeing the scene so quickly. You wanted to watch the opposing side fall. You want to witness the bloodshed in Sumeru. Due to a certain Yaksha almost successfully slaying you, you had to be ushered immediately out of the battlefield and to safety.
“That Adeptus nearly killed you, your Highness. That is inexcusable, and he deserves every ounce of punishment from the Abyss Order,” Agnarr hisses.
You chuckle, shaking your head. It would be funny to see Xiao try and kill you. If he did manage to kill you successfully, the Ruler of the Abyss Order, then who knows how the Abyss Order will react. Watching the downfall of the Archons and the citizens of Teyvat is something you surely do not want to miss out on. 
“I agree with you, Agnarr. Those who intentionally try to harm the ruler of the Abyss Order shall fall and watch the world around them burn and crumble to the ground,” you nod.
After what happened today, you will not be returning to Teyvat until further notice. It's best to remain in the shadows while the Abyss Order does what you say from behind the scenes. In order to take down an entire region, aside from terrorizing the cities and its citizens, you need to take down the beloved Archons of each nation. But the question is: what Archon is going to be your first target? The Anemo Archon? The Geo Archon? The Electro Archon? The Dendro Archon? Heck, maybe the Hydro Archon? You have yet to step foot into the City of Justice, but seeing some familiar faces from her region makes your blood boil.
“What is on your mind, Your Highness?” Enjou asks.
You shrug your shoulders. “Which Archons do you think is the most annoying?” You ask, getting up from your throne. 
The three Abyss Lectors gaze at you quizzically. While their faces are covered, you can tell they’re confused about what you’re implying. You sigh, rubbing your temples. You’re not sure if you can pull it off, but it’s worth a try, right? Is kidnapping an Archon risky? You're the Ruler of the Abyss Order, for fucks sake. So you continued where you left off. 
“Now, I have yet to meet the Geo, Dendro, Hydro, and Electro Archon, so I can’t make a judgment on how annoying they are. However, I did meet the Anemo Archon and….” You trail off, face pinching up with disgust. “What I'm trying to say is let's kidnap an Archon,” you conclude, clapping your hands.
“The question is, who are we going to be kidnapping, your Highness?” Enjou asks.
Your first answer was to kidnap the dear Anemo Archon of Mondstadt. However, thinking back to your encounter with the said Archon, you sure as hell do not want to deal with him again. The first encounter was already enough for you, and the Bard doesn't seem like he would put up much of a fight. You want a challenge, and an Archon who is “deceased” would be the first step to go. Who would notice an Archon disappearing overnight? An Archon who isn't really dead.
That's how you find yourself standing before the Geo Archon in the ruins of Liyue. You could kidnap Zhongli and bring him to the Abyss, but you knew the Abyss would rapidly deteriorate his sanity, and you didn't want that. Yet. The Geo Archon is tied up against a tree in the Chasm, his mouth taped shut to prevent him from calling for a certain Yaksha. The Geo Archon stares at you emotionlessly.
“The citizens of Liyue aren't the brightest. Assuming their God is dead when he's roaming among them, alive and well,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. “We never met, and I deeply apologize for this being our first meeting.”
Is it really your first time meeting Zhongli? Zhongli was there when you, Agnarr, Egill, and Enjou were in Sumeru, watching the city burn to the ground. Though, he did not attack you like how the others have tried to attack you. You weren't sure if the Geo Archon had something up his sleeves, but you can't help but feel satisfied with how easy it was to kidnap the Geo Archon. It's almost too easy for your liking.
Zhongli glares at you as you approach him. You grab the tape from the corner and peel it off Zhongli’s lips so he can speak. It’s not like Zhongli is going to call out the name of the short Yaksha to save him. A Geo Archon like himself doesn’t need a savior. Zhongli can get himself out of this situation without an issue, and you’re surprised to see Zhongli not fighting back. Would Zhongli stand a chance against three Abyss Lectors in the corner, watching his every move?
“I see you're the new Ruler of the Abyss. Such a shame to see someone not of this universe become something that destroys the world they once loved,” Zhongli says nonchalantly.
You smirk at Zhongli bitterly. “Once loved, Zhongli. What's there to love when all I've been receiving is hate and being treated like I wasn't human? Your little Yaksha nearly killed me when I first stepped into Liyue,” you hiss, clenching your fist so tightly that your nails dig into the palm of your hands.
You didn't want to become those cliche villains who talk the victim's ears off— talking about your tragic background and how you became who you are. But here you are, talking the Geo Archon's ears off about how you were treated when you encountered the people who did you wrong. You wanted to meet the characters— the people— you adored, but you were cast aside. 
Heck, even the hilichurls and mitachurls treated you better than how the Archons and prominent figures of Teyvat treated you. The citizens of Teyvat treat you no differently. They went along with their day and would glance at you every now and then when you visited the cities. They treated you better than those who had visions. And yet here you are, burning down their homes, crops, and businesses all because of a small handful of people making you feel unwelcomed and unsafe when stepping into their nation.
“I'm going to be generous and not kill you. However, I do want something from you, and it's not your gnosis. Your gnosis is useless to me,” You say, standing before the (former) Geo Archon.
Zhongli stares at you, not saying a word. You sigh with disappointment. You don't know how much longer you can take this. Seeing the Geo Archon before you, tied up and defenseless, is fun, but at the same time, it's pathetic. Then again, you would rather be stuck in the same room as Zhongli than the Bard you met in Mondstadt. You squat before Zhongli and grab him by his hair to make him look at you.
“And what is it do you want?” Zhongli asks through clenched jaws. 
Just when you open your mouth to tell him what you want, a polearm pierces you through the chest. You tighten your grip on Zhongli's hair, gasping in pain. You look down to see the blade of Zhongli's vortex vanquisher buried deep in your chest cavity. You release Zhongli and stumble back, hands shaking as you grab the polearm. Zhongli glares down at you, his amber eyes glowing with hate and anger. 
“Did you think you would succeed?” Zhongli hisses, digging the polearm deeper into your chest.
You lie on the ground, blood pooling beneath you while Zhongli stands over you. Zhongli notices the Abyss Lectors have yet to attack him. You, their precious Ruler, are impaled, and yet they're doing nothing to help you. You grab the base of Zhongli's polearm, trying to pull the blade out of your chest, only to fail. You struggled for a few minutes before going limp. Eyes glazed over as your lifeless eyes stared into his soul. Zhongli furrows his eyebrows, questioning why it's so easy to kill you and why the Abyss Lectors didn't attack him for impaling and killing you in front of them.
The tense and quiet air in the Chasm is soon broken by the sound of clapping from a distance. Zhongli looks up to see you leaning against the wall with an amused look on your face. You descended the stairs in all your glory— the very same cape flowing behind you. Zhongli narrows his eyes at you and then at your lifeless body on the ground.
“You put on quite the show, Morax. However, you killed the wrong person,” you giggle.
Your lifeless body soon evaporates into a puff of smoke as the Abyss Lectors stand beside you, forming a barrier between you and the Geo Archon. 
You sigh, running your fingers through your hair. “It's such a shame to see my clone get slaughtered in front of me,” you mutter, shaking your head with disapproval.
“You....” Zhongli trails off.
You tilt your head to the side, pouting at him mockingly. “I what? Did you think you would successfully kill the Ruler of the Abyss? Oh, please! I wouldn't make it easy for you,” you giggle.
You walk toward Zhongli and caress his face. “You're not in your prime time anymore, Morax. You’ll need to do way more than stab me in the chest to get rid of me,” you whisper. “If you'll excuse me, I have a business to tend to. Agnarr and Egill will be keeping you company while Enjou and I are gone.”
Your clone's blood is splattered on Zhongli's face— not going to lie, Zhongli looks attractive with blood on his face. You let your hand fall to your side, smirk at the Funeral Consultant, and turn around, opening a portal for you and Enjou. 
Once you step through the portal with Enjou, the portal closes, leaving Zhongli and the two Abyss Lectors alone. Zhongli clenches his jaws, tightening his grip on his polearm. Zhongli's not going down without a fight, and he will find a way to escape one way or the other. The first thing he needs to do is get rid of the two Abyss Lectors. He could call Xiao for assistance, but Zhongli can handle this on his own.
In the Abyss, you sit on your throne with your legs crossed over the other as you stare at the two Abyss Lectors. You tap your fingers on the armrest, gaze falling upon the kneeling blond before you. Dainsleif is in cuffs, glaring up at you. When you arrived at the Abyss with Enjou, you were informed that the two Hydro and Cryo Abyss Lectors had captured a certain blond. Now, you're unsure of why Dainsleif was popping in and out of the Abyss, but you have an inkling feeling it's to hunt you down.
“Care to explain by the Abyss Lectors found you roaming around the Abyss?” You grumble.
Dainsleif doesn't reply and continues to glare at you. Dainsleif has cuts littering his body, his lip is cut open, and he looks like he was dragged through debris. Nonetheless, you could care less about his condition at the moment. You sit up and rest your elbows on your knees, raising an eyebrow at the blond man. You sit back and close your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose and letting out a slow exhale.
Dainsleif stumbles up while struggling in his cuffs, only for the Cryo Abyss Lector to grunt with annoyance, hitting the blond man on the back of his head. Dainsleif grunts in pain and collapses to the ground on his knees. You click your tongue and open your eyes, gazing into Dainsleif's blue eyes. Dainsleif continues not to say anything, glaring at the ground.
“Your Highness, are you hungry?” Enjou whispers.
You shake your head and dismiss Enjou's question. You leave your throne and step toward the kneeling blond man. Enjou reaches forward and grabs you by your wrist. You turn to Enjou, who shakes his head. You give Enjou a reassuring smile— Enjou swallows. Ever since you agreed to become the new Ruler of the Abyss, Enjou and the other Abyss Lectors, Heralds, and Abyssal creatures have yet to see you smile or laugh. You always have this deep frown and glare— you glared so much that it's permanent at this point.
You step toward Enjou. “I'll be fine, Enjou,” you whisper.
Enjou reluctantly releases your wrist, watching you turn and walk to Dainsleif. You stop before Dainsleif, grab him by the chin, and tilt his head up. Dainsleif stares at you. You want to laugh after seeing him in this state. This is your first time seeing Dainsleif in such a state. It's pathetic and comical. Someone persistent with searching for the Abyss twin, traversing through many regions and maybe even universes, just to find them and snap them out of it. And now Dainsleif is here, kneeling before you and looking pathetic. 
“Never in my life would I see you in this position, Dainsleif. It's shocking and pathetic,” you say nonchalantly. “Care to tell me why you're here? If you're here to kill me, you're going to have to try harder than that. The Geo Archon tried and failed to do so.”
Dainsleif continues not to speak. You release Dainsleif's chin with an annoyed sigh, crossing your arms over your chest. It seems like Dainsleif is even more stubborn than you thought. You wanted to laugh in Dainsleif's face. Why is he in the Abyss, kneeling before you with handcuffs? You would understand if the Abyss Lectors and Heralds captured him for roaming around the Abyss. However, the lack of response from the blond man is putting you on edge. 
Dainsleif lets out a shaky sigh. "I'm here to get you out of the Abyss. You becoming the Ruler of the Abyss Order was a mistake that was never meant to happen," Dainsleif says.
You cross your arms over your chest. Yeah, and your appearance in Teyvat was never meant to happen either, but here you are. You walk to your throne and sit, gesturing for Dainsleif to continue on. If Dainsleif continues to blabber on about something you don't care about, then you're going to call it a day and retreat to your bedroom, and the Abyss Lectors can toss Dainsleif in his prison cell. How could you not join the Abyss Order? Plus, why is Dainsleif suddenly backtracking when your first meeting was the opposite? 
You chuckle bitterly and shake your head. "Oh. Dainsleif. You're a bit too late for that. This is where I truly belong— with the Abyss Order as their Ruler. None of this would've happened if none of you treated me that way," you hiss.
You stand abruptly and begin walking off.
Dainsleif stands. "Wait! Don't leave!" Dainsleif hollers.
You turn around and glare at Dainsleif. Your eyes turn pitch black. "Goodbye, Dainsleif. If you, or anyone, continue to get in my way, I will make sure there's nothing left behind on Teyvat."
And with that, you turn around and storm off with Enjou following you. Dainsleif watches you disappear into the darkness, shoulders slumping. Your nails dig into the palm of your hands, drawing blood. How dare Dainsleif march into the Abyss, demanding for you to leave the Abyss Order when he and the others are the reason why you turn to the Abyss Order for help. The Abyss Order is the only group that accepts you and does not hurt you like how the others did. If they want you to leave the Abyss Order so badly, then they can fight you to the death because you refuse to leave. The Abyss Order is where you truly belong.
Note: I feel like this fic falls under the same route as any other SAGAU fics where the rejected creator!reader joins the Abyss Order because they treat the reader better than the Genshin characters. I haven't read fanfics for Genshin in a while, so idk what's trending nowadays for Genshin. Anyway, I am now going to close the voting for Burning Desire voting for Route 3! Thank you for your votes, and we shall wait and see what happens in the third route! I might take a break from writing (like a one-week break), but idk if I'll go through with it 💀 [this part is copied and pasted from my previous fanfic regarding the Discord server] For those who want to join my Discord server, here is the temporary link to [Zhongli's Abode]. Please make sure to read the server rules to save yourself from getting in trouble (if you like the server, you can stay, chat, and lurk. If not, you can leave if you don't vibe with it ^^). Anyway, to all my new and returning readers, keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for my Isekai'd!Reader one-shot series and my overall taglist: @yoru-trash, @kaoyamamegami, @deartoru, @luminarymoonlight, @ins4nebish, @bokuto-kinnie, @exhaustedcommunist, @jadedist, @chalksdreams, @thelost-in-time, @ventisweetheart, @hispasian-otaku, @samarill, @testsubject0012, @kazuhaprnt, @lunarapple, @heyimkay, @eliciana, @jjvr4yxc, @sovermike-21-blog, @nightlysunn, @thelovebuggs, @urlocalheizousimp, @sunlightstarr, @asoulsreverie (Accounts that I was unable to tag have been removed. Those who don't want to be tagged in certain stories are not tagged in this particular post. Remember to check your settings to see if you're allowing people to mention you/tag you in posts or not)
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(Genshin Impact) Jean, Eula, Rosaria, Ei, Shenhe, Yelan, Navia, Lumine rescuing their S/O
No one requested this, Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out For A Hero" came on and demanded I write. ...Same thing happened for the AK-15 fic actually. I NEED A HERO, I'M HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO-
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The moment Jean learns that her S/O had been kidnapped for ransom, her senses become so hyper focused and immediately sets off to alert the Knights of an abduction.
She wastes absolutely no time in tracking S/O, and does so easily with her and the others searching.
Her adrenaline kicks into overdrive, and she does not rest until S/O is safe inside Mondstadt walls, ignoring any injury sustained and insisting that she can keep going.
For only a brief moment, Jean loses control and doesn't even warn warn the kidnappers or attempt an arrest, immediately using her Vision to blow them back.
The sight of her S/O is enough to get her to snap back to her senses, and promptly make the offenders pay for their crimes by sending them to the jails.
With a sigh of relief, Jean feels the exhaustion on her body start to take its toll, but she smiles as she unties them.
(Jean) "Thank goodness you're alright. Let's get you home."
She gives her S/O the tightest hug of their life, and has one arm locked around them the entire journey back.
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Eula absolutely loses it the moment she learned that someone of the Lawrence clan has kidnapped her S/O.
This was the exact reason she did not want them associated with her-
No. Now was not the time for such thoughts. Now was the time for vengeance.
Being the Captain of the Reconnaissance company, she doesn't have any difficulty in locating their whereabouts.
As much as Eula would like to make sure the Lawrence in question never take another step, she knows it'd be far worse for them to be alive and imprisoned by the Knights of Favonius.
With a swing of her claymore, she instantly puts down the attacker in an ambush and cuffs them. Her gaze turns to her lover before releasing them, brushing a strand of hair from her eyes.
(Eula) "Hmph, how careless of you to be captured by another Lawrence. Next time, you will not be so lucky."
By the way her hand was shaking and how close she remained at their side, they could easily see past her words and how worried she was about them.
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Unlike most people in Mondstadt, her idea of justice is if the person never takes another breath again.
The person kidnapping S/O more than likely had no idea that she was even associated with them. That was their first mistake.
Their last mistake was assuming they would get away with it alive.
Rosaria stalks the kidnapper to where her S/O is being kept.
For the moment, they were unconscious.
Which worked for her.
Dropping down from the shadows, she quietly but violently dispatches of the kidnapper, taking extra care to not make a mess on S/O.
She unties them before carrying them in her arms out of harm's way, not making a comment until they woke up.
(Rosaria) "Good, you're awake. I'm glad you're okay, but be more careful next time."
Rosaria's grip tightens on them before gently setting them back down if they could walk.
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What do you think happens when you kidnap God's girlfriend/boyfriend?
If you answered death, congratulations! You're right!
Ei on the inside is scared for their safety, but she knows that panicking will not make things better.
Instead, she goes out to rescue them personally while alerting the soldiers at her command to ensure no one escapes.
And to add extra insurance, she sends out the Shogun to find S/O as well, and to exterminate any offender with extreme prejudice.
The skies darkened and lightning split apart the clouds, striking at the entrance of the abandoned base.
The last thing S/O's kidnappers saw was a woman in purple, staring down at them with a katana held in her hand.
There was literally nothing left of the kidnappers to arrest or bury, so Ei casually walked up to S/O before untying their restraints.
(Ei) "I am glad to see you unharmed. Do you require any medical assistance?"
For the next month, Ei and the Shogun personally accompany S/O to wherever they needed to go.
Ensuring that if anyone was stupid enough to try it again, they got to see what they would be up against.
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The red ropes on Shenhe is barely enough to contain the rage that swells within her at this very moment.
Someone dared to kidnap someone as loving and sweet as her S/O?
Thanks to them and the Traveler, she tries not to use violence as the answer to all her problems.
For this particular situation, Shenhe decides that violence will solve the problem that is the kidnapper's continued existence.
The very second she found out their location, she begins ripping and tearing through anything and anyone in the vicinity that she deemed was responsible.
The treasure hoarders that kidnapped them? Turned to ribbons.
The wooden doors trying to conceal them? In splinters.
That one Hilichurl sitting near the cliff minding its own business and not even realizing what was happening? It's now at the bottom of that cliff. (And if Shenhe didn't do it, you would've, you monster.)
Shenhe is absolutely stained red the moment she frees her S/O, her rage slowly subsiding at the sight of her lover.
(Shenhe) "I am here to rescue you, S/O."
Shenhe is almost super glued to their side from then on, never wanting to let them get hurt ever again.
And Archons help anyone who tried to again.
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Yelan figured something like this would happen. Her enemies would try to kidnap her S/O as a form of revenge or luring her out.
Unfortunately for them, Yelan had a contingency plan if something like this ever happened.
Informants are able to pinpoint the exact location S/O was being held with relative ease.
She infiltrates the building and without warning, her strings immediately sweep the kidnappers off their feet and left them dangling in the air.
(Yelan) "Not so fun when you're tied up, is it?"
Ignoring their shouting, she walks over to S/O and gives them a smile.
(Yelan) "Sorry for the wait. Dinner on me?"
She seems casual about the situation, but when they're out of earshot of everyone, she gives them a firm but gentle hug.
Yelan was no stranger to losing people she cared about, but she was glad she did not have to re-experience the feeling today.
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Oh, perfect! Looks like S/O's kidnappers just volunteered themselves to be target practice!
Navia charges headfirst to wherever S/O is being held, not really worrying about the collateral damage other than S/O themselves.
Her bodyguards were able to find them quickly, and joined her in their rescue.
Navia lets all guns fly, making sure these punks would be taught a lesson they'd never forget.
NO ONE touches her darling, except for her!
When Navia finally gets S/O out, she has them in a near bone crushing hug, kissing them repeatedly on the face, being a bit too playful considering the situation.
But in private, she nearly breaks down crying as her hug on S/O tightens.
She was so afraid that they'd get hurt, or worse.
But she's thanking the gods above that they were unharmed.
The aftermath of the situation, Navia and her guards are almost stalking S/O. For their safety, of course.
Even though sometimes that safety has to be all three of them hiding behind a bush very conspicuously, even after S/O's insistence that they were fine.
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Sadly, this was not Lumine's first experience with a close person to her being kidnapped. Probably wasn't going to be the last either.
While she is worried for their safety, she has no doubt that they're going to get them out fine.
Lumine blitzes into the domain they're being held in and clears out everyone in her way with nearly blinding speed.
No one has a chance to even react as she effortlessly takes out every single attacker, making her way to them.
Finally after knocking out their kidnapper, she has the guards who she informed the kidnapping about make their arrests as she personally attends to S/O.
(Lumine) "You're not hurt are you?" sigh "Good. Come on, let's go home."
Lumine holds S/O's arm the entire time as they get enough distance from town, remaining silent.
She couldn't find her brother, and she didn't want to lose S/O as well.
Brightening up the mood a bit, Paimon appeared behind them.
(Paimon) "Why don't we have S/O stay with us at the Teapot for a while?"
Lumine makes it mandatory for S/O to sleep in the bedroom with her, and has Tubby or Paimon usually keeping an eye on them so she has some peace of mind.
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thechibifoxcub · 9 months
I can’t take it-
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He couldn’t take it anymore. The pain. The anguish. His blood ran like molten lava beneath his skin; feeling every vein traversing beneath muscle tissue and winding sinew.
His breath felt weak yet heavy at the same time. Something that shouldn’t coexist by any means, but still does despite its unrealistic design. The analogy doesn’t make sense- it shouldn’t make sense! But how can he describe the sensation that plagues him?
It must be pain… right? How else can he describe the adrenaline rushing in his body each time his eyes landed on you? He must be ill if the sudden rush of heat dusts his neck and ears each time you smiled in his direction. His mind must be loosing its grasp of reality with every syllable that dances past your lips or when the sound of your unapologetic laughter sings a sweet tune in his corrupted ears.
He must have been in pain; surely he must have been injured or poisoned or tortured in some past life from eons-past. Surely he is dwelling in some sick, twisted form of hell. His own personal prison cell. How else can he explain this newfound revelation of emotions each time his mind drifted back to you.
You, who has brought some semblance of humanity back into him.
You, who has brought forth his demons and have withstood each one with a smile one your face. Like you were happy to have seen his flaws. His imperfections. His sins. To have been overjoyed to have witnessed each deplorable side of him as if it was a gift. Fought against them and (surprisingly) won when he, himself, has failed to beat them on a good day.
You, who has never left him. Never doubted him despite the lies that flow past chattering teeth. He hates himself for every word that brings you pain or that pitiful frown on your pretty lips.
He’s in agony. Because he knows that if he were to sit down and actually think about this for one second longer he’d realize that what he’s feeling isn’t anguish, but something opposite. Something softer. Sweeter. Delectable even.
He can’t take this anymore. Not after watching the crystal-like tears that now streamed past your redden cheeks after he snapped at you for something that you didn’t even do. He can’t take it anymore. He just can’t. The magma that flows through his veins hardens like coal with each drop of a salty sorrow-filled tear that drops past clenched fists and furrowed brows. The breathe that once conflicted against all reason began to cease as your once brilliant smile turned sour with anger and hurt.
He can’t take it anymore; the pain he means, as you turn your back to him for the first time since you waltzed into his once dark and lonely existence. He was in pain as he reached out in a pitiful display of remorse and fear as you stormed away into the distance.
“Misery loves company after all~” he once told himself. How he wish he could turn back time just once- to take back what he had said. To stop himself from saying things that you didn’t deserve. You had only wanted to help him. You were a kind soul, practically a Saint! And here he was, convicting you of a “crime” that you had not committed. His one sanctuary. His oasis. His SALVATION.
He can’t take it anymore. And he will do whatever it took to make it up to you.
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[This is the first time I’m posting anything here so I’m sorry for any mistakes! Doing this on 3-4 hours of sleep so I apologize for any errors you might see lol. This is could be seen as an “open ending” sort of thing so take it how you see fit. Also, this can go to any person/character that you fancy, but I mainly thought of Genshin Impact/Honkai Star Rail characters and Leon Kennedy from The RE series.]
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Kiss from a Rose_Part 3
A.N: A three part series featuring Neuvillette x Reader! 
Genshin Impact MasterList
When you woke up the next morning, you did what you always did since Neuvillette turned into an otter, you headed to the bathroom to check on him….
….to find the tub empty. 
The last visage of sleepiness faded away as you stared at the tub, completely empty of water. 
And the last thread that you had trying to hold everything together in such a tumultuous time, snapped.  A sense of panic overcame you. You twisted quite violently, intending on calling for Neuvillette when you bump into something. 
You were dimly aware of the soft yet sturdy hands grasping your shoulders. It took you a moment to realize someone was speaking. You blinked dumbly as you looked up, to see your husband Neuvillette gazing down at you, his eyebrows pinched slightly. 
“Y/N, please calm yourself. Breathe, my love. Everything is alright. I am here.” Neuvillette murmured, reaching down to bring your hand up to rest over his heart. 
Neuvillette had been quite surprised when he woke up back in his human form. The water was stone-cold, not exactly ideal, so he stood gracefully, easing the creaks from his newly reformed body before turning and letting the water out. 
As he waited for the water to drain, he eased the door open. He knew you were long since asleep. He should have time to get a shower and dress before you awoke. But he didn’t want to go too far, nor did he want to disturb your rest. However, despite his good intentions, you still managed to start descending into panic anyway. As such, he only managed to slip into his pants before you woke up. 
It took a moment, as you stared at Neuvillette. Then: “Neuvillette?” 
“I’m right here.” 
Your gaze dropped to your hand over his chest. You curled your hand slightly as if you could cup his heart. You could feel the steady beat of his heart, proof that he was okay.  Then you looked back up and with trembling fingers reached up to cup his face. His lavender eyes gazed steadily down at you. 
“Are you…really okay?” You gave him a once over glance before returning back to his face. 
A small quirk tugged at his lips, “Indeed. I am well.” 
“Perhaps Mr. Lyney wasn’t far off the mark yesterday.” 
You stared a moment before furrowing your eyebrows, “I always kissed your head every night since you've become an otter. I highly doubt that was it.” 
Neuvillette raised an eyebrow, “Oh? Then perhaps it was time gated the entire time? Either way, your guess is as good as mine. I’m only thankful at this point in time, but we have other matters to attend to. Forgive me, Y/N. I know this is moving entirely too fast.” 
“No, no, it’s fine.” You dropped your hands from his face, “The pressing matter is reintroducing you back into society with a story they’ll believe and looking into what turned you into an otter in the first place.” 
“Thank you for caring for the Melsuines while I was…shall we say, incapacitated.” 
You looked at him sharply, “You weren’t dead, Hydro Dragon. You were just an otter. But no gratitude is necessary. I think of the Melsuines as my own as well.” 
At this, Neuvillette gave a fond, soft smile. You were a little taken aback. It’s been a minute since you seen his face, much less when he decided to emote. You cleared your throat and turned away from him. More for his sake than yours. If you had your way, you would be selfish enough to keep Neuvillette to yourself until tomorrow as the latest. But others has been kept in suspense long enough. 
“I’ll tell Traveler and Navia to come over. Between the four of us, we can come up with something. You can finish getting dressed.” 
Before you could step away, two arms wrapped around you from behind.
“I promise. We’ll have time to ourselves soon enough, my love. We deserve that after all this unnecessary drama.” 
“Hm.” You nodded once. 
Instead of letting go, Neuvillette’s hug became a little firmer as he dropped is head to the crook of your shoulder.  He really wanted to forsake the world, if only to prolong this for a moment longer.
Would another day really hurt?
Yet, he had a duty to the people of Fontaine. The ludex of Fontaine going missing was too big of a headline to ignore. But he also had a duty as a husband. He wanted nothing more than to take you further into his arms. Both duties conflicted with one another. 
You reached up with both hands to grasp his arm as you spoke quietly, “Keep this up, and you’ll tempt me.” 
Neuvillette rose his head, “You are mistaken, Y/N. You are the temptation. One that I wish nothing more right now to drown in.” 
“Neuvillette please….” 
He reached over with one hand and tilted your chin. His lavender eyes were smoldering, “I’m at your mercy. Please be kind to me.” 
You snatched away from him with a laugh, “Neuvillette, please! I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you need to control yourself. Now, I won’t tell you again! Get dressed!” 
You all but ran out of the room. You needed to keep it together for a while longer. First, let’s alert the Traveler and Navia. 
Yes, let’s do that. 
If the absence of the ludex of Fontaine was a spectacle, the return was nothing less than a circus. At this point, you were happy to let the others do clean-up work, you didn’t really care much for the finer points. You were just satisfied to have Neuvillette back. You knew that Neuvillette and the Traveler had looked into what turned him into an otter, but there wasn’t much to go on.
Strangely, he didn’t really remember how it happened, other than it was in that area. He seemed to remember smelling something weird but nothing else. Traveler did a thorough inspection but found nothing as well. 
It seemed it would remain a mystery to all… 
The first day back, Neuvillette went back to Mersua Village and you went with him. You laughed as the younger Melsuines all crawled over Neuvillette. It was a wonder he wasn’t sitting in a flood of tears. 
Neuvillette took it in stride, perfectly composed as he gave his assurances and hugged and kissed as many wanted it. It was hours before the village could begin to return to some semblance of normal. That was the last time you would see Neuvillette for a long period of time. 
For the next three weeks, Neuvillette had paperwork and trials that had been put on hold, backed up, that he needed to catch up on. You insisted on bringing him lunch and dinner and ate with him, to have a little bit of time together. He even slept in his office to make up for lost time. He was always apologetic, but you should just shook your head with a warm smile. You wanted to make his life as painless as possible. 
Now that Neuvillette was back to normal, you could return to your work at a flower shop. The work kept your mind occupied as the days passed. 
Then one day, just as you were finishing the preparations for dinner, the door open. You furrowed your eyebrows. Who the-?
You peeked out of the kitchen, suspicious, only to be dumbfounded. “Neuvillette?”
“I hope I’m not too late for dinner?” 
“Uh, I was just going to start making my way there.” You had already put everything in their proper containers for the would have been on the go meal. 
Neuvillette gave a small bow, “Forgive me. I would have sent word, but I wanted it to be a surprised, and truly I didn’t know until almost the last minute. Would it be troubling to change the to-go order?” 
“Uh, no problem. No problem at all!” You stated before pulling back into the kitchen to plate everything. 
Neuvillette had disappeared into the bathroom to freshen up before returning, just as you placed the plate of steaming hot food on the table. 
“I managed to get the rest of the evening off. I had hoped to spend the evening with my wife.” 
“You caught up to everything?” You asked as you sat down with your own plate. 
“Define caught up? There is always trials and paperwork I could be doing, but me and my capable staff has managed to get it back to a semblance of normal. Besides, the Melsuines have been antsy….” 
“Oh, what for? Are they alright?” you asked as you both tucked into your food. 
“Oh, yes, they are well. Sedene and the others are concerned that I have been neglecting you. Sedene all but pushed me out the door.”
You laughed once, “Hardly. I understand your work. This was an unfortunately unseen incident that needed to be addressed.” 
“While that was true, it is no longer. The incident has been contained, and we have since come through on the other side. There is time for….other things.” 
You choked and coughed once. 
Neuvillette reached out and touched his hand over yours, “You alright?” 
“Yes, I’m fine. Wrong pipe.” 
Comfortable silence lingered as you ate the rest of your food. Once you were almost done, you asked, “I take it you aren’t due back until tomorrow morning?” 
“Tomorrow afternoon. After lunch, actually.” 
“Hm. Sedene put her hands on her hips and said if she saw me before then, bad things would happen.” 
“Bad things?” 
“I suppose that was her way of trying to coerce me not to show up before the appropriate time.” 
You chuckled. It was a cute rendition of trying to be a threat. “I suppose we don’t want a Melusine revolt.” 
“Indeed not. I shall endeavor to heed her wish…this time.” 
“A good deal.” You stated as you stood and collected the plates before walking over to the washer. You were going to absently start cleaning up with two arms wrapped around you. 
“Those can keep until tomorrow.” 
“Says the one that doesn’t have to do it.” You murmured, but you leaned back into his chest anyway. It didn’t seem like you needed much convincing. 
Neuvillette wordlessly turned you around before grasping your hand. You followed him to the couch before sitting down. He sat only after you did. 
Then he raised his hand and cupped your cheek, “I hadn’t the time to properly thank you for your assistance during this incident. You did admirable to keep everything together and keep it moving. Even in these last three weeks, I hadn’t heard a word of complaint. I know all of this has been hard on you. Please don’t lock yourself away anymore. I’m here now.” 
You shook your head as you lowered your gaze. You blinked. Ahh, now your eyes were becoming wet. You absently shook your head to clear it away. 
Neuvillette lifted your chin, “Cry if you want to cry. I’ve finished my duty to Fontaine for the moment. Now I must see to my duty to my wife.” 
You gave a breathless sob coupled with a laugh, “I don’t…” 
“Hush. You don’t have to keep it together anymore. Not right now.” He leaned his forehead on yours, “I’m here to catch you, my love.” 
Then you were sobbing. All the stress since the start of this incident pouring out. Neuvillette gathered you in his arms, holding you close. One hand stroked your back soothingly while the other held the back of your head. He could feel you shudder in his arms, as you held tight onto him. He wouldn’t dare let go before you did. 
When your sobs died down, you rested in his arms, head on his shoulder. One hand reached up and began playing with his hair. Now you were feeling tired. You hummed as you felt him kiss your forehead. 
“Thank you…” you finally murmured. 
“Such a thing is unnecessary.” Neuvillette returned, using the hand of the arm wrapped around you to tilt your chin. With his other hand, he began to carefully wipe away the tears. He was being so gentle, it made you want to cry all over again. 
“Take as much as you need, hm?” Neuvillette murmured, “As long as you don’t hide yourself. We are on your time now.” 
You couldn’t seem to check your emotions, even though it was clear you didn't’ not have to. You duck your head into Neuvillette’s shoulder, hiding your face from him. Did he know what you felt when he looked at you like that? 
“Perhaps…there is something you want?” Neuvillette asked. 
You shook your head, “I’m just grateful for your return.” 
“Yes, something else, perhaps?” 
“Your good health.” 
“Hm. And?” 
“Your happiness?” 
“Just I want your happiness as well, but right now, if you excuse my being presumptuous, I think there is something else you want above all of that. And lest you are mistaken, it is something I’d want just as well.” 
“Oh?” This time, a smile teased as your lips as you let out a giggle. 
Neuvillette tilted your head once again, forcing you to meet his gaze. His lavender eyes had gotten a shade deeper, and your breath caught. You couldn’t break away from his gaze, even if you wanted to. His leaned forward, the mere inch that separated you, lips hovering over yours. Your eyes fluttered. It felt you had kept your emotions in check for so long, that even now you feared letting go. 
“My love, let you catch you.” 
At his whisper, you closed the space, surging forward to capture his lips. 
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airyravenmaid · 4 months
As someone who's been secretly teetering around the SAGAU (that's "Self-Aware Genshin AU" for those who aren't aware 🥁) tag and works while thoroughly enjoying a lot of them, I think today's finally the day I put my own two cents in on it. Particularly, my two cents about how a certain redheaded owl stud would act in that verse. By all means, no hate to anybody who's written him any differently in their SAGAU stuff-- we're all here to have fun and junk; this is just how I personally think he'd be. You are free to disagree with any and everything I have to say under the cut, but I will have no badmouthing or the like.
Being perfectly honest, I haven't really seen much of Diluc in a ton of SAGAU works outside of him either being part of the "get the 'Imposter'" mob or individually attacking us if he comes across us solo and isn't in the know that we the reader are the real deal. Basically, he's more or less just kinda lumped in with the other highly devoted followers of the Creator without really standing out much in the plot. And, nothing particularly wrong with that, no, no, no, but here's where my hee-ho funny hot take comes in:
I don't actually think Diluc would really worship the Creator. In fact, I don't think he'd even like us at first. *Sojiro voice* Let me explain!
Diluc Ragnvindr is, in every sense of the word, a disenchanted young man. Now, we know he wasn't born as such, but we have the Knights of Favonius disgracing Crepus' death while the wound was still fresh and the falling out between Diluc and Kaeya upon the latter's revelation as a Khaenri'ahn spy to blame for that. Blah, blah, blah, that's right, we heard the story, over and over again, so, where does this tie into my personal interpretation of his thoughts on the Creator, you may ask? Well!
In the happier, more idealistic years before all hell broke loose on his 18th birthday, Diluc most likely did worship and revere the Creator per his upbringing since I think Crepus also worshipped them like a good chunk of Mondstadt does. No problems there. But, where was the "all-powerful, ever-benevolent" God of Teyvat when he'd lost his father and brother on that same, horrible night in different ways? What did they do when the Knights of Favonius openly spat on his father's name just to save their undeserved reputation? What did they give him during that four-year suicide mission he spent indiscriminately hunting Fatui agents before promptly getting the ban of a lifetime from the entire Nation of Cryo?
Nowhere, nothing, and radio silence.
Just another unreliable let-down added to the list, and another knife to his back.
(Imposter AU-wise) So, come present day, when the Great Big Phony™ drops and takes a throne that very much does not belong to them, everybody's over the moon and pulling out all the stops for their beloved God... except Diluc. Now, he's not so stupid that he openly badmouths the apparent Creator since that would get him some pretty unpleasant looks and land him in rather hot water, so instead, he shows no open reaction while rolling his eyes and scoffing at them wherever people can't see or hear. And, if we're going with the traditional portrayal of the Imposter being an uncaring tyrant, his already diminished opinion of the Creator's image is only further soured. He does nothing to damper or criticize anybody's faith since it's far from his place to, but they certainly won't see him joining in any day of the week, either.
And then comes the "Imposter", who's actually the true Creator that's been jiffy-popped into Genshin's world from the real one. Now, while he thinks it's beyond ridiculous that the people of Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius (though, not as much surprise for the latter-- always so inefficient...) find it just to hunt down and torture somebody solely for looking like the Creator especially since nobody in town gives a shit that Venti and Barbatos look disturbingly alike for reasons only he (plus Jean and maybe Kaeya, if his Hangout implies anything) knows without actually presenting themselves as an active threat to humanity like, say, the Abyss Order or the Fatui, Diluc still can't help but secretly hand it to the alleged Imposter for being the first to have the guts to knock that "divine do-nothing" down a peg in some way, even if it is considered quite the risky move.
Should he encounter us while we're running for our lives worse for the wear for the above reason (and truly confirming that we mean no real harm and are just a victim of very unfortunate circumstance), Diluc is open to helping us get away safely under the radar and giving false info to the KoF like he did in his Story Quest since getting caught helping Teyvat's most wanted by the mob would not end well for him, either. And, he's pretty amicable when patching us up... but then he sees the dried gold blood and scars all over our body and realizes exactly who we really are. No, he doesn't do a full 180 and start blastin', but Diluc sure is now a lot colder towards us than he already is in general. Still helps us out, but we can taste the sudden mood drop. At some point, we discover his resent towards us for (from his perspective; can't exactly explain that we didn't actually make any of the characters' backstories since we're not HoYoverse and whatnot bc that wouldn't make sense to anyone in Genshin within the confines of the Creator!Reader AU without us sounding completely crazy) being seemingly nowhere to be seen around his and others' suffering despite being the God of All Gods capable of doing literally anything to help it, but simply choosing not to. Even if the Reader rightfully says they didn't do anything, Diluc's cold rebuttal is something along the lines of "No. You didn't.", and it's not the least bit reassuring.
If he were to stick around with us a bit longer during our escape from Mondstadt/whirlwind journey, then Diluc would come to understand that we really weren't as in control of everything bad happening to him or the world as he initially believed, especially if in his misguided blaming, it causes Reader to develop one HELL of a guilt complex feeling like they are responsible for fixing everything if it means putting an end to all the nonsense and abuse some of their once-beloved characters/acolytes are putting them through. Granted, the actual Imposter does have to be stopped and dethroned for all the shit they're pulling, but that's really all that falls on us as the unfortunate hero.
Other than that condition, though, we basically have someone that's thankfully not looking to hunt us down for absurd reasons and even helps us in our need, but at the same time curses us for letting him and many others down by not acting in some way when it mattered most.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
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Click Me For Part 1!
𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬…
Warning! This Series Includes: Spoilers to Genshin Impact Lore & The Characters Might be OOC!
So. You had no idea where the heck you are (technically speaking), and you're talking to the Traveler and Venti. And Paimon. You've barely spent a day here, and things were already looking like they were becoming more and more like a source of lore material.
Which, you suppose, you kinda are. You just got a bombed dropped in your face about being Istaroth not even thirty minutes ago. And, the more you think about it, the more you wonder if your friends (you only have 3 others in your friend group—it was a reasonable assumption) are the rest of the Shining Shades of the Primordial One. You all probably were, if sagau fanfics taught you anything.
"Uh...Venti, who is this?" Paimon asks, her little floating-self hovering in mid-air. She had the classical hand to her chin as she thought, her head pushed forward as if to get a better look at you. "I don't think we ever met her before."
"Ah, allow me to introduce you to an old friend of mine!" Venti cheers, plastering on a smile. Damn, ain't this bard good at hiding his emotions. You wish you had that ability. "This is my friend, Y/N. They recently just arrived to Mondstadt, and they got curious about the Tree of Vanessa, so this humble bard just had to show the newcomer the legendary tree of where the fallen Lionfang Knight hero rests!"
The Traveler tilts their head at Venti, before looking over at you. You gulp, trying not to show how unnerved you were. You knew that the Traveler was pretty keen (in some things), so they no doubt picked up Venti's definition of "old friend."
How funny, because you probably know little to nothing about the bard next to you, smiling as bright as the sun as if the world needed extra brightness (like discord bright mode, honestly. It's giving you an eyesore staring at it).
"Oh, alright!" Paimon cheers, not even thinking about anything the bard just said. "So—where does your friend originate from?" She peers curiously at you, and you finally realize that Paimon must've caught on a similar definition to the Traveler. Except, you assume, the Traveler suspected you to be a god of some sort, while Paimon thinks you were a archon that was just visiting Mondstadt.
And it's only now you realized that you had no mora. And it's not like you tried to summon your Paimon Menu—Venti's fiasco of making you feel like an abnormal T-Rex got caught in the way before you could try it.
"I...uh..." You stutter out, coughing into your fist. God dang it, since when was it this hard to talk all of a sudden? You were doing so well before! "I originate...from Mondstadt, but I moved to Inazuma."
It was basically true. Enkanomiya was technically found in Inazuma near Watatsumi Island. And, according to Venti, if Istaroth was to be worshipped by the people of Mondstadt, you basically just moved nations so that you wouldn't go into slumber from the lack of such.
"Oh, that makes sense!" Paimon says, smiling with relief that you weren't an archon. The Traveler looks at you curiously, but you can tell there is some suspicion in their eyes. Clearly, they weren't buying your alibi just yet. "So, uh—is Venti giving you a tour around the place?"
"Yes," you immediately blurt out, which you kind of regret. "He uh—he saw me cluelessly looking around and—you know—uhm, kindly provided to be my tour guide around the Region of Mondstadt."
"Ehe, indeed I did!" Venti exclaims, puffing out his chest. Damn, was this guy good at bluffing. Share me your skills, You begged. You seriously need some acting lessons. "In fact, we were just about to be on our way to the Temple of A Thousand Winds!"
"Ooh, that's cool!" Paimon says happily. "If you'd like, we can show you the way there!" Venti gasps dramatically.
"Are you saying that I'd get us lost?" He pouts. "Come on, have some faith in this travelling bard!" Paimon and the Traveler give each other a quick look, clearly a little...doubtful, to say the least. Paimon turns around to face him.
"Yes," She says, crossing her arms with a deadpan. "Tone Deaf Bard, how exactly are we sure that you aren't getting Y/N lost? Wait a second—Paimon's got a better question! Did you had any alcohol?" You snort.
"Ehe, nope!" Venti smiles. "Surprising, isn't it? I didn't even have the time before I decided to help!"
"Yeah...Paimon doesn't believe you for some reason."
And that's how you managed to get the Traveler and Paimon to help you find the Temple of A Thousand Winds! Boy, you had no idea how the heck this happened, but at least you found it and the Traveler was here! (Assuming that Venti's theory is correct, and the Traveler has to have something to do with you being Istaroth somehow—)
"Holy cow...So this is what it looks like..." you mutter to yourself. You've only ever seen it as through a gaming computer, and even then, the images were still pixels. But this? This was a whole new level.
"Ehe, yep!" Venti cheers. "This is the Temple of A Thousand Winds for you!"
"Uhm, you mind if I take a look around?" You look at the others, waiting for a confirmation. Listen, Venti piqued your interests, and now you're curious to find the a broken statue of Istaroth or something around here.
"Sure, but be careful!" Paimon warns. "If you want, the Traveler and I can accompany you!"
"I have Venti." You point at the dude beside you. "Isn't he enough?"
"With how much Paimon knows of Tone-Deaf Bard, I doubt he'll help you." Paimon crosses her arms, a deadpan on her face. The Traveler chuckles, shaking their head in a fond way.
So, naturally, you all just stuck together, trying to find the one thing you came for—which Venti was trying to hint at which directions you need to go from the very beginning of the search, and of course—you catching absolutely none of them, for several hours.
"So uh, not to pry, Y/N, but what exactly are you looking for?" Paimon questions. Oh yeah—"not to pry" your backside. You sigh—there's no point in lying.
"I'm looking for a Statue of Istaroth," you explain. "I...I heard this place worshipped them and I got curious, so I wanted to see it for myself."
"Hm...Paimon's never seen a Statue of Istaroth from all the times we've been here." She looks over at the Traveler. "But sure, let us help!" Her eyes sparkle as she gets an idea. "Ooh, maybe there's some more hidden treasure around here! Come on, Traveler, let's go find the trea—uh, the Statue of Istaroth!"
You found it during the evening, but you could care less—your legs were dead tired just running around, avoiding monsters, avoiding whatever debris that was suddenly appearing, and standing around like a fish out of water. You need a break from this nuisance—you still weren't even sure yourself if you were indeed Istaroth!
"What kind of god is that?" Paimon wonders out loud. "Paimon's never seen a Statue of Seven look like that before!"
"That," Venti starts with a smile. "Is the Statue of Istaroth, the God of Time."
His voice echoes somehow, and despite the not-so cold atmosphere, you feel shivers crawling down your spine. Were you really Istaroth?
"Huh....Hey, Traveler! Since it looks like it's similar to a Statue of Seven, maybe you can try resonating it!" Paimon gasps. "Just think—what if you get some extra cool powers from it?!" Her galactic eyes sparkle.
The Traveler complies with a smile, reaching out to touch the Statue of Istaroth. You watch with bated breath, unsure of how to react in the current situation you were practically thrown into.
A huge blast of anemo explodes, filling the entire debris around you shaking off old dust as the anemo swirls around all of you. Venti was practically the only one who was smiling, and for once, you can read him like an open book—he was reminiscing as the familiar anemo energy continues to swirl and explode.
When it finally settles, you feel something wave through your chest—as if a breeze has somehow find a tunnel in straight through your entire body, sending small shivers throughout.
"Huh...so it did nothing?" Paimon's disappointment was evident on her face, just as much as the confusion. "That's strange...Paimon's never seen a Statue of Seven act like that."
Just as Venti open his mouth to speak, a loud, booming voice, awfully similar to your own, echoes.
"𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐦…𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬?"
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I honestly have no idea where this series will lead to—I am practically writing this without a plot planned and that is not good :') However! Feel free to give me your ideas and/or thoughts about this series—perhaps I might even add them in 👀
Stay safe & healthy everyone!
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dreams-and-drabbles · 2 years
i request Genshin angst
how Genshin men react when you wanna break up with them. :')
Oh, anon. I adore angst. This is going to be incredibly fun to write…
He’s distraught— His first response is “Did I do something wrong?”
When you explain it just didn’t work, he stops asking questions and accepts that the two of you are over. He avoids your gaze as he excuses himself, and from the corner of your gaze, you can see he’s bitten down on his lip enough to bleed.
Thoma is happy to leave the relationship in the past, which unfortunately also meant leaving you in the past, as well…
Your friendship never really recovered from that. The two of you interacted just fine with others in the room, but anytime it was just the two of you alone, a tense silence seemed to overtake the room. It didn’t break until one of you left or someone else entered.
It was almost like you didn’t exist to him anymore, and you’re not really sure how exactly you feel about that…
Kaeya’s response is a self deprecating laugh and a bitter, “I told you so. Everyone tires of me eventually.”
If you thought it was hard to understand him before, after the breakup it seemed as though an entire ocean separated you from Kaeya.
While the two of you could still hold a conversation and even had friendly interactions, there was no real spark there anymore when you talked.
It felt as though the both of you were acting, in a desperate attempt to keep the normalcy.
Somehow, the others you’re acquainted with seem to think you and Kaeya are still fairly close.
At least, you’re fooling them… Neither you nor Kaeya can truly fool yourselves into thinking that things will ever quite be ‘okay’ between you again…
His initial response is surprise, but he quickly writes it off, and asks for your reasoning to breakup.
He takes your explanation quite well, and his response is, “I understand. It will do no one any good trying to hold onto something that is not working…”
You and Ayato remain friends, and the two of you can still interact as you did before.
Perhaps, it’s because Ayato has seen and experienced relationships that didn’t work, but his response to the situation is one of incredible tact.
Sometimes, the two of you reminisce on things you did while dating, and those conversations always leaves you with a bittersweet sense.
At the end of the day, at least you still had each other… It just wasn’t in the way it used to be, as you both knew that wouldn’t work. ((Although, sometimes you wish it could.))
His response to the breakup is a cold, “Okay.”
Any warmth he may have displayed to you dissipated after that, and he treated you like he would a stranger.
Diluc went above and beyond to keep you at arm’s length, and it equal parts hurt and equal parts made you mad.
You ask him one day, if everything you’d had amounted to nothing, and his response was—
“I asked that too, when you decided that we weren’t enough.”
Needless to say, that response was like a slap to the face, and you’ve started visiting the Cat’s Tail instead…
He accepts the breakup rather gracefully, but as soon as you’ve parted ways, he throws himself into his work.
Cyno does not know how to deal with emotions at the best of times, so he goes on a hunting spree, tracking down as many targets as he can for the next month…
You’re concerned, of course, but anytime the two of you run into each other, he’s on his way to track yet another target…
You’re lucky if you even catch sight of him, after all of this…
Al Haitham
His first response is to list all of the reasons you should continue to date him, and why he was a logical choice. After you explained that emotions weren’t logical by any means, however, he accepted your reasons and let it drop—
Surprisingly, your friendship withstood the breakup fairly well, except now Al Haitham seemed to be incredibly interested in your emotional response to everything.
You went from dating to becoming his lab rat, and you’re not fond of that in the slightest—
When you explain this to Al Haitham, he immediately takes note of your response, and the next time you’re out he’s incredibly charming.
When you eventually ask him why he’s doing all this, his response is—
“I’m attempting to find some sort of logic in all of this, so that I can distract myself from the illogical hurt that I feel. Do you understand?”
To say you feel bad for your earlier words is an understatement—
The worst part was that in no way did Al Haitham attempt to make you feel guilty…
You just did…
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mxdnightlvers · 2 years
𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡- 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𓆩♡𓆪
➸ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Church by chase Atlantic but the lyrics matches sex with the Genshin men
➸𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Alhaitham, Zhongli, Childe/Tartaglia
➸ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: religious references (zhongli), the song itself references terms like church and preaching in a sexual sense, breeding, humiliation, oral sex, overstim
➸ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬/𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Afab reader + Gender Neutral Pronouns
➸ 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: It’s been soooo long since I’ve written anything and I’ve missed it so much!! I’m finally glad to be back writing so have this fic <3 Also chase Atlantic is my fav band and church is my fav song from them so :))) Also also ill get to requests soon this was just to get back into the hang of things
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“I’m about to take you back to church” ~ Zhongli
This man will have you on your knees, begging for more of him- worshipping him. He may be the former archon- but an archon nonetheless. You are to treat him as one. You are to worship him, his cock and his hands and his name. Thanking him for being able to just taste and feel his cock inside any of your holes. Oh how you’re so grateful for someone so divine to cum inside your cunt. His seed is too precious for you to waste, keeping it all inside your hole or eagerly swallowing every last drop. Of course, he cums inside you so much that some unfortunately spills out. But it’s okay! Because Zhongli will so kindly collect it on his fingers and shove them in your mouth. You’d taste yourself and his cum on his fingers and still lick them clean. Obeying so nicely that you deserve a reward! He’d cum inside you over and over again, filling your pretty hole up. The warm liquid just spilling inside you drives you wild that it has you cumming on his cock for the nth time. God, the way you just tighten around his cock has him seeing stars. He’d chase after that feeling, having you cum over and over, abusing your clit just so he can feel your walls tighten around his cock. Marking you everywhere and all you can do is just weakly thank him. You’re so lucky to have an archon using your cunt to feel good, lucky to have him mark you as his so as a loyal believer you should thank him! Reduced to a dumb fucked out mess, the archon would continue fucking into your weak body, making you see heaven itself.
“Well tell me your confessions baby, what’s the worst?” - Childe
His fingers would be so tantalizingly slow, rubbing your folds and purposely ignoring your needy hole. He’d be teasing you for so long that you’ll have to beg him to do anything. “Hm? Do what baby I wouldn’t know what to do if you don’t tell me,” The glare you shot him would seem so intimidating to any other person but he remained between your legs, a playful smirk on his face as he continues his slow movements. Turning your head more into the pillow you mumble out a “I need you- inside me.” As embarrassing as it was, you’d be facing a lot more humiliation as he wasn’t quite satisfied with your vague answer. “Me? Inside you? I don’t know what you want inside you. You have to tell me exactly what you want baby.” His emphasis on ‘exactly’ had your eyes wide with shock as you realized what he meant. As much as you didn’t want to say, he was not going to be moving if you did nothing. So with one deep breath, he had you begging for his cock inside you. Not wasting a moment to push himself to the hilt inside you but oh- he wasn’t finished there. He wanted you to tell him exactly how to fuck you. Slow? Rough? Fast? He wanted to hear you beg for him to fuck you so hard that you can barely think. And if you didn’t? He’d simply stay buried still inside you until you’re spilling all your desires to him. He wanted to hear how much you never wanted him to stop when he’s fucking into you. To hear you say how much you want him to keep fucking you senseless. Telling you he’s gonna cum and for you to beg him to cum inside you within a heartbeat. Sweet moans begging for him to fill you up so nicely so that you still feel his cum inside you after you’re finished. He’d gladly do anything you want, once you ask him nicely for it <3
“Baptise in your thighs til it hurts.” -Alhaitham
This man would have you crying on his tongue. You’d be cumming at least three times before he even penetrates you. There’s just something so satisfying about watching you squirm against his tongue while you try to push him off from the overstimulation. Something so addictive to the way your eyes flicker with a moment of fear as he wraps his hands around your thighs to pull you back down. Watching the tears stream down your face as he brings you to yet another orgasm. Slender fingers fucking you through your orgasm as he finally pulls away. Green eyes staring down at your already fucked out state as he wraps your legs around his waist, cock penetrating your already sensitive hole. He won't even give you a moment to breathe, fucking you senseless when he feels how tight you are around him. Lifting your legs up even higher to pound you further into the mattress. His hands are wrapped so tightly around your thighs that he leaves red imprints on your skin. Nails digging into your flesh as he feels his orgasm approaching, bringing your knees up to your chest so that his cock stretches you out even more. He's fucking you so fast and rough that you can barely form coherent words, reducing you to a shaky babbling mess of tears and moans as he abuses your sensitive hole. His hand rubbing circles on your clit, ignoring your pleas as you whine and squirm under him, bringing you to yet another orgasm. Alhaitham unable to hold back any longer and cumming inside you, holding your hips in place as he regains himself. You're tired and worn out and finally get a moment to catch your breath until you feel him moving again, a sadistic smile on him as he confirms your thoughts. "We're not done yet my love, we have so much more to do." <3
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tklpilled · 8 months
me when your writing😍😍😍😍
UMM ok genshin fics you should so write amth with lee!aether snd ler!kaeya im SUCH a sucker for ler kaeya my god
kaeya hasn't known the honorary knight for long, but the one thing he's gathered so far is that they overwork themself way too much. really, they might even be worse than albedo, which is both impressive and highly concerning.
aether yawns for what must be the thirtieth time in the past half hour, their head drooping before they force themself awake again. they've been out all day, slaying monsters and delivering items. come to think of it, they were doing that all day yesterday, too, and the day before that. each time, they had already been working by the time kaeya woke up, and each time they were still at it by the time he went to bed.
…archons, when was the last time they slept? really, kaeya won't be a hypocrite and tell them to stop overloading themself with work, but at least he has the sense to take a break every once in a while!
he sighs and walks over to their table in the library. their little fairy companion is already asleep in the room that's been loaned to them in the headquarters, but kaeya can't even remember the last time he saw aether go in there. the more he thinks about it, the more worried he gets.
"traveler," he says, which startles aether so badly that their book drops from their hands and onto the floor. kaeya holds back a small laugh at that as he looks around the library. no one else is in there to hear, but, well. lisa scares him a little.
"c-captain kaeya," they stammer, blinking up at him as though they're trying to register what they're seeing. "sorry, i just need to finish this for miss flora…and…" they begin to trail off, closing their eyes for a moment.
kaeya sighs. it's a little amusing, he can't lie, but he's not just going to let them continue like this. "that can wait until tomorrow, i'm sure. or rather," he pauses to consider the time, "later today. really, traveler, it's much too late for you to still be working."
aether reaches up to rub their eyes. they still haven't picked the book off the ground. kaeya wonders if they're even awake enough to realise. "i'll be fine—"
"aether," kaeya interrupts, making them pause. he marches closer to them, snaking an arm around their waist and attempting to pull them up. he expects them to argue, of course, but he's not expecting them to flinch away and burst into giggles almost immediately.
but kaeya is good at adapting to things, and if anything, this makes it easier for him.
"come on," he sings playfully, pulling them against him with one arm and wriggling his fingers into their exposed tummy. "bed. let's go."
they double over, squirming as they squeak and snort. "ack—c-cahahaptahain k-kahahaha—! p-plehehease! juhuhust a little lohohonger!"
for someone who wears such revealing clothes, they're more ticklish than kaeya thought, although he can tell that their drowsiness is making them more giggly than usual.
"you'll have plenty of time later. it won't kill you to rest, you know." kaeya finds a soft spot near their side, one that makes them nearly collapse to the ground trying to escape.
still, aether stubbornly shakes their head. "i cahahan't! thehere's nohot much left, i can wahahahait—eek! stohop it!" their voice rises in pitch when kaeya's other hand joins in on the torment. they're more of a mess than before, their braid loose and messy and their face red. they still won't give in, but that's fine with kaeya—their laughter is addicting, and he wouldn't mind doing this until they admit defeat. he keeps kneading and squeezing the one spot he's found already, his second hand scribbling over all the bare skin he can find. he pokes around near the center of their stomach, right next to—
"mehehehercy!" they suddenly plead, knees wobbling beneath them. "plehehehease, nohot thehere! ihi'll stop, i'll stohohop, just no mohohore!"
kaeya stops instantly, supporting them under their arms before they can fall. "there," he teases, smirking at their flustered state. "that wasn't so hard, was it?"
they glance away, but lean closer to him nonetheless. "y-yohou're cruel," they gasp, catching their breath. "tohorture…"
"ah, but it was effective, was it not?" kaeya hoists them over his shoulder, ignoring their tiny yelp of protest, and starts to leave. "you'll thank me once you've gotten a nice, long rest."
"mmmm…" they mumble.
by the time he reaches their spare room, aether is already asleep.
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bananntoo · 1 year
armin hcs
where did all of the armin fic writers go- ITS FINALS SEASON I NEED Y’ALL ! CAME BACK😭😭😭
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• he listens to shoe gaze and krnb i just know it
• like his top artists of last year was 100% whirr, alex g, and dosii
• also his playlists don’t have names- its all symbols like “↯︎” “☆︎” “*”
• his spotify, his widgets, his home screen- all blue or like a forest green
• want a show to watch? good luck getting an answer from him
• when his favorite hobbies, shows, games get popular he drops it and moves on
• ”im an og fan”
• ”i liked it before it was popular”
• yea yea we get it 😒
• speaking of interests he can ramble about them for hours
• random facts about the ocean, human body, us history-
• its like he knows everything
• like why are you in school go teach somewhere or something
• growing up his favorite shows were max and ruby and yo gabba gabba i can feel it in my bones!
• im also sensing a little bit of doodlebops…
• his favorite yo gabba gabba character was probably muno and his favorite doodlebop was deedee
• does weird only child things like gets mad when you don’t automatically agree with him
• eggs
• thats about it
• but he enjoys baking and cooking with you
• he’s just not very good at it😭
• all ap student
• he’s definitely in the first quartile
• maybe top 25
• from the lunch line everyday he doesn’t buy lunch
• just a fruit parfait
• maybe a cookie for eren
• but a lot of days he doesn’t eat lunch
• in roblox horror games he gets scared easily and will scream so loud
• you always end up going first
• flee the facility will have him near tears
• shaking while he crouches to avoid the catcher
• i don’t think he’s too much of a gamer though
• more if a only play with friends
• crab games, roblox, zelda
• i see him as more of an rpg player than a fps player
• like he has a really embarrassing genshin phase
• like
• REALLY embarrassing
• his genshin main was xiao main and never stfu about it
• but he’s over it now
• he’s a changed man
• he has a faceless anime account that got big during the summer 2021 tokyo revengers era but now it’s super dry
• says “hmm?” a lot when you are talking
• he’s so cute omg
• he’s so sassy
• mid text convo he goes “okay wtv” or something
• like okay sass much
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ephemeral--dreams · 1 year
take it & put it inside of me (2/2)
Rating: T
Word count: 1564
Warnings: Some references to what happened in part one but no violence in this one
Notes: Fucking around and finding out with the genshin lore
( part 1 ) 
☆ ☾ ☆ ──────────────────
Sifting through the information contained within irminsul comes with all manner of temptations and distractions.
It's not what he's here for, but he can't help prying a little. Who can blame him for his curiosity? You're an enigma that he can't pry apart, and here lies the chance to unravel the mystery. Just a peek. A detour, just to investigate you.
It's only the briefest of explorations. Scaramouche must return to seeking the information he's here to get. But he takes what little he finds and keeps it inside.
Getting his own memories back undoes what he did. Slowly, his existence returns to irminsul, memories of him seeping back into the world. And when they do, you eventually seek him out. 
Sumeru is so full of life. To see someone as lifeless as you standing in such a vibrant place feels wrong. You were more suited to the cold, dead environment of inazuma. Yet regardless, here you were.
"It's been a while. What, missed me too much to go on without me?"
"I was hardly going to hand myself over to be anyone else's outlet," You gaze at him assessingly. He can't quite read your expression. Never has he been able to. You linger on his vision before meeting his eyes again. "You look different."
"Well, I am different. Things happened. Life goes on. I'm never going back to Snezhnaya, before you ask."
"Where does that leave me?"
He waves a hand. "Do what you want… I guess I wouldn't complain about having you around again."
It's as much of an invitation as you would ever get from someone like him.
"Then I suppose I'll stay for now."
And so it is.
He lets you stay with him. You don't have anywhere else to go. Just by being here you've gone against the Tsaritsa. How foolish, that you've dropped everything just for a man who has only ever used you. Then again, that was exactly what you'd asked him to do.
Not that he is even doing that, as things are.
There really is something fundamentally different about Scaramouche. His words hold less bite, his teasing is more playful than harsh, but most of all… He's far less angry than he used to be. He hasn't raised a hand against you since you reunited. 
It's odd. 
In many ways it's a good thing. It's good, that he has grown, that he has changed. But it leaves you with this insistent, unscratched itch deep inside, one that hasn't been sated since the day he disappeared from the Fatui. 
You figure there is little you can do but wait and see. It's not the way it used to be, where a few well-placed words would provoke him. Your silver tongue is used for only two things - to keep people at a distance, or to lure them into playing into your hands. It is only able to do one of those things, to him, as he is. 
And it's not as if you're going to walk up and beg him to hurt you. That isn't the way it works between you. Not to mention how absolutely pitiful it would be to do so. 
You are a boat set adrift in too-calm waters. It's somehow worse than the storm.
A couple of weeks in, the dendro archon visits. Scaramouche seems irritated when he sees her at the door, but lets her inside nonetheless. 
Nahida is… very different than your former archon. Not in a bad way. It's pleasant enough talking to her. She doesn't seem at all surprised that you are there, but considering who she is, it makes sense that she knows already.
It's not until she stops in front of you before leaving, eyes suddenly sharp, that you feel uneasy. 
Her small hands hold one of yours. Her touch is careful in a way you're not used to. "You hate yourself so much. Is that why you think you should be hurt?"
The bluntness, the unexpectedness of the words sends you reeling. You've made yourself so hard to read, created so many layers of distance between you and everyone else. You suppose if anyone would be able to pick you apart it would be the archon of wisdom. Still, to do it in front of him-
"That's not relevant," you say, voice more unstable than you'd like for it to be. 
"I think it's quite relevant. Perhaps not to me, but to the two of you," someone who looks that young should not be this perceptive. "That's not for me to decide, though. Welcome to Sumeru. You're free to stay as long as you wish."
And then she's gone, and you find yourself avoiding the eyes of the only other person left in the room. You can feel him staring at you, like he's trying to figure you out. And now he's been given the information he needs to do it, too. 
He wants to be mad at Buer for meddling in his affairs, but for once he cannot bring himself to be. Not when he's been handed what he wants on a silver platter.
He's had quite a while to think. Months to ponder on you, on the way he felt, on all your enigmas. The last pieces settle into place after Nahida's words. Yes, he has had more than enough time to come to terms with his own feelings.
Making you confront yours, on the other hand…
There's something purposeful in the way he moves forward. Scaramouche has never once been gentle with you. Or anyone, really. Yet the intensity of his gaze as he observes you is almost off-putting with how softly he reaches out to touch you. 
Your eyes are blown wide, like you're ready to bolt at a moment's notice. Not that he would let you escape his grasp. Not now.
Not ever.
The kiss, too, lacks the sharp edge of teeth the both of you are used to. He can feel you jerk against him, the movement slight but noticeable with how close he is. 
There's a part of him that wants to tear you apart right then and there, now that he's got you vulnerable. Instead, he pulls away to meet your eyes again. He's already made such a mess of you, and he's far from done. He's never once seen you this off-kilter or reactive. 
"What are you…" You trail off, like you can't quite gather your words together when he's behaving this way. "This isn't…"
"You're still mine, aren't you? You gave yourself to me so that I could treat you however I wanted to. Well, what I want right now is this."
He leans in to brush his lips across yours again, gentler than he had any right to be. You shudder as if you're about to shatter apart, tears pricking at your eyes, as if being loved is somehow worse torture than anything else he'd ever done to you. There's something almost cruel in the delicate way he handles you, ripping down each one of those carefully crafted walls that had kept him out for so long like they're nothing but paper. 
It's satisfying to finally get a reaction out of you, to feel like he finally understands.
(Scaramouche amends his former statement. You're not like the gods. You're like him, he thinks - so starved for anything like love that you have no idea what to do when you receive it. Trying to escape the need for it altogether. And in the end, failing entirely to run from it.)
He keeps you there for long minutes. He doesn't particularly need air, being what he is, but you do. It's the only reason he finally moves back. 
You gasp for breath, still shaking. A slow smile curves his lips.
"Red is a nice color on you. Let's make it happen more often."
"Don't-" you huff out, unable to look at him. The flush deepens. He smiles wider. "Don't say things like that."
He scoffs. "That only makes me want to do it more, you know."
"This isn't how things are supposed to go."
"It's how they go now. You're not exactly running for the door, are you?" The way you stay is all too telling. You can't resist him and more than he can resist you, even now. "Didn't think so. Want to tell me what fucked you up this much, or am I going to have to pick you apart for another few years for that?"
"That's hardly your concern," there's that familiar iciness to your tone, trying to keep him from prying. It doesn't work as easily as it used to. You're trying to put back all the defenses he just broke down… But he'll let it be. Scaramouche has gotten what he wanted for today. He will have forever to figure out the rest. He has never once backed down from a challenge. 
Sooner or later, he will know all of your mysteries. 
"Sure it's not. I'll put it this way, then. Since your so difficult. If I'm forgiven despite everything, then you can't reasonably say you don't deserve the same," he leaves little room for argument. "Well, it doesn't matter to me either way. You can even consider it punishment that you're stuck here with me."
Perhaps, in piecing you together, he can do the same to himself.
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ac-liveblogs · 5 months
Greetings! Can I share my woes with you, fellow stranger? I... honestly cannot believe that a game like genshin could possibly exist. I'm almost done with the Fountain AQ and lemme just say that... This dumbfuck journey through the nations made me fear for my own sanity. There is almost NEVER any logical progression between the stages of the quests and literally only 2,5 people in the whole fandom ever talk about this! Half the time you cannot tell why the characters are doing what they are doing and even when you can see the logic behind their actions the actions themselves are usually stupid af. And then there are world quests that are written as if they exist in some entirely different worlds! Like how the Meropide from the AQ and from the Unfinished Comedy are two completely different prisons, because NO WAY are they run by the same Duke guy. So, I've been very troubled by this. Have I lost my last braincells and this is why I can't comprehend the very good writing of the very good hoyo? Is everyone else just playing a different genshin that ACTUALLY makes sense?? Am I insane or is it the world around me that has gone mad???
Salutations, kind stranger, please take a seat!
To risk sounding very unkind, my general impression behind a lot of the discussion surrounding Genshin's story and character writing boils roughly down to this post;
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Because I do get the general sense that what sticks with most people are the big dramatic moments and the general SHAPE of what you expect this all to mean or look like, not what it actually is or says. Which is FINE, praise fanon because god knows this game needs it, but my eye will start aggressively twitching when I see people praising Scaramouche's deep emotionally charged writing (HYV avoided writing as much of his story as possible though) or how meaningful a character Neuvillette is (confusing role in the narrative at best, actively detrimental to the world-building at worst).
And maybe if you're willing to accept lore dumps, explanations that character arcs happened off-screen, character bios, flashback sequences, telling not showing and animated trailers as substitutes for actual writing... then maybe it does seem like a lot is accomplished, even if you do have to bridge the gap with fanon. Like, there's so much lore! And they wrote so many words! It must be smart!!
I did chat to a colleague at work (anime fan; writing a book) who played Genshin and dropped it very early on. I asked "so what did you think of the writing" and without missing a beat he said "embarrassingly bad". So I'm going to say that most of the people that recognise it just dropped it immediately and the majority of the remainders are people that are willing to accept this. And suckers like us who sit open mouthed watching the trainwreck unfold.
Or, there's a secret version of this game I failed to download twice, and you clearly didn't get it, in which case I think we need to find the correct person to complain to about it.
Though speaking of the Fortress of Meropide, I was really amused when 'this is a DARK PRISON' collided with 'this is a GREAT prison and Wrio's so cool' in Wriothesely's quest, where the writers struggled with giving him a dramatic storyline tied to his own location so much they made him accidentally endorse a torture cult without realising how much that clashed with Wrio's previous characterisation of 'I know everything in the Fortress, including that you three are Fatui agents, to the point that I can quiz the Traveller on weird conspiracy theories about this place'.
Or like, "oh I'm really observant, I did notice this weird and suspicious/worrying thing, I just haven't done anything about it" x2 because he can't look ignorant, he's gotta know what's up, but like, think about that a second more and that's worse. Wrio. That's worse, you have to investigate those things. There is a torture cult in the basement and the entire prison almost flooded with people dissolving water, Wrio, we could have avoided these problems!
My current conspiracy theory is this place sucks like the AQ implies, but everyone just lies to Wrio and pretends everything is great and he's doing such a good job running the joint and he just believes them. The bubble almost pops in his character quest, but not quite.
Although, I hate the Fortress in it's entirety and all, but the thing that's sticking with me despite everything that Fontaine did is still.... "these people used to be oceanids but just forgot". Who forgot? Hoyoverse, apparently. Furina's quest sure didn't engage with 90% of the writing surrounding both that and her trial, huh. What a stupid meaningless twist that meant nothing and had no impact whatsoever. Why even do it.
this game is punishment for something and i'm not sure what
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tuesday again 11/7/2023
three days until my birthday problems. i have been very busy with 1) prepping my costume for ren faire and 2) onboarding a new henchwoman to the evil lair, a talented little tabby we're immediately extending full health benefits to with no trial period
good morning afternoon by rebecca sugar. if i had not already known it was rebecca sugar by the voice and the understated guitar, i would have known it was her by the gorgeous synthy chimey chimes. spotify
on my release radar playlist
stop fucking using personally identifiable details in your passwords. also stop reusing your passwords and burner emails. especially if you're doing crime
A pivotal clue for validating the research into Apathyp/Fearlless came from the identity intelligence firm myNetWatchman, which found that [email protected] at one time used the passwords “геззи1991” (gezze1991) and “gezze18081991.” Care to place a wager on when Vkontakte says is Mr. Sherban’s birthday? Ten points if you answered August 18 (18081991). Mr. Sherban did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
the 2006 anime BLACK LAGOON, we're going to yoink this from wikipedia bc it's serviceable enough
The series follows the Lagoon Company, a four-member team of pirate mercenaries smuggling goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia with their PT boat, the Black Lagoon. The group takes on various jobs, usually involving criminal organizations and resulting in violent gunfights.
unfortunately i am genetically inclined to boats and ex-military boats. it is extremely 2006 in sensibility and animation choices. there are remarkably sophisticated and fun battle sequences, and a lot of ass but little upskirting. revy (pictured below) is a dual-wielding gunslinger who is simply the worst. horrible woman that gets space to have a bit of a messy complex character arc and have a messy complex time of it. her writing and character are quite good period, not just quite good for 2006. i adore her.
the second episode has our pirates take out a helicopter with a torpedo boat (no deck guns! they just use the torpedo!) in a way that made me stand up, lift mackintosh above my head, and hoot like a tusken raider.
this is about as violent as your average spaghetti western, and much like spaghetti westerns i don't think the series is always successful in using its setting to make points about grey morality and not like. shock for shock's sake? certainly one to look up trigger warnings for.
the why: now i have a bootleg chromecast i have been watching more things on my actual television, remembered "hey this exists on hulu why didn't i finish it several years ago". still not sure why i didn't finish this several years ago. i am pirating the second season, but it's the sub which is a shame bc i quite like the dubbed voice actors, but it's a nightmare trying to find a dub with subtitles. i rarely have the patience to fuss with my own subtitle files.
turnip boy commits tax evasion, a 2021 game that was recently free on Epic. it is the studio Snoozy Kazoo's first game. i had a very strange time with this, bc the first fifteen minutes up to the first boss fight lulled me into a sense of complacency and then the minute i had to do something slightly complicated at the first boss fight (pay attention to my timing) i lost interest. i don't know if i will return to this, bc the humor didn't always hit for me (extremely online, but twitter online) and there's a major genshin update later this week.
new evil lair employee, phil (short for philip marlowe)
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recap of tragic backstory: i had seen her Around for about a week or so, realized on friday night when i scared her out of the dumpster that she had something stuck to her, and didn't see her again until sunday night, when she was too lethargic to skitter away from the dumpster. she has a VERY gnarly wound on her left flank and leg, the urgent care vet thinks she got dragged or caught in something. it is healing remarkably well, all things considered, and it's not infected bc the thing stuck to her was some vetwrap. so someone at some point patched her up?
she is SO full of milk. i have not found the kittens but there are a Lot of strays in this neighborhood, so my hope is that some other momma cat has engaged in some kidnapping.
i have a formal vet appt on the 17th for mackie that ive added phil to, so we'll see about her heart murmur, if she has a microchip (unlikely) and getting her spayed after she heals up a bit more.
mackintosh is Fucking Pissed!!! we will do incredibly slow introductions and phil will probably live in the office/guest suite for. several months. i had not originally planned on adding another henchwoman so soon, but i do have the spare bedroom, the shelter wasn't doing intakes or clinic appointments until friday, and the wound. really could not have waited until friday. it was free cat.
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ijwrsmff · 2 months
A Day At The Beach
A commission for @ibby-miyoshi-nerd for Cole from Blush Blush! It's such a fun little game, I'm excited to have a chance to write for Cole! I didn't even realize he was voiced by Cyyu and now I'm having a hard time unhearing Cyno from genshin. Fun times. Regardless, here's the completed fic! I'm going to try and do one more commission today, but if not I have time tomorrow to try and knock out at least a couple!
Thank y'all for your patience <3
Word Count: 2,300
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(This is basically 100% fluff)
You skipped and hummed, excited for the date you were promised. Cole had been working more for the police department, which meant less time with you. The both of you hated it, but it paid the bills. Though admittedly, having him come home and pick you up just to spin you in circles did soften the blow…a lot. So knowing he promised a date for the two of you was something you’d been looking forward to for months. It took a while for him to get it approved for a full week without work, but he managed to get it done. 
Since you worked several jobs here and there, coming up with the funds for the trip was no issue. He had pestered and borderline begged you to say how much it cost so he could pay you back. But you weren’t having it. You ended up having to come to an agreement on it, where you paid for the trip and he paid for everything there. Food, services, shopping trips, whatever you wanted. Not that you’d let him spend every penny on you, but he tended to do it regardless. 
Since it had been a while since the trip was discussed, everything was purchased and ready, with bags packed and bills paid before you left home for the week. Now all you had to do is wait for Cole to get home from work and you could set off. It wasn’t a long trip, but still a good two to three hours to the resort by car. He didn’t trust planes, but you liked the idea of driving better anyways. Just the two of you away from the world, enjoying each other’s company. 
Right on the dot, six minutes since Cole was clocked off work he had returned home. The drive was technically 10 minutes, but that never seemed to stop him. If it meant coming home to you sooner he didn’t care. Especially since you had called off from your jobs as well, so he knew it was just you at home. He hated leaving you alone whenever it was possible not to do so, always scared something may happen to you. It hasn’t yet, but his worries overturned logic in many senses…at least…when it came to you. 
Once he was barely even in the door, he dropped his work bag and caught you as you flung yourself at him. You both laughed, as he spun you around in circles. “Hm…something tells me you missed me.” He set you down, and smiled at you with half lidded eyes. “Truth be told, I missed you too. Arguably more than you missed me.” He poked your cheek and sighed, slowly coming into the house and shutting the door. 
“What’s that sigh about?” You jabbed his arm lightly, and he winced back with a smile pretended it hurt before he returned to a complex look. “Are you nervous about the trip?” You tried to analyze his emotions, but he was much better in that field. He seemed to always know what you were thinking, but the same couldn’t be said back. Especially now, you thought he’d be over the moon to get a full week with you and no work to bother you. 
“Hm…” He smiled and deflected your question with his own, “You ready to go? A long drive is on our agenda for now.” Cole stretched, and walked with you to the living room where your bags for the trip were. He wrapped his arms around you the second you turned from him, “At least we’ll have three hours alone…” he mumbled, and didn’t even seem to realize he said it out loud because he didn’t respond after that. 
You giggled, and tried to turn in his arms to face him but he just held you tighter, effectively keeping you in place. “Cole! We have to get going! We’re going to miss check in!” You patted his arms but he didn’t let go, just pretended to sleep on your shoulder. “Coooooole!” You laughed, and he finally released you from his grip. 
“That’s my name, yes? Do you need something?” He had that goofy smile on his face when he was up to no good. “Oh! That’s right!” He grabbed the bags and slung them over his shoulders before he started to push you into the direction of the car. “We’re going somewhere important, are we not?” He would randomly brush his fingers along your scalp but the second you were out the door he put one arm around your waist and opened your door for you. 
After his silly teasing, you did what you always do. Teased him right back. “Oh my! Such a gentleman! Where’s my boyfriend?” You searched around, as if you were looking for someone and he scoffed with a laugh. “My boyfriend, the man who was once a panther? Do you know him? He’s a detective, we met at work?” You hummed and as soon as he strapped in he looked over you with adoring yet mischievous eyes. 
“Do you get into anyone’s car that isn’t your boyfriend?” An eyebrow was raised and that dangerous smile was once again on his face. “That seems highly unsafe, perhaps I should just bring you back home, surely you want to rest at home and watch movies with him.” There was a slight trace of reluctance in his expression before it was gone. 
You had burst out laughing by now, barely getting any words out. You gave him a playful poke to his cheek before turning his head fully towards you to plant a small kiss on his lips. Pulling away didn’t work as you intended it to, because he placed a hand on the back of your neck and pulled you back in for a “proper” kiss. He did eventually pull back though, and faced the road. 
It seemed he was working more on concealing his feelings, because his expression gave nothing away. The only sign something was on his mind was how his hand only rested on the gear shift, but had yet to actually start the car. You wanted to pry, but he would tell you in time. Figuring he was worried about this trip, you placed your hand over his which shocked him out of his trance. 
“It’s okay. The trip will be amazing, I promise.” You smiled and he didn’t have it in him to not smile back, though it was lopsided and awkward. It made him sigh again, but this time he started the engine and you were both on your way. 
Before even getting out of the driveway, he placed one hand on the steering wheel and the other rested on your mid thigh. As it turns out, driving was when you got the most answers out of him. Not by words, no, but if you asked the right questions he’d squeeze your thigh a little more without even intentionally doing so. It was a secret weapon of sorts, but you knew in your mind nothing would go wrong on this trip. 
So instead, you discussed your latest game or anime obsessions, and he listened attentively, asking questions here and there to get a better understanding. While he didn’t play many games or watch many shows, he did love anytime he could hear your voice. If you wanted to get him to play a game, he’d try but he’d much rather cuddle while watching you play it. There were many times where you’d be trying to get him to watch one of your favorite shows and videos, only to look over and he’d be watching you and not the screen. 
Knowing he cared enough to try is what mattered. 
Though the drive seemed long, it was even longer for him. He didn’t pitch in as much, and after a while you sat in comfortable silence. Once getting out of the car, he had a hand around your waist as he led you to the room to get your bathing suits on. Cole was being far too reluctant, it had you worrying if he even wanted to go on this trip at all. But you had to push through, because you knew if he gave it the chance, this beach would be a perfect getaway from the real world. 
Once you emerged in your bathing suit, he couldn’t stop staring. But you were too excited, and maybe even a bit flustered to stay there for now. You giggled and grabbed his hand to lead him to the beach. You had towels, and sunscreen, and even some little sandwiches you made before leaving for the trip. His favorites were made, of course, and you went down to the beach with very little words spoken. 
You couldn’t help but see how often he was glancing around the area. His hold on you was much tighter than usual and it left you confused. He hadn’t looked at you as much, seemingly more focused on observing the surroundings. You stopped in the ideal spot and pushed him onto the towel, making him beyond confused. All he could do was look up at you with a questioning glance. 
“Alright! What’s the deal? What’s bothering you?” You said, attempting to look firm. Though your expression and slight shakiness in your voice made it sound much more feeble than intended. You were worried about him, and it showed. It was clear you were questioning if it wasn’t the trip, but YOU, that was the problem here. 
Cole seemed to see this clearly, and he stood up, putting both hands on your cheeks and resting his forehead against yours. “I’m…sorry. I’ve just been a little worried, is all.” He didn’t elaborate, but you weren’t having it. Especially with it only being hour one of your seven day trip. He wouldn’t even hardly look in your eyes. The look seemed forced, like he wanted to look around more than he was in the moment. 
“Worried? About what?” You were so confused by now, and you raised your hands to rest it over his. “Do you think we’re in danger, or anything? I’m sure it’s safe, and we have so much space and time to ourselves, and I just thought-” you were speaking so fast you were sure he could barely understand you, but you had to get your thoughts out somehow. 
“No, no, no shhhh, it’s not that. I promise. You could never do anything wrong.” To halt your rambling, he put a finger over your lips as he tried to console you. “I…I’ve been worried. About something stupid…” He knew you’d ask for more clarification this time, so with a deep sigh he continued, “I don’t want others to see you in this. Not because I’m ashamed! I just want you…to be for me. Only for me.” This time he took a step back and rubbed the back of his neck, but it was clear this was a huge weight off his shoulders. 
“Ah…” It all clicked, his reluctance to go, his nervous habits barely peeking through, all of it. “You don’t have to worry about that, I promise. And it’s not stupid, not at all.” You stepped closer to him and hugged him tightly to express those affirmations physically as well. 
“I don’t…have to worry about it? What do you mean?” He was skeptical, but still clearly worried. His care, and emotions portrayed by it made you giggle a little into his chest. He huffed and reached down to flick your arm. “Don’t make fun of me, I’m being serious!” He was a little exasperated and there was a definite pink tinting his cheeks. 
His plea only made you laugh more, and you backed up slightly while still holding him to look at his face. “Well…you won’t have to worry. Because just like you said, how you only want me? Well I wanna be the only one to have you, too!” You looked at his expression with a huge grin, seeing how he was still confused. It made you kiss the tip of his nose before kissing him fully. It was possessive, from both ends. You both clearly meant your words, and he knew that now. Though he wasn’t sure what you were trying to say. Not fully, at least. 
Once you pulled back, you tried to make him piece it together himself. “How many people have you seen on the beach so far?” When he answered “zero” reluctantly, you continued. “A whole beach? With no people?” You looked around, making him do the same as he held you. 
You saw the lightbulb click in his head, “did you…?” he said, looking baffled. He couldn’t even finish his sentence when you nodded to confirm his suspicions. 
“Mhm! A whole beach all to ourselves. I couldn’t rent out the whole resort, but this part of the beach is all for us. Just you, and me!” You jumped back into his arms, and laughed. “Because…truth be told…I don’t want to share you either. Not with anyone.”  You took a deep breath and pulled away to look at him. 
Everything about his look, in one word, would be “adoring”. He was clearly over the moon, and he even muttered out an “I love you…more than anything.” Before he smoothed out the towel on the ground and laid down, prompting you to lay next to him so he could wrap his arms around you. “You’re so perfect…I can never find a single flaw in you. And I’ve tried.” He pulled you as close to him as possible, and before you went into the water several moments later, he made sure to whisper in your ear. 
“You’re mine. Just as much as I’m yours. You’ll never be able to get rid of me now.” 
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