#I thiINK about this too much like
candyunicornsateme · 2 years
ever get curious... if maybe at least one person is out there checking and/or stalking your stuff often... like in a good way you know?? Like a “love this stuff and I’m curious and wanna browse around and/or keep up” 
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What are Eridan's thoughts about Erisolsprite and he other way around, Erisolsprite thoughts about Eridan? ahahsha
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ERIDAN: wwell i wwas him ERIDAN: seein him about aint much an inconvvenience or anythin a the sort considerin he seems alright for the most part ERIDAN: but hes also a nice reminder that my mind an memories aint privvate to me anymore ERIDAN: evverytime i see him i remember wwhat it wwas like bein twwo awwful people at once ERIDAN: the fucked up part is that i almost miss it cus maybe that wwhole shit showw left one hell of a fuckin impression on me but at least for once i wwasnt all alone ERIDAN: hes plagued me wwith his memories as if my owwn wwerent enough to deal wwith ERIDAN: evven noww i forget to duck under door wways too short for my horns ERIDAN: evven noww i wwake midday thinkin i hear screams a the dead or sit at my desk typin code i dont knoww howw to type or lisp against my owwn vvolition ERIDAN: so i guess you could say he has royally fucked me ERISOL: riight. eriidan. ii'm not 2ure wwhat you're expectiin me twwo 2ay, 2eein a2 he'2 liiterally part of me, but ii'll do my fuckiin darnedest. ERISOL: ii thiink hii2 exii2tance ii2 tragiic, an by exten2iion, 2o ii2 miine. wwe're both iin the 2ame wwriiggliin piile a putred 2tiinkiin 2hiit together. ERISOL: my opiiniion miight be biia2ed. but ii thiink he 2hould go talk twwo 2ol an kk iif he wwant2 twwo get better.
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seaghosst · 1 month
oh god.. found the bay area beta designs so now i wanna yap about the process of designing them
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first draft… aside from these looking ugly i didn’t have too much in mind for story and it was mostly just for fun. leo and donnie were the oldest with them being twins and donnie being slightly older. donnie was a green sea turtle, leo was a four eyed turtle and raph and mikey were caspian pond turtles (haha get it cause that’s my anme). mikey was the youngest. this was back in march
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second sketch of them, never finished this one but there are some minor changes to designs. i was getting really frustrated here cause i didn’t like the designs and wasn’t sure what i wanted to do with the turtles, this was in april. you can’t rlly tell here but i changed mikey to a red eared slider cause atp i knew mikey and raph we’re gonna be from a pet store. i hadn’t decided on raph and leo’s species but i thiink i was leaning towards western painted turtle for leo cause i wanted him to be a species found in california
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here i was just sketching out deisgns trying to figure out what to do and smth about the design i gave mikey made me think abt making him the oldest, which i ended up sticking with :) i had the most trouble designing raph i didn’t know wtf to do with him
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started working on these designs!! pretty close to the final designs, i decided they were all gonna wear pants cause i didn’t want them to be cold :( i think i had a bit more of the story planned out
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made these refs when i started posting this au publicly! pretty similar to the last one, a lot more of the story was decided though
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finally, made some slight tweaks and got rid of the pupils :) i like these designs a lot and i’m very happy with my au
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crushedsweets · 9 months
Do the operator and slenderman ever like. Talk? Like do they have maybe a mind link and they communicate through it because the operator isn't a physical being who can speak? If so, what do they talk about?
they don't talk at all, the operator isn't really capable of even having an omnipresent voice i thiink.... meanwhile slenderman is only able to speak like.. in peoples heads. but slendy doesnt even try to speak in the operators head, it distorts too much
they just have some weird connection where they KNOW what the other wants. like some intuition about the other that is always 100% right, courtesy of being the same thing for thousands of years...
they can feel eachothers rage, though. and all the other 'emotions' theyre rotting with
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yumethefrostypanda · 1 year
Hi yume! I have three questions I would like to ask you...
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What do you think about these two photos? do you think Simon is really like that under the mask? (in my opinion it might look more like the first photo, but I don't know. Many say it's the second because it looks more like Samuel, but honestly, the haircut of the first is very similar to the scene where he takes off the mask.)
In your opinion, how would Simon behave in a social context? (for example going out alone, taking a bus or any other public transport.) do you think he would still keep the mask on, or would he cover himself with something else?
How would Simon behave with children (you know, in the comic he had a nephew who was very important to him.) What do you think he would do if maybe a small child, in the park with his/her mother, approached him curiously and touched him? or are there kids throwing the ball in his direction by accident? would he kicks the ball back to them?
Thanks in advance, you are the best!🫶🏻❤️
I love your answers and everything you post! (I'll never stop saying this, sorry...🥲)
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Hey Sofia :D Thank you for your ask and sweet words 🥺 It's truly nice to hear you like my answers :D Appreciate your support 🫶 First things first ;p the art on the right is from Wombywoo, if i'm not mistaken. Alright, let's do this *cracks knuckles and neck, cause i always spend wayy too much time on answering my asks >.<*
1. You know.. headcanon-ing Simon's face is kinda fun cause his face is hidden :D Everyone can put their own thoughts in the mix. I thiink when MWIII is out, imma do a part 2 on Simon's face. Anyway, I remember that first photo (left) was on reddit, extracted from MWII files somewhere last year. It was already said that the hair was from Graves(?) and put on his head. I also think it's either a placeholder or not finished since they've only used his 3D head for mask placement and the scene where he takes of the mask and we (only) see his fluffy short hair. It really wouldn't be a surprise if Simon's (face) features are alot of that from his VA, Samuel Roukin. I've seen every frame multiple times by now *edit life* and to me, it really looks like Simon has Roukin's eye shape and nose(for the most part). I loove the fact the devs stayed true to Simon's brown eyes *-* So what else did they stay true to? Or is it completely Roukin's face? We might never know :P But personally for me it's still 50/50. Half Roukin's face/ half comic Simon's face. Ok ok, maybe now more like 70/30. idc, just show me. No, don't! Yes!
2. Ooff, good question. I wonder if he uses public transport since he also can drive. (i'd rather take the car thn the bus ngl :P). At the end of the campaign with 141 and Laswell sitting in a bar, Simon still has his eye paint and mask on. Though be it another mask thn that he was wearing during the Chicago mission. So that makes me believe he conceals his face in his free time (outside), i'm not exactly sure how tho cause wearing a skull mask like that in public might alarm ppl? idk. I kinda lean more to the idea he isn't that among people much (being outside). If he already prefers to work alone than in a team (141 is a no brainer for him tho, imo) i don't really see him being out and about and social in his off time Q_Q And with all this online ordering, he gucci. But okok, i do see him do groceries and stuff. You know, basic stuff. He will have alot of hooded clothes, caps and what not. Corona must've been a 'delight' for him. (ok ill stop. sorry) I think he barely makes eyecontact, or just shortly cause he's friendly. He a good lad. Srsly don't waste your time on this next hc; You know.. what if he just lives in a very small village somewhere quiet in England where everyone knows eachother and he don't have to worry about all that outside shii cause everyone in that small village knows how he is. Easy peasy, live and let live. Often people in small villages are old cause many young move to the city. So them golden oldies in his town are just happy they have a soldier in their midst and respect his privacy. Buut.. thn again, the bigger the city.. the easier it is to blend. Oh well. Whatever XD 3. I THINK HE'S REALLY GOOD WITH KIDS! But doesn't show, is scared to show, etc etc all that. I even think if a kid is being bullied in his presence he would intervine. I'm sure of it. But i think he would avoid being around kids. If one's come up to him i think he will be friendly but not interested in a conversation or play ball. I'll let myself out
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Sollux Captor, Karkat Vantas
Act 5, page 2792
SOLLUX: hey kk mo2t of the2e computer2 are 2hiit.
SOLLUX: 2o unle22 youve got a real good rea2on ii dont thiink iim gonna bother fiixiing them.
SOLLUX: fuck you and your priimadonna garbage, iim not goiing two break down 2obbiing becau2e you pa22 out at the 2iight of a liittle blood, why dont you man up.
SOLLUX: what diid you want me two do get down on the floor and kii22 your faiinted corp2e on the lii2p two wake you up on a nonexii2tent pro2piit?
SOLLUX: yeah ok fiine.
SOLLUX: no not at all, theyre u2ele22 and uniintere2tiing liike iim 2ure you already gathered.
SOLLUX: ii recommend we dont bother wiith them, though aradiia 2eem2 two thiink well all be iin each other2 2ponge2 iineviitably.
SOLLUX: whatever, iim pretty commiitted two not haviing anythiing two do wiith them ever.
SOLLUX: uh huh, 2ure kk by the look of 2ome of your future memo2 iit look2 liike youre gonna get pretty wound up by thii2 thiing 2oon.
SOLLUX: no way, theyre hiilariiou2, be2t thiing about haviing you a2 a leader hand2 down.
SOLLUX: ok. what about pa2t you, ii2 pa2t you cool.
SOLLUX: ehehehehehehe.
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bobbinalong · 1 year
I would like to know more about Jack and Dana's relationship with Steph and Allie. Also I just wanna say I really like the mental image of Jack going on this huge tirade to Tim about how he can't be Robin and probably mentioning Steph and Allie's safety in it and then Tim being like "okay fine." And then Jack thinking he's won and everything is good and then a week later he turns on the news as sees Steph is robin
Jack is not a big fan of Steph at first or of Allie or of the fact that his fifteen-year-old son is dating a girl with a child or, most importantly, that he kept quiet about his girlfriend and her pregnancy for months on end until he just up and ran away to be with her in the middle of the night, into literal no man's land. (Holy run-on-sentence, Batman!)
Anyway, Jack and Dana find out about Allie and Steph the night Allie is born. Tim tries to call his dad and Dana picks up by accident and Tim's like, y'know, maybe it'd be better if you told him, he might take this better from you. (He doesn't.) He also absolutely misunderstands for a second and thinks Tim became a dad without him knowing, because "Tim's girlfriend just had a baby" does not imply anywhere that said girlfriend's child isn't also Tim's.
Dana's definitely in Tim's corner during all this or tries to be, at least. She's still finding her place in their family, but she knows Tim's good kid who's trying to do the right thing, so Jack probably gets her elbow once or twice when they meet the Browns before he can get too judgy. She also knows Jack loves his son more than anyone else, even if he sucks really bad at showing it a lot of the time, and she won't let him drive a wedge between them. (She saw Jack and said "I can change him", is my impression of thheir relationship.)
Chrystal and Jack immediately hate each other and they do not warm up to each other, ever, but Dana gets along with Chrystal and everybody warms up to each other's children eventually.
I'm not sure if I want Jack to die in this AU and even if he does, I thiink I'd have Dana stick around for Tim.
Jack likes Steph eventually and he ends up adoring Allie (reluctantly at first) and if I don't kill him, she'll probably call him Grandpa Jack eventually and he'll melt into a puddle. (Allegedly.)
Also, yes, Tim going "Yeah, whatever (I have a back-up)" when Jack finds out about Robin is a great mental image, because however much he likes or dislikes Chrystal, he'd immediately call her when he connects the dots upon a blonde Robin showing up, and now both of Bruce's Robins are grounded until they die, which is just. Yeah, maybe they didn't think that through entirely.
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dearreader · 1 month
thiinking about al having a crush on mei in the gravity falls au and wanting to impress her (i feel like both mei and ling are from pacifica’s family life. i think ling would be more like pacific and ed would find him annoying) and asking roy for help and him letting al throw a party to impress her, cause he cares about rizas cousins and even though they’re not related sees them as family to some extent. but ed accidentally raises the dead when al told him SPECIFICALLY not too and now they have to deal with that. but al ends up saving mei and she’s so grateful and hugs him and alphonse’s face turns red and he can’t speak
i just love this au so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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mostautisticsinner · 1 year
Please tell me about your Rodya and Faust trans headcanons. I have no particular guiding questions just go apeshit.
AHH OKAY... Youll notice i have more for Faust than Rodion but is not a matter of preference I was just pondering trans Faust all lastngiht
I thiink. Rodya adores her given-name but goes by Rodya because, more feminine version of Rodion. She doesn't mind either one is just kinda Eh and the other she likes
I think she's exclusively T4T in part for safety reasons... She's had her experiences of going out with guys and gals and them finding out she's trans and making her fear for her life whether or not there Was any danger in the first place so it's just much Easier to go out with people who Get Her. And partially she just thinks other trans people are automatically hot (And shes Right)
She's had top surgery and is so proud of it. Wears so many push-up bras. Shows cleavage just to go Hey !!! Check This Out
Maybe has had her Adam's apple shaved down, hasn't had bottom surgery and does not want it and also doesn't tuck
Not to Project or anything but she gets nervous when she's by women who are shorter than her Because she's worried she seems like a Gargantuan Monster. Used to try and make herself smaller but Gregor loves how tall she is for one so it makes her feel better abt it.....
Faust has been a little more nervous all her life than Rodya, who realized she was a girl pretty early on and lived her life as a girl so chill but Faust has gone thru so many identity changes. Went from "Okay I'm a feminine guy. Other guys like feminine guys so maybe I'm bi? I don't like topping at all so maybe actually I'm gay? Okay well I had sex w Yi Sang once and it sucked. Am I straight??? Wait. Hold On."
Shes a very solemn person but very much did cry when she realized because it made SO much sense but also thats SUCH a big change and she's heard what Yi Sang has gone through before she even realized she was Also trans etc etc
She always liked sweaters and would wear them or suits all the time but when she got top surgery her suits would NOT fit. Like the sweaters were a tight fit but she could atleast actually wear them. Also they hide her Adam's apple , Something she doesn't want to bother to get surgery to remove But is still self-conscious about regardless
She tucks + Wants bottom surgery but is a little antsy about it
She kind of sort of got boobs because she wanted to be able to dress masc without being read as a man and rather as a butch lady #BUTCHFAUSTPROPAGANDA
Speaking on the Not wanting to change it very much WAS a shift going frm being perceived as a Genius in her field Such a good inventor and a Lone Wolf too Etc to being asked over and over by assholes if she needs help while doing repairs on Mephistopheles (Even though she's more capable than. Most everyone)
She's a little wide and buff but isn't too self conscious about it .... She likes it. Also definitely helps to be strong to slang her whole Sword around
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tenebrius-excellium · 2 years
How To Steal A Dragon’s Sword Liveblog Part 2
everyone is mysteriously disappearing and nobody cares except for Hiccup. hmmmmm Idk if I still like how much of the plot is relying on simple viking stupidity, is this allowed to be called lazy writing yet?
the Witch’s hut sounds like a place I’d live in tbh. seems cozy.
I can’t believe Excellinor can bake
ok look, the hidden trap door under the literal fireplace is VERY neat. I want it.
hmmmmmmm RttE ice cave...Bewilderbeast...Snow Wraiths... totally not references and such...
Flashburn is alive! Good for him
Is it ever revealed why Toothless, the fang-free dragon, was able to find the fire pit and not anybody else? Why destiny?
I love Hiccup’s and the Wodensfang’s conversation, also Toothless’ jealousy of the Wodensfang. But the Wodensfang’s size is weird. Doesn’t he say that Hiccup the First rode him? But Hiccup can tuck him in his waistcoat? What’s up with that?
The crown is really cool. I want that one too.
“Throow uup thee crowwn!” - “Doo youu thiink Ii’m stupiid???” FAVORITE MOMENT, I replayed that for at least three times lol
I also love how they didn’t leave Flashburn behind although he was a wuss. It’s nice that the kids are nice to him.
...aaaand of course Hiccup is immune to Venomous Vorpent venom... Excellinor could’ve just threatened to scratch Fishlegs or Stoick instead??
oh and so THAT’S the famous “Checkmate!” scene??? hmm. I had hoped that there would be a more epic delivery to that one, actually.
okay so the swordfight competition is really, really well written. How everything blurs and boils down to focus for Hiccup in the heat of battle, that’s... really immsersive. I was captivated by that moment. Very well done.
THE WAY HE ASKS HIM ABOUT WHETHER HE WOULD FREE THE DRAGONS FIRST!!! (like Hiccup really doesn’t want to be king,...)
Camicazi got a reality check about idolizing Hiccup which is probably for the best
Love how Hiccup draws the dragons’ attention to himself. the only smart move in that craze. The Red Rage having a sort of hypnotising effect was also clearly played at in Httyd 2...now I understand that better. Still, the thought was much better executed in the book imo.
The last scene. Gosh. Best thing ever. Hiccup the outcast, alone in a cave with three dragons. Thank you for saving him, Windwalker. 
WHAT A BOOK. The stakes were awesome. However, yeah...I’m slowly beginning to get annoyed by the plot holes that are clearly only there “because it’s a kids’ book” and “because vikings are stupid”. Why rely on deus ex machina this excessively? A great story needs to build itself up logically, I believe. The first Httyd movie is a good example. The reason why it works so well is because it barely has plot holes. A well outlined story happened to be aided by chance, making it a masterpiece. I wish the books that this kind of solid worldbuilding too.
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beaniebabs · 1 year
i just thiink that jiang is realy epic because he is Very autism ^^^^ also when hes younger and even a litle when he is older. he actively believes he is an alien and that they left him behind on accident becausehe's so different from everyone else and doesn't understand why so he sits by the window at night waiting for a UFO to come by and pick him up. he loves his big brother a lot so he'll ask them to take him with them, too. i can imagine just. him creating this world in his mind, this explanation as to why HE is there. like. "they wanted to see and study dinosaurs but by the time they got here there weren't any left and they accidentally left me behind so that's why i love dinosaurs so much" or something like that. idk. he's just. he's so cool i love him he's my little guy. he gets a telescope for his birthday one year and spends most of his time staring at the stars and learns as much as he possibly can about space and stars and planets and galaxies and. <333333
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cryiing child timeliine question answerrs if youre interrested.
1. lizziie was nice enough. shhe just wanted to bbe around dad though, sso she was mosttly distant. miike was scary annd dauntiing at the time, but lookiing back i jusst feel frrustrated and annoyed. dad wass.. he mostlyy ignored me. sometiimes hed give me finished protootypes of toys with and trreated them like giifts. he diid make them himself, but he didnnt like them very much. thhe ones he liked went right to the priize shelves att fredbears. i ddont remember mom.
2. i ddidnt like fredbears much. wwasnt really scared of the aniimatronics untiil mike would tell horrorr stories about thhem. wwith my nightmares on ttop of that, i jjust wanted to avoiid it as much as possiible. the fredbbear and friiends show was niice though.
3. i wwas friends wiith charlie. i dont reallly remember anybodyy else. but charlie wwas nice. shee wasnt weiird about me cryiing. neiither was uncle henrry. i liiked it at theiir house.
4. the frredbear plushiie was one of the prototyype toys fromm dad. i ddont know why he diidnt put it on the shelves. it lookedd good and kiids loved fredbear. it was reallly soft.
5. he desserved it. if he wannts to “always ccome back,” thhen he can do iit again, and agaiin, and againn.
6. ii met charlie before anyoone died. the other mmissing kids i was intrroduced to by charlie. they were fairly niice. too manyy of them, thhough. they didnt deserrve that.
7. chharlie helped. mosst of them movedd on, thankfullyy. charliie knew she couldnnt stop me, sso she set up safeety barriers to keep him from gettiing out somehow. also helped repliicate things fromm his memmories and ourss - the missiing kids and their aniimatronics, sstuff like that. i starrted it alone, thoughh. i wwas really stubborn at firstt.
8. old man consequuences.. he was a chharacter for sure. i diid meet him. never gott a chance to tell who exactlyy he wass though. i thiink he was being secretiive. thatss fine. i diidnt let him know who i was, eiither.
9. i ddont remember muchh about possessing gollden freddy. i was definitely “cconnected” to them, but ii wasnt tethered byy any means. i ccould roam freely arouund wherever i wwas. i couldd go further, but leaving the place whhere golden was felt wrrong, and besiides. i lliked bothering mike. ppayback. sometimes ii left during thhe day though. onne of the freddys locations had a lake nearby wwith frogs i liiked to visit. and nno, i couldnt movee golden. well, a liittle bit. but thhey didnt have an enddo, so iit would take a llot more energy tto move theem than if theyy had an enndo.
that's very interesting! thank you for sharing :)
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mokeymokey · 1 year
I wonder if there's already like theory written about this but I've been thiinking like...... There's like a moment in aesthetic modernism where I think it overshoots into what can really be called "hypermodernism" where it's like no longer about stripping away ornament but in fact concealment of functional elements. It's also a kind of futurism I guess too because it's very much vanguarded by design trends in audiovisual science fiction media. Anyway I really hate it it's like so emblematic of everything u know
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itsabee · 1 year
Oooh, since we can ask about potential future comms (and also it's so cool that you are also willing to answer asks! Other perspective!) How are you guys feeling with religious themes used in sex scenes? Like, not expecting poem like similes for the prices Im probably going to be able to afford lmao, but some kneeling with *the* spark, maybe cannibalistic eucharist, some adoration or twisted devoutness, throw a rosary in there, i hope you know what i mean!
I thiink i remember jack and dylan fucking in a chapel in thio? And tim writing something horny about crucifixion in ycyd? And also you two being into horrorporn makes me think you would be okay with that but wanted to make sure if thats something you are willing to write for a whole scene!
And, if yes and if thats not too much cuz it would be nice to know the options, are there any characters that would be ooc in this scenario? Or the ones that wouldn't, whichever would be shorter or easier to think about!
(Actually wondering if that will not be too much for joan since the whole cult thing but oh well!)
Oh yeah I am a religious theming SLUT ‼️‼️‼️ it’s like my favorite thing of course we can do more of it! All of Tim’s horny poetry has religious references and jack is super into it also!
Joan will probably approach sex with a reverence similar to religious views because the most intense feelings in her life have been with zalgo and have religious connotations to her.
She would be a lot more hesitant to worship jack because of this but I’m sure with a lot of buildup she could get there. And then we could finish it off with Catholic guilt lmao
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rinnelovebot · 1 year
hii its the anon from earlier!! Ive seen a lot of mhyk but surprisingly ive never gotten into it… maybe ill check it out now. ive never heard of helios i thiink.. and obey me is one of the Classics™ i loove the little guys fighting for their lives 24/7 (mainly mammon, bless.)
BUT ALSO no need to thank me! this is gonna sound so strange help but i like to read about people’s thoughts on things they like, its just nice to hear people talk about their faves!! Its a good mood lifter 😭😭 this got vv long,, sorryy ! ‘n ty for answering i hope it wasnt intrusive or anything
yes you should DEFINITELY check out mhyk (please do it) (please do it) every single character is extremely lovable and they’re all fucking hilarious and the lore is easily digestible… I Love It … (and helios) (but mostly mhyk) (but definitely look at helios too) . And yeah mammon is constantly fighting for his life LMAO but that’s part of his charm I think
And ARGHHHH you’re so sweet I need to give you a kiss. this wasn’t intrusive in the slightest !! I veeery much enjoy these kinds of asks <3 you’re so silly
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what do you thiink about kk or tz
grimAuxiliatrix [GA] began trolling twinArmageddon [TA]
GA: I Think Everything Of Terezi Pyrope GA: Seer Is My Lovely Fiery Wife GA: Theyre Incredibly Fashionable GA: Tormented Immense Amounts GA: Working To Resolve Dire Internal Conflicts To Be Present In Lifes Moments GA: Her Fucking Dragon Kigurumi Hell Yes !!! GA: Excellent Disabled Babe GA: Equal Parts Funny Creative And Devious GA: Shes Absolutely Delicious That Teal Blood GA: ... GA: An Excellent Kisser GA: She Simply Has So Much Practice With That Tongue GA: ... GA: I Would Say If Looks Could Kill But Then Again Shes Already Killed Me And Revived Me Like A Phoenix Burning Brightly Blazing Beneath Seer Heat Time And Time Again GA: My Darling Terezi GA: <3 GC: K4N4Y4 YOU SHOULD KNOW TH1S 1S 4 *M3MO* GC: W3 C4N 4LL S33 TH1S!!!! GC: but G4... GC: 1 LOVE YOU TOO MY GRUMPY MINTY FUSSYF4NGS GC: you c4nt st4y grumpy for3v3r >;] GA: :' ) GA: I Love You My Tantalizing Terezi GA: Now Karkat Is A Complete Doofus GA: I Dont Know Where Id Be Without His Bullshit GA: Hes The Actual Mom Friend Honestly GA: Plus His Blood Is Rather Energizing Although I Cant Fucking Not Curse Bullshit After Dining On His Blood CG: WHAT WAS THAT? GA: ... GA: That Was Normal Nothing To See Here At All Karkat Go Back To Your Plans Dear GA: As I Was Saying Karkitty Brings A Certain Sanity To My Meowdness With All Of His Insanikitty GA: <>
grimAuxiliatrix [GA] ceased trolling twinArmageddon [TA]
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