#I teared up the second he opened his stupid talented mouth and I haven't stopped crying since
pick-a-poncho · 5 months
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This is my Roman Empire.
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kino-alternative · 3 years
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“ To Be Someone ”
|| Hajime Hinata X Gender Neutral!Reader ||
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❀ There he stood, staring at the huge building in front of him. The building in front of him was Hope's Peak Academy, the school of the talented and gifted.
From sports stars, singers, musicians to something as big as a yakuza, princess, heck- even something as complicated as luck. Those that excel at their own specific talent that no average person could reach are called an Ultimate.
That's what Hajime Hinata dreamed to be. Someone with an ultimate. Someone with talent. To be someone. Though, he is nothing but an average, normal, talentless and good for nothing reserve course student. That was him. He was nobody. A nobody who could only dream.
Hajime gripped on the strap of his bag as his eyebrows furrowed. Just dreaming. A dream that won't become reality. He turned around, looking at the ground as he began to walk away from the main building.
As he continued to walk to the Reserve Course Department, someone else passed by him and headed to the main building. Hajime stopped his tracks and turned his head to look behind him. Sakura petals blocked his view. The only thing he could see was the main building uniform and the keychain clipped onto their bag.
Soon enough, the person disappeared from sight when the gates closed. Hajime continued to stare, his eyes glistened before tearing away his gaze and walking back to his original destination.
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❀ Leaning on the bench of the park located in between the two schools, Hajime let out a long sigh of exhaustion. Throwing his head back, he admired the orange-red-yellow mixed sky. It was quiet. No one really went to the park since the talentless and talented refused to meet each other.. or something like that.
Huh? what was that? Is that... Is someone humming? Before Hajime could even lift his head, he gave in. He couldn't help but let himself relax to it. It was soothing and comforting. Like most sappy writers describe, it felt like a warm hug or being cradled gently like a baby.
Bringing himself back to reality, he opened his eyes and lifted his head. He then turned around to look behind him. There, he spotted a familiar looking keychain and the main building uniform. This was the person from before. What were they doing here?
The person opened their eyes, revealing a (E/C} color. They stared right back at him, their humming stopped as silence once again returned. Both took this as their chance to get a better look of the other.
They opened their mouth, their eyebrows raised "You're...The boy from before, right?" Hajime slowly nodded, almost hesitantly "Y-Yeah.. Are you..?" He trailed off once they answered with a nod as well. The boy thought for a moment. He wanted to ask them something but wasn't quite sure if it's okay.
After debating in his head and listing the cons and pros, he opened his mouth and asked "If you don't mind me asking...What were you doing at the Reserve Course Department?" Dang it. That came out rude.
They didn't seem to pay any mind to it and furrowed their eyebrows, a smile forming on their face. "You want to be an Ultimate someday... Right?" Before he could respond to their rather true assumption, they added on "The same goes for me...Just the exact opposite of what you want to be"
Opposite? "The exact opposite of what I want to be...?" Hajime slowly repeated as he processed their answer. The gears in his head started to turn when it clicked, his eyes slowly widening while at it. "You... Want to be a Reserve Course Student?"
They nodded.
He was confused.
"Why-" "Maybe some other time" They cut him off, standing up from their seat and grabbing their bag as they put their earphones and phone away. They began to walk back to the main department, stopping for a moment and looking at the brunette. Raising their hand and smiling, they said "See ya! Oh, and don't forget to tell me your name, alright?"
Before the boy could even utter a word or sound, the same kind of petals once again blocked his view. And once they were out of his sight, the person was already gone.
Hajime didn't noticed until now that his hand was reached out. He looked at it and stared at his palm. The exact opposite of what he wanted to be. That was their reasoning.
Unlike him, a person who wishes to have talent... Wishes to be someone special... They want to be a person who has no talent? Do they wish to be someone ordinary?
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❀ Back in front of the gates of Hope's Peak Academy. Hajime sighed, lowering his head. He still didn't quite understood why the person wanted to be like him. To be nobody.
"Ah, so you are here" He flinched and immediately turned around. There standing with their usual smile was the person themselves. They raised their hand, waved it "Hey" "S-Sorry.. Er.." That's right. They still haven't introduced to each other.
The person then walked to his side, staring at the main building. Though, unlike him, their eyes weren't filled with any positive emotions or even a tiny bit of admiration. It was just blank. No interest whatsoever.
He wonders why that is.
"We haven't introduced to each other yet, right?" They asked, their eyes now staring at his. Hajime blinked and nodded "Yeah.." The person faced him, pointing a finger at themselves, "I'm Y/N L/N, Ultimate Music Writer" They held out their hand for him to take and shake.
Hajime smiled awkwardly and took their hand "I'm Hajime Hinata. Reserve Course Student"
Their hand was warm/cold. How comforting.
"Well, Hajime, I don't normally go to class... Do you have enough time left before school starts?" Y/N asked with a tilt of their head, their eyebrows raising. Hajime pulled out his phone and pressed the on button, his screen opening and there said the time. Oh, he was- An hour early!? Since when!?
He decided not to ask and simply nodded at the person, "Yeah. At the park?" He asked back. They grinned and turned around, "Mhmm, c'mon"
The walk there was filled with small talk, just to ease the tension just a bit and get to know each other. Asking the basic questions, what do you like to do? Any hobbies? Etc...
Although Hajime - he believes - had pretty basic answers, Y/N didn't seem to mind at all and continued on.
Once they get to their destination, they sat on one of the benches.
Hajime glanced at them for a split second before looking at the fountain. He decided to think and zone out for a bit. Asking questions to himself as he pondered...
Is it okay for me to ask them?
Is it too early?
Before his thoughts could fully consume him, his mouth open and said on it's own "You don't have to tell me now. I think we should try to get each other first" Y/N stared at him , their eyes slightly wide. Ah, they didn't expect that. Neither did Hajime himself.
Y/N had a smile, a smile that you could tell was relief. Relief of not having to tell something you don't want to. They closed their eyes and thanked the brunette, "Agreed. Thanks"
Hajime couldn't help but smile back as well. Relief of not choosing/saying the wrong thing. "So, you were saying?" He asked with a tone to signal them. With that, the subject changed as the ultimate rambled "Oh! Right! Apparently, that wasn't the actual-"
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❀ Everyday. Every hour. Every minute. Every second. They would meet at the park. The place that stored many memories between the two opposite students from the two different buildings. They would laugh. They would fight. They would vent. They would even stay quiet and still managed to enjoy their time together.
They would be there for the other when they need them most.
"Ah, there you are" Y/N smiled as they raised and turned their from the phone in their hands to the brunette walking towards them. They let out a hum. A hum that signals that they knew what the other was feeling. They set their phone down and asked, "Hey, what's wrong?"
Hajime, despite the fake smile on his face, knew better than to lie to them. Especially since the two have been best friends for a while now. Although he doesn't want to bother them, he was quite glad that someone asked him and actually sounded genuinely concern.
The boy sat down beside them, throwing his head back as he closed his eyes. With a sigh, he said "The leaves are green" That, indeed, was true. Y/N tilted their head, nodding slowly, "I see... Who or what? Why?" But to them, that meant something else.
As cheesy as it sounds, the music writer once told him that they had an idea. Specifically, signal ideas. Hajime, of course, thought it wasn't necessary but did so anyway. He thought he wouldn't need to use the them but they were, in fact, useful at most situations.
The one he just used now, meant envy and or jealousy.
"..." He stayed silent at first, having second thoughts before saying what he had on his mind. His thoughts and feelings. "This is gonna sound very stupid... And probably getting annoying but.. I guess I'm just really jealous of you"
Y/N blinked, "Me?" They didn't sound offended. They sounded more... Confused than anything. Which Hajime was thankful for since he didn't want to offend them in any way.
"An Ultimate. Someone that excels at a specific thing and an even higher than actual professionals.. Talent, basically" He smiled. A sad one. "The usual, you know?.."
Y/N stayed silent as they leaned on the bench, throwing their head back as well with their eyes closed. Hajime's, now open, eyes looked at them with a lift of his head. It looked like they were stuck in their mind.
It wasn't unusual, so he patiently waited.
""Maybe some other time", that's what I said when we first met, right?" They suddenly asked, which kind of startled him. Hajime fully lofted his head and shifted slightly in his seat to look at them despite their closed eyes. "Yeah.."
"I wanted to be free. Free from everyone's expectations. Free from my title" They stared back at him, noticing how he was closely listening to what they were saying. "To be someone who could just do what they want and who they want to be. To be someone even without talent. Because to me, talent isn't the only way that makes you someone or special"
They smiled and lifted their head, hands on their knees as they looked at the brunette. "To me, everyone is their own person and special in their own way. Talent or none" They grinned, their eyes closed as they exclaimed "And to me, Hajime Hinata is special and an ultimate in his own way"
Hajime stared at them, his eyes widening. Before he knew it, his face was red and his heart was pounding. Flustered. Touched. He felt... Special. Just by hearing them say it.
He cools down, his cheeks are still have a visible pink color on them. A smile made it's way on his face. Ah, so that's their reason.
"Oh, I was going to tell you more but it seems like time passes by rather quickly" Y/N pointed at the time on their phone. Hajime snapped out of his trance, eyebrows raised as he asked "Huh? What were you-"
Before he could continue, they stood up from the bench and looked down at the brunette. With their hand raised and waving, they said those words "Maybe some other time" And with that, they left.
Hajime watched them disappear from sight. He blinked before putting his hand down and smiled softly. He stood up from the bench and began to take his leave as well.
He understood what they meant. So now looking forward, he was taking his first step of not having to worry about becoming someone. Because now... Talent or talentless... Everyone is their own person, special in their own way.
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kozu-chan · 3 years
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synopsis: keeping up with a society that expects you to be perfect is exhausting in every way possible. you're lucky enough to have found someone who relates to navigate this brutal world with.
content warnings: fem! reader, cursing, insults, bullying if you squint, mentions of insecurity, a bit of fighting, mentions of mental health, and sakusa might be ooc but that's just to make the arguments a little more dramatic.
sour masterlist
growing up, you were a perfectionist. although this wasn't necessarily your fault, was it? at the young age of four, your parents discovered that you were, and maybe still are, gifted with talent for music. this led to years of guitar, piano, violin, flute, singing, and even harp lessons. throughout the years, you went through many concerts and hours upon hours of practicing your various instruments. this led you to attend the infamous itachiyama academy in high school and that was only the beginning of your troubles.
as a perfectionist, you dedicate yourself not only to your music, but to your studies as well. sadly, even you can't manage to balance school, music, sleep, and a social life and one of those things have to give due to your busy schedule, so you sacrifice your social life. sometimes you think that this was the wrong move because that just makes high school practically a living hell for you. that is, until about a week ago.
last week, you had a regular morning. you walk through the halls of your school and people do their best to avoid you, to not get in your way. however, that doesn't stop them from gossiping about you. "wow look at l/n. little miss perfect." "i dare you to talk to her!" "she's such an ice cold perfectionist." "i could never be friends with her. she's too serious." "does this bitch even have a life?" you ignore the comments as you make your way to your first class. sometimes you just want to yell at them to stop talking about you. to tell them how much it hurts you and how being such a perfectionist is exhausting. to let them know that their comments only add to how lowly you think of yourself. that you wish that you had even one friend because you feel so alone.
after school, you spend hours in the music room practicing a song you were thinking of performing, something self-written as a way of releasing your emotions. and once you think your practice is sufficient, you curl up against the wall and cry.
once your crying session is done, you get up and walk back to your dorm. on the way back, you see someone in the gym do an insane serve that slams down that just barely makes it in. you hear a groan of frustration followed by the oh so familiar sound of breath getting shaky due to crying. your gaze follows the sound to see the figure on the floor crying and your breath gets caught in your throat when you realize it's not just any player, but one of the top three aces in japan, sakusa kiyoomi.
"sakusa-san?" sakusa looks at you with what looks like a bit of fear but anger replaces his expression before you could confirm your suspicions. "what the fuck are you doing here? this is a private practice." his tone is cold, firm, and piercing. you could feel a chill run down your spine, but you ignore the feeling because other people, especially your parents, have been on the receiving end on your own tone that sounds just as menacing. the only indicator of crying being the red, slightly watery eyes that you can't help but sympathize with. "what are you staring at?" you snap out of your thoughts to respond to him. "i saw you on my way back to my room. i just happened to see you crying and i-"
sakusa sighs again in frustration. "and you what? just shut up and leave me alone!" "i just know what it's like, okay? you really think that you're the only one who's tired of not feeling good enough? the only one who's cried because you just want to get better but you don't see any improvement no matter how much you practice?" your voice is loud and yet on the verge of tears. you glace at sakusa, who now looks angrier but you don't care. "so sue me if i come off as a ice cold bitch who doesn't talk to anyone because i do anything and everything i can to be perfect even if i always fall short and sue me for sympathizing with you."
the room grows quiet, save for the sounds of your shaky breathing as you try your best to calm down before you actually start breaking down in front of him. it takes another few seconds before sakusa stands up and walks up to you. "l/n, right? yeah well you don't know me and you should just get out of my sight. you shouldn't be trying to get someone to stop crying if you're just going to cry yourself. just relax more." relax more? "that's rich coming from you." you're no longer crying and sakusa stops in his tracks.
"you're telling me to relax more when you don't seem to have any chill... ever. and let's not forget that your crying was what brought into the gym in the first place." you take a deep breath to calm yourself. "so... the gym is like your safe space, right?" sakusa doesn't answer, clearly exasperated and silently begging you to leave. "c'mon, sakusa-san! you can tell me!" you smile a little when he opens his mouth to talk, only to be disappointed by his response. "god, you're such an annoying bitch. go find someone else to bother!" you're disappointed but you're also persistent. after all, you are the one that figures out and teaches all the schoolwork you struggle with to yourself. "if it makes you feel better..." you sigh quietly and contemplate whether or not it was a good idea to expose yourself this much to someone you just started talking to. "if it makes you feel better, my room and the music rooms are my safe spaces." "it really doesn't. if anything, it just makes me feel even more pathetic!" a small smirk graces your features as you realize that you got him. "so this is your safe space? i didn't hear a denial!" sakusa rolls his eyes. "would you shut up already" "not until you admit it." he glares at you and you just look him dead in the eye, causing him to break (probably so you would shut up as he thinks you'll do if he admits it). "fine... the gym is my safe space... that you're encroaching on." you back away slightly because he was right. and you know that you would also be pissed as fuck if someone encroached on your safe space, especially while you were crying. "i'm sorry, i just wanted to help. but, maybe we could be each other's safe spaces?"
you mentally sigh in relief as sakusa looks just the slightest bit more comfortable upon hearing that. "i mean, you know what it's like so... i guess i wouldn't be opposed to that." the two of you give each other a small smile as you sit down a good length away from him. "god, it's brutal out here, huh?" sakusa lets out a small laugh and agrees.
"sakusa, are you really gonna go pro like they say you are?" sakusa looks at you for a second and nods. you even notice his eyes lighting up a little. "yeah, that's what i want. it's what i've wanted for as long as i could remember. i wouldn't work so hard for it and get so dirty if it wasn't my dream... what about you? are you going to become a musician?" now it's your turn to pause. you freeze up. it's been so long since someone's asked you what you wanted. "i... honestly? i don't know what i want anymore. it's been so long since i've been asked what i wanted. it's been so long since someone's seen me outside of the "little miss perfect" that everyone else sees... i don't know." you take a moment to recollect your thoughts. "i just hate the thought of disappointing people that i think i've lost myself in the process. i've been pursuing music for so long that it's familiar, it's instinct, and i can't see myself doing anything else because i haven't done anything else..." your voice gets quieter as you speak. this is the first time you've ever gotten a chance to voice out your thoughts to someone and your own revelations shock you.
"yeah, i think i'm getting there too. losing myself to satisfy everyone while trying to stay true to myself. after all, who am i if not exploited?" it takes a minute to digest the words that were so simple and yet so powerful, the six words that could be used to summarize your entire life. "it sucks, doesn't it? like all i did was try my best, and this is the kind of thanks i get? annoyance and isolation? awards and acknowledges of achievement but at what cost? my social life? my mental health? ... my identity?" sakusa looks like he's going to say something but you shoot him a look and his mouth closes to let you continue. "it's literally so fucking stupid! there's literally no actual reward for me anymore, nothing satisfying. it's all worthless - meaningless, even. sometimes i wish i could disappear..."
a small breath is sucked up and you turn to sakusa. "sorry that was heavy. i've just never had someone to talk to about this. at least not properly."
"i get it. i haven't really had a lot of people to talk to either. at least not that honestly. i'm glad we have each other now, because you were right. it is brutal out here and it's good that we can stick together now."
after that, no one really bothered you anymore and it was all thanks to your new friend and confidant.
a/n: sheesh this is one of the longest things i've written. i really hope you like it and i'm really sorry that i suck at endings!!
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(Y/n) POV:
I never had a happy childhood as long as I can remember, not even a decent childhood memory, my mother never once care for me much less said a nice word...
my father his.. Let's just say... His never around, but when he is he used me as a personal punching bag or so.
I don't have any siblings and there's not much to say about my life.
Everyone i get closed to seems to distant themselves... when i turned out not being "worth it" ?
In the end I just got used to it.
One day the tables turned, I got into U.A the hero course.
It was pretty crazy first the USJ got attack by the Lov, then the festival after that out of the blue Katsuki demanded that I date him, then he got kidnapped by the Lov.
Thats just how crazy my life has gotten.
Present Day still (Y/n) POV:
I have been having a lot of doubt lately about katsuki, my boyfriend.
It wasn't to long ago he demanded me to date him, since than we haven't spend a lot of alone time or for that matter kissed.
"..." I sigh rolling my pen between my fingers staring blankly at my dorm room wall. "I guess it was all for show." I mumbled.
Suddenly knocking was heard on my door more like loud banging
"Oi! Extra, open up!" Katsuki's loud voice rang through my ears. I got up curiously opened the door letting the blond ash king explosion murder walk pass me.
He has an irritating look on his face?
"You know its late? I was about to sleep." I decided to go sit down next to him on the bed.
"So exstra, what do two people do when their in a relationship?" Katsuki question letting it sound more like a demand
My eyes widen at the little blush on his face.
A few seconds passed leaving an akwared silence.
"I don't know? I've never been in any kind of relationship at all."
"Right..." ... "What about we go get something to eat tomorrow?"
"Katsuki, why do you like me? I have nothing spacial nor do I have a amazing quirk. So why?"
"Your... Nothing tomorrow at 9 meet me at the dorm gate." Katsuki ordered walking out but stopped "and don't be late!" He growled slamming my door shut.
"What was he going to say?" I question brushing it off, laying down while falling at sleep in the process.
Who knows? I'll ask later.
Time Skip...
Its been quite some time since I started dating katsuki, its been a wild ride since that day in my room,
Its more like 5 months since he invited me out.
It all started with that one dinner and great memories, we got to know more about one and other what we like and dislike.
I learned how easy it was to handle the angry pomeranian, I also learned how good at cooking he can be and all his other talents and good morals.
But he can still be a little overprotective when it comes to me I don't really mind it as long as I can get a kiss or a hug out of it.
When the others found out I became Katsuki's girlfriend\boyfriend they where suportive but kaminari and mineta started whining about how katsuki got a lover before they did, I also had to avoid Izuku cause Katsuki literally tried to kill him the last time I talked to him.
Beside all that I really love being with katsuki he can be loving from time to time.
But its all seems too good to be true, a loving boyfriend and supportive friends. I doubt it from time to time?
Present time:
"Class dismissed." Mr.Aizawa said falling on the ground in his iconic yellow sleeping bag crawling out the door followed by some other students heading out.
"Finally, my butt feels numb." I yawned standing up from my desk
"Oi, babe wanna hang out in my room later?" Katsuki asked walking over to me with his bag hanging on his shoulder and a calm look on his face.
"Sure, katsu I'll just grab my stuff." I said in a smiling manner giving him a small pack on the cheek about to take my bag.
"Oh, hi (Y/n) Your still here, do you mind, like helping a girl out I got a few books I wanna return to the library, can you give me a hand?" Mina question holding a mountain of books.
"What the hack Mina." I fast walked over to her grabbing a few books before they where about to fall.
"Hey exstra do it yourself!" Katsuki barked at Mina who stayed unfuged by the angry yelling it's a daily thing so everyone is basically used to it by now.
"Chill down katsu, I'll be back in a minute." I winked at him walking down the hallway chatting a bit with the alien queen.
Little Time skip:
"That took longer than expected, I wonder if katsu is still there?" I mumbled to myself heading back too class.
I suddenly heard something getting knocked over, I rushed over the class room door.
The sight before me scared me shirtless.
Katski was on the floor with a girl I didn't know, maybe from another course but that wasn't the main issue they where kissing...
In the moment
I've become emotiontless because nothing can be worse than this feeling.
I feel the pain eating me up inside until I become this hollow soul of pain and nothing else, my heart broken into million pieces.
I wish I could turn back time, never agree to be this cheater girlfriend\boyfriend
I should have known, everyone the same
First mom than dad... Now katsuki their all the same, just a bunch of liars.
My tears built from deep inside and flowed down my cheeks, my tears spilled down my face like a waterfall running down from high cliff. My body started trembling compared to how messed up my mind was.
I couldn't stay here any longer, I turned running out the school while my tears spilled out my eyes.
I no longer feel like living. I can't. Its all over.
Nobody's POV:
The ash blond growled shoving the girl off him wiping his mouth off, an angry look spread on his face meaning his not very please at the moment
"You, fucken extra, touch me again and I'll kill." Katsuki barked with little explosion blasting from his palms.
"I-i Sorry!" The girl stuttered running away for her life.
"Damn, where's (Y/n)?" Katsuki mumbled taking his and his lover's bag walking out the class.
Meanwhile (Y/n) was in his\her room baling her\his eyes out wrapped up in tons of blankets.
"Hey, (Y/n) you in there?" Katsuki voice called out from the closed doors, but (Y/n) ignored him trying to block out the blonde pomeranian loud banging on the door.
Katsuki had enough he was worring and angry at his lover for making him concern that he decided to blast down the door, stepping over the broken wood he head over to (Y/n) bed.
Katsuki kneeled down in front of her\his bed thier all crawled up into a ball and pillow stuffed over thier head.
"... whats wrong?" Katsuki sighed questioning his lover who remained silent.
"I won't be able to help if you don't tell me." Katsuki said yanking the pillow off.
"You jerk, give me back my pillow!" (Y/n) said in anger trying to grab it but katsuki just throws it behind him.
"So you can talk." Katsuki smirked grabbing (Y/n) hand pulling her\him off the bed letting her\him fall onto katsuki.
"Ouch." (Y/n) mumbled realizing she\he was on katsuki (Y/n) wanted to get off immediately, but katsuki trapped her\him locking her\his waiste between his legs and holding a iron grip on (Y/n) arm and a hand holding pressing her\him against his chest.
"Now you can't get away from me, and i have your full attention. Whats wrong?" Katsuki smirked at (Y/n) but sounded worried.
"Y-you cheater!" (Y/n) yelled her\his tears dripping down her\his cheeks, the teary eyed vision of katsuki lover made him angry, no one hurts his only love and gets away alive, but it confused him more that he was called a cheater knowing fully well that he is forever committed to only (Y/n) alone.
"(Y/n) what do you mean? Cheater?"
"Don't l-lie to me I-i saw you, k-kissing that girl." (Y/n) voice cracked making it bearly hearable. Except katsuki heard every word that came out off (Y/n) mouth.
... Silence filled the room with little hiccups coming from (Y/n) where she's\he's pressing thier face into his chest trying to save little bit of the last warmth she\he might ever get from katski.
It was nice while it lasted. The words ranged over and over in (Y/n) mind, katsuki will leave her\him after he/she found out that katsuki knows that (Y/n) knows he's been cheating, than he'll go to be with his real love.
"You-" Katsuki paused with a deadly gaze in his eyes it scared the hack out of (Y\n) when she\he looked up into katsuki's eyes.
"You honestly think i'd leave you. Or fucken cheat on you?! Your my one and only bitch! Your the one and only exceptional exstra in my life, the love of my life. (Y/n) I fucken love you." The words katsuki angrly barked out touched (Y/n) deeply, who knew katsuki could actually feel, Much less love, and here (Y/n) was ready to give up on ever loving again as if katsuki would leave her\him for another.
His not like (Y/n) mother or father, katsuki cares and loves deeper than any average person.
"Bu-but you where ki-" katsuki stopped (Y/n) from finishing her\his sentance by forcing his lips onto (Y/n) lips, a innocent kiss quickly turned into a heated make out session. Katsuki and (Y/n) partened catching thier breaths, (Y/n) shyly gazed into katsuki's crisom eyes.
"I dare you to finished that sentance or ill take you right here and now."
"What happened?" (Y/n) asked wanting to know how katsuki ended up on the floor with the girl kissing him.
"That stupid exstra doesn't know how to tie her shoes, the low life tripped knocking me over landing on me and we accidentally touched." Katsuki said looking irritated.
(Y/n) didn't know how to feel, should she\he be mad or happy on one had a girl kissed her\his boyfriend and on the other hand katsuki wasn't cheating.
"Katsu, I'm sorry. I misunderstood. I-" katsuki placed his finger onto (Y/n) lips shushing her\him.
"I love you.. (Y/n) ❤" katsuki says giving (Y/n) a soft passionate loving kiss.
"I wuv you too, katsu~" (Y/n) mouned in the kiss wrapping her\his arms aroud the blonde neck letting katsuki hug her\him tighter.
In the end it was all a misunderstanding.
The end.. Haha xox
P.S sorry i couldn't stay on the only girl version & i had to rewrite the end cause it was supposed to end with (Y/n) running away never being seen by anyone again, but it was too sad, I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
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naturezoneunite · 4 years
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Elemental Wars Book Of Wishes Chapter VI: The Return of Junis|New Student
Wednesday morning at school in the auditorium, all students, freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors reported to the auditorium for the five huge announcements. "Good morning everyone, may I have your attention please?" "So when will you let me get your phone number?" "You, me, at my place." "Mr. Turner!" "Huh?" "Go back to your seat or I will give you Saturday detention." "Okay! Okay!"
"I'm here to explain to everyone that is present in this assembly about the huge announcements." "First announcement is the new rule, you are allowed to wear casual clothes every Friday, it has to be appropriate, nothing inappropriate." "Second announcement is there will be a new student coming to Shanghai Academy, behave yourselves and show her a lot of respect."
"Third announcement will be a Boys vs Girls Relay Race this Friday, just sign up if you interested to participate in the special event." "Fourth announcement has to do with everyone here, Mr. Galanos, Mr. Turner, Ms. Sanchez, and the new student will be on the new school bus with the juniors and seniors." "Mr. Yakamura, Ms. Ishikawa, and Ms. Akamine will be on the same bus with Freshmen and Sophomores."
The boys were arguing and really fed up about the rules of being moved to another bus except for Junis and Anstice. "Silence!" The boys kept their mouths shut and behaved themselves. "Moving on to the Fifth announcement, everyone make some noise for the return of the freshmen, Junis Yei-Sung Yakamura!" Junis arrived on the stage really confident as everyone cheered for him going wild.
"Good morning Shanghai Academy, what is going on today?" "I'm back!" "Better than the time I came here which was last week." "I won't let anyone down here, I will give in my all to lead us to victory!" The crowd cheered so loud really hyped up as hell giving him the energy and the courage to do the impossible.
Few moments later at lunch, Junis was eating Spicy Curry, Pork Ramen, and drinking his Blue Iced Tea for lunch. he noticed Sukina was next to him in the same table. She sighed really sad and he looked at her. "What's wrong Akamine San?"
"It's this jerk, he has been harassing me for two days and I told her to stop but he threatened to hit me." "What!?" "Where is that peeping tom!?" "He's in the weight room working out for his first football game." "Why?" "Because you need to tell the principal about this." "But, but, I'm too scared." "You shouldn't be afraid to tell her."
The peeping tom showed up in the cafeteria. His name is Troy Stevenson he's 6'8, 245 Ibs. Running back for the Shanghai Academy Football Team. He's a Senior, he loves to sexually harass freshmen girls like Sukina. He sat next to Sukina and began to harass her and not caring that Junis is next to her.
"G-G-Get off of me!" "Nope, you are just the perfect one to become my girlfriend, what do you say?" "I don't want to be with a peeping Tom like you!" Sukina slapped him really hard and hides behind Junis really scared.
"Come on babe, don't be scared of me." Troy tried to harass her again but more than that, to rape her but Junis prevented him from doing that. "Who the fuck are you loser?" "Her friend, leave her alone!" Junis said as he glared at him. Troy got pissed, moved him out of the way and Sukina ran to Junis seeing him on the floor.
"Yakamura Sama, speak to me!" Junis woke up and looked at Sukina and smiled. "Ugh...I'm fine now." Principal Akamine showed up in the Cafeteria and was really furious at Troy. "I caught you on camera, you sexually harassed my daughter and attacked one of my star pupils." I warned you yesterday that if you disobey me, I will suspend you!" "You are expelled, meaning you won't be in this school anymore!"
"You are so dead Yakamura, I will come after you!" "Take him away." The security threw him out of school as Principal Akamine went back to her office.
Later after school, Junis Participated at the Shanghai Academy's Basketball tryouts, everyone in the gym say he put on a show but he show no emotion, he was more serious than the varsity players that played last year. He was on another level, before the tryouts, everyone thought he's a horrible talent, a try hard, a joke to the team, he proved everyone wrong.
He let the game do the talking, he was known as the silent rookie. he was a cold blood killer in the gym, he put the coach, fans, even the varsity team on notice. Coach decided to make his decision on Friday. Junis understood Coach's message and part ways as he went in the locker room getting dressed after working so hard.
Few hours later after he got dressed, he started walking to home but decided to walk to Sukina's house to check on her. He heard her screaming coming from the basement and he hurried and rushed in her house, in the basement and sees Sukina in the corner avoiding Troy in fear.
"LEAVE AKAMINE SAN ALONE!" Junis said yelling at Troy really angry. Troy turned around and transformed into a big mutant beast. "I was close to making the bitch mine until you got in my way you little runt!" "I'm tired of running from you Troy, I will take you down, and save Akamine San!" Troy got pissed and comes at Junis and attacked him crushing his bones, Junis coughs a lot of blood and trying to get up, Troy grinned at him and laughed maniacally for a moment.
"Well then, it's time to kill you, you are a worthless, useless, unworthy loser, even he would use his sloppy seconds on that green hair beauty. Junis having memories of the times he spent with Kimichi, the moments that makes him happy. Troy started choking him in the worst way possible you can think of, Junis balds his right fist and punched him really hard in the gut and Troy crashed against the wall.
"How did you manage to surpass my power!?" "You are a weakling, you are nothing but a human!" "You're wrong, I'm Junis Yei-Sung Yakamura, I'm a crimson dragon!" Junis said as he opened his right yellow eye. Junis brutally attacked Troy, crushing his body, and his skull using amber crusher.
Troy crashed through the wall and into the forest dead. Junis breathes heavily and turned back to normal. He takes Sukina back to her room and healed her using phoenix tears. He did everything he can to heal her wounds, Sukina went to sleep peacefully. He went to the basement and restored the walls downstairs using restore spell.
Thursday morning at 1st period class, Mr. Dominguez started passing out everyone's previous classwork from yesterday. "Sukina Akamine." "Present." "You got a A+, congratulations." "Thank you Mr. Dominguez." "Ming Zhun." "Here." "You got a A-, congratulations." "Thank you sir." "The new student named Allison Dominique." "Present." "A+ for you." "Thank you." "Junis Yakamura." "Present." "Outstanding job, I'm proud of you just like Allison,Sukina, and Ming, congratulations, you passed." "Thank you so much sir."
"Lastly we got you, Terrance McPeterson, you failed, you skipped my class for 3 weeks." "You get a F." Terrance loses his cool and yelled at the teacher with unyielding rage. "Oh come on Mr. Dominguez, how did I get a fucking F!?." Mr. Dominguez explained to him how he failed his class.
"Mr. McPeterson, just look at your grades, you have the worst grades than Samuel." "What!?" "Be quiet and listen." "On your first math sheet, you got a 0%, a F in multiplication. " "On your second math sheet, you got a 25%, a F in Division." "On your third math sheet, you got a 5%, a F in addition." "On your fourth math sheet, you got a 40%, a F in Subtraction." On your Last Sheet, you got a 50%." "That's a good grade." "No it's not you idiot!" "A 50% is a F!
"This is a load of bullshit, you stupid sack of shit!" "Get out of my class, you are banned from coming here!" Terrence threw his table at the chalkboard and stormed out the class, Mr. Dominguez called Principal Akamine and Terrance McPeterson got suspended for a year for his rude behavior."
Few moments later after school in the gym, Junis performed on the last day of basketball tryouts, he moved faster than yesterday, worked even harder, made every shot, rebounded better, played really aggressive, moved the ball around unselfishly, protecting the paint, and go on a fast break running too hard ahead of everyone.
At the end of the basketball tryouts, the coach of the basketball team walks up to Junis and speaks to him. "Hey kid, you got spunk, physicality, being unselfish, die hard attitude, winning mentality, and the skills that we need in a point guard, you are just the point guard we need." "My name is Dennis Harris, but call me Coach Harris." Coach Harris said as he shakes his hand. "What's your name kid?" "Junis Yei-Sung Yakamura, you can call me Junis." "Cool name for a talented point guard like yourself, congratulations, you are part of the basketball team, welcome to the Shanghai Dragons."
Few hours later Sukina and Junis came home late with Principal Akamine, Principal Akamine went to bed in her room on the 3rd floor. Sukina wanted to talk to Junis and thank him for saving her life. "Yakamura Sama, I want to thank you for saving my life, if you haven't been there for me, I would have been dead."
"No problem Akamine San, I will always look out for my friends especially you." Sukina smiled and went to her room and fell asleep. Junis went in the basement and felt cold, he warmed himself up by making the basement cold. He lays on the comfortable bed and fell asleep.
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