#I swear I’m gonna spend my flight just staring and trying not to sob
yveni · 2 days
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
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Til Forever Falls Apart
pairing: (timeskip!) Tobio Kageyama x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, breakup, timeskip spoilers
genre: angst, established relationship
word count: ~2k
synopsis: A goodbye you always saw coming and the hello you never expected. He was and is your forever, only you weren’t his.
a/n: did i cry while writing this? most certainly i did not... (that is a lie) i love hurting my own feelings so now im gonna hurt yours. i need to stop writing angst for my favorite characters...reblogs are greatly appreciated! enjoy xx
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”
“Yes you do.”
“Tobio, this is an amazing opportunity. You can’t just say no to the Japan National Team,” you insisted. Kageyama looked back at his laptop. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips.
“But what about you-”
“Please don’t tell me you’re hesitant because of me?”
Kageyama grabbed your hand.
“We agreed that long distant relationships don’t work.”
“I still stand by that.”
“So if I decide to accept the offer-”
“Then we would have to break up. I know that.”
You had imagined this conversation a million times in your head. But now that it was here, it almost felt surreal. There was no doubt in your mind that Kageyama would play volleyball professionally, he was too talented not to. You knew that all along. From your days in high school to now, you knew there would be a point where the two of you would have to separate, but only for a little while.
“I don’t want to have to choose between us and them.”
“I don’t want you to either. I want you to accept the offer.”
You gently cupped Kageyama’s face, trying your best not to show that your heart was breaking by just looking at him.
“If you stay here, with me, I’ll never forgive you.”
“Come on Y/N-”
“Nope, I’m serious. Kags you’ll be miserable. You’ll pout around here and spend your days thinking ‘oh if only I accepted that offer instead of picking my dumb girlfriend’. You’re gonna see pictures of Hinata and all your friends and wish you were playing on the same court as them instead of watching them on a T.V. screen,” you said. Kageyama let out a soft chuckle.
“You’re not dumb.”
“But you are if you think I’m gonna let you stay here,” you smiled. Kageyama removed your hands from his cheeks, kissing them before holding them in his lap.
“I guess I would be pretty upset...”
“Exactly! Don’t worry, I’m always gonna be here. This opportunity won’t be.”
“What if you meet someone while I’m away? Or I meet someone-”
“If I find someone that makes me happier than you ever did, then that will be a miracle,” you chuckled.
“There’s no way I’d find anyone better than you.”
“So there is no need for us to worry. Besides, while you’re away you should be focused on volleyball, not me.”
Kageyama pulled you towards him, kissing the top of your head.
“I promise when I get back, I’m gonna ask you to be my girlfriend again,” he smiled. You giggled.
“I promise to say yes.”
“Can we stay together until I leave though?” He asked. You nodded.
“Sure Tobio. Break up at the airport?” Kageyama gave you a quick kiss.
“Break up at the airport.”
It was a few hours before Kageyama’s flight. The pit in your stomach wouldn’t go away, however you refused to show it. You wouldn’t show how much you were going to miss him, because if you did, you knew that he would stay.
You parked in the garage of the Tokyo Airport and began to help Kageyama with his bags.
“Are you sure you have everything?” You asks.
“I’m sure Y/N.”
Kageyama held his suitcase with one hand, and your hand with his other.
You two walked inside the large building. The whole team would be leaving together. You spotted the large crowd of similar apparel to Kageyama’s.
“Y/N! Kageyama! There you two are!” Hinata greeted the two of you excitedly.
“Hi Shoyo. It’s been a while,” you smiled.
“It really has. Kageyama never shuts up about you though so it feels like I see you all the time!” laughed Shoyo. Kageyama gave him a glare.
“At least I have a girlfriend to talk about,” he teased.
“Had,” you whispered. Kageyama’s eyes widened.
“What?” questioned Hinata. Kageyama shook his head.
“I’ll explain later. We’re supposed to be heading to security now,” he explained. You nodded.
The rest of the players began to wish their farewells to their family and friends. You handed Kageyama his final bag.
“I’m not entirely sure how to do this,” he admitted. You shrugged.
“I’m not too sure either. I’ve never had to break up with the love of my life before.”
“Come on Y/N don’t say it like that...”
“I’m sorry but it’s true...”
Kageyama didn’t know the right words. How do you break up with the love of your life?
He simply pulled you towards him, into the tightest hug imaginable. You buried your face into his shoulder, gripping onto the fabric of his jacket. You refused to cry. Not here.
“I love you,” he whispered. You gripped onto him a little tighter.
“I love you.”
“Alright, we’ve got a plane to catch!” announced the coach. You broke away from the hug, using all your power as to now bawl your eyes out.
Kageyama kissed your cheek.
“Maybe we should hold back on texting for a bit...just to make this a little easier.”
“Y-Yeah, you’re right. Could you at least text me when you land? Just so I know you’re safe?”
“Sure babe-I mean- Y/N. I will.”
“Thank you.”
“Kageyama! Let’s go!”
Tobio picked up his bags, giving you one final nod, before turning around and joining his team.
“I’ll be here when you get back,” you whispered, however he was already too far ahead to hear you.
You felt a hand pat your back gently.
“Oh Akaashi... did you come to say goodbye to Bokuto?” You asked. He nodded, wiping his glasses.
“Yeah. It’s never easy seeing them leave, is it?”
You sighed.
“Not at all.”
“Are you and Tobio doing long distance?”
“No actually, we just broke up.”
Akaashi’s eyes widened.
“Oh my god I’m sorry-”
“It’s okay. It’s for the best. Anyway, I know that when he gets back, we’ll get back together. He promised.”
Akaashi gave you a quick shoulder hug, letting out a sigh.
“For his and yours sake, I hope he keeps that promise.”
You sat in your car. Alone. You pressed your quivering lips together, shaking your head. You rested your forehead on the steering wheel as your teas dropped to the floor. You felt so empty. So powerless. You knew it would’ve been selfish to ask him to stay, but honestly the soreness in your heart made it seem like being selfish wouldn’t have been so bad. You sobbed in the parking lot, hoping no one would see you. Hopefully you were worried for nothing. That these months would pass with ease. That when you see him again, everything would go back to the way it was. You held onto that hope. You held on for dear life.
11 months later
“Yes I know-I can’t talk right now I’m supposed to meet Kags at the airport- yes I’ll call once I’m with him-I’m taking him out for dinner tonight so please don’t call- I mean that in the nicest way- okay bye.”
You hung up your phone call before grabbing your car keys. Today was the day. The day where you would see your beloved Tobio again. Where everything would be whole again.
You parked at the airport, funny enough in the same spot where you had dropped him off those months ago. You were so excited. You hadn’t spoken to Kageyama in months, and now you were finally gonna see him face to face. You could barely contain yourself.
You walked up the stairs to the same spot where you said goodbye the last time. You were glad to be saying hello instead.
“Y/N!” Akaashi waved you over. You smiled.
“Fancy seeing you here,” you teased. Akaashi chuckled.
“They should be here any minute now.”
You stared up at the escalators, waiting for him to appear. You could barely hold still. You had dreamed of this moment. When you would finally see him again, feel him again, kiss him again. You missed him more than anything.
You watched as a smiling Hinata waved from the top of the escalators. You waved back. You looked around for Kageyama. Still no sign of him. As more players began to show up, your heart rate picked up. Ever dark haired figure caught your eye, but none of them were Kageyama.
You soon saw a woman step onto the escalators. You didn’t think twice about it, assuming that she just happened to be on the same flight as them. It wasn’t until you saw Kageyama put his arm around her that your heart dropped to the floor.
It had to be friendly right? Maybe she was an assistant coach. That had to be it. You tried to prepare for the worst.
The Japan players greeted their family and friends, the room swelling up with love and anticipation. You watched as Kageyama and the woman walked closer to you. You kept your eyes on him. He finally spotted you. Kageyama’s face turned as white as snow, as if he had seen a ghost. You watched as he whispered something to the woman, before walking towards you.
“Y-Y/N...wow I didn’t expect to see you here,” he said nervously. You tilted your head.
“You didn’t think I was coming?”
“No no I just-here-” Kageyama gave you a quick, but strange hug. Certainly not the hug you had imagined after not seeing him for so long.
“Kags? What’s going on?” You asked. Kageyama scratched the back of his head.
“Listen Y/N...”
“Everything alright over here?”
The woman who walked out with Kageyama now stood behind him, her hand on his shoulder.
“Kags, what’s going on?” You repeated. Kageyama sighed.
“Y/N this is Mei. Mei, Y/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you-”
“Tobio Kageyama what is going on here?” You asked firmly. Kageyama took a step towards you.
“Y/N just let me explain-”
“Who is this bitch?” You shouted. The airport went silent. Mei scoffed.
“Excuse me but I happen to be his fiancé.”
The next sequence of events happened in slow motion. You walked backwards, stepping on your heart as you moved. You watched as Kageyama reached out for you but you shook him away. You turned around and headed for the parking lot.
“Mei wait here- Y/N WAIT-”
Kageyama chased after you. He stood before you, his hands on your shoulders.
“Look I wanted to tell you but I didn’t know how-”
“Bullshit. Don’t you ever lie to me again Tobio.”
“Please Y/N I didn’t expect this to happen but it just did-”
“Oh of course, you just happened to propose to a girl you’ve known for eleven months even though we dated since out first year of high school!”
“Hey you said that if I meet someone else-”
“Oh I know what I said that day- but I also know what you said! You promised that-”
“Y/N we were broken up! We are broken up! That was it! You didn’t actually think I wouldn’t meet someone else?”
You wiped away your tears forcefully, pushing Kageyama’s hands off of you.
“I did actually, I did think that! I thought that you would’ve waited for me how I waited for you! God, Kags we were perfect! We were supposed to be forever damnit!” You shouted. Kageyama clenched his fists.
“Well maybe our forever fell apart, didn’t it?”
You pressed your lips together, sniffling.
“It certainly did.”
Kageyama looked at you. This time, he was the one holding back any tears.
“I still want you in my life Y/N-”
“No. Absolutely not. You do not get to keep me around anymore. You clearly won’t miss me. You clearly didn’t miss me. I wish you and your blow-up doll over there nothing but the best, I really do-”
“Y/N don’t do this-”
“-I wish you both the forever that we never got. The one that we deserved. I really do.”
You began to walk away, watching as all eyes landed on you and Tobio. You stopped and looked at him once more.
“I guess I’m the miserable one now, aren’t I? Well that’s okay. At least I had the pleasure of loving you, I had the best time falling in love with you. I’ll let you know once I land.”
Kageyama began to walk back to her.
“Goodbye Tobio Kageyama. It was fun while it lasted.”
[general taglist: @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @evivn1 @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @misszenin @marajillana @sopesmin @alaina-rose13 @shotoful @katlingclaw ]
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aworldoffandoms · 4 years
48 or 51 for ethan x mc
Authors Note: Hello! I swear this one is more kind fluffy than angst but it’s still angsty...I think? Hope you like it anyway!
Thank you for the prompt, nonny! I hope you enjoy 💙
Prompt is: i don't want to leave you 
Prompt is in bold.
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC [Nicolette Valentine]
Word Count: 1, 205
Rating: G
Warnings: Angst. And fluff too. Gotta love both, aye?
Summary: Ethan gives Nicolette a parting gift before he leaves for a flight to work for the W.H.O
I’m tagging my OH tag list but please let me know if you’d like to stay on it or would like to be removed.
Open Heart Tag: @senseofduties @polishchoicesfan @princess-geek @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @binny1985 @fanficnewbie @x-kyne-x​ @thefluffyphotographer @lilyofchoices @thecordoniandiaries @rainbowsinthestorm @cxld-play @jens-diamondchoices @hopelessly-shipper @my-heart-beats-for-ya @landofenchantedwonder @sabrinahoffersonsworld @flyawayboo @stanathanxoox @oofchoices @thequeenofcronuts @heauxplesslydevoted @bi-cookie @kingliamsbish @trappedinfandoms @supercoolperson0808 @perriewinklenerdie @riverrune @caseyvalentineramsey
Disclaimer: All rights reserved to Pixelberry and all characters belong to them.
The rain outside is a constant drizzle as Nicolette sits outside, the frigid wind whips her hair back as she exhales heavily, the fatigue in her brain hits her in all her other extremities as she sags against the bench and she takes a sip of her coffee to give her a boost of energy. She’s gonna need it if she’s going to have to pull another four hours on this shift. 
It also didn’t help that she’s been trying to come to terms with some news her boyfriend dropped on her last night either. 
She crosses her legs, huddling into herself to protect her from the chill. Chill from Boston’s winter and the chill of the words that Ethan told her last night. It isn’t ideal that he happened to spring this on her but she doesn’t know what to do. 
“I need to leave for Africa tomorrow for a special W.H.O case. They need my expertise. I accepted. I’ll only be gone for a month...”
She sits for a few minutes more, adsorbing the air and letting it refresh her from all the cloudy thoughts that swim in her head. 
She stands up and stretches and dumps the empty coffee cup in the trash before she heads back to Edenbrook’s entryway. 
She mentally lists the patients she needs to collect labs for before movement reaches her in her peripheral and she looks up to spot a tall lean figure leaning against the wall, watching her. His blue eyes bore into her and she can’t help but shiver against the intensity of his gaze. 
She knew why he was out here but it didn’t hurt her any less. Ethan was a notoriously stubborn person and nothing she says will divert him from his thought process. 
She slows as she locks gazes with him. There’s a sharp inhale and the words that were about to slip from her mouth stopped. That pain from last night slices through her chest and she can’t breathe. Tears burn her eyes at the prospect of will happen in the next few minutes makes her almost collapse in a puddle of sobs. 
Ethan’s soft baritone wraps around her and she can’t help but shiver at the emotion behind her name. It was soft, regretful, vulnerable, full of love.
Nicolette gives Ethan a small smile, her heart feels heavy like a lead weight had made purchase there and would not let go. She walks over to him and without a word, encircles her arms around his waist and hugs him. 
Ethan doesn’t have much time to think about it before he brings his arms around her back to return her embrace, one of his hands winding through her hair at the back of her head as he presses her cheek to his chest. 
“I’m sorry, Nic. I know I sprung this on you but—”
Nicolette interrupts him by tightening her hold on him and nuzzles further into him, his warmth enveloping her and protecting her from the wind. ‘
“No, don’t apologise. I know. I understand.” 
Ethan sighs, squeezing her once more before shifting her so he could look into her eyes. His fingers come up to rest on the side of her jaw, trailing down until his palm cups the side of her face gently, his thumb caressing her cheek. His heart does a little jolt in his chest as he stares into the green eyes of the woman who’s changed so much of his view on life and he can’t say that he regrets it. He’ll miss her while he’s away, no doubt about that.
“Why are you so amazing?”
“Because of my quick wit and my awesome skills as a doctor, maybe?” 
The smile on Ethan’s face is tender as he leans forward and presses a kiss to Nicolette’s forehead, she leans into him, her hands resting on his chest. 
“Maybe. I’d like to think it’s much more than that though.” 
Nicolette leans into Ethan further, her arms wrapping themselves around his neck as she gives him a quick peck on the cheek before stepping back and letting him go. 
“On any other day, I’d love to hear all the reasons why I’m amazing but you have to go otherwise you’ll miss your flight.” 
The words are light and easy, but Ethan knows she’s forcing herself to appear happy about this when he knows she isn’t. He can tell. Her jaw is tight and her fingers are curled into her palm.
Ethan shakes his head and steps forward, unfurling her fingers from her hand and squeezing them between both of his. “I know I need to catch my flight. I just...I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.” 
Nicolette scoffs playfully. “You’re sweet, Ethan. But I’ll see you in a month. I’ll be fine.” 
Ethan’s mouth twists up at that obvious lie but he lets it go. His stomach swirls in nerves at the thought of not seeing her and his heart feels tight. Ethan furrows his brow against the feeling because he knows why he’s feeling this way. Despite spending most of his adult life at Edenbrook, there is only one person that holds him here and he doesn’t want to let her go. 
“I don’t want to leave you.”
The words are full of honesty and gentle truth and Nicolette has to remember to breathe before she speaks again, the tears threatening to spill over sting her eyes. 
She clears her throat against the sadness in her heart and nods. “I know you don’t but you have to go okay? The W.H.O. is a big deal. This time you’re not running away from me to the Amazon, right?” 
A pang of guilt hits him at the comment but this eases as he sees the teasing glint in her eyes. Nicolette continues, oblivious to his thoughts. “You’ll see me again. There’s technology to help us so we can talk to each other. Oh! There’s FaceTime too.” 
Ethan rolls his eyes. “You know how much I hate all that stuff. I’ve just managed to tolerate texting.” 
There is unrestrained disdain in the words and Nicolette lets out a watery giggle against the tears in her eyes and the lump in her throat. “You’ll get used to it,” 
Ethan grumbles but pulls her into another hug, a hug that lasts for a while because neither will physically get to touch for a month and that is something neither of them will cope with. 
The sound of a car pulling up breaks them of their embrace and Ethan sighs against Nicolette’s hair. 
“The taxi’s here.” 
Nicolette squeezes Ethan’s torse once more before letting him go, watching him walk towards the car which will then carry him away from her. However, before Nicolette can do anything else Ethan doubles back, catches her around the waist and kisses her with a passion that sets both of them on fire, Nicolette melting into his touch, their clothes soaked through from the rain but neither care. 
They pull back at the same time and share a smile, Nicolette trails her fingers down Ethan’s jaw gently. “Come back to me, okay?” 
Ethan gives her a loving smile, kissing her once more. “Always.”
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sceptilemasterr · 4 years
MW Act 3, Scene 4 - L.A.R.A.
Title: Most Wanted: The Hollywood Killer (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Dave x Sam
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: At the L.A.R.A. gala, Sam and Dave are reunited and share a dance.
Previous Scene: It All Comes Together
Masterlist: Link
The L.A.R.A. gala, set within the historic Beijing Theater, is decorated lavishly, fit for a who’s who of Hollywood celebrities. Well-dressed men and women mix and mingle throughout the ballroom. Dave, Rebecca, and Rhea walk in through a side entrance, looking around for anything suspicious. Dave and Rebecca are both impeccably dressed Hollywood-style, while Rhea looks slightly uncomfortable in the old prom dress she is wearing. Rebecca places a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
REBECCA: Breathe. It’s okay. I know it’s a lot.
RHEA: I... oh my God! So many celebrities... I think I might faint--
REBECCA: Seriously. Just take a breath. We’re on a mission, remember?
RHEA: Oh, right! Sorry!
Rhea takes a deep breath, steadying herself.
REBECCA: Better?
RHEA: A little. Thanks!
REBECCA: Anytime. Now, let’s keep an eye out for...
Her voice trails off as she spots Dave making his way over to a poker table, where Ryan Summers and several other celebrities are fully engrossed in a heated game. Rebecca groans.
REBECCA: Dammit, Dave...
RHEA: What’s wrong? He might be able to get some good intel from those guys, right?
REBECCA: You’ve been spending too much time with Dave, haven’t you? He’ll be there all night if we let him. C’mon, let’s--
She is interrupted by a sudden commotion from outside. She and Rhea turn their gaze toward the entrance, where they see Cassandra Leigh emerging from a limo outside.
RHEA (excited): Wow! Is that the Cassandra Leigh?!
REBECCA (unimpressed): Do you have any idea how many celebrities are gonna be here tonight? If we stop to gawk at every single one of ‘em, we’ll be here all--
She stops talking and her jaw drops as Sam emerges from the limo behind Cassandra. Sam is nearly unrecognizable in a beautiful, flowing red dress that is the envy of every celebrity at the gala. Sam takes a pose with Cassandra, smiling and waving as the paparazzi swarm the two of them.
REBECCA: Is that--
RHEA: Sam?!
Dave looks up from his poker game and spots Sam. He is mesmerized by the sight of her.
DAVE (stunned): Holy...
RYAN (knowingly): No way. I know that look. Reyes, of all people?!
DAVE (annoyed): Don’t you say a word, Summers.
As everyone watches, Cassandra and Sam continue into the ballroom, pushing aside paparazzi as they do so. 
RHEA: Okay, Sam and Cassandra Leigh? I’ve gotta find out what’s going on there--
Rebecca rests a firm hand on Rhea’s shoulder.
REBECCA: Whatever Sam’s up to, she’s probably going for it undercover. I doubt we’d help by rushing in, guns a’blazin’.
Rhea starts to respond, then stops herself.
RHEA: ...You’re probably right. So, what now?
REBECCA: We mingle. Try and figure out who Hayley’s “enemies” might be... people Tull might think he’s “protecting” her from.
Rhea shrugs.
RHEA: Honestly? If I had to pick people Hayley Rose had a serious reason to be upset with... well, I’d just be listing the people Tull already got to. Who else could be left?
REBECCA: That’s what we’re here to find out. Come on, let’s go find some--oh. Oh no.
Rebecca suddenly looks out across the ballroom. Rhea follows her gaze--to see Dave walking straight toward the middle of the dance floor, where Sam is chatting with Aly Griffin and a few other well-dressed partygoers. Rhea cringes at the sight.
RHEA: This won’t end well.
REBECCA: Don’t I know it. (sighs) Better get over there before those two start drawin’ all the attention to themselves.
The two women make their way through the crowd as Dave approaches Sam.
ALY: Dave! Hey, glad you could make it! (turns to Sam) Where are my manners? Sam, this is--
SAM: I know who he is. Believe me.
ALY (awkwardly): Oh! Uh...
SAM: Dave, what the hell are you doing here?!
DAVE: I’m--uh--
Aly looks curiously at Dave as he tries to come up with a response, shocked to see him outside of his usual confident demeanor. Sam stares at Dave as, behind him, Rebecca and Rhea approach.
DAVE: Look, it doesn’t--I think I should be the one asking you that question! Last I heard, you were storming off for a flight back to Texas!
SAM: Oh, is that what this is about? You just couldn’t wait to be rid of me, is that it?
DAVE: What?! No--
SAM: Well, too bad, pretty boy. Beckham or no, I’ve never left a case unfinished, and I ain’t about to change that now.
DAVE: I... not that I don’t sympathize, but this really isn’t the time for--
ALY: I’m sorry, you two know each other? Have I missed something?
Dave and Sam are both startled out of their argument, remembering Aly is still there. Dave lowers his voice and explains:
DAVE: Er, right, sorry. This is Sam Massey. U.S. Marshal and former partner with me on the Tull case.
SAM: Gotta be honest, I can’t say I realized you’d be here, Reyes. Can we go somewhere for a sec? Privately?
At a nod from Dave, Rebecca motions to Rhea, and they back off.
DAVE (sighs): Fine. Just don’t draw too much--
He is cut off as the music changes to an elegant waltz. A D.J. announces over the loudspeakers:
D.J. (ON SPEAKER): And bringing it down a little, here’s a nice and slow one for all you happy couples out on the dance floor!
As couples begin to pair up and begin slow dancing around them, Sam and Dave look at one another awkwardly. Sam coughs.
SAM: I, uh...
DAVE (whispering): Should we try to, uh, escape?
SAM (whispering): I think it’s too late for that.
Dave shrugs and clears his throat.
DAVE: In that case... ahem.
He bows dramatically and extends a hand toward Sam.
DAVE: Deputy Massey. May I have this dance?
ALY: Oh come on! Why is EVERY guy I’m into already taken?!
Sam struggles to keep from laughing as she takes his hand.
SAM: Why, of course, Detective Reyes.
The two of them begin waltzing, slightly awkwardly at first, before finding their footing. They fall into a smooth rhythm, resuming their conversation in hushed whispers as they dance.
DAVE (whispering): So. Mind explaining what you’re doing here? Did Beckham reassign you to the case?
SAM (whispering): Don’t I wish. Naw, I’m just a private citizen enjoying a gala. A gala where there happen to be plenty of celebrities who might be targets for our... mutual friend.
DAVE (whispering): Well... can’t say much, but let me tell you, you’re onto something. That notepad from the trailer... forensics ran it. They found “LARA” written on the top page.
At Dave’s words, Sam begins scanning the room covertly while they continue dancing.
SAM (whispering): Wanna make a promise? If either of us find a lead, we tell the other. Deal?
They dance several moments in silence while Dave deliberates.
DAVE (whispering): Deal. I may still be mad about that move you pulled in the trailer, but I won’t say no to some capable backup.
SAM (whispering): Same. Gotta admit, you ain’t half bad in a fight.
DAVE (whispering): Right back at you. (louder) And I have to say, you look... well... absolutely stunning.
This time, Sam allows herself to giggle a bit.
SAM (awkwardly): Oh! Thanks. And, well, uh... you don’t look so bad yourself.
They dance in silence for another moment or two, until...
D.J. (ON SPEAKER): Aaaaaand that’s enough of the slow dancing! Put your hands up for some hoppin’ beats!
The couples around them start splitting apart as they dance to the energetic EDM that starts playing next. Sam and Dave take advantage of the confusion to split off again. The camera follows Sam as she heads toward the bar, when she notices Hayley in the midst of a very heated argument with her agent.
HAYLEY: Ugh! You are so... How dare you?!
BROOKS: Hayley. You know I only want what’s best for you--
Hayley stomps her foot angrily.
HAYLEY: Bullshit! I know you’ve been talking with other starlets; you just wanna replace me!
BROOKS: Replace you? I would never--
As Sam watches, Hayley bursts into tears and sprints away from her agent, straight toward the gala entrance. After a moment’s hesitation, Sam sprints after her, shoving patrons out of the way.
SAM: Hayley! Wait!
Hayley sobs as she rushes through the doors, completely oblivious to Sam’s shouts. As Sam approaches the exit, Dave approaches, jogging alongside her.
DAVE: Rebecca’s already calling in for backup to protect Brooks. He might be Tull’s next target!
SAM: Good thinkin’. We’ve gotta warn Hayley!
DAVE: Exactly. No tellin’ what a creep like Tull might do to her...
The two of them burst through the doors into the L.A. night air.
Next: Street Pursuit
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0
MW Tag List: @griselda1121
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bxcketbarnes · 5 years
Bali - Part Two
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Pairing: Calum Hood/Reader
Words: 2895
Author’s Note: I’m sorry this has taken so long to get out. I really hope you all like it. Seriously. Anyway, happy reading! :) LMK what you guys thought!
Part One
I slowly get out of bed, making sure I didn't wake him as I throw one of my nightshirts and a pair of shorts on. I look back, watching Calum flip over, grabbing the pillow I was sleeping with. I bite my lip, letting out a quiet sigh before walking out of the bedroom, slowly shutting the bedroom door behind me.
Luke and Ashton sat at the kitchen table, coffee mugs in their hands as they talk. The two must've heard my footsteps because their heads snap towards me just as I walk into the kitchen.
“Morning,” I mumble quietly while heading towards the cupboard to grab a glass, filling it with water.
“Morning, Y/N. How are you feeling?” Luke asks as I grab a couple of Aleve from the medicine cabinet.
I swallow the lump in my throat, standing still for a few moments before turning around to face them. “I feel like I'm gonna throw up,” I mumble while shaking my hands nervously.
Ashton frowns, glancing towards Luke before getting up from the chair. Tears pools in my eyes as Ash steps towards me. “Why? What happened?” He asks and I couldn't stop the sob leaving my lips.
“I think I slept with Calum last night,” I cry out and feels myself shaking with panic and nerves.
“I'm sorry, what?!” Ashton and Luke exclaim at the same time, their eyes wide in surprise.
“I-I'm pretty sure I slept with Cal last night and… we were both pretty drunk so I doubt he'll remember,” I gasp for air and places a hand over my heart, feeling it pound relentlessly against my ribcage.
“Hey, hey,” Ash mumbles while laying his hands on my arms. “Calm down. Take deep breaths.”
I did as he said, gripping the edge of the countertop. Luke walks over as well before the two of them wrap their arms around me. “Everything will be alright, okay? Maybe he'll piece it together. Just talk to him.”
My eyes slowly shut, wrapping each arm around their waist for a few seconds before pulling away, nodding my head. I grab the glass of water and pills, heading back upstairs towards the room Cal and I stayed in.
I chew on my bottom lip, slowly opening the door to see Calum scrolling through his phone. “Hey,” I mutter while stepping into the room. His head snaps up, a smile gracing his plump lips and he sits up a bit.
“Hey, beautiful,” his raspy voice echoes off the walls and my heart flutters a bit. I give him a small smile, setting the water and pills on the bedside table.
“Here,” I mutter and sit on the edge of the bed, “I figured you might've needed them.”
Calum reaches for them, tossing the two small pills into his mouth before drinking half the cup of water. “Thanks, Y/N/N,” he mumbles and I nod while fiddling with my fingers. “You okay?”
My lips move, trying to form a sentence before letting out a huff of breath. “I don't know. No? Not exactly,” I tell him while looking towards him to see his eyebrows furrowed together.
“What's going on? I thought…” Calum trails off, not finishing his thought as his gaze moves to his lap.
“You thought what?” I quietly ask, my heart pounding rapidly in my chest.
Calum sat up a bit straighter, clearing his throat before his eyes meet mine. “I thought you had as much as a good time as I did last night,” he whispers and my breath hitches in my throat.
“Yo-I-You remember last night?” I ask him in a quiet whisper, my heart continuing to beat at a rapid pace.
“Of course I do,” Cal mutters and adjusts the sheet over his lap, scooting closer to me. “I was a little tipsy but I wasn't flat out wasted.”
I chew on my bottom lip, looking down at my hands. Calum lays his hand over mine, making my head snap up. He smiles softly at me, lifting his free hand to gently stroke my cheek.
“C-Cal,” I stutter, feeling my stomach churn as he hums in response, “I'm so in-”
The bedroom door bursting open cut me off and I let out a short scream, practically jumping off the bed as Roy came into the room.
“Calum, get your lazy ass up!” He shouts, hopping onto the bed as the brunette clutches the sheet to himself.
“Fuck, dude, stop!” Cal laughs a bit and I glance at the two before slipping out of the room.
I head back down the stairs, walking towards the large couch in the living room. Michael and Crystal sat on one end, arms wrapped in each other as I sit on the other end.
“You okay?” Michael’s voice pipes up and I move my gaze towards them. I shrug my shoulders, tucking some hair behind my ear before unlocking my phone.
“I don't wanna talk about it,” I mumble quietly and gets off the couch, heading towards the backdoor of the house. I open the door and slip out before shutting it behind me, walking towards the edge of the pool that sat in the backyard.
I'm so goddamn confused with how he feels. He thought I had a good time last night and he wasn't blackout drunk like I thought he was…
I let out a frustrated sigh, not knowing what to do or say to Calum as I pull at my hair. The sliding back door opens and I glance over my shoulder to see Calum, now clothed, walking towards me with his hands shoved into his pockets.
“Hi,” he mumbles and I give him a small smile in response.
I lower my gaze back to the crystal clear water surrounding my feet and ankles as the brunette sits down beside me with his legs crossed.
“Did I do something wrong?” Cal asks quietly and I glance towards him, watching as he nervously played with his fingers. “Do you regret what we did?”
“No, Cal, I don't. I just… don't feel like I fit in with your group of friends. Don't let me get in your guys’ way of having fun,” I mutter before getting up.
I began to make my way back to the house when I hear Cal scurrying to get up as well. “Wait, Y/N,” he calls out and runs to catch up to me. He grabs my hand and pulls me away from the door. “When I offered you to come I told you I'd hang out with you and I'm going too. They know it as well.”
One Week Later…
Everyone had their bags packed and I was just finishing mine when Cal peeks his head into our room.
“Hey,” he calls out and I snap my head up. I give him a small smile as he steps into the room. “Have everything?”
I nod, chucking a bit as he sits down next to my bag. Cal's brown eyes glance towards the open bag, his slender fingers reaching for the black lace thong.
“This certainly brings back memories,” he smirks and I can feel my cheeks flush. I snatch the garment from his hand and shoves it into my bag.
“Shut up,” I mumble with a smile on my lips. Calum stands up, his arm wrapping around my waist before nuzzling his face into my neck.
His lips brush against my skin and I run my fingers through his hair. “Are you still embarrassed by it?” Cal asks and pulls his face away.
I shrug my shoulders, looking to the floor and his index finger hooks under my chin. My eyes connect with his brown ones and stare into them. His hand moves to my cheek, his thumb stroking my cheekbone before Calum slowly moves in.
My heart pounds against my chest as his breath fans my face. A loud bang against the bedroom door snaps us from the moment, hearing Roy's voice call out that we need to get our asses downstairs.
Calum lets out a sigh, his forehead meeting mine and I reach my hands out to grab his shirt. “Honestly, Bali is great and all but I can't wait to get back to LA so I can have you all to myself… without interruptions,” he whispers and I feel his breath fan against my face.
I hum in response while my heart pounds against my ribcage, still trying to get used to being this close to him in such a romantic way. “Yeah, that would be quite nice, honestly,” I laugh lightly before pulling away from him.
Another knock on the door sounds out and both our heads turn towards the door. “Hey, lovebirds. We're leaving,” Ash tells us with a grin on his lips.
“We're coming,” Cal mentions and his fingers find mine, intertwining them. I can't help but smile, squeezing his hand while reaching for the handle of my suitcase.
We were at the airport, beginning to check in and I noticed the repeating sound of someone patting their clothes. I glance over my shoulder to see Cal with his eyebrows furrowed together, looking in every pocket of his jacket.
“Fuck, fuck,” he mutters before his brown eyes look up at me. “I-I don't have my passport.”
My eyes widen and I look back towards everyone else as they began to get closer to the lady standing at the gate. “What do you mean? Where is it?” I ask in a panic, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
“I don’t know. Maybe I left it back at the house, but I swear I grabbed it before heading to your room,” Calum mumbles and runs his fingers through his brunette curls. “Fuck. I can’t even go back to L.A.”
Ashton walks over to us with a confused look on his face, noticing that we were no longer standing in line. “Hey, guys, what’s going on?” He asks and I look towards Cal.
“I don’t have my passport. I must’ve lost it somewhere on the way here or I left it at the house. I have to stay here,” he mentions with a sigh and I glance back towards Ash who’s lips part.
“O-Okay. We all can just grab another flight-”
“No, no. You guys go. I’ll be fine. I’ll be home in a few days,” Calum tells us and I let out a scoff, shaking my head.
“I’m not leaving you,” I state, crossing my arms over my chest. The brunette beauty tilts his head back a little bit and starts to speak up when I stop him. “Don’t even try to get me on that plane. I’m not leaving you here by yourself.”
Both Calum and Ashton chuckle, knowing how stubborn I can be. “I know. I know and I’m grateful. Maybe it’s a sign that we can finally spend some time together… alone… romantically,” Calum offers and my heart flutters a bit as a smile comes to my lips.
“That sounds nice. Really nice,” I nod in agreement while stepping towards him to wrap my arms around his waist.
“Okay, fine. I'm totally not okay with leaving you two here but I know you'll look after each other. I'll call you when we land in L.A.,” Ashton mumbles nervously and we nod our head. Cal steps up to his best friend, giving him a tight squeeze.
“Let everyone know the situation, okay?” He mentions and Ash nods his head before walking back towards the gate, handing the woman his ticket. Calum brings his gaze down to me and I look up at him, my arm wrapped around his waist.
Calum paid for a hotel room for the two of us near the airport. I told him I’d pay for half so many times, but he was not having it… at all. His hand reaches for mine, leading me towards the room we’ll be staying in for as long as we need. I chew on my bottom lip, admiring the side of him as he slid the hotel key card into the door.
He opens it a few seconds afterward, motioning me to go in first. I grin at his politeness, leaning on my toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek before walking into the spacious room. “Holy shit,” I mumble, not knowing that he had gotten a suite. “This is like the fanciest hotel room I’ve ever been in,” I tell him while looking over my shoulder.
“I provide the best for you, lovely,” he states cheesily and I roll my eyes, shaking my head. Calum wraps his arms around my waist from behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder and presses a few sloppy kisses against my neck. “Seriously, though, I don’t know how long we’ll be here. Could be another week and I thought that we should live comfortable. Plus, I’ve got the money to splurge a ‘lil bit.”
Both of us chuckle and I turn around in his arms, his hands sliding across my lower back. “So, what do you want to do first?” I ask while wrapping my arms around his neck, playing with the tiny hairs on the back of his neck.
Cal hums in response, thinking about it for a minute before he leans down to capture my lips with his. My eyes slowly shut, beginning to kiss him back as I lean on my toes. His hands move to my hips, guiding me towards the bed and the back of my knees collide with the soft mattress. “Maybe we can make a little love?” He muses after pulling away from me with a smirk on his plump lips.
“Hm, it doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” I whisper and glances up at him through my lashes. Calum raises a hand, pushing some hair behind my ear before gently pushing me onto the bed. My back hits the mattress as Cal hovers over me and starts kissing down my jawline. A breathy moan leaves my lips and tilts my head to the side to give him more access to my neck. “C-Cal.”
“You’re absolutely breathtaking,” he mumbles against my skin and goosebumps begin to cover my arms. He begins to nip at the skin under my ear, dragging his lips downward towards my collarbones. I grip his shirt, letting out a moan as he bites down on my neck, feeling his tongue smooth over the skin afterward.
I push Cal off me, seeing the confused look on his face as I sit up, pushing him onto his back. “I’ve been aching to please you, so, sit back and enjoy,” I wink and grab the top of his shorts. He pushes his hips off the bed, allowing me to pull them off along with his boxers.
I breathe heavily while my cheek rests against Calum’s sweaty chest, his breathing matching mine as our legs are tangled with each other’s along with the sheets on the bed. My fingers trace the silver fern tattoo on his collarbone, hearing his erratic heartbeat begin to calm.
“That was quite amazing actually. Better than the first time,” Cal mentions and I pick my head up, tilting it upwards so I’m looking at him.
“Yeah, I agree,” I smile before leaning forward to press a quick kiss to his lips. One of his arms wrap around my waist, holding me in place as he reconnects our lips. A giggle erupts from my throat and I pulled away from him again, grinning ear to ear. “Do you wanna get dinner with me?”
His brown eyes widen slightly, a smile forming on his pink lips as well. “I never would’ve thought you’d ask. I thought I’d have to be the person to make the first move,” he chuckles and I roll my eyes at him.
“Well, you kinda did. You were the one that asked if I wanted to go back to the house that night,” I tell him with raised eyebrows. “Plus, if it’s not obvious by now… I like you a lot.”
“I like you too, if you didn’t figure that out by now,” Cal smirks and brings his hand up to my face, stroking my cheek. I blush slightly, shrugging my shoulders as a small giggle escapes my lips. The two of us stay silent for a minute before he speaks up. “Hey, I’ve got an idea.”
I tilt my head to the side, curious to hear what his idea might be. His arms tightens around my waist, nuzzling his face into my neck. “What’s your idea?” I ask him while running my fingers through his hair.
“Let’s get tattoos,” he grins after pulling away from me. My lips part, looking up at him as if he’s crazy. “We can get each other’s first initials.”
“I-Really?” I ask and Calum nods his head. “You know what? Fuck it. Let’s do it. We can do that then get dinner.”
Cal grins, leaning down to capture his lips with mine. I put all the love I have for him into the kiss, letting out a deep sigh through my nose. “God, how are you so perfect?” He whispers after we pulled away from the kiss.
“Dunno. Guess I got lucky,” I state and pecked his lips.
“Nah, I’m the lucky one. C’mon, let’s get ready.”
Taglist: @asht0ns-world @gotta-try-something-new @thebookamongmen @twilightparker @dukesnumber1 @dashlilymark @ashs-cheergirl @lukeskisses @calumsendgame @singt0mecalum @bbycal @maddz-world @shower-me-with-roses @therainydays4 @babylon-uncrowned @thatcheekychic
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Summer Training Camp Arc/ Rescue Bakugo/ The End of All Might
Episode 39: Game Start
•the fact that Denki and Mineta physically went to Mido’s house to invite him to the pool is actually kinda cute. Too bad they have creepy intentions
•Momo:”Aw I was supposed to spend several weeks traveling Venice with my parents”
Uraraka: “WHAT is YoUr LiFE??” I feel you girl
•Mineta/Denki:”TheRe’S BoObS At tHe End Of ThiS TuNnEL”
Iida-Absolute Unit-Tenya:”HELLO FELLOW CLASSMATES”
•Iida is built like a fucking TANK what the heck but why the fuck are you walking like that Iida lmao
•Iida talking about how far he and Izuku have come as friends, I’m soft
•Kiri refusing to come without Bakubabe convincing Bakugo to join then looking so defeated when he immediately starts picking a fight I can’t with these two
•”friendly competition between classmates” cuts to Bakugou looking possessed before saying “I’m going to annihilate you Deku/ Icy Hot Bastard” bruh do you have an off switch or at least take it down like 20 notches you’re exhausting
•Lmao the whole class is cheating
•I love how it just cut to a dramatic montage of TodoDeku moments while Sho can’t take his eyes off Mido WHY THEY ALL SO INTENSE FOR YOURE 15 HANGING OUT AT A POOL DURING THE SUMMER WHY ARE YOU GUYS ALWAYS ON
•Mido/Todo/Iida all just staring at each other intensely having their own inner montages. Literally anybody watching them “...are they okay?”
•Aizawa you party pooper
•I’m sorry but Kirishima is so in love and no one can tell me other wise no I do not take constructive criticism
•Okay that end montage is so fucking pure I’m. So. Soft
Episode 40: Wild, Wild Pussycats
•Kirishima “can’t keep my hands to myself/off Bakugo Katsuki” Eijirou
•Class 1B to anybody they meet: “we’re sorry about Monoma”
•Aizawa loves his class can’t you tell
•”Long time no see” Aizawa’s a cutie
•Lmao KOTA the first of Mido’s adopted kids
•These poor fucking kids can’t catch a fucking BREAK
•Koda tried and I love him
•Kiri’s heart eyes are so LOUD
•I love when they all work together
“Then pick another route” Todoroki doesn’t have time for your tantrums Kacchan
•These poor kids
•Kota went for the KO
•”Brats got spunk”
“He’s like a mini version of you “
He’s right and should say it
•Mineta needs a muzzle
•The boys are all like we’re just as curious to see the girls but Mineta needs to calm down 300%
•Kota to the rescue!
•Mina almost killed a child with her boobs I’m dead and so is Kota
•I’m sorry but it’s both funny and weird that Midoriya is just naked while being told this child’s tragic backstory
•Aizawa you are actively trying to kill your students aren’t you just admit it
Episode 41: Kota
•Testutestu is such a good boy
•Good training idea according to UA Teachers: Break yourselves or else you’re weak. Just fucking die then you can be heroes
•Tiger is amazing “I’m here to beat you guys to a pulp”
“I have some questions about him...” ME TOO RANDOM CLASS 1B STUDENT BUT I LOVE HIM
•Iida tries so hard
•Momo explains how her quirk works: smart and precise description
Sero Fucking Hanta: “like how poop works” BRUH
•This kid is literally just a mini Kacchan
•I’m sorry but Mido why would you ask a small child who you’re trying to befriend about their murdered parents like what part in your mind made you think that was a good idea
•Mina And Bakugo sleep the same way, starfish style, I love them. But who the FUCK is sleeping under a bunch of pillows off their mattress on the straight floor with their butt in the air (I bet money it’s Kaminari)
•everyone complaining about training in the dark:
Tokoyami: ”Revelry in the Dark”
•Kirishima’s too tired to deal with his angry boyfriend
•Todoroki trying to help Midoriya with Kota “be careful what you say, you can be really annoying” he’s trying
•Tokoyami constantly whispering “Revelry in the Dark” to himself is the FUNNIEST thing to me I love you, you emo punk
•It Dabi Time
Episode 42: My Hero
•these poor fucking kids I swear
•”we want our treat Mr. Aizawa”
“Do you want me to tighten your bindings?”
Oooh Kinky Bad Aizawa akshdhbekal
•Spinner is a long lost Ninja Turtle Brother change my mind
•I respect Testutestu so much
•This muscley villain is Bakugo’s real dad and nobody can tell me other wise
•Okay that fucking Bondage villain is genuinely terrifying
•it’s been X amount of days since breaking my bones- erases whatever number was there and puts a fat zero MIDORIYA YOU WERE DOING SO WELL but for this we will make an exception I guess
•Mido really thought he was gonna die holy FUCK
Episode 43: Drive It Home, Iron Fist
•Shiggy thinking in Video Games format is honestly so on brand
•Mido is FUCKED UP right now poor boy
•”We’re in big trouble” YEAH NO SHIT ERASURE
•BAMF Aizawa is my reason for living
•Okay I forgot how much I love Twice
•Aizawa seeing Izuku’s broken bones: ”AGAIN???”
•Kota’s precious and I LOVE DADZAWA
•”Teachers changing their minds about fighting, why do I feel like this is Deku’s fault” BAKUGO SHUT UP YOU HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT RIGHT NOW YOU DICKHEAD
•Midoriyas doing a Naruto run because his arms are fucking broken I’m crying
•Tokoyami, Dark Shadow And Shouji IM READY
Episode 44: Roaring Upheaval
•Tokoyami tries so hard to be good I love him
•Yami is so emo And is just such a Good Boi AH
•Scared Bakugo is Baby
•Honestly they’re all Baby
•Toga:”I love messed up bleeding people”
Mido: shows up completely broken
Toga:”Mr. Stainy who? I want that one”
•Aoyama would be the kid who gets caught in hide and seek because they think they have a great spot and can’t be seen and try to peek them convince themselves still nobody saw them in plain sight
•Awase was fully prepared to die protecting Momo I’m CRYING he’s my new favorite
•Battle Plan Mastermind Mido is amazing
•Also poor unconscious kid just being dragged behind Uraraka haha
Episode 45: Shat A Twist!
•Kiri: “I cant let them take my boyfriend” poor boy just wants to help so bad
•Whelp nobody is safe
•LMAO Aizawa just stomping on Fake Dabi has me dying
•Shouto how long has it been since you last saw your brother...?
•Shouji SMACK A BITCH Mezo
•Compress you freak get those kids out of your mouth ya nasty
•Dabi stop being a dick to your little brother I’m gonna tell Rei
•Kirishima is so upset AND IM UPSET MY BABIES
•These kids just wanted a fun week at camp LEAVE THEM ALONE THEYRE 15
•...Mic...is the traitor...
•I love how everybody hates All Might’s ringtone lmao
•All Might’s like only Us teachers are allowed to beat our kids to a pulp in order to better them as heroes y’all are just mean
•I know Mitsuki has just a bad a temper as her son but how do you think she reacted finding out her child was the kidnap victim of a villain attack? No matter what you think of her as a parent, that’s still her kid and she must have been devastated. But just like Katsuki she would never admit it to his face
•Precious Boy Denki And Class 1A coming to visit their hurt friends I love this class so much
•”I brought a present! I mean it’s from everyone. It’s a melon!” Okay that was pretty cute
•Kirishima being like “why is everyone crying we’re going to go get him let’s go gays time to get our Gremlin back”
•Kiri:”he’s still within your reach Midoriya!”
Mido:”...my arms are BUSTED my dude nothing is in my reach right now I’m still gonna come tho”
Episode 46: From Iida to Midoriya
•Kirishima is THE Best Boi I love him so fucking much I would die for him
•Iida’s trying his best not to blow a gasket
•”Hysterical Strength” yeah sounds like Deku
•”Go home and take it easy” lmao have you met this kid?
•Kota is so freaking sweet
•Izuku. Go see your mother
•Iida’s got some good points. I’m including that punch to Midoriya
•Bakugo must be so tired of being tied up and restrained you know he doesn’t have bondage kink later on in life just hits too close to trauma
•Kiri’s constant state of mind: WWBD (WHAT Would Bakugo Do)
•Mido: Stealth Mode=Wakanda Forever
•Iida has the best costume this is not up for debate. I also always forget he has an undercut, we Stan an icon
•”So the rich girl just wants to go shopping” I’m crying
•Clean Shaven/Neat Hair Aizawa? Hell to the fucking Yes Please
•I’m genuinely proud of Bakugo and the fact that he knows that he’s intense and scares a lot of people/ how he comes across is aggressive and almost villain like, he adamantly doesn’t want to be a villain even if everyone just assumes he would be. He wants to be a hero. Whatever it takes
Episode 47: All For One
•Rightful shoutout to Kendo and Testu
•”We are offering mental health counseling to every single student but right now we do not see signs of any serious psychological trauma” Nezu I’m sorry but those kids are officially fucked up for life you can’t be serious
•”what if they’re brainwashing young Bakugo right now towards the path of villainy” leave Bakugo ALONE
•Aizawa is like you come for my angry son I come for your throat try me again bitch
•FERAL GREMLIN BOY FIGHT OR FIGHT MODE ACTIVATED Bakugo has no flight mode only fight
•Mido: Incoherent mumbling
Momo:“this is peak Midoriya” I love how they’re just used to him now
•the boys are just like you’re not touching our friend you drunk creeps
•Kirishima came PREPARED to get his boy back I love him
•Bakugo just take the help you prideful little shit
•Okay Edgeshot is great where has he been all this time
•Annndddd it all went to shit so fast
•oh my god Best Jeanist is fuckin dead
Episode 48: Symbol of Peace
•”You won’t escape Shigaraki” umm so how’d that work out for ya All Might?
•Kamui Woods “IM SO SORRY” poor boy
•Talking to Best Jeanist:”consider me...pressed” All For One got jokes huh
•...yeah no BJ REALLY Fuckin Ded
•These kids are so fucking traumatized
•Twice has big Deadpool energy tbh
•Lmao Iida has had enough
•Mom and Dad of group award goes to Iida and Momo
•All For One: asks Kurogiri to help warp the League
Also All For One: Stabs him while doing it
•”I don’t think so. Because... I Am Here!” All For One really said Fuck All Might
•All these kids think in Video Game Lmao
•I know there’s a lot of commotion happening but I definitely feel like the villains would be able to hear them talking
•Midoriya went to Kirishima like time to get your asshole boyfriend back you lovesick fool
•”YOU IDIOTS” you’re smiling because your friends are here you jerk
•Everyone’s so intense then Kiri-fucking-shima is there smiling like an idiot because BAKUGO’S BACK
•...I always forget Shiggy’s familial lineage and it’ makes me sad every time
•I love this episode so MUCH
Episode 49: One For All
•Nana Shimura looks just like Momo...Todoroki Secret Lovechild Theories Intensifies
“You’re welcome!”
Oh Bakugo just say thank you
•...soooo many people died in Camino Ward, man...
•Aizawa looks so young
•All For One really just pulled an “I am your father” move but with Shiggy and Nana that’s messed up
•Everyone loves All Might I’m so soft
•I’m genuinely crying guys
•...can everyone hear All For One talking about Midoriya oorrrrr???
•All Might you’re pulling a Deku pleaSE STOP
•United States of Smash I cant
•Kirishima really tried holding Bakugo’s hand YALL
•...Bakugo knows
•I love this episode too I’m so upset
Episode 50: End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End
•Gran Torino explaining why they didn’t know about Shimura’s family/Shigaraki is. Sad
•Bakugo is traumatized someone please help him
•Endeavor and Bakugo are the same person and I hate it
•Midoriya and All Might running to each other on the beach is big Marty and Alex from Madagascar energy I’m cackling
•Jirou’s parents are so cool, Kyoka’s so cool THE JIROUS ARE SO COOL
•Oh my god the Bakugos are so CHAOTIC
•It all makes so much sense why he is the way he is and it’s all. Too much. Poor Katsuki
•He’s so. Tired. You can tell. I just want to give him a hug
•”Be CoOl MoM” Izu you’re just as tense and you’ve been with All Might for literally HOW LONG???
•Mama Midoriya is. Right. But that sucks for Izuku
•This is. So. Emotional
Last part of Season 3 is next. DORM LIFE BABY just a little less angst thank god these kids need a break
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queerchoicesblog · 6 years
London Calling (TS, Kaitlyn x MC)
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As I promised, here’s the Kaitlyn x MC fic I wrote about last week. This is more a...songfic? That’s how they call them? Anyway songs play a huge role here and helped me sketch the structure of it as well as inspired the whole concept. In this regard, a special thank you goes to my lovely friend @kinda-iconic who provided help and suggestions for what then became the Hayley (MC) section: it was brilliant, beanie!
So, my entry for the Choice Prompt of the @choices-december-challenge is a TS fanfic showing what made Kaitlyn flight to her girl. As Hayley is heartbroken in her London apartment, in NYC Kaitlyn finally opens up to Amara about her breakup with her aspirant writer girlfriend.
Prompt: Choice
Word Count: 2325
Warning: This fic contains bad words; also tissue warning (don’t know if you’ll need it but I needed my tissue box writing this)
Tag: @darley1101 @esteladannishreyakamilah @kennaxval @choiceslife @psychopathdreamer21 @bluedragonlove 
Hey there, Delilah What's it like in New York City? I'm a thousand miles away But, girl, tonight you look so pretty Yes, you do Times Square can't shine as bright as you I swear, it's true
Tears streamed down Hayley's cheeks as she listened to Hey There, Delilah. She was sitting on her bed checking her social media when a post caught her attention. It was a selfie Kaitlyn posted hours ago: she was smiling brightly at the camera in a nighttime Times Square and the caption said "On top of the world! #timeofmylife #newyorkmagic #dreamscometrue #midnightmayhemstardomcalling". She was utterly beautiful: the new professional haircut suited her and the night lights waltzing in her dark eyes made her look mesmerizing. Hayley instinctively reached to put a like to the post and a corny comment but refrained herself just in time. "No, I...I can't. We aren't-" a sob escaped her at the thought of their breakup.
"She's living her dream and I'm no longer part of it. I just have to let my rockstar go, she's...she looks happy without me. And she's not mine anymore".
She collapsed on her pillow, trying to silence her own sobs. She angrily reached for her laptop where the song was playing and shut it down. Then she stared blankly at it as she carelessly tossed her phone on the armchair.
"Enough with it. I need to get some sleep or else tomorrow I'll be late for my interview" she repeated to herself mechanically, as if it was a line of a script she played merely out of habit.
She went back to bed and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. But her wounds didn't seem to heal.
Oh, it's what you do to me What you do to me
-------- Miles away, in an underground New York cafè another tune was playing.
Staring at the bottom of your glass Hoping one day you'll make a dream last But dreams come slow and they go so fast
You see her when you close your eyes Maybe one day you'll understand why Everything you touch surely dies
Kaitlyn was sitting in a corner booth, arms crossed and staring coldly at the table.
"This song is old, aren't they tired of this shit?" She commented harshly.
Amara, who was sitting in front of her, threw her a concerned look.
"C'mon, this song is not shit, Kaitlyn. It's not my style too but it's not that bad...and it's not what gets on your nerves".
Kaitlyn looked at her.
"Really? So what is it? Enlighten me".
Amara exhales deeply, pinching her nose.
"Kait...I'm worried about you".
Kaitlyn furrowed her brows, confused.
"Because I don't like the Passenger? I mean, we're a punk rock band, it's not that surprising-".
"Kait, I care about you and I like to think we're good friends so can you drop the act, please?".
"Drop the act? What are you talking about?".
Amara gave her a sympathetic yet concerned look.
"You haven't even touched your donut nor your coffee and you're the worst donuts & coffee addict I've ever known. We're living the dream of our lives in New York, New York, baby, with Overnight Records and something is off with you. You smile, you party with us but you're somehow...distant. Not your usual self. Even when you sing: you nail every note, but something is missing. You're missing".
"You're not happy with how I perform lately? Cause I can-".
But Amara cut her off.
"I'm not happy with how you pretend to be okay when it's clear and understandable that you're not! You should feel like touching the sky but you're not. Try and tell me I'm wrong".
"Do you think I don't understand the opportunity we got? That I'm ungrateful? Amara, chill! I'm having a blast! This is like the best thing that could ever happen to me, to us! It's a dream come true and I couldn't ask for anything better. We're making it big, my friend, I feel it!".
Kaitlyn smiled and took a sip of her coffee, but her gesture, her smile looked somehow forced. Seeing that she was getting nowhere since the walls her friend built were stronger than she thought, Amara decided to try a more direct approach.
"So I was wrong, well good to know." She paused, but just to put the stress on what she was gonna say next. "How's Hayley doing? Does she like London?"
Kaitlyn threw her an angry look, like a wounded animal.
"I haven't heard from her since she left. She must be busy with her new job" she hissed, looking away. A pained expression appeared on your face as she spoke.
"Job? Last time I checked it was just an interview-"
Kaitlyn immediately turned to her, an almost desperate tone cracked her voice.
"Only a fool wouldn't hire her, Amara! She's so freaking talented, haven't you read her book? You were at the Fringe Festival too: is there any other way to describe her dystopia other than "a fucking masterpiece not even Margaret Atwood herself could do any better"? No, she's born for that. Writing, it's like a second skin to her. Even if it's just for a ghost-writer book. She will nail it and they will ask her to publish a novel of her own and she will be the bestselling published author she deserves to be".
Amara raised an eyebrow to her.
"So you're totally okay that she's on silent radio ever since she left".
Kaitlyn shattered her jaw.
"She went her way and I went mine, Amara. Where one would go, the other couldn't follow so we did what we had to. What the hell would you want me to say?".
"That you're hurting. You don't have to put on the brave face with me, Kait, we're friends and if it happened to me and Darren I would be devastated-".
"Yeah but Darren followed you to London and found an internship in Albany, luckily enough. You just can't relate, Amara. Don't you even try that card" she cut her off coldly.
Amara hanged her head in defeat.
"I'm sorry, Kait. I didn't mean to upset you even more by mentioning Darren" she gave her friend a genuinely pained look. "I'm truly sorry, I'm just...Kait, I care about you and I can't stay here watching you hurting as hell and telling everyone you're having the best time of your life when it's bullshit!".
Kaitlyn diverted her eyes like a scolded kid. Amara took a deep breath to calm herself down and spoke again.
"She didn't even answer to your message then?".
Kaitlyn shook her head.
"No, she was clearly busy. Or she simply doesn't care anymore".
"I don't think she doesn't care...I mean at the Festival you two were so in love as-".
Kaitlyn raised her voice, making some customers nearby turn their heads. Amara gave them an apologetic look and gestured to that the show was over.
"Okay, okay...just don't shout, huh? You mentioned that you had a fight?".
"Yeah, I came home and announced her that we signed a contract with Overnight Records in New York, the world tour and all and she stood there like 'oh good for you'. So I said 'is something wrong?' She said 'I had something yo tell you too, I got an interview for this job in London but I wanted to talk with you first and what? You decided everything on your own'. But what should I have done, Amara? What? I'm in a band, I couldn't just say 'nope sorry girls my girlfriend is not okay with me moving to New York, abort the whole thing'? That would be nonsense!".
Amara considered her friend's words carefully.
"No, you couldn't...but I don't get it, what did you say to Hayley then? I mean she got an offer too, right?".
"Yes, but writing is different, right? I suggested her to come here with me. I mean, she gushes over New York all the time: the literary scene, the museums, the theatres...now, when I say: 'okay, let's go there together, I play in the band and you can maybe write about us' all of a sudden it's the worst idea ever!".
"You said so? Maybe you can write about us?".
"Yeah, like behind-the-scenes. If we make it big, it could give her a head start too! But apart from that, every aspirant writer wants to go to NY because there are so many opportunities or inspiration here!".
"Hmm...how would you feel if she suggested you to follow her to London cause London music scene is so lively you would surely find a band there? That singers can sing everywhere after all and you would have your muse with you?".
"But I'm in a band already! And Overnight Records is based in New York!".
"And Quillis in London. Kait, Hayley is a huge fan of us but maybe just maybe she doesn't want her career to revolve around us, around you. And I can't blame her, honestly: anyone would feel trapped. As you would have felt if she'd you asked to write songs about her in London. In both scenarios, you would have hated each other for the rest of your lives, probably. But" - she paused looking into Kaitlyn's eyes- "you know that too".
This time Kaitlyn hanged her head before speaking again.
"I know. That's why I didn't object much. This is how it must naturally end, apparently...you see it yourself. None of us wanted to become one of those couples full of resentment and self-pity who spend their day accusing each other of ruin their life. But..." -she sniffled and that's when Amara noticed a tear streaming down her friend's cheek- "But the truth is that it hurts and my dream now, here is less 'the time of my life' without her with me. I mean, with me even if she's an ocean away, but...mine".
Amara reached to reassuringly stroke Kaitlyn's arm.
"It's okay, sweetie, let it all out if you need to. We can leave if you-"
Kaitlyn gestured her that it wasn't necessary.
"No no, it's fine" she said sniffling again.
Amara quickly handed her a napkin to dry her face.
"Here, take this...Listen, I couldn't help but notice how you put it down into words: 'with me even if she's an ocean away'. Maybe this is what you really want-".
"Who cares what I want, Amara? It's over".
"Let me finish...and the possible solution to this".
Kaitlyn gave her a quizzical look.
"I articulate. I know that what I'm gonna say it's not easy: not gonna lie, it made many relationships sink, but I strongly believe that if something is worth fighting for it, you should go for it. Have you ever considered a long distance relationship?" Amara asked, biting her lip.
"I-" Kaitlyn started but stopped, unable to express her feelings.
"Wanna know what I think about your breakup, Kait?".
When her friend bashfully nodded, she spoke again.
"I feel that Hayley is hurting too, just like you. You both post fake happy social media status to keep the face but you're both regretting this already. I know Hayley a little too, she shut people out when she's hurting. She already did when you started with The Gutter Kittens and everybody was drifting apart in your suite, you remember? She isolates herself and tries to mend her wounds on her own before opening up again. Like you do, by the way. You're pretty similar here. And you're both inclined to make bad decisions out of fear. But when you let fear take the best of you, you don't really choose. She chooses, not you nor Hayley. You just run, just as she did jumping on a plane to London. But shut up that fucking fear! The truth is it doesn't have to be this way. You can at least try and fix this instead of well metaphorically bleeding you out because of some stupid pride. We may be making it big but you're too young to have regrets like this, Kait. The same goes for Hayley".
Kaitlyn blinked at her a few time before exhaling sharply and drying the last tear on her face. She cleared her voice and turn to her friend, encouragingly looking at her.
"I know what I'm gonna do, Amara".
She smiled weakly.
"You're right. I don't want to live with a regret like this. And Kaitlyn Liao may be stubborn but she doesn't go down without a fight" - she paused before adding - "I'm going to London".
"What? That's not what I meant! And...and we have a meeting with the producers right on Monday, then the sponsor-".
"Not permanently, obviously!" - Kaitlyn reassured her - "I just need to talk to Hayley. But I need to do it like face to face. I have to...at least try, Amara. I've made a mess and the least I could do is trying to fix it. Hayley...is worth fighting for".
Amara opened her mouth to say something but just smiled softly at her.
"Okay, Kait...I'll cover for you, if needed, just -I hate to say this after what you...just come back as soon as possible. But I'm with you: go get your girl".
Kaitlyn mouthed a thank you and reached to hug her. Amara squeezed her back then said:
"Now, eat your donut then we go straight to get you a ticket to London and pack your stuff. Then Darren and I are gonna drive you to the airport whenever the first flight is, okay girl?".
Kaitlyn smiled, looking a little bit relieved and taking a huge bite of her donut.
At that moment, a new tune started playing on the cafe radio and the girls giggled.
"If you were looking for a sign, Kait, this is it!" Amara commented.
The song was London Calling.
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angelstrenchcoat-67 · 6 years
You and I
Pairing: Stanford!Sam x reader
Warnings: None
Series Summary: It wasn't easy for Sam to decide he wanted to leave his hunting life behind, to leave Dean behind. But when he saw the Stanford acceptance letter, he knew he couldn't stay back. And he knew he wasn't going to be alone.
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"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Jess asks Sam for like the third time now as we stand at the security line at the airport. "You can get a ticket for tomorrow"
"Jess, go" Sam laughs as he hands her the carry on. "Y/N and I'll be fine. We are cooking for christmas and maybe we'll go to a party on new years eve"
"I'll make sure he doesn't get in any trouble" I wink at her as I stand behind Sam. "You enjoy your time with your family"
Sam was initially going to join Jess for the winter break but a couple of days after I told him that I was going to stay on campus (because I have nowhere else to go, he told Jess that he wasn't going because he was going because he remembered he had to work at the library that week. I like to think that it was because he didn't want me to be alone. A girl can dream.
"Okay" She sighs, giving up on the idea. "But please do celebrate the holidays. Don't just stay in watching harry potter and sleeping"
"You say that like it's a bad thing" I protest but when she gives me a glare, I just mutter a 'Fine'.
"Now, go before you lose your flight" Sam gives Jess a quick kiss on the lips, which I look away for. "Say hi to your parents for me"
"Goodbye" Jess says against Sam's chest before giving me a bright smile. "See ya in a week"
"See ya" I give her a small wave as starts to walk away from us.
"It most feel good to have a family to go to" I feel like Sam doesn't mean to say those words because he immediately clears his throat. Jess is no longer in sight so I get a little courage and I reach for his hand.
"You have me" I smile as I give his hand a squeeze. "You always have me"
"I do" He returns the smile before wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"So what do you want me to make for tomorrow?" I ask Sam as I flip through the cooking book in my hands.
"You don't have to cook, Y/N" He chuckles as he moves through the channels with the remote control.
"I want to" I pout as I read the recipe for a chicken plate. "Just give me ideas"
"Okay" He sighs before staring at the floor for a couple of seconds, like he is trying to remember something. "How about that lasagna you used to make? That was really good"
"Yeah, I can do that" I close the book before placing at the end of the couch. "You are going to have to help me, tho"
He nods, not really minding it. "Hey, what was the dessert you used to make all the time?"
"Apple pie since Dean loved ir so much" I roll my eyes, remembering all the times I found Dean eating the entire tray.
Sam's face changes, an empty look taking over his eyes. Right, I forgot I'm the only who is in speaking terms with him. "Sam"
"You know you can call him, right?" I inch closer to him, bringing my arms around my legs.
"It's not that easy" He shakes his head, trying to focus back in the tv.
"It is, Sam" I correct him. "It can be that easy if you just tried. I am sure he misses you, too"
"What if he doesn't? What if he hangs up?" He asks and I can tell he has thought about this before.
"Then at least you know you tried and that'll give you a little more peace with yourself" I can't seem to be able to stop my hand from reaching to push the hair away from his face.
Sam immediately leans into the touch, his hand reaching for my free hand that's resting on my knee.
We stay like that for a couple of seconds until he looks up into my eyes. I swear there is something magical about those hazel eyes because my reaction is almost instant. Like I'm under a spell. My heartbeats starts to rise and my breath gets heavy while Sam's hand squeezes mine even tighter before bringing his other hand to cup mine between them.
"Sam" The sound of his names from my lips comes out almost like a whisper but loud enough for him to hear it.
"I-" He stumbles with the words, trying to come up with a sentence. He lets go of my hands before blinking away. "I think I need to go out for a while"
Before I can stop him, he is already out the door. The loud bang the door makes when he shuts it close is the last sound I here as I sit there, trying to calm down my heartbeat.
"You should call him" I sigh, resting my head on the bed headboard. "He has me but he still needs you, Dean"
"It's not that easy" Dean's voice sounds deeper than usual. "I wouldn't know ehat to say"
"Cut the crap with the whole 'it's not that easy' speech, Sam already used it" I roll my eyes, even though Dean can't see it. "And you can start by apologizing"
"Why would I apologize?" Dean growls. "He is the one who left"
"You cannot get mad because Sam wanted a different life, Dean. I get that it hurts but Sam has the right to choose who to be in this world. Even if you or John don't like the decision he makes" I scold him. Even though Dean is the oldest one, I was always the mature one, talking some sense into them. "It's time you act like a grown up"
"Don't be so condescending when you can't even tell Sam you have feelings for him" Dean calls me out. "I'll call him if you tell him how you feel"
"You know those are two completely different things" I huff, feeling a little attacked by Dean.
"You know it's the truth, kiddo" He snickers and I can picture the smug look on his face.
"And how are you spending the holidays?" I try to change the subject, not wanting to change the focus on me.
"Dad is on a hunting trip but he said I have to sit this one out so I'll be by myself, eating cold pizza and watching those cheap christmas movies on tv" Dean tries to shrug it off but I can tell this actually it's not as exciting as he makes it to be.
"You can come over if you want" I suggest shyly, not really sure of what reaction I'm gonna get from Dean. "I think Sam would like it"
"I- I don't know, Y/N. We haven't exactly seen each other for almost two years now" Dean tries to make his words sound as neutral as possible but I know there's a certain level of pain in every word. "I don't..."
"Dean, you don't have to be alone if you don't want to" I bite the bottom of my lip. Dean liked to pretend that things don't affect him but I know better. I noticed how he tried not to cry when John forgot his birthday and left to kill a vampire nest. Or how he would put less food on his plate to make sure that Sam and I were eating enough, even though he was hungry. Or how took the blame when Sam forgot to pack some of the weapons and John took it all on him. Because that's who Dean is.
Silence follows my words for a couple of seconds and feel a lump forming in my throat until Dean speaks again. "I wouldn't be able to make it for Christmas"
"You can come for New Year's eve" I immediately suggest because now I know he really wants to come, that is his way of saying it.
"I cannot promise you anything" His voice sounds the exact same way it does when he is trying to hold back a smile. "I would have to come up with an excuse to dad and then figure out how to get there"
"Just try, okay?" I hold the phone tighter against my cheek, hope lacing my words.
"I thought I would have to eat this all by myself" I say as I push the lasagna into the oven.
"How did you know I was here?" Sam asks me as he leans over the door frame.
I take a couple of seconds to really look at him, to admire how his blue flannel covers his muscles and his hazel eyes shine withe the light of the candles around the kitchen. "I heard the door"
I can sense Sam whenever he is near me. It's like a radar but I don't want to admit that to him so I lie. Lying to Sam about how I feel about him comes really natural to me.
"I wanted to apologize" He ignores me as he stands straighter, his eyes not meeting mine. "For the way I left last time I was here"
"Sam, it was nothing" I shrug it off, focusing back on the food tray in front of me.
"No, it wasn't" It takes me a couple of seconds to realize that he is standing next to me now as his hand reaches for my face. "I-"
I can see how he is struggling to make up the words, his hand shaking against my skin. "Sam, is everything okay?"
"No" His breath comes out shaky as he connects our foreheads and his free arm snakes around my waist. "I don't know what's happening"
"I don't know what you are doing to me" He frowns, almost like it pains him to say it. "I never felt like this before with you and then one day, I did"
"What are you saying?" I push down the sob that threatens to leave my mouth as I bring my hand up to meet Sam's.
"That I was happy with Jesse. I was in love with her, or that's what I thought" He closes his eyes harshly as he presses me tighter against his chest. "But when you and I had our fight, it burned me. It destroyed me more than when Jess and I fought and I knew that wasn't normal. When you avoided me for weeks, it didn't feel like I was missing a friend... It felt like- Y/N, please say something"
"What do you want me to say, Sam?" My voice comes out shaky as my heart beats fast against my chest. "I've been waiting for you to say that more that I'd like to admit because how you are feeling right now, that's how I've felt my entire time"
"Please tell me that you are not just saying that to make me feel better?" Sam's voice comes out hoarse as his lips dance in front of mine.
"I've loved you even before I knew what loving meant" I place my hand over Sam's heart as it beats uncontrollably under my touch.
"Why did you never mention it?" His words come out hard, almost like he is angry at me for it.
"Because in your eyes I was just your little sister" I feel the tears stinging my eyes. "And then you were in loved with someone else. And it hurt like hell"
"And I preferred to have you in my life just as a friend than not have you at all. I was scared that if I told you how I felt, that you would hate me or feel disgusted. And I couldn't bear that thought" Sam's thumb moves to clean the tear that first dares to roll down my eye. "So I pretended I was okay because you were happy and that was enough for me. Seeing you happy is always enough reason for me"
"It took me some time to figure this-this feelings" Sam gasps like he is finally coming to terms with what he is feeling. "And they are not normal, I shouldn't feel this way about you. But I do, and it's killing me to have you in my life but not in the way that my heart aches for"
"Than have me the way you want Sam" I sob, forgetting in what situation we are in. Forgetting the reality that we have to get back to after the winter break.
"I can't kiss you" Sams says almost to himself. "It wouldn't be fair for anyone"
"No, you can't" I try to agree with him. "You are with Jess"
"I'm with Jess" He breaths out heavily, his warm breath mixing with mine. "I can't"
"Mhm" I barely nod along before Sam's hand moves down from my cheek to my neck. "Sam" His name rolls out of my mouth with no effort, like I'm under a spell.
This seems to send Sam over the edge because he pulls me by his grip on my neck until our lips are finally touching.
I could try to describe how it feels to be this wrapped around Sam, how his lips feel on top of mine, or how his arms feel as they push me closer to him. But I don't think words can make justice to the feelings. It's like a fire that's burning me down as his lips take over mine, his tongue softly running over my bottom lip and his hand diggs into my hair.
I'm too focused on running my hands through his hair to notice how he grabs me by my thighs to pick me up. I'm too focused on how his lips caress mine to notice how he pushes me against the wall, his kiss intensifying even more.
"We shouldn't" Sam moans as his lips love down to my jaw until they reach ny neck. "This is not okay"
"You're right" I try to keep my eyes opened but his hands and lips make it really hard.
"Tell me to stop" Sam stops kissing to look into my eyes, his burning hazel gaze locking with mine. "Tell me and I will"
"Sam" I try to say his name as normal as I possibly can but when he moves his hands to make sure I don't fall, it makes his name sound like a moan.
And that's all it takes for Sam's eyes to darken even more before his lips find mine and everything around us disappears.
Hello my loveees! It's been so long since my last update but I was really sick and I had to fix a lot of things for college so it was a but crazy. But here I had this written and I wasn't sure but I hope you like it❤️❤️
General tag:
@waywardwboys @fallenangelsneverfade @randomstuff-idontwannatalkboutit @mypassionsarenysins @thesoundofme @franchisefan14 @hazzastyyless @i-hear-crazy-calling-my-name @caswinchester2000 @bitchfacesammy
Tag List You and I:
@sam-winchester168 @its-my-perky-nipples @volleyballer519 @yllwtaxi @babydazz @aestheart @mannls @samwinchesterssexyface @colie87 @kimvtaeokay @miss-mooses-antics @my-proof-is-you
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robinrunsfiction · 6 years
Merry Christmas, I Missed You So Much
Pairing: Patrick Stump x Gender Neutral Reader Rating: General Requested By: None Word Count: ~1,500 Author’s Note: There is an amazing little Christmas song on youtube by Taking Back Sunday called "Merry Christmas, I Missed You So Much" and I highly recommend listening while reading this. Also huge shout out to @x-whyareyoureadingthis-x for suggesting a Christmas story with Patrick. I knew I wanted to write something with this song, but I needed that little push of inspiration so thank you thank you, I hope you enjoy!
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You sat staring out the window of a cafe, watching shoppers pass by with bags full of presents, grins on faces, faint laughter just on the other side of the glass. It was a damp, foggy afternoon, the kind of weather you loved, especially this time of year. The way the Christmas lights sparkled against the grey mist was something magical to you.
But the happy people and twinkling lights couldn't fill the hole you felt in your heart. Your boyfriend Patrick was away on tour with his band Fall Out Boy. They were just starting to gain popularity and they had been touring almost nonstop.
You were attending Northwestern University and you were really hoping Patrick would be back around Chicago for at least a few days while you were off for winter break, but no such luck. You understood that this really was his dream and you supported him completely, but that didn't mean it wasn't tough.
You found yourself envious of your friends making plans with their significant others for over the break. Sure you'd head over to your parents house for Christmas, but it wasn't the same without him.
Suddenly your phone started ringing in your pocket. Pulling it out, you grinned seeing it was him.
"Hey Trick!"
"Hey baby, how's it going?"
"Just taking a break from studying to get some more coffee so I can stay up all night studying," you said rolling your eyes. He laughed softly on the other end. You sighed, you missed that laugh so much. "Where are you guys tonight?"
"Somewhere in Jersey, I don't even know, I'm just glad to be out of that damn van. (YN), it smells in there... it smells so bad!" He cried dramatically and you laughed heartily at his suffering. You wanted to tell him it served him right for being gone so long, but you couldn't ever tell him that, you’d feel too guilty.
"Ugh, I miss you so much," you said rubbing your tired eyes.
"I know, I miss you too," he replied quietly.
You both sat silently on either end of the call, thinking about all the things you wanted to say. Suddenly from his end there was a commotion.
"The guys are back and we gotta go to soundcheck. I love you (YN)."
"Love you too Patrick, tell the guys hi for me."
"Will do, talk to you later," he said before hanging up.
You sighed as you slide your phone back in your pocket, pulled on your jacket and headed out into the cold evening. You did have finals to study for and throwing yourself a pity party in a coffee shop wouldn’t help anything.
Later that evening you were staring at the piles of notes in front of you when your roommate Molly knocked on your door.
“Hey, so I’m actually gonna leave for winter break early. Ben got us an earlier flight to his parents’ out in Denver!” She said, excited by her news.
“Oh that’s great for you guys. Don’t you have any more exams?”
“Just one more tomorrow morning, then we’re off! Please promise you won’t spend the entire break moping over your boyfriend being gone.”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s easy for you to say, your boyfriend is taking you to the mountains for Christmas. I’m going to my parents, and then coming back to this,” you said waving your hands at your messy room. “And no boyfriend.”
“Just try to have some fun. You haven’t been yourself lately. You need to relax and maybe get some sleep over break, ok?”
“I have to get back to studying, don’t you have to pack or something?”
“Merry Christmas (YN),” you roommate said with an irritated tone, shutting the door behind her.
You were going to turn your attention back to your pile of notes when all the stress of the end of the semester, and the holiday season hit you all at once and the sobs started wracking your body. 
You let yourself cry for a few minutes before your phone rang. It was Patrick again. You sniffled and cleared your throat, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
“What’s wrong?” Damn he was good.
“I’m just... really stressed about this history exam tomorrow. If I don’t do well, my GPA is gonna suffer,” you lied. 
“I thought you were doing really well in history,” he replied, his voice sounding even more concerned. You had to hand it to him, he really was a great boyfriend. He paid so much attention to you and your life and was so in tune with you. “Come on (YN), what’s going on?”
“It’s just the holidays and stress, it’s all a lot,” you trailed off.
“I’m sorry baby. I wish I could be there right now.”
“No, it’s ok,” you reassured him. “I’ll be waiting at home for you when the tour is done.”
“I know this is hard, it won’t be too much longer,” he said with a sigh.
“Yea,” you replied quietly. “Don’t worry, I’m ok, I swear.”
“Try to get some rest, I’ll call you tomorrow night ok?”
“Sounds good, love you.”
“Love you too,” he said before hanging up.
You sighed and decided to just give up studying for the night and went to bed.
Over the new few days, you finished your finals, completed your Christmas shopping and wrapping, and managed to catch up with your laundry.
On Christmas Eve, you packed a bag, gathered your gifts and went back to your family home.
You did your best to have a good holiday, enjoying the delicious food and drinks with your family. The weight of finals was finally off your back as well, which did help your overall mood. But nothing could make up for Patrick not being there.
Christmas morning dawned foggy and cool, just like you liked, the grey matched your mood. You exchanged gifts with your family, had another delicious meal, and then you headed back to your apartment.
When you exited the stairwell on your floor, you rounded the corner and saw someone down the hall, near your door. You groaned internally, and averted your eyes as you were not looking to make small talk with any neighbors tonight. But then you looked up again and you realized who it was.
"Patrick!" You squealed as you dropped your bags and ran to him. You threw your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight.
"Merry Christmas!" He said with a grin when you pulled back.
"Merry Christmas, I missed you so much!"
He placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled you to him, kissing you with every bit of pent up emotion from his weeks away.
"What are you doing back now? Don't you have more shows?" You asked when you separated.
"I couldn't wait to come home! I had been saving up my money for a while and borrowed a bit from the guys, but I knew this is where I needed to be tonight."
"Come on, let's get inside," you said unlocking the door and letting you both in. "Oh! And I can give you your present now! Tell me about everywhere you've been!"
Patrick just laughed and placed another kiss on your lips.
"I missed you so much," he said when he pulled back. "I'm just glad to hear you sound more like your old self again."
You blushed and slipped out of his grasp so you could grab his present. Patrick really did know you better than anyone else ever could. "I guess I was feeling really lonely for a while, but I didn't want you to feel bad about being gone!"
He sat down on the sofa and you plopped down next to him.
"(YN) you can tell me how you're feeling no matter what. Don't ever feel bad," he said looking you in the eyes. You nodded and handed him his present.
"I promise, now here, open. It isnt much, but..." you trailed off as he excitedly tore into the paper. He opened the box and pulled out the t-shirt you thought he'd love.
"Very cool! I'll wear it for our next show!" He said excitedly. "I'm sorry I couldn't afford a present this year," he said his cheeks turning pink.
"Are you kidding? You are the best present! I am so excited that you're here!" You replied throwing your arms around your boyfriend again.
"I love you so much (YN), I don't know how I got so lucky. One day, we're gonna go on a big tour and I'll take you along and we'll see the whole world together," he promised while holding you close.
"That sounds perfect," you replied resting your head on his shoulder. "Perfect just like tonight."
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daisy-chain-gardens · 7 years
Exchange Romance - Chapter 15
A/N: Hi again! You probably don't remember me since it's been a while but I finally managed to find the time to write something so here it is. A huge thanks to the always lovely @allskynostars for beta-ing this and putting up with my constant stream of random messages. Pretty please leave me a comment or a message or even an ask and let me know what you think, I always love hearing from you. Until next time :)
Word count: 5,666
A03 link
The last day of school finally came to a close, the four of them letting out a ragged breath as they walked through the school doors for the last time. Well, the last time for the next two weeks. They all clambered into Archie’s car in a silence which endured the short drive and followed them as they collapsed into their usual booth at Pop’s, all of them too exhausted to engage in conversation. They ordered their usuals and ate quietly, starting to talk once their milkshake glasses were empty and the only evidence of their food was the greasy paper lining the plastic baskets.
“I swear that was the longest semester of my entire existence,” Veronica complained as she fell into Archie’s side, resting her head on his shoulder. He chuckled at her dramatics, wrapping his arm across her back and pulling her in closer.
“I second that. Finishing off with history was actual torture. Jug and I were counting down the seconds and I swear the clock stopped at one point,” Betty joked, Jughead nodding in agreement.
“He somehow managed to talk for the whole hour without pausing but I have no idea what he was talking about,” Jughead admitted.
“Me either, but we have a test on it first day back so we need to study at some point,” Betty pointed out, all traces of a joke gone from her sparkling eyes.
“Relax B, it’s the holidays. Everyone knows you’re supposed to procrastinate until the weekend before school goes back anyway, so you’ve got plenty of time. Plus, there’s no way you weren’t paying attention in class. You probably already know the topic so calm down and enjoy your last holidays with us amazing people.” Veronica started to smile teasingly before she realised what she’d said, the weight of her words suddenly hanging overhead like a dark cloud. Archie and Veronica glanced briefly at Jughead and didn’t notice anything obviously wrong but Betty knew better. Jughead’s grip on her thigh had tightened slightly, his jaw clenched, his gaze stuck straight ahead. Betty placed her hand on top of his, tangling their fingers together and squeezing gently. He broke his stare and looked at her, a soft smile playing on his lips but his eyes were stormy, a sure sign that the thoughts floating around his mind were anything but pleasant.
 “That sounds like a great plan.” Betty smiled out at her friends across the booth, squeezing Jughead’s hand once more. Her smile grew bigger when she felt him squeeze back. “Speaking of the holidays, what are we actually gonna do?” They all looked at each other, waiting for someone to answer, before bursting into laughter when they realised they were all as clueless as each other.
“That is a very good question Betty. I think we have to start off with a movie marathon though. Your house or ours?” Archie asked, turning his attention to Veronica.
“Ours. Mum’s out again and Daddy’s currently on a flight to Tokyo so we’ll have the place to ourselves,” Ronnie replied with a twinkle in her eyes. Archie pulled out his phone and texted his dad to let him know they were staying at Ronnie’s overnight. Fred replied quickly, knowing that if he said no the boys would just sneak out anyway. The four friends tumbled out of the booth and back into Archie’s car, all of them a lot more energetic than they had been on the drive over.
Their movie marathon quickly turned into a board game tournament after they’d spent half an hour scrolling through Netflix only to come up empty handed. Veronica found a cupboard filled with old board games and they’d each picked one; Snakes and Ladders, Ludo, Battleships, and Cluedo. Veronica had (only just) won Snakes and Ladders and after a very intense round of boys vs. girls Battleships, the four were onto Cluedo. Jughead, Archie, and Veronica quickly figured out why Betty had picked it. She was good, really good. Her poker face was unreadable and she refused to give anything away, knowing exactly how to use the rules to her advantage.
Betty had just rolled a double six, again, when her phone buzzed from her pocket. She pulled it open and unlocked it without paying attention, still laughing at Archie’s reaction to her roll when Alice’s face filled the screen.
“Hello Elizabeth.” Alice’s cool tone cut through Betty’s laughter like a knife, stopping her short as she looked down in surprise.
“Mum, I wasn’t expecting you to call. Is everything alright?” Betty tried to sound polite but she was silently cursing herself for answering the call.
“Everything is fine Elizabeth. I had some free time and I was thinking we could talk now as well as with your father tomorrow.”
“Oh, alright. I’m kind of busy at the moment so it’s better for me to talk to you tomorrow,” Betty said, trying to get rid of her mother as fast as possible. Jughead and Veronica had both seen varying degrees of how controlling her mother could be but Archie hadn’t yet, and Betty was planning on keeping it that way.
“What are you doing, Elizabeth? I can’t imagine what would be more important than talking to you mother who’s on the other side of the world.” The guilt card. Alice didn’t play it often but when she did, she played it well. Betty stayed silent as Alice continued. “That’s what I thought. So, what are you doing?”
“I’m at home with Veronica, Juggi-, Jughead, and Archie.” Betty turned the camera around and her three friends waved awkwardly, not really sure what to do. “We were just playing Cluedo.”
“Oh.” Betty could hear the disdain in her mother’s tone and wanted to crawl under a blanket and hide there for an eternity. “I see you’re still hanging out with that Jug Head boy. I get a strange feeling about him and I don’t appreciate you spending time with him.” If looks could kill, Alice would’ve been dead as soon as she uttered his name.
“Listen Mum, I have something to tell you, and knowing you, you might want to sit down.” Betty’s tone was channeling her mother’s as she moved over to sit next to Jughead. “Jughead isn’t just a friend, he’s actually my boyfriend. We’ve been going out for a while and nothing you say or do is going to change that.” Alice looked shocked and Jughead was half worried she was going to faint. She opened her mouth to retaliate but Betty quickly cut her off.
“I strongly advise you to think about the next words that come out of your mouth, Mum, because I am this close to hanging up.” Jughead draped his arm across her shoulder and pulled Betty into his side, placing a kiss to her forehead. He was so proud of Betty for standing up to her mother that he couldn’t help himself, even if Alice was right there and able to see the whole thing.
“Elizabeth Jane Cooper, how dare you speak to me like this. You are becoming more and more like Polly every day and I won’t have a bar of it. I am going to have a talk to your father about this as soon as he gets home and I can assure you, he will not be happy with your behaviour.” Alice sounded trill and furious, a strange combination that somehow made her even more intimidating to Jughead, but Betty wasn’t backing down.
“Oh go ahead Mum. What’s he gonna do about it? It’s a bit hard to punish me from the other side of the world isn’t it? And thank you for saying that I’m becoming more and more like Polly because she’s a better person than you will ever be,” Betty yelled at her phone, quickly hanging up before Alice could get another word in. She took a deep breath and leant further into Jughead’s side. The room was absolutely silent as Betty reached forward to take her turn, counting out the squares and making her way into the pool room.
“Scarlet, candlestick, observatory,” Betty said calmly, a complete contrast to her tone seconds ago. Archie handed her the small yellow envelope and she threw the cards on the board without even looking at them first.
Scarlet. Candlestick. Observatory.
Later that night, Betty climbed into her bed and lay her head against Jughead’s chest, curling into him. His fingers came up to run through her hair and she shifted slightly to look up at him.
“Both times I’ve talked to your mum have ended with you defending Polly and then hanging up,” Jughead said with a chuckle. Betty smiled up at him sheepishly.
“You probably think I’m crazy with a mother like that.” She tried to play it off as a joke but Jughead could hear the anxiety in her voice, creeping in and convincing her of impossible things. She shifted once more so she was lying across him, her head still resting on his chest as she stared up at the ceiling.
“Babe, we’re not our parents,” Jughead reassured her, repeating her words from what felt like a lifetime ago. “You know me better than to think I’d judge you for your mum. My dad is way worse and you’re still here so I’d have no excuse.” Betty chuckled halfheartedly in response and Jughead noticed the tears rolling down the side of her face. He moved his fingers from her hair and ran them over her cheek.
“What is it really?” Jughead didn’t sound rude or even slightly curious. Betty could hear how worried he was but she refused to look at him, not wanting him to see her cry even though he had many times before.
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it,” Betty said unconvincingly, quiet sobs escaping her lips.
“Betts, come on. Please tell me what’s going on.” She finally gave in and curled up into a ball on his chest, hiding her face behind her knees.
“What if I’ve screwed things up? What if she hates me? I know that she has a strange way of showing it but she just wants the best for me and I didn’t mean to hurt her. I just sort of … snapped. It was like every snide remark and undermining comment hit me all at once and I couldn’t help myself,” Betty confessed quietly, sobs distorting her words.
“You are so strong and I am so proud of you for standing up to her. I know it doesn’t feel like it but you did the right thing. She’ll come around eventually and if she doesn’t, well, at least you can easily avoid her for another couple of months,” Jughead suggested light-heartedly, wrapping his arm around her small frame and pulling her impossibly closer. A small watery laugh filled the dark room and Jughead could feel tears threatening to spill out of his own eyes.
Not only was it killing him to see Betty like this but the constant reminder of the ticking clock on their relationship was starting to get to him. Most of the time he could ignore that little voice in the back of his head that was constantly taunting him, telling him they were bound to crash and burn, becoming a mess of flames before her plane even left the tarmac. Most of the time he could let it fade into the background but lately it had been getting louder and louder, a constant attack on the walls he had built around it and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take.
“How do you always know just what to say?” She was still curled up inside his arms but her voice sounded slightly stronger, the watery quality it had possessed moments ago suddenly disappearing.
“You just make it so easy,” he mumbled into her hair, still fighting to control his emotions. He felt her relax and after several still minutes he assumed she’d fallen asleep. He felt himself start to drift off when her timid voice cut through the silence.
“What are you going to do about your dad?” All of a sudden he was wide awake, his fingers instinctively moving back through her hair even though she wasn’t the one that needed comforting.
“I don’t know,” he answered truthfully, suddenly thankful for the cover of darkness as the tears he’d been fighting so hard to fight came crashing down. Since the incident with his dad the weekend before he’d been trying not to think about it, trying to keep busy so he could ignore the dark corners of his mind that were starting to encroach on the light.
“I don’t know what there is to do.” His voice was the softest whisper but he knew that Betty could hear him. Her thumb started drawing mindless patterns on his chest and the steady pace of her breathing was keeping him grounded, stopping him from getting sucked into his thoughts.
“I think you need to talk to Fred,” Betty said quietly. Jughead sighed, trying to calm himself down and stop the river of thoughts that managed to slip through his careful defenses.
“I know,” he said as he held her tighter, his fingers still running through her hair. He took a deep breath before continuing, surprised his tears weren’t evident in his voice. “I know but I’m scared. What if I tell him what happens and he tells me to go with my dad? I can’t, I can’t face another person leaving me Betts.”
Betty’s heart dropped. How could she do that to him? How could she leave him? She managed to stop herself from spiraling, telling herself that this was about Jughead and not a good time for her to have another attack. She reached into her hair and placed her hand on top of his, pulling it down to her lips and kissing him gently.
“You know Fred’s not going to do that. He loves you as if you were his own son. Sometimes I think he even likes you more than Archie.” Jughead let out a watery laugh, allowing himself to relax slightly.
“You have no reason to be scared Jug, everything will turn out exactly as it should.” As soon as she said it, Betty wasn’t sure if her words were for her or for Jughead. He leant forward slightly and kissed her forehead, relishing in the way she chased his lips once they left her skin.
“I love you and I’ll always be there for you,” Betty said softly, a small smile on her face as she recited the words that were written in Jughead’s messy handwriting and taped over her bed.
“Hey, get your own lovingly encouraging words,” Jughead teased, pulling her hand up to his lips.
“But yours work so much better,” Betty whined playfully, curling tighter into his chest.
“Fine, but only this once,” Jughead conceded, dropping a kiss to the top of her head as they fell into a content silence. Both of them fell asleep with small smiles on their faces and an uncharacteristic calmness in their thoughts.
“Betts. Betts, wake up. We need to get going,” Jughead whispered to his sleeping girlfriend, placing a hand on her shoulder and shaking her gently. Betty reached a hand up and placed it on his, her eyes still closed as she continued sleeping.
“Betty come on. We need to leave soon.”
“What’s going on Jug,” she asked drowsily, her voice hoarse from the few hours of sleep she’d had. “What time is it?”
“Um, I don’t know,” Jughead fibbed, quickly changing the subject. “But get up because there’s something I want to show you.” Betty begrudgingly pushed back the duvet, crawling out of her blanket cocoon and pulling on the first things she could find from the pile of clothes on her chair..
“This had better be good,” she muttered as she walked over to him, finally managing to get her head through the right hole of her shirt.
“I promise it’ll be worth it. I know how much you hate getting woken up,” Jughead said with a chuckle as he reached for Betty’s hand and lead her out of the apartment.
The couple made their way to the Andrews’ house, Jughead practically carrying Betty as she tried to avoid falling back to sleep. The streets were empty so they arrived mere minutes later. Jughead helped Betty into Fred’s truck as soon as they arrived, shutting the door quietly so as not to startle her. He unlocked the front door and slipped into the house, heading towards the stairs until a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.
“You know you don’t have to sneak in. Archie told me you guys were going to be out for the night,” Fred called out from the couch as he gulped the dregs of his coffee, amusement evident in his tone.
“Oh, hi Fred. I didn’t see you there. Um, yeah, I’m taking Betty somewhere and I need to grab my camera,” Jughead mumbled, slightly flustered at getting caught despite having done nothing wrong.
“I’m just teasing, Jughead. Where are you two going at four in the morning?” Fred inquired, setting his empty coffee mug on the floor beside him.
“We’re gonna go watch the sunrise but I have somewhere specific in mind.”
“Alright then. Stay safe, and I need the truck tonight so don’t be back too late.”
“Ok, thanks Fred,” Jughead called out as he clambered up the stairs. His thoughts wandered to Betty as he searched for his camera, her words from the night before came back to him. He found his camera balancing on some of Archie’s unopened textbooks and quickly made his way back down the stairs. Fred was still sitting on the couch, Vegas having joined him while Jughead was upstairs.
“See you later Jug,” Fred said, his attention still trained on Vegas.
“Will do. There’s something I need to talk to you about but we can do it later. I’ll see you tonight.”
“That sounds ominous. Drive safe.” Jughead waved in response as he headed out the door. Betty was asleep against the passenger door and he chuckled to himself at the sight. He knew she hated missing out on sleep but he really hoped his surprise would be worth it. He walked around the truck and climbed in behind the steering wheel, reaching over to do up Betty’s seatbelt before placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She smiled lazily in her sleep, leaning over onto his shoulder as he carefully did up his own seatbelt and pulled out onto the empty road.
Betty woke up an hour later, her head jolting upright as Jughead failed to avoid a pothole in the road.
“Sorry about that, I thought it was smaller,” Jughead apologised, taking his eyes off the road for a few seconds to look at her. She blinked slowly at him, a bewildered look clouding her expression.
“Where are we?” Betty asked, looking away from him to stare out the window. Everything was still dark but there was a soft blue light slowly creeping out from behind the hills.
“Nowhere important but we’ll be arriving in a few minutes,” Jughead said mysteriously, a goofy smile on his face as he pictured her reaction when he finally uncovered his surprise. Betty let it go, knowing he wouldn’t give anything away.
True to his word, Jughead pulled just off the road a few moments later, cutting the engine and looking at her expectantly.
“We’re here.” Betty could hear the excitement in his tone but she wasn’t quite sure what why. Jughead hopped out of the truck and Betty followed him, standing next to him on the side of the road.
“And where exactly is here Juggie?” Jughead dropped a quick kiss to her lips, unable to stop smiling, before grabbing his camera out and a blanket out of the truck.
“You’ll see in a minute Betts.” Betty couldn’t make out his expression through the darkness but she could hear the happiness in his voice, bringing a smile to her own face. He lay the blanket down on a small grassy bank beside the truck, reaching for Betty and sitting her down beside him. They sat in silence, watching the blue light turn pink, then orange as he crept further into the darkness.
Then Betty saw it.
“Oh my God, Jug this is amazing!” Betty quickly kissed his cheek before jumping up from the blanket and wandering into the meadow that was now visible under the soft light of the vivid sunrise. Orange flowers littered the grass, stretching out to the foot of the hills. She wandered around with childlike curiosity, a huge smile lighting up her face. The sound of her laughter filled the quiet morning and Jughead reached for his camera, turning it on and snapping some photos, Betty too caught up in her own delight to notice the tell tale clicking sound.
“Jug can you put some music on?” She called out as she crouched down to pick a flower. Betty brushed her wild hair behind her ear, gently placing the flower on top. Jughead stood up and grabbed Betty’s phone off the passenger seat, plugging it into the speaker and putting her music on shuffle.
Betty started swaying to the music, her arms swirling around her as she turned around to look at the sky, the sun now starting to peek out over the grassy hills. Jughead walked up slowly behind her, his camera clicking over and over again. He let it hang around his neck once he got closer to her, wrapping his arms around Betty’s waist, picking her up and spinning her around. A playful squeal escaped her lips and mixed with his laughter, both of them forget about the music and the flowers and the sky, their eyes only on each other.
Jughead eventually set her down in front of him, careful not to trample any of the flowers. He kept his arms around her waist and Betty laced her fingers behind his neck, resting her head on his chest as she swayed to the music once again. Jughead dropped a kiss to the top of her head, pulling her impossibly closer.
“I love you Jug,” Betty said quietly as she let her eyes flutter closed. Here she was in the most beautiful place she’d ever seen, somewhere that looked straight out of a dream, and all she could think about was him. The feeling of his hands around her waist, the steady beating of his heart against her cheek, the way his hair tickled her forehead when he leant down to whisper in her ear.
“I love you.” Everything felt perfect, and Betty knew it would feel the same if they were standing in a meadow of flowers or at a public swimming pool. Just being in his arms was enough to make her feel safe, enough to make her feel at home. Jughead’s voice broke her out of her reverie moments later.
“Especially in that shirt,” he said with a smirk. Betty pulled away slightly to look down at what she was wearing. A large ‘S’ was covering her front, telling her that she was in one of Jughead’s shirts.
“Sorry! You left it the other day and I meant to give it to you but I wanted to wash it first and then I must ha-” Jughead’s lips crashed onto hers, stealing her breath and her train of thought in one fell swoop. It was over as soon as it began and Betty couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when he returned to his full height.
“Keep it. It looks better on you anyway,” Jughead reassured her. Betty leant up and kissed his jaw, not able to reach any higher.
“Thanks Jug, I’ll take good care of it,” she reassured him with a goofy smile. She held onto him for a moment longer, savouring the moment before speaking up again.
“I know you bought your camera so you probably want to get some photos before the sun finishes rising,” Betty suggested quietly, not really want him to let go. She leant up and kissed him once more, letting her lips linger for a moment longer than usual before pulling away. He slowly untangled her from his arms and reached down to his side for his camera. She stayed close by, following him mindlessly as he moved around the meadow, taking shots from various angles.
Betty crouched down and let her fingers dance along the soft orange petals, letting her mind wander to another universe where things could stay like this forever. The two of them wandering aimlessly and discovering beautiful places from the comfort of each other’s arms. Jughead turned around and looked in Betty’s direction, noticing the wistful look on her face. He walked over and sat down on a patch of grass beside her, picking a flower and aimlessly twirling it between his fingers.
“You ok babe?” Betty sighed softly and shifted her attention from the flowers, looking at Jughead and taking note of his worried expression.
“Yeah, I’m ok. Just a bit tired, that’s all,” Betty said with a soft smile, not wanting to bother him with her silly fantasies.
“If you say so. Sorry for waking you up so early,” Jughead replied, returning her smile. Betty could tell that he didn’t believe her but was grateful that he wasn’t pushing it. She’d already freaked out enough about her leaving, she wasn’t about to do it again and ruin this perfect morning he’d given her. She moved over slightly so she was sitting in front of him, reaching up and cupping his face.
“You have absolutely no reason to apologise Juggie. This was the most incredible surprise and I am so, so happy to be here with you, even if it does mean that I lost a few hours of sleep. Thank you Jug, really.” She waited a moment, letting her words sink in, before leaning forward and kissing the small smile right off his face. He reached his hands up and let them run through her tangled hair, knocking off the flower that had been balancing behind her ear. Betty shuffled forward and straddled his lap, their lips never parting as Jughead deepened the kiss, pulling her flush against him. Her hands were wandering everywhere; through his hair, down his back, along his arms before finally settling on his smooth stomach and resting under the hem of his shirt.
“Betts, you’re killing me,” Jughead mumbled against her mouth, moving his lips away from her skin for mere seconds before starting a trail across her jaw and down her neck, setting her on fire. Her hands started wandering again, moving slowly towards his chest and taking his shirt with her. Jughead was moments away from pulling it over his head when Betty pulled away slightly, resting her forehead against his to keep herself upright.
“I … we need to stop,” Betty said breathlessly, her chest rising and falling in time with his. Jughead nodded slightly, his cheeks suddenly flushing red.
“Mhmm just … just give me a minute.” Betty giggled as she climbed off his lap, grabbing his camera and bouncing away. She turned around and pointed it at him, capturing Jughead sitting amongst the flowers, staring inently at something straight ahead. Jughead heard the click of the lens and snapped out of his gaze, turning around to see Betty pointing the camera at him.
“Hey!” He yelled out, a fake harshness in his tone as he stood up and started walking towards her. Betty giggled again and started running backwards away from him, keeping the camera trained on him and snapping photos as he chased her through the meadow. He finally caught her as they reached the truck, both of them doubling over with laughter. Jughead kissed her softly once they’d both caught their breath, stealing the camera from around her neck and grabbing the blanket they’d abandoned on the grass.
Betty was already ready to go by the time he’d taken some final photos of the meadow, the sun now sitting on top of the hills. She was fiddling with her music, trying to find a good song. As soon as Jughead had hopped in the car and started the engine, Betty wound down her window and turned up the stereo. She held her arm up the window and let the waves of air have it’s way, the wind whipping her hair around her face as she sung out loudly for whoever happened to be listening.
Jughead found himself feeling strangely content, a feeling he couldn’t remember having very often before he’d met Betty. He knew in that moment that he would do whatever it took to keep her, to stay with her, to be a part of her life, no matter how small.
“What are you smiling at?” Betty asked, reaching her arm over and resting it across his shoulders, fiddling with the curly hair at the base of neck as she looked at him curiously.
“You,” he stated simply, his smile growing as he looked over at her. She leant across the console and kissed his cheek.
“Good, because if it was Archie I would have some questions.”
After a morning at Pop’s filed with milkshakes and fries, and an afternoon filled with, well, other things, Jughead pulled up in front of the Andrews’ house. He sat in the car for a few moments longer than would have been deemed necessary, trying not to psych himself out.
“Just, think of what Betty said, ok? Everything will turn out exactly as it should,” Jughead mumbled to himself under his breath. Letting go of his tight grip on the steering wheel and climbing out of the truck. He dragged his feet up the few wooden steps, opening the front door and heading straight for the kitchen, suddenly becoming very thirsty. Of course, with Jughead’s luck, Fred was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter and drinking tea.
“Hey Fred, I put the keys to the truck by the door,” Jughead said as he walked into the room. Half of him hoped that Fred had forgotten that small detail of their talk that morning and the other part of him just wanted to get the conversation over and done with.
“Thanks Jug. How was your day?” Fred asked, handing Jughead a glass of water he must have grabbed while Jughead was lost in thought.
“It was great, yeah, it was … great.” Jughead meant to take a sip of his water but ended up drinking the whole thing in one gulp. Why was he so nervous? This was just a simple conversation with Fred. He could manage that, right?
“Since when do you say great?” Fred wondered aloud with a chuckle, setting his empty glass in the sink. “Anyway, what did you want to talk to me about this morning?”
“Oh, um, yeah. So, Archie probably already told you but, um, well my dad asked me to move back in with him,” Jughead finally managed to stutter out. Judging by Fred’s unchanged expression, Jughead figured he already knew. Betty’s words we're bouncing around his scattered thoughts, giving him the clarity he needed.
“I told him I didn’t want to. I told him I didn’t want to give up the good thing I have going here for the maybe I’ll be getting if I leave.” Jughead fixed his eyes on his glass, not sure if he could look at Fred when he got rejected from another person’s life, another home.
“Ok,” Fred stated, as if it was the easiest thing in the world.
“Wait, what?” Jughead finally looked up from his glass with a puzzled look on his face, Fred’s caring expression not quite calculating.
“Ok,” he repeated with a slight chuckle.
“But, but what do you mean ‘ok’?” Jughead was still bewildered, Fred’s repetition of the word not exactly clarifying things.
“I mean ‘ok’. It’s fine Jughead. If you want to stay, I completely understand and Archie and I are more than happy for you to keep living here. If you want to go with your dad and your family, I understand that too. It’s up to you but I will fully support you in whatever you choose.”
“Thanks Fred that, that means a lot to me.” Jughead’s voice was small and soft as he tried to figure out what just happened. He was accepted and truly wanted by someone and a small part of him was shocked into disbelief. Who would’ve thought that he, Jughead Jones, would be loved and appreciated and have people to call family, a place to call home?
“Anytime Jug. I know it wasn’t easy for you to talk to me about this but I really appreciate you telling me what’s happening in your life. I’m always here for you, if you need me.” Fred reached an arm out and clapped Jughead on the shoulder, a rare sign of affection between the two. Jughead sent him a grateful smile before walking out of the room, the dark corners of his mind no longer seeming quite so intimidating.
He made his way upstairs and collapsed onto his bed, his mind racing at a million miles an hour as he finally processed what had just happened. He reached for his camera bag with a content smile on his face. As he pulled his camera out, a napkin floated onto his chest. He picked it up out of curiosity and found Betty’s bubbly handwriting carefully written on the flimsy tissue, little flowers doodled around the edges. Your arms always make me feel like home; your chin resting on my hair, your heart beating through your chest, your arms wrapped around me. Your name is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of home and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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aniallstory-blog · 7 years
Chapter Eighteen
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After the emotional part of the day was done, it was time to celebrate. We all went back to my house, buzzing from the success of the day and started the party while we got ready. Around nine pm, we were picked up by yet another limousine and headed out on the town to meet up with my other bridesmaids. Charlotte and Gemma assured me that it would be a good night, but would't tell me where we were going so when we pulled up outside Rumpus Room, one of the busiest rooftop bars in London, I was shocked.
“Are we actually gonna try to get in there?” I asked as we stepped out on to the sidewalk. “It's guestlist only, there's no way we'll get in at this time.”
“We will if we're on the guestlist,” Gemma smiled at me, linking her arm through mine.
“Are we?” I asked her, my voice full of skepticism. “How'd we manage that?”
I suddenly felt an arm around my shoulder and someone standing on the side of me opposite to Gemma.
“Bein' related to Harry Styles does, on occasion, have some perks.”
I smiled at the familiar voice and looked up to see Harry looking down at me.
“Wow, I really am being spoiled today!”
“'Course ya are,” Harry grinned. “Only get one bachelorette party!”
Harry slid his arm off of my shoulder and led the group towards the door.
My other bridesmaids were apparently already inside and ready to start the party as they greeted us with a tray full of shots. Charlotte, Gemma and I reached for them eagerly, but Harry quickly disappeared to buy something a tad less strong for himself, his mother and Maura. We settled into a nice booth in the corner of the room with a great view of the city and I looked around at my little posse, my heart filling with love.
“Can I just take a moment to thank you all for being here?” I asked, interrupting the various conversations my friends and family had fallen into. “I know weddings are a hassle and I know this one has been particularly rushed, but I appreciate each and every one of you for supporting Niall and I. I hope I haven't been too much of a picky bridezilla, especially while I was picking out my dress today.”
“Oh my god!” My bridesmaid, Abby squealed. “Did you find one?!”
I couldn't even hide the massive grin that burst onto my face.
“I did!” I told them as I pulled out my phone to find the picture Gemma had sent me. “It's this one right here.”
I held out the phone so the three bridesmaids who weren't there and Harry could see what I looked like. The girls all cooed and showered me with praise while Harry looked a tad teary.
“Ya look amazin', AJ,” He said quietly. “Niall's gonna lose it when he sees you.”
“That's what I said,” Maura smiled as she sipped her gin and tonic.
“Do you think he'll cry?” Sarah asked, handing me back my phone.
“I don't think so,” I said scrunching up my nose. “I think he'll think I look beautiful and he'll be happy, but I don't think seeing me in a pretty dress will be enough to make him cry. Maybe once he realizes he'll have to spend the rest of his life with me the tears will start.”
Everyone chuckled at my self-deprecating joke and Anne swatted my arm as she shook her head.
“He's a lucky man for getting to spend his life with you,” She insisted. “And your dress was enough to make us all cry today so I wouldn't underestimate the power of a beautiful bride!”
Maura nodded in agreement.
“If I know my son like I think I do, there'll be a few tears on the day,” She warned me. “He's a typical Irish lad who doesn't like to get too emotional unnecessarily, but he's been known to shed a tear over much less than something like this. He won't be able to help himself when he sees you.”
I blushed and took a gulp of my drink, never one to take a compliment well. Luckily Gemma swooped in before I had to comment.
“I think we'll all be sobbing through the whole ceremony,” She smiled. “We're an emotional bunch. Hopefully Lou has some very waterproof makeup for us all!”
“Lou's doin' yer makeup?”
I nodded in response to Harry's question.
“Yeah, I asked her the other day,” I informed him. “I asked Lux if she wanted to be the flowergirl too, she was over the moon.”
“I bet she was,” He smiled fondly. “I know you're trying to keep the wedding small, but I was wonderin' if m'allowed t'bring a plus one?”
Suddenly all the eyes at the table landed on Harry and he shifted nervously under our collective gaze.
“Of course you are,” I said, my voice laced with suspicion. “As long as it's not a Kardashian or any of their relatives. We're going to have enough trouble keeping the paparazzi away as it is.”
“S'not, I swear,” Harry chuckled, shaking his head.
He offered no more information as we all stared him down.
“So who is she?” Gemma blurted out after a tense moment of silence. “I didn't know you were seeing anyone.”
Anne nodded in agreement, looking quite shocked that she hadn't been informed. I was surprised too as usually Harry told his mum everything which usually meant I knew far earlier than I was supposed to as she told my dad and he told me. Word travelled fast in our family, secrets like this were hard to come by.
“Her name's Isabel,” Harry said quietly, a proud little smile on his face. “She's french and we're not really 'seeing each other' yet, we're just talkin', but m'going to see her tomorrow after the premiere to talk about things.”
“Awe, I'm happy for you, Haz,” I smiled. “Of course she can come to the wedding!”
“Might not get that far, but figured I'd ask jus' in case.”
“Show me a picture,” Gemma demanded, still looking shocked that this was the first he'd mentioned her. “How'd you meet her?”
“On the set of Dunkirk,” He explained as he fished his phone out to pull up a picture. He scrolled through for a minute before his eyes lit up and he passed the phone to Gemma. I peeked over her shoulder and my jaw dropped.
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“Harry, she's gorgeous!”
“N'smart too!” He beamed proudly. “She's a historian, was helpin' out with makin' sure the film was accurate, s'how we met.”
“Well she's the prettiest historian I've ever seen,” Gemma smiled. “Does she model too?”
“Nope, has no interest in that stuff,” Harry informed us. “Doesn't even think she's that beautiful, no matter how many times I tell her.”
We passed the phone around so Anne, Maura and all my friends could see and everyone's reaction was the same as mine.
“Well I hope it works out for you, Harry,” Charlotte said as she passed his phone back. “She seems lovely from what you've said.”
“She is,” Harry agreed. “And I can trust that none of this information leaves this table, yeah? S'still new and m'worried about the fans. They always tear my girls apart and I don't want that for her, 'specially not when we're not even together yet.”
“Oh please,” I rolled my eyes as I finished my drink off. “These girls are experts at keeping top secret One Direction love life details to themselves. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Just makin' sure!” Harry protested, holding his hands up in defense. “Now, let's get this party started, shall we? Looks like there's a few people who need another drink.”
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Almost two hours later, it was safe to say that I was drunk. Apparently being the guest of honour meant that I had to constantly have a drink in my hand and was scolded if it didn't disappear fast enough. And that was how I found myself on the dance floor, dancing badly and shouting along the words to some cheesy pop song. Just as my current jam ended, I felt myself being pulled away from my bridesmaids. Looking to see who was holding my hand, I saw Harry's familiar face.
“M'gonna take these lovely ladies home now, yeah?” He told me once we were away from the noise of the DJ and next to Maura and Anne. “They're tired and I've got an early flight.”
I pouted dramatically and shook my head.
“Nooo,” I whined, holding onto Harry as I felt myself sway slightly. “You can't go yet, the party's jus' gettin' started.”
Harry chuckled as the older women smiled at me in amusement.
“Have to, love,” He insisted. “But Gemma's goin' to take good care of ya, gave her money for your cab home and everything.”
I sighed dramatically, but nodded my head.
“Alriiiiiight,” I said, dragging out the word as I reluctantly let go of Harry to give the other's a hug. “Thanks for comin' and thanks for the help today. Get home safe.”
“Do ya want me t'get you some water before I leave?” Harry asked, raising his eyebrow at me in concern causing me to wrinkle my nose in disgust.
“Water? M'good with gin for now thanks,” I informed him before an idea struck me. “Ooh, but could I bum a cig off of you?”
“A cig? You don't smoke, AJ and neither do I so I don't have any.”
“And if he did, he wouldn't give them to you,” Anne informed me, giving me the look she used to give me when I was younger and misbehaved which I promptly ignored.
“Well if you don't have one, can ya bum on off someone else for me?” I asked. “I like a cigarette when m'drinking sometimes, you know that. Jus' don't tell my dad or Niall, alright?”
Harry shook his head, a smile on his face.
“M'not gonna bum one for ya either, love,” He told me, patting my shoulder in what felt like a rather patronizing way. “Now, go find Gemma and enjoy the rest of your night, yeah?”
I sighed dramatically once again, but nodded and pulled him into a hug before I pranced off back to my friends.
Once I had the idea in my head that I wanted a cigarette, I couldn't kill the craving. Luckily Charlotte was also in the mood once I mentioned it so the two of us snuck outside to see if we could scrounge one up to share. It didn't take us long to find a very generous drunk girl who 'absolutely, completely, adored my outfit' and was willing to donate to our cause.
As Charlotte lit it up and took a long drag, we enjoyed the quiet, cool air and I pulled out my phone. I had a message from Harry letting me know everyone got home safely and to enjoy my night and a few messages from Niall that were full of typos showing his level of inebriation was probably close to mine (unless of course my blurry vision was inhibiting my reading abilities). I took the cigarette from Charlotte as I opened Instagram with the intention of posting one of the many selfies we'd taken that night. However, before I could switch to the posting part of the app, a picture of Niall popped up on my screen. Well more specifically Niall's back.
“Oh no,” I groaned, handing the cigarette back to Charlotte. “Niall's not even been in Ibiza for a day and he's already sunburnt!”
“Really? Let me see,” Charlotte laughed, taking my phone to look at the picture. After a moment she rolled her eyes and handed it back to me. “That's nothing, he's barely pink!”
“Yeah, but if he's pink now, just think how bad it'll be in the morning!”
She rolled her eyes again, but as she got distracted by some cute guy that just walked out into the smoking area, I closed the app and pulled up Niall's number in my phone. Unfortunately for me, Charlotte's attention snapped back to me as soon as she heard the ringing.
“What are you doing?” She demanded to know, her tone stern. “Who are you calling?”
“M'calling Niall,” I admitted. “Gotta tell him to put some lotion on before he goes to bed tonight and to make sure he wears extra sunscreen tomorrow if he's already burnt.”
“What, are you his mother or something?” She asked, her voice laced with sarcasm. “Give me your damn phone.”
Before I could even oblige with her request, my phone was snatched out my hand, the call disconnected as it was shoved into her purse.
“Charlotte, what was that for?”
My words came out a lot whinier than they were meant and she simply shook her head as she passed my the last little bit of the cigarette.
“This is supposed to be your last wild night out as an unmarried lady,” She reminded me. “I know your wedding's still ages away, but you are strictly forbidden from talking to your groom during your bachelorette party!”
I pouted slightly as I stomped out the cigarette butt.
“Fine, I promise I won't call him,” I relented. “Can I have my phone back now?”
“Nope!” Charlotte grinned, linking her arm with mine. “You can have it back at the end of the night when I know you won't be making any naughty phone calls! Now, let's go get ourselves another drink!”
It was almost three hours later when I stumbled into the house, waving goodbye to my friends in the cab as it drove off to take them home. I was absolutely plastered. The drinks had not stopped all night and considering I was already decently intoxicated when Harry, Anne and Maura had left the bar and now I was done for.
“Jus' get ya self some water 'n go t'sleep,” I drunkenly mumbled to myself as I locked the door.
That was when I realized all the lights were on and the smell of delicious greasy food wafted into my nostrils. Furrowing my brow in confusion, I staggered into the kitchen and found Maura plating up the most amazing burger I'd ever seen.
“Ah, perfect timin'!” She smiled. “I thought ya'd be home soon.”
“You made that for me?” I asked as she nodded her head. I felt my eyes well up with tears as I slipped into the mushy, emotional kind of drunk I always got when I started getting tired. “You stayed up to make me drunk food?”
“I did,” Maura confirmed. “Wanted ta make sure ya got home alright anyway and I thought ya'd need it from the state you were in when I left!”
“M'in a worser state now!” I informed her (just in case she couldn't tell) as I pulled myself onto a stool by the island and she pushed the plate towards me. “This s'so nice of you, Maura. You're the best.”
“It's no trouble,” She smiled, shaking her head as I bit into the burger and let out a moan of absolute bliss. “Let me get ya some water too, you need that more than anything.”
I mumbled my thanks through my full mouth before continuing to devour my food. Maura took a seat across from me, a cup of tea in her hand and we sat in silence until I finished shovelling food into my face. Once I was done, I chugged down the glass of water.
“You're the best mother-in-law ever,” I told her, causing a laugh to burst from her lips. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” Maura nodded. “I'd like to think by now you know I'm always here for you, can ask me anything you'd like.”
“Are you glad Niall chose me?” I asked, picking at my nails nervous for the answer. “Like are you and Bobby glad that he’s marrying me?”
“Well I can't speak for Bobby, but from what I've heard and seen and the few conversations we've had I think he'd agree when I say that of course we are,” She told me, looking slightly taken aback by the question. “You make Niall very happy and we support anything that brings him joy.”
I nodded in thought for a moment before I realized I wasn't satisfied with her answer.
“But do you like me? Are you happy that it's me making Niall happy?” I tried to explain myself. “M’not making sense, but you can like things that aren't good for you, yeah? Like how Niall likes beer a little more thans good for him sometimes and apparently I like smoking if tonight is anything to go by.”
I wrinkled my nose in disgust at myself as I caught a whiff of stale cigarette smell from my hair earning another laugh from Maura.
“Oh, honey! We absolutely like you! Love you, even,” Maura assured me. “You're smart, beautiful, independent, funny. I could go on and on if you'd like. We've always loved you and I think you're wonderful for Niall. You keep each other grounded and you're not afraid to tell him when he's bein' an idiot. Like this whole delaying the weddin' business. You didn't let him get away with that nonsense for a minute and that's what he needs. Too many girls would let someone like him walk all over them, but you stand up to him. Helps keep his head on straight!”
My cheeks felt like they were going to split from how wide I was smiling by the time she was done singing my praises.
“Means a lot, Maura,” I told her, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “I love your son a whole lot. More than I ever thought I'd love anyone. You did a good job raisin' him, he's practically perfect in every way and I dunno what I'd do without him. Makes me happy to know that you're all as excited for me join your family as I am and I hope that when me and Niall have any babies we do half as good a job raising them as you did with Niall.”
Maura smiled proudly at my rambled compliment.
“Thanks, honey, I'm sure you'll do even better than we did,” She assured me. “Now let's get you to bed, the later you stay up the worse you're going to feel in the mornin'.”
I nodded, hopped down from my stool and followed Maura down the hall to the stairs, leaving the dishes to be dealt with in the morning.
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