#I surprise myself with how little I prick my fingers
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tired-and-ticklish · 6 months
Back On The Air
Sequel to Broadcast Interference
Disclaimer: This is a tickle fic, so if that isn’t your thing, then just ignore this. 
Summary: Vox learns there are consequences to messing with the Radio Demon.
TW: Tickling (Intense, seriously), Swearing, Restraints, Vox and Alastor are both Bastard Men, Mentions of Cannibalism
Alastor hummed, looking over his captive. There were many things he could do Vox, ranging from eating him to ripping his soul apart, but he always believed in a little ‘tit for tat’, so to speak. Speaking of the TV Overlord, he seemed to be switching between trying to escape, and glaring at the Radio Demon so intensely, like he was trying to set him ablaze.
“Come now, did you really think I would just let you get away with your transgressions?” Alastor asked, standing in front of the trapped TV.
“No, I thought you were so old and senile you’d forget.” Vox taunted, grinning down at the Radio Demon.
“And you thought I was pushing my luck?” Alastor hummed as his eyes scanned the TV, looking for a good place to start.
Well, as a cannibal, he did always have a preference for ribs. He gave Vox no time to react, quickly skittering his fingers over the area. Vox jolted, biting his lip (did he even really have lips with having a television for a head?), not wanting to give Alastor the satisfaction of breaking him so easily. That was fine, Alastor preferred the slow approach to torturing his victims.
“I-It’s no use, y-y-y-you fossil.” Vox tried to keep his laughter at bay, but Alastor’s ears twitched as he heard it. A snicker here, a chortle there. 
“And now you’re going to try and lie to me on top of everything else?” Alastor tutted. “Perhaps you need to be taught some manners.”
“S-S-Shove it up your ass-” Vox started, only to snort as the deer’s fingers moved to his sides.
“You really just keep digging yourself deeper, Vox.” Alastor hummed. “First, you break into the hotel-”
“Thehehe dohohohohor wahahahas unlohoho- SHIHIHIHIT-” Vox screamed as Alastor tickled faster.
“Don’t interrupt me.” Alastor growled, continuing to dance his fingers up and down Vox’s sides. “Secondly, you steal hotel property-”
“Thehehehe fuhuhuhuhuck ahahahare yohohoohhu tahahahalking abohohoh- FUHUHUHUCKING HEHEHEHEEELLL!” 
“Since you obviously need a reminder,” Alastor said as his hands moved dangerously close to Vox’s hips. “You drank from Husker’s bar while he isn’t even here, you made a mess of the hotel, attacked the hotel sponsor, myself, and then made the foolish mistake of testing me.”
“Nohohohot mihihihihy fahahhaault youhohohohou’re sohohohoho fuhuhuhcking tihihihcklish!” Vox exclaimed, trying to glare at the deer demon.
Alastor leaned in close, his voice low. “So this is a fitting punishment.”
Before another snarky remark could leave the TV Overlord’s mouth, Alastor’s hands were suddenly upon his hips. Vox let out a surprised squeal at the contact, much to the Radio Demon’s amusement.
“My my, so easy to read~” Alastor teased with a chuckle, slowly circling his claws on Vox’s hips. “I take it this is a good place to stay for a while then~?”
“EHEHEHEHEHAT SHIHIHIHIHIHIT!” Vox replied, trying his best to at least pull one of his legs out so he could kick Alastor away from him. The tendrils held strong, obviously not ready to let the TV Demon go until the Radio Demon was satisfied. 
“Seems like you agree!” As if to accentuate his point, the Radio Demon’s claws dug into the spot, kneading and squeezing as much as he desired. 
Vox’s laughter went up an octave as Alastor continued to tickle his hips. No matter how desperately he tried, the TV Demon couldn’t escape the Radio Demon’s claws, poking, prodding, squeezing and spidering all over his hips. After a few more moments, Alastor stopped, allowing Vox a moment of respite.
“Okay.. you prick, you got your revenge. Now let me go!” Vox growled, Alastor simply chuckled.
“Oh, I can’t do that just yet, old friend.” Alastor hummed, looking the TV Demon over a bit. “There’s still so much more to punish you for.”
“Go fuck yourself!”
“Charming as ever, Vox.” Alastor hummed, getting an idea. “You know, all this fighting has left me quite famished, and I see a nice little meal in front of me~”
More shadowy tendrils appeared, ripping open the TV Overlord’s jacket and shirt, just as he had done to the Radio Demon. Vox’s eyes widened, threats flying out of his mouth as Alastor leaned down by his stomach. His threats and pleas fell on deaf ears as the deer began to lightly nibble on his stomach.
“Fuuhuhuck! Fuhuhuhck stohohohohhop!”
The Radio Demon paid him no mind, nibbling and biting Vox’s stomach, his sharp teeth adding to the ticklish feeling. Unlike many of the demons of Hell, the TV Overlord lacked any animal features, making the rest of his body hairless, and thus, even more susceptible to bites, nibbles, and raspberries.
“I-Ihihihih’m gohohoohhing to kihihihihilll yohoho-” Vox tried to threaten, only to be cut off by his own squealing as Alastor blew a raspberry right on his navel. “FUHUHUHUHUCK!”
And, just to make it worse, because Alastor was a prick, he squeezed Vox’s hips, pinching and tickling them once again.
The raspberries, bites, and nibbles continued for a while, as well as the squeezes and pinches to Vox’s hips. Soon, however, the Radio Demon grew bored of the spot, stopping his attack. The TV Demon caught his breath, glaring at Alastor.
“Are you fucking finished?!” Vox growled.
“Hmmm, nope. There’s one more spot I wish to try.”
Alastor’s eyes drifted up toward Vox’s TV antenna, tilting his head curiously at the sight. Vox seemed to notice this, watching as the Radio Demon’s hands moved toward his antenna. Before the TV Overlord could yell at the deer to get away, he felt it, Alastor’s fingers rubbing and stroking the antenna.
Vox lost it.
“F-FUHU-FUHUH-FUUHUHUCK NHOHOH-NOHHO-NOHHOT THEHEHEHERE!” He exclaimed, his voice glitching as he was tickled. 
“Oh~?” Alastor hummed, rather amused. “Is the TV buffering again?”
“Goodness, such a reaction and only from a few little tickles~” Alastor was enjoying this quite a bit. “You know, I thought of another reason why radio is the vastly superior entertainment option.”
“Consider this; I could easily broadcast your laughter all over Hell! Wouldn’t that be fun~? No one even has to see your face to know how badly I’m tormenting you. I could just simply describe what I’m doing, letting every single denizen of Hell know exactly what breaks you~!”
“Imagine what the masses would think about this? ‘Back on air, the Radio Demon, featuring a very, very ticklish special guest~!’ It would be quite embarrassing for you, wouldn’t it?” Alastor chuckled, delighted by the idea. “I wonder how your employees would feel, knowing that their boss loses all his composure from a few well placed pokes.”
Vox laughed even harder from Alastor’s teasing, the deer’s ears picking up the sound of the TV’s internal fans kicking on to cool his internals down. This only made Alastor even more amused, laughing to himself at how easy it was to completely fluster the TV Overlord. How he wished he could keep this up all day.
Sadly, Charlie and the others would return soon, and even though Alastor was not killing Vox or hurting him, he really wasn’t in the mood for a lecture. After a few more slow, agonizingly ticklish strokes to the TV’s antenna, he backed away. As Vox caught his breath, the shadowy tendrils unceremoniously dropped him onto the floor.
“F…fuhuuhuhcking Hell…” Vox panted, a few more snickers escaping as he composed himself. “You’re evil.”
“Well, I wouldn’t be a powerful Overlord if I was kind.” Alastor chuckled. The TV rolled his eyes as he got up. “Now, we should fix this place up, before the others-” “What the fuck happened to the hotel?!” Vaggie’s voice interrupted, both Overlords turning to see the group had returned.
The bodyguard looked positively pissed that parts of the hotel had been damaged in Alastor and Vox’s fight. Charlie was staring at both of them in shock. Niffty, despite the smile on her face, was seething at how messy the hotel now was. Husker and Angel had both had tubs of popcorn, clearly about to enjoy whatever show was going to happen, until the bartender saw the broken bottles around the bar.
“Well, that seems like my cue to leave.” Vox said, straightening up, before giving Charlie a respectful bow. “Terribly sorry about the hotel, your highness.”
He didn’t sound sorry at all. With a small zap!, Vox had sent himself away through the hotel’s TV, leaving the Radio Demon to suffer with the consequences of the slightly ruined hotel. Of course the TV Overlord would leave him to deal with the incoming lecture and yelling from Vaggie, as well as Charlie’s disappointed scolding.
“Before you all get yourselves in a twist, I’ve already told you I would not let my new project fall into disrepair.” As Alastor said this, he snapped his fingers, his shadow minions quickly appearing and getting to work fixing and cleaning up his and Vox’s mess.
“Why was Mista Vox here anyway?” Angel asked, before noticing Alastor’s torn shirt and jacket, and smirking slightly. “Oooh ho-”
“Because he likes to be a thorn in my side.” Alastor interrupted. “Nothing more, nothing less.”
“Hey, ya don’t gotta explain yourself ta’ me, Smiles~” Angel teased, only to yelp as Alastor smacked him on the head with his cane.
“Yeah well, can you try to keep your fights with other Overlords out of the hotel?” Vaggie sighed, dragging a hand down her face. “Or whatever hate-fucking you two do.”
“I can assure you all, I’m not interested in anything of the sort. Especially not with Vox of all demons.” Alastor growled dangerously, a clear sign to end this train of thought.
“Um, Al, I appreciate you protecting the hotel.” Charlie began, getting between the Radio Demon and the others. “But, like Vaggie said, couldn’t you have done it outside?”
“Had I known he was showing up, I would have taken things outside.” The Radio Demon responded, looking at his nails casually, like he was already bored of the conversation. “Too bad he left before I could get him to replace the alcohol he stole from Husker’s bar.”
“That motherfucker!” Husk exclaimed, quickly going to the bar to check the damages and see how much alcohol was missing.
Despite the headache that came with having to explain himself, Alastor had learned something very interesting today, as did Vox. Something that would make their future encounters much more entertaining. Perhaps the TV Overlord wasn’t as boring as the Radio Demon thought.
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worldlxvlys · 7 months
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dealer! chris x reader
warnings: cursing, it’s kinda short
a/n: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY @fuckhim-fuckher-fuckyou
“chris! where are you taking me?” i asked, laughing.
his long fingers covered my eyes, leaving me to see nothing but darkness.
“you’ll see, baby” he spoke as his free hand found the small of my back, helping to guide me through my home.
when i first woke up this morning, chris seemed hellbent on getting me out of the house.
he asked me to pick up very specific items from the store, giving me a long list of things to shop for.
i tried not to take it personal, but it was hard not to when it felt like he was trying to get rid of me.
as soon as i got back, he had rushed to help me out of the car, covering my eyes eagerly.
once i realized that he had a surprise planned, i instantly perked up.
he took the bags from my hands, placing them down in the kitchen, before continuing to walk me through the house.
when we got to my bedroom, he removed his hands.
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my eyes widened in surprise as i took everything in.
“chris, what the fuck? how did you do this? when did you get the balloons? how did you hide them? what-?” i asked in shock.
“don’t worry about that, ma. happy birthday” he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.
“chris, you really didn’t have to do this” i spoke as i felt tears begin to prick at the corners of my eyes.
“i know, but i wanted to. you deserve it” he spoke into my neck.
i turned around to face him, holding his cheek in my hand.
“thank you” i whispered before placing my lips to his.
his hands ran up and down my waist as my lips moved against his slowly. his soft lips slid against mine perfectly, making me smile into the kiss.
after a little while, i pulled away for air. his lips chased after mine immediately, leaving a light peck to them.
i let out a sigh of content, and walked over to the bed, grabbing the box of chocolates.
“want one?” i asked as i opened them.
he nodded his head with a grin, making me laugh at his eagerness.
i unwrapped the gold foil before placing the chocolate in his mouth, then doing the same for myself.
“does this mean i bought all of that food for nothing?” i asked, remembering the groceries that we left in the kitchen.
“nope, we’re gonna bake stuff” he said. “i was gonna make you a bunch of stuff, but i’m terrible at it. so, i figured we could do it together”
“you’re too sweet, chris. i love you”
“i love you too ma. and i love seeing you happy” he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“damn, i’ve turned you into a huge softie” i said, thinking about how different things were when i first started buying from him.
“yeah, just don’t tell anyone. you’re the only person who gets to see it”
“that’s fine by me” i said as i cuddled into his side.
tag list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @heraakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @abbie13sworld @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @mattsnymphette @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock
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honeykaes · 2 years
—𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐢
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✦ face-fucking headcanons feat. ayato, xiao, zhongli, scaramouche
✦ warning: smut, 18+ content, minors do not interact
✦ disclaimer: afab!reader with no set pronouns, facefucking, blowjobs, rough sex, implied edging (scaramouche), heavy degradation (scaramouche), slight degradtion (xiao), facial (ayato), implied!brat reader (xiao), unedited
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You always know how much Ayato loved to see your various reactions. When you agree to let him face-fuck you, he’ll tell you he’ll keep it a surprise until he actually decides to do it. Seeing you shyly take his length into your mouth, that rush of adrenaline and slight fear—if this would be the time—was always so utterly adorable to Ayato.
It would take months until you have finally arrived here. His thrusts are strong, his heavy balls hitting your chin with everyone. You could only shut your eyes tight, feeling the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. You could feel the reverberations from his laughs, looking down at you with his hands gently caressing your cheek. His touch was so much gentler than the thrusts of his cock.
He would change the pace too, sometimes being slow and seeing you whimper and rub your thighs together and for others to be rampant with your hands clinging onto his toned thighs. He’ll keep edging himself more and more until when he’s finally done, his cum will shoot out staining your face with his thick cum.
“You look so utterly cute like this, struggling to take my length in. That’s it, just a little more sweetheart. Make sure you use that tongue of yours…!”
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Whenever you bobbed your head on his length, sucking tightly while your hands squeezed at the base of his cock—Xiao’s urges always began getting the better of him. He always warned you about sucking him off like this, throwing those teasing smirks and smiles every now and again as your free hand rubbed against his thigh. You know he can’t help himself, which he why you wanted to poke at that monster he could become.
His cock would rapidly slide in and out of your mouth, grunting whenever he felt your tongue slide against the thick veins of his cock. His grip on your face was tight as ropes of saliva and precum clung to your glossy lips and his pelvis.
 Feeling you gag and try to accommodate for his rapid pace, fingers wandering down to play with your clit was enough for him to lose it. Pressing your face all the way to his pelvis, the familiar taste of his salty essence spurted out staining your tongue and throat, swallowing the globs of it.
As you finally pushed yourself against his cock, you wiped your lips from the cum that managed to escape seeing the absolute shame on Xiao’s face.
“Why do you consistently tease me? Do you want to be used as a toy that badly?! Fine!“
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You and Zhongli have wanted to do face-fucking for a long time, but Zhongli was a bit worried about it. As having such a big and thick length, he was worried it may be too much for you to handle, but you always reassured him. As a compromise the two of you gradually worked your way to his point, him training to take his cock deeper and deeper down your throat until he feel comfortable doing so.
And that moment, it seemed the mild-manner Zhongli finally dissipated and a reflection of his past peaked through.
Tears pricked your eyes feeling Zhongli slide himself in and out of your mouth at a rapid pace. With low grunts and growls, his hands tightly gripped your shoulders. He could feel your tongue trying to swirl against his sensitive tip.
His gaze seemed to be solely on your chest, watching as it would move to the rhythm of his deep thrusts as if completely entranced.  Feeling his cock beginning to pulsate and spasm into your mouth, it didn’t take long before his heavy cock left your mouth only for hot cum to splay onto your chest.
With a heavy sigh, Zhongli could only flash a smile, wiping away the saliva and precum on your lips as his hands finally moved down to press against your sobbing folds.
“…It seems I may have lost myself there, my apologies my love. Why don’t I, pay it back to you as well?”
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Seeing you spasm with his cock still inside of you, Scaramouche immediately glared down. Clicking his tongue in shame, his cock immediately left your velvety walls, placing them near your lips instead. Knowing your punishment for cumming has started, you gladly opened your mouth, taking his length into it. 
His lips turned downwards as you suck and try to keep his cock in your mouth. He always seemed to make you do this whenever you managed to cum without his permission. You could feel the burn of your clit, knawing at you and desperate to be touched and fondled. 
Almost as if he could sense the change in your attention, your eyes blow wide feeling Scaramouche push his length deeper inside of your mouth. That frown of his turns upright into a smile, placing his head on your hair to bob your head to meet his thrust. 
A string of curses left his lips, watching you struggle and try to maintain his rough thrust. His laughs mix with moans echos out to the room, satisfied by the expression on your face.
“The whore just couldn’t listen, could they? Cumming on my fingers without permission, you know better. I guess there’s no better punishment than treating you like the slut you are.”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 10 months
The Princess & The Playboy (Part 5)
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Summary: While meeting Dean's parents went smoothly, the reader's may be a different story. Meanwhile, Dean confides in Eric he knows a secret of his that sheds light on Eric's past actions and the boys set their plan in action...
Pairing: NFL Quarterback!Dean x Pop Star!reader
Word Count: 6,500ish
Warnings: language, family trauma/angst, kidnapping
A/N: 👀
Dean POV
I woke with a jerk, eyes flashing open as a small surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. I sighed, closing my eyes as glimpses of a nightmare ran through my mind. I was honestly surprised at how long I’d gone without one.
I wondered if Y/N ever had that recurring dream about not being able to get to Max in time like I did with Sam. I turned in bed, scooting closer, searching for her warm body to curl up against. When my arm reached out to find her though, all I discovered were cold sheets. My eyes popped open again, the clock on her nightstand showing it was almost six in the morning.
I was due to get up in half an hour but Y/N could sleep in. Given how she’d told me just last week she was a night owl, my thoughts wandered to not so great places.
Either she was missing or she was so stressed about her parents visit she was losing sleep over it. The fact she lived in fucking Fort Knox led me to believe it was the later.
I stretched in bed before wandering over to the closet, smiling at the previously empty side. I stayed over most every night, even if the most intimate thing we did was a cuddle. We hadn’t officially said I had a drawer or anything like that but I had a space in the closet for some personal items. Mostly it was fresh underwear and socks but Y/N had hung up a few things that hadn’t belonged to me. Just things she thought it’d be “nice to have” around.
Including a dope ass robe that looked way too freaking comfy on the chilly morning. I threw it on and wrapped my arms around myself, humming as the fleece warmed my cool skin. I wasn’t exactly a robe guy and suspected this thing cost more than some people’s rent, but it did feel damn good.
I trudged through the dark house, ears perking up as I made my way towards her home gym. Piano notes filled the air and I saw light spilling through a cracked door, a soft melody breaking through the quiet.
“Endless,” breathed out Y/N, smashing her fingers against the keys, her eyes closed, face contorting like she didn’t like that sound. “Endless,” she sang softly again, moving her fingers to a lower note, her face less critical. 
I didn’t want to disturb her and tried to close the door. Unfortunately, it was enough to prick her spidey senses because next thing I knew, a hardcover notebook was smacking me in the forehead.
“Oh my god!” she gasped, covering her hands with her face as she shot up. I rubbed my temple and picked up her papers, Y/N moving my hand away before I even straightened up. “You’re bleeding.”
“I’m fine, sweetheart.” She guided me to the couch in what looked like a studio, taking off quickly and returning in less then thirty seconds with a small first aid kit. “I’m fine, I swear.”
She ignored me, dabbing a cotton ball with alcohol before lighting pressing it against the cut. I winced, Y/N frowning as she found a butterfly bandage and stuck it on. 
“I am fine,” I said again, taking hold of her cheeks, smiling sleepily before pecking a light kiss on her lips. “I promise.”
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. I shook my head, pulling her to sit in my lap.
“I’m not. You’re kind of a badass. Plus with an arm like that I’m thinking we get you in as backup QB. If you ever got sick of singing, I got a job lined up for ya.” She didn’t smile like she usually did when I teased her though. “What’s wrong? It’s one little bump is all. No biggie.”
“I woke you up early and you need your sleep and now I’m sure you have a headache on top of that and I have my stupid parents coming in this afternoon and you’re not going to be to stay over like normal because god knows what they’ll say and I’m so behind on the next album already and-”
I put my hand over her mouth to stop her, Y/N blinking as tears welled up in her eyes. Fuck, she ripped my heart out when I saw her like that. 
“Listen, listen,” I shushed her, Y/N wearily watching me. “I am fine and I’ll tell you if I’m not. You are exhausted, honey. You have not caught up from when you were on tour for half the freaking year. I want you to go back to bed and I’ll talk to Eric, make sure your morning gets cleared. All I want you to do is get some sleep. Someone from your team can grab your parents and entertain them until tonight where I will come over to have dinner with you and then I will stay over like always. You’re not going to worry about any other shit. Promise?”
She closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around me in a deep hug. “My parents stress me out whenever they visit. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, don’t say sorry,” I said, pressing my lips to her ear. “I just want you to get some sleep. Now do you promise?”
“Promise,” she mumbled, burying her face in my neck. She sighed softly and it was only a few beats later I realized her breathing had evened out, fast asleep. My girl really was at the end of her rope. As gently as I could, I carried her out and upstairs, tucking her into bed before changing. Downstairs, I filled up my thermos with coffee and made Y/N some pancakes she could reheat for lunch later.
“Good morning,” said Eric quietly. I glanced left, his body drenched in sweat, most likely from the gym. “You’re up early a lot.”
“My day starts at eight on the dot, sometimes sooner. I get fined if I’m late,” I said, taking a mug from beside the sink and filling it up for him.
“Thank you,” he said, taking a long sip. “You guys get Tuesdays off, right?”
“Yeah but I normally work it and review game film. Gotta set a good example for the team.” I wrapped up the pancakes on a plate, putting a sticky note on top. “I turned off Y/N’s phone. She needs to catch up on sleep. I know she’s busy but please let her sleep late today and cancel any morning meetings she has. And make sure her parents stay away until this evening. She’s worried about them and I told her I’d be here when they get here.”
“Can do.” I nodded, washing up the pan and taking another sip of coffee. “Dean.”
I turned around from the sink, Eric leaned back against the counter. “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry again for how I treated you before. Y/N’s always deserved someone good. I’m glad she finally has that with you.” 
“Thank you,” I said, holding out my hand to him. Eric shook it, a quiet beat passing. “Do you think you and Sloane have a chance of working things out?”
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “I don’t even want her forgiveness. I just want her to know my reasoning and that I regret it. I just need her to know that I never thought she was weak or incapable and especially that I didn’t string her along. I always loved her. Even if I fucked it up for good.”
“I’m no relationship expert but why didn’t you go to her in the hospital?” I asked, Eric taking a seat at the island with a sigh. “Like, is there any possible reason you could tell Sloane about why you left?”
“You blamed yourself for your brother’s abduction when there logically was no reason to. For years you did.” He stared me down and nodded. “Now imagine that feeling of guilt but you know you fucked up. The intel was bad and you were distracted and imagine Sam or Y/N were taken, beat to hell, every inch of skin battered. And it was 100% your fault. Your job was to protect them and you screwed up. Would you be able to walk in that room and sit there, your mistake staring right back at you?”
“Were you abused as a kid?” Eric’s eyebrows shot up fast before his jaw clenched. 
“What the fuck kind of question is that?” he snapped. 
“Survivors often blame things out of their control on themselves because they’ve been conditioned to,” I said, raising my chin. Eric closed his eyes, rubbing his temples.
“You did a background check on me,” he mumbled.
“I didn’t use Sloane for it if it makes you feel better. No one knows except me and I plan on it staying that way. I wanted to know who the fuck you were was all.” Eric nodded, inhaling sharply. “Does Sloane know about your dad?”
“No and it doesn’t matter. I screwed up-”
“You probably ran away because you’re conditioned-”
“I’m a fucking solider, Winchester. My sack of shit father has been dead and gone for a very long time. I did not run away from Sloane because of some childhood trauma crap. I was a shitty person. Case closed.”
I stepped closer, looking down at him with a hard face. “Y/N and I were barely adults when we got our trauma and it’s still inside us. Don’t you fucking dare try and say it had no effect because it did. It made you a protector. It also made you expect Sloane to do or say awful things to you when you did go in that room. You’re smart enough to know I’m right.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Eric grit out, shooting daggers at me. “I wasn’t there when she needed me and that’s that.”
“Do you know why Y/N let me in? Because I talked to her, because I was vulnerable. Big bad bodyguard and you’re too scared to tell the girl you love all your secrets.”
“So what? I tell her and nothing changes so what’s the fucking point? I still hurt her.” I grasped his shoulder, shaking my head at him.
“Buddy, we both love two badass strong women. You’re right, Sloane could tell you to fuck off. Or she can finally understand and maybe forgive you. A guy like you isn’t the bad guy, no matter how much you tell yourself.”
Eric lowered his head, his shoulders rising when he breathed deeply. “I can’t. I’ve never told anyone. Shit, my own sister doesn’t even know.”
“Well you can practice with me if you ever decide you do want to,” I said, patting his back. “Take care of Y/N for me today.”
He hummed, Sloane waiting out front by my SUV when I left.
“What are you doing here so early?” I asked. Sloane rubbed her eye, opening the car door.
“I was working on understanding Y/N’s security protocols,” she said, still rubbing her eye.
“At six in the morning?”
“I wake up early. Is that a crime?” she snapped, her eyes red rimmed. I glanced back at the house, Sloane glaring at me. “What?”
“You overheard me talking to him, didn’t you.” She kept my gaze, only a slight tick of her jaw giving her away. “You’re in jeans and a t-shirt today.”
“So what?”
“So maybe your outfit choice doesn’t have to be the only change you make. You could talk to him-“
Sloane held up a hand. “I am not talking about this with anyone, including you. Understand?”
“And the world thinks I’m the emotionally immature one around here,” I mumbled, sliding into the passenger seat. Sloane slammed the door shut and I winced. I could only hope the rest of the day turned around.
Late Afternoon
“Winchester.” I blinked my eyes, noticing the conference room was mostly cleared out. Benny waited by the door as I grabbed my playbook and quickly followed after. “You alright, man?”
“Yeah. Just need to get some sleep,” I yawned, my phone buzzing in my pocket. My agent was having a field day today, fending off offers left and right from companies wanting to capitalize on my recent popularity. Thankfully Brad was a good guy and he knew what I was and wasn’t willing to endorse. 
And any mention of Y/N meant they got an automatic rejection. No questions asked. I wasn’t about to profit off the fact people knew she was my girlfriend.
My phone buzzed again and I reached into my pocket, surprised to see Eric calling. “Uh, hey. What’s up?”
“What time do you get done with work?” Eric asked. I shrugged, waving for Benny to go on ahead of me back to the locker room.
“About an hour. Why?” Eric sighed. “What’s wrong?”
“Listen.” The phone got quiet for a moment, faint footsteps in the background. But then I heard it. Heard it loud and clear.
“Liars and cheats and oh you dirty, dirty sneaks! Like I’m the stain on your perfect life making it bleak!” Y/N sang loudly through the phone, her voice raw while her fingers slammed piano keys.
The noise dissipated, Eric clearing his throat. “Good news, she wrote a song for her record this morning. Bad news, her parents showed up early on their own and they had a massive blowout. I guess they saw the cake you guys made for Max and freaked.”
“...You wouldn’t call me with this unless you were concerned, would you.” 
“Girl’s always used music to process her feelings. But she’s sort of bawling in there and I’ve promised in the past to not interfere when it comes to her parents.” I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. “She’d rip my head off and probably yours if we went in there and talked to her. She’ll either be calmer in an hour or be halfway through another song.”
“I’ll be there in forty five,” I said, heading for the locker room. “Don’t tell her.”
I could feel his hesitancy on the other end. “Did you say not to tell her you’re coming over?”
“Yeah. Let her stay in her studio. I need to talk to her parents. Alone.” Eric was silent for a beat and then another. “Tell me the truth, buddy. Does Y/N exaggerate about her folks or do they say some fucked up shit to her sometimes?”
Eric breathed heavy, a door closing, the sounds of the outdoors surrounding him. “They already don’t like you. Her mom called you a man whore and her dad flipped that she wore your jersey the other night. So I guess you got nothing to lose.”
“I don’t give a fuck if they like me. But they will change their act if they want to be part of their daughter’s life. They can’t hurt her like that everytime she sees them.”
“I knew there was a reason I liked you, kid,” said Eric, opening a car door. “I’ll pick you up at the stadium.”
“I distinctly recall you hating my guts.” Eric scoffed, a sliver of a smile on my face. “Oh, I forgot. You loved me from the start, right?”
“Don’t push it, Winchester,” he said. “Get back to work. I’ll see you in a few.”
One hour later I was bouncing my knee in the passenger seat of my truck, Eric pulling into Y/N’s driveway. If my conversation with him over the past twenty minutes was anything to go by, Y/N had been far too kind regarding her parents.
They’d blamed her for Max’s kidnapping. Said it straight to her fucking face when she was eighteen years old. She was a kid and they told her it was her fault. Seven years later they told her they wished she was the one that was dead and they were burying. Called her a brat and diva for being upset on the day of Max’s funeral. Blamed her for paparazzi invading their moment. Blamed her when she tried to talk about Max or hear stories from when they were kids, told her not to speak his name, not when she screwed up his life. The day they “buried” her brother, their relationship had been done for good. They had no problem taking her money though, playing the warm set of parents when they needed to. 
Y/N was not about to be forced to hide in her own home just to get away from people who clearly didn’t give a rats ass about her.
A strong hand gripped my shirt collar as Eric parked, my gaze shooting over my shoulder.
“Hey. I fucked up because I was too protective of Sloane. I don’t want that to happen to you,” he said. I nodded, Eric still leery. “She still loves them, Dean.”
“I know. And if she hates me for what I’m about to do, then she hates me. But her parents need a wake up call and I’ll be the bad guy. Like you said, they already hate me so no harm no foul.” 
“They’ve been by the pool,” said Eric, dropping his hand. I slid out and gave a nod to a few of the security guys in the shack I recognized. I walked around the side of the house, nerves flaring up like this was a freaking super bowl for some reason. Sure, I’d like it if Y/N’s parents were friendly and she had a good relationship. 
But she didn’t deserve their shit. I just hoped it didn’t turn into a screaming match immediately.
I inhaled slowly as I found the older couple relaxing under the umbrella on the patio. 
“Hi, I’m Dean Winchester,” I said as I approached, both their heads turning toward me. “Y/N’s boyfriend. I think the three of us need to talk.”
“Excuse me son but I don’t think we have anything to discuss aside from the fact you're not the kind of man we want dating our daughter,” said her father. I sat down in an open chair at the table, leaning forward with a smile.
“See that’s funny. You think you have a right to have any say in your daughter’s love life. Regardless of the fact the media portrays me as someone I’m not or that your daughter is thirty two years old, you think you have the right based on what? That she’s your flesh and blood? As if you gave an actual shit about her. It’s just us, no need to pretend.”
“What the fuck is your problem?” said her mom, voice on the edge of something dangerous I didn’t like. “Who the fuck are you to say that crap? Of course we love Y/N-”
“There you go being funny again,” I said, narrowing my eyes, looking between them both. “I would never blame my daughter for something that wasn’t her motherfucking fault. I wouldn’t wish her fucking dead or call her names or forbid her from speaking of her missing brother. I certainly wouldn’t snap at her for making a cake to celebrate her brother. If you two really hate Y/N that much, just stay the fuck away. I’m sure she’ll keep giving you as much money as you ask for.”
To my surprise, they didn’t get angry. Y/N’s mom simply stood and wandered off towards the pool, holding a hand over her mouth. Meanwhile, her father closed his eyes, lowering his head.
“At least you have the decency to not lie about it,” I said. “You people are fucking disgusting to come into your daughter’s life like nothing’s wrong when you’ve hurt her as much as those kidnappers did. He was her little brother. She knows she was late to pick him up. You have no idea how hard she’s working to start to feel like it was simply something out of her control.”
They were both silent, still not looking at me.
“Where the hell were you two? Why wasn’t it your responsibility? Why not the parents of Max’s friend? The police? The damn kidnappers? Why’d it fall on the shoulders of an eighteen year old girl? Because you’re weak people, that’s why. It’s why you keep blaming her. You have no idea how lucky you are she’s strong. Telling her you wished it was her in the ground? She might have followed up on that, you morons. She deserves to be able to remember Max openly. She deserves to believe he’s still out there somewhere, even if you don’t. She deserves parents better than you two. I’m only sorry I wasn’t here sooner to say it to your faces.”
I stood up and headed for the back door, her mom making a sort of hiccup sound.
“We never forgave her for not picking Max up on time,” she whispered, lowering her head. “When she gets…I get so angry at her when she wants to bring him up.”
“So much of our lives changed because she wanted to sing. Our privacy. People always offering fake tips about Max. It hurts so much and we keep blaming Y/N for that pain,” said her dad. “We know we shouldn’t but we don’t know how to stop.”
“Try some fucking therapy,” said Eric, walking around the near side of the house, my eyes darting to his. “This is your official notice. You are both banned from this property and contacting Y/N until further notice. Pack up your things and you will be escorted to your hotel.”
I stared at him wide eyed, Eric raising his chin, ignoring me. 
“Now!” he barked. Y/N’s father rose slowly, something steely about him.
“My daughter ask you to do that? Because I’m not leaving without her wanting me gone,” he said. Eric stepped closer, getting in his face.
“My job is to protect Y/N from threats and I am sick of you two coming in here every year and fucking breaking her heart. Get some damn therapy and deal with your shit or never, I mean never, fucking contact her again. You want something, you deal with me. Now get the fuck out.”
Roughly five minutes later Eric and I watched them both be driven down the driveway, my eyes still stuck on him. 
“Keep staring like that Winchester and I’ll think you have a crush,” said Eric, giving a satisfied nod when the gate closed again.
“You said you’re not supposed to interfere with her parents.” Eric shrugged, giving me a smirk.
“She wants to fire me, she can. But those assholes send her spiraling and I’m sick of standing there and watching it. Kiddo was a fucking shell for months after what happened the day of the funeral.”
“I thought I said I had it handled.” Eric spun around and headed back for the house. “Eric.”
“Just cause you can do something on your own doesn’t mean you have to,” he said, opening the door, holding it open. I slid past him into the foyer, Eric patting my shoulder. “Go take care of her. I’ll face the music later.”
“Doesn’t seem your style to hide,” I said, Eric spinning back around to head out, pausing in the doorway. 
“I have an appointment…therapy,” he said quietly. “Probably going to be a waste of time.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.” Eric shrugged. “I’ll put in a good word with the boss for you.”
“Just focus on taking care of her. I can wait,” he said, leaving and pulling the door shut. I closed my eyes and ditched my bag by the base of the stairs, walking quietly down to the studio.
I knocked once, poking my head inside, frowning as I found the room silent.
And Y/N nowhere in sight.
I flinched when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, a small body hugging me tight. “Y/N, we should-”
“The team in the shack texted I should watch the security video in the back. I heard the whole thing.” Her head burrowed between my shoulder blades, squeezing me hard. Soft, mumbled cries filled the air, my heart aching for her. Slowly, I turned in her embrace, her face hiding away in my chest when I came to face her. I gently shushed her, one arm around her back, one around her shoulders as I tucked her head under my chin.
“I’m sorry I upset you but I’m not sorry I set them straight. You don’t have to put up with people that won’t take accountability for their actions. So be mad with me and Eric but we saw how much it hurt you. We don’t regret it. The only-”
“You think I’m mad at you guys?” she whispered, raising her head, puffy, red rimmed eyes staring back. A quiet laugh slipped past her delicious lips, her head shaking as she laughed harder. “You’re such a goof, Winchester. That was…that was what they needed to hear. Thank you for saying it when I couldn’t.”
“Maybe they’ll get some help for themselves and things can get better,” I said, even if I didn’t believe they would. I’d happily be proven wrong but I wasn’t counting on it. Y/N shrugged, not seeming to have faith in the idea herself. “Can you play me something?”
“I just wrote two new ones,” she said, catching my head shake. “What’d you have in mind?”
“Nothing particular. Just want to sit and listen to you poke around if that’s alright.” She smiled, taking my hand and leading me inside. She left me at the couch and wandered to the piano bench, rolling her shoulders with a heavy inhale. 
“You like rock and grunge,” she said, tapping a key, her head cocked as she did it over and over. “Think I could pull off a few alt rock songs?”
“You can do whatever the hell you want to, sweetheart. Pretty sure you could throw bagpipes in a song and make it go number one.” I caught her smile as her fingers started to dance, hips starting to sway in her seat.
“Normally I come up with music before the lyrics,” she said, something rhythmic and heavy in the air. “You know people think because I’m the pop princess that’s all I listen to. Never would think Metallica inspired a good number of songs on the last album.”
“You partial to Zeppelin?” I asked, her smirk stronger, the puffiness around her eyes going down.
“Everyone loves Stairway and for good reason but I’m a Kashmir girl,” she said, my eyebrows raising. “Surprised?”
“No. Think I fell in love with you a little more is all,” I chuckled, getting up and taking a seat on the edge of the piano bench, watching her fingers move quickly, a hint of both songs coming through. “I am sorry about your parents, sweetheart. I wish things were different.”
“Me too,” she said, flurrying her fingers before abruptly pulling back. “But I won’t ever completely forgive myself for Max as long as they’re in my life. At least how they are right now. S’like Sloane said, even if you're strong, sometimes you want someone else to be strong for you.”
She bumped my shoulder, a coy smile sneaking onto her face. My hand found hers, clasping them together. “We take turns and it’ll work out how it’s supposed to.”
Her head rested on my shoulder, nodding once. “I don’t want to be sad anymore today. Do you want to go out to dinner?”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” I said, kissing her temple. “People will probably take pictures of us though.”
“I really don’t care anymore,” she said, squeezing my hand. “If I want to go out with my boyfriend, that’s what I’m going to do.”
“That’s my girl.”
“Eek! Y/N and Dean went out! In public!” squealed Cecilia from the kitchen island, showing her phone to Sebastian’s event planner. The woman in her mid-thirties gave the phone a passing glance, probably wishing she could plan a party for one of them instead of fucking Seb. 
He was even more of a dick whenever it got to close to him hosting one of his stupid ass parties at the house.
But the piece of shit’s desire to mingle with the rich and famous on a regular basis meant Max and I had a real shot at our plan working. I worked at the end of the island, near the open planner with a tentative guest list, my back blocking the camera.
All I had to do was slip the piece of paper from my pocket into the planner and hope the event planner added Y/N and Dean to the list without too much thought. 
Without getting caught of course.
And assume that the super detailed planner lady would just go ahead and invite two of the most popular people on the planet right now willy nilly.
That was all assuming Max didn’t get caught in his part of the plan. Or too hurt. Or dead.
Shit, we really were laying it on the line for this one.
A few moments later, we all heard the loud thud, our heads snapping towards the front of the house. I moved fast, taking the split second opportunity to place the paper in the planner. Then I was off the second Max groaned, playing the role of concerned friend. 
Sebastian knew how close we were, that we considered ourselves brothers. Even if we were both scared shitless about the consequences of breaking a rule, he knew I’d abandon my “job” duties to go to him if he was hurt. So I rushed through the front hall to where a few security guys were already surrounding a grunting Max on the floor.
“I’m fine,” grit out Max, even though we could all see the growing bruise on his cheek. Shit. He wasn’t supposed to hit his head. He tried to sit up, a few of the security guys urging him to stay down. Ironic considering they were the ones they’d kill us if we ever got caught.
“What the fuck…” said Seb, coming out of his office, staring at the scene before him.
“He fell down the stairs, boss,” said a guard, Max brushing the guy off and sitting up, wincing a bit. 
“I said I’m fine,” said Max, his movements proving that was a lie. He was hurt. Hopefully just bumps and bruises. But that was key.
If we wanted a believable story, one of us had to get fucked up in the process. And unfortunately for Max, he was beyond shitty at rock papers scissors and had to take the fall. Literally.
“He needs to rest,” I said, forcing my way into the crowd, helping Max to his feet with another wince. I didn’t wait for a response and started taking him towards our room, Seb’s tsk making us both freeze.
“Andy, make sure he’s alright and then Max should rest the remainder of the day. Sam, I trust you can complete all unfinished chores yourself?” he asked.
“Yes sir,” I said, reluctantly letting Andy take my place and help support Max. I watched them disappear down the hall, Seb turning to another guard, Frankie.
“Explain yourself.” The guard stared at Sebastian, his thick swallow heard loud and clear. Sebastian stepped closer, until his nose was jammed right against the young guard’s. “Why the fuck did you punch my house staff in the face after he fell?”
I stared at Frankie, Sebastian smirking when he saw my face. 
“His knuckles are scrapped, Sam,” he said, turning back to Sebastian. “Question is why the fuck do you think you can touch my fucking property?”
“The guy doesn’t respect me,” said Frankie, finding his voice. “Doesn’t laugh at my jokes, don’t call me sir.”
“He knows his role and abides by it. You on the other hand need a reminder,” snapped Seb. “Sam, dismissed.”
I quickly went back to the kitchen to finish my vegetable prep. On the one hand, Frankie was about to have a world of shit thrown his way which normally I’d feel bad about. On the other, I hated his guts and he’d hit Max for no damn reason so he deserved what was coming to him.
“Take a tylenol in six hours and ice that ankle,” said Andy, patting Max’s shoulder from where he looked him over. We shared a quick look before Max headed for our quarters, the event planner shaking her head.
“That’s why I always say you need a stair runner on those grand staircases, be damned the design.” 
“Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” said Andy with a role of his eyes. Cecilia eyed me up and down before looking at her phone.
“What do you think about maroon?” asked the planner to her just as I caught Seb storming across the hall to his office.
Yeah, today was not about to be Frankie’s day.
It was late when I finally finished with the chores. I was a better cook than Max so I normally handled dinner and prepping snacks and lunches. But doing all of Max’s cleaning on top of all of mine meant I was exhausted and starving for my own dinner.
“Sam.” I turned my head in the dim hallway, Sebastian sitting in his office, sipping on a glass of what I guessed was very expensive whiskey. “Come in here, please.”
I swallowed. The last time I had a late night conversation in that office, I was being branded by the poker in the fire place. God, if he was going to kill me hopefully it’d be fast.
I entered the room, pulling the door shut when he waved his hand. “Yes, sir?”
“How’s Max?” I clasped my hands behind my back, lowering my gaze. 
“I haven’t seen him yet. I’d assume he’s resting.” 
“You’re a hard worker, Sam. Always appreciated that about you. Max too,” he said, standing with his glass. He spun slowly, taking a sip. “You know what I like most about you boys though?”
Oh God. I was so dead.
“You’re loyal,” he said with a grin. “Sure, it took us a little bit to get there but you were young men. I made plenty of mistakes when I was twenty too. Now…now you boys know your place and I haven’t done a single thing to either one of you since. That’s the kind of trust I know we have. It’s loyalty. Something I seem to be lacking with some of my men.”
I raised my head, Sebastian finishing off his drink. 
“Frankie’s…no longer with the operation. That kind of boy wants my head. All he sees is how to get rid of me. And I won’t say I liked the way he looked at my daughter.”
Okay. Good news, Frankie was dead and buried out in the woods out back. Bad news, Sebastian was in one of his killing moods which normally didn’t stop at one body. Mob bosses were like that.
“It’s too bad you and Max aren’t suited for this kind of work. You’re the kind of boys I could trust to be successor,” said Seb, refilling his glass from the bottle on the desk.
“That’s very flattering of you sir,” I said, his chin raising.
“Those are my issues to deal with though. You and Max on the other hand, I can promise that even when I step down and am long gone, you’ll always have your places in this organization. You were a big investment and it’s paying off. I don’t want all that effort to go to waste,” he said, clasping my shoulder. Fuck, I could literally taste the bile pooling up from my gut.
“Thank you sir,” I said quietly, fighting back a shake when he ruffled my hair.
“If only Cecilia were a man. This kind of work doesn’t lend itself to women…although she does have enough rage inside her to handle it,” he said, walking over to his desk, my eyes widening for only a split second when I saw the planner there. “She fucking slipped that singer and Dean Winchester’s names on the guest list. Can you believe that? The balls on that kid.”
Fuck. It didn’t work. It didn’t-
“I guess it’ll make her happy though,” he sighed, cracking a smile when he looked at me. “And I wouldn’t mind meeting Dean Winchester. I bet I could get him to sign my jersey in the game room.”
“I know how much you enjoy the LA Wolves. I know your work is…stressful,” I said carefully, Seb allowing it. “Perhaps Miss Cecilia wouldn’t be the only one to get some happiness out of the guests.”
“This is why I like you, Sam. Always looking out for the big guy,” he chuckled, nodding his head. “She practically begged when I asked her about it earlier so I suppose if I get a benefit out of it too that’s a happy accident.”
I forced a smile, Seb humming to himself. 
“Alright. Go and tend to your friend. I have work to do.”
“Yes sir,” I said. I was quiet in the house as I made my way to our room, closing our door with a quiet thud. Max sat up from the twin mattress, a shiner on his eye and some bruises covering his arms and legs but otherwise in one piece. “It worked.”
“It worked?” asked Max, a smile growing on his face as I nodded. “It fucking worked!”
“Yup. Now we just got to hope they accept,” I said, kicking off my shoes. “Although…we may have a problem with Cecilia. Dickface confronted her about the names, thought she slipped them in. She covered for us. The way she looked at me in the kitchen earlier, I think she knows I did it.”
“The kid is smart and knows her dad’s in the fucking mob. Maybe she’s got a gut feeling something’s not right. Let’s just hope she keeps her mouth shut until after the party,” said Max. I tried not to worry about her right now. I think she knew enough to not say anything.
“So now we just wait for them to accept a random ass invitation to a party for a guy they’ve never heard of.” I sat down beside him, Max still all smiles.
“Have a little faith, Sammy. We made it this far. Who knows? Two weeks from now we could be free men.”
Free or dead. One way or the other, I had a feeling our stay at the Sebastian household would be coming to an end very soon.
A/N: Read Part 6 here!
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alex-rambles · 2 years
HII can I request a yandere bill cipher x reader oneshot when its weirdmageddon and the reader is kidnapped and just more of what they're doing in their pyramid. Sorry if it's a little confusing I tried to word it as best as I could 😅
He's pissed, you can tell.
The question is, what about? Did you do something? No, that's impossible, you've been stuck in one room for... how long, now? A few days, at least.
He finally appears in 'your' room, muttering to himself as he floats above 'your' bed.
"Sunspot, help me out. How does one go about breaking someone like Sixer?"
You do your best to ignore him.
"Are you deaf? I asked you a question!"
Bill rolls his eye and pokes you repeatedly. "Answer. Me."
"Shut up," you finally hiss at him. "I'm not an all-knowing demon. Breaking people is your department, not mine!"
"You're lucky I like you."
"Am I? I'd rather be a piece of stone on your throne than where I am!"
"Oh, no, no, no. If I didn't like you, I'd tear you apart, atom by atom. I digress, how does one break that man? He won't respond to torture! And I need that equation, sunspot! Then we can rule the world!"
You scoff. "What if I don't want to rule the world? Did you ever think of that?"
He probably didn't. He's too caught up in his little fantasy world to consider what the object of his obsession even wants.
His answer surprises you. "Of course I did! But you underestimate the way power gets to the head! Sureeee, you aren't interested now, but give it a bit, once you get a taste of real power-"
"For an all-knowing entity, you're a fool."
His eye narrows. He messes with his bowtie, clearly doing his best to restrain himself. "Is that so?"
"Absolutely! You're a selfish prick! You claim to love me, but you obviously don't even know how to treat the one you love! You're stuck in your stupid power fantasy! Get over yourself!"
Bill actually appears... hurt. That's new. You've thrown many, many insults at him, but he always laughed it off.
"Can you cut it out? I'm trying, you know that? I've done everything to make you comfortable! Keep your fragile human body functioning! Make you happy!"
"No! You're not! You're isolating me! I'm the opposite of happy! You're trying to force me into what I don't want!"
You scowl at him. "I hate you! I hope that Ford kills you! I hope that you have to watch everything you worked for get ripped away!"
For the first time, his voice turns quiet.
"Well, sunspot... Didn't know ya felt that way. I'm trying to make you happy. I promise, you'll learn to like it."
"I will kill myself before that," you spit.
With that, he crumbles.
"Nononono, you can't do that! I will not allow that! If you die, what will I have?"
"What, is world domination not enough? You're not just selfish, you're a greedy fuck."
You haven't really let your emotions run loose yet. But in this moment, something inside you just snapped. Whether it was the isolation, or just Bill being Bill, you don't know.
All you know is that Bill is upset, and it brings you some twisted form of joy.
"All humans die, Bill! I'd die eventually even if I don't off myself purposely!"
Well clearly, that's something he didn't want to even consider.
"NO! You won't die...! I won't let that happen...!"
You sneer and place your finger on his middle area. "Oh, I very much will. And I'll be the happiest person alive. Free from you and your madness."
Bill regains his composure. "You won't. I will absolutely never let you die. I like you too much to let you die. You're the only fleshbag I can genuinely say I like, and I refuse to lose that."
"Selfish bastard."
"Stop calling me names, you hear me? I hate that!"
"Oh my god! I hate being stuck with you, but I evidently can't do jack shit about it...! Sometimes, we just have to roll with what happens!"
Bill merely clasps his hands behind his back. "Clearly we both need space," he says calmly, as if his previous freakout didn't happen. "I'll give you a day, then we'll talk."
You collapse onto 'your' bed as he warps out of the room.
Absolutely unbearable.
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alexendria-rose · 2 months
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~The love Between a sorcerer and an ex assassin~ 2
Part 1, part 3
Warnings: cussing, childhood trauma, scars
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚
"Let her go!" I shout with tears in my eyes, my little body not be able to handle the emotions as they grab Yelena and Natasha in front of me. I kick the guards arm to try to let go before grabbing the gun in front his waistband, moving hurriedly towards the two-my siblings, the only siblings I've ever known. "Get away from them!" My hand quivering as I held the gun out towards anyone that came close. "ya budu strelyat'(I will shoot)" My tears were prickling my eyes; the thought of us going back into the red room, killed me, and I told myself I was going to protect them. Alexei starts to walk up to us and immediately point my gun towards him, how dare he want to send us back, how dare he take away the only thing we thought was closest to family.
"Don't make us come back there." I sob my short hair hitting my face as the wind blew through. He looks at me as I slowly start to lower my gun. "I want to stay in ohio... please." "you can't take them, you can't" I cry- my lip trembling at the thought of going back to the awful place-worse letting Nat go back there, having Yelena go there. He takes the gun out of my hand, my hands shaking. "Yelena is only six.." I tremble out. He looks at me sadly kneeling in front of me.
"You and Nat were younger." He whispers softly; the only person I knew as a father... betrayed me, betrayed us... "It's okay." He looks up at us huddling up together. "You're going to be alright" He brings Yelena head close to him before placing a gentle kiss on her temple, "You know how I know it's going to be alright? Because my girls are the toughest girls in the world." I hold the girls close to my chest as we all have tears streaking our faces. "You have each other.. everything is going to be fine." He looks towards me with pleading eyes. "I'm sorry." I feel a prick on my neck my eyes suddenly getting blurry as he looks at me, the tears burning my eyes realizing I could've done more, I could've protected them.
I wake up gasping for air as I sat straight up from the bed, the sweat trickling down my forehead. I bring my knees to my chest trying to catch my breath, feeling the anxiety hit me like a million bricks. I take a deep breath trying to get my breathing in control clutching my hair slightly to focus on something else other then the nightmare. I needed to get out of this room; I jump out of the bed straitening my shorts and crop top before dashing out of the room, well more speed walk into the kitchen. I grab a glass from the cabinet before filling it up with water, tilting my head back as I gulp the water.
"Thirsty I see?" I gasp loudly at the voice placing the water down quickly before bringing my fist out at the person, calming down when I notice the eyes. Just Stephen.
"What are you doing here?" I groan relaxing my hands- grabbing my cup to fill it up with some more water. He had his hands up still in surrender his eyes widen.
"The Sanctum is currently frozen, and it is cold as balls- so I decided to take Tony up on his offer to crash whenever." He grins softly bringing his arms down slowly. "So don't like surprises I'm assuming." I look at him moving myself up to sit on the counter.
"I'm an ex Widow that should tell you something." I mumbled taking another sip of my water, he walks over to me quirking an eyebrow in my direction.
"So you worked in the Red room with Natasha?" He questioned his elbows resting on the counter as he looked up with me; I finally took a look at his appearance, his hair was messy, his eyes tired and red, he wore sweats and a t-shirt. Wow he took that ‘crash whenever’ seriously from Tony, because he looked right at home. I nod slowly biting my lower lip between my teeth.
"Yeah." I whispered softly placing my water down before twiddling with my fingers. “I was there before Nat joined the red room. Draykov said I had tons of potential because of how long I was there, I was easily brainwashed because of how young I was. It’s sad really.” I continue to look at my hands noticing the slight shake of the past quickly catching up to me once again.
“Is that why you’re out here?” His tone soft and calm as he choose his words carefully, trying to understand who I was.
“What do you mean?” I ask before turning my head to face him noticing how soft they got when he stared at me.
“You’re out here at 5AM, clearly exhausted. I’m assuming a nightmare?”
“And how would you know that?” I question rubbing my hands on my thighs to try to stop the slight shake in them.
“Because I get nightmares too, and I always tend to try to escape my room to calm them down.” He mumbles looking down at his scarred hands. “Guess we’re alike in that way.” His head turning towards me again those gentle eyes never escaping his face.
“What happened to your hands?” I whisper softly, my hands unconsciously moving towards his my finger tracing the scars, his breath hitches at the way I touch them with ease.
“U-Um an accident.” He mutters watching the way my face scrunched up examining his hands, noticing the shake in them. “Car accident. I was a neurosurgeon and was I an excellent one.” I smile softly removing my hand away from his.
“That is why you’re Doctor Stephen, I thought that was just a superhero name.” I chuckle lightly, he smiles widely a slight laugh escaping his mouth.
“You’re not the first person to think that.” He laughs moving his body for his back to lean against the counter crossing his arm to look at me. “Do you want to tell me about this nightmare?” I bite the inside of my cheek trying to figure whether or not if I should tell him.
“Mostly just a flashback of my past. I used to be in fake family with Nat and Yelena while our pretend “dad” was undercover. It was the day we got taken back to go back to the red room. I didn’t want Natasha to go back, and Yelena was never apart of it until that unfaithful day.” I muttered staring into his eyes as I explain that awful flashback to him not noticing a tear slipping down my cheek. He moves his shaky hand to wipe the tear off my face.
“You know it’s not your fault right?” His hand hovering over my cheek but quickly pulling it back. “You were just a child.”
“A powerful child, I should’ve just shot them all.” I whispered under my breath.
“You were a child plain and simple. That should have never been your responsibility.” He says. I look at him taking in a shakey breath before hopping off the counter.
“Thanks for talking to me. I should really try to rest.” I sniffle slightly wiping the tears away quickly. He nods sadly.
“Of course. I’ll see you at Tony’s party tonight.” He mumbles; he looks at me like he wants to say more but I move my way past him and back into my room wondering why I even told him anything about my past; he just looked at me with such a comforting manner, and the way he just listened to every word. What he said about me being just a child struck a nerve, he wasn’t wrong and that’s why it hurt. The past will always overcome me.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚
“Ow!” I exclaim as Natasha basically burns me alive with the curling iron, Wanda chuckling as I basically screech.
“Stop being a baby.” Natasha huffs. I roll my eyes huffing as I cross my arms together.
“Maybe if you weren’t so bad at curling hair- I wouldn’t be.” I say sticking a tongue out. Natasha finishes the last strange of hair pushing my head away.
“Shut up. I’m great at curling hair.” Natasha mumbles turning off the iron and setting on the table.
“This is why I don’t dress up.” I groan standing up from the chair. Wanda laughs taking off of her clothes before grabbing her dress.
“Why don’t you dress up? You have such a killer body.” Wanda giggles slipping the black long dress over her body staring at me still wearing my baggy sweater and sweats.
“I don’t dress up because I prefer comfort.” I mutter grabbing my long red classy dress. I pick it up staring at it; internally groaning at how revealing it was with the low back, but also cringing at the fact my scars will show. “Is there another dress for me to wear?” Natasha scrunches her eyebrows.
“No, I thought you would like it.” Natasha says walking out of the bathroom in black dress as well, damn did that girl have nice boobs.
“I do. It’s just.” I bit the inside of my cheek. “It’s fine.” Natasha looks at me up and down until it finally clicked. She walks over to me placing a soft touch on my shoulder.
“Do not let your scars hold you back. Those should be a reminder that you are a survivor.” She whispered to me. “Show off your body don’t let the red room hold you back.” I sigh deeply before nodding, I take off my clothes the scars littering all over my body. I could tell Wanda noticed by the way she gave me a sad look but I wasn’t going to let that bring me down. I slip on the red dress it fitting nicely to my body. I look at myself in the mirror loving the way it hugged my curves, my hair flowing perfectly and my makeup nice and casual. I felt… pretty for once.
“Look at that baddie.” Wanda giggled before wrapping a necklace around my neck. “I got you this. It just reminded me of you.” The necklace was long but had a small little red jewel at the end. I touch the dainty piece of jewelry with a wide grin on my face.
“Thank you Wanda.” I whispered softly looking at her with a smile. “It’s beautiful.” Wanda just smiles giving me a right side hug squeeze.
“Come on. Let’s go crash Tony’s party.” Natasha pipes up before opening up the door hearing music downstairs in the living room which Tony converted into a party room. We walk out and into the living room noticing how many people were here made my palms sweaty. Wanda and Natasha went away leaving me alone to try to mingle. My mind was only trying to search for one person and there he was talking to Steve Rogers. Stephen strange. I wanted to go over but I couldn’t. I felt nervous about him especially after our talk early this morning. I felt weird knowing he knew even just a little bit of me, that I usually don’t tell people about. I walk over to the bar area trying to avoid people while making my way over- finally getting there. I notice Natasha making drinks behind the counter. I sit on the bar stool facing the Red head.
“Hi beautiful, think I can use something strong?” I giggle slightly, Natasha looks at me mixing something up.
“Oh sugar, ive already mixed something up for you.” She smirked handing me a glass of something mysterious. I gladly take the drink before letting the hard liquor hit my throat, I sigh exactly what I needed to get through tonight. “So have you talked to the magician at all?” I furrow my eyebrows towards her.
“Why would I talk to him?” I scoff taking another long swing of my drink. Natasha just laughs loudly.
“Oh shut up and talk to him, or maybe you don’t have to.” She snickers nodding her head towards the opposite way of me. I turn my head to see the tall man walking my way with a drink in his hand. He sets down his drink next to me as I gulp down another sip.
“So what is a pretty girl like you doing alone here?” He smirks leaning against the counter.
“Shut up.” I mumble turning my face away from, but he just chuckles sitting down next to the bar stool next to me. “Enjoying yourself?” I ask turning my head towards him while slightly tilting my head, he smiles softly humming a bit.
“I rather dislike parties, especially if it involves Tony Stark.” I laugh at his comment.
“He’s not all bad.” I whisper softly taking another sip of my drink as I stare at the other people in front of me. “I think you’re just more alike then you think and that irritates you.”
“Oh? Is that right?” He chuckles deeply. “Do you have a degree in psychology and nobody knows?”
“Oh my goodness how did you know!” I exclaim dramatically putting a hand on my chest doing a fake gasp along with the dramatics. He just laughs taking a sip of his martini.
“My my miss Y/n don’t you have some sass to you.” He hums, I giggle lightly scrunching my nose before placing my glass down on the counter and standing up.
“Sass is who I am.” I chuckle making my away from the sorcerer, but he quickly catches up.
“I can easily tell.” He mumbles softly as I made my out of the party and onto the balcony leaning against the railing trying to catch my breath from the people- enjoying the fresh air from outside hitting my face and lungs. “Are you okay?” He asked gently placing a hand on my shoulder. I look towards him smiling softly.
“Yeah I’m fine, lots of people give me anxiety.” I say softly looking over the city of New York. “God it’s so beautiful here.” I whisper gently, he leans against the railings titling his head towards me a soft smile on his lips.
“It is.” He whispers his eyes completely on me. I turn to look at him tilting my head as well.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” I say scrunching my eyebrows towards Stephen. He just laughs looking at his hands that were trembling due to his accident.
“It’s crazy to me that you have no idea the effect you have on people.” He says in a soft tone before moving his head back to look at me.
“I do know and it isn’t pleasant.” I look down at my hands twiddling with them. My hair blows against the wind exposing my scarred arms and back which makes his eyes dart towards them, a sort concerned expression on his face.
“I didn’t say it wasn’t a pleasant effect.” He says before moving his way towards me his eyes on my scars which made me shiver. The fact I probably looked so unattractive compared to most of the girls in this party. “How did you get these?” His hand just barely above my skin just a soft touch which made my skin create goosebumps.
“Red room.” I whisper under my breath backing away from him slightly missing his touch but deciding to ignore that feeling. “Told I was special and they decided to give me scars rather than just kill me. Sometimes I wish they would’ve.” I bite the inside of my cheek keeping my eyes cascading towards the city. He gently grabs my chin turning it towards him.
“I’m sorry that you went through that but I for one am really glad that you never did.” I look at him seeing the blue eyes staring back at mine, and the way my stomach fluttered seeing his face, no I cannot be feeling this way, this can’t happen.
“I have to go I’m sorry.” I whispered gently pulling back away from his touch before leaving the balcony and away from the party making it back to my room in a very haste like manner. I close the door behind me sliding my back down against the door. I cannot possibly catch feelings for him, I would end up hurting him or him to me. It was too risky. Feelings ended up being painful and I could never do that to myself or to him but god did I want too.
A/n- let me know if you want to be in a tag list for this series!
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gtzel · 6 months
“This is might sting a bit, okay?” I looked up at the enormous figure looming above me wielding medical supplies. I was still in shock from the nights chaotic events. I sat atop a cotton ball the size of a large beanbag for me.
Okay, for those of you who may be confused let me explain. So basically, i woke up today in a strangers house with no memories. adding to that, this wasn’t just any house, it was a giants house. Obviously i was freaked out when i woke up underneath a ginormous couch with nothing but my clothing, which looked worse for wear.
I had foolishly assumed that I was alone in the house, and got reckless while trying to wrap my head around the situation. I ended up getting spotted by the giant that resided in the house and they caught me. Fast forward past a bunch of struggling and injuries on my part and here we are. A giant is warming me about the sting of antiseptic as I struggle to keep my breathing sound. His hand, which is about the size of a car, steadily approaching.
He doesn’t wait for me to give consent before dabbing an alcohol covered q-tip on my fresh wound. I let out a yelp and curl in no myself. My breath starts to grow ragged, as the stinging in my leg grows more and more noticeable.
“S-sorry little guy, but we have to make sure it won’t get infected” I feel a warm plush finger start to rub my back, in an attempt to calm my anxiety. Unfortunately for them, I haven’t had the best experience with giant hands since I woke up here this morning. I flinch away and try to curl into myself further.
My body starts to shake as I feel tears prick my eyes. The stinging has subsided minority, but now I’m more focused on the looming giant. I just need space. Why won’t they leave me alone. They keep making things worse. Just go away. Go away. Please please please just go away.
They touch my head again, ruffling my hair roughly. I yelp back and finally snap.
“PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” My voice sounds odd to my ears. Not how I had expected it to sound. It’s watery and cracks on certain vowels. I feel the hand flinch back at my comment. The giant hesitates before speaking.
“Y-you can actually…talk..?” He seems unsure of the proper response. I assume he didn’t think I was sentient, or at least that I didn’t speak his language.
I ignore his question, which seemed more like a shocked observation than anything else. I look up at him and for the first time today, I look him in the eyes. I’m shocked with how sorrowful they look, he seems so sad. Why does he look that way?
We hold each other’s gazes for several silent minutes. His eyes are a sparkling shade of silver, which is combined with the soft hue of teal. They’re comforting and calm, while still looking concerned.
“I-I need to clean up your wound, it might get infected if I don’t” he said carefully. He showed me the differing supplies and ointments he had layed out around the surface of tile that surrounded me. “I’ll try to be gentle with you, but I don’t want you getting even more hurt because of struggling”
Against my better judgement I nodded. He carefully lifted my leg up in between his two fingers. Gently he rubbed some healing oil onto the flesh surrounding the wound, along with ointment on the wound itself. O was pleasantly surprised to see how cautious he was while working.
When he had finished, he bandaged up my leg with gauze and set it down.
“Is that better?” He asked, putting a bit more space between us now that it wasn’t necessary.
“Y-yes, I think so…” I figured with my hands and the hem of my well worn shirt. He seemed to brighten when I spoke, smiling a bit in a friendly gesture.
“So, what’s your name?”
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millie-mar · 2 months
the stranger things i hate about you
chapter five: the hideout pt2
| 1.5k words | 10 things i hate about you!steddie |
‘Fuck. What’d I get myself into?’ Steve mumbles, pacing back and forth. Robin is laying on his bed, fully stretched out, following him with her eyes, slowly starting to get dizzy from the boy’s constant movement.
‘Harrington, calm down.’ She sighs. ‘Nothing bad’s happened yet.’
Steve stops in his tracks, slowly turning to face the brown-haired girl. ‘Yet?’ he exclaims, ‘Yet?’ The word leaves his lips once more, pitch a bit higher, and he slowly shakes his head. ‘Can’t believe it.’
‘Oh, come on. That’s just a phrase.’ Robin sits up, tucks her hair behind her ears and claps to signal she has something to say. Steve looks at her, exasperated. ‘Listen. It’s gonna be alright. You’re just gonna have a friendly chat with him. It’s not like I expect you to seduce the guy.’
‘What do you expect from me, Robin?’ That question causes the girl to double back, her eyes wide, but expectant. Is that the Steve Harrington many have talked about? Confident, blunt, and a little bit clueless.
‘I-‘ Steve doesn’t even let the girl finish before he starts speaking again.
‘What is your motive? Why do you want me to do this? Wait, I've got another good question. Why me?’ Words fly out at such speed, Robin struggles to fully understand him, a weird grimace taking over her face.
‘You’re just a loner Steve, okay? Eddie was a loner too. I just thought you’d be able to connect because of that…’
‘You only answered the easiest question.' A pause. 'Why are you doing this, Robin?’ Steve sits down on the floor by the head of the bed, leaning his arms on the mattress, facing Robin. He makes eye contact with the girl, trying to get her to speak, but she breaks the contact and looks away.
‘You don’t have to know everything about me Steve. We’re not friends. And it’s personal.’ That statement gets Steve even more curious. No sarcasm. No jokes. This seems unlike her earlier behaviour.
‘I just want to know if I’m getting into deep shit I won’t be able to get out of.’ The boy exhales, a breath he has not even realised he was holding. He gets him arms off the bed and leans back, looking up at the ceiling, extremely tired, even though the night hasn’t started yet.
‘Don’t worry. You can dip any time you want to. Promise.’ Robin sticks out her pinky towards the blonde. He looks back at her, unsure.
‘Really? Pinky promise? What are we, five?’ Steve raises his eyebrow in amusement.
‘Steve, don’t be a prick.’ Robin smiles at him and shakes her hand to encourage Steve to go along with it.
Steve unwillingly gets up on his knees and reaches out to intertwine his pinky finger with hers. Robin taps her thumb on his and lays back down with a satisfied smile. ‘Did you forget you were supposed to help me get ready?’ Steve questions, an unwilling smile on his face.
She places a pillow over her mouth to muffle a whine, but gets off the bed anyway and takes her bag. ‘Sadly, I am not a punk, so I don’t have much, but I feel like overdoing it wouldn’t do you any good.’ She looks through her bag and takes out a small pink jewellery box.
‘Didn’t think you’d like pink.’ Steve points out, trying to engage in some small talk.
‘Why? Because I’m not girly enough for it?’ Robin giggles at Steve’s embarrassed expression, tempted to tease him further. ‘That’s sexist of you, Steve.’
‘No! I didn’t mean to- It’s just. I-‘ Steve enters panic mode and struggles to say anything reasonable.
‘I’m just joking.’ Robin looks at Steve’s shaky hands, and how he’s playing with his fingers and picks at the skin around his nails. ‘I got this box from my friend. They’re very important to me, so I didn’t have the heart to tell them that I hate pink.’ Robin explains, catching Steve’s attention.
Steve’s not sure what to say, surprised by Robin’s sudden urge to share something about her with him. Sensing the boy’s not going to say anything, she carries on. ‘Well, I keep my favourite pieces of jewellery in this box and it so happens I have a skull ring in here.’
‘I thought you said you’re not a punk?’
Robin throws a pillow at Steve’s face. ‘Doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate their aesthetic. Now shut up, put some black top, jeans on, and the ring. That should be good enough.’ She chucks the ring in Steve’s direction and he swiftly catches it.
‘What about my hair?’ Steve looks Robin dead in the eye, worried, since he’s never been to a bar like that.
‘There’s no way to save it anymore.’ She says getting off the bed and going towards the door. Her face serious, but her voice giving out that she’s just joking. Steve pretends to be offended as he follows her out of his room.
‘Okay, message me if you want me to pick you up.’ Robin parks in front of the Hideout, turns to Steve at the passenger’s seat and smiles at him.
‘Okay, mom.’ Steve rolls his eyes, unbuckles and opens the door to get out. As he closes the door behind him, he faintly hears Robin shouting ‘Have fun, sweetie’ before her voice gets muffled. He shakes his head, not turning back to look at the girl who’s probably giggling to herself.
Steve’s now standing in front of a pretty run down building; bits of paint coming off the walls, one of the windows blocked off with planks, the doors having graffiti on them. It looks much worse than he expected. He looks around the driveway, only two cars taking the already small space in front of the building; a black van, with some worn off logo on the side reading ‘Corroded Coffin’ and a grey Bentley.
Steve takes a breath in, and approaches the door, then breathes out and opens it slowly.
Loud music hits Steve’s ears immediately, a remix of pop songs, some that he recognises. He’s growing more uncertain with each step further into the club, a sea of heads bopping to music, people brushing against each other. He looks for Eddie in the crowd, which has proven to be easier than he expected, with the boy’s long, dark, curls catching Steve’s attention by the bar. He’s alone, holding a drink in his hand, leaning his head on his hand and talking excitedly with the bartender. It’s now or never.
Steve pushes through the crowd, apologising to every person he as much as grazes, slowly making his way towards Eddie, his heart beating faster the closer he got. When he finally stops by the boy, he isn't sure what to do. Should he say ‘hi’, tap him on the shoulder, sit next to him?
Eddie looks back, as if feeling Steve’s presence and his smile quickly falters when he locks eyes with the boy. ‘Oh, you came.’
Steve couldn’t miss the slight disappointment in Eddie’s voice. He doesn't want Steve to be here. ‘Yeah, can I sit down?’
‘If you want to. Ain’t gonna stop you Steven.’ Eddie says and takes a sip of his drink. Steve sits down, an awkward silence filling the air.
Get your shit together Steve.
‘Did you wait long?’ Steve initiates the conversation, and is met with a laugh from Eddie.
‘Don’t worry. Wasn’t expecting you to actually come, so technically, I didn’t wait at all.’ Steve can’t help but wonder what happened to cause so much hostility from the boy, he seemed fine last time they talked.
‘Oh, okay.’ Silence again. ‘Do you come here often?’
'Really, Steve? Do I come here often?' Eddie shakes his head and takes another sip of his drink. 'If you don't have anything to talk to me about, then why did you even come here?' He gets off his stool and blends into the crowd. Steve sighs, placing his face in his hands and gets off too, determination guiding him through the crowd and towards Eddie, who's now in the middle of the dance floor.
'I just wanted to get to know you. Properly.' Steve shouts through the noise, music and drunk people surrounding them. Eddie turns to face him, still dancing, very clumsily, but his movements are charming in some way. However, he doesn't say a word. ' Listen I know I've never properly apologised. I've only given you excuses, but I don't have a reason why I treated you that way. It was stupid and really inconsiderate. I was an asshole.' Eddie stops moving.
'What was that?' Eddie asks, when in reality he actually heard Steve. He just really wants to hear it again.
'I was an asshole!' Steve shouts as loud as his lungs let him, and doesn't realise the song's finished. The whole place goes quiet, as 'asshole' echoes through the room. All eyes are on Steve, including Eddie's, a smile spreading on his face. He snickers and covers his mouth to muffle the noise, leaning forward as a laugh escapes him. Eddie straightens up flicking his hair as he does so, and sighs.
'Oh, Harrington.' Eddie pats Steve's shoulder. 'You still have a long way to go, but that's a good start,' he says and walks away, leaving Steve dumbfounded in the middle of a dance floor, music coming on again, but it's muffled in his ears.
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starfallkaz · 1 year
Selwyn x Bree Moments I just know would happen if given the chance
1. so we got Bree cupping Sel’s hair and him relaxing into her touch (everyone say thank you miss Tracy), but we need Bree sitting down on the couch and Sel laying his head on her lap and her fingers stroking through his hair.
Bree quietly muttering under her breathe about how soft his hair is and it’s not fair bc he probably doesn’t need to deep condition and have a leave-in AND twist his hair up, even though sel can hear her the whole time, and he just softly smiles as she strokes his hair
Sel is so content and at peace he starts purring. Like his whole body just vibrates under her touch
after a couple minutes his eyes open and they’re the familiar gold that Bree adores. so quickly he swings an arm around Bree and pulls her down, laughing as she yelps in surprise, and presses their lips together
2. Bree would pretend to sneak up on Selwyn, both of them knowing full-well that Sel could detect it was her for probably over 50m away. And she throws her hands over his eyes. (She’s the only one Sel would ever let do that to him)
3. When one of them wrinkles their brow and the other would just softly kiss away the crease, or if Bree pouted and Sel just lifts his finger up to her bottom lip, tracing it with his thumb bc he could never do that before (he’d just have to stand there looking flustered and clenching his fist like Mr Darcy)
4. Bree when she’s ecstatic or happy (and after squealing with Alice) usually some variation on beaming at Selwyn or throwing herself into his arms. He can’t help but smile or laugh back bc she’s just so radiant.
5, and every time she hugs him and he has his head buried in her neck and the scent of her her her around him he feels like the luckiest person alive. How could she choose him, how?!!
6. Alice convincing Sel that he doesn’t need to come along to watch Bree in her first-attempt at a martial arts class at uni. That’s she’ll be fine and it’s a beginner’s friendly course. And Sel “agrees”.
Of course he’s actually in the rafters looking down. Making sure nobody hurts Bree. Several times he has to physically stop himself from descending to the ground when Bree hurts herself
at the end of the class Alice asks if Bree enjoyed it? Bree declares “it wasn’t for her.” They meet up with Selwyn who ‘emerges from a different building’
He slings an arm around Bree’s shoulder in greeting and she asks “and how did you enjoy my class bat boy?” And Sel tries to play it off but obviously Bree can sense his gaze and knows he was there. And he looks a bit sheepishly off to the side mumbling, “nothing I couldn’t have taught you”
7. I’m also just very here for Alice and Sel having a friendship?!?! Like Ik they argued a lot in Bloodmarked, and Alice was pretty eh about him, but them just softly bickering over mundane things. E.g. Sel commenting that bbq sauce is a disgrace, who would have it on their hot dog? And Alice taking that personally. Bree sighing and smiling bc she knows that Alice is forming a mental list of bullet point rebuttals and she is about to drag this man ALIVE
8. Bree in a crowd at uni and just feels those little pin prick’s on her back and automatically starts searching the crowd for him and moving in that direction. (sel’s heart is beating very fast watching her from the other side of the quad)
9. Sel and Bree still bickering over her safety and how Sel insists that he should be at Bree’s geology trip for a course she’s taking, and Bree thinks that’s silly bc it’ll only be a couple hours and they’re just looking at rocks. And Sel retorts “okay but what if you slip and hit your head on said rocks, then I have to run you back to William.” And Bree laughs, “Sel you don’t need to run me to William everytime I hurt myself in the slightest” and he quietly mutters something about “yes he does.”
10. Sel memorising the feeling of Bree’s body pressed against his when they hug. How he knows her eyes so intimately, how he knows her smile and that little dimple that appears when she’s grinning, and thinks to himself he’d give anything to be the reason for that smile
11. When they’re kissing and Bree kisses his neck, just under his jawline, for the first time. his breathe hitches, and he grasps her and pulls her impossibly close (she’s on his lap at this point). And Bree laughs against his jaw in a way that sends shudders right down his body. Bree pulls away and see’s how he’s barely able to control himself under her touch, his eyes are the deep gold almost brown of melted sugar. And that’s how Bree figures out Sel has a massive thing for neck kisses.
12. Bree endearingly referring to Sel as bat boy, because of his handy knack for dangling upside down, or just reaching high places and surveying the room. Sel pretends not to like the nickname (they both know he secretly likes it)
13. Bree calls Sel pretty at some point and he’s so flustered, he doesn’t know what to say, and not having the right words makes him more flustered which makes him scowl, until he’s just glaring at Bree that she just called him pretty. And Bree raises her eyebrow that she just complimented him but he’s glaring?? At her?? Sel doesn’t have the words to explain, so just pulls her to his chest, pressing a kiss to her forehead hoping that conveys how he’s feeling. Bree just sinks into his touch
14. When they’re kissing and Bree thinks to run her tongue gently along the points of his sensitive canines. The way Sel immediately shudders against her, going limp under her, yet impossibly restrained at the same time. Things escalate from there.
15. Someone calling Sel some vague sort of demon slur, and he shrugs it off but he has to almost physically restrain Bree from defending him. Fully prepared to fight anybody and everybody for Sel.
16. Sel aether drunk and he has to go off and cool himself down in the forest, to get rid of the energy. Bree waiting for him in his room, doing some work at his desk. He pulls himself through the window, stumbling to get his footing.
Bree gently scolds him about using the door when he’s aether drunk. And he stumbles over the room to her and stands between her legs where she’s sitting at the desk. His fingers trace her bottom lip, the shape of her face.
And Bree can just see how bright his eyes are, his flushed cheeks, damp hair. And he’s mumbling under his breathe in welsh, words that sound a lot like she’s beautiful, gorgeous, exclamations of wonder at her
(I need help, I just spent an hour writing this instead of studying. Got me giggling in my bed fr fr). I have many more where these came from if you want them
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silent-sanctum · 1 year
First Times - Jotaro x Reader
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so college has been kicking my ass these past few weeks but FINALLY i got this finished~ Yes I did the soft, intimate smut result from that poll i did a while ago because hey, if im about to debut myself as a smut writer, then might as well start slow ^^ everything after will be mostly rough :D. For now enjoy!
word count: 3.7k+
“And then? What did you do?”
“What that ass deserved- a good kick in the shins. Serves him right for eyeing me like a piece of meat.” You both chuckle at that.
Evenings were spent in bliss as you found yourself often ditching your little apartment room to have sleepovers over at Jotaro’s place when studies weren’t as hectic as a never-ending traffic of responsibilities.                         
Who could think of the troubles of school work when you are cozy sitting in-between your boyfriend’s legs with your back pressed against his chest, a can of beer in both of your hands as you two sat on the outside porch of his bedroom, hanging out in peace with slow R&B music playing in the background to help with the calm ambience. It was late at night, around 11 when most people now slept, helping minimize the noise outside the two’s peaceful bubble.
Beyond the four walls, the slow autumn breeze brushed past you but you couldn’t care less, not when you were dressed in one of his large shirts and customized gakuran. Aside from that those 2 articles, you didn’t wear anything below but standard “bra-and-panty” undergarments.
You turned to look at his closed eyes and the curl of his lips, likely enjoying the songs being played combined with you in his arms. One could see this rough delinquent and do a double take, unable to process how such “rude” and “aggressive” prick could be this… tranquil and blissfully happy.
Unable to help yourself, you pushed yourself up to plant a quick, soft kiss on his lips, startling the guy out of his trance. He blinked in surprise, faint pink dusting his cheeks. “All of a sudden?”
You pouted as you turned yourself around to wrap your arms around his neck, adjusting a bit so your legs bracketed his thighs. “Mm, can’t help it.” You huffed and peppered a few more featherlight kisses on his cheek, jaw, and throat. “You’re so adorable like this.”
Jotaro raised a brow in intrigue, his large hand coming to softly hold the small of your back to secure you on his lap. “Hm? Like what?” A quiet purr left you as he slowly caressed the length of your back.
“Like…,” You rose an index finger to boop him on the nose. “A big sleeping puppy.”
The delinquent scoffed, albeit with affection, returning your tiny gesture with a soft pinch of your flushed cheek that elicited a yelp from you. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?”
A playful whine as you swatted his shoulder. “You and I know very well that I have a high tolerance to alcohol,” you said as a matter of fact. “Besides, we only drank one can of beer tonight.” You shook your now-empty can to make a point. “I’m just naturally lovey-dovey around you.”
“Don’t need to remind me,” Jotaro said. “But I can’t escape from your annoying little clutches anymore.” He lightly flicked your forehead, to which you let out a surprised “ah” with both your hands coming to hold the area.
“Ya! That’s two fouls right there Kujo-ssi!” You quietly hissed, still pouting. “You can’t just pinch my cheeks and flick my head and not get away with it that easy.”
The raven-haired smirked, putting down his beer and leaning forward until his nose grazed yours. “And what are you going to do about it then, Y/N-san? Tell me.”
“I-I’ll wipe that smug expression of your face.” You fumed at the proximity of his lips near yours, your hands dropping to hold his shoulders. Warming up two-fold, you buried your face on the crook of his neck. “I hate when you smirk like that so close to me.”
Your boyfriend hummed and directed you to look back at him with a gentle tilt of his fingers under your chin, his thumb tracing the outline of your lips. As if on instinct, you sighed and parted them by a bit. “Feels nice when I get you flustered once in a while… is all.” He whispered, gaze hooded and focused.
“That’s my line, you ass,” you muttered back with equally hooded eyes, scoffing a bit before deciding to close the small gap between you two as you slotted your lips with his. A small moan left you as the delinquent leaned more onto the kiss, both his hands now gripping your waist just like your arms were around his neck.
You ignored the clank of your empty can against the mat as you two drew back by a few millimeters, gasping for air before drawing back to each other in a split second with the continuous slide of lips lasting longer than normal.
You felt his tongue prod your lower lip, and with much eagerness, you allowed it entry and yourself a more prolonged soft moan as the muscle met yours. Delightful tingles crept down your arms every time he moved- his hands coming to lightly grip the strands of your hair as he craved for more kisses after every breathless withdraw, the contented tiny purrs he made as you panted against his lips, the miniscule movement of his hips underneath your crotch, to which you unconsciously moved with.
What you would give just to feel this close to your lover every night. To give and receive kisses this much, to be in his strong arms holding you close to him-
Just then, you gasped at something prodding against the fabric of your underwear. You drew back after what felt like 15 minutes with a string of spit still connecting your tongues together. Both you and Jotaro’s eyes remained hooded, catching your breaths with foreheads leaning on each other as you slid your hands down to grasp his tank top.
You giggled. “Someone’s excited.” You took one glance at the area at the area between his legs and saw the prominent bulge hidden inside his pants. With one peck on his nose, you decided to tease him and trailed one hand down his body until it reached the tent.
He bit back a pleased groan as you began to caress him with slow and firm movements. He gripped your hips hard and said, “Y/N, I… I’m not sure if what I know is right…”
“But do you want to, love?” You mumbled, tracing the outline of his covered cock with the tip of your finger. With a single nod, you smiled. “We can take it slow. I’ll be the judge of your craft.”
“Fuck.” Jotaro held the back of your head to nudge you forward to kiss you hard again, immediately using his tongue to send you back into bliss with a muffled moan. You adjusted yourself a bit to wrap your legs around his waist, planting your crotch atop his bulge for you to start sliding against it.
At the same time, you shrugged off his uniform and dropped it to the floor, allowing him to roam your body with his hands, occasionally slipping them underneath the hem of your shirt to graze your warm skin.
Your boyfriend took the initiative to grab your thighs and stand without disconnecting the kiss. Beyond closed eyes, you heard a shimmer from behind you followed by the porch doors to slide close. 
Reaching his futon, Jotaro parted back for a moment to gently lower you on top of the sheets. In the next second, you surged forward to pull him back for another heated kiss. Eager, you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, letting your hands roam the expanse of his sturdy back until you pulled the hem of his top.
He pulled away, kneeling upright for enough time to remove his tank top and for you to slide your shirt off of you, and toss both to the side, before he leaned down to savor your kisses. Now, with the brush of his bare hard muscles on your soft skin, you couldn’t help but moan and arch your back to feel more of him on top of you.
From time to time, you lightly nudged him back only for you to pepper soft kisses on his eyes, nose, and cheeks. Returning your gesture, he leaned down to trail a couple open-mouth kisses from the corner of your lips down the line of your jaw, until he reached your ear.
There he whispered, “Tell me if I’m doing this wrong…” You gasped out a moan when you felt his teeth nibble the lobe of your ear, kissing it afterward before resuming his path down the column of your neck. You whimpered at the sensation of his lips nipping and sucking your skin, leaving his love marks on his precious canvas.
A sigh was what came next from you as your lover continued to press soft pecks down your collarbones and shoulders. When you felt his fingers glide down your side, you arched your back and allowed him to unhook your bra, slipping them off of you and adding it to the collection of discarded clothes.
A shiver ran throughout your now bare torso, contrasting the fuming warmth of your face and pinked areas of your skin. Jotaro sat back to look at you and you couldn’t help but hide your face behind your hands with a quiet whine. “Oh my god, stop staring. I’m still a bit conscious about… this.”
“Don’t overthink,” he simply said, lowering himself to mutter deep into your ear. “You’re perfect.”
Reassured, you heeded his words and nodded. With an amused huff and another press of his lips on your neck, you jolted as a hand came to hold your breast, lightly kneading it with special attention on your nipple. A string of tiny moans fled your throat as you kept arching, craving the delightful tingles of pleasure from his fondling and the kisses on your neck. 
You had your eyes closed the entire time, making the sudden kiss on your perky nipple much more surprising. Your initial yelp turned to a whimpered moan as your boyfriend focused on sucking the bud atop your breast, complete with the swirl of his tongue and the nip of his teeth.
You panted and squirmed under his touch as you grew wetter and wetter with every ministration, the heat in your belly coiling. It didn’t help either when his hand continued to fondle the other while he mouthed your now spit-slicked nipple.
He drew back with a quiet pop and repeated the same on the other side. You encouraged him to continue as you held his head against your chest.
Just as you neared your peak, he left your chest and continued his trail of kisses down the plane of your abdomen, below your belly button, until his lips grazed the garter of your panty. With his hands smoothing over your thighs, Jotaro took the time to look at you, asking for permission.
You couldn’t say anything, too eager and flustered to say something. Instead, you combed through his black curls, nodding once to give him your answer. Wasting no time, Jotaro slid the last of your clothing down your legs, adding it to the pile nearby.
This was it.
Your bare body exposed only for him to see, though the latter had his eyes trained on your pussy lips, as if he was fascinated, for him to see you as a whole. Not that it mattered. He’d take him time admiring you once he’s done with-
A sharp gasp came out of you when his finger traced over your folds with the same featherlight care, the tickling sensations making your breaths coming in short. Just then, you let out a loud moan in surprise, hips bucking up at the sudden contact of your lover’s mouth on your clit.
His low hums paired with the wet sounds of suckling and licking drove you crazy every second, the build-up of pleasure doubling than before. You whined every time you felt the drag of his tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerves in between your legs to savor in your leaking juices, the vibrations of his quiet sounds adding on top of it all.
“Fuck,” you gasped out squirming, unable to control your impending release. “F-Fuck Jota- Ah!”
Another startled moan echoed throughout his bedroom as one long finger prodded your wet hole, sliding inside a second later with no trouble. You felt it wriggle around, feeling the space around it as if to find something. Nevertheless, the movement alone was enough for your body to grow wetter to welcome its guest.
However, with one curl, you let out one, pitched sharp “ah!”. Through the slurping noise your boyfriend was making with your clit, you felt his mouth curl into a smile as he slowly drew his finger out of you, only to thrust into your heat abruptly in a second.
You widened your eyes and your jaw slackened with a silent scream, your hands gripping his hair tight and your hips bucking wildly, desperate for more. For that sweet release.
Jotaro never stopped tasting your pussy, tongue still lapping you clean, when he added a finger into your hole, followed by another a few seconds later, and with each entry, you just grew wetter and wetter to accommodate the three digits jabbing that sweet spot in you non-stop.
“I… I-I’m gonna… g-gonna- ahh ah ah!”
Like a snap, you offered a muted scream as your eyes rolled into the back, your head thrown back with your back arched, body convulsing to your orgasm.
He leaned back with his mouth and chin glistening, licking his lips as he finally took a look at your entire body- sweaty, flushed, and tinted reddish pink in some areas of your skin. But what really got to him was your expression. The way you had your eyes closed behind your sweat-plastered hair, lips ajar due to your post-orgasmic panting with a thin line of spit trailing from the corner, cheeks fuming warm.
You managed to croak out a whine, opening your eyes a bit to lock his hooded gaze with yours. When he still continued to stare, you decided to entice him with your arms raised towards him, beckoning him close as your hips swayed against the sheets. You whispered, “Come here.”
And Jotaro followed, promptly licking his lips before leaning down to slot his lips with yours messily to accompany the next round of open-mouthed kisses. You let out a quiet moan the second he pulled back for air, connecting back to you a millisecond later. You tangled your fingers through his curls, sliding them down until your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, fingertips brushing his sweat-slicked skin.
With a gasp and a wet pop, your lover pulled back. The shuffling of clothes could be heard followed by a dull thud of fabric on fabric, and when you opened your eyes to see, you gaped at how toned his entire frame was. A solid wall of lean muscle, dipping down to reveal his erect cock with its red, leaking tip.
It was long and thick. And that made your hips jolt up and your hole gushing out, as if it had a mind of its own, wanting that erection in as soon as possible.
“Oh god,” you gasped as Jotaro pressed his forehead against yours, reaching down to stroke his cock before letting its engorged tip tap against your eager pussy and gliding its entire length over your clit. Waves of delightful tingling pleasure swept through you as your breath hitched with every slick thrust.
Just then, your boyfriend stroked himself again with some of its white pre-cum dripping onto your already-sensitive clitoris. As a response, you let out one tiny whine as you parted your legs and began rubbing yourself as means for him to hurry up.
Through his strokes, he reached for his pant pocket nearby with his other hand and fumbled around until he pulled out his wallet and took out a square foil.
Despite the mess that you became, you let out a breathless giggle out of fondness. Was he waiting for the time they’d do it all this time? For him to have a condom ready in his pants seemed to imply so. Jotaro ripped open the foil and immediately slid the covering over his cock.  
You met his gaze above you as he guided the tip towards your entrance, poking and prodding but never entering. A few teasing dips inside only to pull out shortly after. Your breaths came in hot pants with a mix of eagerness and nervousness. “I’m… putting it in.”
That whole thing. Inside me. Fuck. You locked your arms around his neck and nodded. “Be slow… please.”
He didn’t say anything in return but he took in your words as is and offered a nod. Finally, after what felt like forever, you felt the tip dip inside but this time, it continued further in.
A sharp hiss fled your lips as the slow yet wet drag of his thick length against your warm walls made you full in a way you never felt before. To make it better, you shared the sentiments with Jotaro, who had his eyes shut and his brows furrowed as he bit back his groans with every inch he slid inside.
You felt it continue further deep inside until his hips met yours, his cock completely sheathed inside you. He paused for a moment and leaned onto his elbows, cursing under his breath while you relished in your pants from how full you were with him in you.
It didn’t take long for your walls to accommodate the length inside, loosening itself as more of your juices leaked out of you. You cupped your boyfriend’s cheek and muttered, “You can move now.”
Jotaro took one good glimpse of your hooded eyes and pressed a light kiss on your forehead, before leaning back and drawing out his cock back with an audible wet sound that surely didn’t help your steadily growing pleasure calm down.
Once most of its length slid out of you with its tip still in, he thrusted back in with one sharp motion. You let out a silent scream followed by a string of whines and moans once he began to increase his pace with every thrust, the distinct fwop fwop fwop of his balls slapping against your ass plus the shlick of every rapid slide echoing throughout his room.
At this moment, all lucidity left your mind as you grew to become pliant and dazed from the accumulating pleasure coiling in your belly. Your eyes lost its focus, tears spilling out from it all, and your jaw remained slack leaving your lips open for every gasping moan that you made. Shameless, you locked your legs around his waist and synced your hips with his, wanting to chase your peak.
Your hands gripped the sheets beside you as your body moved along with every pound of his hips into you, your breasts bouncing from the movement. Seeing your tits move, Jotaro couldn’t resist missing the opportunity and dived to take one of your nipples into his mouth, suckling and nibbling on the bud again.
You loudly moaned into the space, arching your back to meet his lips, head tilted back as you became overwhelmed with so much sensation you were receiving. At this rate, you were going to cum in any minute.
Just as you thought of that, your boyfriend’s thrusts turned erratic and his breath grew laborious, grunting louder than before once he left your sensitive nipple alone. He was close. But so were you.
Your moans turned into desperate whimpers and prolonged whines. Hearing your pleas, Jotaro rose to meet you in a sloppy kiss with the mess of uncoordinated tongues exploring inside each other’s mouths. You combed through his sweaty hair with one hand, as the other crept its way down until it made contact with where your hole was stretched around his now-slicked cock.
You and Jotaro pulled back from the kiss with strings of spit still connected between your tongues. Through a blurry vision, you saw your boyfriend grit his teeth as he neared his release. “Jojo…” You whimpered as you slid your hand to your pussy and rubbed it as fast his thrusts. “Jojo I-I’m cumming-!”
You convulsed the second later, back arching sharpy, letting out the loudest moan you could have cried out as you began to shake from the intensity of your second orgasm. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, tongue lolling out unable to keep yourself in check.
Your lover slammed himself into you over and over again with no sense of rhythm present, and all you could do was let out weak whimpers as you began to feel overstimulated from his harsh thrusts. “F-Fuck I’m gonna-“
Through your sleepy haze, you uttered out a quiet and pitchy phrase, enough to send him off the edge. “Cum for me baby.”
As simple as that, Jotaro dropped his head onto the crook of your neck, groaning loudly into your shoulder as his hips slammed into you one more time before stilling inside, the warmth of his cum felt through the latex surface of the condom.
The noise from your first lovemaking simmered into a quiet panting of breaths, his and yours. While he still reeled from his first orgasm, you raked your fingers through his damp curls and held him close to you.
Sensing you, Jotaro took in a deep breath and pulled himself back together, albeit in a mess. He raised himself up until he found your lips, wanting to kiss them one last time with more gentleness than the ones prior.
Minutes later, he got up and eased himself out of your now puffy hole- making you hiss at the sensitive drag- discarded the cum-filled condom, and returned and adjusted both of your sweaty bodies until the two of you lay on your sides, spooning.
“How was it?” He uttered into your ear, traces of sleep beginning to kick in.
“Not bad,” you nuzzled your face into the pillow, closing your eyes wanting to sleep. “For a first timer.”
“You say it like you’ve done this with someone else before…”
You huffed and reached down to hold his hand that’s wrapped around your waist, securing you to him. “You’re my first, don’t worry you loving grump.”
Jotaro grumbled and buried his nose into the nape of your neck, eliciting a quiet giggle from you. “Just go to sleep.”
“No need to tell me twice.”
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attic-club-sandwich · 2 years
Envious Touches
my 2nd entry for @property-of-diavolo's Fuck//Love Roulette event! Thank you for doing this event, it's been so much fun!!
Check out my first entry: Morning Reflections
This is going to be Love, Leviathan, and Jealousy. i know super ironic i rolled Levi and Jealously
Leviathan x gn!MC.
Poly!MC with all of the brothers is also implied in this story.
also tagging @delphi-dreamin who wanted to be tagged in future writings! ;)
divider by firefly-graphics
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He hated it when you displayed affection with his brothers. As the Avatar of Envy, the subtle touches that no one else would notice were very apparent through his eyes. The sight of Mammon’s hand brushing yours, Asmo’s arms wrapped around your neck, the way Satan would gently place a stray strand of hair behind your ear, and even just the way Lucifer looked at you was enough to send him over the edge.
He suspected that everyone had noticed his foul mood lately, but no one had said a word to him about it. Of course, it's not like they cared about their gross, otaku brother. One evening as they finished dinner, it was his turn on dish duty and the twins were helping to tidy up the kitchen. You were there too of course, helping to dry the dishes as he washed them. You were so adorable, humming to yourself as you passed the dry dishes to Belphie for him to put away. Beel was rummaging through the fridge, trying to find a spot to store his portion of the leftovers amongst the other snacks he had stashed inside. MC suddenly stopped humming. “Levi, I've been meaning to ask you something…” they began as they focused their attention on drying the plate in their hands. His stomach flipped at the question. Oh no, they’ve noticed how much of a jerk I've been lately…they’re totally about to chew me out! he thought. “Y-Yeah, MC?” he stuttered nervously. MC opened their mouth to say something as they passed along the dry plate to Belphie, who interrupted by planting a kiss directly onto their cheek. The youngest chuckled to himself as MC turned to scold him, but he noticed how they blushed and how the corners of their mouth turned up into a small smirk. 
He couldn’t stand it anymore. He dropped the dish he had been washing into the sink as his demon form began to take over. He could feel the tingling in his temples from his coral-like horns sprouting through, and his tail thumped heavily to the ground. “L-Levi?! Are you okay?” he could hear MC squeak in surprise. Their hand was placed gently across the place where he knew their pact mark to be. His face burned, he couldn’t believe he lost his cool that easily. He quickly turned on his heel and fled from the kitchen. He raced past his other brothers who were startled with worry at the sight of his sudden transformation. Retreating to his room, he slammed the door behind him and darted to his bathtub, seeking comfort within the deep porcelain walls. Hugging his Ruri-Chan pillow to his chest, he scanned his aquarium for Henry, hoping to talk to him about his embarrassing outburst.
Suddenly, he heard a knock at his door. “Levi? It’s me… Can I come in?” his tail began to flick in annoyance at hearing MC’s voice. “No, go away.” he mumbled. He heard his lock click open and he quickly sat up to see MC barging into his room. “D-Did you just pick my lock?!” he gasped. MC beamed, clearly proud of themself as they held a bobby pin between their fingers. “Yup, Mammon taught me that little trick.” He rolled his eyes and groaned as he layed back down in his tub. MC cautiously approached the tub, and took a seat on the side. “What’s wrong, Levi? I felt your pact earlier. There’s no use in lying to me.” He buried his face in his pillow, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. “P-Please go away, MC. I don’t want to talk about it. I’m so disgusted with myself.” MC’s gaze softened as he spoke. “I’m not going anywhere. Please look at me.” He lifted his gaze to study MC’s expression, expecting it to be nothing but disappointment and disgust. Instead, he saw worry and concern. “I-I just…I get so jealous when my brothers touch you. I want to be the only one to touch you.” MC chuckled lightly, reaching out to grab his hand. “Levi, you dummy. Right now you can be the only one to touch me. We still have moments alone like this together, right?” He blushed as MC’s hand grabbed his. It was soft and always brought him such warmth and comfort. He squeezed it, and brought it up to his cheek. “I-I'm sorry…you are right…I was being dumb.” Shaking their head, MC gently stroked his cheek. “No, it’s okay. This must be especially hard on you, Levi. I know you’re trying your best.”
Gently, he pulled MC into the tub with him. He felt their weight press onto his lap, and the blood rushed straight into his cheeks. “Is t-this o-okay?” he asked, anxiously. MC nodded as they steadied themselves by placing their hands on his hips. He gazed up at them, almost completely hypnotized by their presence. MC smirked and began to slowly run their hands up to his chest, leaning forward in the process. He felt the heat rush further down his body as they placed a soft kiss to his lips. “You know…It’s just us now, Levi. Show me how much you want to touch me.”
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amandacanwrite · 10 months
Summoning Serotonin by Amanda Cessor
Content Warnings|| Heavy themes around depression, loneliness, failure. Mentions of suicide. Please let me know if there are any I missed. Summary|| A desperate human summons a demon in the hopes that they can trade their soul away for a neurotypical brain and a break from their depression. A/n|| I very intentionally wrote this story without anything that identifies the narrator's gender. Please imagine who you see fit there, whether that be you or someone else.
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
So, I’ve decided to sell my soul to a demon.
I know what you’re thinking, that seems a little extreme, but, hear me out.
I have spent so much time, money and energy trying to fix myself. I’ve tried and tried and tried to rid myself of my myriad of mental illnesses, only to watch my life fall apart around me again and again and again.
At this point, I’m either going to sell my soul or off myself. Either way, I wind up burning in Hell. I might as well make the most of the years I have left on this dumpy planet before I spend eternity swimming in a lake of fire.
So, here I sit — on a Friday — that way I have the weekend to enjoy my newfound neurotypical brain. Who knows, maybe I’ll even take a shower.
Big plans, you know?
Honestly, I’m really surprised by how little is required to summon a lord of night? A little sulfur, some graveyard dirt, a few black candles, and a couple drops of my blood. Considering the state of things, it isn’t hard to part with.
I start by drawing a pentagram in chalk on a clearing I’ve made in the clutter and mess on my coffee table, using my sleeve to buff out a coffee ring on the cheap furniture. I place a black candle on one corner for fire, graveyard dirt on another to symbolize earth, sulfur on another for the element of air, a glass of red wine on yet another corner for water. Finally, at the very top, I prick my finger and smear a fat glob of blood to link the spell to me and to represent the fifth element of the soul.
“Hear me, O, knights of Hell,” I say, my voice warbling with my own embarrassment. “Rise from your fiery pit and heed my call!”
This is all the ritual said to say, but once done, I only catch the faint whiff of the sulfur and watch as black wax trickles down onto my already-ruined coffee table. I run a hand through my oily hair and sigh. I’m stupid to think this would work. I’m stupid for even trying it.
I’m about to head back to bed and sleep the day away when the doorbell rings. I jump at the sound — I have visitors so infrequently that I have long forgotten what it even sounded like.
I stand up and go to the door, peeking through the grimy, smudged peephole. Outside of my door, I see a vaguely person-shaped blob. I figure it’s a neighbor that’s come to complain about the smell of rotten eggs. I unlock the door and open it, finding a smartly dressed man with black hair.
And … horns?
“You called a demon?” he asks.
“Uhh …”
“May I come in?”
“Yeah, of course.” I scramble as I step out of the way.
He lets himself in and strides to my sofa where he sits and wrinkles his nose at the lingering odor of the sulfur I had used to call him. Then again, I haven’t been able to clean the apartment in the last two months. So, maybe he’s reacting to that.
I shift between my feet awkwardly, and he pats the seat next to him, beckoning me over.
I come sit with him, and he snaps his fingers, producing a manila folder with my name on it. He opens it. A pen materializes and drops into his hand, and he jots something down.
I can’t see what he’s writing.
“Alright, so why did you summon me today?” he asks.
“Uhm — I was hoping to make a trade.”
“Mhm — and what are your proposed terms?”
“My soul? For uh —” I sputter, “a properly functioning brain and ample neurotransmitters?”
He lifts his head and looks at me, his eyes scanning from my greasy hair to my stained T-shirt to the sweatpants I never bother to wash.
“I’m not sure if you’re aware, but Hell is rather overpopulated right now,” he says as he sets my file off to the side. “We aren’t really trading for souls unless the soul in question is rather remarkable.”
I stare at him for a solid fifteen seconds.
“Are you telling me,” I say, “that I’m such a mess that I can’t even trade my soul away for some peace?”
“I’m telling you,” he responds, “that between all the politicians, the billionaires, and the mega-corporate CEOs, we don’t have much space for anyone else. And, to be quite honest with you, your soul is worth more than a trade for mental health.”
I let out a laugh. It sounds unhinged.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you when I work up the gumption to end it,” I retort.
“Unlikely, we don’t take suicides anymore either.”
He scans my apartment again and then looks at me.
“You’re not in treatment.”
It’s not a question.
“What’s the point if it can’t fix my broken brain chemistry?”
“It isn’t about fixing you, there’s nothing to fix.”
“I can’t get out of bed before one in the afternoon. I haven’t showered in five days. I have no friends, and I can’t keep a tidy home. How can you say there’s nothing to fix?”
“Those are just symptoms of an illness.”
“Yes — the illness I’d liked to cure,” I say. “I just want to be normal.”
“What is normal? Who’s to say that I grant you the cure for your depression, your anxiety, and your ADHD and you don’t later wind up with some other problem down the line that you can’t control? Illnesses just require a little management.”
“I don’t want to manage it. I want to cure it. I can’t be happy until I fix it.”
My tone is getting more and more angry. Tears burn my eyes. The demon sighs and looks around my apartment again. He stands and begins to gather garbage in his hands. Empty instant noodle cups, candy wrappers, soda cans.
“Do you know anyone with diabetes?” he asks.
“What does that have to do with anything?” I ask.
He goes into my kitchen and grabs a trash bag and starts filling it with garbage. Anything he can find.
“You don’t see diabetics giving up on life because their bodies can no longer process sugar the way everyone else’s can. They take medicine, they find alternative sweeteners, they learn how to work around their malfunctioning pancreas.”
I watch as he continues to clean my apartment, waving his hand like he’s Mary Poppins and levitating a stack of my books onto my bookshelf. I wince as he opens my blinds and my windows. A breeze flows into the room and I realize just how stuffy it’s been lately.
“Why should your mental health be treated any differently?” he continues.
“Diabetes doesn’t ruin friendships?” I say, almost annoyed with the comparison.
“Says who? Alcohol metabolizes as sugar. What if your friends only like to drink and party? What do you do when you can’t drink anymore?” he points out.
“Those don’t sound like very healthy friends," I say.
As soon as the words tumble out of my mouth, he sets me with a deadpan look. One perfect brow arched as if to say you’re proving my point, you idiot.
“Losing friends because of your mental health is more of a reflection of those friends, not you," he tells me, just incase I can't put it together myself..
“But, I get so clingy and needy. I lose my mind with people.”
“Because you’re not in treatment. Those things get better when you go to therapy and start taking medication for your poorly functioning synapses. You learn tools to regulate your emotions, and you find people who understand you when you can’t regulate.”
He tosses a dishrag at me and starts doing my mountain of dishes. I stand up and join him at the sink and a quiet falls between us as we work away at the stinking pile. I put them away as I dry them. When the pile is nearly done, I finally ask him.
“Why are you doing this?”
He looks at me before looking back to the dish he’s rinsing.
“You’re in a bad way. You just need a little stepping stone. A clean flat is a good start. Then, maybe after a long shower, we’ll call some doctors and schedule you an appointment so you can get the treatment you need,” he says. “If you don’t feel better after getting the help you need, I’ll take your soul. But you better think of something more fun to trade for than curing your depression. Give me a challenge, for God’s sake.”
I laugh first.
And then I cry.
The kind of crying that seems endless — streams and streams of tears that seem to come from some bottomless reservoir. He pats my back, and I feel catharsis for the first time in months. Maybe even years.
Is this what it’s like when someone understands you? When someone can see your pain and can speak directly to it?
“I can’t believe I had to summon a demon to get something so small as help cleaning my apartment and scheduling a doctor’s appointment,” I say.
“I bet there are people around you that would have been happy to help you — I bet you struggle with asking.”
“It’s hard,” I say through hitching tears. “I’m so ashamed.”
He nods and offers me a black handkerchief; I take it and wipe the wetness from my face.
“It gets easier once you get the help you need. Medication, therapy — those are stepping stones too. And once you’re well enough to do these basic care tasks, then you can tackle finding friends that care about you, curating goals and dreams you want to accomplish,” he says. “Living is a lot easier when you have something to live for.”
I have no idea how he reads me to filth, but I appreciate it.
“Now into the shower with you — I’ll get the flat cleaned in the meanwhile," he says with doting fussiness.
When the demon is ready to leave about four hours later, my apartment is spotless. It smells like peaches (he gave me some scented candles), and I have both a therapy and psychiatrist appointment booked for the following week. It has been a long time since I felt hopeful. For once, I see light at the end of the tunnel.
When he stands to leave, I don’t want him to go. He seems to sense this because he sighs and looks at me.
“I’m afraid I can’t stay, but you know where to find me. I’m your caseworker now, so if you have need something — and I do mean desperately need —” He holds out his hand, and I watch curiously as a wisp of black smoke spins there, faster and faster, thicker and thicker, until it solidifies into a band of black stone, “use this. Spin it on your left index finger three times counterclockwise, and I’ll come to your aid.”
He holds it between his elegant fingers and drops it into my hand. I slide it onto my index finger, and it fits perfectly. Made just for me.
“How do I repay you for everything?” I ask.
“The sulfur and blood will do. I’ll check in after a few months and see how you’re faring,” he says.
I nod and smile at him. “Thank you, again, for everything.”
His lips curve slightly in an enigmatic smile.
And, then, he is gone.
I hope you enjoyed this little short story. It's one that is very near and dear to my heart and represents conversations I've had with heartbroken friends and also, myself. Sometimes things are hard and we need a helping hand. If you are thinking of harming yourself, please call or text 988 (if in the US) or find your local crisis hotline here.
Tagging a few people who stated interest in reading this: @carrotsinnovember @whateverwarrior @lightningsrikes @a-crystallen-author @jessicagailwrites @artbyeloquent @csdarkfantasy @dyrewrites @dru-reads-writeblr
(PS I'm blown away that of you were excited for this little story, I really hope you liked it and that it didn't disappoint.)
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khazadspoon · 9 months
"why did you do that?" Manco/Mortimer
Sorry this took so long! I got kind of introspective with this but here you go!
Manco watches his partner checking over his guns, watches the careful and delicate movements of his fingers, how each component is checked over before being put aside. Manco takes in each detail and catalogues it. He’s known many men, many women, many people who care for their guns like an extension of their own bodies. Colonel Douglas Mortimer is more fastidious than all of them.
He reaches out, picks up a checked and checked again firing pin, and turns it around so it faces the other direction.
“Why did you do that?”
Mortimer doesn’t look annoyed, doesn’t sound it either. There is only an idle curiosity on his features that Manco finds a little irritating.
“Felt like it.”
Mortimer huffs a small laugh and smiles, a small upturning of the corners of his mouth. “And you wonder why I call you a boy.”
“Oh I know why you call me a boy,” he teases back, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table.
“And why is that?” Mortimer looks up at him with that same curiosity in his eyes.
Manco rests his chin on his right palm, his left hand plucking at the fibres of his vest. “You like to remind me I’m younger than you. You like me to know you’re older, that you’re one of my betters.”
The curiosity fades fast. It is replaced by a frown, one that makes Manco’s chest tighten uncomfortably. “It’s not like that at all. Don’t presume things, my boy, it’s not good for you.”
That makes him pause. It has always been that way before; older folk deciding he was a boy despite the things he has seen and done, the things done to him as well. People decide he is too young to know his business as well as he does as soon as they see him. It’s just the way the world works.
But Mortimer has surprised him yet again.
“Tell me what you mean, then.”
The man across the table appears to think for a moment. He looks like he is trying to find the words to describe what is going through his mind. His frown is no longer displeased, his brow furrows, a slight purse of his lips as he thinks.
“You are young, yes, but not that young. I suppose it’s… there’s something about you that’s as of yet unformed, undefined. Manco isn’t your real name,” he pauses as Manco parts his lips to argue, holds up a hand to stop him, “I’m not asking for you to tell me. I’m only telling you what I know. Whoever you were before isn’t who you are now. And who you are now isn’t who you’ll be a few years down the line. I call you boy because I don’t want to tie you, or myself, to someone that will fade away.”
When Mortimer stops talking the silence feels charged. Manco wants to speak, to argue or play it all off as a joke, considers moving more of the gun parts to change the order man’s focus. Those eyes, warm like the mid morning sun, stare into his own. He feels opened up. He feels scratched, pricked, a small shallow cut that he hasn’t noticed suddenly flaring with sharp pain.
“You’re not responsible for me,” he ends up replying, hears the strain in his own voice.
Mortimer’s smile is slow and more than a little sad. “No,” he breathes, “no I’m not responsible for you.”
“Then… why did you do that? Why did you say those things?” He knows he sounds petulant. He feels petulant, feels as young as he assumed Mortimer thought he was.
The man shrugs and looks down at his disassembled guns. “Because we’re partners. And because I like you. I’ll be straight with you even if you aren’t straight with me. Sometimes that’s how it has to go.”
Manco doesn’t know how to respond. He only knows he feels small and indistinct. It isn’t the worst feeling, he finds.
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bluebirbhumming · 2 years
༺my gorgeous darling༻
not me writing a fic about mika first instead of tsumugi (this is my first serious piece of fanfiction ever). It's just he's so cute i can't help myself. i wish i could bite his cheeks. i think i did my best, it wasn't necessarily good though. anyways I hope you enjoy!
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Stunning as he was, Mika couldn’t help but feel insecure about his appearance now and then. He was aware that many found him captivating and an absolute beauty, but somehow it just felt so unreal to him, trapped in the belief that he had been flawed and lowly the moment he was born.
Out of all his body parts, the poor boy was most self-conscious about his eyes. Aside from the fact that they couldn’t function very well, they didn’t look the same either. Mika didn’t get the charm of having eyes in different colors at all. He sometimes wished they were well-matched whenever he looked at himself in the mirror. It made him feel so uneasy to be so drastically different, freaky, even.
You were heartbroken that he was so unconfident about this matter, as you adored the shades of marigold and aqua in his eyes. They were so clear and pretty, and most importantly so uniquely him! You never missed the way they widened when he was excited. You loved how they turned into little crescents when he smiled and giggled. And oh god, when his gaze softened as he looked at you as if you hung up all the stars in the sky, you felt like you would crumble into the ground and melt into a pathetic puddle. After all, there was nothing you could do when your darling was just so unbearably precious!
It didn’t matter if he doubted you at first, you were determined to convince him thoroughly.
That’s why you decided to sew your dearest boy a small surprise to assure him how much you adored him. It was nothing special, just a simple plushie of a black kitten. You tried your best to sew the fluffy pieces of faux fur fabric into the small toy, pricking your fingers twice in the process. You assumed it wouldn’t take very long to finish making the plushie, but in fact, it did. As you did the finishing touches of sewing two crystal beads of aqua blue and light yellow on the kitten’s face, you silently admired your boyfriend’s patience and meticulousness whenever he set off to help create wonderfully sophisticated outfits. You wondered what he would make of your silly craft, trying your best not to worry that he would be displeased by the obvious amateurishness it exhibits.
By the time Mika returned to your shared apartment, you had already felt way more nervous than you expected. As you remembered the purpose of your gift, however, you decided to give the present to him properly.
Mika was slightly surprised at your sudden anxiousness and was about to inquire about it when you showed him the small plush. “I made him for you,” you whispered shyly as he gently held the gift and stared at it with a curious gaze. “His eyes... they’re the same as mine”, he mumbled. “Yes, I just want you to know they are so pretty and how much I love them,” you said as you held his handsome face in your hands, “My darling, you are gorgeous.”
The boy immediately flushed at your praise, his cheeks dusted with a rose color as his lips curved into a shy smile. Still carefully holding your gift as if he was afraid he might hurt it, he wrapped his arms around your waist and offered you a quiet thank you. Your heart flutters at his cute reaction, and you lean in to brush your lips on his own. Mika moved one hand to your head, lovingly combing your hair with his fingers, and pressed his lips against yours a bit closer. You broke the kiss first and buried your face in his chest, too embarrassed to continue any further. He giggled, his body slightly shaking during the process, which tempted you to hold him tighter. Mika relished in the soft moment, swooning at your sweetness. You know, he may as well not doubt himself again anytime soon.
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obsessedwithceleste · 3 months
Helloo! I hope your doing well just wanted to send in an ask for the Slytherin boys pairing game!
I'm a gryffindor I'd like to think myself as pretty optimistic and selfless yk? definitely a yapper like sometimes I just even talk to myself 😭 some of my hobbies are taking care of my plants i love to sketch as well! I paint sometimes even though im not that good at it I've sewn things multiple times and I do own a scrapbook it's a old one started it back in 2021 and it's very thick I like to write as well! Write away my feelings writing fanfiction.
I think enough of the hobbies description for physical appearance I'd say in 5'3 short black hair styled into something of a wolf cut i have a bunch of moles on my skin!
Ps: i literally am in love with your writing style. Your amazing! 🫶🫶
Hi cutie!😉
Pairing: Lorenzo Berkshire
Lorenzo Berkshire is a bit of a prick, and definitely has a superiority complex. Very much the embodiment of the cool guy stereotype that we tend to give the Sytherin boys.
He’s super charming and charismatic, always knowing just what to say to have girls melting at his feet.
The only real time he’s not being an absolute prick is in the herbology greenhouse. Despite popular belief, herbology is Enzo’s favorite subject which is how you manage to catch his eye.
Enzo loves caring for plants, and when he notices the pretty witch who shares his passion? The obvious course of action is to chat her up. (He can look past the red and gold robes he supposes)
You take him by surprise however. Most witches he goes after titter meaninglessly about topics he finds to be a bore. But talking to you is exhilarating, never an awkward lull in conversation.
You’re so bright and full of life it’s hard not to be interested in whatever you’re chattering on about.
It doesn’t take long for you to completely take over Enzo’s thoughts. He’s always been a bit of a romantic.
He starts bringing you a new flower every day (you have no idea where he’s getting them from) but he always looks so pleased presenting them to you.
You start giving him little doodles and sketches back and he has never been more down bad. He hangs every one of your drawings on his dorm room wall and Theo is convinced he’s gone nuts.
The day he plans to ask you to be his girlfriend, he has a perfect picture in his head. He lays out a whole picnic spread out by the Black Lake and is ready to charm the pants off you. (Literally if he has it his way)
Anyway, he makes sure the moment is picture perfect, treating you like a princess because that’s what he thinks you deserve.
Lorenzo loves showing his love whether it be constantly having his fingers entertained with yours, silly notes owled to you at breakfast, or whispered words that make your cheeks tinge pink.
After things are official, Lorenzo can’t help but show you off. He loves it when you’re wrapped up in one of his green and silver jumpers (none of that nasty red and gold he likes to tease)
The boy is definitely still a prick, but one look from you has him melted in your hands like putty. He’s so in love.
On a side note, at some point you show him your muggle scrap book and he just thinks it’s so cool.
He immediately wants to find things to add and starts collecting magic, moving photos of the two of you to add immediately. (He probably already had a stash of embarrassing pictures of you tbh) Also pressed flowers !! Definitely learns how to preserve different flowers and insists on preserving every flower he gives you from that point on.
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