#I support Lunar rights and wrongs
freddycartr · 7 months
marissa meyer 🤝🏽 and her hot female characters shooting their partners
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If Evaine wasn’t a transphobe then we’d actually have more in common than me and my dad do.
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chisungie · 17 days
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svndaysaweek · 2 years
Aftermath — {Feat. Kazuha}
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1.8k words
A/N: After math is science. Hope y'all like this one too,, Also thanks to everyone for 200 followers and big big support on e^(iπ)+1=0!! I hope I've improved a little. Inclined words are scientific terms so google it if look unfamiliar!!(Certainly will help you understand this)
Tag: Science (?), Loving sex, creampie
The ride's finally over. Even before you turn the car off she eagerly hops off. Kazuha opens the door for you.
Now she hops on your arms.
You are suddenly burdened with her body, but not the weight. As if she is violating the law of universal gravitation. Although you weigh her much more than the Earth you two are stepping on—in fact Kazuha isn't—this time Earth just lets her go.
"Carry me inside,"
That famous position—arms around your neck, both legs on your arms, face right in front of yours—and that cliché progress, which is to carry the girl inside and then make love. You follow just that, but with a kiss it's clicheic no more.
You were wrong then, to allege that Kazuha violates the law of universal gravity. You are now pulled into an absorbing kiss, like the light and a black hole, like an apple and the Earth. A kiss that does nothing less than force your eyes shut.
Almost blindly you open the main door to enter her house.
"Which one?"
You detach from the kiss and gaspingly ask her.
Inertia—Newton's first law. There's no turning back from here. Even if there's extrinsic force it's from Kazuha, and it only adds positive acceleration to you.
You open the first door you see as told, carry Kazuha to the bed and toss her onto it. Accelerated, you hastily take your shirt off. Kazuha successfully gets rid of your pants and boxers while you take your bare torso out.
A supernova itself—a breathtaking explosion to leave the core only. Kazuha takes her own clothes off, to leave the cruelty of her body only. As she brings her hands behind her back to unclasp her bra, you stop it.
"Let me,"
Chest unlocked.
Without anything to hinder the observation, you now get an immaculate visual on the pulsar. Heat beaming in tandem with her heartbeat is the clue notifying you of her anticipation.
Then the formation of a black hole—your hands are driven wildly toward those breasts. This close to her beautiful mounds, time doesn't make sense. You touch eternity, immortality, permanency, to tip yourself over the event horizon, into oblivion.
Her hot breath steams your face up, and you feel the ultimate need to devour her tits. The inclination to Kazuha's breasts is far above scientific explanation.
It's a lunar globe, you would say, faced with how her spit-glistening tits reflect the dim moonlight. Not so big, not too small. One in your mouth, another grabbed firmly by your hand. You thoroughly clean them both by dirtying them with your saliva, which is flooding with your instinctive intention full of filth.
"Baby, I need you down here."
Kazuha takes your hand softly down to her hot crotch. Her both pairs of lips have their energy right on you. You kneel on the floor to find her gushing core. Kazuha eyes you approval with her lower lip tucked in by her teeth.
Newton's third law—action and reaction. Your tongue presses on her third nub to draw such a raw response. An agonizingly addictive taste blesses your nerves, as Kazuha makes a wild reaction to the electric action you take. She pulls you in and she is definitely being pulled in, too.
Even the slightest actions of your tongue make her reactions go crazy. Her squirming even almost feels like struggle not to reach the wanted high—or the opposite.
"Fuck, baby just like that…It's so good,"
Like the Moon orbiting around the Earth. Like the Earth rotating around the Sun. Your tongue draws an imperfect circle around the very centre of her system. Not too far, not too close—you've found the Goldilocks Zone on her clit.
And as you remember, Goldilocks Zone is where liquid water can exist–
"Haa, I-I'm cumming…!"
Kazuha herself proves it, as she proudly waters your face with her cum. Ironically it tastes fatal. You lap up the remnant of her godly liquid, readying to truly fuck her.
You detach your mouth from her pussy and raise your hand to wipe your mouth but, no.
"Give me a taste,"
She holds your arm from going further and calls you in for a kiss, a wet one. Kazuha needily licks over your mouth with a long, low, satisfied moan, which turns you on too much to let her continue.
So you challenge her.
During the kiss you bring your dick to her waiting pussy and rub it on her entrance, collecting the wetness needed. Kazuha's arms slowly lock behind your neck, simultaneously with her legs around your hips.
She bites your lower lip, pleading you to push inside her.
As you smoothly push in your cock, her animalistic response hits back.
Kazuha's entire body is becoming an undeniable proof that Earth is round: Her tongue curls inside your mouth, around yours. Her back arcs upward to form a sexy curve you can't unsee. Just like what Magellan did, you could wrap your arms around her body.
There's only space for you to fill up, but you are pulling back—same reason why Mars retrograde occurs, how heliocentrism was invented. Nothing in the universe works straight, not even light. Things curl, get absorbed, go back, and those are the most basic, the most natural things to happen, even when written rules carry straightness only.
(Besides, to such a perfection of a body, who wouldn't dare to break the rules?)
You gradually up the pace of your pistoning, in the second time of asking—Newton's second law: F=ma. With your accelerated, massive cock making love inside Kazuha, she is forced to cum.
And you've experienced it so, so many times. Tachyon flies slower than you, as you travel back to every night you shared with Kazuha. You are fucking her until time runs backwards, not giving even the slightest bit of fuck to the theory of relativity—actually, you are giving all the fuck to Kazuha right now.
Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me. Kazuha's lips always remind you of this phrase. You can't just let them stay idle. She already came once so the main sequence starts now. Like protons undergoing nuclear fission, you two in bed are tangled, synthesized, fused into one—into a totally new individual.
"Come on, baby. You need to cum, too."
Your body that once was over Kazuha's is now reversed and under hers, but again, you feel no weight at all. Like she is the light itself.
With almost no mass, she feels light—maybe that's why it was named that. That however, is not the only reason you compare Kazuha to the light.
The horny side of Kazuha, sexy, hot, wet and curvy. That's a wave. The lovely side of Kazuha, on the other hand, cozy, comfy, cheerful and straight. That's a particle, a photon. The duality you love, you adore. Whenever you notice the deviant changes in her eyes in bed it enlightens you, makes you wonder what her real nature is—that's what even Einstein wouldn't be able to discover, of course.
"God, Zuha… You–"
You bring your hands to her ass to start your thrusts, but then Kazuha stops you by pressing your arms down on the bed.
"Let me."
Hypnotized, you let your arms down in compliance with her direction. She then puts her hands on your heaving chest, readying herself to start riding you.
"I can feel your heart,"
You too. Your head is thumping loudly at your heartbeat, as if your brains are now working as another blood pump. And Kazuha raises its rate so easily.
"How does it feel?"
You ask, putting your hands softly on hers, on your chest.
"I don't know,"
The last thing you see is Kazuha's divine smile, before your eyes are forced shut by her sudden tightness descending to the base of your cock.
You feel her fingers dig into your chest as she gradually accelerates the speed of her ride.
"You, maybe."
You smile and look at her. What a cheesy girl, you think to yourself. And at the same time the lust-filled look on her face is so cute—opposed to what's going on down there.
Kazuha breathes out her word then halts.
"Go ahead,"
You give her the knowing smile.
"I love you."
Yes. Love. Love is the only correct word to be spoken right now.
Because, as always, you feel how wonderful, how powerful it is. Within just a night you've witnessed so many examples of how easily love ignores laws of physics like they're nothing.
After saying that she never loses eye contact with you as she almost hazardously rides you out. Her tightness is fatal, fatal enough to vitalize your throbbing dick inside.
"I'm close, Zuha… Keep going,"
She knows you are. You try to sit up to kiss her but her arms sternly deny it.
Let me make you cum, her eyes tell you.
You can just stay there, let me serve you, her lips whisper.
Let me pay your love back, Kazuha's love speaks for itself.
You can even hear it, as your ears go numb. You see the ecstasy itself, as your eyes slam shut. You breathe loving words out, as you stop breathing.
"Zuha, I'm cumming…!"
You grab on her ass and begin to pour your seed into her.
"Go on, baby. You deserve it."
Kazuha doesn't stop grinding on you for a little more until you ease down completely. She then climbs down and lies beside you.
That is when you again admire her presence. Her black hair, dark enough to absorb any light except herself. Her blushed face and even redder lips perfecting the angelic façade of hers. Her perky breasts heaving up and down to indicate the intensity of the love between you two. Her toned, tight abs, wet crotch and both silky legs that are on yours.
How did I even end up next to this girl?
She deserves much more love than I can possibly give her.
"Zuha, I–"
Lack of strength out of the aftermath haze blocks you.
"Go ahead,"
This time she throws a knowing smile back to you.
You can only laugh at this moment. Kazuha being such a perfect partner, you can't help but say–
"I love you, Zuha."
Beside her is the best place on the planet, you could proudly announce.
You look at her in awe, and she turns her head to you with a grin.
"What, wanna go for another round?"
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freesia-writes · 4 months
Ch 5: A Heart to Heart
GUEST WRITER!! This chapter comes to us courtesy of @letsquestjess!! 🥹💕
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“Hey, look, the lunar blossom has started falling,” Wrecker said, motioning to the path ahead where the overhanging hedges had shed their sleek silver petals over the low wall and onto the cobblestone. Some had been torn by birds in search of nesting material and others were slimed over in a glistening gunk by soft, slow-moving insects. “It’ll be festival time soon.”
Omega remained quiet, gaze downcast and fixated on the few scuff marks that marred her school shoes.
“Kid?” He intentionally slowed down, hoping she would speak to him, but she kept her silence, avoiding both him and the muted foliage. “We’ll come this way later in the week and collect some blossoms for your festival crown, if you want. Last year’s looked great, but I reckon we can make an even better one this year.”
Gripping her backpack straps until her knuckles paled, she muttered an inaudible reply and shook her head. For a stomach-sinking moment, Wrecker swore he glimpsed tears, her lashes preventing the dam from breaking and the determined set of her jaw holding them at bay.
“Omega, are you all right? Is something wrong?”
He caught the meager “I’m fine” before she turned away, hunching her shoulders to conceal her face. He knew she was far from fine, but her shrinking demeanor begged him not to push the subject. Despite his concern, he refrained from asking further. Whatever was bothering her, she would approach her brothers in her own time, as she usually did.
Raising a little sister and shielding her from harm had presented its own challenges, but a sense of accomplishment swelled within him, knowing they had provided her with unwavering care and encouragement during difficult times. Watching the downtrodden expression fill her eyes, however, he began to wonder if any of that was true. Had the support not been enough? Should they do more? Were they failing her?
It was unusual for her to withdraw like this; she always faced any hardship undaunted and defiant. Now, she looked as though the burden had grown too much. If it were possible, he would have lightened the load as she confronted the adversity blocking her path. He’d toil night and day to forge her a happy future, even travel the galaxy to bring her a handful of pure starlight if she needed it, all while bearing her troubles on his back.
After settling on the picturesque world, his brothers had convened to discuss how they would raise her, intending to present a united, stable front considering the tumultuous life she’d had. They had agreed that they would give her independence to handle her problems as she saw best, only stepping in if she was in immediate danger or if she directly asked them to. But it was proving difficult for the towering clone who just wanted to smack every obstacle out of her way and see that sunshine smile of hers again.
“How about we take the trail up to school today?” he suggested.
At the idea, Omega’s pinched expression relaxed and her distant gaze drifted to her brother. “We wouldn’t be late?”
“Course not. We left earlier than usual, so we have plenty of time.”
Omega ruminated on the plan, the birdsong-tickled calm and the mint-scented wildflowers calling to her, promising a refuge, a pocket of solace to soothe her apprehension and dispel her unease. “You’re sure we won’t be late?”
“Totally sure.” Wrecker gave her his signature hopeful smile and pointed her towards the signposted turn that ascended into the forest. “After you.”
Lulling birdsong welcomed them beneath the leafy canopy. Tiny, bushy-tailed creatures scurried down the tree trunks on delicate paws to steal quick glances at the passers-by and dash to their cozy dens. A spirited one scampered across their path and slid to a halt in the dry dirt in front of them, gazing up with curious, unblinking eyes. Ears twitching back and forth and sensing for danger, it wriggled its nose, let out a chirp, and hurried on its way again.
“I bet Tech could tell us all the scientific names for those little critters,” Wrecker commented. “He’s probably mapped out this entire forest.”
“Not all of it,” Omega replied. “I think he said he has the eastern reaches and some parts of the river to check.”
He glanced at his sister and noticed the blot of dirt on her coat. While no longer as dejected, there was still a persisting hopelessness in her slouched walk and occasional watery eyelashes that troubled him. “You know, if there’s something on your mind, you can share it,” he said. “A problem shared is a problem halved.” He felt impressed with his recall of such a profound (and somewhat ridiculous) phrase.
“Tech would disagree with the calculations on that.”
In a throaty chortle, Wrecker was forced to concede. Their brother had undoubtedly analyzed every outcome associated with the proverb to verify its validity. “Okay, I’ll admit that it probably isn’t totally accurate, but the point still stands.”
Omega went to speak, but the words hung heavy and tangled in the back of her throat. How could she explain what had been going on? Would Wrecker be disappointed in her? Would he be mortified?
“You don’t need to say anything if you don’t want to,” he assured her as she nervously wrung her hands and scratched at her palms.
“It’s just some trouble I’ve been having at school,” she explained with an apathetic shrug, seeking to downplay the situation. She dithered for a moment, not wanting to add to his worries, but she needed to share the ongoing problems with someone, if only for a new perspective and guidance, since her own attempts had proven futile. “My friends have started getting into things that I don’t think are good. No matter how many times I try discussing it with them, they laugh and throw insults at me.”
All humor evaporated from the former soldier quicker than steam off a fresh cup of caf. His expression darkened and a sickening roil nestled in his gut. “I can talk to your teachers about it. They have a duty of care.”
“No, no, that would only make things worse.” Omega’s shoulders sagged, burdened by the weight of struggling to support the people she cared about. “I’m not sure what I did wrong. I was trying to look out for them.” Like you and the others always do for me, she left unsaid.
“You have done nothing wrong,” Wrecker promised. “Some choose not to listen because they are convinced their actions are correct or because they want to look a certain way. They don’t think about consequences like you do.” He wished he had a solution for her problem, but he could never truly understand what she was going through, never having had the chance to navigate the difficulties of adolescence. He was denied the opportunity to make those messy errors and grow from them.
“If you wanted,” he whispered in a low tone so that the scampering wildlife wouldn’t overhear, “I can beat them up.”
Omega’s focus locked onto him like a laser from a sniper rifle, noting the firm tilt of his chin and the tightness in his jaw. Despite the half-smile pressing into his facial scar, she recognised the sincerity in his eyes. His offer would not resolve her problems. If anything, it would only present her with new ones, and she didn’t want her friends to be harmed. That was the exact thing she was striving to avoid. But they persisted in testing the boundaries, daring each other to take things a step further, and she couldn’t shake the gnawing intuition that a terrible repercussion awaited them.
“I’ve not been doing anything stupid, I promise,” she rushed to get out, her heart pounding and the parched mud crunching beneath her shoes as she abruptly halted. “I wouldn’t… I haven’t…”
“Omega,” Wrecker hushed. He crouched down to her, a sickly discomfort sticking in his chest at the thought that she’d believe he held such a poor opinion of her.
“I have no idea what to do,” the girl admitted through a trickle of tears. “I’m scared I’ll end up alone.”
Wrecker’s hands settled on her arms, applying a gentle yet firm pressure to assure her of his presence. “Kid, you are not on your own. You’ve got your family who would do anything to make you happy. If your friends are doing things you aren’t sure about and are making you feel bad, they’re not good friends.”
Although the truth stung, she understood, but this was an issue that tactics and strategic planning wouldn’t fix. It wasn't a battle with a clear enemy; it was a tangled web of trouble and conflicting interests. “If I tell you something, will you promise not to mention it to the others?”
“Some of them have been talking about boys… and other things. And the ones who have boyfriends have told me that if I want to fit in, I have to find someone or I’ll wind up on my own forever. But I…I don’t even know how I feel about that stuff yet.”
Wrecker didn’t need to ask for specifics; he could assume all too well what they would have been discussing. “Listen to me, Omega, you do things at your own pace. Okay? Doesn’t matter how old you get, if you are ever in a situation you are uncomfortable with, you can count on us. It’s what family does.” He couldn’t have been more proud of her if he’d tried. She had faced terrifying monsters, and an Empire that ceaselessly sought to deprive her of everything, yet she never wavered. The mere thought of those pushy kids getting to her like this after all her brave battles ignited an irate frustration within him, and he grappled to bury it for her sake.
When his sister gave him a sliver of a smile, Wrecker returned it and lightly nudged her nose with his fingertip. “That’s what I like to see,” he said, pushing on his thighs to hoist himself up again. “You ready to carry on?”
Omega nodded and wiped the lingering tears, lifting her chin a little higher. “I’ll race you,” she challenged.
Wrecker let free a boisterous laugh that rose from his toes and vibrated in his ribs. “Oh, I’m game!” he whooped. “Go on, I’ll give you a head start!”
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simlit · 7 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // thirty-one
| @maladi777 | @izayoichan
INTERACTIVE POLL | Should Indryr use his [TRUTH SCROLL] on Duke Eldewyn? Voting to use the scroll will provide more information about the past history of the trials and those involved, however, there may be consequences from using such magic. Choose wisely. Vote now!
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INDRYR: A fascinating idea. There is a great deal of faith placed in lunar priests. Suppose if they should misdirect and say they have received visions they have not… No one would be any the wiser. ASTER: Now that I think of it, how does that whole heaven-to-earth pipeline work, anyhow? KYRIE: Quite ambiguously. Around the time of the Selenehelion, we begin receiving hazy visions. For my sister and I, it was always somewhat complicated. In general, there is only ever one lunar priest of age at any given time. However, because Alphanei and I were twins, our visions were often shared. It was suggested, once, that we conduct together, but I declined. Alphanei’s emotional investment in leading the ceremony seemed to strengthen her ties with the moon. My visions lessened, and hers became stronger. Only now that I’m leading myself do I feel an innate sense of connection to the Chosen. You were all strangers when I brought you here— I’d never heard nor met any of you before. But even before seeing you in the flesh, I felt as if we had known each other for years. INDRYR: And is there some consequence to you for not following the Moon’s vague instruction? KYRIE: I admit, I don’t know. A great part of me feels compelled. It’s hard to explain. Even when I sat aside and let my sister operate on her own, I felt overwhelmingly as if I was doing something wrong. I guess this connection we have, it’s something we’re born with, and impossible to eradicate. That being said, if we should act against that feeling… By that I mean, could a lunar priest have lied about the selected Ten? Yes. I think he could. LUCIEN: But wouldn’t that upset the goddess? KYRIE: Maybe. The truth is, I don’t hear her anymore than you. Divine sensation is just that: Sensation. If she were to punish me for going against her wishes, I can’t imagine what that might look like. Only, in our hearts, I suppose it would feel a bit like betraying someone… something… we love deeply. It would feel immoral. But… there’s nothing impossible about sinning. ELDEWYN: Fascinating, indeed. I never thought about it… Interesting creatures lunar priests! KYRIE: We’re not animals— ASTER: Well! How about that specialty brew you’ve been saving? ELDEWYN: Ah, yes! Let us retire to the parlor. We’ll be more comfortable there. KYRIE: If you don’t mind, I just need to step out a moment… ELDEWYN: Oh, of course, Your Grace. INDRYR: Are you feeling well, Your Grace? KYRIE: Yeah, it’s… I’m fine. INDRYR: Forgive my saying so, but you seem somewhat put-off. KYRIE: It’s alright. I don’t… mind. KYRIE: I think sometimes I feel a bit like a circus act… Maybe I am. INDRYR: Your gifts are unique. And specialness is strange, but not all of us think so shallowly. I understand perfectly well how it feels to be the odd piece out, but you’re no less part of the puzzle. You’ll find your place to fit, and it won’t be here with people like that. KYRIE: Thank you, Indryr, for saying so. INDRYR: No need to thank me. It’s simply what’s true. The Duke has a very… interesting perception. I wondered what sort of society might support the trials in their former iteration. Meeting him, well, it becomes clearer to me. KYRIE: I think there’d be more than a few happy to see the tradition return to the way it was. A sick sense of excitement… It doesn’t matter. I guess I’m more bothered by the idea that my predecessor might have been involved in what happened twenty years ago. You were right. If this was a cover up, the priest heading the ceremony must have allowed for it. INDRYR: I don’t think we can deny it anymore, Your Grace. KYRIE: No, but I do think there’s more to the story. Whether or not the Duke knows, is another question entirely. INDRYR: We could use the scroll? KYRIE: Yes, but it’s not without its risks. I suppose then we must decide… is it worth trying, regardless of the consequences?
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starheirxero · 7 months
I've been thinking a lot about Lunar's different designs, and would love to ramble about them a bit, if you don't mind!
All of this is, of course, completely self-indulgent, and my own interpretation!
Now, Lunar has three official VR models. There's the most iconic one, with the crescent moon, the cuter version of moon, and of course his current one! For simplicity, I will refer to them as "Crescent", "CutieMoony", and will call his current one "Pastel".
There was one other design, his very first, which was shown in the thumbnail, though in the actual show was just a very pale recoloring of moon, and only shown in reaction videos. Though it was never canon, I do still have my own interpretation to that as well! This one, I will refer to as "Pale".
"Crescent" is most important design, as it brings meaning to the rest. It lays the foundation for everything else, as it is his real design. It's what he automatically glitches into when he's under high stress. Most importantly, it's what he's been shown to look like in every other universe. Lord Lunar, Lunara, swap Lunar, all of them are the same. Crescent is universally shown to be his real self.
"Pale", on the other hand is, simply put, what Eclipse wanted him to be. Something easily pushed into the background, something mild. Something to sit by quietly, to take what is thrown at him. Pale is the opposite of who Lunar actually is. Interestingly enough, his design in the thumbnail changed the day Moon returned, the day Lunar finally decided to cut off his puppet strings and reject Eclipse. That day, he rejected the image Eclipse had crafted for him, and his design, pale and barely there at all, bloomed into something bright, something noticeable. Lunar finally became themself, no longer bound to their purpose.
"CutieMoony", is the opposite of Pale, as it's what he chose to be. This design, to me, truly underlines Lunar's relationship and appreciation for old moon. He already has an actual design, one designed by his brothers, one that's truly him, in this universe and every other, and he can change into everything he wishes to be, yet he chooses to look like old Moon. Old Moon, who knew him best, right after Monty. They have shared the same body, and old Moon has seen the dents and hurt left in Eclipse's wake. He is the one Lunar ran to, when they couldn't bear the abuse anymore, the one they cried their heart out to. And despite what Lunar did, even under the influence of someone else, he met them with nothing but care and concern. He listened to them, and visibly tried to reach out, only to hesitate and hover instead, for his hands were only ever used to hurt before, something Lunar knew. He didn't force them to stay outside, and took their place, didn't even hesitate when Lunar asked him to be his brother. He is the first one who tried so hard to be a loving brother, arguably trying to be what he couldn't be for Sun, at least not in the beginning. He actively supported their interests, remembered what they liked. When Sun scared Lunar in a horror game and made them cry, Sun panicked because Moon would hear, showing just how much of a protective barrier old Moon was for Lunar. By taking his appearance, Lunar truly showed how much they looked up to him, and how safe he made them feel, considering they took this appearance while they were trapped by KC. Another thing to note is the red and yellow accents, very reminiscent of Sun, showing how much their bond has grown since the rocky start.
Last but not least, there is "Pastel". This design definitly has a lot of interpretation to give, but my favorite to focus on is the raw wrongness of it. Because we know what Lunar looks like. He's supposed to be vibrant and blue, yet this body is purple and mellow. Ironically enough, it's very similar to "Pale", the very personification of what Eclipse wanted him to be, showing the permanent mark he has left on them, as well as their mental state. Their energy isn't genuine anymore, it's a distraction and exaggeration to run from the mess left in their head. There is also the divinity inside of them, reflected in their eyes, showing them that now, they are more than just Lunar. They are part of something much bigger than themself. This body, in every sense of the word, is not their own. It's something they might never see as a home either. Another irony is how it once again links them to Eclipse, who himself is in a body not his own.
His body is a literal copy after all, not to forget that his "real self" was universally shown to look like Solar, minus God Eclipse.
This was a rather long ramble, but I really needed to get it out of my system! The brainrot's been growing steadily-
Thank you for reading!
I don't even know what to say other than these are all a fantastic observations and that I am wholeheartedly accepting these into my soul forever I think
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heiayen · 7 months
qingxins and wrong decisions - furina & gn!reader
summary: while walking around the liyue, you spotted qingxins- the beautiful, white flowers that you heard about plenty and completely adored. you decided to pick them up, unaware of all the things that will happen...
tags: can be read both as romantic and platonic, depending on how you choose to read this! you&furina gather qingxins, chaos ensues. [name] is a reporter and has no common sense to not pack themselves into troubles sometimes, comedy&fluff, drabble! no dialogues written. part 1 (watching gaming's perfomance) part 2 (playing with kites) part 4 (visitng the hulao mountain and bringing food as an offering)
notes: hehehehe. they are so silly. this is my third entry for @/astronetwrk new lunar year event <3 this was so fun to write n i really should write more... less serious more comedic fics because they are just fun. yeah! enjoy!
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In hindsights, it was… maybe a terrible idea. A bad one at least. 
When you decided with Furina to walk around Liyue, enjoy the pretty views, mountains and waters, the wildlife, it was a good idea. A great one, you would dare to say, because Liyue was a beautiful nation. So different from Fontaine, the hills and mountains were breathtaking, you loved it there, and so did Furina. 
The problem started when you saw the lovely, white flowers you heard about so much– qinxings.because suddenly, you wished to gather an entire bouquet full of them. 
And so, the hunt began.
It was fun at first. Furina got the role of a bodyguard and your emotional support, because not only she simply wasn’t the right peson to climb so much, her shoes weren’t either. 
(You weren’t the best person for climbing either, but since you promised her a bouquet, you would give her bouquet and it was final.)
The flowers that grew closer to the ground were funny to gather. You did some climbing on the rocks, picked up the flower, wondered how on earth a flower could grow from a rock– and proudly posed for Furina, that was holding your kamera.
“This is the first qingxin picked up by me, [name]!” You laughed, and so did Furina, clapping her hands in a celebration of your victory, and even taking a picture to immortalize such achievement.
And that was the first flower. The easiest one, not yet warning you of your impending doom.
It continued for a moment– you picking up the flowers, Furina taking pictures of both you and other views, and it was fun. The qingxins in that area didn’t grow very high, so soon you had a small bouquet in your hands. 
For few flowers, you had to skip over a waterfall which… was stressful but you took a deep breath, handed the bouquet to Furina (in case you fell into the water) and went to get that lone qingxin.
Which, of course, you succeeded, and got another picture to the collection. Good thing you packed another film or two…
However, later…
Maybe it was a bad idea to visit this dark, gloomy forest… to gather more flowers. It would be fun, you thought to yourself. You heard a lot of Wuwang Hill and that did pique your interest. Furina disagreed, not wanting to get spooked by some ghosts and, oh, besides! She came here to gather flowers and enjoy the views, not get chased down by some ghosts!
You two went there anyway but made it as brief as possible– and no ghosts tried to scare you, for your luck… which, honestly, you preferred over having to climb even bigger mountains in order to pick up qingxins.
Furina told you that you didn’t had to. You were too stubborn to listen and besides, tiny Furina waiting for you down the hills was… a really funny view. A cute one, too, because she was just tiny, standing there with your camera and now waving, and yelling for you to come down to her. 
You nodded. Looked down, blinked even. 
…how does one climbs down? 
Climbing down that particular place took you twice the time to took to climb up and it included Furina’s worried yelling, your own yelling back (because otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to hear each other from such distance), and some prayers to the geo archon for some good luck climbing down.
…though, wasn’t the geo archon dead or so you heard? For a good second you pondered whether it was a good idea to pray to the archon that was, well, technically dead, before you heard Furina usher you down. You will worry about the technicalities when you’re not about to fall and break a leg. 
You didn’t luckily. You survived this terrible experience and could literally see Furina’s shoulders drop down in relief– and right after it, she started scolding you to not climb hills you couldn’t climb down. You promised to not do that…
…only to try and pick up a lone qingxin, guarded by some hilichurls and mitachurls. 
For the love of gods, you didn’t know if it was your instinct as a reporter to put yourself in possibly dangerous situations for some good photos or gossips to write about– and in this situation for flowers, flowers! but you did it either way, much to Furina’s disappointment and more worry.
(At this point, she would start to grow grey hair because of you. Well. Whatever you could say.)
The hilichurls chased you both out and you did end up tripping and scrapping your knee, twisting your ankle and probably giving Furina a small heart attack with all this, but…
You got your flowers. That was all that mattered.
(Later, you went to Bubu Pharmacy for some salve for all your small injuries and scratches that you got while flower picking and when you heard that you could simply buy the said flowers here, your jaw dropped and Furina let out a quiet “oh!”  in surprise.
To think you could have your pretty, little bouquet without all of this…)
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pinkydee10 · 6 months
Even crazier than my “Eclipse might just be Solar Flare” theory I made on TikTok a while ago because this actually makes sense!
Ok, so each zodiac sign rules over each of the large bodies in our solar system, the planets, dwarf planets, ect.
If you look at what each zodiac sign rules over, it corresponds with the powers of each known Astral Body we know about in the SAMS universe.
Leo rules over the sun (not Sundrop but the actual sun). We know second hand from Castor and Pollux that he can control fire which is very similar to what the sun practically does.
Taurus can destroy planets and rules over Venus, the planet that’s practically destroying itself.
Gemini rules over Mercury which represents communication, mentality, thinking patterns, ect. Castor and Pollux can see and hear everything separately, and feel everything together.
This also supports the Frank is Pisces theory that’s been circulating as Pisces rules over Neptune which represents dreams, fantasies, and consciousness. We’ve seen Frank knock Stitchrathe and Bloodmoon unconscious while also showing them visions.
Now for what really blows my mind about this.
One of the Astral Bodies we haven’t heard (as far as I know) mentioned yet is Sagittarius. Sagittarius rules over Jupiter, a planet known for its huge storms and dangerous weather patterns.
And who can control weather? Lunar
We know that Astral Bodies can be and have been reborn. We know Lunar got his powers by “being in the wrong place at the right time”.
I think Lunar might be Sagittarius reborn or at least has a part of their powers.
The Astral Bodies also have the personalities that seem typical for the people within that Zodiac range. Lunar acts like a Sagittarius would. I would know, because I’m one!
This would also explain why Gemini specifically went to assess and train Lunar as Gemini are very compatible with Sagittarius. Leo is very compatible with Sagittarius as well which is probably why he seems excited at the idea of visiting Lunar. Taurus on the other hand is one of the least compatible signs with Sagittarius which may explain why Taurus is very dismissive of Lunar.
Thank you for coming to my info dump, needed to get this out while the thought was still clear!
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hananoami · 4 months
[ Directional Orbit ] Light - Stage 120 Clear VOD
On Sunday, 05/19, I've finally crossed the finish line and cleared Xavier's Directional Orbit: Light - Stage 120! He’s the first love interest to clear all of the Deepspace Trials currently available with my MC. My goodness, what a wild and crazy adventure this has been. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without Lumiere for all the reasons I will explain in detail below, but for now I'll just briefly go over what you should expect from this particular stage. Stage 120 is the final stage available for Xavier's Directional Orbit: Light. It has a red hue around its planet so you know that it will require two teams, as every x0 stage has done previously. Team 01's Protofield Stellactrum is 6-Amber memories and Team 02's Protofield Stellactrum is 6-Emerland memories. As a reminder, there is no right or wrong way to play the game. My game play will vary from yours, but I still wanted to share my experiences with hopes it'll help you on your own trials. Depending on your play style and what memories/protocores you have available you can choose to either match the stellactrum in order to have a perfect match or you can go off color and try to brute force it. For this stage I opted to have a mix of both. More details under read more.
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I guess you can say I took notes from my own playbook to figure out how I wanted to approach this stage, haha. I used the same strategy I used in my clear post for Rafayel's Directional Orbit: Fire - Stage 110. Rather than have a perfect match I opted to brute force the stage while still having some matched stellactrum for the attribute bonus. I swapped the solar memories for each team and kept most, if not all, the lunar memories to have some attribute bonus by matching some stellactrum.
I also opted to use Xavier's Lumiere Companion for both teams for his insane support skill < Lunar Vortex >. This unique ability allows him to draw enemies to the center of the moonlight, dealing DoT damage while reducing their ATK by 30% and speed by 50% for 5 seconds. Combined with using Hunter Wand it is soooo good for crowd control, especially in the first half of this stage. Yeah, it took me two usages of < resonance skill > to break the four wanderers' protocore shields in order to bring them into a weakened state, but having Lumiere group them up for me to drop my own AoE damage really helped take them down.
For the second half of the fight I had all of Lumiere's pair bonuses available since his MN solar pair was equipped for this team. It was fun playing this build using MC's Moonchaser guns. Ranged is my preferred weapon of choice since my skills using melee weapons (ie. Sword, Claymore) aren't the best no matter what game I play. Since I went off colors, only using 3 matching emerald stellactrum for 15% attribute bonus, it took me a while to break the final boss' protocore shields to bring it to a weakened state. The fight is only 2 minutes long and each resonance skill has a 15 sec cooldown. I could only shatter one shield any time I used my < resonance skill >. This is why it is so crucial for you to press your abilities off CD!!
I wasn't able to bring it down to a weakened state for the second time before the timer ran out because I didn't use any Oath Recovery boost beta protocores. Instead I wanted to take advantage of Lumiere's kit and zoom by equipping 2 +9 Expedited Energy Boost at 16.8% so I could spam my < active skill > more for the memes lol...
Fortunately for me I was able to bring its HP down just enough for my Ardent Oath to do a good portion of damage towards the end. It was a very close fight with me clearing the stage with 4 seconds left on the timer, but we did it! My amazing starlight carried me all the way across the finish line without breaking a sweat, hehe.
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Companion: Xavier's Lumiere Weapon: Hunter Wand Attribute Bonus For each matched stellactrum, increases DMG Boost 5.0% (currently increased: 20.0%) and DMG Reduction 5.0% (currently increased 20.0%). ♡ Affinity Bonus: 95 (Xavier’s Protective Skill) When you take a fatal blow, Xavier teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP 3800 || DEF 95 || ATK 190 ] Pair Bonus [LT] - Starting Effect: Increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces team DMG taken by 8%. When fighting together with Lightseeker, your Active Skill DMG is increased by 25%.
5☆ Lightseeking Obsession (emerald/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Lightseeking Shadowrend (emerald/solar) Lv 80/awakened using +9 and +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Tender Night (amber/lunar) Lv70 rank 1 using +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Heartstrings Symphony (amber/lunar) Lv70 rank using +9 and +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Faint Sensation (amber/lunar) Lv60 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Fragment Of Time (emerald/lunar) Lv60 using +9 SSR protocores
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Companion: Xavier's Lumiere Weapon: Moonchaser Attribute Bonus For each matched stellactrum, increases DMG Boost 5.0% (currently increased: 15.0%) and DMG Reduction 5.0% (currently increased 15.0%). ♡ Affinity Bonus: 95 (Xavier’s Protective Skill) When you take a fatal blow, Xavier teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP 3800 || DEF 95 || ATK 190 ] Pair Bonus [MN] - Starting Effect: increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces team DMG taken by 8%. The Enemy [Moonstruck] is extended by 3 seconds. - Duo Rank 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 20%. [Moonlight] will attach 1 stack of [Phasing Moon] to the enemy, increasing DMG dealt by 25%. - Duo Rank 2: increases Energy Charge cap by 1. When [Moonlight] is activated, the cooldown time of your Active and Resonance Skill is reduced by 0.5 seconds, and a small amount of energy charge is restored. - Duo Rank 3: increases team DMG by 8%. When your Active Skill or Charged Attack hits a target with [Moonstruck], [Moonlight] will be activated, boosting CRIT DMG by 30%.
5☆ Midnight Whispers (amber/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Midnight Rainfall (amber/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Romantic Afternoon (emerald/lunar) Lv70 rank 1 using +9 and +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Fluffy Trap (emerald/lunar) Lv70 rank using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Unique Aftertaste (ruby/lunar) Lv70 rank 3 using +12 SSR protocores
4☆ A Captured Moment (emerald/lunar) Lv70 rank 3 using +9 SSR protocores
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noivoom · 10 months
Earth is just so shaken, she says she’s okay right now but it’s clear she doesn’t quite know what to do about all of this, and I don’t think suddenly having a new body to really hit it home that she got destroyed is helping very much. I hope for her sake the new clothing and size adjustment features bring her some joy- y’know, soften the blow a bit, give her something to like about her new body. I also hope she acknowledges that she needs support right now, rather than brushing off her own feelings and continuing to try to be the others’ support like always. (Looks to me like her new model is based more on Ninja’s art of her, which is neat. Very pretty. Gotta admit though, I’m kinda sad her proportions were changed. I really liked how (for lack of a better word, forgive me) thick she was- it just made her look so soft and comfy to hug. Reminded me of my mum’s proportions, which probably influenced my opinion in that regard lol. Alas. Don’t get me wrong, I still like her new look very much, she looks like a cheerleader and it’s great, but still. Large Earth will always live on in my heart.)
Moon seems like he’s this close to just snapping. He just wants to protect his family but things just keep happening to them and he’s not able to do anything about it. Bloodmoon is in BIG trouble, I’ll bet. (For context, I wrote this before watching the TSAMS episode. Guess I was right.)
Lunar, oh honey- they feel so guilty about this, about not being able to help her. Just everything about their reaction, from their shocked silence over the phone to latching on to Earth the second they saw her, not even caring about the new look, just latching on and practically sobbing “I’m sorry.”
Sun just lowkey broke my heart. His tiny, quiet comment about the possibility of this being a different Earth- I can see why he’d be so worried about that, it’s exactly what happened to Moon, and Lunar to an extent. Earth looking different from how she used to would be far from reassuring in that regard, possibly even being the thing that made him think of the possibility in the first place. He was so scared he had to make sure, had to ask her if she still likes Barbie, one of the most constant parts of Earth, because he can’t go through that again. God, ALL of his siblings have died at some point, he’s lost them all in one way or another and now his fear of history repeating itself once again is rearing its ugly head and he’s scared and my heart is BREAKING GODDAMMIT ;-;
I vote they have an off-screen movie night or something- all of them, Earth, Moon, Lunar, Sun, Monty, Solar, all just being together for a while doing something simple and easy. Let them just exist in the comfort of each other’s presences, give them some time to process that they’re all here, all alive, all safe for the moment. Let them switch off for a bit and reset their emotions before facing anything else. God knows they ALL need it.
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littlewolfieposts · 1 year
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word count: 751
pairing: idol!hyunjin x idol!oc (named Yuna)
summary: being an idol doesn't take the human out of a person. They want to love and be happy just like anyone else. The difference is that she wants to love Hyunjin in a more unique way.
warning: none
disclaimer: just something that was sitting on the drafts as rant thoughts that I decided to actually finish. Lunar is the name of OC's fandom
'@ user4356_ she looks tired, hope everything is okay '@ luvhyunnie Hyunjin deserves so much better. Stop forcing yourself on him, it's sad' '@ yoonamarryme are you and hyujin dating?' '@ user09239 you look pretty! can you say hi to Germany?' '@ staaay_jinnie STAY AWAY FROM HYUNJIN YOU S*l**!!!!!!!'
Scanning the commentary section, Yoona felt her heart drop. Doing live all by herself these days has become harder without her teammates filtering most of the harsh comments directed towards her.
It only took one innocent interaction with him at the Versace event in France for the internet to go into a frenzy of speculations and numerous theories about their relationship. Old clips of quick glances, group interactions, and what they believed were matching jewelry joined in compilations of videos were shared over and over again around the fandoms.
Yoona glanced at the staff behind her, watching as they monitored the comments and shook their heads at her. She bit her lip, pondering for a moment before she averted her eyes back to the camera.
"Guys..." she sighed, laying her chopsticks down next to the bowl of her half-eaten food. Closing her eyes for a moment, she tried to recollect herself.
It's just too much. She could only take too much.
"You know I'm human, right?" she questioned softly. Staring at the camera as if she was staring right into their eyes. "I am 26 now. I'm an adult. I have experienced, seen, and heard a lot of things, and I still will experience many more. I have feelings, just like everyone else. I feel happiness, sadness, frustration, anger… Sometimes I'm jealous, sometimes I'm insecure, other times I'm really confident... I feel everything you feel, and I want to be able to feel them." She nodded, ignoring the upcoming comments and the staff's concerned gazes from behind the camera.
"I am going to be honest with you. To me, love is the end goal. When I'm no longer 'pretty enough' to be an idol, when I'm old and grey I really want to be able to sit back and say 'I'm happy. I did everything I wanted to do and shared it with the people I loved the most and I know they loved me too.' That's what I want the most. Is it wrong for me to want to love and to be loved by someone? Do I not deserve this as a human being?" her eyes glazed with emotion.
"Today I know I have my family, friends, and Lunar's pure love. And I love you so so much. But I want to have a partner in life someday. Someone that is very dear to me and makes me happy, someone that makes me love in a different way. Is it really that selfish of me?..." Her head tilted to the side in wonder. 
She pondered for a moment and took a deep breath, nodding her head as she said, "I guess, sometimes we can be selfish like this."
"I still don't have this person, but I hope I can be with them soon. I hope to have a beautiful love and be really happy! And when I do, I want to be able to share it with the people I love the most, and I can only hope to have their support and respect back." she smiled hopefully.
"To finish this monologue that has been long," she laughed quietly, "Please remember that, at the end of the day, we, idols, are human beings just like you. We want to be happy just like you, and words hurt us just like it does... to you. Please always be kind and respectful to people, okay?" 
Yoona decided to end her live not long after, wishing lunars a goodnight and to stay healthy before closing the app. 
Thanking the staff, she waited for them to leave the room before she unlocked her phone, a smile blossoming on her face at the text waiting for her reply.
from jinnie <3 the sky looks beautiful tonight reminded me of you and now I’m missing you let’s watch the stars tonight
Yoona didn’t lie when she said she didn’t have her person yet, technically. She and Hyunjin weren’t official, but were rather enjoying the phase of slowly getting to know each other and the little things that made them feel butterflies fluttering on their stomach.
Right now, sitting by the Han river, sharing a blanket and secret kisses with him sounded like paradise to her
To jinnie <3 let’s go
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Hello!! It's cool seeing another blog do yandere!moon system lol
Ok so this is just a suggestion, a headcanon on how the yandad!moon system would be as parents. Like who is more nurturing, who is more strict, etc. I totally think all of them would be overprotective tho :)
Let's see… The Lunar System being parents.
Honey, this is really going to be too much fun, at least Jake's part.
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I feel like Steven is the most excited about his baby's interests. He's the kind of over-enthusiastic father who ALWAYS supports all of his children's academic interests.
He loves to spoil his baby, he wants his baby to always feel loved and protected ina more phisical way. So he doesn't hesitate to spoil and shower his baby with adorable gifts when he notices that they are of things they likes and can enjoy.
Example: Did he remember on the street that his baby loves animal films and animal documentaries? Well, now his baby has a vast collection of stuffed animals, basically just get them plushies exact replicas of their favourite animals so his baby can learn more from it.
He seeks to always give him his favourite foods, in a healthy way, and would never raise his voice at them… not unless the situation got completely out of control and he panicked and sought to get his baby's attention. He could never punish his child, though. He can't, their baby's Bambi eyes prevent him from doing so. That's Jake's job.
Basically it's "Papa Steven", the pamperer and nurturer.
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Marc… well, it's very Marc?
I'll be honest, he's the type who doesn't want to show negative emotions in front of his offspring. Wendy's behaviour has scarred him emotionally for life and he wants to avoid that altogether. Obviously, since Marc is a bit emotionally extreme and thinks he doesn't deserve love and that, he would be on edge with his baby.
He would be very slow about the way he behaves with his baby, at least initially. Therefore, he sees what kind of actions are right and wrong. Relatively, when he gets the confidence and that, Marc becomes the paranoid father who doesn't want to leave his baby alone. He doesn't want his baby to feel unloved, but he also doesn't want his child to feel overwhelmed by his presence.
So he always tries to listen to his baby, so that he always knows what he is thinking and can help him to be happy. And if that happens while they watch movies and eat biscuits, behind Steven's back, that's what should happen.
Always by his side, hypervigilant of any negative emotions his offspring might express. He HATES to see his baby being sad, and only calms down when he understands what is causing his offspring's discomfort. Basically goes between worried emotional wart and happy emotional wart.
He is "Dada Marc", the worrywart.
Although, quite understandably, Marc can't discipline his child. He can't and won't, but he knows that his baby must be disciplined at times… so he leaves it to Jake.
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Now, Jake. For all his brash, fear-aggressive behaviour, and unfriendly looks, Jake is the most relaxed parenting.
I don't know if it's Jake's Latino nature (I'm a Latina, and at least I can tell from what I've experienced with my father) or the type of environment that surrounds him, but he loves to get into mischief with his baby and have fun with his offspring.
Jake is the kind of dad who will grab a beer, and when his kid asks him what the beer tastes like, he'll give them a taste… and then scoff when his baby grimaces. Obviously, he'd make sure his baby is never near a beer again, but he wouldn't make the same fuss as Steven or Marc would do in the same situation.
He always plays pranks on them and likes to use his strength to play with his offspring. He LOVES to watch his baby laugh with him and have fun with whatever silly things the two of them come up with. Obviously, since he is stronger, he would use such innocent games to show his dominance and strength, but never as a direct message of threat. Only as a warning.
But, since he's the only one with more "backbone" than the other two, as much as he enjoys being "Fun Daddy Jake", he's also the only one who knows how to punish his offspring when they misbehave. Nothing physical, for obvious reasons, but ultimately his kid won't be having fun for a couple of weeks.
Yes, even if he thought it was fun to see the whole flat full of sandcastles and Gus in a sailor suit… he still knew that his son was wrong to do that, and so he left his baby without ice cream for a week.
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mirrorballsss · 2 years
hi lunar chronicles fandom
i need ur opinion
this is something i’ve thought abt for a bit but i’m still conflicted on it and i’m willing to hear both sides of the argument cuz there is a split ik of.
you see, i rly like cresswell. they’re my second favorite ship of the series (not my favorite tho) and i think their relationship is rly well written and well done. i want ti like them and support them, however, there is the (pretty bad) age gap that exists between them. i FULLY recognize that a relationship between a 16 year old and a 20 year old is not good and shouldn’t be supported irl or rly in fiction, and it’s not ok for a full fledged adult to date a minor. but why am i liking them if i think that a relationship between two people of those ages shouldn’t happen? because when i was/am reading the books, their ages kinda don’t exist in my mind and i rly don’t think abt it that much, so i enjoy them for their story and dynamic in the books. however, ik still deep down it’s morally wrong to support this type of relationship between a minor and a adult like that, especially a minor who’s barely had contact with the outside world. so i’ve kinda been in this debate over if i should or shouldn’t support and like them as a couple for awhile, and idk what’s honestly the morally right answer. i rly do like them as a couple, but i feel like it’s morally wrong, especially as a minor who couldn’t imagine herself dating someone that old. so i want to just ask and see what everyone else’s viewpoint on it is since i can’t make decisions for myself
plz share ur opinions on this and reblog if u want to too so more ppl can put input in. sry for the super long post but thanks for reading!
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arjunasearth · 7 months
it is so freeing to talk to your best friend. She understands me like no other and truly is my soulsister. I am so deeply thankful for her understanding, patience and her not being judgemental no matter what happened to me or what I did / how I behave. It means so so much to have friends like her in my life. I am going through so many processes of healing recently, it's being going on for such a long time.And it will go on and on. It cannot happen overnight. To break open and to release so much hurt also means feeling it , feeling through it so that we can allow it to exit our being as it has entered us and stayed there way too long. Ive locked myself. Ofc, I shared bits and parts about my healing process and the pain I am going through here on tumblr. But what really almost broke me was locking my thoughts and feelings up and judging myself for talking about them with people,especially my closest friends. I felt shame towards myself and it is only now when I started talking about it more openly that I realize how much pain there actually still is and has been stuck, stagnant for too long. It is time for me to let all of this pain go, to release. To share and to be vulnerable. Because being vulnerable is nothing bad at all. It is true strength. Towards my heart and soul. It it the inititation for healing , for feeling and for releasing. Writing has always helped me to release, ofc writing physically in my book helps more than digital writing tbh but it's still a freeing process. It is releasing and sharing deep thoughts and feelings. But I also understood and learned (the hard way) that we are never alone with our pain and hurt, there will always be people who listen if we do not lock ourselves up in our heads / ignore our pain. There are many ways to release for me, first of all, movement. I can let go of burdening energy when I move and come back to my center, vibing with the flow. But talking , being listened to in person and non-judgementally...sisterhood and brotherhood...this is what I truly have been lacking and missing all the time because I felt ashamed, not ready, bad for talking about my pain , my hurt , the abuse I experienced. I think it is a HUGE step to open up and to allow vulnerability in my life. I was so fixated on my expartner and how I can help him feeling, healing , that I almost lost my self and began to numb my feelings and thoughts. And I understand that this has been fundamentally wrong. Because in a way, I ignored my needs.My being and who I was and still am, where I have changed and what I really need in my life. My friends and family brought me back and fully support me in this processes and they have always been there. It was me who turned my back on them, without wanting to hurt them in any way-and they never judged me for that and still don't. I am not someone who is judgemental in any way and yet I realize that I have been so judgemental towards myself instead! This should not be the case. It is never wrong to speak up about how I feel and what hurt and hurts me. Its is my birthright to do so. To share. To communicate. Breaking out of this very toxic patterns in my head (and life) really frees me right now. It is like dropping so much burden, pain and hurt that I carried on my back like a waaay too heavy sack that I have been carrying for too long, for years and even decades of my life. Breaking out hurts but also feels so right, as it is supposed to feel I guess. Also coming more and more back to my journalling practice helps.I am worthy of support, guidance and help. I am worthy to reach out when I am being deeply overwhelmed with my emotions. I am worthy of vulernability, towards myself and others. I am worthy of not being judged in any way as I dont judge others.I am worthy of coming back to my true essence, my inner child , releasing deep pain and hurt.
Blessed Lunar Year Y'all <3
Strong Energies are head.
May we all transition gently into this new lunar cycle.~~
Sending love <3
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katphantom69 · 3 months
Finally got into writing again wooo!
"Its not fair!", Luner cried as they tossed another pillow across the room,
"Why am I always the bad guy?! Why do they see me in such a cruel way?! What did I do wrong?!". They sobbed, collapsing onto their bed and crying into their arms.
Cosmic Warper watched in dismay as his moon child wept and wailed upon his moonlit bed. They approached careful, running a hand through Lunars hair.
"Oh Lulu, you've done no harm, no foul. Mortals are just... fickle things, one track minds. They see bright day as good so dark night must be evil and scary. It's nothing against you personally" they coo trying to sooth the lunar twin.
Lulu just wailed more.
"They make the moon look bad! They make it seem like I'm not important. I know my worth! I am the moon! I control their tides, help with direction and time! I am not lesser, nor do I feel the hate and jealous twords my twin. I do not hate the sun! And I'd never hurt Sol! Never!" They say as glimmering tears drip down their face and onto the silken pillow sheet.
Solaris, the sun and twin of the moon peaked in from the doorway. It hurt to see their sibling so upset. Yet they understood why. For ages upon ages, mortals had unfairly worshipped the brighter celestial body more and honored them more than their dimmer counterpart. At first, they felt a bit flattered, if not a bit uncomfortable for all the attention. But over the eons, as Lunar became saddened with the misjudgment they got, Solaris uncomfortableness began to turn into anger. Seeing his sibling like this, so upset, so distraught and broken, made idle anger turn... into rage.
Cosmic Warper gave a soft whine
"It won't be forever little one, times are changing, the mortals will learn! They will come to see you as you truly are. Brilliant, loving and benevolent. You'll see-"
"WHEN?!" Lunar shouted, startling the lord of space "In another thousand years? 5 thousand? A MILLION?! I don't want to wait anymore! I...I! IVE HAD ENOUGH!" They yelled, slamming their fists onto the bed.
Cosmic felt the whole moon shake as Lunar took over their celestial body.
"Lulu what are you doing?!" Cosmic said with worry and fear in their voice.
Using their power to its maximum potential, Lunar pulled at the moons connection with the earth, pushing the terrestrial bond away. They pulled and pulled with all their might, but alas, not strong enough for such a great feat, they managed to only pull away from the earth around 3 inches before collapsing exhausted onto the bed. Their body trembled and they hid their face in their pillow and screamed in frustration.
Cosmic stepped back alarmed
"Lulu! Please! This isn't right! Why must it come to this extreme?!"
Lunar lifted themselves up a bit to look at their parental figure
"I didn't want it to come to this! I wanted to be nice! I wanted to be fair! But I am left with no choice. If they do not like me as the governor of their night,then the mortals shall have me no more! I will not be made to feel less than! I am the Moon but not Earth's moon no more. I will move away, somewhere else amongst the stars! Somewhere were ill be wanted! Let them see the consequences of their actions and reap from the seeds of pain and misery that they've sown!" They say as they clean their tears.
"Lulu please," Cosmic begged "put the moon back in its place."
"NO! NO MORE, I WILL NOT BE RIDICULED OR SEEN AS DESERVING OF THEIR HATE NO MORE. IF YOU CANT GIVE ME YOUR SUPPORT THEN I DONT NEED YOUR PITY! GET OUT!" Lunar screamed as they used their power to shove Cosmic out of their room and then shut the door in their face.
Cosmic was left floating there, in shock and fear of these actions. Things would not be good if they escalated like this, but escalate they would as they turned to come face to face with their sun child.
"Sol!" They exclaim surprised. "I am thankful that you're here. Please help me ease your sibling down. Try to make them see reason." They beg softly.
But Solaris shook their head and to Cosmics horror, they felt the sun also slip from their grasp.
"But they are right Cosmic, Lulu is in the right to be sad and upset. As well am I to feel ANGRY!" They growl, a terrible sound Cosmic Warper never expected to hear from his beloved children.
"The mortals have come to far! For so long they have been pitting us against each other and making Lulu feel inferior. I do not wish to continue that any further! If they can not adore and see Lulu for how important and great they are, then I do not want their honor or adulation!" They roared
Cosmic gulped a bit as he felt the sun burn brighter and hotter. This was not supposed to be happening! This would not only have grave consequences for the Earth but for the entire solar system as well.
Solaris glared at their parent as they spoke.
"The mortals shall learn that actions have consequences. I will become the villain they make Lulu out to be! Let the sun they adore so much be the cause of their misery and pain. And once they realize their wrong doings it will be too late to go back and beg the moon for a cooler blissful escape from my scorching rays!
Let them suffer as the moon has suffered and perhaps they'll come to repent for their actions. But until then, they shall know not my warm tender embrace, but only my unforgiving FURY!"
With that last remark, Cosmic felt the sun flare with energy. A large solar storm raging on as Solar retreated back to the sun.
Cosmic Warper was left speechless and in tears as their beloved children slipped from their caring embrace and decend into the worse possible outcome that could have happened. There were bound to be consequences for this, grave consequences.
Consequences that they weren't sure they'd be able to face without breaking down into shambles or hurting those they loved. How had things come to this?
On earth, Kimera, Keeper of Balance, could feel the shift. Something was wrong, deeply wrong.
The tides receded, the nights no longer cool and inviting. In fact, they even seemed more dim. Nocturnal animals everywhere began to slowly act strange and be awake at odd hours. Not only that, but the earth seemed hotter. Even at night it seemed impossible to escape the outrageous heat of day. Crops dried up easier and the oceans heated up causing a mess there too.
The natural balance was amiss and Kimera could only look up at the sky in worry, feeling Spaces turmoil.
"I do hope you figure this out and resolve this." She spoke to the heavens.
"For if this goes on further, Order may forces their way into this. And I'm in no mood to clean up their mess...again."
She says and retires to lair, chanting a troublesome rhyme about it all.
"Sun and Moon
Celestial twins
Feeling scorned
From human whim
Have turned their faces
Away from Earth
Till we value
What they're worth
For if we don't heed
Their warning blight
Earth will wither
Loose the fight
Let us gather
Let us pray
For forgiveness
From Night and Day"
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