#I still think I didn’t get to cram everything I love about miitopia into this post
apples-of-apples · 1 year
Whoopsie my finger(s) slipped! (Yes I have just written an essay about miitopia you can’t judge me)
I am in love with miitopia. It is my favorite game ever, and I am not joking. This game has seeped into the crevasses of my brain too much. This game isn’t perfect but it is as close as it can get for me. 
Starting off, Oh my god I love the classes. The classes are so diverse and creative, it’s beautiful. The starting six give an amazing intro into what this game is going to offer you in terms of classes. While it has the standard cleric, warrior, thief, and mage, it also has classes that I think that very few games have implemented as well as miitopia(That being pop star and chef)! Miitopia as a game is very simplistic in its combat and the classes and skills mesh with that system greatly. For example basically every starting class they can heal and damage in some sort of way. Expanding on that every starting class aside from cleric and thief have some sort of skill that heals a party member and a skill that can damage pretty well by at least the area boss. A great showing of this is the popstar who for the majority of the early game is a great support option due to their skills, and can do weak aoe damage with their basic attack. The skill “out of tune” which is probably gained at around the third or fourth boss is an amazing damage skill for the entire game including its better versions. The skill is even good in the AI because while it does damage the party it barely hurts. This is all to say that the utility of these classes are well thought out so every class is on an even playing field in terms of use in battle. The classes that show up throughout the game (Imp, Scientist, Cat, Flower, Tank, Princess, Elf, and Vampire) all follow this type of design too! That’s the best part of these classes! No class is absolutely better than any other class! Every class has its own utility that makes it good! Are there still some classes that can be considered better in base stats? Yes! But again each class has its own cases for use!  A great example are flowers and clerics. Clerics can only revive one at a time, but Flowers can revive an entire team at once! But then clerics are better when needing single healing because they heal buckets of health for much less than flowers. The overall thing I’m trying to say is that these classes are good because they use the game's mechanics to work and don’t need to have like five turns of set up before being allowed to give any damage.
Going to the next point, The idea of having Miis as every single character is genius! I don’t mean in the way that you can put memes for a lol there’s sans undertale as a princess!!! I mean in the way that this game provides a basis for OCs to exist inside of the world of miitopia and because most of the characters are very simple you are able to project a character of your choice onto any npc. And disregarding npcs for a moment the mii builder (Especially in the switch version) you can make any character!! Also the miis make plenty of the characters a bit more personal if you made them. Take the princess for example, let's say she’s idk an old OC that you haven’t worked on in a while and then you come back to deliver the calming fruit, and fiends are everywhere almost everyone is on the floor and the princess is in the corner of the room with her face gone. That moment while not extreme even for a first playthrough will get you motivated to beat up the boss that took her face. It’s a great way to motivate the player to want to defeat a boss and to make the player have some sort of care for the npcs in the game.
Going to the last point of miscellaneous things! The lands all feel different and bonus areas accessed through endgame and quests are fun to explore!. If I’m being honest the level designs can get kinda boring, but the game still compensates for that with having more loot or more monsters for experience in each path in the levels. The music is absolutely wonderful<3!! It is just a great soundtrack because of its range from calm and slow Jazz(I think??) for makeup in the switch version, and then the bangers that are the general boss music, and the dark lord themes.
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