#I still have it downloaded on an old computer and mp3 player I MIGHT still have but IDK
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bpdglimmer · 5 years ago
Feel like shit just want her back (Lightning’s theme, original song by Kitty’er Rio)
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fanfics4all · 5 years ago
The Piano Man
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Request: Yes / No 
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 3999
Warnings: TALK OF RAPE I will not be tagging anyone but do not read if you are triggered by rape! (This is based on season seven episode 12)
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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A long time ago I used to live in Houston. That was a part of my life that I never wanted to return to. But now, it looks like I had no choice. I had joined the BAU team in the FBI and our case was back in my hometown. 
“So Houston PD needs our boots on the ground for the Piano Man case.” Garcia said and I silently gulped. 
“The serial rapist?” Morgan asked. 
“A case we consulted on about eight months ago. Twelve victims over five years.” Hotch said and he glanced at me. He knew that I was one of those women that he had hurt, he was the only one that knew. Not even my boyfriend of one year knew, I couldn’t bring myself to tell anyone else. Hotch needed to know because it came up on my psych eval, but that was the only reason. The local PD didn’t even know, I never reported it because I was scared… 
“He crosses racial and social lines, ages too.” He added and kept glancing at me, I knew the others noticed as well. 
“Power assertive?” Prentiss asked. 
“Knocks them out with a date rape drug, and binds them with piano wire…” Rossi said. 
“They wake up with no memory of the assault or how they got the permanent scar the wire leaves.” I said, managing to keep my voice leveled. 
“So he’s branding his victims. How does he dose them?” Prentiss asked. 
“Houston PD still isn’t sure ‘cause, you know, date rape drugs metabolize quickly, and he’s keeping them for twelve hours.” Penelope answered before I could say anything. To be fair, I have no memory of how he drugged me, so even I didn’t know. 
“So why are they calling us in now?” Morgan asked. 
“Because of these most recent attacks. This piece of work has elevated sick and twisted to a whole new dimension. Cases in point- Brittany Anderson filed a report after she woke up outside the restaurant she was abducted from, and Vanessa Campbell was just reported missing.” Penelope answered and my eyes widened. 
“Wait, those were victims two and five, weren’t they?” Spencer asked. 
“Yes. He’s going back and attacking survivors a second time.” Penelope confirmed. 
“Vanessa was grabbed from her house? He’s changing his M.O. from what we studied. He’s upping his game.” JJ said. 
“Well, we know he stalks them. But public venue abduction, he has the power. Home invasion, he’s on their turf.” Morgan said. 
“So he’s betting he can gain control before they get to a phone or a gun.” Spencer said. 
“The question is why? What is he getting from revisiting old victims?” Rossi asked. 
“It seems careless for someone who’s been so controlled up to now.” Hotch said. 
“What is this? On the floor?” Prentiss asked.
“Uh, that- oh, God, that is the contents of Vanessa Campbell’s stomach, which she ralphed up.” Penelope answered. 
“And in the glass?” Prentiss asked. 
“According to the police report, it is salt and water.” Penelope answered. 
“Homemade emetic.” Prentiss said. 
“E-what what?” Penelope asked. 
“Quick and dirty cocktail meant to induce vomiting.” Rossi answered. 
“Vanessa Campbell and her husband moved to a new address. They’ve put locks on the doors. They took precautions. She even knew what to do if she was dosed again, and it still wasn’t enough. That’s what he gets out of it.” Prentiss explained. 
“Their fear. He wants them to know that no matter what, he can still get to them.” Hotch said and I felt a chill run up my spine. 
Everyone was getting ready to get on the jet. I gathered my stuff up and headed to the jet early. I walked on and saw Hotch sitting there alone. 
“Hey.” I said. 
“Y/N, I’m glad you’re here. Sit.” He said motioning to the seat in front of him. 
“I don’t want you to go on the case.” He said and my eyes widened.
“Hotch, I’m fine.” I said and he shook his head.
“No, you’re not. You are too involved with this case.” He said and I shook my head. 
“This man is the reason I studied so hard for this job, I want to catch people like him and now I have the chance to catch this son of a bitch. Please don’t take that away from me.” I said and he started at me for a few minutes. 
“He’ll try and come after you.” He said and I nodded. 
“I know the risks, but Hotch I can promise you I’m okay. I’m not gonna let him scare me.” I said and he sighed. 
“Fine, but you listen to what I tell you and don’t try and find him on your own.” He said and I nodded. 
“I promise.” I said, although I knew I might not be able to keep it all that well. Hotch and Rossi were talking with the chief and JJ and Prentiss were interviewing the victims. Reid Morgan and I were sent to the latest crime scene. 
“Does Vanessa smoke?” Spencer asked her husband. 
“Yes, Vanessa smokes. What does it matter?” He asked. 
“It might explain how the unsub is drugging these women.” Spencer said and my eyes widened slightly. Thank God I quit. 
“The media has done a very good job of warning people to watch their drinks so that bars are no longer a fertile hunting ground, but cigarette smokers aren’t as careful. They might ask to have a cigarette from a stranger, or have their pack swapped out of their purse when they put it down and then unknowingly inhale PCP or scopolamine, both of which mimic the effects of date rape drugs.” Spencer rambled, it honestly was always so cute to me, but now wasn’t the time to be thinking that.
“She hid them in her purse. She didn’t think I knew. She cracked the windows so I wouldn’t smell it when I got home.” Mr. Campbell said. 
“You know, if the unsub stalked her from the backyard, he’d have a good view when she lit up.” Spencer said. 
“He also took out the window with something like a center punch.” Morgan said. 
“What’s that?” Mr. Campbell asked. 
“It’s a spring-loaded device used to punch divots into metal. It also breaks glass.” I explained as Spencer walked off towards the kitchen. 
“No cigarettes. He must have taken them with him to hide the evidence.” Spencer said while looking through her purse. 
“You know, it might not be all he’s trying to hide.” Morgan said. 
“What do you mean?” I asked him. 
“Mr. Campbell, was this on when you came home?” He asked. 
“The police told me not to touch anything.” Mr. Campbell answered. 
“Well, you sure got a lot of MP3s on here.” Morgan said scrolling through them. 
“Was it playing one of them?” He asked. 
“No. Why?” Mr. Campbell asked.
“The media center keeps a history of the last twenty songs that were played, but either you don’t listen to any of them or someone erased it.” I said catching on to what Morgan was thinking. 
“It wasn’t me.” Mr. Campbell said. 
“I’ll call Garcia.” Morgan said, pulling out his phone. 
“Whatcha need?” She answered. 
“Hey, there’s an MP3 player in the Campbell house, can you tell me anything about the erased history?” Morgan asked. 
“Okay, I can’t tell you who deleted that playback list, but I can tell you exactly when the log was cleared. 7:43 P.M..” She said. 
“Why erase a history of someone else’s music?” Spencer asked. 
“Because he didn’t erase someone else’s music. At 7:36, he loaned an MPS via USB drive, played it, and promptly deleted it.” She said, showing us on the Campbell’s T.V..
“Cleared the history so he could cover up his tracks.” She added. 
“The unsub brought his own music to an abduction?” I asked confused. 
“Yes, he did, and that is creepy. Fortunately, whatever is imported onto this computer downloaded the home network, so, ladies and gentlemen, the mystery song of Mr. Gruesome is…” She said and the music started playing. “That’s specific.” Spencer said. 
“That’s another reason to call this guy the piano man.” Morgan said. 
“Turn it off. Please.” Mr. Campbell said. Morgan turned it off.
“Does this song mean something to you or your wife?” Spencer asked.
“Vanessa hates it.” Mr. Campbell said and I gulped. 
“How come?” Morgan asked. 
“I don’t know. She doesn’t know. But every time it came on the radio, she’d burst into tears.” Mr. Campbell explained.
“So the unsub just happened to play it the night he came after her.” Morgan said. 
We got back and JJ and Prentiss brought the woman back in to see if they had songs that triggered them too. All of us were in the room the local PD had set up for us and looked at all the songs these women now hated. 
“Lady in Red, Up Where We Belong, Glory of Love. Each victim has her own piano ballad.” JJ said. 
“You know, considering the survivors lose consciousness during the rape, we think this functions as the unsub’s signature. He most likely plays the songs repeatedly during the assault, resulting in pavlovian response when they heard it later, sort of a subconscious rape trigger.” Spencer said. 
“The night of Vanessa Campbell’s abduction, that signature became part of his torture.” Rossi said. Hotch looked at me and I shook my head. 
“We need to know.” He said and everyone looked at me. 
“No.” I said. 
“Know what?” Spencer asked confused. 
“Y/N is one of the victims from the first time.” Hotch said. 
“Hotch!” I said and I felt everyone looking at me in shock. 
“So, what song is it?” He asked and I looked away from everyone. 
“Endless Love…” I said.
“So, why these songs? What do they say about him?” Hotch asked, but before anyone could say anything more his phone rang. 
“Go ahead, Morgan.” Hotch said. 
“We just found Vanessa Campbell’s body. He didn’t even bother hiding it.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“How long has she been dead?” Hotch asked. 
“Maybe five hours.” He answered. 
“He’s never killed before…” I said. 
“Are we sure it’s our unsub?” Spencer asked, he was clearly worried. 
“He used a piano wire as a garrote.” Morgan answered. 
“Alright, Morgan, you come back here, I’ll go to the coroner's office once they’ve looked her over.” Hotch said and hung up. 
“Keep working.” Hotch said and pulled me out of the room. 
“You need to go back home now.” He said and I shook my head. 
“I’m not going anywhere until he’s behind bars.” I said, standing my ground. 
“Y/N this is serious, he’s getting more confident, you need to leave.” He said. 
“Hotch is right Y/N.” Spencer said coming out of the room. 
“I’ll give you two some time to talk.” Hotch said and went back into the room. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked. 
“Because I wanted to forget about it. Hotch is the only one that knew because of my psych eval.” I said not meeting his eyes. 
“I can help you.” He said, gently touching my arms. 
“Spence, there’s nothing to help. The only thing I need to do is to catch him.” I said. He gently guided my eyes to look at his.
“I understand, but this is dangerous for you, he could try and come after you now and what if he kills you? I can’t lose you…” He said with tears in his eyes. 
“I promised Hotch I wouldn’t go looking for him alone and as hard as it is to keep that promise, I need to. Because if I ever see him again, I will kill him.” I said and Spencer’s eyes widened, but he saw the tears in my eyes. 
“I can’t let him get away with this again.” I said and a tear slid down my cheek. Spencer pulled me to him and held me close. 
“Just stay with me okay? I can tell Hotch that we need to stay together, I can protect you.” He said and I smiled. 
“You know, I think that’ll be better for the both of us.” I said and he smiled back. 
“I love you.” He whispered. 
“I love you too, now let’s get back to doing our job.” I said, but he stopped me. 
“There’s nothing I can do to convince you to go home?” He asked and I smiled slightly. 
“You know there’s not.” I said and he sighed, but nodded. 
We walked back in the room and Hotch said the three of us were going to the morgue. So we hopped in a car and headed there. They didn’t have too much to look over apparently. 
“Tissue inflammation is consistent with inhalation of some sort of drug. I can’t tell what yet.” The doctor told us. 
“And the ligature marks?” Hotch asked. 
“Same as before. New wounds on top of old scars.” The doctor said holding up the hand and I felt myself reach for my own wrists. 
“No sexual assault, though. Possibly because she regained consciousness at some point and fought back.” He added. 
“She doesn’t show any signs of defensive wounds.” Spencer commented. 
“No, but I did fish this out of her trachea.” The doctor said handing Spencer a bag. 
“Neoprene?” I asked. 
“From a glove. My best guess is she bit him.” The doctor said. 
“Not enough to break the skin, unfortunately.” He added. 
“An exam glove?” Hotch asked. 
“Most likely.” The doctor answered. 
“Actually, it’s a surgical glove. A little bit thicker than an exam glove. If he was wearing neoprene, it means he has an allergy to latex.” Spencer said. 
“I’ll have Garcia check hospital records.” Hotch said and left the room. 
“Thank you doctor.” I said and Spencer and I followed Hotch out. 
When we got back to the PD Hotch told Spencer and I to take a little break. I objected at first, but he said it was an order so we took a walk around the block. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” I said grabbing Spencer’s hand. 
“I understand why you didn’t.” He said. 
“I can hear him still you know…” I said and he looked at me confused. 
“What?” He asked. 
“He sang the song, I remember his voice. I was new to smoking so I wasn’t used to it yet. I was out with some friends and I went to smoke alone, when I tasted it, it tasted off so I got rid of it, but I blacked out after. I couldn’t open my eyes, but I could hear that song and him singing it…” I admitted. 
“We need to go back.” Spencer said and grabbed my hand. We ran back as fast as we could and we saw everyone sitting at a table. 
“Hey you guys are back, we got a suspect.” JJ said and we looked at her confused. 
“Y/N remembers his voice.” Spencer said and everyone’s eyes widened. 
“Let’s go, Prentiss you try and get him to talk. Hotch said and the four of us walked towards the investigation room. Emily went inside and started playing to his fantasies. 
“It’s not him.” I said. 
“He’s definitely assaulted Dianna though.” Prentiss said. 
“Arrest him for that, but he’s not the man that raped me.” I said and walked out of the room. 
“How can Herman Scodie not be the piano man? We’ve got the medical gloves, the medical record he pulled.” Rossi asked. We were all gathered in the room, after Hotch had sent JJ, Spencer, and Morgan to go check his house anyway. 
“The taunt he said to Diana Mitchell, he repeated to us.” Prentiss said. 
“Well, Scobie definitely assaulted Diana the second time. He’s probably re-victimizing all of the survivors.” JJ said. 
“But apply the profile to Herman Scobie, and look at what’s different. There’s no piano wire, and there’s no song played.” Morgan said. 
“You think there are two unsubs, the piano man and a copycat?” Hotch asked. 
“A copycat studies the original unsub in order to learn. Herman Scobie’s a doppelganger.” Spencer said. 
“He’s trying to pass himself off as the piano man.” I said. 
“Why?” Rossi asked. 
“Convenience, maybe. If he assaults the piano man’s survivors, they’re less likely to reach out to the police.” Morgan said. 
“And if they do, the women claim it was the piano man. No one thinks to look at hospital orderlies.” JJ added.
“So who killed Vanessa Campbell, the piano man or Scobie?” Hotch asked. 
“It’s a lay-up. Same neoprene glove in her throat as we found in Scobie’s van.” Rossi answered. 
“There’s something odd about that too, though. If Vanessa swallowed this it would be scarred by digestive acids. I mean, even if it got caught in her trachea as he choked her out, gastric reflux would be evident, but there isn’t any.” Spencer said. 
“So the unsub placed that in her throat postmortem.” I said. 
“Which unsub?” Prentiss asked. 
“He used the piano wire, he played the song, it must be the piano man.” Morgan said. 
“So he plants a piece of evidence to frame Scobie.” Rossi said. 
“Okay, let me get this straight. The piano man is trying to convince us that Scobie is responsible for all of these crimes.” Prentiss said. 
“And if these two have studied each other this closely, then Scobie is the key to finding the piano man.” Hotch said. 
“His lawyer’s here. Scobie’s not gonna talk to us.” JJ said. 
“He will when he finds out he’s been set up.” Hotch said. 
“Let me talk to him.” I said and everyone looked at me. 
“No way.” Hotch said. 
“If he’s studied the piano man he’ll know who I am. He’ll want to talk to me.” I said and Spencer shook his head. 
“No, we can’t let you do that.” He said. 
“Fine. I’ll go in with you. That’s the only way.” Hotch said and I nodded. 
“Hotch, you’re serious about this?” Spencer asked shocked. 
“She’s right, if he knows who she is then it might put him on edge.” He answered. 
“Let’s go.” He added and we walked inside. Herman and his lawyer looked up at us and I noticed Herman’s eyes flash with realization. 
“My client has nothing to say.” His lawyer said. 
“Good. We’d rather he listen anyway.” Hotch said. 
“You’re going away fro rape. The question is whether you’ll let your competition hang Vanessa Campbell’s murder on you as well.” I said. 
“I didn’t kill her.” Herman said. 
“I didn’t even touch her.” He added. 
“Herman.” His lawyer warned. 
“From what you’ve told us, we know exactly what you think of these women.” Hotch said. 
“You don’t need to kill them.” I said speaking as if I wasn’t one of them. 
“They’re not worth that much effort to you.” I said and he never took his eyes off me. 
“But the piano man can’t take that risk. When he’d heard what you’d done, he killed Vanessa Campbell.” Hotch said. 
“He went back to an old victim, just like you, but then he places a piece of neoprene down her throat. Does that sound like an accident?” I asked and he glared at me. 
“He’s setting you up.” I added. 
“I need to discuss this with my client.” The lawyer said. 
“No, he talks to us now, or he takes his chances with a jury.” Hotch said. 
“What do you want to know?” Herman asked, eyes still never leaving mine. 
“Who is he?” I asked and he smirked. 
“You should know, I know who you are.” He said leaning forward towards me. 
“His unknown victim. The one that didn’t report him.” He said.
“Who is he?” Hotch asked again. 
“I never met him. I just read about what he did in the hospital records.” He said looking up at me. 
“You were the only one that didn’t report him, but you came in with the same marks as those other women.” He said, looked at me again. 
“The weird thing though, I had three chicks picked out to do next. I was gonna start with Vanessa, but… He got to her first.” Herman said. 
“Who was the other ones?” Hotch asked. 
“Regina Lampert and Y/N Y/L/N.” He answered. 
“You’re going away for a long time.” I said and walked out of the room. Spencer grabbed me and pulled me to him. 
“It’s okay.” He whispered and kissed my head. We all met in the room and tried calling Regina. 
“Okay, guys, regina Lampert is not answering her phone, and I found something hinky on her, which I’m sending to your tablets.” Garcia said. 
“Alright, Garcia, what are we looking at?” Hotch asked. 
“It’s a surveillance video from the bar that Regina Lampert works at. Do you see the guy she’s talking to?” She asked.
“PLaying the piano. He’s taunting her.” Rossi said. 
“She knows it too. Look at her body language.” Hotch said. 
“Watch what happens when I fast-forward to closing time.” Garcia said and sped up the video. 
“She seems to warm up to him.” I said. 
“And then, watch this.” She said and the video changed to a different angle. 
“Garcia, freeze it right there.” Hotch said. 
“Look at her face. No, she doesn’t. She set herself up as bait.” Hotch said. 
“Credit card says that the guy at the piano is Hamilton Bartholomew. This is what I know, his wife just filed a missing persons report on him this morning. She directed me to some job he just applied for, so I got a background check from that where they did his fingerprints.” She said. 
“Alright, Garcia, pull Regina Lampert’s rape kit and cross-reference the prints found with Bartholomew’s, and see if you get a match. We need to get to her house.” Hotch said. 
“Sending her address to your GPS.” She said and then we hung up. We all left to get to her house. 
“Garcia, did she pick up?” Hotch asked, answering the phone. 
“No, but we did just get a 911 call from her house, and it is freaking weird.” Garcia said and then started playing the call. 
“911 operator. What’s your emergency?” A lady asked. 
“Hello?” She asked when no one said anything. 
“My name is Hamilton Bartholomew. I’m being held captive by a lunatic!” He said then a gunshot went off. 
“She took the piano man captive?” Prentiss asked. 
“Unless he’s not the piano man. I mean think about it. Would the piano man call us to rescue him?” Morgan asked. 
“She could be shooting at the wrong guy.” Rossi said. 
“No, it’s him.” I said. 
“What?” Spencer asked. 
“That’s his voice… I know it.” I said. 
“The lab just confirmed, it’s him.” Prentiss said. We pulled up to the house and everyone got out. 
“Y/N you stay out here, that’s an order.” Hotch said and I knew there was no fighting this on. 
“As long as I’m the one that puts the cuffs on him.” I said and Hotch nodded. They went in and Spencer stayed out here with me. Hotch and Prentiss came out with both of them and Hotch handed him to me. 
“Hamilton bartholomew, you’re under arrest for the rapes of thirteen women and the murder of Vanessa Campbell.” Hotch said and I put the cuffs on him. 
“It’s you…” He said to me. 
“I’m gonna make sure you stay in jail for the rest of your damn life.” I growled at him. Hotch took him from me and Spencer came up and held me tightly. 
“Should have let her pull the trigger.” I said. 
“Come on baby, let’s just go.” Spencer said and took me to the car. 
“He’s never gonna see light again, you know that.” He said. 
“But he’s still alive…” I said. 
“And I’ll be here for you, whatever you need.” He said and held me close. 
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bobbymccomas873-blog · 6 years ago
Cda To Mp3 Converter Home windows 10
Download crack for Alt CDA to MP3 Converter 7.2 or keygen : Tool for CD ripping - convert CDA recordsdata from audio CD`s to mp3 recordsdata. Many software program purposes create play listing information that act as tips that could audio recordsdata in your pc (and sometimes specify a enjoying order). Playlist file varieties will range between purposes, but the most typical file extensions used arewpl (utilized by Windows Media Participant) andm3u (used by a variety of open supply functions and WinAmp). Additionally, Zamzar's conversion time is slow when compared to other online audio converter providers. In case your CD is an audiobook, you possibly can remodel it into M4B audiobooks format that is compatible with iPod and iTunes. CDA to MP3 Converter is suitable with DVD. Convert any unsupported audio format to any audio player, audio gadget supported one. fre:ac's user interface is designed to be intuitive so you will be able to make use of the essential features without any bother. It still affords advanced choices if you need them so it is possible for you to to go beyond easy ripping and format conversion using fre:ac. Step 2: Click the Import Settings button, choose the MP3 Encoder as well as the standard degree within the drop-down list of Import Using. Click OKAY to return to the principle interface. Step 2Choose the tracks you to want convert to MP3. MP3 to CDA Converter allows users to simply modify customary MP3 audio information into a cda audio to mp3 ripper free download format. That is often helpful when dealing with Audio CD s and other subroutines within widespread Windows audio information. Additionally, many will choose to make use of this program if they're unable to take heed to a selected audio observe on a certain system. A free trial is offered. CDA to MP3 Converter là một chương trình cho phép người dùng đổi đuôi của các audio cda sang mp3 một cách dễ dàng, nhanh chóng nhất trên hệ điều hành windows. Người dùng có thể chỉnh các file đầu vào, thực hiện kéo thả các file cda vào giao diện và thực hiện chuyển đổi tất cả các file này sang dạng mp3 một cách chính xác. You can't play CDA information copied to your hard disk simply because they aren't audio information. CDA is a CD version of WAV format. You need to convert, or "rip" the CDs tomp3 or one other readable format. You possibly can't simply straight copy the CDs to the player. It's also possible to use MP3 CD Burner or DJ Twist & Burn to rip CDs. Leawo Music Recorder couldn't only document and convert CDA audio to MP3, but additionally other audio sources like built-in microphone sound, online audio, radios, native audio information, streaming audios, and so on. It has a recorder function, which is not out there within the different 2 methods.
Step 2: Import yourcda recordsdata into the converter. I not too long ago purchased a CD however not have it my possession - someone else does. I've the tracks on a memory stick. They were wonderful on the pc that I used to put them onto it, but on my laptop computer - which has NO CD PORT - it has changed the information to ".cda". This has additionally happened on my reminiscence stick. When I plugged them again into the original laptop computer, they had been stillcda files. Step 1: Run Windows Media Player, and click on Instruments within the toolbar on the highest. One frequent query I get from mates and colleagues is recommendations on how one can take a day by day audio CD and convert the tracks into MP3 data. The times of carrying spherical a CD participant are lengthy gone, because of smartphones! Nonetheless, why pay ninety nine cents on iTunes or the Google Play Retailer for music you may already personal!? Instead, it is best to dig out all these old CDs and rip them to your laptop computer, which you will then import into your iTunes music library and sync over to your telephone.
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The CDA file extension is an information format generally known as CD Audio Monitor Shortcut. CDA information are small (44 bytes) digital file created by Microsoft Windows CD driver for each observe on an audio CD. They contain indexing information comparable to monitor instances plus a special Home windows shortcut that allows users to entry the particular audio tracks. They don't comprise music, as a substitute level to where the music is situated on the CD. These files instruct the pc which audio track to play on a CD. CDA information won't play when separated from the CD they characterize. Changing CDA files is named ripping, which is copying music from a CD onto a computer. These files can be converted to WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, and FLAC. Information in CDA format can be opened with Apple iTunes, VideoLAN VLC media participant and different audio participant in Mac Os, Microsoft Home windows based and Linux platforms. Finally, it's best to decide on the output format and online cda to mp3 audio high quality. Within the MP3 dialog discipline, select the format settings for the final MP3 info. Relying on prime quality you want, select the bitrate of the file, sample price and the number of channels. You may most likely lose some audio content material in the event you occur to decide on the mono risk. You'll be able to choose what pattern fee you want to use. forty four.1 kHz (or 44100 Hz) is the pattern worth utilized by audio CDs. Decrease than that and it's possible you'll begin to hear the loss in top quality. It's possible you'll select the bit price you need to use. 128kbps is often used for MP3s on the internet.
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Sure! The CDA to MP3 Converter obtain for PC works on most present Home windows working techniques. Click on "Add Recordsdata" to choose CDA tracks and add them to conversion record. CD Audio (.cda) tracks are audio info which may be stored on CD media. Thecda recordsdata are representations of CD audio tracks and do not include the precise pulse code modulation (PCM) information might be performed solely from a CD-ROM. Copied from the CD-ROM to the onerous disc it could't be played. That is format used for encoding music on all industrial compact discs. For individuals who buy a CD from a retailer, the music on that CD is saved in CDA format.
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In the record of formats you possibly can select the output file format, corresponding to MP3, AAC, OGG, WMA or WAV (lossless audio). FileZigZag is an online audio converter service that can convert most typical audio codecs, so long as they don't exceed a hundred and eighty MB. To make Home home windows Media Participant create songs with the more versatile MP3 format instead of WMA, click on on the Set up button within the high-left nook, choose Choices, and click on on the Rip Music tab. Select MP3 as a substitute of WMA from the Format drop-down menu and nudge the audio prime quality over a tad from 128 to 256 or even 320 for higher sound.
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jacquesmendez38-blog · 6 years ago
How To Convert WAV To FLAC On Mac (Together with MacOS Excessive Sierra)
FLAC is a very effectively-recognized and top quality audio format however as a result of less reputation this format is still not supported by the most well-liked media players equivalent to iTunes, QuickTime and plenty of other cell media players. 24 Opera Mini itself does not support any video or audio, but any video or audio is passed to the device to play if it has support for that format. Opera Mobile additionally does this with unsupported codecs. Permit encoder to generate non- Subset information. The ensuing FLAC file might not be streamable or might have trouble being played in all players (especially hardware gadgets), so you must solely use this selection together with customized encoding options meant for archival. I can not confirm this answer 100% as a result of I deleted the unique MP3 profile during my mad experimentation, however I'm able to convert MP4 to Mp3 at whatever bitrate I chose. Subsequent edits to the profile do not appear to trigger issues. Click on "Add Recordsdata" button to decide on WAV information and add them to conversion list. I personally use Picard tagger to deal with my FLAC and MP3 files. Freemake Audio Converter provides you with a number of choices for managing music recordsdata and converting them to whatever format you want. The extra benefit with this device is that it may well course of and convert multiple recordsdata on the same time and performs multitasking as properly. However that you must buy the Infinite Pack to transform audio information which might be longer than three minutes. WAV affords the best quality copy of the source. So, it is positively a superior and extra usable format for professional purposes. In the event you've ever sampled an MP3 file and observed that your combine sounds weird, you may understand what I imply. Whereas MP3 is great for listening, it's not so great for sampling, using in movies, and for mixing.
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Now that you just understand the distinction between every format, what should you use for ripping or downloading music? Generally, we recommend utilizing MP3 or AAC. They're appropriate with practically every player on the market, and both are indistinguishable from the original supply if encoded at a high bitrate. Except you have got specific needs that suggest in any other case, MP3 and AAC are clear selections.
Thus far, Convert Wav To Flac Online Onkyo Music gives 870,000 tracks in FLAC and 105,000 in MQA. New arrivals for each format are in separate sections, too, which is a useful contact. After loading one or more audio information to , you simply need to decide on one of the output codecs from beneath. When the file is able to be downloaded, use the small download button to save it to your laptop. p.s. I personally would not use the delete source file dsp. I'd as a substitute convert the files to a brand new format, having the new information saved in a special mum or dad listing (with the identical folder group because the originals). Then when performed, you may have your new information and the old recordsdata, however in different directories. Once you're proud of the conversion being performed, one can at all times delete the outdated WAV file directory. To convert songs presently in your iTunes library, open the software program and discover the Preferences menu from the iTunes dropdown on a Mac or Edit dropdown on a Home windows computer. Next, click on the Basic tab, then discover the Import Settings within the lower section of the Preferences window. After that, click the dropdown subsequent to Import Utilizing, choose the format and click on OK to save lots of that import format as the default setting. iTunes allows for batch converting, so the final step is to select all of the recordsdata you want to convert wav to flac online, click on the File menu, then choose Convert and click on on Create MP3 Version. If you chose a different output format, it shows that format rather than MP3.Acquiring these clear-minimize outcomes was quite a Eureka moment for us. Regardless of what the computer specialists believed, their assumptions proved faulty. Something in the metadata seemed to be the source of the cumulative decline in FLAC file conversions, with or without reminiscence playback. These results show that the attribute that was responsible for diminished FLAC audio efficiency will also be transferred to WAV recordsdata, and survives to degrade ultimate WAV high quality, this additionally relying on the playback software program and the obtainable memory allocation. Nonetheless, even with the good thing about expanded reminiscence buffering, the aimed for enchancment to the FLAC replay remained incomplete and only reached 87% of that exhibited by the companion WAV file. This distinction was statistically important and signifies that there have to be a second factor affecting FLAC sound quality that is unrelated to the metadata impact.I simply wish to congratulate you for the MediaHuman Audio Converter. Number of selections for audio quality, file extension sort and a number of cpu core choice. And checkbox for including to iTunes whereas changing. Genius. You saved me from hours of ready. Effectively completed. Click Convert" button to start converting. The free trial model of AudioConverter Studio can convert as much as 10 files at once. For those who like the program, you'll be able to register it and remove all limitations.
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annoyingcatwolf · 3 years ago
Mpd Client For Mac
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It has been almost 10 years since I published my article Back to Mac OS 9, Because It’s All I Need on Low End Mac. Lots of things changed in my life since then – I got married, became a dad of three kids and I changed my job. But one thing remained in my life – Mac OS 9.
From the website: “Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music. Through plugins and libraries it can play a variety of sound files while being controlled by its network protocol.” Wikipedia has a more comprehensive description. An MPD client for macOS, written in Swift. Download M.A.L.P. MPD Client for Android to this application is a remote control for the music player daemon (www.musicpd.org). Cantata - MPD Client programs used in Windows PC, Mac OS X. MpcOSX - MPD Client programs used in Mac OS X. Theremin - MPD Client programs used in Mac OS X. This example video will help you to understand about MPD Client. As like all other music player programs, MPD also creates and manages the database for tag and path informations of music.
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One could certainly ask if something is wrong with us for sticking with a 20+ year old operating system. Everyone has his/her individual answer to that. To me, Mac OS is the pinnacle of Personal Computing. I’m reminded of it every time I tweak my system to better fit my personal workflow.
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Seeing that there is still life in our community, I decided to undust my old Edelweiss column on Low End Mac. I hope to cover the latest news on Mac OS scattered around the web. And I’d like to share some practical “how-to” tips for using your Mac OS9 machine in today’s world. Because you can still do many things on them once you realize that a computer is not just a terminal to Facebook / Google / Amazon.
That said, let’s start our first LowEndMac OS9 news roundup. Bear in mind that we have to catch up with some news, so forgive me if some stuff is rather added for the sake of completeness rather than currentness.
SSHeven – a modern SSH client
Thought SSH and Mac OS was a dead end? Well, not so much anymore. “CY384” created a new SSH client for Mac OS 7 / 8 / 9. While still in an early version, it is “a functional SSH client with decent terminal emulation, able to run programs like htop and nano” as the author puts it. Needs a ‘040 Mac or PowerPC machine. Definitely one very exciting project to keep an eye on!
URL: https://github.com/cy384/ssheven
Every once in a while we still see cool new software for Mac OS released. Ivan Holmes’ MPD client (Music Player Daemon) for Mac OS falls into that category. Ivan created an app that lets you use your vintage Mac to connect to an instance of MPD running on another machine. If you’d like the music to play through speakers connected to your Mac, you can set up your MPD to output to an MP3 stream and then configure MacMPD to play this. Full feature-list, screenshots and downloads can be found over on his website.
URL: http://ivanholmes.co.uk/mac/macmpd/
New game: The Queen’s Footsteps
When was the last time you bought a new boxed & sealed Macintosh game? Too long ago? Then this might be your chance! The Queen’s Footsteps is a new Interactive Fiction (think Infocom!) game in which you play a female archeologist going on an adventure in the world of 1904.
The boxed copy is around 20$ + shipping and includes a floppy disk of the game as well as some goodies (a poster, stickers, …). If you’re the modern minimalist who likes his stuff only virtual, you can also download the game for free. (but it’s only half the fun, really)
The game requires System 7 and a 68000 CPU. Maybe a good reason to undust your old Macintosh SE.
URL: https://www.polyplay.xyz/The-Queens-Footsteps-Collectors-Edition-Macintosh-Diskette_1
Free image & web hosting
The Macintosh Garden has added two interesting new features – one is a very lightweight image uploader. Upload and share photos & screenshots directly from your old Mac. Pick an image and upload. You’ll get an URL for sharing. According to the Garden, there is no time constraint and the images retain full quality. However, 3 MB is the upload limit. I prefer it over any other solution on the web because it’s ad-free, reliable and fast.
URL: http://images.macintosh.garden
The second new feature is essentially a free web hosting. After sign-up you’ll receive 100 MB of storage on their server. Using an FTP client like Fetch or Transmit you can upload your assets & stuff or using it to put up a simple Website. There’s no support for PHP & databases, but then it’s completely free! If you feel you missed out on something because you never had your very own geocities website, well … this is the closest you’ll ever get!
And that is it for now! Make sure to let me know if I missed out on something and I’ll gladly add it to this or the next Mac OS news roundup. In the meantime, stay healthy and enjoy the time with your trusty old Macintosh.
Cornica – the Quicktime video archive
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Cornica attempts to recreate late 90s media fascination of the young internet. It’s essentially an archive of Apple related video clips – served solely in Quicktime format. There are low-resolution versions for 68K Macs as well as “high resolution” ones. Bear in mind, high-res in 1998 was something like 640×480 🙂
Mpd Client For Mac Download
The page was specifically written in HTML 3.2, so you can take good ol’ Netscape out of the garage for a test drive. Great trip back to our youth on a rainy saturday …
URL: http://www.cornica.org
At last !
It took me more time than expected, but I finally got the beast properly compiled and bundled for Mac OS X.
Go grab Claws Mail for Mac OS X here
Beware, it’s a PPC only bundle for now. Universal bundle should follow in some weeks.
And of course the usual screenshot :
So now some explanation. In my previous post, I explained roughly how to compile Claws on Mac OS X. Since then, I have successfully embedded the whole application in a bundle, and made an image of it. More information are available on the developper page.
Mpd Client Mac Os X
Next step : recompile using GTK+ natively on Mac OS X.
0 notes
firmblog488 · 4 years ago
Iphone Deezer
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Sep 04,2019 • Filed to: Streaming Music Services & Sites Tips • Proven solutions
Iphone Deezer Software
Iphone Diverting Calls To Voicemail
Iphone Deezer Premium Free
Iphone Deezer Cache Leeren
Do you want to know what is Deezer and How Does Deezer work?
Deezer.com is an online music streaming website created in Paris, France. It has over 40 million soundtracks that it owns officially from various artists around the globe. It is one of the few sites that maintains a clean record and regularly pays to the original artists through advertisement revenue.
According to their records of 2013, they had over 30,000 radio channels. Followers are said to be an approx. Spotify apple music deezer. of 25 million as of last year and over 8 million paid subscribers. It is widespread and easily available across all platforms such as Android, iOS, Web, Windows Phone etc.
This is a short video on how to use Deezer for you I device.Sorry for camera quality, was filmed from my iPad. Step 1: Download the Deezer IPA file onto your computer. Step 2: Download Cydia Impactor from here. Step 3: Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable. Step 4: Open Cydia Impactor. Step 5: Drag and drop the IPA file downloaded in Step 1 onto Cydia Impactor Step 6: Cydia Impactor will ask for your Apple ID and password, which is verified with Apple only and is used to sign the IPA.
My music setting is the iPhone 8 and Sony wh-1000xm4. I need to better understand the sound quality that comes from the iPhone to my wireless bluetooth headphones. I learned that no matter the source, the iPhone only plays music in AAC. So if I use Deezer HiFi and stream HiFi (Flac) from it, on the.
If you want to get premium features of the Deezer app for free, then Download Deezer For iOS 14/13+/12+/11+/10+/9+/8+/7+ on iPhone, iPad which is a Tweaked and Modified version of Deezer.
You can easily use Deezer on your Mac by downloading the app and then enjoy instant access to your favorite music. You can also download the Deezer app on Windows 8 and Windows 10 and gather all of your music in one place.
The benefits of using Deezer over your average Online Music streamer are many. The search is simplified and helps you create the ultimate music library you have desired for years. The results are filtered under the labels of ‘Artists’ ‘Albums’ and ‘Genres’. If you’re in the mood to explore the artist and his whole collection, just click on his/her name and get their full discography in your hands. Hear the latest from your favorite artists and let Deezer pour in recommendations which never fail to amaze as they are always fitting to your taste. There is also a separate folder for all the music you have ever searched, a feature so unique and handy it hardly escapes the notice of the users. Deezer Mac imports all of your iTunes music in a flash in order for you to have all of your music at one place. Feel like a song’s lyrics are touching your soul? With Deezer you can access the lyrics of the song without having the hassle to search for the lyrics!
As soon as you sign up and give them a taste of what you listen to, they provide you with ‘FLOW’ which is the collection of music from your favorite artists, once you click on Play all of your favorite music starts flowing in. In the start around 2006, Deezer was available only in France, Belgium and the United Kingdom. As time progressed they announced their plans to expand globally, they established themselves as the premium and first choice of users in Europe first and then further went to the United States. It is now available in countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand along with 35 Latin Countries with the exception of Brazil and Venezuela. On the Asian side of the globe it is available in Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Deezer is now available across a staggering 160 countries worldwide and serves across multiple platforms.
Part 2. How does Deezer Function?
Deezer is perhaps the simplest online music streaming service you’ll ever have. Whenever you sign up it asks you to list down your favorite genres and your favorite artists. As soon as you do that it hooks you up with new ‘Flow’ feature they introduced back in 2012, what Flow does is incredible to say the least! It fuses all of your music in one place, once you allow Deezer to access your old albums and it constructs a playlist that includes songs with respect to your previous music albums and allows you to further expand your Music Library. It provides you with four subscription plans namely Discovery, Premium+ and Family.
Discovery comes free and is made for most of the users online, this version is ad-supported and the quality isn’t the best available. There is no offline mode and neither does it support TV, Hifi, or Google Chromecast. Premium+ is available for 9.99$ per month and includes support for Car, TV, Hifi and Google Chromecast. Family Subscription pack is available it 14.99$ per month and gives you at least 6 accounts to use plus it contains all of the features mentioned earlier. The MP3 Quality available on Family and Premium+ is 320kbit/s.
Part 3. Problems you might face while using Deezer
Although the engineers working behind the scenes have put in all the work to in order to ensure that customers do not face any sort of problem, some malfunctions might still occur and for them the Deezer Technical Support system has tried to help its users. For Example, if the Deezer Website stops responding or the music does not play properly try updating your browser and check your flash player.
In other ways you can clear your cache or even try using a different browser. If the problems are still, there change the computer you’re currently using and access Deezer from another source. This issue is common with iOS users where all of their songs disappeared; it mainly happened because of the major update that the operating systems went through.
Some users chose to perform a clean install. In order to download your tracks again, navigate the desired album/playlist or track and toggle the Download button so the color turns green, indicating it's enabled. Sometimes users from different countries might not have access to other songs this is mainly because of them being free users and the artists might not have the license of that particular region.
A Premium+ subscriber should be able to access their Deezer account from any country they choose. There will be slight variations on the catalogue available to you when you are abroad as the licensing agreements vary from territory to territory. There have been complaints that some songs only play for about 30 seconds, if you are using Fidelio AW2000 and having premium version of Deezer then sometimes the user is facing problem of playing songs for less time. There can be a possible reason of this problem is your speaker. To solve the problem of speaker you can reset your speaker by going in setting via airstudio app and then you can try again. You might be facing this problem because your Deezer account may have expired. If you’re facing difficulty in the Deezer app via your phone try reinstalling the app and the problems will disappear hopefully.
Part 4. Download Deezer Music by Free Third-Party Software-iMusic
iMusic is an all-in-one music manager tool, facilitating you to download music and playlists from over 3000 sites, transfer music among iPhone, iPad, iPod, iTunes and Android phones, record any audio you’re playing, clean up and fix iTunes Library (delete duplicate and broken tracks, get cover and tags, fix ID3 tag, etc). iMusic is a must-have music downloader and manager pro for music lovers to discover and download music, or backup and rebuild iTunes Library even from a Windows PC. iMusic has separate versions for both Windows PC and Mac, which is fully compatible with the latest Windows 10 and macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
iMusic - Download Deezer Music Free and Easily
Download music from more than 3000 music sites such as YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Vevo, Hulu, Spotify, and much more through copying and pasting the URLs.
Transfer music between a computer, iPhone, iTunes Library, iPad, iPod and Android phones making it easy to share songs.
Record music from radio stations and streaming sites and gets the identification of the songs including the title, album artist, and genre.
It acts as a management toolbox that lets you manage iPad, iPod, iPhone and Android phones iTunes Library through options like backup iTunes, recover iTunes Library, fix iTunes music tags and covers as well as remove music DRM protection.
Batch download of files is supported where you can download up to 100 songs at the same time.
1 click to transfer downloaded music and playlist to USB drive to enjoy in car.
Ability to burn downloaded songs and playlists to CDs easily.
Guide to Download Deezer Music by iMusic
Step 1: Download and install iMusic on your computer. Launch it and click the 'GET MUSIC' menu on the top of the software. Next, click the 'RECORD' button.
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Step 2: Go to Deezer website, choose one song you liked, then play it .
Step 3: Click the 'Record' button and prepare to record the song you’re going to play. iMusic will detect the song and record it. During the process, the cover and artist for a record song will be added to the song automatically, making it quite easy for you to identify the songs in iTunes Library.
Iphone Deezer Software
Step 4: Once completed the record process, the recorded songs will be automatically added to your iTunes Library automatically. You could check the recorded songs in iTunes library.
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Music Player
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3. Music Software
4. How to
5. Festival Music Play
Deezer, one of the leading online music service providers, is offering the listening capability to millions of users across the globe through its online and Android/iPhone app services. With the service available over the smartphone for both Android and iOS users, it is stated to reach out to far more users within a short period. Let us have a look at the major benefits that a user would receive by installing the Deezer app on their Android or iOS device.
The premium version offered by Deezer allows the user to synchronize their collection from different devices, and further upload MP3s from a local computer to maintain “everything” on a single platform.
The elite customers gain additional feature to listen to their collection in Hi-def audio and pass them to Sonos device. (Note: Please check the compatibility of the Sonos device with Deezer before operating or opting for Elite version)
It has the second largest collection of songs with over 30 million songs.
It offers the quality in various outputs based on the subscription opted by the user.
Deezer also offers files in FLAC extension to ensure that listeners receive the delight of listening to exceptional sound with no deletion of information to miniature the file size like that of an MP3.
The songs collection spreads out through different categories, and users can search using an artist’s name, genre, year, or playlist.
Is Deezer free on iPhone?
The Deezer app for iOS or iPhone is a free-to-use application and does not require a payment like other online streaming apps. However, people who wish to listen to high-quality audio and save/download their collection will have to opt for a premium version that is available through in-app purchase.
Iphone Diverting Calls To Voicemail
The Deezer app for iPhone is a perfect way to outcast the traditional iTunes offered by Apple. It gives a personalized experience to the user, and the chance to change to according to the need and location. The important features are:
Flow: The Flow feature learns the pattern of the listener and understands the preference. It then collects the songs or playlists accordingly and suggests them for listening.
On-screen Lyrics: Search for the song, album, or song and play it back with lyrics displayed on the screen. You can easily pick up the lines and sing along with your friends or find yourself singing in peace.
Channels: It gives the power to hold live streaming stations, podcasts, and playlists in a single place. It is another region where you will come across other playlists curated by other editors.
Deezer Premium: Deezer is offering the premium version on a trial basis for 30-days. Explore the features and services provided to have a glimpse at the VIP experience. Additionally, listen to the collection of songs in Hi-Def audio and pass them to Sonos device (if you own one) for a greater listening experience.
Deezer on Android Device
Deezer is available for Android devices, and the minimum requirement is Android 1.6 OS. With the app, users can personalize the way they listen to music and gain access to over 30 million songs offered by Deezer. Those who are using Android can visit the Google Play Store and download the application. Opting for a free user would entitle the listener to hear to low-quality audio and with limitations spread across the layout. Premium version invites them to a different arena, by offering the collection in varying quality of sound and with no limitations.
How to listen to Deezer without downloading the application
Even without the Deezer application, both Android and iOS users have the chance to hear to music from Deezer using iMusic. The application helps in downloading songs from Deezer, which they can transfer to their preferred device in a few simple steps. With limitations imposed by Deezer for free users, choosing iSkysoft is the best solution. The reason behind the use of the software is due to its flexibility and stability. The important features are:
Discover – search for any song or artist using the built-in music library and download the song freely to a computer/Mac and move it to a device
Download – download any song from over 3,000 websites over the internet including YouTube, Spotify, Deezer, Dailymotion, and other online streaming portals. One can download audio from a video and save it as MP3 without losing the original quality.
Record – record an online streaming audio to MP3, save it, and export to an external device
Transfer – you can quickly transfer the downloaded songs from Deezer to Android/iOS devices without the need for iTunes or any other third-party application. You can even transfer songs between Android and iPhone directly.
Fix – check for mislabeled songs, missing album art, and other information and fix the same using a single click.
Rebuild – Backup library and move it to a new system.
Step-by-step guide for how to record Deezer using iMusic and transfer the recorded music to iPhone/Android phones
Step 1: Blues brothers bartender. Install iMusic trial variant after downloading it from the iSkysoft website. Start the program, and choose “Get Music” option. Click the “Record” feature.
Step 2: Press the record button symbol to prepare the program to record a song. Open Deezer website, search for a song/playlist/album, and begin playing the same. iMusic will recognize it automatically and start recording the song in original quality. At the same time, the program will search for iD3 tags and add the same to the song.
Step 3: Connect iPhone to your computer. You will observe this in the main window as follows. Click “Trust This Computer” on iPhone. (For Android phones, you have to enable “USB Debugging” in the settings.)
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Iphone Deezer Cache Leeren
Step 4: Click “Device,” and press the “+” icon at top right corner. You can browse to the folder containing the recorded songs from Deezer and add them to iPhone directly.
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assistload543 · 4 years ago
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newcoastal307 · 4 years ago
Software To Open Ssl Files On My Mac
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Software To Open Ssl Files On My Mac Download
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File eraser Mac utility to wipe selected files, folders or data from the entire hard drive on Mac OSX. The software contains powerful wiping algorithms in it and ensures permanent erasing of data, beyond the scope of data recovery. Wipes Hard Drive – This Mac hard disk eraser software can help you wipe your entire Mac hard drive in a single step. The latest support files include the Catalina-compatible Remote app. Download the latest support file.zip from your SSL account My Products tab. On your Mac, remove the existing version of Remote from the Applications folder before dragging the new Remote into the Applications folder. Open Remote and verify you have the latest version or higher. It works perfectly and I didn’t run into a single issue. I was able to copy DMG files to my Windows PC and EXE files over to my Mac without any issue. If you open the MacDrive app, you’ll see the main screen lists out the Mac drives the program has recognized already for you.
Dec 29, 2004  Way back in the day I used to use Money 2.0. Quicken 2005 reminds me so much of that old program. It even looks similar. I tried iBank but it did not seem sophisticated enough. I still don't know what a good money program is. The interface of Quicken seems too similar to MS products for the Mac. May 17, 2020  Personal finance software and apps can help you master the basics, become more efficient at managing your money, and even help you discover ways to meet your long-term financial goals. Choosing the best personal finance software depends on your current financial needs. Some personal finance software can help you master budgeting and expense tracking, while others can help. This list outlines the best free personal finance software for managing money on your Mac or PC, with links to free downloads and software reviews. Buddi is an open-source budget software that runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems and has been translated into multiple languages. Buddi can encrypt financial data with a password, and it's. https://newcoastal307.tumblr.com/post/653608155257978880/mac-os-x-money-management-software.
Canon PIXMA MG3500 Printer series Full Driver & Software Package download for Microsoft Windows 32/64bit and MacOS X Operating Systems. Canon printer driver is an application software program that works on a computer to communicate with a printer. Features Full-photolithography Inkjet Nozzle Engineering (FINE) with a patented print head firing ink droplets as small as 2pl. Print documents and web pages with fast speeds of approx. 9.9 images per minute (ipm) for black and 5.7 images per minutes (ipm) for color. Conveniently load the front of your PIXMA printer with genuine Canon FINE ink cartridges and paper at the front of the printer. Canon mg3500 software download for mac.
About the App
App name: openssl
App description: OpenSSL SSL/TLS cryptography library
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Install the App
Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key.
Run in Terminal app: ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)' < /dev/null 2> /dev/null and press enter/return key. If the screen prompts you to enter a password, please enter your Mac's user password to continue. When you type the password, it won't be displayed on screen, but the system would accept it. So just type your password and press ENTER/RETURN key. Then wait for the command to finish.
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Even though OS X can read Windows formatted hard drives just fine, the opposite is still not true, even with Windows 10. Granted, OS X can’t write to a Windows formatted disk, but at least it can read the contents of the drive and you can copy the data to your Mac computer.
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Windows has absolutely no support for the Mac hard disk file format (HFS+). This means that if you connect a Mac formatted drive to Windows, you’ll simply get a blank drive letter and a message asking to format the disk.
Software To Open Ssl Files On My Mac Download
If you click Cancel, you’ll just get a message stating that the volume does not contain a recognized file system.
I’ve already written about how, if your external USB drive is not recognized by Windows, you might have to use the exFAT file format, which both Windows and Mac support, however, this requires formatting the drive and copying all the data back on.
Software To Open Ssl Files On My Mac Pro
Another solution is to enable file sharing on your Mac and access files from Windows that way, but this requires a decent amount of setup. So are there any other options? Well, thankfully yes. If you use Macs and PCs heavily in your setup, it might be worth spending some money on a program called MacDrive.
MacDrive is a great program that allows you to use Mac formatted disks on your Windows PC like a normal drive. Using the program, you can read and write data to HFS+ drives just like a normal Windows formatted drive.
You can then disconnect the drive from Windows, plug it into your Mac and access everything normally. If you find yourself having to copy data back and forth between Macs and PCs fairly often, this program is a great investment.
Software To Open Ssl Files On My Mac Free
The Standard version is $49 and the Pro version is $69. You can see the difference between the two versions here. For me, the Standard version was more than enough. If you need to mount Mac formatted RAID sets on your PC or create ISO Mac images in Windows, then the Pro version will be necessary.
You can try out the program using the five-day free trial. Once you install it, you’ll have to restart your Windows PC. Once you log back into Windows, everything should automatically be good to go. If you connect a Mac formatted disk to your computer, it’ll instantly show up in Explorer with a little Apple icon on it.
If you double-click on the drive, it will open just like a normal Windows drive. If there is any file that is Mac-specific, it will also show an apple icon next to it.
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Now you can copy data from the Mac formatted drive to your Windows PC and vice versa. It works perfectly and I didn’t run into a single issue. I was able to copy DMG files to my Windows PC and EXE files over to my Mac without any issue.
If you open the MacDrive app, you’ll see the main screen lists out the Mac drives the program has recognized already for you.
Click on the drive and you’ll get some options like opening the drive, removing it, getting a size breakdown and checking for errors.
I really like the fact that Disk Aware is part of this program because it allows you to quickly see what is taking up the most space on your hard drive, just like TreeSize does for Windows.
MacDrive also has other tools, which you can see across the top: Create, Repair, Burn, etc. Using Repair, you can connect a Mac drive to your Windows PC and fix it so that the data can be accessed. Best mp3 players for itunes. This is a great tool if you are a PC technician and someone brings you a Mac formatted hard drive that is corrupt or unreadable by OS X. You can use Mac Drive to try and repair it and access the data right on your PC.
Using the Create tab, you can create, delete or format partitions on a Mac disk. The Burn tab allows you to burn a CD/DVD for your Mac.
Software To Open Ssl Files On My Mac Computer
Overall, it’s an excellent program that is well worth the cost if you work with both operating systems on a regular basis. There is no other program out there that lets you access Mac files on a PC as easily and seamlessly as MacDrive. If you have any questions, feel free to comment. Enjoy!
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Open G Guitar For Beginners - Easy Guitar Playing
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/open-g-guitar-for-beginners-easy-guitar-playing/
Open G Guitar For Beginners - Easy Guitar Playing
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      HERE’S THE SECRET AND AMAZING POWER OF THE “OPEN G GUITAR TUNING” – that allows even TOTAL BEGINNERS to start playing in a few moments, without having to learn painful chords:
When you tune your guitar to what is called “open G tuning” – and I will show you how to do that step by step right at the beginning of my digital video course – then you will be able to play major chords INSTANTLY, with only ONE FINGER! It literally only takes a couple of minutes! Watch my video above and you will see for yourself just HOW EASY PLAYING THE GUITAR CAN BE!
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Now, this sounds amazing, but it’s as simple as that! I have been playing the guitar for almost 50 years, and most of my life I have used regular tuned guitars (what is called “standard E tuning”), just like probably 90% of all guitar players. As just about every beginner, back in the day, I had to learn all the “chord shapes” (or “finger shapes”), that is how and where to put the fingers of the left hand on the strings in order to get nice sounding chords. These are necessary if one wants to play the guitar. But it takes soooo long to learn and practice these chords, right? And it hurts the fingers, too, at least until you develop callouses on your left fingers. If you already tried to play the guitar, maybe even took a few lessons, you most probably already know what I’m talking about. It just takes too long.
I have been playing the guitar in bands back on high school, I have started to compose own songs about 40 years ago, and I have performed songs – both covers and my own music – and recorded music for all these years now. I have over 1600 music videos on Youtube alone. You can also listen to my original music on Reverbnation.com/mikemalak/songs –> Reverbnation.
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And over all these years, many friends approached me many, many times asking “Mike, can you teach me some chords?”. And I did.Well, I tried… but most of them gave up playing quickly simply because it is hard work, learning chords and practicing them over and over, many weeks, and even months. So people asked me: “Hey, isn’t there a simpler and faster way to learn how to play chords?”.
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You’ve tried guitar course but it was just too difficult
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You got lost in the lesson, it was too much, too fast
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Learning and practicing the chords was painful
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It just took too long
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Open G tuning is a special way to tune the strings of the guitar. There are many other ways to tune the guitar, and famous guitar players such as Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits) or Keith Richards (Rolling Stones) have been doing this for many decades. Tuning a regular guitar (which usually is tuned in “standard E” tuning) to Open G takes a couple of minutes. I will teach you how to do that at the beginning of my video course “Open G Guitar for Beginners”.
The Open G tuning has been used for banjos and other instruments for a long time, and at one point, guitarists like Keith Richards, Joni Mitchell and Mark Knopfler started playing some of their biggest hits in open tuning. For certain songs like “Honkytonk Women” you need the open G tuning in order to play along in the same way like Keith Richards plays this song. AND I WILL TEACH YOU TO DO THAT, TOO! All this included in my OPEN G GUITAR for BEGINNER video course! (CHECK OUT THE VIDEO AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE!)
The fantastic thing about the open G tuning is this: you can play a the major chords with just ONE FINGER! And because the strings are set up in a special sequence (the tuning), you can play certain chords even WITHOUT putting ANY fingers on the fret board! This way of tunig the guitar has many advantages and will allow you to start playing the guitar within just MOMENTS after you have tuned it to open G. And this is so super simple to do – the tuning itself takes only a couple of minutes.
THIS MEANS THAT EVEN AS A TOTAL BEGINNER YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY ALONG TO THE FIRST SONGS IN JUST A FEW MINUTES!! Even if you don’t know any chords at all at this point, and have never played the guitar before, this will be possible for you with the OPEN G method I will teach you in this video course.
All you need is your guitar, and together with me you will be able to tune the guitar in just a few minutes, and then you will INSTANTLY be able to play chords on the Open G tuned guitar! I’ve created this course in an easy going style, just like you and I sit together in the den and start playing together. It’s supposed to be FUN while at the same time you start PLAYING THE GUITAR!
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You’ve never played guitar before or have no musical experience
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You think you’re too old
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You think for fingers are not made for playing the guitar
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You think you’re just not talented enough
Yes! It’s REALLY THAT EASY!! With OPEN G GUITAR for BEGINNERS you will literally start playing along with me within JUST MIUTES!
BUT EVEN IF YOU ALREADY PLAY THE GUITAR, this video course will be of great benefit to you: if you know how to play in standard E tuning, and you’d like to change up you music and evolve as a guitar player, using the Open G tuning will be a perfect way for you to do just that! I will show you how to get more out of your guitar using the very same techniques, riffs and little tricks such as Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones! If you feel you got stuck a little in your development, and it’s about time to spice up your skills, this video course will put you on the right track – pun intended 🙂
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– complete training on how to quickly tune your guitar to Open G
– complete training on how to play all major chords
– complete training on how to play minor chords (don’t worry, I’ll explain the difference between minor and major chord also in this course in case you don’t know yet)
– several exercises to get you started playing along to songs right away
– complete tutorial on HOW TO PLAY HONKYTONK WOMAN in the style of Keith Richards – I will teach you how to play along to this great Stones song
– AT THE END OF THIS VIDEO COURSE WE WILL EVEN COMPOSE A FIRST NEW SONG TOGETHER! After you have practiced the techniques a little while, you will be able to put together you VERY OWN NEW SONG!
– all in all you’ll get about 6 hours of video teaching – you can access these videos at any time and you can also download them if you like. The videos can be viewed on any computer or mobile device. You can go through all the exercises as often as you like – a lifetime guarantee even – and practice and repeat until you got all the riffs, chords, and skills under your belt. This alone has a value of at least US$ 99.00 – around SIX HOURS of video training!
– additionally, you will get about a dozen PDF files with chord charts to make it even easier for your to learn the chord positions, for you to download, print out and review at any time. These charts will help you to play the chords even faster.
– you will also get about a dozen backing track in MP3 format for you to download, that way you can play along to the exercises and songs anywhere you like. Just put them on your phone, tablet or computer, crank up the music and play along! But you can also pick ANY other song and start playing along!
– you’ll get my support by help desk or email and I will do my very best to help you get the most out of this course! I’d love to hear how you play after practicing and learning with my video course, so please do contact me and let me listen to your recordings!
– you’ll get access to my private FACEBOOK GROUP
– EXCLUSIVE BONUS: practice for at least 2 weeks with my guitar course in order to get the basic riffs and chords down, and I will OFFER YOU TO CHAT WITH ME 1-on-1 in real-time to help you with your playing, or we can go through a song idea you might have. This means you’ll get a 1-on-1 custom, personal guitar lesson included in this video course package! This offer is limited to customers who BUY ON THIS PAGE RIGHT HERE and stick with it for a just 2 weeks of practice! This is an additional value of at least US$ 35 for a one-on-one guitar training!
– you will have access to ALL updates during your LIFETIME access to this course! All additional material I will add, additional videos etc. will be available to you! When participants ask for help with any techniques or riffs, I might add more videos to the course, and you will be able to watch them, too!
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GET THE COMPLETE VIDEO COURSE “Open G Guitar for Beginners” for the killer price of
ONLY US$ 35 (that’s about US$ 29 reduction on the regular price if you buy on THIS PAGE!) –
just one single payment, no monthly or additional fees –
that’s just the price of a single decent guitar lesson.
A small investment into music skills which will bring you a lifetime of joy!
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QUESTIONS?? Go to the bottom of this page to ask me. Some answers to commonly asked questions:
WHO can use this video course? – ANYONE can use this video course. You just need a guitar. It’s however NOT very much suited for children – that depends a little on the individual kid – but anyone 12, 14 years or older can learn how to play the guitar with my course.
AS A BEGINNER, can I use this course? – Yes, absolutely. You can. You do not need prior skills. If you DO already know how to play, it is of course no problem at all. You will still be able to learn new and amazing skills.
HOW LONG do I need to practice each day? – You do not need to practice EVERY day. It would help you to learn faster, of course. But if you could practice just 30 minutes each day, or even 15 minutes, that would be great.
WHEN will I be able to play along to songs? – In fact, you will be able to play RIGHT AWAY, basically in under 1 hour, tops. But realistically, in order to play all by yourself to any song, provided you practice a bit each day, you sould be able to play to songs within somewhere around 1 – 2 weeks. The more you practice, of course, the faster this will happen.
With this OPEN G GUITAR for Beginners video course you will learn how to tune your guitar and start playing – both within under 1 hour tops!
All you need is your guitar. Within this video course, everything else is included: about 6h video lessons, chord charts, and backing tracks. Start playing now!
No need to practice painstaking chords for weeks or even months. Watch the videos, follow my lead, and you will be playing with me within minutes!
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faramira-sg-blog · 5 years ago
Artists Own the Industry Now!
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Do you remember the last time an artist or a song that really captured your mind and your heart? What was that experience like? Was it a mind-blowing, soul-affirming moment that left you a changed person? Did it soothe you? Did it totally rock, man? Read Also: 4 True Crime Channels Every True Crime Fan Should Watch For many of us who came of age in the days before the internet - when the closest thing to streaming was Napster and Limewire, and many of us found out that download of Linkin Park's "In the End" was loaded with viruses - we often turned to the local rock or pop station to get our fix of cool tunes. If we grew up in a big enough city, there was more than likely also a hip-hop/R'n'B station. I grew up in the nineties/early 2000s, so my experience with internet radio was pretty much limited to those obscure stations you would find in Windows Media Player. There were indie, acoustic, and pop stations from places like Italy, Germany, Spain, and other locations across the globe. It was a peculiar time in history. We slowly transitioned from physical media over to what we have now. What really did the industry in, many people believe, was price-gouging on CDs by the record industry. Major labels would charge exorbitant prices for a ten- or eleven-song disc, packaged in those gaudy plastic jewel cases. Once downloads became more "the thing," folks began illegally downloading them to their computers and MP3 players. Read Also: Why it’s good to partake in other forms of expression The industry then targeted young children and teenagers, the most common music consumer. This is why so much music still focuses on themes they can relate to. It's all marketing, really. This backfired big-time, and further painted a picture of record companies as evil, greedy, and money-hungry.
What has changed?
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For one thing, it's not the same industry by a long shot. There are more ways in which to enjoy music. We are getting away from digital downloads. There is a vinyl resurgence, which has been going on the past few years - and according to many, media is shifting once more, this time to physical copies. If record executives have learned anything, only time will tell. There are also more ways than ever to release music. While we've seen many - if not most - record stores closing their doors, sites such as Amazon and Discogs still exist if you wish to purchase a CD or vinyl record (and even cassette tapes in some instances, which are still a popular format in the black metal and indie scenes). Self-releasing has also become a more ubiquitous method of putting your art out, and sites like Bandcamp and SoundCloud allow anyone with recording gear and an internet connection to host their art. It's led to what is easily the most diverse era of music in history. The era of the gatekeeper is over. Artists no longer need to worry about auditioning for label heads or sending demo recordings out to labels, more than likely to get told they aren't good enough or the right fit. This has its pros and cons. One of the best things about it is that it has bestowed creators with newfound freedom they just didn't have in the old days. They can define their sound the way they want, rather than having to tailor it to the expectations of the mainstream. This artistic freedom is worth so much more than a nice paycheck, especially to younger acts who are still finding a footing in their chosen medium. Read Also: What I’ve Learned About Music Journalism (So Far) But with this vast well of innovative sounds comes a trade-off. Since there has been an influx of edgy, quirky, or just downright bizarre sounds and easier availability of music, it has become harder for artists to find a footing. There's almost too much art happening, in a way. This isn't necessarily a bad thing (art without restriction is always a positive), but it does make it harder to find a widespread audience. People who want to make it in music may not reach anything more mainstream than cult fame. Even regional popularity might be a thing of the past. Many of the acts I've seen in the places I've lived seem to be stuck, clustered in what amounts to little more than a glorified clique. But, when you think about it, is this really any different from avant-garde scenes in the past? Even when the record industry had more of a stronghold than it does nowadays, you still didn't hear any of the more innovative sounds - unless you were a tastemaker or somebody somehow in-the-know. Nothing has really changed when you think about it. It isn't clear where the industry will be, the farther along the path of history we go. It's a very exciting time to be a music fan, these days. While mainstream music continues to stick with its increasingly outdated formula, times continue to evolve and change. Until the label executives realize that people want more diverse, interesting sounds than what they've been hand-fed for decades (and made more available on a wider basis than before), the labels will suffer - and those artists pushing the envelope will suffer more. Even as they find greater freedom and acknowledgement than their influences. This article originally appeared at Faramira Read the full article
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suckitsurveys · 8 years ago
Shuffle Survey
SONG #1: “New Slang” - The Shins 1. How old were you when you heard this song for the first time?: 15. 2. What album is it off of?: Oh, Inverted World 3. What genre is it?: Alternative? Indie? Something like that? 4. What’s your favorite lyric from this song?: “I'd've danced like the queen of the eyesores.” 5. Does it remind you of any certain person or event?: It just reminds me of Garden State since that’s where I first heard it.
SONG #2: "Never Going Back Again” - Fleetwood Mac 1. Which of your friends would most likely enjoy this song as much as you do?: I know for a fact Lydia and Ellen both already enjoy this song. 2. Is this band your favorite, or at least one of your favorites?: It’s one of them, sure. 3. What do you think this song is about?: I think it’s about a couple who broke up and have gotten back together a couple of times but then realize they’ve had enough. 4. Have you ever blasted this song in your car?: I have. 5. Do you own it on CD?: My dad might have the album.
SONG #3: "Little Motel” - Modest Mouse 1. What language is this song sung in?: English. 2. Have you heard this song on the radio?: I don’t think so. 3. How did you discover this song?: An old internet friend sent me all of the Modest Mouse albums along time ago and this was one of the handful of Modest Mouse songs I remembered to add to Spotify haha. 4. Would you mind if this song was played at your wedding?: I wouldn’t want it to be. 5. Does this song have any cursing in it?: Nope.
SONG #4: "World Comes Tumblin’ Down” - The Distillers. 1. How often do you listen to this song?: Not often at all anymore. I used to be really obsessed with The Distillers. 2. Do you have it on any of your online playlists?: Nah. 3. Does this song have a music video?: I have no idea. 4. Is this a popular song from the band?: It was a minor hit. 5. Is the band popular at all?: I mean, I guess? Not so much anymore though, I don’t think they are still making music.
SONG #5: "Unbelievers” - Vampire Weekend. 1. Have you seen this band live? If so, did they perform this song?: I want to see them so bad. They would probably play this song. 2. Is this a very well-known song? Was it played on the radio?: Yeah, I’ve heard it on the radio before. 3. Do any of your friends like this song?: Yeah, again Ellen and probably Lydia both enjoy it. 4. If you could pair up one historical event with this song, what would you chose?: It’s got some biblical-times undertones to it, hah. 5. Just going by the title, what do you think this song means?: People who don’t believe in God?
SONG #6: "Chicago” - Sufjan Stevens. 1. How long have you been listening to this song?: Since I heard it in Little Miss Sunshine in 2006. 2. Is this song from the band’s newer or older music?: I have no idea, this is really the only song I’ve gotten into by them. 3. Ever heard this song on MTV/Fuse/etc.?: I don’t think so. 4. If you went up to a random person in the street and mentioned this song, what are the chances they’d know what song it is?: I mean, it’s sort of popular. They might? 5. Are the vocals male or female?: Male.
SONG #7: "God Knows I Tried” - Lana Del Rey 1. What’s better in this song; the vocals or the actual music?: The vocals. I love Lana’s voice so much. 2. Do you have this song on your iPod/Zune/MP3 player/whatever?: I have it on Spotify, which is what I am using to do this survey. 3. Do you have this song downloaded onto your computer?: On my phone. 4. How old is the person who sings this?: Queen Lana is 32. 5. What instruments are used in this song?: I’’m doing this silently so I’m blanking a little bit but I know there’s guitar and drums in it? Maybe?
SONG #8: "Let’s Dance” - David Bowie 1. What memories does this song bring back?: None in particular. 2. Was this song produced earlier than 2005?: Oh yes. 1983 to be exact. 3. Is this song leaning more towards rock or rap?: I guess Rock? 4. What’s a song that sounds similar to this (think of a band that sounds similar)?: Oh man. Queen, maybe? Bowie’s got his own kind of sound but they’ve done a song together, so? I don’t know I’m horrible at music stuff. 5. Do you own a band shirt of this band?: I actually almost bought one the other day. But they didn’t have it in my size.
SONG #9: "C.R.E.A.M” - Wu-Tang Clan 1. What mood does this song put you in?: I feel very white when I listen to it, hah. 2. Did you ever reference this song for a school paper or in your diary or anything?: Haha, no. 3. How can you relate to this song?: I mean, cash does rule everything around me, so. 4. Do you know all the lyrics to it?: Not all of them no. 5. Who got you into the band that sings this song?: Mark.
SONG #10: "Everywhere” - Polaris. 1. What country does the band who sings this originate from?: Pretty sure the US. Maybe Canada? 2. Ever heard this song live? How does it sound compared to the CD version?: Nope. 3. One instrument that really stands out in this song?: Guitar. 4. Can you play this song on any instruments? If so, which ones?: Nope. 5. Do any of your family members know this song?: I doubt it.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 8 years ago
Lockdown: The coming war on general-purpose computing #5yrsago
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General-purpose computers are astounding. They're so astounding that our society still struggles to come to grips with them, what they're for, how to accommodate them, and how to cope with them. This brings us back to something you might be sick of reading about: copyright.
But bear with me, because this is about something more important. The shape of the copyright wars clues us into an upcoming fight over the destiny of the general-purpose computer itself.
In the beginning, we had packaged software and we had sneakernet. We had floppy disks in ziplock bags, in cardboard boxes, hung on pegs in shops, and sold like candy bars and magazines. They were eminently susceptible to duplication, were duplicated quickly, and widely, and this was to the great chagrin of people who made and sold software.
Enter Digital Rights Management in its most primitive forms: let's call it DRM 0.96. They introduced physical indicia which the software checked for—deliberate damage, dongles, hidden sectors—and challenge-response protocols that required possession of large, unwieldy manuals that were difficult to copy.
These failed for two reasons. First, they were commercially unpopular, because they reduced the usefulness of the software to the legitimate purchasers. Honest buyers resented the non-functionality of their backups, they hated the loss of scarce ports to the authentication dongles, and they chafed at the inconvenience of having to lug around large manuals when they wanted to run their software. Second, these didn't stop pirates, who found it trivial to patch the software and bypass authentication. People who took the software without paying for it were untouched.
Typically, the way this happened is a programmer, with possession of technology and expertise of equivalent sophistication to the software vendor itself, would reverse-engineer the software and circulate cracked versions. While this sounds highly specialized, it really wasn't. Figuring out what recalcitrant programs were doing and routing around media defects were core skills for computer programmers, especially in the era of fragile floppy disks and the rough-and-ready early days of software development. Anti-copying strategies only became more fraught as networks spread; once we had bulletin boards, online services, USENET newsgroups and mailing lists, the expertise of people who figured out how to defeat these authentication systems could be packaged up in software as little crack files. As network capacity increased, the cracked disk images or executables themselves could be spread on their own.
This gave us DRM 1.0. By 1996, it became clear to everyone in the halls of power that there was something important about to happen. We were about to have an information economy, whatever the Hell that was. They assumed it meant an economy where we bought and sold information. Information technology improves efficiency, so imagine the markets that an information economy would have! You could buy a book for a day, you could sell the right to watch the movie for a Euro, and then you could rent out the pause button for a penny per second. You could sell movies for one price in one country, at another price in another, and so on. The fantasies of those days were like a boring science fiction adaptation of the Old Testament Book of Numbers, a tedious enumeration of every permutation of things people do with information—and what might be charged for each.
Unfortunately for them, none of this would be possible unless they could control how people use their computers and the files we transfer to them. After all, it was easy to talk about selling someone a tune to download to their MP3 player, but not so easy to talk about the the right to move music from the player to another device. But how the Hell could you stop that once you'd given them the file? In order to do so, you needed to figure out how to stop computers from running certain programs and inspecting certain files and processes. For example, you could encrypt the file, and then require the user to run a program that only unlocked the file under certain circumstances.
But, as they say on the Internet, now you have two problems.
You must now also stop the user from saving the file while it's unencrypted—which must happen eventually— and you must stop the user from figuring out where the unlocking program stores its keys, enabling them to permanently decrypt the media and ditch the stupid player app entirely.
Now you have three problems: you must stop the users who figure out how to decrypt from sharing it with other users. Now you've got four problems, because you must stop the users who figure out how to extract secrets from unlocking programs from telling other users how to do it too. And now you've got five problems, because you must stop users who figure out how to extract these secrets from telling other users what the secrets were!
That's a lot of problems. But by 1996, we had a solution. We had the WIPO Copyright Treaty, passed by the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization. This created laws that made it illegal to extract secrets from unlocking programs, and it created laws that made it illegal to extract media (such as songs and movies) from the unlocking programs while they were running. It created laws that made it illegal to tell people how to extract secrets from unlocking programs, and it created laws that made it illegal to host copyrighted works or the secrets. It also established a handy streamlined process that let you remove stuff from the Internet without having to screw around with lawyers, and judges, and all that crap.
And with that, illegal copying ended forever, the information economy blossomed into a beautiful flower that brought prosperity to the whole wide world; as they say on the aircraft carriers, “Mission Accomplished".
That's not how the story ends, of course, because pretty much anyone who understood computers and networks understood that these laws would create more problems than they could possibly solve. After all, these laws made it illegal to look inside your computer when it was running certain programs. They made it illegal to tell people what you found when you looked inside your computer, and they made it easy to censor material on the internet without having to prove that anything wrong had happened.
In short, they made unrealistic demands on reality and reality did not oblige them. Copying only got easier following the passage of these laws—copying will only ever get easier. Right now is as hard as copying will get. Your grandchildren will turn to you and say “Tell me again, Grandpa, about when it was hard to copy things in 2012, when you couldn't get a drive the size of your fingernail that could hold every song ever recorded, every movie ever made, every word ever spoken, every picture ever taken, everything, and transfer it in such a short period of time you didn't even notice it was doing it."
Reality asserts itself. Like the nursery rhyme lady who swallows a spider to catch a fly, and has to swallow a bird to catch the spider, and a cat to catch the bird, so must these regulations, which have broad general appeal but are disastrous in their implementation. Each regulation begets a new one, aimed at shoring up its own failures.
It's tempting to stop the story here and conclude that the problem is that lawmakers are either clueless or evil, or possibly evilly clueless. This is not a very satisfying place to go, because it's fundamentally a counsel of despair; it suggests that our problems cannot be solved for so long as stupidity and evilness are present in the halls of power, which is to say they will never be solved. But I have another theory about what's happened.
It's not that regulators don't understand information technology, because it should be possible to be a non-expert and still make a good law. MPs and Congressmen and so on are elected to represent districts and people, not disciplines and issues. We don't have a Member of Parliament for biochemistry, and we don't have a Senator from the great state of urban planning. And yet those people who are experts in policy and politics, not technical disciplines, still manage to pass good rules that make sense. That's because government relies on heuristics: rules of thumb about how to balance expert input from different sides of an issue.
Read the rest:
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beanburrito1015 · 5 years ago
The superiority complex in the Music Community
I have loved music for as long as I can remember. My mom put me into piano lessons when I was about 8 years old, and I must admit, I didn’t really like them at the time, but I will forever be grateful that I learned piano from the get go. Playing music isn’t the only thing I love. I remember when I got my first MP3 player and I was so excited to listen to my own music. My taste in music was pretty similar to my older sister’s, because she was always blasting her music, so that’s what I listened to the most. She helped me download some songs onto my MP3 player, and I was set. I had a whole lot of Green Day, My Chemical Romance, All-American Rejects, and all that stuff, and I listened to them on REPEAT. It wasn’t until more recently that I have actually dug deeper into music production and theory and how it’s all made and put together. I think it is beautiful that every song has a story and how each and every note can make you feel something. It’s fascinating to figure out which notes sound good together, and which ones don’t, and why. It’s crazy to me that sometimes songs don’t even require any instruments, how it can all be computer generated. Why does all music need Melody? Or Harmony? Or Rhythm? Or does it? Music is a beautiful thing, and there is always more to learn about it. 
I have seen a lot of hate in discussions about music. When someone says that they like the music of a mainstream artist, they might be called a “local”. For example, if someone were to say something online about liking a song by a mega pop star, say Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran you could probably quite easily find comments about how this person has a very basic taste in music. It goes even further than that though. Even if someone was to say something about liking a song by someone who is a little less known, like Frank Ocean or Tame Impala, as long as it is one of their most popular songs, people would make fun of them for it. I believe that there is a sense of superiority people feel when they like music that not a lot of other people do. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s human nature to want to be unique and different, but I believe some people do take it way too far. “I knew about them before they were popular” and “No don’t tell other people about [insert artist name here] they are supposed to be a secret” and other phrases along those lines are things I hear way too often. Shouldn’t we tell other people about music that we enjoy, in hopes that they might enjoy it as well? I don’t see an upside to being one of the few fans of an artist, and I don’t see a downside to making an artist more well known. The artist benefits, and more people get to hear good music. It’s a win for everyone. 
I think a step up from just listening to music is playing and having an understanding of music. Like I mentioned earlier, I have been playing piano for quite some time, and I know the basics of ukulele and guitar as well. This doesn’t make me a better “music enthusiast” than anyone else, but it definitely means that I know my way around music a little more than the casual listener. I believe that a step above me would be people who know music theory very well, and can make their own music. I have talked to these kinds of people and they seem like they are the least judgemental out of everyone in the music community. I got in contact with a local artist to ask a few questions about music production, and he was very willing and excited to help. It seems to me that the more educated someone is in basically anything, the more welcoming they are to others into their community. Of course there are still the pretentious people who boast about having perfect pitch, or being able to easily harmonize with a song, (also known as Choir Kids), but we don’t talk about them (kidding, all love). ;
The final step above that is being a superstar yourself. It takes a lot of vulnerability to open up and sing your heart out to the entire world. An example of that would be Billie Eilish. She is constantly criticized for every little thing that she does, a common one being the clothes that she wears. She frequently wears very baggy clothes, in hopes that she won’t be objectified. Although she very recently turned 18, she has been given nasty comments by adults from all around the world for years now. At a recent concert, she began to remove her baggy clothes, in a protest of body shaming, herself being a big advocate for body positivity. Being in the spotlight might sound like a good time, but celebrities time and time again talk about the pressure that is put upon them from very early on. 
All that being said, I love the music community and I am so happy to be part of it. The aforementioned situations and scenarios would definitely be considered extremes. I like to think that the majority of people in general are kind and welcoming, no matter the community, some people just give bad reputations to the groups they are a part of. 
It is one of my dreams to write and produce my own music. Not for the fame or anything like that that might possibly come, but only because music is my escape. That might sound cheesy, but have you ever heard a song for the first time and just knew that it was going to mean a lot to you? That’s what I want to do for others. In my opinion, music is the most powerful form of communication, and the world is better with it. 
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celtfather · 5 years ago
Shamrock Pub Songs #201
Leprechauns, Irish street songs, ghost stories, and a free Celtic MP3s, a free CD, and lots more today on the Pub Songs Podcast.
Welcome to the Pub Songs Podcast, the Virtual Public House for Celtic Geek culture. I am your Guide. My name is Marc Gunn. Today’s show is brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. Subscribe to the podcast at PubSong.net.
0:22 - SONG: “The Leprechaun” by Marc Gunn from St Patrick’s Day for Kids music
3:45 - WELCOME
-- Kickstarter for Selcouth is over $1300 over its goal. Ends on March 13!
-- New Single: Molly Malone (feat. Jesse Ferguson)
-- New Stories from the Road: Naked, Cat Lovers Podcast, Molly Malone MP3s
-- New episode of In the Verse on Trash
-- Listen to Celtfather Monthly podcast
-- Listen to Cat Music Lovers podcast
-- Free CD Offer
-- Video: Dom Duff from Celtic Invasion of Brittany
-- Want 17 Free Celtic MP3s? Subscribe to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast.
-- Updated lyrics for songs: Jedi Drinking Song Prequel, Bring Me Home Boys, Freedom Costs, Doctor of Gallifrey, I’ll Tell  My Ma, Serenity Valley Waltz, Mingulay Boat Song,
9:49 - SONG: “I’ll Tell My Ma” by Marc Gunn from Irish Drinking Songs: The Cat Lovers Companion and St Patrick’s Day for Kids
11:26 - PUB CHAT
You can chat in the pub, please send me your feedback. What are you doing today while listening to the Pub Songs Podcast? Send a written comment along with any pictures to [email protected]. Use the hashtag #pubsongs in the subject of your email.
Question of the Week: What is your heritage?
22:19 - SONG: “Genetic Counseling Song” by Marc Gunn from Selcouth
26:42 - STORIES FROM THE ROAD: Serenity Valley Waltz
If you enjoyed this episode of Stories from the Road, join the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon. You get first access to new music and once a week, you will enjoy a very personal look at the thoughts and stories behind the songs.
Your support pays for the production and promotion of my music and the podcast, and it pays for my time in producing the show. You’ll get it all for as little $5 per month. Learn more on Patreon. Follow the link at marcgunn.net.
Special thanks to my newest patrons: Jason D, Karen C, Max M, Leslie M, Tim S, Sarah C
31:30 - SONG: “Serenity Valley Waltz” by Marc Gunn from Selcouth
MAR 7: The Lost Druid, Decatur, GA @ 7:30 PM
MAR 12: St Patrick’s Day Internet Concert on YouTube @ 8:30 PM
MAR 13: Interstellar Ginger Beer & Exploration Co, Alabaster, AL
MAR 14: St Patrick’s Day at 5 Points, Birmingham, AL
MAR 20-22: ConCoction, Cleveland, Ohio
MAR 26: Tucker Brewing Company, Tucker, GA @ 6:30 PM
APR 4-5: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
APR 11-12: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
Every Weds 10:30 AM EDT: Coffee with The Celtfather on Facebook
TRAVEL WITH CELTIC INVASION VACATIONS. Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. We’re going to Scotland in 2021. Join the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
If you enjoy the music in this show, support the artists. Buy their music and merch. Follow them on Spotify. Let them know how much you love what they are doing. And tell a friend.
38:48 - SONG: “Wild Kitty” by Marc Gunn from Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers
Pub Songs Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn. To subscribe, go to Apple Podcasts, Spotify or to my website where you can subscribe to my mailing list. I’ll email you regular updates of new music and podcasts, special offers, and you’ll get 21 songs for free. Welcome to the pub at www.pubsong.net!
Janine Rinker emailed: “Hi Marc, I started looking for celtic music online because my philosophy professor claimed that Irish music is mainly drinking and fighting songs (it isn't all...).  Anyway, after listening to the same songs by the same groups several times I got the idea of just skipping several pages of search and found your music.
I generally listen to your pubsongs podcast when I'm typing homework of some sort (I'm an adjunct professor at a community college, and something of a chronic student), although sometimes I'm playing games on Facebook instead.  You've gotten my family watching Firefly, and I gave some of your CD's as a Christmas gift to a friend who likes cats, but doesn't have any of her own anymore. Thanks for the bonus Christmas CD's you sent.
If you're not familiar with them, let me suggest Woods Tea Company and Cahill Dunne as other groups whose music you might want to play.  Both have some songs where the audience is encouraged to sing the chorus. Woods Tea Company has a variety of songs, but "This Side of the Sea" is an album specifically of Irish music.  Cahill Dunne is an Irishman who married an American. He plays piano, and sings a variety of styles of music, including traditional Irish, comedy and Western songs.
I really enjoy the variety of music on your podcast and listening to your adventures.”
James H. emailed: "Hi Marc –Thanks for sending me the freebies!  I’m listening to Star of County Down, but not sure how to download the songs.  I can usually right click and “Save Target As”, however, that’s only saving the HTM (file location).  Is it only intended to listen on my computer?
We live in Modesto California.  We’re Christian Baptists and our church is in Stockton.
I found you through my android podcast player, although most of my regular podcasts are on my iPhone.  I like to bring my tablet (android) on long trips to visit my daughters in college in Southern California.
My wife and daughters all play violin and my daughters played (still one daughter in it) the Modesto Youth Symphony Orchestra; they have played concerts in Canada, Austria and Czech Republic.  My oldest LOVES anything Celtic and would probably want to live in Ireland.
My dad’s side of the family is from County Cork and Clare County.  My mom’s side came over on the Mayflower.
Thanks again I’m enjoying your podcast!"
Albert D emailed: "Hello Marc, I love your shows, I love your music. Keep up the great work. That’s awesome that the next few months are looking busier than you’ve been in years. LONG overdue. Congratulations and good luck. Could you please tell me what “coffee with the Celtfather” is all about? Thank you for your time. Peace be with you, God bless you, go in peace."
Allan Marcotte emailed: “Marc,I heard you singing Kilty Pleasure about taking pride in your Scottish heritage and wearing of the kilt. I am not of Scot or Irish descent but the song spoke to me.  My Dad was an American of French Canadian extraction but my Mom was German from the old country, she came to this country about 4 years before I was born. Growing up I was aware of my French Canadian heritage but I was very aware my German heritage.  I listened to traditional German music and still do though I don't speak the lingo and understand all the songs. My diet is heavily influenced by German cooking, I even make my own sauerkraut from scratch. It becomes very prominent at Christmas, the tradition of celebrating Advent, the visit from St Niklaus on 6 December and to me there is nothing prettier than Silent Night sung in German.  Looking forward to the new album.”
#pubsongs #shamrock #irishsongs
Check out this episode!
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surveys-r-us · 5 years ago
i’ve probably already done this one but i’m bored/trying to distract myself
SONG #1: Good Times - All Time Low
1. How old were you when you heard this song for the first time?: It came out 2 years ago, so 21
2. What album is it off of?: Last Young Renegade 
3. What genre is it?: Pop punk
4. What’s your favorite lyric from this song?: "Underneath the stars we came alive”
5. Does it remind you of any certain person or event?: Just my friends in general. 
SONG #2: Are You Happy Now? - Cassadee Pope
1. Which of your friends would most likely enjoy this song as much as you do?: Depends on the friend. 
2. Is this band your favorite, or at least one of your favorites?: Eh she hasn’t been in a while. 
3. What do you think this song is about?: A breakup probably. 
4. Have you ever blasted this song in your car?: Maybe the original version. I don’t listen to this version a lot. 
5. Do you own it on CD?: Nah
SONG #3: The Heart - NEEDTOBREATHE 1. What language is this song sung in?: English
2. Have you heard this song on the radio?: I don’t think so
3. How did you discover this song?: I like this band and probably was listening to their other music. But I was also still using Pandora when this came out so could’ve been on one of my stations. 
4. Would you mind if this song was played at your wedding?: Nah. It’s wholesome. 
5. Does this song have any cursing in it?: No. 
SONG #4: La Belle Fleur Sauvage - Lord Huron
1. How often do you listen to this song?: Not as often as their other songs. 
2. Do you have it on any of your online playlists?: Yes. All my playlists are online tho. 
3. Does this song have a music video?: I don’t know but I’m too lazy to check.
4. Is this a popular song from the band?: Eh no. 
5. Is the band popular at all?: Not really. The Night We Met is definitely a popular song tho.  
SONG #5: blushing! - Between Friends
1. Have you seen this band live? If so, did they perform this song?: No
2. Is this a very well-known song? Was it played on the radio?: Nope. and no. 
3. Do any of your friends like this song?: Probably not. 
4. If you could pair up one historical event with this song, what would you chose?: I dunno. Doesn’t make me think of anything. Maybe the 80s in general even tho it didn’t come out then, 
5. Just going by the title, what do you think this song means?: It’s about being attracted to someone. 
SONG #6: Bartender - Dave Matthews Band
1. How long have you been listening to this song?: Probably 2015 or 2016. 
2. Is this song from the band’s newer or older music?: Older. It’s from 2002.  3. Ever heard this song on MTV/Fuse/etc.?: Lol it came out in 2002, so it’s possible but I don’t think this is a popular DMB song. 
4. If you went up to a random person in the street and mentioned this song, what are the chances they’d know what song it is?: 50/50 chance. I feel like people either listen to DMB or they don’t. 
5. Are the vocals male or female?: Male
SONG #7: Where Is My Mind? - Pixies 1. What’s better in this song; the vocals or the actual music?: The music. But love the vocals too. 
2. Do you have this song on your iPod/Zune/MP3 player/whatever?: Lol no is it 2009?
3. Do you have this song downloaded onto your computer?: No. I don’t have any music on my laptop. 
4. How old is the person who sings this?: I dunno and I’m too lazy to Google it.  5. What instruments are used in this song?: Guitar, drums, bass. Not sure if there’s anything else
SONG #8: One of These Nights - Eagles
1. What memories does this song bring back?: Not one in particular but my mom used to listen to this relatively often when I was a kid. 
2. Was this song produced earlier than 2005?: Yep. 1975. 
3. Is this song leaning more towards rock or rap?: Rock
4. What’s a song that sounds similar to this (think of a band that sounds similar)?: I guess Tom Petty’s music is pretty similar to Eagles? 
5. Do you own a band shirt of this band?: Nope. Weirdly Eagles merch doesn't really seem to be a thing? 
SONG #9: Communication Breakdown - Led Zeppelin 1. What mood does this song put you in?: Energetic I suppose 
2. Did you ever reference this song for a school paper or in your diary or anything?: Probably not. I didn’t get into Zeppelin until recently. 
3. How can you relate to this song?: Honestly I’m drawing a blank. 
4. Do you know all the lyrics to it?: No 5. Who got you into the band that sings this song?: Probably my friend Lauren or my mom? 
SONG #10: Thinking About It (Let It Go) KRV Remix - Nathan Goshen 1. What country does the band who sings this originate from?: Israel
2. Ever heard this song live? How does it sound compared to the CD version?: No. 
3. One instrument that really stands out in this song?: The synth lol. 
4. Can you play this song on any instruments? If so, which ones?: No. 
5. Do any of your family members know this song?: My sister might?
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delilahregister-blog · 6 years ago
Obtain FLAC To MP3 Converter
Converts MP3 audio format to FLAC. Audio converter cellular apps are a lot slower than the very best packages we examined, and even one of the best crash sometimes. Nevertheless, if it is advisable convert an audio file using your cellphone, these are the very best choices. For positive adjustments or choosing a profile that's not pre-configured, simply click on the button with the two arrows pointing upwards. You'll then see a menu containing several output formats comparable to M4A, WAV (for burning to disc), OGG and FLAC. Enter e mail deal with to obtain recordsdata. Additionally, the application helps Batch Mode and might convert hundreds of FLAC recordsdata to MP3 in bulk. The installer for Freemake Audio Converter will attempt to put in another program that is unrelated to the converter, so you should definitely uncheck that possibility earlier than finishing setup if you don't need it added to your computer. 4. Tagging. dBPoweramp uses multiple sources for metadata (monitor names, artist names and so on) and is arguably the most effective at getting this right quickly. It additionally does a pretty good job at finding album art work to embed along with your recordsdata and makes it straightforward to add your individual paintings if want be. As soon as you select the required recordsdata, settings and the output folder for the MP3 information - Click Convert" button and the flac information can be converted to the MP3 format. Earlier than changing FLAC to MP3, you may customize the output settings corresponding to begin time, stop time, audio codec, audio track, subtitle, and many others. Bear in mind, MP3 is lossy information compression format which can considerably reduce audio quality. At excessive bitrates reminiscent of 320kbps most people would not be capable of tell the difference between MP3 model and the original, however I might at all times recommend to maintain your losslessflac information as nicely. Click drop-down button next to "output" on the popout interface to find the appropriate high quality on your output. Then ensure which folder you want to output the MP3 music information. In addition to convert FLAC, this superb FLAC Converter Mac app can be an excellent FLAC Encoder Mac. It can convert to FLAC from all well-liked video and audio codecs together with MP4, MOV, WMV, MKV, MP3, AIFF, WAV and extra. Faasoft FLAC to iTunes Converter is one of the finest audio converters on the market with lots of features and capabilities. The easiest technique to extract the sound from a video is to make use of our audio converter. Built-in video editor lets you edit video or audio information. In case you have bulk of recordsdata within different folders, and also you wish to convert them to a different format and maintain unique directory tree, the FLAC to MP3 Converter is simply the software you need. It can be potential that your PC won't have instruments which assist FLAC audio mode, hence it turns into necessary to convert recordsdata to MP3 format, which is kind of a universal format for enjoying audio files. Follow our step by step information to convert FLAC to MP3 utilizing VLC media player. Click on the Choose files" button and choose the recordsdata that you just wish to convert out of your most well-liked technique. As soon as uploaded, you will notice a drop down menu the place you possibly can select the format, choose mp3 here. If for some purpose FFmpeg just isn't put in and you do not need to put in it, you still have to have flac and lame installed. Here, the tagging course of is more express utilizing the metadata utility that comes with flac and passing the information to lame The method length will slightly improve since FLACs should first be decoded to WAVE and then fed into the MP3 encoder. Free Flac to MP3 Converter is a strong whole audio converter, you can finish the conversions between any audio codecs. Tips: If the standard is very important to you, please select output formats from "LossLess Audio" menu. Output Codecs: Ogg, FLAC, WV, TTA, M4A, TAK, WAV, AIFF, APE, etc. So far as FLAC over MP3, honestly what you do not know will not damage you. Should you're pleased with the sound via an mp3 and you're not an audiophile, simply enjoy the music as it's. It is a LOT of work to re-rip each CD you own and takes quite a lot of cupboard space to store FLAC so I'd say don't trouble until you really care. Many customers wish to preserve FLAC recordsdata on their desktop computer and mp3 files of the same songs on their moveable mp3 participant or cell phone. And if you want to burn music to CD, you'll uncover very often that only mp3 and wav are supported as enter codecs, however not flac. For those who care the quality of the output audio, converting FLAC to Apple Lossless audio is recommended. But for those who solely need to convert FLAC recordsdata and hold the identical filenames, you'll be able to simply click on "Subsequent". As you see, "Old filename" is utilized by default.
Click on "Profile" drop-down button to set "MP3 MPEG Layer-three Audio (.mp3)" from "Normal Audio" as output format. You can use FLAC to MP3 Mac to convert your FLAC audio files to MP3 format on Mac OS. After dragging and FLAC to MP3 Converter dropping your FLAC songs onto the application and choosing the output path, you will see this system start the conversion immediately. Inside a few seconds the songs will likely be totally transformed to MP3 format and positioned in the folder you select. A free answer is Koyotesoft's Free Mp3 Wma Converter which helps the FLAC format amongst others. It does come with adware presents though, so pay attention to those throughout installation. If you want to convert FLAC to MP3 on-line with the best means without software program downloaded and put in, then Online Audio Converter is a pleasant selection for you. FLAC to MP3 is designed for use with Windows computer systems, specifically these operating the Windows 98 operating system. Because the software is old-fashioned, it might not run optimally on newer variations of Home windows. FLAC to MP3 is a one-approach converter, which means that customers can't reverse-convert MP3 information to FLAC. FLAC recordsdata are bigger and comprise higher quality audio. The conversion to MP3 permits customers to reduce file measurement by sacrificing a bit of audio high quality. For most customers, nonetheless, the difference in sound, check my blog particularly when heard through headphones, is not noticeable sufficient to be trigger for concern.
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