#I still find it insane how popular it got 😂
childotkw · 1 year
can i remind you how absolutely insane batshit crazy deranged you are for writing ybtm /pos
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imaginespazzi · 4 months
nivi, we need another chaotic family drabble with kk reacting to azzi's post for ice when she never got one for her bday 😂
Unserious, unedited chaos back by popular demand 🤪:
It takes 5 minutes between Azzi hitting the post button and deciding to take a much-needed nap, before her door is being slammed open and KK comes roaring through it, face livid, Jana on the tip of her heels, and Paige following behind them both with an amused smirk.
"What. Is. This?" KK asks, shoving her phone in Azzi's face.
Azzi squints, "it's my birthday story for Ice?"
"AND WHY DOES ICE GET A BIRTHDAY STORY?" KK yells, stomping her foot to go along with it.
Before Azzi can reply, she's being tackled into a hug by a 6'3 koala, which sends her reeling about five steps.
"I KNEW I WAS YOUR FAVORITE CHILD," Ice bellows and Azzi flinches from how loud it is in her ear, suddenly nostalgic for the silence.
"I cannot BELIEVE," KK paces as Ice clings onto Azzi's back, "that you would differentiate between your children like this,"" she turns to Jana, "tell her Jana, tell her how much that hurt you."
"That really hurt my feelings," Jana recites and Azzi has to stifle a laugh, Paige doesn't even bother.
"IT'S KAMOREA TO YOU," KK holds up a hand and Azzi rolls her eyes.
"Okay then Kamorea-"
"I just-" KK lets out a dramatic, "I just wanna know why you know? What does SHE have that I don't mom? Is it the extra 2 inches-"
Ice scoffs, "you're barely 5-8"
"THAT'S NOT THE POINT," KK yells again and Paige snickers which gets her a pointed glare from KK, "what are YOU laughing at? She posted Lou too, when's the last time she posted you other than to get photo creds?"
Paige reels back at that, smirk disappearing as she turns to Azzi, "that's not the only reason you posted right? Right? I looked cute in those pics and you couldn't help yourself? RIGHT?"
"Right," Azzi nods, trying to prevent herself from rolling her eyes again, "that's exactly why."
"Girl boo, Don't believe her. She's a liar and a TRAITOR," KK stands defiantly in front of Paige, "besides we have to go find me a stepmother."
"Not this again," Azzi sighs, wondering why she doesn't lock her door more often. She still has all of Ice wrapped around her and it seems like the younger girl has not intention of getting off.
"Do you see, do you see how little she cares about you? ABOUT US?" KK puts a dramatic hand to her heart, "she doesn't even care."
"I don't want a new mother," Ice presses a wet kiss against Azzi's cheeks and Azzi can't help but smile despite the insanity, "I like this one."
"Then we'll do it parent-trap style, you get Azzi and I get Paige," KK says, nodding her head like she's making the most serious decision of her life.
Jana guffaws, "hello? Who do I get? Am I an orphan now?"
"You can come with us Jana," Ice volunteers excitedly, "you and Nés both."
"Absolute not. I am not losing my children and-" Paige cuts in, turning to Azzi with big blue eyes, "I don't want a divorce."
It's on the tip of Azzi's tongue to make a remark about how they're not married but she knows reason and logic are not her friends when it comes to this situation.
"KK-" she begins
"IT'S KAMOREA TO YOU," KK retorts haughtily. sitting herself down on Azzi's bed and crossing her leg.
Azzi lets out a deep breath, trying to muster as much sincerity as she can, "Kamorea I am sorry I hurt your feelings. Next year, I will post a story-"
"A grid post," KK demands.
"Right. I will make a grid post for you-"
"Because I am your favoritest child?" KK gives Azzi a look as behind her both Jana and Ice burst into protests.
"Because you are my child and I love you," Azzi concedes, "and I have an extra bag of of trufru that you can have."
A grins burst onto KK's face simultaneously with Paige's face dropping, "SHE GETS THAT BAG OF TRUFRU? SHE LITERALLY JUST GOT HOSPITALIZED FOR IT?"
"You said to fix it so will you just let me goddamn fix it?" Azzi says exasperatedly as Paige continues to sulk in the corner.
"I'm still mad at you," KK says slowly as she lifts off the bed, "but I might be less mad after I've had some time to think over trufru."
"My trufru," Paige mutters under her breath, following KK out of the door, no doubt on a mission to steal some for herself. Ice detaches herself from Azzi, practically skipping out the door with a happy grin and Jana shakes her head, sharing a commiserating smile with Azzi as she heads out as well.
This time, Azzi does lock her door, getting ready to finally take her now well-deserved nap, when her phone rings. Seeing Inés's called ID, she picks up the phone with a grin.
"Hi Nésy-"
And that ladies and gentlemen, is why Azzi Fudd stays so far away from the grenade that is social media. Really, she'd much rather be asleep anyways.
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internetaddict104 · 2 months
My live thoughts on Deadpool and Wolverine
* I’m torn between wanting to fangirl over the fight scene and wanting to sing and dance to *NSYNC
* Also I’m crying at the shots of DP doing the Bye Bye Bye choreo cut into the fight 😂
* The Iron Man helmet covering Tom in the photo with RDJ 😂
* Hearing Matthew Macfayden’s natural British accent is so jarring after watching Succession
* Wait I’m so confused on how Wade was interviewing for an Avengers position with Happy on Earth 616 and then it cuts to 6 years later on Earth 10005
* Wambsgans being the villain is insane
* This movie takes place within 3 days?
* The little cgi Logan is so jarring
* *turns around* “I’m Marvel Jesus you dull creature and I-“ *gets bitch slapped by the Hulk and dies*
* CHRIS EVANS?!?!?!?!?!
* Did he just die
* I knew Wolverine was gonna just slice Sabretooth’s head off but I’m still sad there wasn’t any real fight
* Oh thank God Johnny is still alive
* Wait where’s the rest of the og FF? Where is my Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, and Michael Chiklis???
* Fuck she killed Chris 😭 I knew it was coming but it still hurts
* Why do I lowkey feel like whatever this Logan did to fuck up his world is gonna be something jokey and/or stupid
* Lady in Red playing during Dogpool’s intro 😂
* Also I did not know Dogpool was a girl
* The intro to The Greatest Show on the radio 😂
* There’s a lot of random music in this movie and idk if I’m really feeling it
* I saw a Scarlet Witch statue… 👀
* Oh shit Garner Elektra
* My jaw literally dropped for these 3 I’m dead serious
* Oh this is where X23 comes in
* Wait is this Laura the same one from Logan or is she a variant
* So he’s the worst Logan because he went to a bar and the rest of the XMen got killed by humans? That’s so stupid he wasn’t even there like he didn’t lead the humans to them or run away
* Should I know who the purple girl with Cassandra is bc I feel like I should they keep focusing on her
* Should I know the bearded guy in the striped tank top bc they keep focusing on him too and I don’t recognize him
* Wait so Logan did run away when the XMen were attacked?
* Wait Logan betrayed the XMen?
* Huh so the portal was just white anyway it wasn’t an editing trick to hide anything in the trailer
* I know I should know who Pyro is but I don’t 😭
* Did they digitally elongate Emma Corrin’s fingers bc they look way too long
* Cassandra without the coat looks so sickly idk why the coat made her look fuller
* Logan’s disgusted look when Wade and Dogpool reunite 😂
* Oh I was wondering when Ladypool would show up
* I need to know if any famous actor is in the Deadpool Corps
* Logan holding Dogpool as far away from him as possible like a dirty dishrag 😂 he’s so disgusted by this dog
* Why is Kidpool a girl
* Cowboy Deadpool sounds familiar too who is he
* THE COWL 😭❤️
* I can’t make out what Blind Al says during the Deadpool fight and I really wanna know what she says 😭
* So Logan is gonna sacrifice himself isn’t he
* Yeah I knew Wade would go in Logan’s place over the heartfelt speeches began
* And Wade isn’t gonna die he can’t he’s too popular
* Oh they both went
* Logan’s top disintegrating 😂
* “You look damn good in that suit” “I’m so sorry” I love Peter
* Wait that’s so cute they’re all in the main universe now (or Wade’s universe idk if they’re the same yet or not)
* I need to find the post credits scenes apparently they were leaked online but I can’t find them anywhere please I wanna watch them I read what they are but I still wanna see them myself
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soaps-mohawk · 6 months
I saw you mentioned that you have been playing COD since 2011?!?! Omgg!! It's always nice to hear when ppl have been into something about the same amount of time as you have. I think I might have started in like 2009? I was literally like 10,11,12. Me and my cousin would watch my uncle play and then I was like I WANT TO PLAY TOO 😡 I remember me and my cousin playing one of the extra features on the game? Sorta of like zombies now but it was something else way back then I think. We ended up getting chased down my juggernauts in some house and got stuck in a bathroom literally fighting for our lives 😂 I've come a looong way from just playing the games to now playing the games and then scavenging the internet to find fics about them lmaooo
Yes!!! I started playing when the original MW3 came out!! I got a PS4 for Christmas and the game came with it lol. Of course, me having been denied video games up to that point went insane and thought it was the greatest thing I've ever played 😂
I was already very familiar with fanfiction at that point and there was a surprising number of fanfics for the originals. I'd say that's the first time I dipped my toes into the fandom, more as a spectator than a creator.
I didn't play again until Ghosts came out. I actually enjoyed it a lot. I still think it needs a sequel I cannot believe they just left us with that ending 😭
I didn't play the games again (well I didn't play any games at all) until 2020 when I bought myself a PS4. Then the lockdown happened and I decided to get back into the games and made my roommate at the time pull out her ps3 and played the original MW trilogy again. I got back into the fandom (which was still very small) and played through Ghosts again, played Advanced and Infinite Warfare and like one and a half of the Black Ops games. (I didn't really like them and couldn't get into the story. I know I'm sorry 😭). I bought the reboot Modern Warfare but then got distracted by a different fandom and it sat in my DVD case up until about 2022 when I went through and played the original series again and then broke down and played the first MW. This was pre-MWII reboot so the fandom was still very much small and almost nonexistent (at least on the platforms I was looking at).
Then I got back into it somehow this year. Honestly I cannot remember how. Probably was a tiktok or something 😭 and here we are!! The fandom exploded (love to see it) and I now have the most popular fic I've ever written 💚
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lunar-years · 8 months
I know this isn't the point of your post, and I fully agree with you about people being self important dicks by tweeting hate, but the people who think that the entire s3 would have been saved if a couple got back together? Insane. Roy lacked any character development and became more of a caricature (I think Brett still did a fantastic job mind) and the less said about what they did with Keeleys plot the better, but if these people really think that even without any development or growing as characters, if the het couple ended up making out, that would have fixed everything? How shallow and braindead by thoughtless popular media can you be, give me a break!
might not have been the point of my post but it is still related and I appreciate you sending me your thoughts!!
Personally I disagree about Roy. There were a couple of little scenes I felt didn't quite work for the character (namely the drawn out red rope beating up henry's bully thing, lol. like roy...calm down there pal. wooah take it easy 😂 and a little bit the dick strings scene.) But overall I think roy had a surprisingly consistent arc across all three seasons (in a good way) and got one of the best endings, if not THE best, on the show. I can't think of a stronger ending for him than finally being able to ask for help and going to therapy ❤️
...I won't speak about Keeley's plot, lol.
But regardless, I definitely agree that it is infuriating when people boil down this show to whatever relationships they wanted to happen and didn't. Obviously i enjoy shipping! I love my ships!! Much of my fandom experience and engagement resolves around shipping! But I don't base my entire enjoyment of the show on whether my endgame went canon?
We all know I too had problems with season 3, many of them in fact. But the ONLY thing twitter fans bring up DAILY is t*dbecca not making out and r*ykeeley breaking up. like first of all FREE YOURSELVES FROM THESE CHAINS, people!!! Second of all, is there anything you actually still enjoy about the show?? because if not maybe it's time to clock out of talking about it 24/7 on your fan socials, with the sole purpose of dragging on the show's creators all the damn time. i find it so hard to believe that these "fans" are actually having fun by constantly focusing on one thing they hated, especially something as inconsequential (and fixable!! reject canon embrace headcanon, my friends!!) as a relationship not going canon.
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pinkeoni · 1 year
When you say you want will to be creepy and eerie, going around ripping people's faces off and then eating them, do you mean it as vecna making him do that stuff (as in, possessing him) or as will genuinely losing his mind and going batshit insane?
(This is not a serious question at all btw lol)
LOL yeah as you said something THAT far is definitely not serious 😂 but I DO still wanna see him do something creepy.
I don’t really want him to be possessed since the show already did that, but I don’t see Will doing the stuff I mentioned without a push from Vecna or his influence; I see everything happening as a result of either their connection or Will’s connection with the Upside Down.
Imagine, say, everyone in a room trying to figure out Vecna’s next move or what his endgame is, and then Will just goes glassy eyed and starts rattling off a prophecy, or maybe he starts speaking Russian because of how the shadow particles went into the Russians at the end of s4.
Or maybe Will starts sleepwalking and in his dreams he finds Castle Byers and goes in there to sleep but his family finds him freezing outside in the cold.
Tbh, I kinda want his prophetic powers to show up early in the season but no one knows that its just his powers and think it’s either A) Vecna showing him visions or B) Will is just seeing things related to mental illness
I think I got an ask about this but someone said that they wanted Will’s wierdness to be like Lottie from Yellowjackets and that’s honestly EXACTLY what I picture, saying cryptic prophetic shit and the audience wonders the actual legitimacy of it.
“Is he a schizo or a wizard, doc?”
As it relates to my transformation theory, it is powered by his connection to the Upside Down but that is something where he would start going crazy more on his own. One popular trope that goes along with the transformation trope is the gaining of a new apetite, so think Will running around eating raw meat or killing animals lol
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petrichoraline · 2 years
hii petri! for ship bingo, your favorite ship from kinnporsche and/or your favorite ship from the untamed?
mint, i know you wanted to give me choice and creative freedom and i appreciate it so much but my gOSH am i not the person to do that for 😂 not only do i rarely have favourites of anything but i have to figure out my emotions for these unnamed blorbos? this is how you end up with five answers for the price of one ✨
so, for kinnporsche i came to the conclusion i have two - one for the earlier part of the show and one for the last episodes (i think the green is..fairly obvious)
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first one is the men themselves who made me feel so many things throughout the show and turnt it into the amazing experience it was for me, watching them learn how to understand each other and open up, the tender scenes, the chemistry, following the discussions on here about kinn and his trust issues (omg especially around the tawan episodes, that was crazy) - their journey was so much fun!
the second one..what can i say, vegaspete were what everyone seemed to anticipate and i was kinda neutral until their episodes actually hit, then i went insane lmao, i just love pathetic men and "only i understand him, only i can tame him" type of stuff - i got plenty of that and some top notch chemistry and they were what made the last episodes for me
onto the untamed.. i don't like thinking about it too much because one cql viewing later i'm a broken woman, i do not understand how people watch it more than once and choose to actively think about it, write analyses, delve into the lore - i'm not built like you guys and you have my respect 💕 all of that is to say i dont think bout the ships too much either, i picked these as faves because they had a certain smth
I don't think anyone could possibly guess what the three couples are they're - not the most popular 😂 except for wangxian, those are my babies:
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the next one is jiang cheng with... *drums*
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...wen qing 🥰 i didn't ship them as divorced until i saw the option and decided that yes, they would be so amazing as divorced parents or smth and i would read about it for sure; not the comb, not the post-war conversations - that inn scene always comes to mind, it feels like a checkpoint at which you could take a different route and change the outcome, a spot where you can stop and think "what if"... jiang cheng before the weight of zidian, the only thing of importance at the moment - his brother's safety... wen qing with only her brother to look out for, testing how far she'd go for an outsider while risking everything... or, y'know, i just find the scene fun, smart and rewatchable 🤷‍♀️ they're a very interesting ship for me cause i don't mind them not being together, either way is fine and makes sense and i never really feel this way about ships i care about, they usually HAVE to be together y'know but with these two i just have many thoughts and feelings that don't actually make me go crazy which is so refreshing
and the one ship that i'm not sure i even ship but b o y they make me feel things...
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...xiao xingchen and xue yang YES I KNOW, still to this day am not sure about some story details lol that whole arc left me shaken to my core and i've worked on forgetting it so it took a while to even remember they exist .. anyways, they found home in each other and could've been happy but they are who they are and they acted how they acted and that's that :) also my feels on song lan (and him with xiao xingchen) are mixed but this might be the one triangle i can see myself enjoying as a throuple.. i avoided stuff about that whole psychological horror arc so stuff that could sway me in any particular direction haven't been encountered in a while ✨
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thewritewolf · 3 years
20 Questions: Writer Edition
Thank you for the tag, @botherkupo!
How many works do you have on AO3?
50 works!
What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,001,897 words! That last chapter of True Sight finally pushed me over the one million mark! :D
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Well, all my fics thus for have been for Miraculous Ladybug, but I’ve done crossovers with four other fandoms - Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse, Dungeons and Dragons, Chouette!, and Harry Potter.
I’ve also got plans for fics in other fandoms - specifically Fallout, Five Night’s At Freddy’s, and Breath of the Wild.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Cat Crossing - which continues to baffle and surprise me
2. Multiple Second Chances - my Snekmouse fic!
3. Four TImes (and the Lucky One) - the start of my favorite Lucky One series
4. Rekindle - my favorite marichat story that I’ve written, very happy to see it get the attention it has
5. Inseparable - Ladynoir July fic, wrote it ages ago
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yup! I respond to all the comments I can, excluding ones that are responses to other comments. Just to let people know I’ve read them, more often than not.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
That’s a hard question to answer, in all honesty. I write only happy endings for the most part, but I suppose In Due Time had the angstiest since it was a two-part series.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Lots of competition on that one. I’m going to say... Adrien Agreste and the Long Delayed Proposal
Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written?
Yup! I’ve done five crossovers, with fandoms that I mentioned above. The craziest one was Adrien, Agreste No Longer, which was a crossover with Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse. It was just... insane, but fun and fluffy.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Very, very rarely. It was pretty insane rambling, though, so it doesn’t bother me all that much.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have tried, but it is all unpublished and will remain that way. I still need lots of practice before I’d even consider it lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I’m aware, no. I’m not that popular a writer 😂
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, as far as I know, I haven’t.
Have you ever co-written a fic?
...No? I did do a collab once, but that was more ‘I write a fic, and then provide art for it’. Which I’ve also done a couple times for zines. But co-writing? No.
What’s your all time favourite ship?
Love square! Adrienette specifically. Although I do also like Zelink
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Well as for fics I’ve only got one right now that’s a WIP and that is DEFINITELY getting finished December. If we include series, then Lucky One I might not finish simply because I can always add new life events for the heroes to tackle to it.
What’s your writing strengths?
Dialogue and action scenes are what I’ve gotten the most praise for. That and world building, although that comes up less in fanfics.
What’s your writing weaknesses?
Character design is a big one. I find it a lot more difficult to make new characters compared to making worlds and societies. Descriptions for things that I don’t have a reference for is another big one - looking back, a lot of my suit designs for Two for Two are... not so great 😬
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I avoid it when possible, only adding it in when it actually contributes something to the story, but generally I find that it detracts more than it adds. Especially if you don’t speak the language.
As an example, there is a point in True Sight where a Japanese character shows up and I wanted them to say a single line in Japanese as part of a joke, but I was talked out of it since it would’ve been tedious to get the actual line correct, for little pay off.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Miraculous Ladybug! Although I suppose I’ve written stuff for D&D since I’ve been a dungeon master for years. 🤔 I don’t think that counts though since its for my own original world.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Probably True Sight! It taught me more than any other fic, and since it was my first one that I’ve updated for years, it also acts as like a tree ring of growth for me as a writer over the last three or four years.
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