#I started to get really worried and panicked about an hour ago over this and since I can’t rant to one of my friends about it at this hour
maydays-medbay · 2 months
I want to be so real with you all right now, because I can’t seem to get my head on straight when I desperately need to.
I know this is a silly little fandom blog where I post about my characters and have a laugh with my mutuals, but recently I’ve been so burnt out over this that I’ve lost the want to make anything. I don’t have the mental willpower or energy to make anything.
KOSA scares me. Genuinely. I can’t tell you a time in my life where I’ve ever felt more scared and angry and upset over something so genuinely horrible.
I haven’t been able to sleep since learning of its recent resurgence and now upcoming voting in the Senate. I feel sick every time I stop doing things to distract me because of how much grief this bill brings.
If this bill passes, I genuinely don’t know what I’m going to do. As a queer transgender man, this bill not only makes me afraid of what’s going to happen to everything I’ve built, but it makes me fear over my safety and all of the things I love about the internet.
This bill will ruin all of those things. Censorship on this magnitude is abhorrent and gross, and I’m tired of the government trying to control the things they don’t like under the guise of protecting children. Especially when a bill like this is going to end up fucking over countless minors and adults alike.
If a minor lives in an unsafe home, their resources for getting out of it will be stripped away because of how the bill goes about censoring media. If a queer minor is trying to find LGBTQ+ resources, this bill won’t let them because that information is going to be protected behind safeguards and other censorship methods based on “preserving mental health”. All under the guise of “protecting” them.
Protecting children is important. This? This is not the way to do it. Period.
Putting our information on the internet to verify that we’re adults- personal, identifying information- is incredibly, incredibly dangerous. Information privacy and anonymity have always been very, very important to me. This strips that all away.
I feel safe when I can be more private online. I feel safe being able to talk to people without my private information being submitted to their databases.
This makes my already rampant paranoia worse. This makes me afraid of my personal information ending up on some insecure database that’s ripe for the taking for those with malicious intent.
Fuck this bill, and fuck anyone who supports it. I’m tired of this bill making me feel unsafe, paranoid, vulnerable, and overwhelmingly scared. I just want to live my life normally.
I’m tired of constantly agonizing over the next time when children or LGBTQIA+ people are going to be political scapegoats. I hate living like this.
Stop KOSA. Please. From the bottom of my heart, I want this bill stopped.
Please. If you can, call your reps and lawmakers- tell them that you don’t want this bill to pass. Even if you’re not from the US, you can help. Below I’ve put in a link to Stop KOSA’s website where you can email/call your lawmakers and let them know how much you hate this bill. And if you can’t do that for some reason, or you already have, please spread the word and let other people know about this bill and how to stop it.
And remember, even if KOSA passes in the senate, we can halt it in its tracks when it reaches the house. So please. Don’t stop fighting, and STOP KOSA!
(Also, feel free to reblog and add any other information you can to this post to spread the word about this bill and/or provide more resources to combat it. Every email, Call, and other way to inform lawmakers of your opinion helps. There’s a reason we stopped KOSA the first two times. We can do it again.)
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evie-sturns · 6 months
Intersection - Matt Sturniolo
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summary: after not driving for a few months, you accidentally rear end matts car at an intersection.
contains: crying, swearing, comforting, angry!matt.
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i haven't drove in the past 6 months that i've been away in Florida, but now i'm back in Boston im slowly starting to get back into it.
i flick my left indicator, swinging round the corner as frank ocean blares through my small white car.
the road is slippery due to the weather recently, the small puddles on the concrete shining from the illuminating street lights above.
i hum to the song as i accelerate, pressing my foot harder on the small pedal as i keep a reasonable distance between the grey van in front.
i check my wing mirrors, there's no cars behind me so i speed up, closing the distance between me and the car ahead.
theres an upcoming intersection, the traffic light is green, i look down at my cupholder for a split second, my bottle of water splashing up out of the bottle with every rock i drive over, "shit.." i mutter, reaching a hand down and fiddling with the cap.
i gasp as i look up, the light is red and the car which is 3 feet in front of me has come to a complete halt.
my heart drops as my mind goes blank.
"oh my god." i shout as the front of my car smashes into this grey van.
i sit in silence for a few seconds, the van drives to the side of the empty road, i follow and park behind, my heart thumps as i drive in total shock,
i've never been in a car accident, not even close.
i instantly start to freak out, how could i not in this situation. i turn off my car, stepping out and wiping my face with my sleeve as i take in panicked breaths.
the door of the other car swings open, a man steps out, he's wearing cargo jeans, a grey crewneck and an assortment of jewellery.
i've definitely seen him on tiktok before..?
i walk over to him, "i'm so fucking sorry my insurance will pay for everything" i ramble, the brunette replies "i know."
his voice is stern, he's definitely mad. i bite my nails as my leg shakes on the spot.
"how the fuck do you not brake? you were a solid 5 meters behind me and yet your car rams the back of mine? are you fucking stupid?" the boy says, staring into my eyes.
"my water spilt and i thought the light was going to stay green, i'm so sorry." i say back, my voice shaking as i start to cry.
he stays silent for a few seconds, scanning my face which is now flushed everywhere with a couple of tears falling from my eyes.
"stop, just give me your insurance details and number" he sighs,
after giving him my number and insurance details i start again, "ill call you an uber, im really sorry." i say, pulling out my phone and attempting to turn it on, soon realising it ran out of battery an hour ago.
"dont worry about it, my cars driveable." he says, i nod. the whole front of my car is squashed, including the engine.
"you got a way home?" the boy asks,
"i mean uh- no but i can just walk." i say with a small sniff,
"come on, ill drive ya." the brunette says, taking my hand and walking me towards his van, the back of it has a medium sized indent, nothing too major though.
"you don't have to i swear its not a far walk" i protest, "i'm not gonna let you walk, honestly its okay." he says, climbing into the drivers side.
i get into the passengers side, he pulls out his phone "i'm gonna call someone to tow your car okay?" he says, his voice soft.
"yeah- okay." i reply.
i've found out this boys name is matt, i knew it was something like that, we're now pulling into my street after apologising thousands of times. aside from the whole 'ramming his car' we clicked well together.
i point out my house, matt jumps out first to let me out of his van, "are you okay now?" he asks with a small laugh, "yeah- i think." i reply with a guilty expression plastered on my face.
"can i have a smile?" he asks, i force a pathetic smile and matt nods.
"ill text you tomorrow, we should see each other sometime?" he asks nervously,
did he just ask me out?
"yes! yeah i'd like that." i say,
matt leans down, giving me a hug,
"i'm sorry for making you cry."
"what? no! i'm sorry for rear-ending your car!" i reply, pulling away from the hug and giving him a warm smile.
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
Steve and Eddie go through the whole adoption process in 1996, despite how difficult it was to find somewhere willing to help them at all and despite their conflicted feelings on adoption.
The way they saw it though, providing a loving home for a child who needed one was better than the alternative. Eddie had enough experience with temporary foster homes to know stability was better than constant moving and questionable foster parents.
They get a foster placement almost immediately, a six year old girl named Amelia. She’s quiet, but not in a way that worries them. She’s very focused, and enjoys going to school more than any regular children’s hobbies. Neither of them know what to do with that other than keep encouraging it.
She stays for months, months turn into a year, and the agency finally gives them the go ahead to complete the adoption process.
But they don’t do anything without talking to Amelia.
She’s happy there, her therapist signs off on it immediately and explains that Amelia has shown more personality development and less signs of trauma with them than she had even living at home. Not to mention they actually brought her to appointments, unlike her previous guardians.
To celebrate, they throw a party with all their friends and family and tell Amelia she can invite anyone from school she wants. She invites everyone.
Turns out their daughter is a social butterfly and is friends with everyone.
At the party, Eddie pulls out his guitar, plays a bunch of popular kid-friendly songs after a very scathing look from Steve as a reminder to behave.
Amelia walks over to him after a few songs, on a sugar high like he’d never seen on her before, and asks to play the guitar.
He’s hesitant, but not because he’s still protective of his guitars, more because he doesn’t want her to embarrass herself in front of her friends. Kids are cruel, even and especially at seven, and the last thing he wants is this to be the thing that kids talk about for the next ten years.
She sits on the couch and holds it, arranging her fingers…correctly. Eddie watches.
Steve is watching from across the room.
She starts strumming, very quietly at first, not as confident as she’d been a moment ago. And then she starts really playing.
It’s one of the songs Eddie wrote. He played it for the last four months nonstop as he perfected it, and she’d apparently been watching.
Eddie’s jaw is on the floor and he quickly looks over to Steve, who has a similar look of surprise on his face.
He doesn’t interrupt her. She makes it through the entire song.
She looks up.
“When did you learn to play guitar?” Eddie asks.
“When I was watching you.”
“But have you played before tonight?”
Amelia shook her head, looking down. “Didn’t wanna touch it without asking.”
Eddie pulls the guitar from her hands and sets it aside, then pulls her into his lap and hugs her. Steve sits down on the couch next to them, hand on her back.
“You can always ask, sweetie. And if you’re this interested and this natural, we can buy you your own guitar if you want. I didn’t think you were interested in playing.”
“I wanna be like you,” Amelia admitted against his shoulder.
Eddie was done for. He looked at Steve, half-panicked, trying not to cry in front of these people, but Steve wasn’t faring any better.
“Then we can go get you a guitar tomorrow. You can get your own picks, too. They might even have purple ones.”
“Can I have red? Like yours?”
“Of course, sweetie.”
It only took them two days after that to realize she could play by ear, just like Eddie.
And then it only took another day after that to realize she had taught herself to read music too.
They spent hours and hours every week playing together while Steve cooked dinner or checked her homework or just watched them.
When Eddie’s band decided to record another album and go on tour when Amelia was 12, Eddie insisted that she get to be on it.
She ended up helping write one of their songs, played on the track on the album, and with a lot of work, convinced Steve to let them homeschool her for the entire 8 months they’d be on tour so she could perform on stage with her dad.
“Can’t believe she’s not even genetically yours. Are you sure you didn’t have an affair?” Steve asked the night before they were leaving for Europe.
“When would I have had an affair? I came back to the tour bus or hotel with you every single night,” Eddie kissed him softly. “She’s amazing, huh?”
“She is. What happens when she wants to be a full blown rockstar like her dad too?”
“Then we make sure she’s protected and has good people around her like I have. She could be a rockstar easily. She’s got the talent and the presence,” Eddie smiled. “And she’s got me to make sure no one takes advantage of her. But she’s only 12. We’ve got time to worry about that later.”
“You’re bringing her onstage every single night all over the world for the next eight months, baby. I think later is now.”
Eddie sighed. “She’s gonna blow them all away. I’m proud of her. Let’s focus on that for now.”
And she did blow everyone away. The fans and the media had nothing but good things to say, and Steve didn’t have to go into overprotective mom mode at all until she was 15 and signing a record deal of her own.
But between Eddie and him, the entire industry knew better than to fuck with her or them.
They made rules, of course. School still came first, she still had required family events to be at, she still had regular friends at home. She wasn’t allowed at any parties, not even the events for award ceremonies.
But she didn’t really need those rules. She had no interest in parties or abandoning her friends or family, and she was a straight A student who still had hopes of getting into Brown for Journalism like her Aunt Nancy. She had a passion for music and wanted to share it, but not at the cost of the rest of her life.
And Eddie and Steve did everything they could to make sure she got to have everything. That’s what they’d promised her from day one.
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milaeth · 1 year
୨୧┊ 𝐈𝐈. 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒. ( charles leclerc )
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ꖛ ─ you’re reading part two ∿ part one ∿ part three
✧.* pairings ─ charles leclerc x fem! singer! reader
✧.* genre ─ social media au ⨾ fluff & chaotic
✧.* summary ─ in which your best friend George gets fed up with watching you and Charles secretly yearn for each other while claiming to be just friends. so, when you lose a bet to George, he takes control of your social media accounts for 24 hours, using the opportunity to help you make a move on your crush.
✧.* face claim ─ suki waterhouse
✧.* warnings ─ some suggestive jokes, other than that this is just as chaotic as the first part
✧.* mily’s thoughts ─ part three is coming soon! hope you enjoy mwah <3
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˗ˏ ➶ IMESSAGE ➜ w/ charles <3 . ✧ ˚
y/n: hey charles i really don’t want to be a bother but i quickly wanted to apologize for the insta post that was made about us a few hours ago!
charles <3: Hey, don’t worry, you’re not a bother! :) And I don’t really care about the post.
y/n: wait
y/n: you don’t care?
charles <3: Nope, I thought the whole flirting thing (the comments etc) was just a joke between friends, yk. At first I was a little confused, to be honest, since we don't usually joke like that, but I figured it was just the way you interact with people you feel more comfortable with!
[ seen 1:29pm ]
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˗ˏ ➶ IMESSAGE ➜ w/ princess george . ✧ ˚
y/n: i’m so scared
princess george: WHAT DID HE SAY
y/n: he thinks it was a flirty joke between friends
princess george: HUH? So I did all that painfully obvious flirting for nothing💀
y/n: AHA
princess george: Someone had to do it! I'm sick of watching you guys literally be in love with the other and still claim to be "just friends" 🤓
y/n: that isn’t the point now
y/n: the point is WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY
princess george: YOU HAVENT REPLY YET??
princess george: i'm going to have to call carmen to give you some girly advice if you don't start getting bold💀
princess george: IDK ASK GOOGLE
y/n: you’re a racing driver💀
princess george: your point?
[ seen 1:37pm ]
princess george: hello???
[ seen 1:38pm ]
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y/n: they had the audacity to correct me too
princess george: 💀💀
[ seen 1:40pm ]
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˗ˏ ➶ IMESSAGE ➜ w/ charles <3 . ✧ ˚
y/n: you think it was a joke?
charles <3: Well yeah
charles <3 I mean
charles <3: It couldn’t have been anything more
y/n: what if it was tho?
y/n: hypothetical ofc!!!!
charles <3: Well I honestly don’t know
charles <3: If we are speaking hypothetically, I think I would be flattered.
y/n: and if we aren’t speaking hypothetically?
charles <3: Then I would probably still feel flattered.
charles <3: Y/n? Hello?
charles <3: LMAO
charles <3: Does that mean those flirty jokes weren’t just jokes?
y/n: well.. to me, they’re not jokes, but i’m not the one who made them. i wasn’t supposed to tell you yet but i’m getting sick of george so idc
y/n: i lost a bet to him and had to hand over my main social media accounts for 24 hours, meaning all the comments/posts you saw from my main accounts were made by george😭
charles <3: That explains why I saw your private accounts constantly fight with your main accounts in random comment sections💀
y/n: yeah he was really messing with me
y/n: i’ve gotten lots of angry mails from my pr team
charles <3: I can imagine😭 It's only fair that you get back at him.
y/n: oh absolutely.
charles <3: Can I ask a question though?
y/n: sure!
charles <3: Is your newest single actually about me?
y/n: yes it is. i’m sorry you have to find out like this but i really like you, like a lot. i’ve liked you for a while now but i was too scared to talk to you about it because i thought you don’t feel the same.
charles <3: That’s not true
charles <3: I actually do feel the same, and I literally had the same dilemma!
y/n: WHAT
charles <3: YES!! I really like you :)
charles <3: Probably since the day I first met you
y/n: no way i thought you hated me back then💀
charles <3: No don’t worry I didn’t😭 My brother Arthur said I always have this certain look to myself when I meet new people. He said I tend to look a little “off” when I’m overwhelmed, so that was probably it lol
y/n: oh yeah, george said the same about you
charles <3: Aha very nice of him💀
charles <3: Btw I don’t want to make you uncomfortable by asking this, but what are we now? I’m just a little confused
y/n: how about we take it slow and start going on little dates? like trying this whole thing out and seeing if we can actually be more than friends.
charles <3: I had the same in mind :)
charles <3: And George still has control over your main accounts?
y/n: yep for the next 2-3 hours :’)
charles <3: alright, ready to get back at him?
[ seen 1:59pm ]
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˗ˏ ➶ IMESSAGE ➜ w/ princess george . ✧ ˚
princess george: Y/N DID HE REPLY YET?
[ sent 1:43pm ]
princess george: Y/N?
princess charles: HELLOOOO
[ sent 1:44pm ]
princess george: CMON I CAN SEE YOURE ONLINE
[ sent 1:46pm ]
princess george: DONT BE SO CRUEL
princess george: PLEASEEE
princess george: I WANNA KNOW WHAT HE SAID
[ sent 1:50pm ]
princess george: UGH fine
princess george: Guess my finger slipped again🙄🙄🙄
[ sent 1:55pm ]
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liked by danielricciardo, georgerussell63 and 8,379,158 others
yourusername save a horse, ride a char- COWBOY
tagged: charles_leclerc
view all 268,368 comments…
user375 HELP ME WHAT
user121 girl you gotta stop being horny on the internet😭
georgerussell63 Oh. My. God.😲😲 Y/n this isn’t your private account
user54 you’re acting very sus there mate
user488 well someone needs to get laid💀
user224 simp of the day🫵
pierregasly i can’t watch this
yourusername then look away🤷‍♀️😂
user865 you’re so relatable
user308 cowboy charles😍😍
urusername_alt🔒 YOU DID NOT
yourusername I did xx
urusername_alt🔒 DELETE THIS RN
yourusername Nopee
carlos55sainz I’m so confused
charles_leclerc my lap is free🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
yourusername WHAT
urusername_alt🔒 wait- fr?🤭🤭
landonorris pause. stop right there.
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yourusername | 📍 paris, france
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liked by senelagomez, carlos55sainz and 21,488,321 others
yourusername feels good to finally have this account back
view all 170,325 comments…
zendaya stunning as always✨
liked by yourusername
user965 mother is mothering🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
user233 does a stronger word than mother exist??
user355 @/charlesleclerc you better wife her up before i do
user212 there’s no way they’re actually together, now that she revealed that george was behind all those comments/posts
user593 i was NOT prepared
charles_leclerc come to monaco, we miss you
landonorris who’s we
yourusername @/landonorris stfu you salty bitch, you’re just jealous i didn’t visit you last year💀
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charles_leclerc just added to their story !
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∿ taglist ─ @81astri @ch3rryknots @cs55version @fdl305 @remuslupinsbtch @kissesandmartinis @teenagedreams-cl @headinthecloudssblog @mrsmaybank13 @glai1023-blog @luvrrish @hevburn @charlespear @bibissparkles @siovhanroy ( my taglist if you want to get tagged in my works )
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don’t forget to like, comment & reblog (it’s very much appreciated <3).
© milaeth | 2023
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Sweeter Than Revenge Part 3
Fandom: Twisters, Tyler Owens, f!reader, Scott's Sister!reader Summary: After your "date" with Tyler took an unexpected turn, you wake up to see Scott confronting the cowboy about your disappearance. Word Count: 2045 TW: Fluff, Angst, Family Conflict, Confrontation, Yelling, Language Notes: A massive thank you to @blue-aconite and @green-socks for reading this over for me and for all the constant support! And to @mayhem24-7forever for always answering my late-night panicked messages
Divider created by me (please ask/credit before using)
Series Masterlist
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“Where the fuck is she, Owens!” 
As your eyes flickered open, you realized you were no longer lying on Tyler’s chest in the bed of his truck. Instead, you were curled in the back seat, one of his merch t-shirts balled up under your head and his jacket draped over your body as a makeshift blanket. Your head was positioned near the passenger side of the truck and, lifting it slightly, you noticed the driver’s door was open. Tyler was standing outside as if he had just climbed out, the little you could see of his surroundings revealing he had driven you back to the motel.
He turned towards whoever had just spoken—the voice was very familiar even though your sleep-hazed mind couldn’t place it—and held up his hands. “Why don’t we all just calm down an—”
“No!” Suddenly, Scott burst into view as he stormed up to Tyler, stopping only when he was practically chest-to-chest with him. Scott towered a good five or six inches over the other man, yet Tyler didn’t as much as flinch as Scott growled in his face. “I asked you a question. Where the fuck is she?”
Tyler stared calmly at Scott’s fuming face for a moment then chuckled. “Can’t say I’ve ever seen you lose your cool like this before, Scotty. In fact, can’t say I’ve seen much more than a sarcastic sneer from you before. Something must have riled you up real good for you to be in this state.” Tyler’s voice had slowed, his accent becoming twice as heavy as before as he milked every second in an attempt to push Scott’s buttons—and it was working.
Nostrils flaring, Scott yelled, “How about the fact you’ve been alone with my little sister for the past four hours? I’ve been trying to call and text her but she hasn’t answered.” 
You suddenly realized you had tucked your phone into your purse when you left the motel room. The purse that you had then placed on the passenger’s seat when Tyler helped you down after parking in the field so you could both go eat your food in the bed of his truck. The one you had completely forgotten about until just now. Oops.
But Tyler didn’t offer any such explanation. “We were busy,” he said with a nonchalant shrug. “Besides, are you really worried about her, or are you just worried she was having a good time with someone like me?”
“If you laid a single finger on her—”
“No. You don’t get to do that.” The smug grin that had been on Tyler’s face evaporated as he became stone-serious. Whatever game he had been playing was now over. He took a step forward, this sudden shift causing Scott to stumble back in surprise. “You don’t get to play caring, protective older brother when just a few hours ago you basically told her to fuck off because you didn’t want her here. I understand you two might have a complicated history, but family isn’t something you can pick and choose when it's convenient for you. You didn’t want anything to do with her after she traveled all this way just to see you, so you don’t get a say in what she does now.”
Scott recovered slightly, but though he tried to bite back with the same fury as before, it seemed dulled by the force of Tyler’s words. “And you do?”
“No, I don’t. Only she does.” Tyler started to turn towards his open door but then thought better of it and faced Scott again. Lowering his voice, he said, “You know, I used to think you were in the wrong truck. That you should be in Tin Man instead of Scarecrow considering how cold and uncaring you seemed. But I was wrong. You may have your fancy degree from a world-class university yet you are too brainless to see that all she’s looking for is just a little of your attention and love. And if you aren’t willing to give that to her, you can’t get mad when she finds someone else who will.”
Scott sneered at Tyler. “You’ve known her for a few hours and you think you know her better than someone who’s known her her entire life?”
“Yeah. I do.” 
The back door to the truck flung open and you blinked up at the bright lights shining in. Tyler stood in the door with a halo of neon light framing his silhouette, anger rolling off of him in waves. His jaw was clenched tightly and his eyes burned beneath his cowboy hat. However, when he saw you staring up at him, his expression softened. Giving you a small smile, he murmured, “Hey, sweetheart. You want me to carry you to your room or you think you’re awake enough to walk?”
Stretching to help wake up your limbs from where you had been curled, you sat up. “I can walk.” Ducking your head to hide the bashful smile fluttering on your lips, you added a soft, “Thanks though.” 
Grabbing your purse off the front seat, you started to crawl towards the door when Tyler offered you his hand. You took it and slid out, a small cloud of dust bursting up around your ankles as your boots hit the dirt. Tyler reached back into the truck, grabbed his jacket, and wrapped it around your shoulders before placing his arm on top of it, hugging you close to his body. The warmth radiating off of him and the smell of his skin made you want to snuggle deeper into him and drift back to sleep. 
Maybe you should have taken him up on his offer to carry you after all.
As he began to steer you towards the stairs leading to your room, you noticed Scott standing by the rear of the truck with his arms folded across his chest. The two of you made eye contact for just a moment, but you quickly looked away. You didn’t like the look in your brother’s eyes—the seething anger and blatant disappointment you were used to, but it was that hint of something else that made you turn away and lean your head against Tyler’s shoulder. If you didn’t know Scott better, you would almost say he looked hurt. But that couldn’t be possible because Scott would have to care about you for him to be hurt by Tyler’s words or by seeing you together.
Thankfully, he didn’t say anything else as Tyler helped you climb the stairs. Letting out a soft sigh of relief when your brother disappeared from view, you whispered, “Thank you. For standing up to Scott for me.”
“You heard that?” You nodded against Tyler’s shoulder and you felt him shift beneath you. “Yeah, well, he had the right to be worried about you, but he also needed to be reminded he wasn’t a saint in this situation. Besides, you’re an adult and can spend time with whoever you want.”
You hummed a soft agreement before, a few dozen steps later, reluctantly pulling yourself away from Tyler as you reached the correct door. “Well, this is me.” 
He watched as you unlocked the door and stepped inside. Turning to face him, you said, “I know I already said it, but thank you…for everything. I-I really needed that, out in the field. It helped. And while today did not go at all how I expected, I’m actually very happy with how it turned out.”
“Me too, sweetheart.” 
The two of you continued smiling at each other and you weren’t exactly sure what you were supposed to do next. But just as you started to close the door, Tyler leaned his shoulder against your door frame and said, “Hey, whether you’re done messing with Scott or not, I’d like to see you tomorrow.”
You blinked, butterflies blooming in your chest. “R-really?”
“Yeah. I had a really nice time tonight. It’s not every day I meet someone like you and I’d like to see more.”
Someone like me? You briefly flashed back to yourself sobbing into his chest in the bed of his truck and wondered what he could have possibly seen in you that he would want to see more of. However, you weren’t going to pass up this chance if he was offering. 
Fidgeting with the strap on your purse, you nodded, “I’d like to see more of you too. Maybe you could let me come on a chase with you or something?”
Tyler’s dimples made your breath catch in your throat as his smile widened. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more interesting…I would love to take you on a chase. Show you what it means to wrangle a tornado. How ‘bout I pick you up in the morning around 7:30?”
“I’ll be waiting.”
Nodding, Tyler reached out and took your hand. For a moment, you were taken aback. You might not have known each other long, but after everything that had happened tonight, it felt weird for him to end it by shaking your hand. But then he lifted it, his face disappearing beneath the brim of his hat as he dipped his head, and his lips brushed the back of your hand. 
The kiss was brief and faint, just a soft caress on your skin contrasted by the rough scratch of his stubble, yet you felt a jolt of electricity surge up your arm before traveling throughout your entire body. You were so glad your other hand was still clinging to the door because, without it to steady you, you were sure your knees would have given out. 
Tyler didn’t seem to notice as he straightened up and gently lowered your hand to your side, giving it a light squeeze before releasing it. Then, with a tip of his hat and a wink, he said, “Good night,” and strolled back down the walkway towards the stairs.  
You watched him go until he disappeared. Only then did you close your door, leaning heavily on it with a sigh. Your head thudded back against the sturdy metal as you replayed every moment from the night in your head.
What were you doing? Had this really all started as a game, a way to pay Scott back for how he treated you? Now Tyler was planning on picking you up the next morning after you spent most of tonight crying into his chest? And why did you feel so giddy about seeing him again?
Tyler wasn’t at all what you had expected from his videos or from what Scott had said about him. Sure, he had a wild, playful side, but more than that, he was funny and kind and smart and, to top it all off, a perfect gentleman. You can’t remember the last time someone had treated you with so much respect or consideration. He never tried to make a move or insinuate you owed him for the fact that he was doing you a favor. And even when he pulled you into his arms where it would have been easy to take advantage of your emotional state, he had only sought to comfort you and make sure you were okay. 
Then he had to go and kiss your hand like some handsome cowboy prince charming! What the fuck.
Pushing yourself off the door, you went over and grabbed a towel off the edge of the sink before disappearing into the dingy bathroom. Tyler’s scent still clung to your skin and you almost didn’t want to wash it off. However, the desire to rinse away the remaining tears from your face and feel the hot water streaming down your exhausted, tense muscles won out. You would just have to find another excuse to cozy up to Tyler again tomorrow. Maybe another meal next to him in the back of the truck. Or resting on his shoulder as you both watched the storm clouds roll in. Or pressing yourself against him as you leaned in—
It was only then that the full weight of your situation hit you. This might have started out as an act of revenge on Scott, but the joke was now on you. After only one day, you were falling fast and hard for Tyler Owens.
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Part 4 coming 9/2!
Tag list: @green-socks, @mayhem24-7forever, @blue-aconite, @hederasgarden, @writercole,
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@loserbaby66, @mylovelykelsifer, @onlyangel-444, @omgbrianab, @allonzigiga
266 notes · View notes
Sweeter Than Revenge Part 3
Fandom: Twisters, Tyler Owens, f!reader, Scott's Sister!reader Summary: After your "date" with Tyler took an unexpected turn, you wake up to see Scott confronting the cowboy about your disappearance. Word Count: 2045 TW: Fluff, Angst, Family Conflict, Confrontation, Yelling, Language Notes: A massive thank you to @blue-aconite and @green-socks for reading this over for me and for all the constant support! And to @mayhem24-7forever for always answering my late-night panicked messages
Divider created by me (please ask/credit before using)
Series Masterlist
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“Where the fuck is she, Owens!” 
As your eyes flickered open, you realized you were no longer lying on Tyler’s chest in the bed of his truck. Instead, you were curled in the back seat, one of his merch t-shirts balled up under your head and his jacket draped over your body as a makeshift blanket. Your head was positioned near the passenger side of the truck and, lifting it slightly, you noticed the driver’s door was open. Tyler was standing outside as if he had just climbed out, the little you could see of his surroundings revealing he had driven you back to the motel.
He turned towards whoever had just spoken—the voice was very familiar even though your sleep-hazed mind couldn’t place it—and held up his hands. “Why don’t we all just calm down an—”
“No!” Suddenly, Scott burst into view as he stormed up to Tyler, stopping only when he was practically chest-to-chest with him. Scott towered a good five or six inches over the other man, yet Tyler didn’t as much as flinch as Scott growled in his face. “I asked you a question. Where the fuck is she?”
Tyler stared calmly at Scott’s fuming face for a moment then chuckled. “Can’t say I’ve ever seen you lose your cool like this before, Scotty. In fact, can’t say I’ve seen much more than a sarcastic sneer from you before. Something must have riled you up real good for you to be in this state.” Tyler’s voice had slowed, his accent becoming twice as heavy as before as he milked every second in an attempt to push Scott’s buttons—and it was working.
Nostrils flaring, Scott yelled, “How about the fact you’ve been alone with my little sister for the past four hours? I’ve been trying to call and text her but she hasn’t answered.” 
You suddenly realized you had tucked your phone into your purse when you left the motel room. The purse that you had then placed on the passenger’s seat when Tyler helped you down after parking in the field so you could both go eat your food in the bed of his truck. The one you had completely forgotten about until just now. Oops.
But Tyler didn’t offer any such explanation. “We were busy,” he said with a nonchalant shrug. “Besides, are you really worried about her, or are you just worried she was having a good time with someone like me?”
“If you laid a single finger on her—”
“No. You don’t get to do that.” The smug grin that had been on Tyler’s face evaporated as he became stone-serious. Whatever game he had been playing was now over. He took a step forward, this sudden shift causing Scott to stumble back in surprise. “You don’t get to play caring, protective older brother when just a few hours ago you basically told her to fuck off because you didn’t want her here. I understand you two might have a complicated history, but family isn’t something you can pick and choose when it's convenient for you. You didn’t want anything to do with her after she traveled all this way just to see you, so you don’t get a say in what she does now.”
Scott recovered slightly, but though he tried to bite back with the same fury as before, it seemed dulled by the force of Tyler’s words. “And you do?”
“No, I don’t. Only she does.” Tyler started to turn towards his open door but then thought better of it and faced Scott again. Lowering his voice, he said, “You know, I used to think you were in the wrong truck. That you should be in Tin Man instead of Scarecrow considering how cold and uncaring you seemed. But I was wrong. You may have your fancy degree from a world-class university yet you are too brainless to see that all she’s looking for is just a little of your attention and love. And if you aren’t willing to give that to her, you can’t get mad when she finds someone else who will.”
Scott sneered at Tyler. “You’ve known her for a few hours and you think you know her better than someone who’s known her her entire life?”
“Yeah. I do.” 
The back door to the truck flung open and you blinked up at the bright lights shining in. Tyler stood in the door with a halo of neon light framing his silhouette, anger rolling off of him in waves. His jaw was clenched tightly and his eyes burned beneath his cowboy hat. However, when he saw you staring up at him, his expression softened. Giving you a small smile, he murmured, “Hey, sweetheart. You want me to carry you to your room or you think you’re awake enough to walk?”
Stretching to help wake up your limbs from where you had been curled, you sat up. “I can walk.” Ducking your head to hide the bashful smile fluttering on your lips, you added a soft, “Thanks though.” 
Grabbing your purse off the front seat, you started to crawl towards the door when Tyler offered you his hand. You took it and slid out, a small cloud of dust bursting up around your ankles as your boots hit the dirt. Tyler reached back into the truck, grabbed his jacket, and wrapped it around your shoulders before placing his arm on top of it, hugging you close to his body. The warmth radiating off of him and the smell of his skin made you want to snuggle deeper into him and drift back to sleep. 
Maybe you should have taken him up on his offer to carry you after all.
As he began to steer you towards the stairs leading to your room, you noticed Scott standing by the rear of the truck with his arms folded across his chest. The two of you made eye contact for just a moment, but you quickly looked away. You didn’t like the look in your brother’s eyes—the seething anger and blatant disappointment you were used to, but it was that hint of something else that made you turn away and lean your head against Tyler’s shoulder. If you didn’t know Scott better, you would almost say he looked hurt. But that couldn’t be possible because Scott would have to care about you for him to be hurt by Tyler’s words or by seeing you together.
Thankfully, he didn’t say anything else as Tyler helped you climb the stairs. Letting out a soft sigh of relief when your brother disappeared from view, you whispered, “Thank you. For standing up to Scott for me.”
“You heard that?” You nodded against Tyler’s shoulder and you felt him shift beneath you. “Yeah, well, he had the right to be worried about you, but he also needed to be reminded he wasn’t a saint in this situation. Besides, you’re an adult and can spend time with whoever you want.”
You hummed a soft agreement before, a few dozen steps later, reluctantly pulling yourself away from Tyler as you reached the correct door. “Well, this is me.” 
He watched as you unlocked the door and stepped inside. Turning to face him, you said, “I know I already said it, but thank you…for everything. I-I really needed that, out in the field. It helped. And while today did not go at all how I expected, I’m actually very happy with how it turned out.”
“Me too, sweetheart.” 
The two of you continued smiling at each other and you weren’t exactly sure what you were supposed to do next. But just as you started to close the door, Tyler leaned his shoulder against your door frame and said, “Hey, whether you’re done messing with Scott or not, I’d like to see you tomorrow.”
You blinked, butterflies blooming in your chest. “R-really?”
“Yeah. I had a really nice time tonight. It’s not every day I meet someone like you and I’d like to see more.”
Someone like me? You briefly flashed back to yourself sobbing into his chest in the bed of his truck and wondered what he could have possibly seen in you that he would want to see more of. However, you weren’t going to pass up this chance if he was offering. 
Fidgeting with the strap on your purse, you nodded, “I’d like to see more of you too. Maybe you could let me come on a chase with you or something?”
Tyler’s dimples made your breath catch in your throat as his smile widened. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more interesting…I would love to take you on a chase. Show you what it means to wrangle a tornado. How ‘bout I pick you up in the morning around 7:30?”
“I’ll be waiting.”
Nodding, Tyler reached out and took your hand. For a moment, you were taken aback. You might not have known each other long, but after everything that had happened tonight, it felt weird for him to end it by shaking your hand. But then he lifted it, his face disappearing beneath the brim of his hat as he dipped his head, and his lips brushed the back of your hand. 
The kiss was brief and faint, just a soft caress on your skin contrasted by the rough scratch of his stubble, yet you felt a jolt of electricity surge up your arm before traveling throughout your entire body. You were so glad your other hand was still clinging to the door because, without it to steady you, you were sure your knees would have given out. 
Tyler didn’t seem to notice as he straightened up and gently lowered your hand to your side, giving it a light squeeze before releasing it. Then, with a tip of his hat and a wink, he said, “Good night,” and strolled back down the walkway towards the stairs.  
You watched him go until he disappeared. Only then did you close your door, leaning heavily on it with a sigh. Your head thudded back against the sturdy metal as you replayed every moment from the night in your head.
What were you doing? Had this really all started as a game, a way to pay Scott back for how he treated you? Now Tyler was planning on picking you up the next morning after you spent most of tonight crying into his chest? And why did you feel so giddy about seeing him again?
Tyler wasn’t at all what you had expected from his videos or from what Scott had said about him. Sure, he had a wild, playful side, but more than that, he was funny and kind and smart and, to top it all off, a perfect gentleman. You can’t remember the last time someone had treated you with so much respect or consideration. He never tried to make a move or insinuate you owed him for the fact that he was doing you a favor. And even when he pulled you into his arms where it would have been easy to take advantage of your emotional state, he had only sought to comfort you and make sure you were okay. 
Then he had to go and kiss your hand like some handsome cowboy prince charming! What the fuck.
Pushing yourself off the door, you went over and grabbed a towel off the edge of the sink before disappearing into the dingy bathroom. Tyler’s scent still clung to your skin and you almost didn’t want to wash it off. However, the desire to rinse away the remaining tears from your face and feel the hot water streaming down your exhausted, tense muscles won out. You would just have to find another excuse to cozy up to Tyler again tomorrow. Maybe another meal next to him in the back of the truck. Or resting on his shoulder as you both watched the storm clouds roll in. Or pressing yourself against him as you leaned in—
It was only then that the full weight of your situation hit you. This might have started out as an act of revenge on Scott, but the joke was now on you. After only one day, you were falling fast and hard for Tyler Owens.
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Part 4 coming 9/2!
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petew21-blog · 2 months
Teen wolf-Alpha needs his pack, Pt. 3
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Stiles P.O.V.
"Stiles knew that being a wolf wasn't an automatic win against other enemies. He knew from Scott what it took. But he thought that now when he had Derek's body, it would take more than 8 hours since he become Derek to get caught. Maybe he shouldn't have gone for the bait as his instinct was telling him, but there was no other clue to follow. Besides his mind was still blown from the sex he had few hours ago with Derek. In Derek's body! Yeah, it was kinda weird fucking his own body, but you know a hole is a hole? Nah his body was attractive and Stiles knew it. And he was now a dominating man, he was Derek and everybody feared him. Wait? Am I really trying to narrate my life now? My hands are tied. I'm imprissoned in Derek's body and my only thought is how to narrate my life? I might be more dominant now or just dominating Derek in my body? Man it was so funny to see him act so submisive. He even sucked his own dick!"
Someone entered the room wearing black clothes and a mask. "Thank you for following us. You have made our plans far easier than we thought you would."
Stiles:"Don't you worry. The pack is on their way"
The man:"Oh I wouldn't be so sure about that. And even if they are, well be already gone after we have collected our needed samples. And you might be already dead."
"Oh boy. I hope Scott's gonna come soon. I know he was acting weird lately, but this is about the wolf pack..."
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Theo's P.O.V.
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Theo:"Scott's body is so awesome. I know I was talking shit about it before, but the strength. Oh god. And I even think that the wolf pack is getting stranger too. But back to me now.
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Theo:"My new arms still have to get more bigger, but I must say I am very fond of them. The power that these guns hold is incredible.
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Theo:"I still have to remind myself that this is me now whenever I look in the mirror. I always expect Scott to start speaking whenever I approach the mirror. Speaking of Scott. He's still my little bitch now. He calls me 'my alpha' whenever we are not in school. But whenever I see a spark of resistance or free will I have to make sure je won't stand up to me. I hope he knows how I can destroy his life AND how powerful his body, now belonging to me, really is."
Scott came out of the hall entering his old bedroom.
Scott:"I... I have scrubbed the whole toilet and I am now ready for you message, my alpha"
Theo:"About damn time! Took you long enough!"
Theo sat down in the chair in front of the mirror and watched every step that Scott took. He was very cautious now. His master was could get angry over any minor mistake.
Scott:"Should I start with your shoulders as before, my alpha?"
Theo just raised his eyebrows which Scott appreciated. Two days ago when he asked him, Theo threw him across the room and made him lick his feet.
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Theo:"Why are you wearing that flanel in my body?"
Scott:"I am so sorry, my alpha. I won't wear it again, my alpha."
Theo:"The hell you will. From now on you will not wear anything until I tell you to. And you will only wear the clothes I will approve. Since you already basjcally live here, serving me, you can get your things and leave them in the basement. You'll be living there from now on. Understood?"
Scott:"I think your family will notice."
Theo:"Did you just spoke without adressing me by my rightful title?"
Scott immediately panicked. Theo stood up and Scott could see his face transforming
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Scott bending down on his knees looking up at his own body:"I see my alpha, my alpha. I am sorry. It will not happen again. Let me make it up to you, my alpha"
Scott started unbuckling the belt. Theo just smiled with his teeth still out. Yeah, that's the way he liked it. He pushed his semi-hard dick into Scott's mouth and thrusted. Theo now knew that he had to make his master happy. And a flacid dick was a problem. He tightened his mouth to make his master feel the pleasure more intensively. He looked up. By the way his master looked at him and the hard dick in his mouth, he could see he made his master happy. His own dick started getting hard too. Scott hated this. He never was this submissive. And now the way Theo treated him made him hard. Or was that Theo's body? He had to find a way to swap them back. He wanted to contact Stiles but couldn't. He always eyed him suspiciously in the halls. Stiles must have noticed that something changed. He needs to contact him somehow. But Theo took his phone and wallet.
Theo was beggining to scream. It was coming and Scott knew that now was the moment he had to act fast. He sped up. Theo was furious now, destroying his old body's soft palate. He came into his old mouth. Screaming and transforming in the process. That's how he liked it.
Scott felt the cum in his mouth. It tasted horribly. Theo in his body only ate meat now, no sugar. So the cum was really disgusting. He quickly swallowed and as soon as Theo took out his dick he said:"Thank you, my alpha!"
Theo just laughed and put his trousers back on. The laughter intesified as he noticed the cum stain on the kneeling Scott's trousers.
Theo:"I hope you understood your punishment for not adressing me properly. Now, take off your clothes. You won't be needing them in this house anymore. Now go and finish cleaning the car!"
Theo looked sat down on the bed looking at himself in the mirror. Man how he loved this. His phone rang. Stiles was calling.
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Scott:"Fucking hell. This douchebag is harassing me at school and now he calls me in the middle of the night? What's wrong with this dude?" He picked up the phone. "Someone better be dying!"
Derek:"Hey, this is Der... Stiles. Yeah. Uh... I need your help. I saw Derek few hours ago and he said he will come back to talk to me about some issue we had. He never came back and I am 100% sure it was a wolf thing and he might be in danger. Come to my house I'll show you where he went"
Theo:"Fine... but you're not coming with us. You're not part of the pack."
Derek:"I... just come "
Theo turned off the call and screamed out:"Hey bitch. We're going for a trip. Get my clothes I wore yesterday and wear them!"
Theo parked outside of Stiles's home. Stiles walked out of the house. Theo could see that his walk was different, but he shrugged it off. Not caring anyway. Stiles got into the car to the passenger's seat. He turned around to see Theo in the backseat.
Derek:"Why are you here?"
Scott looked at the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of approval from Theo to start speaking. Theo slightly nodded
Scott:"Well I am part of the pack and I wanted to help the alpha."
Derek looked back at Theo and wasn't really sure what was going on. "Right. Anyway, go straight and I'll tell you where to go"
Theo:"I told you on the phone you're not going with us!"
Derek:"Do you want your pack protected or not Scott? If yes, than drive! He might be dead already and if so then I am screwed. So drive now or I will get sheriff's gun from the house and go there by myself"
Theo found the answer very strange and more so did Scott who couldn't hold himself and straight away asked his friend as he normally would
Scott:"Why aren't you adressing your dad as 'dad's?"
Theo had to hide his anger and rather started the car.
Derek looked back and just answered:"Don't know, didn't give it much thought"
Scott knew there was something different. This isn't his Stiles that he knew
They arrived near the abbandoned factory.
Theo:"Ok, we'll go in check the perimeter and get him. You stay in the car, Stiles."
Derek:"Not happening I'm going too"
Theo:'"Not a chance. THEO, you will stay here and watch him. I'm gonna have a look. Have your phone ready."
Scott:"Yes, my alpha" Scott immediately realized his mistake by addressing his master in front of Stiles. He's gonna know. That actually might not be a bad thing. He wanted to talk to him in a week now and never had the chance.
Theo got angry by Scott's answer but there was no time to solve that now. He headed into the factory by the side entrance.
Derek:"Why are you so submissive to Scott suddenly? You never acted like this. You always wanted to be better and acted like you're better than all of us. What changed?"
Scott:"I know you might not believe this, but hear me out. I've been trying to tell you for a week now, but he wouldn't let me. I am Scott. Theo swapped us and now has made me his sex slave. I wanted to escape and everything, but he threatened to hurt you or destroy my life and everything. I really wanted to tell you sooner, Stiles. I really did" Scott was crying softly
Derek:"That's touching and everything, but I'm not Stiles."
Derek:"Yeah... your naive little friend wanted to get close to you and bought a second hand potion. Now he's acting dominant in my body and on his first hunt got himself caught immediately."
Scott:"So the person inside in danger right now is Stiles?" Scott ran out of the car into the building. Derek right after him.
Theo got to Stiles first. He was still handcuffed to the fence.
Theo:"Oh what do we have here? Aren't you suppose to be my big mentor teaching me stuff about being a wolf? Not getting caught seems like an essential skill. Now don't you think?"
Stiles:"Can you let me go? They left right after your car arrived so they still might be nearby."
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Theo:"Doubt that. With three wolfs here, they won't risk that. But I can see that they set some traps on their way from here. There's a trip wire over there." Theo unhooked Derek's body. He took off his shirt and threw it at Derek. "I don't have bandages, so just take this to atleast cover the bloody spots where they took the samples
Stiles put the shirt on. Few seconds later Theo and his own body ran into the building
Derek:"Fucking me is one thing, but almost getting my body killed and mutilated is a different level. We're leaving"
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Derek grabbed his body with by his arm pressing one of the sample sites causing him pain
Derek:"I hope it hurts. If they make another chimera and it's gonna be my clone, I swear I'm gonna kill you" Derek was too focused on speaking to Stiles that he didn't see the trip wire while leaving the room
They expected an explosion. But instead a gas from the ceiling sprayed them.
Stiles:"That smell exactly like the..."
Derek:"Like another way to make me angry"
They passed out.
They woke up almost instantly. The four of them now looking at a very different point of view than they had before
Derek:"Oh shoot me now!"
Stiles:"Did we just?"
Scott:"How is this possible?"
Theo:"No way you guys just made us all do a potion swap. And you swapped into HIM?"
Derek:"Let's get out of here before we'll be attacked or something. They wanted Scott to be out of his body before and they got that. Let's get out of here right now"
They went to Stiles's house. His dad was still on duty. There was one message left from him if everything is ok. Some of the four sent a message back to him, but besides that there was nothing to worry about. Maybe just the swap thing. And who was who now?
Scott found himself in Derek's body. Derek was now in Scott's
Theo was Stiles and vice versa.
Theo talked to Derek's body that was now occupied by Scott:"Look I'm really sorry for how I treated you earlier. I didn't really mean..." be was interrupted by a punch from Derek
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Theo fell on the floor. "Ok I deserved that. But maybe think about the fact that I am a fucking nerdy human right now and I can't handle this power"
Scott:"I should kill you for how you treated me"
Stiles:"So you guys also bought a option from a sketchy lady?" Stiles said with his shirt already off examining his new chest.
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Derek:"Nobody is as naive as you, Stiles. Theo set him up to be the new alpha. Which would work out perfectly if you wouldn't spoil jis plans by getting caught"
Stiles:"Again. I am sorry. They surprised me. I really wanted to prove myself to you, you know."
Derek:"You don't need to prove anything. I know you'd be capable of handling it. It was your first day as a wolf. Mistakes happen. And even we are not able to get the Dread doctors."
Scott:"Sorry to interrupt you guys, but can I talk to Stiles alone, please? Maybe you could check if Theo is still breathing? I think Stiles might want his body back"
Stiles:"Yeah... we'll see about that"
Derek:"Sure. It's not like I got something to do anyway"
Scott:"Stiles, I am so sorry that Theo acted to you the way he did. I wanted to tell you before, I promise. But he threatened me, to hurt you and everything. He even made me his sex slave and forced me to walk around naked. So I want to thank you, even if it was coincidental, that you set me free."
Stiles:"Oh... well no problem. I mean, we're best BROS right? Come on let's just hug it out, man" Theo's and Derek's body hugged. While Stiles's body controlled by Theo looked at them in disgust while spitting blood.
Stiles:"You know, let's leave Derek here with Theo for a while. I got something I want to give to you."
The two of them left to Stiles bedroom.
Stiles:"If you want to give me something for saying you, I might be able to give something to you that might help with your ptsd right now"
Scott:"And what would that be?"
Stiles smiled as he went kissed Derek's body.
Stiles:"I think it would help you to dominate Theo's body, that's now already leaking while looking at you, and I might actually enjoy this too. I really fell in love with Derek's body. Especially the thing you got in your pants.
Stiles grabbed Derek's dick and smiled at Scott with Theo's smile.
They lied down into bed. Making out. Scott was using his new massive arms to take off their clothes, throwing them on the ground. They didn't stop making out. Only when Stiles made Scott sit on top of him to kiss his chest and inhale the musk that he just possessed few hours ago.
They were now lying naked in Stiles's bed. Their hard dicks pressing against each other. Derek's hairy body scrathing the hairless body Stiles now fully enjoyed.
Stiles interrupted the making out session:"What did he make you call him?"
Scott:"My alpha"
Stikes:"Oh my alpha. I need you dick inside of my. I need to be punished for making you suck your own dick so much. It's time to punish me, my alpha"
Scott enjoyed Theo's faced being so submisive. Maybe it was also Derek's massive body that made him the dominant role Stiles was leading him into.
Scott:"Turn around, bitch"
Stiles smiled and did so. He heard as Scott spat saliva into his hand and rubbed it over his dick and then over his hole.
Stiles:"I got some lube here, you know"
Scott:"This bitch needs to get it rough!"
Stiles:"Oh yes, my alpha. Fuck me, my alpha!"
The two massive wolf bodies were practically destroying the bed. Stiles was holding on to the wood, while Scott was fucking him senslessly.
Scott:"Tell me who i am!"
Stiles:"You're my alpha!!!!"
Scott:"Fuck right I am. No matter whose body I'm in."
Stiles:"Fuck, DEREK, I think I'm cumming already!!!!"
Scott:"Did you just call me Derek?"
Stiles:"Sorry. Heat of the moment. Fuck, this body really wants to be humiliated!?"
Scott:"Yeah. Been there. Call me my alpha again!"
Stiles was circling around Derek's dick. He loved how Derek's massive cock was messaging his new prostate. Even if he came already, he had DEREK's dick inside of him!!!
Scott was increasing his speed. It took him some time, maybe cause Stiles already used Derek's body to fill his old hole. But Scott came inside. Stiles now felt the warm cum inside of him. It was so hot...
They were next to each other, smiling at one another. Hugging. Exploring their new bodies together.
Stiles:"What do we do now?"
Scott:"About the swap you mean? Not sure about that, but wanna go for round two when were both ready?"
They just smiled at themsleves again. Making out.
You guys really love Teen wolf 🤣
Another 2 stories from inbox that I combined together (Liam is coming in the next part!)
Could you do a Teen Wolf story including Scott, Theo and Stiles?
Is it possible to make a follow up of your teen wolf story where Theo transoform Scott even further into his beta bitch? like maybe forcing him to wear the clothes he chose, or no clothes at all in the house. Or even include Liam. That would be awesome, thanks :D
Part 2:
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fatuismooches · 2 years
hi omg, I hope you don't mind me sending requests <3
I live for your writing sm, all of your fluffs gave me diabetes but healthier. I am a sucker for all of them, so thank you for putting your time and effort in your written works <3
I was thinking of headcanons with gn!reader and the fatui members but the reader is fragile, who can get easily sick or physically weak because of the unhealthy conditions during their childhood. I would love to think about those "meanies" (cough dottore or scara) would go insta worry mode if something bad happens to you because of your condition. Fluff or angst, I'm in love with both, I hope you don't mind about the request ^^ (you can decide platonic or romantic <3)
♡ 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐞/𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 ♡
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synopsis: The Harbingers are made of steel, unflinching in any possible situation. That is until they start worrying over your frail figure.
includes: all harbingers (platonic pulcinella) w/ gn! reader
notes: I really loved this request, it made me really inspired! (Probably because they'd be extra soft in this scenario and I love that...) I hope you like this nonnie!
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He doesn’t get to see you very often with his work and whatnot. But rest assured that you are in good hands, and that even if Pierro only has a spare twenty minutes of break, he’s coming to your room or wherever you are to check up on you. He doesn’t want you to be restrained. He wants you to go and experience Snezhnaya instead of being cooped up alone all the time (with the proper guards and company of course.) He is a very stoic but kind gentleman. You’d hide in his coat while walking together and no one would know until you pop out of it and scare the recruits. He holds the doors open, pulls up the blankets to the very top. When you’re tired due to your sickness he likes to use ancient Khaenri’ahn magic to make you smile.
If you died, Pierro would feel grief that he has not felt since the destruction of his homeland. He has already lost so much that his heart had become numb a long time ago, but your death made it come flooding back. He would have some kind of small figure similar to a chess piece made of you, and he’d keep it on him. In the battle for his heart, you were always the winner. What hurt the most was that he couldn’t even be with you in your final moments, to at least confirm how much he loved you despite everything. But he promises you, he will see you again in the “Old World” after fulfilling the Tsaritsa’s dream.
He is really worried for you. It was such a sharp contrast - big, tall, in tip-top shape, hulking Capitano while little old you struggled to walk straight sometimes. If you sneeze or even cough once, he’s literally all over you asking you if you’re okay. He tries to do a lot of things for you by himself. He stabs the meat on your plate so hard it breaks. He accidentally spends an hour deciding what you should wear, because he didn’t realize you had this many clothes, so he needed to choose something that’d look the best on you, despite not really having any fashion sense. But at least he is very diligent with your medicine times. He literally hovers over you, unintentionally being menacing, while you drink it. It’s very cute but the first time he did it, you spat out the medicine in surprise because you opened your eyes and he was just standing there with no warning. (Don’t ask him to pour it though. Once you asked him to pour a little into the bottle’s cover. His hands were too big and it spilled on the bedsheets.) If you collapse on him, he would be internally panicking so hard. Poor guy thought he hurt you somehow. The kind of guy who paces back and forth and causes everyone around him ten times more anxiety with how he’s acting. Also, lots of rides where you hook your legs over his shoulders and your hands are on his head (I don’t know what they’re called.)
If you died, Capitano would feel like a monster. Yes, he didn’t kill you, but it still felt like your blood was on his hands. Or did he kill you? He brought ruin and destruction to everyone, did he curse you too? How did he even know you were happy with him? Did you regret it? Would you have been happier spending your days with someone else? Horrific questions dug deeper and deeper stabs into his sturdy body, weighing him down day by day. He would give up anything just to have you back in his arms, for you to reassure and caress him, that he wasn’t a demon. But it seemed like the monster part of him was taking over anyway.
The kind of lover who has a list of songs that remind her of you and also buys you the record so you could listen to it. Columbina thinks music can soothe and heal the soul. So everyone can frequently hear tunes coming from your room. She also has a very calming voice in general, so when you are in pain, she just talks to you. She’d gently croon you to sleep or get you to spill all of your fears about the future, and thus comfort you. Since she sings, I’m declaring that she’s pretty poetic and would write poems for you. They always include bravery, strength, and overcoming illness with love, complete with heart doodles around it.
If you died, she would create multiple songs in honor of you. At your funeral, they couldn’t go on with the proceedings for a long time because she sang for hours, thinking of you. Often, she would go to your coffin, encased in ice, and just lie on it, singing. I think she would take a piece of your clothing and attach it to her outfit or something. I just have a feeling that she has lost before, but she likes to hold that article of clothing and feel as though you are still with her. She would become lost in her thoughts a lot more than before. If you had a favorite song, Columbina could often be found humming it to herself alone. 
He’s a doctor. A very unethical one, but Dottore’s still extremely intelligent. He knows what you can and can’t do, your possibilities and your limits, your good days and your bad days. He doesn’t trust anyone else to monitor your progress and health. When it’s time for your walks, Dottore personally comes with you, which baffles the other Fatui who knows that virtually nothing can come between him and his research. He tells you about how his medicine for you is coming along, and while you can’t really understand any of it, you like clinging to his arm for support. When it’s time for your medicine, he administers it himself despite your whining that it’s yucky. (For you though, he would find a way to make it a flavor to your liking.) 
But even for him, illness can sometimes be unpredictable, despite his precise calculations. Which is why whenever your condition randomly takes a turn for the worse, his mood completely changes and he’s already running a bunch of tests and taking your pressure and all of the like, trying to figure out what triggered your illness. Everyone knows not to even look at him during these times. Doesn’t show it but even though he isn’t scared of anything, these little stunts are not good for him. Has notebooks dedicated to your condition and daily status updates. Nothing goes unnoticed by him. Oh, but he’ll have his clones piggyback you around when you’re too tired to walk <3.
If you died, Dottore wouldn’t show it, but he would never forgive himself. He has the power to create artificial Gods, clone himself, and so much more, but he couldn’t save you? Honestly, he would probably preserve your body through cryosleep, unable to accept your death and his failure. He keeps you in a room that no one else has access to, and just… stares at your naked body in the tube, ruminating about how much he wanted you back. Dottore’s efforts to research and master resurrection triple, and he won’t stop until he could hear your voice again. 
When you’re at your lowest because of your illness, Pulcinella always comes in and likes to tell you some roundabout story that always has a life message at the end. He’s serious with you but also likes when you have fun. Reads you stories in different voices but it’s not very good when he sounds like a grandpa in all of them. He likes to set you up with different Harbingers. They’re also like family to him so he would want them to spend time with you. It would help your mental health too, he thinks. While some are fine with it, others are less interested, let's just say Papanella has his ways.
If you died, it really felt like he lost his own child. Pulcinella loved when you came to him asking for stories. When you sometimes left the country but came back with exciting stories. He liked to joke that if an old man like him could make it for this long, you’d have to as well. He really wanted you to go and experience the world and what it had to offer, just like he did. Planning your funeral was not something he was looking forward to.
Sometimes, he can’t help but think to himself, how much of a grip a weak, frail human like you has on him. A strong breeze could probably knock you off your feet, meanwhile, he has God-like powers. Yet he feels like a fool in your presence. He complains about how needy you are but in an instant, he is ordering someone to bring you a glass of water or extra blankets. Grumbles about how fragile you are but he holds you so gently, you wonder if it’s still Scaramouche. When you’re around, he tends to keep his voice down and not yell at others, since he doesn’t want to accidentally make you feel worse. Scaramouche is still his snarky self, but it’s noticeable how much he observes you, matching his pace to yours even if you’re walking slowly as hell, stopping with you to look at the scenery.
Despite all his whining, not gonna lie, if you collapse on him, he will probably freak out. If he had a heart, it would be thump-thump-thumping, but in its place is just an ache and unsettling feeling. Instantly catches you but his mind goes to the worse, knowing how fleeting your life was. Would move faster than the speed of lightning to get you help, and would not leave for side for anything. Waking up to Scaramouche’s hand intertwined with you and his head facing down into the sheets was not something you expected. In fact, he acts more vulnerable than you, ordering you (which, in reality, is more like a plea) to get better soon.
If you died, any remnants of love and kindness would just… extinguish. Anything in sight is being thrown, crushed, electrocuted. If the sickness was caused by the Tatarigami plaguing Inazuma, he would be especially furious. He would curse everything, everyone. The God, his creator, who abandoned him and let you get this sick. The doctors who were too useless to do anything. But he would curse himself the most, for being so weak, and not being able to do anything for the one person who actually gave a damn about him, now fated to wander Teyvat by himself for eternity. (But… reincarnation AU, anyone?)
Arlecchino is a silent yet watchful and hands-on partner. She observes you closely to see if your condition is acting up, or if you’re starting to feel ill. She is the kind of person who wouldn’t allow anything bad to happen since she picks up on your cues. Often times Arlecchino would scold the orphans for bothering you so much but you’d always reassure her that you didn’t mind. Whenever you try to lie about how well you’re feeling, she always narrows her eyes at you and makes you lie back down. Nothing can get past her. I also think she has a great soup recipe due to her experience with children, so you’ll definitely be fed some good food.
If you died, it would seem that there was no change in Arlecchino to the Fatui recruits. Same stone cold face and dead eyes. Same harsh voice that spat out orders. And they would be right, outwardly at least. Inwardly, however, was a completely different story. When a wound is healing, it hurts the most when it’s targeted. If her heart wasn’t hurt before, now it felt like it was completely broken, just when you were starting to piece it back together. When she looks at the children playing, she envisions you running after them too, but the only thing there is the shadows of the kids. When she’s walking through the halls, she anticipates you trying to creep up on her unknowingly and give her a back hug, but now all she hears is her own intense footsteps. When she’s doing paperwork, she expects to see you trying to sneak sugar into her coffee… but you won’t ever be here to do those simple things again.
La Signora:
La Signora treats you like glass. She is especially overprotective of you because she greatly fears losing you. You have the best maids and servants tending to your every need. She’d rather you not exert more energy than you have to. When she’s not around, she sends her little flame moths with sweet messages to you, in hopes of making you smile. She is scared about you going out by yourself since you could get sick so easily. So whenever you need a breath of fresh air, she makes sure to bundle you up in the finest coats. Also has her moths flutter around you for heat. Signora is very tall, so I think she would like to sit you on her lap and do simple things with her. I think she secretly craves a domestic life with her lover after she was robbed of it so long ago. She’d want to play with your hair, press you into her soft chest, make origami butterflies together.
If you died, the ice that previously surrounded her heart would swallow her up again. No more teasing you, hooking her finger under your chin, and kissing you. No more mock fashion shows where she helped to dress you in the most gorgeous clothes and the two of you would pose for pictures for the Kamera. It seemed as though the Gods would tear anyone she loved away from her without hesitation. She suffered the loss of her love once, but for it to happen twice? The pain was unbearable but Rosalyne sealed her feelings up once again. Coldness and ruthlessness returned to mask her true feelings, for if she didn’t, she feared she might not be able to handle it.
Pantalone wants you to see and do anything you want. You want to go to Liyue to attend the Lantern Rite? He’s clearing his schedule to come with you. You want some obscure item? He’s searching all the markets and buying it, no matter the cost. You picked up some hobby to pass the time? He’s indulging you with the most expensive and efficient equipment to help you with it. He wants you to have the most stress-free, easy, and happy life, so you can just focus on recovering and getting better. Every day, you’ll be visited by a new doctor, repeating the same old questions about how you feel, but Pantalone reassures you that they’re working on something for your health. He’s thankful that his position in the Fatui allows him to stay in Snezhnaya most of the time because he worries about you every minute of the day. The kind of guy who would have a status report on your health sent to his office every hour.
If you died, behind closed doors, his smile would immediately drop, now feeling like it was a heavy burden just to quirk his lips. He had access to the best doctors, medicines, and even bought ancient remedies long forgotten. Yet it was all fruitless. The Mora that he once loved to feel slip through his fingers sickened him. What was all the money he had worth? It couldn’t buy your life back.
If you want her to, she could probably hook you up with some robotic/prosthetic limbs. But she’ll never want to make you a full robot. You’re not one of her experiments, you’re her lovely lover. At first, she was okay with you going on walks. Well, it wasn’t really a walk because a Ruin Guard just carried you in its hand. But she never did that again when the robot returned with you collapsed and unconscious. Needless to say, the project Sandrone was working on is immediately dropped and now she’s taking extra precautions. I feel as though she would hook up a camera to her caretaker robots so she can be updated on your conditions at all times. When you’re sick, Sandrone likes to make cute robot animals, (which is something she never dreamed of wasting time on before she met you) to bring you little things. Maybe photos of some scenery she took might brighten your day. Or little short but sweet notes. The one that always makes you laugh is when it brings you a clipboard to fill out your daily assessment.
If you died, it would feel like she herself turned into a robot. Wake up, experiment in her lab for an ungodly amount of hours, forget to eat and sleep. Rinse and repeat. Her life was constant now that you, the variable, were gone. Sandrone had a bed for you in her lab so you could watch her while she tinkered with some mechanical parts. It was mostly you talking while she fiddled but your voice bouncing off the walls was pleasant. But now it was silent, only the squeaking of wrenches and screwdrivers remained. She felt emptier than any puppet.
He’s the kind of person who excitedly grips your hand and tells you about all the fun and lively activities you two will do together when your health improves. He wakes you up every morning, sunlight pouring into the room and the smell of breakfast cooking (and him in an apron.) Loves to serve you breakfast in bed, spoon-feeding you while the two of you plan what the day will be like. You want to just stay in and relax? Great, he’s got some of Teucer’s favorite story books to read together. You want to go for a stroll? He’s already got the route marked and the picnic basket ready. Childe would manage to carry you and like ten other bags at the same time just to impress you. Also, he is your personal hype man. Even when you’re terribly sick, he’s there to motivate you and sing your praises about how strong you are.
If you died, he would feel lost. The abyss snatched a piece of his heart away already, but he felt even more hollow now. You were the only thing that made Childe forget about being a weapon for the Tsaritsa for a while. When he was away on missions, he enjoyed reading your letters about how you were supposedly getting better. In the middle of a battlefield he would flip through photos of you and his heart would swell in anticipation for the future. But as Teucer and his siblings wail and cling to his legs, and it takes all of Ajax’s strength to not break down in front of them too. When he’s alone though, he silently sobs into your old clothes and bed sheets.
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reigningqueenofwords · 4 months
Losing Her
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader Word count: 1,156 Request: Anonymous. Love that you’ve jumped on the chubby Bucky train 🤗. Maybe reader is planning a party for a recent promotion or something and she has to be secretive so he gets super duper worried she’s leaving him because he’s gotten chunky?
Read on AO3
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Bucky had gotten a promotion that he’d been hoping for finally, and you were so proud of him. He’d worked hard, and it had finally paid off. You wanted to show him just how proud, so you took it upon yourself to start planning him a part. That he would have no idea about. Conspiring with Tony, Nat, and Steve, the four of you worked to make it perfect. They’d help you make sure all your friends were there on time, and that everything was how you wanted it to be.
The phone was between your shoulder and ear as you worked on dinner for that evening when Bucky walked in. “That’s perfect! And it’s in my budget?” You asked. “Tony, just because you make a lot of money, doesn’t mean the rest of us do.” You teased. Hearing the door shut, you quickly worked on ending the call. “We’ll talk tomorrow. Night.” You hit the red button and put your phone on the counter before turning to see Bucky standing there, eyebrow raised. “How was work?” You smiled. 
“It was work. What did Tony want?” He asked, curious. 
You waved it off. “Working on Christmas presents early this year.” You told him. 
“It’s May.” He noted. You simply shrugged and went back to cooking, confusing him. 
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Crawling into bed that night, you got a text as you got comfortable. Bucky was already waiting to cuddle you, but you quickly grabbed your phone. It was Nat, talking about catering. You replied, chatting with her for a few minutes before putting it face down on your nightstand. “Girl from work wants to grab lunch tomorrow.” You pecked his cheek before wrapping your arm around his waist, which had grown since the pair of you had moved in together. Putting your head on his chest, you didn’t see the look of worry on his face. 
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“I don’t know what to do, Stevie.” Bucky paced his office while on the phone with his younger brother. “I feel like I’m losing her.” His heart ached. “I’ve put on weight, I get that. I’m not as fit as I used to be. I work, and so sue me I’d rather enjoy my girl’s cooking over spending an hour at the gym.” He half whined. 
Steve sighed, trying to ease his worries without giving anything away. “She loves you, Buck.” He assured him. “So much.” Being in the middle was hard, but Steve understood why you’d asked him to help. “How long have you felt this way?” 
He sighed. “It really started maybe a week ago?” He shrugged, even though he couldn’t be seen. “I come home and she’s talking to Tony. Something about a budget. She tried to play it off as wanting to work on Christmas presents already. I pointed out it’s May. Then she gets into bed, and instantly starts texting someone. She said it was a girl from work, but why would she be texting her so late?” 
“Honestly, you are dating someone who likes to plan.” He pointed out. “She honestly could be planning Christmas presents. Last year she took over a month just for your birthday present, remember?” 
“Yeah, I remember.” He mumbled. It had been a good present. 
Steve smiled to himself. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it’ll all blow over, and you’ll laugh at yourself for every thinking she’d want to leave you. She probably has bridal magazines stashed in your apartment somewhere, Buck.” He saw the two of you making it in the long run. 
Bucky’s cheeks turned a bright red at that. “You think?” He asked, now a bit worried for a different reason. Were you hoping he’d propose or something? “Wait, do you think she’s planning to propose?!” He felt slightly panicked. He loved that you were independent, and didn’t care about ‘gender roles’, but he wanted to get down on one knee for you! 
Chuckling, Steve was amused. “Calm. Down.” He said gently. “Breathe. Just get back to work, okay? I’ll see you for our usual dinner Friday.” He told him. 
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Throughout the next few days, Bucky’s worries went back and forth. From him thinking you were leaving, to thinking you’d propose and he wouldn’t get to surprise you with that. By the time Friday rolled around, he hoped that dinner would help. Every Friday night, your group of friends made their way to Tony’s for a nice dinner. It was something to look forward to when the weeks were long and hard. 
“Tony never sends a car.” Bucky noted when you told him your car was there. 
“Guess he wanted us to feel special.” You smiled, lacing your fingers with his as you led him outside. There was a nice black car waiting for you, the driver there, ready to open the door for the two of you to slide in. 
Once in, his eyes watched out the window. “This isn’t the way to Tony’s.” He looked to you, noting how the lights from outside hit your face just so. “Where’re we going, doll?” 
You grinned over at him. “You’ll see.” You teased, making him furrow his brows. 
Twenty minutes later, the door was opened again. Bucky got out first, and then offered you his hand. He looked to the building, and noted it was a very nice hotel. Bucky allowed himself to be led by you, his mind trying to grasp at the most logical outcome. He stopped you, making you look at him. “Babe, I love you, and I wanted to be the one to propose. I don’t have a ring, or I’d do this the right way. But, I have to ask before you do it.” He rambled, making you stare at him. “Will you marry me?” He blurted out, making you giggle. 
“I will, but I wasn’t proposing.” You cupped his cheek gently. Motioning to the two large doors that had opened, showing your friends, the room behind them set up for a party. A banner that read ‘CONGRATULATIONS’ was hung up. 
“I guess we have two reasons to celebrate now!” Tony beamed. 
Bucky’s eyes went wide, looking back to you. “Uh…” His face felt like it was on fire. 
You pecked his lips. “We can go ring shopping tomorrow. We’ve been putting together a party for your promotion, babe.” You explained. “That ‘budget’ I told Tony to stick to, that he didn’t….” You shot a fake glare at the man. “Was for the venue, and supplies. That text I got was Nat. She was in charge of food. I worked with them, and Steve, to pull this off in about two weeks.” You wrapped your arms around him. 
“That…didn’t even cross my mind.” He admitted. “I thought you were leaving me because I gained weight, or proposing. Then I saw this place and…well…” He said bashfully. 
“I love your extra weight.” You grinned with a wink. “Now, let’s celebrate!” 
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lbxbx · 6 months
Cockpit 11 | knj
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Pair: Namjoon x reader
Summary: Namjoon goes through a rough time while getting a divorce, meeting you at the club two weeks in a row when attraction becomes unreal.
Rating: +18 mature content, Smut, divorce, fatherhood, major toxic behavior, mentions of abuse
taglist: @wecanpretendit | @whoisbts | @yoonjinsrkive | @my-current-mood-is | @joonzseoulmate | @parkinglot-nights | @missbangtangirl | @m00njinnie | @mantaecrolss | @busanbby-jjk | @bangtanxmegan | @nochelunaxx | @certified-lana-del-rey-lover
A/N: Disclaimer babes i'm not majored in law but i have searched to have a background on the actual thing to try include actual right details and pls let me know if i missed something, ps this may include typos because of my keyboard it's going insane and driving me nuts :)
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“Ew, so you practically baby sit his son the entire flight?” Even when it’s just a video call, you could clearly see the cringe on Taehyung’s voice. You had just arrived to your place a couple hours ago, Namjoon drove you to your place and went home so he could finally be prepared for the hearing that’s actually going to be tomorrow.
You were on your nerves the entire time, your appetite is long gone for almost the past week, your nausea is creeping back on you and you find your hands to be shaking occasionally even when there was little to no effort done that day.
Namjoon was nervous too but he was masking it pretty well to try and make it easier for you even when it should be the opposite. You were genuinely worried about the outcome, what if they go through trial? What if the entire divorce is cancelled? It can’t happen, you find yourself near panicking when this thought crawls into your head so you shake it off immediately before you dive into over thinking, and you don’t really need that right now.
“Yeah, I did.” You roll your eyes. “But it wasn’t that bad.”
“He’s still a kid.” He shrugs, “And how was he? Was he nice?”
“He was okay.” You were folding your laundry, “Are you coming over tomorrow?”
Your friends were kind enough to gather at your place during the hearing tomorrow just to keep your mind off of it, and since all of you enjoy Jungkook’s noodles, he offered that he would make a big pot for you all to have for lunch tomorrow.
And it was sweet of Hoseok that he actually called you earlier and told you that he can’t be there for tomorrow’s lunch, and he was “Work” to do, and he’ll be back right after. He just did it to reassure you and promised you that it’s going to be okay.
“Yeah, I’m coming over alone though.” He finally parks his car and gets into his building, “And your girlfriend?”
“She went over to her parents to celebrate her grandmother’s birthday, I’m on my own.” He unlocks his place and gets inside, “I’m home now, I’ll see you tomorrow chief, okay?”
“Mhm, see you.” You wave your hand and hang up, you throw your phone down and just lay down on your couch, your head faces the ceiling and you start thinking.
What if Namjoon gets the divorce? What happens after that? That’s the question you never asked yourself. You’re convinced that there’s something between you two, but it’s still not labeled nor official.
What happens after the hearing regarding you two?
You roll your eyes at yourself, you just gave yourself an extra thing to over think about when your thoughts are already crammed inside your head.
You want tomorrow night to come faster than ever, you missed sleeping without having to struggle before or even without having nightmares.
Your phone buzzes a message and you sigh before you grab it, thinking it was probably one of your friends  but it’s Namjoon who texted you a picture of his suit hung  up in his closet.
“do you think it’ll look good?”
“tie or no tie?”
“off to get myself a divorce tomorrow hahaha.”
A little breath escapes your nose when you chuckle softly at his message, your fingers hover over the screen to type back.
“I guess no tie.”
“how can you joke about this I’m scared.”
And only seconds after he Facetime’s you a video call and you answer him right away, he’s in his bed smoking a cigarette and having a drink, “I know I don’t have to ask you why because I already know.”
“What if—“
He interrupts. “Hey, no what if’s. I know everything is going to be okay, I’m well prepared and I trust Hobi, don’t you?”
“I do, I just don’t trust her.” You shrug. He takes a sip of his drink and shakes his head. “Just so you know, regarding the outcome, and whatever happens, I want you to know that I would still choose you.”
It does reassure you a little, but still you don’t want anything to be in the way between you two, and you know his wife tried to set him up so many times, what if she actually figured something out without you two knowing?
“Y/N.” He laughs. “Stop over thinking, I’m the one going through the divorce not you.”
“Alright. I’m not going to call you nor text you anything tomorrow, I’ll get the news eventually.” Your stomach drops just by the thought of it, he nods. “I’m sure you will, I just called Jay.”
“Poor little thing.” You pout, he takes a drag from his cigarette and puffs away the smoke. “Apparently he likes you.”
“I like him too.” You can’t help but smile, even when you’re a little surprised on the inside, children don’t usually like you. “Is he having fun at his grandparents?”
“Oh yeah, he enjoys being around his cousins, he’s used to staying there.” He turns off his cigarette, “Oh, Hobi is calling, can I call you back later?”
“Mhm, I’ll chat with you later.” You blow him a kiss and he blows one back before saying goodbye and hanging up.
Of course you hardly fall asleep that night, you did see it coming so you weren’t that surprised. You woke up with sore shoulders and a headache that didn’t go away even after having your morning coffee. You decided to give it some time before taking a pill.
As for him, Namjoon had a good night sleep, only his was full of nightmares, and of course he kept twisting and turning before he did manage to fall asleep, his morning was a little similar to yours, only he washed up and got dressed, he bathed in his own cologne and finally got on the road after texting you.
“Good morning :*”
“you were right”
“no tie looks way better”
“have a nice day beautiful <;3”
The clock is ticking and the hearing is a little over an hour away and he can feel his heartbeat pounding in his chest, there was little to no traffic luckily and Namjoon is the type of guy that considers the tiniest thing to be a sign that his day will go well or not, and no traffic could probably be a sign.
He makes it to Hoseok’s office in no time and walks inside, of course Hoseok was already there hours ago finishing the last couple of things and finishing the documents that he may possibly need.
“Good morning Hobi.”
“You’re here early.” Hoseok looks at the watch on his wrist. “Good morning,  how are you feeling?”
Namjoon  plops down on the couch in front of Hoseok’s disk with sigh escaping his lips. “I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t nervous. I want things to go well.”
“You’re in safe hands, don’t  worry.” Hoseok walks towards the coffee machine beside his disk. “Coffee?”
“Sure, yeah.” Namjoon takes out his pack of cigarettes. “Can I?”
“Sure.” Hoseok cracks the window open before he makes two cups of coffee and sits in front of Namjoon to have a smoke as well, “Her lawyer called, and they think they have something in their hand but they don’t.”
“What if they found something else we don’t know of?” Namjoon leans his elbows on his thighs. “I’m worried.”
Hoseok take a puff of his smoke before crossing his legs. “Is that what you’re worried about? Or the entire thing generally?”
Namjoon takes out a cigarette and lights it up. “The entire thing, I’m worried over Y/N, what if the outcome doesn’t come in our benefit?”
“Then you still don’t know who your lawyer is.” Hoseok grins, “Don’t worry about Y/N, no matter what the outcome is, she’s going to be okay.”
Namjoon opens his mouth and he’s so close to saying it out loud to Hoseok, but he’s a little hesitant.
Of course he’s not unsure about the way he feels about you, he’s just hesitant on how he’s going to share the fact itself. He wants you to be the one to hear it first, but he feels the need to reassure Hoseok, since he’s really protective over you. “Hobi I…”
It looks like it’s coming out earlier than expected.
“Hmm?” Hoseok’s gut feeling was never wrong, and he kind of knows what’s about to be said.
“I… I know this happened quickly, but the past four months are the happiest I’ve been in my life.” His thoughts are racing through his head when he speaks again. “I’m getting the divorce mainly because I want her instead.”
“I feel like I wasted the past thirty years of my life being with someone I cannot stand and will not stand no matter how hard I tried.” He shrugs his shoulders, slowly getting relieved at the fact that he’s spilling what’s been kept inside his heart as he never shared it with anyone. “I’ll choose Y/N over anyone anytime.”
Hoseok turns off his cigarette and crosses his arms. “But you just said it, it’s been only three months, aren’t you worried that you’d change your mind? Or probably the way you feel may change.”
He scratches his head and looks into Hoseok’s eyes. “I liked her in the beginning, you know the way you like any girl at the bar, and I was totally unfair to her when I hid everything and wasn’t completely honest with her, and deep inside I thought that I might actually lose her if I told her the truth. And when she found out I was a little relieved even when I was the bad guy.”
Hoseok is a smart man and due to being in his field for so long, he can easily tell if someone was being honest or not, Namjoon does seem genuine to him, the man gave up his marriage just to be with you, and he wouldn’t do that if he never felt anything for you.
“And when I saw her on that plane to Ilsan, I knew it was a sign that I shouldn’t let her go this time, and I can’t risk losing her again.” Namjoon puts off his cigarette and shrugs. “She makes me happy.”
“What’s your next step Joon?” Hoseok asks. “After the divorce.”
A smile creeps on Namjoon’s face when he crosses his arms. “I want her to be my girlfriend, I want everyone to know about her, I want to show her off.”
Hoseok was always your wingman back when you two were young, he would go around and ask guys you liked how they felt about you just so he can tell you later, and as much as he wanted to tell you every single thing about the conversation that just happened, he won’t.
“I actually think it’s very brave of you to decide and go through a relationship again when you’re working your way out of one.” Hoseok shrugs. “No offense, I’m telling you this as your friend.”
“None taken. I know, and you can’t believe how bad this experience was, and I can’t wait to be over with it, I thought I’d be traumatized by women for life, but Y/N  is different on so many levels, and to be honest I did compare them both so many times, but she can never live up to Y/N.” Namjoon scoffs.
“Well.” Hoseok puts his  hands on his own knees for support before getting up and looks at the time on his wrist. “As long as you two are happy, but for now we need to go.”
“Jungkook please don’t make it spicy.” Taehyung hovers behind Jungkook who’s standing in front of the stove and opening up the noodles packets.
“No put all the spice in and please pass on the seaweed, it makes me want to puke.” You stand next to Jungkook and watch him work, before he rolls his eyes and turns off the heat. “Okay, you two, either shut up or leave the kitchen.”
“Y/N? Did you order something for delivery?” Seokjin calls your name from the living room and you rush outside to open the door.
You ordered birthday cake for Namjoon, of course you didn’t forget, and since all of you are gathering at your place, you were going to celebrate it.
“Birthday cake?” Seokjin unsurely asks. “What if—“
“Hey, there no what if anymore, no matter what the outcome is, we’re going to celebrate his birthday. If he did get the divorce then there’s two reasons to celebrate, and if he didn’t, then we’ll celebrate it to make him feel better.”
“You’re totally in love with him aren’t you.” Jimin gets up to look at the cake. You roll your eyes and close the box to put the cake in the fridge. “You know sometimes I regret not having girl friends and choosing you guys instead.”
“You don’t mean that.” Jimin carelessly shrugs, “Jungkook hurry up we’re hungry.”
“You need to relax.” Seokjin tucks your hair behind your ear. “You’re acting all paranoid, the hearing already started and I know there’s nothing I could say to make this easier for you, but trust me it will be fine.”
You take a long sigh and take a seat in the living room. “I know, but his wife knows what she’s doing and that’s what I’m worried about.”
“Don’t you trust Hobi?” He asks. “He’s like, the number one divorce lawyer in Seoul.”
“Speaking of which.” Yoongi walks out of the bathroom to join you in the living room. “Did Namjoon pay Hoseok?”
“Yes.” Jungkook walks out of the kitchen with the large pot of noodles in his hands, using the sleeves of his top to protect him from the heat. “Hobi hyung told me.”
“Why wouldn’t he?” You shrug your shoulders. “Hobi’s doing his job after all.”
“But he’s our friend now.” Seokjin grabs a pair of chopsticks and you immediately object. “I know he is, but you have to put business aside, Hobi is an excellent lawyer and he deserves to be paid even if it was me getting the divorce.”
The entire room goes silent as they start scooping noodles into their plates and devouring the food, you still don’t have the appetite so you barely put one ladleful in your plate and force yourself to finish it.
Your phone buzzes a text and you rush to take it out of your pocket, it’s a text from Hoseok.
“Oh my god.” Your stomach drops. “They’re on their way here.”
“File number 3501CR. Mr. Kim versus Mrs Lee.”
“I am here for Mrs. Lee.” Her lawyer speaks, and Hoseok speaks right after. “And I am here for Mr. Kim Namjoon.”
“Mr. Jung, glad to see you.” The judge gets up on his feet to handshake Hoseok, he was pretty popular and loved, people enjoyed his company so much and most lawyers want to be taught and trained under him.
“Glad to see you too sir.” Hoseok shakes his hand back. Namjoon’s pounding heart still hasn’t calmed down but oh well, the judge knows Hoseok so this may serve his benefit.
“Alright, you can go ahead.” The judge orders and both lawyers hand over their files, Namjoon’s anxiety increases when he sees her file thicker than his, do they have something new?
“I’m here to speak for my client, Mister Kim, who filed a divorce 11 months and 23 days ago, he gave his testimony to the previous attorney who handed me over this case.” Hoseok flips through the file. “Sir the testimony is attached in pages 4 through 24.”
“Mhm.” The judge flips through the papers, taking his time to read some of the highlighted points that Hoseok worked on.
Namjoon’s testimony was taken long ago, he included everything about his fucked up marriage, he mentioned that he didn’t get his rights as a husband, and the mental stress she puts him and his son  through, how downhill Jay’s health deteriorates with every arguments, even included medical reports, the last one being signed by you, when you found out that Namjoon was married.
“Your honor, Kim Jaehyuk is their son, also known as Jay in the passport copies.” Hoseok flips through the papers. “3 Years old, with a medical history of seizures, occurring on the attached dates, clipped to that are picture of the hospital trips taken by mister Kim’s dash cam, and below that are his medical reports.”
“What are mister Kim’s conditions to this divorce?” The judge asks as he flips through the papers.
“Full custody of Kim Jaehyuk, and no asset distribution.” Hoseok answers right away even when Namjoon doesn’t mind neither.
If she did get the custody of Jay he will be able to see him every now and then, and for the assets even when she wasn’t worth it, he was willing to give anything away to get rid of her.
“What do you do for a living mister Kim?” The judge asks and Namjoon clears his throat and answers. “I’m an aircraft pilot sir.”
“How long have you been an aircraft pilot?” He asks and Namjoon tilts his head. “Almost 6 years.”
“Sir I have included his portfolio the page after, clipped behind it is a laboratory test that rules off any drug addiction or biological disease that may disable him. And on the next page is a written psychological evaluation written by a specialist, that clearly shows that mr. Kim may be suffering from recurrent panic attacks that occurred only in the past three years, meaning the years he was married to Mrs Lee.”
Namjoon feels himself about to have one of those from the excessive pounding in his chest, he even finds himself hyper ventilating that his own watch notifies him to log in a work out.
“Mhm.” This time the judge takes his time to read the entire paper, giving Namjoon a couple glances here and there.
And even when he’s really on the verge of panicking, he was doing a very good job hiding it,  they could barely tell by his body language and the way he sits. Only when he takes a sip of water or anything, his hands were shaking like crazy.
“Anything else?” The judge asks minutes after. “One last thing sir, the last two pages are bank statements of both mr. Kim and his spouse.”
“Alright, thank you mr. Jung. You did great.” And Hoseok nods before closing the file in front of him, her lawyer finally opens the thick file that’s been concerning Namjoon.
He even turns to look at Hoseok and their eyes meet, Hosok gives him a reassuring nod and sits back to listen to what they have. This is the part Namjoon has been dreading the most.
The judge looks at her lawyer and nods. “Go ahead.”
Namjoon pulls his chair closer to Hoseok’s to see the file that they have a copy of. “Between page 4 and 38 are Mrs. Lee’s testimony sir.”
“Mhm.” The judge also takes his time to read, Namjoon does the same and dives into the papers to scan the entire thing.
The testimony was taken only a couple  weeks ago and it seems like she didn’t include all the details or she probably purposely skipped some, and of course a huge part of it Namjoon could easily deny that it happened. “Mrs. Lee, I take it clearly that you’re accusing Mr. Kim to be abusive and obsessive and alcoholic.”
“Yes your honor.” The lawyer speaks, which makes the judge abruptly flip through the papers and the lawyer immediately speaks. “Sir if you open page 41 you can see that there’s a sealed medical report written by an emergency resident to prove that my client was in fact a victim of abuse.”
The judge rips the sealed envelope that has your signature on it which makes Hoseok stifle a grin, and what’s coming up Namjoon didn’t expect at all.
“Mr. Jung?” The judge passes the paper to Hoseok and he grabs it in his hand,  eyeing it carefully.
It was rigged, and this wasn’t the report you wrote even  when you had your signature on it. The report clearly said that she was presented to the ER with bruises on her upper torso and her back, a cut wound on her forehead and a broken toe.
Namjoon is about to lose his mind, none of this is true and she knows that. Their eyes meet and she immediately looks away and crosses her arms. Zero signs of regret on her face.
“Do you have anything to say?” The judge asks Hoseok, and he nods. “Sure,” He digs into his suit case and takes out a paper to hand it to the judge. “Sir this is data is confidential but she visited the hospital using Mr. Kim’s health insurance, so we were allowed full access to their files, and this is the original report, written by the same doctor on the same hospital, and if you put it side by side for comparison, it’s printed on the same date and time.”
“Agreed.” The judge nods his head and puts both papers aside. “And sir regarding alcoholism, I already presented laboratory tests and Mr. Kim is a social drinker.”
The judge looks at her lawyer and signals him to continue. “On pages 44 and 45 are a witness’ testimony of Mr. Kim seen in a wine cellar with a female aged between 25 and 32, and on the next page is a written report of a video tape that if you allow me to show you.”
“Of course.” The judge agrees and the lawyer turns his iPad towards him to show him the clip of CCTV that  they planned for.
Namjoon can clearly see the video tape and he squints his eyes to see the box of the Legos being put on the floor in the end of the aisle, it was you, and god it shatters his heart that you witnessed something that was meaningless.
“Mr. Jung? I guess you can’t deny a video tape.” The judge grabs his pen and starts writing, Hoseok laughs and shrugs his shoulders. “Watch me do it sir, I’m surprised you still don’t know me.” And the judge laughs too.
Hoseok digs into his suitcase again and takes out a bunch of papers. “Sir this is an order placed by an IP address located in Seoul, which is Mr. Kim’s apartment, the date of this order is in July 28th. And the next paper is Mr. Kim’s flight schedule that week, that clearly shows that he was out of town when this order was placed. And the paper after that is the delivery receipt showing that this package arrived a day prior to the video on the CCTV.”
The judge wasn’t surprised that Hoseok was good at his job, he knew when and how to represent anything that defends his own clients. And the judge was also shocked on how everything was manipulated, showing that Namjoon was set up.
“What are Mrs. Lee’s conditions to this divorce?” The lawyer asks and this is where Hoseok’s heart drops, if they don’t agree on each other’s conditions then the divorce will be transferred to trial and it will take much longer with no guaranteed end.
Namjoon is aware that they have to settle on something, so he grabs a pencil to write down on a small paper to show Hoseok. “I’ve been compromising my entire life and I wouldn’t mind doing it now.”
And Hoseok nods, but still he will try his best to make them agree to Namjoon’s conditions.
“Partial custody slash co parenting, and a 50/50 assets distribution.” The lawyer shrugs his shoulders.
Hoseok speaks without consulting Namjoon. “Partial custody is agreed, assets distribution 80/20.”
Her and her lawyer go through a debate quietly, giving Hoseok the time to glance at Namjoon, he nods his head and whispers. “She’s not getting more than 20.”
“70/30.” The lawyer speaks and Hoseok objects immediately. “No more than 80/20,”
“We need time to negotiate sir.” Her lawyer turns towards the judge to which he agrees immediately. “Mr. Jung please understand that my client is sharing custody, she needs the assets for their son.”
“If she needs the money for the shared custody let my client have it full then.” Hoseok shrugs. “Or zero assets and he’ll give his son the money he needs, it’s either one of those options or 80/20.”
“Mr. Kim, I want you to know that—“
“Sir please, I’m here for Mr. Kim, and if you need anything I’m the one you should talk to, this is what Mr. Kim wants and I was assigned to speak for him.” Hoseok interrupts mainly because he knows Namjoon will give them what they want, but he always made sure that his clients got their desired ends with the least amount of damage.
“75/25 last call.” Her lawyer makes one last offer, Hoseok turns to Namjoon to seek for an answer.
“5 percent is worth like 9 thousand dollars.” Hoseok whispers. “It’s your call.”
“I’ll give her the 25 percent on the spot, but what about the custody?”
“Shared custody, but since it’s her choice she gets to decide what days you can have Jay.” Hoseok puts his pin down. “Let’s settle?”
“Yes.” Namjoon nods, his heart racing more than ever, Hoseok turns to face the lawyer and judge and speaks up. “Agreed.”
“Mr. Kim do you have any debts?” The judge takes out the divorce papers and gets to writing, “No sir.” Namjoon answers right away.
“Mrs. Lee and Mr. Kim, you have agreed on 75/25 assets distribution with shared custody, but the court will decide based on  your profiles and your financial status in order to accept your agreement, is that understood?”
“Yes your honor.” Namjoon and his minutes away to become ex spouse answer at the same time.
“Mr. Kim you have two apartments, on located in Seoul and the other is located in Ilasn am I correct?” The judge asks again and Namjoon agrees.
“Sir if you check the last page on our file, you can see that we hired a real estate agent to evaluate the cost of both apartments.” Her lawyer speaks which makes Namjoon scoff, she’s clearly after his money and he can’t understand why he didn’t realize that before?
Hoseok rushes to open the file to check out the actual price of both properties, opens up his calculator and starts adding and subtracting numbers that are surprisingly big, he grabs out a paper and writes down for Namjoon to read. “25 percent is approximately worth the place in Ilsan and a little over the price of the other car.”
And Namjoon grabs the pen and writes down. “Ok. Let her have the car and the place.”
“Your honor.” Hoseok clears his throat. “I would like to inform you that 25 percent of Mr. Kim’s assets is worth the place in Ilsan and a little under the price of the car she’s driving, Mr. Kim wants to make an offer for Mrs. Lee to have the property and it’s kind of him to offer her the car without paying him what’s left of the car’s price on the market today.”
“What do you say?” The judge looks at her lawyer, who’s already discussing the offer with her.
Namjoon starts thinking months after, Jay will have to fly twice a week to be with his parents, which makes him want to consider a new flight schedule to be able to take him there. He already visits Ilsan repeatedly so it shouldn’t be a problem.
“We agree sir.”
“Alright then, we’re over for today. And in an hour we’ll hopefully have an answer for you.” The judge collects the papers and stands up on his feet. “It was nice to see you again Mr. Jung.” He shakes Hoseok’s hand and leaves the meeting room.
“How are you feeling?” Hoseok rubs Namjoon’s shoulder and he nods. “I can be better.”
“Relax, the hard part is over. It’s going to go just as planned, and we’ll go celebrate back home.” Hoseok winks at Namjoon and grabs out his phone to text you.
“Hey chief”
“We’re on our way home”
“Tell Jungkook to save us some noodles we’re starving :(”
Hoseok knows he sent the message way too early just to tease you and keep you tip toeing, he knows you won’t call or ask, so once he sees the read receipts turn blue he puts his phone back in his pocket. “You wanna go out for a smoke?”
“Yeah.” Namjoon gets up on his feet and leaves the meeting room, the aura was suffocating specially when he senses that he’s being looked at the entire time by her.
Her gaze never left him, deep down in her mind she’s still digging deep, she’s one hundred percent sure that he’s seeing someone else, but she can’t prove anything. And what’s killing her the most is that even when they’re getting a divorce around the same table, she still had a dash of hope that the entire thing will be cancelled.
Both her concrete evidences were rigged and she kind of saw it coming, her father warned her repeatedly that his lawyer was one of the best in the republic.
For a second a thought crosses through her mind and she recalls when she visited the emergency room with her father, she clearly remembers you when you agreed to help them with the rigged report, which when her lawyer found out told them that none of what you said was true, so when he opened the envelope he knew exactly why you lied.
And to be frank, the lawyer her family hired was the cheapest in the market since they’re already broke, so he rigged papers to try and win the case. And speaking of lawyers, another thought crosses her mind, why is Namjoon this close to his lawyer?
Her thoughts are racing back to back, is it possible that you and Namjoon know each other? But oh well, it’s too late for that now.
“Did you see their faked medical report?” Hoseok blows out the smoke. “I was so close to laughing.”
“Did you know they were going to manipulate it?” Namjoon leans against the bench and turns off the cigarette he just finished. Hoseok nods right away. “Yeah, I already told Y/N to give me a copy earlier this week, but gosh I wish I told it to the judge before they did.”
“You did great anyway, I’m really impressed, your job suits you like a glove.” Namjoon laughs and Hoseok nods. “I know, but yours was really easy since their lawyer was stupid enough to rig confidential papers.”
“Isn’t that illegal? Shouldn’t he be punished or something?” Namjoon asks out of curiosity. Hoseok blows the last puff of smoke and turns off his cigarette. “Everyone rigs papers in this field, it’s quite fucked up actually. Let’s go to the car and put some cologne on before going back up.”
They rush to their cars and to spray cologne so they could mask away the smell of cigarettes before heading back upstairs to the meeting room.
She’s still there with her lawyer with her arms crossed. Hoseok pulls a chair to sit down and nudges Namjoon. “How did you even marry her?”
Namjoon stifles a laugh and elbows Hoseok before whispering back. “Well, I’m here today because I regret that.”
The judge knocks on the door and enters the meeting room with one single paper in his hand, and considering Hoseok has been in this field for a while know, he knows what this paper means.
“Mr. Kim. Mrs. Lee. The court has made a decision.”
You’re in your bathroom vomiting the noodles you forced yourself to eat, it has been over an hour since Hoseok’s message and they’re still not here yet. And Hoseok’s text message with the sad emoji was the trigger you needed for the vomiting parade to start.
“It’s okay.” Yoongi rubs your back and tugs your hair away from your face. “I’ve never seen you this paranoid, you need to give yourself a break.”
“I wish I can, I’m sleep deprived and I haven’t eaten something properly for the past week.”  You stand in front of the bathroom sink and wash your face. “I don’t even know why I’m this nervous, I’m not the one who’s going through the actual divorce.”
“I think it’s because you have something for Joon.” He shrugs, “And you probably haven’t realized that yet.”
“You’re right, I’m still unsure how I feel, maybe that’s why I’m anticipating the entire divorce thing to see how I actually  feel about him.” You open the bathroom door and take a look at the living room, Seokjin and Jungkook are using your game console to play Just dance, and both of them look like actual idiots dancing.
“I wish I could be this careless.” You sigh, Yoongi rubs your shoulders and pulls you into the living room to watch the dumb and dumber dance.
“Are you feeling better?” Taehyung asks. “Do you want me to make you noodles? You’re probably hungry now.”
“No I’m good.” You unscrew your bottle of water and take a sip, He scoots closer to you and wraps his arm around you. “Just so you know, I don’t like seeing you like this.”
“What do you mean?” You pout and he chuckles and pinches your cheek. “I’m used to seeing the strong Y/N who never let anything effect her. You’re a smart successful woman who knows how to handle everything and control her feelings.”
“I’m still human after all. I’m allowed to break character when I’m going through something like this.” You lean your head against his chest. “I hate going through this much stress and sometimes I regret voluntarily going through this.”
“But it’s going to be worth it at the end, I know it.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “You should know it too.”
You hear the door code being clicked and your stomach drops, your face even grows pale and you break into cold sweat, the guys even hear the code being clicked and they pause the game. Your eyes are close to popping out of their socket and your body refuses to function, you can’t get up on your feet since they’re too week so your body lags and decides to stay on the couch.
Yoongi and Jimin get up on their feet and Jungkook and Seokjin who were already dancing are gazing towards the door.
“I’m telling you, I had my blinker on but she still honking behind me, and I ended up flipping her because she was a terrible drier.” Namjoon laughs and high fives Hoseok when they enter the place. “No way, I flipped her off too. But she did get a speeding ticket after, did you see her?” Hoseok laughs back and puts his suit case down on the ottoman near the door.
“Yeah, and she saw us driving past her too.” Namjoon looks towards the living room to see everyone on their feet except you and Taehyung, “What’s up guys?” Hoseok takes off his suit jacket and throws it onto the couch. Complete silence is the answer he gets as everyone is anticipating the answer.
They were all worried equally but hid it from you so well. After all, Namjoon is their friend now and they do care about him and want the best for him.
“You tell us.” Yoongi speaks. “What’s the outcome.”
“O-oh.” Hoseok scratches the back of his head.
You feel your heartbeat an inch away from stopping and you even hold your breath, not only the sad emoji concerns you now, also Hoseok’s reaction was the end of you. You feel each heartbeat taking away a breath from you that you’re slowly starting to get dizzy.
“What?” Jimin’s shoulders sulk in disappointment, Jungkook puts the gaming console down on the coffee table and walks towards Namjoon, “It’s okay hyung, even if didn’t get it today, you will have it eventually.”
“What are you talking about?” Namjoon looks at the youngest, and Jungkook blinks in confusion. “The divorce.”
“But I got the divorce.”  Namjoon’s smile creeps on his face and Hoseok yells right after. “He got it!”
They all cheer excitedly and get up to congratulate Namjoon and Hoseok but you’re still in your spot on the couch, your face fell in your palms when he heard he got it and you’re too overwhelmed to do any reaction. This divorce drained you, but you’re more than happy that it’s over.
Namjoon hugs back Jimin and Jungkook and takes off his suit jacket, his eyes on you when you’re still curled up on the couch with your face in your hands before approaching you and going down on his knees in front of the couch. “Don’t I get a congratulations hug or what?”
You held back the tears of relief and take your hands off of your face and lean in to hug him, burying your face in his neck and wrapping your arms tightly around him. “It’s okay, everything is okay now.” He whispers for only you two to hear and kisses you on the cheek. “I’m so sorry for making you go through this, but believe me I wouldn’t have done it without you.”
“How did it go?” You pull back from the hug, he leans his forehead against yours. “It went great, and now I can finally take you out on proper dates and show you off.”
“Aren’t you going to kiss her or what?” Jungkook plops down beside you on the couch and you roll your eyes. “With you in the room? I’m not so sure.”
“I heard you two fucking before do you think kissing her would matter?” The younger crosses his arms and Jimin plops next to him. “You heard them too? I thought it was only me.”
Namjoon rolls his eyes when Jimin starts imitating you. “Oooh Namjoon, please, don’t stop. Oooh Namjoon you’re so big. But are you though?” He even looks down at Namjoon’s pants, you grab the pillow on the couch next to you and hit Jimin with it repeatedly. “I’m so sorry, I know they’re weird.”
“But you do sound like that though.” Namjoon laughs which makes you hit him with the pillow too.
“Jungkook, go make us something to eat.” Hoseok finally sits down, you nod your head. “Yeah please, I’m hungry too.”
“You didn’t eat yet?” Namjoon tugs your hair off of your face and Jimin answers him. “She did but she ended up vomiting it.”
Namjoon’s heat melts and he pulls you in for a hug again and smothers you with little kisses all over your cheek. “I’m so sorry.”
You hug him back and get up on your feet. “Let’s go get you changed.” You pull him into your bedroom and close the door. “Tell me everything.”
“You know, I’ve never been this happy on a birthday before.” He unbuttons his shirt and takes a seat onto your bed. “Come here.”
You walk towards him and you’re about to sit beside him but he pulls you to sit onto his legs. “Hey, we’ll do anything you want later, but please tell me what happened first.”
He fumbles with the collar of your sweatshirt and gazes down onto your lips before looking onto your eyes. “I gave her the house in Ilsan and her car, and we’re sharing custody of Jay, the judge decided that he’ll stay in Seoul for two weeks and then go to Ilsan for the other two weeks and be with his mother.”
“She doesn’t deserve shit, she had no idea what she had in her hand and she completely lost you.” You scratch the back of his head, he grins and shrugs one shoulder. “Well now I got you.”
You nod your head slowly. “Hmm, you practically didn’t ask me to be your girlfriend yet so I’m guessing you still didn’t get me.”
“Yet?” He laughs and nuzzles his nose against yours before teasing you. “Well, I’m starting to wonder what being single feels like.”
“Oh yeah?” You whisper and hover your lips over his before pulling back. “I don’t think you’ll like it that much.”
“And why is that?” He runs his hands on your thighs, you put your hands over his and get back up on your feet. “Because you won’t get to spend your nights with someone as sexy and as beautiful as I am.”
“Fuck, you’re absolutely right.” He stands up and pulls you in for one single kiss on your lips. “But hey, in my defense, I want it to be special so you’re going to have to be patient.”
“Maybe someone else will beat you to it.” You pull back and grab him out something to wear. “I’ll be waiting for you outside.”
His and his ex wife’s family are going crazy in Ilsan, his father fired hers and took everything away from him in a blink of an eye, and all the projects he was working on and that were funded by the Kim’s are on hold and are being handled legally by someone professional.
Mr. Kim was kind enough to not ask for the money they stole back, and he was kind enough to finish her sibling education since some of them considered him like a father or like an uncle.
Her father was going hysterical and he started losing his mind, the projects and the big plans he was working on evaporated in the air in seconds, and of course they’re forcing their daughter to sell the house and the car that she got from the divorce just to be able to fund and cover one of the smallest projects he’s been working on.
But still, it would cover it for less than a year, after that there’s nothing he can do about it.
Namjoon’s family made plans to go visit their son the next day and congratulate him since he’s the one who exposed the other family even when it wasn’t on purpose. And they were going to offer their help on transporting Jay to Seoul and back so he wouldn’t have to take a day off from his job.
Meanwhile you were getting ready to go stay at Namjoon’s for the night, since he insisted and you were never there before, so you agreed and got ready before going there.
The moment you get inside the house, you thought you were going to feel bittersweet about it and about the fact that you were one of the reasons of this divorce. This house once had a housewife and she’s no longer here.
But it’s the exact opposite. Victory tastes so sweet and you don’t feel half bad for her, she’s the villain in his story and she doesn’t even deserve the end she got, she deserves worse.
You see Jay’s scattered toys here and there and something inside you feels greedy, you feel the need to let her know that you’re going to replace her, and that her loss no longer matters.
You feel the need to show her that he’s way happier with someone else, you feel the need to show her that you’re in her house, on her bed.
You throw your top off when you actually feel your body heat up, it’s either you getting horny or your body acting up on the greediness you feel.
“Do you want me to show you around?” Namjoon’s eyes hover down to your tits that still have his love bites on it from two nights ago. “Fuck you’re making it hard for me to focus.”
“Sure, show me around.” You put your top on the couch beside you and walk further inside the house, he gives you a little house tour, showing you the two furnished room that they used to sleep separately in, and both of them are familiar.
One you saw behind him as you video called him for hours. And the other one was the one you saw in your nightmares, similar to every exact detail which makes the hair on your body erect. It was so weird and scary somehow.
“Are you okay?” He stands behind you, wrapping his arms around you to pull you in closer. “Yeah, I’m alright, I love your place.”
“You do?” He whispers, burying his face into your neck to inhale your scent, secretly wishing for you to leave your own scent in his place to replace the old one. Any place that has your scent is like a home to him.
“Mhm.” You giggle when he reaches his hand inside your bra and squeeze onto one of your tits. “Your hands are cold.”
“They are?” He nibbles onto your ear. “Aren’t you tired? Do you want me to give you a massage?”
“Stop, last time your massage ended with a cream pie Joonie, that was cute and shit but we need to be a little more careful.” You laugh and he mirrors your laugh and whispers. “I’ll cum in your mouth this time, or on that beautiful face, what do you say?”
Your panties soak in milliseconds at his words, you let out a hitched breath and clear your throat, you need to say something but he left you speechless. And who are you to actually say no?
“Debatable.” You manage to say and he chuckles before pulling back. “Do you want anything to drink?”
“Wine, or whiskey, your call.” You shrug one shoulder, he presses a kiss onto your shoulder. “How about a couple shots of tequila?”
“You’re totally trying to get me into bed.” You walk out of the bedroom to the kitchen and he follows you. “Me? Of course not.” He feigns innocence and opens the cupboard to grab out the drink and two shot glasses to pour out a couple of shots.
“Here’s to being single again.” You tease him and he rolls his eyes before clinking his shot glass with yours and drinking it in one go and so do you.
“You know I don’t think it could use another shot.” You throw down your shot glass and without thinking, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your lips against his, he immediately kisses back and hugs you into his arms tightly, your tongue already invading his mouth, he carries you up and you wrap your legs around his torso, he walks towards the master bedroom and it seems like he’s on the same page as you are.
He puts you down on her bed and it feels exactly like your nightmare only with different details, he leans towards you and presses his lips against yours, his hand already crawling inside your jeans and panties to rub your pulsating clit in circular motion.
You hum against his lips and move your hand down to palm his cock through his pants, it’s already rock hard which makes you a little less embarrassed that you’re already wet yourself.
“Fuck.” You gasp and your head falls back when he slides in two fingers inside you, he moves down to your neck and chest to print several wet kisses and sucking on other spots to print even more purple hickeys onto your skin.
His fingers slam against your spot as he thrusting them up and down, the tightness in your stomach increases and he feels your cunt clenching around his fingers and he whispers. “You’re gonna cum aren’t you?”
“Mmm, fuck. Yes.” Your hand sits on his shoulder, his lips land against yours again and he shoves in another finger which stops you from kissing back right away. “I’m gonna cum.” You speak with your lips still on his mouth, he curls his fingers against your spot and right when you’re about to cum.
You feel a set of eyes on you.
Your heart drops and suddenly you feel yourself about to lose your consciousness, a silhouette standing right near the bedroom door behind him. Your fight or flight works and you close your legs onto his hands and hold his wrist tightly. “Namjoon stop.”
“Are you okay?” He looks into your eyes and sees that you’re staring somewhere near the bedroom door, he snaps his head to look behind him.
And holy fuck it’s her.
Standing right there near the bedroom door and it’s the same facial expressions you saw in your nightmare.
Even when they’re divorced, she looks lonely and hurt and empty. And of course, betrayed.
 This time not a single inch of regret do you feel, this time it tastes sweet, it tastes like pure victory.
And what you wanted happened right away, you wanted her to see that she’s replaced, and that Namjoon couldn’t care less about her loss, and most importantly..
You wanted her to see you on her own bed, in Namjoon’s arms.
Namjoon’s hand slides out of your pants and he helps you get up onto your feet, totally not ashamed himself, he grabs your hand and walks you out of her bedroom and sit in his.
He takes one last glance at his ex wife and barely hides the disgust he feels towards her. “Take all your stuff. And maybe you should consider knocking next time since you no longer live here.”
You’re all ears anticipating what she would answer but she doesn’t, he walks into his bedroom and slams the door shut on purpose before walking towards you and yanking his shirt off. “Now where were we?”
You knew the man was freaky, but was he freaky enough to have sex with you with his wife in the room next door? He actually is.
And it’s even more arousing to you, you grab him into your arms and press your lips against his, raising your knee up slowly and gently to rub it against his clothed boner, his hand slides into your panties again and this time he slams his three fingers inside you without a warning which makes you hold him tighter into your hands and moan off of the top of your lungs. “Holy fuck.”
The two of you were enjoying the actual thing, and enjoying the fact that she’s in the room next to you.
“Cum for me.” He bites onto your earlobe and curls his fingers against your spot, slamming against it repeatedly, you’re usually talkative in bed but the stimulation got your voice a couple octaves higher.
“Don’t stop.” You breathlessly moan and throw your head back, he licks a long valley from your neck to your chest and proceeds to use his other hand to grab one of your tits out of your bra.
And of course she can hear everything, her attention was drawn away when she saw you topless, and she couldn’t help but to notice the purple kisses onto your breasts. Meaning that you and Namjoon had already done this before and this is not his first night with you.
But she still didn’t have the chance to look you in the face and recall your features.
She walks towards the bed and smells the bed sheets, it’s the exact same smell she picked up from the hospital, and the exact same smell that was on Namjoon’s clothes that night.
She’s a little slow to process the fact that it could be you, but she just needs to take one look to recognize you.
“Oh my god. Joon please-“
She hears through the thin walls, but she decides on ignoring and opening the closet to start packing her stuff. Right when she hears her phone ringing from the living room, she walks out the bedroom and Namjoon does too.
He’s on his way to grab you a bottle of water when their eyes met, she takes one glance inside the bedroom to see you laid down on the bed.
And it takes her a little over two seconds to finally recognize that it’s you.
“I knew you were seeing someone.” She looks at Namjoon in the eyes. “She’s the woman you abandoned your son for, isn’t she?”
“This doesn’t concern you.” He closes the door to his bedroom, but you immediately get up and press your ear against the door.
“She was the doctor who helped Jay, and she was the one that got you the medical report.” She nodded. “Now it all makes sense.”
You knew she knew all along, women know and feel everything going around them.
“I’m not going to argue because this doesn’t concern you.” Namjoon repeats, you open his closet and grab out one of his tops before opening the door.
You look her in the eye with your chest heaving dramatically.
This was something you were anticipating long time ago, you wanted her to know everything. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
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silv3rswirls · 8 months
Their s/o faints in another member's arms
Anon asks: Hi, can I request a bts reaction where their girlfriend/ s/o faints in another member’s arms. Thank you and I love your writing ☺️
Note: I hope you enjoy it, thank you for requesting it!
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He felt dread fill his stomach when he heard Jimin gasp and frantically call for help. He rushes over to help Jimin get you somewhere more comfortable, frowning at how pale and weak you seem to be. He stays by your side as you’re checked up on, feeling guilty that he hadn’t noticed your lack of eating the past two days due to stress. He stays close to you for the next few days, making sure you’re taking care of yourself and recovering.
He hadn’t been in the room, but he heard Hoseoak panic and call for the staff to get some help for you. He’s shocked over how run down you look, leaning against Hoseok as he tries to sit you down carefully. He knew you had been working harder and more hours than usual, but he was upset that you worked yourself to the point of fainting. He scolds you for it but is attentive to your needs following the incident.
It was hot- so much so everyone thought it would be the hottest day of summer. You and Hobi had gone to the beach with a bunch of friends and the other members. He was lounging around relaxing while you and Taehyung walked the shoreline looking for shells and playing with Yeontan. He saw you from a distance start to slow down and start to stumble into Tae’s arms. He’s there in an instant, panicking to get you some medical attention. He feels so bad the heat got to you like that and fusses over you endlessly.
You injured yourself not too long ago but kept insisting that you were okay to go out with Namjoon and Jungkook. He checks up on you all night to make sure you’re not in pain or uncomfortable, but the moment he takes his eyes off you to use the restroom he’s getting a call from Jungkook that he’s taken you outside and you’re feeling lightheaded. He’s mad that you were in so much pain, so much so that you passed out on the way to the hospital. He’s strict with your care the rest of the week.
Jimin heard Namjoon comment that you were looking really pale and sickly as he fussed with his keys to get into the apartment. The three of you had gone out for some drinks, so he assumed you had just had a little too much. But before getting inside you were falling into Namjoon’s arms, muttering something about not feeling good. Namjoon keeps him calm as they decide to take you to the emergency room just in case. Jimin’s upset to learn that you hadn’t eaten or had any water before going out like that. He’s never going to let you pull such a move again he lectures, staying at your side all night.
He hadn’t been worried when he got separated from you because he knew you were still hanging around with Jin. The event you were at was packed, loud, and hard to navigate. He rushed down to the lobby when Jin called him, you had fainted over admitting to feeling very anxious and overwhelmed with everything, having a hard time breathing. There were medical staff already there checking you out, but Taehyung felt extremely guilty for leaving you. He takes you home and lets you rest, cuddling and talking to you about what happened.
You had been pretty sick and exhausted all week, but you still pushed yourself to go out to pick up some more medicine and ingredients for dinner. Jungkook had been gone and busy all day, and you had gotten impatient waiting so long for his help. You bumped into Yoongi there, but he barely commented on how bad you looked before you passed out into him. You get checked out and he takes you back home, scolding Jungkook for not looking after you better. Jungkook feels guilty, making sure to attend to all your needs the rest of the night and taking the next day off to stay with you.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 7 months
i’ve been craving this for ages and finally decided to request upon it!!
stray kids x little sister reader (she’s about 17/18) she has been having a secret relationship with one of her school teachers called Mr. Kang (name inspo from song kang) and she has a “sleepover” arranged with her friend for a week.. on day 3 the boys went for a group walk and saw y/ns friend with her family but without y/n. The boys go over and find out that you were never staying with her.. They check your location after panicking only to realise it’s your teacher Mr. Kang’s house. They log into your computer and find all the messages between Kang and you. They are infuriated, when you return back.. let’s just say it’s hell reincarnated.
Thank you daddy- I mean Mr.Kang.
Part one.
"We can't keep doing this.." she whispered through her heavy breathes. Her skirt was slowly riding up her thigh as her pink laced panties were slowly being exposed.
Her face was red due to the heat from the make out session she was just in. Her shirt now unbuttoned halfway exposing her bra.
"What do you mean baby," he whispered in her ear as his hands slowly wondered around her body. "Jump for me princess,"
She wasn't thinking at all. The thought of being pleasured by him was all she could think about. Her legs wrapped around his torso as he slowly put her on top of the desk, knocking down books and papers to the floor.
"My brothers are gonna find out about us soon Mr.Kang. They'll kill me-"
"Shhh, we'll worry about that later bunny," he hushed her while slowly unzipping her skirt.
"Mr.Kang just- uhm," a moan escaped her mouth as his lips made contact with her sensitive skin. She was a mess. Her hair was everywhere and the hickeys that she received from a few hours ago were on display.
She felt good. She loved him. She loved being with him. She loved every moment with him but it was so wrong. Their relationship was so wrong. It had been 3 months. They had been going for 3 months and she still wasn't caught. It was baffling.
Their relationship only began during summer. She had no idea that he would end up being her teacher. They had met at one of the concerts the boys were doing. He had come with his friends and he really didn't want to go but his friends had convinced him too and when he set his eyes on her, he couldn't look away. She was beautiful and he knew he wanted her.
"Do you feel-" his deep voice was interrupted by a loud knocking. Y/n's eyes widen as she jumped off the desk and started to fix herself.
"Who is it?" He called as he too tried to fix himself.
"Mr.Kang? It's Chan. Y/n's brother," a familiar voice replied. He looked over at her small body and saw she had managed to get herself together quite quickly and started to collect her books.
"Come in!"
The door opened and a happy looking Chan walked in. His face was glowing and his hair was covered with a beanie meaning he had just come from the studio.
He quickly said a quick hello before helping Y/n grab her bag. "I hope you guys had a good study session. Thank you so much for watching her Sir," he thanks the older man.
"Oh, you don't need to thank me. She was an Angel and I hope, with all the studying we've done, she'll pass the next quiz," he had a smirk on his face. A smirk Y/n hated. He knew what he was doing.
"Well, I'll make sure to make her study more. Other than that. Have a good weekend," Chan gave him one last smile before waving goodbye and leaving the room with Y/n right behind her.
"Why do you look so red?" Chan asked when they got into the car. He had been watching and analyzing her for the past 5 minutes. "Do you not feel well?" He asked.
"No Channie, it was just really hot in there and I've been studying for hours," she sighed and played with her skirt.
"Oh, makes sense. Do you wanna eat something? We can stop for some hotpot-"
"No actually, I'm really tired Oppa. Maybe later in the evening?"
"Yeah that sounds fine, we can go with the boys," he replied and got his phone out of his pocket to text the family group chat.
They had a family group chat because once when they were traveling for one of their tours, I.N and Han thought it would be a good idea to disappear from the group which led them to missing their flight and Chan was so mad he made sure to make a group chat for whenever they had to split up.
Y/n looked out the window. The past few hours running through her mind. The thoughts making her feel wet under there as she thought about the way Mr.Kang would touch her, make her feel good, make her feel like-
One message:
Come over to mines tomorrow. Sleepover😘
The butterflies in her stomach started to dance once again. Her tummy doing somersaults making her feel all giddy and excited.
"Oppa? Can I go to Franchesca's tomorrow for a sleepover?" She looked over at her brother.
"Again? You've been going over there so much! We barley get time with you," he pouted earning a chuckle from Y/n.
"It's just for one night, I'll be back in the morning and we can hangout. All of us,"
He didn't look convinced but yet again, who was he to say no? This was his little sister. Their only girl in the family.
"Fine but make sure to tell Leeknow. You know how he gets," he shrugged and turned back his phone.
"Okay okay! Thank you, thank you," she giggled and jumped on him while kissing him all over his face.
"Okay okay, enough," he playfully rolled his eyes and raffled her hair.
Her night consisted of watching the boys do practice and have a big fat nap on the couch as they figured out the music part of it all. This was a routine most of the times after school. One of the boys would pick her up and then she would come over to the JYP building and watch the boys practice or record they even made her her own little corner in the 3 racha studio where she could do her homework and decorate it is much as she wanted to.
They really did love their little sister.
"Okay shall we go?" Han asked her since he was the last one closing up the studio. All the other boys were already down stairs waiting for them.
She grabbed her sweater and nodded, "yeah let's go jisung, I'm hungry," she groaned and carried her bag on one shoulder.
He chuckled and locked the doors and quickly made their way downstairs.
When they arrived at the restaurant and started to eat. Chan brought up the sleepover which leeknow was not so happy about.
"I don't, I just don't like them. I don't like their lifestyle and you've been over there too much jagi," he explained as he picked up the chopsticks.
"Please leeknow, she literally comes over all the time,"
"Yeah I know but I don't have a good feeling about this weekend, my older brother instincts are tingling," he looked over at the other boys trying to get some support.
"She'll be gone for one night Hyung, just let her go," Changbin backs her up. He thought about it for a bit before finally agreeing but only on one condition.
"You have to call me when you get there and I have to speak to her parents,"
She giggled nervously before nodding, "Ofcourse min, I will. I promise," she played with her ring. A thing she only does when she's nervous and from the corner of Hyunjin's eyes, he noticed instantly and he knew for a fact something fishy was going on.
"So this sleepover...is it just the two of you?" Hyunjin asked while taking a sip from his cocktail.
"Yeah it will be, we're thinking of watching a movie-"
"What movie?" He cut her off quickly. "And what time will you leave tomorrow?"
"Hyung, chill. What's going on?" Han laughed and shoved him a little.
"Nothing...just curious," he shrugged and lifted one eyebrow. The restaurant was a bit empty and the service was good so when the waitress interrupted their conversation by giving them their bill she was so thankful because the conversation was no forgotten about.
"I just know it Changbin, I know she's lying about something," Hyunjin was pacing back and forth in the living room. Half the house was asleep and most of the boys were in their rooms.
Hyunjin and Changbin had decided to stay up and watch a movie. Leaving them alone in the living room.
"Why do you think she would lie about a sleepover Jinnie? I mean surely she wouldn't lie to us about that,"
"But Changbin, you know how suspicious she's been acting. Always over at Franchesca's. Staying for after school activities. Always coming home late. Changbin it's obvious she's doing something behind our backs,"
"Have you talked of Chan about it?" He asked while slowly taking a sip out of his mug.
"No, I just thought about it while we were at dinner. I need solid proof because if I tell Chan, he'll go absolutely crazy,"
"You're right, maybe we can check her phone while she's sleeping or something," Changbin suggested.
"Do you know her password?"
"No but she keeps it in her journal and I know where that is-"
"Her journal! Changbin that's it! We need to read her journal. Maybe she put down what she's doing in there," he whisper-shouted.
"Are you crazy?!" He whispered back, "that's like intruding her privacy Hyunjin! What if we don't find anything at all then it'll be a waste and she'll be mad,"
"I know I'm not wrong Binnie! I can feel it,"
"I hope you're right because if she finds out, we'll be the worst brothers of the century," he sighed and massaged his temples.
"Make sure to call if you need anything, okay?" Leeknow gave her assurance as he kissed her goodbye.
"And don't eat anything your not used too or don't know about!" Chan added and gave her a hug.
"I won't Oppa," she giggled and waved goodbye as she made her way to the car where the driver awaited her.
Once they saw the car drive away everyone disappeared doing their own thing while Hyunjin and Chan where on a mission. A big mission.
They went straight to her room and started looking for a journal.
"This feels so wrong," Changbin said as he opened and closed drawers.
"I know Hyung but we have too," he replied quickly and looked through her closet. It was long until they found out and it actually made Hyunjin laugh at the fact that their little sister sucked when it came to hiding her stuff from them.
"I found it!" He yelped and pulled out the book. It was old and quite beaten up but that didn't matter at all. Hyunjin made sure to remind himself to buy her a new one later.
"Okay! What does it say? What does it say?!" Changbin shrieked excitedly.
They sat on her bed and started to go through the book. Page by page by page. It was hours and hours reading boring things about highschool and boys and drama.
Hyunjin was about to run mad but Changbin was eating all the drama up. He was actually impressed at how interesting their little sisters life was.
"We're never going to find anything!" Hyunjin groaned when he looked at the time.
"I mean we can skip the parts? When did she start acting suspicious?"
"I'll say like 2-3 months ago, I don't know! What do you think?"
"I think it started during summer," Changbin commented.
"Then let's go look from there," Hyunjin started to skip the pages until finally.
September 27th 2023.
“….and we’re going to be making cookies. I just really hope everything goes well and my brothers don’t find out about this. Wish me luck!” Hyunjin slammed the book shut after finishing the last sentence.
He looked up at the boys who were listening to everything. His blood was boiling as he looked over at Changbin who was equally as angry.
They were shocked and traumatized.
What the hell was Y/n thinking?
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plussizefantasia · 4 months
Shady Side Gigs
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Bucky x BlackCat!Reader
Chapter 3/6
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Word Count: 4.2k (oops)
Warnings: Sleazy Guys, Alcohol, Language
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After a long day of work, it isn’t surprising that the two of you fall asleep relatively quickly after that, what you aren't expecting is to wake up the next morning wrapped in Bucky’s arms after having the most comfortable sleep you’ve ever had. 
His breath is soft on the back of your neck, and you can feel the steady rise and fall of his chest on your back. It’s soothing in a way and if you weren’t so mortified you could've fallen back asleep. You can’t let that happen though, so as slowly and carefully as possible you begin shifting out of Bucky’s hold. He doesn’t stir at all and when you are finally free from his hold and standing up next to the bed he takes a deep breath and rolls over.
You make a vow that you will never mention this again, not even on your deathbed will you admit that the best sleep you’ve ever gotten was in the arms of the man that you can’t stand.
You start pulling yourself together for the day, brushing your teeth and hair, and making sure that the dress you’re wearing tonight is hanging up in the bathroom. Hopefully, the steam from your shower will release any wrinkles that might be littering the fabric.
Taking a shower is always a refreshing thing, it's the one place you can really turn your thoughts off, just listen to music and focus on the feeling of the hot water running across your skin.
Bang. Bang. Bang. 
Bucky hammers his fist into the bathroom door. “Why the hell did you let me sleep so long!” He yells through the door.
“What? I just got up like ten minutes ago I didn’t let you do shit.”
“Fuck!” he yells before the sound of his footsteps retreating from the door can be heard. 
You quickly finish up in the bathroom and rush out into the main part of the suite. 
Bucky is practically running around the room. Grabbing things from different surfaces and throwing them onto others, pulling his suit from his bag, and just genuinely panicking.
“What the hell is wrong? You’re acting insane.”
He stops and looks at you, “What time is it?” His voice is eerily calm despite the panic that he just displayed. 
“I don’t know like 10?”
He throws your phone into your hands, you catch it, just barely and glare at him. 
The screen lights up when you lift it to your face and the numbers on the lock screen register in your mind.
How the hell did you and Bucky sleep the whole day away?
“Shit.” You let panic overtake your body and start running around the room with Bucky, maybe even a little crazier than him. It’ll take the two of you at least an hour to get ready to meet society's standards and another thirty minutes to get into town. By then you’ll be cutting it far too close and might lose your window of opportunity.
Fury will be pissed if you blow this, he trusts you and you can not-will not- let him down. 
“Why the hell would you turn off the alarms?” You screech at Bucky.
“Turn off what alarm? I didn’t turn off an alarm?!” 
“You didn’t set an alarm?!” 
“You didn’t set one either?!” 
“I was planning on staying up all night!”
“Well, that’s a stupid plan!”
“So is just raw-dogging it without an alarm!”
“Don’t use the word raw-dogging that’s gross!”
“There are more important things to worry about than my vernacular James!”
“Then why are you yelling at me instead of getting ready?”
“I don’t know!”
“I don’t know either!”
“Well then.” You both stop and stare at each other for a moment. You let out a laugh at the absurdity of the situation you’ve found yourself in. You shake your head at him and continue getting ready at a much more relaxed pace.
It doesn’t take you as long as you’d thought it would to get ready, you’ve done your hair makeup, and nails in record time and have your dress pulled up when Bucky walks into the bathroom behind you. 
“James? Can you zip me up please?” 
You nod your head to the zipper in the back of the dress. You have no idea why dressmakers insist on putting the start of the zip in the middle of the back so that you can’t reach it. 
“Uh, sure.” He hesitantly reaches towards the zipper and places his other hand gently on your waist. You feel his hand tracing up your spine and the goosebumps that follow along behind his hand.
He’s done all too soon but you don’t pull away from each other, instead you stare at each other in the mirror. You look good, really good. Your dress matches suits your body type and the color looks great on you. The way his suit fits him makes you want to drool a little but you refrain. You look good together, You don’t mind the way that thought makes your heart pick up either, the two of you… together.
“So, Debrah, are you ready to rock this thing?” His use of your cover name doesn’t go unnoticed, he’s purposely putting distance between the two of you. For the rest of the night, you are not Bucky and Y/n you are Debrah and Brantley, members of southern society and very wealthy and influential people.
“Of course Brantley, I’ve been lookin’ forward to this lil’ shindig for months now.” Your voice lifts an octave and you make the shift to a slower speech, dropping the last letter of some of your words and tightening the corner of your lips. It’s one of the easier accents for you to slip into, after all, people are charmed by Southern accents, which makes it easier to get people’s money when they’re being charmed.
You and Bucky take the car that was waiting for you out front to the event center which is in an offshoot of Montgomery proper, if you weren’t here on a mission you might’ve taken advantage of the nightlife here, but you suppose you’d have to settle for snobby rich people and orchestral covers of songs from when your parents were kids.
The fact that you had both slept in so late was biting you in the ass, despite your ability to get ready quickly you were still running fifteen minutes behind schedule and neither you nor the driver thought to take into account rush hour traffic into your departure time. 
It’s twenty after when the two of you finally arrive at the event center. It’s a posh place, marble columns surround the entrance and the lawn is trimmed and neat. There’s a fountain a few feet from the front door, encircled by the driveway of the building. It’s exactly the type of place that the Governor’s wife would choose, classy but in an in-your-face kinda way. 
Luckily the two of you aren’t too late as you can still see people getting out of their cars and making their way inside. Most likely all aiming for ‘fashionably late’ to draw attention to themselves, which doesn’t really work when everyone tries to do it. However, it works in your favor tonight, you want to draw some attention, but not too much. Too much attention makes stealing and conviving difficult, you’ve learned from experience. 
Bucky gets out of the car first, jogging briskly over to your door and opening it for you, offering his right hand to help you out of the car. You don’t mind gentleman Bucky, you think you’ll keep him around for a little while. He hooks your arm through his and sets off towards the front of the venue, both of you sporting charming smiles and holding your heads high.
You feel the eyes of everyone as you make your way into the room. It isn’t very often that new faces show up to these old money parties, so you and Bucky are clocked right away. 
“We’ll do one walk about the room with each other, schmooze a little bit and then we can split up.” You lean into Bucky and lower your voice to talk to him. You plaster a demure smile on your face as you do and batt your eyelashes at him when you pull away, playing your part to a tee. 
You have to introduce yourselves as a unit to the Governor and his wife, then you can split off and go about getting the information you need separately. It’ll pull too much attention if the two of you walk in together and then immediately split off and start scanning the place.
So you pull Bucky by the arm to the bar, “Jack and Coke please.” You tell and nod at the woman behind the bar, nudging your elbow into Bucky. 
“Uh, two fingers of Scotch, on the rocks please.” He also nods to her and places some cash in the tip jar at the end of the bar. The two of you pick up your drinks and saunter away from the bar. Both of you scan the room as subtly as you can, trying to get an eye on your target and establish any threats as soon as possible. 
It’s during your scan of the room that your eyes land on the Governor’s son, he's surrounded by other people his age. He’s telling a story, and by the laughter coming from the circle surrounding him, it's a good one. Either that or they’re pity laughs, a desperate attempt to win the favor of the host’s son.
You’d spent your entire day yesterday looking into this kid. Hunter Bowman: He graduated from the University of Alabama with a measly 2.3 GPA securing a Bachelor's in business that he’s never actually put to use. He immediately went off and started his jet-setting career using Daddy’s money, and has been bouncing between European cities for the last five years. A little more digging led you to a brief and failed attempt at a DJing career and some scandalous tabloid stories printed in Amsterdam about him getting cozy with some up-and-coming starlet who burned too bright too quickly and has since fizzled into obscurity.
 You also know that his favorite color is red, he orders black coffee to seem sophisticated but never finishes his cup, and despite the fact that he’s only been back in the States for a few days, he's already been charged with and been excused from a DUI. 
You know this kid better than you know yourself at this point, which is why you figure that he is the best point of access to Governor Bowman.
“Okay, here's the plan. You and I go get introduced to Governor Bowman and his wife, after that we split ways. I'll go get close to the kid, he's reckless and kind of an idiot and I’ll bet he knows more than he should.”
“And what should I do?”
“Go stand in the corner and look menacing I guess, it’s kind of what you do.”
“I can do that.” He nods at you and knocks back the rest of his drink. You don’t think he can get drunk, something about an extremely fast metabolism. What you wouldn’t do for one of those.
Bucky places his empty glass on a passing waiter’s tray and turns to you. “M’lady,” He says, offering you his arm.
You barely avoid letting out an extremely unladylike snort, “All you're missing is the fedora Buck and you could be a true gentleman.”
“Why would having a fedora make me a gentleman?” He tilts his head to the side like an adorable puppy and you can feel the urge to kiss him bubbling up in you.
What. Kiss him? You don’t want to kiss Bucky Barnes, you want to finish this mission and then never have to think about him and his soft hair and warm embrace or cute smile ever again. 
“Never mind B, let's just go and introduce ourselves.” Bucky practically lights up at the new nickname.
“After you.” He gestures forward.
You tuck your hand into the crook of his arm and firmly grasp your clutch in the other. Bucky seems to know where to take you, as moments later the two of you are standing in front of the hosts of his whole shebang.
“Governor Bowman, Mrs. Bowman I’m Debrah Longborne, and this is Brantley Moore, we’re so grateful for the invitation.” You reach your hand out and the Governor takes it, before moving on to shake Buck’s outstretched hand as well.
“Ah, Ms. Longborne, it’s nice to finally meet you, it’s not every day that I get such a generous donation to the foundation.” Mrs. Bowman smiles at you and briefly looks you up and down. 
“Yes well, I figure why let that money sit in some account somewhere when it could be doing some good for other people.” You smile and put an emphasis on the word account. Rich people like the Bowmans don’t care about others they just want the tax ride off that came with having a charity. You can’t pass up on the opportunity to make the jibe, after all, it’s her husband you have to charm, not her.
“How… insightful Ms. Longborne. Well. We do have more people to speak to tonight, but really, it was such a pleasure meetin’ the two of you.” She smiles, a little tenser this time, and moves to pull her husband away, yelling out the name of some other couple standing a few feet away from you. She doesn’t like you, that much is obvious. You don’t like her either, guess you’re even.
“What a bitch.” Bucky says, unprompted and deadpan. You laugh at that and smack his chest with the clutch in your hand, covering your mouth to dull the loud noise. 
“Most powerful women down here are like that, they’re pretty damn cutthroat and protective of whatever little empire they’ve built. But that was the worst part of tonight. She’s met us now she doesn’t need to speak to us again for the rest of the night, and judging by how fast she wrapped up the conversation I’d say she’s pretty grateful for that fact. And I won’t lie, I am too.” 
You take a look around, trying to spot Hunter, and lo and behold he’s alone, standing at the bar, “He’s my chance, wish me luck.” You throw over your shoulder at Bucky before making your way to your key player of the evening. 
You conveniently don’t hear Bucky’s whispered response of, “You don’t need luck, you’re you.” Which is honestly a good thing because if you had you’d be a puddle on the ground. And puddles can’t finish missions. 
“Hunter Bowman, is that you?” You really lay it on think but you need this boy in your pocket and this is the best way to make that happen. “It’s me Debrah, Debrah Longborne from College?” He, like his mother, looks you up and down. His look is more curious than hers was and if your eyes aren’t deceiving you, his gaze is a hell of a lot more heated than hers was too. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I don’t seem to remember you. Which is a mighty shame, me forgetting such a pretty face like yours.”
You lean your head down and away from him a blatant act of submission, you push up your cheeks and let a demure smile take over your lips.
“Aren’t you sweet? We only had one class together, makes sense you don’t remember me, you were always the life of the party.”
“Still, let me buy you a drink, to make it up to you.” He licks his lips and leans into your space looking down at you. This is going to be easier than you thought. He’s practically eating out your had already.
Bucky’s blood is like fire in his veins. 
Bucky is doing as you told him, taking up space in a corner, nursing a new drink, and looking menacing. Except he isn’t actually trying to look menacing at all, it’s just the way his face naturally seems to default. It doesn’t help that he’s being forced to watch you and the rich kid hit it off over at the bar. It’s been hard enough for him to not just stare at you all night, looking the way you are.
The little amount of time you’d had to get ready did not diminish the quality of your look, actually, he thought that the way your cheeks had heated up when you’d gotten frazzled was one of the cutest things he’d ever seen. He always thought you were cute, you yelling at him about setting an alarm was not an exception.
Then you’d called him into the bathroom to help you zip up your dress and he’d had to fight off every one of his instincts to rip it off you instead. You look killer in the red silk gown. It flows perfectly across your body and hugs everywhere that he wants to hug as well. 
And yet, here he was, sitting in the corner watching you flirt and be flirted on by some entitled rich kid who had probably never worked a day in his life. 
Bucky has no right to feel jealous, you aren’t his. But by God does he really, really want you to be.
He’s supposed to be assessing the room for threats, maybe trying to get closer to the Governor himself to get the information the two of you needed, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the two of you. Nor could he help the way his blood boiled when the bastard put his hand on your waist.
“No way, there’s no way that he actually said that to you?” You added laughter into your voice and ran your hand up and down Hunter’s arm, looking into his eyes. 
“I’m tellin’ ya darlin’ he did. He really told me that I couldn’t handle my alcohol.”
“And did you prove him wrong?” 
“Course’ I did, I mopped the floor with his pompous ass.”
“Wow, you have so many amazing stories Hunter, it must’ve been really fun being away for all that time.” His stories suck. This is quite possibly the most boring man you’ve ever met. 
“You could say that, but I’ve had my fun I think. That’s why I’m back in the States. I’m ready to get serious, to settle down.” He places his hand on your waist at the last two words. 
Had you been anyone other than Debrah Longbornw you would’ve punched his light out at the audacity. Instead, you just laugh and bashfully look away again, fluttering your eyelashes. 
“Get serious huh? Finally gonna put that business degree to use?”
“Maybe, or maybe I’ll follow down my Old Man’s footprints, being a politician seems to be a pretty sweet gig.”
“I mean it can be I guess, but he probably doesn't have much fun. Me on the other hand, I have a lot of fun. And I make a lot of money doing it.” You’ve found that that’s a good way to get rich kids hooked, they like the idea of being rich but hate the idea of actually working for it.  
“Oh, I think Pops has more fun than people would think. And his little side venture, that makes a whole hell of a lot more money than he makes nine to five” Hunter sips into his glass and lets out a little laugh like he just told the greatest joke. 
“Oh, well. A venture like that, I wouldn’t mind getting in on.” You chuckle and raise your brow. You don’t know what this venture is but you’re almost positive that it’s something shady, the Governor hasn’t reported any excess income on his taxes in the past five years. So whatever it was, he doesn’t want anyone looking too closely at it. 
Hunter gets all serious really quickly, “Are you sure? Because he told me he’s looking at branching out, investor-wise, looking to open up the circle and make even bigger returns. I could put in a good word for you, and who knows? We might end up working pretty close to each other.” By the end of his proposal, his flirty smile is back and he has moved his hand from your waist to your back. He pulls you towards his chest and leans his head close to your ear. “Just say the word sugar, and you and I, we could do great things.”
This was it, this was fucking it. This was your in and all it took was buttering up the most mediocre white man you’ve ever had the displeasure of standing this close to.
“I mean, I have been looking to… diversify… my assets recently. Do you think He’d go for it? I’d love the chance to work more… intimately with you.”
“No better time than the present to ask. Lemme go grab him and we can talk this out.” Hunter took off and you did an internal happy dance, this had probably been the easiest mission you’ve been on. 
You turn and scan the crowd for your broody backup, when you spot him in the corner you make eye contact with him and brush your hair behind your ear, letting him get a glimpse at the comm you put in.
Once you notice him slip his into his ear you let him know, “I’ve got him hooked, apparently the governor has a little side gig, something that brings in heaps of cash that he doesn’t want anyone to look too closely at. However, Mr. Big Shot over here says he’s looking for more investors, that's my shot. Once I get the governor to explain the details and try to make a deal with me, we’ll have all the evidence we need to expose his backroom dealings.”
“So you were actually getting information that whole time? Here I thought you were just fawning at the first guy to give you attention.” Bucky’s gruff voice sounded through your earpiece.
“The fuck Barnes? Of course, I was getting information what the hell kind of a thing to say is that?”
“A stupid one. I’m sorry.”
“Fucking better be, that was some A-grade douchebag shit that just came out of your mouth right there.”
“Sweetcheeks, have you met my Dad yet?” Hunter returns quicker than you’d thought we would, his father in tow.’
“Yes, we met tonight. Might I say, you’ve got yourself a fine boy on your hands, and an excellent salesman at that. He tells me you’re looking for a little help expanding a little venture of yours. That’s definitely something I’d be interested in.” You shake the governor’s hand again and smile prettily at both him and his son. The more you bat your eyelashes the more they seem to practically preen. 
“Well Ms. Longborne, I’d love to discuss that with you, why don’t we go somewhere a little more private? I don’t really like conducting business out here in the open, I’m sure you understand.”
“Of course. Mr. Governor, lead the way.”
The old man places a hand on your back and begins escorting you to the hallway on the left side of the ballroom. According to the building blueprints, there are some offices down that way along with a library and a ‘gentleman’s room’.
You catch Bucky’s figure out of the corner of your eyes, following behind your little group and you relax minutely. He’s got you, he won’t let anything bad happen to you. 
The Bowmans lead you to the library, a room stuffed full of old texts, and leatherbound volumes without the titles on the spines. The room also holds two couches that you might find at your grandma’s house and a fully stocked bar cart in the corner of the room. 
“Drink?” The governor asks.
“Whiskey, neat. Please.”
“How refreshing, a woman who knows how to drink.” He hands you your glass and you take a sip and smirk at him. 
“So, Mr. Governor, what exactly is the venture that I’d be getting involved in?” 
“Woah, let’s slow down. Can’t exactly talk business without the boss in the room can we?” The men chuckle, eerily similar to each other.
“Oh? Who are we waiting for then?” You’re confused and a little nervous, you’ve never been the best at thinking on your feet. You know that you can deal with the governor and his Son, but a third person throws a wrench into every plan and backup plan that you’d come up with.
At that moment the door creaks open and a familiar face walks in. 
“Ah, the boss! Guess we can get this discussion started.” the governor shifts across the room. Pulling his wife in close and planting a kiss on her cheek. 
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sashaisready · 11 months
You fought with Bucky 
This is a lil head canon about the aftermath of an argument with your boyfriend Bucky. Warning for some angst (but fluff too). Longer than I expected!! Hope you like 💖
*Your face felt flushed and your stomach twisted with nerves, the two of you rarely fought and if you did - you would make up right away. He’d stormed out of the apartment half an hour ago and you hadn’t heard anything since, you kept checking your phone - anxiously hovering your finger over the call button of his name in your contacts. 
*It was dumb. What had started as a silly squabble about household chores turned into a full blown argument, both of you firing verbal missiles across the kitchen as your petty gripes were used as weapons. You were both angry, both stubborn. Both hotheaded. He’d said some cruel things, but so had you.
*You’d wanted to apologise but your hurt and anger held you back. He’d gone too far…maybe you had as well, but his words rang in your ears as you painstakingly pored over each detail in your head. You wiped your tear stained cheeks and anxiously chewed your fingernails. What he’d said…Is that what he really thought of you? 
*Long buried fears teased you from the hidden depths of your brain. The insecurities, the doubts. The worry that you weren’t good enough for him, that you couldn’t make him happy or give him what he needed. You thought these concerns had been long extinguished, eradicated entirely by Bucky’s love for you. His affection had anchored you, made you finally see you were worthy of him. Worthy of love. But the embers of those fears must’ve remained deep below, ready to reignite when they were given the spark to do so. Now their fire burned again. 
*Eventually you’d retired to your bedroom. Unable to eat much or concentrate on that crappy Netflix show you’d put on, your phone screen still blank and silent. You sunk into your sheets, smelling Bucky on them and unable to stop your tears as you remembered how he’d held you so tenderly in them just hours before. 
*You began to make a plan. You’d need a place to stay when he eventually came home and ended things. If he even came home….Your brain snapped into action mode as a survival mechanism, mentally making a list of people you could potentially stay with - how easily you could travel to work from each of their houses. How you could transport your stuff…Would someone help you move? Maybe you could hire a storage unit until you got back on your feet. Maybe you could move to a new city….Maybe…
*You must’ve fallen asleep at some point during your catastrophizing. You woke as the mattress shifted in the dark, a heavy but familiar warmth from behind wrapping around your torso, two hands - one flesh, one metal, encircling your waist. The smell of him on the sheets now suddenly overpowering as it surrounded you. You tried to speak, but your throat tightened and dried as you could only utter a single whimper.
*He cooed and hushed in your ear as your tears fell. His nose nuzzling your jawline as your quiet cries escaped. ‘Just let me have tonight’ you pleaded. ‘I’m sorry. I’ll be gone by the morning’.
*He tutted and sighed. His breath hot on the back of your neck. ‘Doll….’ He whispered, somehow both gentle and chastising at the same time. ‘Always so dramatic…You’re not going anywhere…’. A kiss then, soft lips dragging across your cheek. ‘You think you can get rid of me that easily?’
*You choked back a sob as relief flooded every inch of you, your body slackening into his. All of your tension and fear escaping at once. ‘I’m sorry-I..I didn’t mean..I wanted to call - I’m sorry…’ the words left your mouth faster than you could think them. A panicked jumble as he soothed and held you tightly. ‘It’s okay’ he whispered. ‘I’m so sorry, Doll’.
*Silence then. Just the brushing of clothes and your old bed creaking as your bodies slotted together perfectly like they always had. You held him close and muttered a prayer of apologies into his ear while he shook his head and ran his thumb down your spine, wordlessly putting your pieces back together again.
*’I thought you would leave’ you admitted softly as the final tears fell. He stiffened at that, his soothing demeanour wounded by the pain he had caused. ‘I’m sorry I made you think that’ he uttered quietly. ‘And I’m sorry I didn’t get in touch. I was hurt by what happened, upset that we fought…I just needed some space. But I love you. And a stupid fight would never change that. Okay?’
*You nodded, smiling in the dark as he caressed your face so tenderly that it caught you off guard. No more words now, just bodies on the mattress tied up in each other. Noses brushing, fingers entwined. Breathing both in time. The remainder of both of your apologies unsaid yet somehow loudly declared, a shared, private language in that creaking old bed. 
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vote-gaara · 8 months
Positive Results - Gaara x (Fem) Reader
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(NSFW under break)
Read on A03
Summary: You're at the stage in your life where you desperately want kids…Actually, you've always dreamed of having a family, and now that you've been in a relationship with Gaara for a few years now, you're thinking of broaching the subject with him.
There's just one problem, though: You have absolutely no clue what his opinions are on the matter!
Could it be that due to his past he might refuse to start a family, spelling the end of your relationship with him? Or are you just getting ahead of yourself and panicking over nothing?
You suppose there's only one way to find out: You need to build up your courage and simply just ask him…
Warnings: lots of fluff, impregnation, pregnancy, wanting to get pregnant, talk of kids, sex, creampie
Authors Notes: I don't know what happened with this fic, but it just got on the wrong bus all of a sudden and ended up in fluff town. Don't worry, though, there's still lots of steam.
This fic is read best by someone who wants children or can imagine themselves having children/getting pregnant. If that's not you, you could probably still enjoy it for what it's worth, but it might not be your thing.
Anyways, enjoy.
Positive Results
Everything you desperately yearned for was dependent on the answer you would receive in the next three minutes.
You were standing alone in your bathroom with an anxiety so great it nearly made you nauseous. To steady yourself you held your breath, but when you began hearing the blood flowing through your ears along with the hard drumming of your heart, you changed tactics and opted to take slow, deep breaths instead.
In front of you was a white, plastic pregnancy test you had purchased only half an hour ago. You had promised yourself that you would wait until Gaara got home so that you both could endure the torture of the wait together, but you couldn’t help yourself. You simply had to know.
Now you occupied yourself the best you could, covering the test with the instruction booklet so that you didn’t have to look at it; then, quite abruptly, you changed your mind and ripped off the paper pamphlet to stare eagerly down at the result window. This compulsive action repeated so many times that you were certain you could have set your own world record for most amount of paper moved in 3 minutes.
It was torment. Utter torment. 
You began reasoning with yourself the best you could, “If it’s negative now, it’s really no big deal. We can always try again next month.” 
This thought comforted you and eased the tension from your shoulders as you reminisced over the last few months leading up to this very important moment.
The question on whether or not Gaara wanted to have children was something that burdened you with a doubt so strong that it paved its way to dread.
You had always wanted to have children, but now you desperately wanted to have children with Gaara, and the prospect that he didn’t feel the same anguished you greatly.
“In the way he was raised, of course he wouldn’t want to have children!” You reasoned, advocating against yourself. “And of course even if we did have children, they would be expected to be shinobi and he wouldn’t want that! Ever!” 
For each logical explanation you offered as to why Gaara wouldn’t want children, you sank further and further into despair. You loved him with all your heart, but having children was something really important to you.
“Could I really carry on being in a relationship with him if he never wanted kids?”
While you were busy tying yourself all up in knots over his stance on the subject, the fact had slipped your mind that you had never actually asked him how he felt about it. In truth, you had absolutely no clue where he stood on the matter, and it was a very real possibility that you were dreading an outcome that didn’t even exist!
Gaara was, to many people, a mystery. With his difficult to read expressions, his calm demeanor and to-the-point attitude, he was a perplexing mix of being extremely difficult to gauge and yet simultaneously extremely open with his expectations and ideas. Though throughout your relationship you could pick up and recognize even the most subtle changes in his expression, voice and demeanor with near 100% accuracy, there were still certain things you still needed to ask him about; after all, your ability to notice his tells him didn’t make you a mind reader.
Gaara, though reserved with his emotions, was upfront and honest about his intentions. When he wanted something, he would work hard to obtain it. When he was curious, he would ask questions. If he was upset about something….Well, eventually you could pry that out of him, too. 
Yet when it came to having children, the jury was so far out that they may have well conspired together to skip trial to never be seen or heard from again. He never mentioned his thoughts about the subject, and he never asked you your opinions on the matter, either.
“Did he not think about having kids at all?!” You thought to yourself from where you were sitting next to him on the couch, some months ago. Admittedly you were squinting hard at him, as if straining your eyes could help you peer inside his mind and find the filing cabinet in his brain labeled “whether or not to have children”. 
He turned to look at you.
“Y/N…” He said, his voice was level but the way he trailed off made you realize that there was something important he wanted to say. This made you flustered and you deflated backwards, giving him space.
Could it be that he was the one who had peered into your mind?
“Yeah?” You asked, glancing away quickly trying to play off how intently you had been staring at him just seconds before.
“I wanted to know…” He began and then stopped as he collected his thoughts; a troubled expression overtook his face.
“What is it?” You leaned forward again, but this time out of worry.
“It’s just…well…” Gaara began again and faltered again. He steadied himself, placing his warm hand on top of yours and he gazed into your eyes; eyes that were so soft and full of love, and yet you could see that pain resided in them, too. “I wanted to know if you were upset at me for something.”
The question caught you so off-guard that you let out a small gasp.
“What? Of course not, why would you think that?” You asked frantically, pulling your hand out from under his so that you could place it affectionately on his cheek.
“You have been acting differently lately,” Gaara explained, eyes still darkened, as if he didn’t believe you when you assured him that nothing was wrong. 
You pulled your hand away from his face, but nestled closer to him. “There’s nothing I would be upset at you for,” You said but still Gaara didn’t budge, forcing you to probe deeper. “What have I done to make you think I’m upset with you?”
“You just seem to be acting differently lately,” Gaara asserted again, but this time he opened up with an explanation. “I have noticed it for a while now…that there was something on your mind, but I could never place what it was…” Gaara drifted off and now you could really see the hurt pooling into his seafoam green eyes. “I wondered if maybe you had changed your mind about us.”
“That’s not true at all!” You exclaimed, pushing yourself towards him so forcefully that you were nearly sitting in his lap. Your arms wrapped around him tightly and your face found its way to the crook of his neck; when you felt his arms wrap around you, you began splashing his neck with little kisses.
“I love you very much,” you said, pulling away just enough to meet his gaze.
“I love you, Y/N.” Gaara said as he snaked a hand behind both your knees, pulling you close so that he could cradle you in his strong arms. 
You didn’t complain, and rested your head on his shoulder, one hand reaching out to affectionately caress his cheek. The two of you sat, nourished by each other’s company until Gaara spoke again.
“Then…What is it?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” You were puzzled. The alarm you had felt mere seconds before had completely wiped your mind clear of any previous thought.
“What has been bothering you?”
You moved away from him slightly to stare into his eyes, thinking back to all the interactions you had had with him lately; of course, nothing came to mind. You hadn’t been fighting or arguing, you both had been making ample time for each other; your sex life was active and intimate…
Suddenly it became clear to you and you let out a small giggle. You had to hand it to Gaara, he had always been a shrewd one.
“Nothing about you has been bothering me…but there is something…” You trailed off, seeing your opportunity to finally ask him the question that’s been itching in your brain for months now. “I wanted to ask you, but I guess I’m afraid of the answer.”
“What is it?” Gaara asked patiently.
“Well…it’s not so easy to just come out and ask.” You admitted as you deflated, leaning back away from him. “The trouble is that if you give me the wrong answer, then…Well, then you would have been correct to assume that we couldn’t be together.”
Your heart was beating hard against your ribcage as fear pooled into your navel; yet at the same time, you felt a deep comfort come over you, as if there was a spirit wrapping you in a warm blanket and telling you everything was going to be okay.
“Why?!” Gaara asked, his voice hoarse with pain.
“It’s just…Well…” You thought to explain the complexity of it all, but then you simply just blurted out, “Gaara, do you want to have kids?”
Gaara’s eyes widened in shock and his mouth fell open slightly before he caught himself. He gazed into your eyes, searching into the depth of your soul. It made you flustered - the expression on his face which you could not place - but you held firm.
“I’m relieved…”Was all Gaara said after what felt like years of intensity, but the simplicity of it made you bristle slightly.
“What do you mean?” Your voice came out more cross than you had meant.
“I’m relieved that this has been what has been bothering you,” Gaara said, again quite simply. He let a small, relieved smile come across his face. “I had been worried this whole time that there was something else…Something that meant you didn’t want to be with me anymore.” His smile fell and he lifted a hand to gaze solemnly into his palm. After a heartbeat he said, “I’m glad that’s not the case.”
The tightness in your muscles relaxed and you reached for Gaara’s hand, holding it delicately. You could feel his soft, warm skin in yours and you squeezed. “No, that was never the case,” You reassured him before pausing awkwardly. “But…Gaara…What do you think? I mean about having kids?”
Gaara blinked and looked over at you, his calm demeanor never wavering. “I had never thought of having children on my own, but not that I was against it. I felt perhaps that I would never have the fortune of having a partner, but now that I have you….Well, I think I’d really like to have them.”
Your body moved faster than your mind and suddenly you dove towards Gaara, kissing him clumsily and hard on the lips. Your reaction had surprised him and moved away slightly before he oriented himself and began kissing you back.
Reaching his hands to cradle your face, he pulled away slightly, but you were adamant. “Gaara, I want you to fuck me.”
A deep crimson blush came over his face which you found so adorable, you dove in for another passionate kiss.
“I…” Gaara sputtered, his mind still reeling, abruptly and clunkily switching tracks.
“I want you to fuck me right here on the couch.” You asserted, adjusting yourself so that you were sitting upright. “I want you to fuck me for all you’re worth, I want you to bend me up in knots, I want -”
“Y/N!” Gaara cut in gruffly, the sound of his deep, authoritative voice sending a shiver of excitement through you as if a cold breeze had suddenly passed through the room. Gaara took you by the wrist, his grasp firm which drove you even crazier. He had composed himself now and was staring at you deeply. “I don’t know if I have ever seen you so worked up…” He said, but there was a slight sliver of playfulness in his tone.
“Please Gaara -” You began to beg, but he cut you off with a kiss; the kind that firmly put an end to your inhibitions - not that you had any in that very moment, anyways. You let him push you backwards onto the couch and you spread your legs wide for him so that the two of you could fit together perfectly. He kissed you over and over until it made you dizzy, the hot wetness pooling between your legs.
“Ugn…I just want you to fuck me so bad…” You whispered into his ear.
“I will.”
Gaara’s voice was assured and you turned your head, allowing him access to the sensitive skin on your neck. He began kissing you over and over, all while you squirmed with pleasure and bliss from beneath him. You could feel the bulge in his pants as you pushed your hips forward, desperately grinding against him in the hopes that he would take you right then and there.
Though Gaara was far more reserved than you in that moment, pulling away so that he could help you remove your shirt. You didn’t need any help with your bra, however, for as soon as he had your shirt free from you, you had swifty undone the clasps and thrown the pesky article across the room at lightning speed. 
Gaara’s eyes widened in surprise but he was smiling now, too; the type of rare smile you didn’t get to see often, but that always made you fall in love with him all over again when you saw it. It was just a shame you couldn’t savor it for longer as  your tongue had found its way into his mouth as he once again leaned overtop of you, matching your energy this time as both of your tongues met in intimacy and pleasure.
You felt his wandering hands; how his caress traveled upwards towards your left breast. You felt him squeeze and as he did so, you moaned into his mouth which encouraged him further. Soon your tender nipple was between his fingers, and he began pinching it lightly, gradually applying more pressure until you let out another gasp. Now he couldn’t compose himself, he broke away from kissing you, turning his attention fully towards your breasts. He dove forward, sucking on your nipples so relentlessly that you knew he would be leaving his mark on you. All you could do was surrender to the sensation as butterflies fluttered and danced in your stomach, and more heat built up between your legs.
“Gaara…” You moaned as you tangled your elegant fingers through his thick, red hair. You relished how he moaned back. You loved feeling him moving his hips forward, pressing firmly against your womanhood. 
“If only he would take off his clothes!” You thought impatiently, pushing him away so that you could work at the buttons on his shirt. You didn’t have time for games, you wanted him to enter you so desperately that it almost hurt. You wanted to feel him pulse inside you as he orgasmed, releasing the seed that would give you your baby.
His shirt was off now and you got straight to unbuckling his pants, all while he let you set the pace. He could appreciate the mission you were on so he didn’t interfere by slowing things down, and you could tell by how hard his erection was once you had freed it from the confines of his pants that he didn’t want to wait much longer, either.
Now you were working on his underwear, tugging at the elastic band to free his stiffened member. It looked so swollen that it appeared to you almost uncomfortable, as it twitched impatiently, a bead of precum budding on the tip.
You wrapped a hand around his thick member, but Gaara grabbed you by the wrist again, pinning you back onto the cushions of the couch. When he was confident you would stay there, it was his turn to reveal his prize. He wasted no time, hooking his fingers into your waistband, he rid you of your pants and underwear both, and you opened your legs wide, revealing yourself fully to him.
“You are so beautiful,” He whispered, admiring your naked body with his gentle gaze. His hand was on your shin, slowly working its way upwards until you couldn’t take it any longer. You grabbed him by the arm and pulled him close to you, your tongues dancing together once more.
“Fuck me,” You said simply, and Gaara obliged. 
With one hand, he guided his cock towards your entrance; your heart filling with giddiness as you heard him moan softly at the slick, warm, wetness of your flesh.
Pushing forward, you connected with him, throwing your head back in bliss as the tip of his penis entered you slowly. Gaara leaned forward, his elbows resting on both sides of your head as he let out a pleasured gasp, pushing harder and harder until his full length was inside you.
“Damnit,” He grunted, pressing himself so hard against your entrance that you could feel his balls against your flesh. 
It drove you wild.
You began rocking your hips forwards, your fingers tangling through his hair until they traveled downwards towards his back. You dug your nails into his flesh like an animal, but Gaara didn’t seem to mind. He was giving it to you in hard, passionate strokes until he was making noises you had never heard him make before.
“Oh god!” You cried out as he abruptly hooked his hands around your knees, pushing your legs towards your chest. Now you could feel the tip of his cock rubbing relentlessly against your g-spot, and the sensation made you moan and pant. Better yet, you could feel from this position how deep Gaara could reach inside you, and you begged for him to cum in you.
“Please cum in me, Gaara!” You cried, your own dirty-talk pushing you closer to ecstasy.
“Tell me…” Gaara panted without breaking stride. “Tell me what you want.”
Now your womanhood was pulsing, drawing nearer and nearer to orgasm. You tried grinding against him, desiring him to go faster and harder, but from your vantage point you couldn’t. However, Gaara was observant and he drove his cock into you with such strength and speed you could barely think straight.
“Tell me what you want!” He repeated, demanding this time.
“I want you…” You moaned loudly, “To put a baby in me!”
Gaara fucked you harder and harder, you could tell how close he was, and you would meet him there. You concentrated deeply on the blooming pleasure that was stirring deep inside you, so near that you wanted to chase it. Then something truly sent you over the edge.
“I will put a baby in you.” Gaara growled in your ear, and that was it for you.
Your orgasm was strong. Your legs shook so hard you thought they might permanently turn into jello, and the pleasure was so great that you couldn’t even moan or breathe, you simply just had to endure wave after wave of bliss as your womanhood tightened and spasmed around Gaara’s thick, hot cock.
Gaara himself was close behind you. You felt him pushing deeper and deeper into you; so deep that it nearly made you wince as the head of his cock pressed up against your cervix. Then you felt as his cock began pulsating, joining you in orgasm, as ropes upon ropes of his cum filled you up, pooling against the entrance to your womb. You swore that sensation alone extended your orgasm for so long you could barely take it.
Gaara collapsed on top of you, panting hard. You could feel his penis softening inside you, but he was in no rush to withdrawal from you. With your legs still pinned upwards, the two of you caught your breath before kissing affectionately.
“I suppose we’ll have to do this more often,” Gaara said, his lewdness taking you by surprise - if you could even call that statement lewd. 
“As many times as we can both handle,” You replied with a big smile. You took him by the face and kissed him again, taking your time to pull away. However, it seemed that this stirred something inside Gaara, as you could feel his cock waking up, stiffening once more inside of you.
“Again?” You asked, your grin still big and bright.
Gaara let out a sheepish scoff but his answer came as he pushed into you more deeply again. His lips met yours, but in a less hurried manor this time. This time, it was slower, more attentive. 
This time it was lovemaking. 
The three minutes were up and you snatched the pregnancy test from the counter, casting a quick glance at the result window to receive your highly anticipated answer.
Just then, you heard Gaara coming down the hallway, and you flung open the door and dove into his arms. He caught you, receiving your celebratory kisses without much question.
“I’m pregnant!” You announced with joyful tears in your eyes.
Gaara’s eyes widened and a big, genuine smile warmed his face; his eyes softened as he held you in your arms. “Y/N…” He said breathlessly, “I’m so happy. Congratulations.”
You kissed him again, your embrace long and intimate as the two of you relished the exciting news together. 
“Your baby is inside me,” You said softly in his ear as he held you close. You weren’t sure what to expect from this comment, but the sudden poke you felt from his groin was a pleasant surprise.
“Does that excite you?” You asked, teasing him slightly.
Gaara turned his head away slightly out of embarrassment. “Yes…it does…”
Now you felt it too, and your hand strayed downwards, cupping his bulge. He tensed up at this, but gazed yearningly into your eyes.
“What do you say we go for celebratory dinner?” You asked with a spark in your eye. “But before we do that…What do you say we have some celebratory sex?”
With that Gaara scooped you up into his strong, unwavering arms and carried you to the bedroom. Little did you both know that by the time that you were finished with each other, all the restaurants would have been closed for the night.
This was okay, though. The celebration could always wait until tomorrow. 
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khuzena · 2 years
Que sera, sera
♡ˋ°•*⁀➷Rin itoshi x reader
Summary: the story which dives in the beginning and the end of you and rin. He doesn't believe in miracles, though he thinks you are one. He's thankful that what will be, will be. And its you and him.
Warnings: none, fluff to angst, angst to fluff. Childhood friends to strangers to lovers. Slow burn, maybe not i dont know. Happy ending.
A/n: GAAAHHHHHH SORRY I WAS SO TIRED I COULDN'T FINISH THIS ON VALENTINES DAY AWWW MANNN. Its also been a long time since i wrote fics so bear with me with this one and it ain't proofread plss.
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For the longest time, Itoshi Rin treated you like shit. Muttering how everything about you is lukewarm and how everything you say is nonsense.
You still remember when you two first met in the playground, at that time Sae never left him yet, Rin still having those chubby cheeks as he runs around in the playground, happily dribbling the ball when the ball suddenly hits your knee.
"O-ow!" You groaned in pain, before you burst into tears as your left knee reddens.
The boy at the swing runs towards you, "Are you okay?" He asks you, he looks concerned for you as guilt creeps up as he doesn't know what to do when sees you cry.
You were a sobbing mess on the floor as the aching got worse, Rin kept a distance before grabbing the playground sand and pouring it at your ankle, "sorry…"
The little boy trying to help you up when you two heard footsteps coming closer, Rin panicking as he realizes it's his brother walking towards them.
Rin stares at the ground when Sae scolds him for being too careless, the little boy now crying with you.
"You two should make up before the adults hear about this, Rin you go and get the first-aid kit and candy, I'll watch after them." The red-head yells as Rin bolts to their house. Later coming back with the first-aid kit and candy, watching his older brother do the work and rub medicine on your scraped knee. As the older boy treated your knee, your eyes met the culprit's gaze, he turned away in shame as tiny sobs left his lips from Sae scolding him earlier.
After that incident, you get a scraped knee, some candy and two new friends. Let's just say Rin's parents weren't too happy when they found out what happened.
The next day, Rin rings your doorbell as he asks your parents where you were, calling you downstairs as you excitedly run towards the gate.
"Oh you're back! What's that in your hand?" Younger you asked Rin as he fiddles a tiny bag in his hands; clearly anxious from yesterday.
The boy gulps before taking a deep breath and awkwardly handing you a bag full of chocolates, "I'm sorry for yesterday.."
Rin closes his eyes as he waits for some sort of punishment until he feels you hug him.
"Heh! No worries, these are my favorite chocolates so you're forgiven."
"Really?" His eyes beam in joy.
"Yup! This chocolate tastes good! Where'd ya get it?" You ask while munching away happily.
"My brother actually has a bowl of candy… you can come over and you can eat more chocolate there."
Your lips curled into a smile before you shook his hand, "what's your name again?"
"Awesome! I'm [name] by the way!"
As you sweep the floor, your broom brushes an old polaroid; it was from 18 years ago. You and Rin were cuddling in Sae's bed, not knowing Sae sneaked in a picture.
Smiling at the picture you reminisce again.
It was summer at that time. Luckily Rin's parents weren't home so you two had the whole house to yourselves.
"Mmm!" Stretching your limbs as you two lie on the couch, playing some mario kart while Sae prepares lunch for the three of you.
The aggressive pressing of the controllers and smell of fruits in the kitchen; you can remember it all perfectly.
"I'm gonna beat you, just you wait—! Hey!" Rin yells when you start tickling him and successfully taking the lead, making Rin's character fall off the map.
Rin's demise eliciting a loud giggle from your lips as you beat his ass after a whole hour of trying to one up each other.
Rin is fuming with anger as he complains to Sae, "No fair! You're cheating! Sae don't give her any chocolates! You're a cheater!"
"Bleh! You're just bad!"
Sae groans in annoyance as he prepares the table, "You two get over here and stop fighting or else I won't let you two play."
You two pout and start glaring at each other.
"That's right midget." You tease him before sitting right next to him, grabbing a plate of spaghetti.
"Shut up! I'm gonna be taller than you, just you wait!" Rin sticks his tongue out, teasing you with confidence but Sae gives you two an icy-glare, indicating that you two should just stop fighting.
"Rin, [name]."
"Y-yes!" Both of you stop fighting, at least not In Front of Sae. Hours go by and the night sky settles in.
Plopping in his bed while staring at all his trophies, "damn rin you won all these?"
Rin doesn't reply, fixing the bed sheets before lying next to you; letting out a small hmph.
You sigh, and make him turn around to face you. "Rin. Sorry for earlier."
Rin rolls his eyes, "lukewarm" he mutters under his breath.
After that you two look away and fall asleep. When Sae comes in however, he sees you two cuddling like kittens. Sae smirks to himself before grabbing his phone, taking a picture— close ups even so he can use this as blackmail later on. Let's just say you both did not enjoy waking up in each other's arms; spoiler alert: Rin actually did.
A few years pass by and you two find each other laying on the park, star gazing. These days Rin gets too lonely, his brother moving to Spain to chase after his career.
"S-so… Rin are you okay?"
The boy right next to you stares at the stars, ignoring your voice calling out for him.
Sighing in defeat, knowing Rin isn't in the mood to talk right now.
"I'm nervous actually, about the future." You say before clearing your throat.
Rin turns around and looks at you, "and?"
The stars were lovely, lovelier than anything you've ever seen.
"It just feels like time flies by so quickly, all of the sudden Sae is in Spain and now we're just- ya know… here."
Rin doesn't say a word again, only listening to the rustling of the leaves as it sways with the wind.
"I just wish we had more time. What if something bad happens in the future and we're not friends anymore?"
Rin sits up before flicking your forehead, "Hey what was that for?!"
"To stop your lukewarm talking, stop worrying about the future— I started learning some Spanish so when Sae comes back I can greet him and.."
He looks back at you, nervous and shaking; tears welling up in his eyes. He misses Sae too much.
You tap his shoulder lightly, pushing him to continue what he wants to say.
"Que sera, sera I think? I searched it up and it means whatever will be, will be. So stop worrying too much, you idiot" he rolls his eyes, trying to stop the tears from leaving his eyes.
The world felt peaceful like this, only you and him; the moon and stars as your witness.
A few years later Sae comes back though it didn't go as expected. You two were ecstatic when Sae came back but he changed. After that Rin and Sae were no longer 'Rin and Sae'; now they were just strangers.
Sae was a catalyst for what Rin would become. Rin stopped eating chocolates. Rin would overexert his body from practice and when you two talk it's nothing more than just 'hello'.
Needless to say you were hurt. This wasn't the Rin you knew, the new him is now an empty shell of what he used to be; no— the old Rin died when Sae came back and now you're left to mourn alone for the old him.
You don't watch Rin's practice anymore; you couldn't bear to see that bitter expression written on his face as he tries and tries to practice more just to catch up to his brother.
Months later, Rin was accepted to blue lock. He was gone again for months.
Staring at the small tv screen when you watch the U20 vs Blue lock match.
The camera pans over to Rin disheveled, on his knees when Sae comes over to him. You wonder what happened between them when they met again on the field that caused Rin to be beyond irritated even though his team won.
A week later, Rin comes back to the neighborhood park, kicking the football with tears in his eyes. Pouring all his anger on the ball, almost deflating the ball in the process.
A gust of wind blows on your face before you utter a weak 'hi'. It was like a teen romcom cliche but the thing is there was no chemistry anymore.
At Least… that you thought that there wasn't.
"Go away." He groans, fixing his shoe tie and running off to get the ball.
"I saw the game." You yell trying to get his attention. He kicks the ball again but this time with more force, the ball ricocheting and bouncing on the fences. "You did great."
Two words almost fell from your lips but cleared your throat, trying to make sure the 'Im proud' doesn't spill from your lips as maybe your tears will too.
Rin quirks his face into an expression you can't describe. Anger? Hatred? But when you stare longer at his eyes, watch how his chest heaves up and down shakily you can see a hint of sadness— as if he was a ripped doll, his heart torn apart, left to rot. He would never admit it but the way you stare at him with such pity, angers him. It makes his torn heart beat rapidly and his lungs bruise more, waiting for you to sew him up again; fixing him.
But he would never admit it, his ego warped mind and his dying heart. He doesn't notice it but he feels alive when he sees you again.
He doesn't know what to do when you stare at him with pity. The small child locked away a long time ago in the corners of his soul begging him to let it all out and cry in your arms; maybe you could see how he's hurting and maybe you'll stitch him up again.
But you don't. At least not now.
He shivers from the cold air, he's glad it's winter as the cold weather could freeze his tears away before you even see it. But it's not cold enough to turn his tears into icicles as he sheds a tiny tear, he swears if he could just open up to you, you would catch it.
His ragged breathing, his worried expression, the tears threatening to leak from his eyes all of it. You ingrain all of it in your mind, burning this memory into your brain.
You want to run towards him, hug him, comfort him like you did as a child. Your arms aching to hold his trembling figure but you don't, fearing it might ignite more tension between you two. So you just watch as he tries to hold back his tears right in front of you.
You say nothing and hand over a piece of chocolate. Watching him accept it and eating one for the first time, oh how he's forgotten the taste of this treat.
There was a silent agreement with you two. A simple nod and you two go back to your own paths now, wondering how the other one is doing right now.
Months pass by again and this time Rin won the world cup but you notice a change in him, a spark reignited in him. The same old spark when he first started playing football.
You couldn't afford to go to the actual world cup so you watch the match on your tv screen. Seeing him in person is better but never seeing him at all even on a screen is worse.
Months ago Rin would be red in anger, you don't know why but it feels like you should've done something. But now, even on the screen you could see him smile for the first time as he shakes hands with Sae.
Letting out a sigh of relief, maybe Rin is fixed, maybe he was the same rin back then. Maybe, just maybe you two could be on good terms again.
Then it happened.
You see Rin again at the park. The neighbors were talking about how the itoshi brothers were going back to the neighbor so you went to the park; this is where Rin has always been.
A leaf falls to your side and at that moment Rin notices your presence. Anxiety bubbling in his chest, he knows what he's done to you. He's scared that you'll never forgive him for how he treated you.
"I'm uh.." you stutter, the words stuck in your throat. Looking down in shame, if you only said this back then maybe you had a chance to fix him. He looks at you, he doesn't look as broken as before. His eyes no longer bear hatred, only melancholy and guilt.
"I'm proud. I'm proud of you." You've finally let the words out, the ones that have been dying to be said.
Rin has never been good with words and neither have you. Rin doesn't say anything, he stands up and kicks the football to the tree. That tree has been there for as long as you remember. It was the sign of your pact, your friendship.
He shoves his hand in his pocket, trying to find something. It takes him a while and he pulls out a tiny treat.
It was that same chocolate he first gave you as a child.
Que sera, sera right?
What will be, will be.
From the beginning it was you and Rin. In the end it will always be you and Rin.
You stretch your back after finishing sweeping and dusting the living room. Your shared house should get some renovations by now but oh well, Rin's schedule has never been that generous to give you both enough time.
The warm sun hits your skin as you walk to the garden and tend to the flowers. After you and Rin hit it off he started to plant your favorite flowers in your garden, so even if it weren't valentines day, he'd still have enough flowers to give you every day.
"I'm home." That familiar voice echoes in the room, the door creaking open.
You chuckle as you place the broom away, "Hard day?"
He nods and hugs you, his wedding ring hitting your back as he hugs too tightly. He lets out a small giggle when you pepper his face with kisses.
You threw the curtain at his chest as he raised an eyebrow, "Rin, we should really renovate and shop for new stuff— these things are getting a little too wonky don't you think?"
He lets out a sigh, he barely notices the condition of the house when he's out for months. "Fine, fine. We're going out later"
Your lips quirk into a smile. Oh how lucky you are to be with him. The way he treated you like a deity, praising the floor you step foot on. Caring for you and treating you kindly, gently even as a way to pay back what you did for him. You stitched his torn heart back up, sure the scars will stay forever but he learnt how to cherish it because it brought him to you.
"Rin, help me with this thing— it's too heavy!"
He rushes to your side and hastily carries all the heavy luggage and boxes, helping you out as you two laugh and talk about your day.
He was an idiot, he forgot it was valentines day, no wonder why you were so pouty. Rin will just make it up to you later.
Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
It will always be You and Rin. Nothing more, nothing less.
- La fin♡
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Note: so so sorry if this has so many mistakes, i just started writing again and this is just practice. English is not my first language. ♡
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