#I simply support women’s wrongs 🙏🏾
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chloesimaginationthings · 4 months ago
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I hope Vanessa and Mike dance in the next FNAF movie,,
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
None have power over you In ANY WAY ~ 5D Level UP
When Divine feminine is subjugated beyond recognition, and not only when the defamation of character, falseness of stories, lies, manipulations of narratives and environments, there are groups, cult-like stalking, spell work, and impaling to ensure that the abuse of power, and corruption are maintained;
There are no groups of friends, and no community located in the area I moved from, (Calgary AB area - there was many signs, stories, occurrences, and fighting for my own level of balance, rights, and health, safety through it all that was completely ignored and as spoke of for years now; the mind scraping,the depths and lengths that the group there went through to ensure someone's story that simply was not true, and not only not true; they are corrupt in all dealings of those they fool, false businesses, and the spell casters all involved;
None have no idea the damage done to me, with all the denial when I brought these stories forward; and those that use their title, their place, and even if false and not earned; God is, spirit is and all involved know truth and what is truth;
When I brought my story forth; there was even more vibrational and underhanded stalking on my pages; readings, birth-chart and ridiculous destiny switching with voodoo root work and whatever other abuse of energy, and spirituality those choose to use;
Some will do whatever they can to not account for the damage, the choices, the harm they bring to those simply to own, control, use, take, and have the easy life they feel they are entitled to; discrimination and misogynistic at all lengths and women in the systems of social justice, social honour, have to work, twice as hard to be heard, valued, and trusted - to that which is using and abusing their title and those that are elite in the community to back their false stories; all involved are guilty and all knew what was done, and none did nothing to help and make right; Ⓒ
Cult like behaviour, sacrificing goes on in just about every industry and many were involved, and many gathered - these stories are far too many; for it is not necessary - and I cannot and would not be here if it were not for my role in humanity and our healing potentails and new earth potentials, and my divine ancestors; for millions of women do not make it and those that abuse walk away with insurance money, houses, and inheritance for the fraudulent ways that they create and the communities believe the false abusers of power over a divine feminine; especially if she is an energy worker, healer;
As Jesus said; 'it matters not what superficial false power one carries; you walk with the Heavens Joanna' Trust in God - there is much happening around all that bring such injustice and imbalance and never come forth with that THEY OWE YOU and how much they have stolen; time, resources, my name, my signature, work, and content, ideas, and energy, healing power and light, all was taken, stolen; and yet they still walk around with ego and arrogance claiming entitlement and sweeping all their corrupt actions under the rug and make it appear and sound as if they are innocent of any wrong doing - This is 100% not just and I will not stand down, I will stand and speak for all women that did not make it out of such situations of discrimination and abuse;
#ascension #healingdivinefeminine #healingourchildren #discrimination #corruptioninCalgary #ascensionbooks
Blessings and light
Discern within and know that even if you are the only one standing - it matters; your experience and truth matters; so do not give up and do not stand down to what is a life changing experience that will be best for all involved and all that are able to be lifted in doing what is right, calling in the right angels and what is right;
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All are accountable for their actions, truth, choices; you are responsible for none; and those that have stolen, taken; simply surrender to Source and know you will have the universe helping you -
You are not to be dumped on by those that bring drama to your door simply because they are not accountable nor choose to heal ~ close the door and send them away; -if they made their mess, they are able to surrender and arise;
I OWE You all nothing - leave me be. Go and heal and leave me be,
Blessings and light,
#ascension #enlightenment #awakening #5Dnewearth #5Dliving #5Dbeauty
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