#I should watch the bee movie in my delirious state i think it would be funny for all of my cool mutuals to watch me descend into a mind
blissfali · 2 years
tntduo iwne STREAM WOULD FIXXX MEE I PROMMMY IM NOT LYING Maybe i am but no im not guys pleasewiat
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thatonelucky · 7 years
Twist of Fate (Pt 3)
Hey guys! I’ve been writing a ton over the past few days and caught up! (Finally.) I hope you enjoy this! If you haven’t seen part 1 or two then click below!
PART 1 : here
PART 2 : here
               Jughead tried to stray his mind away from wondering what the two girls must be talking about in the other room. Loud giggles erupt from behind the closed door every so often which only adds fuel to the fire burning a hole through his mind. He tried to distract himself by playing Fallout 4 with Archie. It kind of helped, but he'd much rather prefer it was just him and Betty right now.
               Don't get him wrong, he loved Archie and Veronica, but there's only so much he can take. Living with the two of them as a couple for almost a year was sickening enough. He needed a well-deserved break. Plus, a large portion of him wanted to get to know Betty more. What are her interests? Where's she from? Does she like the gherkins in her burger?
               Betty and Veronica, were in actual fact, talking about how their lives have been this past year. Betty spoke about her parents and how they always demanded perfection. How she loved her parents yet how her parents hated her. All she wanted to do was pursue her journalistic dreams but her parents wanted her to be a big shot lawyer in Riverdale. Betty didn't want to stay in Riverdale.
               She spoke about Kevin and how she missed him. How he saved her from the darkness that her parents engulfed her in. How she had to leave him behind. He was planning to visit soon but a large part of Betty still felt guilty. Veronica listened and she understood. She didn't ask too many questions as she already knew most of it. She was considerate and thoughtful.
               Soon enough, they got onto the subject of how Veronica's been. Thus delving into the love story of her and Archie escalating from just friends to something a lot more. The story was cute. They had been roommates for a year prior with Jughead but on the 2nd year they started to get these feelings that they didn't understand. That was until Jughead caught them shirtless and heavily panting with bee stung lips in a closet. Apparently he was furious. Betty wondered why. Did he like Veronica?
               "But yes, that's been the dramatic rom-com called "my past year". Now, it’s no Nicholas Sparks movie but I can assure it's just a riveting." Veronica winked over at the blonde who was sprawled out next to her on the cream carpeted floors of Betty's new bedroom. Betty was burning to ask a question about Jughead but decided against it. She barely knew the guy.
               "How's your brother doing? What was his name again? Wasn't it Sythe?" Betty giggled out, trying to deter asking any questions about the broody beanie boy in the other room. She had her time to ask him questions himself. Little did she know, Jughead was 'Sythe' or more accurately 'Forsythe'. Veronica visibly stiffened. She knew she should tell the truth the Betty but she also knew that Jughead would kill her, he didn't want to talk about his family to new people. So she did what any good sister would do and she lied through her teeth.
               "It's Forsythe. And our very own Holden Caulfield is in Paris at the moment on a photography retreat. When he comes back I'll be sure to introduce him to you. After all these years I bet you're desperate to see the other half of my gene pool." Veronica aimlessly babbled yet pulled it off exquisitely. Betty smiled goofily but before she could say anything more, there was a soft yet firm knock on the door. Jughead poked his head through the gap.
               "Hey, I'm gonna start cooking early. Ronnie are you and Arch gonna stay?" He gave Veronica a stare that Betty couldn't quite understand but Ronnie sure did. Squeezing Betty's hand gently she whispered a goodbye, dialing her number into the blonde's phone. She stood up quickly, patting down her dress and sauntering towards Jughead. She pressed another quick kiss to his cheek before ruffling his hair through his beanie and making her way into the hall.
               "I think me and Archibald are going to make a move. If we don't leave now we'll miss our reservation at Per Se." Veronica walked to the door, calling Archie to join her . He did as requested in record time. Jughead low-key chuckled at how whipped his best friend was. "Juggiekins, B, I'll see you very soon. Text me!" Ronnie shut the door behind her and silence fell over the two new roommates. Betty was the first to break the silence.
               "So, Juggiekins." Betty smirked, finding heavy humor in the ridiculous name the raven-haired girl had given him. Jughead playfully scowled over at her, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing. "Wanna start on making that dinner you promised me?" Jughead nodded slightly, stalking into the kitchen with Betty in tow.
               "Yknow, I don't like that nickname. But it's endearing and it makes her happy so I just withstand the slow crushing of my masculinity." He smiled to himself. The memory of their first meeting was one that both Jughead and Veronica treasured deeply. It was the first time Jughead felt cared for. Like someone actually wanted him around.
               They'd first met after Hiram had carried Jughead bridal style through the family home and straight into the guest bedroom. Jughead was delirious, all he could feel was a warm sensation being thrown over him and a something wet scrubbing at his face. Hiram had called a doctor but meanwhile, Veronica and her mother were hydrating and trying to feed the young boy. Hermione was heartbroken to see a young child, around 15-16, looking so malnourished and abandoned.
               "It's okay, sweetheart. A doctor is on his way. You're safe now." Hermione cried, softly holding the young boys hand and giving it a small squeeze. Veronica didn't know how to react. She too was heartbroken, but was he going to die? She didn't even know his name. "How could anyone neglect such a precious child." Hermione has tears streaking down her face at the thought of Jughead dying. Veronica came around the other side of him, grabbing his other hand into hers. He was so cold.
               "What's your name?" Ronnie spoke quietly to the disorientated boy who was lying before her. He tried to speak but his voice was raspy and broken. She wanted to cry. You hear all these stories about watching someone at the brink of death and the horror stories about neglected children. Yet, with living in the upper east side, Veronica never thought she'd have to experience it first-hand. Jughead tried again, only croaking out a small whimper that Veronica understood as 'Jughead'. She smiled warmly through the tears. "Well, Juggiekins, isn't that a spectacular name for a spectacular soul."
               The memory never failed in making Jughead smile. Veronica had always taken care of him, always protected him. She and their parents saved his life. His 16 year old self was lucky to have made it, according to the doctors. They stated that it was a miracle. And he couldn't disagree. The Lodge's were a miracle that he never deserved. He finally had a family that loved him. It was all too good for him to believe. Even after they had shown him the adoption papers, he waited for them to leave. But they never did. 8 years later and he called Hermione 'Mom', Hiram 'Dad' and Veronica 'a pain in my ass'. But a nice pain.
               "What're you so giddy about? I'm only making lasagna." Betty smirked over at Jughead, ripping him away from his thoughts. He hadn't realized he'd spaced out until he saw that Betty had already gotten everything out. Jughead poked his tongue out childishly as Betty had done earlier that day. He enjoyed this. They seemed to be getting on well already.
               "I was just thinking about how empty I feel without food in my stomach right now. And I thought we clarified this Betts, any food will make me giddy." Jughead grabbed a slice of cheese and ate it slowly. Betty wasn't mad about the nickname he'd given her. She actually liked it. Maybe he was accepting her after all. She stole the cheese from Jughead's hands, holding it behind her back with a cheeky grin. Before he could protest she shushed him.
               "Now, Juggie, we need to lay down some ground rules. Rule one, don't eat all of the food before we make the food. That's it." She nudged him playfully, placing the cheese into his mouth. He flushed a soft pink, chuckling at her actions. He believed he could last with not eating all of the food. He had self-control. He could do this. He's a man.
               Later on that night, after Jughead had broken the one rule and eaten most of the ingredients, they both sat watching re-runs of 'How I Met Your Mother' until around 11pm. They'd gotten to know each other a lot more. Jughead still held back the necessary details but other than that, it was going great. Fate had surely thrown a curve ball called Veronica, but Betty knew that was some sort of coincidence. She threw a cushion at Jughead's head, who was sat on the opposite side of the couch falling asleep.
               "I'm gonna head to bed, I've got a busy day tomorrow." Betty stood up, sleepily rubbing her eyes. She had a job interview she was preparing for. It'd be her first journalistic job and she was more than excited. Yeah, she'd helped her parents at the Register but that wasn't a real job. This was going to be, Betty was sure about it. Jughead rose too, stretching and yawning.
               "Got a hot date?" He wiggled his eyebrows, obviously teasing. That didn't stop Betty from going bright red, arming another pillow to throw at him. She would've told him that it was a job interview, but she didn't want to jinx it. Plus, he borderline refused to tell her where he worked. So she had every right to keep it to herself.
               "Something like that. Night Juggie." She yawned, walking past him and into her newly decorated bedroom. She heard a faint "Goodnight, Betts." as she closed her door. Their newfound nicknames made her smile. She really had hope for this friendship to blossom. After that, Betty easily settled into her fluffy new sheets. Drifting off into the land of sleep that Betty wanting to divulge herself into, she thought of Jughead and their first day together.
               Jughead was quick to fall asleep too. He sent a quick text to Veronica once he'd made it into the security of his bed. He texted her inviting her and Archie to the apartment tomorrow for dinner. He didn't want to be alone whilst Betty was out on that 'hot date'. Jughead wasn't bitter, but he was slightly bitter.
I hope you all enjoyed! Remember that my asks are always open if you wanna send in prompts or just talk! Feedback is always appreciated.
Part 4
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