#I should be reviewing but I'm watching. Don't blame me I love this franchise
takofuus · 8 months
hi tako
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Sup eld, here is The Character ever 😋
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kellodrawsalot · 8 months
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so wanted to post a fast review of a series, I did not expect to like, people I followed pretty much called it a trashfire and there were jokes all over social media over the quality of it's story and it's lackluster animation, so I went in with the mindset not too expect too much and well...
it''s pretty good?
wait no wat, it's pretty good, i myself am confused I enjoyed it alot, did I watched the same show as the people who hated it?
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don't get me wrong the series has problems, the swearing gets a bit tirdesome and the pacing is all over the place. The show takes a lesson from spiderverse and lego movies by not giving its viewer any room to breath, Every scene is important to one of the major plot threads, episode 4 is a triggering episode that you should read upront on, that i can't comment on. The character desings are a hit and miss and not all the jokes land. But when the show wants to tell it's story, wants you to get to know the characters you can't help but get so invested and wanting to learn more. The different plot threads that it starts are all major good that you want to keep following the story. But what I like most about the show that it's not a cast of a ''nuclear'family or a group of high school teenagers or a group of super heroes. No it's a weird mixed of very troubling (sinners) adults in a found-family situation.
The story is about the Princess of Hell named Charlie who opened a Hotel in the hope she could redeem Sinners so they can go to heaven and avoid slaughter by the angels, that happens once a year, but due to angel Adam (yes that Adam) being a dick, the slaugher will happen again in just six MONTHS.
and that's all i need to tell you, a big theme about this series is Redemption and that it does it nicely well. The interaction between the characters is also majorly fun and let's just say there is a reason the Ost of Hazbin Hotel has been trending on Spotify it's freaking good.
The pacing doesn't bother me too much myself because Hazbin remindds me of a musical/stageplay and I love those.
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(the Seramyu musicals are btw really good. give them a watch too)
regardless if you don't like HH that's all fine but I think one of the best things about it' being a hit, (it's one of the top shows on prime in over thirty countries) that in a time where big studios play it safe by having most adult cartoons follow the simpsons formula, try to copy the rick and morty style of storytelling, or in case of Disney and Marvel today, with Bob Iger saying they be focussing on big franchises and sequels for now, trying to shift the blame on original stories on why their movies aren't doing good. (despite them not even promoting said og movies and making the writers play it super SAFE) we have Hazbin Hotel, an animated show for adults that is so Unapologetic, Queer! Doesn't follow any save formula, is such an obvious passion project and is a huge hit! Last time I was this impressed was with Netflix Pluto and Nimona. HH is also a series I would love to see on stage! Hazbin Hotel is not for everyone but I would suggest give it a chance instaed of letting social media decide for you. (which i know you can disgard my post too, but I just wanted to say, I'm glad me and my friends watched this series and just ignored most of the hate, because we all enjoyed it and are playing the songs on repeat lolol)
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the-cat-chat · 2 hours
September 13, 2024
Friday the 13th (2009)
A group of young adults set up tent near the abandoned summer camp where a series of gruesome murders are said to have taken place back in 1980.
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Warning: Review may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.
JayBell: Happy Friday the 13th!!! To celebrate (aka punish) ourselves, we decided of our own volition to watch the 2009 Friday the 13th. Well, really it was the only Friday the 13th movie streaming so "of our own volition" is a bit of a stretch.
If I remember correctly, we didn't even like the original Friday the 13th, and our viewing of Jason Takes Manhattan was also bad, but in a much funnier way.
I thought this was a totally new remake, but no, it's just another one in the series. So basically they just exposition dump the whole backstory to the audience in the beginning of the movie. So yeah.
Wayyyyyy more nudity and sex in this movie than I anticipated. I think I got jumpscared by boobs more than I got jumpscared by Jason.
Anyways, long story short, this is bad and I did not like it. I kid you not, the entire time Anzie and I were CONVINCED of this plot twist that never came. We basically created a new movie in our minds, and let me tell you, it would have been a much better movie.
Are you telling me that what set Jason off was a guy peeing on some weed plants? Is Jason growing weed as a hobby? Why on earth does he kidnap some girl and keep her hostage?
A lot of the girl characters blend together in my mind since they have no defining characteristics. The asshole boyfriend is an asshole for no reason. And his girlfriend sees Jared Padalecki one time and ditches said asshole boyfriend, which fair, but seems a bit sudden in context.
The heart of the movie should have been Jared Padalecki's character and his sister. However, they barely make an attempt at building that relationship.
In the end, I didn't care who lived or who died, the plot is stupid and boring, and the characters are bland and shallow. Maybe I'm learning that I just don't like traditional slasher movies.
Rating: 2/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: Uhhh soooo I really couldn’t pass up an impromptu Friday the 13th partaay. But seeing as the 2009 version was the only part of this franchise streaming (hopefully X streams by the next Friday the 13th) we haddd to go with that. And uh again I know how to pick them. My first comment. Jared Padalecki- I should’ve known. And second why is there so much boobage in this one??? Seems excessive. Ummm. Next the weed??? What’s with that plot. I feel like I missed something?? I will say. It’s small points do come from the fact I got to be imaginative and come up with a huge scheme that it wasn’t Jason it was the weed growers and the cops were in on it and that’s why they weren’t helping find anyone blah blah blah but no. Just Jason and his mommy issues. Reaaalll quick. Um soo Jared padaleckis looking for his sis riggght. Ummm why’s no one looking for all the other people she was with??? Just asking. You know since I allllready can figure out the whole Jason thing of if he died as a boy or how’d he turn into a man or why’s he immortal ish or is this he technically a zombie??? What’s the deal!?!??? So yeah I guess I can just focus on the other giant plot holes. Everyone in this movie is absolutely annoying and to be fair Jason didn’t deserve the woodchipper. And that shamu move at the end. I’m over it and can’t wait till next time. Blame the duality of humankind and my propensity for loving to subject us to uttttter trash.
Rating: 1/10 Cats 🐈‍⬛
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