#I share a mutual with that person and tbh I might just unfollow them bc I don't want to see their annoying ass. sorry oomfie 😔
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francy-sketches ¡ 1 year ago
Hope you’re ok btw ❤️
yea im ok dw <3 just kinda bummed out by the whole thing but whateverrr we move on twitter doesn't matter anyway ^_^
also idk if you sent me another ask or if that was a different anon but. I'm not gonna answer it bc I don't wanna create more drama (and also I'm trying to resolve it in dms rn so. don't wanna ruin that by being petty) but thanks for the support same goes for the other anons 🫶
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lupihero ¡ 5 years ago
THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE; mun & muse - meme.
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tagged by: @bxstiae​ thank u!! tagging: anyone who wants to do this ♡
fill out & repost ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au ( has au verses ) / canon-divergent / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  —  pretty strictly. tbh i think i could do with a little more canon-divergence but i usually focus pretty hard on canon and diverging too far in my own muses, unless they were poorly written, tends to bother me.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  need a sweet country boy with a heart of gold who loves hard and fast and considers everyone he loves as part of his family ? how about a boy that can kick your ass to the sacred realm and back with his bare hands and a dizzying amount of strength ? how about a big friendly wolf that really doesn’t act all that much like a wolf but is big and soft and a really nice companion ? a boy that carries on and sees the best in people despite his trauma ? a boy who’s an absolute fucking dork and loses his mind whenever he sees a cat ? will smith poses @ link
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).   —  he’s the protagonist, he’s too nice, too likable, and he might be, from some perspectives, super overpowered. a lot of his flaws are issues that come with a lot of protagonist characters, like selflessness to a fault, recklessness, a desire to help no matter the cost, etc., and it might come across as overdone or unoriginal for someone like him.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  twipri has been my favorite video game of all time since i first played it the xmas after it came out, when i was 7. it was an unbelievably huge influence on my life, and got me through a whole lot of shit i’d have to go through up until i was a teenager. it was a constant for me, a comfort. and link, being the protagonist, was of course the center of it. i connected to him really hard, and becoming him whenever i played the game was like magic to me as a kid. honestly, i dont know why i didnt write him until this year, because he’s been such an easy headspace for me to slip into for years. ig i just figured it was about time? id already written both tp zel and midna at separate points, so it was only right to complete the trio ksjfgh
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  the game itself, its soundtrack, art, linked universe and its little fandom, and you guys! just seeing all of your posts and your passion for loz and its characters helps fuel the love i have for it too!
Some more personal questions for the mun.
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO. ( i have. built up a lot of hcs about this boy over the years )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. ( i usually do write drabbles every now and then, idk why i haven’t for link yet )
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. ( hmm i mean. i think i am, anyway?? i like the way i portray him, but i guess im sorta insecure about whether or not yall like my portrayal lmao )
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. ( more or less, it depends on the day. back when i was a Gifted Kid my Gift was writing, and i was literally always chosen to read things i wrote aloud at school assemblies and things, so i. very much have a love / hate relationship w it )
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. ( i mean. i try really hard not to be but :’^) )
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  tbh, i don’t know?? i usually do with other muses, but bc twi is very special to me i have literally no idea how well i would take it. of course, if u do have criticism ( of the constructive sort, of course ), i still welcome it
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  yes!!! if you ever have anything you wanna know about twi and the way i write him, please ask!!!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  nope. unless it’s in the context of sharing hcs back and forth and building on each other or part of a friendly conversation, i don’t want to hear why you think i’m wrong. i still think about that personal that rb’d a hc i made a month or so ago and put in the tags all the reasons they disagreed w me and i wish i didn’t bc i hate it
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —   i?? dunno??? i guess i’d just tell them to unfollow. i’m not here to write link the way you think he should be written, i’m here to write him the way i want to.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  hkljfg does anyone hate link??? like. he’s link. he’s neutral at worst. but it’s not my business if someone hates him, so to each their own ig
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  mm i don’t mind it, but i don’t really see the point. rp is a form of writing that doesn’t need much editing, and when it does, we are our own editors, so of course we’re going to make mistakes and overlook them. english is a complicated and hard language, and typos/misspellings/grammar errors happen and it’s not a big deal
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  yes!! i’m a very laid-back person in general i think, and of course i have things i won’t tolerate and i’ll speak up when i need to, but at the end of the day rp is a hobby, and it’s something we do to have fun, and i know that having fun is the most important part of doing this. though, sometimes i think my anxiety & fear of confrontation might make me a little too lenient on things like my own rules tho kjfhg 
that’s about it, congrats for filling out!
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mangotrees ¡ 7 years ago
Why aces wouldn't be part of the lgbt+ fam? Like until I know (which is just a lil) they are part of the history of the community for fighting for our rights both as gay and trans and gnc and also c!shet allys. I'm sorry for bringing this to your blog, even knowing u r questioning your own Id but I really feel like I should hear all the points of view before deciding if I should unfollow u or not
im putting my reply under a read more bc it got sort of long !!
tbh, to my understanding, it only very recently became “lgbt+” (and whatever other variations ppl use). like it used to Just be lgbt, bc its a term that binds ppl that face similar, if not all exactly the same, type(s) of harrassment and abuse simply for being who they are, so even just personally thinking of that i dont feel like the lgbt community is where aces belong (while trans can be viewed as an inclusive term for all non-cis gender identities, afaik, and bi doesnt mean ‘attracted to men and women’ but rather ‘attracted to same and others’ (and this is what ive heard from lots of ppl tht id as bi, so im just…… quoting), so that functions as an all-inclusive term for non-het and non-gay attraction too)furthermore, i dont believe aces even Marginally face the same troubles as people in the lgbt community. i would never face the same harrassment for being ace as i would for being lesbian; youre not going to get verbally harrassed or worse for walking down the street single and aro, whereas a gay couple walking down the street holding hands is genuinely at risk. i cannot tell you the amount of times if had to read news articles or facebook posts about gay couples holding hands on the street, just to get physically assaulted or spat on or had people yell nasty things at them.you might argue that ace people are oppressed bc their family will tell them stuff like ‘you just havent met the right man/woman yet’, and that constitutes them being part of the community, because hey, lesbians often hear the same thing! but thats not oppression; thats your family being willfully ignorant of anything thats considered out of the norm, aka you would hear just as ignorant comments bc of mental illness - and even physical handicaps! you might also want to argue that an ace woman could get murdered for refusing to have sex with a man, but hey, so could a lesbian woman or an unintered cis heterosexual and -romantic woman, and thats because of men feeling like women owe them their body and time and not bc of a specific sexuality! like im sorry, but non-gay/bi/trans aspec people just genuinely dont face any sort of oppression and harrassment that constitutes them being a part of a group that exists exactly because it brings together ppl that share common experiences w tht specific type of oppression/harrassment, allowing them all to help each other through it, bond with people that Know exactly how it feels and combat the wrong-doings they face together in a safe, mutually understanding and supportive environment. people might make fun of ace and aro people, claim that theyre just a late bloomer or whatever, but they will Never be physically harrassed or oppressed for being aspec in the same way you are for being gay, bi and/or trans, they will never face the same genuine fear of actual murder just for existing as lgbt people do!! there will never be laws and constitutions written detailing that aro/aces are mentally ill or handicapped, they will never be denied the right to marry, governments wont issue for the military to murder them in cold blood. i dont care if cishet aces/aros and cis aroaces are allies - im happy if they are, of course - and have helped elevate our voices, it still doesnt mean theyre lgbt.
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