#I sent them a message but ya know we arent friends I just miss seeing them in my dash
yourpalghost · 1 year
Not trying to be nosey or dramatic but uh
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Big happy family.
Cw: food ment, meat ment.
Ok to rb
Summary: jerico and aizawa get reunited after the siege for Eri, and that makes all the feelings hang out.
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Jerico hasnt seen aizawa in days, she went here and there for a visit at the hospital.
Hes keeping an eye on the rescued girl,eri, knowing that hes neglecting his wife. He misses her so much,and the texts arent helping
Just the other day, she, mic and toshiro went to scort the 1-A class students that failed the temporary hero licence, And after that they had a nice dinner togheter.
He read the last message jerico sent him, its a picture of her and her other two partners ( And friends) cuddling in bed, mic and all might are still in bed, asleep.
He sighed, shoving his phone back in his pocket, he really misses her.
-- mr.aizawa!-- exclaimed midoriya-- can Eri come to the Autum festival?
Aizawa thinks it for a moment, and nodds-- its not imposible...ill figure it out
After talking things out with the authorities, he texts jerico.
"Hey, im coming to the Autum festival, ill see you there"
He smiled seeing the picture she sent him before, hes going to be home soon
When the festival arrived, jerico was running all around the house looking for clothes.
-- jerico! Jerico baby calm down! -- said mic grabbing her by the biceps and shaking her-- just wear what you feel most comfortable in, shotas gonna love it either way...
Jeri sighs, pressing her head against mics chest-- I miss him hiza
Hizashi nodded patting her back-- I know sweetheart-- he sees allmight put his hand on her back-- we know...
Toshiro smiled softly-- go and get all dolled up,we'll help
She nodds sniffing-- thanks
After changing they run to the festival, they were still on patroll, but in more casual wear, for example, hizashi had his hair down.
Jeri looks around for aizawa, starting to get frustrated, Someone like him wasnt easy to miss-- donde esta,donde esta-- she muttered.
Hizashi sighed looking at toshiro, she was badly missing him.
-- alright children remember to look out for Eri, ill be close behind
-- mr.aizawa-- said eri-- why are we here, the festivals down there-- the girl points at the stalls
-- I just need to...see my...wife-- he turns to jerico, his cheeks turn red, and without thinking it he charges at her-- JERICO!-- he screamed.
Jeri runs to him hugging him tightly-- oh shota!
He smiled caressing her hair-- oh you look beautiful-- he says caressing her cheek.
-- ive missed you-- she says.
--Me too kitty-- he whispered kissing her softly.
She grips his clothes and deepens the kiss.He lets out a growl and smiles.
-- whose that Lady?--askes eri-- thats mr.Aizawas wife?
-- yep!-- said midoriya-- thats miss jerico! Shes been married to aizawa, mic and toshiro for a while now!
Eri runs to jerico with deku and mirio behind them-- niss jerico?-- inquired eri-- im eri! I wanted to ask you something!
Jerico nodds kneeling down gently-- what is it
-- why are you married to more than one person?
Jeri giggled-- well, Eri, when some people love eachother a lot, they can get married with more than one person, we all know eachother from our U.A days, and we couldnt really choose, so , my husbands are very good Friends! They all get along very well!
Eri smiled-- aww thats cute!
Aizawa helped jerico up and kissed her-- ive gotta go
Jeri hides her desdain but her eyes say a gentle " dont go".
Their hands slip away painfully, and as aizawa looks away jerico tries to contain her tears.
Mic pats her bac and Gently kisses her-- ill win ya a plushie-- he softly says.
Toshiro hugs her and kisses the top of her head-- lets get you something to eat, come on
Jeri nodds, sniffling.
The festival went on without much fuss, though, jiro was hesitant to go out on stage to play.
Mic was helping with sound and acoustics, jerico leans down to be at eye level with jiro.
-- hey, I know youre worried, but youll do alright kid
Jiro sighed-- I know but...its so Many people
The teacher thinks for a moment and looks at her student-- would you like me to sing with you?
Jiro looks at her teacher-- w well! Itll help
She nodds-- well then, what are we waiting for!
Aizawa is standing behind mirio, deku and eri. He sighed and grabs his phone, looking at the last picture he took with jerico, justba couple of days before the siege for eri.
They were all making breakfast togheter, he chuckles with a sad smile.
But suddenly he looks back at the stage when he recognized jericos voice.
Jiro and her sang togheter, the students were playing the instruments, and jeri was providing backup vocals.
He smiled tapping his foot.
-- I wanna Marry her all over again!-- said mic, with his mouth wide Open.
Toshiro is blushing , coughing-- Man, shes amazing...
Jerico meets glances with aizawa, and its the only thing she concentrated on during the remaining of the song.
The band took a break and she let jiro handle it from there.
Mic picks his wife up by the waist and nuzzles her chest-- you were amazing! Oh I love you!
Allmight lifts her up too once shes set on the ground, and smiles-- nice work! Now young jiro Will have enough courage to sing for herself!
--hey is there anything left for me? Im just a humble fan!-- exclaimed aizawa hugging jerico, to then kiss her.
--shota!-- she says-- I almost trip on my words, you distracted me
He chuckles-- well, kitty, youre the only thing ive been able to think about these days, so I think we are square
Jerico smiled and hugs him tightly. He chuckled and buries his face on her hair.
That day they said goodbye with a grin on their faces.
-- see doll? Everything went just fine!-- said allmight preparing for bed
-- you guy were right-- jerico puts on aizawas shirt and lays down besides mic.
Toshiro hugs her and nuzzles her cheek with his nose.
--nighty night sweetheart-- said hizashi.
-- night guys...
A couple of days later, its early morning and somebody rings on the door.
Jerico opens her eyes and groans. -- hiza, go see whose at the door
Mic clings to his pillow-- too...sleepy
The ring bell keeps sounding off, she turns to allmight, asleep like a log.
She groans and goes downstairs to Open the door.
--morning sweetie, breakfast?-- said aizawa-- eri is staying with us, im his guardian now
Jerico smiled hugging aizawa, her othe two partners run downstairs whe they hear her scream "SHOTA!".
Eri smiled seeing her New big happy family make breakfast.
Jerico puts flour on aizawas nose, he chuckles kissing her.
Mic is preparing pancakes and toshiro is making Bacon.
Jerico ended up cuddling the morning away, eri was asleep on her lap, one big happy family.
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Yeah? Yeah.
Heyyyyyyy this is my gift for @coniello​, who I got in the @sincerely-us​ gift exchange! Sorry I’m posting this so late in the day. The prompt was Evan and Jared going on a road trip, but they’re in a fight so they kinda have to bond again. It was fun to write! 
This weekend was going to be... less than ideal, to say the very least. It was supposed to be fun, according to both Evan and Jared’s mothers, and according to the two boys themselves up until a few months ago.
A trip to a waterpark, the same one where they had shared their sixth birthday party, that had been planned for a year. But now, due to f**k-ups on both their parts, they had barely spoken a word to each other in over two months. A small fight over what movie to watch had turned into a shouting match that brought up every disagreement they had had for the past five years.
Of course, they could hardly tell that to their mothers. So there they were, stuck next to each other in a car for two and a half hours and facing two nights in a hotel room together. On top of that, they couldn’t ignore each other. They had to act as if they were still best friends. G r e a t.
The air between them was thick, and you could practically cut the tension with a knife. Both boys were desperate for some opportunity to relieve it, but unsure of how to.
‘I’m sorry,’ Evan typed into his notes, drafting a message that was likely never going to be sent. ‘I shouldn’t have said anything that I did, and I shouldn’t have accused you of lying about your camp friends. I’m sorry I’ve been forcing my presence on you throughout high school, I know you really don’t want to hang out with me, which is understandable. So yeah... I’m sorry.’
He copy-pasted it into his messages with Jared, staring at the send button and running through every situation he could think of if he sent it and if he didn’t.
Then something popped up on the screen: a meme. From Jared.
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Evan deleted his message, instead sending a simple ‘Was that supposed to go to me?’
‘yes?’ Jared replied. ‘who else would it have gone to’
‘Oh... Aren’t you mad still?’
‘arent u?’
Evan glanced over at him, a confused look on his face. ‘No? I’m the one who messed up.’ He heard Jared snort a little.
‘havent changed at all i see. u arent the only one who messed up’
‘Jared, I accused you of lying about your camp friends purely because I was jealous of them.’
‘just shut up we both did a Big No accept it’
Evan laughed out loud. ‘I’m just... still sorry.’
‘well stop. like now’
Evan looked over and smiled at him. ‘Fine.’
Jared smirked back, but there was no trace of malice in it. ‘loser,’ he replied.
The rest of the three-hour drive was filled with memes, small-talk, and laughing, and, although it was slightly awkward, neither boy had been happier in a while.
“Okay, boys,” Heidi sighed once they were at the doors of the hotel rooms, trying to support the weight of her packed bags. “Make sure you don’t go to bed too late and meet us in the lobby for breakfast at...” She looked around, waiting for someone else to suggest a time.
“Nine?” Mrs. Kleinman offered.
“Yes, nine,” Heidi confirmed. “That sound good?”
“Yeah,” Evan replied. “Thanks, Mom.” Jared just finger-gunned.
“See you in the morning,” Ms. Kleinman said, opening the door of the room that she and Heidi were sharing.
“See ya!” Jared called, swinging into his own room and pulling Evan in by the elbow.
Evan leaned against the door uncomfortably, biting his lip and looking anywhere other than Jared’s eyes. The car was much easier than this. He could easily avoid eye-contact in the car, only having to look ahead, or out the window. “So...” he tried. “How are you?” Mentally, he scolded himself. God, that was such a stupid question. “I mean like how have you been? Because obviously we’ve been talking for a while and I know... s**t sorry, I’m bad at this.”
Jared laughed and threw himself into the crappy hotel room couch. “Evan, chill out,” he said. “Like seriously.”
“Right,” Evan mumbled. “Sorry- I mean, um...”
“I get it,” Jared interrupted, holding out his hand. “Do you like... want to put your s**t down and sit? You’re allowed to do that.”
Evan looked down and realized he was indeed still holding his bags, suddenly becoming aware of the ache in his arms. “Oh, right.” He placed his bags in a neat pile by the beds, a contrast to the haphazardly stacked ones that Jared had merely tossed onto the bed he’d claimed as his own. He still didn’t sit, though, even when Jared gestured questioningly at the couch.
“Made a college decision yet?” Jared asked. “You didn’t know, last we talked.”
Evan nodded. “I’m gonna take a year to save up, then I’m probably going to do some kind of biology, maybe. Staying close to home, though. You were gonna go... somewhere in Montana, right?”
“Montana State,” Jared agreed. “Computer science. I got a s**t-ton of scholarships, too.” Although you wouldn’t guess it upon first, second, or third impressions of him, Jared was freakishly smart, maintaining a 4.0 in high school despite sleeping through class 50% of the time and regularly skipping.
Evan smiled. “That’s- I’m really happy for you, that’s really great.”
“It’s school,” Jared grumbled. “I don’t know why I’m paying to go. I should be paid to go.”
As Jared complained, his face shifted into a childish frown. The expression reminded Evan of when they were in middle school, including some, ahem, certain feelings that tended to pop up when a hormonal and bisexual 8th grader had a smart, funny... kind of cute-
Oh, S**T! Evan thought. Those feelings we’re supposed to have been kicked to curb years ago. But apparently not.
“Ev,” Jared called, snapping his fingers. “Earth to acorn.”
Evan looked at him (well, more like started paying attention to him. He had been staring after all). “Yeah? Sorry, I, um... I zoned out. Sorry.”
“You were staring at me,” Jared informed bluntly. “I mean, who could blame you, I am gorgeous, but-”
“No I wasn’t!” Evan lied.
“You were.”
“Fine then, keep your crush repressed,” Jared teased, both projecting onto Evan and being characteristically oblivious.
Evan turned pink. “I...”
Jared cracked up. “You’re such a dork!” he wheezed.
“I am not!” Evan protested. “You’re the dork.”
In response, Jared held up a finger as he dug through his pockets, finally pulling out a crumpled yellow card. “Uno reverse card,” he smirked.
“You-” Evan said. “You just keep that in your pocket?!”
“Yep,” Jared replied, popping the p.
Finally, Evan sat on the couch, although he remained tense. “I like hanging out with you,” he mumbled, having a momentary burst of courage that left him with immense amounts of regret. “Oh my God, that was so weird, I’m sorry! I just meant like, you know-”
“Evan,” Jared said, trying to stop the word vomit.
“Because we fought and we have talked in months I just missed you, you know? And I-”
“Evan!” Jared repeated, louder, which successfully silenced him. “I know what you mean. You don’t have to explain yourself. I missed you too. I shouldn’t have been such an a*shole during high school.”
Evan smiled weakly. “It’s okay.”
Jared smiled back. “Star Wars?” he asked.
“Oh God,” Evan laughed. “We haven’t watched those since we hung out every weekend in 8th grade.”
“You haven’t,” Jared corrected. “I’m not a heathen, I still watch them regularly.”
“Whatever. Let’s do it.”
One movie later, they had assumed a position in which Jared’s head was resting on Evan’s shoulder and their hands were touching in an effort to make the computer stay steady. Jared stretched a little and looked up at Evan, who had a slight glow surrounding his head from the lights shining through his blond hair. Would it be gay to kiss him? Jared asked himself. YES IT WOULD BE GAY, IDIOT!
Holy s**t, he was actually considering this. He had never been known for being open with his feelings, opting instead for sudden outbursts and passive-aggressive remarks. But lately, he had been doing better. He wasn’t as mean, at least, and slightly less scared of feelings. “Evan...?” he said finally, an audible shake in his voice.
“Yeah?” Evan asked, staring at the space between Jared’s eyes, which was the closest he could comfortably get to eye-contact.
Jared’s hands began to shake slightly, never a good sign. “Can I... s**t...”
Evan moved so he was entirely sat up, taking hold of Jared’s forearm to calm him down. “Jared,” he murmured. “Breathe.” Panic attacks, and the preceding moments, were something that Evan had more experience with than he would care to admit. But in situations like this is was undeniably helpful to know how to deal.
Jared frantically searched Evan’s face for a sign of... something. His eyes moved like those of a caged animal, darting back and forth, even though his body was frozen. Finally, possessed by some other force, he pressed his lips up against Evan’s, staying stiffly there for a moment before realizing what he had done and pulling away.
Evan stared blankly at him for a moment, entirely dumbfounded, before leaning down to repeat it. Jared kissed back momentarily, but pulled away and looked down after a minute.
“Sorry,” Evan muttered. “I shouldn’t have... I didn’t mean to... crap, I messed this all up, didn’t I?”
Jared distanced himself from Evan, giving him a few inches of space. After a few moments of silence, he spoke quietly. “Was that okay?”
“Was it okay with you?” Evan responded, his usual stutter gone and replaced by a shaky, quiet tone.
“If it was with you... yeah.”
“It was,” Evan replied hesitantly.
Jared looked over at him, biting his lip to refrain from a hopeful smile. He placed his hand half of the distance between them, letting Evan decide whether or not to take it.
Evan moved his hand to cover Jared’s. “Yeah?” he asked, repeating Jared’s question.
“Yeah,” Jared echoed.
And there they sat, comfortably silent, the same thought running through both their heads.
Maybe this trip won’t be so bad.
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bma-2020 · 5 years
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Okiedok here’s the delio. I have a list of all the blogs from the last six months who’s actively either responded to a meme i sent, responded to a message ive sent, replied to something regarding mally herself, has actually written with me, written a starter for me from my liking a starter call, has at least liked a starter i wrote for them to awknowedge it exists, all that jazz, i have a lot of open field so it’s not just a possible tumblr didnt let them no option anymore, because i send memes to everyone who posts them that i see. I reply to most peoples ooc posts. I like most starter calls I pass by. I try my darndest to actually interact bc i know how it feels to be ignored and its… i’ve been called one before so i’m using the word, thats fluffing cunty behavior, and honestly if you complain about not being interacted with but never even try when i try with you, ya being cunty, end of. I gotta list. That list only entails Mally because she’s who I care about the most. I’m probably gonna start instilling a new rule in all my blogs that if you ignore Mally and/or Darcy( @tasedandconfused ), since I would say they’re my two main blogs tho darcy gets ignored even more than mally does, probably bc i denied canon and left it entirely we know fandom hates that, if either of them is ignored then… Ya out of luck, I’m gonna unfollow you. I’m debating soft blocking everyone who ignored me on both of them but I don’t want to like be mean and deny the chance to eventually try again but at the same time i shouldnt feel bad for taking a stand and saying this is bullsheet, idk my anxiety says im awful for giving a fluff about myself but also i should give a fluff about myself probably, ive nearly died in the last three months, my brain almost exploded, i just had three root canals on one corner of my face, i have to potentially get surgery on my inner ear which i cant even afford, i dont got time to deal with only being used for like smut memes or like as a resource blog or utter bs like that, i dont got time for it. So new rules here. 1: If Mally or Darcy are not acknowledged, written with, responded to, viewed as more than just their fluffing bodies? ya dropped, im unfollowing, potentially soft blocking, which means blocking and unblocking for those not in the know, on all accounts I follow you on. Every single one. I know most of my muses are on sideblogs but despite not being able to send memes from sideblogs you can block people from sideblogs fun fact, i will do that if i have to. 2: I’m gonna be posting SCs, PCs, memes, etc. I like and respond to plotting calls, starter calls, i send memes, all of that. If I don’t get any response within.. I’m giving one week for people who don’t run on a queue and a month and a half to people on a queue based system, if i dont get anything within that time like at least an im being like ‘its posted’ or ‘its queued i wanted to let you know in case tumblrs a fluffbutt’ (i do this sometimes if i dont get even just a like on the starters i post so i at least know people saw it since i know tumblrs bs, i wait until the day they’re active to do so in case theyre busy yknow) basically i need acknowledgment at all. No you can’t claim this is abt follower count bc when you unfollow someone they inevitably unfollow you too, thats gonna drop my following, not as quickly as soft blocking would but i wanna be fair i guess, which leads to: 3: I’m basing this on your activity too, like if i like a think and you’re gone for a month after that its fine, im not gonna unfollow you unless you never come back or youre online and posting others just not mine because that tells me youre specifically ignoring me and im gonna drop you for that end of. I’m done with the bullsheet im done w the dillish behavior, i love friendship but if im giving and never receiving thats extremely one way and not gonna work. I check through my follow list weekly and i go back about five-10 pages on someones feed before i unfollow them to see their actual activity and see if theyre here or if its a q so. I’m thorough basically. 4: You dont have to be active with me on all your blogs, i mean i’d prefer it but thats hard as fluff so essentially if you have like five blogs and are just like trying w me on two or three thats fine. Ten blogs, four or five with at least a plot formed is cool. Multis just one muse is all I’d need. I’m not gonna unfollow the blogs youre not writing w me on if you at least write w me on some. Again, specifically Mally and/or Darcy. If you ignore both of them, we’re done. I havent been active on darcy because of being ignored and its a huge butt mess and im just tired i wanna use my babies, you don’t get to have my ‘better’ muses like i know a lot of ppl only follow me for my boys or my villains, you don’t get them if you ignore my baby. But, there is a limit there too. 5: If you never respond to a meme or thread even once with Mally or Darcy, or post a starter, i reply, its never replied to again after a month, I’m unfollowing and/or soft blocking for that too. Bc that means youre just raising my hopes to fluff with me or get someone else and honestly, youre even more cunty than than the people just flat out ignoring me if you do that. And this isnt a specific person, this is five of the people actually on my list. Yes, my list is also annotated with specifics again I was very thorough on this yesterday, I hyperfixated I’ll admit it, I’m in a fluffing depressionary bubble and being told to get over it because people want something they dont deserve to have to. I am a believer that people deserve good things but if youre purposefully being cunty… no you dont. 6: No I’m not releasing my list, maybe I will and I’ll omit the urls because I don’t want people being buttholes to each other too but otherwise, yall not seeing it im not giving a callout because… really thats just unnecessary here. I don’t think yall are toxic people or something i just think yall are unintentionally being cunty. And no I don’t mean everyone that follows me i mean the ppl that add up to what i’ve documented so far and fit the bill of butthat that i’ve shown, its behaviors yall gotta check before ya wreck. Yes there will be some people who have priority, everyone has those people, I write w kathryn on other platforms since she doesnt go on here as often but when Kathryn returns from war here (if she does cause she also agrees most ppl on this platform are cunty, i feel really bad saying that word so often but im gonna keep doing it i recently deleted an ask saying I was a huge cunt for not sending someone smut memes when I didn’t even follow them or know they existed so, again the travesty of this place is nutballers) same with owly, alex is here too, my most active partners are always going to be priority because theyre the ones who show the most interest and the most care. I understand that with others as well which is why I have the timeframe set up, because I want to be as open and shizz as possible while atill being firm i guess. I don’t want to have extreme double standards like its impossible for double standards not to exist at least a little bit but I want to avoid a golden chest full of them I guess. 7: I don’t have a seven rn, this was an even number and it bothered me. Seven is nust my warning that I’m bittery writing this on mobile so formatting is not real but i tried my dandest to make this look like something people might actually mind. I dont want to be butty, i dont want to be awful, i dont want to start drama or have drama but that shizz comes around anyways so i might as well make my space as okay for me as i can cause im supposed to avoid stress so my brain doesnt almost explode again, like again i almost fluffing died i dont need ppl fake being my friend or anything, i want stuff to be real and clear. I want to be happy to be on here again and have fun like i used to since my health is plummetting and I’m not allowed to go outside near plants by myself anymore because i welt up. I have plants outside my work place and im surrounded by chemicals all day long I’m welted from here to new york constantly and never comfortable in my own skin because of it and constantly see people online acting like these actual real problems are pretentious because ‘its an excuse’ when, im a fluffing sagittarius, do you know how much i want to magically be a millionaire so i can pay for friends and my own medical stuff and go on traveling and adventures, be outside probably not camping bc as a pagan i know thats a death sentence but like be outside, lay on grass, go back to swimming because i used to swim competitively and due to health reasons i can barely even go in a pool anymore because theres too much sunlight which, bit plot twist i know, im fluffing allergic to vitamin D and the rays of the sun, so go figure, attempts to be healthy kill me more, i also cant eat most plants and am constantly dying from just eating food, they dont know whats wrong with me. i cant fix it by going ve/gan for a month inf act i tried and it almost made my heart stop thanks society. These arent excuses these are the lives of disabled and diseased and to a lesser but still very real point, ethnic lives every fluffing day. This is real shit and its murder and online and gaming? It may be all I have soon since I can’t just go out and make new friends cause, again, I’d fluffing die. I get sick going to the mall or the movie theater, I miss theme parks so much but have to minimize it to weeks i dont have work so i dont get fired for having a welt while working in the beauty industry. I may have to get a degree online and change my field entirely because of my illness that nobody understands. People even make fun of it constantly online and I wish I could just drop online entirely because of how unbelievably ableist the entirety of the world is, i wish i could drop humans in general for their ableism, but i cant. I don’t have choices in most cases, but throwing away people who maybe purposefully maybe unintentionally thats why i’m giving you this warning and will be repeating this warning for awhile, this is where i have choice. I have to use what little choice I have in life while I can since everytime i go to movies or a concert or a theme park i almost die because of not having an immune system that functions or being in certain air qualities pr being near plants or unclean people, I may not have much time and I gotta do whats best for what little mental health I have, and if that means dropping people i care about and really want to write with and do things with but who ignore me then, i guess so be it.
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ooc; You know, I never thought anyone would like Thoth other than my group of friends who gave him a chance. I was so nervous with him, that I tried to make him a weaker character and I just couldn’t do that haha. I’m still nervous about him, but I want you all to know...
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I really am thankful. From the fan art, to the threads, to meeting so many wonderful people, I think it’s time to shine a light on those who I’ve chatted with, and gotten to know as well! Even if it’s just a simple hello, it makes my day. You guys are all wonderful, and I’m beyond happy over this. I was going to make a 100 follower and then the followers skyrocketed before I could haaa... ^^;;;
Anyway, these people below the cut? They really are cool.
But so are all my followers, even if we don’t talk!
Preshie mun! You’re Gaster terrifies me, not like bad dreams terrifying but he is a really well developed villain! He just is so wonderful to interact with, and I love our threads, no matter the blog! Let’s not forget how you’re a sweetheart either! I feel like I spam ya too much haha, anxiety man- BUT YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! Keep being you :D <3
(I still can’t believe Thoth had a mini crush on Gaster and they could have been nerdy friends if the judgement ever happened aaaaaaa)
 @curioosity, @snackiies
Azura mun! I am still vastly scared to chat with you, but I want you to know, I do mean the words I say ^^ You may be feeling down right now, but... I think you’re a great person. I really mean that, you’re oc is very well fleshed out and very engaging! I adore seeing you on the dash, and your art- and your posts! I hope things brighten up for you! You need a good day, and I hope you get it!
I really adore your concept and I’m glad you’re one of my friends! Sixer is adorable, and Thoth absolutely wants to spoil him! And pet him, seriously how many times have they ended up curled up together haaa. But the depth of your stories and fanfic are amazing and I love reading every chapter! Keep up the amazing work! <3
@softashfuck, @goodster,
I hope you had a good birthday kiddo! I love ya, you’re the son I wish that was here for I could spoil you some more. Seriously, anyway, I love your character and your interpretations and the fact you spam me with such lovely art ;w; so nice. I swear I’m going to keep spamming you right on back! <3
Okay but I mean it, I do care a lot about you and I do see you as my kid. Seriously, if I could scoop you up I would. <3
@all-seeing-all-knowing-eye, @br00kie-draws
BROOOOOKIE! Okay, first off. When I first met you, I was highly nervous and scared, I met you through an ex-friend that showed me your art and since then I am so glad I met you. Our ships are adorable, they have bumpy roads and that’s what makes them enjoyable, they arent perfect, and that’s just how a good ship should be. Not to mention your art?! Like DAYUM GIRL. Such a good, best friend too, always listening to me ramble! Love ya! <3
I know we don’t talk as much these days, I know you’re busy but I still check up on your art! (I really should finish that gif I made omgosh) But you are also a very nice person, and a wonderful artist!
Rach.... I gotta be honest. I love you, and I think without you these last years or so, I don’t think I’d be around. I was in a really bad patch, and thinking things I shouldn’t. I let my thoughts almost win but you pulled me out of there. You helped me in so many ways, you even sent money through the mail cuz of my situation. I feel like I can never thank you enough because you really are my best friend and I honestly don’t know what I’d do if you suddenly disappeared one day. I know work is hard on you, but you’re such a great person and you know what, I’m proud of you. <3
Thoth and Rachael, Rachael and Rich/Neal, Rachael and--- Wait no that’s it. I think, maybe. We ship a lot, I blame our shipness. lmao Love it all!
Lye! I’m still vastly nervous to chat you up and that’s why I go silent cuz my nerves kick my ass but you are such a cool person! And your art? A++++
@derse-agent,  @wd-blaster,
Heya! I like your stuff! It’s really cool, and I know I owe you some things, don’t worry I didn’t forget! I just want you to know, you’re a really cool blog and thank you for joining the streams at times! LAOS YOUR GASTER IS ADORABLE OKAY
AAAAAAH?! For one I totally ship Tenny and Lotus now, I love how Tenny turns to mush at the very sight of my pretty boi. Not to mention t’s us so sugar sweet~! With some deviousness in there. Okay but on top of that, I love your characters, and the art, the fact you have put a lot of effort in your things and you’re a great friend! <3
Okay so, I love your art and the fact your Gaster is different fom others and you put time and effort into your creations and just YESSSSS. It’s amazing, and I love it and you’re really cool!
your art is realy cool and you are officially a senpai. I love the way you draw man, and I enjoy seeing you on the dash!
Apaaaattthhhyyyyyy, I miss ya, and I should deff mesage you more! Omgosh,and always drag you to more streams for you can succumb to the siliiness again! I love your Parallax! Hal and nomal Hal and the one time we rp’d where Venom was also Hal sdsfgb All the good stuff and I STILL REMEBER OUR SHIP OF SIOBHAN AND HAL <3
Okay so we’re still getting to know each other but you are an absolute delight!? AND YOU HAVE AN AMAZING SANS AND I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE AND I’M GOING TO KEEP RAMBLING IN CAPS FOR YOU UNDERSTAND HOW YOU ARE AN IDOL HUN. <3
FOXIE AND HEALER!!! Healer, I love the way you write and Foxie? Hun, I wish I could draw like you. You two are really good friends and I’m sorry I haven’t een overly chatty? But I watch your content all the time! <3 You guys also helped me get rid of a toxic ex-friend and I’m grateful for that, you have no idea! Thank you for giving me strength!
YOU ARE SUCH A SWEET PERSON!? You drew my boi, you chat with me, we rp- You are a delight! I want to invite you to all the streams and groups and let everyone marvel at your amazingness!
Okay we don’t chat as I do with others but I’d love to? I’d love to also thread with you and I’m sorry if I didn’t answer that meme! It’s there staring at me like a deer in the middle of the road omg! But we should plot, on any of my blogs!
Okay so I loved our interactions with your Evil Rick and my Rick, I’m sorry that hes inactive right now, I’m trying to rile him back up but it’s just hard for me idk why- (been on an undertale kick tbh, aaaaa) BUT YOU WRITE AMAZINGLY AND BLOW MY FUCKING MIND LIKE OMG, HELLO SENPAI
We just recently started talking but hey! I love your art from what I’ve seen keep up the amazing work okay? And don’t worry about messaging me, It’s all okay fi you want to :D I dont bite
**AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, screeching** 
Your art is still amazing and I am highly nervous to talk with you but you are a sweety and I aspire to be like you!
I would really like to chat with ya! And plot, and write! You seem to have an amazing Aku and it’s wonderful to see you on my dash!
 I love Trashy and I would really like to thread with ya. Your character is cute and well rounded, and I enjoy his story. Plus you’re a good person :D
BROTHER OF MINE I LOVE YA. I enjoy how hard you work on everything, even back when you wrote Joker. How we shipped, I still remember every moment despite my shit for brains memory hahaha. It’s wonderful and so are you and I’m glad you got out of your bad situation and are doing better and got things going for ya now! I love you, and I am very proud.
I LOVE YOUR BLOG OKAY? I read everything ^^;;; Haaa, I do, and it’s great. I’m kind of a side liner and I need to change that becuause Melodi is a cutie and I should totally spam you with more asks!
I miss our clown days, but I love how you draw still and I should message you more often, I miss ya buddy. You were and still are an amazing fiend and I aspire to draw how soft you do, those lines man mmmf, good stuff right there. Also Penance and Sorrow should hang out again.
YOU MADE ME LOVE SO MANY DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THE SHIPS, THE LORE, AND I’M SCREECHING AT YOU NOW. Oka but White Hat and Slug yessss, Flug and Black Hat, yesss, but my favorite...
Is the one I never expected. My fanfic’s Bill Cipher, dubbed ‘Glitch’ and Black Hat. I can’t believe they have two kids now and they recently hatched and are going to destroy the world. Cute little guys.
But you’re also a great friend! Seriously, amazing! <3
@storyteller-arc/ @smol-goop, 
*inhale* B O I. Okay but on a serious note I love your Gaster, I love your oc. Storyteller, Gaster Grim likes them but not only that they managed to get Thoth to like them, he also likes smol as well. You have a really good character set it just attracts my characters like a magnet hahaha
Not to mention you are a adelight! Absolute delight!
*takes a deep breath* HOW CAN I EVEN BEGIN TO WRITE ON YOU!?
You are an idol to me. You are someone who has developed their entire set of ocs so much that I wish I could put that much effort without feeling nervous like hot dayum. You have suhc a good thing going, and I ust wanna punch Dick, hug him as well, punch him again- and also adopt ames and Hannah, and Eight- and the heroes, and Black Hat, and Dave, and all of them and HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME LOVE ALL THESE BBIES
I really do love how sweet they are and also the thread on Sans how he was commanded and i ended up being really cute and I just lve it all. You also have wonderful art and you are really dang sweet, <3 <3
okay....okay... I love your entire thing going on with ER, and I would love to write with you. I don’t even care what blog omgosh because you are an absoute steklar star on here, and Imma call you senpai til you perish cuz DAMN. Look at those headcanons, DAYUM look at those posts and stories and AUs and the past and 70 years worht of stuff and AAAAAAAA
A M A Z I N G 
@a-vf-vi-tf-ti,  @deep-black-dreaming​
AAAAAA? I love your ocs, I love our rps and ideas on discord but we should deff rp here on tumblr again! Lemme drag you down with me on here muhahahahah, ALSO YOU’RE ANOTHER CULPRIT FOR GETTING ME DEEP INTO VILLAINIOUS AND I LOVE IT
*stares at you deeply, squints*
Imma kick your Black Hats ass again just you watch. BUT ON A SIDE NOTE! OMG CAN WE THREAD ON HERE TOO? Discord is wonderful man man, I’d love to take it to tumblr, if you’re okay with that! I’ll even dust off my WH just for that reason :D
You’re character seems swet and we should send some asks to each other ore often! I hope you’re having a wonderful day and I would love to get to know you more!
I know you thanks to Brookie and your character is amazing but I’m highly nervous to bug you nad for that I am very sory and I hope that we can chat more!
You have such a cute oc and I want to know all about them! We thread here on Tthoth and Grim but man I’d spam you with even Eddie Gluskin if you’d want :D Or Jack, but Jack scares everyone and so I keep him in th corner hahaha. But the point is, I love your concept and I wanna pet th roachie
I remember when you were still developing your oc and it was on skype, and she had blue skin but now she covers up the blue skin and she is really great. I think you did amazing with her!
Hey I just met you and aI think you guys are great. Sans and you, really cool! Thanks for joining the stream the other day and I hope to thread with you more! I mean it, and I should say hi to you more often on discord ^^  You seem great!
64 notes · View notes
sadrien · 8 years
wanna chat? pt. 15
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
wow has it been A Week
i have two tests in a few hours and i have so many notes left and calc problems and i'm dying so have this!
there are two links in the chapter and i know you're probably like. why would i click those? i mean i wouldn’t trust me either, but i swear they're fine. ignore the first if you'd like, but if you don't click the second you're probably going to be fairly confused? you'll see what i mean
this is extra long because i'm feeling extra procrastinate-y
(sorting hat = nino, cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub = alya, dipshit = adrien, ahHHH = mari)
i'm off to fail. enjoy~
sorting hat: what the fuck was i thinking were french wed go to beauxbatons oh also @alya akuma attack
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: but thats bORING wait what fuCK WHEN I FINALLY DECID E 2 SLEPE
sorting hat: please dont leave the house im too tired
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: …. nino what the fuck is thsi akuma
sorting hat: why would i know???
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: bc i dont
sorting hat: love that 3 in the morning logic
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: all thats on the forums is pics of it stacking cars??????????? @hawkmoth wyd
sorting hat: being a dick probably
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ok tru oooo something new in the inbox of the ladyblog make ur bets now
sorting hat: i say random theory
dipshit: Fanart duh
sorting hat: bro!!! youre up!! <3
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: gm marshmallow my love
sorting hat: howd you wake up? did the akuma get close to your house and finally make noise or osmething?
dipshit: Oh I never went to bed
sorting hat: …
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: what the SHI T SLEEP BOI
dipshit: Trust me, I would’ve if I wanted to
sorting hat: mari is the only one of us with any sense
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: shes a smart one
dipshit: Yeah Anyway what’s in the inbox
sorting hat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VRr9NG7RE0
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: thank u bab much appreciated but also ur a nerd anyway its wait waht ths hit hlyk fucik
sorting hat: uhhhh alya you ok??
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i S HTIS  AK JOKE IMS TCARED TO CPIICK IT
dipshit: Well what is it??
sorting hat: wait like like he shot it himself??
dipshit: That’s some dedication is it like mid-akuma fight or something
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ahhhHHH I DON TKNOW I HAVNE TWATCHED IT YET its itS THE M TEHY METION ME MOM HOL Y FCUK i can t;breakt h im oginna die nsow WAITN I NEDD TO POST
sorting hat: please dont die on us yo send me the link fam
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: DINOSUAR SCREEEECH  
dipshit: Did you mean pterodactyl screech
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: DO U THISNK I CAN SPELL THAT NR
dipshit: Honestly I didn’t even spell it right I had to use spellcheck
sorting hat: smh fake fan i bet you cant even name ten dinosaurs
dipshit: Do you want me to try???
sorting hat: no no i do not not right now maybe after school
dipshit: Does spelling count
sorting hat: yup scientific names only too bro no long neck bullshit
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ladyblog.tumblr.com/post/324367743289/update-from-the-favs ICAHT STOP YELLING IM SO GETITN G INTORUBLE FOR BEIGS O LOUD BUT HOLY SHI T
sorting hat: dang they look exhaust ed and that akuma really is just stacking cars
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i need a flashing gif thatj us tsays LADYNOIR IS CANON
sorting hat: bro thi s is so accurate to staying up until 3 am tho
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: HE CALLED HER PERFEC T
dipshit: Missed pun opportunity Could’ve said purrfect
sorting hat: im kicking you out
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: MARHSMALLOW I LIVOE U also i think theyr right about it being a kid
sorting hat: but like lb said its really late
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i mean tru
sorting hat: it looks like theyre building a castel or somethng
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: a fortress!!!
sorting hat: yeah!!!
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: to protect them from d r a g o n s or scary things
sorting hat: yo it couldve just been a kid with a nightmare if you by that
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: god whne the girls have a nightmare its ROUGH sometiems nothing will get them back to bed cant blame them i mean one of  the things that helps them is drwing nightmares fuk i woudlnt want to go back to sleep either
dipshit: The akumas building a fortress huh?
sorting hat: idk man we arent talking to the akuma ask chat
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: oh yeah no that failed
sorting hat: ????
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: he tried to talk to them and they just like picked him up and threw him away some1 submitted a video rip chat noir
dipshit: Sounds painful
sorting hat: rip in pepperoni anyway if you look at the akuma theyre sorta dressed up ya know
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i wanna say ur projecting the castle thing but ur right that thing in their hair looks like a crown
dipshit: Huh you’re right
sorting hat: man i need to sleep akumas are bullshit
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i just watche dthe video for the sixth itm e im gnna memorize it
sorting hat: babe please if youre gonna memorize something you should wait for a better vidoe
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: DO U THINK THEYLLY SEND A NOTHER
sorting hat: idk why not they sent thsi one
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIT FAM oh snap here come the amgic ladybugs there the y go ayyyy
sorting hat: sleep
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ok godo plan see u in a few hours 2 cry
PM between dipshit and ahHHH
ahHHH: I cannot bleieve you used our friends to stop an akuma
dipshit: Can you please let me live
ahHHH: I cant believe you sent taht video to alya
dipshit: Did you see how happy she was?????
ahHHH: Oh my god Im going to bed Please actually sleep???
dipshit: Uhh No promises but I’ll try my best
ahHHH: You better Night kittne
dipshit: See you in a few hours Night bugaboo
7:58 in hogwarts house discourse
sorting hat: i want to die
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub has changed their name to ladynoir keeps me living
ladynoir keeps me living renamed this conversation to “life is meaningless”.
dipshit: Optimistic
ahHHH: Fuck m y life and efverythign in it
ladynoir keeps me living has renamed this conversation to “what the fUCK”.
ladynoir keeps me living: what the fuc k what thif cuk what teh kcuk WHAT THE ICUK NINO
sorting hat: babe im standing right next to you im processing gimme a fucking second
ladynoir keeps me living: ... 
sorting hat: ok i had a second what
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and ahHHH
ladynoir keeps me living: MARINETTE DUPAIN CHENG WHAT THE FUC K MARI!!!!!!!!!!! ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and dipshit
ladynoir keeps me living: answer uR GODDAMN PHON E I M GODING HUNT U DOWN I F U DONT RESPJNOD  
PM between sorting hat and dipshit
sorting hat: did i just see what i htink i saw correction did alya and i see what we think i saw bro adrien agreste are you here hellllooooooo shit dude
PM between sorting hat and ahHHH
sorting hat: dude dude what was that how long has that been a thing broski marinette goddammit guys
PM between ahHHH and dipshit
dipshit: Uh I’m really sorry about that It just Happened
ahHHH: Its fine Youre fine Its fine Were all fine
dipshit: Are they…?
ahHHH: Yup I have So many messages Oh my go d
dipshit: I’m so sorry
ahHHH: Its both our faults or something
dipshit: You want Alya or Nino
ahHHH: Uh lets do this the simplest way you go nino i go alya Good luck
dipshit: Same to you
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and ahHHH
ahHHH: What
ladynoir keeps me living: ok deep breaths do not what me i saw that nino saw that you lived it
ahHHH: lived what
ladynoir keeps me living: U JUST KISSED ADRIEN AGREST E
ahHHH: um
PM between sorting hat and dipshit
dipshit: Hey Nino What’s up
sorting hat: ha ha very funny alyas having a cow but seriously did you and marinette kiss
dipshit: Uhh I mean yes Yes we did There was lip touching going on there It was an accident
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and ahHHH
ahHHH: It was an accident!!!!
ladynoir keeps me living: an aCCIDENT
ahHHH: Were both really tired and we were standing next to each otehr and idont know what happened
ladynoir keeps me living: what did u fall asleep on each others lips or something?!??!??!?!?!? accident?!??????
PM between sorting hat and dipshit
sorting hat: an accident
dipshit: I kind of Wasn’t thinking
sorting hat: really fucknig smooth bro
dipshit: Sue me
sorting hat: no thank s are you two dating now or?
dipshit: No we’re not
sorting hat: but you like marinette before you say no please know i just saw you lock lips and i also am your best friend and also have eyes
dipshit: Ok yes I like her
sorting hat: so are you gonna ask her out
dipshit: Uhh ... ...no I don’t think so
sorting hat: bruh why not??
dipshit: It’s complicated
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and ahHHH
ladynoir keeps me living: i hate both of u ur actuallt he worst
ahHHH: Im sorry???
ladynoir keeps me living: MAKE OUT ALREADY
ahHHH: Alya stop!!!!! We arent dating or anyhting
ladynoir keeps me going: what hte fUCK why not!!!!! u kissed!!! u 2 talk all the time u make each other laugh u spend a ton of time together u like each other ur dating
ahHHH: Al Im not dating adrien!!!
ladynoir keeps me going: ok fine but u could
ahHHH: By that logic I could also be dating you and nino
ladynoir keeps me going: yes yes u could be
PM between sorting hat and dipshit
sorting hat: complicated??? what about it is complicated?????? you like her she likes you if you havent figured that out by now i dont know what to tell you dude other than maybe all that homeschooling made you worse at social interaction than we thought cause its freaking obvious man like really really obvious
dipshit: It really is complicated, I swear
sorting hat: what?? do you like someone else too or something?
dipshit: Yeah Actually I do
sorting hat: who? ladybug still?? i mean same ladybug is fucking awesome and ive been in a room with teh two of you chemistry and awkwardness but like dont take this the wrong way dude but what are your chances? im not gonna pull an alya and say lb and cn are a thing but how well would dating a superhero really work out? you like mari mari likes you youve already kissed once you guys are so close already might as well just change the relationship status on facebook you know? adrien? ok well think on it dude ill be here if you wanna talk
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and ahHHH
ahHHH: Its not that simple
ladynoir keeps me living: yes it is? do u like him? yes does he like u? yes did u like kissing him? im gonna guess yes is it the asking out part ur scared of cause i can totally bug him into asking u out first
ahHHH: No its not that its just I Its kinda complicated
ladynoir keeps me living: ??????
ahHHH: I cant really
ladynoir keeps me living: mari u ok?? do u need me to come over cause i can
ahHHH: No its ok Im fine
ladynoir keeps me living: did adrien do smth do i need to beat him up
ahHHH: No! No its not him Adrien is perfect
ladynoir keeps me living: sap
ahHHH: Just Give me a minute Ok?
ladynoir keeps me living: ill wait for u to text first
ahHHH: Thanks
PM between dipshit and ahHHH
dipshit: So
ahHHH: So
dipshit: That happened
ahHHH: Yup
dipshit: Nino asked if we were dating
ahHHH: Alya did too
dipshit: Mari I like you a lot
ahHHH: And I really like you too But theres a but right?
dipshit: Yeah You too?
ahHHH: Yeah
dipshit: I think we should just Wait? A little bit?
ahHHH: I was thinking the same thing Not necessarily a long time just Some Time
dipshit: Exactly I mean I’ve been in love with you for months honestly But there’s…
ahHHH: Same here I’ve had a huge embarrassing crush on you since the beginning of the year
dipshit: Glad we’re the same level of awkward and embarrassing
ahHHH: That wasnt our first kiss By the way Just Thought you should Probably know at this point
dipshit: Wait what?
ahHHH: Dark Cupid? You um I needed to break his hold on you and I remembered class and there had been something about a kis sbreaking a spell so Yeah You didnt remember so I didnt say anything Maybe I shouldve I jsut felt Really awkward about it??? Sorry
dipshit: Oh Um
dipshit: It’s fine!!! Really it’s fine It sounds like it’d be awkward to bring up But thanks for telling me I appreciate it
ahHHH: Of course Um Im gonna do some homeowrk so I can go to bed early tonight Hopefully Hawkmoth will leave us alone
dipshit: Oh god I hope so I can’t do another late night That was terrible
ahHHH: That video was awful But it was fun You might sway me on this social media thing yet kitty
dipshit: :3c
ahHHH: Youre the w o r s t
dipshit: I know Let me know if you have any problems with chem or physics I did the homework while she was going over the stuff from yesterday
ahHHH: Its unfair how smart you are
dipshit: Promise you’ll ask for help??
ahHHH: Yeah I promise Dont you have piano today?
dipshit: Yup and I should probably go get ready for that Good luck my lady
ahHHH: You too kitten
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