#I see it as the charm backfiring though his abuse of Miq is all on him no one else is like that
sealer-of-wenkamui · 2 months
Just wanted to say that while I’m not personally really into the rape/sexual assault aspect that was so clearly being implied with “bloody bedchamber”, I am 100% on your side that it profoundly undermines Mohg as a character to take that from him under the aegis of “Miquella charmed him!” Frankly the DLC really did some serious damage to Mohg AND his faction with the whole “charming”, as it’s just really… removing a LOT of their weight/agency in the narrative for way too many players.
(Oh that’s completely understandable, I just like to point out my personal enjoyment of it because of how many people act like it’s a dealbreaker for liking Mohg, while on the contrary it was one of the very reasons I was interested in his character to begin with)
And yeah, it’s exactly as you say, his implied sexual abuse (or at the very least, a violation of Miquella’s body that reads as a pretty clear parallel to it) of Miquella is a major part of his character. You can look at his upbringing and see how he might end up with a warped perception of love, where if he wants to be loved he has to take it by force, resulting in the situation with Miquella (and he also is forcing Miq to play a role in his dynasty, the unloved abandoned child making a name for himself as a lord, with the one he loves, willingness of anyone involved be damned) So to say ohhh well actually Miquella wanted all that weakens his character so much. It’s just an excuse to avoid the dark implications without caring about what it means for his character, he had plenty of motivation to do that to Miquella to begin with.
And we even seen in game that the charm does not fully mind control people, it simply seems to make them love Miquella, and prevent them from killing him or any other opposition towards him (and they’re self-aware of the charm and hornsent still mentions his distrust of you, and Leda also brings it up that he never placed his full trust in her either. These aren’t even demigods.) No one else exhibits the sort of possessiveness Mohg does towards Miquella, and Mohg’s goals for him were separate from Miquella’s own, wanting to make him a God under the Formless Mother (an outer god, which we’ve seen him oppose because of his sister)
Ansbach is a knight of Mohg so he’s a biased source of info, but I do still hate how the dlc emphasizes Mohg as a victim so much because it further leads people to act like Mohg did nothing wrong.
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 3 months
I just beat the dlc so I’ll sum up my thoughts. Best part was by far the world and sidequests, lots of gorgeous scenery and NPCs that work well with what the base game set up and had interesting quests. I especially liked Trina/Thiollier’s (all the stuff about being a god would be a cage for him even goes with Mohg’s intentions) and Ymir’s (finger lore and hand mpreg just goes extremely hard okay)
So I’m disappointed that the main story I think was just… bad and disconnected from base game as a whole. I was looking forward to more Miquella but the final boss felt more like an excuse to fight Radahn at his peak than what would make sense story-wise. If he’s so important to Miq’s plans, then you’d expect base game to bring that up like… at all? And why Radahn as his consort when Malenia exists, who he ACTUALLY has twin prince vibes with…? She’s dear to him, and just as strong? And it makes Aeonia a waste, cause if Radahn agreed, why fight and hurt even herself in the process? And if not, why couldn’t Miq just charm him especially after they make such a big deal about it with Mohg? I DO think the Mohg thing backfired on him but I doubt Radahn would have as twisted visions of love as him so why not?
Which coming to that, I also hate how they emphasize Mohg being some victim of bewitching, it felt boring and cowardly to do so, instead of lean into the implications they set up. I still think Mohg DID abuse him though for a number of reasons 1- Ansbach is a high ranking knight of Mohg’s of course he’s biased towards his lord 2- other NPCS who were human not even demigods still had awareness of the charm and were still able to distrust others 3- Mohg’s obsession and possessiveness of Miq is unique to him not even Leda acts so fixated 4- There’s literally nothing saying the kidnapping was planned (hell the haligtree isn’t even mentioned despite it being his life’s work lmaooo) so ripping him out of that seems like it would be against his will. All they say is a vague “needed him to get to the land of shadows”. Somehow. 5- Mohg being killed also couldn’t have been part of his plan you don’t even need to set foot in the dynasty to become Elden lord and he’s in a secluded spot and relatively unknown. So that’s very unreliable… 6- Miq’s plans had nothing to do with the Mother or the Dynasty so making Miq into a god under Her and forming the basis of the dynasty is 100% Mohg. Probably it backfired in the sense Mohg has a twisted sense of love that hurts the one he claims to love. Ansbach probably saw his plan for a dead end though (Miq certainly wasn’t waking up) so he tried to stop his obsession with him. <-very sick of people claiming he “beat the allegations”
As for what this means for my art I’m certainly less inspired by this game than before but I do intend to to draw an extra bloodied, violated mess of a Miq, and occasional (non-consensual) MohgMiq kinda out of spite for people claiming him innocent now also I need to see Miq broken
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