#I say this but I don't really search for antis and delulu and I follow only good people so yeah
hellokpopoutfit · 5 years
the fact that i don't see any delulus really warms my kokoro 😔💖
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manggaetteokkie · 4 years
I gotta be honest, I don't really see the whole "double standards against jikook, everybody hates jikook" narrative that seems popular around jikook shipping circles. Just today I saw a tweet that had like 15k likes about jikook? And everybody I follow (majority non-shippers) was talked about their vlive, their cuddling, and their drunken shenanigans? I feel like this is unpopular but I felt more comfortable admitting this here because you seem so respectful instead of getting defensive
dhfjsjshdk anon you have no idea how happy I am that my blog can be seen as a safe place to share your thoughts
Honestly, your thoughts aren’t even some of the most controversial ones out there (if it can even be considered as controversial lmfao) but sadly, I think I know why you’d not feel comfortable sharing it...
I do have to admit though, I might not be the best person to ask this question to, only because I can’t really give you an unbiased answer to it. The content I’m surrounded by is very jikook-centric which means I don’t really have an “outsider” perspective on this.
Putting it simply, I’d be made aware of quite a few accusations against jikook, the jikook antis, the delulus in other ships who have beef against jikook, etc etc.
However, I don’t see the same for other ships, probably because I’m not deep enough into them to be made aware (think of how little a casual stan knows vs a hardcore stan having all the tea). Just based on this alone, I don’t think I can give you an unbiased opinion if you’re looking for one. Still, I’ll do my best to explain from my perspective what this “double standard” is, just keep in mind that it’s going to be jikook-biased and there may be someone out there who will completely counter everything I say (which is completely a-ok, I know my stuff’s biased lol).
The explanation for it would simply be that it’s just much easier as a jikooker to be labelled as a member anti than if you were not. Also, behaviours that are tolerated in other ships is not seen as kindly when it comes to jikook. Yes, jikook content still get a shitton of likes and reblogs, I think it’s more a matter of how much “easier” it is for a jikook shipper to be “vilified”.
Take for example, @Peaches_BTS on Twitter. So they’re a pretty big jikook-content blog and they cut and post videos of jikook only. You may know this already but cropping out other members in a photo or video is seen as a huge nono. I recall an instance where peaches first posted the full video of a jikook moment (with other members in it) and then followed it up with a cropped version highlighting jikook. They nearly got the axe for it. On the other hand, a big account for another ship did the same cropping but it seemed as if the witch-hunt was not on the same scale (here is possibly biased information since, as I mentioned before, my sources are pretty biased lol).
Another case would be how tkk_lives is still around when this jikook youtuber (I think her account name was jeonssy? I didn’t follow the whole tea but I’m sure y’all can find something) ended up leaving because of some stuff that happened (but it seemed like she came back 2 weeks ago if my YouTube search is to be believed lol).
Again, as I fear for my own safety, I acknowledge entirely that this info could be biased so I don’t wanna see any asks in my inbox saying that I’m another delulu trying to brainwash people through my blog to create more lil delulus. All I’ve said is what I’ve observed from a jikooker perspective so it’s best you ask from the perspective of another shipper to get the full picture :P
So yeah, I’m not too keen on making any strong stances on this because as much as I’d like to believe it’s all sunshine and roses in the jikook family, statistically speaking, it just doesn’t seem possible. If anything, I’m simply not aware of it as much as I am aware of the anti-jikookers. If you think about it, the equivalent to tkk_lives in our own fandom is apparently jikook related? I’ve seen jikookers call them out for being problematic, just as I’ve seen tkks call tkk_lives out for being problematic, so there’s always the good beans on both side (with the bad beans mixed with them). And yet, both accounts still have a huge following so there’s obviously massive amounts of people who love their content and would defend them 🤷🏻‍♀️
So yeah, this is kinda all I have to say on this? I’m not sure if this answered your question tho...
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