#I saw someone mention canon garashir and i thought
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Everyone say thank you Andy Robinson and Alexander Siddig
#lower decks spoilers#star trek lower decks#ds9#star trek ds9#elim garak#julian bashir#garashir#canon garashir#like holy shit though it been days and I still haven’t calmed down I can’t believe we got this.#I saw someone mention canon garashir and i thought#it was going to be like unification#which didn’t make spirk anymore canon than it already was#so this broke my mind and filled my heart#to have queer rep that has been constructed not to bait young audiences but because an undeniable love story formed 31 years ago#and was finally recognised#31 YEARS!!#LETSSS GOOOO#alexander siddig#andrew robinson#star trek
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Some thoughts on the newest episode that I shared on discord and wanted to post here too
• not only do we get canon married Garashir, but canon married Trip/T’Pol
• William Boimler being all annoyed about all the alternative realities and calling them a “rehash of things he’d seen before” is absolutely a reference to fans complaining about franchises appealing to nostalgia by bringing back old characters, stories, and concepts
• when they were in the prison cell on Khwopa and we saw Lily’s silhouette, I thought for a second that it was going to be Michael Burnham
-William Boimler would quite possibly know about her due to having access to classified information through section 31. They could totally make a meta-joke where someone says something like “Spock had a sister? Then how come no one’s ever mentioned her before?”
• 2-pip Kim’s convictions are a bit similar to those of Nick Locarno from the previous season (i.e. feeling rejected causing him to do bad things)
• Lily’s crew not knowing about the damage they were causing by traveling between realities is similar to Species 10-C not knowing about the damage they were doing with the dark matter anomaly
#star trek#star trek lower decks#star trek lwd#lower decks spoilers#spoilers#fissure quest#Lifebloodblue
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DS9 season 4 liveblog
[Season index: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PS]
The Way of the Warrior
they changed the music! I liked the original arrangement better. I guess they decided that if they have to change the opening titles, better redo them from scratch?
I love how the Klingon general dramatically cuts his hand. It's like looking at the origins of an ancient ritual which real and very important meaning has long been forgotten. Tbh I thought the crew would do the same in the previous episode, but they went for the less dramatic blood tests :D
How was the Obsidian Order destroyed? The Dominion destroyed the fleet that the Order wasn't even supposed to have. What about all of their normal agents, infrastructure, gathered intelligence?
"Not like you? Impossible" (note: as I prepare to publish this post, having just finished season 5, it seems this line was the last time they ever shared a flirty moment... rip garashir 1993-1995)
please stop reminding me about that awful movie thanks
Poor Worf is so awkward as usual
"And I find you offensive. Now hold up your arm, or I'll have the security do it for you"
"Captain Sisko bet me that you would thank him for the rescue before you started complaining." "I lost."
The Visitor
I have a hard time becoming invested in stories like this, when I know that the entire timeline would be undone by the end. The final scene did manage to make me tear up a bit, but overall I'm not impressed. At least it's not outright terrible like The Inner Light...
Hippocratic Oath
Wait, did Bashir get promoted between seasons?
I don't think that joke about Keiko was very good :\ But this is the second time Miles comes really close to confessing his love for Julian... what's up with that
seriously, why does the new theme have such a messy rhythm? it's as if the beat is out of sync with the melody
Odo is such an unusual security officer, of course there's conflict between him and Worf. I'm glad they're addressing this!
of course O'Brien does a transporter trick
oh come oooon O'Brien do you really need to be such a jerk this week
Sisko is nicer to Worf than I expected
the last scene between Bashir and O'Brien is very poignant
The runabout scene with Kira and Dukat is unsettling because this rhetoric is too real...
The Worst Field Trip(tm)
Julian & Jadzia's Judging Corner: priceless
honestly the absolute last thing i expected was for Dukat's butt to get so much attention...
Ziyal looks much younger than someone who was 13yo six years ago
halfway through the episode I thought Ziyal would be that Cardassian girl from season 2, I mean there was a reason for that scene, right? right?
great episode
Oh, Dax got promoted too
Trill society sounds dumber and dumber with each episode
Kahn is so beautiful, charming and well-dressed. damn
how did my mom manage to walk into the room just as they kissed? is that a special parent talent
"your work produced the first artificially created wormhole in history" not counting, you know, THE wormhole
welp. a romance episode finally made me cry :(
Starship Down
Wait, is the alien played by Odo's actor?
this is like a really boring version of "Disaster"...
Dax knows Bashir now better than a year ago? He hasn't changed much over the past year, the difference is rather between seasons 1-2 and later ones, plus they seemed pretty good friends in season 1 already, not like "she was avoiding him" -- in fact, I thought she was his only friend at the time. Their body language is cute as hell though.
Damn, I could hardly keep track of the plot in this one... or why the characters were saying what they were saying... how dull
you know what was the selling point of The Disaster? characters in unusual combinations and roles! I see none of this here...
Little Green Men
ew using someone else's tooth sharpener
omg Odo! :D
what, Klingons and Vulcans didn't have warp drive by 20th century?
The Sword of Kahless
what, this was the little boy we saw in TNG? Klingon children sure grow fast...
is this sword telepathically infected or something?
So, when Worf was acting OOC he wasn't under outside influence? okay... I enjoyed this episode, but under the assumption that Worf's dishonorable actions would be explained
Our Man Bashir
Bashir's taste is about as lame as Picard's...
"I think I joined the wrong intelligence service"
"This is more than I ever wanted to know about your fantasy life" same tbh... it's enough to remember these gross tropes exist somewhere out there, I don't need them in Star Trek reenacted by my faves
This just made me remember how much I dislike James Bond... We just had a cheesy 20th century pastiche two episodes ago, but at least I don't have anything against that genre. Not to judge what people do behind the holosuite's closed doors, but it's pretty offputting to see a 24 century man so enamored with this sexist fiction. And I have pretty much the same reaction to kisses with not-Kira and not-Dax as in the Mirror Universe episode, though to a lesser degree; that was pretty gross and exploitative. It's as if someone decided that the show wasn't straight enough after Rejoined and decided to compensate...
Also I think this was the first time ever that Bashir wasn't happy to see Garak. It feels strange and sad...
I expected Garak to spend all episode making fun of silly tropes, but the little he said was pretty weak. Though I liked the confrontation in the end and the way Bashir repeated Garak's speech.
And I don't think they even took advantage of the J. B. initials. Come on! :D
"I prefer Klingon beliefs. Our gods are dead. Ancient Klingon warriors slew them a millennia ago. They were more trouble than they were worth." I think I prefer Klingon beliefs too...
Why did Sisko put on TNG-type uniform?
Is that Leah Brahms?
Very relevant story about security vs civil rights, and it's very fitting for Odo to be here -- not just because of the plot. I really like the thematic unity between the changeling storyline and Odo's personal issues as a character.
Come on, it's so easy to deprive the entire planet of power?
Paradise Lost
This title is very ominous...
Cadet Shepard haha
I think I've heard this boast... "We have five million Cybermen. How many are you?" "Four." "You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?" "We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek!"
So, Earth and DS9 can communicate in real time? But in the previous episode, DS9 "received a recording of a high level diplomatic conference that took place on Earth a few days ago". I assumed the delay was due to the distance, but apparently not -- was the recording just classified before someone decided to send it to Sisko?
Wait, what President's speech? Did I miss something?
I liked the first part better. So, the changeling terrorist attack on the same week was just a coincidence? Everyone seemed to forget about that...
Odo/Kira scene is cute instead of irritating for once
"You could hear that?" "*points to lobes* Hello?"
"I have reason to believe someone is planning to assassinate First Minister Shakaar" and by someone you mean Winn?
Odo and Worf discussing security and order!
are they replacing Odo/Kira/Bareil with Odo/Kira/Shakaar? How many nice but bland Bajoran dudes can be in love with her?
"Frankly, I don't care whether you and Major Kira end up living happily ever after or not. I just want to see the situation resolved" same
ok, I get it, falling in love makes you very upset, bad at your job, and is sad and frustrating to watch on tv screen. nothing new here
Return to Grace
"Is that what you kept track of during the occupation? No wonder you lost"
"It bothers him, you know. Very much. He talks about it sometimes" crocodile tears... literally
some men just won't take a hint...
wait, since it was previously mentioned that Cardassian flirting is bickering, does Dukat genuinely misinterpret Kira and think he's got a chance here??
so much for keeping Klingon secrets from the Cardassians...
There's something about this dynamic I really appreciate, but I can't yet articulate it. The way Kira confidently and unflinchingly deflects all the bullshit he sends her way? How she is allowed to be right in her unforgiving stance? That being civil and working together with someone and seeing their better side does not mean all their past (and present) misdeeds are forgotten and they're suddenly your friend? Maybe this is the infamous "grey morality" done right -- not the indiscriminate tolerance and moral relativism, but allowing the other side to plead their case without losing sight of what made them "the other side" in the first place.
Sons of Mogh
Jadzia has a great "I'm gonna fuck that" face
"Charged with murder?" Have these people never heard of assisted suicide?
"I don't give a damn about Klingon beliefs, rituals or custom" ohhh so when we talk about Bajoran religion we all have to be tolerant and culturally sensitive and understanding, but Klingons are not allowed to perform their own rituals among themselves?
Wait, did Kurn consent to this or?...
A second good Klingon episode in the season that is tainted by the heroes' inexplicable immoral decisions. Last time Mr. Honor attemped murder in the most dishonorable day possible; this time ritual assisted suicide was deemed outrageous but likely nonconsensual mindwipe is an acceptable solution. The former can be headcanoned away with the assumption that the sword had some curse on it. My headcanon for the latter: people other than Sisko wouldn't have objected to the ritual (Dax canonically, O'Brien was implied to), so they accepted Worf's other solution on the same grounds.
Bar Association
Haha, Odo brings up Rascals, one of TNG's most ridiculous security failures :D
"Have you have any idea how bored I used to get sitting in the Transporter room waiting for something to break down? Here, I've a half dozen new problems every day. This station needs me" Damn, I hoped he got to do something interesting that we just weren't shown...
Wait, O'Brien got into a physical fight with Worf of all people?!
"If this was Ferenginar, I'd have you all taken to the Spire of the Tower of Commerce, displayed to the crowds in the Great Marketplace below, then shoved off, one by one. Small children would bet on where you would land, and your spattered remains would be sold as feed mulch for gree-worms" lol remember Quark's little speech about Ferengi not being barbaric?
I really care about this messed up family...
Yaaaaay I'm so happy for Rom! :D
Ferenginar sounds no less oppressive than Cardassia. I want a revolution! You know what, now that the Dominion has kindly disposed of the Tal Shiar and the Obsidian Order, can it take the FCA next? I, for one, would welcome our new gelatinous overlords in this case...
(I'm not a fan of that Leeta/Bashir background noise, thank you very much.)
"Quark, did you hear? Chief O'Brien is having a baby!" "I thought your females carried your young."
people from the past should stay in the past... apparently only 50 years ago Bajor was a pretty oppressive place too...
"Maybe you never realised this, Captain, but we would've tried to do whatever you asked of us when you were Emissary, no matter how difficult it seemed" well that's creepy
oh come on Kira, don't follow your religion so blindly...
O'Brien and Bashir is the real love story of this show istg
oh god they have an untouchable caste too
and of course the aliens can't tell which is the true Emissary because the word "first" isn't in their vocabulary lol
The aliens say "First. Later. They have no meaning to us." -- and in the same conversation use grammatical tense to indicate the order of events: "This IS the one that WAS injured." "He WAS injured" "We KEPT him with us" "The Sisko TAUGHT us" -- so they must have some perception of time
"We are of Bajor" oh? since when do you even know that word? did the poet teach you?
these two are so awkward that poor Keiko has to play matchmaker for her own husband :D bless her
I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the direction of this story... Sisko was completely right to feel uncomfortable as a saint for a religion he doesn't believe in of planet he's not from, but it turned out he's so awesome that the Prophets chose him over the man from this culture who fits the descriptions in the sacred texts. Because only an enlightened human can lead the silly natives -- by following one of their own they'd go back to the dark ages! Yuck.
I've seen more than half of the show now... time flies fast.
Rules of Engagement
Courtroom episode!
I like the clever cinematography & editing
Hard Time
Poor O'Brien...
Well. This was really upsetting. I've been crying for several minutes now.
TNG repeatedly failed to show the recovery after a character's traumatic experience -- specifically, Picard's loss of time in The Inner Light and imprisonment and torture in Chain of Command. DS9 finally delivers an episode just about that -- even if the next week the status quo will be restored and I'll have the same complaint.
What Miles goes through is completely horrific -- so much that I can't imagine how one can survive that. Even as a viewer I want to wipe this from my memory and pretend it didn't happen... For my own peace of mind I'm gonna pretend O'Brien's friend was a part of the simulation, and later he managed to erase it all from his mind somehow.
Now I kinda want a story where the characters become self-aware and O'Brien decides to get away from his sadistic writers (and Bashir helps him, sacrificing their friendship for O'Brien's well-being).
Shattered Mirror
Always nice to see Worf's hair loose
Well, at least Dax is angry at Sisko for the rape by deception...
Why is Kira still wearing that shit...
at this rate you won't have any characters left for the next episode
The Muse
will this adult woman leave Jake alone
poor Sisko
Odo: "Actually, I have some free time and I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk." Worf: "I would." Odo: "I meant Lwaxana."
"Well, just don't go do what I did. Look for someone to fix your broken heart then end up pregnant and on the run." "I don't think there's too much danger of that happening."
aah Odo makes her a blanket! (well, I guess he owed her a night of sleep on his lap...) this entire scene was so sweet
eww not the pedo woman again
why must I watch this
Odo and Lwaxana playing hide-and-seek!!! this is the best thing ever
oh my god this is such a fanfic trope
ew can I just fast-forward through this?
"If you don't mind, this is a very special moment for me"
"You know, for a minute there, I really believed you wanted to marry me" ahh poor Odo's face :( even when he literally declares he wants someone in his life, that person thinks he didn't mean it...
aaaaaah! the goodbye scene!!! Lwaxana is so good! this is so significant and beautiful, this is Lwaxana recognizing and preventing her biggest negative trait/habit (pursiung and harassing disinterested men) with one of her more rarely shown positive traits (compassion and emotional intelligence)
i don’t know what to say about an episode where the main story is 0/10 but the side story is 10/10
For the Cause
Finally, some info on replicator sharing policy! "The Federation only gave Bajor two CFI [industrial] replicators”
"If she's really a Maquis, then she's no longer a Federation citizen" wait what?! I thought this was the entire reason Starfleet had to keep them in check -- because they were Federation outlaws! have they proclaimed their own state while I wasn't looking?
have they recast Ziyal? she looks different
I don't appreciate all this UST
"I would not become a terrorist. It would be dishonourable" "I wouldn't say that around Major Kira if I were you"
she... invites him... to a SAUNA??! ohhh my god whyyyyyy who wrote this
You go Kira!
okaaay I definitely missed something major about the Maquis formally leaving the Federation
well at least Cardassians enjoy their saunas fully dressed, that's a relief. the idea of lizard people lying around on heated rocks for relaxation is actually really cute, though
To be honest, I was dreading Garak's scenes in this episode. It seems that the writers ran out of Mysterious Past and Unclear Motivations to hint at, and stripped of that he's just... not particularly interesting. Plus, this episode confirmed my unpleasant impression that starting with this season, the producers/writers decided to forcibly drag Garak and Bashir away from each other and throw girls at them no matter how random and/or inappropriate it looks. At least they recast Ziyal so now she actually looks 19 instead of 13! (The problem is, in the previous episode she acted like a child, too, and you can't forget that she's a generation younger, so it's still pretty gross.)
Eddington's point about assimilation would have worked better without the rest of that inane speech. "Why is the Federation so obsessed with the Maquis? We've never harmed you" -- They're obsessed because you're a threat to their foreign relations, what's so hard to understand about that? "We've left the Federation" -- When? When?! Left Starfleet, sure, but the Federation?! Isn’t that the entire reason Starfleet is pursuing them -- because the Federation is responsible for handling its citizens and stopping them from committing crimes against its neighbor!?
To the Death
Iconians -- that's from "Contagion", right?
I like this guy...
"What is the point of doing battle if you cannot enjoy the fruits of victory?" "You mean sleep?" :D
I love how Whatshisname casually gives out the white, rolling his eyes and barely moving attention from his plate -- so different from the Jem'Hadar perspective we saw in Hippocratic Oath!
"I didn't know that was public knowledge." "You told Commander Dax." "Well, that explains it."
O'Brien's answer to the Jem'Hadar! "I am Chief Miles Edward O'Brien. I'm very much alive and I intend to stay that way"
The Quickening
whoa, a city? if it the first one we've seen in the Gamma Quadrant? lovely matte painting
of course they make everything worse. Because being Culturally Advanced and Civilized won't always instantly solve any problem, and hospices and euthanasia aren't evil.
"I was so arrogant I thought I could find one in a week." "Maybe it was arrogant to think that. But it's even more arrogant to think there isn't a cure just because you couldn't find it." Good one, Dax! We're really going back to the pivotal traits of his character in this episode. (Someone on the writing staff: "Hmm, we haven't mentioned Julian's arrogance and hero/savior complex for a couple of months...")
He swallows his pride and decides to stay! I'm proud
I did have a suspicion that the pregnancy would solve everything...
I'm really glad the local doctor wasn't villainized! When Bashir was setting up his clinic I was afraid that he'd raise the townspeople to destroy it or something.
Bashir has more luck with medical episodes than Crusher and Pulaski...
Body Parts
Jadzia's female solidarity!
Alright, how is this one episode going to fit in Keiko's pregnancy (and presumably childbirth?), Quark's condition, Brunt, and Garak?
Federation technology is amazing...
Second time someone calls DS9 a "Cardassian monstrosity". That would make a good tumblr url... Wait, it's not even taken -- I'm very tempted...
of course Brunt bought him, why else would he be in the opening credits? :D this is so beautifully malicious
finally an episode that makes Quark look like a good person
Garak's face says "Killing you sounds like a great idea" :D :D
This is the most delightfully bizarre way to handle an actress' pregnancy :D
(not to mention very relatable...)
This is Garak's best outing in the entire season, tbh :D
Don't forget to undo your contract with Garak...
This was a blast! This is a huge step in Quark's character development: following Nog and Rom, now he decides to break his society's rules. I'm very happy. ...But what about Garak, though?
Broken Link
Poor Odo...
aw encouraging Quark
"I'm thinking of asking Julian to come live with us. Even things up a little" Is that the only reason? ;)
"Captain, I want to be judged. I'm the only changeling who's ever harmed another. I've spent most of my life bringing people to justice. Now that it's my turn, how can I run away?"
"Don't tell me you'd object to a little genocide in the name of self-defence?" This is such a Cardassian line...
Why human and not Bajoran?
Oh Odo, just as he got comfortable with his identity as a shape-shifter... :/
General impressions:
Bashir in season 4, a summary: "Friendship ended with Garak, now Miles O'Brien is my best friend" Seriously, though... O'Brien and Bashir's relationship has become one of my favourite parts of the show. They got lots of good content this season: countless casual/humorous scenes, conflict in Hippocratic Oath, need for each other's company in Accession, talking down from suicide in Hard Time... And Garak was the most underwhelming part of the season for me, both himself and his relationship with Bashir -- or lack of it. I'm not even asking for shippy stuff, I know it's not going to be canon, but can't they just share screentime and enjoy each other's company, like they did before and Bashir does with O'Brien now?
And while the writers seem unsure what to do with Garak now, Dukat continues to be incredibly entertaining. Need a personification of Cardassian oppression? An unwanted ally the protagonist(s) would barely tolerate? A pompous prick to make fun of? A dangerously charismatic speaker -- or a windbag who thinks himself much cooler than he is? A relatively sympathetic opponent to provide "grey morality"? Well, here's all of that in one character! And my favourite thing is that despite being so immoral, he's not actually an enemy plot-wise (at least so far), so instead of fighting, defeating, and getting him out of the picture, the heroes just keep telling him how much he sucks. An interesting antagonist with a decent amount of screentime -- the dream. But all of that was about the character in general, and my favourite thing about his two episodes in this season is that he's self-aware of his status as a Complex Antagonist and completely overestimates the "complex and sympathetic" part, and (mis)casts himself as some kind of sexy byronic antihero whose deep and rich inner world will eventually win over the feisty heroine. Meanwhile, Kira is really not into villain/protagonist pairings and just wants the creepy guy responsible for genocide against her people to leave her alone. This was filmed twenty years ago but looks like a parody/deconstruction of currently popular ships like reylo or solavellan -- I find it really hilarious. (Maybe I’d feel more grossed out than amused if his behavior disturbed Kira more -- but she seems so gloriously unimpressed!)
I generally like Klingons and was glad to see Worf again, all of his episodes had something that stopped me from fully enjoying them.
It was my impression that Kira’s screetime got reduced because of Nana Visitor’s pregnancy -- and it was actually a good thing for the show! I feel bad saying this about one of the only two main female characters, but Kira is obviously the writers’ favorite, and got the most attention over the past seasons, so stepping back a bit let other characters shine more.
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