#I saw as like 2-3 people look at the twig (me) holding 2 30 pound desks without struggle while they have a problem balancing one
windpeakofficial · 4 years
         -  in which camelia goes on a planned expedition to open up the secrets beyond rovar's gap.
(i wrote this at 2 last night and i am REALLY rusty im sorry lol)
                                                   | ❆ |               [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 10:30 AM || DUNDULL, JORVIK ]                                                    | ❆ |
The sun struggled to shine through the thick, frosted over window panes of Dundull Stables.
Last night had marked one of the first harsh frosts to come this season. Sure, southwestern Jorvik had pretty simple winters, especially compared to the northeastern territories, or Camelia's hometown of Beauvista. Still, however, a chill managed to creep its way through a loose board in the barn - accompanying the sounds of mucking, horses making conversation, and the looming echo of the kitchen's radio playing "Walking in a Winter Wonderland."
As Camelia adjusted the girth of her treeless saddle, she received a calm nudge in her side from Pepper. Turning to face her, she received a face full of mare stare and a snort - causing her to giggle. "Don't you ever like anything on your back?" She chuckled, slipping a light brown bosal over Pepper's ears and mounting.
Before the team knew it, they were already on the way to Mistfall's Ranger camp.
Cam knew that it would only be fair if she brought this specific mount out for the trip into the Wildwoods. Being a retired Jorvik Ranger horse from right here in Dundull, she knew that Pepper would not only appreciate the gesture, but also guide her from years of taking the trails. She had received an invite from Alonso about a month ago, asking if she wanted to come and help out. Happy to oblige, and possibly find a few secrets, she agreed and booked a stall to board in.
                                                     | ❆ |     [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 11:00 AM || MISTFALL RANGER STATION, JORVIK ]                                                      | ❆ |
Coming up the hill to the station, she could already see 4-5 rangers come into view, one of them being a happy, waving Alonso. Though excited to meet everyone, she couldn't help but be apprehensive. How couldn't she be, really, considering that they were going into an area that hadn't been explored for years and she was doing it with none other than a bunch of strangers.
Waving happily, she dismounted and led her mare to the newly-lit campfire. Breathing in the scent of marshmallows, she grinned and introduced herself. Everyone seemed fairly sweet ( except for that Nova chick, no clue what her problem was ) yet something just felt... off. Rowan Allaway - but what really bugged her was the fact that she couldn't figure out why. They were just different, mysterious, confusing.. too much that could be feared, she supposed. They said that they'd "heard things about her" and that if they're true, she'd be useful... Regardless, she dropped the topic once she saw a familiar haflinger and its' rider approaching them.
Rania. That put her at ease. She smiled at her warm greeting, replied happily, and before they knew it they were off.
Cam heard everyone chatter amongst themselves and eachother until she became fairly certain that she was being ignored. She didn't know why, really, but it didn't matter. She had already zoned out - the only thing her subconscious picked up was the rambunctious stories that Rowan was telling and the occasional remark from Alonso, Rania or Yousef. She felt magic teeming stronger and stronger as they got closer to the passage.
"Camelia?" A voice called out, shaking her from her thoughts. "Can you join us for a group picture before we head in?" Rowan beams and her stomach churns uncomfortably. Her mouth twists into a smile.
"Sure, I'd be happy to."
                                                     | ❆ |            [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 11:30 AM || ROVAR'S GAP, JORVIK ]                                                      | ❆ |
Pepper nervously stepped up the hill, ears partially pinned in an uncomfortable listening position. She spooked when Astrid let out a loud gasp, stepping aside a few hoofbeats.
"Sorry everyone, she's a little on edge." Cam apologized "Astrid, is everything okay?"
"It grabbed me! It reached out and GRABBED me!" The ranger practically screamed. Cam's gut did flip-flops. There is definitely magic here. She sensed it.
The rest bickered back and forth, forcing Cam to try and focus back into reality even though her soul was trying to comprehend the magic. "Not now, Cam. Not now" she mumbled, sighing as she watched Yousef gallop away with Astrid and her steed in tow. Rania looked at her quizzically.
"What do you make of all this?" She asked softly, causing Cam to gulp.
"I- think there's a lot more to this place than what meets the eye." She blinked, urging Pepper up the mountain, still bothered by the underlying power.
As the team of two headed near the top of the hill, they fell back. This gave Cam some time to pull out her camera and sneak some photos of the beautiful landscape. Despite the fear factor, it was gorgeous nonetheless. Beauty carved out by the hand of Aideen herself and- what was that Enitan was saying up ahead?
"Enitan, what were you saying?" She trotted up to the group, slipping her camera back into her saddlebag. "Sorry, I was lost in the landscape."
This caused the man to chuckle "The deer, Camelia, it's very special. It watches over the woods." This also caused Tiera to laugh. What was up with awkward laughter today?
"It's a genetic effect called leicism, though sometimes certain environmental elements come into play - like radiation! Enitan, where do you come up with these stories?" She bickered, causing Enitan to sigh and look toward the gap that Rowan was standing in.
Cam and Pepper were speechless. Their hearts pounded in an almost perfect sync. This was a large valley with trees that touched the skies. They went on for miles, fresh breeze flowing through with hints of magic. It was stunning. The grasses grew wild, yet kept a manageable length. This place was truly a wonder.
And then it started to pour.
                                                   | ❆ |          [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 12:30 PM || WILDER’S VERGE, JORVIK ]                                                    | ❆ |
Pepper was almost eye to eye with Dellingr, keeping it together only through the bond they shared. One thing she had to say about that horse, he wouldn't leave Rania if his life depended on it. He pranced through the mud, huffing and puffing through the lowering temperatures.
Pepper leapt back what could've been called a foot. She exhaled heavily, watching Shay gallop away without his rider.
Cam blinked, exhaling with the same volume of her horse. She held Pepper's reins tightly and walked carefully toward a dazed Rowan.
"Someone's gotta go after Shay before he hurts himself!" And as soon as you both made eye contact, you knew who it was going to be.
Thunder boomed as Pepper tried her best to find her footing, huffing and puffing, snorting for the horse to calm down. Camelia's eyes blurred from the bitter wind hitting her face. As they neared the steed, the girl stood out of her saddle, leaning toward Shay until she managed to catch his headstall between her fingers, pulling back and letting out a pronounced "HO! EASY!"
The bridle slipped out of her hands, forcing her to find her seat again before Shay came to a sliding stop about twenty-five feet in front of them. Without hesitation, the tattered woman dismounted and began to step toward the panicked horse, humming softly. All of a sudden it was just her, this horse, and the world. She silently thanked Rhiannon for training her in the gift of wind whispering and soul riding in the back of her mind.
She loved the way the magic felt. It coursed through her veins like life blood, and everything felt so loud. Colors were brighter, feelings were stronger, and every sense she had was awake and vibrant. Before she knew it, her hand instinctually stroked his muzzle. She turned around and walked back to the gang, Irish cob in tow.
"Thanks for bringing him back to me, Camelia. He's a real beaut, but he's still learning the ropes." Rowan smiled. Cam felt an exhausted smile bubble to the surface of her mind, tired from the power she used in front of this unknowing, motley crew, but still being careful. Maybe they weren't so bad.
Enitan mumbled to himself "I think this forest doesn't want us here. It seems.. angry." A visible chill ran down his spine, either from the low temperatures or the fact that he was just.. scared.
"Stop getting yourselves all worked up." Rowan sighs "Nature holds no grudges, it only acts on its' own behalf."
Cam performed the most overly exaggerated eyeroll ever, stifling a laugh when she heard Tiera giggle. Nobody said a word and they continued on their hack, though Cam reached over and tapped Enitan on the leg, nodding understandingly at him.
She hadn't really realized this, but the rain had stopped completely. All that she recalled was that she felt the sun beaming on her skin when she was calming Shay. Who knows what happened, really. Magical properties were a fairly large gray area in Jorvik.
                                                         | ❆ | [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 1:00 PM || REDWOOD POINT RANGER STATION, JORVIK ]                                                          | ❆ |
Cam smiled fondly as they reached the abandoned lodge. She could tell this was a really cozy place at one point, though quite frankly, she also figured that there was a 99% chance that there were 1-3 dead people inside. Who knows, though!
Everyone was given their individual tasks, and Cam quickly volunteered to fix the paddock. She had done it several other times when working at other places, and it was quite easy as long as you had a couple nails on hand.
One fence, three fence, brown fence ... brown fence. She was done! She quickly slid her helmet back and wiped some sweat off of her brow. Hearing a twig snap and, assuming it was Pepper, she turned with a friendly greeting.
"Hey, Pepper, I'm done a-"
It was Enitan's deer.
That had to be what it was.
It had a sleek build covered in vines and glowing blue flowers. At the base of its neck emerged a proud, bright white coat with shiny, hollow looking baby blue eyes that strikingly resembled Rania's. Was it blind?  You know what, that doesn't matter right now.
Cam reached out and slid her hand down its wet nose. The creature sniffed curiously, making her giggle, and galloped off. She let out a delayed flinch and looked over to her mare, as if to confirm "Did that just happen?"
Yes, that just happened. She guessed she would just- go back to the station, then. Wordlessly, she slid onto Pepper's back and trotted back to Rowan and the cabin. As she approached them, they gave her a peculiar look.
"Is everything okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." They squinted. Cam internally argued with herself, trying to figure out if she should tell them or not - or rather, if they'd believe her.
"Nope, it's all good. The fence is in tip top shape." She smiled, putting on a facade. This is a discussion to have with Enitan, she decided.
"Alright, well, you should get some rest. You look dog tired." Rowan chuckles warmly. She grimaced internally at the thought of napping at the cabin. Hopefully someone brought something a bit more comfortable than the old sleeping bag she used in her junior year of high school. Nevertheless, she nodded and left to untack Pepper.
                                                        | ❆ | [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 3:45 PM || REDWOOD POINT RANGER STATION, JORVIK ]                                                         | ❆ |
Sighing to herself, Camelia turns Pepper out to pasture with the other horses. Grinning wildly, she watches them bounce and play with each other. The sun is already setting due to the season, so she seeks shelter inside the stable and begins to prepare a stall for her trusty mare. She feels her expression soften and, out of habit, begins to hum the same tune she did earlier.
A stall door closes and she doesn't bother to look, until she hears a familiar voice that could light up a room.
"Cam?" Rania questions "I recognize your humming. Is that you?"
Cam nods instinctually before snapping into reality and correcting herself "Oh! Yes, Rania, it's me. Do you need any help?"
"No," the dark haired girl grins softly "I just had a feeling, you know-"
"A feeling?" Cam blinks. "What kind of feeling?"
"Well, the rangers' exploration is over, but... I've a feeling yours isn't?" Her grin turns into a smile. "I felt what you did with that horse. I might not have been able to see it, but Aideen willing I felt it."
Cam trails off, just saying that the "humming" was merely something she's tried with other wild horses and it seemed to calm them. Rania clearly didn't buy it, but she knew that she could grill Cam on it later.
"Regardless," Rania taps the door of Dellingr's stall "what do you say you and I do a little exploring?"
Cam's face explodes from Rania's contagious grin.
And that's exactly what those two girls did, too. They wandered all over the woodlands with their mounts, taking pictures and describing landmarks.
FIN. 2161 WORDS.
                                                        | ❆ |                 [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 6:30 PM || WILDWOODS, JORVIK ]                                                         | ❆ |
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[RF] The Isle
Chapter 1 The Time Before
10:30 AM June 18 1989
The weather that day was horrible, the storm thundering outside the window. The pitter patter of the rain against the bedroom window. A small boy with messy brown hair atop his head slowly woke out of his slumber. He tossed and turned for a good bit before eventually giving up and sitting up. His emerald green eyes opening to see the room. He was tired but not tired enough to not notice the smell of bacon upon the air. He pushed the blankets off himself and swung his legs over the side of the bed and into his slippers. The warmth felt through his toes and up the rest of his foot. He stood up with a yawn and stretched his arms and began to walk down the stairs from his bedroom. His mother was down there cooking breakfast, her ginger hair cascading down her shoulders. “Good morning Matt sweetie, did you sleep well?” said His mother. Matt replied, “Yes mamm, i slept quite well. What's for breakfast?”. His mother showed him the bacon and eggs. She finished cooking breakfast and set the food down on the plates for the two of them. He thanked her and finished his breakfast in around 10 minutes. The two were going on vacation to Hawaii that day. They had been working and saving for it for quite some time. Matt helped clean out the dishes. He had a smile on his face. His thoughts running rampant throughout his head of the vacation that was to come. He had packed the night before so there was nothing to worry about packing. He had packed his pocket knife in his luggage. They lived in San Francisco so they never lived far from an airport. He walked back up the stairs to get dressed. Pulling a red t-shirt over his head and pulling on some jeans. His mind spinning still from the prospect of Hawaii. He couldn’t believe that this was going to be the life he lived for the next two weeks. They were gonna be staying with some family there so they didn’t have to worry about hotels and such. Matt helped his mother load the bags into the car. He was a bit wet from the rain but it wasn’t much. He soon got into the passenger seat of the car. The obvious smile on his face. He was definitely optimistic about this trip. It had been oh so long since he had seen his aunt last. Whom they were staying with. The car began to move as his mother drove their way to the airport. His mind wanders the possibilities of the trip. They arrive at the airport, parking the car on the 7th floor. They unloaded the bags and eventually made their way to the bag drop off and took their stuff to the security check point. Matt looks around the security area. There were 3 lines with three metal detectors and 3 x ray machines. He set his filled book bag onto the conveyer belt. He turns to his right and walks through the metal detector without any problem. Picking up his bag on the other side. He waited for his mother on the other side. She soon came through. They gathered their belongings and began to walk down the long corridor to their gate. They waited until their group was called to board the plane. Matt looked down the light gray metal jetway. He looks out onto the large jet. He was throughly excited for the flight. He gives the gate agent his ticket and walks down the gateway. His mind spinning from the joy of being able to fly for the first time. He was smiling widely. He got on and put his bag overhead and sits down in the chair. He felt tired all the sudden. Come to think of it, he didn’t sleep much last night. He was generally a quiet person and such. He was what you would call a nerd. He liked being calm versus being a party guy. He laid his head against the hull of the aircraft, and fell into sleep… Chapter 2
Chapter 2 The Isle
Matt was soon awoken by the shaking of the cabin. The seatbelt sign dinging signaling that they were to stay in their seats. Matt brushed some of his brown messy hair out of his face. Looking around the cabin, he then looks out the window seeing the wing starting to shake. Fear flooding his senses. He could feel every painstaking movement from the plane. One thought running through his head, ‘Don't snap, Don't snap, don't snap!’. Well that was more of the censored way it was going through his head. The next bump got even worse, his worst fears were soon confirmed by the sudden spinning of the plane. Everything stuck to a wall someway or another. Matt’s head started pounding trying to withstand the force that was felt. The wing he was right next to snapped off the plane. The sound of tearing metal and other materials ringing through his ears. That wing pulled a chunk of the hull out of the plane. Sucking passengers out. Matt held on for dear life until a seat buckle hit him hard in the face knocking him unconscious. His limp body fell from the plane into the sea below. Several hours later he felt himself come back to reality. Remembering the whole ordeal. He could pull himself together if he tried. He eventually pulled himself out of the wet sand. He then vomited profusely. This comes from the immense amount of sea water that he swallowed. He couldn't think straight. Flashes of home and the plane flying through his head. He pulled himself up again, now more conscious than before. He looked around the beach he was on. His eyes wide thinking about how lucky he was to be alive. He glared at the jungle and then thought about what had been taught to him when he was in the boy scouts. God that was a long time ago. He looked around for something to use for a walking stick. Only one thing was on his mind. Water. His throat was dry and scratchy. He found a good stick to use as a walking stick. It was around 4ft long and straight. He began to trek through the wilderness of the island. This island wasnt that big. It was only like a mile wide or so. It was quite small. He searched and searched until he heard that magical sound. A running river. Or a stream he wasnt sure but it had to be fresh water. He ran quickly into the direction of the noise. Seeing the stream from a few feet away overjoyed him. He didn't care about when the next episode of Cheers, Golden Girls or Doogie Howser was (How many of you guys know what those are?). All he cared about was the fact that he had water. He collapsed on the side of the bank. Drinking the water directly from the stream. He had water. He just had to remember where this was. He looked around and eventually found a spot that he could set up his camp. He began to place sticks and twigs around in a pyramid fashion. He worked for at least 3 hours in just this tiny horrible shelter. It didn't even work. Seeing the sun setting over the treetops he laid inside his shelter. And fell back into sleep.
9:30 AM June 19th 1989 His eyes slowly opened to the glaring sunlight. He thought the entirety of yesterday was a dream. He stood up from his shelter. Realizing that yesterday was real. That though quiet kid collapsed on the ground once more. One thing running through his head. His mother. He began to sob. “M-mom… mom where are you!” He said, starting to sound like a small child. Tears streaming down his face. He screamed out into the forest. “WHY ME! WHY AM I STILL HERE AND SHE ISN'T!” He screamed out in a sad loud voice. His loud voice soon dwelled back deep inside him. He cried to himself. Not thinking about his next meal. Not thinking about anything else. Only thinking about his mother. Whom he presumed was dead. He couldn't think properly. He curled back into a ball and muttered to himself. ‘M-mom….’
Chapter 3 The Pig
3:00 pm June 19th 1989 Matt’s mind was acting like a broken record. He was only stuck on her. He got himself together after his well, episode this morning. He let himself get back to work. Drinking the water from the stream once again. He was clear minded again, now taking a second look at his shelter thinking that he needed to redo it thought of one thing now, the beach. Maybe he could find something that could help him. He used sticks stuck into the ground to mark the way back to camp. He wanders around the beach. His heart began to beat faster when he saw what he hoped he would see. Luggage, and debris. He began to pick up anything he found. Several suitcases, metal from the plane, parts of pallets and so far the prize of the crop. 2 rolls of duct tape. He brought his treasure trove back to camp. He began to sort through the luggage. Only finding clothing and stuff you would take traveling. Not much he could use but it could work. One thing he was overjoyed to find was a lighter. It didn't work cause it was waterlogged. One of the best things he found in that whole luggage was a pocket knife. That was his only weapon. This island could try to kill him but as long as he had that knife he felt unstoppable. He eventually found a large branch to start to dig a hole in the ground. Thinking that it would be easier to do than to have to engineer a whole other shelter. He worked on that for another 3 or 4 hours. He placed a few pieces of metal from the plane over the whole to make a roof. He sat down on the side of the bank. He listened to the water running down the stream. He felt it extremely calming. He felt his stomach start to cramp from not having enough food in the past day and a half. He looked for that stick he had used the day before as a walking stick and used the knife to make it into a spear. Hoping that it could work. He made a few extras with nearby saplings and then went off deeper into the forest. One roll of duct tape around a strap he made with some of said tape to hold it. He listened mostly for the sound of an animal that he could possibly kill. One thing he knew was meat was quite nutritious. And it could keep him alive. It was then when he saw it. A pig or a hog. He couldn't tell. He readied his spear raising it above his head. Looking at it. It soon turned around and looked him right in the eyes. This look, he couldn't do it. He wanted to kill this creature but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He lowered his spear and approached the pig. He soon realized that it wasn't a pig or a hog. But a small piglet that was all alone, he now knew why he couldn't kill it. He picked it up in his arms and took it back to camp and let it roam about. He began to feed it and tried to make sure that it was safe. He left it in the shelter and soon went out to the beach. Using his spears to try to spear fish. He did eventually catch enough food for that night. He used grass and berries to feed the piglet. He eventually named this piglet George after realizing it was a male. He went to sleep that night with that piglet in his arms.
Chapter 4 The New Life
August 24th 1991
It had been three years since Matt had arrived on the Isle which he had come to call it. George is still doing well. Each day he goes out, feeds and comes back to sleep. Life had been well quite uneventful for the past 3 years. Matt had scavenged during his time, he did eventually find a notebook and a pen and began to write. Writing down his own story. His mind wasn't ever the same as it was. Matt had no longer cared about his mother’s death. His life got quite boring and he killed things just for the adrenaline. He survived because that's what he found quite interesting. He just couldn't seem to die. His cycle went day in and day out with the same routine. He was wondering one day if he should try to escape..
September 19th 1991
Matt awoke one day to something that he couldn't ever comprehend. The sound of children playing. That sound he remembered oh so well. The only thing he cherished was his childhood. Matt was now a 19 year old man. He no longer comprehended compassion or love. Matt wandered out to where he heard the voices, he saw what he had hoped to see. People. A boat. A way home. He screamed out. “FINALLY! I KNEW SOMEONE WOULD COME!” The family who had visited the isle took him and George back to where they were staying which happened to be Maui Hawaii. This was the end of his time on the island. But not the end of his story.
Epilogue August 12th 2017 Dear Reader, I was welcomed back into society with open arms. What was left of my family that i visited both before and after had said that i wasn't the same as before. i said the following in an interview years after my incident. “I am a different person than when I went in. I admit it. My mind is broken. I have never been the same since I woke up on that island. Even after I learned to live with my worst mistakes. I did things on that island that no human should ever have to go through. The only thing that kept me going w-w-was…” I had begun to tear up. “The adrenaline of killing things. I was going insane. In a way bloodlust was what kept me going. I am actually glad that I was the only one on that island. Because I think I could have ended up killing another human being…. I was becoming a mindless killer. I-i-i didn't want that to happen to me. But the human mind isn't something you can easily control, it's like a bucking bronco, thrashing around in moments of stress and trauma, And if it hurts itself it doesn't heal.” Within the time between this interview and a few documentaries’ that were done on My behalf, I was in therapy to try and reverse the effects of the island on my mind. On that island, saying life was difficult is an understatement, it was torture. I suffered years and years after, mentally and physically. I haven't traveled since in fear of what could happen. I am not a psychotic killer anymore. My life got better. And with that I leave you with this… “Life is more than just surviving, life is thriving. Don't let Life get in the way of you thriving.”
Yours Sincerely, Matt Halladay
January 1st 2085
To Whomever it might concern,
Matt lived as normal of a life after the letter above. This book was made in his memory. Seeing that the isle was sunken many many years ago, I believed that it was needed to tell my grandfather’s story. My grandfather was a kind man who had eventually married a sweet woman who gave birth to my mother. Who then married my father who then gave birth to me. His stories were what taught me about how awful the quality of life when you are stranded or not have any human contact for years on end. I hope that this story can inspire you to remember that life isn't going to stop for you and your mind isnt going to cooperate with you all the time, but it can do the best for you as well. Thank you for reading this.
Yours Sincerely Rebecca Jones-Halladay
submitted by /u/Leaf3137 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3bcS9td
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axiom-of-man-blog · 8 years
Chapter 3 Year 44 DE June 2nd (Dawn of Eminence)
My mother has returned to her normal self, puttering around the house like a cracked out humming bird from one chore to another; never quite finishing any. She works tirelessly till she succumbs to exhaustion, although she cannot fall asleep without the guiding hand of Temazepam. It messes with her sleep schedule where she will be up 30 hours at a time before she sleeps hard for a good 12 hours.  Despite her presence it still feels empty here; my father’s stays are too fleeting for his absence to feel anything but typical.  The absence that has affected me recently is that of my uncle Henry. He hasn’t been home since I last bested him in archery, two weeks ago or so now. The days blend since I graduated from school.  This small town hardly offers any opportunities to stimulate me. I find myself just wandering around this sad excuse for a town called Perdition That I have the pleasure of living just outside of. A whopping population of 400, Most everyone kept to themselves: it Is a town of recluses trying to escape something. It’s not uncommon to walk into a store and see the same person behind the register you have for years, and not know their name. Small talk was not something people practiced here: A populated ghost town. I started walking in the woods; there was more noise and presence here. It was a cacophony of sounds of every animal around me pushed by their primal urges to pass on their genetic line. I am surrounded by birds, bugs, loons and even the occasional wolf howling at night. The receding wilderness contains more life than any city, where most people are barely even human, just walking machines. A city filled mechanical ghost, possessing the bodies of the unfortunate.                I keep walking, the sounds of the woods taste like a mouthful of grass and wet dirt, while not unpleasant I still place a piece of strong mint gum in my mouth.  As I meander through the woods on no set path or given direction my stomach starts to grumble. Weighing the options of either a burger in town or searching for something at home only looking at the ground in front of me I step into something slick and sticky. I stop and I come out of my preoccupation to notice that its blood The smell of a corpse overwhelms the gum in my mouth and fills it with the taste of copper and rot.  At first it was hard to tell what it was, there wasn’t much left other than a large rib cage and carnage.  The head, tossed aside was a large buck’s, the cheeks were chewed away and there is blood on its antler that isn’t broken off. Whatever did this, the deer tried to fight back, and judging by the size this was a 300 pound buck. I grab the broken off antler its heavy and cool in my hands, but the blood on it is still warm. I walk away from the mess looking for any clues of what did this. A bear? Mountain lion? Both are rare in these parts anymore. Even what few wolves are around wouldn’t be able to manage this with their small packs. A twig snaps behind me. I scan the woods while mostly open from the old growth trees there are a few large boulders scattered in these woods where ancient glaciers melted and dropped their loads from the mountains haphazardly all over the valley. My blood runs cold as the woods become silent. Nothing moved the wind didn’t even dare stir.  The taste of copper went to stone.   I stood there froze holding the antler like a weapon in anticipation.  I almost jumped when the breeze started to blow again and the despotic silence lifted. The woods exhaled its held breath.  What the hell was that I think to myself as I start to walk away still holding the antler. I start following the stream, it eventually leads towards town. I can’t shake the feeling of being watched despite being hyper aware of my surroundings. I still would hear some movement here and there a ways back, sometimes in the trees sometimes a rustling of leaves. I came to clearing next to a road the stream continued under the road, I jumped the ditch and started walking the shoulder. My eyes on the woods, I see a large figuring standing 30 feet in the woods only for a moment and like a flash it was gone, as if it was never there. I half wonder if I imagined the whole thing.  As I walk I realize I am still clutching the antler in a white knuckle grip. I drop it and it rattles on the pavement and my hand is stiff from the strain. An ancient pickup truck rattles by, a rare site if even so far away from the cities. Electric, hydrogen or even ethanol cars are the standard anymore with the oil business going under after the coast cities started losing their beaches and real-estate. The obdurate rural bumpkins like their fuel though. The emissions fill my nose, and my mouth with a sweet chemical taste.
               The morning coolness was burning off by the time I wandered into town, I go from walking on the road to enjoying the shaded sidewalks. The towns quiet was refreshing after straining every sliver of perception in the woods for so long, only having to make sure not to trip over the cracks where tree roots have raised parts of the sidewalk. The town has a sort of hush over it more than usual.  I approach my usual pick for food, Garlands a Deli Dinner and local hangout spot, the usual empty space is filled and everyone crowds the couple of TVS suspending from the ceiling.  Rose, the smiley but quiet waitress stairs at the TV with a look of dread on her face. The news is blaring as I open the door, no one notices as I slide in next to them on one of the only available bar stools.   “.. so far we have reports of 40 people dead and the number is rising every as we speak” The News man with perfect hair and teeth whiter than paper reports. He doesn’t smile as he talks. “The rally in Austin that started yesterday brought in a crowd of an estimated 700 thousand and close to a 2 million people have entered Texas hoping to be a part of this historic event.”  “The governor gave his speech, to the whole city it was on every TV and his voice was broadcasted over the streets.” “Every man woman and child heard his call to action to take up arms against the quote… “Tyrannical government who is trying to make humanity obsolete”… Millions of people moved by this message chose to join him lets go to our lady on the scene, Rebecca” The clips goes to a young pretty woman with brown hair and highlights, her eyes a green glow but still filled with fear as she stands in the street with visible fires in the back ground. “Hi Tom, the riots here have turned extremely violent in the wake of the speech, people are hunting down and killing anyone with implants-“ She turns as a man is running towards her with a large crowbar in his hand She screams as he raises the weapon, the camera man backs away holding up his hands and screaming for him to stop, his Omni-vision contacts still recording and capturing it all. As the man gets close, his chest is pierced and he falls backwards, the camera man turns to see a half dozen hulking military exo-skeletons, fully equipped and armored. Standing seven feet tall the Solider looked at the camera man its helmet giving no sympathy or compassion. Over the dark grey metal you could see the splashes of blood and the marks where bullets had only scuffed the outer finish. The TV turns back to Tom as the on scene reporter is cut off halfway through his “Holy shit”. As a molotov explodes on the side of the armor engulfing it in flames and it turns inhumanly quick and starts firing off screen unaffected. Tom with his perfect teeth stairs wide eyed for a moment before he shakes the shock off his face. “It would appear the military is on the scene. What we just saw was one of the militaries new state of the art battle field exo-skeletons.”  “The Ancile and Even more advanced Aegis armor is a product of Prometheus systems who want to ensure our soldiers safety-“ “Holy shit” says a man rubbing the side of his face. “Those god damn luddites are trying to fight walking tanks, this won’t last long.” “I use one of those at the factory but it’s a Wayland Suit, could still punch my way through a brick wall and lift a car… those bastards don’t stand a chance.” says another man. A woman sighs “what is this coming to”
               In the shock of seeing the start of what seems to be a civil war unfolding I ran out of the place and towards my home.  I didn’t stop, my legs pumped till they were numb, my heart pumped acid.  In a daze, the four miles passed in a daze. I slammed on my uncles door, knowing that he wouldn’t answer, now or ever.
I felt under the porch for the key dangling from a pin. I grabbed it and pressed it into the door swinging it open, searching for anything indicating where he went. The house was humble, old furniture, electronics from sixty years ago at least. I hear his computer chime from somewhere in the living room. The whole place feels like something different now, no longer a refuge but a place of secrets. I open his laptop, to the desktop of a picture of my uncle and I my father took of us drawing back our bows at a target.  I stopped for a moment staring at the picture.  I was younger, It was shortly after the accident and my father tried to absorb as much time with me as he could. It was short lived but it was great while it lasted. He soon drifted as my mother’s disconnect got worse.  We saw him less and less, and I saw my uncle more and more. I noticed the note on his desk with an old flint arrow head holding it down. I held the note in my now shaking hands.
Dear Icky,        I am leaving this note because I know you would convince me to stay. I know you wouldn’t agree with me, but I had to go join this gathering the Free thought Movement is forming. I know you will come looking for me and find this note, this is what I believe. Maybe I can meet my man Percy himself.
 I am not leaving you.  I will be back. Take care of your mother till I get back, take care of yourself and stay safe. Hard times are ahead of us.
P.s Hold onto this arrow head, they are rare these days just happened to find it digging a compost pit, neat huh?
               My uncle is in a war zone. My heart is in my throat. That asshole, running off to be in some movement and probably getting himself killed. I noticed my hand bleeding from clutching the arrow head in my fist. The flint shard:  still sharp after hundreds of years of being in the soil. Still clenched in my fist I walk across the lawn that conjoins my uncles with my own place. I walk in the back door and up the stairs into my room. I collapse on my bed and lay there in the silence when its interrupted by a chirp from my laptop laying on the floor next to by bed. I reach down and grab it. The whole device is a screen and functions closed or open. It has no physical keyboard, and is slightly transparent. The chirp was a mandatory announcement. This meant every screen, radio, omni-vision contact, and other device was showing the same message. I touched the screen and watched as a large burly man with a red face, whicker hat, pounding fist and large grey mustache. This was Governor Percy, and his message was clear despite his heavy drawl. “This was not an attack; this was a declaration of war!” he slams his fist on his podium. “Too long we have had these devices pushed on us, trying to make us all machines trying to take away our souls.” “We were not meant to live forever as artificial people.” “When did we lose our humanity?” When did we stray from our natural paths? Forty four years ago.  When this great possession started, the mechanical devil seeped into the fabric of our very being.” “Texas is leaving the states, and we will fight anyone who tries to stop us.” “Texans, take up your arms against these mechanical invaders.” A fit of static and the live broadcast switches off. “Holy shit” I say to myself.  The whole speech left a sour taste in my mouth. I never thought it would come to war, Texas is huge, and with as many people who have travelled there to join the movement… this could be a huge issue. Where is my uncle in all of this? He wouldn’t have joined the fight would he? It looks like a massacre there is he even alive. What the hell do I do? The thoughts plague me as I slowly drift off to sleep to the sound of peepers and my mother scurrying about the house dusting, cleaning and rearranging the furniture.
I woke to her standing over me, although this time she didn’t appear as an apparition, her face was flushed, pink and full of life. Her eyes filled with tears. “Icarus… The Texans… Those stupid people…” her eyes started to well up with tears. “They dropped a bomb on on on… They dropped a nuke on New York City.” “Your father… I don’t think he ever left I think he probably died oh god Icarus.” She curled over and collapsed to her knees sobbing. “Mom… He is backed up, more so than anyone else he is still-” “No you don’t understand… The servers where they back up everyone is there. They targeted the memory farms. Everyone in the city is gone for good.” She explained through her tears I hadn’t thought of this. In the cities there were skyscrapers that no one lived that were large storage facilities for everyone’s memory. New York had a huge concentration of them, but every major city does. This just means everyone in New York is staying dead. My laptop starts chirping again.  It won’t stop till I look and when I open it for another mandatory message I see him, my father Jason Carway Standing along with other government leaders as the President addressed the war. They were already halfway through their speech when I opened it up.
               “We will deal a quick and blow and end this war, we have the owner of Prometheus systems who has been building for the military and with his advances we should put a swift end to this rebellion. And-” My mother cut off the President’s speech in my ear
“He’s alive!”
Yes but for how long, this war is more against him than it even against our government. The strangest part of seeing him during such a fearful time is he looked as if he was smiling. f��9����
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sunnyeggoup · 2 years
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Thought about this comic the other day
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