#I lifted 2 marble desks without much struggle when helping a teacher set up class in the school I go to
sunnyeggoup · 2 years
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Thought about this comic the other day
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catfe-overlord · 4 years
Part 4
Read part 1 here
Read part 2 here
Read part 3 here
::in which Bakugou makes a mistake, Kirishima pays the price, but it all works out and the quirk is gone for good... right?::
Kirishima couldn’t help staring at the empty desk across the room. It was Monday, and Bakugou still hadn’t returned.
Over the weekend, Kirishima had periodically visited his best friend after meal times. That was when he seemed to be on his best behavior, but the quirk still sent him into frenzies at pretty random times. He’d been able to feel most of them coming. Most.
It appeared he was making some real progress. The claws, fangs and cat-like eyes hadn’t gone away yet, but he was acting more like himself each day, and the fits of rage grew less and less frequent. Until this morning, when Kirishima had decided to bring him breakfast.
Kirishima was already in his school uniform, having woken up a half hour early to go see the blond before class. He’d grabbed a protein bar on his way through the kitchen for himself, but for Bakugou he’d prepared a quick meal of home cooked eggs and vegetables. He was no chef like Bakugou, but after all the meals the blond had prepared for him, he figured he’d try to return the favor. He made sure to grab some of the spiciest seasonings and a bottle of sriracha sauce before heading out though.
Cementoss was the one stationed outside of Bakugou’s room today. He let Kirishima in without hassle, and Bakugou was simply lying on his bed, staring up at the white ceiling.
“Hey, hey, Katsuki!” he greeted him cheerily. Bakugou gave no response, no acknowledgement. “I’ve got breakfast, dude.”
It wasn’t until Kirishima was standing beside the cot and set the tray down on the bedside table with a small clink! that Bakugou stirred.
Before Kirishima could even register what was happening, Bakugou was on him, pinning him to the ground, claws at his throat. Kirishima hadn’t hardened fast enough, and he could feel the hot, sticky blood on the back of his head where it'd collided with the ground. The claws were already dug into the flesh of his neck. He struggled to get out a choked yelp in an attempt to alert Cementoss.
It must have worked, because the Pro Hero came bursting into the room. He surged forward and lifted Bakugou off of Kirishima like he was nothing more than a rabid puppy. Bakugou struggled against the hero’s grip, but he would’ve had better luck fighting a brick wall. Cementoss was sturdy and unyielding.
“Get out of here, Kirishima!” his teacher demanded of him.
Kirishima managed to climb to his feet and stumble out. He put pressure on his neck where it hurt worst, but blood almost immediately seeped through his fingers. He was horrified at how much poured down his arms after hardly a few moments. He could only stare at all the red that stained his shirt and sleeves.
“Kirishima?” asked Cementoss as he emerged from Bakugou’s room. “What are you still doing here? You need to get to Recovery Girl.”
Kirishima couldn’t seem to move. His feet were glued in place, his eyes trained through the window to stare at Bakugou as he curled in on himself. His entire frame was shaking, and he buried his face into his pillow to hide it.
“Kirishima, can you hear me?” Cementoss was asking, but the teenager wasn’t listening. His brain was too busy screaming at him to get back to Bakugou, to tell him it’s okay, to beg him not to cry.
He stepped up to the door, trying to pry it open but unable to without the keycard to grant him access inside. Cementoss put a hand on his shoulder, pulling him away from the door as gently as he could, but he had to use more force when Kirishima fought against his hold.
“Please! Please, I—fuck! Katsuki!”
Everything became a blur after that. He remembered Cementoss delivering him to Recovery Girl, who looked panicked at the sight of all the blood. She was quick to heal him and wrap up his wounds. She’d wrapped bandaging all around his neck and some around his head. She decided he had a mild concussion and needed four staples where he’d bashed his head open. Bakugou’s claws had gone deep enough into his throat to have cut his larynx, so she said to avoid speaking as much as possible at least for the rest of the day. After all said and done, she told him he wasn’t allowed to leave until he’d gotten some rest.
But he couldn’t sleep. He had so much going on in his mind, his brain wouldn’t allow such a foreign concept as sleep. After a couple hours she let him go, but she made it known she preferred he didn’t go back to school until tomorrow due to the concussion.
But he couldn’t just sit in his room and dwell on his thoughts. He knew the teachers wouldn’t let him back in to see Bakugou so soon, and he needed something to distract him. So he went back to the dorms and showered, changed into a fresh uniform, and headed to class.
Everyone was obviously surprised to see him, Aizawa included. Kirishima took notice of the way their eyes caught on the bandaging around his neck that peeked out of the collar of his uniform, but no one said anything as he made his way to his seat.
And he spent the whole hour staring at Bakugou’s empty seat, not a word of Aizawa’s lecture reaching his ears.
Once the bell eventually rang, signaling lunch, the Bakusquad was surrounding him faster than he could even close his textbook.
“Kiri, babe, I don’t want to sound like that person, but you look like shit,” Ashido offered. “What happened?”
“We heard you went to visit Bakugou this morning and he attacked you again,” Kaminari explained.
Sero’s expression was full of pity. “Yeah, man, are you seriously okay?”
Kirishima gave them an O-K, then signaled to his throat with a shake of his head. He grabbed his notebook and wrote out Can’t talk yet. Nicked my vocal chords.
Ashido looked horrified. “He tried to rip your throat out? Seriously?!”
“Dude, that’s so messed up.” Sero shook his head and folded his arms. “Even under a quirk, you’d think he’d have enough self control not to nearly slit his best friend’s throat.”
Kirishima choked. It hurt, but he couldn’t help it. Hot tears leaked down his cheeks, and he could only bury his face in his sleeve to keep his friends from seeing him crying. He felt so unmanly.
“K-Kirishima?” Kaminari gasped. “Whoa! Are you alright?”
“Shit, Kirishima, I’m sorry!” Sero apologized. “That was really insensitive of me to say. I’m sorry, man.”
“It’s okay,” he tried to say, but his voice was horrifically gravelly and much too quiet for anyone else to understand. On top of the pain his throat was in, he could feel a marble forming in it, threatening to choke him. He had to get himself under control.
Ashido pulled him into a hug then. The effect was almost immediate. He relaxed in her grip, leaning into her and turning his head into her shoulder.
“Kirishima,” came Aizawa’s voice then. The redhead turned to see his teacher standing a few rows of desks ahead of the group, hands in his pockets and face expressionless. “A word in private, please.”
Kirishima slumped. He was about to get chewed out. Ashido tightened her embrace reassuringly before slipping away. “We’ll wait for you in the hallway so we can head to lunch together.”
He nodded his thanks, and the group retreated. Aizawa sighed once the door was closed behind them. “I just spoke to Recovery Girl. You shouldn’t be here.”
Kirishima looked down at the floor. He wasn’t sure how to reply, considering he couldn’t verbally answer anyway.
“Listen,” Aizawa continued, lowering himself onto his haunches to be level with Kirishima, “I can’t say I know what you’re feeling right now. But I can tell you I know what Bakugou is feeling. I spoke with him this morning after the incident. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he was taking it really hard. He was pretty devastated, actually. I’m sure he’d like to see you and know that you’re okay. Would you like to see him?”
Kirishima stared up at Aizawa with big eyes. He nodded vigorously, and Aizawa chuckled softly at that.
“Alright, kid. Not until after you’re fully healed though. Seeing you like this would only make him feel worse.”
He stood again, stretching his back and Kirishima heard a few quiet pops of his joints. He pointed to the door with his thumb as he folded his arms. “Get out. You’re excused from classes for the day. If you’d like, I can give you your homework now, but I want you resting. Don’t come to classes until tomorrow.”
Kirishima nodded. He’d take the leave of absence if it meant he could visit Bakugou again. He stuffed his books in his bag and headed for the door, giving Aizawa a nod of thanks before dipping out.
Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari were waiting for him like they’d promised, but they looked caught off guard by his sudden change in attitude.
“Whoa, uh, you okay, man?” Sero asked.
He gave a thumbs up and flashed one of his toothy smiles.
“What did Aizawa do to you?” Ashido questioned, a lop-sided smile growing on her lips.
Kaminari cocked his head. “Yeah, Aizawa isn’t the type of guy to strike me as ‘uplifting’. Usually people leave his presence feeling worse.”
Kirishima shook his head with a smile meant to put them at ease. He tried his best to signal he was heading back to the dorms, but he was sure he just looked like an idiot waving his arms around. When the others only scrunched their eyebrows, he just pointed in the direction of the dorms.
Ashido’s mouth formed an ‘O’ and she nodded her approval. “Get some rest, Kiri. We’ll stop by and visit later! ‘Kay?”
He gave another thumbs up, then waved goodbye as he sauntered off.
Once in his dorm and changed into jogging pants and a tee shirt, he truly did try to fall asleep, thinking maybe it would help time go by faster. He ended up just staring at the ceiling for two hours. He attempted to get some of the homework done, but without Bakugou’s usual help, he was hopeless.
Finally, he decided to head into the common area and crash on one of the sofas, playing some cheesy American action film on the TV. He snuggled up under a layer of blankets with a bowl of ice cream and watched as two burley men duked it out on the small screen.
He must have fallen asleep, because the next thing he knew he was blinking awake at the sight of a few of his classmates above him.
“Hello, Kirishima,” said Yaoyorozu, a sheepish smile on her soft face. “Sorry to wake you. We wanted to make sure you were alright. We let you sleep for a while, but it’s dinner time.”
He wiped some drool off his chin. Ugh, how embarrassing. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes, then noticed Iida standing beside her with a tray in his hands.
“We thought you might be hungry,” Iida said with a kind smile. “Aizawa informed us you weren’t quite eating solid foods just yet, so we have some miso soup, and chocolate pudding for dessert.”
Yaoyorozu produced a small table from beneath her shirt and helped him prop it up over his lap. Iida set the tray down, and Kirishima felt his mouth water at the smell of the soup. His stomach growled almost comically loud. He winced, but the two only laughed.
“Glad to help, Kirishima,” Yaoyorozu smiled pleasantly. “Also, I made you some chamomile tea with honey. That’s always best for a sore throat.”
He grabbed the tea cup off his tray and took a small sip. It was delicious! It tasted just like his moms always made it whenever he was sick.
He cleared his throat and voiced a hoarse reply. “Thank you, guys.”
“No need to thank us,” said Iida. “Aspiring heroes should always be there for one another when they’re in need of a little help. Please, if you need anything, don’t be afraid to ask. Yaoyorozu and I would be pleased to help.”
He nodded his gratitude, and they left him to eat his meal in peace. The quiet didn’t last once his band of juveniles were passing through and saw him up and awake. Ashido squealed, and Sero and Kaminari were hot on her heels.
“Kiri, you’re up!” she squeaked, plopping down on the couch beside him. “Feeling better?”
“Much,” he answered. His voice was rough, like he’d just finished a long night of screaming at a heavy metal concert. He was just thankful to be able to speak at all and with almost no pain. At this rate, Aizawa might let him in to see Bakugou tonight!
“So, are you mad at Bakugou about what happened?” Sero asked then.
Kirishima shook his head. He didn’t want to strain his voice more than he had to.
“Good. I’d hate to see you guys stop being best friends over an accident that happened because of a quirk. And I’m really sorry about what I said earlier. It wasn’t true, and I know Bakugou would never hurt you on purpose.”
“It’s okay, Sero,” Kirishima said through a mouthful of pudding. “You were mad. I say things I don’t mean when I’m mad too.”
“How much longer do you think this quirk will last?” Kaminari asked. “I’m actually starting to miss all of Bakubro’s yelling and screaming. Especially his cooking.”
“What I wouldn’t give for a bowl of his curry right now,” Ashido said dreamily.
“I’m going to see if I can visit him again after dinner,” Kirishima explained, “but I need to see Recovery Girl first to get the OK.”
“Ooh! Please tell Baku we miss him.”
He laughed at her pouty lips and puppy dog eyes. “I’ll make sure he knows.”
The three chattered for a while about school and quirk training and all kinds of gossip as Kirishima finished his soup and listened in. He wished Bakugou was there more than ever. Sometimes when they hung out in the common room, he’d let Kirishima lean on him, and once even allowed the redhead to use his lap as a pillow. Kirishima was always a very touchy kind of guy—it was a part of his love language and how he showed affection. Bakugou would never admit he appreciated it too, but Kirishima could read him like an open book. Underneath his hard exterior, Bakugou was human like everyone else.
A little later into the evening, Recover Girl was happy to see his wounds had nearly healed over the course of the day, just little pink scars left that should disappear by morning and a scratchy throat that wasn’t giving him enough pain to bother him. She removed the staples in his head, checked his pupillary responses again, then planted another kiss on his forehead for good measure, but she said with Aizawa’s supervision she’d allow Kirishima to go see Bakugou tonight.
He just about ran all the way to the holding cells. Aizawa looked him over and must have deemed the teenager worthy, because with a sigh he swiped his keycard without saying a word.
Kirishima stepped into the room with a smile plastered to his face. After this morning and spending his whole day worrying about how Bakugou must be feeling, it was a massive weight off his chest to finally be here.
Bakugou was lying on his side in his bed overtop of the sheets. He had his back to Kirishima and didn’t make any efforts to look and see who it was entering his room. For a second, Kirishima wondered if he was sleeping.
“Katsuki,” he said, taking a couple steps forward.
That got him moving. He shot up and spun on Kirishima, shock clear across his face. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Kirishima shrugged. “I’m here to see my best bud. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Me? You wanted to make sure I’m okay? Are you a fucking moron?”
The redhead only took another step forward. “That had to be scary for you this morning.”
“Tch. Kirishima, I almost fucking killed you.”
Bakugou glared at him. “What?”
“Call me Eijirou. This morning hasn’t changed anything.”
Bakugou clenched his fists tight enough that his knuckles were white. He bared his teeth, and it was in that moment Kirishima noticed two things.
“Your fangs are gone! And your claws!”
All the tension in his body seemed to drain at once. Bakugou blinked a few times, then held his open palms in front of him. He looked up at Kirishima, his eyes no longer slit like that of a cat’s.
“Your eyes too! Katsuki, I think the quirk has worn off!”
Bakugou stood, his expression sinking. His head drooped and he held his face in his hands. Kirishima surged forward when he noticed his shoulders begin to tremble.
He wrapped his arms around Bakugou, holding him close as he cried. Bakugou burrowed his face into the crook of Kirishima’s neck and returned the hug.
“What’s wrong, Katsuki?” Kirishima asked in a gentle voice. “I thought you would’ve been happy?”
“I am,” Bakugou answered with a choked sob. “I’m just—relieved.”
Kirishima traced soothing circles into his back. “It’s okay, man. Let it out.”
He took a shaky breath. “I’m sorry I’m so fucking weak.”
“What? You’re not weak. You’re the manliest guy I know, Katsuki. The bravest, strongest, most heroic man I’ve ever known.”
“I-I didn’t want you to see me like this.”
Kirishima shushed him. “It’s alright. You don’t have to be embarrassed. This is what friends are for.”
“Friends,” Bakugou echoed. There was a strange undertone in his voice that Kirishima couldn’t quite pinpoint.
“Best friends.”
Kirishima tightened his embrace, wishing Bakugou saw him as something a little bit more.
Soooo hope y’all liked part 4 (and a big fat sorry for how long it took me to get the damn thing posted). I’ve started part 5 and should have it up ASAP bc I’m HELLA excited to get my one-shots posted.
Anywho, thanks for the read!! You guys are the best, and I really appreciate all the love you’ve given me and my writing💕
Read part 5 here
Read part 6 here
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areklinaesir · 7 years
Æsir Chapter 3: Nightmare Academy
A month slipped by and spring in the far south gave way to summer. The year was unseasonably warm and the permafrost warmed in the ground. Her trainees didn’t appreciate the physical training which more often than not resulted in Kyra forcing them to hose down before they tracked mud all through the clean academy halls.
“This sucks!”
“I didn’t ask Ryder. You think I like this shit? This is the second time I’ve had to do this. And I’m more out of shape than you teens are.”
“Because you are old, Kyra. You are old.”
“Ryder, this old woman could kick your ass.”
Kyra smiled as they worked through their physical training every day. This was what she missed and wanted again. It wouldn’t be the same as it was as a teen but it would be enough. Being out of the halls, less confined brought her spirits up some. Hope was slowly renewed.
Every night, she watched the teens drag themselves to bed, bypassing the later social hour for sleep. Meals were taken together and Kyra watched the interactions change. Her training with Atlas was taxing on the both of them but Kyra forced herself to stay awake each night to ensure they all were comfortably sleeping away. They were still her responsibilities even if she wasn’t their teacher anymore.
Atlas was struggling each day. He made progress but everything came at a slower pace than he felt it should. Kyra reminded him that pushing himself to the point of exhaustion was going to solve nothing for him and would likely set him back. His stubborn nature, however, prevented him from backing down from the self-proposed challenge.
Kyra felt as though her head had just hit the pillow when she jerked awake, cell sounding. She looked over at the clock next to her. 4 a.m. She grabbed her cell and looked at the message.
Meeting. Council chamber.
She rolled to her feet and slipped on a pair of shoes before exiting her room. In the hallway, everyone had apparently gotten the same message. Over top of heads around her, Kyra could see Skylar making his way toward her, Mila following closely behind looking not so wonderful in the early hours of the morning.
Kyra started toward the two and was immediately stopped by a hand wrapping around her arm. She looked to her right arm and followed the attached arm upward. Garin smirked at her. She looked back to Skylar and once again he held a guarded expression. She jerked her arm from Garin’s grip and started making her way to the council chamber.
They entered, Garin taking his place with the rest of the council. Kyra realized as he stepped up to his spot, the man hadn’t been to sleep. There were no clear signs beyond the same clothing he had been in the day before. Something was seriously wrong. He also had been sent to ensure her presense, as if Skylar would have let her out of the torture. She felt material brush against her hand and looked to her left. Skylar and Mila had made their way to her and stood quietly. Kyra directed her eyes back to the council and Headmaster Monroe began to speak.
“All teachers need to gather their students. They all need to be properly uniformed. By 6 a.m. they need to be fed and lined up in ranks at the entrance. Class-0 first, Class-1 directly across, Class-2 next to Class-0, so on. William has raised a white flag and we just received news he will be here by 6:30 a.m. Classes will be on hold until we meet with him. Your students need to be on best behavior. Kyra, Skylar, and Mila, I expect you three to be at this meeting. Tarja will take all of your students to one of the performing halls and watch over them. The other teachers I expect you to continue with your classes as if nothing unusual were happening. Now, go and wake your students. Other staff start your respective duties immediately.”
Everyone filed out and Kyra felt her stomach tighten. William’s presence would alert her team to something being amiss which she had been trying to keep from them. Knowing her team, they would do everything they could to irritate and aggravate the man. Pulling in a breath, she rubbed a hand down her face. It was hard to tell if this was truly a white flag or not.
This is turning into a nightmare.
Suddenly she felt Aneria push into her mind.
He is plotting. You must be prepared.
I am not all knowing. If he has Eurig’s key, you are aware you will follow. He has made it known he seeks control of all eight Keys. We have spoken on this before. He may be here under a flag of peace but the message he bring is war.
He has nothing to gain by taking the southern lands.
You and I. He has us to gain.
And I would be the easiest to take given as I don’t have guardians right now. If he gives a good enough exchange, would you be willing to be turned over to him?
I think your council will have something to say about that.
Not if the deal is sweet enough.
You may be right. However, if the deal does not benefit the academy, I will not agree.
I know you won’t which means I’ll pass you on early.
Atlas is not prepared.
I think he is. He just has to find the strength to accept you.
You are being overconfident in your student. He is not you nor does he harbor the same blood as you. You know you are special, the last of those….
Stop. I don’t want to hear any more of what I am. Tye lectured me enough on that. I don’t need it from you as I have stated many times in the past.
Kyra reached Ace’s door and knocked hard on it. Not long after the door opened and Ace blinked at her groggily.
“Shouldn’t you have been up preparing to meet Skylar?”
“No, I would have gotten up five to five.”
“Well, you’re up now. Wake the others and get them in uniform. Lily’s uniform should have been put in her closet three days ago.
“Yeah, we found it last night.”
“Get everyone down to the cafeteria and grab some food. Meet in the classroom. I need to talk to all of you.”
Ace blinked quickly and he turned serious.
Kyra left Ace standing there and walked to the next room. Before she could knock the door opened to a wide awake Atlas.
“Help Ace, right?”
Atlas looked at Ace and they exchanged a brief nod. Kyra was taken aback by their cooperation. Stepping back, she left without another word. Back in her room, she pulled her uniform out of her closet and winced. That last time she wore this was Kilian’s ceremony. Too many bad memories were connected with it.
Brushing aside her thoughts, she pulled off her sleep clothing and began the painstaking process of putting on the uniform. Pulling on the black pants, she checked everything. Despite all the missions these pants had been worn on, the yellow piping down the side of the leg was perfect, the color of the brilliant sun.
Next, she pulled on the yellow undershirt and the jacket. Smirking, she considered leaving everything unbuttoned and rather messy looking. Probably how Skylar was going to wear his in memory of Kilian. She pulled the two panels of the jacket together and started buttoning up the jacket, clipping the mandarin collar together last. She pulled at the jacket’s fitted fabric, irritated that they had to make them so fitted.
Looking in the mirror, she ran her hand through her hair pushing the strands into place. After a moment, she gave up trying to tame the locks and looked down at the small silver and marble jewelry box. She opened it slowly and pulled out the items.
She clipped the star hairpin into her hair. A gift from Laban. Next, the earrings Piri gave her. Three bracelets one each from Kilian, Hali, and Amira. The malachite oval and leaf ring from Lara. The last piece she looked at and thought against donning it for a moment. Lifting it, the silver reflected the lights of her room and the abalone shown brilliant blues and greens. Skylar’s gift. She brushed her fingers over the open circle pendent.
Put it on.
Kyra almost made a biting comment back to Aneria but realized if she left Skylar’s off when she wore all other piece it would show that there was something wrong. She lifted up the chain and pendant, quickly latching it around her neck pendant hanging just below the collar. She turned and slipped on her boots, pulling the top buckles tight.
Once she left her room, she nearly ran to the classroom. Flipping on the lights, she sat on the edge of her desk and looked around. Everything was about to change. This intrusion by William could send things spiraling out of control. Active war was something she had never seen involved in. She and her team did things behind the scenes. Regardless, William was going to force her hand.
The door opened and Ace entered carrying Lily followed by the others. Ryder’s clothing looked like he had slept in his uniform and just rolled out of bed. Vaan and Jill weren’t much better. Everyone else was in proper order. Kyra ignored the messy attire of the three. It worked wonders to make someone believe her team was messy and disorganized.  They all sat down and Kyra looked at them. Kids. They were all kids and they were now being pulled into something that could have been avoided.
“There are things I’ve kept from all of you. I wanted you to focus on being kids and studies. I can’t keep it anymore. You will file outside in rank when I release you from here. We are receiving… esteemed visitors. You will need to act accordingly.
William of Amataris has taken Eurig’s Key and has now declared war on all the Academies. His betrothed, Katrina, was killed by Elena’s guardian, Xander, and now William wants to destroy the academies. Eurig is slowly falling. Our’s will be next. We have no central government to stand against his invasion. The reason you all are awake is because William comes here in less than an hour under a white flag. We didn’t know if Mortain and Garinth’s governments would allow him to pass through, but we now have that answer.”
“Is this a prelude to war?”
Of course Ace would ask that.
“I don’t know, Ace. We don’t even know what is true and what isn’t regarding William Marcus. I want you all to be polite but don’t allow any of his people to push you around if they get the opportunity. Be cautious. Don’t leave marks.”
“Ryder, I mean it.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Kyra sighed.
“Go to the gates and lineup. Ace, keep Lily with you.”
The boy nodded his brunette head to her.
“Of course.”
Lily shifted in his arms, still asleep. Kyra allowed a smile to crack as she watched them file out the door.
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