#I saw a bald eagle but my friend was in the bathroom and missed it and it didn't fly by again
b-a-n-d-e-r · 4 months
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sickboynotes · 3 years
There’s a spider that’s been sitting in the corner of the bathroom for months and months and months. I thought it was dead maybe but i saw it flex it’s leg yesterday
There was a blizzard and I went and put on my boots and flightsuit and jacket and gloves and went and sat in the snow. Wind roaring, the kind of wind and snow where you try to take a breath and all the air gets sucked out of your lungs
Everything is in that phase where it’s all yellow and dead and white and black. All the dead grasses and the asphalt and the snow
Saw a dead caterpillar on the trail. Fuzzy, black and brown. It was first thaw so really we were just wading through mud, plum had the time of her life though.
Saw a herd of deer at fort snelling at dusk, later we saw, too late- my exceptionally unobservant (and not wearing glasses at the time) but there was a big buck in the center of the trail that I didn’t register until we were maybe ten feet away from it and plum let out a tiny bark, it moved fast but it was that sort of situation where things happen very slowly, I just felt like I was looking into it’s face for a very long time before it left.
Baby bald eagle
We come back along the trail, the parent is gliding on the wind circling the water
There was a noise coming above us, I thought it was a bird but Erick thought it was a frog
Had a nightmare about the deer that we thought had chronic wasting disease but really it had been attacked by something, it was genuinely an awful sight, that wandered into our friends yard while we were sitting there
The spider in the bathroom really moved today! It bolted across the wall and tried to catch lunch in some gnat that lacked the sense to not fly by. The spider missed, anyhow.
First hailstorm of the year! I really don’t look forward to leaving, I love the sort of biblical weather that’s common here. Being a little kid and getting yelled at to come inside because tornados are dangerous and so is hail.
Saw murmurations of Starlings up near Fargo! I’ve only seen them a handful of times but this time I saw like six different groups and managed to get decent video, I showed it to my grandpa and he was unimpressed which I thought was a little funny, he’s the crybaby and the bird expert of the family.
Went and picked up some paper and saw an individual turkey standing on the traffic barrier post in the middle of downtown St. Paul, very funny just watching it sit there.
Plum (my dog) ate a piece of already chewed gum today!!! Which I really would have preferred she didn’t as it’s poisonous to her, but we called pet poison control and she’ll be fine thank god, but I can’t help but be like would you just go into the forest and start eating neon blue things? Like that’s Always gonna be poisonous to you. So why do
Went on a very long walk, the jury is most likely going to finish deliberating tomorrow. I realized I could not think at all and could clear my head so I walked out the door and speedwalked in a giant circle for two hours in the rain which is exactly what I needed I think. I found an instant photo on the ground of two people with backpacking gear on kissing.
Swarms of birds just soaring on the wind over the valley (that functions as the border between MN and WI. I felt my heart leap in jealousy over and over again each time I saw a bird complete a circle.
We went camping and saw a few herds of bison. There was a flock of geese fighting and screeching at least until 1AM, and they were still going at it when I woke up at 6. While sort of laughing at myself because I already knew the answer I texted my grandfather asking if geese were nocturnal
Was staring at the ceiling trying to think and there was a little wispy spider. I pointed him out and Erick said he’d been in that corner for months
Lots of little chunky spiders on the trail in the prairie, I haven’t ever spent significant time in western Minnesota so every time I’m there it’s really striking how western Minnesota feels like... well. The West. All hilly and yellow and endless.
Was coming down a somewhat busy road and there were a flock of turkeys crossing (or refusing, rather) to cross the road. Not really that uncommon but I haven’t seen a whole flock outside of Northeast.
The Cooperman’s said no to going out to the badlands (“you want us to go to MEDORA?!”) which. It’s a loss because that means we can’t use Sam’s rav4 but it’s fine I have other friends that want to go hang out on a cliff side or whatever the technical geological term is!!
We fell asleep and woke up to two river otters swimming back and forth ten feet in front of our tent which was... mostly just really surreal.
Also woke up at like five to a blue jay singing it’s song. And woodpeckers
Saw my grandparents for the first time in... four or five months now that we’re all fully vaxxed and I don’t remember what brought it up but we were talking about how many bison there used to be, and I brought up how passenger pigeons used to turn the sky dark and my grandfather said “Martha died in 1914 in Cincinnati”, apparently referring to the last living passenger pigeon. And then he made a joke about how he can’t remember anything important but he can remember that. I thought it was really sweet since he used to keep pigeons until my grandma developed pigeon fanciers lung.
It’s the time of year when you can see ducklings all in a line in the pond/drainage ditches off the freeway
Milo says I can take the train up to Vermont and sit in the mountains with him if I ever want to get away from the city. But ultimately, I don’t have business in Vermont, I have business in New York.
I looked up and suddenly everything was green, the trees aren’t just budding anymore. The trial really ate March and April out of everyone’s conscious here I think
Went over to my grandparents and they have every bird ever in their yard, and two albino squirrels and bees that Do Not Like my grandfather.
This is mostly like wishful thinking in regard to “nature” or really it might be a sort of anti nature but I want to go to White Sands so badly. I’ve wanted to go to the Trinity test site for a handful of years but this year is the first time it’s feasible- except they only open it to the public two days a year and none I don’t think this year because of covid. So I want to go camp in the missile range, since that’s as close as we can get to the trinity site. It’s a compulsion- a circle that I desperately want closed, but we have to go as soon as possible once school is done if I don’t want to die of dehydration in the desert.
The river is thawed and judging by the calendar it’s been thawed for a good long while. We went to a park by the river and I realized I’ve only ever lived in cities with a major river cutting through downtown. I don’t want to leave the Mississippi. Anyway, the giant sheriffs boat sitting there ruined any sort of quiet introspective moment I could have had.
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bolin-san · 3 years
Omg hi my friend I miss you. Was getting worried you weren't posting for awhile. Anyway how was Alaska cuz in my country flights are banned.
Alaska was great! I was in the wilderness for 24 days out in the bushes, climbed 2 mountains, saw a bald eagle twice, and crossed a glacier :) It was interesting, learning how to read a map and dealing with a lot of uncertainty on the terrain, not knowing when a moose or a bear was gonna pop up out of the forest. Figuring out how to use the bathroom out in the wilderness was also pretty interesting....you could just use water and a rock or a stick.
It was such an amazing opportunity for me to get to find myself and battle all my inner demons. It was really weird being back in civilization again and eating normal food and hearing the sound of a car. It really changed me. I just had my first bath in a month! 🤣
Sorry to hear that flights are banned in your country. I think it's a great thing to be able to travel to and from places. Where exactly are you from ?
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m-to-the-6th-power · 7 years
Cafune or forelsket for Tobias and Rachel?
Cafune: “The actof tenderly running one’s fingers through someone’s hair.”  orForelsket:The euphoria you experience when you are first falling inlove for Tobias and Rachel (I’m gonna do both)
Rachel lovedflying, the feel of the air under her wings, the freedom. It feltamazing, nothing was better than morphing her bald eagle and flying,except when Tobias was with her. That was definitely better. She wasdetermined to enjoy her freedom, her mom had been called to a latemeeting and said she’d be out late, Sara and Jordan were both out oftown on long weekend field trips so Rachel had no one at homewondering where she was, it was incredibly freeing.
As she approachedCassie’s barn, her initial target, Rachel had a sudden impulse shecouldn’t resist. She banked down and found Cassie and delivered amessage. {Hey Cassie, I’m not gonna hang out, I know I said we’d havea girls night, and we will but I’ll be by in a few hours okay?}
Cassie glanced outher window, meeting the fierce eyes of the bald eagle. She noddedonce before mouthing ‘Have fun with Tobias, don’t get too young orrestless.’
{We’re probablygonna hang out at Ax’s scoop,} Rachel said,sorely missing her middlefingers at the precise moment before banking towards the forest andheading for Tobias meadow, keeping her eyes out for her… teammate?Friend? She wasn’t really sure what was going on there. She knew thatshe liked him and there was more than a bit of a suspicion he likedher too but neither of them had taken the first step.
Rachel flew overthe meadow that Tobias had claimed for his own, cursing to herselfafter her first fly-by, not seeing him even with the enhanced raptorvision. Rachel kept flying, wheeling around towards Ax’s scoop,spotting the flash of russet tail feathers in the distance. As sheflew forward Rachel managed to get into range of Tobias thought-speakeasily. {Hey, Tobias!}
Tobias wheeledaround as soon as he heard Rachel’s call, flapping his way towardsher. {Hey Rachel,} Tobias replied, still wheeling towards her. {I wasjust headed over to see if Ax wanted to hang out but just as I gothere he left to go visit Marco. I was about to head back to my meadowand relax.}
Rachel steeled hernerves, swallowing the sudden feeling of a lump in her throat beforethought-speaking back to Tobias, {Actually, since we can’t hang withAx, would you wanna come back to my place?} Rachel asked, hoping herthought-speak was steady. {My mom is in a late night meeting and mysisters are out of town until Sunday.}
Rachel couldpractically feel the mental blush when Tobias next spoke, it comingthrough lous and clear through his thoughts. {Um, sure. I’d love… Imean I’d like that a lot.}
Rachel flewcloser, brushing her wings against Tobias’ before speaking, {Firstone there gets to pick the movie!} Before starting to fly as fast asshe could back to her house, leaving Tobias looking stunned for a fewseconds before he started after her.
Rachel scowled asshe landed in her bedroom, staring at Tobias with a sullen look onher face. “How did you beat me back to my own house when I had ahead start?”
Tobias startedpreening as he answered, {You know the road directions. I’ve flownthe entire town more times than the rest of you combined, I know howto get from place to place faster because I can use the currents evenbetter than all of you guys.}
Rachel scowledagain, heading towards the door to her room. “Okay, that’s fair.That means you get to pick the first movie,” Rachel said as shemoved towards the door to her room. “Morph human and meet me in theliving room, okay?” Rachel asked with a smirk, dashing out of theroom without waiting for an answer.
Tobias stoodgaping at the door, or as close as a hawk can get to gaping, for afew moments before beginning to morph. He stood for even longer inRachels room, feeling awkward in just his morphing outfit. Hewondered idly if Rachel had any clothes he could borrow beforeheading towards the living room.
“Do you have anyother clothes I can borrow?” Tobias asked as he walked into theliving room, seeing Rachel lounging on the couch in her leotard. “Ifeel practically naked in just my morphing suit.”
Rachel blushedprofusely, looking anywhere but directly at Tobias. “Oh my gosh Ididn’t even think of that. I just completely blanked. Give me fiveminutes and I’ll grab us bothsome clothes okay?” Rachel asked, bustling out of the room stilllooking at the floor.
Tobias waited patiently, perching on the edge of the couch as heheard Rachel rummaging around in… something in the basement beforedashing past him back to her room holding a bundle of clothesprotectively. Tobias found himself grinning, he didn’t normally see aflustered side of Rachel but it was definitely something he was ableto enjoy.
When Rachel returned, Tobias was pretty sure his brainshort-circuited. Rachel had managed to change into a pair of shortsthat definitely wouldn’t have made it past dress code at school, anda button up shirt left open with a tank top underneath. Tobias couldalmost feel all the blood in his body rushing to his face beforelooking down, staring at his knees.
Rachel giggled softly at Tobias reaction, moving to sit next to himand placing a bundle of clothes for him next to him. “Here’s someclothes for you Tobias. I grabbed some of my dads old clothes that hedidn’t wanna take with him. I grabbed a belt in case they didn’tfit.”
Tobias managed tomumble out a thanks before grabbing the clothes and heading towardsthe bathroom he had seen as he walked to the living room, ducking inand changing into the baggy board shorts and Margaritaville T-shirtRachel had managed to grab for him, leaving his morphing clothes onunderneath. When he returned to the living room he saw Rachel sittingon her knees in front of the TV, rifling through the movies they hadavailable. “So big winner,” Rachel started as she saw him comewalking into the room, “What movie do you wanna watch?”
Tobias blushed atthe nickname, scratching the back of his neck nervously. “Do youhave The Princess Bride?” He asked, remembering seeing bits andpieces of it on TV one night at Ax’s.
Rachels facebrightened as she heard the name of the movie, grinning happily. “Wesure do! Is that what you wanna watch?” She asked as she pulled aVHS from the cabinet, holding it up triumphantly.
Tobias nodded,moving to sit on the couch, sitting on the very edge of an armrestwhile Rachel got the TV set up and the movie playing. When she movedto the couch she gently took his hand and pulled him closer to her,onto the couch itself. “I’m not gonna bite Tobias. I’m really happyyou agreed to come and spend time with me today,” Rachel saidsincerely, threading her fingers through his as she spoke to himsoftly.
Tobias nodded,giving Rachel a rare, shy smile. “I’m happy to be here,” Tobiasbegan, seeming to think for a moment over his next statement. “I’mjust… I’m just embarrassed aboutmy earlier reaction.” Tobias looked down at their hands, blushing.“You just look so… so different than I’m used to that it’s kindashocking, ya know?”
Rachellaughed, not cruelly, but softly at Tobias’ words, untangling theirhands and gently running one of them through his hair, feeling thestrands part around her fingers as she repeated the motion again andagain, “Tobias, you’ve seen me in my morphing outfit. It’s not muchdifferent than that,” Rachel said quietly, looking around for theremote and pausing the movie while they talked. “I didn’t think itwas that much difference. Did it make you uncomfortable?” Rachelasked nervously, a strange uncomfortable feeling bubbling up in hergut.
Tobiaslooked at Rachel, eyes half-lidded from the relaxing feeling of herfingers gently moving through his hair. “It didn’t make meuncomfortable Rachel, definitely not,” Tobias said slowly, leaninginto the physical contact. Tobias licked his lips slowly, swallowingthickly before continuing, “It’s just… I just… I really likeyou, and I just don’t… I don’t wanna mess this up and you think I’mgross or like anything like that.”
Rachel looked atTobias, stunned. She had really thought about what her choice ofclothing would do, it was just normal around the house clothes forher. The uncomfortable feeling from before shifted in her stomach,going from discomfort to a feeling of warmth, blossoming up to hercheeks, “Tobias, you are the least gross person I know,” Rachelsaid, stroking through his hair tenderly now, tangling her fingers inthe hair at the nape of his neck and gently caressing it. “I’msorry,” Rachel began, taking her free hand and hugging Tobias toher, “I didn’t think about the outfit, and I’m just… I’m socomfortable with you that the thought of you being gross or creepynever even crossed my mind.”
Tobias nodded atRachels words, relief surging through him as she explained herself.She was comfortable with him, which was strange because sometimes hewasn’t even comfortable with himself. It was a strange feeling and hefound that he could stop smiling at the thought. When he reached overand wrapped both his arms around Rachel and pressed his face into theside of her neck as they hugged each other he couldn’t stop smiling.It felt so right to be here and to smile and laugh with Rachel, shealways knew what to say to make him feel right.
Both of them werelost in their own thoughts and neither noticed when Tobias mumbledunder his breath, “I love you.”
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