#I saved video Back in the Day but alas it is tiny and crunchy and does not want to convert happily
maraschinocheri · 6 months
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It was 20 years ago today :: Billy Boyd joins the Young Dubliners onstage at the House of Blues on 17 March 2004, St. Patrick's Day, in West Hollywood. In appropriately hooting festive attendance and shades of green were Dominic Monaghan and Sala Baker, plus friend Lauren Ambrose.
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dnp-and-blankets · 6 years
Ceramic Bowls Are Too Cold
"Good morning, sleepy-head" Phil chuckled as Dan walked in. He had slept in, which was rare, contrary to popular fan belief, he was usually the first one awake. He makes breakfast most days, and watches whatever show he's been watching without Phil. He turns it over once Phil comes in, and they then eat breakfast together whilst watching an anime- they're currently watching Erased. Dan made a small noise in response. Phil chuckled even more. "What's wrong baby?" He asked, turning to fully face his boyfriend, and take in his gorgeous, bed-head self. His curls were completely wild, having grown out for a while, in a fashion similar to their Getting Over It video; his eyes were heavy lidded, still somehow sleepy; he was wearing nothing but an old pair of Phil's boxers, and one of Phil's oversized hoodies, that managed to look like a dress on Dan, giving him sweater paws. This will always confused Phil. Dan is taller, and they have the same clothing size, and yet Dan can manage to look tiny in Phil's clothes. Dan shuffled over to the sofa and plopped down, resting his head on Phil's shoulder. "Why're you so tired?" Dan only shrugged his shoulders in response, grabbing onto Phil's arm and holding on, like a baby koala. Phil smiled and ruffled his hand through Dan's curls.
"Mmmph," was Dan's response. "Did you have nightmares? Stay up late on Tumblr? Get to a good chapter of whats-it-called?" "Something like that," Dan giggled, his voice still soft from sleep. "Cereal?" He asked as he let go of Phil's arm and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Are you sure? I thought we were having healthy breakfast this week?" "Cereal?" Dan repeated. Phil caved immediately and got up, gently easing Dan off of him beforehand. "Okay sugarplum, which cereal?" Dan shrugged again. "Golden Nuggets, Crunchy Nut, or Chocolate Weetos?" "Golden Nuggets please" He asked softly, rubbing his eyes. Phil tried his hardest not to coo out loud. He instead opted to laugh, "Nice manners today." Dan smiled. Phil looked into his boyfriend's eyes and smiled back. It was impossible. The dimple was just chilling there, existing, and it was the best. He got a ceramic bowl out, and Dan whined. Phil raised an eyebrow in question.
"That one's too cold! That's why I bought plastic ones last month." At least Phil's original question was answered, but it raised many more. Ceramics never ever annoy Dan. Sometime's he'll opt for a plastic one, but he's never complained about ceramics being 'too cold.' Phil poured in the cereal and as he went to grab the milk, Dan whined again. Phil let out an exasperated sigh, throwing up his hands, he sarcastically said, "What now? Chocolate milk?" To which Dan replied, "Well actually..." And Phil had to comply. Because Dan looked utterly heartbroken over Phil making fun of him. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?" He asked as he handed Dan his bowl of cereal. Phil had opted for some Crunchy Nut, with normal milk, in a normal bowl. Dan just rolled his eyes and started eating his breakfast. "Don't wanna watch Erased today, what about that new babysitter one everyone's been talking 'bout?" "Gakuen Babysitters?" "Yes" "Okay..?" Phil paused, Dan hated starting a new anime in the middle of bingeing another one. This confused Phil especially, because Erased was only one season, meaning they were almost finished it. They probably could finish it today, but alas, Lord Daniel desires a change of scene.
They put the anime on, but Phil didn't watch it. He watched his boyfriend, intensely, trying to figure out if everything was okay. Dan's bright eyes were glued to the screen, breaking every now and again to make sure he didn't spill his cereal on himself. Every so often he would let out a soft giggle. That was definitely new. He had heard it once or twice every now and again, but never multiple times in the space of 10 minutes. "Baby?" Phil finally asked. Dan turned, his cheeks suddenly dusted with pink. He looked at Phil to signify he was listening. "Do you promise me you're okay?" "Mhm" Dan nodded vigorously, then looked down shocked as some chocolate milk split on him. He furiously wiped at his chest and pouted. "I'm fine, aside from spilling this on myself" He said, finally in a normal voice. It was short lived however, as the soft sleepy voice returned as he asked if Phil could make him a coffee whilst he got changed. "Of course sweetheart."
Phil set the kettle boiling, and got Dan's favourite mug out, along with one of his own. He put the correct amount of coffee, sugar and milk in -he even considered putting chocolate milk in Dan's before deciding against giving the boy even more sugar- and then went to grab the fully boiled kettle. He heard a sob come from their bedroom. The speed at which he ran towards it, is a speed Phil saves solely for Dan Related Emergencies. Dan rarely cries audibly, which meant he was either badly hurt, or something really bad had just happened. "Baby, baby, what's wrong?" Phil puffed as he swung the bedroom door open. The sight he saw was pitiful, Dan was sat down on the floor, a clean hoodie half way on, but seemingly abandoned, and every single drawer in the room had practically been emptied. "I can't find it." "Can't find what?" "You'll laugh," he sniffled. "Of course I won't." "Lion." "My lion?" Dan nodded in response. Phil thought for a moment before going into the AmazingPhil room. Lion sat decoratively on the dresser, and Phil scooped him up, then turned on his heel and brought him to Dan.
Dan took lion and immediately stopped crying. "I thought he was lost," he sighed. Phil just shook his head, smiling as he returned to the coffee mugs. Dan eventually padded back into the living room, lion held firmly in his little fist, and they pressed play on the anime. Phil snorted as one of the adult characters began playing with the children. "He looks like one of those weird kinky people that act like babies," he laughed at his own joke before sarcastically adding on, "I'll never make you wear a nappy whilst we have sex, so you better not be a DDLB kid, those guys are nasty." Dan visibly froze. "You're not, right?" "Absolutely not, they sexuality kids," he scrunched his nose up and pretended to gag. Phil laughed in agreement, and sipped his coffee. "Shit, I forgot to-" "Bad word," Dan scrunched his nose up. "Daniel, darling, have you ever heard yourself playing Mario Kart? You, good sir, are the King of bad words." Dan just pouted and huffed through his nose. Phil giggled and kisses the tip of his nose.
"As I was saying, I forgot to tweet about a new video coming soon." Phil pulled his phone out and began opening said app before he even finished his sentence. "Also, people are @ing me asking where you are, you've been inactive for a while, I recommend tweeting, or at least replying to some replies to your older tweets." "Ugh, fine, if I must." "You do realise how incredibly lucky we are for this to count at us doing work, don't you?" Phil laughed, as he finished composing his tweet, "If you don't like it, I'm sure Tesco is hiring." "I don't know where my phone is" "That doesn't come as much of a surprise to be honest babe." Dan stuck his tongue out and started checking under the couch cushions. "Do you want me to call it?" "No!" He practically yelled. "Chill out Dan, I don't care what you've set your ringtone to this time" "It's not that-" "I'm calling it, shush, we need to listen." The two men stood silent for a while before they heard vibrations. "Great. I love hunts for phones that are on vibrate." They both began walking around the living room, pausing every few seconds to listen. Phil almost face palmed as he saw it in the Kitchen.
He marched over to the kitchen island, and picked it up. "Uh, Dan?" Dan froze again. He looked up at Phil with fear in his eyes. "Why is my name on your phone, 'Daddy <3' when you told me years ago that you don't have a daddy kink?" "I don't have a daddy kink." He said, stomping his foot. Phil tried to swallow the bubbling anger, but when Dan lies to him when the evidence against him is very prominent, it's very irritating. "Stop bullshitting me Dan" "I knew you'd react like this" "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" "Please don't yell at me," Dan begged, Phil could see the tears forming. He inhaled, and carried on more gently, "Daniel, I don't like it when you lie to me. Please tell me why my name is daddy." Dan looked at him pleadingly, before inhaling sharply and hurriedly saying, "I'm not into DDLB, I'm a safe for work age regressor, which means sometimes I'm little," the last bit was said all in one breath, "SosometimesIuseadummyandIlikestuffiesandblankies-" "Hold on baby bear, slow down, I heard that it was non sexual, so take your time. I'll listen. And I won't judge." "Sometimes I use a dummy, and I like stuffies and blankies, and I get fussy and sometimes sleepy, and in my mind you already look after me like a daddy so the other day I was little and thought it'd be a good idea to set your contact number as such."
The discussion took around 4 hours, of Dan showing Phil his private sfw agere tumblr, teaching him signs of when he's little, and setting boundaries for when that happened. They agreed that Phil should look into it some more before officially becoming Daniel's daddy, and finally, a month later, that's where they were. "Daddy! Get! Up!" "Nooooooo" "I want pancakes" "Go make them then" "Okay" there was silence for a moment before Phil realise Dan had called him daddy, and he shot out of bed, just in time. "Don't touch the oven!"
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