#I said sure! I'm awaiting her text!
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adulthumanproblem ยท 2 months ago
Hm, okay. Disappointed.
So I had this fight with my dad and his partner in fucking July.
They shouted at me to shut up because they didn't like my soft pushback/opinion on their slightly homophobic opinion
They haven't apologized or in way contacted me since. My therapist agrees that it's not on me to apologize, that I have nothing to apologize for
In any case, I'm sad about it, obviously. But they've made it pretty clear that they don't care about me or what I have to say
Partner's birthday was the other day and I decided as a show of good faith, I'd send her flowers. Made sure they arrive on the day and all, wrote a card
So usually, I thought, people would at least say thank you for receiving flowers. Right?
So far, nothing.
And they complain about my sister not staying in touch...
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hgfictionwriter ยท 11 days ago
Revelations: Part Five
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Tensions and emotion have been building for weeks and weeks. You're still trying to reconcile what your relationship - and your future - was, and what it is now. Everything comes to a head.
Warnings: Angst. Mention of masturbation and sex. Language.
A/N: Rest of the series can be found here.
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"How's my beautiful girl? I can't wait to see how gorgeous you'll look."
You sighed inwardly as you read Jessie's text as you and your friends waited. You were wedding dress shopping today and this was your first booking of the day.
Jessie's text sparked a smile, however it was brief as your eye was drawn to the prior messages from the other day.
"Hey, I know it's [y/friend's] birthday dinner on Friday and the reservation is at 6:00. Do you know if we're all starting right away or do you think there'll be drinks first and then dinner later?"
"I'm not sure. Why?"
"Well, it's just that Zoie starts swimming Friday and her class starts at 5:30. I'm just trying to sort out how I might be able to do both."
"I don't have to go to her class. It's totally fine. There'll be others."
"It's fine Jess. Just show up when you can."
"No, it's okay. They probably won't even do much day one. I'll go to the next one."
"Jess. Go to Zoie's class. She'd want you there."
"You sure? It's not too, too far from where you guys are meeting. So I shouldn't be overly late. I'll bring [y/friend] a bottle of her favourite wine."
"All good. We'll be happy to see you whenever you get there."
You sighed again as you finished rereading. Your thumb hovered over the keyboard and you found it difficult to muster up the energy to respond. You did though.
"You know you're not supposed to see the wedding dress until the actually wedding, right? lol"
You name was called and your head snapped up and a polite smile crossed your face as you stood. You tucked your phone away and your friends ushered you along after the consultant.
"It says here you have a December wedding," the consultant remarked as she turned to you with a warm smile while you walked.
"Oh, yeah," you answered tepidly, somehow caught off guard by the comment.
"Winter weddings are nice! And we don't get quite as many of those," she commented lightly as she continued to lead you and your friends to the room at the back.
"Oh. My fiancรฉe is a footballer, so we scheduled it during her off season."
"Very nice," she said. "Now, what kind of a style were you thinking for your dress?" She asked as you reached your destination and she turned to you with clasped hands awaiting your response.
Your mind went eerily blank. You'd envisioned a dress, or at least a couple, several times before. You'd pictured Jessie standing at the end of the aisle, tears in her eyes as she watched you walk down the aisle. You'd pictured how tenderly she'd hold your hands as you said your vows. You'd pictured her slipping the band on your finger. The kiss.
But right now you just felt tired and you mind slowly churned as it tried to conjure up a vision.
You blushed in embarrassment. "Um, I don't really know. Whatever looks good, I guess," you said with a laugh you hoped didn't sound too forced.
Your friends immediately jumped in with ideas and for that were you thankful.
Soon you were offered option after option after option. One dress held up after another, each awaiting your approval or disapproval, everyone watching you closely. You could feel your nerves starting to fray as this whole exercise began to overwhelm you.
Eventually, to put a stop to the carousel of dresses, you picked the one that actually stayed in your mind throughout the barrage of options. Everyone chattered excitedly as the dress was retrieved and the consultant opened the lush curtains to the fitting room.
You stepped in and she began to prepare some things for you. Subconsciously you retrieved your phone, looking for some kind of distraction and reprieve from the way your heart was beating loud in your chest.
You opened Instagram mindlessly and the first story on your feed was one Sara posted.
You hadn't wanted to add her. But she extended an invite, and, well, Jessie had her now too, so you might as well be in than out.
You vaguely noted the consultant talking to you over her shoulder, but you were more focused on the clip of Jessie and Zoie kicking a soccer ball back and forth at the park, laughing and running together. The caption, "She wants to be just like her mama" sent a searing pain through your chest.
"Okay, you're all set."
"Hm?" You asked blankly as you looked up from your phone to the woman. Your eyes darted between her and the dress and you plastered a smile on your face. "Oh, great. Thank you."
"Don't worry much about fit right now. It's probably going to feel bulky and not quite right, but that's all stuff we tailor and sort out as part of the alterations. Now, do you want to call one of your friends in to help with the dress?"
"Oh, yeah," you said as you shook your head out with another practiced smile while you tried to stay present.
Your friend helped you step into the dress and you even managed to have a laugh during the whole process as she zipped you up. A soft smile was still on your face as she turned you towards the full-length mirrors. She rested her hands on your shoulders as she took you in, a smile of awe on her face.
You looked at your reflection as you stood there in what could be your wedding dress. You were smiling in the mirror, a smile of yours that had become second nature the past few months and one that you were oh so sick of. This image before you - you smiling in this gorgeous gown, a vision of you at the alter - it felt distant and foreign. You didn't recognize this person.
"You look stunning. What do you think?" Your friend asked. You smiled further.
"I like it," you lied.
As she unzipped you later, you purposefully made a request that drew her away and left you to stand there quietly in front of the mirror alone as you held up the dress with one hand.
This should've been a joyous moment. Instead, you felt like you were mourning a future that never came to be.
That image of Jessie laughing and running around with Zoie - knowing that it was Sara watching on, not you - flashed through your mind.
There were two parallel worlds happening. Jessie your fiancรฉe. Jessie, doting parent to a daughter that wasn't yours, dedicated co-parent and partner to someone who wasn't you.
You stared at yourself for a few moments before your eyes began to sting and your lip trembled. You immediately turned away and took a deep, shuddering breath.
You had a choice to make. Or rather, whether you liked it or not, it felt like the choice had been made for you.
You heard Jessie's key slide into the lock and the bolt turn before the door opened. Her voice carried down the hall as you heard her taking off her shoes, bags rustling in hand.
"Hey, you didn't get back to me, so I just picked up some stuff for stir fry. Is that okay?"
You didn't reply.
Instead, you remained seated at the kitchen table, shoulders slack and body listless as you stared vacantly at the shining diamond ring you'd set in the middle of the table. This ring that she'd bought and given to you with love, with promise, intent and dreams.
You absently rubbed your ring finger that now felt naked. In the grand scheme of things, the ring hadn't been on your finger for all that long, but you felt something akin to phantom sensations despite it.
"Oh, there you are. Are you-"
Jessie's words died off as did her steps as she came to a stop a couple of feet from you. You didn't have to look up to know her eyes were fixed on the ring as well.
You room was heavy with silence before you finally forced yourself to look up at her. You could feel tears forming behind your eyes already. Her gaze shifted from the ring to you and you immediately noticed the shimmering of her eyes.
She visibly swallowed and when she spoke her voice trembled just so despite the faint smile she tried to force. "Hey, what's going on?"
You inhaled as you shifted in your seat to face her. You went to speak, but your throat constricted with impending emotion and your lip began to quiver as tears threatened to fall.
"I'm sorry," you managed to say as you looked up at her. She dropped your gaze, eyes shifting to the floor and you noted how her hands balled tightly into fists as she tried to control her emotions. Her eyes remained transfixed on the floor and you repeated yourself, your voice wavering this time. "I'm sorry, Jess."
She didn't say anything right away and you were about to speak when a tear fell from her, catching the light from the room before it hit the ground.
She looked up at you, eyes brimming with tears and looking so crestfallen. Her cheeks were flushed red; you reflected idly on how there was a time when you'd have inspired that in her as a blush, now here you were breaking her heart.
Your shoulders shook as your own tears began to overtake you. You sniffled and began to speak, feeling the need to explain and to fill this aching silence.
"It's not that I don't love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. You're everything I could ever want," your voice rose in pitch as your vocal cords strained. "But I just feel like every day - at one point or another - my heart is getting broken over and over again. I thought I'd be able to fix things. To just get over things. But I haven't. And I'm just starting to feel numb. I-I just don't know what to do anymore."
Jessie's breathing hitched as she began to muster a response, but you forged on feeling like if you didn't say everything you needed to now, you'd just fall back into her arms and that's where you'd stay.
"You have a new life. A new family-" You saw her ready to interject and you cut her off "-it's true, Jess. I know I'm your family, too. But so is Zoie. And Sara. I know you try to dismiss your connection with her, but you are tied to her forever. And I know you don't want to give her precedence over me, but reality is, she's the mother of your child and always will be. You need to put Zoie first, and by proxy, at times Sara - and I can't fault you for that. Your duty and your dedication to your loved ones is one of the many things about you I fell in love with," you forced a laugh as tears fell. You looked at her sadly.
"You gained a family. And I feel like I lost one. It's no one's fault. Maybe that's what makes it so hard." You took a shaky breath. "I think I would've handled this better if I'd come in knowing you had this. But for it to come up the way it has...it's turned everything upside down for me and I just don't know how to right it. I wish I did," you said remorsefully as you dropped her gaze and blinked through more tears. Your hands shook as you wrung them before looking up at her.
"I just donโ€™t feel like I fit anymore. Iโ€™ve been trying. I want nothing more than a future with you, but it just doesnโ€™t feel right anymore.โ€
Jessie had been crying quietly as she listened to you speak. Her face was red, her cheeks tear-stained as her chest hitched now and then with unsteady breaths.
Surprise flooded your system and she knelt in front of you. Here she was, on bended knee, taking your hands in hers, sorrow in her eyes and such a contrast from when she knelt before you in much the same way many months before, except that time with unhindered hope and love as she asked you to be hers forever.
โ€œPlease donโ€™t do this. I know itโ€™s hard right now. But we can find a way. Itโ€™ll get better. And easier. I promise," Jessie beseeched as she looked up at you from her position on the floor.
You didn't know what to say. There wasn't really anything to say. So you just smiled apologetically, hoping she could see how much this was breaking your heart as well.
Jessie searched your eyes and you saw her expression fall furthermore as she cried anew. She clutched your hands as quiet sobs began to take her.
โ€œIโ€™m so sorry. For everything. I never wanted this to happen," she said through her cries. It tore you apart seeing her like this, but in some bizarre way it actually affirmed your decision. You squeezed her hands, caressing the back of them tenderly with your thumbs.
โ€œI know, baby. But I guess this is just how life is. Things can be unexpected. And they donโ€™t always go the way you planned. And this is exactly why this wonโ€™t work. You shouldnโ€™t have to feel sorry. You shouldnโ€™t have to apologize. You have a gorgeous, sweet little girl. And thereโ€™s nothing wrong with that. At all. She deserves all of you and you shouldn't have to choose. And I know I'm the one who's been forcing you to."
You paused, trying to gather your composure, but your voice was still taut as you spoke.
"I'm sorry I'm so selfish. But I also know I'd never forgive myself if Zoie got even the slightest sense that any of this...strife, or difficulty, was because of her. She doesn't deserve that and it's certainly not her fault."
Jessie looked ready to protest. You forged on.
"I truly wish the best for you and for Zoie. And even Sara," you added with a watery laugh before you sniffled. "I know it hasn't been easy navigating things, Jess. I know how hard you tried. And it meant so much that you tried." You let out a brief sob. "Thank you for loving me." Jessie's face collapsed in tears as you said that and she reached up to cup your cheek. You couldn't resist leaning into her touch, but you had to finish what you had to say.
"I stopped wishing that I had gotten to you first. Then you'd be mine, and we could have our old life, or God, that it would be our child we're raising. But even that didn't feel good, because then Zoie wouldn't exist. And that's not right. She's added so much light and love to your life, to your family's - and despite the complications, mine too. I just can't embrace everything the way you have. I can't let go of what I wanted."
You took a shaky breath.
"To be honest - I just don't like who I am right now. How I've been feeling. What I'm bringing to our relationship. So," your features screwed up as you tried to put on a brave face, "it's time for me to go."
Jessie shook her head with a pained expression.
"No, you don't have to. Babe, please," she pleaded as more tears fell, "we can figure this out. I know you feel like you don't fit anymore, but you really do. What can I do to help you see that?" You let her question hang and she stared at you expectantly. She tried to smile, but it flickered with the heartache she was feeling. "We belong together. We love each other."
She said it with such finality it almost convinced you that it was enough.
You looked at her with the first real smile in what felt like so long. You were crying through it, but it was real.
"You deserve so much happiness," you said.
Jessie searched your eyes as she absorbed your words. A sob escaped her and she looked down. A moment passed and she leant her head down and kissed your hand, her lips lingering on your skin for several seconds before she pulled back.
She swallowed visibly as she brought her other hand to yours now as well, clasping yours in both of hers. Her eyes were still trained down as she nodded once. A beat passed and she looked up at you, brown eyes glistening and mournful, but somehow still full of love. She nodded once more as she gave you as brave a smile as she could, no matter how heartbroken she was.
"You deserve all the happiness in the world, too," she whispered, voice breaking.
She rose up higher onto her knees and you both met in a soft, tight embrace. Cries wracked your body and hers as you clung onto one another. You inhaled her scent, eyes closing as you willed yourself to remember it; to remember the feel of her hair, the sound and feel of her breath, the feel of her body against yours - you engrained it all.
Sometimes, when a relationship ends, you don't know how the other person will be. Someone who you felt you knew so well can become a stranger overnight. But, that wasn't the case with Jessie.
She was gracious and loving despite the breakup. So much so that sometimes you had to remind her - as painful as it was - that you didn't belong to each other anymore.
"Hey, I'll be home late night. Midfielders are doing some extra technical work this afternoon. I'll text you when I'm done though. I could bring you home dinner or something though?" She'd asked hopefully one time as you both readied for the day.
"That's sweet of you to offer, but it's okay. And it's considerate, but you don't need to keep me apprised of your day. You don't owe me that," you gently reminded her. She gave you a tight, pained smile as she nodded her acceptance.
"Right," she said with a weak laugh. "Well. I guess I'll see you later, then. Um. Have a good day."
The few weeks until you could take possession of a new apartment had been awkward and delicate. You offered to move in with a friend in the interim, but Jessie had convinced you not to. Well, she wasn't wrong that living out of a suitcase for that long would be unnecessarily annoying, and there was certainly no point in moving all of your things twice. So, you'd stayed, with Jessie insisting on relegating herself to an air mattress in the living room. You'd argued with her, but she'd dug her heels in.
The days went by slowly, and at the same time, your move in date grew steadily closer and the pit in your stomach grew just the same. You'd had cold feet several times, but knew it was just some misguided part of you looking for the easy path and short-term pay-off.
It was hard to not have doubts when - despite everything - you and Jessie still got along so well. While it was undeniably hard to be in the same room as her and not be with her, it was still easy in a way. When you allowed yourself, you could chat about your days, even laugh.
What caused the most confusion was probably the fact that you didn't know how to be Jessie's friend. Even when you and her had been just friends at the beginning - a lifetime ago now - there was always something underlying. You had chemistry from the get-go and it was near impossible to deny.
And now, after everything, how could you possibly pretend to just be friends. How could you pretend you weren't in love with her? How could you pretend that this woman sitting a couple feet from you on the couch didn't preoccupy your every thought and could make or break you with her words.
Hell, that not only did she own your heart and mind, but your body, too. That as you laid there lonely in this bed you used to share, that your hand strayed as memories flooded your senses. Of all those nights, mornings, stolen moments, where she made love to you so passionately and desperately. The feeling so intimate and tender, like you were the only person on this earth with her and you the only one who could give her what she needed while she was the only one who could make you whole.
And with the way she looked at you - sometimes unabashed, sometimes fleeting - how could you pretend that she didn't feel the same way?
During moments of weakness, it seemed a silly thing to fight. In a world as dark and lonely as this one could be, why would you leave someone you loved and who loved you back?
But when Jessie spent nights coordinating things with Sara and then went out with her and Zoie on others, you remembered.
The day came when you took possession of your new apartment. You'd initially resisted her offer to help you move, but your resolve weakened and failed.
She'd worn a bright smile all day as she cheerfully tackled every task. You knew her well though; she was trying far too hard.
She helped you arrange furniture, move boxes around, check all the fixtures in the new place, the list went on. Even after you'd dismissed your friends, she'd insisted on sticking around and began helping you unpack.
Her eager assistance carried on into the night. Each time she finished one task, she readily started on another and good-naturedly dismissed your offers to let her stop.
As she chatted fast and constant throughout the night, hitting any and every topic she could, you saw this woman before you - the woman you well and truly loved - making every excuse to not leave. And truthfully, you were happy to delay the inevitable goodbye.
So for now, you both knew what she was doing, but neither of you vocalized it.
You eventually checked your phone. 12:30 am.
"Okay, so I was thinking of unpacking your books over here for now. I saw this really nice bookcase online the other day - I can get it for you over the weekend if you like. I think it could go really well over here. And-"
Her movements stilled and the room grew silent and heavy. She slowly turned to face you and you could see her thinly veiled trepidation.
You offered her a regretful smile as you fought back emotions and grief that began to bubble up inside of you.
"You should go...," you said gently.
She held your gaze for several moments, seemingly teetering on the edge of whether to protest or not. She nodded sadly and forced a smile that faltered as her eyes began to fill with tears.
She forced a laugh as she closed the space between you.
"It's a nice place. Could use some colour, but I know you'll take care of that," she said as she scratched nervously at the back of her neck and gave another weak laugh.
"Thanks for all of your help. Truly," you said.
Her eyes brimmed with tears and her mouth quivered faintly. "Anytime," she said, voice thick with emotion.
She stared at you a moment longer before exhaling, puffing out her cheeks before trying to choke back tears. "I know we're not together. But," she paused, debating her words, "I really do love you. I know you can't make any promises, but, if you're open to it I want you in my life." A quiet sob veiled as a laugh escaped her. "I don't know what my life looks like without you."
"I love you, too, Jessie," you said. You couldn't lie about that.
She embraced you and you held each other tightly in a lingering, tearful hug. Neither of you wanted to be the first to let go.
You eventually conceded and gingerly, regretfully, extracted yourself from her arms. Her fingers lingered as long as she could let them before you stepped back.
You gave her a watery smile.
"Take care of yourself, Jessie."
The statement seemed to wound her, but she covered it up with a tight smile.
"You too."
As you stood before her, a brief recollection came to you of a time long past; your first date. Even then, you knew with absolutely certainty you were going to see her again. As soon as possible if you could help it.
For the first time since the beginning, you didn't know if or when you'd see her again.
You gave her another quick hug, yet again committing her and everything about her to memory.
"I'll see you," you said softly as you hugged her. "And we'll talk soon. Good night, Jess."
Her cheek brushed against yours as she slowly pulled back. Her eyes shone with fresh tears. She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it, offering you a renewed smile instead.
"Good night, Y/N."
A/N: I did say that things would get a lot rougher before they got better. Let me know your thoughts.
Tag requests: @marvelwomen-simp @valuyhh
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kookooluvr ยท 3 months ago
Teach Me How To Love - Part 3
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pairing: professor!jungkook x (fem) professor!reader, fwb to lovers
genre: fluff, angst, smut, fwb au, economicsprofessor!jungkook, politicalscienceprofessor!reader, slow burn, some emotional constipation, some sappy moments, lots of sexy moments.
summary: jeon jungkook, a fellow professor at yonsei university, is your friend, co-worker, and secret bed buddy. you have rules set in place to make sure there are no misunderstandings in your little arrangement. the #1 rule is as clear as day; no catching feelings. simple, right? wrong. let's see how un-simple it gets when a certain economics professor falls for an emotionally unavailable political science professor.
word count: 6.7k
warnings: we get to know the besties a bit, jihyo and tae being our cutesie side characters <3 oc and jk both spill the beans to their friends,mentions of the infamous ex (booo, throwing tomatoes), oc buys and wears lingerie for jk, she sends him a photo in said lingerie, explicit sexual content; making out, oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex, missionary, squirting, soft dom jk, multiple orgasms, jk learns something new about oc, jk's in his feelings, my poor baby, jk's also a teeny tiny bit of a stalker...but in a sweet way if that makes any sense :)
author's note: part 3 took longer than i would've liked bc my procrastination was kicking my ass. anyway, pls enjoy !!! things will start being a bit more eventful from part 4 onwards so bear with me ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ as usual, make sure to like, reblog and pleeeaaase share all your thoughts and feelings about these kiddos <3
taglist: @rpwprpwprpwprw @mimi1097 @livinluvl @bumblebee-21s-blog @koosluvss @sou-17 @puppybunnyjkay @svnbangtansworld @junecat18 @shrek-the-destroyer @tastykookoonut @sturniolowrld @palomanazareth
find tmhtl masterlist here
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It's been a week since Jungkook came over. You spoke here and there in passing but you haven't had a chance to actually hang out again after that night because you're both just too busy prepping for final exams before the long awaited summer break. This time of year is always a bit crazy for both the students and the educators, which leaves you with almost no time to mess around with cute economics professors.
You've been a bit stressed out all week, so you really weren't planning on spending your Saturday in a busy mall, looking through racks of lingerie, and yet that's exactly what you're doing. Why? Because Jihyo texted you saying she needed your help in buying something sexy to wear on an upcoming date she has with some guy she met at work. His name's Mark and from what she's told you about him, he sounds...promising.
Jihyo, unlike you, is looking for a boyfriend. Boy, is she looking. She's gone on about seven dates with five different men in the past couple of months and she is yet to find her Mr. Right. From what she's told you, she's looking for someone educated, tall, handsome, funny, and someone who can "match her freak". The closest she got to that was some guy she met at a club two months ago, who was lucky enough to get three whole dates before he eventually gave her the ick by referring to his mother as 'mommy'. For her own sanity, you hope Mark won't make that same mistake.
However, Jihyo's mind isn't on Mark right now. Oh no, she's much more focused on the man you're seeing.
"___, come on. We've been best friends since the fifth grade. Are you really going to look me in my eye and tell me you're not seeing anyone? And don't lie to me."
You roll your eyes, scanning the rack of pink satin and red lace, feeling the different fabrics between your fingers. One minute, you were asking her about Mark and how they met, and the next thing you know, you're being interrogated in the middle of a lingerie store.
"I'm not looking you in your eye. I'm looking at lingerie. Ooh, this is pretty."
Jihyo loves you, really, she does. You've known each other for most of your lives. That means she supports you in everything you do. That also means she can see right through your bullshit when no one else can. She's been suspicious of you and your apparent mystery man for a while now, and she won't stop asking you about him until she gets answers.
"I'm serious. I know you're seeing someone. You're not slick, babe. I know you inside and out, and I have really good intuition...and I might have seen a text I shouldn't have when your phone was on the table at the restaurant during lunch."
"I don't know what you're talking about." You feign ignorance, refusing to spill the beans even after practically getting caught. You and Jungkook both swore to keep it between the two of you. It's one of the rules. Who knows what will happen if you just start breaking rules all willy-nilly. Sure, it's not that big of a deal if you tell one friend, especially your best friend, but that's how it starts. You're breaking this rule, and then another and another until you're Robin Thicke and the lines are blurred.
"Cut the shit," Jihyo says dryly, crossing her arms over her chest, clearly unwilling to drop the subject. "Who is this mysterious 'prof jeon' and why was he asking you when you're free to see him?"
You let out a defeated sigh, looking over at her. You know that look on her face. She's just going to keep asking if you don't tell her and it's pointless lying about it. She can be a pain in your ass at times but she's definitely not stupid. And besides, she's your best friend. You'd be a bad best friend for not telling her that you're basically getting the best sex of your life, right?
Screw it.
"Okay, I'm not even supposed to tell anyone about it and it's really not a big deal but...I'm kinda sleeping with one of the other professors at work." You quickly press your lips together as soon as the words leave your mouth, looking back at the lingerie to avoid her eyes and all the questions you know you're about to be bombarded with in a second.
"Can you keep your voice down?" you whisper-yell, noticing a few people turning their heads to see what the sudden outburst was about.
"Sorry," she mutters with a snort, clearly not expecting that news. "Who is this professor? What's his name? Jeon who? Why didn't I know about this sooner? Since when have you-"
You cut her off before she can get the rest of her questions out.
"His name is Jungkook, he teaches economics, and before you ask, no, he's not my boyfriend or anything like that. I'm still not ready for that. We met a few months after I transferred to work at the university and we were just work-friends for the most part, but then we hooked up one night last year and it wasn't really supposed to happen again because we were a bit drunk but it was so good, and then it happened two more times and then...well, then we just agreed to keep having casual sex. That's it."
Jihyo is quiet for a moment, processing the information that was just thrown at her. How have you been sleeping with this man for a year and she had no idea? She's actually quite impressed that you could keep it a secret for that long.
"That's it? That's all you're gonna say?" you chuckle, turning around to look at her with a light blue lacey set in your hands.
"I just...I'm happy for you. I'm glad you're putting yourself out there again after Sunghoon. I really thought you were going to swear off men for the rest of your life after him."
And there it is. The reminder of the man you spent most of your teenage and early adulthood loving, the man who you thought you would grow old with, the bane of your existence. If it's not your friends or your mother reminding you of him, it's your own brain. You don't blame her for bringing him up, though. He is the main reason why you're so opposed to actually committing yourself to someone again.
"Yeah, well...it's not like Jungkook and I are dating or anything. It's just sex. No big deal," you mutter, not wanting to go down that road right now.
Jihyo knows your love life (or lack thereof) is a bit of a sensitive subject for you. She was there for you when Sunghoon broke your heart. She let you stay over at her apartment when you were too sad to be alone. She sat with you as you cried on her bathroom floor, so this is a big deal to her. This means that you don't spend your nights crying over that human shit stain anymore, and she doesn't blame you for keeping it private. All she really wants is for you to be happy.
"Still. It's progress, babe."
"Yeah, I guess it is."
"So, uhh... how is he?" She grins, gesturing to her genital area, wanting all the long, girthy, veiny details. She can't help but be a little nosey. Besides, what's the point of having a best friend of almost two decades if you can't ask her about the juicy details of her sex life.
"I'm not telling you that, you pervert," you laugh, holding the lacey lingerie out for her to take. She takes it without even looking at it, her focus solely on you and your professor friend.
"You have to tell me. Okay fine, just give me a number from one to ten then... Looks?"
You sigh but decide to indulge her anyway. "Ten."
"You lucky bitch," she scoffs, looking very impressed. "Skills in the bedroom?"
"Nine point five."
"And you're exclusively hooking up, right?"
You nod.
"Okay, ___, please explain to me why we're in a lingerie store and you're not buying something to make this man drool over you," Jihyo deadpans, looking at you like you're insane.
"Don't be ridiculous, we're not here for me. We're here for you and your date."
"And we're not leaving until we both get something." She starts looking through the racks with more determination. "You said Professor Sexyboots is a ten. You have to wear something sexy for him. At least for my sake."
"Professor Sexyboots? I'm sure he'd love that," you scoff, rolling your eyes at her ridiculous nickname for him.
Jihyo is about to respond when she looks up at something and freezes, her eyes widening, causing you to turn your head to follow her line of sight, your eyebrows raising. On one of the mannequins sits a stunning deep-red bra and matching thong, looking like something straight off a Victoria's Secret runway. It's gorgeous, with intricate lace detailing, and it's completely out of your comfort zone.
"No way, I can't."
"What are you talking about?! You'd look so hot. C'mon, it would be so fun. You could send him a little sneak peek and invite him over and he can take it off with his teeth," she snickers, having way too much fun with this whole thing.
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You're not sure how exactly you let Jihyo convince you to buy the skimpy lingerie, but you did, which is why you're sitting in a rather suggestive pose in front of your floor-length mirror in your bedroom. It's silly to feel nervous about sending him a naughty photo. He's seen you naked more times in this past year than you can count, and yet this makes you nervous.
You take the photo and press send before quickly tossing your phone on the bed, letting out a deep sigh.
Jungkook is in the middle of watching some random show on Natural Geographic when he gets your text. He unlocks his phone and all the air gets knocked out of his lungs when his eyes land on the photo of you wrapped in the delicate dark red lace, muttering a breathless, "Sweet baby Jesus".
His fingers shake as he types out a reply, his heart hammering in his chest.
prof jeon [9:46pm]: i've never really been a very religious man prof jeon [9:46pm]: but damn, god is good ๐Ÿ˜ณ
You [9:47pm]: LMAO You [9:47pm]: come over
prof jeon [9:48pm]: aye-aye captain ๐Ÿซก
He rushes to his room to get a hoodie, quickly putting it on while getting a confused look from a half-asleep Bam. He walks over to give the sleepy dog a quick kiss on his forehead and some scratches before getting his car keys, his body working faster than his brain. โ€œBam, daddyโ€™s gotta go take care of aunty ___, okay? Iโ€™ll be back later.โ€ And with that, heโ€™s out the door.
He makes his way downstairs to the parking lot and gets in his car, fumbling with the car keys in a rush to get to your apartment. He knows he probably looks like a teenage virgin right now, but he doesn't care. You always manage to make his midsection tingle and his brain feel all scattered. When he finally manages to get the car started, it takes everything in him to stay within the speed limit as he drives over to you.
You're about to text him to ask how far he is from your apartment, when there's a knock at the front door. You wrap a robe around your body and go to answer the door, seeing a breathless Jungkook leaning his arm up against the wall in the hallway.
"Good evening, Professor," he grins, straightening up to walk inside, eyeing you from head to toe as you close the door behind him. Before you can get a chance to respond, his lips are on yours, his hands cradling your jaw as he kisses you, completely taking you by surprise.
You pull away to look up at him with wide eyes, letting out a little chuckle. "So just straight to the point? No small talk, nothing?"
"Is that what you want?" he asks, looking down at your robe-clad body. "Small talk? Want me to ask you how your day was before I spread your legs?"
"Not really, no."
"Yeah, I didn't think so," he mutters before his lips are back on yours. He picks you up by the back of your thighs in one swift motion, your arms wrapped around his neck as he carries you to your bedroom, eager to get that damn robe off.
He gets to the bedroom and gently lays you down on your back before hurriedly removing his glasses, pulling his hoodie over his head, his t-shirt following quickly behind. He leans down to hover over you, his lips kissing from your neck up to your lips, sensually licking into your mouth to taste more of you while his fingers trail up your thigh under the robe.
He pulls back to look down at you with heavy-lidded eyes, his fingers slowly opening your robe. "Can I take this off?"
You nod and your robe is off within seconds, leaving you in nothing but the skimpy lingerie. His throat goes completely dry. "Fuck. You're trying to give me an asthma attack."
"You don't have asthma," you laugh, rolling your eyes.
"The point is that you're fucking hot, ___."
You scoff and pull him back down to crash your lips onto his, his tongue slipping into your mouth with ease. Your hands lightly travel up his biceps and shoulders, the sensation sending shivers down his spine. You slide your fingers through his hair and give it a little tug, pulling a soft moan from his lips. He loves when you play with his hair, and he especially loves when you tug on it, whether it's while he's kissing you or eating you out.
You pull away slightly to press a few light pecks to his lips, his stomach erupting with butterflies. "You're so good at that," he mutters, gently tugging on your bottom lip with his teeth.
"At what, kissing?"
"Mm," he hums with a lazy little grin on his face. "Might need you to demonstrate again, just to make sure."
You laugh, placing another kiss to his lips, lingering there for a bit before pulling away.
"Mm, one more," he whispers before his mouth is back on yours, his tongue tangling with yours as the kiss grows more heated.
He reluctantly breaks away from your mouth, his lips trailing down your neck, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses on your skin.
He nips at your pulse point, his teeth leaving a little red spot on your flesh.
"Jungkook, I'm going to kill you if there's a mark," you mutter, but the huff of laughter he lets out tells you he doesn't care.
"You'll be fine," he chuckles, his voice hoarse with desire, his tongue tracing the mark he left behind. He leans on one hand while the other slowly trails up the side of your ribs, making its way to the back of your bra.
"This is so pretty," he whispers, giving your earlobe a little tug with his teeth. "Can I take it off yet?"
"Mhm," you nod, slightly arching your back off the bed to let him unclasp the bra. He slowly slides the fabric off your body and tosses it aside, kissing his way down to your breasts. He licks and sucks on each of your nipples before trailing slow, soft kisses down your stomach.
"Lift your hips for me, baby." You do as he says, his fingers hooking into the sides of the tiny lace thong, slowly pulling the fabric down your legs.
You spread your legs for him, showing him your glistening folds. The sight alone makes his sweatpants feel tighter. He kneels down at the edge of the bed, spreading your legs further apart. He kisses his way up your leg from your calf to your inner thigh, holding your ankle over his broad shoulder.
His lips inch even closer to your pussy, just a few centimeters from where you need him most. "Jungkook," you whine, your arousal growing by the second.
He chuckles teasingly, stopping at your inner thigh. "You're so whiny."
"Don't tease, Kook."
He grins, hovering his mouth over your pussy, his breath fanning over your folds. "Love seeing you all worked up for me," he murmurs, slowly licking his lips before pressing a feather-like kiss to your mound.
"Just shut up and eat me out."
"Yes, ma'am."
He starts slow with wet little kisses and licks to your clit, slowly building up a steady pace. He loves eating you out. He could go for hours if you let him, like a starved man getting a taste of his favourite food. Jungkook's always been more of a giver than a taker, your pleasure bringing him pleasure.
He's incredibly skilled with his tongue, knowing exactly what to do to have your legs trembling. He swirls and flicks his tongue, sucking and lapping at your clit to make your eyes roll back in your head.
"Fuck, Jungkook...feels so good," you sigh, your eyes fluttering shut.
He smiles against your pussy, feeling proud of every little sigh and moan he pulls from your lips. "You taste so good," he mutters before diving back in, licking a long stripe from your leaking entrance to your clit, his hands gripping your thighs to keep them open.
"Just like that...oh my god, don't stop..."
He looks up at you with a dazed look in his eyes, his tongue lapping at you with skilled precision that makes your toes curl, your fingers gripping the sheets beneath you.
"F-fuck, 'm gonna cum," you gasp, grabbing onto his hair to hold him in place, your eyes squeezing shut, your head spinning as the pleasure reaches a peak.
A few more sucks and flicks of his tongue and you're cumming, his hands holding you in place as he laps at your pussy, helping you ride out your high. He feels your thighs quivering, looking quite proud of himself. "You taste so fucking good," he murmurs, pressing a few soft kisses to your clit.
"Holy shit." You're breathless, your pussy pulsating, your heart racing.
He crawls up to hover over you, giving your lips a quick peck, his lips and chin glistening. "Still with me?"
"Mhmm," you grin, slowly opening your eyes to look up at him.
He smiles down at you, taking in your flushed cheeks, your disheveled hair, your pretty eyes. He gently brushes some of your hair out of your face, his thumb lightly stroking your cheek. "You're beautiful, ___," he whispers, his voice laced with tenderness.
"Don't say that."
He furrows his brows in confusion, puzzled by your reaction. "Why not? It's the truth."
"Tell me I'm sexy...not beautiful."
He chuckles, slowly shaking his head, his expression filled with amusement and affection. "You're gorgeous," he whispers, lightly kissing your cheek, his lips trailing over to your ear. "And incredibly sexy."
"You gonna fuck me now?" You tease, your lips curling into a soft smile.
He almost laughs at your bluntness, the way you just get straight to the point, never wasting any time if you want something. Your assertiveness has always been a turn-on for him, not just in the bedroom, but in general.
"That's the plan, yeah."
"Let's get this show on the road then."
He gets up off you and removes his sweatpants and boxers, letting it lay somewhere on your bedroom floor. He's already hard, his cock standing tall, the tip already leaking a bit. He stands at the end of your bed, his hand wrapped around the base, his eyes glued between your legs, slowly trailing up to your face.
He crawls back on top of you, sliding his fingers through your folds, gathering some of your slick and rubbing it over the head of his cock. "Ready, baby?"
You give him a nod and he slowly pushes into you, his hips gently moving forward. "Shit, you feel good," he groans, his voice coming out low and hoarse.
You sharply inhale through your nose, feeling that familiar stretch, your walls molding to the shape of him like it was made for him.
He thrusts slowly, bracing his forearms on either side of your head, his forehead resting against yours. His thrusts get deeper until he bottoms out, his breathing growing heavier, his moans going straight to your core. He buries his face in your neck, feeling your hands gripping the muscles in his back as he thrusts harder.
Your moans grow louder as he thrusts into you, your walls fluttering around him, your legs wrapping around his waist. "Fuck, that feels so good."
"Yeah? You like that, baby?" he grins, pressing wet kisses to your neck and chest.
You've never had a man make you feel the way Jungkook does. He knows exactly how to touch you, how to kiss you, how to have you like putty in his hands. Your skin heats up, your heart pounding faster as he picks up the pace, hitting that spot deep inside you that makes your back arch off the bed.
"Mmm, f-fuck...harder...h-harder, baby," you moan, feeling him lift one of your legs over his shoulder, the tip of his cock repeatedly hitting that sweet spot inside you, the new angle allowing him to thrust even deeper.
"Like that?" He grunts, sitting back on his knees, his thrusts hitting harder, his pace getting faster.
"Oh my god, right there...feels s-so good, Kook."
"Wanna cum again?"
You can barely form a coherent sentence anymore. Your moans mixed with the sound of his skin slapping against yours fills your bedroom, his thrusts making your pussy squelch.
"Use your words, baby."
"Wanna...wanna cum," you whine, feeling him hold your leg next to his head and press wet kisses to your ankle and calf, the pressure and pace of his thrusts feeling just right.
"Hold it." His voice is rough and demanding, a stark contrast to the gentle tone he usually uses with you outside of the bedroom, the sound sending a shiver down your spine.
He ignores your whines and pleas for him to let you cum, thrusting as deep as he can go, his free hand reaching down to push his thumb into your mouth. Your body works on autopilot, sucking on his thumb. You swirl your tongue around it like you would do to his cock, causing his hips to stutter before he regains his composure.
"Such a good girl for me. Gonna make you cum so hard, baby."
He pulls his thumb out of your mouth to rub firm circles over your clit, the pressure paired with his thrusts making your head spin. The pressure starts to build in your lower stomach, and it feels different, better than it usually does, your pussy clenching down harder around his cock.
"Feels...f-feels like I'm gonna...p-pee..."
He lets out a faint chuckle, his hips moving with determination. "You're not gonna pee, baby," he mutters, his tone sounding almost teasing.
"H-how do you know?"
"Trust me, baby, I know. You're not gonna pee." He can tell you're close, your body practically begging for release as he rubs your clit faster. He looks down to where your bodies connect, seeing how swollen and puffy your pussy looks, the sight making his cock twitch. "It's gonna feel so good, baby, I promise."
"Gonna...gonna cum-"
"I know, baby. Let go for me...let it all out."
You cum with a loud cry, your body convulsing beneath him, your vision going blank as the pleasure hits you. It feels relentless, like nothing you've ever felt before, and he's made you cum many times before.
"Fuck, that's my girl." His thrusts slow down but they don't stop, keeping his pace steady to help you through it. "That's it, baby...ride it out..."
Your body trembles as you come down from your high, barely able to register him pulling out. Your eyes are half open as you watch him stroke himself above you, his face contorting in pleasure, his abdomen tensing. He finishes with a guttural moan of your name, painting your stomach and breasts with warm strings of cum.
"Fuck. I think I just saw Jesus," he breathes out, his chest heaving as he gasps for air.
"Yeah? What did he tell you?" You chuckle breathlessly, still feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm.
"He said you squirted."
Your eyes almost bulge out of your head, looking down to find his lower stomach and pelvis drenched.
"Oh my god," you groan, your words muffled by your hands as you cover your face.
"Hey, don't be embarrassed. It was probably the sexiest thing I've ever seen," he murmurs with a faint chuckle, gently pulling your hands away from your face, forcing you to look at him, his face looking rather smug.
"You look very pleased with yourself."
"Can you blame me? I made you feel so good, you practically exploded all over me," he grins, looking down at the mess between your legs. "Ohh, she's so swollen now. She took a bit of a beating, huh?"
You let out bashful scoff, your cheeks heating up at his choice of words.
He quickly gets up to go and clean himself off in the bathroom, coming back to slip his boxers back on. He watches you slowly get up off the messy bed, your knees feeling weak as you clumsily walk off to the bathroom, needing a hot shower after that intense session. He sits on the edge of the bed, leaning back on his hands as he watches you stumble.
"Legs a little wobbly there?" he teases, unable to stop the amused smile from spreading across his face.
"Shut up," you mutter as you make your way to the bathroom, earning a little laugh from him.
While you're in the shower, he takes it upon himself to remove the dirty covers and sheets from your bed, looking for your lavender room-spray on your vanity. He knows you always spray it around the room after sex, and he knows you keep it on your vanity, but for some reason he can't find it there. What he does find, however, is a framed photo he's never seen before. You're in it, and it looks like it was taken on the day of your undergrad graduation ceremony. You're standing next to a younger-looking girl, whose face is quite similar to yours. She is just slightly taller with shorter hair. Jungkook doesn't know much, or rather anything, about your family, but he assumes the girl in the photo is your sister.
He picks up the frame and goes to sit down on the bed, inspecting it closely. He feels a bit guilty, like he's been caught red-handed for snooping when you come out the bathroom wrapped in your robe, your eyes landing on the frame in his hands.
"What're you doing?"
"Sorry," he murmurs, his eyes growing wide, feeling like a child that's been caught stealing. "I just...I was looking for your room spray...or mist, whatever it is, and... I, uhm, I don't know, I guess this just caught my eye. I've been here many times but I've never really looked around, y'know?"
You nod slowly, going to sit next to him at the edge of the bed.
"Is this...your sister?"
You look up at him, seeing the surprise on his face.
You and Jungkook have sex. You work at the same university. You're "work-friends" and that surprise on his face is a reminder of how little he truly knows about you, how little of yourself you actually share with him. He knows you have a cat, but he doesn't know you have a sister. He knows the way you take your coffee, but he doesn't know anything about your childhood. It's a stark contrast to how much you know about him. You know his favourite foods because he's very specific about where he gets his takeout from. You know his favourite brand of beer because he always has it stocked up in his fridge. You know all about his family dynamics because he speaks about them all the time, that his brother just had a baby, that her name is Mijoo. You know all of his hobbies and interests because you're quite observant and he's very open, never feeling the need to keep anything to himself. You're similar in some aspects of your personalities, and yet very different.
"Yeah, that's my sister, Yuna," you murmur softly, looking down at the photo with a tight-lipped smile.
He absorbs this new information, a mix of feelings swirling inside him. Part of him feels slightly hurt. Four years of knowing each other and a year of hooking up, and he's only just found out you have a sister. He's an open book, always sharing all these intimate details about himself with you, yet you keep so many parts of yourself hidden from him. He wonders if it's just in your nature or if you deliberately keep him at arm's length, preventing him from getting too close.
At the same time, a small spark of hope lights up within him. You're not completely shutting him down so that's good. Maybe this is a sign that you're actually opening up to him for once. It might seem minor, but he takes it as a huge step forward with you.
He has a million questions he wants to ask, but settles for, "What's she like?"
There's a beat of silence before you speak. "She's, uhm...she's three years younger than me, and she's probably the most extroverted person you'll ever meet, so we're...very different," you scoff, smiling fondly at the thought of your baby sister.
He listens intently as you talk about your sister. He wants nothing more than for you to let your guard down with him, and this is a start. It's small, but it's something.
"That must make for an interesting sibling dynamic, hm?"
"We actually get along great in spite of that. We grew up super close, so..." You speak softly, feeling a bit uncomfortable with showing even just a hint of vulnerability in front of him. "So, yeah. Now you know that about me."
"Yeah," he murmurs softly, his voice barely louder than a whisper. "Now I know."
You gently take the frame from his hands and walk over to your vanity, putting it back in its place. You pick up the lavender room spray and turn to him with a faint smile. "This what you were looking for?"
"There's the damn thing," he scoffs, the familiar scent filling his nose as you give the room a spritz. "Is that to get rid of the smell of me?"
You chuckle, but you don't deny it.
The room falls silent again, and he takes it as his cue to get out of your hair, seeing as it's already midnight and he doesn't want to push his luck.
"I should, uh...I should go. It's late and I don't wanna keep you out of your beauty sleep," he jokes, slowly getting up to put his clothes back on.
"I'll walk you out." He wishes, just once, that you would ask him to stay, but he knows you won't. He walks behind you, stopping at the front door. He so badly wants to reach out and take your face in his hands, to kiss your lips and ask you to let him spend the night with you, but when you open the door for him, he simply puts his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants and walks out into the hallway.
"Thanks for tonight," he mumbles, looking down at you with a soft look in his eyes. "It was fun."
"Yeah, it was," you smile, tilting your head to lean against the half-open door.
He just looks at you, not making a move to leave. He has so much he wants to say right now, but he swallows it down, just like he always does, not wanting to overstep.
"Night, Jungkook."
He takes a small step back, reluctantly turning to leave. "Goodnight, ___," he mumbles, looking back at you with a soft smile.
You chuckle, sensing his reluctance to leave. "Goodnight, Jungkook."
He turns and starts walking away, his feet feeling heavier with each step. Just as he's about to make a U-turn and walk back to you, he hears the soft click of your door shutting, the lock echoing in the empty hallway.
He sighs and walks over to the elevators, going down to his car. He mentally kicks himself for feeling so disappointed. He's always known that you keep yourself guarded, and he thought he could handle it, could play by your rules, could be content with a primarily physical relationship. He could before. But right now, sitting in his car in the silent parking lot, he's reminded of how weak he really is.
He leans his forehead forward against the steering wheel, the weight of his feelings sitting heavy in his chest, muttering a soft, "Fuck."
With a heavy sigh, he starts the car and drives home, his brain taunting him with the fact that romance isn't a possibility for you and him.
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On Monday, Jungkook is back in work mode. He tries to squeeze in as many revision lectures as he can the closer it gets to final exams. It's around 3pm when he finally gets a breather, so he goes to his usual spot for lunch.
He sits in the empty lounge, like he does almost every day. Why this specific lounge? Because if he looks out the window, he has a perfect view of you sitting below, eating your lunch on your usual bench. Sometimes you're alone, sometimes you're with another lecturer, and on rare days you just have lunch in your office.
"There you are." He hears Taehyung's voice as he walks into the lounge, sitting down across from him with a huff. "You weren't answering your phone."
Jungkook doesn't respond, his eyes not wavering. He looks out the window with a dopey look on his face, watching you eat your gimbap. Taehyung follows his line of sight, catching on rather quickly.
"So... you taking an online course on how to be a stalker, or...?"
"What are you talking about?" He scoffs, looking over at Taehyung before his eyes inevitably drift back down to you.
"You're staring like a creep," Taehyung laughs, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Is she that professor I saw you talking to the other day?"
"Mm." Jungkook knows how nosey his best friend can be, and he knows exactly what's going on in that head of his.
Taehyung gives him a knowing smile. He doesn't even have to say much, already knowing it's only a matter of time before Jungkook spills.
"You have a thing for her, huh?"
Jungkook looks at him with wide eyes, feeling exposed without even confessing anything. "What? I didn't even say anythi-"
"Don't bother," Taehyung chuckles, "You're not very subtle, man. Your eyes give you away."
Jungkook feels his cheeks burn, knowing he's been caught. He hates how transparent he is, that his feelings are written all over his face. "Fine. But it's not a big deal."
Taehyung gives him a look that says, 'You sure about that?'
Jungkook looks at his friend, then down at his lap, twiddling his thumbs. There's a long silence before the word-vomit eventually spills out of him.
"We've been having sex for a year and it was just casual at first, well...it still is casual, and we set a few rules so that there's still boundaries between us, but then I started developing feelings and she's just so guarded, like, she won't open up to me and I know that if she finds out I have feelings for her, she'll pull away and it'll ruin everything," he rambles, the words tumbling out like he's been dying to tell someone. He knows it was supposed to stay between the two of you, but he trusts Taehyung implicitly and he knows his friend would never judge him or the situation.
Taehyung looks at him with raised eyebrows, listening to him ramble on about the whole situation, trying to wrap his head around it. He knows how much of a softie Jungkook is and he never thought he would ever hear him say he has a friend with benefits.
"Damn, dude...you look like you needed to get that off your chest."
"I guess I did, yeah," Jungkook murmurs with a little scoff.
"Okay, so, she explicitly told you she's not interested in you romantically?"
"Well, no, she didn't say it directly, but she doesn't have to," Jungkook sighs. "She's made it clear more than once that she's not looking for anything serious from me."
"Damn," Taehyung murmurs, his face full of sympathy. "Has she said why?"
Jungkook looks back out the window, looking down at you with a melancholy expression on his face. "I know it's something to do with her ex, but she won't tell me the full story, so I don't really know what happened. I know she's been hurt before and she's wary of it happening again. I know she's not ready for anything serious, and I respect that. It's just..."
"You thought it would be enough for you?" Taehyung asks softly, carefully.
"But it's not?"
"Would it make me an awful, selfish person if I said it's not?"
"No," Taehyung says firmly, a soft smile forming on his face. "It would make you a human being with a soft heart and strong feelings."
Jungkook scoffs, feeling guilty for simply thinking of being with you in a romantic sense. He knows you've been through some hard things in the past, and all he wants is a chance to prove himself to you.
"Do you want to tell her how you feel about her?"
"I don't know," Jungkook mutters, a slight pout forming on his lips. "I keep going back and forth about it in my head. Part of me wants to tell her and lay all my cards out on the table for her...another part of me is scared of pushing her away even further."
Taehyung goes silent for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip in thought. "Is the sex good?"
Jungkook narrows his eyes at his friend. "You have the worst timing."
Taehyung chuckles, shrugging like he just couldn't help but ask.
Jungkook rolls his eyes but gives in, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, it's...it's really good. Probably the best sex I've ever had, if I'm being real."
"Wow," Taehyung scoffs, his eyes wide. "I'd say you should wife her but...y'know..."
Jungkook gives him a dirty look, once again getting a slap from reality, Taehyung subtly wincing at his friend's misfortune.
"Look, I want to say screw her and it's her loss because you're a fuckinโ€™ catch...but I mean, I get that she's just being cautious because of whatever happened with her ex."
Jungkook sighs, nodding slowly.
"Yeah. I just wish I could prove to her that I would never hurt her, that I would respect her and treat her right." Jungkook mentally curses your ex for screwing things up for him. He just wants a fair shot with you. "She's such a beautiful woman and she doesn't even see it."
Taehyung nods, looking out at you through the window. "Yeah, she's very attractive."
"No, I mean, she's stunning, but...the way she speaks, the way she acts, the person she is...she's just so beautiful. I want her for so much more than her physical being," Jungkook murmurs softly, his heart yearning to show you just how lovely he thinks you are.
"Honestly, I think the best thing you can do for her is be her friend if that's all she needs for the time being and slowly try to bring down her walls little by little. And if that doesn't work, then I think you should keep your options open. I know this sucks, dude, but you have to think of yourself too. You can't try to mend her while breaking yourself."
Taehyung is a wise man, and Jungkook trusts his judgement. He teaches literature, for crying out loud. He reads Shakespeare for a living. He should be well versed in these things.
"Yeah," Jungkook nods, taking in Taehyung's advice. "I guess you're right, Tae. Thanks for listening to all my crap."
"Hey, you're my best friend. No sweat." He goes quiet before casually asking, "So, do you think she has a friend for m-"
"Wrong time, my bad."
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< Part 2 || Part 4 >
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708 notes ยท View notes
jmkjournalblog ยท 4 months ago
"Soulmates" Part 1
Part 2
Pairing:Wednesday Addams x FemVampire! Reader
Summary: The Fem!reader, vampire with a penchant for dark humor and psychopathic tendencies, is sent to Nevermore Academy by her parents following an unpleasant incident involving the murder of a couple of triple students in her previous school. Despite their contrasting personalities, the reader and Wednesday form a complex bond, navigating their differences while facing challenges that threaten to keep them apart.
A/N: This text combines three chapters written at different times, so there might be slight differences in style. Also, English isnโ€™t my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes))
Warnings: Shitty humor
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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the picturesque town. It was a quaint, almost idyllic place, with its cobblestone streets and charming old buildingsโ€”a far cry from the darkness that lurked within the reader's soul. She stood at the edge of town, a lone figure amidst the bustle of the afternoon crowd. Tall and imposing, with an air of quiet confidence that set her apart from the ordinary townsfolk, she surveyed her surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.
The Y/n was not here by choice. No, she had been sentโ€”a pawn in a game she had no desire to play. Her parents, in their infinite wisdomโ€”or perhaps, their utter lack thereofโ€”had deemed it necessary to exile her to Nevermore Academy, a school for misfits and outcasts. It was a punishment disguised as a solution, a way to rid themselves of a daughter whose darkness they could no longer abide.
And so, here she was, alone in a town that reeked of desperation and decay, a stranger in a strange land. It was a bitter irony, she thought, that a creature such as herselfโ€”a creature of the night, born to roam the shadowsโ€”should find herself so utterly exposed in the harsh light of day. But she was not one to dwell on self-pity, nor was she inclined to mourn the loss of a home she had long outgrown. No, she would embrace this new chapter of her existence with the same ferocity that she embraced life itself.
With a flicker of amusement dancing in her eyes, the Y/n turned her gaze towards the looming silhouette of Nevermore Academy, its spires reaching towards the heavens like the fingers of a long-forgotten deity. And as she took her first steps towards her new prison, she couldn't help but wonder what twisted fate awaited her within its hallowed halls.
*Y/n POV*
As I stepped into the imposing entrance hall of Nevermore Academy, I was greeted by the sight of a young girl. She was dressed in the school uniform, her blond hair falling in waves around her shoulders as she approached with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Welcome to Nevermore Academy," she said with a wry smile, extending her hand in greeting. "I'm Enid Sinclair. And you must be the new arrival."
I nodded, returning her handshake. Enid's warmth and charm were a welcome contrast to the oppressive atmosphere that hung me like a shroud.
"Nice to meet you," I replied with a forced smile. There's no point in being rude, this school is my last resort, and it's better to try to be nicer to people. "I must admit, I wasn't sure if anyone would meet me."
" I always give a tour of the school to new students, especially since you will be my roommate." A smile spread across her face. God, I wish I could be as carefree "It's going to be so much fun, you, me and Wednesday are three new best friends".
Three best friends? Well, that's one way to look at itโ€”a trio of misfits ready to conquer the world, or at least survive sharing a room.
"Wow, lucky me," I muttered inwardly, plastering on a grin that probably looked more like a grimace. "I've always wanted to be part of a trio. How did you know?"ย 
I forced another polite smile, masking my inner cynicism with practiced ease. "Okay, we can't stand here all day. Let's go. "
After walking around all the main areas of the school, Enid and I headed towards our room. The whole time we were walking, I couldn't shake the feeling that this place was definitely going to be interesting. Enid had her own issues, but I'd always been attracted to people who looked at the world with an unhealthy amount of optimism. Talking to her should dilute my morbid thoughts with a touch of sweet idiocy. For being alone with myself again does me no good, though it gives me a lot of pleasure.
โ€œSo, roomie, ready to see your new abode?โ€ - Enid said with a smile, her hand resting on the doorknob. With a casual shrug, I followed her into the room.
A huge room greeted us, with beds on both sides. The left side was a riot of colors, what I would call โ€œcolorblind worst nightmareโ€ It was a cacophony of hues that defied description. Plush toys adorned one wall. Well at least it is not dakimakura with half-naked characters from anime or furi costumes. On the other side of the room, the atmosphere was starkโ€”black linens on the bed, a desk, and a typewriter. Its practically untouched. It felt more like a museum piece than a living space, devoid of any trace of personality. Enid had mentioned that the other girl had only recently moved inโ€ฆ
โ€œWHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY ROOM ROOM?โ€ โ€“ Enid asked in irritation.
Her voice startling me out of my thoughts. Distractedly looking around the room, I completely missed the girl who was tearing off colored stickers from the right half of the huge window. It must be Wednesday.
โ€œDividing our room equally,โ€ replied Wednesday, her voice dripping with disdain. She kicked the last of the colored paper to Enid's side for emphasis. "It looks like a rainbow vomited on your side." She finished in a calm tone, as she returned to the desk at her side of the room.
God, I love drama.
โ€œI...โ€ I could literally see Enid's ears steaming right now.
โ€œSilence would be appreciated.โ€ Wednesday spoke as she quickly cut her roommate off. "This is my writing time."
I like this school already.
โ€œYour writing time ? โ€ Enid asked, raising an eyebrow.
Wednesday rolled up her sleeves as she situated herself in front of her typewriter. โ€œI devote an hour a day to my novel. Perhaps if you did the same your vlog might be coherent.โ€ she slides the carriage of the typewriter to the side as she continued, โ€œI've read serial killer diaries with better punctuation.โ€
She read serial killer diaries? One point to the goth girl.
Enid clenched her fists โ€œI write in my voice. It's my truth. It's what my followers love.โ€
โ€œYour followers are clearly imbeciles.โ€ Wednesday stood up from her desk as she moved infront of Enid. โ€œThey respond to your stories with insipid little pictures.โ€
โ€œUh, you mean emoji's?โ€ a small smile appears on Enid face โ€œIt's how people express their feelings. I realize that's a foreign concept to you.โ€
โ€œWhen I look at you, the following emojis come to mind. Rope, shovel, hole.โ€ She continues โ€œBy the way, there are two D's in Addams." she moved back over to her desk. โ€œIf you're going to gossip about me, at least spell my name correctly.โ€
โ€œAhemโ€- as much as I'd love for this delightful show to continue, I can't just stand there like an idiot with things to do. I could certainly settle down nicely on my suitcase to brew some coffee and continue watching this wonderful drama, but I think sooner or later they'll notice me.
โ€œOh, sorry about that please, I'm just not used to this attitude. Wednesday, meet Y/n. She's going to live with us too.โ€
โ€œThat's okay, Enid, you can continue this lovely conversation, very intriguing actually. All I need to do is put my things somewhere and ideally lie down myself. The long drive and the splendid but somewhat drawn-out tour, has tired me out.โ€
Wednesday turned to me. โ€œNice to meet you, now if you'll excuse itโ€™s my writing time,โ€ she said, before turning back to her typewriter. She began methodically tapping the keys of her typewriter.
I smiled to myself, amused by the interaction. These two were definitely something else.
โ€œMs. Thornhill has decided that your bed will be on Wednesday's side, there's more room and the closet is close by. Bed should be arriving soon, but in the meantime, you can lay out your things, the outer two doors are yours.โ€
โ€œGot it, okay then, that's what I'll do for now.โ€
Taking the suitcase in my hands I headed over to the closet, starting to put things away. I've always had a problem with this, not that I don't like it on the contrary, pedantically folding shirt to shirt, pants to pants, has always calmed me down. Things in the closet should look like they're on the counter of a boutique. If something doesn't look right, I can't sleep well.
Enid put on a song. I guess this is another one of God's tests for all the sins I've done. Don't get me wrong, I like music, but on rare occasions. People who play it on a regular basis to soundtrack their daily routine are the real psychopaths.
โ€œTurn it off!โ€ Wednesday gets up from her chair and heads over to Enid.
I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the exchange. It was moments like this that made me grateful for immortality. Trying not to attract attention, I peeked out from behind the locker door, amused by the unfolding drama.
โ€œThis is your final warning!โ€
As she got too close Enid raised her hands and let out her rainbow painted nails out a claw. โ€œDon't mess with me. This kittyโ€™s got claws and Iโ€™m not afraid to use them.โ€
Suddenly the door swings open and a woman walks into the room.
โ€œGood evening girls.โ€ She looks around the room throwing a glance first at me and then at Wednesday. โ€œI wanted to make sure that Wednesday and Y/n was settling in...โ€
She walks to the middle of the room, kicking up mud from her shoes on the wooden floorโ€ฆ. It drives me insane.
โ€œIโ€™m Ms. Thornhill, your dorm mom. Apologies, I wasn't here to greet you when you arrived. I trust Enid has given you the old Nevermore welcome.โ€
โ€œShe's been smothering us with hospitality, I hope to return the favor. In her sleepโ€.
Such unconcealed aggression, I like it.
โ€œEnid did a great job of showing and telling me everything, thank her so much, and it's nice to meet you,โ€ I interjected, wanting to move the conversation along.
Ms. Thornhill turned to me, offering a warm smile. โ€œI'm very glad it went well.โ€
โ€œThe only thing I would like to ask about is the bed. I wouldn't really want to sleep on the floor on the first day in such a beautiful place. It would have dampened all the excitement I got out of today.โ€
โ€œOh right, the guys were supposed to bring it, but it looks like they're running late. I'll have to find them again and tell them.โ€
At this rate, I was going to sleep on the floor tonight.
โ€œMs. Thornhill, why do we need the guys? Why don't you just show me where to get it, and I'll take it from there? I think I'm strong enough to do that,โ€ I replied with a sweet smile.
She looked at me in disbelief. I smiled a little, letting her catch a glimpse of my fangs.
โ€œAh, okay, I didn't realize right away. Not all vampires who are in this school have abilities such as strength or speed, so...Let's go,โ€ she said, turning around and heading for the door. I followed her, casting a disdainful glance at the dirt left on the floor.
Who even does things like that?
The walk with Ms. Thornhill was uneventful, except for her curious glances, which I pretended not to notice. She seemedโ€ฆ overly friendly, and her cheery disposition grated against every instinct I had. There was something unsettling in how her smile lingered just a bit too long. Still, I played the obedient new studentโ€”sweet smiles, polite nods, not even a hint of fangs. It wasnโ€™t hard to find the storage area, cluttered with dusty furniture and half-forgotten relics from who knows how long ago. With little more than a gesture, I hefted the bedframe onto my shoulder, making it look far easier than it should have been.
As I walked back through the hallways of Nevermore, I couldnโ€™t help but scan the dimly lit corridors and high arched ceilings. This place was dripping with history and secretsโ€”I could practically taste it in the air. I wondered what kind of skeletons were hiding in these closets and whether any of them were literal. The thought amused me enough to crack a smile, which I quickly smothered when I caught sight of the door to our room.
Returning to find Enid attempting to cheerfully hang more decorationsโ€”and failing spectacularly in the face of Wednesdayโ€™s withering glaresโ€”was almost worth the trouble. Almost. I stepped into the room, set down the bedframe with a soft thud, and stretched slightly, letting out a satisfied sigh that earned me a sideways glance from both girls. I raised an eyebrow at Wednesday, who, naturally, looked unimpressed.
โ€œYouโ€™re back,โ€ she stated flatly, her attention already returning to the clack of typewriter keys. โ€œIโ€™d begun hoping youโ€™d gotten lost and decided to stay that way.โ€
I grinned, leaning casually against the wall as I met her icy gaze. โ€œOh, did you miss me already, Wednesday? Iโ€™m touched.โ€ I let my words drip with playful mockery, watching for her reaction.
She didnโ€™t even pause her typing. โ€œI donโ€™t miss nuisances. They have a way of making themselves known whether one wishes it or not.โ€
โ€œWell, itโ€™s good to know Iโ€™ve made an impression,โ€ I replied lightly, crossing my arms. โ€œI do so hate being forgettable.โ€
There it wasโ€”a slight pause in her keystrokes. Barely perceptible, but I saw it. Victory. She resumed typing, but I could see the muscles in her jaw tense, and that alone was worth every ounce of effort. Behind me, Enid let out an exaggerated groan.
โ€œCan you two not flirt for five minutes?โ€ Enid asked, half-exasperated and half-amused as she tossed another garish pillow onto her bed.
โ€œFlirting?โ€ I said innocently, a hand coming to my chest. โ€œEnid, I think youโ€™ve misunderstood me. I was simply trying to have a civil conversation.โ€
โ€œYour idea of civil conversation seems to involve needling people until they bleed,โ€ Wednesday remarked coolly, finally glancing my way. โ€œIโ€™m sure youโ€™re quite proud of yourself.โ€
โ€œOh, very,โ€ I said, flashing a grin that showed just the hint of fang. โ€œBut I only needle people who are interesting. Take that as a compliment.โ€
Her expression didnโ€™t change, but there was a spark in her dark eyes. A dangerous, calculating spark. โ€œCompliments from you hold about as much value as a counterfeit coin. Useless and possibly diseased.โ€
I tilted my head, letting my smile widen. โ€œAnd yet youโ€™ve pocketed it anyway.โ€
โ€œEnough!โ€ Enid interjected, throwing her hands in the air. โ€œIโ€™m already regretting my decision to be roommates with either of you.โ€
โ€œI thought we were best friends, Enid?โ€ I teased, giving her a mock-wounded look. She rolled her eyes but smiled despite herself.
As the brief silence fell, Wednesday turned back to her typewriter, the clack of the keys resuming with renewed vigor. I moved to finish setting up my space, feeling her presence keenly even as she pretended, I didnโ€™t exist. But I knew better. Sheโ€™d noticed me, whether she liked it or not. And I intended to keep it that way.
I focused on arranging the few belongings I had, keeping one eye on my two roommates. Enid flitted around, determined to keep the atmosphere upbeat despite the thickening tension, while Wednesday remained stoic, her fingers tapping out words with relentless precision. The mechanical clatter of the typewriter filled the room, a fitting soundtrack to our peculiar dynamic.
As I stowed the last of my clothes, I moved to the shared windowsill. Half of it, Wednesdayโ€™s half, was bare and colorless, just like the rest of her side. I dragged a finger across the divider sheโ€™d drawnโ€”black tape down the middle, stark and deliberate. When sheโ€™d divided the room, she hadnโ€™t left any margin for negotiation. That was fine. I wasnโ€™t one to negotiate either.
โ€œDid you choose the dรฉcor yourself?โ€ I asked, tone light but teasing. โ€œIt really says a lot about you.โ€
The typewriter stopped mid-sentence, and her head turned, her expression a mask of cold detachment. โ€œIf by โ€˜a lotโ€™ you mean โ€˜nothing,โ€™ then you are correct. My surroundings reflect my disregard for frivolity.โ€
I leaned back against the windowsill, arms crossed, giving her a slow once-over. โ€œYes, I see that. Stark, somber, a touch of morbidityโ€ฆ Whatโ€™s next, Wednesday? Iron bars over your window? A โ€˜keep outโ€™ sign? Or is this already your version of a welcome mat?โ€
โ€œThose who need signs to warn them of danger are already too foolish to avoid it,โ€ she retorted, her voice like ice. She didnโ€™t look away, and I felt the weight of her attention settle on me like a dare.
โ€œDanger? That sounds intriguing.โ€ I stepped closer, deliberately closing the space between us. โ€œBut Iโ€™d rather find out for myself than take your word for it.โ€
Her eyes narrowed, and for a moment, I thought sheโ€™d lash out. Instead, she simply pushed her chair back with a quiet scrape and stood. โ€œAre you always this insufferable?โ€ she asked, stepping closer herself. We were nearly face-to-face now, her glare as sharp as a blade.
โ€œOnly when Iโ€™m provoked,โ€ I said, my voice softening, the challenge in it unmistakable. โ€œOr intrigued.โ€
For a heartbeat, I thought she might reach for one of her knives. It wouldnโ€™t have surprised me. But then she stepped back, and the flicker of emotion was gone, replaced by a cold, composed exterior. โ€œIntrigue is a fleeting distraction. Youโ€™ll tire of it soon enough.โ€
โ€œOh, I wouldnโ€™t count on that,โ€ I murmured, watching her turn her back to me and return to her typewriter. I had to give it to her; she was disciplined. Sheโ€™d withdrawn from the confrontation as if it hadnโ€™t fazed her, as if the moment hadnโ€™t happened. But it had.
Enid broke the silence, plopping down onto her bed with a frustrated sigh. โ€œWhy canโ€™t we all just get along? Isnโ€™t this supposed to be likeโ€ฆ the beginning of a beautiful friendship?โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t recall asking for friendship,โ€ Wednesday replied without looking up.
โ€œAnd I donโ€™t recall rejecting it,โ€ I added with a smirk, earning a scoff from Wednesday.
โ€œSee?โ€ Enid grinned, ever the optimist. โ€œProgress! Iโ€™m telling you, weโ€™re going to be the best trio ever. Just give it time.โ€
โ€œOptimism is a foolโ€™s currency,โ€ Wednesday stated, resuming her typing. โ€œItโ€™s usually spent too freely and leaves the owner penniless.โ€
โ€œGood thing I have plenty to spare,โ€ Enid shot back, unfazed. She turned to me. โ€œY/n, youโ€™ll see. Sheโ€™s all doom and gloom now, but sheโ€™ll warm up eventually.โ€
โ€œOh, Iโ€™m counting on it,โ€ I said, letting the implication linger. โ€œThough I have to admit, I like her just the way she is.โ€
Wednesdayโ€™s fingers paused for a fraction of a second, and my grin widened. There it was againโ€”the tell that she was paying attention, even if she pretended otherwise.
Enid reached for her phone, likely ready to drown out the tension with music or social media, but she paused, her expression curious. โ€œSo, Y/nโ€ฆ what brought you to Nevermore?โ€
โ€œExile,โ€ I said simply, my voice taking on a darker edge. โ€œIโ€™m here because my family thought it would be safer to have meโ€ฆ away.โ€
Enid blinked, unsure whether I was joking. โ€œSafer for who?โ€
โ€œExactly.โ€ I allowed a flicker of my fangs to show, then shrugged. โ€œBut this place isnโ€™t so bad. It might even grow on me.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s full of disappointments,โ€ Wednesday said coolly, not missing a beat. โ€œDonโ€™t let the shadows fool you.โ€
โ€œDisappointments keep things interesting,โ€ I replied, stepping back toward my side of the room. โ€œAnd Iโ€™ve always been drawn to interesting things.โ€
I felt her eyes on me even after she turned back to her writing. This was going to be fun. Dangerous, maybeโ€”but undeniably fun.
The next morning, the air was crisp, and a thin layer of fog crept around the gothic towers of Nevermore Academy. I found myself sitting on the edge of my freshly delivered bed, lacing up my boots. The rest of the room was quiet, but I could feel a watchful presence. Turning slightly, I caught Wednesdayโ€™s reflection in the mirror; she was silently observing me while pretending to prepare her things. Her eyes were intense as ever, like she was sizing me up, waiting for me to make the first move. It amused me, and I made no effort to hide my grin.
โ€œGood morning, sunshine,โ€ I teased, breaking the tension in the room.
She blinked, a slow, deliberate motion that barely disguised her disdain. โ€œPlease spare me your nauseating pleasantries.โ€
โ€œWhy, Wednesday, it almost sounds like you didnโ€™t sleep well.โ€ I stood, stretching. โ€œIโ€™d say Iโ€™m hurt by that, but I do recall you typing well into the night. Plotting murder, perhaps?โ€
โ€œIf I were plotting murder, you wouldnโ€™t have woken up,โ€ she replied with a deadpan expression.
I laughed softly, loving how quick she was. โ€œNoted. Iโ€™ll try to be more deserving of your mercy.โ€ I leaned closer as I passed her on the way to the door. โ€œFor now.โ€
โ€œDonโ€™t push your luck,โ€ she muttered, though there was a glint in her eyes that suggested she was far from indifferent. Oh, this was definitely going to be an interesting place.
The hallway was bustling with other students, each an oddity in their own rightโ€”shapeshifters, psychics, sirens, and more. I navigated the throng with ease, catching glimpses of curious eyes that lingered just a moment too long. Whispers followed me. New arrivals always attracted attention, and I wasnโ€™t exactly the type to blend in.
โ€œY/n!โ€ Enidโ€™s cheery voice pierced the noise, and she bounded over like a hyperactive puppy, practically glowing with excitement. โ€œHow did you sleep? Oh! Youโ€™re going to love breakfast hereโ€”itโ€™s the best part of the day!โ€
โ€œIโ€™m surprised you managed to sleep at all with the ambiance,โ€ I said, raising an eyebrow. โ€œI half-expected bats to swoop down from the rafters.
โ€œOh, theyโ€™ve tried.โ€ She shrugged with a wide smile. โ€œBut seriously, come on! The sausages are to die for.โ€
I followed her, letting Enidโ€™s chatter wash over me. She was like a rainbow in this dreary place, and, strangely, I found her optimism a welcome contrast. Wednesday walked a few steps behind us, silent and brooding as ever. It was almost comforting.
The cafeteria was a storm of voices, laughter, and clinking trays. Enid led me through the throng of students, her energy a stark contrast to the brooding architecture of Nevermore. We found a spot at a small table near one of the tall, stained-glass windows. As I settled in, a presence made itself knownโ€”a girl with sleek black hair, crimson-tinted sunglasses, and a confident air that turned heads without effort. She walked up, holding her tray like she owned the place.
โ€œMind if I join?โ€ she asked, but it was rhetorical. She was already sitting down, her eyes on me.
Enid perked up. โ€œOh! Y/n, this is Yoko Tanaka. Yoko, meet Y/n. Sheโ€™s new.โ€
โ€œYoko,โ€ I repeated, my gaze trailing over her with casual interest. I extended a hand, playing along. โ€œNice to meet you.โ€
Her grip was cool, steady. She didnโ€™t let go right away, and her lips curled into a smile. โ€œThe pleasureโ€™s all mine. So, Enidโ€™s newest roommate, huh? Welcome to the madhouse.โ€
I returned her smile, undeterred by the playful challenge in her tone. โ€œThanks. From what Iโ€™ve seen, Iโ€™m going to fit right in.โ€
โ€œReally?โ€ Yokoโ€™s fingers tapped rhythmically on the table. โ€œIt takes a lot to fit in here. But something tells me youโ€™ll manage.โ€ She tilted her head slightly. โ€œYouโ€™re not... ordinary, are you?โ€
I leaned back, crossing my arms. โ€œYou have no idea.โ€
โ€œOh, I might,โ€ she replied, the light catching the edge of her sunglasses. โ€œMost newcomers are easy to read. But you? Youโ€™re a little... more.โ€
Wednesday, who had been quietly picking at her food, suddenly spoke up. โ€œIf you two are done exchanging veiled flirtations, there are more important matters at hand.โ€
I turned my gaze to her, a smirk playing on my lips. โ€œYou know, Wednesday, if I didnโ€™t know better, Iโ€™d think you were jealous.โ€
โ€œJealousy is a pointless emotion,โ€ she said flatly, though her eyes seemed to darken. โ€œI simply despise wasted time.โ€
โ€œOh, so youโ€™d rather spend your time... constructively?โ€ I asked, feigning deep interest. โ€œWriting your next bestseller or analyzing the cafeteriaโ€™s murder statistics?โ€
She set her fork down with deliberate precision. โ€œBoth. I find productivity in all things. Unlike some people who waste their breath on hollow banter.โ€
โ€œSee?โ€ I leaned forward conspiratorially, turning to Yoko. โ€œThis is what I get for trying to lighten the mood.โ€
Yoko laughed, a rich, throaty sound that drew a few glances. โ€œYou two are something. But donโ€™t worryโ€”I enjoy the kind of banter that makes the daylight hours less boring.โ€
โ€œIs that why youโ€™re here?โ€ I asked, deciding to prod a little. โ€œTo liven things up for me?โ€
She pushed her sunglasses up, revealing striking eyes that glimmered with a mix of curiosity and amusement. โ€œMaybe. Or maybe Iโ€™m just trying to figure you out. Vampires donโ€™t often get surprises, you know.โ€
โ€œVampires?โ€ I arched an eyebrow, pretending not to know. โ€œIs that what weโ€™re calling ourselves these days?โ€
Enid jumped in with a cheerful clap of her hands. โ€œY/nโ€™s also a vampire, Yoko! You two should totally hang out. Maybe you can teach her the ropes!โ€
Yokoโ€™s smile widened, showing a hint of fang. โ€œOh, Iโ€™d be delighted. As long as she doesnโ€™t get scared too easily.โ€
I matched her smile, unflinching. โ€œScared? Thatโ€™s not really my thing.โ€
โ€œGood.โ€ Yokoโ€™s voice dropped, her gaze sharpening. โ€œBecause there are plenty of things in Nevermore that will test your limits. Iโ€™d hate for you to miss out.โ€
Before I could respond, Wednesday stood up abruptly, gathering her tray. โ€œThis conversation has officially crossed into drivel. Some of us have standards.โ€
โ€œLeaving already?โ€ I asked, enjoying the way her expression never wavered.
โ€œUnlike you, I have productive tasks awaiting me.โ€ She paused, her dark eyes meeting mine. โ€œTry not to lower the collective intelligence of the room while Iโ€™m gone.โ€
I grinned. โ€œIโ€™ll do my best.โ€
She left without another word, and for a moment, I could have sworn there was a hint of amusement hidden beneath her icy exterior. Yoko watched her go, then turned back to me, a knowing look on her face. โ€œYouโ€™ve got your work cut out for you.โ€
โ€œGood,โ€ I replied. โ€œIโ€™ve always enjoyed a challenge.โ€
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captain-bubble-wrap ยท 13 days ago
Jumping on this early!! Bedsy v-day date!๐Ÿฅฐ๐ŸŽ
...and I'm late getting it done! ( ยด-๏ฝ€) I had to work late! Sorry! ๐Ÿ’”
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He didn't have a clue what he was doing. Hockey was his forte, not planning dates and whatever.
Connor had just gotten off the phone with his sister, for pointers as to what he should and shouldn't do when it came to taking you out. She had given him the standard dinner and flowers sort of expectation, but that seemed too boring. Connor was guilty of putting off making plans with you until the very last minute, but Valentine's Day fell smack-dab in the middle of the season, and he had bigger things to worry about than making dinner reservations.
Y|N: Is there a dress code for tonight? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
Bedsy: Um I mean just wear something warm. Were not going anywhere fancy srry
Y|N: Aw, okay ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
Bedsy: I know I kind of let you down Ill make it up to u later
Y|N: So, like leggings and a hoodie?
Bedsy: If u think youll be warm enough yeah Ill see u around 7
Y|N: okie dokie โค๏ธโค๏ธ
Texting with Connor left a lot to be desired, but you got enough from the short conversation to make you excited about the evening. If you were being honest, the fact that he had asked you to do anything was more than you had expected -- a pleasant surprise. Since he said that you just needed to be warm and casual, you wasted no time trying to figure out what to wear. You still had four hours before he would be picking you up, but you wanted everything to be perfect! Well -- you wanted to look perfect! His gift was already packaged up and waiting on the table. You didn't really know what to get him, since he was known for getting anything he wanted when he wanted, but you tried to find something useful.
"So, what kind of hot date do you and Connor have planned?" One of your roommates asked as you checked your hair one more time in the bathroom mirror. "You can't be wearing that!"
You'd try to avoid making eye contact with her, but she persisted by sitting on the counter right next to you; getting as close to you as possible. "C'mon! Tell me!"
"No hot date, Chloe. I actually don't know what we're doing. He said it was just something casual."
Chloe rolled her eyes, obviously hoping for something much more luxe and romantic. "He's not taking you to Ever or something like that?"
"Pfft! Like he'd even have the thought to take me to a place like that!"
"Yeah, but he's this superstar hockey player, Y|N! He can afford it!"
Now it was your time to roll your eyes, "Like we fit the aesthetic of Ever! Yeah, okay..."
Your roommate hopped down from the bathroom counter in a huff. It was like she was trying to live vicariously through your date with Connor. "I still think he should take you out somewhere nice! I expect full details!"
You sighed as she finally left the room, "Of course you do."
Bedsy: Hey i forgot to tell u make sure u wear or bring some thick socks just n case
Y|N: Oh? Okay! Thanks for the heads up โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Bedsy: ur welcome
Connor picked you up slightly after six-thirty, which you didn't mind given that your roommates were still on your case about your plans with him. You hardly said goodbye to them when his text arrived in your inbox. They probably meant well, but whatever he wanted to treat you to was your business and they could just wait until you got home to voice anymore of their opinions.
"You alright?" Connor asked, as you hurried down the front steps of your apartment to his awaiting car. He was leaning against the passenger side door, looking comfy in his beige hoodie and black pants; his hair was tucked under the hat he was wearing, leaving cute, little wings over his ears.
"Yeah-- yeah, I'm fine. The girls were just getting on my nerves. Happy Valentine's Day, baby." You smiled against his lips before sharing a tender moment against the cool, February air. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his body for a tight hug. You nearly dropped his gift feeling yourself shift off balance against him.
"Happy Valentine's Day," He mumbled, placing another kiss on your lips before letting you go. "I managed to get us a last minute dinner reservation."
He laughed, looking down out of pure embarrassment, "I may have..."
"Did you name-drop?"
Connor's face flushed bright red, and it wasn't from the iconic Chicago wind. "It's possible, yeah. Look, I'm not happy about it... They said they didn't have anything at that time, but took my name just in case there was an opening. After I told him, he said he'd make sure there was something open. So, technically, I didn't really do it...on purpose!"
Shaking your head as you smiled, you'd let him open the door for you, "It's okay, I won't tell."
- - -
The sushi had been amazing and a wonderful surprise to start the evening off with. You had a quaint little table, tucked back in the corner where the two of you had been free to enjoy each other's company without fear of being gawked at and you weren't interrupted by anyone but the wait staff. You didn't have a problem with fans approaching Connor, when the two of you were out in the city, but no one wants their dinner being disrupted.
You hadn't yet exchanged your gifts, but once you got back to the car, it was Connor who insisted you open yours first. The box he handed you was heavy, and proved to be a little difficult to drag up from the back seat, but he managed after a little bit of a struggle.
"Oh, this is heavy!" You commented, once the box laid in your lap.
He laughed, "I hope you like it."
Tearing through the hastily wrapped gift, you discovered that Connor had given you a pair of hockey skates! "You got me skates?"
"Yeah, I thought I could give you that skating lesson you've been asking for."
"Aw, baby! Really?" You were smiling from ear-to-ear. They looked like something an NHL player would have, not someone who had never had skates on before, but you were thankful and excited nonetheless. "These are really nice!"
"I reached out to Bauer for a favour, and they came through pretty well, I think."
"So, this is why I needed the extra socks?"
"Ha, yeah. I hoped you wouldn't figure it out," he grinned, blushing in the dim light of the parking garage.
Reaching down, you'd retrieve the gift box you had for him, but you knew your gift couldn't compare with his. "My gift isn't as flashy, sorry."
"Huh? Anything you've ever given me, I've loved. I'm sure this is no different."
He had the sweetest smile, and always knew how to reassure you, in his own subtle way, that just being around you was worth more than any boughten thing. Carefully, he unwrapped the box, and upon flipped the lid, was grinning. Inside, were a dozen pairs of hockey laces, all lined up in their individual plastic boxes.
"Thanks, babe! I can always use these."
"I just wanted to get you something you could use. I'm sorry it's nothing more than just some laces."
Connor leaned over the center console to cup your right cheek, pulling your gaze to him. "You could have just given me a candy bar or something, babe, and it still would mean as much."
You didn't know what to say, so you said nothing. He was just too sweet.
"No sad face," he teased. "Ready for some skating?"
"Promise you won't let me fall?"
He laughed, "I'll try my best."
- - -
The park's outdoor rink was bustling with giggling couples enjoying the company of their partners during the holiday. White lights twinkled overhead, hold-overs from the Christmas season, and somehow brought a warmth to the area, despite the low temperatures. Connor took your hand as you walked, giving you a little squeeze that made you smile every time he did it. It took a minute before the two of you found a place to sit down and get your skates on. As was expected, he got his on first, as you put on your extra socks and loosened the laces of your new gift.
"Here, let me get them for you."
Connor bent down and placed your right foot between this legs while he laced everything up tightly. The whole time you sat there patiently, you wondered how you were going to even walk towards the rink, let alone skate!
"Will you carry me out there?" You asked, half joking.
"You'll be alright. We'll go slow."
He smirked, "I promise."
After a few minutes, it was time to see just how wobbly you were. "I'm scared."
"You're fine, babe!"
"Don't laugh at me!"
"I'm not trying to! You're just making too big of a deal out of it. Just relax. Gimme your hands."
Reluctantly, and with a sigh, you put your hands in his and so very carefully, pulled yourself to your feet, using Connor for balance. He let you stand there for a moment to find your center before stepping backwards while leading you.
"You're okay," he cooed, holding your hands tightly, keeping an eye on your steps. "Almost there. Now, watch your step, okay? You've gotta step down here."
On shaky ankles, you followed his advice and followed after him. Connor kept you close, and you had to restrain yourself from digging your nails into his skin.
"Babe, you've gotta breathe," Connor laughed.
"Right, right! Sorry!"
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
Biting your bottom lip, you looked him in the eye, but you were unsure of how to answer. You wanted to skate around with him --if you could consider what you were doing skating-- but the fear of getting hurt (or making a fool out of yourself) was getting really heavy.
"Yeah, I'm okay."
"I'm going to let you go for a second, okay?"
"What...? Why?"
Without another word, Connor spun around and put his back to you. "Put your arms around me."
With your arms around his waist, you felt more secure which was a good thing, because shortly after Connor began skating around the outer edge of the ice, at much more speed than you had ever expected. You just kept your feet together while he skated like normal. It was fun being so close to him, feeling his muscles tense beneath your hands. Keeping your head against his shoulder, the two of you went into a turn and you gripped him tighter. Connor placed a hand on your crossed arms, giving you a silent reassurance that everything was still okay.
"I'm not going to skate off without you," he said, keeping his pace as you both stayed along the boards. "You just let me know when you're done."
Three laps had been enough for you, and Connor seemed content with getting you off the ice. He didn't want to stress you out anymore than he feared he already had, and more and more people had decided skating on Valentine's Day was a cute idea, making the ice congested.
"You didn't fall down," Connor said, walking you back to the bench. "I'm going to go get our shoes, okay? I hopefully won't be too long."
His kiss could have lingered a moment longer, but it was enough to make you wait quietly for him to return. You'd watch everyone else on the ice while he was gone. Seeing little kids out-skate you stung a little, and you hoped you wouldn't waste Connor's gift. Maybe you could secretly get some lessons and ask him again for another skating date.
After about ten minutes, Connor returned, apologizing for having taken longer than he expected. "Sorry, babe. I got stopped."
"It's okay! I figured you might have." You smiled, taking your sneakers in shaky hands.
Connor noticed and frowned, "Are you cold? You're shaking."
"I'm a little chilly, but I'm okay."
"Well, here, let me get your skates off and we'll go get warmed up."
Even though you could have managed on your own, Connor seemed adamant about helping you so you'd let him. He worked so diligently, and you wondered if it was because he knew you were cold. You did fear that he'd be taking you home after this, and selfishly, you weren't ready to let him go just yet.
"Are you going to take me home now?"
Connor looked up from undoing your second set of laces, "Not if you don't want me to."
"I just want a little more time with you," you lamented, looking away from him.
His laugh made you snap your eyes back to his face. "That's fine with me. Wanna go get a coffee or something?"
"And donuts?"
His smile warmed you through completely. "And donuts."
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evnovaa ยท 6 months ago
Blame | Chris Sturniolo.
Chris Sturniolo x reader
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โ€œI feel stripped of my skin and alone.โ€
Genre: angst
Warnings: slight anxiety and swearing
a/n: alrightie cuties enjoy!
โ€œChris you are seriously starting to piss me off can you MOVE.โ€ Nick says to his brother as he stands in his way from getting into their shared apartment.
"Kid, you can walk around me you know that right?" Chris says in an annoyed tone.
Nick rolls his eyes and pushes past him "fucking imbecile, I swear" Nick said mumbling under his breath.
Chris was standing in the door way mainly because he was trying to get a hold of his girlfriend who doesn't seem to be answering the phone. Recently she's been distant and he has been assuming the worst either she is cheating on him or she's hiding something that she might be enduring without his knowledge.
Chris โญ๏ธ : y/n can you please just respond to say you are okay
Chrisโญ๏ธ: y/n I don't know what's been going on with you recently, and I'm not fucking akinator this shit is getting annoying.
Read at 9:59pm
Chris is still getting no response from y/n, she's clearly reading his messages which now indicates that she's ignoring him.
"Dude are you gonna stand there there the whole night?" Matt says to him coming down the stairs.
Chris goes ahead and ignores what his brother just said to him, in that moment it sounded like nothing but gibberish as he is still staring at his phone.
"Before Christmas Christopher." Matthew says to him awaiting a response.
Chris sighs and puts his phone in his pocket and walks into their apartment. He shoots straight to his room and shuts the door behind him.
Next morning
Y/n pov
I can see my boyfriend texting me and I know he's gotten irritated with me, but right now he is the last person to be irritated.
Me and Chris have been together for almost 3 years now, he is really amazing and been amazing all these years.
What has changed you may ask? Well all these years he has been amazing but like everyone else their boyfriend may do something they dislike but don't have the heart to say anything. For me it's him and his never ending friendship as he'd like to say with his ex-girlfriend
Earlier yesterday
"She really is incredible, but y/n hates the mention of her, l've noticed anytime I mention Lola around her she tends to get quiet and isn't present in the conversation anymore" Chris says venting to his friend Larry.
"Chris imma have to be honest with you, it is lowkey weird that you're so close to Lola while dating y/n, I don't know the boundaries surrounding your relationship, but usually girls don't want their man parading around with their ex-girlfriend."
"But listen she's more of a friend to me, dating her was like something I did because I felt alone, and needed the reassurance of a partner, but Lola and I grew into friends more than a couple, hence we broke up" Chris knows what he's saying is true in his mind but in his heart he loves Lola still, but refuses to come to terms with it.
"I don't know chrissypoo, you're gonna have to figure that one out with her." Larry says knowing this conversation will be far from productive if anything it was moving in retrograde.
โ€œBut Larry nothing is going on with me and Lola so I donโ€™t understand y/nโ€™s avoidance with her.โ€ Chris tries to sound convincing but deep down he know he is spewing utter bullshit.
Chrisโ€™s phone stars to ring and he sees it is his girlfriend, he answers the phone as if he is trying to cover up something.
Larry gives him a look of โ€œwhy do you sound guiltyโ€ but they let that moment die silently
โ€œHey baby!โ€ Chris says
โ€œOh hey babeโ€ฆwhy do you sound like thatโ€ y/n says chuckling lightly, but laced with concern and curiosity.
โ€œOh no itโ€™s nothing Iโ€™m just kickin it with Larry, uh do you wanna come over maybe? I miss you.โ€
โ€œI mean sure I just left the nail salon, but you wonโ€™t believe who I bumped intoโ€
โ€œHuh? Who? Was it Aaliyah?โ€ He says mentioning one of their best friends
โ€œNo unfortunately, but it was your girlfriend Lola.โ€ Y/n says sarcastically and laughing, hoping Chris would return the same reaction.
โ€œWHAT? Lola is NOT my girlfriend, you are baby why would you say that.โ€ Chris says shocked, mainly because Lola was the person they were talking about not too long ago and the conversation being about y/nโ€™s feelings toward Lola.
โ€œChris are you okay genuinely what the fuck are you on aboutโ€ y/n says slightly taken aback by his erratic response.
โ€œBaby I have no idea what youโ€™re talking about, actually letโ€™s talk more when you get home alright?โ€ Chris says quickly, now he knows he is being weird but is trying his very best to play it cool, newsflash itโ€™s not working in his favor.
โ€œOh uh okayโ€ฆโ€ y/n says before ending the call not even exchanging goodbyeโ€™s and I love youโ€™s like they usually do.
Y/n always had suspicions that she might be Chrisโ€™s rebound for Lola but they have been together for too long for that to even make sense in any kind of way. But again y/n is anxious by nature, she overthinks everything. Well tonight she decided that she was gonna go through his phone, sheโ€™s hoping and praying to find absolutely nothing to suggest that heโ€™s doing something he shouldnโ€™t.
She gets to the triplets apartment and they all exchanged greetings and ate their brunch together, Larry left a bit earlier so y/n was bummed she couldnโ€™t see him but she continued with her early afternoon with her boyfriend. Chris went with his brothers to film their Wednesday vlog.
Y/n got bored and decided to go to Chrisโ€™s room and stay there for a bit, she decided to also watch some Netflix on Chrisโ€™s MacBook. Sheโ€™s done with the episode of her favorite show and as she is about to close the laptop she sees a new IMessage notification from Lola.
Lolaaa๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿป : Iโ€™m almost there!
Chris : alright hurry tho๐Ÿ˜ญ
Chris: oh also we canโ€™t hang for too long, told y/n Iโ€™m out filming with Matt and Nick
Lolaaa๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿป : lying to your girlfriend to meet me๐Ÿคญ should I be honored?
Chris : should be she would flip if she knew what was happening
Lolaaa๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿป : where are Matt and Nick if she thinks youโ€™re with them?
Chris : oh yeah they are in the area, thrifting lol
Lolaaa๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿป : ohh okay, also parking rn so see you soon ๐Ÿ’‹
Chris : ight
Y/n wasnโ€™t crazy, she couldnโ€™t believe what she just read. Everything Chris has ever promised to her has become a lie,
โ€œwe never hang out without you around.โ€
โ€œSheโ€™s not even that important to me anymore.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m glad the friendship is drifting, gives me a chance to focus on us.โ€
everything he has ever said to her about Lola starts to ring in her head like a bell going haywire. Her vision gets blurry and she couldnโ€™t hold it in, she broke down, she felt like her trust with him is broken and things were going wrong. She doesnโ€™t think straight and decides to call him.
She starts calling him as her tears stream down her face as she sniffles.
โ€œHey uhhh Iโ€™ll call you back alright? Iโ€™m just in the middle of something I promise Iโ€™ll call you backโ€
โ€œOh okayโ€ before she could finish her sentence he hung up.
Her heart shattered, she was picturing the worst, Was he cheating? Was he out doing things couples would do with her? How many times has she been lied to regarding Lola? All these questions were in her head and she didnโ€™t know how to cope and feel in that moment.
She broke down even more in Chrisโ€™s bed and in his hoodie that she wears all the time. She feels her chest closing and her head spinning.
minutes pass and y/n is on the edge of the bed facing the floor and she has never felt more alone in that moment. Chris knew y/n wasnโ€™t social, she didnโ€™t have many friends, if not all her friends were his friends so weโ€™re they actually ever y/โ€˜s friends? She wouldnโ€™t think so.
She gets her car keys and she leaves his apartment.
The drive home felt almost like an out of body experience. She felt like her whole world just ended, she never had trust issues with him till recently, he would mention her more than he should. she didnโ€™t realize it but she was becoming distant in her realization and overthinking when it came down to Lola.
Chris pov
โ€œI missed you a lot yโ€™knowโ€ Lola says to Chris with eyes that show yearning and slight sorrow.
โ€œI missed you too, life has been weird without seeing you as much, but Iโ€™ve adjusted I guess.โ€ Chris says genuinely, he meant every word, in all seriousness he didnโ€™t know if he still liked the thought of himself with Lola.
โ€œI mean, youโ€™re in a relationship and it made me back off, I didnโ€™t want to but it was out of respect.โ€
โ€œYou shouldnโ€™t have done that, I need you too Lola.โ€ Chris realizes he said the last part of his sentence out loud, if anyone was there they would say that was the worst freudian slip ever.
โ€œYou need me? Since when? y/n was all you ever talked about day in and day out.โ€ Lola says looking up at her best friend.
โ€œI mean youโ€™re my friend right? Friends need each other.โ€ Chris says trying to save himself.
โ€œChris do you still want to be with me? I canโ€™t tell and I need to know I canโ€™t keep sneaking around to meet you.โ€ Lola says pleading with the boy.
Chris has major whiplash in that moment and looks at here with shock, as if she almost read his mind.
โ€œI- no, Iโ€™m with y/n, we broke up for a reas-โ€œ Chris gets interrupted by Lolaโ€™s lips and he cannot stop it, his lips melted into hers and they shared a moment that only they will be able to describe.
Lola pulls away first from the kiss and is the first to speak.
โ€œYou canโ€™t keep lying to yourself Chris, the way you just kissed me contradicts everything you just said does it not?โ€ Lola says looking at him knowing sheโ€™s right
โ€œLola what the fuck was that? You canโ€™t fucking do that I have a girlfriend, I donโ€™t fucking want you!โ€ Chris says yelling out of guilt
โ€œTell me you donโ€™t want me, say it.โ€ Lola says
โ€œI CANโ€™T SAY IT OKAY? I CANT!โ€ Chris yelling at Lola, her eyes enlarged and his eyes were filled with tears and he was filled with guilt and distress.
โ€œI canโ€™t fucking do this Lola.โ€ Chris says as he walks away from Lola leaving her in the middle of the empty parking lot.
Chris calls Matt to tell him to come get him, which he does, Chris enters the car without a word to either of his brothers.
โ€œYou okay kid?โ€ Matt says concerned
โ€œYeah Iโ€™m fine, fuck I need to text y/n.โ€
Chris calls and texts to no response, they arrive at home and still nothing from his girlfriend.
They arrive at their apartment, see y/nโ€™s car isnโ€™t there, sends Chris into a panic.
Chris โญ๏ธ : y/n can you please just respond to say you are okay
Chrisโญ๏ธ : y/n I don't know what's been going on with you recently, and I'm not fucking akinator this shit is getting annoying.
Chris feels nothing but guilt and anger in his body, and he has no idea how to deal with it. His night is filled with crying and silent suffering
He in this moment only has himself to blame.
A/n: well! That went well didnโ€™t it ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ #prayfory/n free you my heart ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ lmk if yโ€™all want pt.2
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simplyvyn ยท 8 months ago
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Hii!! I hope ur doing great! I'm that reader who loves ur kaiser fic last week hehe :] it's been over a week, so I wonder if reqs are open rn but I'd love to suggest a Kaiser x (german) fem reader who's really close to her father and wants to bring Kaiser to meet him ๐Ÿฅบ gn reader should be fine too!! Thank uโ™ก -req !
M. Kaiser x reader | wc: 1.8k
Warnings: ooc kaiser like very, implied fem! reader, fluff, crack or maybe not, german typings w/translation!, german! Reader
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"Mikka!!" You shouted as you went into the living room where your lovely but not lovely boyfriend is there.
"You don't need to shout my name, Mein Liebling." He looks at you from the side and went back to his book that he was reading. He raised his reading glasses to fix it till you sat next to him making his focus on to you. You took the opportunity to speak.
"Meine liebe, look!! Wait no, don't look. I'll be the one to tell you." You cleared your throat and sat up straight while Kaiser closed his book and continued resting his head on his hand.
"My sehr geliebter Eltern, wants to meet you, mein lieber Liebhaber." You squealed as you held your hands as if you were truly excited.
"Well for context, i have been talking about you to my father, and if your gonna ask, its part gute dinge part part schlechte dinge. But they liked you!"
Thats what you thought. And here your boyfriend was kind of overthinking. Your parents liked him? As if! What if when they actually meet, your father will beat him up? Part schlechte dinge? Did your parents judge him for it? What if your father is like his? All his thoughts were completely opposite of yours.
Unlike his, your thoughts were more.. What should we do first? Where should they meet? Where should they eat? You were quite excited. But that completely changed your mind when you saw Kaiser, he was surprised. You can't tell if its good or bad, he didn't look angry nor happy. More like fear?
"I know what I'm assuming is so out of character for you but.." Your two hands sneaked up to hold his. "He really does like you. I'm 200% sure he won't assume anything negative at all."
"That is, if you're busy or have a match or practice. When are you available." You asked and he snapped out of his thoughts. "I guess tomorrow. Any time is fine."
"Eeeekk! Ich liebe dich so sehr!" You wrap your arms around his neck as you hug him. "Its gonna be very fun, i promise." You said as you sat down and laid your head on his shoulder while you text your parents. He thought he never saw you as much happy as you are now. You seem to be quite fond to your father. He was quite selfish yet even he was shocked. He was happy that your happy with your father.
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That was fast. That tomorrow was already is today. He let you choose his clothes honestly. You just said for him to pick on his own and say that any is fine. Just not too formal. And he understood the assignment by the way.
He drove you guys to your old house or province. Your house wasn't too big. It was just perfect for a family. Kaiser took a notice to that. He parked your car and then went out to rush to your side of the car and opened it.
"Thanks, schatz." As you come out. Only theb you realized he was quite more.. quiet than his usual smug personality is.
"Stop being so nervous. 'Ts just my dad! You'll br fine." You pinched his cheeks."
"I didn't say anything!"
You knocked on the door awaiting for your dad and to your surprise, he's the one to open the door with your mom peeking from the kitchen.
"Hallo, Kleiner!" (Hello, little one!) Your dad spoke.
"Hallo, lieber vater! Das ist mein Geliebter, Michael." (Hello, dear father! This is my lover, Michael.) You spoke, introducing your partner to your father.
"Haha! Ich hรคtte nicht erwartet, dass er schรถner aussieht, als Sie sagten. Sie รผbertreffen meine Erwartungen." (Haha! I didn't expect him to look more handsome than you said, you exceeded my expectations, young man.) You nudge your father with your elbow.
Haha, du brauchst einen gutaussehenden Mann fรผr eine schรถne Frau, weiรŸt du? (Haha, you need a handsome man for a beautiful daughter you know?) Kaiser shook hands with your father and then you hit Kaiser with your elbow. He still had his ego.
Eventually, you two sat down at the dining table to talk with your dad while your mom cooks up food.
"Ich habe tatsรคchlich etwas von Deutschlands Nationalgericht, Sauerbraten, gekauft." (I actually bought some of Germany's national dish, sauerbraten.)
Honestly you were shock when he took out the food. You didn't even know he had brought some. How? Did he already prepare it? Or did he order it? Wait, is he trying to make a first good impression? That's funny.
Your mom squealed from the kitchen. "Sauerbraten? das ist eines meiner Lieblingsgerichte!" (Sauerbraten? this is one of my favorite dishes!)
Your father and your mother thanked him for the food and your dad decided to talk about your lover for a while.
You have to admit, even you were slightly nervous. Its the first time in a while that your dad had slight tension.
"So, Michael. Do you have a job currently?" Your dad asked.
"Dad, i already tol-"
"I'm not sure if you're familiar with me but, I'm a famous soccer player in german right now. I have a match coming up next week, you should watch me." Then he brought out two front row seat tickets, one for your mom, one for your dad.
"None tickets for my daughter?" That definitely gave you more tension.
"She already has three front row seat tickets to my next three match. Including to the tickets i gave you, sir." SIR? KAISER WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?
"Wait, may i ask, what's your last name?" My dad asked.
"Oh, Kaiser. Michael Kaiser." He answered politely.
"Oohh! Now i remember you, i remember seeing that tattoo on your neck somewhere. You're from Bastard Mรผnchen. Correct?"
Kaiser chuckled and answered, "Yes, sir. Its my pleasure to meet you." Then Kaiser shook hands with him again. You hope your dad don't see that as provoking him.
Your dad laughed.
"I like you, young man! You better marry my daughter soon, okay?"
Then your mom asked from the kitchen, "Speaking of, how long have you two been together?"
Cough, cough
"A year.. and a half." You both answered at the same time.
"WHAT! and you didnt plan to tell us?!" Your mom answered. Then your father spoke.
"Only you, dear. Half of the year, your daughter has been chatting me about her boyfriend."
"Dad !" You called your dad, while Kaiser just laughed from it.
Wait. Laugh? Thats not much in Kaisers vocabulary. Wow, and he seemed much cuter when he has a genuine one. What a pretty boy. Maybe you are lucky.
"I'm expecting more from you, soccer prodigy of germany! I'm glad you have chosen my daughter." Your dad chuckled and even Kaiser laughed.
"Is that supposes to be an insult, dad?.." you answered with a sigh.
"I am glad too. Very glad."
Little did you know, his hand was sneaking up to yours under the table, holding it firmly but with gentleness.
"Food's done! Lass uns essen!" (Let's eat!) Your mom spoke from the kitchen as she walked to the dining room, putting down the food as she sat down next to you father.
"Now, i'll be the one asking questions to Michael." Your mom said with a grin to your father.
"Say, Michael, i expect that you and my daughter didn't do anything wrong, right? I don't want a police coming to my house.."
"Mom! I would never even!"
"Mrs. L/N, I assure you, those are not in my vocabulary. Other than being the best in soccer, and winning, taking care of and protecting your daughter might already be my top priority."
Your mom squealed. "Such words! I expect good from you Sir Michael, i'm also telling this to you, Y/N." Your mom then glared at you glare back.
"Oh please, wanna know my vocabulary? Its having patience with him." And your parents just laugh it of, while your looking at a blushing mess Kaiser.
He didn't expect he'd even be in a table like this with parents. And you. This is quite relaxing. Maybe he should have more of these. Kaiser thought.
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Mein liebling - My darling
Der Schatz - dear
Mein liebe - my love
sehr geliebter Eltern - my beloved parents
mein lieber Liebhaber - my dear lover
Ich liebe dich so sehr - i love you so much!
A/N: chat im sorry if this is shortโ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธ reqs r always open! Sorry if this took long too, requester..๐Ÿ˜“ I ALSOXWANT TO APOLOGIZE IF MY GRAMMAR IS SUPER BAD HERE... german, nor english is my first language๐Ÿ˜ฅ
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apomaro-mellow ยท 1 year ago
Wrong Number 4
Steve was eternally grateful that he'd finally told Robin about Eddie. Because now, he could torture her with his outfit choices. Robin groaned and covered her eyes as Steve held out more shirts.
"What do you think? Stripes or no stripes?"
"Steeeeeeve", Robin whined.
"You're the one that told me stripes really shows off my chest."
"Is Eddie a tits guy? Or an ass man?"
Steve put the shirts back in the closet. "I don't know. I don't know Robin and the fact that this is a video call date makes it worse."
"Actually....actually it makes it better." Robin uncovered her face and grabbed Steve's shoulders. "You'll be on the phone the whole time!"
"Yes...We've established this", Steve said, not sure where she was going with this.
"I mean, if you're doing a video call, YOU control what Eddie sees."
Steve stared at her face for a long while as she simply emoted using her eyebrows. "Robin, no."
"Robin, yes. Come on. We're going shopping. You're waaay overdue for this. And I need a couple of things myself."
"Things going that well with Chrissy?", Steve asked right before Robin threw his shoes at him.
"What do you think I'm doing while you're on your date?", Robin grinned.
Eddie's excitement just got more and more intense with each day. By Wednesday he was vibrating any time his hands weren't occupied with something. He only hoped it didn't translate to his texts. Cool as a cucumber, that was his motto when it came to Steve. He couldn't come on too strong.
(9:45 am) Thinking about those beefy thighs (9:46 am) god i wanna wrap them around my head
Perfect. Smooth. And not too much.
At least he didn't think so at the time. About an hour later Eddie remembered that Steve was at work and possibly reading that text in a room full of prepubescents. And he knew he was going to reap what he sowed when Steve texted him later.
[12:01 pm] You are the ultimate distraction.
(12:02 pm) sry. i forgot you were at work
[12:03 pm] I don't think you are sorry. In fact, I think you need to be punished.
Eddie needed to get a job in coding because there was no emoji that properly conveyed the intensity of the 'boi-yoi-yoi-yoing' going on in his pants. How grateful he was that he didn't need to talk. Texting would cover any stuttering he was sure to do.
(12:04 pm) punishment? ๐Ÿ˜ (12:04 pm) what kind of punishment?
[12:05 pm] See me after class, Mr. Munson.
God, four o'clock couldn't come fast enough. Eddie knew that'd be around the time Steve got home from work. He spent about an hour rolling around in bed before getting up, needing to distract himself. He wasn't due for work today, but he went in anyway to loiter.
"I can tell you're horny and I can tell you're just idling until you get your dick wet. Get lost, some of us have actual work to do", Jeff said.
Eddie let out a dramatic gasp. "Jeffery! Jeffords! Jeffaniel! Jeffanie!"
"Are you just going to sit there, making up full names for me or are you gonna get off your ass?"
"I'll replace all the boards and sweep out the alleys for the next two hours", Eddie said, holding his hands together like he was praying to his friend.
Jeff rubbed his chin as he considered it. "Only if you take this next party I have coming in."
Eddie looked at the group arriving. There had to be at least a dozen. And he just knew they only reserved one lane. They always only reserved one lane.
"You drive a hard bargain Jimothy."
"Not even close", Jeff crossed his arms. "And it's this or whatever ants in your pants you'll do if you're unoccupied."
Curse his friends for knowing him so well. Eddie held up his end of the deal, taking care of the party. Turned out it was a birthday party (happy 14th Ashton). But two hours later, the time had passed and Eddie went back home. He still had an hour to spare (he didn't want to leave Steve waiting), so he spent the rest of the time coming up with some ideas for their date in a few days.
[4:04 pm] Are you home?
(4:05 pm) At home and awaiting orders gorgeous (4:05 pm) Have I been a bad boy Mr. Harrington?
Eddie's phone rang and he picked it up as he crashed onto his bed. He knew Steve could hear it when he laughed on the other end.
"You need to keep a tighter lid on those urges. It was a lucky break that all the kids were focused on their dishes that they didn't see the face I made."
"Truly, my bad Stevie. But I can't help what you do to me."
Steve chuckled. "Not even a little?"
"Not one bit. Okay, maybe a little bit. The truth is, I could've said a lot more, but I was holding back."
"Really now? And what would you have said if you weren't holding back?"
Eddie could hear something that sounded like movement in a bed. Steve was getting comfortable too. He thought about the picture he had saved, of Steve's lower body in those shorts. He had been laying in bed then too. Eddie let his mind wander for a bit. What he'd do if Steve were really in bed beside him...
"Baby if you were here right now, I'd have my hands all over you. You'd think I was an octopus."
"Tell me where you'd touch me first", Steve said.
"Well I'm still thinkin' of those legs of yours. You like massages, Stevie? I could rub you down all day."
Steve imagined Eddie digging his fingers into his muscles. That would really hit the spot, especially after a workout. "Mmm, and then?"
"And then I'd wrap them around my head, like I said. I saw what you were packin' in those shorts, baby. I would love to get my mouth on you."
Eddie heard Steve let out a soft moan and he definitely heard a zipper and some shifting. God, the image of Steve stroking himself... Eddie unzipped his pants too, palming at himself while the other hand kept an ever tightening hold on the phone.
"I wanna hear everything, baby. I'm working so hard sucking you off, I deserve to know how good I'm making you feel."
"So good, uh", Steve let out a small breath at the end.
"Yeah? I haven't even told you how I'd rock your world yet", Eddie grinned.
"I just know...You're so good with your mouth."
"You like the way I lick you up and down? How I kiss that beautiful tip?" Eddie knew he had a dick just as handsome as the rest of him, never mind that he had yet to see Steve's whole face yet. His hand pumped up and down as he envisioned the weight of Steve in his mouth. He thought about getting drunk on that taste.
Eddie groaned and his eyes fluttered close, his mouth moving faster than his brain. "Do you shave Steve?"
"....No...is that a problem?"
"Ohh it's the opposite of a problem babe. I bet you got a thick bush. I'd sink all the way down, bury my nose in it while you're fucking my throat."
Steve let out the most delicious sound as he came and Eddie wasn't too far behind. It was like he was there, hairs coarse and curly rough against his skin while Steve moaned right into his ear.
"Mmm", Steve hummed. "I know you look good now. My cum dripping off your lips."
"I'd swallow it all, sweetness. I wouldn't waste a single drop." He would take all that Steve gave him and then some. He was a greedy man.
"I know you wouldn't. I don't allow anything to go to waste in my classroom. Have you learned your lesson, Mr. Munson?"
"Maaaybeee. I might need another lesson, Mr. Harrington. Say, this Friday, at eight?", Eddie teased.
"I suppose you'll need more help studying. Don't be late, mister."
For once, Steve didn't linger after work. He made sure the kids cleaned up every last dish before the last period even ended. He even let them go a minute and a half before the bell. When Steve left, he went the back way to avoid most of the other teachers and that pre-weekend conversation. He got home right away and started getting ready. Robin had her own date tonight which meant he had limited time to get her help and last minute input.
When she got home from work, the apartment was a flurry of activity between them.
"Steve, I need the blow dryer!"
"Wait! I'm almost done!"
They both crashed into each other's spaces as they tried using the one bathroom mirror.
"Why can't you use your stupid vanity mirror?", Robin asked.
"That mirror is just for my hair and it's too small."
Robin gave him a side eye. "Is that my eyeliner?"
"Is that my face cream?"
For some reason, Robin insisted on getting dressed in his room, which meant at some points their outfits got switched around and they had to re-dress. The pandemonium finally quieted when Robin left for her date and Steve was at last alone for his. It was at 8:00 sharp that Eddie sent a text.
(8:00 pm) Knock knock ๐Ÿ˜™
Steve smiled as he started a video call. His heart fluttered at the thought of finally seeing Eddie's full face. So imagine his surprise when he was instead met with a hand that had a face drawn on it. And what could only be Eddie doing a deeper, character voice.
"Hello my love. Are you ready for the romancing tonight? I hope I get lucky, ehehehehe."
To which Steve couldn't help but burst out in laughter. Any nerves he might've had flew away.
"Oh, I don't know. I'm a proper young man. I don't think I could court with someone who was so...handsy."
"I wouldn't lay a finger on you without your permission, lovely. But maybe a few smooches. Muahmuahmuah!" Eddie's hand attacked his phone's camera with kisses and Steve giggled like it was actually touching him.
As his laughing fit subsided, only then did Eddie reveal his face. He took Steve's breath away. He was literally speechless and just stood there staring, which made Eddie start to squirm a little.
"You tryina turn me to stone, Medusa?", Eddie joked.
"Sorry!", Steve apologized when he realized he had been staring. "You just...you look really nice Eddie."
"You don't look too bad yourself, handsome", Eddie smiled.
That was putting it lightly. For the both of them really. Steve felt like he was talking to the perfect man. Eddie felt like Steve had walked right out of his wet dreams.
"So, what did you order?", Steve asked as he sat down at his table. He made sure his phone was angled that it only showed him from the waist up. Robin had the bright idea that since he could control what Eddie saw, he could wear whatever he wanted under the line of sight.
He was currently wearing a blue and white striped polo shirt. And beneath that, some lacy, navy blue panties. Maybe Eddie would find out, maybe he wouldn't. Steve had his phone on the table, propped up against some books.
"I ordered the Munson special. A grilled cheese with potato soup."
"Oh, that's a Munson special, hm?"
"Damn straight. Tomato soup is still a classic, but I'd die for a potato. What'd you get?"
"I have some leftover pasta that I just added some mushrooms too. Nothing too fancy."
"Unless it's one of those truffles", Eddie pointed out.
Steve rolled his eyes as he twirled his fork. "Truffles? On a teacher's salary?"
"Hey, you could be secretly rich."
"Oh if I win the lottery, there will be signs."
"Like 5th graders using authentic truffles", Eddie nodded to himself.
They kept talking throughout their dinner and then took each other to their sinks to wash the dishes together. Eddie talked more about his friends. Some of which he worked with and the band he was in. Steve wasn't super into metal, but he liked it enough to be interested in whatever Eddie did.
When they had talked about their date night and discussed their options, they decided on dinner and a movie. Once the dishes were cleaned, Steve took Eddie over to the living room and he sat down between the coffee table and propped him against another set of books as they both queued up the movie on their ends.
"You know it's been a really long time since I've seen this movie", Steve said. "I think I was literally a kid."
"There was a time when this was literally my religion", Eddie said as Quest for Camelot started to play.
Steve knew Eddie was into Dungeons & Dragons, so him being in love with a fantasy movie made total sense.
"Did you have a crush on Garrett when you were a kid?", Steve asked, later during the movie.
"'Did'? I'd still let him use that staff on me six ways to Sunday!"
Steve laughed and he was coming to realize he laughed with Eddie much more than any of his dates in a long while.
"I'm gonna go grab a drink", Steve said as he got up. He nearly asked Eddie if he wanted something. It really was like he was right there with him. Steve grabbed a soda and then came back, sitting down in his spot again when he saw Eddie's expression.
He was silent, which was rare.
His eyes were bulging out of his head and his hand was over his mouth.
Steve was about to ask what was wrong when Eddie's eyes flicked down and then Steve got it. He had stood up. In full view of his phone. And then turned to go into the kitchen.
Eddie had gotten a first rate view of his panties.
Part 6
Tag Team (CLOSED)
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @estrellami-1 @newtstabber @omletlove @ifyoudonlysurrender @rehfan @morganski-19 @corvidcantina @dragonmama76 @just-ladyme @tinyplanet95 @goodolefashionedloverboi @idoquitelikebread @kittydeadbones @manda-panda-monium @rhapsodyinalto @paintsplatteredandimperfect @keylime-green @ihavekidneys @samsoble @honorarybrit81 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @aizawa-emma @deleataecount @thesuninyaface @fromapayphone @justmeinadaze @hbyrde36 @queenie-ofthe-void @resident-gay-bitch @bestwifehaver @dangdirtydemons @ellietheasexylibrarian @perseus-notjackson @pyrohonk @holysteddie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @mrsjellymunson @geekymagicalpotato @notaqueenakhaleesi
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darkeyessdarkheart ยท 5 months ago
Mi Vida
warnings: Language
pairings: Damian Priest x reader
word count: 3,137
Here you are! Again, I repeat bear with me. I'm still slowly but surely getting back into writing and finding my style. I used Spanish dictionary for the Spanish translations. If any are incorrect, please let me know! Enjoy!
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It was beginning to feel like a vicious cycle. This was the second week in a row that you were watching the newly reformed Judgement Day attack Damian. Even though you knew it was part of the long game and that in the end Damian would prevail, it didnโ€™t make it any easier. Watching your boyfriend get jumped by four men always made your skin crawl and your blood boil.ย 
You watched as Finn performed a third and final coup de grace on Damian; you shook your head, your lips pulled in tight in discontent. Being a part of production, you knew there was nothing you could do besides sit and watch and hope he wasnโ€™t extremely injured. You anxiously await the call for the video of Sheamusโ€™ promo to begin playing so you could rush to the gorilla to try to meet Damian. Just so you could at least see if he was walking on his own or if he had medics with him. You watch the countdown for the cameras to cut, and every second feels like an eternity.ย 
Finally the shot dissipates, and you pull your headset down to your neck, looking over at your coworkers. โ€œDonโ€™t even ask, just go. Take your 15 early.โ€ Your co-worker Lila says, waving her hand at you, already knowing you were going to ask if you could go. You mouth a quick thank you to her as she still has her set on and bolt to the gorilla. By the time you get there, Damian is already back; however, he is being supported by Rhea and an official. Heโ€™s bent over his abdomen clearly in excruciating pain, judging by the look on his face. โ€œHoly shit, is he okay?!โ€ You direct your questioning to Rhea, as Damian is clearly in too much discomfort to answer, his teeth gritted and groaning with every step he takes.ย 
โ€œI donโ€™t know. Weโ€™re taking him to medical to make sure he doesnโ€™t have any broken ribs.โ€ She shakes her head, making eye contact with you clearly out of breath herself after fending off Liv Morgan. โ€œIโ€™m coming with you guys.โ€ You immediately begin to follow alongside them. โ€œNo.โ€ You hear in a strained voice coming from your boyfriend.ย 
โ€œD, what do you mean, no?! I need to make sure youโ€™re not hurt!โ€ You look at him, trying to talk some sense into him, your eyes pleading. โ€œI said no.โ€ His voice now is more stern as he finally looks up and makes eye contact with you. โ€œIโ€™ll see you after the show.โ€ He keeps his eyes firm on yours, showing how serious he was. His composure falls as another pain shoots through his body, causing him to fold forward again, moaning.
โ€œSorry, Y/N, but we gotta hurry. Iโ€™ll text you!โ€ Rhea shouts behind her shoulder as they begin to move ahead of you down the long hallway.ย 
You stand there for a second, unsure of what to do. One part of you wanted to ignore everything he said and chase after them. But the other wanted to respect his wishes, even though you didnโ€™t understand them at all. Damian was always okay with you helping him out whenever you could. Helping him stretch before matches if you had time, making his protein shakes before going to the gym, meal prepping for him along with your own, helping wrap or tape any small injuries or sprains he obtained from matches, and many more things you were always happy to do for him. So why now would he not want you to be there for him?
Before your brain could continue to race, you heard noise coming from your headset. โ€œY/N, come on. Weโ€™re down three people tonight; we need you to finish the show.โ€ You sigh, shaking your head. The last thing on your mind was getting back to work, but you knew you had to do it. You begin to wander back to the production suite, your mind still going 1,000 miles a minute.
The last half of the show couldโ€™ve been five hours long as far as you were concerned. You were practically jumping out of your skin to run to the stadium exit and wait for Damian. Once you heard the shout of clear and packed your things, you were gone, practically throwing your equipment onto the table in front of you.ย 
Rhea had kept true to her word and let you know that his ribs werenโ€™t broken; no real damage was done, minus most likely some bruising to the ribs. Heโ€™d be okay, but definitely would be feeling rough for the next few days. While you were grateful, you knew Priest had to be absolutely livid.ย 
You watch as continuous superstars pass you on their way out, all giving you a smile, a wave, or a hi. Youโ€™re polite back, but they can tell youโ€™re anxiously awaiting your man. โ€œThanks, lass, have a good night.โ€ Youโ€™re broken out of your trance by Sheamus passing you. โ€œThanks.โ€ You softly smile back. Finally the terror twins emerge, Rhea being sure to stay near Damian to watch how heโ€™s walking. He has on a hoodie with the hood up as well as a baseball cap, almost fully hiding his face.
โ€œRhe, I canโ€™t thank you enough for helping him.โ€ You walk up, giving Rhea a quick side hug, also keeping a close eye on the large man beside you. โ€œOf course, mate, any time. Always gotta be there for my terror twin.โ€ She looks over, hoping to get a response from him, but he keeps his gaze straight ahead. Damian bypasses both of you, his head held down, hiding his already hidden face even further. You watch him duck into your car, wincing as he folds his body down enough to slide into the seat.
โ€œDonโ€™t take it personally, Y/N. Sure, Damian has had his losses. But up until these past few weeks, nothing like this.โ€ She shakes her head disapprovingly. โ€œThanks; hopefully I can get him to actually speak to me at the hotel.โ€ She scoffs sarcastically, โ€œYou have fun with that. Iโ€™m out, have a good night!โ€ย 
You wave your goodbyes and head to your car. Once inside, you see Damian pretending to be asleep in the passenger seat. You could tell he was faking it considering he wasnโ€™t snoring and was stiff as a board. His telltale signs that he was deep asleep. You shake your head and decide to let him have his moment, at least until you reach the hotel.
You open the door to your room, holding it to let him walk ahead of you. Normally this is something he would wholeheartedly protest. Damian was the kind of guy that, even if you were driving, he would run ahead of you to open your car door. He never let his girl hold the door unless absolutely necessary.ย 
โ€œD?โ€ You ask softly, standing behind him once the door is shut. He remains still as a statue, not turning around to face you. You walk around to the front of his body, coming face to face with him. โ€œCan you talk to me, please? Are you okay?โ€ You put your hands on his hips near his pants, careful not to touch anywhere that might be tender.
โ€œI want to lay down.โ€ He says monotony, still barely making eye contact with you. You look him up and down, debating how to do this without causing him discomfort. Nodding, you step aside slightly, letting him walk towards the bed. โ€œWait,โ€ you realize before he begins to lay down. โ€œLetโ€™s go ahead and get you out of your clothes. Thatโ€™s gonna be the worst part.โ€ He appears to snap out of his trance slightly, his brows furrowing as if heโ€™s contemplating it. Eventually he nods in agreement, walking back over towards you.
He looks at you, and you can almost see the struggle on his face. You can tell he wants to ask you, but itโ€™s as if thereโ€™s some type of physical block. Youโ€™ve never seen him this way. Damian was always the one who, even in the worst scenarios, was strong. Even if he was the one walking away with a black eye or a loss at the end of the night, he always kept on. โ€œYou donโ€™t have to ask mi amor. Just stand here.โ€ You reach up, kissing his cheek softly.
โ€œI hate being vulnerable.โ€ He mumbles under his breath, assuming you most likely didnโ€™t hear him. โ€œD, stop. Itโ€™s just me.โ€ You grab his hand in yours, causing him to look down at you. โ€œWeโ€™re partners, right? You help me when I need it, and I help you when you need it.โ€ You massage the back of his hand gently with your thumb.ย 
โ€œYou can always be vulnerable with me. You donโ€™t have to be The Archer of Infamy or the Punisher around me all the time. Youโ€™re Damian.โ€
โ€œAnd I love Damian Priest. Even in his weakest and strongest versions of himself.โ€ You take your other hand now, putting it on top of his and squeezing to emphasize your point. He halfheartedly smiles at you, reaching your combined hands up to his lips and giving yours a gentle kiss.
Getting him out of his bottoms was easy, but in order to get his hoodie off, considering your height difference was going to be a challenge. โ€œSlide your arms out of your sleeves, and Iโ€™ll lift it over your head.โ€ You theorize in order to avoid him having to reach up and stretch his injured abdomen. He does as you ask as you stand there, still contemplating how to now get it over his head. At only 5'4โ€, there was a 13 inch height difference between you two, so itโ€™s not like you could reach high enough on your own to get it fully over his head.ย 
You settle on climbing onto the bed and going on your knees to give you some extra height. He raises his eyebrows slightly watching you position yourself comfortably so you donโ€™t fall. โ€œDonโ€™t you laugh at me, Priest.โ€ You try to get out seriously, but you end up chuckling at yourself. For the first time since this morning, you see a small, real smile cross his face. You grab the bottom of the hoodie and pull it over his head, tossing it aside on the floor.ย 
You look down, seeing all the athletic tape covering both sides of his ribs and going around his back. In that moment, you want nothing more than to wrap your arms around him and give him a comforting hug. But you resist knowing it would be excruciating for him. You look up at him to ask if he needed to keep the tape on, but you stop seeing tears in his eyes.ย 
โ€œDid I get your stomach by accident? Shit, Iโ€™m sorry.โ€ You apologize, thinking you mustโ€™ve bumped something while taking his hoodie off. You take his lack of a response as a no. He begins to sit on the end of the bed next to you. Moving slowly as he finally gets himself in somewhat of a sitting position.ย 
โ€œIt still doesnโ€™t feel real. Carlito and JD, I would expect. They were never part of the original Judgement Day. I wouldn't expect them to ever be my family.โ€ He rationalizes to himself. โ€œBut Dom? I took that little shit in as my own the second Rhea asked. I protected him; we gave him a title since he couldnโ€™t do anything on his fucking own.โ€ He scoffs, shaking his head. You place your hand on his broad tattooed shoulder, rubbing it gently in an attempt to comfort him.
โ€œAnd Finnโ€ฆ Of all people, I never thought it would be Finn. He was my best friend, my tag partner; hell, he was my brother.โ€ He emphasizes the last part with his deep voice. โ€œAfter never having a family, I finally had one. Then they justโ€ฆโ€ He trails off towards the end.
โ€œBetray me.โ€ His voice almost breaks as he gets the words out. The tear now falling down his cheek, staining his tan skin. You had never seen Damian cry in your nine months of dating. It touched something so deep inside of you, you felt tears begin to prick in your own eyes. You reach out to hug him across his shoulder with your arms locking beside his neck. The best you could really do at the moment squeezing him tight.
Ever since the betrayal, Damian had appeared nothing but angry. Always talking about how he couldnโ€™t believe it, how they could do this to him, and how he couldnโ€™t wait to rip every one of them apart one by one, leaving Finn for last. How at Bad Blood he was going to make every single one of them bleed.ย 
You realize he never truly grieved what he lost. He had lost people he considered his closest confidants. His best friends, his partners in crime, and major contributors to his current persona. You werenโ€™t sure what it was about tonight, whether it was the pain, the exhaustion, or the realization that this was now the third jumping he had taken, but it clearly had hit him.ย 
โ€œLet it out; Iโ€™m right here.โ€ You whisper in his ear, pressing your lips to his shoulder as he continues to cry quietly. You continue to rub his shoulders and whisper comforting things to him for the next few minutes.
Eventually you hear his breathing become more regular, his raspy breaths in through his mouth calming down and beginning to sniffle. You raise your head up from his spot on his shoulder, looking at him. He wipes his nose with the back of his hand, and you reach out gently, wiping away some remaining tears with your thumb.ย 
โ€œCan you scoot back and lay down?โ€ He looks back at the headboard and sighs, nodding, and, in an almost backwards army crawl, makes his way there. Laying his head back against it, he closes his eyes, focusing on catching his breath without hurting himself.ย 
You prop yourself up on one arm, laying on your side next to him. โ€œYou know Iโ€™m so proud of you, right?โ€ You ask, looking him up and down. He chuckles, his eyes still closed. โ€œFor what? Setting myself up for an unavoidable beating?โ€ He references intentionally inserting himself into the ring, knowing he was outnumbered.ย 
โ€œWell, maybe not that.โ€ You laugh softly, causing him to also chuckle again as well. โ€œBut seriously, you have been so damn strong through this. While they may have gotten over you these past two weeks, youโ€™ve also demolished them just as many times.โ€ He nods, listening to you, silently acknowledging your point.
โ€œWhile Judgement Day did help raise your popularity, you alone made you who you are today.โ€ You poke his shoulder softly with your finger at the you part. โ€œYour hard work, your dedication, your perseverance, hell, even your damn stubbornness.โ€ He finally lets out the first real laugh youโ€™ve heard the entire day. He quickly reels it in though, grimacing from the pressure it caused.ย 
โ€œI know this is the last thing you wanted or needed. Especially with Bad Blood in just a couple days. But even now,โ€ You grab his chin gently and turn his head towards you, making direct eye contact with him. โ€œI know youโ€™ll destroy Finn.โ€ A slightly wicked smile crosses your face just at the thought of it as you say it. Damian gripping Finn by the neck and performing south of heaven, slamming him to the mat, getting the pin, and having his hand raised in victory by the referee.ย 
โ€œBecause now that youโ€™ve faced all the emotions head on, all thatโ€™s left is to exact your revenge.โ€ He breaks out into a matching malicious grin.ย 
โ€œEres malvado mi amor.โ€ He reaches his hand out, touching your cheek to pull you in, catching your lips in a kiss. Your lips mold perfectly against one another as you move together. You pull away, leaving your forehead resting on his, not wanting to get too intense considering his condition. โ€œMe encanta.โ€ He whispers on your lips, giving you one final peck before fully pulling away.ย 
โ€œI donโ€™t know what Iโ€™d do without you, Y/N.โ€ Shaking your head, you reach your hand into his hair and begin massaging his scalp with your nails. โ€œItโ€™s a good thing youโ€™ll never find out then, huh?โ€ You kiss his temple as you continue rubbing his head, knowing itโ€™s his favorite.ย 
โ€œTe quiero tanto.โ€ He practically moans, tilting his head, allowing you more access to his scalp. โ€œYouโ€™re like a puppy.โ€ You laugh at his actions but also secretly find it adorable. โ€œYeah, yeah. If anything, Iโ€™m the dog.โ€
You burst out laughing, โ€œYouโ€™re lucky, youโ€™re injured, or Iโ€™d pinch you for that one.โ€ โ€œI know,โ€ he breaks out into the cheekiest grin. โ€œTe quiero mรกs.โ€ You lean down, catching his soft lips in yet another kiss. After pulling away, you look over at the nightstand and grab the tv remote off of it.
โ€œWhat do you say we watch The Shining then get some sleep?โ€ You ask as you turn the tv on. The Shining was the first movie you watched on your first date. The original plan was a fancy dinner, but there was a major tech issue at the very end of the show. You were forced to stay late in order to fix it and ended up missing your dinner reservation. You thought you had completely blown it, and Damian would never ask you out again. However, he was completely cool with it, telling you not to worry and offering different ideas. Together, you finally settled on meeting at your apartment, ordering in Chinese, and watching movies.ย 
โ€œPor supuesto mi vida.โ€ You tilt your head slightly at the new name. Throughout the months youโ€™d picked up a little bit of spanish pet names, but this one you hadnโ€™t heard. โ€œMy life.โ€ He takes your hand in his squeezing gently.ย 
Being around Damian, you thought it was impossible to feel more loved than you already did. Yet every single day, he always proved you wrong. You rubbed your free hand up and down his chest, sighing. โ€œYou better recover fast. Not just for Bad Blood, but for me too.โ€ He burst out into a deep laugh.ย 
โ€œWill do, baby.โ€ He puckers his lips for another kiss, unable to lean far enough towards you. Happily obliging, you lean down, kissing both fhis cheeks and then his lips. You turn on the movie, lying down on your side with your head resting gently on his shoulder. You continue to rub his chest as you watch, eventually falling asleep together.ย 
130 notes ยท View notes
dayluxe ยท 2 months ago
In the mountains - Lamine Yamal
ยก request are open !
pairing: Lamine Yamal x fem!reader
summary: your boyfriend invites you to spend Christmas in a magical town.
warnings: use of the translator, kisses, a small suggestive scene (?) at the end.
request here @ripmyselfxd
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When Lamine told you about wanting to spend Christmas away from home, you thought it was crazy.
You've never done that before, not even with your family. Your tradition was the same, to spend time with family and friends, who also lived relatively close to you. So when that idea crossed his mind, you don't like it so much. Just thinking about leaving your home, your family and friends on a day as special as that terrified you, so you told him that you would think about it.
The days went by, and every day Lamine would say the same thing to you "Have you thought about it, love?" and when you told him no he would say all the sweetest comments you could hear "please, my love, do it for me" or "you will let me go alone to a cabin, with no one to share my love with?". he also tried to convince you with multiple kisses, which didn't work.
His prayers for you to say that they were soon over, and as soon as you said yes, he was the happiest man in the world "Thank you, darling, I promise you that they will be the best days of your life, we will have an incredible time" he told you while leaving kisses all over your face. You laughed, and you stopped him for a moment "Not so fast, I agree to go on one condition, you will ask my parents for permission for the trip, do you think?" and as soon as you said that his smile faded "what?" said Lamine confused.
One of the things I feared most in the world was talking to your parents, especially your dad. In his head the different ways in which your dad would tear him to pieces as soon as he asked that were already replaying, but the desire to go with you on that trip was more, so he accepted.
"You know that your dad scares me a lot, but it's all for you, my girl," he told you, and then gave you a kiss.
for the next few days Lamine 'mentally prepared' herself to be able to talk to your parents that day. For you it was a very fun scenario to watch, since it seemed a bit dramatic that you prepare so much just for a talk to which your answer was probably going to be yes.
The long-awaited day for your boyfriend had arrived. The talk consisted only of a dinner, nothing elaborate. you had told your parents that Lamine wanted to ask them something and they told you to invite him to dinner for that. although he seemed to ask permission from the kings of Spain instead of your parents. Excitement and nerves mixed, and the smile on her face could not be erased. For him this was important, it would be like a before and after in their relationship. You would spend a Christmas alone, as a couple. He knew how attached you were to your family, and on dates like this, that you agree to spend it with him, felt like a more serious step in the relationship.
By the time the time came, everything went excellently well. Your parents said yes, with many conditions, yes.
They said you had to call or text them when you arrived, or went out somewhere. that you send them lots of pictures of the places, and that at Christmas you made a video call to them. Lamine told (and promised) your parents that she would remind you to do all those things always and at all times.
the cabin in which they were going to stay was in Finland. You'd never been to that place before, and Lamine hadn't either, but he knew you'd love the place.
When the day of the flight arrived, you already had everything ready. You were very afraid to leave something important, since (as your boyfriend said) you were very dramatic. your headphones could stay and for you the world was going to end, for you it made sense. Your hearing aids were your life.
"Are you sure you don't have anything left, Lamine?" you said over the call. "I'm sure, love. Nothing remains." he said with a sigh. "Do you have your cell phone charger?" "yes" "are you wearing the gloves?" "Yes, I even have the stuffed animal that you like so much, and your camera, and the sweatshirt that you always want to steal from me. everything is there, my love, already calm"
Their parents were ready to drop them off at the airport. her farewell was very emotional, since you had never gone to a place so far without your parents "promise us what you will call us when they arrive at the airport in Finland, and then when they arrive at the cabin" your mom told you while kissing you on the forehead "we will do it mom, don't worry, we have to go to the waiting room now" you told her as you gave her the last hug before leaving.
You and Lamine stopped by to stand in line. They went through their things and then went to the lounge to wait for their flight. It was only 8:15 in the morning, and if the flight left at 9:00, they still had time to talk and spend some time seeing the airport.
"What do you think the town will be like, love?" You told him while you were buying some things to eat "very full of snow. I have seen that they say that it is one of the places that snows the most" he told you "I have seen that they say that you can see very beautiful northern lights" you said with a smile. Your dream had always been to see a northern lights in real life. It seemed to you such a surprising and perfect thing "we could go out one day to see one, if you want obviously" Lamine said, as he grabbed you by the waist and gave you a kiss "it would be beautiful to be able to see one, honey" you said to him while you gave him a smile.
While they were waiting for his flight, several fans of your boyfriend approached him to ask for some photos or autographs. You also took the opportunity to fill the Lamine gallery with thousands of photos together. You felt nervous. Sure you'd taken a flight before, but this flight was different. Their destination was totally unknown to both of them, and taking into account the amount of snow and cold that the place had, it gave you a mixture of excitement and nervousness.
his flight was announced, and while you and Lamine waited for directions to enter, he tried to calm you down and understand the verbal vomit you were having "and what if it's too cold?" "Or if our English isn't too good?" "What if we forgot something at home?" Those were some of the things you said over and over again.
"Honey, you know none of that is true. We were on call while we checked our luggage, we both know how to speak english perfectly, and even if you are not used to the cold it is obvious that in the cabin there will be heating, and if the problem is when we are outside, well we bought more clothes for the cold and that's it. quiet, yeah? you will see that you will enjoy it" he told you, then gave you a hug and rubbed your sides.
The flight was not long. You couldn't sleep the entire way, but that gave you a chance to see all the snow and lights that could be seen from above. The town looked like it had come out of a Christmas movie. full of snow and lights everywhere, houses and giant trees covered in snow. If that was how it looked from the plane, once on the ground it would seem like a dream. You took the opportunity to take some photos from the window, and of your sleeping boyfriend too.
"Honey, wake up. We're going to land." you said to the boy next to you. He opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was your excited smile. It seemed that sparks were going to come out of your eyes because of how you saw everything. "It looks very nice, don't you think?" Lamine told you, while looking out the window with you "imagine what it will look like when the plane lands" you told him.
When they got off the plane and did all the checks, they saw how everything looked from the windows of the airport. A car was already waiting for them outside the airport, which would take them to the cabin where they were staying.
The journey to the place was magical for you. You felt like you were inside a movie. The snowflakes fell in abundance on everything, the Christmas lights and decorations looked wonderful, and the contrast between the white of the snow, and the bright colors of the lights, made the town seem like something magical.
"Look at the lights, my love, it looks like we were in Whoville" you said with a laugh, "Don't say that, it would be horrible to live in a snowflake, it's not a very convenient location," he told you, while giving you a smile. You continued to argue about the film, until you reached the cabin where you would stay.
You saw the town so enchanted that you didn't even notice when they reached their destination. The cabin was better than you had imagined, full of lights and snow outside. you could feel its warmth from the outside. It had a small balcony with its stairs full of snow.
When they enter the house, their warmth automatically embraces them. it was welcoming; It had a large room with a window overlooking the town, It had a faint smell of pine mixed with vanilla. Everything about it was cozy, from the lights to the views.
Lamine hugged you from behind, and placed her head on your shoulder "and how is it? Do you like it?" he said, "It's better than I expected. We could go buy some trees, decorate it with whatever we want, or make some cookies, it looks so good seriously. I love it, darling," you said, then turned around and kissed him. He placed his hands on your waist "well, I'm glad you like it. I promise we'll have a great time, because we're I promise we'll have a great time, 'cause we're here, Together, you and me, and that makes it more special," he said with a smile "ohh, don't get romantic now, you'll make him cry," you said with a shy smile, as you gave him a playful slap on his chest. You felt your cheeks warm up a little "now I can't say nice words to my girl? Is that a crime?, I don't think so" his smile became playful, and he gave you a few kisses on the neck.
"stop it, we have a lot of things to do here, we can't waste time" you told him, and then grabbed your suitcase and went in search of the room. You already had some plans done in your head, buy a tree, buy lights, decorate the house, go out and play with the snow. you recapitulated in your mind. The first three things took her at least 5 or 8 hours, that if they had a lot of organization, which you knew your boyfriend didn't enable when he was with you.
The day passed quickly and lightly. The days in that cabin were like there were only the two of you. The atmosphere was totally intimate, in a very romantic and quiet way. By Christmas Eve, all the things you wanted to do were crossed off your mental list, except for a few things, playing with the snow.
Lamine said that before that they had to go buy warmer things for you, since he checked your suitcase and you didn't have anything as warm as for these temperatures. When they left the cabin you had to wear his clothes so that you could feel warmer than normal. Your boyfriend made sure you had several sweaters underneath, and when you looked in the mirror you looked like a meatball.
his purchases were based on some many brightly colored coats and jackets, as Lamine had seen in some video that it's for prevention or something. You only wanted some, but he said 'it's better to be safe than sorry', so you decided to accept. You find it funny when she takes care of you as if you were a 5-year-old girl.
They spent a good time seeing a little of the town, they had not had time to do this because of the whole issue of decorations and so on. But now they had nothing to do, so they decided to see the different shops that were there, most of them were full of Christmas things. There was a large dessert and candy store, it looked like paradise. Their treats came in all kinds of colors and shapes, and you were curious just to see them on the shelves.
Both chose a wide variety of desserts and treats. Most of them would take them back, but for you it was very satisfying to choose among all of them what caught your attention the most, and let's just say that you both went a little too far.
Their purchases were very successful, and they soon found themselves in a great snowball battle.
Playing with the snow was harder than you expected, and if it wasn't for the gloves, your hands would be frozen right now "Lamine, enough, this snow is very hard. I'm sorry like you're throwing huge ice cubes at me." You said breathlessly. They had been like this for about 5 minutes, which for you had been hours. "You were the one who started, love. Now you can't stand it, besides, I remember that I had you were begging to play with this snow. You said it looked magical," he told you, while giving you a playful smile. "Well, it doesn't look so magical for this anymore. Let's make snow angels, that looks more fun now," you told him, as you walked in search of a pretty big place for both of you.
Your emotion amused Lamine. I looked at you with heart eyes, as you made your snow angel on the floor. you gave off a childlike happiness, which he thought was beautiful. that you were so happy for such a simple and straightforward action as playing with the snow. In his mind these moments were the best, you being you, so happy and innocent, rejoicing over things as small as snowflakes falling from the sky, or trees being covered with the white of snow.
Your boyfriend's smile and look made you nervous, and you liked me why he was looking at you like that, to which he replied with a "nothing, you just look so magical" making you blush. His smile grew bigger, watching you look away from him and bow your head. He came up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, and kissed you on the neck. "don't be shy now, my love. you look so beautiful like that," she told you. You turned around to connect their gazes. He brought his face close to yours, and you felt his lips rub and then put his lips together. A kiss full of love and sincerity, the snow accompanied you, falling on you and covering your heads with thousands of snowflakes. you break the kiss and Lamine looks at your lips wanting to continue feeling them on hers "you know what?" you said "no, tell me love" he replied "this moment feels-" "magical. now shut up and kiss me, please," he interrupted you. and then put their lips together again.
Christmas had arrived, and his day had been very busy.
Lamine had to follow your orders all day, which doesn't bother her at Lamine had to follow your orders all day. This doesn't bother her, but today you were more disciplined than ever.
They took care of everything, the food, the desserts and the atmosphere of the whole house.
This made you feel like you were in a familiar environment. The smell of pine, cinnamon, and chocolate was always in the house, and you made an effort to keep these smells in your cabin.
you were getting ready for dinner with Lamine. You agreed that even though it was just the two of you, you wanted to be presentable to the people you were going to call.
He was setting the table when you walked into the dining room. Everything looked so beautiful, and just thinking that you did that, gave you a very beautiful warmth in your heart. "I think everything is as you asked me to. Please tell me if so, because I spent about 8 minutes trying to choose the dishes" he told you as he walked towards you "everything looks splendid, my love. you should change your career and dedicate yourself to working in a restaurant, you would be the best at it," you replied. while you slapped him on the chest.
Their dinner was wonderful. they shared laughter and anecdotes about everything, family, teammates or school, weird videos they watched. The hours passed quickly, and when they least expected it they were only a few minutes away from Christmas.
You exchanged words and congratulations. trying to express all the affection they felt for each other, how lucky they felt to have each other by their side. A very special and romantic moment, which was interrupted by the call of their cell phones.
The calls with his parents and close friends were long. Lamine had endless notifications that came to him every minute, some from his teammates or family, and others from fans. He took his time to congratulate everyone, some shared very funny photos like Gavi. while others called them and said the most encouraging words in the world.
When it was all over, Lamine and you decided to go to his room to watch a couple of Christmas movies. You had insisted on seeing them every day, and today he was the one.
You were in his room when he entered. You were with the door open, so you didn't notice His presence behind you. Lamine walked with slow steps, and when he was close to you he put his arms around you and murmured a "boo!" in your ear "you didn't scare me darling, better luck next time" you told him. You turned around and looked him in the eye, he was looking at you with a silly smile. "I didn't want to scare you, my love," he said while brushing his nose. "hmm, no? and what did you want to do?" you said with a smile.
their gazes were interspersed between his lips and his eyes. their distance was minimal and they could feel their breaths. Lamine didn't know what to answer, he felt hypnotized by your face. Your soft pink lips invited him to kiss you. and your penetrating gaze made him shy. He wanted to kiss you, to show you all his love. But right now he didn't even remember his name.
Your hands went up to his neck, and his hands clenched at your waist. Their kisses were directed towards your neck, you gave out little giggles. You could feel how he was leading them to bed. You fell on the soft sheets and he positioned himself on your body. "well, show me your love, darling," you said.
They just based those words on Lamine attacking your lips again.
just me uploading a christmas request in january. I hope you like it, sorry for the delay. I'm trying to get inspiration for this ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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dawnoftime22 ยท 6 months ago
tied together with a smile.
| T.S
Warnings: breakup, R crying and sobbing, anxiety, taylor comforting and confessing
Summary: After receiving a text of a breakup on what you thought would be a peaceful morning, your heart gets broken, and you pay a visit to your best friend, Taylor, to gain reassurance. Which, you had all the comfort you needed, but a confession of love along with it too, healing your broken heart.
Word Count: 2.7k
Category: hurt/comfort, fluff
REQUEST : It was kind of angsty which ik you dont do much of but reader just experience a break up and went to Taylor who is her best friend as a shoulder to cry and eventually Taylor swift confesses during it and ends with lots of fluff
special request made for : @brainrotqueen <3
A/N: I'm not sure what to really feel about this fic? the intro is a little long, which I hope you don't mind, but I hope this turned out to be what you wanted it as! enjoy, and hugs to all of you sweethearts<3
| Started on 24/08/2024, 8:05 AM |
| Finished on 25/08/2024, 12:00 PM |
Main Masterlist | T.S Masterlist
"in broken hearts, there are always new beginnings awaiting."
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|โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โธ†โธ‰ โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”|
It was early in the day. The birds were chirping in the blue skies and the clouds were dissipating in the cause of the afternoon.
Having already gotten up and showered, you were in the kitchen, sitting at the dining table, enjoying your breakfast. It was a peaceful day, and seemingly the starting of a good one.
But it all went down when your eyes captured the sight of the notification at the top of your phone screen.
You were nearly about to be excited. Nearly. It was a name you loved, and you hadn't gotten a text from them in days. But the words written down wasn't a returning, much of the opposite. It was a goodbye that made your heart skip a beat.
'We're breaking up,' was all the message said. It was like time froze. You froze. And not in a good way. Not like when you fell in love for the first time. You didn't even know you could feel anything similar to it again, but it was the sinking feeling of something you spent all your time on, trying to see if it'll work, only for it to fall apart all over again. You can feel your heart rate pick up in its pace, the messaging app opening when you tapped on the notification.
You try to question, to write down your apologies for whatever you had done wrong, wondering what you could do turn it back to just you and your beloved, with the shaky hands you had, letters were being slipped in the midst of your foggy vision.
But there was no reply to any of the messages you had sent.
You exit the messaging screen of someone who was now your ex, your eyes staring at the contact name as you sniffled, the tears freely escaping. You suspected as much of the circumstances, considering your reeling mind already going through everything that could ever happen. But it didn't mean it didn't hurt.
You turned off your phone and put it face down against the table, your cheek getting the treatment of your hand resting firmly against it as you stare down at your empty plate. It had leftover bread crumbs.
You sighed. Your mug still held half of your drink. But you didn't even have the appetite to finish it anymore. Your stomach felt as though it was a swirling black hole that might collapse in on itself.
The chair lightly scraped and screeched against the wooden floor below you, making you grimace in response, but you pick up the plate and mug anyway, unable to think straight, feeling like a void had come over you.
Who were you supposed to go to now? Nothing seemed right to you. You wanted to curl up in bed and forget about it all, but you also wanted a pair of arms to embrace you. To keep you warm, to keep you from feeling lonely as your heart was shaking against your ribcage.
Then you pause once you put the dishes in the sink. There was someone. Your hand tightens around the handle of your mug, clenching it in a tight grip, then you quickly pour the drink out to the sink and wash the mug out with water, making sure the sink's all cleared of leftovers or liquids, in case the ants would feast upon it.
You sighed. Taylor. Of course. Your bestfriend, the person who's always been there beside you with every step you took. Not another second was wasted as you grabbed your car keys and got out your house, aiming to drive straight to her house.
It was a wonder Taylor's house was so close. You were sure you wouldn't have been able to focus on the road properly with your misty vision, but then again, you had driven with your mind on auto pilot the entire way.
It flew over your head to even call or message her, but you already parked in the driveway.
Oh, god, was she even home? You unbuckled your seatbelt, looking around. But her car was there beside yours in the driveway, which gave relief to your running heart.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down as much as you could, but you wouldn't be able to do so within such little time.
After a few minutes, you wipe away your tears that had escaped, and turned off the engine, getting out your car to step up to her front door.
You took another breath in and rang the doorbell with a shaky hand, hearing it echo through the house as you shifted on your feet. You sniffled, feeling the passage of your throat being swollen from holding back any sobs, or crying even.
There were soon footsteps coming closer to the door, a meow going alone with it, until it eventually opens with a familiar face behind it. "Hey--" Taylor's voice comes through, her eyes just barely seeing behind the door to find you.
She can instantly tell you looked absolutely miserable, standing there at her door. Your red tinted nose, and bleak eyes that were sheening a gleam of sadness more than it could be assumed as the light's reflection instead.
"...What's wrong?" She asked softly, and you had your teeth capturing your lower lip. You saw the way her smile faltered, and how her shoulders went down. But she noticed the anxiety stirring within you, your fingers brushing over your palm. You almost regretted going to find company, almost not wanting to share the death swallowing your heart whole, because, it felt like it was only going to get worse from here.
"I just wanted to be with you," you whispered, trying to give her the smallest and weakest smile, but your voice betrayed you and cracked.
Her heart swelled at how she was your first thought to come all the way to her house after whatever had happened to you, but the way you looked had her worrying over it all.
"Come on...tell me. It doesn't look like you only wanted to visit me." she murmurs, concern filling her up as she pulls you into her home fully, closing the door behind you gently.
When she comes to wrap her arms around you, you started to slowly break, and had to stifle a sob, your arms quickly coming into response to do the same, although your fingers curl into the fabric of her shirt. "...I got broken up with," your small voice comes out.
"Oh...Y/N," she whispers under her breath, putting her chin gently atop your head. Her thumb comfortingly moves at your back, while you just barely felt the brush of a cat's body below you, just against your legs. Then, your mind jumped to conclusions, worrying over being a bother.
"Um...I-- I didn't really know where else to go so I..." You whispered out, your voice strained as a breath of yours got caught on a small sob.
"I went to you..." She can feel your arms tightening around her, your face burying in her chest, and the emotions radiating off you and your words was concerning.
"Its okay, I don't mind," she whispers back softly, her hand fully and slowly running up and down your back than just her thumb. Her heart was aching, to see your trembling body and to hear your quiet crying. She stayed quiet for a small moment, letting you spill your emotions out first.
"What happened?" She asks, wondering how one relationship that she thought you were better off in, ended up only to be with a broken heart.
"I don't know. It was just one text and we're over..." You murmured shakily, sniffling lightly as your voice was slightly muffled from being in her chest. Just like that. Over the phone. Not even on a call. Her lips part in surprise with a small intake of breath, unable to believe how someone could do such a thing to you.
"That's terrible, sweetheart. I'm so sorry," she whispers under her breath, leaning back to cup one of your cheeks with her hand, her thumb gently wiping away your tears. The nickname had slipped through her lips accidentally, but you didn't notice in your emotional catastrophe, although it added a hint more comfort.
"I really thought I found the one..." your voice held pain that transferred to her heart, and she closed her eyes, leaning closer and taking a gentle breath to gather her words.
"I know...I know, shh...it doesn't mean you won't get more chances," she whispers, her hand resting back around your shoulders as she swayed you both slightly as you both still stood at the front of the door.
She then leans back, looking down at you for a moment before giving you a small assuring smile. Her eyes catch a concerned looking Benjamin down at your feet, and her expressions soften further. Then, in decision, she gently slips her hand in yours, pulling you to her bedroom.
"Come here, all the cats are in the bedroom, so you can be more warm and cozy..." she murmurs, taking care in pulling you. Her bedroom had the curtains open, the daylight flooding through and making the room bright. On her bed, her cats are curled up with each other, and Benjamin followed along by jumping onto the bed, adding to the warmthness.
Taylor gently guided you to the bed, sitting on it. Your heavy crying subsided to small hitches of your breath and a trembling lip, the edges of your eyes sheening with wetness of your tears.
You sat beside her, wrapping your arms around her and resting your head against her shoulder. She puts her arm around your shoulders once more, giving you a gentle squeeze to let you know she was there for you.
"I should've known. I haven't gotten any text messages in so long and then...just like that. I mean, what did I do wrong, Tay?" you mumble, turning to bury your face in her shoulder, possibly dampening her shirt sleeve just a little.
She takes a deep breath and slowly releases it, her mind sifting through her thoughts. "Hey," her voice comes out gently, and she leans into you, gazing down at your helpless form.
"Don't say that," she whispers, giving you a shake of her head when you peeked out her shoulder. She almost thought it looked cute, just for a second in this sad moment. Her hand then brushes against your cheek once more, a warming touch against your skin.
"I think you did nothing else but try to give all your love," she says seriously, making sure you kept eye contact with her. Even your hands shook as you tried to keep yourself in control rather than go into another breakdown.
"You didn't get a message back. There was barely any communication for understanding, and that says something about it, Y/N..." she reasons, her hand gliding down to rest at your neck.
Your eyes strained with sadness, and you sniffled, feeling the lump in your throat that you needed to swallow down. "Th-Then...what if no one can actually love me?"
Taylor's eyes widen with small surprise for a moment at your presumption, a reaction you hadn't noticed as you rested your head against her chest, taking comfort in her embrace.
"I mean what if..." your voice was trembling; the sign of your willingness to try and keep talking even while you were fighting back from crying entirely once more. Taylor lets out a breath, her arms tightening around you as her hands tried to keep a soothing motion.
"I just want someone to love me..." you whisper, trailing off as your fingers tighten on Taylor's shirt, taking a deep breath in. But she took her own breath in too, her hammering heart preparing what to say.
"I love you..." She says quietly, looking down as you bit your lip. She waited, but you shook your head gently.
"Yeah, but thats..." you murmur, misunderstanding her meaning as you sighed. She places her hand under your chin, gently tilting your head up to have you look at her.
"Y/N." She says your name, her voice being firm so she could grab your attention and have your full focus. You pause any of your thoughts and words, almost holding your breath as you met her eyes, although you weren't sure if its because she caught your attention or because you had suddenly realized how beautiful her eyes were.
"I love you." She repeats, a little louder than last time, her expression awaiting. You take a moment to process it, almost confused, but then the pieces click together in your mind, and you realize what she meant.
"...What?" You breathe out, letting go of the breath you held, your heartrate increasing as you try to think through it.
She smiles softly at your confusion and surprise. "Not as a friend." she whispers, shaking her head to add to her expression so you'll know she was serious.
Taylor bit her lip, her eyes traveling the bedsheets for a moment before returning back to your eyes. "I...I've been wanting to tell you for so long, and I was really close to, but then you found someone and you seemed so happy, I didn't...I didn't want to ruin it."
You take a deep breath in, quickly already exhaling it, your own eyes lingering on the bedsheets. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." she adds.
"I..." you tried speaking, but words failed you, and even just one letter had your voice trembling as you start, and you simply gaze up at her in hopes that she can just read your mind.
Instead, she took matters into her hands and rubbed her hand up and down your arms. "Deep breaths," she whispers, nodding along when you followed through, and she helped you by guidance too.
"Thats it. Its okay," she murmurs, resting her forehead against yours, still keeping the motion of her hands. You calmed down, no longer having shuddering breaths or hitching from your earlier crying and sobs.
You took one last deep breath, before the exhale turns out into a sigh as you gather your words. "...I'm glad you said it," you breathed out genuinely, gazing up at her and biting your lower lip.
She blinks at you, her eyes searching yours for any type of meanig to deceive. "Really?" she says under her breath, looking at you with just as much vulnerability you were holding.
You nod slowly. "Because, maybe...I do like you too..." you say, almost hesitantly, not lingering on her eyes anymore in fear of anything that could be in them.
She had a little worry and doubt growing in her heart, even though she has your utmost trust, she didn't want you to act on impulse and jump in, being in a vulnerable state after a breakup...she would hate to accidentally be a rebound without meaning to. "You're sure?" She searches for your confirmation again.
A small smile finally starts to raise up on your lips, making her heart skip a beat. She's always loved your smile, but had never admitted it. It was her favorite thing in the world, even if it was a small one.
"I wasn't sure how to deal with it. I didn't want our friendship to end in some way..." you murmur. It suddenly makes sense to her, that maybe you had avoided confessing to her by trying to see if maybe, someone else could capture your heart. But it didn't work, and now your heart was instead shattered into a million pieces.
But, here she was, picking all of them up, one by one, carefully and gently. She was putting your heart back together, and giving you hers, all at the same time.
"I don't want you to...jump in, I know its quick, I..." She trails off when she suddenly feels your lips on hers, meeting softly without rush, but she didn't realize you leaning in until she felt it. It was the softest contact she felt against her lips, and she melted into it, making your heart swell.
"I want to," you whisper, making her know for sure that you knew your feelings fully without doubt or false facts. But you slowly part from the kiss and lean back, breathing out and brushing your hand over her shoulder.
"But I'm scared..." you admitted, deeply gazing at her blue eyes, maybe even getting lost in the clear sea within them. Your thoughts only filled with the stormy skies and uphill battles you've ever gone through.
But she squeezes your sleeve gently, putting you back into reality. "Its okay." she whispers, sliding her hands down to yours to intertwine with your fingers. The person who's been closest to you, your entire life, there wasn't much she didn't know about you.
"We don't have to...rush into it," she says, her thumbs rubbing over your skin. You can feel the warmth radiating from her, and you let out a breath of relief.
"We can take it slow," she assured, giving your hands a squeeze too, keeping her gaze gentle.
"Okay?" she looks into your eyes for confirmation, needing to know you were both on the same agreement and level. Your quietness added to her own worry, but the relief flooding in your heart was needing its little time.
You smile widely, nodding with happiness. "Okay," you answer with sincerity, a spark of hope igniting in your chest. She breathes out a breath she was holding, starting to smile back at you.
"Now, let's cuddle and not think about anything else but cuddling," she mumbles, pulling closer to her, leaning back to get more comfortable, and you gratefully nuzzle your face back into her.
She smiles at the feeling of you snuggling into her, and she gazes down at you adoringly before going down to kiss the top of your head, and nuzzling back into your hair, a gesture that warms your heart tremendously.
The entire world wasn't collapsing after all.
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mintkookiess ยท 2 years ago
I like you, okay?!
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A/N: Fluff fluff just fluff after the whole fiasco with "It's Always Been Her." (I need to recover from it)
Anyways, enjoy!
POV: Miles comes into your room at 3 am unexpectedly :3
Tags: Miles Morales x reader, slight cussing, LOTS OF FLUFF, sassy annoyed reader, confessions
Word count: 1k
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At around 3 am, your phone started dinging, making you groggily grab your phone from the bedside table.
The sudden light from the screen made you wince. "Why the fuck is Miles texting me, itโ€™s too late for this.โ€ You groaned as you clicked on the unread message from him.
Hey Y/n, can I come over real quick?
You clicked your tongue in frustration, placing a hand over your eyes, and rubbed softly in a poor attempt to wake yourself up before looking back down to type the shortest possible reply that you could muster at the time.
After hitting the send button, you huffed, chucking your phone across the bed.
As your eyes start to close once more, a soft stealthy tapping at the window makes you open your eyes again, making you grumble from great annoyance at how your best friend always found the worst times to sneak into your bedroom.
Spiderman or not, this was plain fucking torture.
"Are you ready?~" You hear a muffled voice as the window opened wider. "Oh God, please no." You groaned, throwing a pillow over your face. This was your last attempt to just drown him out, but apparently, nothing is going your way tonight.ย 
You hear the soft padding of feet, accompanied by the familiar thwip sound of his web-shooters, swinging himself into your bedroom with a soft thud and faintly landing on his feet.
"What do you want Miles?" You said with your voice muffled by the pillow. "I know this might be a horrible time to ask, but do you think I could stay for a while?" He asked with a sheepish smile. Miles stood by your bed, awaiting your response.
You nonchalantly wave your hand off at him, eager to just get this over with. "Do whatever you want man."ย 
Miles' eyes glistened in delight. "You're so kind tonight, what's changed?" His stupid ass question just made you want to throw him out the window.
You didn't respond, too exhausted to even think of a sassy remark. It was literally 3 in the morning, you did not have time for his antics.ย 
However, he merely chuckled at your lack of a reaction as his lips curved into his usual smile. "Sorry, I'm a bit of a night owl. What with patrol and all that, but I couldn't go without seeing you. Your eyes have been haunting my dreams..." He trailed off.
"Ah yes, it's me being your sleep paralysis demon telling you to stop bothering me at such an ungodly hour." You replied sarcastically, finally removing the pillow from your face as it started to give you a hard time breathing.ย 
You turned to lay on your side and looked up at him, clearly unimpressed. It was just too late for this shit.ย 
Miles sees this, and suddenly gets defensive, sitting on the edge of your bed across from you. "Maybe if you weren't always so busy with classesโ€”"
He suddenly stopped talking as he realizes what he said. Miles' face slowly turned red and he was internally hoping to all the gods existing that you wouldn't spot it from the darkness of your room.ย 
Ah, maybe I should just jump out of the window. He thought as he took a deep breath in, his fingers tapping against his thigh anxiously. "I like you, okay?!" He quickly said, nervously looking up at you.ย 
"You... WHAT?!" You suddenly yelled, causing you to sit up in shock, mouth agape and eyes widened. What the hell is this guy on about now?! And at 3 FUCKING AM?
"Okay okay, I know. Totally stupid to just jump the gun here but it's so hard to sleep. Sometimes I lose focus when I'm being Spiderman. I spend an awful lot of time thinking about you. Y-You're funny, kind, smart, all the things I like in a person." Miles rambled on, not even daring to stare directly into your eyes for fear of seeing your reaction to his sudden confession.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, sighing. "Is this why you deliberately tried to be my lab partner when I was new at school?" To which Miles' nervous expression became that of a guilty one.
"Maybe..." He admits, his voice sounding even less confident than before.
"Don't you like that Gwen girl from our class? I would've assumed because you two are literally so close." The guy in front of you only shrinks further into himself, feeling his heart sink and his face fall. "Gwen's like a sister to me. She isn't you." He said with a slight emphasis that really sounded more like a whine.ย 
Miles' words are slow but honest. His eyes trail up to the wall behind you to try to keep a brave face, which was slowly crumbling by the minute.
You snuck a glance at him before exhaling loudly. You flip your fingers back and forth, signaling him to come closer. "I guess you can cuddle with me." You mumbled, ignoring the way your cheeks are heating up.ย 
Not even wanting to see his reaction, you place your blanket back over your entire body, laying back down on your bed, facing the wall and away from him.
He seemed surprised, and his face instantly lit up. Miles let out a happy gasp as he grabs your blanket gently, climbing underneath it as he cautiously wraps an arm around your waist and snuggles up against your back. He even mustered the courage to bury his nose in your hair.ย 
Miles' heart was beating erratically, rendering him absolutely speechless as he held on to you as if his life depended on it. Well, it was a dream come true for the poor boy. He'd been practicing how he'd confess to you for the last three months.ย 
"You do know that you're going to have to work hard to get my 'yes' right?" You mumbled, trying to use every ounce of energy left in your body to numb the way his arm around your waist made you feel. "I'm fine with that," Miles quickly replied, his words soft and comforting.ย 
"As long as I can be with you, in any capacity, I am content." He chuckled. Shortly after the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep, still in each other's arms. Or more like, you were still in his arms.
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See more of my Miles content here babes!
(if yall wanna be on my taglist feel free to let me know!)
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doctorgirlsblog ยท 20 days ago
Merz Prinzessin vs. Dutch Lion (series)
Part 8: Baby daddy and something blue
Kelly kept pacing around her apartment, waiting for Max to pick her up for the doctor's appointment. She knew what the possible outcome was; one drunk night hazily swam through her memories. Her phone lit up with a new message, pulling her from her thoughts.
Max: "I'm outside."
He didn't bother with formalities and drove off as soon as Kelly got in. The silence in the car was deafening, and Kelly tried to place her hand on his as she softly spoke. "Max..."
"Not a word," he spoke, not glancing at her before pulling his hand away.
The appointment didn't take long, and before they knew it, Max was holding an envelope with the results. Kelly kept eyeing him from the passenger seat, as he still hadn't opened it.
"Aren't you going to look at the results?" she asked nervously.
"Not yet. I want to hear it from you first," he said. He said nothing more the whole ride to her place. As they got inside, he sat at the end of the sofa and motioned for her to join him. "Start talking."
Indeed, she did. She confessed everything, explaining her uncertainty about the results and telling him that her actions stemmed from her love for him. He remained impassive throughout, opening the envelope, reading the results, and then tossing the papers towards her before getting up.
As he was already at the door, she spoke again.
"Max, please. She wants Lando. Can't you see that she chose him over you? Please, we can still fix this. I love you."
"You love the attention that comes with me. I never want to see your lying face again."
As he stepped out into the hall, his phone rang. He smiled as he read the caller's name.
It seems his awaited delivery arrived in Munich.
As Kelly went to open the door and try to talk him out of leaving, she heard his voice on the other side. She smiled to herself before unlocking her phone and texting Lando quickly.
Kelly: "We need to meet today. It's urgent."
"Cha, I promise I won't do anything funny. I really need my phone to check my schedule." Aria tried snatching her phone from her, but to no avail.
"Nope, I've already done it for you. You're free for the next two days, so you'll be okay with some more free time without your phone."
Aria groaned, sipping her coffee and scrolling through Netflix. At that moment, the doorbell rang, making both girls squeak at the sudden noise.
"Expecting anyone?" Charlotte asked, confused, as no one knew where the girls were at the moment, except Aria's dad and Elena, both surely not telling anyone.
Aria padded over to the door, finding no one outside except for the big bouquet of blue roses wrapped neatly in white paper, lying on her doorstep. She picked them up, closing the door behind her. The roses were huge and smelled divine, shining brightly in the daylight. She put them on the table; Charlotte stared open-mouthed at her.
"Who gave you those? They're beautiful." She asked the girl, who was still staring at the beautiful flowers.
"There was no one at the door, just roses."
"Well is there a note? There must be one."
Aria looked inside the bouquet, barely spotting the small silver piece of paper stuck inside. She pulled it out, her eyes scanning the written note, her hand trembling slightly.
"Well? Who is it?" Aria said nothing as she handed her the note, her eyes fixed on the blue before her. Charlotte turned the note over in her hand, then gasped lightly.
Hope they'll make you smile again. M.
"How?" Aria whispered shakily.
"Isn't it obvious already? He is nuts for you, A." Charlotte smiled at her softly.
"No...Cha, you don't get it. They're blue. I only ever got a blue rose once. Once in my whole life. It was left for me, with a note, "blue like your kart". I was 7. I never found out who left it for me, never found out who could possibly know that it was my favorite color. That day when I got it, I was crying. My kart was damaged in the race. Dad promised to get it fixed the same day, but to me it seemed like the end of the world. And that rose, it made me smile. I never threw it away. It's probably still somewhere in my old room." Aria finished shakily, wiping away the tears that fell.
"A, are you saying that Max...? All these years?" Charlotte was more than confused, but Aria was no better herself.
"I don't get it either, Cha. All these years, he never said anything; I never even thought... But why now?" A sob broke out from her as she took the roses in her hands again.
"You need to call him, A. Now or never." Charlotte was determined as she handed her the phone before leaving the room to give her some privacy. Aria let out a shaky breath, looking at all the missed calls and unread messages. She opened the last one Max sent, her eyes widening slightly at the text.
Max: "I asked for a paternity test."
Her fingers worked on their own, pressing the dial button, and before she could even register what she had done, Max was saying her name from the other side, in complete disbelief that she had actually called him.
-"Why have you never told me it was you?" she asked, her voice still shaky.
"Aria, I.."
-"All these years. Fighting, hating, bickering... I never knew."
"You were sad, just like you were that day. And there was never really any hate between us. You know that, schat."
"I didn't want to do this over the phone, but I can't wait any longer. Not now that everything has finally been cleared up. That baby isn't mine; she lied. She did it hoping I'd stay with her and not go to you. She confessed everything; it's over. This time, for good, Ari. I only want you. Since we were seven, since I saw you smile after you found that rose. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy. If that happiness is truly with Lando, then I'll accept it. But if it's with me, if there's even a slight chance you still want me, then I'm not letting you go. I'll wait for you tomorrow at the docks in Monaco. 6 p.m. If you come, then it will be just us from that moment on. No more excuses. If you don't come, I swear I will leave you alone and you won't be bothered again. I promise." Aria didn't even have a chance to answer before he hung up, but there was no need to overthink it, as she had already made her mind up.
"Cha! Pack your bags. We're going back to Monaco."
It was time.
Lando agreed to meet up with her, but listening to her made him question his decision.
"Are you telling me I should get her back? After all that shit you told me about her and Max?"
Kelly smirked at him. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. I overheard him on the phone. He is meeting with her tomorrow at the docks at 6. He said that if she doesn't come, he'll leave her alone, so she can be with you."
"You can't be serious."
"But I can Lando. Because you do still want her, don't you? You love her."
"What's in it for you anyways? As I understood, Max left you."
"He did. Because she took him away from me. We were happy before she came. I just don't want them to be together. Ever again."
"I..I'll think about it. I have to go, take care." Lando stood up, leaving money on the table. He kept thinking about Aria on his way home, about last couple of months they spent together, and he smiled. All that time can't possibly go in vain.
"I'll get you back, Ari. I promise I'll fix this," he muttered softly to himself before going inside.
the next day
From all possible times, Monaco's traffic had to fuck with Max right now. He kept glancing at his watch and then to big bouquet of blue roses lying on the passenger seat. He had 10 more minutes to get to the docks.
Aria, on the other side, was already there, pacing along the sidewalk, nervously glancing at her phone. "It's okay, he'll come. You're just early," she kept muttering to herself. She continued pacing, responding to Charlotte's text, when she heard him.
"Hello Aria."
Tag list:
@m4xgirlie @amz824 @samriddhisingh
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softringing ยท 5 months ago
Its now basically confirmed Sampo is from planet Kalevala according to the new textmap leaks for his upcoming event :)
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Ok I think our theories of him being forged by SOMEONE or some aeon is slowly becoming true BUT the question is who?
It could be the HSR alternate of Illumiren that crafted sampo or even the Preservation. Why do I think that? Well simply put, preservation is trying to preserve anything it can possibly do-- and additionally, qiloph has a giant hammer, it would make sense for them to "make" sampo, not only for the sake of Belebog but also Kalevala who is in a similar situation as them.
The poem Sampo singing in these leaks literally talk about HIMSELF and I'm pretty sure the word "Sampo" is going to be highlighted in yellow/red during the game BC of these odd "RUBY" text around it, just to emphasise something about SAMPO.
Sampo happily singing about himself or his supposed "purpose" makes me think he's a mix of 3 paths (as in he believes in them or he embodies them in some way):
The Preservation-- he has been consistently running around belebog behind the scenes, even as far as going to penacony to get his mask back from sparkle. He's obviously trying to *preserve* belebog and save it from destruction
Elation-- this is pretty obvious. Sampo braking the 4th wall, his mask, his talk with Giovanni and scamming people. But something that doesn't add up I think is him not having his mask during the belebog quest. I think the reason why he didn't have his mask was not only BC he was retired as many people mentioned but ALSO the fact that the masks that the fools carry can corrupt them. If U watch Sparkle's myriad celestia trailer, U can tell she's being possessed by someone else like an evil spirit and how her mask has half red, half white parts. But then I think ABT Giovanni who has the same feature on his mask but doesn't seem possessed like sparkle herself. He seems very similar to Sampo, calm and rational which explains why SAMPO'S friends with him in the first place. But even then sampo seems to refuse sharing his beliefs until someone asks him and I think that shows his reluctance to return to elation
Nihilty-- this is SAMPO'S ingame path and I didn't only choose it BC it was his ingame path. You see elation and Nihility are practically the same thing. Both believe that life is nothing/joke but the only thing that sets them apart is that nihility just does nothing and awaits for that meaningless end, while the elation is just like "if everything is meaningless than I might just have fun". I feel like Sampo does fall under this category and his backstory will have elements linking to the nihility but that's just my speculation.
I also suspect that sampo was hired by Elio like sparkle BC how else does he know the future? I thought that since sampo may be the emanator of elation, it might relate to that but if he did know the future, during the penacony masquerade duet quest, why did he make a surprised expression when sparkle said she wouldn't give his mask back as a joke? Shouldn't he have known that sparkle was joking if he knew the future? I don't think he was acting here
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so I'm thinking that perhaps, Sampo was also hired by Elio. There isn't much to prove this, but if you have a look at firefly's trailer, you can see the stelleron hunters walking on a bridge located in belebog
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Also, I think a person on twitter found a note in rivet town from blade saying "you will never get away from me" (dan Heng I pity U).
Since the stelleron hunters didn't take the stelleron from belebog, and let tb do the work, why were they even there to begin with? To give sampo the script methinks.
Anyway, what do you guys think?
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adventuringblind ยท 1 year ago
Oscar the Matchmaker: Chapter Seven
Oscar Piastri x reader x Max Verstappen
Summary: Oscar needs to let out some steam after his DNF in Spa, and his partners happen to be the perfect stand ins. Lando fails to realize that Oscar is a matchmaker in a really messed up kind of way
Warnings: Bossy Oscar, Bondage, dom/sub, Oral (m and f), spanking, overstimulation, denial, Lando is still a menace
Notes: Carlando anybody? ๐Ÿ‘€
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Lando is a menace. He knows this. The Spainaird sitting next to him knows this as well. However, Lando is also protective. Carlos had sent out a less than nice tweet about his teammate, and Lando is determined to make the older male apologize for his actions.
Oscar had been so excited after the sprint, and Lando had wanted to see that continue through the race and after. The Australian leaving with a deppressed look on his face had not been the plan.
The Brit had once again stolen a room key. This time, Max's. Oscar had said they were coming straight here after everything was said and done. So they lounge lazily across the bed. Lando had finished lecturing Carlos ten minutes ago. Now the pair have nothing better to do than lounge around and go through the groups things.
Lando opens another drawer, and Carlos just shakes his head in disappointment. "I found the goods!"
"The goods?"
"The secrets, Carlos! The things that are kinky!"
Both Lando and Carlos' head snap toward the door. Max's hotel room is much bigger to the point where the bedroom is separate. This means that at the current moment, they can't see each other, but they can hear through the walls.
The door slams shut, and Oscar's more demanding voice fills the other side of the wall. "Knees. Now."
Lando grabs Carlos by the arm and pulls him off the bed. "Not again."
The two dive into the bathroom and gently close the door just in time for the bedroom door to slam open. Lando can hear the closet door also creak open and close again.
"Pretty sure Lando won't ever come into the room unnoticed again." Laughs the female.
Carlos leans over to him and whispers. "You've don't this before?!"
"Almost died with Charles."
"That explains some things."
The highs and lows of Spa are something that can make even the strongest man dizzy. Or at least that's how she thinks Oscar might feel.
His early DNF had made him irritable all evening. Which is to be expected. Not like anyone likes to DNF.
When she saw the look on his face, she knew that he needed to let out his frustrations.
Which would turn out to be Max. The Aussie had pratically dragged him back here with her in tow carrying their things.
Now Max is on his knees, Oscar is fuming, and she's attempting to find what he asked for.
If they hadn't talked about this before, then she might have even been scared. However, Max had sent in the group chat that he is willing to be a stand-in for whatever Oscar needs. It's a rare thing that this happens. That consent is given over text, and Oscar had double-checked in the car.
The Aussie had laid out his plans and made sure to remind them he isn't mad, and this is for their enjoyment as much as his outlet. It is always important to go into these things with a good mindset.
She lays a few things out and then waits as instructed. Oscar and Max are in seconds, and despite the initial roughness, They both check around the room and shoot her cheeky smiles.
No sign of Lando. "Pretty sure Lando won't come into the room unnoticed again." She laughs.
"I'd rather not risk it given what we're about to do." Oscar closes the closet door and looks at both her and Max. "I'm giving you three seconds to put yourselves on the bed facing each other."
The two flounder for a moment, but still end up there they needed to be. Though it definitely isn't graceful.
Neither of them say anything. Max may be the Carlos stand-in, but she has yet to actually be told what she's doing. Awaiting orders like a robot.
"Strip each other. Don't want anything on you." Oscar stands at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed, face flushed with a mix between arousal and frustration. They fumble again in getting clothes off. A small part of her mind wants to take as long as possible, but with his mood, she deems that it is a bad idea. The last time she decided to be a brat, it ended with three hours of edging, and then Oscar and Max tag teamed her into far too many orgasms that she cried for a while after. It was great, really, but at the time, she wasn't pleased with it.
Instead it feels like their clothes are off in record time. Oscar eyes them with hunger. A smirk plays on his lips as he wets them with his tongue.
A forceful push sends Max backward. His head dangling of the edge. She can hear the buckle of Oscar's jeans come undone. He turns it into a makeshift bond for his wrist. A little tighte then neccecary but the moan it gets from Max tells her he likes it that way.
She dragged from her blissful state of simply watching when a fistful of her hair is grabbed. She's shoved down towards Max's very hard cock. It's a little slower, so she has a chance to actually get her mouth open.
"Don't let him finish." He pointedly commands her. This is going to be a long night.
"I still can't believe you've done this before."
"I can't believe my teammate is really this kinky."
"Is this some sort of weird fetish you have? I swear I won't judge, but I think you need to talk to them if that's what this is."
"I'm going to cry now. The last time haunts me. Max held us hostage."
One hour down. She almost wishes she could record this like a video log. Max has finished approximately four times.
She has no idea how. Max looks exhausted, and his eyes are glazed over in ecstasy. Part of her thinks both him and Oscar needed this.
Speaking of Oscar, he has finished once. Inside of Max, mind you. Part of her thinks it was accidental. He looked shocked when it happened.
She has yet to finish. Her body is desperate, but her mind is telling her that she need not be. She'll probably be crying when they are done for the night.
Max was screaming a minute ago, and now the room is filled with panting. She likes this noise. Like an interlude in a song before it ramps up again.
Oscar runs gentle hands down the curves of Max's body. "You did so good, Maxy. Such a good stand-in. Too bad Carlos isn't a good boy like you."
"I'm sorry... what?"
"Makes sense, mate. You made the Aussie angry."
"But he's so calm! Where is all the aggression coming from?"
"See, I've come to reason that he stores it all in a bottle and then saves it for these occasions."
She's not sure how she got herself into this position. Her body being tied to the headboard.
Scratch that, she does know. Oscar had proposed that he work on his knot tying while Max recovers some of his energy.
Apparently, she is also a Carlos stand-in. She may be tied to the headboard, but she's facing the wall.
She's going to have Oscar's hand tattooed to her skin if the mark stays. Why is she getting spanked anyway? What did she do? Unless this is a damn warm-up. He's used this method to put her down a few times. She's sad that it's actually working.
Tears are burning her eyes now. It's not like the hits are soft. Her ass burns and stings, and she's not sure she really wants anymore.
Originally, she's been told fifteen. But the pitch and tears must have been noticed. Hands run along her skin soothingly. Soft kisses are pressed to her spine.
"We won't do anymore, love. I'm so proud of you. You did so well for me."
She's smiling, and she's not sure why. It's probably due to the praise which is making her feel floaty and fuzzy.
"Maxy, I have a new job for you."
She feels another presence dip the bed. Max is settling himself between her already spread thighs.
She almost cries at the feeling of Max's tongue barely licking her. The stimulation she's been craving finally at her doorstep.
Two pairs of hands grip her body. Max on her thighs just under her aching ass and Oscar everywhere inbetween.
They both get more aggressive with their movements. Max's mouth is everywhere she needs it. Sometimes, she wonders if this is his secret talent or if he got training for it.
She loses herself at the thought.
"Please- fuck. Please sir I need to cum."
"Go ahead. Finish on Max's tongue."
She must have done something right because Oscar's body is also shuddering. She assumes it's his title that did it.
She can't think too hard about it as the muscles in her body start to contract. Her head drops back behind her, and the Aussieโ€™s lips attach themselves to her throat.
No thought for the rest of the night. Only feelings, pleasure, and unconditional love.
"Do you think Max or Oscar has the bigger dick?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"Who do you think has a bigger dick, me or you?"
"Honestly no idea."
She's subbed dropped a few times before. It's a thing that happens to everyone if they are consistently in the headspace for long periods of time. She is currently finding that wall. That limit of how much she can really take.
She's enjoying this. Lost in the abyss of her mind. No idea how many orgasms she's been dragged through.
So she panics when it stops. Her mind reeling with every possibility. A futile attempt to bring herself back.
She hadn't realized she'd been crying. Harder now due to the suddenness of the stop.
Every nerve is alight. Every part of her body feels thoroughly loved. Her mind unable to understand what is happening.
Oscar's voice is attempting to pull her back to reality. Gentle hands stroke her hair. "Breathe love, you did so well."
"Why did you stop?"
"We stopped a good five minutes ago. You started crying only a minute ago." He soothes.
Max's fingers trace down her arm to her bonds. "Can I untie these?"
She shakes her head yes despite still not really understanding. Her eyes are still leaking, and she can't get it to stop. She needs to see them. Get lost in their eyes for a while.
When she is no longer tangled in rope, her body collapses into both boys. Exhaustion takes over her as she trembles in their hold. Every inch of her is still swimming in endorphins.
Words are exchanged, and the bed moves again. Max is humming a song to attempt stopping the still unending tears.
Tears she doesn't understand. She's not unhappy or in pain. Her brain feels like nothing and can't see past her boys and the unending waves serotonin. Maybe it's too much for her. Maybe she finally found that limit.
Sh hears the bathroom door creaks open and something like a growl escape from Oscar.
The two boys on the cold bathroom floor have made their own entertainment.
Is this probably not the best look from a professional standpoint? Probably. Do they care in this moment? Absolutely not.
The fact that Lando even has the Spaniard down his throat is amazing. It's even better when Carlos mumbles about how it's the best head he's ever had.
Until the moment is interrupted by the door creaking open and the light flicking on.
Carlos doesn't look at the door, though, cause he's too busy looking at Lando's flushed cheeks. He finishes down his throat the same second and somehow the Brit manages to take all of it.
"What the fuck?!"
Both boys scramble to resituate themselves. The door slams closed and they can hear Oscar muttering to himself.
When it reopens, he is in clothes and armed with murder in his eyes.
"I swear to god Lando that you have a kink or something, but bringing Carlos here as well is just evil."
"Does that mean it's a bad time to apoligize?"
"Get out."
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spaceycat ยท 21 days ago
โ•โ•โ•โ• โ‹†โ˜…โ‹† โ•โ•โ•โ•
โœฎโ‹†ห™ ษดแดแดก แด˜สŸแด€สษชษดษข ...ย  โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐š๐ฐ๐ก๐ข๐ฅ๐ž Pt. 4 / 5โ‹†หšเฟ”
Tumblr media
โ™ซ แด˜สŸแด€สษชษดษข: girls by the dare (1:59) โœฐ pairing: camstar!chris hartley x fem!reader
โœฐ cw: uh chris is buff in this fanfic cuz i said so, talk of sex-work, talk of sex, smut, fingering, oral (f!recieving), no other things tho lol, dylan is a dick as per, consent is hot, dirty talk AND swearing (alot), spit play.. kinda..
โœฐ word count: 2.2k+
โœฐ summary: see pt. 1 , pt.2, pt. 3, pt.4 (you are here) & pt.5
โœฐ a/n: the long awaited smut part of this cam!star fic.. surprising
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เผบcolour chartเผป reader โ€ chris โ˜… dylan โœ beth hayley margot
The next day, you woke up on Chris' couch - you moved into his kitchen, brewing some coffee. When you realised he left his phone on the kitchen counter and someone started calling it.
"Chris-- your phone is ringing.." You called out, setting aside the coffee filter you were fiddling with. You picked up his phone to see who was calling - it was Josh, you called out to Chris again walking out of the kitchen. The ringing eventually stopped, as you looked back on his phone you were looking at this lockscreen. Then you noticed the stream of twitter and only fans notifications, you'd rather forget about the whole pornstar thing - but you were nosy. You scrolled through them, seeing the usual like and favourite when a text reply caught you off guard. "Great, I'll bring my recording equipment later x" It was a girl, her name was Candy, stereotypical you thought. You don't know why that pissed you off the way that it did - Chris eventually came into the room, "Hey-- thanks.. sorry, I was in the shower." He'd grab the phone from you, "Who's Candy?--" "Uh.. what?" "The girl who's texting you.. who is she?" You couldn't help the bitterness in your voice, you didn't mean to sound upset about this - hell you didn't even mean to be upset about this. You're not dating, you're simply having a crush on your bestfriend who works in the porn industry - that sounds weird thinking about it.
"She's no one-- well.. she's someone, but someone you shouldn't worry about. She's-- I need the publicity, kinda?" Chris stumbled over his words a bit, looking at you to see how you've react. You responded with a curt nod, "None of my business about who you fuck Chris, none of my business." You'd move back to the couch, sitting down - grabbing your phone when you'd hear Chris calling back Josh in the kitchen.
"Uh-- yeah?" "Mhm.." "Yeah, I can ask her if she wants to go-- something happened last night, so don't expect her okay?.. I don't want to push her." "Josh, I get it." "Okay, I'll see you then."
He then hung up, walking into the living room - seeing you sitting on the couch drinking your coffee from a mug. "So uh-- Josh asked me if you wanted to go this party him and his sisters are throwing tonight?" You hesitated for a moment, wondering if you were up for it after the whole Dylan thing. "Yeah-- why not?" "You sure?" "I'm sure."
And thats how you found yourself in Chris' room, getting ready for the party - you couldn't bring yourself to go back to your apartment to face Dylan so Hannah dropped off a dress for you to get dressed into you. "We're gonna be late if we don't go soon--" Chris opened the door to his bedroom, immediately turning around as he saw you getting changed. "Shit!-- shit, oh my god ohmygod I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to." "Chris it's fine-- you're good.." You'd place your dress on fully, "Do you mind zipping up the back?" He looked over to you, his eyes adjusting you in that dress. "Uh-- yeah.. that's.. I can do that." He'd walk over, his large hands methodically zipping up your dress as you held your hair out of the way.
The drive to the party was relatively silent, except for the slight hum of the engine and of the radio. You occasionally felt Chris' eyes on you, admiring you in that dress. You couldn't help but feel the heat between your legs as your mind went back to the video you watched of Chris fingering a faceless girl after the whole kitchen incident, your brain felt fuzzy as you recalled how he was knuckles deep into that girl - making sweet moans fall from her mouth, you could only imagine how he would look fingering you open to take his massive cock-- "We're here--" You were broken from your thoughts, as Chris parked the car. "Uh-- thanks.." You flashed a small smile to him before getting out of the car. That's when you saw Margot and Hayley walking over to them - you knew that they couldn't see Chris, if they saw Chris they would freak the fuck out. "Hey, we didn't see you at work today where were you?" Margot walked over to you pulling you into hug, "Sorry-- sorry, I.. I slept in, want to get a drink." "Sign me up." That's when Chris walked over beside you, "Oh-- hi, are these your friends?" Chris put on a soft smile, looking over to you. Hayley's eyes lit up as she wacked at Margot's arm as a silent demand to look, when Margot looked over she was speechless. "Oh my god.." You mumbled, "What-- did I say something?" Chris looked between the two of your friends, "Uh-- no, nothing.. nothing. I just-- swear I've seen you before." "Mhm.. mhm." Hayley nodded along, "Very familiar looking face... and.. body-" "I'm sorry what was that last part?" "Nothing! Let's get a drink, byte me if I don't." Margot snickered a bit, grabbing Hayley's hand pulling her into the house.
"What was up with them." "They're kind of obsessed with you.." "How are they obsessed with me they've never even-- oh.. oh shit. Does everyone know at this party or something?" "You kept your face in the videos, it's kind of-- it came with it?'
The two of you walked into the party, Josh walking over and pulling Chris off to talk. That's when Hayley and Margot immediately approached you, "I'm sorry-- you're friends with a pornstar?" "More or less." "How are you so chill about this-- this is crazy stuff we're talking about here." "Is he looking for a cam girl to film with?" "The way I would fuck him-- it's not even funny.." "Okay-- can you two shut up please?" "Is this about the daddy thing?" Beth appeared with a drink in her hand, taking a sip of it. "No-- Beth.. you're not helping." Beth looked over to Hayley and Margot, "Oh-- did you two just find out?" You'd dismiss yourself from the group, walking over to the bar to just take a moment to chill out from everything.
When you walked over to the bar, you heard someone come up behind you - the bartender looking expectingly at them. "I'll have a whiskey-- the lady will have a vodka cranberry." The voice was recognisable, too recognisable. As you turned around, you saw Dylan standing there with a smug smile on his face. Oh lord, you just can't catch a break. "What do you want, Dylan." "Nothing baby, just wanna see my girlfriend yknow? You haven't been responding to my calls." "Are you serious right now?" "What?" "You were an absolute dick to me the other day and called me a slut? You think we're still together after that?" The people around you fell silent, looking over to you and Dylan. Something switched inside him. "You just can't let it go can you?-- god, you take everything to heart."
You suddenly saw a familiar figure stand between the two of you, "Is there a problem here?" It was Chris, you'd place a hand to his shoulder. "Chris-- I can handle this." "You need to call for backup now huh? You need your precious little bestfriend to step in--" "Shut up, Dylan." "And you question why I think you're a slut." "Shut up." That's when Chris pushed Dylan. Dylan stumbled back a bit, regaining his composure. "Don't fucking call her that." Dylan held his hands up in mock defence, a smirk still on his face. "Whoa-- whoa buddy, chill." "Watch yourself, prick. Quit talking to her." Before you knew it, Chris grabbed your hand pulling you out of the crowd - upstairs into an empty room.
You'd walk and sit on the bed, letting out a breath. "Sorry-- sorry if I fucked that up and blew it way out of proportion." "Don't be.. it was kinda hot." The tips of Chris' ears turned red as he sat next to you, "You alright?" "Yeah.. just need a moment. Kinda overwhelming." "I get it.. I get-- like that sometimes aswell." He'd place a hand to your shoulder, his thumb caressing it slowly as a form of comfort. You slowly became very aware of his touch and how close he was. You looked up at him, "Care to let me take off some steam?" He looked into your eyes, his eyebrows furrowed. "How?--" "I've watched you fuck plenty of girls Chris, you know how." He was a bit startled by your forwardness. "Oh-- uh.." When you straddled into his lap. "Are you sure you want this?" "I'm sure."
That's when you collided your lips with his, that's when he leaned in - placing on hand on your hip and one in your hair. His tongue moving across your bottom lip as he tilted his head into the kiss. His tongue explored your mouth and the kiss slowly got sloppy, open mouthed and raw. He'd take the initiative to pull you closer to him, wrapping your legs around his waist as he picked the both of you up from the bed to redirect you to be underneath his body. A singular arm keeping him up as he ran a hand through your hair as he pulled back from the kiss, his eyes looking into yours. "Are you sure?" "Chris-- it's fine.." He'd kiss your collar bone, his hands moving to the back of your dress to unzip the very dress he did up an hour before. He'd push your dress down to your hips - admiring your figure. "Wait-- Chris.." "What, baby?" You blushed at the pet name, "I'm not just.. another girl, right?" "Do you see a camera on you?" "No.." "Then that gives you your answer.." A small smile graced your face as he kissed your jaw, praising you every way he thought you should be more than Dylan ever could, he needed to know something. "Did he ever make you cum?" "W-What?" "Dylan, did he ever make you cum." You shook your head at that, "Oh baby.." He cooed, his fingers gliding over your clit overtop your panties earning a moan from you. "You're probably so pent up baby.. waiting for someone to make you cum and see stars.."
You looked at him expectingly as he pushed up those fucking glasses looking at you all sinister like he was about to rip you apart. "Where do you want me?" "..Uh--" "Anywhere you want baby.." "Can you-- finger me?" "Your wish is my command..'' He smirked as his fingers returned between your thighs as the other unclipped your bra, tugging it off with your help. He'd glide his fingers over your panties, feeling the growing wet spot. "Fuck-- already so wet.. probably tastes so sweet so innocent like fucking honey." You blushed, "Can I eat you out baby? Please?" How could you say no? You nodded your head so fast you felt as if your neck would snap. He moved your panties aside, placing kisses to your collarbone, to the valley between your tits, your stomach, your abdomen. His large hands pushed your dress up your hips to get leverage on your thighs - pulling them apart. Pulling your panties to the side, so harshly that you thought he would rip them. Without warning he immediately delved into your sweet dripping cunt. Earning a loud moan from you as your fingers instantly carded into his hair. He licked a stripe up from your soaking folds to your sensitive bud - earning a loud squeal from you. He'd pull back, holding up a hand to your mouth.
"Spit." You obliged, spitting into the cup of his palm. He'd spit into the same hand, smearing it over your pussy. Drenching his fingers in your combined spit his ring and middle finger gliding through the slick folds easily before pushing a single finger in. He let you get used to it before sucking onto your clit again. He'd add another finger, soon pushing them in and out of your quivering pussy giving you the exact image you craved while driving over here.
"Oh god--" You'd whine, as you saw his fingers knuckle deep inside of you as he ate at your clit like a starving man - his spit slowly pooling near his fingers with your arousal coating them. He'd pull back with a nip to your clit, "You imagined this before huh?" You'd nod, "Imagined my fingers in your pussy? My cock sliding in and out of your beautiful tight cunt?" You'd let out a whine at the thought, moving your hips down onto his fingers as he started up his ministrations again. You felt the familiar coil start up in your stomach, he didnt let up continuing to finger fuck you.
You came around his fingers, he licked up every piece of your arousal - swallowing them graciously as his fingers didnt let up. You'd push at his wrists and head as you began to become overstimulated. He'd pull away, helping you get cleaned up and putting your dress back on you. He drove you back home immediately, ignoring Josh, Dylan, Beth, Margot and Hannah. Focused on getting you home and washing you up.
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uh, yeah. i'm scared what just happened.
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