#I said since s1 that Musa is as toxic as Riven
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darlenicy · 2 years ago
Okay, so I watched Winx season 4...
....and I am not okay with it!
These are my full notes & thoughts.... aka one big rant👀
Okay so a quick reminder that I watched the German dub of season 4 so if I mention voice actors it's always the German ones. Oh, and I don't consider anything post movie #1 canon. Okay that's it, thank you. Now let's start the rant.
Episode 1:
the opening cringed right in 🙄
all of a sudden Faragonda comes to mind, that there is another stage of transformation - all of a sudden
the Trix picture in the Hall of Enchantments saved my day
Of course, Bloom has to touch everything again (the curtain in front of the wizards' picture was there on purpose, bloom!)
Winxologie doesn't sound arrogant at all, Tecna
Layla thinks dancing is also a class
"The winx are all totally in love with themselves" Clarice yes, you so right
Amaryl is still with the freshmen 🤣
if Bloom had said she hadn't done it, Faragonda would have believed her - poor Alice isn't extra enough yet to be the teacher's pet. Maybe if she is also the princess of a lost kingdom she eventually has the chance to become Faragonda's new favorite
he (Ogron) talks (has the same voice actor as) like cool cake (Codatorta don't ask why I call him cool cake I just do)
Episode 3:
how ruthless the Winx are (again I forgot what they did. probably them totally failing every fkn job)
zombie stuffed animals wtf girls
these animals are so UGLY and not cute
Episode 4:
why are you so shitty with the boyz? They just want to help you??!! Another hint, that skloom is dammed
no seriously the boys are just there being nice, ready to help and the Winx (mainly Bloom) are UGHHHHH YOU DON'T TRUST US
Episode 5
why don't you use fairy dust to turn the ass ugly fairy animals back? Rainbow be like: FCK CONTINUITY!
the Winx are the problem, not the specialists (they treat the boys like shit 😭)
Roxy's dad is lol. how can you have such a bad memory? best thing is calling HELIA -> TOBIAS xD
Why is Musa's bear called Pepe? Wasn't there another name? The name is already taken, Rainbow! :(
Episode 6
why this new hairstyle boys? helia looks so stupid. he was the cute, mysterious cool boy and now he is the freak with the bangs
Episode 8
it's no wonder, that Stella wasn't allowed to drive a car on Solaria. i mean it's stella and i don't want to know how high radius' bill was for all the crashed cars 😂
of course everyone can ride a horse now! Didn't bloom say she can't ride a horse in the 2nd movie? fck continuity
at least Musa is allowed to sing alone in this ep! give musa the musical attention she deserves and fck bloom. give the fire girl an instrument and let musa sing, she's the goddamn fairy of music!
nabu and timmy are the only non toxic bfs lmao i love them
Episode 9
Erendor suuuper inconspicuous
you were on Sparx? Sparx? Not Domino? U sure?
i love Erendor's rant. still why can't he rule? does this man need vacation so badly? why is sky even king? sense come out where u hiding
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the bed is minimally exaggerated
Episode 10
Roxy be like: I'm not like you, Bloom. I don't want to be special. lemme be a normal earth girl and chill. no need to make me a PRINCESS IN THE FUTURE *cough*
you're listening to the police radio, Tecna? ok how criminal of you lmao
not Musa being a toxic bitch again. that's why i ship driven
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Stella x Musa (even though musa is wrong but this cute. i love when they are sweet with each other. in s1 and s2 they had their problems but since s3 they're such besties)
Episode 11
musa, jason is your producer, not your boyfriend
➡ nothing against age gaps but he is clearly interested in her because she has talent, not because she has boobs
➡ and wTf you HAVE a boyfriend, musa! poor riven, my boi 😭
nabu x layla!!!!! (i will say it again and again, they built them up to destroy them and that is unnecessary drama! 😭
Episode 14
yes musa, short hair does suit you better
➡ also stella saying that long hair is the best thing ever is pretty rude against tecna? but hey, she's cool with it: stella: hair is the most effective weapon of seduction a girl has - Tecna: oh really, i though it was the brain - burrrrrn (in the German dub it's even meaner of stella because she explicitly says LONG hair is the most effective weapon a girl has)
Bloom didn't want to be a fairy at first like Roxy?? gurl, you were totally into it! it was you stupid dream after all
if stella had seen brandon being nice to a girl she's be mad? Ehm, they used to make a game out of who flirts with more people. real stella would chill, s4 stella would explode
yes riven, you just don't have a relationship base this season makes it more obvious than ever
and the animals just stay free in the city? ok...
Episode 15
YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM, MUSA! don't act as if HE was the problem🤯
Also do we see Mitzi as a fairy ever again? no? ok
Episode 16
oh brilliant Faragonda can't solve the mystery of the white circle? loser
who said that Bloom is the one singing? who is the music fairy? i think it's not her for sure!?
Poor Riven bb
yes Riven, change yourself completely, then everything will be fine. i mean rivusa shipping aside, it's never good to change yourself for another person. musa fcks up just as much as he does. maybe they just have to face that they don't work together? never ever try to become someone you are not. if a person wants YOU to change, better question the relationship with that person
➡ ngl rainbow could have written them better. it's a mystery why they don't make them break up before s7. it's simply not working
bloom has to address twice that she is a clever fairy to sky in case he forgets
Episode 17
 Tir Nan Og is near Ireland BUT it's a tropical island. makes sense
ehm is it just me or does Morgana looks exactly like the mermaid queen of andros' whose name i forgot?
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hm not even that much. maybe it's the shape of their faces
Episode 18
Roxy is veeeeery emotional
brandon, don't say "you act like ex-lovers", that's very mean
you have been arguing a lot lately, musa? You argue ALL THE TIME!
Episode 19
essential oils or essential fairies? 🤣 why? i can't take them serious with that name. it sounds like "This is eucalyptus, this is peppermint, and this is lavender"🤣
do they build up nabu x layla so lovely, so that the end is even more tragic?? fck you rainbow
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not stella patting the snake 🐍🤣 i love how she is not AHHHHH :0 but t AWWWWWW >.<
Episode 21
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not musa kissing andy in fkn front of riven!!!
since when has it been the winx's dream to become musicians? since yesterday? ok
ogron, you serious? Don't give them the black circle
not musa worrying they'll be late for their show. i mean girls, it's the world that has to be saved again. fck your damn gig
not the German dub putting the cherry on top again with giving us some extra lines when in the original is just a "huh" when the winx discover sybilla's pan fairy minions:
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➡ bloom: cute *v* - stella: ..you really think so? (same girl)
bloom: we have the gIfT oF hEaRt!! Stella: the power of prudence would be a more suiteable one - omg stella slay
riven sings.. he really sings. that proves again which's bf he is
no but seriously it's so nice that the boys want to play out time to make sure the winx will have their performance too later
➡ musa: YOU WANT TO STEAL US OUR SUCCESS!!!! >:(((((( JKLDFHIDHFSFHK they made it to guarantee that YOU can still perform!
Episode preview: The Winx….and Roxy
➡ as much as you try Roxy, you'll never be a Winx 😂
Episode 22
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....who put you in that dress???
the wizards are all 4 my boyz and i love them
Episode 23
bloom isn't thinking at all again EWEWEW I WilL fIgHt YoU! Yes, go on. Fight against the fairy of WAR. you sure got good chances. and why she alone? why of all things HER?
nebula: you will pay for your arrogance ➡️ Yes girl
Aurora be like: worried…but for my ice tower!
➡️ love it how she gives no fcks about nebula but is only worried about her home
is it that simple? Roxy just gotta say please please and Morgana is aw okay I won't go on with the war against the humans
black gift: ah good, you can prevent a death, well you certainly won't act in haste i'm sure (spoiler: in the end it's not their fault at all and that is really a plot twist. i already saw bloom saving some stranger just to waste the gift so that nabu has to die. but it's not that case. idk how to feel about it. yaay fairies you did your best?)
Episode 24
Totally normal that a rabbit pays for pizza. wtf Gardenia you all high there?
layla speculating about the future 😭
nebula that ol' bitch was always the fairy of peace - now of war WAHAHA i think that's kinda neat. also nebula is a queen
until he (nabu) awakens?? Isn't he quite dead?
ok he is completely dead. then don't spoil us with little hints of hope that he might open his eyes again ok?
bloom: too baaaaad......not that i could use my dragon flame healing bring ppl bak to live powers on him nooo *whistle*
Episode 25
Layla is now eViL
do these tragic flashbacks have to be???😭😭
Red Fountain?? wtf German dub, it was always Rote Fontäne!, duuuh
another tragic flashback 😭
hard cut and at the end enchantix again? which animator was sloppy here?
nebula is such a queen
layla badass
secret revealed: morgana is roxy's mom - yes come on we ALL saw that coming
we give a fck about continuity again and act as if it wasn't centuries ago that the fairies were defeated at earth WTF. how is it even possibible that morgana was with claus?? sense, wherever you are, COME OUT
Episode 26
to name an episode without ice & fire without having ICY in it, is mean tho
one could have made nebula's and layla's change of mind more exciting
➡️ it was like: Oh, OH we're GOOD again! <3
nebula the real queen and she got what she deserved, i love that
yeh this season is so cringe, okay? i watched 26 episodes and i feel like nothing really happened? the plot was so lame and slow. i mean, look what happens in s1-s3 in all the episodes. there was so much more going on. it was just relationship drama and unncecessary i gotta say. if they have to write rivusa so toxic then why don't they simply break them up and give them a harmonic ending? maybe being friends is better for them? also no fan of musa becoming a girly bitch with long hair. give me back my tomboy. i have to say too: a season without the trix is no real season even though the wizards are cool. also faragona is so useless let's don't talk about that. and the winx were teachers for ONE episode and after that they are like: meh no we live now our ugly love and pet life in gardenia. the pets, the PETS. i HATE them. they are so ugly. I mean the pixies had a plot they had to fulfill. they had a SENSE in the winx universe. the pets are just ...ugh. not cute. Then Roxy: my opinion on her: she's a bit over dramatic but fine i guess? still wonder why her wings are so big if she is no believix fairy. nebula, diana and aurora were really cool but come on, we did not really need this season. then the criticism that everyone has: wtf with the second movie. where does it take place? why is nabu alive? why do they have their beliviex? it's just that this season was rushed and the plot was meh. and i know it gets worse so let's face it. winx ended after the first movie and this is an ass ugly boring and lame written ff au.
And yes, I will go on with the detailed comments on s1. these notes here were just randomly taken on my phone and i felt the need to share them.
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last-night-is-a-blur · 2 years ago
I wonder which elements the girls will study in their second year. Do they each choose the next element? How long does it take for a decently talented Alphea student to get the hang of the basics of an elemement they aren’t born with? Will it be like in Avatar, where it is easier for the avatar to master some forms of bending than others, depending on which element they are born with? For example, would a fire fairy have a harder time with water magic than any other form of magic? If so, what would be the hardest for mind fairy or a light fairy to master?
If Alphea students get to choose their next element:
Aisha: air or earth, so she can mineral liquids, which she uses to invent morphix
Bloom: I remember Bloom in Winx club using telekenisis a few times, and saying she learn a plant spell from Flora. I don’t remember if I saw other fairies use it (probably, I just forgot), but the scene of Bloom floating around in the air and moving stuff around with her magic in the Alphea kitchen in s1, and dumping water on riven (also s1) just stuck with me. However Idk what kind of magic telekenisis falls under in Winx Fate is, so I am going with Earth. 
Stella: Mind magic. Winx club stella’s powers were once said to be expression of inner sight, intuition and clarity. I like the idea of Fate Stella using magic to bring clarity in a visual sense (lighting up dark places)  and metaphorical/psychological sense. That would juxtapost Luna, who with and without magic, creates illusions and hides things. Mother and daughter would thereby contrast each other in a way that symbolizes the two aspects of light magic: hiding (illusions, blinding and invisibilty) and illuminating (i.e. revealing) things. Stella blinding Rikki would represent how Stella, despite not wanting to, repeats her mother’s behaviour, and her learnign to control her magic would represent her healing and unlearning her mom’s toxic lessons. On one hand, I feel like Stella would choose a element better suited for direct combat, and that she would be interested in neither messing with people’s head, after her mom messed so much with hers, nor digging deep into people’s mind to gain deep psychological insight into them. BUT I can imagine her wanting to protect herself from mind magic, and, given the way she was raised, wanting to be able to read people better, through thoughts or emotions, despite not being interested in psychology in itself. This evolves into her wanting to help people mentally/emotionally, and help them gain clarity in a spiritual sense. 
Musa: Air. She will specialize in sound manipulation and sonic attacks. I also have this image of her using a flute (or music in general) as a medium for her magic. She can use her mind magic on everyone that hears her music, so she doesn’t need as much proximity to use her powers, and she can use it one more than one person. She also uses air magic to spread the sound wider, so her mind magic has greater reach ( in my headcanon using the magic of two elements at the same time is hard, but not impossible), or to turn the sound of the flute into sonic blasts. 
Flora:Air I am not sure why earth fairies can create cyclones, but winx club flora had wind based attacks, so I am going to pick air for Flora, which would allow her to do more wind spells, as nod to winx club flora. Plus, it fits her free spirited nature. Free as the wind. 
Terra: Water or light, to help take care of plants. I would also say air possibly, because temperature, but I won’t since I already gave Flora and musa air. 
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tecnixfairy · 5 years ago
Personal Ranking | Winx Club Fairies
This is based on the events of of all Seasons (though mostly S1-S4), my interpretation of the show and (partially) the Winx Club Wiki. 
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Surprisingly enough this is MY opinion, partially substantiated with facts. My opinion is mine, you can agree or disagree all you want. I am in no way trying to offend anyone by giving my opinion on fictional characters in a kids show.
I want to point out that just because characters are low on my list that it does not mean I hate them per se. I’m simply limited to rating 6 characters, and one has to be all the way at the bottom. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t random, however just because someone is at the bottom it does not mean I hate them; or think they shouldn’t be in the show. 
So let’s start with my least favorite fairy shall we? 
6. Bloom
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Why Bloom you say? Well, in all honesty even as a child I didn’t like Bloom all that much. To me she was always too perfect in a sense. Like yeah she’s quirky and doesn’t know much, but that is such a typical trick used by writers to try to hide the fact that they made her super over powering compared to like everyone else. The idea that a normal person suddenly discovers magical powers and then becomes one of the most powerful creatures in their universe is already a major cliché. 
On top of that the writers made her more and more of a Mary Sue as time went on, and after Seaons 4 pretty much all of the little personality that she had disappeared and she was just the “do good, all good, always right, all powerful” dragon fairy. In the first season she’s interesting for what she is but her character arc isn’t satisfying. She goes from being the quirky all-good powerful fairy to being the perfect all-good most powerful fairy off all. Like really, if Bloom is so powerful why doesn’t she just blast all their damn enemies away? She can clearly do it. 
Of course the show would be over very quickly, but if a writer runs into those problems it is not their job to create more bizarre obstacles, or ignore the power they’ve previously clearly possessed, but to take a step back and maybe dial down the character entirely.
Another issue I have with Bloom is her “courage”. Yes, courage is good, but with Bloom it’s so annoying and frankly... dangerous. This falls back into the Mary Sue trope I mentioned. This is another thing writers often do to cover up the fact that they’ve created an overpowering character. Bloom is always pushing everything, and everyone, and it gets annoying! She’s always the one to be like “C’mon girls, let’s do this!” and then they run off to do something that they shouldn’t even be able to do. I have to be fair on the show Season 1 does this the least, in S1 Bloom is still coming out of her shell, but after that it just gets extremely irritating.
5. Musa
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So, Musa. Where to start with her? I want to come out right and say, make clear once more, that just because she’s low on my list it does not mean I hate her. In previous discussions it has been a misconception that I do, but I don’t hate Musa in the slightest. 
What I however do hate is how pretty much her entire personality is I love music, my moms dead & I get upset over Riven. I could never relate to Musa, she’s far too sensitive and impulsive (dumb you could call it as well) for my liking. I think Musa could’ve been a great character to me had her personality been more individual as oppose to majorly revolving around her relationship with Riven. I don’t mind sensitive and impulsive characters, but I am severely against toxic relationships like that of Musa and Riven. 
My issue with Musa lies more with the show itself than the character. I think it is irresponsible of a kids show to promote relationships like that of Musa and Riven. Their relationship is toxic and I feel a dread whenever I think about a young child who looks up to Musa, because they also love music, and naively finds her relationship with Riven an inspiration. The show already pushes this idea on young girls that they need a boyfriend, and when it promotes toxic relationships like that of Musa and Riven it can be severely damaging. 
I can’t rank Musa any higher because for me Musa’s character has been mostly defined by her romantic relationship. Yes, she loves music, is sensitive and has a dead mother, but really that is all I get to know about her; especially since her relationship with Riven is so damn distracting. 
I think Musa should’ve broken up with Riven for his abusive attitude and that she should’ve stayed a single queen. It would overall send out a much better message to younger audiences. 
4. Stella
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Stella... there’s a lot to take in. I actually really like Stella, I adore her character especially in the first couple of seasons. However later seasons ruin her character, and not just like a little bit. No they took Stella’s character, and then a bulldozer, and then ran over Stella’s character with that bulldozer 30 times in a row. Then looked down at the dusted up remains of the character and tried to rebuilt her with that remaining dust, the product?; Stella Season 5 and beyond! 
As a child I didn’t like Stella; she was too girly for my liking, but I grew a love and appreciation for her character over time. She is a strong, smart and kind human being that just also happens to be very pretty! She is always there for her friends, and although sometimes being a bit ignorant she always feels bad when she hurts her friends feelings, it never feels like she’s overly self-centered because she actually understands what she does wrong most of the time. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a pretty girly girl type person, however the show DESTROYS everything they built for Stella after Season 4. 
I feel pure rage over the “development” of Stella over the seasons. She went from being a kind, confident, stylish young lady in Season 4 to being a dumb, self-centered blonde girl in Season 5. I am disgusted. The writers were doing so well! I praise the show for not making her dumb blonde from the start, because it would’ve been so easy! But they didn’t, at first. But then Season 5 came along and suddenly all she can care about is her effing hair and nails! 
3. Aisha/Layla
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I've heard it before, and I’ll probably hear it another million times “If the black character isn’t your favorite, that means you’re (secretly) racist.”
This is obviously complete and utter bullshit. My opinion is my opinion regardless of the characters ethnic background or skin color. In fact it genuinely disgusts me how S8 and WOW white washed Aisha, and it is the very reason I refuse to watch any future seasons. 
So, let’s chat Aisha, shall we? Don’t get me wrong here, I actually really like Aisha. However I had to make a tricky decision when making this list; having a clear idea of who I wanted at 6 and who I wanted at 1 but having difficulty with everything in between. Aisha isn’t here because I have an issue with her character; she simply isn’t any better to me than the following characters. 
Aisha, although an undeniable badass, never really appealed to me all that much. I think it is partially to do with her coming in in the second season; and barely any time being spent on her as a character later on aside from her quest to help the pixies. I hate how her grief over Nabu, and Nabu’s death, is pretty much glossed over and they give her a new love interest almost instantly. No they don’t start dating until later, but it’s very heavily inclined that Roy (and later Nex) is supposed to be her love interest. Aisha should have, just like I said with Musa, been a single queen. You don’t just get over the death of your engaged, and the show acts like it’s nothing; that you’ll just be sad for a bit and then get over it when another handsome boy comes along.
Aside from my irritation with the love interests I adore her for being a strong character; which I’m sure many young people can look up to, and I certainly don’t dislike her character. She’s a solid characters with a lot of strong motivations which I can very much appreciate. Out off all the Winx she feels most genuinely determined to reach he goals; yes so is Bloom but with Bloom it doesn’t feel as genuine, it just feels like blind courage. While with Aisha it truly feels like she has motivations for the goals she wants to reach. 
2. Flora
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Flora is a lovely character, and just like with Stella I feel like they ruined her as time went on which is a shame. I know Flora is the favorite of a lot of people, and it’s very clear to see why. 
To me she is most relatable; she’s compassionate, smart and is overall a beautiful being both inside and out. I have very little issues with Flora as a character, she’s lovely and I feel there is no glaring issues to address. In terms of being a role model to a younger audience I’d say she’s a fine role model; she has no glaring personality issues or major drama she goes through. The fact that she gets upset over Crystal in S5 feels extremely out of character, but like I said, just like with Stella they pretty much ruined her character as time went on. S1 through S4 Flora is a wonderful character and I entirely understand why she’s the favorite of so many that watch the show. 
Personally I have always adored her as well; I like her connection with nature and her compassion was something I looked up to as a kid. Yes she still has flaws, just like any of the other girls, but her flaws aren’t flaunter nor made an issue of. She’s a bit insecure (S1-S3/4) which is fine, she gets encouraged by her friends to be more confident and overtime she has her own mini character arc. It’s not major, and her character isn’t ground breaking, but she is a lovely character and a picture perfect example of what a main character in a kids show should be like; a good role model.
1. Tecna
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You already knew this was coming, of course! She’s the last one left. Plus I make it fairly clear she’s my favorite. 
I know a lot of people don’t like Tecna, but I absolutely adore her character. So much so that I already, previously, wrote an entire blog post about it. But I’ll summarize it a little bit. 
Tecna is my personal favorite fairy because she has a lot of qualities that I admire; she’s confident, grounded, modest, loyal and extremely intelligent. I’ve heard people complain that she’s their least favorite because she’s too serious; but that’s her purpose! Within this group of highly emotional and impulsive people you need someone to be a voice of logic and reason. Someone that doesn’t get highly emotional over everything, someone that thinks before they act! I tell you, without Tecna all the girls would’ve been dead a long time ago. 
Back to the role model thing I keep mentioning; I think Tecna is a good role model for the younger audience that watches Winx Club. She’s confident but modest, she’s super smart; and when she doesn’t know something she always tries to figure it out. She also has the most healthy romantic relationship out of the 6 girls and I personally think that’s worth applauding as well. 
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So, that’s my take on things. As always, feel free to express your own opinion; as long as you do it in a civil way. I would love to hear what others think and feel on the matter, whether that be about what I said or simply their own ranking.
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