#I said no I’ll have him wear this lighter warm onesie because the thick coats aren’t safe for their car seats
skinreflectsthesun · 8 months
#I put my foot down with my mother in law and let me tell you the way she looked at me like I shot her dog was just insane to me#she insisted on my son wearing this giant winter coat that she bought for him#I said no I’ll have him wear this lighter warm onesie because the thick coats aren’t safe for their car seats#she says but he’ll be cold#and I’m like he’s going straight from here into the car that’s still on and warm and then going straight from the car into my house which is#also warm#he’ll spend less than 5 minutes actually outside#this coat you got is great for time outside when it’s cold but it’s not practical for the car seat#but she still got super quiet and when I asked her if she was upset#she said no it’s okay you guys know what you want to do I just feel bad for him if he’s gonna be cold#and literally#HES NOT#like I’m getting tired of people assuming I don’t know what I’m doing#I kept it together though#but I could just tell that she was upset that I didn’t just outright listen to her#and look you have advice I’m sure but I don’t actually have to listen to you#I don’t#I don’t actually have to listen to anyone at all#I have that choice#and it’s funny how I understand this as a concept#that people don’t need to listen to me#even if I feel I’m right so what? they don’t and that’s that#I’m not gonna waste time to try and convince anyone of anything#but people who just insist that they must be listened to and their word is the end all be all#like bro why#who are you?#why do you think people HAVE to abide by what you say?#because they always have?#because you’re just used to it?#I donno man but I think you’ll find yourself a lot happier when you accept that not everyone has to listen to you and it’s actually OKAY
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