#I regret nothing kkkk
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Event: Savior Week
Em situações normais, Dominique Lefou cagaria solemente para um dos feriados de Storydom, mas a Semana do Salvador é o único deles que provoca ranço real na goleira, por acreditar que é uma forma de oprimir os Castigados. A forma como ela escolheu demonstrar esse ano foi aparecendo em um dos eventos mais nobres de Arthurian como se tivesse recém chegado do Castigo. Além da roupa, ela fez questão de usar todos os piercings que tem e deixar a amostra a maior quantidade possível de suas tatuagens, incluindo as feitas com tinta fluorescente do Castigo.
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brokendave · 5 years
A/N: if you don’t care about personal texts or writings pls ignore this. it’s not fan fic or anything like that it was just something i wrote and wanted to share soooooo yea also will add a read more later i’m at work and the desktop isn’t working Kkkk
He didn’t know it then, but when he sent me to that room - it would be the end of us. It was an innocent request, one that I had thought I could execute without failure but the moment you opened the door, I had already failed. “What are you doing here?” You asked. The door was propped open just enough for you to see me. Just enough for me to see inside but not enough for me to see all of you.
“He wanted me to tell you to come out. I brought some stuff back he needs to put away,” I said. You nodded your head and looked into the full sink next to you.
“Let me finish these dishes first.” You opened the door further and nodded your head, inviting me inside. “Unless you’d rather go hang out with Dustin,” you followed up with. It didn’t mean to come out malicious, but it still stabbed me the same.
I shook my head instead of trying to spit out words that I know would come out cracked. I sat on top of the freezer and you stuck your hands back in the sink and began cleaning again and mumbled, “what’s going on with you two anyway?”
I had been wondering when you’d ask me that. It’s been months since me and him started talking but never once had you seemed to care. Except when you left.
“Nothing. He thinks he’s getting somewhere but he’s not,” I admitted. I felt guilty every time I talked about him because he was kind of sweet when he wanted to be and he was the type of person to only be soft around someone he likes and he had picked me but I had already picked someone else.
“Why not?” You laughed and glanced over at me. Your glasses slid down your nose just an inch and your hair fell in your face a little bit but your smile - God.
“You know why,” I whispered as if someone could hear me. I tilted my chin down and looked at you through my lashes and your smile faded. Please, no, come back. “How could he ever have a chance when you exist?”
You stopped cleaning and I think that I may have fucked up but then you signed, like letting out all your resistance and you mumbled under your breath, “oh, fuck it.”
The dish you were washing clattered against the metal sink and you closed the gap between us just as your legs filled the gap between mine and your fingers tangled themselves in my curls and your lips crashed against mine and it felt like I had always imagined it would feel. Like coming home.
It was urgent and fast and needy and like a long time coming but your hands never left my face. Your finger caressed my jawline like you were trying to bring me back to life and your tongue traced my lower lip and I opened my mouth for you and right before I lost all my breath, you pulled away.
“What the hell was that?” I asked breathlessly. I could feel my cheeks flushed and red and I could see yours were just as bad and you chuckled.
“Remember the last time we were in this room?” You asked. Your finger was still caressing my cheek. I nodded. “You said that we can’t choose how we feel. But if we could,” you paused, “I’d still choose you”
“I’d still choose you,” we said at the same time. You smiled softly at the memory and I shuddered. I remembered that day like it had just happened. The way your eyes pierced mine. You seemed so cold and distant then but I swear to god I saw a glimmer of regret in you when I said those words.
“You were wrong you know,” you said. “When you said that I didn’t have feelings for you. I always did.”
“I know,” I said. Another soft chuckle escaped your lips and I know that you do that when you feel uncomfortable and I know talking about your feelings was never something you were comfortable with but I wanted you to keep on talking just so I could hear your laugh.
“Not as inconspicuous as I think, huh?”
“I’m surprised you know what that means,” I teased and he pushed away from me just enough for me to feel cold without your body pushed against mine so I pulled you back by your shirt and you fell into me like we belonged together. “I need you to kiss me again.”
I nodded and you did and it only stopped so we could breathe.
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keropin783 · 4 years
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Entry 🎐10.24.2020 I was battling with my mood kkkk, and i spent 3 days for nothing, but i don't really regret it. Do nothing sometimes is good. This art inspired by @landwithoutsorrow accout. Thank you very much :) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG1A-63pCkr/?igshid=1lfvoo4u284cb
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jwiminnie · 7 years
Tag Game Thingy!
tagged by the utmost amazing sweet bab @kookminau​​ thank you bunbun ;__; i love these games they fun af HAHAHAHAHAHA
THE LAST: 1. drink: water 2. phone call: daddy 3. text message: “tap me up.” legit. 4. song you listened to: candles - daughter  5. time you cried: HOH a week ago kkk kkkk kk k 6. dated someone twice: nah. 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes. oh hell yes. 8. been cheated on: no.  9. lost someone special: not really? i hope it stays that way. 10. been depressed: wow getting personal now are we lol 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: HAHAHAHAHA once. it wasn’t pretty.
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12-14. white, pastel peach, army green
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: lotsssss <3 <3 16. fallen out of love: too many times to count. 17. laughed until you cried: aksljkf yes. 18. found out someone was talking about you: HAHAHAHA yeah. i was like oh rly? Cause apparently they were shit-talking about me but at this point in life I'm like meh. i don’t care. 19. met someone who changed you: yushh! 20. found out who your friends are: hell ye. 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: YES HAHAHAHHA
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them???? 23. do you have any pets: YES. a doberman - Mikey!! 24. do you want to change your name: nahhhh 25. what did you do for your last birthday: it was near final so..... nothing  kKkKkkkk kk but my friends bought me perfume that id wanted so it was cool <3 26. what time did you wake up: 10am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: reading fanfics k kkkkk kkkkkkk k 28. name something you can’t wait for: bts comeback! and for this year to end pls 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: um. in person???? last year HAHAHAHA. 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my attitude. 31. what are you listening to right now: arsonist’s lullaby - hozier 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: that’s mah bro so yes. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: ward rounds, mean consultants, the heat, the early mornings, urgh 34. most visited website: tumblr, youtube, ao3, mangago 35. mole/s: hundereds. 36. mark/s: a few scars here and there 37. childhood dream: an anaesthesiologist HAHAHHA gave up after realising i suck at simple mental math kkkk k k k kk k 38. hair colour: i dyed it brown recently! i look rly rly old with black hair even tho it’s my natural colour so heh. 39. long or short hair: short 40. do you have a crush on someone: all the time. they fade away rly fast so i don’t trust myself. 41. what do you like about yourself: i’m pretty ok at drawing? 42. piercings: none cause pain lol 43. blood type: a- 44. nickname: crisi 45. relationship status: non-existent 46. zodiac: scorpio  47. pronouns: she/her 48. favourite tv show: game of thrones 49. tattoos: nah. i plan on getting one tho hahaha 50. right or left handed: right handed 51. surgery: none 52. piercing: nil 53. sport: im a potato 55. vacation: australia to see my mom and bros! 56. pair of trainers: brand new HAHAHAH
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: nothing  58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: sleep 61. waiting for: morning 62. want: earphones 63. get married: lol nope 64. career: pathologist or forensic pathologist! 65. hugs or kisses: hugs! 66. lips or eyes: lips  67. shorter or taller: taller! 68. older or younger: older pls 70. nice arms or nice stomach: both  71. sensitive or loud: depends? 72. hook up or relationship: hook up? idek  73. troublemaker or hesitant: either works 
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: nope 75. drank hard liquor: yes. it tasted like crap so..... never again 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: once! 77. turned someone down: yeah  78. sex on the first date: never 79. broken someone’s heart: lol heaps. ;; 80. had your heart broken: yep 81. been arrested: nopee 82. cried when someone died: nope ;; 83. fallen for a friend: once! never again because.........
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: trying so hard 85. miracles: sure why not 86. love at first sight: hells nah 87. santa claus: like how much i believe in the tooth fairy 88. kiss on the first date: no thanks ;; am i mean? i think i am *sobs* 89. angels: yes!!!!!
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: pizza 91. eye colour: dark brown 92. favourite movie: atm it’s the conjuring kkkk k k kkk
i tag @kookmingold @kookmin @crunchycookiee @heyhosam @kookminthegreat 💖💕 only if u want to!!
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