#I recommend you look to see if the honeysuckle species in question is invasive or not
pokesurvivaltips · 2 years
Let's talk about: Honeysuckle
Surprise led me to a cluster of Kantonian Honeysuckle plants yesterday so I figured I should talk a bit about them as a wild treat!
Now its important to know, not all honeysuckle are edible, but Kantonian Honeysuckle is one of those cases where its perfectly safe to drink nectar from (but DO NOT eat honeysuckle berries, they are not edible and can make you ill) While honeysuckle can't replace a good nutritional meal, they're very good as a sweets substitute should you encounter them in the wild.
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..However, I want to say that this is only a treat for trainers and grass type Pokemon like Gloom who produce nectar of their own. Pokemon like my buddy Mutt (Growlithe) and most mammal based mons will get very ill if they eat anything from the plant and in some cases it can even turn fatal. If your Pokemon ever accidentally ingest one of these plants, it is important to get to a Pokemon center straight away so the optimal treatment can be administered as quickly as possible.
Before consuming any kind of honeysuckle plant, I strongly encourage you to do your own research. Most honeysuckle are safe to eat, but its always better to be prepared when out and about foraging. Safety should always be the number one priority for both you and the environment!
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