#I really need to draw yakko more
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candycyanidechaos · 10 months ago
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Assorted Animaniacs Doodles
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torra-and-the-toons · 2 years ago
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There is no comic... yet. But perhaps one day there could be.
This took me an entire week to finish. 😵
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bizlybebo · 1 year ago
For your final thoughts on PD once you finish, I present to thee:
This ramble ask
How ya feeling?
this is probably gonna be even longer than my ramble after completing the greyscale series so once again i dont expect you to read all of this but OHHH YM GODDD i need to dump my thoughts somewhere cause HOLY SHITTT
after writing this out i really only managed to touch on the last 2-3 episodes but yk. there are my thoughts on the ending so it makes sense. i dont think we wanna see how big my ramble on the entire fucking series could get
spoilers ahead for anyone else who sees this: literally all of prime defenders s1 and s2
ashe came home.
ashe fucking CAME HOME.
now, i had a feeling since about episode 35 that ashe was certainly coming home, because there was so much buildup, yakko did an ashe cosplay, etc. like it would have been stupid for her not to return at that point. plus i kept seeing people drawing a post-trickster ashe and was like huh.
so essentially, i thought that because i Knew, i wouldn't get blindsided by these final episodes. in fact, knowing almost made it more... bearable? i guess, because i could hold onto the light at the end of the tunnel that ashe was 100% coming home. it almost made me feel the same hope that the group was feeling about ashe, because i had that certainty and faith in the good ending.
and then william wisp fucking died. again.
i was really sleepy when i was listening to that scene but still persisting because my anxiety was slowly increasing as the episode went on, but when the trickster just. plunged his hands through william's chest i was FULLY awake just sitting in absolute shock. i'm not the kind of person to cry huge tears over media (i think the only time i non-happy cried watching riptide was ep 53), but when william died For Real i actually gave a good few sobs. i was no longer sleepy i was just in shock and then in grief.
and i was like. oh shit. maybe there is no good ending.
something like that ENTIRELY blindsided me in such a crazy way that it had me doubting ashe would even come home.
and i kept thinking, hey, no, he's risen before, he'll be okay! but then he went to the fucking spirit realm. he got dispensed there with kumori and began the first day of forever and i was like oh. shit.
william was gone.
and the REACTIONS from dakota and vyncent were both so guttural and real and true to their characters in their own ways. like so good it's nearly painful to think about.
dakota's loud. he's loud and he's rambunctious because he's dakota. he never speaks below a shout.
but when william was torn in half, he wasn't shouting, he was wailing. the absolute shock and denial he was in haunts me dude.
dakota's was begging william not to do this to him. he could forgive william for so much-- for lying to him, for not asking for his help, for fucking killing jade, but he could never forgive william for dying.
dakota's not the kind of kid to ask, y'know? if something doesn't go the way it should to him then he'll fight abrasively and outwardly for what he believes is right, or in the harder cases he'll bite the bullet and take the fall.
but here, he was pleading with william to just. not die.
and i think the final thing that shattered my faith that hey, maybe william wasn't gone was that tide was so accepting of it. he fell to his knees, he grieved and he was torn apart for a second, but then he was back up, holding dakota, going as far as to use a whole turn in initiative to only hug his boy despite the deadly circumstances. despite the world falling apart around them. to loosely quote my other mutual cayden (<333), "at the end of everything hold onto something and dakota had to hold onto tide because it was the end of everything for him" and i think that's just. the only way i can really phrase it. top 10 moments that rewired my brain chemistry
and. fucking. fuck.
vyncent. MOTHERFUCKING. sol.
when i fucking catch condifiction.
vyncent sol is such an interesting fucking character. most of the time i'm like "there is something deeply wrong with him <3" in an endearing sense because yknow. he's a little strange. he's not from around here.
but oh my god.
vyncent sol, THE character development guy ever.
he starts off season 1 violent, unable to control his powers. he's violent, and he's scared, and he's homesick, and he's like a skittish dog who bites when it gets nervous because he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing here.
but he changes. he grows.
he gets his closure with fauna, yeah, but then he finds a new home. he finds himself in a flying car, chasing after the fucking lich, watching william and dakota fighting in the front seat like a married couple, and he just thinks yeah. this is home.
and he doesn't quite unlearn his violence or his vengeance but they do certainly shift gears (also tidbit-- the 'fatal flaw' of justice is vengeance which is part of why i chose him for that human soul in the undertale shit i was telling you about :D).
his character is about balance. he has to learn not to be reckless and violent like in season 1, while also not apathetic and taking inaction like he did in s2 episodes 31 and 32.
at the end of everything, he protects william with his life, ready to interpose any attack. he thinks that he can do right by somebody this time, act now so that there aren't any consequences later (y'know, like he never did with jade, or ashe, or the lich).
but william. still. dies.
the sheer anger that vyncent felt in that moment was overshadowed so strongly by his grief, but it was still there. i can't even put it into words without going on a whole nother tangent but oh my fucking god. dude. vyncent sol has irreparably rewired my brain he is all i'm gonna think about.
prime defenders honestly is just THE character development show in general. i haven't even touched on william's development, on how he put faith in his friends over mal even if he knew it was going to make things much harder because he trusted dakota and vyncent so much. on how he literally got killed, repeatedly, over and over, in the spirit realm for 12 hours straight. on how he dirtied his hands during the greyscale arc out of fear.
on how he finally. stopped. running. stopped trying to escape who he was. but still won't come out of the closet
and god this is a looooong fucking ramble and i haven't even said much yet, this is only me screaming about the last two episodes really, but so much has happened in them that i just AUUUUGUGHGGHGHJKTEHRKJ
and. holy fucking shit.
AND ATLAS? BRO POOR FUCKING ATLAS. he really could not catch a fucking break for the ENTIRE series. when bizly started describing the 'odd fizzling' i was like 'man this guy is just going THROUGH it with his career i feel kinda bad for him' and then.
he was dead.
i think grizzly said it best, how bizly has to 'keep reminding us that prime defenders is r-rated' cause yk. the sudden violence/gore. it was so impactful you were so right when you were talking about tonal whiplash because holy SHIT.
like we were just in mario kart hell chasing after le frog who stole pizza he couldnt even eat cause he was vegetarian. and then atlas' throat was slit and he was marked with an x. (x as in xavier's vigilante persona????????RTEHRTTT$YRJHTTETR)
i need a prime defenders christmas episode. dearly.
the bright side of this is that now i can write a shit ton of fic + inhale every single fic under the prime defenders tag on ao3.
but GODDD this is the most gutwrenching piece of media ever. i've never had such a strong hyperfixation since 2020 because the world is just so good. every single character and npc means the world to me. even summer and doug are constant subjects of my brainrot. even fucking lightspeed and harlem and aughughugnjtr.
okay that's. all i can say for now
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yakkolicious-art · 11 months ago
New PFP!
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That old drawing of an older AU Yakko was my profile picture for YEARS, I think I drew him in 2021. Regardless, I've changed a lot since then and I figured I needed a new profile picture to match.
This is Dahlia! She's my 'sona (Dahlia is not my real name). I don't exactly think of her as a fursona since while I am a furry by the loosest definition, I don't really identify with the label. I just think of Dahlia as an extension of myself, and she's a mouse because I'm short and honestly, mouse characters are >>>. The only real difference between her and me is that she has a bit more freedom, she has a house of her own because wish fulfillment. I hope you like her!
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cringetownusa · 1 year ago
Cheers! I'm Clownie!
💥💥They/Them, 26 nonbinary, lesbian💥💥
(This is updated frequently!)
An intense and avid fan of Animaniacs, A Goofy Movie, and Yax (Yakko Warner x Max Goof) I'm also the owner of the discord server YAKKO'S BALL PIT And I ran the @animaniacssecretsanta for 2023 and 2024 I was the head mod behind Wishing Star, a Wakko's Wish zine, which you can read digitally for free HERE. I also hosted a Mass Collab for the 4th anniversary of the Animaniacs Reboot!
💥I run several Animaniacs related blogs as well!💥
The Warner Mailroom - A blog about the changes in the lives of the Warners post reboot ending.
On The Open Range - A blog for the Western/Cowboy AU @night2time and myself have together.
Animaniacs Secret Santa - A blog that details updates and gifts for every year of the exchange.
Wishing Star Zine - A blog that tracks the updates and release for Wishing Star, a Wakko's Wish Zine.
💥Here is a list of my Animaniacs/Yax fics:💥
The Differences We Share (finished) Wallpaper Guy (one-shot) The Needs of the Few (In-progress) A Royal Ruse (In-progress) Final Exam (one-shot) The Favorite Warner (one-shot) Tangentially Related (a compilation of drabbles) The New, Special Friend (not updating) A Brief Moment (one-shot)
If you've read any of my fics and want to make any art or other content based on it, please @ me. Nothing makes me happier than to see the effect my words have on people. I love and appreciate everything I've ever gotten for them.
💥Analysis Posts💥
The Warner Tax Rant Yax, the How and Why part 1 (For if you, like many, are confused about what Yax is and why it's so popular)
💥Frequent tags💥
#my art -all my art i've done or collabed on #my writing -all posts related to my Fanfiction #ask - asks I've answered #update - updates on progress with fics #journal - personal posts
💥Other Socials💥
Ao3 -- Insta
Both Writing and Art are currently CLOSED! If you would like to be placed on a waitlist for when they open if they are closed at the time, please DM me! For Art Comms you can find the info HERE For Writing Comms, please refer to my carrd HERE
💥Asks, Requests, and DM's💥
under the read more
Both asks and DM's are always open! I'm very much a people person, but I do have adhd and often forget to respond to asks or dm's. I don't always answer all my asks, but I do love seeing them so much!
I also love making new friends, so If you're 18+ and would like to make a connection, you're welcome to DM me! I'm very extroverted so it's never a bother :)
Couple Rules about types of asks/dm's I take!: PLEASE DO: - yax - Animaniacs - A goofy Movie and related media - my AU's - Rise of the TMNT - leoichi - Sam and Max - any of my posts here - my fanfiction: I absolutely adore when people write in commenting or asking about my work. It really touches my heart to know that people are actually thinking about my works, especially when I put so much love into it. I also love constructive criticism! It helps me refine my art to be it's best self! - writing behind-the scenes: this means questions about a fic, how i write them, my process, other writing ideas from me, questions about WIPs! NO: - nsfw - gore - drama - conflict baiting - bashing other creators
REQUEST RULES: 1. I will only take requests off anon, as I prefer to do requests for followers. 2. Requests should fall under one of the "Please Do" categories listed above! 3. It is more likely I will fulfill a request if it is Warners or Yax. 4. Oc submissions are allowed, but if you want me to draw your oc, a reference must be provided, I can't draw without it. 5. I am only taking OC submissions now so that I can broaden my horizons with different characters, animals, and body/face types. They will not include backgrounds and I'm in control of how i want to draw them. 6. Any requests will be sketch only. 7. There is no guarantee that I will do a request or a time frame for it. I do whatever idea happens to catch my fancy, and whenever I have time. I have a lot on my plate at the moment, so this is as I have time for it.
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angeflrs · 1 year ago
Flufftober — Day 09: Scrunchy Leaves.
Pairing: Max Goof / Yakko Warner.
Fandoms: Animaniacs, A Goofy Movie (Disney).
Word Count: 774.
Version Español: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50488909/chapters/128117884#workskin
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It was early autumn when they met.
Although the weather was still warm, the wind was changing from a cool breeze to a cold current that would soon blow away the leaves of the trees until they were bare. Even so, Max still didn't feel the need to put on a jacket.
He embraced the cold currents, holding his sketchbook tighter and waiting for it to pass, so he could continue drawing pencil lines with barely a shudder.
It had been almost half an hour since he sat at the foot of the tree on the highest hill in the park, where he had a pretty nice view of the front of the park. It was also where he had the most breeze, but again, he didn't mind that. His skateboard, his means of transportation, on the ground next to him.
It had been quiet since he arrived, the only sound in the area being the laughter and shouts of the children on the playground behind him and the rustling of leaves. "I know you are there."
Max didn't look up, focused on his notebook and the lines that made up the entrance to the park in his drawing.
The answer came not long after, right above his head. “How did you know I was here?”
Max smiled and looked up, where he knew he would find someone. A boy (he wasn't sure if he was a cat or a rabbit) was looking at him with a slight frown, sitting on a particularly thick branch. “I'm a CoonHound, I have very good hearing.” He paused. “Also, you have a little wheeze when you breathe.”
The boy's beady eyes somehow made a gesture that could only be alarm. "What? Really…? Oh, you’re bothering me.” he finally concluded on his own, his eyes narrowing now.
Max chuckled. “A little, maybe.” He looked up again and asked. “Why are you up there anyway?”
The boy shrugged. “I just wanted to have a moment to myself.”
Max's brow furrowed this time. Taking a moment to think. “Oh. Do you need me to go?”
"No, it's okay. I like your drawing, you have skill.” The boy in the tree said, pointing to Max's sketch. That put a smile on Max's face again.
“Thank you, it's more than anything practical. Although I only draw when I want to clear my mind.”
“Does that often happen?” The boy tilted his head, his long black ears moving in time.
Max sighed, resting his head on the tree trunk as his neck began to tense up. “More than I would like”
There was a noise and a crunch. A second later, the boy landed next to Max and sat down next to him. Max could see it better now, but he still couldn't guess what class it was. Not that it mattered that much. "Hey look at this." He said smiling.
He took his hand out from behind his back, he was wearing white gloves, the same as the ones Max's dad had. In his fist he held a completely orange leaf, at first glance it looked completely dry, and he was sure it would break into pieces if he squeezed it just a little.
“It's cute” Max replied. It was a beautiful autumn leaf.
“It's the first autumn leaf, I caught it just as it came loose from the branch.” The boy explained, clearly proud of himself.
“How do you know it's the first one?” Max asked him, curiosity painting his words.
The boy smiled more. “I can feel it, just like groundhogs feel when winter ends.”
Max smiled back, almost laughing. “Did you know that the first autumn leaf is lucky?”
"It is?" The boy tilted his head, arching an eyebrow (although he didn't have one, rather it was the arch that divided the white of his face from the black on the rest of his head).
Max shrugged. “Who knows, I just made it up.”
“How do you know it's lucky, then?” The boy asked, laughing softly in amusement.
His eyes met Max's green eyes. "Could be it. If you put enough faith in that, It will become lucky.”
The boy paused. “You are mysterious, have any told you?”
Shrugging his shoulders, Max answered him. “Only when I'm in the right mood.”
“And what happens when you're not in the mysterious mood?”
Max tilted his head. “Basically the opposite and add hereditary clumsiness.”
The boy hummed and seemed to consider something, before giving Max a smile that was definitely different than before. "You are interesting…"
“My name is Max.”
“My name is Yakko.”
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animaniacs-groove · 10 months ago
((Hey everyone, admin here. I feel like this blog could use a slight retool. I'm gonna keep the username, but I'm hoping I can shift to doing more art for questions, though it probably would be a lot of pressure. I also feel like you guys need some more info on Rhythm (Yakko), Bean (Wakko), and Rosebud (Dot), since only my closest friends seem to really know them that well. Plus I'm just in a drawing mood. Expect a new pinned post and some more background information in the future! Thank you for reading.))
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bugsbunnyblogsstuff · 11 months ago
Deadpan by Daybreak
(I wanted a chapter surrounding my Ocs and my Take on the Loonautics..... please, I hope I spelled that right, I imagine Danger to be this slightly worse, more adult, older brother than daffy is, while Ace is more of a leader, tries to keep the group in line..... while miserably falling for red flags. Think of this a more downgraded Looney Tunes. More information after the book)
(Danger Pov)
I stared into space. The bottom of the bottle was my best friend.
I watched Mugman, my psycho roommate, rubbing his temples, sighing as he wrote down a new victim in the guts book.
"Lemme guess, you had accidental sex with Julie Bruin too?" I asked as mugman laughed, "I never went to that party. Remember, I was in detention for slamming Daphne Blake old school!" He said, waving around his cigar. The 'hickey' he quoted he had was actually bites from Daphne trying to escape his suffocation.
He leaned back on my gaming chair as he began rambling to his friends on MySpace.
"What do you mean, Star..... shit we had a test?!" He said, his friends Duncan and Starfire, both elites, in math, Starfire was like a human calculator, and Duncan was just a great artist and can draw great geometric shapes without needing to remember them.
Mugman himself was valedictorian, which didn't make sense knowing he was pretty much a frat boy like myself.
Mugman groaned, not wanting to do it. "Test?! On what?" I asked, whipping my head around as I grabbed a Monster Energy.
"Some Supernaturals Assessment test our skills, you know, stuff?" Mugman said, waving a cheat sheet from some Chinese exam, which was more words than I ever written.
I sighed, slinging my backpack as I walked with Mugman to the study room, backpack bouncing.
I could see Axel and his group having an early morning concert. People were dancing around as they clapped and shouted.
Axel was 18 years old, slightly more muscle compared to Pacifica or Mugman, and he had black hair tied in a red bandana. His hair was spiky on the ends. He had sharp fangs and a skull tank top, with baggy jeans and black high tops, and a biker jacket around his waist. He was a punk wendigo with brown twisted antlers and a fluffy white and brown tail. He had black hoofs ok his feet but had human hands.
" Thanks, Riverdale. You all have been a blessing! He said, grabbing his signature red spiky guitar and his bloody pick.
I clapped as mugman hugged him, chatting about how fascinating school was so far.
He turned to me, waving as Axel grinned, handing me a flyer, "You won't wanna miss this. This will be the biggest one yet.... because we're throwing this at Mickey's place!" I could hear the gasps, not because of anything else but I could hear moans.
I shakily opened the janitors closet, seeing Ace, a loser and nerd, was getting it on with Lexi, groping each other like bitches, Highway to Hell by AC/DC was blasting on the radio, as Lext was finishing him off.
Once they were done, Pacifica yelled the code, "The boys in love!" He shouted as he crowned Ace, prince of the make-out stall.
Ace blushed, protesting, luckily him and Lext weren't crowned king or queen of the stalls.
Once it was night out, boys were in groups getting it on, I was with Mugman and Yakko, scouting out a nice woman, I spotted Ace.
I thought I'd playfully flirt, get to know him.
"You know, dating guys is in right now," I said, leaning casually on the stool as he grinned, all thoughts clearly out the window and all on.... how hot he was?
"I'm sorry, but I can't really, it was al-" Before he could finish, I had already started kissing him, I was so excited, I gotta a little... (I mean super) Pg-13, getting inside and out.
"Welp, there goes the lovebirds. There's only so little time till he gets pregnant!"
(Hey guys, I know it wasn't my best, but I'm sleepy and slightly tired. I just argued with my brother about his crazy wife... so I went to my comfort zone!)
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stellarwaffles · 4 years ago
So here’s my idea for the scene where Hello Nurse first shows up in the reboot:
Both Hello Nurse and the Warner siblings are at the same place (Warner movie lot, grocery store, doesn’t matter) for whatever reasons (also doesn’t matter)
She’s walking but also looking down at (her phone/a book/a clipboard, doesn’t matter as long as it has her attention) and the Warner sibling are running around bc that’s what they do. The siblings spot her and stop running for a few seconds before they run towards her. They’re like “Miss Nurse!!!” and hug her. She is surprised bc as I said she wasn’t paying attention and also she hasn’t seen them in 22 years what even happened to them, but she hugs them back
The Warners are like “We haven’t seen you in forever!!! We missed you!!” and they chat with her for a little bit. She’s happy to see them again, and it’s really nice how Yakko + Wakko are acting as normal around her as Dot does (as in normal for the Warner siblings). Then Yakko and Wakko seem to remember something.
Yakko: oh wait!! There was something we wanted to tell you!!
Yakko + Wakko: We’re sorry for how we acted around you before, miss Nurse
Yakko: we know we probably made you really uncomfortable and such
Wakko: but we didn’t mean to do that! Honest! And we really are very sorry
So miss Nurse forgives them, I believe she never really held it against them anyway, considering pretty much EVERYONE treated her like that. At least they were children who could grow out of it if raised right, most people who ogled at her were grown men
Dot didn’t know they were going to do this, Yakko + Wakko decided all on they’re own that they were going to apologize to miss Nurse whenever they saw her again. And that’s on character growth :)
Anyway they all chat for a bit more before they have to leave or episode plot or whatever, idk and also don’t care
Oh also I believe she’s been promoted to doctor by now, unless she quit and got a different job.
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rgbyshipper101 · 2 years ago
Animaniacs Reboot Season 3 Episode 2 Review
Check comments for the rest of the review since tumblr can’t post the whole thing.
Variable verse: Folding paper craneys! -Wakko
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
They’re walking funny to me. Mint, strawberry, and chocolate flavor ice cream? I can see that.
Why do they all look like Dot? It would make sense they all like her but it seems like Gigi took her look? Gigi Soda is based off of Jojo Siwa. She’s cute. Her song was ok. Love how scared/disgusted the brothers looked. Lol
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They didn’t have to do Dot dirty like that.
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It’s sweet how Yakko is defending his sister. Then it gets useless since she smacks his head out of frame. What the hell, Dot? He’s defending you!
Yakko did his “uuuuuhhhhh.” The HBO Max joke was great. Too bad it won’t happen (pretty sure that’s confirmed).
I really don’t like the idea of them breaking and entering to steal an award. Now if they bargain for it or do a competition it’s fine. But this isn’t right.
Again, Wakko wouldn’t necessarily do this. He may have trouble reading the room, but he understood the assignment. Dot wouldn’t beat up her brother, either. And the fact that the bruises stay on for several more scenes makes it worse. What’s with the Warner abuse this episode? It gets worse this season trust me.
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Check out her schedule. She has two days for sleep! Aw, dinner with her grandmother. Is that having lunch and dinner like actually eating or is it a luncheon and dinner with people?
I do like this message. Work and no play makes Gigi a dull girl. Not necessarily dull, but taking a break is healthy and is needed to de-stress.
“What’s the point in a lifetime achievement award if you have no life?” - Wakko
Best quote.
Lots of negative things in the first half. Like Gigi getting disgusted with the bugs and Wakko and Dot not liking their games. The scene with Wakko eating dirt has the table and chairs from the theme song as the background. I like the detail of Yakko facepalming when he sees Gigi drawing data charts. Nice detail with Gigi being left-handed because Jojo is. I love how Yakko says “lunch.” It gets better when she opens up. Probably shows her progression and immersion in the song. Did…did Ralph just die? Damn Dot…ouch. Was Wakko gonna say Hooters? It’s an actual place but did they stop because it sounds inappropriate or for copyright?
The song would’ve been so much better if it was completed. I’m so disappointed. It was funny when Nora interrupted (if it was anything else I was gonna say the song was trash) but I would’ve liked for her to do it afterwards.
That is very scary. Deciding on what age she is. I get the joke on kids staying the same age in shows; but in real life…
Good on Gigi for standing up for herself.
Good on Dot for apologizing but I agree with Gigi. She shouldn’t have done that in the first place. Also, the internet made her insane. Sub, like, and follow. It just abruptly ends.
Half of the plot where Dot steals the award was bad. As I’ve said before, she should’ve bargained for it. This isn’t a good message for kids. Now it seems like Gigi didn’t learn anything from them. And that stinks since the second half of the plot was good! Don’t worry about being an influencer or a job especially when you’re a kid. Just enjoy life and have fun. If the Warners went about it differently and the ending was more heart to heart it would’ve been such a good episode.
Starbox and Cindy
I actually really liked this one. I can’t remember season 1 but I think I like this one the best. They’re adding more characters so it’s not stagnant. Good! The ending was funny when Cindy just grabs him. Also, “she died.” Lol Woah Starbox went through a crisis until she brought her back to life.
What I do like is that you’re supposed to focus on the slapstick. Reminds me of the classic Warner Bros. Very good. The animation was nice! I do like these shorts. There’s no attachment like how E,P&TB was so it’s easier to enjoy it. Cute, funny, very good.
Pinky and The Brain
I like the idea. Based off Harry and Megan I think. The song was nice. Like the UK English and American English differences throughout the short. The fries and crisps joke was funny.
Brain keeps selling himself out. Was this from the OG? I know Pinky did it. Brain could’ve asked to be king instead of selling himself out. Or they could’ve had Charles come in and take it. That would’ve been funny. The Royal flush at the end was great.
Warners - 6
S&C - 8
P&TB - 8
Avg - 7.3
I think my disappointment was radiating when I made the rankings. I consider 8 a solid. I didn’t like the resolution in Pinky and The Brain, but the stuff throughout the episode made it great.
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janetbrown711 · 3 years ago
“Why are you so nice to me” wakko or yakko max
To Wakko's delight, his brother kept good on his promise. Weeks passed and his brother devoted several days to restoring their bond just as it once was (the other days Yakko spent with Dot or with the both of them).
Heck, Wakko was so secure in his brother not abandoning him when Yakko asked if he could start up writing to Max again (at a much slower pace than before, he promised), Wakko said yes (barely) without hesitation. He knew that Max made him happy... and that he kinda owed it to Yakko to let him hang out with him again, as their little "not exactly falling out" was his fault (to him, anyway).
Everything was starting to seem... good- perfect, even.
However, Dot's birthday was rapidly approaching and Yakko was starting to get ideas.
"You know what we should do?" He said, lounging on the couch in the sunroom. "We should throw a ball for your birthday, Dot."
Dot perked up from her book. "What? Why? We never held balls for our birthdays before."
Yakko rolled his eyes. "That's because Grandma ruins everything. In this book I'm reading it says it was tradition for the royal family to hold big celebrations on their birthdays. I think it'd be fun- plus a great opportunity for you two to start making some friends."
This again.
Wakko tried to laugh it off. "You'd have to get mum and dad to agree, and they've been pretty busy with the flooding in the west."
"Bah, that's mostly dealt with at this point. I'm sure they could use the break too," Yakko countered.
"B-but mom's coronation wasn't even that long ago," Wakko argued.
"It was over three months ago," Dot rolled her eyes. "I think a party would be fun," she looked to Yakko.
"Didn't you have fun at mom's coronation?" Yakko asked his middle sibling.
"Well I- I suppose I did..." Wakko thought back to the massive chalk drawing he had covered the floor with. It was pretty fun, and it made a lot of people happy.
"See? I'm sure a party in Dot's honor would be fun all the same- plus, making friends is great, I'm sure you'll love it," Yakko said with a reassuring smile on his face, though Wakko still wasn't quite convinced. However, he could see how much both of his siblings wanted this (even though the idea was only seconds old) and who was he to say no?
"Alright, I guess we can do that," He said, which made Dot clap in excitement as she began to detail everything she'd want for a party in her honor.
Wakko had a feeling this was going to be interesting.
As expected, their parents were ecstatic at the idea, and they spared no expense in attempts to create what they believed a much-needed celebration for the people of Warnerstock and their allies.
And to say it truly was Dot's creative vision would not be false. There were a lot of pinks- a lot, a lot of pinks. Though mostly tasteful, if you saw it it was hard to look away from.
But still, Wakko was happy for her, she was having the time of her life planning it all out with their dad, who was equally happy to spoil his little girl.
However, he knew deep down that despite what Yakko had sworn, her party was probably going to be very different from the coronation. He hoped it would be fun, but the more he watched decorations being put into place and talks about the guests and feasts the more he was beginning to worry.
He didn't say anything though, as the rest of his family seemed far too happy for him to want to bother them with his plight. They deserved this break, he was probably just being dramatic anyways. He'd be fine- and maybe make a friend just like Yakko said he would.
Wakko did his best to remain optimistic, despite the knots forming deep within.
It wasn't too long before the grand day arrived. Wakko had thought they had pulled out all the stops just for decorating but the day itself was insane too. Dot was showered in presents and even was taken out to town with William to go shopping for anything her heart desired, meanwhile Yakko, Wakko, and Lena stayed behind and supervised the final touches on the decorations.
Okay- really only Lena supervised, but Yakko and Wakko were technically there too. They didn't stay with her long, as she gave them a list of things to check up on so she could talk to some people which they were fine with.
Together, the brothers walked through the massive dining hall, checking curtains, flowers, vases, tapestries, etc. to make sure they were in the exact right places (not that the list really said where they were supposed to be) and checked them all off.
"So... are you looking forward to tonight?" Yakko asked, checking off 'left-most curtains'.
"Oh- uh- Yeah! I am... are you?" Wakko quickly said.
"Oh yeah, totally, it'll be great to see Max. It's been a while... you're still cool with that, right?" Yakko glanced down at him before checking another thing off.
Wakko nodded. "I won't try to prank or drive him away this time, I swear."
Yakko snorted. "I know you know better, I'm just asking if you're okay with me hanging out with him for tonight instead of you."
"Yeah, I am. You did say I should make friends after all," Wakko said, fiddling with gloves. Yakko looked away from the checklist and gave his little brother a side hug.
"I'm proud of you, you know that?" Yakko asked.
"Yeah, yeah," It was Wakko's turn to laugh.
"I'm serious-" Yakko let go and punched Wakko's arm lightly. "You're doing great. You should be proud of yourself too, you've come a long way."
Wakko smiled a little. "Maybe."
Yakko chuckled. "Well, it looks like we're just about done with this list. Wanna go turn it in to mom and go get changed into uncomfortable suits and greet guests for hours on end, or do you wanna just double and triple check the list until the last second?"
"Definitely check the list," Wakko laughed too.
And so the brothers did, until Lena caught wind of their shenanigans and forced them to start getting ready for the party (though they did cut a lot of time so technically they still regarded it as a win). At least those outfits weren't the worst they've ever worn (they were pretty confident nothing would ever top how itchy and miserable their funeral outfits were). Still, standing around and greeting people was a dreadfully boring job, not to mention awkward until their father and Dot eventually came to join them and actually do their job properly.
They knew their mom was busy, but leaving the two of them in charge was a little questionable.
Plus, after all that interaction, Wakko was starting to feel weird. Tired, but also not-? It was complicated. All he knew was that he wanted to be alone and maybe pace for a while, that'd be nice.
However, the party was to start in not too long, so he really didn't have time for that. He followed Yakko around for a while to the main party room where the people they had greeted before were all chatting amongst themselves. It wasn't too loud yet, but Wakko's tail twitched nervously as he weaved between people and conversations.
He hadn't been this nervous at the coronation- Wakko really wished he could figure out why he was feeling this way. Alas, he was unable.
He did feel a little better as Yakko and he found a spot of their own to chill in for a while, away from all the people.
"A lot of people came to this shindig, huh?" Yakko joked, "though probably no more than those who attended mom's coronation."
"Yeah..." Wakko said, trying to compare them mentally.
"More kids though, which is really good for you and Dot to make friends," Yakko said.
"Yep, yep," Wakko feigned enthusiasm.
"Are you okay..?" Yakko asked, causing Wakko to straighten out his act instantly and nod.
"Of course," he said. Yakko frowned.
"You don't have to lie you know," He remarked. Wakko bit his lip.
"M'just a little tired," he shrugged, figuring it was close enough to the truth.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Yakko asked worriedly.
Wakko nodded again. "I'll be fine, I'm probably just hungry."
Yakko laughed a little. "Alright, but you'll tell me if anything is wrong, right?"
The brothers stood in a bored silence for a while, before the rest of their family walked in and the festivities officially began.
It started with the feast, which was pretty harmless, as Wakko enjoyed talking with his family and the food was "quite excellent". The hall was filled with good cheer and hearty laughter, which he could appreciate.
However, after that, things began to blur.
It seemed only moments ago he was eating when suddenly everything was taken away and it turned into social hour. and Dot and their parents disappeared once more. He recalled Yakko asking if it was okay for him to go to Max, to which Wakko nodded and even pushed him away some. Oh god- he hoped that wasn't too aggressive.
Now he was alone. People were talking, walking, dancing, all sorts of activities. Wakko tried to take it all in, but all of the colors and sounds were starting to burn his eyes.
Friends. He was told he had to make friends.
He tried looking around for kids his age, but just turning his head made him dizzy.
Still, he was determined to function as a normal child would so he began weaving through the rapidly shifting crowd as he had earlier, just with a much louder and more busy crowd.
Suddenly his suit was starting to feel a lot more uncomfortable than before. God- if he could just find someone-
He bumped right into a lady in a bright purple dress. He quickly stuttered an apology before scurrying away as fast as he could, not even waiting for a response.
Seriously- was his suit trying to choke him? He pulled on it desperately, but if anything it just made the pull tighter. Wakko growled to himself as he walked further and further away from whoever that lady was, until he hit the wall.
At least the marble was cool, it was starting to feel like it was a million degrees in here.
Still, it wasn't enough. he still felt hot, and stuffy- was he even breathing anymore?
...Yes, yes he was. Rather fast though- oh dear, was that his heart? oh god- what was happening? Why was the music so loud? Why was his collar so tight? When was the last time he blinked? Where were these "kids" Wakko was supposed to make friends with?
Wait- no, he could see those. A group of them- shit, they were looking at him. Wakko noticed his nail was twitching nervously- he grabbed it and forced it to stop, but the kids laughed.
Wakko ran away again, covering his ears, his face turning red and the knot in his stomach transporting itself to his throat.
"No, no, no, no. Please, not now..." He pleaded with himself, but he didn't listen, and tears started to form. Wakko looked desperately for a quick way out, but still couldn't find any- curse the size of this place.
However, as his eyes darted around anxiously, he spotted something- a table covered in a white cloth that went to the ground. Without hesitation, Wakko went to it, making sure no one saw him before crawling underneath.
Wakko stayed there, covering his ears and rocking back and forth awhile, cursing his stupid brain for making these stupid tears that wouldn't end. He also cursed the stupid music for being too loud and the guests for being so many.
He wanted Mom.
He wanted mom to come and find him and scoop him up and take him to the playroom and sit in the rocking chair and rock him to sleep.
However, she didn't come.
No one did.
He was alone, and these tears weren't making him any calmer. Everything still felt so loud- it wasn't this loud before- he loved mom's coronation. Why was his brain so stupid?!
The young prince continued like that for a while, before someone came and lifted the tablecloth. He tried to make a run for it, but the someone grabbed his arm before he could- Wakko turned to look at their face and-
It was Max.
"S-sorry, I probably shouldn't... grab you," He let go, and Wakko scooted back, though he didn't leave. Max saw this as an invitation and joined him under the table.
"A-are- uh... Are you okay?" Max asked. Wakko looked away and shrugged.
"Right... not much of a talker..." Max recalled. Wakko nodded once, though he instantly regretted it, as it made his head feel weird.
Max tapped his fingers on his knee as he tried to figure something out. Wakko avoided any looks the Disney Prince gave him.
"Do you want some water? I can go get you some water," Max offered. Wakko sniffled and thought about it, before nodding once more (and regretting it once more).
with that, he disappeared, though not for too long.
Wakko noticed he stopped crying.
"Here, take this," Max handed him the glass. Wakko accepted the offering, taking a long drink.
Well, that felt at least a little bit better.
He glanced at Max.
"A-aren't you supposed to be with Yakko?" he asked.
"Dot was practically begging Yakko for a dance and I let him, it's her day after all," Max chuckled.
That made sense.
Wakko looked down at the glass, tapping his finger against it and looking at the water ripple.
"Do you need to step out of the party for a sec?" Max asked.
Wakko shrugged, taking a sip.
"Here- I'll help you find an exit," Max said, getting up and holding the cloth open for Wakko.
He hesitated.
He didn't deserve this- such kindness from the guy he locked in the tower mere weeks ago- it didn't make sense.
Then again, he'd give anything to get out of here.
Wakko listening to his senses and got out.
Carefully he followed Max through the gigantic room until they eventually reached a door, through which both of them slipped out of and into a calm and dark hallway.
Instantly, Wakko felt calmed, taking a deep breath.
"Wanna sit down?" Max asked, gesturing to the couches nearby. Wakko nodded. However, instead of sitting on the couch, he chose to lay on the cool floor, even taking off his gloves so he could feel the marble with his fingers.
Max didn't say anything for a while, not seeming to mind the silence. Which was good- because Wakko didn't feel like breaking it.
After a while though, a thought nagged at his brain.
Why on earth would Max help him? After everything he did? After everything he jeopardized? It didn't make sense.
Wakko sat up. Max looked at him but didn't say anything.
Wakko sighed.
"Why-?" He paused.
"Why... are you being so nice to me?"
"You were in trouble, I couldn't ignore that," Max shrugged. Wakko frowned, putting his gloves back on.
"I-i... Aren't you mad? At least a little?" He asked.
"It wasn't my first time being locked in a room for hours on end," Max snorted.
"Y-yeah, but I tried to hurt you. And Yakko..." Wakko looked at the ground. "I know how much you mean to him."
Max blinked.
"I- uh... well-" Max struggled with his words a moment.
"I don't... blame you, I guess. It's as new to you as it is to me and with a past and family tree like yours, I guess I don't blame you for lashing out? I dunno," Max shrugged, looking away.
"Still... you didn't have to do this."
"I wanted to. Trust me, I would've helped any kid I found under there, but I'm glad it was you," Max said.
Wakko looked at him, deciding whether or not he believed that. Ultimately, he did.
"You know... Yakko talks a lot about you," Max said, piquing Wakko's interest.
"He worries a lot, but he says you're a really sweet kid, and I believe that," Max smiled a little. "You should be easier on yourself, you're still growing up you know?"
Wakko thought about that.
"I guess," He said. Max snorted.
"You know... you do seem like a pretty cool kid. I'm sorry if you ever felt I was ignoring you, I promise I'll try to make up for it too," He said.
Wakko thought about that too.
"Thanks," He said.
"I really do hope we can grow to like each other. Yakko means a lot to me and you mean a lot to him... you know?" Max blushed a little, scratching the back of his neck.
Wakko nodded, grinning a little.
"So... are we... cool?" Max asked.
Wakko thought about that as well.
"Yeah, we're cool," He said with his signature smile.
"Cool," Max grinned back. "Because I'm pretty sure Yakko might lose it if his dance with Dot ended and he can't find me."
Wakko laughed.
"Will you be alright?" Max asked, standing. Wakko nodded, getting up as well.
"I'm feeling a lot better... though I think I'll look for mum and dad," He said.
"Fair enough," Max nodded once. "Well- uh... see you around, I guess."
"See you around," Wakko laughed at his awkwardness before going back through the doors and back to the party.
Max followed soon thereafter, hoping Yakko wouldn't be too mad or worried at him for his sudden disappearance.
Yakko couldn't believe that a year ago today he thought his parents were dead. It baffled him honestly- he could turn his head and his parents were right there. They were never really dead- it shocked him to remember sometimes.
He also couldn't believe that only a year ago the most celebration they could share for Dot's birthday was a mini cake they had to sneak late at night.
And now look where he was- dancing in the middle of the ballroom with his little sister having the time of his life- despite the fact Dot couldn't stop giggling and he almost dropped her that one time.
However, he had to draw the line after three songs, which Dot understood, and he gave her back to their parents, hoping Max wouldn't be too mad about Dot taking up so much of his time.
"Ah, Max, there you are- sorry for dancing so long, I have a hard time saying no to her," Yakko laughed between pants, scratching the back of his neck.
"You just got done?" Max teased.
"Yeah, she really liked dancing," Yakko shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets.
"You look like you could use a breather," Max raised an eyebrow at him.
"Who, me? Whatever would give that idea?" He played back, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
"C'mon- let's go to the balcony," Max said, taking his hand.
When they got to the door Yakko paused as he looked back at his family, unsure. However, his parents looked at him, and after giving a fair look of warning, they both gave him a thumbs up and nod of approval, and Yakko went off with his prince.
However, they didn't pick a random one, they went all the way through the halls to the usual one they'd go to when Max visited Warnerstock (the kid had a thing for balconies).
"Ahh, fresh air," Yakko embraced the cool night.
"Yep," Max embraced it too, immediately going and leaning on the rails.
"Are you liking the party?" Yakko asked.
"It's pretty good- though a little crowded, but I always know how to find some space," Max answered.
"I feel that- when my birthday rolls around, I'll make it a lot less crowded. I don't know what Dot had against having it outside, but what are you gonna do?" Yakko shrugged.
"I think Wakko would appreciate a smaller shindig," Max said, looking at the garden.
"What makes you say that?" Yakko decided to take his place next to Max also leaning against the railing.
"Ran into him- he wasn't having the best time so I helped ground him again," Max said like it was no big deal.
It was.
"Grounded him? You- managed to calm him down? Is he okay? What happened?" Yakko asked quickly.
"Woah, woah, it's okay. He's totally fine, just... overwhelmed." Max said.
"Oh... well... I'm glad he's okay," Yakko took a deep breath. "And I'm even more glad you were able to help him- that's huge... really."
He looked at him when he said that last part. Max blushed.
"I would've helped anyone, seriously," He looked away.
"Mhm, sure," Yakko teased.
"I am serious though- it probably means a lot to Wakko- he doesn't accept help easily and to allow you... it means he's starting to like you," Yakko said in all seriousness.
"That's good," Max nodded. "I really do want your family to like me- I just... don't have the best ways of showing it, I suppose."
"Hey, you're doing great so far," Yakko held his hand.
There was a moment before Yakko realized what he was doing and both boys broke the gesture.
"Haha... yeahhhh," Max looked at the wall away from Yakko.
There was a stretch of silence between the two, neither knowing what to do. Sure they knew what they wanted but... things are never as easy as just doing what you want.
"My dad and uncles like you too- if you care about that," Max decided to say.
"That's good," Yakko smiled a little, rubbing his thumb on the railing.
Another pause.
"You know- It's funny to me how when we met you thought I might too cool for you," Max remarked.
"When did I ever say that?" Yakko said.
"You called me cool at least fifty times upon first meeting me," Max play punched his arm.
"As I recall, you called me cool, so who's the real cool one here?" Yakko punched him back and the princes laughed.
"Alright, alright, you got me," Max chuckled. "I was just trying to say you were totally wrong, I don't have a cool bone in my body."
"God- you're so cool you don't even know how cool you are. Typical," Yakko sighed teasingly.
"Hey, didn't I just say you're pretty cool too?" Max accused playfully.
"Oh please, you're way cooler. No trauma and with fluffy, luxurious hair like that? Please," Yakko rolled his eyes.
"Oh puh-lease yourself. Trauma is just a cool backstory and you're home is a lot more fun and a lot less crowded and your family is a lot more cool too," Max pointed his finger at Yakko.
"You're exaggerating," Yakko pointed back.
"Nope- not at all. You're one of my first true friends and that automatically makes you very cool," Max crossed his arms.
"Oh yeah? W-well-" Yakko paused, looking at Max carefully.
A pause.
Max's dark brown eyes shined back at Yakko, reflecting the stars that surrounded them wonderfully. His fluffy and luxurious hair framed his face with perfect ease. His signature smile slowly turned into that of curiosity.
Yakko felt his heart flutter.
"I'm not as cool as you think," Yakko stepped down, looking at the ground.
Another pause.
"Well maybe you are right- maybe I am cooler than you."
Before Yakko could finish the sentence, Max grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a kiss.
"S-see?" Max was internally "fjdkaf;sfj"-ing in his brain. "You've won- I'm a lot cooler."
"Y-yeah," Yakko could barely speak his face was as red as Wakko's hat. "You're... yeah," his face melted into a goofy grin.
"Oh god- I'm sorry- d-did you not mean that..?" Max panicked, quickly becoming embarrassed.
"N-no!" Yakko snapped to life. "I-i... I- uh..."
"I liked it," He managed to say. Max smiled.
"W-... Wanna do it again?" Yakko proposed, and Max nodded, and they shared another kiss.
Yakko knew it was corny to think, but it truly felt just like fireworks in his chest.
He liked Max- Max liked him. A part of himself was realized- and he felt alive. A good kind of alive- not the kind of alive that came from life or death situations.
"So... I guess that makes us even," Max joked. Yakko laughed.
"I guess so," He couldn't get himself to stop smiling- neither could Max. They looked at each other before bursting into laughter again.
"Man, we really should return to the party," Max said.
"Yeah, you're right," Yakko's face was starting to hurt from the smiling.
"Do- uh... do you think your parents will be cool... orrrr...?" Max asked.
"Psh, I'm sure they'll be fine," He said without hesitation.
"Cool," Max said, opening the door out of the balcony.
Yakko looked at him for a moment, trying to absorb the moment as best he could.
"You okay?" Max asked.
"Yep," Yakko said, taking a deep breath as he implanted it in his memory in his brain forever.
"C'mon, let's go before they think we've done something stupid," Yakko said, quickly joining Max and grabbing his hand before running back to join his family.
however, right before entering the party room once more, Yakko paused.
"Does this mean our friendship is basically ruined?" He asked.
Max thought about it.
"I wouldn't think of it as a ruining per se... maybe think of it as an upgrade of sorts," Max winked.
God, he was so much cooler.
"Cool," Yakko grinned, squeezing Max's hand.
"Well... uh- shall we?" Max let go and offered Yakko his arm.
Yakko thought about it.
Taking it would mean no taking it back- it would mean the whole party would basically know that they kissed (holy shit- they kissed! that was a thing that happened!). His parents, his siblings, practically the whole kingdom, and their allies.
Yakko couldn't imagine any other way to walk back in.
He took his arm.
"We shall."
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 The End
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bboisawesome · 3 years ago
Okay…we good? Good.
So I just wanna talk about the spam episode! First of all Wakko was hacked! I already saw fanart for it but I wanna draw some too at some point. I really liked the design, but my boi was hacked! He was promoting the deal he got on sunglasses 🕶!! I hope he got a really nice pair of sunglasses after this lol.
Thankfully Dot and Yakko saved him but that was insane! He remembered nothing about it too except for the sweet deals he wanted. 😂
And then there’s the rest of it. Oh boy, those are some killer scenes. Literally, the Warners died!! Even if they came back at the end they still were murdered by spam!
Also did anyone else notice it was in the same way they hurt the sign in screen? They shredded the sign in screen, the spam shredded Wakko.
They ran over the sign in screen, the spam ran over Dot!
They buried the sign in screen, Yakko was buried alive!
At this point the spam was out for revenge cause it remembers or something! Can I also mention that Yakko was the last one kept alive? He had to sit there and watch his sibs killed off in front of him and there was nothing he could do about it. I mean, way to give more angst to the character the fandom already loves to torture. They’re making this way too easy for angst.
I also want to think about this scene in a certain way. Maybe a little short fanfic drabble.
So, the Warners are actors. This has been referenced so much throughout the show I don’t think I really need to point that out, but anyway, they are actors. So this scene was just another acting gig for them, but can you imagine the reactions to this skit?
Yakko: You’re killing us off!?
Dot: One by one!?
Wakko: That’s dark.
And I have to imagine that Yakko might feel a little uncomfortable with this cause he loves his sibs and probably fears something will happen to them in the back of his mind. Especially since this skit displays these deaths in rather implied graphic ways. I mean you see shreds of blue from Wakko fly off in Yakko and Dot’s direction as their brother gets shredded. And Dot’s flower floats slowly down in front of Yakko after she gets hit by a bus, leaving just a reminder of who was just standing there before him. I can’t help but imagine Yakko sitting up at night replaying these fake scenes over and over, and maybe even creating new scenarios, most which will probably never happen, but he can’t help it. Being reminded of mortality sucks, especially when you have to think about those you love and would do anything to protect being taken without a chance to save them.
Yes, they implied the Warners might be immortal, but that’s a whole different range of angst and for this real life actor setting I got in my head, it doesn’t fit.
Anyway that was my small rant about that episode, I just thought it was so surprising I just had to talk about it! I’m anticipating the angst this episode will bring.
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noirandchocolate · 4 years ago
Predictions for Animaniacs 2020 Fandom:
Reaction videos of watching the episodes, especially the first one.
Lots of really good art
Lots more art comparing the Warners to the McElroys
People making dark edgy headcanons and AUs about a) the Warners being abused, b) Pinky and the Brain suffering due to lab experiments, c) Slappy Squirrel dying or something, d) Rita and Runt’s life on the streets, etc.
People who like the Brain getting called out because the Brain wants to take over the world for self-aggrandizing reasons and that is Evil
Wakko for Nonbinary Icon (this has already begun, good work everyone you’re valid)
“Incorrect Animaniacs Quotes” and “Texts from Animaniacs” blogs
Wakko and Pinky kinnies being the new GIR kinnies
People finding the ancient comic books and yelling at people who haven’t read them about headcanons not being ‘correct’ based on what’s in them.  People who haven’t read the comics yelling at people who have that the comics are not canon.  Just.  The comics will be a Thing.
Slappy Squirrel is a Lesbian
Art of Slappy Squirrel and Grunkle Stan having a drink together (please someone do this)
People shipping Rita and Runt
People shipping the Warners together and me blocking them
People shipping Pinky and the Brain vs. antis saying this ship is...idk ableist? abusive? queer-baiting? Idk but someone will find something wrong with it.
“I never watched the original show and now I’ve watched a few episodes and I’m disappointed at the sexism.”  (Note:  There is a lot of sexism/sexual harassment in the original cartoon.)  “Anyone who likes the original show is problematic.”  (Note:  Nah.  We just need to view it through a critical lens and understand that the lame parts are lame.)
Crossovers with every single other currently and recently popular piece of media.
Two months later, purple ones.  I’m not sure what they do.
People trying to piece together coherent lore for the series and characters rather than just accepting them as time-and-space-traveling cartoon characters who don’t need to make sense.  These will be very interesting posts.
Many, many more self-shippers and my hat is off to them.
Popular Fanon Human Versions of Every Animal/Toon Character
Adult Versions of Every Child Character
Adult Human Versions of Every Character
People who exclusively draw the Anime Warners and have come up with extensive worldbuilding and lore for them that is completely separate from the cartoons.
A headcanon that the Warners purr.
A headcanon that Hello Nurse is ace.
Two hour long informative Youtube videos explaining the lore of the original series/the animation/the music/basically everything to do with it.  There are already videos like this I assume, but there will become more of them.
Metal, electroswing, and other covers and remixes of Yakko’s World and any songs from the new series
In fact it’s likely people have been doing a lot of these things all along but there will be MORE of them.  SO MUCH MORE.
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theoutcastedartist · 4 years ago
Give us all you animaniacs hcs (especially the lgbtq+ ones)((please))
Oh man I have so many to tell asfhjahsbsb I'm gonna leave out some of the more darker HC I have for this show (well technically, they are wildly-outlandish theories about where the Warner trio was for those 20+ years before the current time of the reboot, just gonna exclude those for now)
Ight imma start with the lgbtq+ headcannons first
Wakko: Nonbinary (Uses He/Them Pronouns)
Dot : Trans (Uses She/Her pronouns) and Pan
Yakko : Bi and Ace (Biromantic I believe it's called? Please correct me if I'm wrong on that)
On an unrelated note, Yakko is a whole mood
lmao look at my tiny clown-faced-puppy disaster son being the dramatic Bi-Ace icon he is when he's basically about to "die"
Tumblr media
If you ever asked my younger siblings, they would tell you that I would 100% do the same shit, maybe even start singing "Little Miss Perfect" out of pure spite
Who knew me, as the oldest of a sibling trio would relate to the oldest of another sibling trio
Oh man lemme start with Yakko HCs because he's the character I project so much on to nowadays:
All his senses are very sensitive compared to the other two, sometimes he'll get really overwhelmed by bright lights, strong flavors, loud noise, etc... he feels like he's being dumb everytime he has a problem with anything regarding his senses.
Lights and noise: Sometimes it just gets too much for him if he's exposed to constant loud noise and bright lights to the point where he'll start crying or yelling (especially if noise is the main problem) out of stress from it.
Strong flavors: He will visibly shudder in response to a very strong and very noticable flavor. He honestly prefers to eat blander foods over savory dishes. With that being said, he hates spicy food with a burning passion.
Very unwilling to go to someone for help or comfort when he's genuinely having a crisis over how he views himself. If anything, he's will try to do literally almost anything to avoid having that sort of conversation, especially with Dr. Scratchansniff.
He will however go to Dr. Scratchansniff or another trusted adult for advice if he needs help for how to take care of his siblings or just for general advice on stuff.
He hates being picked up or hugged with zero warning.
The only people who he doesnt mind doing this are Wakko and Dot, of course. If anyone else tries it though, he'll bite them and yes, this includes Dr. Scratchansniff as well. He may be the closest thing to them as a parental figure (in the 90's show at least), but he's not in the same close knit circle Yakko is in with Wakko and Dot.
His main hobby is drawing, it's his go to coping mechanism if he's not up to cracking a joke(while he's in the watertower) as well.
He needs glasses/wears contacts (ones made specifically for toons I guess)
Prefers reading books over watching anything on TV/electronic devices in general.
If either or both of his siblings can't sleep, he'll sing them a lullaby 💕
Off-set/off-screen/ outside of the recording for animaniacs Yakko usually wears these thick, oversized hoodies, and he will refuse to take it off.
This is because Yakko feels really weird and off when his arms aren't covered(sometimes there is this random phantom ache in his arms that just wont go away until he covers them. It's not like painful, painful, but just really annoying at times.) Even if it's hot as hell outside, he will not take it off. Wakko and Dot usually have to wrestle to get it off him, otherwise Yakko will faint/have a heat stroke. They make a compromise by agreeing to Yakko wearing long sleeves, so long as they're made out of light material.
If he needs caffeine to "wake up" but is too damn tired to do so, Yakko will not hesitate to just straight-up eat pure coffee beans.
For anything else, he does not mind eating food with very strong flavors, he actually enjoys spicy food (the spicier, the better), but for cereal they prefer the blandest one. Bland food is comforting to him (also doesnt want his brother to feel bad about not liking a lot of the savory foods he and Dot like)
Doesnt have much of a problem expressing himself. If he genuinely feels bad about something regarding themself, he wont hesitate to go to Yakko (sometimes he'll go to Dot if she happens to be there first, but 95% of the time he'll go to Yakko)
They actually likes being picked up and carried, but only by family and close friends. Any stranger who tries to pick him up will receive angry claw marks to the face.
Main hobby is composing music (instumentals). They will let Yakko or Dot write lyrics if they're feeling sad or bored (or as a sibling bonding activity too)
Favorite TV show is the Looney Tunes (classic cartoons)
He gives comfort to his sibs by just being there for them as a shoulder to cry on.
They don't like having their hat off for an extended period of time often. It's a source of comfort and his way of expressing his identity.
Is the one who usually has to stop Yakko from eating bare coffee beans when he's too tired to actually make coffee.
She's pretty in the middle when it comes to food.
If it's a minor thing, she'll usually just talk to Wakko about it. If it's something more serious, she'll go to Yakko about it.
She only let's Yakko and Wakko touch her or carry her. Outside of those two, she only let's Dr. Scratchansniff carry her. For anyone else, she will clobber anyone who makes an attempt to do so. She just really hates it when if comes to anyone else.
Main hobbies are sewing and designing clothes. She'll have her siblings model her clothes for her (they are very eager to do so everytime). It provides a good distraction for either Yakko or Wakko if they're down or frustrated about something. It's just super fun.
Really loves (well-made) action movies, it's like her favorite genre of movies.
Gives comfort by providing her siblings with soft materials (like blankets or pillows). She'll drape herself over either of them to provide a comforting pressure.
She expresses herself through her iconic pink skirt and flower scrunchie. Both are her favorite articles of clothing because her siblings were the ones who got them for her. (Yakko sewed the pink skirt; he was the one to teach Dot how to sew 💕)
She's a last resort to stopping Yakko from eating the coffee beans raw.
Original vs. Reboot headcannons
The original 1990's show is more "On-stage", having for educational songs and skits, whereas the 2020 Reboot/revival is more "Off-Stage" with the occasional show skit, hence any inconsistencies with the characters' personalities, especially Yakko.
Both shows take place in the same type of setting as "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" (The idea of cartoons existing as real entities alongside humans; I got a lot of WFRR vibes during Sufferage City with the whole "Cartoon Rights" part especially)
Well that's about as much as I can write for now, I have more headcannons of course, but I found this to be a good place to stop.
These are just my personal headcannons of the Warner Trio, I don't really have any for Pinky and the Brain, but I wanna know what some of your guy's headcannons are for any aspect of the shows!
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thebrownssociety · 4 years ago
Animaniacs/Looney Tunes Headcanon
Hey! So, as previously mentioned, I headcanon that the Looney Tunes have basically adopted the Warner Siblings and, at worst, treat them like honorary nieces/nephews. Aside from the likes of Gossamer and Pete Puma who don’t really understand who these weird little creatures are that keep popping up to say hi.
That said, I wanted to do some headcanons about the relationships the Warner siblings have with the Looney Tunes. The three toons they get on with best and two other randem headcanons.
Warning: This is LONG. 
Yakko - toons he gets on with:
1. Bugs Bunny. Aside from a deep admiration for the face of Warner Brothers and liking Bugs’s attitude, Yakko also likes his sense of humour and the fact he doesn’t treat Yakko and his sibs like a nuisance. He also loves watching Bugs and Daffy argue. Mainly because it’s hilarious and hardly ever serious. 
2. Petunia Pig. Despite the fact that Petunia freely admits she finds the Warner siblings difficult to deal with and can only look after them in short bursts, Yakko appreciates the fact she’s honest about it. He also likes the fact she gets on well with his younger siblings. She also doesn’t mind listening to him talk and engages in low-key debates about subjects such as History and Shakespeare. Also, due to the fact she doesn’t work as much as some of the other Looney Tunes [via personal choice] she’s the toon who tends to be around more often in case Yakko or his siblings need help with something.
3. Granny. Yakko adores Granny. To be fair most toons adore Granny - it’s her warm and kind personality that draw them to her - but Yakko likes the fact she doesn’t mind him talking. He knows he can go to her for anything. She also cooks quite well and [again, running theme] gets on well with his younger siblings. She’s also a fan of Shakespeare and the two have spent hours discussing the pros and cons of his plays. She’s also knitted clothes for him and his sibs for there birthdays and Christmas and stuff. 
Two other headcanons:
1. Yakko likes hanging out with Buster and Babs Bunny. He sees them a lot. Yakko and Buster are on the same wave-length and he also likes Babs. He’s done his ‘Hello Nurse!’ schtick with her a few times and depending on her mood she’ll either play along or anvil him. It tends to be anvil.
2.  Yakko does like Porky and Elmer and will talk to them and allow himself to be looked after by them whenever the situation arises, but he doesn't tend to mess with them. Unlike with Bugs, Petunia and Granny it’s not that Yakko has any particular bond with them, it’s more the fact he considers them to be to easy a target. Porky, like Petunia, finds his antics hard to deal with and can only put up him with him in short bursts [although he’s much to polite to say so] and as for Elmer - despite the fact he does really try to look after and be nice to Yakko - he’s just a little to...dim-witted to keep up with him. Even on Elmer’s very intelligent days Yakko can run rings round him. Yakko personally doesn’t understand why Bugs married him [see previous headcanons], but wisely never mentions this.
Wakko - toons he gets on with.
1. Taz. No one can quite figure out what it is, the two seem to have an almost intuit understanding of each other. Dot jokes it’s because the two of them are practically garbage disposals. Wakko, when asked, just shrugs and says he likes him.
2. Witch Hazel. Slightly an odd one, but Wakko loves going to her place. He’s not scared of Gossamer - in anything Gossamer’s slightly scared of HIM, this small puppy-dog-like thing that turns up randomly, eats nearly everything in the house and leaves again. Witch Hazel has a variety of potions that Wakko likes to sample and he likes watching her ‘cook.’ At first Witch Hazel wasn’t pleased with this and kept throwing him out. After roughly two/three years of this Hazel reluctantly let him in and since then has rather come to enjoy his company. Most people run as soon as they see her and the only people who are really interested in her potions and stuff are other villains and Granny, so it’s nice to see a different face occasionally. 
3. Charlie Dog. The two of them ran into each other almost by accident one day, but hit it off almost immediately. Charlie is convinced Wakko [and by extent Yakko and Dot] are puppies and so tends to treat Wakko as an adopted son. Charlie enjoys listening to Wakko talk and tries the weird concoctions the small puppy-dog/kitten thing comes up with readily. Wakko likes Charlie’s  ‘style’ and the fact he doesn’t give up on trying to get a home. [Although -  it should be pointed out - that’s only in the stories. In reality Charlie has his OWN house that he loves very much.]
Two other headcanons:
1. Wakko loves cooking. Not just eating food, but making it as well. Granny has helped fuel this passion, as has Petunia. Wakko is actually a good cook, as well. Although he is fond of adding things to the recipe that shouldn’t be there. For instance, lavender on top of supposedly plain cakes. Extra chilli in curries. That sort of things.
2.  Wakko is quite quiet. Even taking into account his VERY loud siblings, he’s quiet. A side effect of this means he frequently...pops up. He appears on sets, just watching the takes. He appears in people’s living rooms and/or kitchens. He, thankfully, draws the lines at bedrooms and bathrooms [for obvious reasons] but he has been known to appear outside the door. The main reason for other toons put up with it is because Wakko genuinely doesn’t seem to realise he’s doing it. As far as he’s concerned he’s just moving normally. 
Dot - Toons she gets on with.
1. Porky and Petunia. Despite the fact that Porky and Petunia find it hard to deal with all the Warner siblings at once, they find Dot slightly easier. It helps that Dot is aware of this and purposely turns up her ‘cuteness’ factor. Petunia takes her shopping and to cafe’s and stuff and treats her like a daughter. Porky also treats her like a daughter, although he goes about it slightly differently. He gives her advice. He teaches her things. He reads to her. [It takes ages, but as long as it’s a short read, Dot enjoys it.] The downside of this is that Yakko and Wakko occasionally get jealous, but Dot just points out it’s no different from Wakko spending time with Witch Hazel and Yakko with Granny.
2. Lola Bunny. Despite being technically younger than Dot, Lola acts like a ‘cool big sis’. Lola plays basketball with Dot, takes her to sports games, and takes her shopping. [Shopping is a bit of a theme in Dot’s days out] The two of them get on quite well. Lola tends to act more like her Space Jam persona when around Dot. Dot thinks she’s the coolest person ever and will get annoyed if anyone criticises her.
3. Granny. Granny adores Dot and thinks she’s the cutest thing ever. The two of them spend hours discussing various things. In Dot’s case it tends to be strong historical female figure, both human and toons alike, and the history of toons. Granny has also tried to teach Dot to cook, but it hasn’t gone well. She doesn’t enjoy it and the sessions were mutually abandoned. Granny HAS started to teach Dot how to sew however. At first Dot didn’t like it, but when she realised she could make her own ideas come to life she got more interested.
Two other headcanons:
1. Tying in with the sewing thing, Dot has built up something of a reputation. It started with Yakko and Wakko wanting new outfit/new versions of their clothing, and then Lola asked her to make her a new skirt. Then Babs wanted one as well. By the time the reboot came around Dot had finished High School education she had passed Textiles and is now trying to get a degree in it. She runs something of an ‘un-official business’. Not unofficial because it’s illegal, but unofficial because she doesn’t normally ask for money for it, though she will accept money if someone insists.
2. Dot gets on well with Hampton. She thinks he’s quite cute in his own way and likes spending time with him. And although Hampton has no romantic inclinations towards Dot, and wasn’t to keen on her at first [She’s stealing my parents!] he has grown fond of her over time and now considers her a close friend. He’s not upgraded her to honorary sister/cousin or anything, but he can be quite protective off her. Yakko and Wakko have noticed this and teased Dot about it. She usually responds by anvilling them.
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wimsiecal · 3 years ago
Oh gosh I forgot I actually got a Yakko request for that Halloween costume art challenge thing dyftuggy
I started on it but I got frustrated and gave up xD
I think I might finish it even if Halloween is over heheh cause I really need to draw the Warners more often 😅
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