#I really need to draw my toontown ocs again
Now that artfight is almost over, I guess I should actually start posting some of the attacks I’ve done lol.
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First batch: Toontown ocs!!
Loopy belongs too Apurpletoon on AF
Kona belongs to @walrusi
Kelvin belongs to @shortsketches
Queen Rosie belongs to @atty-batty
Maggie Belongs to @luv-wildd
Gulliver Tomcat belongs to karmathedoe on AF
Dusty Hucklehoffer belongs to @toonscratch
Ostara Florence belongs to @vilotshadowhunter
I had so much fun drawing all these characters! They all have such cool designs
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sparrowatheart · 6 months
Hello loves!
Just posting a little list of my blogs, so that if you like my content on one you can follow others!
This blog is my main. Things that dont really fit on my other blogs will end up here. Personal stuff, silly things, out of character posts that might belong on my in character blogs.
Then I have @sparrowswritingnest which I intend to be sort of a place to find more information about my OCs, but I'm still figuring out exactly what goes on there.
Then I've got @justalittlemagic which was originally a Disney themed ask blog, but has evolved into a sort of magical/fantasy themed blog. Asks are still open, but it'll likely be all canon stuff on there.
@wanderingtheseas is one I just flipped (again.) to a Pirates/Nautical themed blog. I have a group of Pirate OCS and some mers that I like to refer to as Wanderers Lost ☠️ So their content is there, mostly. Aesthetic stuff and other pirate content will show up there too.
@calicospider just went from a one muse to a two muse blog and I plan to draw a profile pic featuring both characters soon. The characters featured are my Doctor Who OCs, Collet Darleton and The Outlaw. Both are Timelords! Lots of Doctor Who content over there. Asks are open!
@winter-clue-heart is my Marvel OC blog. Tons of Marvel content there, as well as content surrounding my OC, Winter Heart. Winter is my baby and I would love interactions for them!
@sanctumstreet is a blog dedicated to a story of a very old sorceress who started a sanctuary for non-human beings that needed somewhere safe to live. It was a TikTok tag but I got a little overwhelmed with trying to run it so it hasn't been active in a while. Mostly aesthetic stuff there now. Asks are open!
There's a blog that's so niche I won't even tag it here, because it's such a small blog...
@dreamlightruler is my Dreamlight Valley blog! You'll see a lot of in character posts as my character, Teagan Dynise. Lots of aesthetic and posts related to characters Teagan has staying in the Valley with them. I honestly need to post more there because I have SO MANY screenshots from that game saved to my phone. 😅
@toontastictoons is my Toontown blog! It features my Toons, Little Midge, JJ Trickyfluff, and Star Sourpop. (🐭🦝🦇) As well as my OC, Ace Miller. Ace is a repair tech who works for COGS Inc. Their story is still unfolding! Asks are open!
@asparkinthestars is my Star Wars Blog! Lots of canon content, but also posts featuring my OCs. Most of whats up there right now is Kalen, my Resistance fighter. I do have more Star Wars ocs though! Asks are open there too!
Any of the blogs that feature characters, you should be able to interact with in a roleplay manner! Just be sure to specify who's attention you're trying to get as many of these blogs are Multimuse!
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
(random ramble at it again)
ugh i need to feed into like my literal fav aesthetic ever but i like to think of suitopia as basically one big country (but it seems to be almost like an endless city if that makes sense?) with different districts and one of them would be a lot like the cyber world from dr chapter 2 (my other world development autism fixation sorry) all more modern and glowy with billboards and advertisements everywhere. like there's a lot of more old school cogs but more modern ones like pace would be, for example. this district being based more on how advertising really is nowadays in big cities rather than "boring business guys"
yknow more on the BRIGHT GLOWY ADVERTISING YOU CANNOT ESCAPE ANYWHERE BUY OUR THINGS BUY OUR THINGS BUY OUR THINGSSSSSSS type deal. id say its on the sellbot side however in how i see things the cog departments are mostly a cogs inc thing. id have to explain my hcs more further and actually develop this part a bit more but.
yall seeing my vision right
(also where my next planned cog oc is . i have been working on him for months and by for months i worked on em for a few days then picked up other things to do. but theyre very 90s web and vaporwave based. bit similar vibes to graham but taken to the extreme with a less canon design as its an oc without canon limits. an area like this that im describing would fit them so well)
plus it ties into my idea that suitopia isnt as bleak as cogs inc is - its mostly just... how robert has it in his ways. he's not the best boss and prefers older ways and being very strict.
like most stuff in suitopia is, well.. a lot like our world. still capitalism hell! but not as hellishly strict as robert makes it out to be with RAA NO BREAK LOVE UR BOSS!!!! (nobody follows that ever) (so its a bit more chill anyway) (but what i mean the cogs inc living environment is different from the rest of the cog places. there could be more than suitopia but again thats why i imagine it more as a country thats all in one place with individual cogs going out sometimes obviously but thats their main hub. while toons have many places around and toontown is one of em does that make sense)
ANYWAYS thats my excuse for if i ever draw shit in cool areas i wanna draw but with tewtow characters lolol
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mar64ds · 6 months
Okay! I have been thinking about toons, I thought I could share something about my mickey toontown story, but I don’t really like calling it the ‘toontown au’ anymore. The original name and the one I’ll call it from now on is and was ‘New Mouse in Town’. The thing is, I’m extremely busy with many projects, from OC stuff, to the sam&max ‘fangame’, to just overall short random drawing ideas that I need to immediately draw. Right now I’m not really motivated to build a huge story with this, but it is an idea I like to imagine from time to time, like as if it was a show I would make and I would just steal all the characters from disney. So, I do HAVE the structure of the pilot written, some dialogue too, and I thought why not, let’s share it! It’s still a draft so of course it doesn’t feel complete, but to give you an overall idea of an introduction, as well as some changes.
“We are introduced to Mickey, who needs no introduction. This version of him, he hasn’t met any of his friends yet, so he is a bit of a newbie. He is overly positive and pretty corny, like how he is in the Paul Rudish shorts, but probably a bit less, because I’m not funny enough to capture that Mickey.
Mickey talks to the taxi driver, the turtle from the Oswald cancelled show, and talks about how he is moving to Toontown, a wonderful town full of toons, including celebrities like Bugs Bunny. We give a bit of a hint towards his past, implying that he might not have been happy before but this town will finally be his chance to make friends.
Mickey arrives in town and he interacts with a couple of well-known characters, like Roger Rabbit, Kermit the frog, [include any well known cartoon or puppet character]
After that montage of cameos, Mickey decides to sing a song, but is immediately stopped by a toon, Oswald. Oswald tells him what the hell he thinks he’s doing, Mickey is confused and tries to sing again but Oswald tries to stop him and tell him he can’t do that here. Other toons tell Oswald that as long as it isn’t a big song or anything that it can’t be too bad and that Oswald is a grouch anyway. This makes Oswald mad so he just shut ups and leaves. Mickey starts to sing and oh no it IS a big song. In one part of his musical number, he sings that his name is Mickey Mouse and that caughts Oswald’s attention, but then Mickey is immediately interrupted by three cogs, they hand him a musical number fee, Mickey is confused, the three cogs look at each other in silence and they tell him to come with them to ask him a few questions, but Mickey obviously rans away. The cogs follow him and Oswald does so too at a distance.
Chase sequence, a lot of visual jokes are meant to be placed on this scene, too bad we can’t see them on a written script, too good i don't have to come up with them right now. In this sequence we are introduced to Mickey’s well known friends, but without really introducing them properly yet, just a way to let the audience know what’s coming. When Mickey rans away he sees that a girl has lost her scarf and while he rans away he also runs after the scarf, because Mickey is just way too nice like that. He bumps into Daisy and apologizes so much that Daisy finds it amusing and sweet, when he rans away and the cogs ask her if she has seen a mouse running away she directs them to the wrong direction. He sees a hungry dog (Pluto) and quickly buys him a hot dog, which later makes Pluto bites the cogs. Goofy is lost and looking for directions and Mickey stops and gives him the right direction, which later makes Goofy give the cogs a purposely wrong direction as to where Mickey went. Mickey quickly gets in a bus and bumps into Donald who looks really depressed, so Mickey gives him a short but very nice and sweet conversation before he gets out of the bus. Mickey finally gets the girl’s scarf and surprise surprise it was Minnie’s, who was chasing for it too. He gives it to her and they have a cute moment, Minnie leaves and Mickey is so distracted that he immediately gets caught by the cogs lol
Mickey is finally captured and sent to a court where he is judged by multiple cogs. They ask him questions and Mickey doesn’t really know how to reply, the Cogs threaten with ‘taking his heart’ and Mickey is horrified and confused. Then Oswald shows up and shouts that he is just new in town. The Cogs are like ‘oooooh okay, yeah that was the second option’. The Cogs then explain how this town works now, they explain it through with a villain musical number too, but it's a bit off-key and ends very abruptly because most cogs don’t really like musicals lol which contrasts Mickey’s musical number at the beginning of the episode. It is explained that too much fun is prohibited, too much hope is prohibited, too many jokes are prohibited, toons need jobs and be mature and be more serious. That’s how things work and if he tries to do anything against that, there WILL be consequences.
This is a world where the cogs won against the toons not too long ago, they have taken over the town and toons have to follow rules or else they’d be punished. As mentioned before, cogs have found out that the hearts of toons is the source of their joy, hope and comedy, and taking it out would leave a toon empty and depressed, and not long after that there is a chance they could permanently die.
Now the question is, where does Mickey live, because the cogs were not informed of any new habitant. Mickey says that in toontown you can just move in and a house made for you will show up magically, but of course the cogs say that’s not how it works anymore, you need to pay for a house. Mickey CAN’T pay for that house. So he’s asked that whether he finds a solution or it’s better he leaves and go back to his old home
Mickey and Oswald get out of the building, Mickey looks around the town, the town he thought was going to be joyful and hopeful, and he starts to notice the misery all around it. He’s sad and sits down on a bus station. Oswald asks him what he’s going to do, Mickey says that he’s not sure. Oswald gives him a bunch of money to at least stay in a hotel, and advices that maybe he should just go back when he can. But Mickey tells him he really wants to be here, he wants to meet new people and he wants new people to meet him, he wants to call this place home. And whether the cogs are here or not, he wants to help, he wants to make people less miserable. Oswald is a bit surprised after hearing this, he asks Mickey that that’s nice but WHERE is he going to live. That stops Mickey for a second and he says he doesn’t know. Oswald takes a moment to think, and sighs, and tells Mickey he can live with him for a while. Mickey is shocked, he barely knows Oswald and Oswald doesn’t even seem to like him, but he’s overjoyed to hear this. The episode ends with Mickey and Oswald walking down the street, while everything seems sad and hopeless, there is a bit of spark coming from Oswald and Mickey’s banter. Maybe there is hope after all.”
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espytalks · 7 years
aaaaa my brother helped me figure out how all my ocs know each other!!! It’s really long though!
Kay, ken and knox know each other because they live in the same apartment building, and kay and knox are both actors. 
Kay has a crush on ken, so she visits him at his job a lot, and ken is super nice to everyone, so he deals with kay’s bs, because when ya get to know her she’s actually a decent person.
ok, so will’s backstory needed to be reworked, so we started with that.
i need to work out this dynamic more, but in this universe, being a villain is an actual job you can have. heros need someone to oppose them, and it’s more of a stunt kind of thing, where no one actually gets hurt, and they’re both in it to show off their powers and look cool. because of this, heros and villains are like a special kind of celebrity.  
William wants to be a villain. he thinks they’re super cool, especially since ya don’t even need powers most of the time to be one. Ya can just do bad things just by hard work, and he thinks that’s awesome.
But no one takes him seriously, and it makes him super mad, enough to want to be a legitimate villain. He wants to prove himself to everyone that has told him he can’t do it.
Will becky and carter know each other because they went to the same school as a kid, and they were one of the few toons in a predominantly human school, so they kinda banded together. They managed to stay in contact throughout their lives, and carter and will are very good friends.
Becky stayed to help carter run his mom’s craft store, and also because she’s in love with carter, and wants to tell him eventually.
Carter always supported Will, but he never thought will was a bad enough guy to want to be a ”bad guy.” And he’s kinda right. Will does have a conscience, and cares a lot about his friends. it’s a huge struggle for will, because he feels like that would hold him back.
Will does go to college to learn to be a villain. He also gets a degree in engineering. After school, he goes “job hunting” to find a hero that can oppose him, but he’s not exactly the most intimidating guy, and he’s so new and unknown that no one wants to team up with him.
so in order to make money, he starts building and selling his inventions that could help villains with their jobs. his stuff is actually really useful and he makes quite a bit off of it, but it keeps him super busy making things for other people. I’m talking like, high tech body armor, death rays, robots. that kind of stuff. he’s required by law to make them flawed as a failsafe, so no real villains can actually do harm, but he makes em pretty hard to beat. 
one day he gets fed up with it. he wants to be in the spotlight, he wants to prove himself. and he sets a date, and in his free time, starts plans for his debut. he wants to cause as much damage as possible, to get a hero to step up against him. but he makes his inventions nearly impossible to beat, because he wants only the strongest and bravest hero to go against him.
but carter gets in his way. Carter, after Will starts his plans, stands in front of him, and tries to talk him out of it. Will, reluctantly, tells him to run, before pointing a laser gun at him. Carter feels betrayed, and is hurt, but knowing will gave him a chance to run only proves to carter Will still has good in him.
so, at the climax of the whole ordeal, when will has the mayor of toontown hostage, the one that comes up to oppose him is carter. He’s unarmed, and only wants to talk. And after a long conversation (in public, this whole thing is done live, and people are in real danger here) Carter manages to convince Will to stop. He never tells will not to be a villain, but tells him that he’s gone too far. he’s proven through that day’s events he is strong, and smart, and capable. but he doesn’t have to kill real people, or abandon the people he cares about to prove his worth. 
And will is stunned that after all of this, carter still cares about him. that he’s willing to still be his friend, to talk him out of this. Carter was a hero unlike anyone else. and because of this, he steps down, and accepts defeat. 
There's a bunch of stuff that happens in the aftermath, legal stuff and paying off people for all the damage he’s done, and apologies, and stuff. but it does land will into a spot with a group of villains, and they find out he’s the one that made all their inventions. he becomes a hit with both villains and heros, and starts making lots of appearances and stuff. he gets a huge following, and a dedicated fanbase, where he participates in as much as he can. 
people are surprised he’s such an active person on social media, and that he’s really nice to his fans, but that makes him even more popular with his fans. and he reads fanfics of himself when he has the time, and commissions fanartists to draw cool logos and stuff for him
and this whole shebang gets carter a lot of popularity too. People are amazed that just one guy was able to talk a huge villain down, and fans of william buy products from Carter’s shop just because he’s friends with will.
It causes a huge boom in business, and carter is able to hire people to make a commercial for his shop, and Knox auditions for a part in it, and gets it. 
Carter ends up liking knox’s personality a lot, and knox becomes a kind of a celebrity endorsement for the store. they end up chatting a lot, and being fairly close. 
by this point, Kay and Knox are on good terms with each other, so there's a couple times where kay tagged along with knox for meetings. And kay and becky meet at some point, and become really good friends. 
and then by christmas, carter hosts a christmas party and everyone is invited. and everyone has a sweater. (SO I CAN SAY KNOX’S SWEATER VEST I DREW ONCE IS CANON!!! I LOVE THAT THING I WANNA DRAW HIM IN IT AGAIN!!!)
and sometime after that, becky auditions for a singing competition, and i’ve talked about that before so I’ll just leave this all here.
I may need to work out some parts of this idea, but this is the best i have so far, and i’m really liking it.
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