#I really love when hairs have a true black swatch like this it's stunning
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amanda-plays · 14 days ago
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I had to put this gorgeous hair created by @margotaspen on Taylan. I'm obsessed with it🩷
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igottiny · 4 years ago
Got7 reaction to you dying your hair to match theirs.
Mark - Having had two different shades of red in the past, he was stoked to be returning to that general color. This time it was a beautiful maroon. When he arrived home you wouldn’t stop praising how well it complemented his complexion to which he replied that you would also look good in red. So of course, that’s what you did the next day while he was in rehearsals. By time dinner rolled around you were walking through the practice room door bringing the boys food with your new look. Chaos ensued and Mark was literally floored.
“Babe. I didn’t think you would take it seriously but damn am I glad you did,” he said from where he sat on the floor in the middle of the room. “We should match more often. That way there is no doubt to everyone else that you’re mine.”
Jackson - Neither of you have had dark hair colors for a while and it was starting to take a toll on both of your scalps. So when you saw that Jackson’s hair had been died back to black when you met up for lunch, this seemed like the perfect time. Quickly buying the necessary supplies you headed home to color your own hair dark as the night before he could arrive home. When he arrived home he screamed. Who was the dark beauty in front of him?
“Honey, you look like the ruler of darkness and I don’t know why I find it so attractive right now. Let’s be raven haired rulers of darkness together as we match. Let’s take over the world together! We shall rule all!” He was always so dramatic.
JB - Grey? Done before. Blonde? Also been done. So when the stylist showed him the color swatch of a very light pale silver that was just on the grey side of white, he was in love. No one would expect this look. And you certainly didn’t. You couldn’t stop touching it and playing with it while he was cooking dinner you were so fascinated.
“If you like it so much and want to play with it, why not just color your own hair the same color,” he asked.
This sounded like the perfect solution to you. The next day you had off work, so you went down to your salon to be transformed. It was close to the same; the shade slightly darker but it was close enough for you. You finally got out just in time to meet him outside the JYP building. You both stared at each other for a long moment.
“Now I get to play with your hair cause you wear it better. That’s hardly fair by the way. Change it back.”
Jinyoung - He was nervous. He preferred to stick with darker colors if they were going to color his hair at all. Luckily he didn’t have any acting projects lined up at the moment. Walking out of the company affiliated salon with hair the same shade of blue as the sky had him tugging on a baseball cap really fast. For the first time in a while he felt out of his element. With his schedule done for the night, he set out for home. Once home he made the attempt to just burry himself in a book to take his mind off of it all.
You’ve seen him do this before. When something is bothering him he either goes for a walk or doubles down on whatever book he was currently trying to finish. His cap wasn’t doing much to actually hide his hair as he kept pushing it up to get better light to read by. You loved the color on him. It brightened up his features. The new lighter tone was beautiful so you decided that tomorrow you would show him just how much the color rocked. You barely made it to the practice room before their break ended, your hair appointment taking much longer than you anticipated. There was no mistaking Jinyoung’s smile as he pulled you close.
“Why,” he asked.
“Because I couldn’t look like a pile of trash next to you. Now we are both stunning.”
This is exactly why he said you were a keeper. Always knew just what to do and say to make his whole world better.
Youngjae - It was too purple to be red, but purple wasn’t right either. Either way, it was so different from any color he has had before that he loved it. It was bright and vibrant. He felt like a game or anime character. He sent you a selfie showing it off since you were out of town for work. The moment you saw the picture you know this was it. You had been talking about matching his next hair color, mostly as a joke, if only to be consistent as you both have had black hair for almost the entire time you had been together. When you got back to Seoul, you had plenty of time to spare before he would get home.
However, you had barely made it home before he did. You had just finished hanging up your hat, scarf, and coat, and taking off your boots when he walked through the front door.
“You were serious the whole time. I can’t believe you were serious about it this whole time. What about work,” he asked.
“Youngjae, I’m part of a journalism team, but I’m on the crew behind the camera. Our sound engineer has lime green hair. I’m fine.”
“That you are baby. That you are,” he says in awe.
Bambam - He was always the one getting the lighter hair colors so having a darker than normal tone was a miracle in and of itself. This was a true blue; like fresh out of a primary colors crayon box blue. This was going to be so much fun, if only the rest of his day didn’t consist of rehearsals and meetings to prepare for and go over their schedules regarding the filming the music video and the album photoshoots. By the end of the day he was exhausted and fell asleep while on a video call with you. It was moments like this that made you really appreciate him. He said he couldn’t sleep without seeing you smile and you wanted to show him that you were thankful that he cared.
As soon as your weekend girls trip was over you went straight to the salon after dropping off your luggage at home. You had previously been granted access passes for filming and photoshoot locations as BamBam often dragged you along before you had one anyway. Just giving you a standard pass like an employee of JYP would get simply made it easier. You stood with the rest of the members and waited for the photographer to signal the end of BamBam’s solo shoot. He was excited to say the least when he spotted you.
He stopped with the most exaggerated shocked expression possible before he ran over and threw himself at you. His smile reached his eyes as he exclaimed, “Jagi! We match! The color looks so good on you too!”
“I wanted to make you smile like you make me smile. You’re the most handsome when you smile,” you said locking eyes with him. His smile and the tight hug were everything and filled you both with warmth. The other members just looked on fondly. They couldn’t tease even if they wanted too.
Yugyeom - He absolutely loved his new hair color. Even if Youngjae and BamBam compared him to a dandelion and a dollop of mustard. He honestly liked this goldenrod yellow better than the bright yellow he had during the “7 for 7” era. Although he couldn’t resist playing along and stating that if he was a dandelion, then JB with his pale silver hair was the aged dandelion that you made wishes on before blowing away the seeds. He survived making that comment only because you had arrived with lunch. And of course this gave you ideas. You couldn’t let him out do you.
The next day while they had their last rehearsals before they started filming, you made a trip to the salon and from there the department store. You rushed to change once you made it to the JYP building as their practice was about to end for the evening as they had an early shoot time the next day. Right as they were starting to pack up you burst through the door in your new kelly green tracksuit and freshly colored goldenrod yellow hair.
“There can only be one dandelion Yugyeom. And look who the real dandelion is now. ME! All hail the Monarch of the dandelion race! Bow before me and you may not be blown away!”
All seven of them were shaking and crying with laughter. “Baby,” Yugyeom wheezed. “This is why I love you. Only you would do something like this, my gorgeous monarch of the dandelions. Let’s rule together. Dandelions forever! All hail” he explained with a smile on his face, love in his heart, and laughter on his tongue.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 8 years ago
Partners in trying to fix your relationship with your crush- Klance Week Day 5
So it took a while to figure out what to do for this day. @castlesl suggested Road to Eldorado but it didn’t end up working out, so with @attractivelysarcastic help I did this. Originally was going to do a Akuma fight thing I guess, but i went with this instead, enjoy. Partners in Crime
“Alright Plagg, remember those fabrics down there take to smell really easily so don’t even think about bringing a single bit of that cheese back to my room ok?” Lance instructed to the black Kwami as he lifted the cover to the Camembert bowl, letting the steam escape. Plagg was floating nearby, a piece of bread in his hands practically vibrating in excitement.
“Alright, alright, now let me at it!” he demanded, diving down to scope up a big dollop of the cooked cheese. The bread disappeared into his mouth, leaving a blissed out Kwami to float away in happiness. “How did I live like this all these years?”
“I can’t believe no of your other heroes thought to cook it, it taste way better and it doesn’t smell as much. Alright,” Lance said clapping his hands together, “skylight is still open, don’t come down with a cheese covered bread or else and make sure no one sees you ok?”
Getting a hummed confirmation from Plagg, Lance dropped down from the open skylight to his bead and headed down the lower level which was covered in different swatches of fabric. Lance needed something to forget about his argument with Ladybeetle.
If you had told Lance that when he and his family got the chance to move to Altea thanks to Lance’s scholarship that he’d become a superhero, he would of asked if you were ok. Lance was no superhero; he was just trying to rise a bit higher than his already successful older siblings, trying to improve his fashion skills, hoping he could get noticed here. And he did, as well as gaining the silver ring where Plagg, the Kwami with an obsession for cheese, would sit in when he became Chat Noir. It was hard at first, trying to understand the power he had been given and how to keep his secret and everything, even with someone like Ladybeetle by his side. Ladybeetle or Ladybug if he had been a girl was his partner, for the centuries the two heroes appeared, they were always a team, partner in crime, determined to save everyone. Lance guessed he didn’t expect for Ladybeetle to fall for him.
Lance stopped threading the sewing machine at the thought of the fight that even got him to this point. Lance had low confidence; he never imagined anyone would be interested in him. He could act big all he wanted but harsh words he got before coming to Altea were hard to escape when they kept resounding in his head. He never let it bother him but when Ladybeetle would do nothing but flirt and profess his love, Lance couldn’t believe him. He had to be interested in Chat Noir, not the guy under the mask.
Lance shook his head. He couldn’t let those thoughts get to him. Even though Plagg told him because he was a Miraculous holder, he couldn’t change into an Akuma, Lance didn’t want to tempt fate. He had been the target point to a lot of Akuma’s attacks anyway, no need to make Hawkmoth’s job easier. He finished threading the machine and got up to where his mannequin was sitting, holding the pinned together blazer.
“Wow, looks like a fabric factory exploded in here.” A voice from behind him said, making Lance let out a startled scream and whirl around, stunned at the person sitting on the steps from his bed to the lower level.
“Ladybeetle! What the hell are you doing here?” sitting there in his red spotted spandex, the black hair superhero sat on the steps looking around at the mess of fabric.
“I saw the bowl of Camembert on your terrace and wanted to talk to you, but get why you didn’t bring it down here. Some of these fabrics take smells really easily. I wanted to talk but if you’re busy…”
“No, no. it’s fine, just don’t step on anything.”
Pulling off his yoyo, Ladybeetle swung it around one of the rafters and used the momentum to land the chaise. “What is all this for?”
“Just trying to distract myself. I got into a fight with a friend.”
“Yeah, me too.” Lance didn’t like the look on Ladybeetle’s face. he looked so upset and just…Lance couldn’t take the guilt that he was the one that put it there, so he rested the blazer back down and navigated his way over to sit next to him.
“What happened?”
Ladybeetle sighed. “I got into a fight with Chat Noir. He doesn’t seem to believe that I might actually have feelings for him and I got so tired of him brushing off how I feel, so I snapped, we argued and now here we are. Sometimes I wonder how the hell we can even work together as a team when we apparently can’t trust each other.”
“What do you mean?” Lance asked.
“Well, Chat Noir can’t trust that what I’m telling him might be true, I can’t get him to tell me anything about his actual life not even a little bit but you know more than I do and when it doesn’t have to do with saving the city, sometimes I feel like he doesn’t want to be around me. I mean, I’m not the most pleasant company. I’m completely socially inept and I find it amazing that I can even do my job.”
“Is it true? That you have feelings for Chat Noir?” Lance asked, almost hesitantly. He never wanted to believe Ladybeetle but if Ladybeetle said differently…
“It surprised me too. At first I thought it was because I had someone I could trust but as time went on I saw that I really have feelings for him. Too bad he doesn’t believe me.”
Lance tried to think. He did trust Ladybeetle, he really did. He never realised that in his attempts not to act like his usual self, he was shutting Ladybeetle out. And this had been going on for a while so their trust in each other obviously became strained.
“Maybe, it’s not that he doesn’t trust you, it’s just he probably doesn’t believe you. Maybe he has self-confidence issues. You said you don’t know that much about him right?” Ladybeetle shrugged. “Well I know him and he’s kinda like me. Got so many harsh words, it’s hard to believe someone might actually like you. And the whole not telling you anything, he might be just trying to protect himself from disappointment.”
“Of what? That I won’t like who he actually is under the mask? Me and Chat, we a team, as he likes to call us partners in crime. I doubt the way he is with the mask is any different from the way he is without it. I think he’s a good person, I just wish he believed me on that.”
Lance drummed his fingers against his knee. Ladybeetle was right, they were partners in crime, they had to trust each other and if something was wrong, they needed to talk it out.
“You’re right. Chat Noir should talk to you. Maybe once the two of you can work out your issues about trusting each other and I don’t know, maybe you tone it back the flirting and I think you have a chance. You’re partners in crime, talk to each other and I’m sure this will all work out.”
“You’re pretty smart. I get why Chat Noir hangs out with you.” Ladybeetle said, but it looked like he’s attention was somewhere over Lance’s shoulder. He looked over and tensed at the sight of the collage of pictures of Keith he had. Oh god, this was going to be hard to explain. “Uhh, quite the collection you got there. You like him?”
“Uh, who Keith? Uh, well I know him from school and his dad is this amazing fashion designer who I’d kill to work with.” Lance blabbered on.
“So you just interested in the clothes he’s wearing?” Ladybeetle looked like he already knew the answer though.
“um well, I mean, he’s not bad looking and really nice, once you look past how bad at interaction he is and we’d be closer if I didn’t start these pointless fights with him cause I don’t want to fight with him, it’s just well, uh…”
“You like him so much, that you don’t know how to actually react so you start fights? Doesn’t this make Keith think you don’t like him?” Ladybeetle questioned
“Maybe. I mean I wouldn’t blame him it’s just, I get so flustered whenever I’m around him and I want to talk to him but there’s that voice in my head that’s saying ‘why would he be interested in you?’ and then I just react.” Lance explained.
Ladybeetle gave him a patient but understanding look, “sounds like you and me have similar problems. How about you reverse some of that advice and talk to him. Try ignoring that voice and tell him you want to be closer to him; you just don’t know how to act because you’ve had some bad experiences with guys like him before.”
Lance looked surprised, “well we did have a bad experience when we first met, we’ve gotten over it but how did you guess something like that?”
Ladybeetle looked a bit panicked but waved it away, “he’s a model and I’m sure while he doesn’t act like he’s all that, I’m sure other students close to his status aren’t the same.”
“Oh, well yeah. He knows this girl, Nyma, for a really long time but Keith is kind and down to earth and Nyma is spoiled rotten. But you’re right. Looks like we both need to build the trust with our guys.”
“Looks like it. Guess we’re also partners in crime, cause we’re trying to make sure the other is ok.”
Ladybeetle let out a laugh. “Yeah, I guess so. Thank you for listening to me.”
“My skylight is always open if you need it.”
“thanks.” A beeping sound came into the room and Ladybeetle’s hand went to his earrings. “That’s my signal to go. Thanks again.”
Once he was gone, Lance let a huge sigh. He never realised how his low self-confidence would strain the relationship that he and Ladybeetle had, but he knew now he had to fix that. Starting with apologizing.
“That was some talk.” Plagg came floating by.
“Eavesdropping as usual I see. But yeah. Did the other holders ever fall in love?”
“It was different for everyone. What matters is how you and Beetle work things out. Unless you only want Keith?”
“I don’t know. I’ll talk to them but I’ve got a feeling the decision won’t be hard. I think.”
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jpowssbcu · 6 years ago
Producer as a Storyteller
We were all assigned a story to read and break down. I was given Hansel and Gretel. This story in particular was about a poor woodcutter who had two children with his first wife. He then re-married and the second wife wanted rid of the children and to take them to the forest to abandon them. The dad finally agreed with the step-mom that they should leave the children in the forest. Hansel made a trail of pebbles which they followed the trail home. The step-mom took them back into the woods the next day, this time Hansel made a trail using bread crumbs. However, the crumbs had been eaten by birds and couldn’t find their way back. They found a house made of candy and they started to eat the candy as they were hungry. An old lady—a witch came out of the house and invited them and fed them all the food they wanted. She told Gretel her plans. The witch was forced to fetch the water to cook Hansel as Gretel wasn’t putting any weight on so the witch didn’t want to eat her. Gretel was made to test the oven temperature with intentions to trick the witch and to push the witch into the oven. The witch is now dead. Hansel, Gretel and their dad now live a rich happy life. The step-mom is no longer seen.
How it relates to the modern day:
·     A story that shows sibling love and loyalty
·     A family that have very little money, the children go out and find a way to support their family.
·     The step-mom is an example of step-parents in the modern day. Children typically hate when their parents split and remarry, there’s always an evil step-parent.
·     Child neglect
·     Stranger Danger
·     Kidnap
Morals of the story:
·     Protect and love – always protect each other.
·     Hard work
·     Intellect will make you rich
·     Be careful who you trust
·     Be smart to survive
We were given a chance to switch stories. I changed to The Cinderella Story.
Idea generating:
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Fairy tale based on The Cinderella Story. A prince living in unfortunate circumstances. Has 2 evil step brothers. The Prince received a VIP invite to a ball from another Prince. He had a surprising visit from a Fairy Gayfather. The Fairy was sad that the Prince didn’t have any clothes to go to the ball in, so he promised to enchant the Prince’s garments on the night of the ball so that he had something to wear. However, magic wears off and there will be a curfew. The step-brothers found out about the ball and were jealous. They wanted to marry the other Prince. They found the invitation and locked the Prince in the basement so he couldn’t go. The step-brothers got ready and went instead. The Fair Gayfather arrived to save the night. Helped the Prince to escape and enchanted his garments. The curfew was set for 00:00. The princes danced all night and the young prince had to run before his garments changed back to the rags. He left his Gucci Glass Slipper behind. The other prince found it and searched for him for days. He found the Prince, they married and lived happily ever after.
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I decided that this story wasn’t modern enough with the changes we have experienced over the past 10 years. So, I decided to do a digging deeper exercise.
It seems like Cinderella and her prince had too much fun. Her garments and shoes are on the stairs, leading to the bedroom.
An image of significant items a businessman uses every day.
Suit, tie, shoes, newspaper, phone, briefcase and passport.
“Sex work: Feminist Art & Radical Politics” Curated by Alison M. Gingeras. “Focus on explicit sexual iconography combined with radical political agency”. Highlights include work from Penny Slinger, Richard Saltoun, Betty Tompkins and Dorothy Iannone, whose vivid paintings tell intricate stories in vivid colours.
Can you find any online articles and books that relate to your keywords?
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Through exploring this digging deeper, I have found various links with my initial idea. I’m looking to change and simplify my current idea. I want to create a painting of a designer glass slipper or a glass iPhone with Cinderella influences.
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I started to swatch some colours and using mediums such as Gloss Gel Medium and Iridescent Medium by Liquitex. I really think that the Iridescent Medium worked so well to achieve an almost glass finish which relates perfectly to the glass slipper from the Cinderella story.
Thinking more about modern technology.
Mobile Phones – Dating apps – tinder – New developed idea:
Cinderella is a dating app. A prince looking for his true love on Cinderella after dancing all night with a handsome prince at the ball.
Sculpture of a mobile phone with the ‘Cinderella App’.
Unfortunately, when making this… It broke in half and I had no time to fix this. So, I had to resort to making a painting of the app. Here’s what I came up with.
This project was too short for how creative I could have gotten. I would have loved to create at least an A1 painting with more of a storyline rather than having to think carefully about my time management. I did however enjoy practising with Liquitex mediums to achieve different paint outcomes.
To come to an end with this project, we were split up into groups of 6 to criticise each other’s work. The rules were that for 10 minutes the person who was getting their work reviewed, they couldn’t speak or answer questions – then after they had 5 minutes to talk about what their work was exactly about.
Oliver’s review:
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We guessed his art work to be from the story Red Riding Hood. This drawing was out of composition and had too much white on the one side of the drawing. However, the use of text worked really well, “Don’t you trust me?” in the colour red. We assumed that the text was in red because the story is called Red Riding Hood, there’s actually a deeper meaning as to why this was the colour red (to be explained later). The rest of the drawing is in black and white which can be quite affective however, because the character is wearing a hoodie sweater, it would be cool to see if she’s wearing a red hooded sweater and to have the rest of the drawing in black and white. Because the character is on their phone having a conversation over text message, I felt that the text “Don’t you trust me?” should be a bubble coming from the mobile phone so it looks more of a texting conversation, rather than a caption of the image.
The actual meaning behind this was:
Phones are used too much and it’s an example of the dangers behind the screen. People aren’t educated enough about the dangers of the internet; catfishes, paedophiles and other dangerous things. Red Riding Hood believes she’s texting her nan, but is actually the wolf who wants her to come over. Red Riding Hood was being led to her nan’s home where she will be killed. The red text was to resemble Red Riding Hood, but mostly blood and about her being killed by the wolf.
In my opinion, I liked the idea of the work, but there were so many unfinished things about it which could be easily changed. The composition of the drawing could easily be changed by finishing some parts where the anatomy has been missed out, whether Oliver draws an outline, but not to completely polish the section, but to show an impression that Red Riding Hood’s waist is there. This would also add to the story by saying that It’s a metaphor of Red being killed and being erased from the world.
Amber’s Review:
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Amber created a beautiful delicate acrylic painting which we thought was also Red Riding Hood. She really researched every detail in this painting as it was obvious to us that there were Celtic influences (the boarder around the painting and the clothing on the characters). We could easily guess that the location of the work was either Scotland or Ireland. The boarder around the painting also gave a tarot card aesthetic which was quite nice to see as I have been looking into tarot cards in some of my projects. When looking at her painting, the first thing I looked at and was mesmerised by is the bear in the clouds. It was really well done and captured the audience’s attention. I see bear as a spirit animal that lives in the clouds to protect the person who wears its amulet of protection.
She shown her inspiration of the piece so clearly:
·     Disney Brave
·     Celtic history
·     Protection and bravery
·     Strong warriors
I really liked the small details of this art work too, the image has a great composition and really nice textures: the hair, skin, clothing and the vegetation. There was great use of vanishing point too. The main wolf is being haunted but is still showing signs of strength and appeared to be the alpha.
The actual story and details:
Original story are Snow White and Rose Red.
Snow White and Rose Red are dangerous ruthless killers. Amber didn’t want to create perfectly groomed characters with the typical female stereotypes and wanted to create them into fierce characters. She explained how she searched into her own family history and her surname. It leads back to Ireland and she related this into her painting. Her family history ‘O’Sullivan’ where she found out that they had their own song, their own shield and family crest. The most interesting part is that they had an omen which is a bear: That’s why there’s a bear in the clouds. This shows hidden symbolism in her work which was nice to learn. She wanted the main wolf to be a boar because that was her family crest. She said that she didn’t paint a boar because she didn’t have any references to paint one. However, she could have found references on the internet which could have made this more relatable.
My work being reviewed:
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·     Cinderella apparently feeling sorry for herself, so she resulted to Tinder at 04:08am to find a midnight hook up.
·     The time on the phone is because the prince is trying to find their date from the ball and didn’t take their phone number so they’re trying to find them on the dating app.
·     To express that people are so caught up with finding their own Prince Charming on the internet.
·     Photos are easily photoshopped.
·     Classical aesthetics
·     Clear inspiration
·     Clear definition between the hand and the phone.
·     Some proportions are a bit off.
·     The small details work great – the Iridescent Medium
·     Time was the enemy in this piece as it was evident that I didn’t have much time to do exactly what was planned.
·     A background to give a sense of environment
·     The marks in the back ground is rain?
The actual story/details:
Cinderella is a LGBTQ+ dating app where the user can find their own true love with people who have the same intentions. The Prince had left the ball without leaving his number with his date. His date (another Prince) was searching for his true love on the Cinderella dating app at the early hours of the morning.  The rain in the back ground is a metaphor to express that the Prince is sad that the other Prince didn’t leave his number.
Key features of this painting:
·     The glass slipper has replaced the super like, which the guys had mentioned was a really nice detail. Brings relevance from the story and the inspiration from Tinder.
·     The use of the Iridescent Medium which shows influences from the glass slipper.
·     The colour of the smartphone brings inspiration from Cinderella’s Ball Gown and Glass Slipper.
·     Why the Prince Charming on the app screen has a blurred looking face is because in today’s modern culture, people are using photoshop to make themselves look blemish free and beautiful.
I really enjoyed this project. However, it is sad that there was such a limited time frame which didn’t allow me to get into greater details with a painting. I would love to have made a much bigger painting – scenery and more story; experimenting with other paints such as oil paints and layering different paints – acrylic and oils.
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theprettiestshit · 8 years ago
Too Faced Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar Palette
Written By: Danyelle V
Us beauty enthusiasts lose our minds whenever Too Faced launches a new line of products. Their themes and irresistibly cute packaging capture our attention and make our hearts race. Instantly we can imagine that product sitting on our vanities for forever. And they will; until another launch and we repeat the cycle all over again. It's vicious beautiful torture that I live for.
Luckily for us, Too Faced's products don't only look cute, they work nicely too. Their products are very easy to use and perfect for the average makeup consumer, like you and me. Your skills can be just below average you will still be able to create any eye look you can think of or borrow from Pinterest and Instagramers. 
The Semi-Sweet Chocolate bar is the baby brother to the original Chocolate Bar Palette. It has mostly neutral eyeshadows with little pops of color to make your look stand out. It has a mix of textures, tones, and finishes that will keep you from feeling stunned or stunted when creating. Too Faced is becoming famous for their scented products and this one doesn't fall short. Makeup therapy is now aromatic with the Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar. Let's break down the shades by row!
The top row of shadows are the essential shades for a palette of this size complete. These shades can be used to darken, highlight, and blend any look you can think of.
From left to right we have the shades:
Licorice: ashy matte black; the shadow swatches a bit patchy but it's totally workable with a brush. While it isn't the darkest black eye shadow, it is great to darken the crease or as a liner but I wouldn't make it the featured shadow in an eyelook.
Coconut Creme: creamy matte vanilla; so smooth! love that it is a larger shadow because you can get so much use from it
Nougat: matte pinky beige; one of my top three picks from this palette. This is actually the kind of shade I like to use on my browbone. Because I have puffy-hooded eyes, I like more neutral, truly flesh tones on my brow bone. It gives just a kiss of a highlight!
Truffled: warm matte chocolate brown
Hot Fudge: satin blackened brown with purple shimmers; the shimmers fade when blended
The middle row is a mix of shimmers, mattes, topper shades.
From left to right we have the shades:
Cocoa Chili: shimmery dark brown; I wish I could take a picture that would show you the depth of this shade! it's pretty with it's reddish, gold and green reflects. 
Pink Suger: sheer base with pink, purple, and gold shimmers: My absolute favorite shadow in this palette. I want 8 of them. I want to fill a Z palette with this shade. Use your finger to apply this shadow atop of any shadow. I have used this as a highlight on my cheeks! I looked like an ethereal goddess and I just can't get enough! Only down side is that this shadow is SUPER fragile. Do not dig at this shadow, it will crumble in the pan. 
Puddin': cool mid-tone brown
Blueberry Swirl: shimmery blue; for it being the only true pop of color in the whole palette, it doesn't really pop. Needs a base to really stand out. 
Peanut Butter: matte warm brown; Skippy peanut butter in a pan. This is what warm transition shade dreams are made of.  I love packing this shade all over my lid and blending it in the crease or even dragging it under my all grungy. I completely understand why Too Faced made a 9 pan eye shadow palette based on this color: The Peanut Butter & Jelly palette, which, of course, smelled of a middle school cafeteria (a PJ&J sandwich, so we're clear.) I was one of those people who thought it was a gimmick and I thought the hype was foolish! Child, I was wrong! It is beautiful!
Frosting: satin cool toned brown
The bottom row has great accent colors
From left to right we have the shades:
Rum Rasin: satin lilac brown
Mousse: neutral light brown
Caramel: shimmery warm gold; very delicate shade. handle with care :)
Bon Bon: shimmer copper
Butter Pecan: champagne gold with, dare I say, a hair of peachiness?: love this one as a cheek highlight as well
This is the perfect palette if you're not super into color but you like your neutrals to be fun. I would recommend this to any person who is interested in playing with some eye makeup for the first time. I would not recommend anyone traveling with this palette. Some of the shades are really fragile and will shatter if mishandled.
Let us know what some of your favorite eyeshadows palettes are! 
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 Available at Sephora; $49
Product Photo from Toofaced.com
Photo taken with iPhone 7
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