#I really felt this so hard that I acted on it
vanteguccir · 21 hours
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── ୨୧ ! 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦 𝗠𝗘
        𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N and Matt are just friends that act like they’re in a loving relationship.
WARNING: None. (Friends to lovers trope)
REQUESTED?: Yes, by anon
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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Matt had always believed that change was the only constant in life. He had learned this the hard way when he and his brothers finally decided to uproot their lives from the tranquil suburbs of Boston to the bustling, sun-soaked streets of Los Angeles.
LA was vast and vibrant, a stark contrast to the quiet neighborhoods they were used to. It was in this whirlwind of new beginnings that Matt met Y/N.
Y/N lived next door. The first encounter was serendipitous, almost as if fate had decided to intervene. Matt was struggling to carry a heavy box from the moving truck, screaming like crazy for help to Nick or Chris - and being successfully ignored - when Y/N appeared, offering a friendly smile and a helping hand. That simple act of kindness sparked a connection that would grow deeper over time.
From the very start, their friendship was unlike any other. There was an immediate, unspoken understanding between them. Matt felt a sense of ease around Y/N that he hadn’t experienced with anyone else, not even his brothers.
One of the most defining aspects of their friendship was their mutual love language: touch. It wasn’t something they discussed; it simply came naturally. A gentle touch on the shoulder, a comforting hand on the back, a little bit of cuddling, or a playful nudge, these small gestures were a constant, reassuring presence in their interactions.
Matt found himself gravitating toward Y/N whenever they were together. He cherished the way Y/N would drape an arm around his waist as they walked down the street during fall days, or how they would sit so close on the couch that their legs would almost be on top of the other.
It was these moments of physical closeness that made the both of them feel truly understood and cared for.
The bright winter sun was high in the sky, casting a golden glow into the car, illuminating the black leather seats. The car windows were rolled down, letting in the slightly cold breeze and the distant sound of other cars rushing around in the - always - busy streets of LA. Matt was behind the wheel, his hands relaxed on the steering wheel as he guided the car along the venue heading to Target, ready to buy the items he and his brothers would use in Wednesday's upcoming video.
Y/N was in the passenger seat, her feet propped up on the seat so that her legs were bent and her thighs kept pressed against her chest, a carefree smile playing on her lips. The radio played a soft indie, melodic tune, adding to the serene atmosphere.
As they drove, Y/N’s hand found its way to Matt’s arm, a casual and unconscious gesture. Her fingers decorated with pink nails lightly traced patterns on his hoodie-covered skin, the touch gentle and familiar. Matt glanced over and smiled, a warm feeling spreading through him. He was used to Y/N’s touch by now; it was as natural as breathing.
"Look, Matt, that restaurant I sent you on Instagram! I really want to come here, they only do Arabic food, you know?" Y/N exclaimed, pointing out the window to the tall, large restaurant, the concrete walls in a warm shade of red with a silver sign that shined below the daylight. Her excitement was contagious, and Matt felt his heart swell with affection for his best friend.
"We could come this Friday. If you want to, princess." Matt agreed, his voice soft. He reached over and squeezed Y/N’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before returning his focus to the road. Y/N’s fingers lingered on his, her touch very soft as she traced the lines of his palm with the tip of her fingers.
They drove in comfortable silence for the last few minutes of the route, the only sounds being the hum of the engine and the occasional horn coming from the cars around. While singing the soft melody of one of Billie's songs, Y/N’s hand moved to Matt’s forearm, her fingers lightly brushing up and down, a soothing rhythm that Matt found incredibly calming.
Without thinking, Y/N’s hand slipped to the back of Matt’s neck, her fingers threading through his hair. Matt leaned into the touch, a contented sigh escaping his lips.
"Oh, we're here!"
Matt was sprawled out on the couch, enjoying the tranquility that followed a satisfying lunch. The living room was bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun, which streamed in through the large windows on the right side of the large sofa, casting a warm and inviting light over everything.
The sound of Nick's fingers tapping over the keys on his MacBook as he edited their next YouTube video was one of the only sounds that interrupted the comfortable silence.
Matt had his phone in hand, idly scrolling through TikTok. He chuckled at the occasional funny video, the sound mingling with the faint hum of the air conditioning. He was relaxed, content to let the day pass by in this peaceful state.
Y/N was in the kitchen, putting away the leftovers from their lunch, setting aside a significant portion for Chris, knowing he would return home hungry after his outing with Sam, the aroma of the meal newly cooked still lingering in the air.
As Y/N finished up, she wiped her hands on a dish towel and made her way into the living room.
Matt looked up as soon as he noticed a new presence approaching, a soft smile spreading across his face almost automatically.
"Hey." He said, his voice warm and inviting. The boy patted the space on the grey couch next to him, signaling for Y/N to join him. "Come here."
Y/N didn’t need any further encouragement. She crossed the room - stroking Nick's right shoulder quickly as she passed him - and settled onto the couch, her body naturally gravitating towards Matt. Without a word, Matt lifted his arm and gently guided Y/N’s head to rest on his thighs.
As Y/N nestled her head into Matt’s lap, a content sigh scaped through her lips. Matt’s free hand found its way to Y/N’s hair, brushing away loose strands over her eyes and cheeks, his fingers beginning to gently scratch her scalp softly. The rhythmic motion was soothing, and Y/N felt a wave of relaxation wash over her body. Her mind started to feel like floating.
Matt continued to watch TikToks, his focus still on the screen while his right tumb scrolled from one video to another, but his touch remained constant and affectionate. He didn’t even realize how naturally his fingers moved through Y/N’s hair, the light scratching and gentle strokes a habitual way of expressing his care.
Y/N’s eyes fluttered closed, the combination of Matt’s touch and the post-lunch drowsiness lulling her into a state of blissful relaxation. The soft rise and fall of Matt’s chest, the steady rhythm of his breathing, and the gentle pressure of his fingers all blended together, creating a cocoon of comfort.
Until she finally dozed off.
The gentle glow of the TV cast a soft light across Matt's room, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere, the blinds blocking the moonlight from outside the house. Y/N lay curled up on his bed, nestled under the duvet, watching a random, soft movie, her body covered in Matt's blue striped pajamas.
The plot was slow, the characters spoke in hushed tones, and the overall ambiance was soothing. It was the perfect background for drifting into a peaceful slumber.
Y/N’s eyelids grew heavier with each passing minute, her mind teetering on the edge of sleep. She fought to stay awake, hoping to see Matt after his hours of recording with his brothers before giving in to the lull of the movie. The faint sound of footsteps against the floor and the jingling of car keys reached her ears. Matt was home.
A few moments later, the bedroom door opened quietly, and Matt stepped inside. He paused in the doorway, taking in the sight of Y/N with her eyes half-closed, looking so peaceful and serene. His heart swelled with care as he softly closed the door behind his back, careful not to make any noise, the click echoing through the four walls.
"Hey, princess, are you still awake?" Matt whispered, his voice gentle and filled with warmth, wanting to make sure before making any noise that would actually wake her up.
Y/N’s eyes fluttered open, lifting her head on Matt's pillow - the strands of her hair spilling over the cotton pillowcase - and looking at him, smiling sleepily.
"Barely." She replied, her voice a soft murmur. She lifted the edge of the duvet, a clear invitation for him to join her. "Come lay with me. Pretty please."
Matt didn’t need any further prompting. He could shower after. He kicked off his shoes and took small steps towards his bed, the sound of his white sock-covered feet sounding mutely against the floor. The boy slipped into bed beside Y/N, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight.
As he settled in, Y/N turned towards him, her eyes sparkling with drowsy affection.
"Come here, petal." Matt gently pulled her closer, wrapping one arm around her torso and positioning her head on his shoulder. He could feel the soft, steady rhythm of her breathing against his chest. With his other arm, he draped the duvet over them both, cocooning them in warmth.
He wrapped his arm more securely around her, his hand resting on her back, traveling to the hem of her - his - pajama top, delving beneath the fabric and up the warm skin that seemed to embrace the cold of his hand, fingers lightly tracing soothing circles. He felt Y/N’s body relax further into his embrace, their legs naturally tangling together, creating a comforting sense of intimacy.
Matt buried his face in Y/N’s hair, inhaling the familiar, comforting scent that always calmed him. He pressed a series of light, tender kisses to the top of her head, moving down to her temple and then to her cheek.
Y/N let out a contented sigh, her eyes drifting closed as she nestled even closer to Matt. She could feel the steady beat of his heart, a soothing reminder of his presence. Matt’s fingers continued to draw gentle patterns on her back, a comforting rhythm that lulled her further towards sleep.
"Y'need to tell me about your day, Matty." Y/N whispered against his chest, her voice barely audible, her words slurred with drowsiness.
"Tomorrow." He whispered back, feeling his best friend finally succumbed to sleep.
The gentle hum of conversation filled the air as Matt and Y/N strolled through the farmer’s market - one of the activities that Matt started to love doing after meeting Y/N. Stalls lined the street, brimming with fresh produce, homemade crafts, and delicious baked goods. The vibrant colors and lively atmosphere added to the charm of the day.
Matt and Y/N walked side by side, their hands occasionally brushing against each other. They had done this many times before, but today, something felt different. There was a lingering warmth in every accidental touch, a heightened awareness that neither of them could quite explain.
"Look at these strawberries!" Y/N exclaimed, stopping at a stall overflowing with ripe, red fruit. She picked up a small basket and held it out for Matt to see. "Aren’t they beautiful?"
Matt smiled, his eyes not on the strawberries but on Y/N’s face, lit up with excitement.
"They’re." He said softly, nodding slightly. "Let’s get some, yeah?"
As they continued to browse, Y/N slipped her hand into Matt’s without thinking, their fingers intertwining naturally. Matt’s heart skipped a beat at the simple, already familiar gesture, but today, it felt more significant. He glanced down at their joined hands, a small smile playing on his lips, and gently squeezed.
They made their way to a stall, selling freshly baked pastries. Y/N’s eyes lit up at the sight of chocolate croissants, and Matt couldn’t help but laugh.
"You and your obsession with chocolate." The brunette teased, nudging Y/N playfully.
"You know me so well, Matty B." Y/N replied jokingly with a grin, selecting two croissants and handing one to Matt. "Here, try this."
Matt took a bite, the rich, flaky pastry melting in his mouth.
"It's good." He agreed, picking two more for Chris and Nick, knowing they would complain if they knew he had some sweet treat with Y/N and didn't think about them.
As they continued their stroll, sharing the croissants, the simple act of enjoying a treat together felt intimate, more than it had ever before.
While choosing some fresh fruits and showing them to Matt, their eyes met, and for a moment, the world around them seemed to blur, the sound of salespeople announcing their sales seemed muted to their ears and the people moving around them seemed to disappear. Matt felt an overwhelming urge to close the distance between them, to let his feelings be known. But he hesitated, unsure of what he was even feeling.
Y/N’s hand found its way to Matt’s cheek, her touch light and tender.
"You’ve got a bit of croissant on your face." She whispered with a soft laugh, brushing the crumbs away with the tip of her fingers.
Matt’s heart raced at the simple touch, and he covered Y/N’s hand with his own, holding it there for a moment longer than necessary.
"Thanks." He murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
They stayed like that for a few moments, the connection between them growing stronger with each passing second. Neither of them spoke, but the emotions in their eyes said more than words ever could.
A rude sound from the small stall vendor broke the moment, the man clearing his throat as he watched them, his eyes traveling from their faces to the fruit in Y/N's hands and back again.
"Oh, uhm, sorry."
The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the room as Matt sat on the edge of his bed, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. He had been feeling off all day, a strange mix of anxiety and anticipation that he couldn’t quite shake. Nick and Chris had noticed his unusual behavior and exchanged knowing glances but said nothing.
The soft sound of knocking against his bedroom door sounded through all four walls, Y/N's head appearing between the door and the doorframe seconds after.
"Hey, Matty. What’s wrong?" The girl asked without even saying hi, her voice soft and full of concern. "Nick texted me. He told me you weren’t feeling so well… but you’re not ill, are you? You were fine earlier."
Before Matt could respond, Y/N stepped in his room, closing the door behind her back and taking small steps closer, positioning herself standing between his parted knees and pressing the back of her hand against his forehead to check his temperature. Matt’s heart raced at the gentle touch, his breath hitching slightly.
"No, you’re not, thank God." Y/N said with a sigh of relief, smiling hesitantly, her eyes filled with genuine concern. "But I know you, you're not feeling your best, huh? What can I do to help?"
Matt’s mind raced. He didn’t know why he had held back for so long, why he had ignored the signs that were so clear now. Every time Y/N’s eyes sparkled when she looked at him, it mirrored the way his eyes lit up when he saw her. It was like he had been voluntarily blinding himself, unwilling to acknowledge the truth. But now, it was as if he was seeing colors for the first time, and everything made sense. He almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all, how it had taken a conversation with Nick, of all people, to make him realize what he had been feeling all along.
"Matty?" Y/N’s voice broke through his thoughts, pulling him back to the present, her hand traveling to his right shoulder, squeezing the covered skin.
Matt looked up, his heart pounding in his chest. He could see the worry etched on Y/N’s face, and it made him fall in love with her all over again. He loved how easy it was to fall for her, how every little thing she did made his heart swell with affection.
"A kiss…" He whispered, his voice barely audible, but he knew Y/N heard him because he saw her breath hitch, her hands movements stopping momentarily.
"What?" Y/N asked, her eyes wide with surprise while her lips parted in disbelief.
"I want a kiss… to feel better." Matt repeated, clearing his throat, his voice a little stronger this time. He felt vulnerable, his heart laid bare while his body pleaded him to get under his bed and hide, but he couldn’t hold back any longer.
Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest as she processed Matt’s words. Not wanting to raise her hopes too high, she gulped, leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, right above his messy bangs. The simple act made her heart beat loudly in their ears, a rhythm that matched Matt’s - without her knowledge.
Matt’s breath caught at the touch, but it wasn’t enough. He needed more. He raised his head, his hazel eyes locking onto Y/N’s gaze, melting with a mixture of hope and longing.
"No... A proper kiss." He asked again, his voice filled with anxiety and nervousness, but courage. "Like... Like lovers do."
Y/N’s world slowed to a standstill as she processed Matt’s words. She had waited so long for this moment, and now that it was happening, it felt almost unreal. But the intensity in Matt’s eyes and the sincerity in his voice made she realize that this was real. This was happening.
Y/N inhale a big breath before leaning in again, her heart racing, looking deeply at his eyes for some seconds before finally pressing her lips against Matt’s.
The kiss unfolded with a tenderness that seemed to suspend time itself. There was a gentle hesitation at first, an unspoken acknowledgment of the years of friendship that had led them to this moment. Y/N's touch was feather-light against Matt's cheek as their lips kept pressed for some seconds in a tentative, exploratory caress.
The sensation was electrifying yet gentle, sending shivers of anticipation down their spines. Matt's arms encircled Y/N, pulling her closer between his spread legs with a warmth that spoke volumes of his love.
The gesture deepened, each movement a silent exchange of emotions long held in check. The world outside seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in the sweetness of the moment, their hearts beating in sync.
When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other’s, Y/N's spine curved so that she could be closer, her fingers traveling down his neck and finding home between his messy chocolate strands.
"I love you." Matt whispered, his voice filled with all the emotions he had been holding back.
"I love you too, Matt." Y/N replied, her voice equally soft and full of love. "I love you too..."
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mrsbarnesblog · 2 days
can you do rafe finding out the reader has no experience with boys, like first kiss and first time and what it would be like for them??
masterlist ko-fi ao3
requests are open
word count: 1k
warnings: like one mention of sex, reader is anxious about not having an experience
a/n: I wanted to write about their first time too but it felt kind of out of place here. so if y'all want, I will post it separately
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You felt the palms of your hands getting wetter with every passing second as Rafe Camron was driving you to the beach to watch the sunset after dinner that you had together. He took you out to a nice restaurant at Figure 8 and you spent an amazing time talking to him and enjoying the warm summer weather. 
His hand was resting on your naked leg, not pushing or making you uncomfortable, but you were so nervous that you thought you might die. Rafe was fully focused on the road, not noticing your anxiety and obliviously humming to the song. 
You had no experience whatsoever, you had never been on a date or kissed anyone, and you were not stupid enough to know that Rafe had done way more than you. The thing that mostly freaked you out was the way he might react when you finally find the courage to admit it. 
You knew that a lot of guys didn’t want to be anyone’s first because it could make things too complicated. Even though Rafe was nothing but nice to you the whole time he tried to find a way to ask you out, you hated to think that everything might end before it even started. 
“You okay?” His soft voice pulled you out of your head. He squeezed your leg and you realized that the car had stopped. You quickly nodded, but even if Rafe didn’t seem like he believed you, he nodded back. 
He quickly got out of the car, circling it to open your door and help you get out. With your hand wrapped in his and your shoes left behind, you walked through the warm sand closer to the water. 
“It’s really pretty, Rafe.” You stopped when your feet touched water, too mesmerized by the view of the setting sun in front of you. Rafe hummed, his hands slowly wrapping around your waist, bringing you close to his chest. His head lowered to your neck; that way, he could place a soft kiss on your skin and enjoy your sweet scent. 
You didn’t know how long you had been standing there. It just felt so safe and comfortable to be in his arms, and you almost forgot about all of the concerns that you had. 
The sun had almost hidden behind the horizon when you felt your body being moved until you were standing face to face with Rafe. 
He looked down at you with that weird look in his eyes. His hand reached your face and he was slowly caressing your cheek with his thumb. Your heart was beating in your ears, and your own hands were gripping his shirt way too hard because you knew what he was going to do. 
He wanted to kiss you. 
You held his eyes contact until his eyes lowered to your lips and the look of complete desperation and desire in them made your stomach jump. 
Your head lowered, eyes closing and face heated up from embarrassment. 
“Did I do something wrong? You don’t want this?” Rafe tried to sound normal, but you heard a bit of disappointment in his voice. You looked back at him, trying to find words. 
“N-no. Everything was perfect. You were perfect, Rafe, I promise. It’s just…” You hesitated, trying to focus on anything but nervousness that was eating you alive. “I’ve never done this before. I’ve never been on a date, never kissed, and never had sex. I’m scared and I don’t know how to act. I don’t know how you feel about it, because some guys don’t want to be anyone’s first, so I thought that since you were— like, you know, Rafe Cameron you wouldn’t like it and wouldn’t want to be with someone so inexperienced because—“
“Hey, hey, hey, Y/N!” He stopped your stream of words before you could overwhelm yourself. “That’s why you were nervous in the car, hm? You thought that I wouldn’t like it?” He asked, his blue eyes searching yours for an answer. “Goddammit, you’re so fucking cute, you know that? I don’t care how much experience you have, because I don’t expect anything from you on this date or after that.”
“No?” Your eyes lowered to his lips, which started to finally grab your attention as the anxiety left your body. The craving to have Rafe closer, to finally know how it feels to be kissed by someone, made you slightly tremble.
“No. I wanna be your first. I want to show you, teach you, and make you feel special. And I think I need to kiss you right fucking now, because you’re too beautiful. Can I?” 
You nodded, holding back a smile. Rafe’s lips curled in a smirk, his big finger under your chin tilted your head up and the next thing you knew, he was kissing you. 
God, he was gentle, so soft, with his other hand on your waist, bringing your body against him. His lips moved on top of yours slowly, not pushing you but letting you figure out how to move.
You let out a faint moan at the sensation of him all around you, which made Rafe smile into the kiss and tighten his grip on you. 
“You’re driving me crazy. I wanted you for so long…” 
“Rafe…” You pulled away, lacking some air. Your hands sneaked up his chest until you wrapped them around his shoulders and started fidgeting with the hair at the back. “I think I need more practice with kissing, you know.” You bit your lip, smiling.
Rafe playfully rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Mhm, fine, I think I can do that.” He mumbled and captured your lips in another kiss. 
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maxillness · 2 days
It’s Okay To Cry || MV1 x famous!Reader
Warnings: 18+, drivers room sex, blowjob, sub!max, nipple play
Wordcount: 1.1k
This was supposed to be famous!reader at the Monaco gp, but I wrote this the day after the Australian gp, so I decided to just go with that one instead 🤷‍♀️
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She was overly exited when she was invited to be in an F1 Garage during a gran prix
She had always wanted to watch a race in person, but had never had the chance, so when she was invite into the Red Bull garage, she didn’t hesitate before she accepted it
She arrived there, and she was immediately met with the crew who all were fans in some way or another
What she didn’t expect, was the Max Verstappen’s reaction to seeing her there
It was like he was frozen in his spot. His reaction wasn’t like the rest. The rest wanted to talk to her, he looked like someone who didn’t want to
He just stood and stared at her like he wasn’t famous as well
“Are you okay?” She asked, walking over to him “You seem out of place”
“Yeah- no, I’m fine. I just… wasn’t informed you were invited, and I’m a really big fan, so…” He said, his words fading out in the end
“Well, I’m a pretty big fan of yours too” She said, hoping it would soothed him “Nice to meet you”
“Like wise” He said, swallowed in the colour of her eyes
“Well, good luck, today. Not that you need it with your talent” She said, smiling at him
“T-thank you” She didn’t miss the way his cheeks heated up as he looked down into the ground
He definitely needed the good luck, but it didn’t come for him, not when he needed to retire the car in lap 5 because of technical issues
“You okay?” She asked, putting a hand on his arm, making him look at her
“Y-yeah. ‘M fine. Just a little pumbed about the car. ‘S all” He nodded, but he could feel his eyes starting to water
Neither did she miss it “Oh, darling” She pulled him into her arms, squeezing his body in a comforting hug
“It’s okay to cry, Max” She said as she felt him hug her back tighter
“Not here” He said, shaking his head lightly into her shoulder
“Come on” She said, pulling away from him, but still grabbing his wrist to pull him away from the crowd
He led her into his drivers room, where she let him crash into her arms again, this time he let the tears out of his eyes, soaking her shirt
“It’s okay” She soothed him, caressing his back with her hand, her nails ghosting him
She had gotten him to sit down on the couch as his tears came to a bay
“Why are you doing this?” He asked with a confused expression on his face
“No one should have to suffer alone” She smiled, her thumb brushing away a tear from his cheek, her hand resting on his jaw
“Thank you” He said, leaning slightly in her touch, but not too much
“Of course” She leaned in, pressing a kiss to his other cheek, watching his cheeks go a deep red
She smirked slightly at the reaction she gained out of him
His thoughts were racing faster then his car could ever manage, so it was no surprise when he acted without thinking
He took her hand away from his face and took his own to her face, pulling her close to him, connecting their lips in a soft kiss
She kissed back immediately, but still a little startled by his actions
“I’m sorry” He said as he pulled back, but still holding her face and lips still close
“No, it’s fine. I don’t mind. I don’t even mind if you did it again” He didn’t hesitate before they were connected again, but this time in a rougher kiss
She pulled away from him, earning her a whine, but it was soon forgotten when she went to her knees
His suit was already hanging by his hips, so it was easy to get it down all the way, his boxers following soon after, getting thrown somewhere in the room
She had spread his legs wide, starting to kiss the insides of his thighs as he pulled fireproof over his head, throwing it with his suit and boxers
She looked up at him as she neared his fully hard cock, making him squirm under his touch, letting whimpers fall from his lips
He moaned soft when she licked a thick stripe up his cock. He let out a high-pitched moan as her tongue went over his slit, taking in all the pre-cum
“You need to be quiet” She said in a warning like tone before she went back to his cock
He gripped the edge couch beneath him tightly, and bit his bottom lip to stop his sounds
Her hands went to his hips as she started to swirl her tongue around his tip, making him drop his head back against the couch, trying oh so hard to keep his sounds
She swirled her tongue a few more times before she went down, hallowing her cheeks, making his back arch off of the couch
“Please, please, please. So good” He mumbled as she had started bopping her head at a faster pace
His knuckles had started turning white from the force of his grip. He was so close, but it was too soon. He needed to last longer
She smiled slightly around him, seeing the way tears swelled up in his eyes as he was trying desperately to hold his orgasm back
She slowed down, but her tongue pressed against his vein, making his whole body tremble as she moved up and down
“N-no, please- too soon” A tear rolled down his cheek from the pain of needing to release
Her hands traveled up his body, fingers ghosting over his skin as they came up to his chest
Both of her hands went to each of his nipples, starting to swirl them and toy with them
It was his last straw, and his body shook rapidly as he came down her throat, letting a few more tears roll down
He whimpered at the loss of contact around his cock. She stood up as she swallowed, brushing his tears away from his cheeks
“Please, I need to be inside you. Please?” His hands rested on her hips, squeezing them softly
“Not now, the race is almost over. Tonight when we’re both back the hotel. Okay?” She leaned down and kissed his forehead, tasting the sweat on her lips
“Now, get dressed so we can go back out and support Checo” She handed him all of his clothes she had picked up from the floor
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anniflamma · 2 days
My Thoughts on The Thunder Saga
I've been thinking about The Thunder Saga all day, even though I have a headache, and I can say one thing: I liked it!
I was mostly prepared for the emotional damage in Mutiny/Thunder Bringer for multiple reasons, like collaborating with Jay on the ending of Thunder Bringer. However, I was genuinely surprised by Suffering, Different Beast, and the reveal that Odysseus had already tried to kill Eurylochus during Scylla. I really wanted Odysseus to go full-blown monster mode in Act 2, so I felt satisfied.
Maybe this is a hot take, but I have never really felt bad for Odysseus. The only time I did cry and felt for him was when his mother was singing to him in The Underworld Saga. I've never been fond of the crying, shooting soldier type, both in fiction and in real life. I've watched too many documentaries that made me incapable of feeling bad for people or characters committing cruel acts on others and then crying about it like they were the victims.
The song Suffering was a delight! You immediately knew something was wrong just from the happy tone of the music, especially since we were left with Monster. At first, I thought it was a flashback, and yes, the comment "daughter" piqued my interest. Then I quickly thought it was a dream, but at the same time, something felt wrong.
When it switched to Different Beast, my first thought was, "Did he just shoot Penelope?🤣 " And yes, we now know it was the Sirens! But the imagery is very ironic. I even see it as a parallel with the first saga, with the infant. Odysseus has a whole song about his struggle with the decision to kill an infant that reminds him of his own child, ends up killing him, and then in the second act, he kills a female creature that looks like his wife without hesitation. That, folks, is character development! Yes, Odysseus knew it was a Siren, and we can still tell that he is somewhat tries convincing himself in Different Beast.
"My real wife knows I'm not scared of the water And my real wife knows I don't have a daughter"
Essentially, he is reminding himself that this woman in front of him isn't his wife.
All the cruelty against the Sirens was unnecessary. But that is the point! He believes that the only way home is to be as ruthless as possible. However, bringing unnecessary suffering to both foes and friends was obviously the incorrect decision.
Musically, the song Different Beast didn't really click for me. I mostly found it edgy and not really "cool," if you know what I mean. I've heard it a couple of times but still have a hard time remembering the melody, weirdly enough.
If I ever make an animatic of these songs, it will probably be all together in one animatic. Those two songs are meant to be one, but I understand why they are separated due to the major difference in tones.
The song Scylla was the least anticipated song for me. The snippets didn't really catch my attention. But I did like the conclusion of making Scylla and Odysseus have a short duet at the end. Scylla's cruelty was just a mirror of Odysseus, and he was the one actually killing his men. I think this saga really was Eurylochus' peak in terms of characterization. Eurylochus confesses that he was the one who opened the bag and has suffered with this weight and guilt. Odysseus, in his state of mind, turns away and tells Eurylochus to light a torch, knowing that action will doom Eurylochus. Odysseus straight-up tried to kill Eurylochus already, and I thought it would happen in Mutiny! XD
That moment was cold! No words, no goodbyes, just "Light the torch."
Then we have Mutiny. I really liked it! The callbacks to Luck Runs Out were a bit expected but felt so good when they happened! I've seen comments here and there saying that Eurylochus was a hypocrite due to his comment from the Circe Saga to abandon the men who became pigs. Odysseus even brings that up! But Eurylochus is very justified in calling Odysseus out for his actions.
"When we fought the Cyclops, you were quick to hatch a plan And when we fought with Circe, it was you who left behind no man But when we fought this monster, we didn't take a stand"
Odysseus could have made a plan that at least could have increased the chances of survival for the six men who died. But he didn't, he only thought of himself and betrayed them first, using them as bait to guarantee his own survival. Eurylochus, in the Circe Saga, was a man who was scared, confused, and filled with guilt for opening the bag. So his wanting to take the cowardly route is understandable, but it's nowhere near what Odysseus did.
So then they fight, epic moment, we all love it! And for the second time, Odysseus tries to kill Eurylochus but ultimately fails because Perimedes stabs him in the back. Odysseus is like, "My brothers, why?"
WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY??? But that is still the point of Odysseus' perspective. He is acting like a ruthless monster now, so he is in a state where he is incapable of understanding or more like thinking of his victims' perspectives. Of course his men would defend themselves from him, of course they would betray him, of course they would backstab him. If you treat your own friends as disposable, eventually there will be a reaction: they will either abandon you or retaliate. It takes an immense depth of pride to feel secure with someone you have inflicted suffering on. And pride is the very theme in this saga!
When Luck Runs Out plays but the roles are switched, it felt a bit nostalgic in a way, but it's still a bit distorted. This time, Odysseus is the one singing Eurylochus' lines, but it's not him being confused and doubtful, instead, he is scared yet manipulative. Eurylochus opens up and is vulnerable toward Odysseus. He feels hopeless, clearly experiencing survivor's guilt.
"Eurylochus: How much longer must I push through doubt? Odysseus: I need to get home Eurylochus: How much longer must we go about my life like this when people die like this?"
When it doesn't work, Odysseus switches from "I" to "we." I love that detail. It's not genuine, and I love it!
Thunder Bringer… I loved it. There, I said it! There is nothing more! LOVED IT! ⚡⚡⚡ I am so happy that I got to do an animatic for Jay for this song!
Thunder Bringer is the song where Zeus punishes the whole fleet for killing (presumably) Apollo's cattle. My theory now is that Apollo doesn't like Odysseus for killing his cows in God Game, and Athena is probably like, "Yeah, but his men did it, not him." And Apollo is like, "Touché."
EDIT: I know that the cattle is Helio's but I speculating maybe the musical will change that to Apollos. Who knows!
Essentially, Zeus literally comes down and sets things straight. Instead of being sneaky and witty like Odysseus usually tries to be, Zeus just gets to the point, "Who gets to live?" And Odysseus points at Eurylochus/the crew, saving himself from Zeus' punishment. Well, I do see that Calypso's island is Odysseus' punishment in a way. It's an ironic one. He comes to paradise and gets a home and a wife… just not the home and wife he wanted. I have some fun ideas for my Thunder Bringer animatic!
Rest in peace, Eurylochus. You will be missed.
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unheavenlyvision · 10 hours
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pairing: 【𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞】 fushiguro toji/reader, geto suguru/reader, gojo satoru/reader, kamo choso/reader
wc: 4.7k
summary: your boyfriend has a hard time controlling his jealousy, but instead of communicating about it, he decides to take his frustrations out in a less than constructive manner...
warnings: 18+ only, smut, established relationship, jealousy, dirty talk, swearing, fingering, p in v sex, creampie, biting, hickeys, cunnilingus, (minor) overstimulation, afab! reader, no pronouns used but reader is referred to as 'girlfriend' in Gojo's part, no use of y/n !!
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When you got home, Toji had a sour look on his face, one that you were pretty certain you knew the exact reason for. You had gone out with an old friend of yours, one you hadn’t seen in what felt like forever. It wasn’t your fault he just so happened to be a guy and that Toji had a vicious jealousy streak.
Before you had left, Toji was sulking around the house, mumbling about how you were getting all dressed up for another man. You could only roll your eyes and tell him to stop acting like a child. In all honesty, it was a miracle you made it out the front door when he was in such a mood. Not putting it past him to keep you trapped in the house, or at the very least, make you late.
Now, he’s stood in front of you, as soon as you’re through the front door, that annoyed expression plastered all over his face. Pursing your lips, you wait for him to speak, since he so clearly has something he wants to say.
His eyebrow twitches slightly, “Did you have fun?”
That’s a loaded question if you’ve ever heard one. Carefully, you reply, “I did.”
“So much fun that you couldn’t message me back?” He pulls his head back, looking down at you from above.
You can’t help but feel somewhat amused, “Toji… I replied to every message you sent.”
He squints at you, “No–”
“–Yes,” you cut him off, “I replied to every message but the last one because I was driving.”
He folds his arms and grunts, apparently done giving verbal responses.
It’s kind of cute, you didn’t think he’d be the type to pout like this. This isn’t the first time he’s been jealous, but it is the first time it’s been this bad, he seems like he doesn’t really know how to handle it.
“Toji,” his eyes lock on yours when you call his name softly, “You don’t have any reason to be jealous,” you smile at him, trying to offer comfort.
He snaps, “I never said I was jealous.”
Looking up at him through your lashes, you mumble out, “You didn’t really have to…”
His gaze sharpens on you, not liking your assumptions. He’s not jealous, not of any man, he’s the one who gets your affections, he’s the one who gets to touch you at the end of the day, he’s the one who hears all your sweet little moans when he’s fucking you so hard and fast you can barely breathe…
“Toji?” You wave your hand in front of his face, trying to regain his attention.
He’s quick to catch your wrist and stop your movements, tugging you to him closely, “You know what, maybe I am jealous…” Smiling evilly down at you as he asks, “…What are you gonna do to fix it?”
“It seems more like a you problem, no?” He’s so warm, so large, you want him to kiss you, he’s close enough to.
He breathes out a laugh at your words, amused and a little annoyed, “I think since you’re the reason I feel this way, you should take responsibility for fixing it.”
“Fine,” you mutter, reaching to his face with your free hand. Your touch gentle on him, leaning up to press your lips to his softly. The kiss only a momentary peck, meant to be sweet, make him feel better.
He moves his lips to kiss you back but you’re parting from him before he can manage to kiss you properly. He huffs, “Don’t think it worked… might need to try again.”
A light smile graces your features, but you lean in and kiss him again, the same as before. Fleeting, not giving him the chance to reciprocate in the way he so clearly wants to.
He groans when you pull back again, both his hands moving to grab your face and hold you still. His lips land on yours harshly, taking the breath out of your lungs. His kiss hot and heavy, tongue licking into your mouth.
Hands angling you so he can kiss you deeply, swallowing down your moans with his own grunts. It’s messy and desperate, his lips all too eager to drive the pair of you crazy like this, in the threshold of your shared home.
Toji’s hands travel down your body, pulling you to him, parting only to murmur, “Jump.”
You do as he says, wrapping your legs around his waist, his large hands holding underneath your thighs. He carries you blindly to your room, his head buried in your neck, licking and biting at your skin. Leaving behind marks that will surely be difficult to cover tomorrow.
You make a shocked noise when he suddenly drops you onto the bed, bouncing slightly with the force of it. Toji pulls his shirt up and over his body, you’re eyeing the way his torso stretches, mesmerised by him. Your thighs clench together slightly at the display, getting worked up.
Dropping the shirt onto the floor before looking at you, “Undress.” When you don’t move immediately, he clarifies, “Now.”
Putting on a determined face, you light-heartedly salute at him, “Yessir!”
You’re both undressed, only you’re sat in your panties looking up at him, waiting patiently for what he has planned. When you move to tug down your underwear, he stops you, “Leave ‘em on.”
You get comfortable on the bed and he crawls over top of you, leaning on his knees, eyeing you from above. Appreciating the view of you squirming below him, your thighs rubbing together, all worked up from his kisses.
Looking at you like this almost has him forgetting what had him so worked up in the first place, almost.
Leaning down, his mouth hovers over yours, “I’m gonna fuck you in your lil’ panties, make a real mess out of ‘em.”
Your heart stutters in your chest, you don’t really know how to answer him other than with a quick nod, “…Okay.”
He smiles big at your reaction, “Such a good little listener when you’re about to get fucked but never any other time, huh?”
Objection cut short when he starts playing with your panties, pulling them to the side so he can see just how wet you are for him. Whistling low at how much your pussy has gushed for him, thumb rubbing up and down your slit. Collecting your juices and using it to rub quick circles into your clit.
“Messy thing, drooling over the thought of my cock,” his tone completely smug.
Your hips twitch, “Toji, don’t be mean…”
“You’re the mean one,” he moves, his cock now swiping though your folds, spreading your mess all over the length of him, “Leaving me here all alone while you’re out with another man.”
“It wasn’t like that, and you know it,” your words are less spoken and more moaned at him.
“Oh?” he pauses his movements and your hips twitch, trying to regain the lost friction, “Getting real mouthy with me.”
You shake your head ‘no’ at him and he tuts in disapproval.
“Please keep moving,” you try to grind up into him, needing him to move.
His hand pushes your hips down, the expression he’s wearing bright with bad intentions, “Don’t be greedy.”
Maybe you shouldn’t have taken him feeling jealous so lightly, he’s clearly planning on torturing you all night over this…
𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐎, 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 ⭐︎
You’re doing your hair in the bathroom mirror when Geto walks in behind you, dark look on his face as he watches you. His foul mood had only come about when you told him you were going out with some friends.
He’s being ridiculous, they’re just some work colleagues but because you work in a place that has hired mostly men, he’s feeling some type of way about it. You sympathise, truly, but his pouting and brooding isn’t going to stop you from going out and making connections within your field.
“Stop looking at me like that,” you lock eyes with his in the mirror and frown, growing tired of his attitude.
He looks away from you, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You call his name, “Geto,” he looks back at you, “You’re being ridiculous.”
His scowl deepens, not appreciating your bluntness. He knows he’s being ridiculous; doesn’t mean he’s going to stop all of a sudden. “It’s your fault.”
You guffaw at him, “Excuse me?”
He doesn’t elaborate, “I don’t like that you’re going out with a bunch of men…”
Trying to offer some comfort, you say, “…It’s not all men.”
“Mostly men, then,” his head falls back in exasperation.
While he’s not looking, you roll your eyes and leave the bathroom. Moving back towards your bedroom, you’re just about ready to head out, only missing your coat and shoes. Geto is hot on your tracks, following you around from each room.
In the kitchen, you’re about to leave, heading for the door. He’s still behind you though and you’re growing frustrated, “Do you need something? Because I am about to leave.”
“Yes actually,” he gestures so you’ll walk closer to him, “You’re forgetting something.”
Cocking your head, you look at him curiously, not sure on what he’s referring to but moving towards him all the same. When you’re within reach, he’s pulling you towards him, mouth on yours within seconds.
His kiss is urgent and sloppy, not caring at all about how he may be ruining your lipstick. His tongue licks into your mouth, deepening the kiss. Hands searching your body, hot on every part of you.
Slowly, without you realising, he’d walked you to the kitchen, your back hitting the counter. Gasping at the unexpected contact, Geto only kisses you more, his lips needy and desperate against yours. He’s making you feel faint, your hands moving to hold onto him, needing to ground yourself, getting swept up in how good it feels to have his lips on yours.
Pulling yourself back, huffing against him, “What are –hah– you doing?”
“You forgot to kiss me goodbye,” he hums simply.
Your eyes are slightly dazed as your brows crease at him, “That was hardly a goodbye kiss.”
“You’re right,” he murmurs, leaning in again, “Not good enough, was it?”
You don’t get to answer, he’s already kissing you stupid again. Tongue insistent, mouth even more so. It’s messy and not even close to how you’d normally kiss him goodbye, almost like he’s trying to kiss you so hard that you forget you were even going out in the first place.
Fingers slide down your body, to the front of your pants. Deftly sliding into the front of them, down under the waistband of your panties, not wasting anymore time. Geto sees it like this – if you’re going to be going out with a bunch of men, he’s going to make sure you’re thinking about him the whole time.
“There isn’t time for –mmph– this,” you’re anxious about being late, he’s going to make you late.
“Of course there is, you always cum so nicely for me,” he noses the side of your face, “This won’t take long at all.”
That embarrasses you, your face twisting with your embarrassment, “Sugu–”
“Oh? It’s Suguru now? Been Geto this whole time but now you’re calling me by my name?” his tone is lilted, enjoying this, “You need something from me and now you’re acting familiar?”
Your fingers dig into his shoulders, brimming with frustration and arousal, “Please…”
“Please what?” His fingers inch down more, not touching you in any way that matters, “Please make you cum fast? Or please stop?”
Looking up at him, your eyes wet, you answer, “The first one.”
“Smart choice,” he praises.
He’s quick to touch you in a meaningful way then, fingers sliding through your slick folds. Making your already messy cunt even messier, spreading it all over. He can’t help but groan at how much you’re leaking for him, how is he meant to let you go out when you’re this needy, always so ready to take him.
His fingers prod at your entrance, slipping one finger inside, opening you up on him carefully. Gentle with this part, fucking you softly with one finger before adding another. The squelching sounds of your pussy obscene, it’s making you feel hot in the face.
Moans leaving you as his pace increases, your head falling forward onto his chest, hiding your face from him. His free hand grabs your throat and pulls your head back, looking you in your eyes, his thumb on your chin, keeping you still.
“You keep your eyes on me, wanna see when you start crying,” his eyes are filled with delight at how you already look like you might cry for him.
You gasp out his name, not really sure what you’re even asking for. He only hushes you, not at all concerned with the urgency in your tone.
One of his feet kicks at yours, spreading your legs wider. The moan you let out at the shift pornographic, breath stuttering with it. His fingers continue fucking you through it, speeding up, thumb circling your clit relentlessly.
You don’t have time to think, or really breathe, mind as hazy as your eyes. You’re not even really sure if you’re still looking at him, so out of it that you’ve lost all focus. Head sure to have lolled back if Geto weren’t holding it still.
His face leans in, tongue licking at the tears you weren’t even conscious of having shed, “Doing so good for me.”
His praise makes your cunt jump, knees buckling slightly. He chuckles at your visceral reaction. The way your greedy pussy sucks his fingers back in each time making him feral for you, wanting more than anything to fuck you so deep you can’t even think about going out.
He’s holding back though, he wants you to go out with your work friends in the panties you’re wearing, covered in your cum. He wants you daydreaming about his cock while you’re out and he wants you begging for it when you get home.
“If you want to make it somewhat on time, you better cum soon,” he warns, mouth against yours.
He kisses you deeply again, only furthering your fucked out state, His thumb on your clit even more insistent in its pressure, your body shaking against him, fighting to stay on your feet.
He breathes against you, “Clenching on my fingers so fucking tight, jus let go for me,” he nips at your lip, “Cum all over my fingers.”
All the air feels like it leaves your lungs, limbs twitching as you cum suddenly and violently all over his fingers. Stuffed full of them as he works you through it, he groans at how blissed out you look, at how you positively drench his fingers.
When you stop twitching, he moves your panties back into place and shoves his fingers covered in you into your mouth, making you clean them.
He smiles at you sweetly, “Better clean yourself up, don’t wanna be too late.”
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎, 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 ⭐︎
For what feels like the hundredth time tonight, your phone buzzes, you don’t even check it, already knowing who it is. Also because you’re out with a friend, at least you hope he realises he’s just a friend. It was supposed to be you two and one of your other friends but she’s suddenly not here and it’s just you and this guy you’re not all that close with.
Not only that, but this place is far fancier than you would’ve expected for just some friends catching up. You have a sneaking suspicion that this is a set up but it’s not like it bugs you a whole heap, you’ll be kind now and chew out the friend that orchestrated this later. He’s not overstepped or anything anyways, and he is a friend.
As for your incessantly buzzing phone, you hadn’t messaged Gojo back the whole time you had been out, well… that’s not true. You had been replying at first but then he started blowing up your phone and you couldn’t take it anymore and stopped looking.
Which, you realise now, was a mistake because you can feel him beside you, his tone chirpy as he speaks, “So you are alive!”
Your brows pull together, turning to look at him, “What are you doing here?”
“I was worried about you,” he smiles innocently.
Growing exasperated with him and also embarrassed, you quickly remind, “You knew I was going out with some friends.”
“Yeah… friends… but you know, it occurs to me that this looks like a date,” he turns to your friend, “What happened to the other person?” His tone is polite but feels threatening.
He looks taken aback, “She… cancelled?”
It’s not lost on you how his remark comes out like a question, like he might not be telling the truth.
Gojo stares at him carefully before speaking again, “Okay! Well, just give me a moment with my girlfriend and we’ll be right back.”
He’s tugging you up and along after him before you can protest, pulling you behind him into the restroom. Closing in on you as soon as you’re inside and the door is locked, eyes unreadable as he looks you over.
You’re hesitant to ask, “Gojo, what are you doing here?”
“Well, when it looks like my girlfriend is out on a date without me, I can’t help but grow a little suspicious about what you’re up to.” He gives you a tight-lipped smile.
Defending yourself, you tell him, “I didn’t know where we were going or that it was just us until I got here.”
“Then you should’ve left,” he’s pouting slightly now.
Feeling sheepish, you break eye contact with him, “I didn’t wanna be rude.”
He continues to pout at you, “So, you’re polite to everyone but me?” He sighs when you don’t answer, stepping closer to you, “How about to make it up to me, you let me fuck you right here, right now.”
Looking to him with shocked eyes, “You can’t be serious–”
He leans in and kisses you, it’s filthy and not even a little bit polite, lips crashing with yours in a depraved manner. Tongue licking at yours, pulling moans and whines from you, his hands on your hips, moving you away from the door and towards the sink.
“Hands on the sink, I’m gonna take you from behind,” he nips at your lip as he pulls back.
You wish you had more of a fight left in you, but he kisses you so hot and he makes you so dizzy and quite simply, you want him. So, you do as he says, you turn around and place your hands on the sink counter, eyes catching his in the reflection. He smiles brightly at how well you listened to him.
His hands tug your pants down, pulling your panties to the side. Fingers playing with your pussy, sliding through your slick, making it messier, “Next time, you should just leave,” two of his fingers slip inside you and you fight the urge to moan, “Or call me and I will come get you.”
His fingers fuck into you fully, scissoring them open, trying to make sure you’ll be able to take him completely.
“Mm sorry,” you mumble out, head dropping down as you huff, hips pushing back into his fingers.
“I know, you assumed no malice,” he pulls back and you whine at the emptiness, “But you see…” his fingers undo his pants, pulling his painfully hard cock from them, “..You’re just so cute. So, you need to be more careful.”
The head of his dick prods at your entrance, slipping in slowly, not wanting to hurt you. His head leans down to yours, lips by your ear, “Since you’re already taken and all.” He hisses against you as he slips inside you deeper.
Fucking you on half of his cock, opening you up more and more with each thrust back inside. He grips your hips tight, needing to ground himself, getting too caught up in how wet and hot your cunt is.
The soft, lewd, squelching noises your pussy makes is making his heart stutter. Head lolling back at how completely consumed in pleasure he’s becoming. Soft calls of his name bringing him back.
Your voice small as you plead to him, “‘Toru, need –hng– more, please.”
“Got such a perfect cunt,” he murmurs lowly, “Don’t worry, I’ll give you everything you need.”
He thrusts his hips into you, pelvis smacking your ass as he forces the rest of his length into you all at once. You keen, loud moans about to pour from your lips just as Gojo slaps a hand over your mouth. Pulling you back and pressing your back to his front, he slips just the slightest bit deeper from it and your waterline fills with tears.
“Be quiet, don’t want anyone finding us before I finish so deep inside you, you’re leaking my cum inside your panties for the rest of your date,” he almost spits out the last word, joking in the usage but hating how he walked in to see that.
You can tell he’s genuinely hurt from the sight, “Mm sorry,” you mumble out from behind his hand.
“I know you are,” he huffs, kissing away one of your tears, “I don’t blame you, sweetheart.”
But with how he starts absolutely abusing your cunt, hitting your cervix with each of his thrusts, it certainly feels like he blames you. Your eyes rolling at the pleasure, mind scattering as he fucks into you so hard and fast you can barely even think.
Teeth grazing your throat before biting down into your skin, licking over the mark when he pulls back, “You’re going to cum all over me now and then later, when we get home, I’m gonna fuck you again and again and you’re gonna take it all. Until I forget the image of you on a date with someone else and all I can remember is how you look stuffed full of my cum.”
You can’t speak, his hand on your mouth preventing it, but glassy eyed and fucked out, you nod your affirmation at him. Accepting his terms. At it, his pace increases again, fucking into you like he might never get to again.
The slapping sound filling the room louder than any moan you could let out, his hand on your hips reaches around and rubs circles into your clit. The sudden stimulation would’ve had you folding if he weren’t holding you to him so tight.
Your eyes rolling as you cum abruptly, cunt choking Gojo’s dick, his thrusts slowing slightly. He doesn’t stop though, chasing his own high as well as riding out yours, thrusting into you only a few more times before pressing you back into the sink counter with a hand on the back of your neck.
He grinds into you from behind, cumming deep inside you, fucking it all inside, trying to make sure it gets as deep as he promised it would. His cock spasming as you twitch around him, pussy overstimulated and fucked raw.
Leaning down over you, his chest to your back, he murmurs into your ear, “Better make yourself presentable,” he kisses your cheek, “Your date’s waiting for you.”
𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐎, 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 ⭐︎
Getting ready has never been harder than it has been right now, you’ve been trying to get ready to go out all evening but it’s hard when Choso’s clinging to you the whole time. Hands on your hips as you look in the mirror, following you around the whole apartment like a lost puppy.
He’s not voiced any concerns, you don’t know if he has any, or if he’s just feeling especially needy tonight. You’re meant to be going out with a group of friends tonight, catching up over a few drinks, that kind of thing.
When you had told Choso this, he was fine with it, at first at least, until he learned that not only were there men amongst the group but that one of them was your ex. An ex from so long ago, you were just kids, it didn’t even count as a relationship to you but it’s making him uneasy. Especially when you’re dressing up so nicely, all done up, smelling so good, he can’t let you leave.
He’s having a hard time verbalising that though, and so he’s just following you around, struggling to voice his apprehension about the whole thing. Clearly growing tired of it, you turn around and stop him, “Choso, is something wrong?”
He looks away for a second, “…No.”
“You’re sure?” You double check.
He confirms, “Yes.”
You still don’t really believe him, a look of doubt etched on your features, “Okay… then I’m gonna leave now and I’ll call you when I’m on my way home.”
He nods at you, and you move in to give him a quick peck on the lips, he grabs you though and turns the kiss dirty. Tongue in your mouth, licking at you, pulling moans from you as he kisses you harshly.
Barely parting from you long enough to let you breathe, let alone speak, his kiss hot and heavy. When he does part from you, it’s to start sucking marks into your neck. Your breath stutters in your chest as you struggle to gain enough sense of self to talk to him.
“Cho–” You’re cut off suddenly because he’s picked you up and walked back into your room.
Dropped onto the bed suddenly, he looks down at you, “Don’t want you to go out,” he huffs, “Wanna taste you.”
“Cho, I have to go out,” you gasp out.
He’s travelling down your body, already pulling your pants off, chucking them across the room. His speed in undressing you never fails to amaze you, always so quick to leave you bare before him. His gaze greedy as he looks at your panty covered cunt.
Wetness seeping into the cotton, dark spot present where your slick leaks from you. He leans into it, nose pressing at your clit as he licks at you from over your panties. It makes your head buzz, the friction different and unexpected, your hips raising into him.
“Smell so good,” he groans out, hips digging into the mattress below, need climbing up his own spine.
“Please,” you whimper at him.
“You want me to take these off?” He asks, “Or do you want to go out?”
You don’t even have to think about your answer, “Off, I want them off, please.”
“Since you asked so nicely,” he hums, ripping them off you, throwing them on the floor somewhere he’s not concerned with right now.
The only thing he is concerned with right now, is how your pussy glistens for him. So wet and needy, he could probably fuck into you like this, make you take him all. He’s not evil though, and he’s also desperate to have your cum in his mouth so he’s gonna tongue fuck you until you forget you were meant to go out today.
His tongue licks at you, from your hole to your clit, where he sucks harshly at you. The pleasure shocking you to your core, thighs twitching by his head. Hands reaching out to tug at the bed sheets.
Head tipping back with your moans, biting your lip to try and stop them but failing completely, especially when he licks into your pussy, his nose rubbing against your clit with how deep he fucks it into you.
When you look down at him, he’s already looking back at you, eyes sharp. It makes you dizzy, how focused on you and your reactions he is. His hands grip your thighs and push them apart more, spreading you as wide as you’ll go. He wants his tongue to go as deep as it possibly can.
If he wasn’t so in control of your body, you’d worry that he was going to hurt himself with the force of how he was eating you out. Always so completely involved in your cunt when he’s tongue fucking you, not a single other thing on his mind but how you taste, how you sound, how you react so cutely to his touch.
Flicking his tongue in ways that make you go cross eyed, body twitching pathetically at how ravenous he is. The lewd sounds of his tongue lapping at your dripping pussy would make you self-conscious but then his nose rubs at your clit in the most delicious way and suddenly you don’t care about anything but how good it feels.
Choso is relishing in how fucked out you’re getting for him, delighted in how you’re falling apart so quickly. His hips can’t help but hump into the bed, his need growing with every single sound you make, with every taste of you he has.
It doesn’t take you long at all to cum on his face, calling out his name as your cunt gushes all over him. His mouth happily drinking it all down, finally getting what he wanted, your cum in his mouth.
His hips stutter into the bed as he sucks at your pussy, cumming in his pants with his mouth on you. Not even a little bit embarrassed about it, feeling relief at being able to finish. His own cum coating his pants.
He keeps licking at you and you twitch in overstimulation, trying to pull away from him. His strong hands hold you still as he grunts out, “Not done yet, need more,” He nips your thigh, voice completely wrecked for you, “Need it.”
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a/n; toji's wasnt as horny as i wanted it to be but i realised i was yapping a bit too much and cut it short, sorry !!! otherwise thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed it !! <3
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cumtastiics · 20 hours
Hi!! I really loved your recent post featuring yan!murderer seeing y/n with their child. If requests are still open, may you please write that same scenario but with yan!mean ceo instead?
yes ofc 🙌🏻🙌🏻
also kikuo is performing near me.. and i can't go im SO SAD GUYS..
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you didn't understand how he got in. you haven't seen him in three years, yet, here he was.
"is that my son?" he almost sounded hurt. you knew it was an act though. "let me see him."
"he isn't yours." your voice was full of hatred. you held the toddler closer to your chest, as he babbled.
"i know he's mine." he stepped closer, as you stepped back. you didn't want him near you. "do you take me for a fool?"
you covered the toddlers face from nicholas, you couldn't let him see his face.
"get out." you tried so hard for your voice not to crack, but you felt so weak. "you- you don't deserve anything from me."
"it's really funny," he kept getting closer, eventually causing you to bump into a wall, leaving no room for escape. "you beg me to leave, yet you hold my child."
you hated how he referred to the toddler as his.
"i can easily take him from you, forever. so, if you want to see him, you should listen to me. okay?"
you couldn't say anything.
"he looks just like me, don't you agree? and you go on about how he isn't mine."
but you never showed him his face.
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anika-ann · 1 day
Sweet and Ours, Tonight - S.R.
Type: one-shot, established relationship, domestic... filth
Pairing: Steve Rogers x wife!reader   Word Count: 5,8k
Summary:  You and Steve had a long, long week.
You both deserve a reward. Perhaps an evening with undivided attention to each other... and maybe to end the endless week with a bang.
The thing is, Steve has no idea about what’s awaiting him at home. Yet, you have a feeling he will like it - and he'll be happy to show you.
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Warnings: 18+, nsfw, smut, praise kink, slight authority kink, soft dom/sub elements (with a tad dominant Steve), a sprinkle of possessiveness, potential blasphemy, lingerie kink, marriage kink (if that's a thing), mention of (tender) hair pulling, mention of semi-public sex if you squint really hard, language, FLOOF
A/N: At the time of Cum Together: Community Revival Extravaganza  hosted by @stargazingfangirl18 and @labella420, there were two potential stories on my mind – the soulmate AU one, which I ended up writing, and this one, which fulfils multiple prompts from the list (see the end). The extravaganza is long over – but hopefully, you’ll enjoy 💕
A/N 2: DIVIDER by @saradika; enjoy, but it's smut y'all - read at your own risk and responsibility
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Setting the half-full glass of water on the counter, you smiled to yourself as you heard the keys rattle in the lock. The sound meant one of your favourite things in the world: Steve was home.
‘Home’ was your spacious shared apartment near the new upstate Avengers facility, one you and Steve had chosen not because the large complex hadn’t included living quarters, but because you had wanted a place that was truly your own.
On days like this, you were more grateful for that decision than ever. Here, the work and the weight you carried from it could be left at the doorstep, and you could enter a truly safe space, shielded by your love from the outside world. World which could be loud, overwhelming, and at times, evil.
Today, it meant that Steve would try to leave behind the exhaustion and frustration of a week-long conference of the United Nations and adjoined organisations. You, you had left behind the very same sentiments lacing the endless week of extra shifts. Sometimes it felt like the work was never done; be it patching up international relations or patching up the dumbass of the day. Be it dealing with diplomats who barely even listened, let alone acted on their empty promises; or be it repairing damage to human body made by another supposedly human being, battling to keep alive agents who not so rarely held zero regard for their own safety in the process of saving the very world for whose safety Steve was advocating in DC. You wondered where the agents could have possibly got the inspiration for their reckless behaviour – but that was not the kind of thoughts you wanted to entertain tonight, especially since you knew the answer all too well.
Tonight, you wanted to cherish your husband’s company.
You had missed Steve; even when swamped with work, you both took care to stay in contact, confiding one another on as much of your longing for each other’s company as on feeling drained.
You were glad for having had enough wits to plan ahead and be able to come home before him.
It had been no surprise to you that Steve had called you that he was about to arrive home as scheduled, but crankier than planned despite finally leaving the self-contained self-important jerks behind. The relief in his voice had been palpable; and his voice had only grown warmer when he learned you were to already wait for him at home. Your lips had twitched at the guttural sigh he released upon learning, whispering he was really happy to hear that; as were you to hear that he was coming home in one piece, which was unfortunately not a rule.
He loved you, he had said too. So damn much.
You had told him the same, wondering if that was what would leave his lips when he’d see you. Especially since he had no idea what coming his way, should he want it.
The lock barely clicked open and you were already on your way. A rapid carpet-muted staccato of your heels welcomed Steve as he entered, his curiosity clearly piqued in an instant.
He had but a second to take in your appearance – the bloody red pumps, the peek of nude nylons, the beige trench coat reaching just above your knees, your simple but effective hairdo and make-up, dominated by berry-red lipstick – or get his suitcase through the doors and close them. Before he could say as much as hi, you were already cupping his face and kissing him softly, for once not having to stand on your tiptoes too high.
There was a significant part of you which was dangerously close to jumping on him with enough force to slam him against the door and pour all your enthusiasm at seeing him into the kiss. It had taken all your willpower not to do so since your body throbbed with the need – but you didn’t want him to feel ambushed, unsure about his mood. So you revelled in the precious opportunity to touch him, in the feel of the figurative and literal warmth he was radiating, in the taste of his lips you had missed so viscerally; and with the minute mental capacity left, you tried your best to read his reaction.
It would be a shame for your plan and efforts to go to waste; but the last thing you’d want was to push thoroughly exhausted Steve who’d just want some peace into something he’d… be willing but not excited to do.
Your worries were fruitless, however. Steve’s hands came to life immediately, one reaching for your waist, the other to cradle your cheek. His lips responded in kind, even as his smile tasted of surprise. The tension you had got a brief glimpse of melted away from his shoulders, fingertips caressing your skin, nose gently nudging yours as your lips parted, forehead to forehead.
“Hi,” you breathed out contentedly, feeling the tension leaving you as well, warmth spreading through every vein and nerve in your body at Steve’s gentle chuckle instead.
“Hi, love.”
“Welcome home.”
His smile was as nothing short of blinding when he retreated just a bit to look at you and grace you with a shining gaze roaming your face, as if taking in every feature, every line, every arch, every last eyelash for the first time. Your heart thump-thumped in your chest happily as your hands slid to his neck, unable to tear your gaze away from the beautiful image he made.
A man with love.
Your man.
Your husband.
Your extremely handsome husband; every suit, be it a formal wear or his tactical one, accentuated his wide shoulders and sharply cut jaw you couldn’t but run your fingertips over, marvelling at the pure delight in his face.
“I feel very much welcomed, sweetheart,” he assured you, squeezing your waist. Despite being clearly exhausted, his smile was radiant; until it fell a fraction. “Are you going out?”
Your heart hummed with a soft ache; it was impossible to miss his effort not to look disappointed as not to make you feel guilty for having a social life outside your marriage, even if rather inconveniently timed. Bless his good, good heart.
You shook your head with your smile lingering, barely hiding a smirk. “I’m not going anywhere, Mr. Rogers.”
His expression perked up again, his arm sneaking further around your waist as he observed you with playful curiosity. “Oh? Are we going out? Did you plan something, Mrs. Rogers?”
To highlight his indulgence in calling you that – and god knew hearing him say that still sent butterflies to your stomach even after months of that being a reality – his hand moved from your cheek to take you left hand, fingers interlacing; your wedding bands made a soft clinking noise as they met, Steve’s gaze flickering to their combined light with such undiluted joy in that little action you couldn’t but brush your lips over his again, something deep inside you trembling and preening at once.
Your husband.
“Would it be a bad thing? If I did plan something?” you asked, part coy, part genuine. “It’s okay if you’re not in mood for that.”
Steve only smiled wider, dropping a kiss to your knuckles and then your lips, before pulling back just a fraction. He observed you silently and almost absently, yet seemingly with mission-level intent. 
The silence stretched as you awaited his answer, encouraging him – and yourself, because the silence was growing louder with every beat of your heart – with a suddenly unsure smile.
“Steve? Love?”
He blinked, shaking his head lightly. Before you could feel your stomach drop in disappointment at this being his answer, he spoke up.
“Sorry, you… you look beautiful. Got a little distracted here.”
Your belly did a funny flip-flop that had no right to be so deep within; but this gorgeous man had no right to be so perfect either. And you loved him for it.
“I don’t mind going out or staying,” he said softly. “I’m honestly just glad to be home. With you. That’s my favourite thing in the world. Being with you… here, in the home we made together.”
Tremble. Something within you trembled and it was almost comical how those words shook and soothed your soul, a sharp contrast to how very non-poetic your intention to seduce his body was. But that was how you seduced each other the first time and did so over and over again; body, mind and soul alike, tipping the scales in favour of one and then the other and back as the situation allowed.
It was your turn to blink now, fighting the burn of tears in your eyes, threatening to spill at the profound sincerity in Steve’s voice and the adoration in his beautiful blues; they turned all the prettier as a spark of mischief lit them up and he stepped back, releasing you from his warm embrace.
“But, since you got all dolled-up and clearly made plans, it would be a waste. Want to tell me what my orders are, ma’am?”
Excitement lighting up your nerves anew, you stepped back with a hum.
“Well… actually, I made plans to stay in…” Steve’s eyebrow arched a bit, but something beautifully dark flashed in his eyes – a mute understanding that whatever you had planned, you had dolled up for him. For him and him only. “And since you said those people there were all talk, no listening, no action… I thought that maybe you’d a like a change of scenery.”
As you took another step back further into the apartment, Steve discarded his shoes in a lightning speed, his gaze never leaving your face, hanging on your lips for every syllable. 
You bit back a satisfied smile, something hot stirring in your belly. “That maybe, you’d like someone who can listen very well, and is willing to… act? Would you like to tell me my orders, Captain?”
His gaze went to roam – from the top to bottom, drinking in your attire, a perfect trap you had set for both of you to tangle in. The tall red heels. The coat for him to untie. The nylons – which Steve at this point must have understood were, in fact, thigh-highs, perhaps strapped to a garter belt. The hair. That lipstick. That damn lipstick that turned his eyes a shade darker and hungrier, his voice dropping two octaves.
“Is that what you want, sweetheart?”
You raised a challenging brow, a coy smile adorning your red red lips as you toyed with the hem of your coat; Steve knew you well-enough by now to know that you wouldn’t have gone through all this trouble if you hadn’t wanted that. You wanted.
You wanted him, with every fibre of your being, lit alive and reborn divine under his searing hot gaze. You longed to be his, however he pleased. To please him however you could.
At last, he got the message. He seemed to very much revel in that message, in fact.
“Let’s go to the bedroom then.”
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He led you by the hand, even though you both knew the way and had walked it many times before, even when blinded by desire, with lips never parting, frantic stumbles and wandering impatient hands. Tonight, there was no rush; steps deliberately slow, you followed his lead, standing still by the doorway when he let go of your hand in favour of stripping his suit jacket as soon as you entered.
Your eyes followed his every move, indulging in the sight of his muscles rippling under the smooth fabric of his white shirt; indulging in the shudder of realization running down his body, coming after his brief confusion of finding you obediently exactly where he had left you.
You barely bit back a smirk at the way his breath hitched.
“Alrighte,” he breathed out as he walked to the foot of the bed, turning his back to it to look at you.
You had never had a man to look at you like that before; his gaze was like the most delicious shockwave igniting every cell in your body with desire and pride.
His. You were your own woman, but goddamn, were you his.
“Alright. Come here, sweetheart.”
You did. Hooked on his burning gaze as he seemed hypnotized by your every step, by every inch erased between you, you walked to him, only stopping when he settled his wide palm over your hip, his other hand soon joining on the other side.
For a moment, he simply observed you, your parted lips, your eyes blown wide, just as aroused by the dynamics as he was. Then, a warm yet mischievous smile lifted the corners of his lips, hands squeezing your hips.
You weren’t sure what you had expected – a kiss, a toss on the bed, his hands ripping the fabric, all things you had encountered and more – but of all options, he chose the one your mind had not offered at the moment. His hands slid lower, inch by inch as he kneeled in front of you, sitting back on his heels, the heat of his skin seeping into yours the second his palms slipped past the edge of the fabric of your coat.
Sensual. Steve was most definitely in mood for sensual tonight and you were not going to complain if for nothing else than for having trouble breathing as his fingertips traced the thin ankle strap of your shoe, warm fingers delicately circling your ankle, cupping your calf, sneaking past your knee to spread over the back of your thigh, inching your legs apart so he could move the coat out of the way and press a lingering kiss to your where the lace of your thigh-high met bare skin of your inner thigh.
Your breath hitched in your throat when his free hand reached for the loose knot on your coat, dextrous fingers undoing it with ease and tugging, all while his lips brushed over your sensitive skin higher and higher towards the apex of your thigh.
“Take it off, love,” he whispered into your heat, tugging at the hem of your coat, the index finger of his other hand slipping under the strap of your garter belt, nosing along your inner thigh and inhaling deeply.
A shudder ran down your spine at the huskiness of his voice, leaving you with no space to even consider embarrassment at your husband’s need to drown himself in the scent of your arousal; you busied yourself with stripping the coat in five seconds flat and dropping it on the floor, rewarded by his warm breathy chuckle.
“So good for me…” He looked up from his spot, caressing along the line of your panties, feasting his eyes on the delicate lace hugging your breasts, at the elaborate but feather-light pattern on your garter belt, at the barely-there panties covering your sex. The smoulder in his pupils as his gaze zeroed on his price was almost too much to bear. Whether you were shy or impatient, you couldn’t tell, but your chest was heaving with every breath, your back arching just a bit at the praise that stroked something deep within you. “My beautiful, irresistible wife…”
He returned his attention to your thigh, sucking a lovebite just above the hem of your stocking, soothing the offended spot with a butterfly-soft kiss you couldn’t help but sigh his name at again.
He hooked his fingers at the front straps of your garter, urging you forward, closer, as he sat on the floor, back leaning against the foot of the bed, tilting his head back and resting in on the mattress; a content smile played on his lips as if it was the most comfortable spot in the apartment, his hands roaming appreciatively. Over the curve of your hip. Following the pattern of the lace. Along the straps, along the hem. But never, never where your need for him burned, soaking the excuse of underwear over your sex.
“Didn’t have such pretty view in D.C.,” he mused, gaze trailing over the thin fabric already shining with your arousal, trailing all over your body to your face, to your red lips painted just as you knew he loved them. “Never ceases to amaze me. Like a piece of art. So damn perfect… mine to touch.”
You didn’t have timefor body insecurities with Steve. Any imperfection you saw, it didn’t bother him; he’d kiss you everywhere, claiming and loving every piece of your body and soul and mind, as he hadn’t forgotten to mention when he proposed; and then followed up with proving the first part of his claim with intense but the softest damn loving.
The memory of him getting on one knee with a glimmer of tears in his eyes quickly dispersed when his maddeningly delicate touch finally brushed over your slit, your hips instinctively bucking forward; Steve instantly used the opportunity to spread his palms under your bottom, urging you closer and closer until the front of your thighs met the mattress, effectively caging him in, mouth not more than an inch from your mound. He smiled up at you wickedly, forefinger drawing nonsensical patterns over your clothed sex.
“Steve, love-“
You lost your voice when he guided your knee to prop on the mattress next to his head, a violent tug of desire gripping at your core at the implication of what he wanted – stirring as much want as insecurity and hesitance.
You voice was shaky as your gaze found his, the question on your lips so quiet he might miss it hadn’t it been for his enhanced hearing.
“Steve, are you… sure?”
One glance into his eyes told you was more than that.
And the mere thought of him doing what he was leading you towards felt like molten lava poured into your veins, nothing but smouldering heat left behind.
You had never done that. Not with him, not with anyone else.
It was true that Steve could get rather intense when it came to love making – or shameless fucking – but he always drew significant amount of his pleasure from your own. Your husband was but a giver, even as he always coaxed you to give it to him. He had sure been far from shy or prudish in the privacy of your quarters – or in certain cases no one must ever learn about, elsewhere – and he enjoyed all kinds of things, his mouth on you among them. You had explored together, dived into depths of pleasure you hadn’t thought were possible. But you hadn’t---not like this.
Not with you basically on top of his goddamn face.
“Are you?” he asked, pressing a brief kiss to the juncture of your thighs, looking at you from under his eyelashes with a challenge and a plea.
In your exploration, he had pushed your limits; but never you. He’d never do anything that seemed even tad too uncomfortable for you. As of consequence, there was virtually nothing you wouldn’t let him do, because you trusted him to stop at the first sign of your protest.
Okay. Okay. The utter wanton in his eyes shining through the sincerity was melting your brain. No choice to make.
You nodded, rewarded by a satisfied smirk that would have earned anyone else a smack to their face. But with Steve, there was something dangerously alluring about that instead; that smirk meant paradise aligning with hell awaiting you, whispered of you soon begging him – to stop or to continue, you’d never quite know yourself.
“Well then, remember you promised to listen… and do.”
Little shit, was as far as you got in your thoughts.
Because then he was wrapping a firm arm around your leg on the bed and pushing your panties aside and after a few teasingly careful licks, he began his feast like a starved man seated at the royal table.
Your hands found purchase on his hair and the bed, knees nearly buckling under the assault of pleasure, burning through your body like a wildfire. The way his wicked tongue played with you had you gasping his name in need bordering on desperation, chest tight as you were forgetting to breathe, core clenching so soon you couldn’t quite believe it as the tidal wave of bliss washed over you, hips rocking in aftershocks, knees eventually giving out.
It was only for a split second that you worried you might smother Steve or splatter ungracefully on the floor; because Steve had you. He always had you. His supersoldier part undeniable, he caught you, manipulating your body so he could cradle you protectively as you came from your high and literal height, holding you against his chest as you straddled him with seemingly boneless legs.
You were hyperaware of every bit of praise spilling from your lips, whispered to your skin warmly, but you couldn’t form words.
Not until his lips found yours, meeting in a soft kiss spiced with the tang of your essence, the most intimate kiss between lovers. He pushed the hair from your face tenderly, eyes both hungry and soft as if you weren’t soaking his dress pants where your core met his evident arousal and you weren’t both panting as if you had just run a marathon. His hand caressed up and down your spine, over and over, as if to ground you in reality.
A peck to your cheek. To your mouth. Your lips coming back to life at least, pressing to his jaw, to his smile.
“Could stay like this forever,” he whispered, nose trailing along your cheek, leaving a kiss under your ear, drawing a breathless chuckle from you. “With you in my arms, your taste on my lips, head swimming from your sweet perfume and everything that’s you… my wonderful wife… “
Blinking owlishly, you met his gaze as he cradled your cheek, hair a beautiful messy hallo from where you had tried to hold on when he was devouring you. His lips found yours again, a gentle murmur.
“You’re my everything, you know that?”
You did. By god you did. It was impossible not to, even as that fact was but a pure stroke of a miracle. He was your everything too. Your alfa and your omega. Your weakness and your strength. Your love, unshakable foundation even on days when everything including his own hands did shake. Your home, whenever you’d go.
You ran your fingers through his golden locks, expression nothing short of tender, touch nothing short of reverent – as one should be when in face of a miracle.
“And you’re my home,” you whispered back.
Seconds ticked by in soft silence, pleasure still tingling all over your body, but it was the overwhelming love and need in Steve’s gaze that consumed you completely.  
You didn’t dare to blink. You didn’t dare to breathe. You simply watched him living through a moment as precious to him as he was to you, electric tension rising and almost audibly crackling in the air.
And then he was gripping your nape, mouth claiming and devouring, one hand sliding under your bottom to lift you in a display of strength that never failed to make you dizzy and blinded you with desire unmatched despite having just come down from your high. You returned his kiss with the same fervour, hands grasping at his shirt, frantically searching for buttons to undo and then simply tugging hard until the thread gave out and sent the buttons flying, a nip of teeth to your lips accompanied with Steve’s dark chuckle like the sweetest song of victory.
He sat down at the bed with you still straddling him, helping you strip the shirt without your lips ever parting, his hands leaving you but for the fraction of second necessary to get rid of the fabric in your way and then you were both sighing in relief when your palms met the burning skin of his sculptured chest, his wide shoulders, his clenching abs.
“Need you,” you confessed as soon as you got to breathe in, back at his lips the very next second, Steve’s large palm kneading your bottom, hips thrusting into yours and eliciting a wanton moan from you both. “And I want you in my mouth-“
A delicious growl rumbled in is chest, fingers tangled in your hair pulling just a little, tipping your head back to give him access to leave a string of kisses down the column of your throat, the deliberately slow bucks of his hips into yours never ceasing.
“You’re a wicked little thing.”
You chuckled, a cheeky remark on your painfully free lips, the delightful friction between your bodies not nearly enough to sooth your thirst.
“You do say I’m wicked smart. Why this time?”
The nip of teeth on your collarbone and the way his fingers dug into your flesh had you barely stifle a gasp, but his answer was a reward for a work well-done.
“Goddamn you, woman, you know what you do to me, especially that lipstick-”
“I know what it does to you to see it smeared in certain places,” you breathed out, silenced by a bruising kiss to your lips and a light sting on the back of your thigh as Steve pulled at one of the strings of your garter and let it snap against your skin. Your wandering hands reached for his belt, almost tasting the salty tang of him already as you’d get on your knees for him.
“Wicked,” he grunted against your mouth, lifting his hips – with you still on top – to help you strip his pants, “I thought I was giving the orders tonight.”
“Oh you do, Captain,” you assured him, revelling a little too much at the twitch against your core as you blatantly used his title against him. “Just informing you I’m willing.”
“Driving me crazy. Want you to want me just as much, to need me-“
“I do. Need to taste you-”
“Jesus Christ-“ he choked out, releasing you so you could press one last thorough kiss to his mouth and then slide down to your knees, grateful for the soft carpet.
Ridding Steve of the last piece of clothing, you took great care to maintain eye-contact as you stroked him, feather-light, and licked at the tip. The breathy sound resembling your name that left his lips when you wrapped your lips around the head sent a jolt of heat down your spine, hot satisfaction pooling in your belly and making your heart thunder in your chest.
Nothing had ever made you feel more powerful and treasured than Steve looking at you with half-lidded eyes, groaning as you took him deeper and bobbed your head, closing your lips tight around him as you pulled back to smear as much of the sinful red colour down his cock, his hands gripping the sheets so hard the fabric might tear.
God, he was gorgeous; a wrecked angel-like figure made for worship and sin, they only deity you needed, sculpted to divine perfection.
His fingers tangled gently at your hair, only to twitch repeatedly as he was holding back the strength he wanted to use keep you right there, always making you want to swallow around him harder to make him lose that control; the curses, the deliciously prolonged fuuuck tasting like a victory, the fuck-- sweetheart, you feel like heaven a blessing that stirred pure lust deep within your core.
He was done for almost too soon; a little work, a hint of a sinful smile in the corner of your lips as you watched him lose layer after layer of control to reveal the primal drive that made him just as human as any. Once your hands joining your efforts, he was spilling down your throat, eyes squeezed shut in an image of absolute heavenly ruin.
You waited for him to flutter his eyes open; not having even gone soft in your mouth, you dragged your lips down his length to leave the last red and glossy mark, the string of blasphemy leaving his mouth telling you he didn’t give a damn thing about your tear-smeared mascara but cared a whole lot about the prettily ruined lipstick. When you licked your lips as if he had just given you your favourite treat, he practically dragged you back to his lap, seemingly torn between proposing all over again and lamenting you were going to be his death.
Yet, he kissed you tenderly like a precious porcelain doll and reached for the wet wipe in the nightstand drawer to gently clean the black smears down your cheek. The smudged lipstick he indulgently wiped with his thumb before his mouth slanted over yours again, the thrumming passion between you growing louder again; you were dripping down your thighs from the appreciative gaze and the taste of him alone and Steve was rarely ever sated with climaxing just once. Especially after a week apart.
With his most acute hunger sated, however, he took time to admire the view again, even with your shoes finally discarded, indulging in the delicate lace instead, in the warmth of your body, in your perfume and the scent of your skin. His voice dropped low in volume, intimate whispers of how he wanted to see you take him deep and make you his, fingers gently stretching you to accommodate his impressive size before he led you to sink down on his length at last, filling you up so deliciously and completely.
With bodies stilled, the time seemed to slow down too. Eyes blown wide and dark, but with a sweet curl to your lips as you tasted each other over and over again, you both revelled in the sensation of being connected; brushes of fingertips, kisses to your lips, to your neck, to your sternum and breasts; to his chest, to his shoulders, to his kiss-swollen lips, wherever you could reach.
“I missed you, sweetheart,” he confessed between encounters of lips, the softest voice with a husky aftertaste. “Missed this. Never going to another conference again.”
You almost chuckled at the unrealistic prospect, touched all the same.
“Missed you more… might go to a conference every once in a while. For science.”
Steve grunted in protest, palms framing your face as he observed with a slightly amused pout to his kiss-swollen lips.
“Hm. Sounds like your argument contradicts your hypothesis there, Doc.”
This time, you did chuckle a bit, raising an eyebrow even as you caressed his cheek, index finger tapping the pouty lower lip. “Well sue me, I’m a little dazed. I’m allowed. I finally have you for myself after a week, Steve.”
He caught your hand, pressing a kiss to the pad of your finger, something devilish flashing in his eyes.
“That you do. I’m all yours. My smart, beautiful wife…” he coaxed with a kiss, hand landing lightly on your waist, hips thrusting up to encourage you to roll yours. There was no need to do so twice. You rocked your pelvis, jaw falling slack at the delightful sensation. A single movement and pleasure was spreading to every nerve ending, coil in your belly forming; Steve responded in kind, urging you on to keep going and set a pace.
“So good to me, sweetheart… so precious.”
“That’s it. So damn gorgeous like that--- look at me, love.”
“Making me feel so good… love having you like this. Never gonna get enough of this, of you…”
Golden. You felt so damn golden under his touch, from inside out, caressed with every single appreciative word spilling from his lips so naturally.
God, you had needed that. You needed that more than you had realized, having pushed down all the unpleasant interactions that had piled up during the week, interactions that made you feel everything but good, precious, brilliant or gorgeous. With every word, Steve poured his faith and love into the cracks in your being and healed them, silencing every doubt, grounding you so profoundly in the pleasure you shared that every single cell in your body ignited with something divine. The coil in your belly was strung so tight you almost felt yourself falling, if you’d only--- if he’d-
“Steve, please, I need-“
“I know what you need, love. I’ve got you.”
Your climax erupted through your body with Steve’s mouth wrapped around your nipple, his dextrous fingers digging into your ass and playing with your clit.
He found his release as he kneeled behind you and caged you to his front, one hand around your throat to angle your head for a sloppy kiss, the other spread wide over your lower belly, sneaky fingertips having coaxed another Earth-shattering orgasm from you.
Somewhere along the way, your lacy attire had ended up in shreds where Steve pulled a little too hard; the remnants of garter belt and stockings were carefully stripped by Steve’s tender fingers as he cleaned you up with a warm cloth before covering you with several kisses and only then with the comforter.
He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you to his side and simply holding you as close as humanly possible, living and revelling in the moment just until his stomach growled.
After a semi-serious joke about taking you as a dessert for the second time, you lazily ordered take-out for three since you had worked up an appetite, moving to the couch. A movie in the background, Steve shared some of the highlights and escapades of the past few days from the conference and DC – as much as he could anyway. In return, you shared your own – as much as you could anyway. When in each other’s embrace, the trouble seemed far away; and what had felt like a path to the next Armageddon suddenly appeared considerably more manageable.
You were practically asleep, half-sprawled over Steve’s chest, when he pressed another kiss to your scalp, this time lingering.
“I love you… and thank you. That truly was a nice welcome home,” he said, bringing a ghost of a tired smile to your lips.
“It’s our home, Steve… You should always feel welcome. Loved.”
“And I do. Coming home to you is the most precious thing,” he mused, caressing your hair when you snuggled impossibly closer to him, inhaling the comforting scent of all that was him. “But you walking the extra mile… that truly makes me the luckiest guy in the universe.”
You hummed, his words warming you more thoroughly than his body and the blanket combined. You pressed a kiss to his sternum over his sleepshirt.
“And I’m the luckiest woman. I love you, Steeeve… I’m sorry-”
His chest shook under your cheek softly as your confession turned into a yawn, but he took it as a sign. He half-carried you to the bathroom and carried you entirely by the time you were done with your nighttime routine.
You murmured another love you, sleep well as you laid your head on the pillow, cradled in Steve’s protective embrace, his words reaching your ears from a terrible, terrible distance, but tasted just as sweet as ever.
“I will, love. I most definitely will.”
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Complete masterlist
Steve Rogers masterlist
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Aren't they just sweet? 🥺 Happy belated birthday, Stevie 💕 I hope you enjoyed - feedback is always welcomed💕
Prompts, as promised:
Pouncing on your partner as soon as they arrive home from a trip away
“My favourite thing in the world is being here with you.”
Kinks: praise, soft!dom, oral
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go bath in holy water and pray to my muse that she'll let me write longfic too 🤭
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venusandlotus · 1 day
Pick a pile
How will your in laws treat you?
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1 —> 2
3—> 4
Dont forget to leave a like and reblog it if u liked my reading .
Pile 1
The hanged man , page of pentacles , 5 of wands , 10 of swords .
So for this group I felt that some of you might have disputes inside this families , your in laws wont share your personal mistakes or any failures outside this family , its like they try to keep up a decent image of yours no matter what happens inside this family and they wont let anybody know how they feel towards you . Its like if anybody asks them about u they will be like “oh shes doing well ..oh she is having a good time , nothing to worry about” but inside the family there might be some things which doesnt matches maybe it can be religion , ideas , way of livelihood , anything it can be but there might be somthing they wont like fully . So lets u get married to their son / daughter they might go along with their kid’s choices like welcoming u at home nicely / traditionally but i cant sense any heartfelt connection with them and you or any soul tribe connection . Its like even if u werent their first choice they will go along just for their kid’s sake , its not like they will treat you bad or beat you its simply like they will just be ok with you , but there’s likely to be some energy mis match happening there. Maybe both parties (u and them ) may be good to eachother but too much closeness or soul tribe thing cant be sensed here.
Pile 2
The star card , four of swords , ace of cups , nine of pentacles , eight of wands
So for this pile I sense that you bring them some kind of relief here… maybe u are the one who earns in the family or maybe u could be smone who brought their son / daughter a lot of happiness and they might even like you for that , the star card can play out as any scenario but you are likely to be smone who brings them hope , happiness, relief ( some kind of ) to them and its likely that they will be warm towards you and considerate towards you and its likely that u guys may even connect really well . You might he someone whom they are likely to approve of thats all i picked up here. You can also be smone who brought their son / daughter out of depression or smthing , or maybe smone who acts as light to their son / daughter’s life
Pile 3
5 of swords , knight of cups , queen of wands , six of pentacles
So for here i m picking up some heavy emotions , so for this pile i picked up three scenarios here but three of them has heavy emotions to it .So first of all it can be like there will be some kind nostalgia feeling to u , like they can care for you and treat u better than you own parents and second scenario might be that they might treat you little rough that u might even compare them with your own parents and they might be authorative or strict towards you and another scenario is that it might be hard to win them at first but as time passes u guys might get along . Theres sm kind of comparison happening here so it can play out in any way here i think lot of people will take this pile .
Pile 4
Three of swords , 5 of cups , ace of wands , the star card.
For this pile its like you guys arent that close with your in laws but when you guys meet there will be some kind of respect towards eachother , more like one of those relative u meet only once or twice in a year but the energy between you guys is moderate and neutral even if you guys live together in a house you are likely to carry on with ur own life and they will be carrying on with their own lives but when u need them or when they need u you guys will get along well there isnt any quarrel or dispute energy here its giving the energy of people who will be busy in their own worlds but when u guys need eachother u guys do it without hesitation.
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jeons-catalyst · 3 days
may, i know this has been talked to death, but every time i see clips of jk in bed begging jm to do a live i really feel disbelief. we all saw that. that happened. at first it was very cute and then i just felt like i was intruding the longer it went on. 🫣 like damn is that boy relentless when it comes to jimins attention.
ig if you want to make this into a more worthwhile ask, do you have any moments that come to mind where you felt like you were third wheeling?
Hey hun @bangtannism
Tbh with you Jk’s naked Live sometimes feels like a dream to me. I feel like it was one of those moments where the shock of the whole thing hit me after the Live was done. You know how sometimes you get a cut but don’t feel the pain till way after? Yea that’s what that Live felt like to me.
The thing is, we’ve spoken about this Live plenty but everytime i think about the fact that we literally had a half nakey Jk almost begging for Jimin to let him come over, do a Live and shower at his place before heading to his appointment at 2pm is just……crazy. Now don’t get me wrong. It isn’t unusual to see friends do stuff like this at all but i guess what made things a little different with jikook is the fact that Jk is usually someone who likes his alone time and we’ve never seen him act like this with anyone else plus, let’s be serious. Doed anyone really think Jk was ready to get out of his bed at 7am in the morning, drive over to Jimin’s just to do a Live together? I honestly feel like the Live was just an excuse and Jk probably just felt like being with Jimin at that time. We know that that is who he likes to be with when he is lonely and/or bored and it did seem like he was bored which is why he turned on a Live at that time, hell he even told Jimin that they are both bored in the morning. Anyways, this Live will always be one for the books and like you i personally find it hard to watch it without covering my face with my palms or looking away because i literally feel like i am watching something i should’nt be watching.
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I feel like almost all Jikook moments make me feel like i am thirdwheeling but lets look at some of the biggest ones for me.
Listen, i think this moment right here takes the cake when it comes to jikook making us thirdwheel them. The tones of their voices, the body language, the way their eyes drop to their lips when they talk and the entire vibe is just arhhhhhhhh. Let’s not even talk about how coupley the conversation sounds. Just Jikook sitting there glued to each other in their downtime watching something on Jk’s phone and from first glance you wouldn’t think much of it until you see how fast Jk turns to ask Jimin where he is going when he hears the staff asking Jimin to get his makeup retouched. Jk was sitting there like someone who didn’t give a tiny rats ass but the moment he realized Jimin woulf be leaving his side he got so curious to find out where he was going. What is more coupley than this?
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The next one for me would be this Newjersey vlive. I literally cannot watch this part without feeling the need to look away. You could cut the sexual tension in the room with a knife man. I feel like for a few seconds there, jikook forgot that they were Live. Jimin’s soft tones while talking to Jk, Jk clearly looking flustered and uneasy but also clearly into it, the way they were staring into each other’s eyes, jimin’s little “i love u” to Jk and the way Jk couldn’t stop staring at Jimin while he left arhhhhhh. This vlive is one of my jikook roman empires because if this live didn’t make it clear to anyone what jikook are, nothing else would.
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Let’s not get into Jimin’s 2021 birthday Vlive. The domesticity of it all, jikook’s tones with each other, the way Jimin got shy after he finished talking to jk and told us Jk was coming, Jk’s hunk oppa tone when he picked up the phone arghhhhhhhh. I swear if i was dating Jimin or jungkook and heard them talking to each other on the phone like that, i would need me some answers man. Plus other important things to note which really give us a great insight of Jikook’s dynamic is how fast Jk picked up jimin’s call even though he was working out and how fast he got there after jimin told him he needed him. I want what they have i swear.
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Moments like these too, make me feel shy lol cuz what is up with all the tension? Just kiss already and get it over with,
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Listen, i physically cannot not look away when ever i come across this clip so i don’t even want to imagine what it must have been like for the members who were sitting right there plus the camera crew. Atleast this time, i wasn’t the only one thirdwheeling cuz the members were there to hold my hand😮‍💨. I honestly feel like jikook sometimes forget that there are other people around them.
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What ever was going on here! Honestly, sometimes i get why jikook constantly catch fanservice allegations because how else do you explain Jungkook blatantly checking Jimin out during a shoot with dozens of staff around? I mean there is a platonic bro check out and then there is whatever this was. I honestly cannot look at this with a straight face.
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I get so shy when i watch them stealing glances at each other and just feel like the biggest thirdwheel alive.
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Whatever this was. I didn’t only feel like a thirdwheel but i was literally sweating. They were literally talking directly in each other’s faces and let’s not even get into the eye contact, jk being in his hunk oppa mood and Jimin being a giggly flustered cutie pie. (Oh lord, the cheesy, cringey pickup lines)😂
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How could i almost forget the moment where jikook made the entire hall thirdwheel them? I will be fulfilled in life if i get a chance to speak with the idol sitting close to Jikook because my man has all the tea and he looked like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. I can put my hand on my chest and proudly say i have NEVER seen Jk look at anyone the way he looked at Jimin here. This was a completely different look and almost 6 years after, i still don’t know how to describe it.
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Jungkook watching Jimin on Suchwita. I know that Jimin technically wasn’t there but the way he watched him with those smiles on his face and not even interacting with Army much made me feel like i was thirdwheeling. Plus, i don’t want to remember how he froze after seeing Jimin’s bare chest. GAY i tell you🤭
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I don’t know if there is anyone who can watch this without feeling like a thirdwheel or like you are interrupting something. If you can then you are our strongest soldier because what was even this? Mind you this is the same Jk who called another person shameless but here he is openly telling Jimin “ I want you” 3 good times. Don’t even get me started with how he said Jimin’s expression is sexy and his tone too. This was downright flirty as hell and i’m not sure what would have happened if they were not infront of cameras lol
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These are the few moments i could think of off the top of my head. What other moments made y’all feel like a thirdwheel?
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bbhyeoliskooks · 3 days
𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐌𝐞 | badboy!cyj
Yeonjun thinks you’re irresistible, therefore making it hard to stay away
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♔ genre: yeonjun x reader (f), bad boy, fake dating, opposites attract, fluff, angst, 20k+ words - loosely based on the timestamps I made in 2020
♔ warnings: bad words, blood, wounds, alcohol, insecurity, mentions of cheating
♔ song: Only Look at Me - Taeyang
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When you locked eyes with Choi Yeonjun, the leather jacket wearing troublemaker, you were more than stunned. To see him. At the dog shelter. No, it wasn't how handsome he was that shocked you since you hadn't even dared to look at him before- it was the fact that he was helping at a dog shelter, the complete opposite of what fit his image. And you knew not to stereotype him, but how could you not?
He was the guy at school that everyone feared and knew not to mess with. The guy that would give someone a beating if they just looked at him wrong. Out of every place you would expect him to be working at, it was definitely not a dog shelter.
But here he was, hands gently rubbing the corgi's chin as it licked his wrists enthusiastically. Hands gripping the broom, you felt your feet glue to the floor as you watched him laugh and giggle, playing with the dog as it attacked him with affection. His laugh, filling the large room, reverberated off the walls- something out of him that you've never heard before. The contrast between his fearsome image at school and the careless boy laughing heartily in front of you was the shock of the century and you found yourself gasping, not believing what was playing out in your very eyes.
You hadn't really talked to Yeonjun before, most of it due to the fact that you were extremely scared of him. You had heard so much about how dangerous he was according to other people; each week, there was always a new rumor floating through the school that he single-handedly fought a gang or kissed another college girl. Such things made it harder to get to know him, and you weren't sure if he'd even want to be your friend. You two came from opposite worlds anyway; you weren't the type to find trouble exhilarating and he was always in a new fight. Oftentimes you would see Yeonjun sporting a brand new bruise on his scuffed cheek or fresh crimson cuts on his already wrapped up hand. Other times you would see him dozing away in class from lack of sleep, in front of the poor teacher who just wanted the class to pay attention!
Though you didn't know much, you still stayed far away from Yeonjun. If anything, his physical injuries were proof enough and you bought into the ridiculous rumors of his tales and tea. It's not like they were a lie really. You could just tell how dangerous he was just from the way he acted and his cocky stance that only yelled 'don't come near!'
"You staring, princess?"
Your eyes widened and you started to stutter, putting one hand up nocently while the other gripped the broom. You felt busted, even though looking at him wasn't a crime scene. Sure felt like one. He basically had you shivering in your shoes because of his glare. Besides, how did he know you were there anyway?! His back was towards you, for goodness sake!
"O-oh, I'm sorry! I just didn't know you-"
He smirked at your incredulous expression before turning back to watch the corgi beside him fall and show its belly. Yeonjun couldn't help but chuckle at the playful creature, reaching to scratch the fluffy white tummy. He cut you off from your stuttering with a smooth voice, another part of him that you rarely heard.
"It's okay. Y/N, right? Yeah, I work at a dog shelter. I really like the dogs here, especially this corgi," he giggled, eyes quickly darting between you and the dog.
Left silent and gobsmacked, you gazed at how he was on the floor, being extremely gentle with the creature. There were a million things running through your mind, but the only thing that stood out to you the most was that he knew your name. As far as you were concerned, you hadn't spoken much to Yeonjun before- most of that being due to fear or scarce circumstances. In addition, there was only one class that you shared together, so how could he have known? It didn't help that you barely brought attention to yourself, rarely raising your hand to answer a question.
The fact that he knew your name had the butterflies in your stomach fluttering; however, you quickly snapped out of it, making it out to be a coincidence.
"Yeah, that corgi is super cute! I, just um.... didn't know that you would be working here, didn't think it was your type," you laughed nervously, reaching for the suddenly itchy part behind your neck.
Yeonjun simply got up, pushing his hands from the floor to help him stand up. The dog trailed behind him, hungry for more attention despite receiving some earlier. Its stubby legs followed Yeonjun as he came near you with a mischievous smile on his face. The proximity between your faces made your face heat up and you gulped. He was already so comfortable, being this close to your ear.
He just whispered, clasping his hands together playfully in a prayer position. "Keep it a secret, alright princess?" He then opened the door, letting the dog shuffle out first into the hallway before turning again towards you with a glint in his eyes, "just between us."
It wasn't until the door creaked, a high-pitched whistle sound that snapped you out from your daze. What just happened? Did the Choi Yeonjun just speak to you? And why was he asking you to keep his volunteer work at the dog shelter a secret?
─── ♔ ───
The next time you saw Yeonjun was when he was dozing off in class. Obviously he didn't seem to care about the lesson as he quietly snored, unaware of the drool and noise he was making. Normally you wouldn't have cared, but your teacher put her students into groups and... surprise surprise, you were paired with none other than Yeonjun. How lucky.
You stared at how peaceful he looked while he slept, his face completely relaxed with his mouth open a tiny bit. His hair gently fanned over his eyes, still looking as perfect as ever even though it was untidy. If he was like this forever, you figured you wouldn't have anything to be scared of. Unfortunately, this project was a massive part of your grade and you wanted to get most of it while you had the chance... which meant waking up Yeonjun.
Gently shaking him, you grabbed onto his leather jacket that was cold to the touch. Tugging onto the ends of the jacket didn't seem to be working as he would slightly open one eye before closing them again. You huffed, bending down to examine his face before he lazily opened both this time, wondering what was disrupting his precious sleep. You jumped back with fear since the proximity of your face and his was too close for comfort and he'd probably think you were weird for being near him.
He just blinked a couple times, unfamiliar with the environment around him before groaning a quiet, "Princess...?" His voice was groggy with sleep which meant that he was very well into the dreaming stage until you so rudely had to disturb him.
Honestly, the use of the nickname for the second time had you taken aback. You tried to remain unfazed, coughing awkwardly. Waking him up was like playing with fire; you weren't sure if he was a nice person when he woke up and considering that he wasn't really nice awake either, well...
You cleared your throat, toying with your fingers that clutched your supplies. "Uh, Yeonjun, um... we have to do a project together. Sorry for waking you up."
Yeonjun rubbed the rest of the fatigue out of his eyes. The nap didn't seem to help even though he already slept through the majority of the class. If anything, his dark circles were more prominent than before and he still felt lethargic. Since he was used to doing anything he wanted with no consequences, he just paid no mind, distracted by sleep taking over him again. He only responded with a grumble, slowly closing his eyes for the nth time while you felt all the more embarrassed.
"Yeonjun, please? Don't you want a good grade as well?" You pleaded, taking the seat next to him while he comfortably lay on his arms. Once again he opened one eye, looking straight at you. You frowned, upset that he wasn't even trying. Granted you knew that he didn't care about school or really anyone for that matter, but at least you were keeping his secret safe! Of course he didn't owe you anything, but pretending to care about the project would still be nice.
Yeonjun gazed at you, glancing at the upset glint in your eye and your frown. Out of everything else, you cared about his grade... knowing that he didn't give one fuck about it? For some reason, his heart skipped a beat while he looked at you, thinking to himself: cute. The way you sat there, clutching your bedazzled and decorated notebook to your chest with the pen slid through the spirals had his insides turning into mush. You were absolutely adorable to him, glaring mindlessly as if to scare him.
Perhaps that was when Yeonjun's soft spot specifically for you started developing. Because of that, he sat up and got to work, no matter how much sleep was pulling him away.
─── ♔ ───
When you arrived at your usual spot for lunch, you were surprised to see the brooding guy, Yeonjun, in the seat opposite to where you usually sat. Your boyfriend wasn't at school today because of sickness so seeing Yeonjun in his seat was a shock. Scared to death, you clutched your lunch box and walked next to him. This couldn't be good. He probably had a problem with you already and you groaned internally, slapping yourself for waking him up a couple days before.
You could tell that he was pissed off by the way he sat. With his jaw clenched and his fingers clasped together on the seat as his legs spread out, it was quite obvious that he was angry.
Nervously you cleared your throat, fiddling with your fingers, "um... is there any particular reason why you're here?" He raised an eyebrow, not responding, so you felt inclined to ramble whatever was on the tip of your tongue. He was so scary that you could literally shit your pants. "Well, I'm just wondering since this is where I usually sit and everything, but you're okay to sit here! I can move, if you want."
Yeonjun couldn't help the grin that spread across his face, only making you more confused. It seems as though his anger dissipated based on his behavior lightening up with a simple smile.
"I'm just here to work on the project for a little bit. It's not a problem, right? I know how much it means to you."
Taken aback by his calm yet sweet answer, your jaw nearly dropped. He knew how much it meant to you? Clearing your throat, you adjusted your skirt and tried to act normal about the situation. No way the scariest guy in school could say something like that.
Yeonjun tilted his head, gesturing to the bench behind him, "come on. Sit down."
Though his words were controlling, his tone was soft, inviting you sweetly. You sat down, finding yourself completely awkward as you pulled out your notebook from your lunch bag. True to his word, he also pulled out a few loose leaf papers from his bag along with a pen. The whole lunch period was spent with silence between the two of you, trying to finish as much of the project as you could even though it was only the first day.
When Yeonjun stopped aggressively writing on his own paper, you looked up just to see him glaring at everyone near you. The people near were either pointing at him and whispering muffled words. Though you couldn't hear specifically what they were saying, you could tell that most were stunned because of their dropped jaws and stares between you and Yeonjun. Honestly, you couldn't blame them. In a million years, you wouldn't have expected to be working with him at lunch for a stupid class project.
With the amount of attention you both were receiving, you spoke without thinking, "why do you act like that? Glaring at everyone?"
It came off more as rude but Yeonjun didn't see it that way, his expression turning to one of guilt and also shock at your curiosity. "I've just had a bad day and everyone is being annoying by staring at us. But I genuinely don't mean any harm."
His words were ironic; the boy had cuts everywhere from the scar on his cheek and the fresh ones on his fingers. He didn't mean any harm, but fought gangs on the daily (as ridiculous as it sounded)? You found it hard to believe as you chuckled to yourself, an entertained laugh that didn't go unnoticed by him.
"But don't you care that you can scare people off?"
He took a second to think about his answer, looking up at the sky with a pout on his face. You watched him intently as he hummed, completely curious to what he would say.
Instead he grinned, flashing you a mischievous smile. You couldn't fight back a smile of your own now. "Meh. It doesn't matter to me, actually. Besides, you're not scared of me, right?"
Your hand flew up to scratch the back of your neck as you smiled back sheepishly. "I would be lying if I said no." His smile made it easier to tell him the truth. Even though you were scared for your life, gripping onto your sandwich and biting your lip, you found it rather easy to be honest from earlier interactions from him.
He laid his pen down, adjusting himself so he could be more comfortable. He sent you a smirk, getting closer to your face.
"Then I'll work on my expressions so you're not scared of me. I'm just Yeonjun."
You rolled your eyes jokingly and laughed, "yeah, Yeonjun, the notorious bad boy that everyone is scared of." Perhaps he didn't know about his own reputation and that was probably true since no one wanted to be too close to piss him off. Before this conversation, you couldn't blame them but now you saw that Yeonjun wasn't as scary as he seemed. He was still frightening of course, but not to the point where it was hard to be frank with him.
Letting himself relax completely, he rested the side of his cheek on his hand, "You're silly, you know that?"
You didn't respond, opening a ziplock bag full of grapes to finish for the rest of your lunch period. Then you quickly got to work, finding a satisfying position for your pencil to write perfectly. Yeonjun didn't mind either, following your lead, and picked up his pen once again. All that could be heard was either of you shuffling in your seat or the scribbling of your utensils.
20 minutes or so passed before the bell rang. You sighed in relief, flipping your wrist in circles as your fingers ached with the amount that you were writing. Yeonjun got up and shoved his papers in his bag, not caring that it would probably get lost in his sea of other school related stuff and definitely not weed.
You stood up as well, gathering your things together. "Thanks for working on this project with me. I know you'd prefer doing something else," you snuck a glance at his bag, "so it really means a lot."
Yeonjun smiled once again, a very contagious grin that had you trying to fight back your own.
"Anything for you, princess," he winked before walking away. You watched his back intently, his hands in his pocket as he lazily wandered through the bodies of students trying to step away. He probably was going to sneak out again. You giggled, rolling your eyes. There wasn't any reason to be scared of him anymore; yes, Choi Yeonjun was a bad boy but he was also somehow comforting and goofy.
─── ♔ ───
To your surprise, Yeonjun was fun to work with- at the dog shelter and on the school project. He would always find a way to make you smile whenever you were feeling down, incredibly considerate and sensitive to your feelings. You were shocked that Yeonjun had a sweet bone behind all that cologne and intimidation, finding time to strike up a conversation whenever you were near. Occasionally he would flirt here and there, making you roll your eyes, but he was absolutely great to be around. Tales of beating bad guys in alleyways was his main way of entertaining you, acting out scenes that seemed to be from fantasy stories while you watched and laughed. You weren't complaining though. Working with him was like a fun little secret- refreshing and hidden away.
While you were doing your daily routine which consisted of sweeping the dust particles on the cages, you noticed Yeonjun hissing in pain as he made work on wiping down the dog bowls. You turned around confused, raising an eyebrow when he quickly retracted his hand from the running water, flinging it around. You watched as small dots of red flew from his hand, quietly dropping onto the slightly yellow floor. The sight of Yeonjun groaning in pain had you extremely worried and you ran up to him, grabbing his hand.
As per usual, there were many cuts all around his right hand, decorating his pale skin in clusters. You examined it carefully, noticing a rather deep one that did not look too hot. It was still oozing blood, which meant that it was fresh. You glared at Yeonjun, who was staring right back at you with a confused expression on his face.
"Oh my gosh, what happened to you? Come on, let me grab the first aid kit."
"Sorry for getting blood all over the floor," he smiled weakly, watching you clean up his cuts with the utmost care. Barely acknowledging him, you sent a threatening look to warn him that he shouldn't be getting into fights. Instead you remained focused on the task, sighing as you cleaned up new and dried up blood. As expected, Yeonjun didn't take much care of himself. You were surprised that he was going on this long though, with such bad cuts like these. Some of them were already scarring, but it was still rather worrisome.
"So why do you have all these cuts on your hand?" You questioned, dipping a cotton ball into some gentle saline solution. The silence was rather peaceful and not awkwardly thick as you tried your best to clean up all his wounds, new and old.
Yeonjun, taken aback, wasn't expecting this from anyone- much less you whom he had met a couple weeks ago. He never really had anyone that worried about him or asked extensive questions about his wellbeing. So to see you there, making a fuss about how he should stop fighting, made him smile. He would be lying if he said his heart wasn't pounding in his chest. The way you were bent over, concentrated on every detail as you examined his hand made his ears burn.
"Are you listening, Yeonjun?" You tapped the cotton ball once again, focusing on the outer area. He hissed, the pain bringing him back to reality, "I was just out before coming in for the dog shelter. Really doesn't matter though."
You huffed, bringing the first aid kit closer to access more materials. Then you playfully hit the back of Yeonjun's other hand as a warning. "It does matter! You're here, all hurt with cuts on your hands!" Thank goodness the first aid kit came in clutch at the dog shelter; there was no way that frustrating guy would have taken care of these at home.
Yeonjun couldn't help but think you were cute as you crossed your arms, frustrated with how reckless he was being. He didn't seem to take you seriously, only smirking at your fret.
"You care about me, princess?"
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. What type of a question was that?
"Of course I do! You shouldn't be getting into these fights!" You yelled, berating him like a kid. Yeonjun only seemed to smile more as you motioned with your hands, trying to explain how dangerous the situations he was putting himself in. He clearly wasn't listening to a word you said, though you didn't pay much attention, yapping on and on about how he should stop being reckless. The whole time while you were speaking, you managed to wrap a gauze around Yeonjun's hand while he was silently admiring you, resting his cheek against his knuckles. Little by little his heart was softening although he wasn't aware of it yet.
"It just doesn't make sense to me," you sighed as your lips formed a disappointed straight line, "I just don't think it's worth it to get into fights with all these bruises and cuts after."
Yeonjun avoided the question, gazing at you instead of the cotton ball that you were dabbing on his gash. "Of course you wouldn't. I wouldn't expect a lady like you to like a fight."
Him calling you a lady had you blushing as you tried to focus on healing him. He would always flirt, but that didn't mean anything. He was the guy that got lots of attention anyway, so you were positive that this was one of his many lines. Not to mention you had a boyfriend as well.
Taking out multiple band-aids, you tried to distract your fast paced beating heart from collapsing. Eventually you gave up on the whole band-aid process, deciding that the gauze should hold up on the awkward spots better.
"Please just don't get into a fight again, Jun. And if you don't want to listen to me, just get into them less, please?" You looked up at him, noticing that he was uninterested, looking at the puppies that were scratching at the window to get out.
Realizing that he wasn't listening, you gasped and put all your strength into glaring at him. Yeonjun shook his head saying, "now don't get your panties in a twist," and you felt your feet failing you as you tried to get closer to chastise him. Your knees cracked in opposition as you felt yourself slowly falling back, tripping on your own feet. Luckily Yeonjun was quick on his own, free hand reaching out to gently grab you by the waist.
You felt his hand against the curve of your back, delicately holding you there as you tried to regain your strength. However since you were so embarrassed and absolutely stunned that he quickly caught you from falling, you stayed there for a moment, feeling your cheeks blaze with fire. It seemed like a scene from a movie, the way he was looking deeply into your eyes after grabbing your waist to keep you from falling. You gulped, averting your eyes from his intense gaze. "Yeonjun, I'm sorr-"
He only smirked, pulling you forward so you could stand on your own two feet, "come on, it's getting late. I'll take you home today in exchange for the care, okay doll?"
Your legs felt like jelly the rest of the night when he took you on his motorcycle, that ride not being the last.
─── ♔ ───
The month seemed to go by quickly, with minor hiccups here and there. Now you would catch Yeonjun at the shelter more often, helping around with filling the food trays or giving attention. There was less small talk and more deep conversations that had you on the edge of your chair. When there'd be a particularly good conversation with both of you laughing at a random story, either one of you would have to leave. It was quite a funny predicament; you never thought you would be talking to Choi Yeonjun face-to-face considering his reputation, more so wanting to get to know him better. So whenever you or he had to leave, you would feel disappointed, hoping there'd be a longer conversation next time.
As you were saying, the month passed normally until your boyfriend of two years broke up with you. It came as such a shock, since he was usually the one fighting and putting more effort into the relationship. You knew there had been more fights lately, but they definitely weren't enough to warrant a messy breakup with you pleading for another chance while he simply gave up. Perhaps the relationship had run its course, but all theories for your breakup went down the drain when you saw him with that same girl. Everything changed from that moment on; you knew that he was in love with her by his stare and the way he kissed her so delicately. It wasn't until a week later that they came out as a couple, compared to you who had a panic attack each day without his presence. There was no way he could have fallen in love with her in the span of 3 days; it just wasn't possible, knowing him. So you came to the conclusion that he cheated, as hard as that was to believe.
The proceeding days after were extremely hard. You couldn't bear going to school and having to see his face, not with the amount of embarrassment and heartbreak that weighed you down. Knowing that you were in 3 classes with him was too much. You knew you couldn't handle it. Volunteering at the dog shelter was hard as well because there was no motivation to get things finished. Everything reminded you of him, his memory weaving into the smallest things that would have you unable to function normally.
Even though he most likely cheated, you still wanted him back. Maybe it was due to dependency from those 2 years you were together, but it ached and rattled your bones each night you were alone.
Today, you were required at the dog shelter. School was different; you could make up work that Taehyun gave whenever he visited, but you couldn't help at the dog shelter from home. This led you to throw on your denim jacket, barely looking put together as you wiped dried mascara marks from under your eyes. You nearly had to hype yourself to show up, letting the visit be a quick thing before suffocating in the bed sheets again.
The bell rang from above you as you slowly turned the door, expecting at least one dog to strangle you with affection. You were rather surprised- and more so embarrassed when you saw Yeonjun instead, staring at you worriedly. Confusion and concern written on his eyebrows, he walked up to you wanting answers. You crumbled against his concerned gaze, suddenly insecure that you looked a mess with the frizzy hair and dark circles.
"Hey doll, is everything alright? What happened?"
"I'm-I'm fine. Nothing happened," you sniffled, trying to flash him a smile so he wouldn't worry. It didn't work by the look on his face. He reached out, grabbing your hand in his. If not for the massive heartbreak and ache in your chest, you probably would have been shy. But his concern only caused you to break into sobs, unable to hide the truth from him any longer.
"He cheated on me! Two years down the drain because he cheated on me!"
Yeonjun gasped, immediately opening his arms as you crashed against his firm chest. Needing the embrace and comfort more than anything, you let it all out, wailing out loud as if no one was near. You grabbed onto his leather jacket, the pain coursing through your Yeonjun wrapped his fingers in your hair, softly combing through the tangled mess as he whispered mindlessly.
"I'm sorry, princess," he hummed while you cried in his chest. His cologne, filling your nose, was actually super comforting at the moment, reminding you of fresh laundry as you tried not to smother his clothes in tears and snot. It was super embarrassing that he had to see you this way, but you knew he didn't mind by the way he was murmuring and holding you close. He was nearly rocking you at this point, hugging you tightly as you created a wet patch on his chest.
It was a while before you could regain your strength, sniffling and hiccupping as you struggled to do so. Yeonjun merely tucked a couple strands of hair behind your ear as you rubbed your puffy eyes. You barely got a sentence out because of the knot in the back of your throat.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know I would break down like that."
Yeonjun just shook his head, softly cupping your irritated cheek. He was so gentle with you, looking deeply in your eyes. You looked at his eyes, surprised to see that he actually cared. His eyes were tender with sympathy and unbeknownst to you- admiration as well. There was a slight smile on his face as he demanded no apologies, telling you that he didn't mind. This was the type of Yeonjun you were getting more used to, rather than the cold one that everyone feared. You were amazed at how different he was, sometimes even wondering if the way he acted with you was just a persona. But you knew him well enough that he wouldn't do that, and it was evident in the way he handled you softly as if you were a fragile little thing.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you as you tried to gather your thoughts. Being with Yeonjun made you feel ten times better, if not for the hole stretching in your chest. For a second there, you had almost forgotten to breathe, taken aback that he embraced you in the first place. Then your thoughts started twisting, being driven by vengeance and hurt. You began speaking without thinking, clenching your fists tightly.
"I want revenge."
Yeonjun bent down to look at you more clearly, seeing the hurt flow throughout your veins. You tensed, looking at the ground with a type of determination that he had never seen before. It would've been cute if it wasn't driven by hurt. Surprisingly, he was against it- after all, you were never the type to partake in such activities; in the strange friendship, you were definitely more rational than him.
"Revenge how? Princess, you can't do anything illegal."
You frowned, snapping out of your vengeful haze, "you're one to talk! You're always getting into fights!"
Yeonjun chuckled, shaking his head. This was no laughing matter for you and you started listing ideas like throwing eggs at his car (a classic), leaving instant mashed potato packs to rise on his front lawn (would it work?), sneaking into his house and putting fart spray on his clothes (super petty and wouldn't last long), or maybe...
The boy in front of you interrupted you once again, an amused smirk on his face. "I know, but we can't risk you going to jail. At least out of both of us, you can be saved."
Not knowing what he meant by that, you just sighed in defeat.
"Fine. But what's something legal that will hurt him just as much?"
Revenge was never good in the long run even if it caused peace for just a little bit. You knew you would still have the same sinking and suffocating feeling every morning you woke up, but you were desperate to have some of that peace for now. Why did he have to be happy while you were out there suffering? It didn't make sense. He was in the relationship too. The only problem was how though...
You looked at Yeonjun once again, noticing the mischievous glint in his eye. You knew him well enough to know that he was going to suggest an idea, but what came out of his lips next was something you never would've expected.
"Hmm... how about fake dating? It's not illegal, but I do know that as a guy, it'll hurt him."
Thank goodness Yeonjun wasn't the rational one in your friendship. Typically all of your friends would advise against revenge, but hearing his words was super refreshing. Plus, fake dating wouldn't hurt any of you, just your ex who used to be possessive of your every move. And deep down in your heart as well, you hoped that him seeing you with another guy would bring him back to his senses, back to you at least.
Yeonjun watched you perk up as you enthusiastically agreed. You clasped your hands together, thanking him for a wonderful idea before it struck you that he probably had an ulterior motive behind it. Either way, you didn't seem to mind because he was doing you a big favor by pretending to be your boyfriend for a little while. Still, you felt obliged to ask.
"But what would this bring you though? I'm really grateful, but I can't help but wonder why you would want this?"
He thought about your question for a moment and gave a shy smile. "Well, I just need a person to introduce to my parents so they'd get off my back. Would that be fine with you?" His tone was off but you still agreed anyway. The task seemed simple enough. Actually, it was a good bargain on your end!
Then he cleared his throat, adjusting his leather jacket awkwardly before saying, "One rule though. No falling in love." Stretching out his hand, he waited for you to shake it.
You raised an eyebrow, surprised that he would suggest that. There's no way that you would fall in love with Yeonjun. Maybe a couple times you caught yourself staring, but it really wasn't that serious. It wasn't romantic love, just admiration for his beauty. What you guys had was a strange friendship to the outsiders; however, you knew you both cared a lot for each other. Happily you shook Yeonjun's wrapped up hand- something you were proud of yourself for doing- and sealed the deal. If all you had to do was not fall in love and meet his parents, you were up for the easy challenge.
Yeonjun grinned, his wide smile causing your heart to flutter. Maybe your body was already betraying you, the way it was reacting to any small action of his. But you coined it as just the fact that he was attractive and nothing more. It wouldn't take a genius to know that the bad boy Choi Yeonjun was incredibly handsome.
"Great! Let's start tomorrow. There's a big party and I can bet you that your dumbass ex will be there," he winked, putting his hands in his pockets. Off the bat you groaned- not because you didn't want to hang out with Yeonjun, but because you didn't want to be there in the first place. Being at home with a tub of ice cream was always going to be better but revenge could never wait. This was the peace you were waiting for, and you were desperate to have it.
─── ♔ ───
Getting ready for the party was strenuous, given that you had no motivation to do anything. You wanted so badly just to stay inside and wallow in your sadness, but the only thing stopping you was a certain black haired boy who somehow wanted you to succeed with your revenge. There's no way you could avoid this party, even if you begged him. Today you would put on your best act, pretending like you were a happy girlfriend instead of a person that constantly thought of your cheater of an ex.
You were going over the details of your makeup, brushing some luminescent highlighter over your cheekbones when you heard the doorbell ring. Sighing, you set down the brush before getting up on your feet. Running down the stairs, you quickly smoothed down your outfit nervously, hoping that you still didn't look like a mess. You didn't dress super fancily, but nice enough that you felt confident and cute. When you hesitantly opened the door, you were more than surprised to see Yeonjun with a genuine smile on his face, holding a daisy expectantly. Your cheeks flared- was bringing a flower really necessary? It's not like you were going on an actual date. Regardless, you appreciated the gesture anyway.
Yeonjun, seeming to sense your confusion, merely reached out his hand to your hair, slipping the flower in the crack of your ear. You felt your stomach flutter at his actions as his hand lingered, moving down to rub your cheek a little bit.
"If we're going to fake date at this party, we might as well start practicing now," he paused for a moment, holding his breath, "but you look beautiful tonight, doll."
"O-oh yeah. Thanks and for the flower too," you said, sending him a shy smile. He always knew the right words to say, but you were confused with your heart picking up the pace. And why were you stuttering? It wasn't like he made you nervous...
You stepped out into the crisp night while Yeonjun closed the door behind you. It was late enough into the evening where you could barely see anything, the fireflies and streetlights being the only light to help your vision. Wondering how he got there, you squinted your eyes at the driveway when lo and behold, you saw his ride.
It hadn't been the first time that you rode his motorcycle. It was probably the third time, actually. But you remembered the first time very clearly, the way he offered to take you home after you wrapped his wounded hand. It wasn't like you were scared to ride on it, rather it was the fact that you would have to hold onto Yeonjun's waist and stay close to him. The thought had your ears burning but when it inevitably came to fruition a mere seconds later, you felt more free as you rode into the night.
You were quite nervous when you went into the party, but thank goodness Yeonjun was there to calm your nerves. He was really understanding about your anxiety, soothing you by keeping a hand on the lower part of your back throughout the whole time. You were pleasantly surprised that he didn't leave you to meet up with his friends or other girls, instead introducing you to them and you doing the same with your friends. He seemed to be taking the fake dating very seriously, which was a shock because he was typically mischievous.
When people saw you two at the party together, most jaws had dropped. Yeonjun had never brought a girl anywhere; actually, he left with one most of the time. So to see him holding you close, almost possessively, you became the hottest topic of conversation throughout the whole house. Whenever you passed by, people would gasp or look at you questioningly. Most of the girls seemed to be upset, looking you up and down to soften the blow that Yeonjun didn't want them.
Naturally, you gravitated towards your best friend, Taehyun whose eyes immediately widened once seeing you. You laughed as he lectured you, asking many questions as to how and why this happened. You weren't a fool; you knew that Taehyun didn't approve solely because of Yeonjun's reputation. But that was what best friends did, looking out for the other in the best way possible.
Yeonjun's arm lazily dropped around your shoulder caused you to shuffle awkwardly as you started to introduce the two. Taehyun raised an eyebrow, saying that they have already met thanks to a school project. Yeonjun remained sheepish anyway, insisting that they hadn't even spoken before. The interaction between your best friend and fake boyfriend was hilarious and you had tears in your eyes. Then in a flooding memory, you remembered how Yeonjun knew your name, even though you never spoke before. How did he know?
Yeonjun stepped away for a moment when he saw his friend, Soobin, giving you a moment to talk to Taehyun. Though you weren't scared, you could tell that he was a little upset with the way he crossed his arms expectantly.
"So... why Yeonjun?'
That was such an easy question. Why Yeonjun? Being your fake boyfriend, of course. Because behind that cold exterior, he was super sweet and caring once you got to know him.
"Yeonjun is just really wonderful to me, Tae. He's super sweet once you get to know him," you answered genuinely, glancing at Yeonjun laughing at his friends. It was refreshing how much he smiled there, since in public, he would be cold and keep quiet to himself.
Taehyun considered your answer carefully before letting out a sigh.
"I don't know him that well, honestly, so I'm worried. Also, you might be going too fast because I thought the other day, you were hung over your ex still?"
His words sunk in, and you pursed your lips. If you and Yeonjun were actually dating, then it definitely would be moving too fast. But there were no consequences and no feelings when it came to fake dating, right? It was so hard lying to your best friend that you could trust with anything. You wanted so badly to tell Taehyun that it was all fake but you were pretty sure that was an unspoken rule between you and Yeonjun. He wouldn't tell anyone either but the truth could possibly get around somehow. Instead you just flashed him a tight smile, trying to convince him of a lie.
"I'm not anymore. Yeonjun was just there to comfort me and I fell in love with him." The words seemed to leave your lips more naturally than you thought, even convincing you as you told Taehyun a big fat lie. Part of what you said was the truth anyway, minus falling in love and not being over your ex... which was 75% of the sentence. Soon you felt Yeonjun come near you, his cologne lingering in the air which notified you that he was there. He wrapped his arms around your waist gently, hugging you from the back as he rested his chin on your head.
"Talking about me, princess?" He murmured, pressing a lazy kiss against your head, "let's go over there near the drinks."
You whipped your head around to what he was talking about, your eyes soon being pulled to your ex. You grimaced, internally dying as you saw him tug his girl closer by the waist. How could they be doing that in public, right in front of you? Did they have no remorse? You felt your throat become parched at the scene, begging for some drinks as you died watching.
Yeonjun, noticing the tension in your body, just held you close before covering your eyes with his wrapped up hand. You squealed, asking Yeonjun what he was doing as he watched them carefully and calculatingly. Soon enough, he was dragging you near the drinks where your ex and his new girl were. Your bones cracked in protest as you tried to stay where you were, the spot that kept you safe to watch them. Unfortunately you were now close, probably only 10 feet away from the foul scene.
"Follow my lead," Yeonjun whispered in your ear, his head dropping to meet your level. You felt your eyes falling into his as he leaned in closer, pressing a chaste kiss beside your lips. His lips were soft against your cheek as he stayed put, counting in his head for a couple seconds as you blushed furiously. You hoped he wouldn't feel the heat from your face as you tried to concentrate on the two silhouettes behind him. To anyone near, it looked like he was kissing you blatantly.
It seemed that his plan worked because you soon heard your ex grumbling to go somewhere else. You internally rejoiced as they walked away and you knew by the looks of his face that he was bothered by your fake kiss with Yeonjun. You smiled all the more when you saw Yeonjun, also grinning from ear to ear.
Excitement rushed through your body as you hopped up in glee, squealing that the plan had worked! Tonight was a success! And although there would always be the familiar ache in your stomach from witnessing your ex being affectionate with another girl, you still won- of course, thanks to Yeonjun. He chuckled as you, without thinking, grabbed his hands and started to sway both of your arms together.
"Jjunie, we did it! I think we made him jealous!"
He couldn't stop laughing now, giggling at how cute you were. You thought that his laughter was due to your ex's silly reaction, not knowing that he found you to be completely endearing. The rest of the night you were jumping up and down, ecstatic whilst Yeonjun accompanied your side. He never went wandering off even if his friends were there, keeping a close eye on you as you talked to Taehyun or wanted another drink. This was entirely out of character for him, and it was all because of you. Somehow, his iceberg heart had melted, becoming warm with love.
─── ♔ ───
It was 3pm, marking the ending of the school day where everyone would be rushing to get home or continue with extracurricular activities. In just 2 hours, the school would become completely silent as no student used the building at the time. You had just finished a second make up test, thanks to your absence in the last week. You hadn't known everything, causing you to turn in the test with some blank answers and definitely some incorrect ones.
It didn't matter though. One bad grade didn't mean you messed up the whole semester, as you were in a good place from before your ex broke up with you. You took your bag, darting out of the room, before you could see your teacher's reaction at your disappointing scores. As you walked tiredly throughout the hall, you noticed that one of the doors was slightly opened. This was strange since locking the doors was mandatory for teachers when they were closing up their part of the building. You quietly walked up to the door, wanting to be a great help and close it, but stopped in your tracks when you noticed quiet sniffles coming from inside.
You raised an eyebrow, confused. The sniffles sounded like a kitten whining for its mother, but that would be impossible. An animal couldn't get into the school easily, marking off that theory and meaning that there was a person in there. But why would anyone be here at the end of the day at 5pm when everyone was already home? And a better question, was someone crying there? You made sure to open the door as quietly as you could, and what was in front of you caused you to freeze in place.
Sitting in the seat near the corner of the room was Yeonjun, a few tears running down his cheeks as he tried to muffle his cries with his bandaged hand. His eyes were puffy and his lips were swollen and red, which meant that he had been crying for a while before you came in. Now you had seen all sides of Yeonjun, from his icy exterior to his smile and now, his tears. Seeing how weak and vulnerable he was made your heart shatter in your chest; wasn't he invincible? Clearly not, and you knocked on the door softly, hoping that it wouldn't scare him away.
He noticed your presence immediately, seeing you linger at the door with hesitation. He wiped his tears away quickly, pressing on a fake smile as you walked to his seat.
"Oh, it's just you, princess" he sniffled, rubbing his eyes with his non-dominant hand, "what are you doing here? It's already 5pm and you should be home." Despite his usual unmoving appearance, he worried about you and it was clear that there was concern cut in his words. Normally he wasn't the type to worry about others before himself, much less not become angry when they witnessed him become vulnerable, but here you were, breaking all of his walls.
You took a seat next to him, pursing your lips. Of course he wouldn't acknowledge his tears in front of you. But you just sighed, sending him a look that you knew that he was crying.
"What?" He groaned, deciding to look out the window instead of you. No one had witnessed him this way before, so he wasn't going to completely cry in front of you.
"Yeonjun, what's wrong?"
He remained silent, ignoring you. If you kept this up, then-
You grabbed his hand, trying to coax it out of him. "Yeonjun, I'm worried, so please tell me what's wrong."
As if the swipe of your thumb over the back of his hand had finally broken down the dam, Yeonjun started crying again, letting his bottled emotions out. You sat there quietly, looking at your hands clasped together while he cried it out. You were very concerned as to why he was crying and he tried to explain, but the bulge in the back of his throat made it difficult. Finally when he had calmed down, you passed him a tissue from the teacher's table in the back, letting him blow his nose as his voice wobbled.
"I don't know, princess, I... I just feel lonely. It seems as though I have friends like you know, Soobin, but I don't have a person who's my true best friend. Anyone I've met is either scared of me or wants to fight me. Seeing everyone have their own person while I have no one really hurts," he croaked, trying not to let the knot in the back of his throat disrupt his words. You watched him carefully, too scared that doing anything would break his fragile manner even more. His words sunk in and you felt your eyes also pooling with tears. The infamous Choi Yeonjun was in front of you, breaking down, and you never would have guessed the reason why.
The only thing that felt right was opening your arms and beckoning Yeonjun to come to you. He hesitated for a second before crashing into your embrace, his face pressed up against your chest as you rubbed circles on his back. He gripped the back of your shirt tightly, teeth clenching as he let out the remaining emotions. Hearing and feeling him cry broke your heart a thousand times more than whatever hurt you felt before.
If people knew what Yeonjun was like- playful and sweet, then they would have loved him. He wasn't just the scary guy that glared at others who looked at him weird. He also wasn't a person to be scared of, despite the amount of fights he got in. Behind his built walls and cold exterior- that was only for show anyway- was a vulnerable guy who needed love just as every other person needed. It was true for you. You... loved Yeonjun? It was a strange sentence. You never would have thought you would say something like that because the two of you came from different worlds. But here you were, comforting the sweetest guy who needed companionship. You loved Yeonjun and after all that he did for you, you wanted to cheer him up.
"Yeonjun," you made him look at you, bravely cupping his cheeks with all your courage, "I'm your friend. I will always be here, no matter what happens."
His lips, naturally pouty, were still quite red and puffy but he managed to grin at you. His smile was a true one; you could tell that he was genuinely grateful for you. Kisses must have been his way of affection because he pressed one against your cheek softly before looking at you again. You hoped he wouldn't see the red spread across your cheeks like jam.
"Thank you, doll. Thank you for being my friend."
He wrapped his arms around you this time, content with you against his chest. His words repeated like a mantra in your head and your eyes widened at how fast your heart was beating. Maybe you had been in denial before, or maybe you just realized now.
As you felt Yeonjun's comforting cologne fill your nose in the silent classroom, you realized you wanted to stay there forever, in his arms. Friends wouldn't say that, not even if they were a physically affectionate person, much less you.
Were you possibly falling in love with Yeonjun?
─── ♔ ───
This was the first time that you were staying over at Yeonjun's, needing to complete the project for the final grade on Friday. This was the only weekend where both of you were free at the same time, so you decided that it was time to finish the assignment once and for all. Unfortunately, the library was closed, so that meant you had to work somewhere else. Your house wasn't open, mostly because you didn't want to feel embarrassed for bringing a boy home even though it was just a project, which led you to choose Yeonjun's house. Plus, sooner or later he would have to introduce you to his parents, completing the other part of the deal.
That being said, being with Yeonjun was becoming increasingly harder. Trying not to let your gaze linger, trying to think of something else when he was near so you wouldn't become hot and bothered, trying not to freak out, all of that stuff, was so hard- just so he wouldn't be able to tell that you probably had a crush on him. You were doing your best to push it down because you couldn't break one of the only rules: don't fall in love with him. You were just friends and he made that rule in the first place, which meant that he didn't see you romantically at all. But being near him at school and the dog shelter brought you back to your newfound realization every time.
It was the small little things that inevitably made you fall harder each day. His fox-like smile, extremely mischievous and charming whenever he teased you sunk your heart to death even more. The deep timbre of his voice which used to be comforting was now heart attack inducing. It didn't help that you were fake dating as well, and sometimes the sweet things he said in front of other people would have you believing that it was real. You were wrapped around Yeonjun's finger of cuts, and you couldn't do anything to escape.
You stood nervously in front of his house, holding a box of apples that you bought an hour prior. You weren't sure if apples were the right fruit since there were better options like watermelon or oranges, but they were Yeonjun's favorite fruit. Honestly, you weren't sure if the fruit was for Yeonjun or his parents. However, you would still look pretty good in front of his parents even though the whole relationship was orchestrated. Besides that, the perfectionist in you wanted things to go absolutely flawless today.
Before even ringing the bell, the door opened and there stood Yeonjun rubbing the sleepiness in his eyes. He stumbled at the door, clearly tired, in only a black tank and plaid pajamas. His hair was messy thanks to moving between the pillows and comforter, giving him a big case of bed head. Despite how unprepared he was, he was breathtaking, standing in front of you and gazing at you with hooded eyes. It was 11am, but he was never a morning person, always sleeping in whenever he got the chance.
You felt embarrassed holding the apples that he never asked you to bring, and you cleared your throat.
"Were you sleeping? Sorry for waking you, we can arrange another time-"
He giggled, hands moving to grab onto the box to steady your shaking hands. You ignored the way his warm fingers splayed over yours for just a second before snatching his favorite fruit away. You noticed that he wasn't wearing the gauze anymore which meant that it had healed, despite previous scars being there.
"Don't be nervous, princess. My parents will love you just like me," he winked and your heart involuntarily flipped at both his words and wink. Why did he have to say things like that? He knew girls were weak for him, and now you weren't even an exception with the way he was treating you. But you pushed it away again as many times as you had done before, stepping into his house and quietly closing the door.
As soon as you walked in, Yeonjun's parents came running to the door with such excitement that you almost toppled over. They started shaking your hand, clearly very happy that Yeonjun brought a girl home. You laughed at their enthusiasm, trying to get a word in to their questions while Yeonjun watched silently, a proud smile on his face.
"Thank you for the apples! Gosh, can't believe our Yeonjun got such a pretty and sweet girl," his mom cried, pure shock on her face. She cupped your cheeks tightly, examining your face thoroughly and happily. She smelled faintly of oranges and laundry detergent. On the other hand, Mr. Choi was quiet, humming contently. It made you wonder how well they worked together, despite being polar opposites.
Yeonjun rolled his eyes jokingly, too happy with their satisfaction to take offense at her words, "of course, mom, but we really have to-"
"Oh! You guys are doing a project, right?" She squealed, taking away the apples and interrupting him, "Yeonjun, you should show her your room, but please leave the door open. I don't want any grand kids now." She winked and Yeonjun groaned. You felt your cheeks heat up at her words wanting to prove her worries wrong before you felt Yeonjun's hand grip yours. He quickly led you to his room, trying to hide his dusted red cheeks and embarrassment.
"Y/NNNN, we've been at this forever. How much research are we going to do?" Yeonjun whined, rubbing his hands down his face. Legs draping over the edge of the bed and his stomach on the mattress, his body splayed lazily against the fluffy pillows. You snuck a glance at him from beside the laptop that you had been furiously typing away at. It had only been an hour since you got to work, a comfortable silence enveloping between the two of you as you tried to finish the project. Despite multiple meet ups, the progress wasn't substantial. Perhaps that was because you and Yeonjun got carried away most of the time, deciding to procrastinate and talk instead of completing boring work.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose hopelessly. It was only a matter of time before he started whining, and you guessed the time was now, an hour in. "Jun, we've barely gotten anything done! This project will be due soon, so we have to finish it today," you scolded, trying to finish the last note on the document.
Yeonjun's desk was really comfortable and you wondered why he wouldn't do his schoolwork with a nice table and chair like this. It felt like your bottom was on clouds as you immediately got comfortable, gathering some motivation to finally get to work. Well, it was schoolwork after all and Yeonjun thought there were better things to do. But with such a comfy desk and great atmosphere in the room, you supposed you could do lots of your work without interruption.
Surprisingly, Yeonjun was actually cleaner than most guys. His room smelled of his cologne of course, but still pretty clean. You weren't even sure how to put it, but you loved it because it smelled like him. Very comforting and musky.
Yeonjun just groaned, interrupting you from your thoughts that incessantly kept rambling about him. "Please, princess? Let's take a break for 5 minutes."
You were sure you wouldn't hear the end of it if you decided to ignore him, so you closed your laptop begrudgingly. You were just starting to get into the groove of things and hopefully could pick it back up later. 5 minutes definitely wouldn't be just 5 minutes since Yeonjun would indefinitely find a way to distract you.
You stood up, expecting to roam the hallways with him but he simply patted the spot beside him on the bed. Inviting you to sit next to him, he shimmied over and you sat down a couple inches away. You avoided eye contact so that he wouldn't see your embarrassment and of course not hear your heart hammering aggressively in your chest. That would be too embarrassing.
You cleared your throat, saying the first thing in mind without thinking. "So... how many girls have you brought in here?" When the words flew out of your lips, you covered your mouth, shocked that you had actually said it. It's not like you were dying to know, but when you first entered his super clean room, it was one of the first thoughts you had. Typically a teenage boy's room would be a little messy, but it seems like Yeonjun had taken care of things despite his nature.
He laughed and you felt relief spread through your chest. Thank goodness he found it funny and not offensive.
"Do you really think that of me? Y/N, you're the first girl that's ever been to my room."
That statement made you feel special more than anything. Before you and Yeonjun had officially met in the dog shelter, you saw him with a bunch of girls. Whenever you went to a party with your ex, you would often see his arm wrapped around a random girl. The girl changed every time you saw him, so you were extremely surprised to know that you were probably the first girl from school in his house. And though your appearance in his room was only for a dumb school project, you pretended that you were special.
"I don't know," you smiled, trying to stifle a giddy giggle, "I used to see you with girls a lot, so I just assumed that, you know..."
He finished your sentence before you could, "No, doll. We're dating now, remember? I'm not going to be with any other girl but you."
But you.
You gulped, trying not to let it affect you. He was naturally flirty, so his words didn't mean anything. You were trying to not fall for him even more, but he knew the exact words to your heart. Gosh, why did he have to be so perfect?
You didn't know what to say to that, repeating his statement in your head over and over again. Yeonjun didn't seem to notice your dilemma, instead curiosity egging him on to ask, "why do you still love him?"
Your eyebrows raised and you looked at him, not expecting a question like that from out of the blue. He had always been really interested in your personal life, sometimes asking questions like what's your favorite childhood memory or place to visit, but they were never really deep like that question.
You cleared your throat, putting your clasped hands on your lap. "I don't know why I still do. We've been dating so long that it feels like I can't live without him."
"But do you love him?" He asked, eyebrows knit together in confusion. He accentuated the word love, a desperate tone in his voice that you couldn't quite put a finger on but knew was there. Even you didn't know the answer yourself, fumbling over your words as you tried to reason with the voice in your head that wanted to say no. It was too soon to say anything or make a standpoint but you knew Yeonjun knew what you were thinking by his intense, driven expression.
"He doesn't deserve you, Y/N," he whispered, his face suspiciously inching closer to yours, "I hope you know that." You remained shocked at the dwindling proximity between the two of you, too stunned to do anything. He seemed to be getting closer by the second, watching you carefully for any sudden move. Then, his lips ghosted near yours, held back by hesitation and indecision. He was close enough where you could feel his breath fan against your cheeks, his nose barely touching yours as he gazed deeply into your eyes.
You instinctively jumped away, instantly on your feet as you laughed nervously.
"I'll, uh, get some apples!"
You rushed downstairs in a trance, too shaken up to realize what you had done in the first place. There was no way he was about to kiss you, right? But why was he hovering so close to you, giving you those eyes?! Your heart somehow beat faster. He was this close to kissing you. It made you all the more confused about his feelings and you stood in the stairway like a statue, pressing your trembling hand against your lips.
You finally came back to the current world when you saw Yeonjun's parents staring at you, confused. They were sitting at the dinner table, slicing some apples which you assumed to be for you and Yeonjun as snacks after studying for an hour. Yeonjun's mom raised her elbow, gesturing you to come over.
You inhaled deeply to get some air in, smoothing out your bottoms as you walked up to them.
"Are you feeling hungry? We cut up some apples for you and Jun, if you'd like."
You smiled at her then admired the delicate cuts of the apples. The fruit was nicely cut, spread out in a platter with some peanut butter in the middle. They even cut the skin off too, although it wasn't necessary.
The apples looked so wonderful that you kept admiring them, unable to find the right words to express your gratitude.
"Oh goodness, thank you so much! They look great! I'll bring it up to Yeonjun," you gawked, grabbing the plate and examining it.
His mom smiled warmly, setting the knife down onto the lacy tablecloth. "He really likes you, Y/N. We've never seen him this way before- all warm and sweet- so thank you."
Feeling shaky while holding the plate, you did your best to steady your trembling legs up the stairs. Her words repeated in your head like a broken record as you brought the apples up to Yeonjun who was eagerly waiting for your arrival, despite the haunting project.
─── ♔ ───
Tonight was the second night that you were going to make your ex jealous. You weren't really looking forward to it; after a while, you realized that you didn't feel anything for him and it was becoming exhausting having to hold a front. The guy was in the back of your head and barely there in the first place unless someone asked about your heart. Instead, all you could think about was Yeonjun. Almost everyday the two of you were together, making up new inside jokes and going to restaurants. It seemed so natural being with him that you forgot that the relationship was merely an agreement.
Though you knew he cared for you, you were pretty sure that he didn't have any feelings whatsoever. Sure he was flirty here and there but that was just who he was. But you knew he still cared. It was evident in the way he treated you, making sure you were always comfortable at parties or at his place. One time when you lost your favorite bracelet at the dog shelter, he took his motorcycle late at night and looked everywhere even though one of the dogs had it in its mouth and ran away with it. That was one of the sweetest things he had done for you, besides countless others. But that didn't mean he loved you, not romantically at least. You were just his friend anyway.
That being said, behind closed doors where you were just friends was unbearable. You weren't sure how much longer you could hide it; he was always in your thoughts like a ghost and the building chemistry between the two of you would soon give away your feelings. In public he was always holding your hand or even kissing your forehead depending on who was watching and each time you would fall a little more.
Today wasn't an exception, thankfully. As per usual, Yeonjun picked you up to go to Jackson Wang's party (sorry yall, I just had to), the reason partly being that you were going to make your ex jealous again. The other reason was that you two wanted to hang out, something that you did nearly everyday. It may have been hard to believe since it seemed that Yeonjun and you came from opposite worlds, but being him with him was like breathing; it was so habitual and natural that it felt wrong if he was away.
Yeonjun led you towards the drinks after you asked for a beer, hand holding yours tightly as if you would easily get lost. You noted how well his hand fit in yours, memorizing every finger that wound through the gaps of your hand. His hand was so warm, causing your body temperature to heat up as you tried to get a hold of yourself and not give away your feelings.
"Don't drink too much now, okay, princess? I don't want you throwing up on the way home," he handed you a red cup before gently patting the top of your head. You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes to which he chuckled at. Unbeknownst to you, he kept thinking of how endearing you were.
"I won't," you giggled naughtily, knowing that you would most likely go against his words, "Aren't you going to drink as well?"
Even though he was your "boyfriend," you wouldn't let him dictate how much fun you were going to have. After all, it was a party and with him by your side the entire night, you knew were going to have the time of your life.
Yeonjun shook his head, scrunching his nose in disgust. "No. I'm taking you home, so I'm not going to get drunk and possibly have you hurt." He said those words as if it were fact, upset that you would even ask that in the first place. He truly, really cared about your well-being; didn't you see that? Anything that would put you in danger was an immediate no, despite how much trouble he got into.
You felt your heart pick up pace and you shook your head at how your body reacted. It was so hard to hide how fluttery you felt and drinking definitely wouldn't help. You decided to ignore it instead, drawing circles around the rim of the cup.
"What time do you think we'll be home? I have to get up early to help the dog shelter tomorrow," you continued to carry on the conversation, leaning against the wall as you took a sip from the cup. It burned your throat and you gagged, feeling the contents spill down and leave a trail of flames.
The colorful neon lights flashed against Yeonjun's face as he laughed at your reaction, grabbing your cup as you coughed aggressively to get the burning sensation out as best you could. He steadied himself against the wall too, one shoulder against it as he shifted his body weight to his right.
"Don't worry, princess. We'll be home at a reasonable time. I need to help my little corgis tomorrow too."
You watched him expectantly while he eyed your drink. With no hesitation, he took a swig himself, not taking a sip like you. You flushed at how willingly he drank from your cup, seemingly not caring that it was an indirect kiss. When he came up for air, letting the drink drip against his throat as he finished it all, you were not super shocked that he remained unfazed. He just wiped his lips with his thumb, proudly slamming the cup against the table as if it was a competition.
Rolling your eyes, you looked at the cup that was completely empty. "Hey! That was supposed to be mine! And you're not supposed to be drinking."
He giggled, one hand covering his mouth and the other thrown up in guilt. You couldn't help the smile on your face as you laughed with him, genuinely not upset that he drank all of the alcohol as long as he made it up to you.
"I'll get you another one right now, I promise. And you of all people should know that I don't get drunk; I'm a heavyweight!" What he said was true. Considering the amount of alcohol that he drank, you were actually surprised that he didn't just drop down and throw up after 3 cups. That was Yeonjun though, your boy full of surprises each incoming day.
He grabbed your hand with the vacant one, bringing you closer to press a tender kiss against your forehead. You smiled brightly, feeling his presence envelop you completely with him so near. You swore you could stay like this forever and it seemed as if the world slipped away as he held you close. A few seconds later he reluctantly pulled away, winking with a cup in hand. You waved him a shy goodbye, smiley and smitten as you tried to bite back an excited grin.
You felt someone tap on your shoulder and you turned around, not expecting who it was. There you stood face to face with Taehyun who seemed to be watching the two of you a while ago. The look on his face told you everything- he approved of Yeonjun which was a sweet relief because he was your best friend. You squealed as you hugged him excitedly, euphoria coursing through your veins as you pushed back the thought that the whole relationship was fake.
It had been about 30 minutes since Yeonjun was away. At first you weren't concerned, but started to worry down the line. He never took that long from you when you went somewhere together, especially not at a party. At max it would be 10 minutes, so you couldn't help but wonder where he was, wandering hopelessly through the bodies of people swaying to the beat. You huffed, not finding him anywhere until you went upstairs with her.
"Yeonjun?" You called him, your voice too soft for him to hear. You were a bit far and it didn't help that there was blasting music and deafening shouts from time to time.
Blinking your eyes a couple times to make sure that what you were seeing was right, you looked at the scene in front of you, jaw dropped. Not only were you astounded that he had been away for so long with her, but also at how beautiful she was. Her hair, glowing against the dim light of the hallway, was absolutely mesmerizing and perfectly voluminous. Her silhouette, curving in such a way that made you cover your stomach ashamedly, was near impossible and you wondered how someone could be as thin as that. Ah yes, the girl that Yeonjun was talking to was one of his older exes, confident and pretty as could be.
Involuntarily you felt tears prickling at your eyes as you couldn't take your eyes off of them. If they were a couple again, they would be unstoppable. Yeonjun was incredibly handsome and she was incredibly gorgeous. She was exactly his type: mature, older, probably funny and of course, beautiful. You knew how much he loved her in the past before they labeled themselves as "incompatible," calling it off because of how much they were arguing.
Unfortunately and against your wishes, you were particularly upset, watching your "boyfriend" talk to one of his exes in the past. It's no surprise that Yeonjun has a line of girls that he has linked up with, but it still got to you. There was no reason to, but because of your feelings, you felt a massive hole in your heart. Lying and saying you were merely upset because his conversation with his ex would ruin your image wouldn't be the truth. You were upset because you wanted him to be with you, talking to you with that mischievous fox-like smile of his.
You took a swig of the alcohol bottle on the floor, not caring that it could potentially be drugged or dangerous. The alcohol burned your throat as you drizzled it down, but that didn't matter. It didn't compare to the amount of hurt you felt wholly in your chest, lingering without shame. The way he was blatantly gazing at her like he was in love had your grip tightening around the red cup. As selfish as it was, it was supposed to be you. He was supposed to look at you like that, not her! You were sure she probably saw you staring at this point, but again, you didn't care. Insecurities flowing through your whole body, you looked them up and down no matter how much it hurt to do so. Besides you weren't even with him, there was no reason to be upset.
It wasn't until you felt two fingers tapping on your shoulder that you turned around quickly, anger in your steps. You squinted your eyes, thinking the drink was blurring your vision and causing you to have illusions. However, the person who tapped on your shoulder was indeed your ex, a grimace on his face as he looked between you and Yeonjun who was speaking to his ex.
"What do you want?!" You spat out venomously, trying not to let the animosity slip out of you. You couldn't handle another burden at this point- let there be too much and you would explode.
He sighed, putting his hands up cautiously. There was something off about him, but you couldn't put a finger on it. You were more surprised that he came to talk to you, given that he was ignoring you for the past couple of the month that he was with that girl.
"Nothing," he gulped nervously, "I just.. wanted to know. Are you happy with Yeonjun?"
You raised an eyebrow at his question, not expecting anything like that. It took a moment for his words to sink in and you furrowed your eyebrows this time, taking a step back.
"Of course I am," the words rolled off your tongue immediately although you weren't particularly happy with him at that instant, "why are you asking?"
He nervously rocked back and forth, finding it hard to look in your eyes. There was a moment of awkward silence between the two of you and he cleared his throat, speaking up.
"Y/N, I miss you. I just can't get you out of my head, and I don't know why. I want you back and I shouldn't have ever left you in the first place," he admitted quietly, finding it hard to say. He scratched the back of his neck as your throat went dry, jaw dropping at his words. This had to be a prank; considering how happy he looked with that girl a week earlier, there was no way he'd be saying something like that now.
Your breath hitched in your throat and you started to back away, wanting to get away from him. "No fucking way. You're not allowed to say that and you have no right. You're horrible."
When you took a step back, he started going towards you, trying to calm you down. He was foolish; of course that action didn't help and you felt your steps quicken before you were backed up against a wall.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? It was really wrong and I know that now. I shouldn't have done it, but now I know I want you."
Your insides twisted in protest, the bile on the tip of your tongue as you yelled, "you cheated on me! We have nothing now, and I'm with Yeonjun!"
He didn't seem to take the hint but stepped backwards enough to give you space. You felt confined; he was the only one that you could see in your blurred line of vision. His presence was suffocating, but he failed to realize that.
"We will always have something, Y/N. We dated for such a long time that feelings can't go away so easily."
You scoffed, crossing your arms. He was such a hypocrite.
"Everything died when you got with her. I don't want to be with you anymore, so please just leave me alone."
As hurt as he was by your words, he wasn't going to give up so easily- which wasn't surprising given how stubborn he was. He roughly grabbed your arms, puckering his lips as if a kiss would fix your hurt, insecurities, guilt- everything. You gagged, holding your breath and shaking your head as his grip tightened against your wrists. He was a mere inch away when you felt the air pull from in front of you, and you stood face to face with Yeonjun whose chest was heaving as your ex fell to the floor.
It all happened in a millisecond: your ex holding his cheek with hurt written all over his face as he looked between the two of you. You ran to Yeonjun's side, holding his arm as he examined the hand that threw a punch. There was a slight frown on his face but more than anything you could tell that he was angry, judging by how his shoulders tensed in the dim light.
Lots of people started chanting for a fight, pulling up their phones and flashlights as your ex scrambled to get on his feet. Yeonjun got into position, ready to throw another one until he felt you weakly pull at his arm with tears in your eyes. His muscles relaxed immediately and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. All he wanted was for you to be safe and even though he never forfeited from a fight, you were his top priority.
Your mind was cloudy as he led you out of the party, pushing people away so that you could make it through without getting lost. He made sure that you were okay, looking at you every second as he took you to the door and into the chilly, crisp night.
Yeonjun remained silent, jaw clenching as he took you to his motorcycle. You didn't bother saying anything, trying to focus on your breath that was creating a white cloud in the night sky. You glanced at the busy house, seeing drunk people wander through the driveway as well as the backyard before snapping back to the angered figure in front of you. Your thoughts were all over the place and it's a miracle that you weren't throwing up at this point. It'd probably be 5 minutes before you got to the motorbike, since there were too many cars parallel parked for him to find a good spot.
All of a sudden he stopped in front of you, bringing you to a cautious halt. Your heels stopped clicking against the gray sidewalk and you felt his hand tighten on yours. He turned around, clearly frustrated as he aggressively ran a finger through his hair.
"What the hell was that?! Why were you talking to him?!" He demanded, not loosening your hands woven together. You looked down, not wanting to let go either.
"Why are you asking? You were talking to her while you left me by myself for- for however long that was! You left me alone which is why he came up to me in the first place!"
Yeonjun's jaw clenched, becoming more frustrated with no answer. Seeing you talk to your ex for a while was eating away at him, wearing him down and all he wanted was to know why. For both the way his heart squeezed and why you were talking to your ex in the first place.
His tone became more gentle, knowing that yelling was not the way to go. "You know that it's not like that! I just got carried away in conversation with her, and I'm sorry. But I still don't understand why you were engaging with your ex if you don't like him anymore."
You scoffed, choosing to ignore the last part, "just say that you still love her, Yeonjun." He was right. You were guilty and he knew exactly why. You didn't love your ex anymore, so there was no reason to be giving him the time of day.
Saying that only seemed to make him more agitated and he looked deep in your eyes, a tactic that would make you listen to him. You gazed into his as well, getting lost in them and feeling your anger wash away. He held your shoulders tightly, shaking his head.
"I don't love her anymore, Y/N. I don't love her."
You didn't say anything, upset enough with recent events and the fact that you were arguing. What could you say to that? You couldn't keep arguing here forever; your fingers were going numb.
"Then why were you talking? If you don't love her, how come you looked at her like that? You look at me like that..." You felt tears well up in the corner of your eyes, hearing his complicated silence as a rejection.
The wind only became more violent against your frame and you shivered, feeling the chill against your arms prickling at the freezing temperature. Yeonjun sighed, giving up on being mad, and wrapped his leather jacket around the upper part of your body. He immediately softened, noticing how cold you were even though you tried to hide it by crossing your arms. Once he laid his jacket on your shoulders, you tried to protest, trying to shimmy it off. However, he tsked, bending down to your level, face-to face. You felt yourself freeze up, not because of the temperature, but because of how close he was.
"I promise I don't love her," he sighed, cupping your cheek. "Can't you see?"
You were only more confused, your expression twisting painfully as it was getting harder to breathe with how close he was. "Then-"
He groaned, looping his fingers in your hair before bringing your face forward, "shut up, I just want you."
His lips crashed against yours roughly, pressing tenderly despite how badly he needed you. At first he was hesitant, waiting for your reaction, but when you returned the affection, he let it all go. You melted into the kiss and him as well, his hand rummaging against the lower part of your body to bring you closer. The way he kissed you was ravenous; it was as though he was starving and you were the only thing that could satiate his hunger. You closed your eyes, trying to treasure this moment as much as possible and memorizing how desperately he kissed you. Yeonjun's tongue swiped against the top part of your lip and you granted him permission for a more passionate kiss. The moment lasted forever; there were no words to say except that he wanted you as much as you wanted him.
Eventually the two of you had to pull away for air, panting to get some oxygen in. No longer did the cold night bother you due to Yeonjun's jacket and how hot you felt. You hoped that Yeonjun wouldn't see how flustered you were, but it was no use. He knew you inside and out and by the way he looked at you with so much intensity, you knew that he knew.
He broke the silence, catching his breath.
"I can't do this anymore, doll. I only want you. And I want you to only look at me," He wiped the shiny gleam of your kiss on your lips with his thumb, rubbing circles as your mouth was still parted for air.
You gulped, feeling your breath hitch in your throat, "but I thought we weren't supposed to fall in love."
He smiled at how you didn't know anything before pulling your face towards his again and admitting: "I already broke that rule before we made it."
─── ♔ ───
When you awoke the next morning with a pounding headache and a hazy vision, you were extremely confused. The light poured through the window but the difference was that you weren't in your house. You blinked a few times, rubbing your eyes as you tried to remember what happened last night. You had gotten terribly drunk which made it harder to recall the events that happened.
Once your eyes adjusted to the harsh, warm light, you realized that you were laying in none other than Yeonjun's bed. Clutching the blanket against your chest, you sat up and looked beside you but there was no said boy which confused you. Your mind, shooting at a million miles a second started wondering if you had actually slept with Yeonjun. Quickly looking down at your body, you sighed in relief when you realized that your clothes were still on. The only thing that changed was that you were wearing one of Yeonjun's hoodies.
As if on cue, the door opened, revealing a sleepy Yeonjun. His black hair was tousled everywhere due to bed head. He looked comfortable in a black tank and plaid pajamas but even so, you found him irresistible in this light- not caring about his looks and completely snuggly. As soon as you looked at him, the memories came flooding back: his jealousy, your fake dating plan succeeding, and yes, the kiss.
Your fingers grazed your lips, nothing being said as Yeonjun curled up next to you. Normally, he wouldn't be this silent; usually he would be cracking jokes and trying to put a smile on your face. This time though he seemed off, as if he didn't know how to act around you even though that kiss strengthened a potential relationship. You stared at him, noticing the way his lips pursed and his inability to find the right words to say. His behavior was super strange and out of the blue.
Placing one of his blue linen pillows on your lap, you whispered, "Yeonjun? Are we going to talk about last night?"
He wasn't saying anything, and your heart sunk with each moment that passed. You took his silence as rejection, thinking that he regretted it- the kiss, that is.
Sighing, Yeonjun laid his head against the board of the bed, "Y/N.... look, I'm really sorry for kissing you. It won't happen again."
You raised an eyebrow, trying to understand what he meant. Momentarily you were confused and when your brain finally comprehended his words, your fragile heart that was already sinking fell to the floor. He only confirmed your doubt: that he never wanted anything to happen between the two of you and it shouldn't have happened.
You nodded your head with tears in your eyes, careful not to accidentally let them fall out. If he looked now instead of his scarred fingers, then he would see how weak you were.
"Oh." It was harder to speak with the lump in the back of your throat. "I guess."
Yeonjun still refused to meet your eyes, looking at the wall from his right side. The only thing you could see was his messy black hair, hiding his true expression and cowardice. What he said next shattered your heart, leaving you incredulous after all that he said and acted like last night.
"Let's call this fake dating thing off, "his voice wobbled, betraying what he truly thought, "you got what you wanted; he wants you again. You can go back."
His falter went unnoticed by you and you too looked at the wall on your left this time, praying that he wouldn't notice the warm water dripping down your cheeks. Your vulnerability was uncontrollable, tears spilling in a flow that couldn't be stopped even if you rubbed your eyes multiple times. Of course he wouldn't be able to commit to you. He's had so many girls wrapped around his fingers and there's no way he could give that up now. It was typical of Yeonjun, so why did you expecting something more from fake dating?
You couldn't bring yourself to answer both the internal question and him. Yeonjun slowly got up, finding it hard to leave before muttering, "I'll take you home."
"Okay," you said, not caring that he could probably hear the cry behind it. Even though you didn't want to accept that what you had between the two of you was truly over, all you wanted was to go home instead of staying in the sheets where he almost kissed you in.
─── ♔ ───
Despite you and Yeonjun being good friends before you decided to fake date, you barely heard from him which meant that he was intentionally ignoring you. Every text you sent him would be unanswered, calls wouldn't be returned, and even physical appearances would be one to nothing. You knew which days he went to the dog shelter as well, but you guessed he was smart enough to know that you would look for him there- which led him to come on unpredictable days. It seemed to be a coincidence at first, but even missing the classes you shared together? Come on.
One kiss ruined everything. You didn't regret it, but he did and now he was avoiding you like you were the plague. It hurt so much. You felt as though you had lost him completely, both him as a best friend and potential lover. If your previous interactions hadn't existed, anyone would've thought that you were never friends in the first place just because of his behavior. Obviously he didn't want to be near you so you just gave up in the next weeks that passed.
On the other hand, your ex wanted you back, so why weren't you happy? It wasn't even worth it, conjuring up a plan to make your ex jealous which yes, did work, but now you didn't have Yeonjun.
On one of the days where you had to stay longer after school because of club affairs, you saw Yeonjun walking side by side with Soobin and laughing. Though you didn't want to admit it, you felt jealous. Their friendship was like what you had, minus the affection. But you shoved that feeling away, more determined to get a conversation out of Yeonjun and why he was ignoring you.
You ran up to them, tugging the back of Yeonjun's shirt. He was smiling as he turned back, but as soon as he saw you, his face dropped. Soobin turned around as well, frowning when he saw you.
"Why are you ignoring me?" You demanded in a quiet voice, so soft that he could barely hear it.
Yeonjun glanced at Soobin cautiously and rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Because I don't want to be friends with you."
Before you could say anything, both of them turned around and continued as if everything were normal. You, on the other hand, remained like a statue in the hallway, looking down at the floor and trying to convince yourself that what he said was a lie. What could you possibly say to that? Try and beg him that you could fix what he didn't want to repair? You were his person that he was always hoping for, like when he was crying in that classroom one day. You were his best friend, belonging only to him and he knew that. He always wanted that and you were right there but now you were nothing.
How could he be so cold just because of one kiss?
It seemed as though the situation got worse. Even though you were also ignoring Yeonjun, there'd be rare times you had to interact. For example, the fact that you sat together in one of your classes. Yeonjun who had been skipping to get high outside of the school, couldn't have one more absence or else he would fail the class. And considering that his parents would be enormously upset with him skipping, he was forced to show up against his will and see you.
It was as though his heart broke when he saw you with your head down. Of course you knew he was there, but now you didn't even wave a greeting or acknowledge him like before. However, he reminded himself that he couldn't be upset about that. You keeping your distance like him was what he wanted, so why did it hurt so much?
He got annoyed with himself for feeling this way and when you looked up and saw him sitting beside you, you automatically assumed that he was mad you were there. Moving your chair away to the opposite side of the black table, you took each school supply and tried not to pay attention to him. Yeonjun was quite scary when he was mad. Not wanting to contribute to anymore distance between the two of you, you made sure not to even look at him, not even a small peak no matter how much you were dying to see if he was affected.
He adjusted his leather jacket accordingly before looking at you, interpreting that you didn't want to be near him. With no shame he kept his eyes fixed on you, burning a hole through your figure as you pretended to scribble something on your bejeweled notebook with a ballpoint pen. He watched you intently before tapping your shoulder gently.
"Hey, do you have the notes from the past lessons?"
You perked up feeling his warm fingers dance on your shoulder. Surprised that he was actually talking to you, your eyes widened instantly and it was hard to get a word out. It had been so long since you heard his voice filling your ear with his low register. How could he be so casual asking a simple question like that after he made it seem like you were nothing?
You slid the notebook towards him without a word, hiding your mouth with the palm of your hand. Two can play at this game.
He pretended to examine the notes, not really caring about getting them down. All he wanted was to hear your voice which was pretty selfish considering the way he treated you the past week, so it was deserving when you remained silent. He flipped through the pages quickly, trying to distract himself by skimming through your handwriting. He wasn't the type of student that genuinely cared about his grades, as evident as him skipping this particular class.
He ran his fingers through his hair due to his bangs falling in front of his eyes. You stole a glance as discreetly as you could, biting your bottom lip nervously. The teacher would start her lesson soon and you would need that notebook back. Yet, Yeonjun clung to it, seemingly trying to remember every page that he turned. It was rather unexpected- the way he was inspecting the papers as if he cared- but he was also unexpectedly not your friend anymore.
In 20 minutes, Yeonjun finished shuffling through the notebook. He held it for a second, hesitant to give it back. Ungratefully you had already begun making new notes on some scratch paper, trying not to be occupied with the fact that the guy you wanted so badly was sitting beside you.
Likewise he slid the notebook towards you, a gentle tone in his voice. "Thank you, doll."
The use of the nickname had your heart fluttering and shattering simultaneously. For a second it seemed as though everything was back to normal, and you almost cracked. Being called doll was so special; sometimes it'd make you giggle because of how cheesy it was. But you stayed quiet, grabbing it with crumpled hands to finish up the lesson. He didn't deserve any words from you, not after the way he treated you like you were nothing. He didn't even want to be your friend anyway. Most likely he used the pet name because he wanted you to hang around, still pining for a love that will never come.
In reality, he just wanted to hear your soothing laugh again.
─── ♔ ───
You walked into the lunch room reluctantly, going to your usual spot where no one bothered you. Thank goodness that your ex got the memo and screwed off, though that very well may have been because he could be hit again. Memories of you and Yeonjun at the table made your muscles feel weak; you couldn't bear sitting there but still wanted to because it was one of the first places that you and him had laughed together. This table was the one where you sat that one particular day, realizing that Yeonjun wasn't scary at all. Now where has he gone? His absence didn't make anything feel right nowadays.
You pulled out the sandwich you packed this morning in a hurry, biting down though you were at a loss of appetite. Despite how much you didn't find pleasure in eating when your heart was broken, you forced yourself to take bites regardless of how you were feeling. That was when your stomach growled, much to your embarrassment. You hoped that no one heard that, and you scanned the room only to find Yeonjun sitting on one of the tables in front of you.
Him being there wasn't out of the ordinary, really since it was lunch after all, until you realized that he was talking to that same ex he said he didn't love. Your insides began turning in your stomach as you couldn't pull your eyes away, the feelings of hurt intensifying throughout your whole body as you watched from the sidelines.
Yeonjun reached out to tuck a stray hair behind her hair, smiling softly as he did so. She laughed, completely flustered with how sweet the action was- and you couldn't blame her. Every time Yeonjun did that, you felt your legs turn into jelly. And now, the two of them looked like an actual couple, their chemistry making everyone around them smile. They were meant to be, and you couldn't dream of coming in between that. The news probably spread that you and Yeonjun broke up, even though it was never real.
You failed to notice Yeonjun's bandaged up hand, too hurt to see that he was acting recklessly without you by his side.
At this point, everything started to make sense. He was still in love with her, even if he denied it while looking in your eyes. He wasn't a liar, but now you were fighting back those thoughts of his relentless honesty because of how he was acting with her: sweet and gentle. He always acted that way with you and if he was telling the truth, then that meant that his actions with her now signified his genuine feelings. You felt your eyes water as you began to realize what was happening. He was just playing with your heart and maybe... just maybe, using you to make his ex jealous as well.
You cursed yourself for being stupid, for not being able to see it sooner and actually thinking you had a chance. At least you had a reason to hate him now instead of crying in your pillows every night due to missing him with your whole heart and soul. Not being able to stand the scene in front of you any longer, you shakily grabbed the sandwich in front of you which now looked completely unappetizing. With clenched and trembling hands, you ran to the bin near the door. It didn't help that the trash was beside Yeonjun, but at this point you didn't care. You needed to get out of that stuffy room before everyone saw you cry.
The sound the door made as you ripped it open had Yeonjun whipping his head in your direction. You darted out of the room before he could stare any longer with his heart on his sleeve. He felt his ex tugging at the ends of his shirt for attention, but he just gazed at the closed door with glossy eyes.
He wished that she was you.
─── ♔ ───
You hadn't bothered to throw on a jacket, wearing Yeonjun's shirt you still had to return, as you walked to the dog shelter with tears in your eyes. The icy rain from the winter weather and violent chill of the loud winds didn't compare to the coldness you were feeling on the inside. It didn't matter if you got wet; to be honest, you didn't really care. You had to force yourself to show up at the place where good memories were made with Yeonjun, the one who betrayed you with his silence and lies. It was too painful and not even the cute dogs could lure you out of hiding. Perhaps it had been a month since you volunteered which was also when he started giving you the silent treatment, but who was counting?
Opening the door with freezing hands, you were welcomed with a warm guest of air as well as excited barks from the caged dogs. They all pawed at the steel in front of them, enthusiastic at your sudden appearance at 5pm when it was already dark outside. For the first time in a while you giggled, finding them extremely adorable as their tails wiggled aggressively.
You walked to Yeonjun's favorite corgi, crouching down to tickle his chin. Several raindrops from your clothes fell onto the yellowed floor and you made a mental note to mop it up later. Right now you would be giving attention to the cute doggies that you missed. In return, the corgi leaned into your touch, closing his eyes and licking your wet hands from the rain.
"You're so cute!" You cooed, speaking in a baby voice as you opened his cage. The dog barked in return, spinning around in circles with excitement after not seeing you for so long.
That's when the door leading to the supplies and kibble for the dog opened, making you turn your neck. The creak of the door disrupted your moment with the corgi and lo and behold, you looked directly in the eyes of no one else but Yeonjun.
Your heart dropped, and the only thing you could hear was the barks of all the dogs in the room. Both of you froze in place, clearly not expecting to see each other. Yeonjun dropped the broom, a loud thud clanking on the floor as it rolled in your direction. As for you, you felt like you couldn't breathe the more you looked at him, only being reminded of the pain that was the result of being his friend and agreeing to his idea of fake dating. It was too much at once, the pain of seeing him not wanting you to be there as well as the already present pain from the past month.
All of it had combined- the hurt and distress getting to you before any competent thoughts, and you turned on your feet, running to the door. Hurriedly grabbing the handle, you forced the entrance open and ran into the dark night, not hearing the fast footsteps following you from not too far behind.
You were a complete mess, running in any direction you could just to avoid the boy you wanted to hate so much. The rain splashed beneath your feet as you tried to get in some air, panting heavily in order to calm yourself down. The wind was picking up more violently this time and it definitely wasn't a friendly condition to be sprinting in. The only place you found solace in was in an alleyway, where the winds bothered the place less.
"Y/N! Wait!" A voice called from behind you, clearly distressed and hurt. You shook your head, finding it harder to breathe as you pushed against the icy ground with all your might. Soon your hair and clothes became soaking wet as the rain became heavier, pouring out generously. Strands of wet hair fell in front of your eyes, making it hard to see. You pushed them all to the side, knowing that it wouldn't be long till they popped up again. You didn't care. You just needed to keep running.
Unfortunately, you felt the ground below betraying you as you made the wrong step. Flying back, you felt your legs lift into the air, flinging you towards the puddle underneath your body. With a big thud and a new ache on your bum, you finally let your feelings out, spilling your tears and sobs that had been bottled up for so long. It was pathetic- you were crying on the ground without a care in the world, no longer trying to lie yourself and say that you were fine.
It wasn't long when you felt someone panting beside you, exhausted with the amount of running and trying to catch up. You rubbed your eyes, instantly knowing who it was but refusing to believe it. Not daring to look at the boy in front of you, you shut your eyes, letting the last of your tears fall out without a sob.
When you felt something warm drape on your shoulders, you opened your eyes just to see Yeonjun's leather jacket on your body. Warm and comforting, a stark contrast to the unforgiving weather, you gave up fighting and let it cover you. You were too cold and tired to shimmy it off. Your butt also hurt because of the fall from earlier, so that was another thing.
Yeonjun took a moment to catch his breath before asking between pants, "are you okay?"
Hearing him say that only made you irate. For the past month you were drowning in sadness and blame, never being able to get angry for how he treated you after that one kiss. This time you allowed yourself to feel all the types of pain, anger washing over your body easily as you stood up from the hard and drenched ground.
Each muscle within your body ached as you forced yourself up, pointing a finger in Yeonjun's face. He backed away with his hands up in an attempt to calm you down which was of course, to no avail. You stood your ground, planting your feet onto the slippery, dangerous concrete.
"Don't you dare say that, Yeonjun. You can't just pretend like you care about me after the way you treated me."
He gulped, blinking remorsefully as he bit the inside of his lip, "I know, and I'm sorry. I just..."
"You just what?," you cried, shooting him an incredulous look, "you have no idea how it feels, being left by someone who promised they would always stay! You're a liar!"
Yeonjun shook his head frantically in response, taking a step towards you, "hey, I'm not a liar! I know I hurt you, but I know I'm not a liar."
Anger had too much control over you, spilling in your words that used to be sadness and probably still was. Your eyes had begun glossing as well, catching you by surprise as you choked over the questions you were dying to ask.
"Then why were you acting that way towards her? You told me you weren't in love with her and there you were, acting the same way you did with me!"
"I don't love her, when will you get it through your thick skull? There was just something in her hair," Yeonjun sighed, his tone becoming soft at the end of the sentence. He knew how it looked, but there really was just something in her hair.
If anything, you felt like you were punched in the chest. His voice getting quieter made it seem like he was hiding something, hiding his true feelings due to embarrassment. You misunderstood, interpreting his falter as a bad attempt at covering up deceit.
"Yeonjun, stop lying," you sobbed, your voice becoming high pitched and wobbly, "please just stop lying. You've been avoiding me and now you're acting like you care, so which one is it?"
He didn't say anything, watching the wet on your cheeks come from both the rain and your eyes. Too shocked at your outburst, Yeonjun stayed noiseless, the lump in the back of his throat prohibiting him from saying any more stupid things. You, on the other hand, tried to get yourself together, trying to let everything you had been thinking about for so long to come out.
"You just used me, didn't you? To make her jealous? And I know that I did the same, but at least I was honest instead of using my parents as a dumb excuse."
You sniffled and your voice became heavy, resonating in your chest. "You can't just act like you care about me when you said you didn't want to be my friend." Even saying those words out loud was like a knife to the chest because it made it all the more true.
With each word you were rambling on, Yeonjun took a step closer to you in the already tight alleyway. You failed to notice, too caught up in your words until it was too late. With one hand, Yeonjun positioned himself between you and the wall, his palm against the red bricks. You felt utterly trapped, only being able to look at either him or the ground. You chose the latter, too emotional to look him in the eyes.
His face became close to yours, bending down as his other hand cupped your cheek. "Because it's true, Y/N. I don't want to be just your friend."
Fingers moving down to grab your chin, he gently forced you to look up at him where there was so much regret and sadness behind his eyes.
"I love you so much that I can't stay away from you even though I think my absence is for your well-being."
"What makes you say that?" You gasped, searching his eyes just to find that same depression.
He laughed incredulously, letting go of your face for a second.
"Y/N, who are we kidding?" He motioned to himself with a quick gesture, flashing you with his white, bandaged hand, "I'm Yeonjun. Choi Yeonjun. I'm not good for you." There was emphasis through his words, strength behind each one.
"I get into lots of fights and I scare everyone away. I'm not good at school and I'm not even sure I have a future," he paused, fumbling over his words, "you, however; you're just this little perfect thing. You're sweet, funny, smart, and so incredibly beautiful- that I'm scared I'll ruin you if I get any closer. I tried to distance myself, but I failed."
He paused for a second, now finding it hard to look at you face to face. His head hung low in embarrassment before his eyes snapped back to yours, hopelessly truthful and desperate.
"I have always loved you. From the moment I first laid eyes on you to the first time I heard your voice, I fell so hard. I never used you to make anyone jealous and yes, using my parents was just a dumb excuse. I wanted to have you in any way that I could, so I suggested fake dating," he admitted.
You were at a loss of words, tripping over your tongue but coming out with nothing. Yeonjun sighed, continuing his long and overdue monologue.
"As I've said, I already broke that stupid rule of not falling in love. Even before you knew, I was head over heels for you because of how much you cared about me and listened to my stories. I'm sorry for hurting you and not being honest. If I could take it back, I would. I made a promise not to hurt you, but look at where we're at. See? You're better off without me," he chuckled pessimistically, quickly turning to go.
"Yeonjun!" You grasped his hand, forcing him to turn around towards you. Without thinking, you planted a kiss on his lips, grabbing his cheeks as you stood on your tippy toes.
Yeonjun melted into the kiss, feeling his cheeks become warm as he combed his fingers through your soaked hair. The rain fell around the two of you as you kissed Yeonjun's wet lips, desperate to have him in any way you could. He was the same as well, smiling in between each one and trying to pull you closer even though it was impossible. He tasted so sweet, forever engraving his name on your lips that was always going to be his.
When you had to pull away for air, thunder struck. Both of you laughed and Yeonjun simply pulled you in for a hug, resting his chin on the top of yours. You clung onto his shirt, praying that he would never go away again.
"You can't just do that. You know how weak I am for you already."
You giggled, finding the most comfortable position in his chest, "I don't care. I love you, Yeonjun." His chest was made for you and no one else. It would be your spot to stay in from now on and even before all your platonic and romantic feelings mixed up, he was yours.
"Does this mean we're friends now?" You joked, looking up at him.
He smirked, shaking his head. He looped one of his hands in yours, bringing your face to his again that cold night, "no, it means that you're mine forever, princess. I better not hear any complaints as your boyfriend, okay?"
"I'll only look at you," you sighed against his lips, feeling heaven on earth, "I'm only yours."
The stormy night continued like that, with you and Yeonjun exchanging kisses and laughs back and forth. Thunder clapped above you, deafening and dreary, but it didn't matter at the moment. What was the worst thing that could happen? Getting sick? Perhaps yeah, but at least you had the boy of your dreams willingly getting sick with you. It was funnily simple enough: you finally had Yeonjun, and Yeonjun could finally have you after pining for so long. Nothing else mattered, and the world slowly slipped away as you held him close to mark the start of your forever.
Released: July 3, 2024 (12am CT)
Thoughts: FREAKING OUT. I've always wanted to do something like this in forever and now i'm finally getting around to do it after 4 years which is pretty insane?! I absolutely love bad boy yeonjun concept and I hope this was a good read! seeing how much people enjoyed it back in 2020 only encouraged me to write this long ass story. hopefully y'all enjoyed <3 I sure did while writing hehe (I was actually dying at all the scenes where they almost and then actually did kiss.) As always, thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more goodies in the future :)
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request idea: a stubborn and naive hero desperately wants to redeem the villain but the villain refuses because of their selfish nature, they only care about the hero but can't see themselves doing a heroic act for anyone else have a wonderful day!!
Once the hero opened their eyes, they truly felt the pain. Their muscles were sore and they could barely move. All they could remember was the brutal fight and horrible humiliation. A battle so bloody, they had expected to die there in that warehouse. Surrounded by their friends.
They had tried to help the other heroes but in reality, everyone had been on their own. The hero remembered being shot in the leg. Remembered seeing teammates die.
For a second, they had hoped it was a nightmare but it had been quite uncomfortably real. They took in a painful breath.
They were so full of despair, it was basically gnawing on them. Guilt overwhelmed them and they felt like throwing up.
They turned around in the villain's bed and saw their nemesis on the other side of it, reading a book. It wasn't surprising to the hero, after all they had played this game a thousand times already.
"My friends," the hero said. Their voice was hoarse. They could barely swallow. As if their throat had turned into a hot metal tube.
The villain looked down at them.
"I'll be honest, it wasn't pretty," the villain said. They put the book aside. "From what I saw, only a few managed to escape."
The hero nodded but they felt empty. Their exhaustion had taken most of their strength and the villain's bed was a little too comfortable. Unsurprisingly, the hero felt bandages all around their body but it didn't really change anything - their thigh seemed to be on fire and they had to concentrate really hard to prevent themselves from crying.
Pain had become familiar but that didn't mean the hero could ever get used to it. Usually, the villain didn't drug them without their consent (except for that one time when the villain had dug a bullet out of the hero's shoulder.) But most of the time, the hero wished they did it anyway.
"Did you help them?" the hero asked. A redundant question. They tried to sit up but the upcoming headache was so harsh, they had to sink back into the mattress. The villain moved the hero's pillow to make it more comfortable for them.
Survivor guilt was cruel. The hero had been forced to participate in endless seminars to discuss it but it had never truly helped them. From mission to mission, they just felt more miserable and having someone rescue them every time made it even worse. It was cursed.
"I am sorry," the villain whispered. The villain tested the hero's temperature with the back of their hand on the hero's forehead. "But I am not like you."
"You could be."
"I can't be," the villain said. "You know I can't. How are you feeling? Do you need some water?"
"If you had time to save me, you must have had enough time to save other people as well," the hero said.
"Love, you know me," the villain said. They moved to lie down next to the hero. They stared at each other, the hero with all their frustrating pain and the villain with all their logical indifference. "I refuse to risk even a second when it comes to you. Do you want anything to drink?"
"I don't understand. You could be such a good person. You could save people on a daily basis but you simply refuse? You can be kind and you can be good but you- I don't understand."
"I know this upsets you," the villain said. Carefully, they searched with their fingertips for the hero's hand but when they touched, the hero pulled away. "But you have always been my priority."
"We are not together anymore," the hero said. "You know that, right?"
"...I know."
"You are not supposed to love me anymore," the hero said. "You are not supposed to save me or bandage me or pity me."
"I'm sorry, I can't help it," the villain said. They didn't meet the hero's eyes this time. But the hero was too exhausted for fighting, they were too exhausted for another disagreement.
It had been an awful break-up. An ugly type of heartbreak that had reduced the hero to a sobbing mess. They would break down randomly, right in the middle of the day. It would leave them scarred and unable to get out of bed for days.
And all of that because they had chosen to break up with the villain.
"Loving you is easy," the villain said. "I will always care about you. I can't just...turn it off."
"You need to stop," the hero whispered. Their voice was shaking. Tears were falling. They could feel their wound pulse. "You need to stop with the love letters and the flowers and the saving. You need to stop with all of this. It's not good for either of us."
"I am already keeping my distance," the villain said. "We see each other maybe once a month."
"And that's already too much." Again, the villain stretched out their hand and this time, the hero let them take theirs. Their heart couldn't take it anymore. For weeks, they had been losing people they cared about left and right. Whenever a situation seemed hopeless, the villain showed up to save them.
And the hero couldn't tell if they preferred dying over it. Sometimes, that seemed like a more merciful circumstance but they couldn't tell.
"Do you hate me?" the villain asked softly. They looked as miserable as the hero felt.
The hero didn't answer. Of course they were angry, of course they were hateful but it was directed at someone else.
"Again, I am sorry. But saving someone else and risking your life - it doesn't work like that. I can't do it, I just cannot. I don't want you to hate me for it."
"I don't hate you," the hero said. "I despise myself for being too weak. I despise myself for being responsible for our break-up. I am bad at being a hero. I can't even save myself. I can't save my friends, I cannot save my relationship - I despise myself for being so impotent. I hate it. I hate it."
"You are frustrated, I get that. But blaming yourself and hating yourself for all of the things that are happening around you isn't helping you. All of your friends know the risks of doing this. They know what they are getting themselves into. They are responsible adults who are willing to save others - they are willing to risk their own life for other people. You cannot blame yourself for their actions."
"It's not fair, though."
"No, it isn't. It is not fair. But you are not responsible, no matter how you toss and turn this situation. You did your best. You got shot. You broke your ribs. You passed out. What else was there to do for you?"
The hero didn't answer. They didn't like conversations like these. It didn't make them feel better.
"I just sometimes wish you were good. Not even for the sake of being good but for my sake. So, I can be proud of you."
The villain looked quite pale. Eyes wide, they stared at the hero.
And the hero knew it hurt to hear something like that. Hell, it hurt to say it.
"Did you leave me because I wasn't more like you?" the villain asked carefully. Now, their voice was trembling and the hero couldn't help but feel horribly guilty again.
Everything they touched turned into ashes and expressing their feelings seemed only to hurt other people. They had asked themselves often if simply not talking would solve all matters.
"I left because it was wrong to stay with someone who was against everything I stand for."
"I'm not - no, I adore what you do, I just can't - seriously, I am not against-"
"It's about what other people see. My friends, my boss, the public...I never wanted to keep my relationship a secret and us together...It wasn't right, it looked like I was betraying my own people."
"Does that mean...you were still in love with me when we broke up? That you didn't leave because you fell out of love?"
"No. Though it would have been easier that way, I fear." They turned around in bed. They couldn't look at the villain, they couldn't look them in the eyes when they said these next few words. "I don't resent you. But I could never see myself loving someone like you ever again."
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maneskinwh0re · 3 days
modern!sevika — [gym] headcannons (butch or fem!reader)
part 3
!! sfw + nsfw implied !!
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♡ she makes the pre-workout’s and/or smoothies while you fill up the water bottles.
♡ helps you with your diet and makes sure you eat enough but in the sweetest ways—based on your bulking goals or weight loss goals.
♡ just because she’s your girlfriend doesn’t mean she’s gonna take things easy on you. if you have goals, she’s gonna make sure you reach them.
♡ pays for your membership because she loves to spoil you.
♡ one time you felt adventurous, so you tried her weights (it didn’t go well).
♡ her back is CRAZY, you’ll stand behind the machine she’s on and subtly watch the way her muscles move. when she catches you staring she’ll just tease you about it.
♡ “you’re staring, love.”
♡ you get a little (a lot) flustered whenever she lets out any quiet whimpers or groans as she’s lifting her heavier weights. when she’s done, she’ll stand up breathing hard, then confused by your flushed face while you silently hand her her water and avoid eye contact.
♡ “what?” ♡ “nothing…” ♡ “no, what is it?” ♡ “really, it- it’s nothing.”
♡ she just hums inquisitively at your stutters, and eventually if you keep up the innocent/denial act, your gym sesh ends with a quickie in the bathroom.
—i kinda wanna write a smut chapter based on this but lmk if y’all want it lol
- bee xx
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wordsarelife · 3 days
—you’re not sorry
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pairing: mattheo riddle x fem!reader
summary: you and mattheo run into each other years after your relationship has ended
warnings: angst, reader is pregnant
word count: 1.4k
you mindlessly stirred the cup of coffee in front of you, just using a gentle move of your fingers to control the spoon magically. it was a day like any other in late november.
you had finished work earlier than expected, leaving time to drink a coffee in your favorite café, before you were heading home.
"y/n?" you recognized the voice right as you heard it, you heart beating faster suddenly.
"mattheo" you said, raising your eyes from the cup to look at the man in front of you.
"hey" mattheo cooed. a feeling of guilt entered your chest as your eyes collided with his. the same eyes that looked so grown now had been so sad the last time you had seen them.
he raised his eyebrows, pointing at the chair in front of you and you nodded, before he sank down on the cushion.
he looked the exact same, just a bit older. the black suit he wore looked awfully like the ones draco had always plastered himself in. but it looked different on mattheo than it had done on draco. it suited him and made him look all the more flattering, the fabric of his suit engulfing his muscular build. it had been a few years since hogwarts.
"how have you been?" mattheo smiled, and you couldn't help but remember a time when he had smiled at you every day.
you had met mattheo on the first day in hogwarts, both of you unknowing eleven year olds, trying to fit into a world that was just beginning to be yours.
you were in the same year, the same house and had most of the same friends. still, you never really spoke until your third year, when mattheo asked you for a quill, because he forgot his.
ever since then you had become friends, your friends and his forming into a group in the following years, considering that your best friend and his started dating in fourth year, so you saw mattheo a lot more often.
what started as a simple friendship turned into more during fifth year when mattheo consoled you after a particularly bad date. he asked you to hogsmead a week later and the rest was history.
he was a good boyfriend. you relationship consisted of sharing secret rendezvous in the room of requirement, mattheo had stumbled upon after a detention with flitwick, late-night walks around the castle, and whispered conversations in the slytherin common room.
what felt like heaven to you, as you got to know him and everything that was inside of him, was hard for mattheo. there were just parts of him he didn't want you to see, scared it would change the image you had of him.
so while you thought everything was perfect, mattheo started to slowly pull away. you didn't notice it at first, excusing his behavior as a result of having to study much more because of tests and exams. but you grew suspicious when exam season ended and he was still keeping you at an arms length.
you decided that confronting him was the only way to know what was going on.
"is it because of a girl?" you asked as he came back to the common room late one evening. the rest of the house had already gone to bed, but you had spent your time reading, waiting for your boyfriend.
"y/n!" mattheo almost shrieked "what are you still doing up?"
"i could ask you the same thing" you said, standing up and crossing your arms. "where have you been? i haven't seen you since this afternoon"
"nowhere" mattheo shook his head, ready to walk around you and go to bed.
"that's not a good answer" you raised your brows "why are you behaving like this?" you asked, the hurt you were feeling swinging in your voice now.
"what? i'm not doing anything"
"yes" you protested "you act like you don't want me anymore, you're pushing me away, mattheo"
he sighed, but kept quiet.
"it's, alright" you assured "you can tell me everything"
"i don't want to, y/n" mattheo admitted. "there are parts of me you wouldn't be able to deal with"
"don't be ridiculous" you argued, shaking your head at his stubbornness. "i'm not in a relationship with you, because i only want to see your good parts"
"you don't understand this"
"what i do understand is that you're hiding from me" you stepped in his way as he tried to walk around you "and you don't have to hide these parts of you. i can deal with it, i promise"
you noticed the sudden anger on his face too late. "i don't want you to" he screamed, pushing you away as he walked across the room and up the steps. you watched after him in shock. mattheo had never screamed at you. not in the two years you had been dating, even when you would fight.
you spent the following days ignoring the other, until days turned into weeks and both of you decided that it was better to end your relationship. school ended not much after that and both of you parted ways.
you started your career in the ministry and only occasionally heard what mattheo was doing from common friends. you did not try to reach out to him and he didn't try to reach you either.
it hadn't always been easy. mattheo had been your first love and your relationship had ended so suddenly, so heartbreakingly, that you always asked yourself what you could've done different.
"how have you been?" mattheo asked and now that you looked at him once again, he had a lot less in common with your matty. he was a grown man and you didn't feel the same anymore when his eyes fell on your face. that he would see you had once been everything that mattered to you. now he was a stranger and his eyes felt foreign, even if they resembled someone you had once loved.
"good" you smiled. "i haven't seen you in a long time, how have you been?"
he nodded. "great" he smiled "i got married last week"
"wow!" you gushed, only noticing the ring on his finger now. "congratulations!"
"thank you" he mused, before he pointed to your hand "you're married too?"
you nodded, as you softly traced your ring with a finger. "yes" you laughed "and we're expecting our first child" your hand fell to your belly.
mattheo looked around the table, only noticing your pregnant belly now. "i'm happy for you" he said with a sudden sincerity in his voice.
"i'm happy for you too"
"maybe, in another universe" he left the sentence unfished, but you knew what he was talking about.
"maybe" you smiled. as you watched him closely. you weren't sure if it was sorrow or regret that was plaguing his features.
"it was good" he said, as if to reassure himself.
"yes, but we don't have to feel sorry about what happened anymore"
"not sorry" mattheo shook his head "just nostalgic"
you smiled brightly at that, knowing that both of you would always treasure your time together, even if the end of it had broken both of your hearts.
mattheo outstretched his hand, to squeeze yours, before he stood up. "take care, y/n" he nodded as he stepped away from the table.
"you too" you muttered, a hint of sadness in your features as you watched him leave like you did all those years ago..
curly hair, tear stained cheeks and an undone tie lazily thrown across his shoulders, as he looked at you in sadness. his eyes reflecting yours.
"i love you" you muttered, your cheeks just as tearstained as his "but i think i have to let you go"
"i love you too," mattheo said, his voice heavy with regret. "i wish things were different, but I know this is what's best for both of us"
"it is" you nodded. mattheo outstretched his hand, taking yours, before he squeezed it. both of you shared the same sadness, even consoling each other, for a short moment, before he looked at you for the last time and walked away.
you were happy for him. happy that he had learned to love the right way, without having to hide parts of who he really was. and you were happy for you too, knowing that your life had turned out the way you had hoped it to.
and for the first time when you looked back on your relationship, you knew what he was feeling about it, and you knew that the feeling was a deep-rooted form of nostalgia. and after all, you're not sorry.
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wonustars · 2 days
Rain or Shine Cafe (Teaser)
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Ⱄ pairing: kwon soonyoung x f!reader Ⱄ wordcount: ~10k or less (this teaser: 2.6k) Ⱄ genre: fluff, cafe coworkers au, suggestive
Ⱄ reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated ♡! tumblr is based on reblogs not likes, and they help writers like me to get better reach. thank you!
Ⱄ summary: with no umbrella in hand on a rainy day, you felt like your life couldn’t get any worse. losing your glasses while it’s pouring cats and dogs, well maybe your life really was the worst. thankfully a faceless stranger was there to pick up your glasses and hand you his umbrella. you weren’t able to ever thank him for his act of kindness, but the sweet memory stays with you for awhile. soonyoung was in need of a new job and on the first day of his interview he stumbles across a blind stranger with no umbrella, and no glasses. he didn’t think too much about the stranger then, not until his first day of work at Rain or Shine Cafe.
Ⱄ tags/warnings: cafe coworkers!soonyoung and reader, dancer!soonyoung, reader wears glasses, set in vancouver canada, they develop feelings quickly, reader is a little type a, mentions of other svt members, mentions of alcohol, hoshi tiger agenda is very present (more tags when the actual fic is posted)
Ⱄ note: this is a teaser for my fic for the @svthub world tour collab!! thank you to the admins who are sosoosoooo creative because i love this concept sm!! i hope you all look forward to this fic because i adore their little love story sm ♡. if you want to be tagged when the fic is posted please leave a comment or send me an ask! (ps: teaser is not that edited so sorry in advanced) - see you soonest, anna ♡.
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Today was one of those days. The birds don’t sing at your wake, the sun doesn’t shine as bright. You weren’t sure what had been the catalyst to such a terrible day; maybe it was forgetting your umbrella, or losing your glasses under the gloomy sky, or the rain that pitter-pattered against the pavement and mocked your misfortune.
It wasn’t until a faceless stranger entered your blurred field of vision, offering their umbrella and picking up your glasses. Before you could even thank them for their help, they whisked away so quickly it was like they were a figment of your imagination. 
That small kind gesture had stuck with you for days, wondering if you would ever be able to meet them again. You desperately wished you were able to see what they looked like, but from the softness of their voice, to their gentle touch, you had a feeling that their personality is just the same. 
˚∗˖⁺⑅ ˖⁺⑅˖◛
Working a shift at Rain or Shine Cafe is always the highlight of your day, especially after spending so many hectic hours at your university. The cafe was always serene, the customers were kind, and you liked how calming it would get once the Vancouver rain started to pour in. The droplets hitting the glass windows in a rhythmic pattern that could probably put you to sleep if you allow. 
Rain or shine cafe was like your little safe haven from the busy city and university town. Working the evenings while your boss, Seokmin, would cover the mornings. It definitely was a little bit complicated with only the two of you, but you didn’t mind. You liked being the only person during your shift, it meant that you were practically your own boss. 
It wasn’t until the day that Seokmin decided it was time for a new hire, your safe space seemingly turned upside down. 
“Y/n, I’ve hired a new person, you’ll have to train them okay?” Seokmin informs you the moment you clock in. 
Giving him a defeated sigh, you knew it was time for a new coworker to join you. Although you hate the idea, you felt bad at how hard Seokmin works in the mornings, and on the rare occasions when you’re sick, evenings as well. 
“I don’t know Seokmin… are you sure I should be the one training them?” your tone wavers, if anything the owner would be able to do a better job than you at the training the new hire. 
“What! You’ll do great, you’re my best employee after all,” he gives you a reassuring pat on your shoulder. 
With furrowed brows, your eyes bore holes into his back as he heads back to his office. 
“I’m your only employee!” you shout back while he can still hear you. 
The idea of having to train a new person after spending so much time finding your own rhythm while working at the cafe doesn’t particularly thrill you. With many many prayers to the universe, you just hope they aren’t a pain in the ass to deal with. 
˚∗˖⁺⑅ ˖⁺⑅˖◛
Soonyoung wasn’t sure what to expect on his first day, and he was especially nervous because he’s never worked at a cafe before. Although his coordination is great when it comes to dancing, he isn’t so confident in his coffee making skills. 
The moment he walked through the door, he saw your face shining against the afternoon sun, his heart beating so fast he thought he might have to go to the doctor for a serious case of heart palpitations. He can’t help but curse at himself silently, knowing that he was going to be extra nervous because of his extremely pretty coworker. 
As he approaches you he starts to feel a sense of familiarity bubbling at the bottom of his stomach. Wondering if he’s seen you around before, but he quickly scratches that idea knowing that there's millions of people living in the Greater Vancouver area. 
Clearing his throat he tries to get your attention as you delicately refill the pastry shelf with almond croissants and bagels. Your eyes turn towards the figure in front of the counter, assuming it’s another student from the university wanting to order. 
“U-uh hi,” Soonyoung blurts out, his pillowy cheeks turning red under your gaze. 
“Hi, what can I get for you?” you ask him, trying to ignore the awkwardness between you two. 
“Oh! I-I’m not here to order, I’m the new hire?” He tries to explain, but you can tell he feels a little unsure about being here at the cafe. 
“Oh. Soonyoung right?” 
“Yeah, that’s me, but uh- you can call me Hoshi,” he chuckles, scratching the back of his head. 
The words ‘play it cool’ keep repeating in his mind as he continues to talk to you, not wanting to make a bad first impression with his gorgeous new coworker. 
“Ah, I see, Hoshi,” you say apprehensively while nodding your head, yeah i’m not calling him that, you think to yourself. 
Seokmin told you that the new hire would be coming in for his first shift today, but he didn’t mention anything other than that. 
From first glance Soonyoung wasn’t the type of person you expected Seokmin to hire. His dark clothing, bright blond hair and piercings along his ears didn’t scream “barista”. The aura around him screamed men’s fashion influencer just from the way he dresses. Although his clothes were casual you could tell there was still thought put into his outfit, from the baggy dark wash jeans to his graphic tee and earrings. 
“How about you come around the counter and clock in so we can get started,” you add as you finish placing the pastries into the display shelf. 
Scratching the back of his head he walks over only to hover behind you, a meek expression washes over his face. 
You turn to him with a quizzical eyebrow, not sure as to why he’s just standing there like a lost child in a supermarket. 
“H-how exactly do you clock in?” Soonyoung mumbles while twiddling his thumbs. 
“Seokmin didn’t show you where to clock in?” You question him. 
There was a part of you that has a feeling that you might have to teach him every little thing around the cafe. When Seokmin told you the new hire was coming in today, you were hoping that they would at least have a little bit of background knowledge. 
“U-uh no he pretty much hired me on the spot and told me to come in today,” he mutters, feeling a little embarrassed by your judgement, “this is actually my first job ever.” 
“Yeah, so I’m not sure why he even hired me, but I needed a job so I didn’t turn it down,” he continues, the blush on his soft cheeks becoming more apparent. 
You sigh deeply, this shift is going to feel a lot longer than you initially thought. Knowing it’s his first job means that you’ll have to train him a little slower. As you walk to show him where to clock in you silently pray that he’s a fast learner. 
Soonyoung can tell that you’re not excited to train him, and he feels bad that he doesn’t have the experience to be good at his job right away. But he’s determined to learn quickly, not wanting to disappoint you or Seokmin. 
He spent most of his time in university being able to pay for his expenses from his dance scholarship and the little money he was given from his parents, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough to fund his trip for him and his dance troupe’s upcoming competition. 
They had entered a national competition taking place in Seattle and although the commute is only a two hour road trip, there were so many other fees that he couldn’t afford unless he found a way to earn money. Plus if he wanted to fund both his dance trip and tiger collection, it was either he get a job near his school or he would have to resort to selling feet pics online. But getting a job at the cafe seemed like the safer and more logical option. 
“Well now that you’ve clocked in, this is your apron and the tag that Seokmin made you,” you inform him while handing him his things. 
Soonyoung doesn’t say a word, only nodding while listening to you explain how everything works at the cafe. 
“First we need you to learn all the drinks that we serve,” you explain, pushing the double doors that lead back to the main room of the building. 
“Okay, I can do that, it can’t be that hard right?”  Hoshi shrugs, trying his best to act nonchalant to mask his nervousness. 
“Wait-No! That’s wrong,” your voice raises in panic as you watch Soonyoung put a fresh shot of espresso into the plastic to-go cup. 
Freezing, his eyes go wide as his mouth forms an ‘O’ shape as you start to scramble with panic. The plastic starting to shrivel from the heat of the coffee. 
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know it would melt!” he exclaims, pouring the contents into the sink. 
It had been an hour of teaching Soonyoung how to make the drinks that were on the cafe menu, and he had somehow made a mistake every single step of the way. Thankfully today is a slower day in the cafe, allowing Soonyoung to observe your routine on serving customers. 
“It’s fine, how about we take a break and I'll show you how to use the oven to heat the pastries,” you sigh with defeat. 
Soonyoung’s face drops a little because he knows that he’s disappointed you. He wishes that he was good at his job the same way he is with dancing but his naturally good coordination and reflexes can only take him so far. 
“If a customer asks for a pastry they can have the option for them to be toasted in the oven, you just need to use the tongs and place them onto the rack,” you explain, demonstrating the steps that you would usually take, “then you don’t want to set the timer for more than twenty seconds or it’ll burn.” 
Soonyoung nods along, trying to follow your instructions closely, but he can’t help get distracted by your features. Your hair tied up, glasses perched on your nose as you try to concentrate. He knows that it’s important to pay attention but he can’t help but feel attracted to you. There was a certain familiarity to you that he couldn’t seem to pinpoint. He hasn’t felt like this about someone he just met ever, and it’s not helping that you’re the one teaching him how to do his job properly. 
If he could stare at you during his whole shift instead of actually working, he would. 
“Does everything make sense so far?” you pull him out of his thoughts, staring at him expectantly. 
“Yeah, the pastry stuff seems like the most simple thing so far,” he comments, watching you put the croissant into a bag to eat after you’re off work. 
“How about we go back to making more test drinks? Just so you can get the hang of it,” you offer, wanting him to get more practice just in case it’s a busy day the next time he comes in for a shift. 
“Sure, you’re a great teacher by the way, I’m just new to all this,” he comforts you. 
“Thanks, and don’t worry too much, you’ll get better with time,” you pat his shoulder. 
You give him a smile of gratitude. The past few hours had you doubting your knowledge, patience, and teaching skills all at the same time. But his words of reassurance make you feel him warm inside. 
The way Soonyoung’s cheeks puff as he smiles makes you giggle. There was something about his soft features that makes him so endearing, which makes you feel a little bad for raising your voice at him earlier while he was trying to learn. 
Sure, he’s not the smartest when it comes to working at a cafe, but you have faith that he’ll be able to learn as time goes by. From the looks of it, Soonyoung seems determined to do better, that or he’s faking it. Either way, you owe it to Seokmin to show him everything you know.
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Ⱄ a/n: i hope you enjoyed the teaser!! lmk what you think :)
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jasmineoolongtea · 3 days
hihiiii i hope ur doing amazing rn may i req megumi or yuji with a s/o who acts like jade west? you can make it hcs or a one shot idm
a/n: hiiiii anon i hope you're doing well too!! when you say a reader who acts like jade west (man victorious was a trip thinking back on it fdjfjhs) i assume that you're talking about her personality traits and etc so i hope i do your request justice for both of them ☆ ~('▽^人)
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fushiguro megumi
okay, imagine you put two prickly hedgehogs with each other and that's kinda you and megumi's relationship
overall, you guys together exude a very intimidating atmosphere, especially with your shared affinity for wearing dark colours
gojo, yuji and nobara like to joke that you're the resident class emos (much to megumi's chagrin)
you and megumi are similar yet so different because it's like you're the more outspoken version of him in a way
like you and megumi have quite prickly personalities but it's just that you're much more willing to just blatantly push people away verbally
one thing megumi loves about is your rebellious spirit and he thinks that it's deeply admirable that you're so willing to push forward on your own way despite what cards you might have been given or what other people think you should do
both of you are petty people, just one of you is more vocal about it than the other, and this is awful for basically anyone who isn't the two of you but you two could honestly care less for the most part
megumi knows it's bad and that he probably should be better than this but he doesn't really do much to help de-escalate any conflicts you might find yourself in, rather he quietly cheers for you from the sidelines and even steps in to help you if you need it (it's his middle school past that's speaking to him through you)
he's the only person to truly understand you and your fears and insecurities which is part of the reason for why you're so possessive of him and megumi gets this so that's why he doesn't think it's reasonable to give you such a hard time about it
when it's just you and him behind closed doors, you're definitely much more open with your affections and self with him and he loves these quiet moments with you since he feels much more comfortable with expressing himself as well
no one believes that there could be anyone who could rival your sassiness but honestly, megumi could give you a run for your money with his own sassy off-handed comments (except for gojo, that poor man has had first-hand experience with megumi's sassy side from young)
megumi's always there to be your rock and bring you back down whenever your ego gets a bit too much or it just seems like everything is intent on making you angry or more annoyed and ticked off than usual
very few people are aware of this but you have a soft spot for kids and megumi is glad that he's able to witness this side of you
if your friends and all the people who knew you were to rank what they thought were unlikely combinations of things together, you and kids would definitely be somewhere high on that list. unless you were megumi since his opinion strongly differed from everyone else's stance. well, it also helped that he had insider knowledge on this one that everyone else lacked.
you and megumi were out on a date at an amusement park since you both won free tickets from a lucky draw, with you insisting that this was the only reason that you were here and totally not because of anything else, when you suddenly felt a tug coming from the bottom of your pants leg.
looking down to find the source of the sudden disturbance, you notice that two little hands are hanging onto the fabric of your pants for dear life as a small snot-nosed and teary-eyed girl, probably no older than the age of 6, tries her best to get your attention. you and megumi exchange a look of confusion and slight concern as you both wonder what could possibly be the cause of this young kid's distress.
you let of megumi's hand in order to kneel down to the girl's height as you quickly examine her in an attempt to find any obvious cuts or bruises that might need attention. when that angle fails, you decide to just outright ask her, "what's wrong little one?" compared to your usual tone of voice which is biting and aggressive, your question comes off much more careful and gentle as you try your best to offer her some comfort.
"c-can you help me?" the child chokes out, clearly trying her best to articulate her words despite her wobbly lip and red eyes that look like they're about to burst out in tears at any second.
you nod calmly at her, even offering her a small smile to encourage her to keep speaking. she visibly relaxes at your demeanour and tries to compose herself as she mumbles something under her breath, slightly too soft to the point where you're struggling to hear her.
"hmm? you've gotta speak up, sweetheart." you remark softly and she shys away slightly, as if embarrassed that you couldn't hear her. slowly reaching out to her, you gently take her much smaller hand in yours and give it a reassuring squeeze to nudge her to try again, just a little bit louder this time.
she uses her other free hand to wipe away the tears running down her pillowy cheeks before looking back at you with a renewed sense of determination. "c-can you help me find my parents? i-i think i lost them somewhere here."
"of course we can, hon." you reply and you stand up back to your usual height. you make an 'up' motion to her to ask if you can pick her up. she nods and you scoop her up in your arms as you introduce her to megumi, even getting her to laugh a little bit when he lets her play with his hair for a bit, before the two, or well three of you, make your way around the park in the search for her parents.
unbeknownst to you, while you were occupied with the little girl, you had a secret admirer in the form of megumi as he quietly watched on from the sidelines, unable to fight off a smile and look of fondness as he saw firsthand another side of you that only he and a few other people were privileged to find out about, something he deeply cherishes.
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itadori yuji
okay total sunshine x grumpy dynamic or even black cat x golden retriever here
honestly, when people see you guys together out and about there's a lot of confusion from them about how you two even got together in the first place since you seem like such polar opposites
it was kinda a shock for megumi and nobara a bit as well at the beginning of your relationship but as time passed, they eventually began to see how you guys ultimately complement each other
you guys bond over your love for movies, specifically horror movies and surprisingly, you also enjoy watching human earthworm (but you make yuji swear to never reveal this to anyone as it's basically a guilty pleasure of yours)
one thing about you that yuji loves is your unapologetic confident attitude and how you never shy away from most things which is something he admires about you
he's also your no. 1 public defender, ready to come to your defence at any second (even if you might be in the wrong but that's for a very nice convo for only behind closed doors), and this forever warms your heart and helps to quell many of your insecurities
he makes it a point to always reassure you about your relationship since he knows how you can struggle with jealousy alongside the fact that you're scared of losing one of the few people who actually see you for who you are
you're used to people writing you off as one thing, even going so far as to do the complete opposite to spite them, but yuji sees past your initial front and knows how sensitive and hard-working you can be deep down
it's a known fact that you are not a fan of physical touch, even from your close friends, but yuji is the exception to this rule as he can just throw himself onto you at any time and you're completely fine with it (even fighting off a small smile which you swear is just a hallucination on their part)
yuji is one of the very few people able to calm you down when someone or something just ends up inevitably annoying you and puts you in a bad mood
like the effect he has on you is almost instantaneous that it gives whiplash to most people who are there to witness it
out of all the days that the universe chooses to ruin, of course, it has to be the day where you're just trying to enjoy a nice day out with your boyfriend, yuji.
you're sitting on a bench, waiting for yuji who went to buy you and him some drinks from the nearby vending machine, as you attempt to soak in the nice afternoon breeze when a random passerby suddenly bumps into your knees on their walk.
an accidental, or not-so-accidental, bump might have been kinda excusable if the other party had decided to make a deeply regretful apology but a scoff and mumbled 'whatever' was definitely not an apology in any sense of the word. it was as if they were trying to intentionally piss you off or something.
it would almost be an insult to you as a person if you were going to let this go and let it be water under the bridge or whatever other stupid saying they have for situations like this. you stand up from your seated position, arms crossed in front of your chest as you make your way towards the perpetrator.
"you want to say that to my face?" you ask, though your voice is more demanding than anything.
any retort that the other person might have thrown your way is instantly thrown out of the window when they notice your deadly expression and gaze, almost as if you're daring them to even say anything. they try to take a step back in an attempt to escape the situation but you don't let them have such an easy out as you take a step forward in return.
they meekly mumble something under their breath. you raise a brow at them. pathetic, you think to yourself, can't even have the guts to back themselves up.
but before you can get right in their face, a head of pink hair magically appears by your side from somewhere in your peripheral vision. there's a familiar weight on your shoulder as you quickly realise that it's yuji and it's like a switch has been flipped inside of you as you jump right into his arms, to which he happily returns your affection tenfolds.
the other person is simply left bewildered at your sudden change in attitude within the span of what feels like less than 5 seconds as their face is twisted into an almost comical look of confusion. you pay them no mind thought for now, simply relishing in the feeling of yuji's arms around your waist as he presses sporadic kisses around your face.
he stops for a moment to glance at the other person before looking back at you and asking "who's that?"
you brush off his question with ease. "no one important." you reply and yuji nods as if your answer is simply a fact.
a sigh escapes you as you glance sideways at the other person. "you're so lucky my boyfriend is here." you mutter pointedly at them, gritting your teeth whilst you do so. you mouth to them 'count your days', with an exaggerated knife to the throat motion to seal the deal, from over your shoulder as you and yuji walk away together, hand in hand.
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goblinontour · 2 days
Nothing Gold Can Stay
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a different side of him…and it’s really hot
part 5 | series masterlist
warnings: prof!al, age gap (not specified), smut, oral (m/f receiving), piv, spanking, orgasm denial(ish), backshots!!!
word count: 9.5k
It was hot. Unbearably hot. With the academic year winding down, you and Alex spent more and more time at home, finishing up final assignments and reports. Alex couldn’t stand it. He hated this part. Office hours were dull, writing reports even more so, and working from home felt more like a prison sentence than anything. But having you there made it slightly more bearable. A lot more bearable actually…If only the heat wasn't so stifling.
Alex couldn’t focus. He let you use his office for your studies, so you kind of claimed it as yours subconsciously. So he found himself wandering the house aimlessly, the oppressive heat making it hard to think straight. He peered into the office, seeing you deeply engrossed in your work at his desk.
You didn't notice him at first, but when you looked up, your eyes widened. Alex stood at the door, completely naked except for the chain around his neck and the tattoo on his arm. He caught your gaze, looking at him, staring, eyeing him up and down, and if you weren’t so shocked you maybe would have noticed him smirking at your reaction.
“What? Did you expect me to wear a suit in my own house? I’m choosing comfort today…and it’s so fucking hot.” he declared, moving to the sofa but never taking his eyes off you.
He lounged there for a moment, but his restless energy got the better of him. He began pacing the room, his presence an insistent reminder of his proximity. You tried to concentrate on your work, but his pacing, his very existence, was distracting you.
Finally, he approached you, sliding into your lap on the office chair. His skin was warm and sticky against yours, and you could feel his frustration with the heat radiating off him.
“God, it’s so hot in here.” he murmured, starting to unbutton your shirt slowly.
You raised an eyebrow. “I get that, but why are you unbuttoning my shirt?”
He grinned, pausing to kiss your neck. “First of all, it’s my shirt.” Another kiss. “And second…” His lips brushed against your skin, sending shivers despite the heat, “I can’t have you overheating in here, darling…you should thank me.”
His kisses grew more insistent, and despite the sweltering heat, you felt a different kind of warmth spreading through you. And yet, you couldn’t help but laugh, pushing him back slightly.
“If this is your idea of keeping cool, you’re doing a terrible job.” you teased, but there was no mistaking the affection in your voice.
He chuckled, nuzzling against your neck. “Maybe. But at least it’s more interesting than writing reports.”
You couldn’t argue with that.
“How are your boobs?” he asked, trying to stay serious, but you could tell he was playing.
You gave him a playful look, “They're just fine?”
“Let me see.” he insisted, grabbing one in his hand and acting as if he were inspecting it carefully. You stared at him, confused.
“What? I just wanted to make sure they're okay.” he said with mock seriousness.
You looked at him, trying to hold your expression, but then both of you burst out laughing. He kissed you again, this time with a deeper, lingering passion. His lips moved against yours, making you forget the heat, the work, everything but the feel of him.
His kissing became more telling, his lips moving with a slow, deliberate passion that sent shivers through you despite the oppressive heat. His mouth was warm and wet, his tongue dancing with yours, exploring and tasting. You could feel every movement, every shift of his lips against yours, soft yet demanding.
As his hips pressed closer, you felt the unmistakable hardness of his cock brushing against your thigh. Each subtle grind, each slow movement, teased both of you, slowly but surely building the anticipation. His breath hitched slightly with each thrust, the friction driving him to the brink.
You broke the kiss for a moment, your eyes meeting his, dark with desire. He smirked at how quickly he got you turned on, but it was edged with his own need. “You know,” he murmured, his voice husky, “If anyone walked by right now, they’d have quite the view.”
You glanced over his shoulder, realising you were right in front of the window. The thought sent a thrill through you, adding to the already heady mix of sensations. “Maybe I should open it," he continued to tease, “Let them hear us too. But it’s too hot even for that.”
You chuckled, but the sound caught in your throat as he ground his hips harder, the slow friction against his cock making him moan softly. “I’m so in the mood for a lazy fuck.” he confessed, sounding almost desperate.
You tried to muster some resistance, remembering the work waiting on the desk. “Alex, I’m busy, I can’t-“
He silenced you with another kiss, his lips pressing firmly against yours. “I’m your professor, you can’t say no to this.” he whispered, his voice a mix of pleading and confidence, his hands continuing their slow, deliberate movements.
You managed a playful smirk. “Is that so, Mr. Turner?”
“Mhm.” he replied, lips brushing against your neck. But you still shook your head, pushing him back gently.
“No, Alex. I really can’t.”
He sighed dramatically, “Ugh, fine.”
Sliding down from the chair onto his knees, he spread your thighs apart. The sticky sound of your skin peeling from the leather echoed in the room, adding to the already charged atmosphere. His eyes darkened as he saw your panties peeking from underneath the oversized shirt. The thin fabric barely concealed your arousal, and his breath hitched slightly at the sight.
With a mischievous grin, he pushed the light fabric of his shirt you were wearing to the side, teasing you over the material of your underwear. The subtle, playful touch made you jump, a spark of unexpected sensitivity coursing through you.
“Keep working.” he murmured, his voice laced with amusement and command.
His fingers traced light patterns over your panties, feeling the growing dampness. He watched in fascination as the material darkened with your wetness, a visual testament to your arousal. With a deft movement, he pulled your panties aside, revealing your glistening pussy. He took a moment to just look, his eyes drinking in the sight, his cock hardening and twitching at the view.
“God, you're so pretty.” he whispered, almost to himself.
His fingers returned, slipping past your slick lips, playing in the wetness. The sensation was electrifying, each touch sending jolts of pleasure through you. He found your clit between the tight folds of flesh and began flicking it, his movements precise and careful, driving you to the edge. The heat of his touch contrasted with the cool feeling of the wetness hitting the air, making every sensation more intense.
For him, the feeling was intoxicating. His cock, painfully hard, occasionally brushed against the floor from his position, the rough surface adding an unexpected layer of friction that only fueled his desire. The sight of your arousal, the way your body responded to his touch, made his own need almost unbearable.
He didn’t care about himself now though, his poor cock leaking precum onto the floor. No. All he wanted right now was to play with you, to watch you unravel under his touch. His fingers danced around your clit, flicking it with increasing intensity, each movement sending waves of pleasure through you. The wet sounds of his fingers moving in your slickness filled the room, a symphony to his ears.
He leaned in and his tongue flicked out, tasting your arousal, his lips following in the path of his fingers. The feeling was exquisite, his mouth warm and wet, every movement thought out perfectly to tease you. His cock twitched with every moan you made, his own arousal a constant reminder of his need for you.
Sweat quickly built up and dripped from the top of his thighs all the way to his knees, making the floor slick. He almost slipped, catching himself just in time, his movements becoming more deliberate and cautious. Your own thighs were slipping on the chair, the leather sticking to your skin from the heat and the sensations he was drawing out of you.
As he slipped a finger inside you, the wet squelching noises increased, growing louder and more obscene. The sound was intoxicating, a proof of just how turned on you were. He bit your inner thigh, the sharp sting pulling a gasp from your lips, his eyes locking onto yours with a mixture of desire and a plea for you to give in to him.
“Come on,” he murmured, his voice rough with need, "I need this. I need you."
The taste of you was addictive, a heady mix of salt and sweetness that coated his tongue and left him craving more. Each flick of his tongue was calculated to draw out your moans, his mouth exploring every inch of you. His fingers curled inside you, the slick, warm wetness enveloping them, the rhythm of his movements both torturous and perfect.
Your body reacted to his touch in ways you couldn’t control. His teasing strokes were too light, each one sending frustrating sparks of pleasure that left you wanting more. He lapped at you with slow movements, savouring every taste, every reaction you gave him.
His own pleasure was an afterthought, a dull ache between his thighs as his cock kept brushing against the slick floor. The sensation was maddening, the friction only adding to his desperate need. He bit down gently on your inner thigh again, a silent plea for you to give in, to let him have what he wanted.
The room was filled with the wet, lewd sounds of his fingers moving inside you, the intensity of the sensations making it hard to focus on anything else. His whispered pleas and the feeling of his mouth and hands on you were driving you to the edge, the line between pleasure and desperation blurring with every touch.
You couldn't resist any longer. The pen slipped from your fingers, everything you were working on forgotten. How could you even think you could concentrate with his mouth and fingers driving you insane? Grabbing his head, you bent down and kissed him, catching him off guard. He didn't have time to react, his fingers still buried inside you. You slipped your tongue into his mouth, tasting yourself on him. The mix of sensations was overwhelming, his wet, warm tongue meeting yours as you deepened the kiss, pulling him closer and surrendering to the heat of the moment.
You could feel his surprise melt into hunger, his kiss growing more urgent as he responded. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, needing him more than anything else at that moment. His fingers continued their teasing movements inside you, the wet sounds mingling with the taste of your own juices on his tongue. It was intoxicating, overwhelming.
His other hand roamed up your body, slipping under the oversized shirt, his touch sending shivers through you despite the oppressive heat. You could feel his cock, hard and leaking, pressing against your thigh, the slick floor making his movements more frantic. He shifted, trying to find a better angle, almost slipping again, his breath hitching in frustration and desire.
You pulled back from the kiss, your lips brushing against his as you whispered, “I can't think when you do that.”
“That's the point.” he murmured back, his voice rough with need. He thrust his fingers deeper, curling them inside you, the sensation making you gasp. “I want you to feel nothing but this.”
You could barely hold back a moan, your thighs slipping on the chair as he pushed you closer to the edge. The heat was unbelievers, the sweat mixing with the wetness between your legs, amplifying every touch, every sensation. You could feel his need, his desperation, in every movement, every kiss.
His teeth grazed your neck, his breath hot against your already burning skin as he kissed his way down your body. He reached your chest, his mouth closing around a nipple, sucking gently before biting down, just enough to make you gasp. His fingers never stopped their relentless teasing, the wet noises growing louder, filthier.
You grabbed his head again, pulling him back up to kiss him, your tongue slipping into his mouth, tasting the salt of your sweat mixed with the sweetness of his need. His fingers slipped out of you, and he bent back down to replace them with his tongue, diving into your wetness, licking and sucking with a desperation that mirrored your own.
His tongue flicked against your clit, making it impossible to think, to do anything but feel, just like he said he wanted. Your hips bucked against his mouth, your body responding to his every touch, every kiss. He was relentless, his need alone driving him, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
His fingers joined his tongue, slipping back inside of you, curling and thrusting in rhythm with his licks. The sensations were too much, too overwhelming, and you could feel yourself teetering on the edge, ready to fall.
“Alex…” you gasped, your hands gripping the sides of the chair, trying to hold on to something, anything, as he drove you closer to your orgasm. Or to insanity. Maybe both. "I-I can't...I need…”
He bit your inner thigh again, harder this time, pulling a scream from your lips. “Give in to me.” he murmured, his voice rough and desperate. “Let go. I need you to let go.”
And with that, you did. The wave of pleasure crashed over you, pulling you under, your body trembling and shaking with the force of it. You could feel him smiling against your skin, his tongue and fingers never stopping, driving you through it, drawing out every last bit of pleasure until you were nothing but a quivering, panting mess.
He rested his head on your thigh for a moment, catching his breath. The sheen of sweat on his brow glistened in the dim light, his chest rising and falling heavily.
“Have I earned my fuck now?” he asked, his voice joking but clearly out of breath, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
You chuckled, equally breathless. “Yeah.”
He sat up, balancing himself on the edge of the desk for a moment before picking you up from the chair. His grip was firm yet gentle, the warmth of his hands seeping through your skin. He settled into the chair, then pulled you back onto his lap, your still clothed back pressed against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart against you.
Alex's hands roamed over your body, fingers tracing the contours of your curves, enjoying the feel of your heated skin against his. His lips found the curve of your neck, placing lazy, lingering kisses there, his breath hot and heavy against your ear. The heat between you was almost too much, beads of sweat forming and mingling on your skin, but you didn’t mind it at this point. You could feel his cock pressing insistently against you, the hard length of him pulsing with need.
His hands snaked around you, his fingers dipping below the waistband of your panties. He pushed them down just enough, letting them slide to your knees before they dropped to the floor. The whole time, his hard cock rubbed between your arsecheeks, slick with both his precum and sweat, making it easy for him to slide against your skin.
“Ready?” he asked, his voice thick with anticipation. You nodded, feeling his hand guide his cock to your entrance. He slid inside you smoothly, the wetness making it effortless, yet the tightness due to your position made it all the more intense.
“Fuck…” he swore, his voice a low growl. “So tight...so perfect.”
Every inch of him was buried inside you, and you could feel his body shudder against yours. The sensation of him filling you completely, combined with the overwhelming heat, created a heady mix of pleasure and discomfort that was maddeningly good.
You gasped, gripping his thighs for support as he began to move, his strokes slow and deliberate, savouring the feeling of your walls clenching around him. The friction was exquisite, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through both of you. Everything was wet, slick with sweat and arousal, amplifying every movement, every touch.
“Take the shirt off.” Alex murmured, his voice rough.
You glanced at the window and shook your head. “But the window-”
“I don’t care.” he replied, his words taking a more commanding tone. He reached for the collar of the shirt and pulled it down from your shoulders. There was a momentary cool sensation, but the feeling of his hands roaming your now exposed body quickly brought the heat back. He kept the shirt in his hand, occasionally wiping the sweat from his forehead to keep it from dripping onto his face.
Alex's hands slid down your sides, his touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake. He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you firmly against him as he thrust into you. The rhythm he set was slow and deep, each thrust a measured stroke that made you feel all of him. You could feel his cock throbbing inside you, the tightness of your position making every sensation more intense.
“God, you're amazing.” he murmured. His lips brushed against your ear, sending shivers down your spine again despite the heat. "So fucking wet...I can't get enough of you."
His words sent a jolt of pleasure straight to your core, and you could feel yourself clenching around him in response. Alex groaned, his grip on your waist tightening as he picked up the pace, his thrusts becoming more urgent, more demanding. The chair creaked beneath you, adding to the symphony of sounds filling the room. The wetness of your bodies moving together, the ragged breaths, the low moans of pleasure.
You could feel the sweat dripping down your back, mingling with his, making your bodies slide against each other with each movement. The heat was suffocating, but it only seemed to reel him further. Alex's fingers dug into your hips, guiding you as you moved together, each thrust pushing you closer to the brink.
He tried to take his chain off from around his neck but couldn't manage one-handed, his other hand wrapped tightly around you, keeping you from falling off his lap. “Help me take this off, please.” he said, his voice strained.
You didn’t understand at first, so he clarified, “The chain. Now, please. I can’t-”
You placed your left leg over his thigh, your other hanging between his legs, turning enough to unclasp the gold necklace for him. “Nothing gold can stay.” you whispered, stopping to kiss him. His thrusts slowed as well, your position making it difficult for him to move.
“Poetic…I thought that was my thing.” he whispered back between heavy breaths. “Any hidden meaning to that?”
“Are you asking me if I think we’ll last?” you asked.
“Hmm…so you’re saying we’re gold, huh?” he teased.
“I think we are.” you said.
“Yeah, you’re just as pretty…”
“And you’re just as soft, Mr. Turner.” you replied.
He responded with a hard thrust, making you moan and cling to him tighter. “Soft?” he asked jokingly, proceeding to push you forward, steadying yourself on the edge of the desk.
The shift in position intensified everything, making his movements even more pronounced. He resumed his rhythm, each thrust getting more powerful. You could feel the friction of his cock sliding in and out, the tension building with every stroke.
Alex's breath was hot against your back as he whispered, “You're driving me crazy, you know that?”
Your response was a breathless moan, the intensity of his thrusts stealing your words. His hands moved to your hips, gripping tightly, guiding you back into his hips as he pushed deeper inside you.
“Tell me how it feels.” he demanded, his voice rough and desperate.
“It feels…amazing.” you managed to gasp out, your nails digging into the wood for support. “So deep, so good…”
He groaned in response, his thrusts becoming more urgent, more erratic. The sweat dripping from his forehead onto your back made you twitch in his hold. You could feel the tension building inside you, the pressure mounting with each thrust.
“I’m close.” you whispered, your voice trembling.
“Me too.” he replied, his grip on your hips tightening as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge. “So close,” he groaned, his voice strained with effort, “I can't hold back much longer.”
“Don't.” you whispered, your own voice breathless with need. “Come inside me, I want to feel you.”
Alex still wasn't entirely used to coming inside you, despite you being on the pill for a while now. He loved the feeling, though, always waiting for your permission each time. The sensation of filling you up so deep, of his cum spreading around his cock as he fucked it into you, was something he cherished every single time.
He groaned as he thrust deeply into you, the slickness of your combined arousal making each movement more intense. “Fuck.” he swore, the word barely escaping his lips as his orgasm built. You felt his cock throb inside you, a sign of his impending release.
With a final, deep thrust, he buried himself completely within you, his grip on your hips almost bruising as he held you in place. The heat of his release filled you, spreading warmth throughout your core. He shuddered against you, his breaths ragged and heavy as he emptied himself inside you.
You gasped at the sensation, the fullness and warmth of his cum making you feel complete. His thrusts slowed but continued, each movement pushing his release deeper, mingling with your own.
“Fuck, I love this,” he murmured, his voice filled with awe and satisfaction, “Feeling you take all of me…”
You tightened around him in response, eliciting another groan from his lips. “I love it too.” you whispered, your body still trembling from the intensity of your orgasm.
He finally stilled, his head resting against your shoulder, both of you panting and spent. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as you both basked in the afterglow, the heat long forgotten.
For a moment, neither of you moved, both too spent to do anything but hold each other. Finally, Alex pulled back slightly, his breath still coming in heavy pants. He pulled you back against his chest and held you tightly, heaving with each breath, his lips pressing gentle kisses to the back of your neck and shoulder.
“You’re incredible.” he murmured.
You smiled, leaning back against him, your body still humming with the aftershocks of pleasure. “So are you, Mr. Turner. So are you.”
As the sweat cooled on your skin, you felt a sense of contentment settle over you. The heat was still oppressive, but it didn't seem to matter anymore.
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You and Alex sat at opposite ends of the bathtub, facing each other with your legs entangled. The water was almost frigid, sending shivers down your spine. Alex noticed and teased, “Did I not get you hot enough, love?” He smiled that charming smile of his, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
You couldn’t help but smile back, taking a moment to admire him. His wet hair curled naturally, especially the little pieces by his ears, making him look endearingly boyish. His clean-shaven face accentuated his puffy lips, giving him a soft, almost innocent appearance. His eyes, always so soft and full of warmth, met yours, and you felt a wave of tenderness wash over you. He was, in fact, soft, like you’d said earlier, you thought. And maybe he knew it too, though he didn't always want to admit it.
“Come here.” he said, beckoning with his hand for you to turn around. “Let me warm you up.”
You moved toward him, and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you against his chest. He sank a bit lower into the water to make sure you were comfortable. You felt the immediate warmth of his body, and you sighed in contentment. “Muuuuch better.” you murmured as his fingers started to play with your hair.
A comfortable silence enveloped you both. The contrast between the cold water and the warmth of his body created a unique sensation, making you feel both relaxed and completely awake.
After a while, Alex broke the silence, his voice full of affection. “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world. You are my dream.” He placed a long, hard kiss on the top of your head, making you feel deeply loved, with just that tiny gesture.
You nestled closer to him, feeling his heartbeat against your back, and let the tranquility of the moment wash over you. His hands continued to play with your hair, occasionally trailing down your arms in gentle, soothing strokes. You closed your eyes, feeling completely at peace in his embrace.
“I love you.” you whispered, your voice barely audible over the sound of the water swooshing.
“I love you too,” he replied, his voice equally soft, “More than you’ll ever know.” He hugged you tighter, his fingers tracing small circles on your skin.
The bathwater slowly lost its chill, your bodies generating enough heat to make it comfortable. You stayed like that for a while, basking in the simplicity and intimacy of the moment, in the feeling of each other, of him. You loved him.
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The last day of class felt unbearably tense. Your eyes were glued to Alex, unable to tear your gaze away. You didn’t even realise that you were staring at him the whole time. The months together had built up an intense connection, driving you both restless, but today was somehow worse than ever.
He noticed, stuttering when he caught your glance, or fidgeting with his jacket he insisted on wearing despite the sweltering summer heat.
When the lecture finally ended, a text buzzed in your pocket: “See me right after.” You waited until the room emptied, then approached him.
“What was that?” he demanded, frustration clear in his tone. You had no answer, only the overwhelming urge to close the distance between you. Grabbing his face, you kissed him desperately, your lips crashing into his so quickly he didn’t even have time to respond.
“Mmm…stop…we shouldn’t.” he muttered, breaking the kiss, but his resolve wavered under your gaze.
“But we could.” you whispered, looking up at him through your eyelashes, giving him those eyes you knew he couldn’t resist.
With a conflicted sigh, he said, “Meet me in the bathroom.” and hurriedly packed his things, shoving everything into his bag and throwing it over his shoulder.
As he left, a smirk played on his lips before the door closed behind him. You waited a few moments before following, your heart racing.
Entering the men’s room, you found him leaning against one of the sinks, with that familiar grin reserved just for you. He approached you slowly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, then kissing you once, softly. Grabbing your hand, he led you into one of the stalls, the door clicking shut behind you.
His lips found yours again, more urgent this time, unable to get enough. Your mind raced, a mix of excitement and fear. The forbidden nature of your relationship made each touch more endearing, every kiss more intense. Alex’s hands roamed over your body, pulling you closer, his need for you palpable. You melted into him, the thrill of being caught making it all the more exciting for both of you.
Slipping your hands under his jacket and up his back, you eventually pushed it off his shoulders. He caught it in his hand before it could fall to the floor, hanging it along with his bag on the hook behind him. That left him in only the tight white vest tucked in his jeans that he was wearing underneath.
His arms looked incredible, muscles taut and defined, each movement highlighting the strength beneath his skin. The vest clung to his back, damp with sweat, making the fabric semi-transparent. As your hands roamed over his body, you felt the heat of his wet skin, the sensation thrilling and intimate.
His lips were soft on yours, and you wanted to feel them forever. He tasted so good, and his tongue on yours felt electric. Alex had that way of kissing that was just perfect, leaving you breathless and craving more.
What began as an intimate yet not-so-intimate makeout session quickly turned into something that should only be done in private. And especially not here.
His leg wrapped around you, causing you to almost lose your balance if it wasn't for him holding you up, his hardness rubbing against the front of your jeans. With your lips still touching, you palmed at his jean-clothed length eagerly. His hand went to grip your neck, softly, not squeezing, just holding you in place. Your only goal was now to ensure he was satisfied.
The stall felt smaller with each passing second, the air thick with the scent of sweat and anticipation. Alex's breath was hot against your skin as he murmured your name, his voice a low, desperate whisper that sent shivers down your spine. You responded with equal fervor, your hands exploring the expanse of his back, tracing the contours of his muscles.
His fingers slipped beneath the hem of your shirt, teasing the sensitive skin there before moving higher, pushing the fabric up and over your head. You helped him, lifting your arms. The cool air hit your bare skin, but the heat from his body quickly enveloped you again.
Alex's eyes darkened as he took in the sight of you, his hands moving to cup your breasts, thumbs brushing over your hardened nipples. The sensation made you gasp, arching into his touch. He smiled against your mouth, a mixture of satisfaction and desire.
“Someone could walk in anytime.” he muttered, his lips moving to your neck, sucking and nibbling at the sensitive flesh there. “You know that?”
You could only moan in response, your hands fumbling with the button of his trousers. You needed to feel him, the barrier of clothing becoming unbearable. He seemed to sense your urgency, helping you with the zipper and pushing them down.
The stall was filled with the sounds of your heavy breathing, the rustle of fabric, and the occasional thud as your bodies moved against the partitions. Alex's hands were everywhere. Sliding down your sides, gripping your hips, caressing your back. He pulled you closer, your bare chest pressed against his, the contact sending a jolt of pleasure through you as your nipples brushed against the material of his top.
Your hands roamed over his chest, feeling the steady thump of his heartbeat beneath your fingertips. The knowledge that this strong, composed man was just as affected by you as you were by him was intoxicating.
Driven by the desire to please him, you dropped to your knees, your hands finding the waistband of his boxers and pulling them down. His cock sprang free from its confines, hard and eager, the tip glistening. Without hesitation, you wrapped your hand around it, feeling the heat and firmness in your grasp.
Alex's hands found their way to your hair, his fingers threading through the strands as he gently guided you closer. His intentions were clear. He wanted your mouth. But he wasn’t going to straight up ask for it. You leaned forward, taking him into past your lips, savouring the taste of his skin and the salty hint of precum. His grip tightened slightly, a soft groan escaping his lips as you began to move, your tongue swirling around the head before taking him deeper.
The sensation of him filling your mouth was heady, each movement sending shivers of pleasure through him. Alex’s hips began to move in rhythm with your mouth, his breaths coming faster and more ragged. You glanced up, seeing the raw desire in his eyes, knowing that you were the one driving him to this point of ecstasy.
His hands continued to guide you, the gentle pressure urging you on as you bobbed your head, your mouth working him skillfully. The taste of him, the feel of him, the sound of his pleasure, it all combined to create an addiction, one that you never wanted to rid yourself of.
Having your lips around his cock, watching as you took him down your throat, your head bobbing quickly, making sweet sounds around his length. Ugh. You worked at him like a dog in heat. How precious. His pretty little thing. His eyes stayed on you. You were everything he wanted. And you knew it.
Your eyes stayed on him as well, you knew better than to look away. Would be blatant disrespect if you did. He loved making you remember the way his features changed as he got closer, making sure you remembered how his eyes filled with pleasure as he would come down your throat, holding the back of your head as you worked on his throbbing cock.
But then, the sound of the bathroom door creaking open shattered the bubble you were in. Someone was coming in. Alex’s eyes widened, and before panic could take hold, he quickly pulled you off his cock.
With a barely silenced growl, he lifted you slightly, your legs wrapping around his waist instinctively. You could feel the still hard length of him pressing against you, even through the denim of your jeans. The friction was delicious, and you ground against him, seeking more. His hand clamped over your mouth to stifle the sounds of your gasps. He tucked himself back into his trousers, his breaths heavy and erratic, the tension in the stall palpable.
You both remained frozen, hearts pounding in unison as you listened to the intruder's footsteps echoing off the tiles. Each second felt like an eternity, the fear of getting caught suddenly not as exciting as it became too real. You could feel Alex's heart beating wildly through the hand that still gently held your face. He glanced down at you, a mixture of frustration and arousal in his eyes, as he listened intently for any indication that you were alone again.
“You're going to be the death of me,” he whispered, his forehead resting against yours as he tried to catch his breath, “But what a way to go.”
You smiled, your fingers threading through his hair, pulling him in for a kiss. His hands moved to help you redress, handing you your top and watching as you slipped it back on. He pulled his jacket over his shoulders, the fabric clinging slightly to his damp skin.
Alex exited the stall first, striding confidently past the other doors towards the sinks. There, he saw a fellow colleague washing his hands, glancing up as he approached. Their eyes met, and Alex gave a curt nod, a silent acknowledgment of the shared awkwardness. The colleague's knowing smirk indicated he was well aware of the situation, but neither said a word.
Alex washed his hands, the sound of the running water masking the rapid beating of his heart. He quickly texted you to meet him at the car, the message clear and concise. He had started parking a couple of streets down to avoid suspicion, allowing you to leave together when your schedules aligned without raising any eyebrows.
You stayed in the stall for a moment longer, adjusting your appearance and calming your racing heart. The adrenaline still surged through you, making your fingers tremble slightly as you straightened your clothes and smoothed your hair. Once you felt composed enough, you took a deep breath and stepped out, making your way to the exit as quietly and quickly as possible.
As you walked down the hallway, you couldn’t help but glance around, hyper-aware of every sound and movement. The thrill of the near miss and the thought of seeing Alex again in just a few moments made your pulse quicken. You pushed open the door to the outside, the cool evening air a stark contrast to the heat of your encounter in the bathroom.
Walking briskly, you made your way to the car. You spotted Alex leaning against it, his jacket now draped over his arm. He was smoking a cigarette, the smoke curling up into the darkening sky, dissipating into the twilight. The soft glow of the cigarette illuminated his face, casting shadows that made his features appear even more chiselled. He looked so focused on nothing in particular, lost in his thoughts, the furrow in his brow suggesting the intensity of whatever was running through his mind. You could have probably guessed what that was.
He took one last drag from the cigarette, the ember glowing brighter for a moment before he tossed it to the ground, crushing it beneath his boot. The movement was almost practised, a small, unconscious ritual he performed without thinking.
As he met your gaze, his face softened, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He opened the car door for you, helping you in before getting in himself.
As he settled into the driver's seat, he turned to you, his hand reaching over to rest on your thigh. “You okay?” he asked, his voice slightly concerned.
You nodded, placing your hand over his. “Yeah. Just…that was close.”
He chuckled softly, his thumb stroking your skin. “Too close. But God, I can’t stay away from you.”
You leaned over, capturing his lips in a kiss that was both reassuring and needy. The car was filled with the quiet hum of the engine and the rapid thumping of your hearts. As the kiss deepened, you felt the tension from the bathroom start to dissolve.
Finally, being the one to break the kiss, Alex started reversing out of his spot. Well, not really his spot technically, but he kind of claimed it as his, parking there almost every time he drove to work.
You watched him, mesmerised by the sight of him reversing the car. His arm was draped casually across the back of your seat, the movement causing the muscles in his arm to flex subtly. The streetlights streaming through the windows highlighted his sharp jawline from all different angles, casting shadows that made his features even more striking.
“You’re so fucking hot.” you said mindlessly, the words slipping out before you could stop them.
“Oh, I know, love.” he replied, smirking as he started driving toward his apartment. He wasn’t full of himself. It wasn’t how that was supposed to sound, you knew that. He’d told you that you helped bring out a less insecure part of him, and you loved that.
“You’re still in trouble though, can’t have that with no consequences.” he joked.
You hit him softly over his thigh, making him jump subconsciously. The sudden movement brought his bothersome erection back to the forefront of his mind, causing him to shift uncomfortably in his seat, trying to find a position that didn’t put so much pressure on it. You noticed and started rubbing his thigh, trying to ease his discomfort, but likely doing just the opposite.
As the car moved through the city streets, the atmosphere between you was thick with unresolved tension. The sensation of your hand on his thigh, combined with the rhythmic motion of the car, heightened his every feeling. Every touch, every brush of your fingers, seemed to amplify the heat burning inside of him.
Alex's breathing grew heavier, and his grip on the steering wheel tightened. You could see the effort it took for him to keep his focus on the road, his need for you evident in the way his eyes occasionally flicked toward you, filled with want and frustration.
The drive felt both endless and too short, the anticipation of what was to come making every second feel like an eternity. You didn’t even know what he meant by ‘consequences’. As you approached his apartment, the tension within the vehicle almost reached a boiling point, what might await you behind closed doors hanging heavily in the air.
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In his apartment, Alex hadn't said a word since entering. He slipped off his boots and headed straight to the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed. You followed him, and he patted the spot next to him for you to sit. As soon as you sat down, he grabbed you and bent you over his knees, making you gasp at the sudden move.
His hands spread over your ass, grabbing at your flesh a couple of times before undoing your jeans and pushing them down your thighs, leaving you unable to move your legs apart. You looked back at him in anticipation, waiting for his next move. He bent down to kiss you as his hand came down across your cheeks for the first time, your yelp getting lost in his mouth.
His touch alternated between rough and tender, his hands exploring your skin as his lips met yours again and again. The sensation of his hand striking your flesh mixed with the softness of his kisses, the blend of pleasure and sharp pain, was intoxicating.
You could feel the heat radiating from him, the tension in his body evident as he continued to spank you. His hand came down again and again, the sharp sting followed by the soothing caress of his fingers. The sound of each slap echoed in the room, mingling with your muffled gasps and his ragged breathing.
Each strike seemed to bring you closer to a breaking point, the intensity of the moment building with every touch. His other hand held you firmly in place, ensuring you couldn't move away from his lap. The vulnerability and trust between you deepened with every second passing.
Between spanks, he would pause to tease you over your underwear, his fingers brushing lightly over your clothed cunt. Each touch sent shivers through your body, amplifying your need for him. He knew exactly how to keep you on edge, providing just enough stimulation to drive you wild, but never enough to satisfy. The fabric of your underwear felt damp against your skin, a proof to your growing arousal. You were enjoying this.
Alex's teasing fingers moved with agonising slowness, tracing the outline of your lips through the fabric, barely dipping into your folds. Each featherlight touch was a tantalising hint of the pleasure that awaited you. Your hips bucked involuntarily, seeking more contact, more pressure, but he held you firmly in place, denying you the release you craved.
“You feel that, right?” he murmured, his voice low and rough. “That's how I felt the whole drive here. Desperate. Needing more. But I couldn't do anything about it. Now it's your turn.”
His words sent a thrill through you, the knowledge that he was controlling your pleasure as skillfully as he did your body only heightening your arousal. You could feel his breath against your ear, hot and uneven.
Alex's fingers continued their maddeningly slow exploration, brushing over your sensitive clit, making your breath hitch. Each touch was maddening, it felt so good, but it was never enough to push you over the edge. He was drawing out your torment, making you feel every second of your need.
“Tell me…” he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear. “Tell me how much you want it.”
“I want it…so bad.” you gasped, your voice trembling with need. “Please, Alex, I need you.”
A satisfied hum rumbled in his chest. “Mhm…Just a little longer. I want to see you desperate. I want to see you beg.” he said, and you could hear the smile in his voice.
His words sent another wave of arousal through you, and you felt your body responding, your hips rocking against his hand. The friction of your underwear against your sensitive skin was exquisite torture.
Eventually, he stopped teasing, his hand moving away from your aching core. You whimpered at the loss, but he shushed you gently, his other hand stroking your back soothingly.
“Patience, love.” he murmured. “You know I always give you what you need, just let me play this time.”
With that, he resumed spanking you, each strike harder than the last, the sharp sting a stark contrast to the gentle teasing. Your yelps were muffled, your body trembling with the mix of pain and pleasure. It was getting almost too much to take, but you trusted him completely, knowing he would take care of you.
Finally, he paused, his hand resting on your reddened skin. He bent down to kiss you again, his lips lingering on yours as he whispered, “Was that too much?” the raw emotion and worry in his voice made you melt in his arms, and you shook your head ‘no’, unable to find the words to respond.
Alex helped you sit up, pulling off your jeans all the way, his hands gentle now as he pulled you close. The intensity of the moment lingered, the air between you charged. He guided your hand to his excruciating erection over the tight material of his jeans. You struggled to undo his belt, so he helped you, slipping it off lazily as you worked on the button and zipper.
You pulled his vest out of his pants and he held it up out of the way as you freed his cock from his boxers, stroking it a couple of times. His eyes rolled back at the feeling. He nudged you down, and you dropped to your knees on the floor in front of him. He brushed your cheek with his hand lovingly, petting your hair and making it sit all pretty again.
Having you in front of him stirred something deep inside Alex. All the emotions still took a toll on him sometimes, and now was one of those moments. Did he go too far? Did he even enjoy it, or was it just something he did for no reason? But that didn’t even matter anymore. He needed you. So bad. He guided you to his cock, letting you take him in your mouth and setting the rhythm himself.
You didn’t mind his control, you wanted to make him feel the best. You tried to take him deeper and faster, but you accidentally nicked him with your teeth, making his grip in your hair tighten.
“That’s it, darling…” he muttered. “That’s it…do it again.”
Hearing that, you decided to scrape your teeth along his cock and see how he liked that. His hand fell from your head, and he leaned back on his arms, gripping the sheets instead.
“Uhhh, fuck- fuck, yeah. Again. I like the pain...” he said, his voice filled with raw need.
You obeyed, your teeth grazing his sensitive flesh as you moved. Each scrape elicited a shudder from him, his hips bucking involuntarily. His grip on the sheets tightened, knuckles turning white. The mixture of pleasure and pain was driving him wild too, and you could see it in the way his body reacted, the way his breath hitched, and his muscles tensed.
“You’re so good at this.” he breathed, his voice low and strained. His free hand tangled in your hair, not guiding you this time, but simply holding on as if grounding himself in the overwhelming sensation.
You hollowed your cheeks, taking him deeper, the tip of his cock brushing the back of your throat. His eyes rolled back, a guttural moan escaping his lips. The praise, the raw desire in his voice, spurred you on, pushing you to take him even further.
Alex’s hips began to move in rhythm with your mouth, shallow thrusts that drove him deeper into your throat. You could feel him throbbing, the tension coiling in his muscles as he neared his release. His breaths came in ragged gasps, each one laced with the sound of pure, unadulterated pleasure.
“Fuck, I’m so close.” he groaned, his grip in your hair tightening as he held you in place. “Don’t stop…please, don’t stop.”
You had no intention of stopping, not when he was this close, not when you could feel his pleasure building, the climax just within reach. You wanted to be the one to push him over the edge. The only one to cause him so much pleasure that his mind shut down.
He came unexpectedly in between desperate thrusts, hot and pulsing in your mouth. You swallowed around him, taking everything he had to give, feeling his body shudder with the force of his orgasm. His moans filled the room, a melody of satisfaction that echoed in your ears.
As his glow subsided, he slumped back, pulling you up onto the bed beside him. He looked at you with his soft eyes that you still couldn’t believe were real.
“I’m not done with you yet.” he whispered, his voice hoarse from the intensity of the moment. He pulled you into his arms, turning you over so you were on your back under him.
He pushed your top up, exposing your breasts but not bothering to take it off. He just wanted to touch and see and feel them as he wished. Grabbing both your legs together, he bent them up, urging you to hold them in place. His hips began to thrust, his cock brushing over your underwear as he got rock hard again. The friction was exquisite, and you swore you couldn’t take it much longer, but he shushed you gently.
He pushed your panties to the side and rubbed his length over your wet pussy, wedging it between your folds. Each thrust brushed against your clit, eliciting countless soft moans from you. Occasionally, he would slap your clit with his cock, making your whole body twitch with the sensation. He went so far as to wrap the flimsy material of your panties around his hard length and thrusting into them, teasing you to no end. Seeing him and feeling him so close but not actually inside you was infuriating.
Your legs eventually grew tired in that position, and you were almost tired of his teasing as well. You rested them on his tummy, still keeping them up as he wanted. He liked that. He really liked that. He held them in place with one hand, massaging up your legs in time with his movements.
His fingers brushed over your clit, circling it with the same rhythm he had set with his thrusts. Your body arched into his touch, your breath hitching as the pleasure mounted. He leaned down, bending your body almost to a breaking point, capturing your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue in your mouth mimicking the movements of his fingers on your pussy.
“You're so beautiful like this,” he murmured against your lips, “I could watch you all day.”
You moaned into his mouth, your hips bucking against his hand. The teasing was driving you wild, the need for release becoming unbearable. You could feel the tension coiling tighter and tighter, every nerve ending on fire.
“Please, Alex.” you whimpered, your voice barely more than a breath. “I need you, please.”
He smiled, his eyes dark with desire. His fingers continued their teasing dance, bringing you to the brink only to pull back just enough to keep you teetering on the edge. It was sweet torture.
Finally, when you thought you couldn't take it any longer, he pushed his cock into you, filling you completely. The sensation was overwhelming, a perfect blend of pleasure and relief. You cried out, your hands clutching at the sheets as he set a steady rhythm, each thrust sending you higher and higher.
He watched you in awe and satisfaction, his eyes never leaving your face. The connection between you was electric. You were his, and he was yours, in that perfect moment of your bodies connecting, both physically and emotionally.
As he moved inside you, his pace quickened, the urgency building once more. The room was filled with the sounds of him sliding in and out, the wet slap of skin on skin, the gasps and moans of pleasure. It was raw, it was primal, and it was everything you needed.
Your orgasm came crashing over you with a force that left you breathless. Your body convulsed around him, your cries of ecstasy mingling with his as he felt you tightening around him. With a gentle but firm motion, he pulled out, only to flip you around.
“You’re doing so good.” he whispered, his voice filled with genuine encouragement. He positioned you on your knees, and you struggled to hold yourself up on your arms, but you wanted to be able to see him.
You watched him as he wiped the sweat off his face with his arm before giving you a quick slap on your ass, the sting from earlier resurfacing. He continued teasing you, or more so teasing himself, rubbing his cock right at your entrance but not quite pushing in. His hand planted on the small of your back, guiding you back towards him but not pushing in, only the head occasionally slipping past your lips in the wet mess pooling there.
And he loved it. The sound of his continuous moaning, intertwined with your weak whimpers, let you know just how much he loved it. Finally, he pulled you by the hips, pushing in all the way, feeling even deeper in this position. He started so gently, his hand on your back keeping you grounded while the other rested back on his hip. He kept that pace for a while, but the need for release took over.
He quickly pulled his top over his head, the need for skin to skin contact overpowering him, and he slid his jeans lower, pushing his boxers down with them.
He moved with an intensity that matched his desire, each thrust more powerful than the last. His hands roamed your body, one sliding up to grip your shoulder for leverage, the other moving down to tease your clit. The combination of sensations was so overpowering, your body trembling with pleasure and overstimulation. He whispered words of encouragement and praise, his voice hoarse with need.
As his thrusts grew more frantic, the room filled with the sounds of your shared moans. His breathing became ragged, his movements more desperate as he chased his own release. You felt him tense, his grip on you tightening as he finally came again, spilling into you with a shuddering groan. The intensity of his orgasm triggered your own, your body pulsing around him as you cried out.
Spent and breathless, he collapsed beside you, pulling you into his arms. The sounds of your heavy breathing seemed so loud in the room. He held you close, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on your skin as you both basked in the afterglow.
He looked down at you, concern flickering in his eyes. “Was I too rough?” he asked softly, the question hanging in the air. You could see the beginnings of doubt starting to cloud his features, and you knew he was already overthinking it. He often did that, and he only recently started to realise that it would be better to just ask than to torture himself with doubts and fears. He didn’t need to do that. Not with you.
You shook your head and gave him a reassuring smile. “I loved it,” you said sincerely, “But you don’t have to be like that all the time if you don’t want to. Just be yourself, whatever that might be.”
He sighed, relief mingling with lingering uncertainty. “I did like it,” he admitted, “but I felt a bit...out of character. I don’t want to hurt you.”
You shook your head again, squeezing his hand. “You didn’t hurt me. You were amazing. It’s interesting to see different sides of yours.” you assured him, reaching up to stroke his cheek.
He nodded, his fingers continuing their gentle caress on your skin. “I just want to make sure I’m giving you what you need.” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“And you are.” you replied firmly. “Always.”
He smiled, the tension in his shoulders easing as he pulled you closer. The rawness of the moment softened into something tender.
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a/n: this one’s supposed to be set a good few months into them being together so he’s comfortable with himself and everything bla bla bla my friend said that first scene is the best thing i wrote so i really like it now🥺 also, i uploaded this whole fic to wattpad as well in case anyone prefers reading there, my user is the same as here. oh and, the title is from ‘Music To Watch Boys To’ by Lana, they’re always from songs so i thought i’d mention it :)
tags: @4chaos @st7rnioioss @theonlyoneswhoknowsblog @ohladymoon @rentsturner @yourstartreatment @avxoxo1 @menace-to-the-devil @jqsvi @turnersfav @youresodarkbabe @psychedelicrocker @feyasgotgroove @aacheinthejaw @hellcatshalalalaa @zayndrider @humbuginmybones
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