#I read somewhere that speculate 0913 meant 爱久一生 but it doesn't make sense to me cuz why is 0 = 爱。
syncopatedid · 1 year
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Link Click S2E8: Whelp, aside from the hunch that LG was possessed by CXS when he made his escape, it seems all my other speculations were way off, so nothing makes sense again, d'oh! But did they ever explain if LG was back to being LG again by the time he was hypnotized and captured? It does feel like he's back to being LG for reasons, but it also feels like nothing has been properly explained and we're just supposed to assume things again. More importantly, what is 091305?!! I wanna say it's probably some significant event that happened on September 13th, 5pm that we haven't learned of yet (I guess the answer fans all wish it to be would be the date CXS and LG first met, no?), and I hope they at least drop some clues to explain that before the season's end. But if that photo was meant for CXS to find, wouldn't that mean that LG was aware that CXS knew his password? Or did LG let CXS see him type that in on purpose?! Also, also! Aside from that photo, isn't it a bit sad... or suspicious... that LG has no other photographs stored on his phone?! Did LG delete a whole lot of "incriminating photos" (OF WHAT??), knowing full well that only CXS will have access to it? Even the most inconsequential questions just keep piling up. p.s. and off topic: But when I was googling for answers/conspiracy theories for Link Click I really was NOT expecting this real-life article under my results and I'm internally screaming.
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