#I promise I didn’t die I’ve just been struggling
taetr4ck · 7 months
Can i request a drabble about how skz will treat you like a princess as their s/o?
Also, can i be "💌" anon?
and all these little things —
he who loves, dances upon the tapestry of stars. 
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skz!hyung line x reader, 1.1k words overall, brief mention of struggling with food (nothing descriptive) — fluff, comfort, a sprinkle of angst. maknae line here
a/n : hi of course my love !!! the moment i received this ask i never opened my laptop this fast LMFAOOOOOOOOO and yes of course, you can be 💌 anon! welcome to my blog, and i hope you enjoy this request !! ily <3 and pardon me for breaking this into two parts ,, i’ve been itching to post this 😭 my attention span is actually comparable to a goldfish 😞 but the maknae line is almost finished! just need to sprinkle some spice here and there
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bang chan who acknowledges your inner child — 
A promise — a promise Chan swore to himself that he would love every inch and aspect of you, including your inner child that was once abandoned and neglected. He never failed to make you feel loved, a love one can’t find anywhere else – a love that was made for you. He’s lovely, he’s lovely. His affection makes your whole being buttery, smoothly melting in his touch. His love is different from anyone else’s – it’s as if your heart bloomed with flowers that smell like him, and the surroundings suddenly light up when he enters the room. 
He never neglected you. Not even once. His gaze is always fixated on you every time you talk – your voice is a sweet melody to him as if every word you say is coated with honey. 
Tap, tap, tap. The gentle taps of his finger on your skin when you feel like the world is deceiving you give you a sense of comfort – accompanied by an arm wrapping around your defeated, exhausted body, keeping you safe and understood. The familiar gesture and warmth seeping into your skin keep you grounded amidst your sobs, those sobs that never fail to make his heart shatter every time you surrender your tired soul to him. He whispers sweet mumbles in your ear, as if his only goal is to protect you. He is love, he is solace itself. 
He is the aurora that loves in what in you is unfinished, the aurora that embraces the little child in the shackles of your healing heart. The world may be against you, but you’ll be fine. You’ll be fine; he’s always here.
lee know who cooks a hearty meal for you — 
There was never a day when Minho didn’t cook for you. The living space is always surrounded by the aroma of his cooking – making your stomach growl with anticipation. He smiles as he hands you a bowl full of your favorite food, looking at you with stars in his eyes. The simple gesture is enough to make your heart flutter, tugging at every string. Eating the meal together that he wholeheartedly made is enough for him to die a happy man – for him, it’s more than enough. Sharing a meal together is a love language, his love language.
When he’s away, he sends you recipes for you to make on your own. It reminds you of the times he always cooked for you – your arms wrapped around his waist, leaning on the circle of his back. His warmth may be absent at the moment, but his love and familiarity still permeate through the quiet shared space. You will see him soon, just wait a little longer.
In times when eating isn’t an option, silently working at the desk in your shared bedroom, Minho is always here to remind you to eat. He knows the feeling of working on an empty stomach, and he doesn’t want you to experience the same agony. From hourly fruit snacks to full meals delivered right to your table, he never fails to make you feel as if you deserve to be cared for. You deserve to be cared for. It’s as if he’s an angel in disguise, destined only for you to pamper and nurture. In times when you can’t take care of yourself, he does it for you. He plays the role he chose, to cherish and love you as a whole.
changbin who never lets you lift a hand — 
The living embodiment of chivalry, as they always say about him. Changbin never lets you lift a hand – not even a finger. The door of his car, the door of your favorite restaurant, the bags of groceries with a cute backstory – Changbin giggles and smiles at you every time you pick something from the grocery shelf, red hearts evident in both of his eyes, showing how lovestruck he is – completely captivated by you. 
Changbin goes to the extent of even carrying your things – your pretty handbag, your school or work backpack – he doesn’t want you to strain even a fiber of your muscle. Heck, he’d even carry you if he wanted to. Whatever it is, he got you. 
He loves to serve you, and he's sworn to be devoted to you. Love always has a center, and it’s you who centers his heart and his whole being. You’re his princess, and he is the knight. The knight who’s willing to do anything, ready to carry it all – he’s willing to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders if that's what it takes to be with you. He doesn’t want anything in return; he just wants you to stay by his side and let him take care of the rest. He adores you more than you'll ever know, and he surely knows he was made for you.
hyunjin who notices every detail — 
He who notices everything — your hair, your perfume, the shade of your new lipstick – everything. Nothing can escape Hyunjin’s loving gaze, as if his eyes were made to look at you – to worship every inch of your skin, to tell you you’re beautiful, beautiful that he can ever endure. He looks at you as if you were the only thing that matters to him. You’re beautiful. He looks at you like you are more than the pain you’ve ever endured. You don’t understand why, but he never fails to make you feel things – tugging heartstrings every time he utters his worship, your skin heating to the feel of his feathery touch – his touch that feels like home, his kisses that feel like a sanctuary. 
“You’re so beautiful,” those are exactly the words he always says. Every time you wake up, gaze still unsteady; every time you two go out for a date, every time you’re stressed – hair disheveled, dark circles evident under your eyes. And even when you’re in slumber – whispering his never-ending devotion beside your sleeping figure, full of content and peace. His tone is full of sincerity, making your heart flutter with tenderness and adoration. His love makes you overwhelmed, but that’s only because his love is always honest. 
Hyunjin spent most of his life running away from love until you gave him the courage to try. It’s like you’re the rose that suddenly bloomed in a garden full of camellias. After a long time of suffering from longing and madness, love was finally bestowed upon him. The first bite of your pure and genuine love seemed to have taken him aback; each bite overwhelming to the core. Your sudden entrance into his life silenced the monsters in his mind – ceasing every inch of darkness surrounding within. He didn’t prepare, he was never prepared. You’re his light, providing love and sunshine with no end. He’s a hopeless romantic, after all. Except that it’s not hopeless anymore.
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taglist: @agi-ppangx @skzstarnet / taglist form
⋆ taetr4ck, est may 2023. / requests open
812 notes · View notes
oksana-moods · 2 months
All Too Well
Summary: Natasha tried to mend what's left broken. Because no matter what, she's the love of your life and she knows all too well.
A/N: It's been forever. This 5k piece felt like I was writing 300k, it was difficult, funny, hard and I miss doing this more often. I hope you guys like it and please, it be amazing for me to know your thoughts about it.
You can read it as One Too Many part 2 or as a single piece, it is up to you.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, torture, mentions of death, alcohol, angst (you know how I am, I can't simply write people kissing without suffering before).
"Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place"
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The gun pointing at your face barely meters away should be intimidating, but at this point no one would blame you for not caring anymore. And you didn’t even mean the last couple of days, no, your whole life had been a fight, a struggle, an act of survival after another, so the last few days were nothing but the same blur.
The gunpower inundated your nostrils and the pungent smell masqueraded the smell of blood that clung to your brain and you were sure you wouldn’t erase it even if you got out of your current establishment.
Your heightened senses were capable of decerning all the different blood samples available in your cell: yours and from other occupants that came before you, or the blood that belonged to some of your kidnappers, who’ve learned in the worst possible way that you were not to be underestimated.
Back to the gun, the man behind it kept enchanting the same questions and you wondered how long it would take for them to get tired of your silence or mock replies. A sharp pain in the back of your head made you look up to meet his eyes, another man behind you was forcefully pulling your hair down to force your head up and you were already tired of him doing this.
“Where are the others?” The man with the gun asked, patience waning thin. Good to know you were on the same page. “Where is Romanoff?”
A blooded grin made its way to your face after you spat on his shoe. “It’s funny you think I’ll tell you now after all you’ve put me through. Do you think I’m afraid of your bullet?” And you didn’t even mean the fact that you probably wouldn’t die if he decided to shoot anywhere else other than your head, but you did mean that you were not afraid of dying.
Actually, you were so tired that perhaps laying down cold wouldn’t be unwelcomed. There wouldn’t be any pain, your body wouldn’t try to heal only to get hurt again. You thought it would be refreshing.
Two steps and the man pressed the gun over your knee, and you already knew, his wicked grin grew wider when your body convulsed with pain even though you concealed your scream in muffled grunts by biting your lips so tide you tasted your own blood, again.
“Why don’t you make it easier for you? You tell me what I’ve asked, and I kill you fast.” He pulled a chair and got comfortable for he knew all too well you wouldn’t budge easy. “I promise you. One silver bullet in your temple. Fast. Easy.”
Your eyes flashed to his. Silver bullets were really affective against your healing skills and very few possessed this knowledge. Someone must’ve tipped him off and the idea stung way much more than the powder burning the flesh inside your knee.
Only two women knew your weakness. Well, your creators knew, of course, but they were not in condition of speaking anymore. Unless someone from this organization was capable of going to hell to have a chat and then return to the living world with this intel.
Your love for Yelena was something so natural and it grew so fast for she was just deranged as you were: uncapable of functioning as what people labeled as normal. You were kindred souls and you felt like you were twins separated somewhere along the road and considering both of your past, who actually knew?
After long nights during long missions, you confided in her this. You were scared of losing control because sometimes the beast inside you took over and your brain couldn’t always sway the instincts. So you handed her one silver bullet in case things went south, she was adamant in returning it to you but you asked her to keep it, for insurance.
And the other person was Natasha. You never knew how she learned this but when she recruited you many, many years ago she already knew. If the pain in your leg wasn’t so overwhelming, you could’ve laughed at the memory engulfing your mind’s eye.
Her tide catsuit adorned with nothing but her black widow symbol, swaying her hips and pretending she wasn’t scared of the woman seated in front of her. You remember how her fear smelled, a stark contrast to her pose. You recall her words, her smile, her flirtatious play all to convince you to use your skills to her so called greater good.
And before leaving, she boldly closed the distance between you and placed a silver bullet in your hand. You understood the message. You weren’t stupid. Later she sworn that she was the only one, at S.H.I.E.L.D. or within Avengers, to know your weakness and you believed her.
And this belief comes back to bite you in the ass.
Because you knew full well that Yelena would die, she would kill herself even, before telling someone your secret. But Natasha? You didn’t trust her anymore. She had done it before, and you knew it all too well. If you were to be honest, after one too many treasons, you didn’t care about another.
Or so you told yourself.
“Good luck.” You rasped out after a long time inside your own head.
The man tilted his head to the side and smiled that smile that told you he already knew what you would say. You would go further and say he was eager for it. “I think in the torture manual says I should tell you that I don’t enjoy this, but I’d be lying. We actually bet how long it will take for you to drop the act and start screaming.”
You bet no one thought it would be that fast. He stumped a knife down your thigh so fast and so hard you saw stars. You could feel the silver poisoning the skin and muscle where it was nested, and it burned like nothing else would.
Unfortunately for them, the apex in you was not used to be a prey and this injury was powerful enough to make your survival instincts kick in. It happened so fast it was a haze, one minute he was laughing, the other he was on the ground - lifeless, and just as the others came, they followed their leader – well, who you thought the leader was, at least.
Funnily, your countdown was wrong, or you were not the only one putting your captors down. As the blood ran free down your leg, your strength and capability of keeping fighting diminished. When a body collided with yours, it was a miracle you were still awake.
Her red hair framed her face perfectly, skin white as snow and her green orbs looked like there was an aurora borealis looking down at you as she nested you in her lap as you felt life slipping through your fingers - veins.
“Hey, hey. Stay with me.” Her voice was strange, as if speaking was a struggle and she reeked fear, but not the same you were used to, as if she was feeling a different type of fear, it was a strange concept, but you hated it, nonetheless. If these were your last moments breathing, you wanted her true smell. The one you knew all too well.
“Please, don’t you dare die. I’ve got you.” Her muffled words found your ear, but it was hard to even comprehend anything at all when her lips felt so cold in your forehead. “Heal. Why are you not healing?”
“Silver.” It was all you could say. It was all you had to say.
She frantically started yelling at someone, perhaps the comms, but before you could close your eyes for good, you saw a red blur and he was complaining about your weight.
Her giggle filled the room as the first sun lights announced the day had just begun, you looked at her alarmed, for it was definitely something new. “Are you mocking me?” Enable to conceal a smile yourself.
“I’m not.” She denied, but her laugh told you differently. Her freckles painted her angelical face and her eyes looked like they held the sun captive. And you. And she knew, all too well. “It’s just I can’t believe you still have this scar.”
Her index finger traced said scar as she looked at you expectantly, waiting for your explanation, even though she already knew.
“I didn’t know Wanda’s necklace was made of silver, okay.” You finally replied, pulling her close to you as if her weight meant nothing, right in that moment this action felt so normal, so homely that it ached. “I thought I could take it from that heated place for her, but it burned me as I did. It was silly.”
She giggled again, though muffled by your shoulder this time, there was something new in her eyes that you couldn’t quite pinpoint. “It was cute. Silly, but cute. That necklace belonged to her mother.”
“I know.” You were locked in her eyes, and she stared at you as if she was trying to reach your soul, then you felt her fingertip leaving the palm of your hand to intertwine your fingers as she let her eyes stray to look at both of your hands.
The feeling was overwhelming. You were aware of how fast your heart was beating, you could only hope she couldn’t feel or hear it, for in that moment, all you wanted was to engrave the sight of you, together, and you wish you could just have this forever. Have her forever.
“I’ve never felt this before.” Her brows were furrowed in a way that made you upset, but you wouldn’t let go of her hand for nothing in this world, even if it was to soothe the crinkles in her forehead. “I’m in love with you.”
For a moment, there was nothing that you could do but wait for your brain to register her words and meaning, for a whole minute you simply stared at her, trying to search for a catch or a joke but you found none. And she looked up at you so innocently that you found yourself believing in her.
“I thought-.” You tried, but she never let you finish your sentence.
“I know what I said.” She stopped you midsentence, but her voice was not stern, it was almost tired. “This is not what I feel anymore.” Again, her eyes found yours and the way they shone made your knees weak, luckily you were laying on her mattress.
Somehow, they conveyed so much of this feeling she had claimed she was not capable of nurturing that your stomach did somersaults. And right in that moment, you realized that perhaps silver could hurt you, but this woman was your true weakness.
Specially if she’s looking at you the way she was.
“You already know how I feel about you.” You whispered, it was terrifying saying again the three words that you were sure would make her fly away from this strange arrangement you found yourself in. Yet she didn’t.
“I know.” She confirmed after a while admiring your eyes as if she could read your mind. After deciding she was content with whatever she found, she leaned in and pecked your lips so tenderly it hurt.
Then, when she looked at you again you saw, from the small smirk growing in her lips, that she had gone back to play her prime character: the Black Widow.
“Let’s have a breakfast before the funeral, shall we?” As she got of the bad, you copied her movements going back to your own suitcase to find something comfortable as her voice broke the silence filling the room. “I never asked how you and Sharon became friends to the point you’d come to a funeral of her relative.”
The cleanliness of the room was the first thing you were aware of. In fact, you didn’t even realize you were awake, therefore alive, before the smell hit your nostrils. And with it, her scent.
The occasional up and down from her feet and bouncing leg was the only sound in the room except for the noise coming from the heart monitor over your head. She was anxious, that much was obvious even if you weren’t an enhanced being.
Mentally searching for your injuries and pain, you understood that whatever had happened with you, was all gone. Excluding the lingering pain in some specific places that you credited to silver induced wounds that would take way much more time to wear off.
However, considering the state you were in, whoever tended these wounds had operated a true miracle.
As you opened your eyes, you half expected bright lights, common to these hospital rooms to hurt your eyes, but you soon identified that the only source of light was a yellow bulb close to the door.
“Thanks for working the lights down.” You rasped out and stifled a giggle as she jumped from her chair by the wall and bolted to your bed side. The book previously nested between her hands now long forgotten on the floor.
The iron grip which she clutched your hand didn’t go amiss to you. “A week.” The sadness in her eyes was palpable. “A whole week blacked out.” She explained further but you didn’t need to know the details of how long you were sleeping or how many times your heart stopped at surgery.
“You scared the shit out of me.” Then it hit you, the same type of fear your nose caught when she found you in that facility, it was fear but not the one someone feels when they’re actively facing danger, but it was fear for someone else. Fear of losing someone.
Something stirred inside your heart, but it was something that you couldn’t dwell much longer, not, at least, in that moment.
“They had me, after you sent me as scout.” Your tone was flat, and her eyes widened a little at the bluntness of your accusation, though you were far from settling for little. “They knew about the silver.”
Her hold faltered, but your hand was still snuggled between hers. “What are you accusing me of?” She narrowed her eyes, but her green orbs were bright even in the poor light.
“Cynicism doesn’t suit you the way you think it does.” Before you could even pull back your hand, she completely let it go and got to her feet. “Look at my eyes and tell me that you actually didn’t let them get me, just to find their hideout.”
She had her back turned to you, acutely avoiding your gaze. “Look at me!” You demanded and she had the gall to look at you through her lashes, as if her seductive skills could help her now. You wouldn’t fall for that, and she knew it all too well.
“It wasn’t my intention for you to be captured and I never thought someone else would know about your weakness. I thought I was the only one alive to know.” She finally turned to you, eyes now darting around the floor as if it could grant her the answers she sought.
“Lena knows too.” You corrected her, but if she was surprised by your update, she never showed.
Shaking her head right to left as if to deny such possibility, she exclaimed. “She’d never do this to you.” It was funny that at least in this matter you agreed. “I think she loves you more than she loves me.” A sly smile escaped her lips and you had to restrain your heart from fluttering at the sight of it.
“I was waiting for your check-in. I went to your assigned coordinates, and I know I underestimated their numbers, but I would never let someone capture you.” Her feet dragged her back close to your bed but maintained some distance between you.
“It wouldn’t be the first time.” You shot back without missing a single beat, crossing your arms around your chest.
She sighed tiredly and looked down at the floor. You wouldn’t let her forget that she was the main cause for you to be locked in the Raft, well, her and your support for Steve when Ross tried to shove the Sokovian Accords down your throat, and solely because you shared his point of view.
After being controlled for most of your life by a group with shady intentions, you swore you’d never submit your loyalty and services to a third party again, even if it was a government group – specially a government group, actually, so only over your dead body you’d accept the Accords.
But when you came back to see if Natasha was fine, she had gone without thinking that you were left behind and in the care of Ross to be taken to the Raft with the others, without sparing a single thought to you.
“I’d never ever willingly put you in danger.” She said taking another step closer to you. “I have never mentioned to anyone about your secret, and I purposefully kept it out of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s files.”
Her eyes kept darting from her hands to your eyes, never focusing, never staying too long. “Look, I know Yelena would never speak about it, but I wouldn’t either. And I didn’t, you must believe me!”
“I must?” Your eyebrows shot up so high so fast it hurt. “Well, you made it pretty damn hard for me to believe, don’t you think, Nat?” Your tone was hard, but you were not even speaking too loud.
Somehow, Natasha thought this hurt way much more.
“C’mon all I feel for you-” She tried to counter, but you wanted to swallow the lump stuck in your throat trying to choke you, so you cut her midsentence.
“Words, Natasha.” She found herself locked within your burning eyes. “I kept you as an oath, yet you hid me like another dirty secret. And all you’ve felt you kept hidden – buried – just as who you really are.”
After years thinking about how she lured and how she hurt you, you thought that maybe spatting what your relationship really was – a hidden lust, would make you feel better, would free yourself from her hold, but it didn’t.
After all, calling her unfair wouldn’t change how lonely she made you feel, how she took your happiness away whenever she drew herself back to her main character as she left you daydreaming about imaginary scenarios built in “what ifs”.
As your words found her ears, they settled heavily in her stomach. She knew she had massed up, she had hurt you many times, yet all she wanted was go back in time and erase all her wrongs and all the times she promised and never delivered.
She didn’t possess a time stone, though. There was nothing she could do about the past, however, she knew she couldn’t run from her mistakes anymore. If she wanted to start anew, she’d have to show she was different.
She wanted to, no, she needed you to understand that she was a whole new person because you’ve changed her. She didn’t want to hide anymore and for that she’d have to let go of her walls and be vulnerable. Truly vulnerable.
Funnily, she had played with her vulnerability before, being vulnerable just enough for people to lower their shields or masks so she could get what she wanted but this was something else entirely.
This time she wouldn’t act. She’d be vulnerable, at your mercy hoping she’d make it out alive on the other side. It was something new and it scared her, but losing you was scarier.
“I didn’t know you came back to check on Barton…” She tried weakly, knowing that this was a sore subject for the both of you. Each with your own views and reasons.
“I helped Clint, yes, but we went back looking for you. Yet, Ross was all we’ve found.” Your glare was cold, perhaps colder than ever. In the pit of her stomach, she knew she deserved it, she just wish you could move on with it.
“I was wrong, okay. Is that what you want to hear?” She snapped, though her voice was still in a low tone, eyes sad. And you hated it. “I’m sorry for leaving. I’m sorry for not going after you that day at the airport or at the Raft.”
Her eyes fell once more to your hands, she slowly nursed them in hers and this action was so soft, so hesitantly as if she was afraid of you taking it away; afraid of you shutting her down once more.
“I wish I could do things differently, but I can’t, and for that I’m sorry. But I- I wish we could try move on from this. I still have feelings for you.” As words flowed through her tongue, you watched as eyes portrayed a sincerity that you rarely saw within those forest green orbs.
Usually, they hid her true feelings or performed like an actress twisting her truths mixed with pieces of lies and characters she created through life until she herself was unaware of what was true or not.
“I hear you, Natasha.” You rasped out after a long moment lost inside her beautiful eyes. “You speak of things as you did before, yet you never act on it.”
Her hands were warm, a muted invitation to go back to your dreams of having a life with her. The only person who never showed any sign of fear about your nature, that never once treated you like an animal.
She never treated you like a woman either.
“I want you to show me.” Your stone-cold eyes punctuated your feelings in the matter at hand. If she wanted to have you back, she’d have to show you she’s changed for words could only take her so far.
“I will.” She vowed and smiled softly, though her heart was shattering inside her chest. She made a career making people believe in whatever she wanted, she supposed she’d be able to make you believe in her heart.
How hard would that be?
Laugh filled the room after another not-so-funny Tony’s jokes and your head throbbed as the sound echoed inside your skull. Parties like these were always a torture for you, after all, your enhanced abilities of hearing and catching smells better than a normal person proved to be really awful in a place full of people with different perfumes, scents, chattering and loud music.
However, Tony himself forbid you from leaving tonight for this was his engagement party and it would be rude to Pepper if you left too early. Deciding that indulging him was easier than arguing with him, you found a safe corner and pretended to enjoy whatever was going on.
Though, your sharp eyes, even though you tried hard, always wandered after a certain redhead and you could all but clench your jaw every time you judged someone got too closer for your comfort.
Jealousy clawed its way through your throat and even the best bourbon from the bar couldn’t help it. You knew you had no right, no claim, especially after your last conversation. Still, your heart acted on its own and made sure you’d regret your words and resolve.
Considering that you were one drink from scooping lower than ever for her, you abandoned your glass on a random table and vanished to the balcony in hopes the fresh air could help your head and brain.
The cars down the streets ran from side to side completely unaware of your inner turmoil as you pathetically looked down searching for answers you wouldn’t find there.
In fact, as your answers arrived at the balcony, you realized that her hills clicking the marble floor announced her before her perfume invaded your nostrils in waves as she moved closer and closer towards you.
“Tired of mingling?” She asked as she lined her body at the railing. Her red hair bobbed around her ears in meticulously designed waves and her dark maroon dress hugged her curves in all the nice places.
She was flawless.
As always.
“I think I might’ve break Sam with incredible five words.” You gave her a sly smile that she retributed with a smirk and a fake gasp.
“This is basically a whole speech.” She clicked her tongue playfully. “I think you’ve been around Tony just too much.”
You snorted a laugh and she let a broad smile paint her lips, content with herself for making you ease the pained expression adorning your face the whole evening.
Uncertenty hugged you like a cold blanket as you pondered your next words. As if rolling the dices in a game you were sure you’d end up losing, you turned to her and spoke. “You’re really beautiful tonight, Nat.”
Your heart fluttered as she fought back a smile trying to win her lips and looked down as if she wasn’t expecting your praise. She genuinely looked flustered by your words.
“Thank you. You’re quite handsome yourself. Well, I already praised your choice of suit, earlier.” She turned her body so now she was fully looking at you and you tried to remember how to properly breath. However, it was as if the air was composed of her scent.
You were intoxicated.
“What do you mean?” You asked confused. “This is the first time we speak tonight.” You clarify. Truth be told you’ve been keeping a fair distance from her and funnily enough she didn’t make the effort to push you and your comfort space.
She did make it obvious that she was trying, though. She invited you out in front of people, she brought you coffee whenever you were reading in the garden in the morning or brought you a blanket when you were on the couch watching movies with Wanda.
Whenever you were called to a meeting, she worked the lights so it wouldn’t hurt your eyes that much. And, one day, she brought you the files they recovered from Hydra from the mission you were taken, and you both learned that one of your creators left behind a journal and there were a lot of dirty secrets down there. Including yours.
To be honest, she was really trying to show her true intentions, but you were still afraid that this was just for show, just a ploy for you to lower your guard and be disappointed after she return to her normal pattern of misleading.
However, the way she stood basking in the moon light looking at you like she was slowly sipped through the cracks of your determination of not giving in that easy.
Her soft smile was a sight to see, and you even forgot that you were waiting for her to reply. “Directly, yes. I sent a drink to you earlier.”
Then it clicked in your head. Your laugh was loud and very uncharacteristic of you, though Natasha simply stood there admiring your carefree stance, a rare occurrence.
Your mind traveled to a moment earlier that night when the waiter approached you with a drink in hand, stating that the lady had sent it to you complimenting your fine tailored suit. At the time, the way he vaguely waved in the direction of Agatha and other ladies, you thought that one of them had been the person.
Though if you thought harder about it, Natasha was at the bar in that moment, right behind said ladies.
“Now it made sense.” You grinned back at her and nodded your head softly. “Thank you for the compliment and the drink.”
“Of course.” She flashed on last smile and turned her body to admire the city bellow and you did the same. Though you found it hard to ignore her presence by your side. You could feel the heat emanating from her skin, her sweet scent still impregnating the air around you and you could hear her fast heartbeat. It was uncommon.
In a haste, you both turned towards each other and started to speak at the same time. A nervous laugh scaped your lips as you signaled for her to go on first. And she did.
She closed her eyes as one does when bracing for the impact, as if second-guessing her next step, but when she opened her eyes again, there was no doubt and no deceit. “I love you and it’s ruining my life not having you, knowing that I am the one who pushed you away.”
You were speechless by her blunt confession, specially because she never, ever, used the word love in such a direct sentence. She expressed her feelings before, yes, but always with an adore, in love with you once or twice, never this straight.
She took your silence as hesitancy and reached for your hand, she yearned for your touch and the closeness of the last weeks made her heart clench with longing. “I am asking for a chance to show you who I really am, and I, please, I know I’ve made mistakes, but I wish to make it up to you.”
Her eyes were pools of emotion and you had trouble in breathing with her so close now. “Please, let me love you the way you deserve, the way I should’ve since the very first time I kissed your lips.” Her free hand caressed your cheek in such a tender way that you felt your knees weak.
She was definitely your true weakness.
You brain was haywire, short-circuiting with the lack of air and the sudden increase in your heartbeats. There she was. The woman you felt like you could love forever, offering you what you always wanted: her heart. For real this time. Not the hide and seek games you’ve been playing in the past.
She promised and have been showing changes, however, if you were to be honest, all she’d have to do was to come at you and say hi. If you were to be honest, she would always have your heart at her mercy.
Unable to form words and knowing that your silence was unnerving for her, as you saw her brows furrowing, you decided to answer her differently as you brought your hand to her own cheek and guided her lips to meet yours.
Her lips were soft as they used to be, and you could feel her body melting into the kiss. Her eyes fluttered open when you broke the kiss and smiled softly at her. “I love you too, Nat.”
Smiling back at you, Natasha circled her arms behind your neck to pull you down for another kiss, and another. And another.
And you knew, all too well, that she wouldn’t stop soon.
taglist: @username23345; @afuckingshituniverse; @strangegardentaco; @waltermis (I know you didn't specifically asked to be tagged, but I am doing it, nonetheless, because if your rb - and because you sparked a fire in this. Thank you.)
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hellfire--cult · 11 months
toot toot
Eddie has a very important question for you - just eddie being a loving boyfriend with something i know we all struggle with as we enter a relationship (fem!reader) - self indulgent
a/n: idk man. i had this talk with @ghost-proofbaby and I was like, 'yeah, i should write this' and she agreed.
Wc: 1k
“Why don’t you fart in front of me?”
You almost spat the water you were drinking all over the book you were reading as you laid on his bed with your back propped up on the headboard. 
“Eds, what?”
“You never fart in front of me.” He was dead serious, looking at you while his arms rested on his guitar, sitting at the end of the bed, his legs crossed. You were blinking at him as if he had just sprouted a leaf over his head.
“What are you going on about?”
“We’ve been dating for a whole year, and I have yet to hear a fart from you!” Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment and you shook your head, looking back at your book.
“And you never will.” He rolled his eyes at you and scooted a little closer with a little jump that made the bed move underneath you, making you jump and glare back up at him.
“I fart all the time with you, with sound, with no sound… I mean, we trust each other, and darling, I do know you hold them in.” Your mouth opened with an o shape, not believing the words coming out of your boyfriend’s lips. 
The worst part, he was right.
You complained many times because of tummy aches, and you knew it was retained gas you weren’t letting out. You were just embarrassed about it. He didn’t care whenever he did it, and you didn’t either. You even laugh at some of his farts because they sound straight out of a cartoon, and sometimes, you die a little bit because they are deadly.
“I don’t feel comfortable doing it!” You retorted back, and he sighed in frustration, shaking his head again, putting the guitar to the side of his bed. 
“I promise you, it’s normal, it’s natural, and the stigma of all the women being proper ladies is such bullshit.” You knew it was that as well. You were also afraid of it being too loud, or smelly, and just utterly repulsive to him to the point he would not be attracted to you in some way.
“I know it’s natural… But I still won’t ever fart in front of you.” He groaned loudly at your words.
“You’re impossible princess.”
“But you love me.” You grinned at him with a sway of your body and he smiled back at you and crawled towards you to plant a smooch right on your lips.
“That I do.”
But it wasn’t even a week later that you were both lying on bed again, and you both were laughing as Eddie told you a story about Steve completely fucking up his date with Heidi.
“He literally tumbled back when he saw a roach sneaking in front of him and he made her fall onto the fountain at the park! That’s why his face is fucking red!” Eddie was cracking up by now and your eyes were filled with tears as you laughed with him.
“Oh shit, she slapped him!?”
“Of course she did! It was a fucking roach! Not a goddamn monster or some shit!” You cracked up at that, and it was a bad idea, because your stomach had been contracting in pain and twisting for the past hour because you were holding your gas in. 
You had tacos for dinner, and that was a very poor decision knowing that you were spending the night at Eddie’s, and knowing how the night might end. Everytime you held your gas in, sex was almost painful sometimes.
And now, with the laughter, with your belly going up and down against your stomach, it happened. And your laughter and his immediately seized, leaving the room completely quiet for a few seconds.
It was small, very thin, but it could be heard. Your face immediately heated up in embarrassment, and you turned to the other side, not being able to face him. Was he going to think you were disgusting? Not lady-like? Was it a boner killer? Why isn’t he saying anything–
“Oh, FUCK YES! I’VE BEEN SAVING THIS FOR THE OCCASION!” You felt him sit up on the bed and your eyebrows frowned, making you turn to look at him rummaging in his drawer from the night table. A small confetti popper in one hand and its string on the other. He pulled and the confetti exploded with a pop, startling you.
“What the hell Eddie–”
“Congrats on your first fart in front of me!” Your eyes were wide at his antic, but he had a wide smile on his face and you couldn’t believe your boyfriend got happy from you letting out an accidental fart from laughing so hard. 
“It was an accident Eds!” You whined as you sat up next to him and you had a terrified look on your face and he shook his head, holding onto your face with both of his hands.
“It’s the first step! Next one is an intentional one, so come on darling, I know you’re holding it in~” He cooed and you pushed him away, shaking your head in utter embarrassment.
“You’re so weird Eddie… you don’t… find it disgusting?”
“Fuck no! Makes me happy you trust me enough to do it in front of me! Accidental or not!” He was smiling at you, and your heart fluttered as you stared at your loving boyfriend. You leaned towards him and pecked his lips softly, only to then shake your head.
“You’re insufferable.” 
“But you love me.” He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but nod and lean in to kiss him again.
After that, you never do it intentionally, but now, if one escapes you by accident you are able to laugh it out with him. 
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jaeyunverse · 1 year
the 24-hour dating challenge (teaser)
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PAIRING(S) | park sunghoon x fem!reader
GENRE(S) | fluff, crack, mutual pining, best friends to lovers, influencer au (?)
EST. WORD COUNT | around 5k
WARNING(S) | profanity, hoon is a loser and down bad, mc is painfully dense + all warnings to be added in the full fic!
SUMMARY | being a famous youtuber isn’t easy, especially when you have to constantly come up with new ideas to keep your audience entertained. and this time, your viewers want you to date park sunghoon, your best friend of nearly a decade, for the entirety of 24 hours.
TAGLIST | @blank-velvet @soobisms @justalildumpling @xharisrealm @skzenhalove @alicesolengg @yenqa @geombyu @tika-writes-lol @jlheon @haknom @useraerin @hooniessslvrss @flwrshee @rikisly @tobiosbbyghorl @wonkivrse @heeflrs @bambithia @iea-tsand @chaechae-23 @en-dazed @jayfrvr @h-hazwie @moonlighthoon @justanotherkpopstanlol @sseastar-main @seongclb @shoyotime @gerianne @iadorethemskz @sieuneo @hoon0logy @luvistqrzzz @sucrosxi @lzux1 @t4kalcvr @nes-caf @odxrilove @trippy-dejun @arizejkt19 @xuimhao @vizstars @enhacatalog send an ask/comment if u wish!
AUTHOR’S NOTE | I AM COMING BACK!!!!!! (kinda. maybe. idk i get ahead of myself a lot LOL) finals are finallyyyy over and i have some time to write this week so i’ve started this old wip of mine! it’s going to be pretty short and sweet so i’ll hopefully be able to follow through on this teaser but no promises haha :)) i hope u look forward to this fic! inspired by h.j evelyn (♡)
click here for the full fic!
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“Your followers want me to do what?” 
Sunghoon was positive he’d misheard you. However, part of him hoped you’d confirm the life-altering information you’d casually uttered without even bothering to look away from the TV screen. 
“Hoon!” you exclaimed, your fingers aggressively moving about the gaming console. “Oh, my God, they’re coming after me! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK—” you screeched— “Nonononono I can’t take them by myself! You testicle-guzzling cocksucker, why did you die when I needed you the most?!” 
Sunghoon watched you struggle warily. Your leg was bouncing with anxiety and your eyes bulging out of their sockets. He wasn’t entirely sure you were breathing. Beads of sweat were clinging to your forehead and your face was scrunched up in a weird, constipated expression. 
There was a good chance you’d utter fouler insults if he disturbed you while playing, but he couldn’t stop himself from broaching the subject. “Are we just going to pretend you didn’t say the thing you just said?” 
“The thing about you being a testicle-guzzling cocksucker?” you gritted. “No.”
Sunghoon rolled his eyes. “The thing about your followers wanting us to date for a video.” 
For a few moments, you didn’t deign to acknowledge him. Then, as if a switch inside you had flipped, you pulled the TV’s plug and turned to face him. “Would it be weird?” 
Wow. Okay, Sunghoon mused. I think it would be a fantastic idea and a dream come true, but I don’t trust myself around you. Even as a mere friend.  
However, instead of voicing his thoughts, the boy simply shrugged. “I don’t know. We’ve been friends for several years now. I’m a regular on your YouTube channel and I think your fans are aware of the dynamics of our relationship. What do they mean when they say they want us to date? Physical intimacy aside, we already do everything couples do.” 
“I think they want us to be romantic,” you admitted. “Go on a date, hold hands, cross some lines.”
“Cross some lines?” Sunghoon raised an eyebrow, the corner of his lip curling in a smirk. “Is this you speaking or your subscribers?”
Groaning in exasperation, you shoved his shoulder. He fell back on the couch, laughing. “Shut up, dickface! You know I’ve been swamped this semester. My influencer gig has been seriously lacking. I need to step up—do what they want me to do. Besides, we only have to be girlfriend and boyfriend for 24 hours. It’s really not that big a deal. Are you in or not?”
Sunghoon took a few seconds to mull over your words. Sure, he would love to be your boyfriend for 24 hours. As long as his fantasies were brought to reality, he didn’t care if the whole relationship was fake and short-lived. 
For far too long, he’d pined after you. He thought he was doing an excellent job at hiding his feelings, but then you decided to make vlogs for fun. That’s when shit truly went downhill. 
Within a few years, you’d amassed a following of over 5 million on YouTube and 3 million on Instagram. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say you’d become somewhat of a local celebrity.  
Being one of your closest friends, Sunghoon was often featured in your videos. Initially, he’d baulked at the idea of being filmed, but you’d worked your magic on him. The boy soon found himself being comfortable around cameras. 
Even though Sunghoon never started his own YouTube channel, his popularity grew along with yours. His Instagram had garnered over two million followers, and courtesy of his good looks and attractive physique, he’d been offered a bunch of brand deals too.
You’d scowled at how far Sunghoon’s pretty privilege had gotten him. While you busted your ass coming up with unique ideas and editing your videos to perfection, all he needed to do was show up. 
What you didn’t know, though, was that part of the reason he’d become a heartthrob among the youth was you. 
You might have been dumb and blind, but your followers certainly were not. They’d realised how Sunghoon looked at you—his eyes always twinkled and a fond smile automatically adorned his lips whenever he caught sight of you. 
To add to that, your fans had pointed out habits he didn’t even know he possessed. For example: idly braiding your strands; bringing you snacks whenever he swung by your apartment; saying hey, sunshine and giving you a side hug by way of greeting; disguising his compliments as insults. 
The list was very long.
They’d noticed the elastic he kept around his wrist at all times too—it was one of the two you’d used to tie his hair into little ponytails because you were convinced you could transform him into Boo from Monsters, Inc.   
Sunghoon himself had forgotten the reason he wore the elastic around his wrist. All he knew was that it was yours and it felt right. But when he read the comments obsessing about it, he rushed to watch the video your fans were referring to. 
And damn, they were right. 
Sunghoon didn’t know if you’d seen the comments your fans regularly left on your various social media pages. You’d never mentioned anything about the community calling you “couple goals,” and he was too much of a coward to inquire if you were aware. 
It was infuriating to know how transparent he was. Sunghoon wished he’d never gotten used to the camera and let slip his true self. 
Perhaps this was the cost of gaining the boyfriend material label—his unrequited feelings exposed for the entire world to see. 
Sunghoon would never admit it, but he’d spent the better part of a day reporting everyone who’d shipped him with you. The entire incident had truly made him go off the rails. 
However, today’s revelation was unexpected. It was an opportunity. A chance to experience something he’d desired for many years. Suddenly, he found himself thanking those busybodies online instead of cussing them out for being ridiculously invested in his love life.
Sunghoon knew saying yes to your proposition would bite him in the ass later on. He knew he’d crave more of you once he got a taste of being your boyfriend, and giving this fake relationship a shot would definitely make it harder for him to get over you in the future. He knew he was a massive idiot for willingly indulging in impending heartbreak, but he could always cross that bridge when he came to it.  
“Okay,” he said, meeting your gaze. “I’m in.”  
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villain-enthusiast · 3 months
Could you write a hurt hero and guilty caretaker villain fic where they fight and villain accidentally hurts hero too much and feels bad after?
tw: injury, blood/gore
The hero wheezed, the sound too breathless for the villain to be completely sure that they only sliced their abdomen.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. The villain’s hand tightened over the hilt of their knife, which was coated in a little too much blood. They struggled to muster the courage to turn around and make sure their opponent was not as injured as they sounded.
Please be okay. Tackle me, throw me down while my back is turned, please—
The villain whipped around to see the hero collapsed on the ground, a hand pressed desperately to their side as red seeped from between their fingers.
“Shit, Hero.” The villain scrambled over to them, falling to their knees to examine the injury and immediately felt their heart drop.
Stab wound. Deep, deep stab wound. Definitely internal organ damage, likely fatal without immediate treatment.
The villain dragged a hand through their hair frantically as they felt panic rise in their throat. How could have they been so sloppy? Just a cut, it was just supposed to have been a cut—
“Villain,” the hero suddenly rasped, cutting through their spiraling thoughts. “Why the hell are you still here?”
The villain blinked. “Wh-what?”
A rattling cough shook the hero’s frame and they spat blood to the side, much to the villain’s dismay. “You won, you got me. Kill me already, goddamnit.” The hero’s glassy gaze flicked to the dagger still in the villain’s tight grasp. “Just…make it fast.”
Realization jolted through the villain and they threw the knife to the side like it had been set on fire. “No. No no no, Hero. I don’t, I didn’t…” they trailed off, struggling for the right words as guilt clawed up their throat. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you like this, I’ve never even killed anyone before—,”
“Woah, hey.” The hero’s brow furrowed, although the villain couldn’t tell if it was from the pain or how their sworn nemesis was literally apologizing to them. Maybe it was both. “Since when did you get sentimental?”
The villain barely processed the hero’s light-hearted tease. They felt like their head was underwater, their lungs choked up in their own remorse. “I—,” they choked out, “I don’t know. Oh God.” Their hands hovered over the hero’s stomach, frozen, unsure of what to do or where to go.
The hero groaned minutely, clearly trying to stifle the sound. “Y’know,” they panted, “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but it would be so much better if you could just send me to heaven now.” Their eyes shuttered. “Whether you meant to stab me or not, I’m in a lot of pain, Villain.”
The villain felt their gut twist violently. They could just end it now, put the hero out of their misery—but the villain knew they wouldn’t be able to do that, and yet, they couldn’t leave the hero to bleed out in pain…
They shook their head. God, they were wasting time. Life was seeping out of the hero with every passing second, and they still didn’t know what to do—
They jolted. My house. I can get them to my house a few blocks from here.
Stupid stupid stupid. How did they not think of it before? The villain sprung into action, tearing off a long strip of their shirt. “Hero,” they said—shouted, rather to keep their opponent from losing consciousness, “I’m going to wrap your wound, okay?”
The hero huffed a sound that might’ve been a chuckle if they weren’t so weak. “That’s totally going to save me. A thin piece of your cotton shirt.”
“I’m trying to help you!” the villain retorted as they tied the cloth strip around the hero’s abdomen, wincing when they grunted in pain. “I’m taking you to my house. It’s five minutes from here, less if I run. Can you just,” they swallowed around the lump in their throat, “try to not die for a little longer?”
The hero smirked sloppily. “No promises,” they joked, but their gaze darkened. “You better run fast.”
The villain gathered the hero up in their arms as gently as they could and began to sprint down the alleyway. “You’re going to live, Hero. You have to live.” They clutched the hero a little closer to their chest. “I need you.”
The last three words tumbled out of the villain’s mouth before they could stop themselves. But from the way they felt the hero jolt in their arms, at they way their eyes widened slightly, the villain knew that their confession was giving the hero the strength to fight everything in them to stay awake.
And for the villain, that was all they needed to do exactly what the hero needed them to do: run fast.
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leth-writes · 27 days
yandere silco x reader who betrayed him
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“Shit, get out!” You screeched, shoving the enforcer forward and away from you as you spotted Sevika’s harsh snarl from across the crowded, dimly lit bar. He booked it, running for the backdoor. You were so fucked. You tried to follow him, but were stopped by Sevika’s strong grasp on your forearm.
“What the fuck are you doing?” She growled, spitting mad, in your face.
“N-nothing! I was just telling him to leave me alone,” you stammered, feeling the blood drain from your face and the adrenaline pour down your spine. It felt like your head was going to explode from the pressure of your thoughts racing, trying to create an excuse. 
“Bullshit,” she huffed, dragging you through the back exit after the enforcer. When the two of you entered the alleyway, the enforcer was nowhere to be seen, not even a hint of him to be found. “Shit,” she cursed, spitting. She whipped you around and slammed you to the brick wall, hand holding you up solely by your throat.
“You better tell the truth, you little rat, Silco isn’t here to save you…” She punched the wall by your head and you startled even further, letting out a little whimper of fear. “Please, please Sevika! I promise, I swear on my soul, I wasn’t doing anything!” You cried, fingers clutching and scrabbling at her thick, coiled forearm.
She huffed once again, face turned to look out the entrance of the alley in contemplation. “Ple-” you began, but her free hand shifted to cover your mouth, hand reaching from your nose down your chin. Fuck, you couldn’t breathe! You didn’t want to die in this dingy little alley, never having escaped your captivity. You scrabbled against the brick walls, fingernails breaking under the force, then scratched at her forearm, leaving long, deep grooves that soon welled up with blood.
You tried to gasp, to get even a breath of air through the tight grip of her fingers, but it was futile. Slowly, ever so slowly, your world began to darken, the ringing in your ears drowning out Sevika’s harsh panting. Then, everything went dark.
It was cold, so cold you couldn’t feel your fingers. That was the first thing you noticed as you bolted awake. You were in the chair in Silco’s back room, strapped down with thick leather ropes and wearing an undershirt and your thin, cloth pants. How did you get here?
“I imagine I’ve been keeping your chain a little too long, little one,” You jumped at Silco’s voice, head craning to see him without any luck. He was standing behind you. The room was dingy and dark, a complete lack of visibility for your groggy, grimy eyes. You blinked fiercely, trying to clear them.
It was then you noticed the thick leather strap clamping your mouth closed, tongue brushing against the rough, grime-coated material. It was then the memory hit you, as your head throbbed; Sevika had caught you, and she had knocked you out. Fuck, were you going to die in this chair, was he going to inject you with shimmer, contort and change your body beyond your control until you were unrecognizable?
You whimpered once again, arms straining against the thick straps as you tried to break even a single hand free. You failed. “Hush now, there’s no use in struggling. I won’t be making the same mistake again,” Silco said, the soft hint of a threat in his voice. He sauntered closer, hand trailing along your shoulder as he crossed in front of you. Silco leaned in until his lips barely brushed the material of the leather gag. “It’s not your fault, poor thing, I forgot you needed extra… guidance. A stupid little thing, aren’t you, unable to learn not to bite your owner even as he feeds you,” he continued, hand reaching up to grasp at your chin gently.
“Well, no use fretting now, it’s too late. We’ll have to start over, right from the beginning.”
Your muffled pleas went unheeded as Silco reached for the thin metal shock collar on his desk.
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small-z24 · 4 months
One-Shot: Shadows of Confession
What happens when Azriel tells Cassian that Cassian’s little sister Y/N is his mate?
Word Count: 1798
Warnings: None aside from an over protective Cassian 
The training grounds of the Night Court were eerily quiet, save for the distant hum of the city below. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the field where Cassian and Azriel stood, sweat gleaming on their brows from an intense sparring session.
Cassian was the first to break the silence, his voice gruff yet concerned. “You’ve been distracted lately, Az. What’s going on?”
Azriel hesitated, his heart pounding. This was the moment he’d been dreading, but he couldn’t keep it a secret any longer. He sheathed his sword and turned to face his brother. “Cassian, we need to talk.”
Cassian’s brow furrowed, sensing the seriousness in Azriel’s tone. “What is it?”
Azriel took a deep breath, his shadows swirling around him nervously. “It’s about your sister. About Y/N.”
Cassian’s eyes darkened, suspicion creeping into his expression. “What about Y/N?”
Azriel met Cassian’s gaze, his voice steady but filled with emotion. “She’s my mate.”
For a moment, there was silence. Then, like a storm breaking, Cassian’s face contorted with anger. “What did you just say?”
“Y/N is my mate,” Azriel repeated, trying to remain calm. “I’ve known for a while now, but I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure.”
Cassian’s fists clenched, his wings flaring out behind him. “My sister? You think you can just... claim her?”
“It’s not about claiming,” Azriel said, his own shadows agitated by Cassian’s reaction. “It’s a bond, something neither of us can control.”
Cassian took a step forward, his voice low and dangerous. “You think I’m going to let you, with your shadows and your darkness, anywhere near her? She’s too innocent, too pure for someone like you.”
Azriel’s heart ached at the words, but he held his ground. “I know you want to protect her, Cassian. I do too. I would never hurt her.”
Cassian’s eyes flashed with fury. “You already have! By being who you are, by being in her life, you’re putting her in danger.”
“I love her,” Azriel said quietly, the confession hanging in the air between them. “I love her more than anything. I would die to keep her safe.”
Cassian’s anger seemed to waver, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. “Do you think that makes it any easier for me to accept? She’s my little sister, Az. I’ve watched over her all her life. I can’t just... let go.”
Azriel stepped closer, his voice earnest. “I’m not asking you to let go, Cassian. I’m asking you to trust me. To trust that I will do everything in my power to protect her, to make her happy.”
Cassian’s shoulders sagged, the weight of his emotions pulling him down. “She deserves better than this, better than a life filled with shadows.”
Azriel nodded, understanding the depth of Cassian’s concern. “She does. But she’s my light in the darkness, Cassian. She’s the reason I can face my shadows.”
Cassian looked away, struggling with his conflicting emotions. Finally, he let out a heavy sigh. “Does she know?”
Azriel shook his head. “Not yet. I wanted to tell you first. I owe you that much.”
Cassian was silent for a long moment, the tension between them palpable. Then he looked back at Azriel, his expression softening just a fraction. “If you hurt her, Az... if you let her down in any way, I will never forgive you.”
“I won’t,” Azriel vowed, his voice unwavering. “I swear to you, Cassian. I will cherish her, protect her, and love her with everything I have.”
Cassian nodded slowly, the anger in his eyes replaced by a weary acceptance. “You better. For both your sakes.”
Azriel reached out, placing a hand on Cassian’s shoulder. “Thank you. It means more than you know.”
Cassian gripped Azriel’s shoulder in return, his expression still tense but less hostile. “Just... be good to her, Az. She deserves the best.”
“I will,” Azriel promised, feeling a surge of relief and hope. “I promise.”
As they stood there, the last light of day fading into night, Azriel knew that the hardest part was yet to come—telling Y/N the truth. But with Cassian’s reluctant blessing, he felt ready to face whatever came next, determined to build a future with the woman who had brought light into his shadows.
That evening, Azriel found himself standing outside Rhysand’s study, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. He needed advice on how to approach Y/N, and there was no one better to turn to than Rhysand.
He knocked softly, and a moment later, Rhysand’s voice called out, “Come in.”
Azriel entered the room, closing the door behind him. Rhysand looked up from his desk, a knowing smile tugging at his lips. “Azriel. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Azriel took a seat, his shadows restless around him. “I need your advice, Rhys.”
Rhysand leaned back in his chair, his expression serious. “What’s on your mind?”
Azriel took a deep breath. “It’s about Y/N. She’s my mate.”
Rhysand’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Y/N? Cassian’s sister?”
Azriel nodded. “Yes. And I told Cassian today. He... didn’t take it well.”
Rhysand chuckled softly. “I can imagine. Cassian can be a bit overprotective when it comes to his sister.”
Azriel sighed, running a hand through his hair. “That’s an understatement. But he gave me his reluctant blessing. Now, I need to figure out how to tell Y/N.”
Rhysand’s gaze softened. “You’re worried about how she’ll react?”
Azriel nodded. “Yes. She’s always been a bit wary of me, of my shadows. I’m afraid that the bond won’t snap into place for her, that she’ll always be a little afraid of me.”
Rhysand leaned forward, his eyes filled with empathy. “Azriel, you’ve always been good at reading people. Trust that. You know Y/N better than you think. Just be honest with her. Tell her how you feel, and let her see the real you.”
Azriel’s shadows seemed to calm at Rhysand’s words. “You’re right. I need to trust in the bond, and in her.”
Rhysand smiled. “Exactly. And remember, you’re not alone in this. We’re all here to support you, and Y/N too.”
Azriel stood, feeling a renewed sense of determination. “Thank you, Rhys. I appreciate it.”
Rhysand nodded, his smile widening. “Anytime, Az. Now go, and tell her how you feel.”
The House of Wind was alive with laughter and conversation as the Night Court gathered for dinner. The long table was filled with the Court's closest members, including Rhysand, Feyre, Mor, Amren, Cassian, Azriel, and Y/N. The warmth of camaraderie and the delicious scent of food filled the air, creating a comforting atmosphere.
Azriel, seated next to Y/N, could barely focus on the meal. His mind was preoccupied with the conversation he had with Cassian earlier that day and the advice he received from Rhysand. He glanced at Y/N, who seemed to be enjoying herself, chatting animatedly with Mor.
Cassian, seated across the table, kept a watchful eye on Azriel. His earlier anger simmered beneath the surface, and he struggled to keep his emotions in check. The knowledge that his sister and Azriel were mates weighed heavily on him.
As the meal progressed, Azriel leaned closer to Y/N, his voice low. "Y/N, can we talk after dinner? There’s something important I need to discuss with you."
Y/N turned to him, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and something else—something Azriel couldn't quite place. "Of course, Azriel. I’d like that."
Cassian’s sharp eyes caught the intimate exchange, and he felt his control slipping. His protective instincts over Y/N surged, and before he could stop himself, he slammed his fist on the table, causing everyone to jump.
“Enough!” Cassian roared, his voice echoing through the dining hall. “You think you can just whisper sweet nothings to my sister under my nose, Azriel?”
Everyone turned to look at Cassian in shock, their expressions ranging from surprise to confusion.
“What are you talking about, Cassian?” Rhysand asked, his tone calm but curious.
Cassian pointed a shaking finger at Azriel, his eyes blazing with fury. “He’s been keeping a secret from all of us. From Y/N. He’s her mate!”
Gasps filled the room, and all eyes turned to Azriel and Y/N. Azriel stood, his expression a mixture of anger and determination. “Cassian, this isn’t the way—”
Y/N rose to her feet, her face a mask of shock and dismay. “Cassian, stop! This isn’t your decision to make.”
Cassian turned to her, his voice filled with anguish. “You’re my little sister, Y/N. You don’t understand what you’re getting into. Azriel’s shadows—”
Y/N stepped closer to Cassian, her eyes flashing with determination. “I’ve known, Cassian. I’ve known for a while.”
Silence fell over the room as everyone processed Y/N’s words. Azriel looked at her in surprise. “You knew?”
She nodded, her gaze softening as she met his eyes. “Yes, Azriel. I knew. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to scare you off. I know how much your shadows mean to you, and I wanted to give you time.”
Cassian looked between Azriel and Y/N, his anger dissipating into confusion. “You knew?”
Y/N reached out to take Cassian’s hand, her voice gentle. “Yes, and I appreciate your concern. But this is my decision. Azriel is my mate, and I trust him.”
Rhysand cleared his throat, breaking the tension. “Well, this certainly explains a lot. But Cassian, you need to trust your sister. She’s capable of making her own choices.”
Feyre nodded in agreement, her eyes warm with understanding. “And Azriel is one of the most honorable men I know. He would never hurt Y/N.”
Cassian’s shoulders sagged, the weight of his emotions finally catching up to him. “I just want her to be safe.”
Azriel stepped forward, his voice steady and sincere. “I swear to you, Cassian, I will protect her with my life. She is everything to me.”
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with love for both her brother and Azriel. “And I love him, Cassian. Please, trust us.”
Cassian sighed, finally relenting. “Alright. But if you ever hurt her, Azriel—”
“I won’t,” Azriel promised, his eyes locking with Y/N’s. “I swear.”
As the tension eased, Rhysand raised his glass, a smile playing on his lips. “To new beginnings, and to the bonds that make us stronger.”
Everyone raised their glasses, the mood lightening once more. Y/N took her seat next to Azriel, their hands entwined under the table. They shared a private smile, knowing that despite the challenges ahead, they would face them together.
Cassian watched them, his protective instincts still strong but tempered by the knowledge that his sister was happy. And in the end, that was all that mattered.
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leviathanspain · 2 years
mi amor
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namor x avenger!reader
synopsis: after a long time running away from the one man who had promised you the world, you realize your fears have come to fruition
disclaimer: i have NOT seen the movie yet lmaooo i work all the time + i’m a cheap ass waiting for the pirated websites to upload the HD versions for the movie so bear with me if none of this is remotely accurate— based off of fics and clips i’ve seen
mi amor - my love
you could hear the clamor of the fight. you had stayed back, the look of disappointment on shuri’s face when she tried to tug on you to help was like salt in your deep wound. you knew exactly who it was, having caught glimpses of their blue skin and their clothing, you felt the bile rise in your throat as panic surged your body.
had he truly found you again? after all this time?
you had spent the months after leaving, destroying every piece of your identity, faking your death, selling your belongings and erasing yourself from existence. for a time, it was easy. half the world had been snapped so half the people who once knew you, were gone.
but it didn’t make the struggle of it all any less. the avengers had dissolved, especially considering that half of your teammates were gone, you were left with one option, one that you weren’t really sure was reliable anymore.
wakanda had once let you call it home, and you hoped it would once again.
nakia’s voice was like music to your ears as the call had finally been picked up on the third ring.
your head fell into your hand with a sigh of relief, “nakia!” you nearly cried, “nakia, thank the gods..”
you heard a faint whisper of a man in the background before nakia responded with your name, “y/n? what’s wrong?”
your unloading of the situation took a mere five minutes, but nakia was already on her way with a jet to retrieve you in less than.
being back on wakanda was jarring. you had been here before, happy and accompanying bucky as he healed from hydra’s touch. and it was here, that you saw him for the very first time.
legends that your mother had told you never measured to his. he was pure magic, a mystical being that had you bowing on your knees.
he rose from the water as you felt the tears prick from your eyes. the darkness casted a shadow over his face, and it wasn’t until he was breathing your air, that you finally saw the beauty of him.
you felt the gasp of air leave your lungs, and instead, filled with the pounding water from down below.
you wanted to scream, feeling the burning of your lungs, you clawed at your throat, and even more at him, for his beauty was a facade for the evil that sat within him.
as he set a hand on your shoulder, intent on watching you die within his wrath, you gripped his hand, and let the fire of your pain burn through onto his skin.
he pulled back, hissing as he looked down at his injury. you collapsed at the same time, the water that made your lungs burn now emptied out on the ground, gasping for air you heaved.
“what..” you coughed, still gulping at the left over sea water, “the fuck?!” you yelled.
“i have the same question to ask you..” his voice was accented, a twinge of spanish just at the brink of his tongue you could almost hear it.
he looked down at his burn and smirked softly, “you are the fire they’ve warned about..”
you sent yourself back to reality.
“enough dwelling in the past..” you muttered. you mustered up your strength and stepped out onto the scene. it was less horrifying as you imagined, considering his style.
all the words fell immediately as you revealed yourself. shuri and ramonda both turned and the reveal of your betrayal played in their eyes.
“y/n.” his voice was like forbidden music to your ears. you turned your gaze away from them and faced him.
you regretted your decision to show, but you understood that this was partly your fault.
“k'uk'ulkan.” his name was like honey on your tongue, a sound to him that left him buzzing. you looked at him and wanted to beg the question, wanted to ask why he would go to such lengths to find you.
“don’t think that i didn’t know. i can feel you move amongst them, your heart is aligned with mine..” namor moved closer to you, “i felt them, their heartbeat, their energy..” namor whispered now, his words ever so enchanting.
you mustered up the courage and pushed him back roughly, the sound of sizzling flesh was heard just as his soldiers, stepped in front of him with weapons pointed at your neck.
you scoffed, “i was once considered your queen, your ruler and you my subjects, and you dare forget me so soon..” you stepped back, and ignored their faces as you stared at namor, “there is not a corner on this earth that you will leave unsearched, but there is the fact that you will never find him.” your words were like knives to his heart, and he seethed.
as you prepared to step back, run away as you have always done, the emotion that tugged at your heartstrings made you stop, and gaze him in the eye once more.
“how could you have done this to me, mi amor?” he was murmuring the words, and you looked back to see the wakandians glaring at you with betrayal, “i promised to give you the world,” he opened his arms and turned with a grimace, “even if the world is undeserving of your beauty, your power can change it, change them.” he glowered at the wakandians.
you shook your head, “how could i have stayed knowing your were walking the narrow line between justice and tyranny?” you echoed, “i made my decision, and i live with it everyday that he asks who his father is.” you sniffled, “it is now your turn to live with the consequences of your actions, mi amor.” the last words felt antagonizing, like salt to another deep wound.
the pain of walking away, knowing you had just given up another place you could’ve called home eventually, was tough. your son was with nakia, the only one entrusted with the information regarding his parentage, you had him blended into society, a child who lived in ignorance filled bliss.
you would give up your life, if it meant namor would never see him.
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hello!!! I saw you reblogged my sentence starter thingy and that you write for mha?? was wondering if you’d be interested in the prompt “As soon as I get out of this I hope you know I’m going to murder you.” (72) with lee!bakugo and a class 1a ler of your choosing? hope you have a wonderful day! with love, @thebest-medicine
This prompt has Bakugo written all over it. This is going to be so fun to write!
Also, I’ve followed you for like, ever, so I’m nerding out a little, not gonna lie, lmao
Thank you for the request @thebest-medicine !!
From the prompt list, #72; “As soon as I get out of this, I hope you know I’m going to murder you.”
⚠️ WARNING!!!⚠️ as usual this is a tickle fic. Don’t like don’t read. Thank you 💙
Denki, Kirishima, and Midoria stared in amusement as Bakugo struggled.
The training exercise had been called to break, the trio told to get their fourth teammate free before joining the others.
The task had been simple, teams of four had to capture the other teams flags, which were strapped to each team captains belt. They had been playing defensively, forming a circle around Bakugo (who insisted he had to be captain, since his quirk made it hard to get too close). Before each match, you went up against a different team, not knowing who you would be up against.
They had no idea Sero had snuck up on the rooftop above them, shooting tape down like a web to scoop up the explosive blonde.
So, there he hung, thrashing and getting himself more tangled. He was tilted at a 50 degree angle, the toes of his boots just barely touching the ground, with his front facing downwards and hands tied behind his back.
“Get me out of this!” He roared, pulling hard at the tape. The group snickered, his thrashing less threatening as his hands were pressed against his elbows, meaning he couldn’t set off explosions without hurting himself.
“As soon as I get out of this, I hope you know I’m going to murder you.” He growled, twisting and turning. He attempted to scrunch his chin down to bite at the strap of tape wrapped across his chest.
Midoria smiled, approaching with caution. “Okay, we’ll get you down. I promise it will be okay.” The green haired boy didn’t miss the red gracing his friends features, he was clearly embarrassed about being captured so quickly.
Bakugo sneered, forcing himself to stay still. “You think I’m worried, Deku? Do you think I’m seriously so weak I’d be upset by this?” Midoria paused, making an exasperated face. “Well, I mean, you’re not exactly being calm about this either…”
Bakugo roared again, prying his hands from his arms just barely enough to fire off a few sparks. “SHUT THE HELL UP! YOU BASTARD!”
Midoria jumped back, hands up in defense.
“Will you just let us get you down?” Kirishima chimed in. He waited for the sparks to die down before approaching and placing a friendly hand between Bakugos shoulder blades. “The longer you fight, the longer you’ll hang here.”
Bakugo paused, then hung his head, muttering, but not fighting as Kirishima began picking at the tape with his other hand. He nodded the other two over, both quickly starting to do the same.
The silence of concentration fell over the group as they worked, feeling for tape edges, carefully picking up the ends with their nails and gently peeling it away piece by piece. Bakugo still twitched occasionally, tensing and huffing.
Denki was at Bakugos left, working at layered straps along his side. He felt for the edge, finding it resting on top of his lower ribs between his back and his side. Just like before he began to scratch, trying to lift the edge.
Bakugo lurched away.
Denki stepped back, worried he scratched a bruise. Bakugo began to shout.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, idiot?? How dare you betray me while I’m trapped!!!” The three stared, confused.
“Im sorry man! Did I hurt you?” Denki asked sincerely. Bakugo, surprisingly, blushed deep red.
“You know damn well what you did! Just get me out!”
Kirishima and Midoria looked at the electric hero, watching as he started to grin.
“Ooooh, right. Sorry.” He said, still smiling. He went back to Bakugos side, acting like he was going to work more carefully.
Instead, he found a gap in the tape.
He scribbled his nails right into his exposed side.
Bakugo thrashed again, but Denki didn’t back off. The explosive blonde gasped, but otherwise remained silent. Denki snickered.
“Ah, sorry bro. Does this tickle?”
Kirishima grinned and Midorias jaw dropped.
“I totally forgot! No wonder he’s so squirmy!” The redhead laughed, approaching as well. He did start picking at the tape again, but made no attempt at being careful. Bakugos thrashing increased, strained sounds finding their way out of his clenched teeth.
“Wait, how did you…? I mean, he told you?” Midoria asked, still staring. Kirishima chuckled.
“No, he didn’t. But when you spar with someone enough you get to know their weaknesses.”
A laugh slipped out, but the rest were quickly contained. Deku stepped up, smiling softly at his friends.
“What are you looking at?!” Bakugo managed to get out, a few giggles slipping out with it.
Deku grinned.
“I would watch how you talk to me while you’re like this. We grew up together, remember?”
Bakugo paled visibly.
“Wait, that’s right!” Denki said, looking expectedly at Midoria. “You must know all the tricks!! Tell us! How do we get him really laughing?” Kirishima nodded in agreement, grinning.
“Well, once he breaks, he can’t recover. Even if you give him a break he can’t stop.” Midoria reached out, gently fluttering his fingers around Bakugos neck and ears. Bakugo snorted, shaking his head. He had a smile crawling its way across his face, nose scrunching.
“How do we get him to break?” Kirishima asked, reaching to ruffle Bakugos hair affectionately.
“You can either keep it up, play the long game, and he’ll break, or you can go for a bad spot.” Keeping one hand at Bakugos neck, Deku guided one of Kirishimas hands by the wrist down to his hip. A mischievous glint flickered in the redheads eyes.
“If you’re going to murder us when you get out of this, just make my death quick, yeah?” Kirishima said, squeezing the tissue, testing.
Bakugo squealed loudly.
Different from his usual laugh, he sounded genuinely happy. Out of control, yes, but happy. He laughed from deep in his chest, tossing his head side to side and grinning widely.
Denki reached across to have one hand on each side, scribbling with vigor, while Kirishima knelt to squeeze his hips and thighs. Midoria kept his place around his neck, shoulders, and shoulder blades.
Bakugo kept his eyes squeezed shut, feeling some relief as he let himself laugh. He tried to kick, tried to fight, but he couldn’t get away. His protests came out as incoherent babbling, laced with too many giggles to really be understood.
He could feel his heart racing, his shoulders shaking, but oddly he could feel his muscles relaxing as well. He was embarrassed, sure, but he didn’t feel unsafe. And it was nice to laugh so freely.
Not that he would tell them that.
Fuck that.
Kirishima and Denki, despite tickling intently, still picked and pulled at the tape. As Bakugo thrashed, he could feel the restraints loosening. Peeking, he could see the pile of tape getting larger on the ground around him.
Bakugo forced himself to relax, stopping his squirming and going limp. The trio stopped for a moment, worried.
“Just get me out.” He panted, still giggling. “I’ll stay still, keep going.” The three looked at each other, Deku grinning.
“Tickling also makes him very compliant. If any villains find out about this, it may be his downfall.”
The three snickered, Bakugo keeping his promise and hanging limp.
Starting again, he laughed freely and fought the urge to struggle. The faster he got out the faster this was over.
So he hung.
He giggled.
He snickered.
He cackled.
He squealed.
Then he yelped as the last piece pulled free and he dropped into Kirishimas waiting arms.
Kirishima let him lay there for a moment, holding the giggly heap of a hero. His hair was more of a mess than usual, red eyes glistening with mirthful tears, face flushed. The three smiled.
Then the blonde promptly exploded.
The three bolted, scattering in different directions as Bakugo scrambled to chase them.
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differentpostrebel · 23 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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The second gif gets me everytime LMFAOOO
Chapter 19: The Icy Clash 
A/N: We finally get the Monet VS. Y/N fight!!! And also some funny Sanji moments too. Some Law POV, as well. Some surprise guests too! Tomorrows chapter we will be getting out lovesick cooks sanji POV.. and more, maybe a few more surprise guests (hehehe) ! Thank you guys for joining!, thank you guys for following, liking, reblogging, commenting!. I cant wait for you guys to see whats instore for the next chapters! And without further a do, lets get to it! Also, Tomorrow I will also be going back to chapter 18 and 19 and adding the links to the previous chapters.
Word Count: 4.8K 
Sanji X Reader, One Piece X Reader, Sanji x Y/N
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19 (Here)
Laws POV… 
Finally making my way to the room I needed to be in, I was laser-focused on my mission. Destroying the manufacturing tanks for the SAD was my top priority. Once that was done, I’d head back to R-66 and regroup with Straw Hat—and Y/N. Thoughts of her needing my assistance filled my mind. Her extensive injuries and wounds meant she'd be in recovery mode, which meant she'd need me by her side.
"Y/N, the things you do to me," I whispered under my breath as I unsheathed my blade, preparing for the task ahead.
But before I could make my move, a voice behind me made it clear who I’d be facing.
"I can't help but feel like I've been bit by my very own dog, Law," Vergo’s voice dripped with malice, causing me to turn back and face him.
"I'm afraid you've crossed the line, kid. You're just too damn smart for your own good," he sneered, his armament Haki flaring up as he readied his bamboo stick. "You know what's sad about folks like you? They tend to die at a young age. I can't wait to wipe that smart-ass look off your face."
His eyes narrowed as a twisted smile crept across his lips. "And maybe then I can get back to that princess of yours you seem so fond of. Maybe I can even hand her over to Joker. I'm sure he'd love to have his fun with her."
I felt a surge of anger course through me, my grip tightening on my blade. "You won’t lay a finger on her, Vergo," I growled, my voice low and deadly.
In a flash, Vergo appeared in front of me, faster than I could react. His bamboo stick slammed into my chin with brutal force, knocking me off balance as blood spilled from my mouth. Before I could regain my footing, he appeared again, this time driving his weapon into my chest, slamming me into the ground with such force that it created a dent in the metal floor.
"Stand up, Law," Vergo taunted, towering over me with that same cold, menacing grin. "You can’t die this early. I want you to feel every bit of this."
Gritting my teeth, I struggled to push myself up, my body protesting in pain. "You think… this is enough to stop me?" I spat, wiping the blood from my mouth as I forced myself to stand, my legs shaky but resolute.
Vergo’s expression didn’t change, his eyes narrowing as he watched me. "You’ve always been stubborn. But that’s going to be your downfall."
I steadied myself, gripping my sword tightly. "The only one falling today… is you," I said, my voice filled with determination. "I’ve come too far to let you stop me now. And I’ll be damned if I let you get anywhere near her."
Vergo chuckled darkly, his bamboo stick coated in Haki as he readied his next move. "Big words for a man on the brink of death. Let’s see if you can back them up."
"What is that?" I asked, looking up ahead at the top of the stairs.
"It's the children!" Robin exclaimed, her voice filled with concern.
"Oh no, Chopper is in his Monster Point!" Nami gasped, her eyes widening in alarm.
"The kids must be going through withdrawals," I said, my heart sinking at the sight. Chopper’s Rumble Ball effect had worn off, and the children were frantically running towards the biscuit room, desperate to eat more candy. Chopper, tears welling in his eyes, begged them to stop, but they didn’t listen.
Just then, Nami grabbed Chopper, pulling him back as we all began to run toward the children. "Nami, thank you!" Chopper said, his voice filled with relief.
"Looks like we got here just in time! Yohooo!" Brook chimed in, his usual cheerfulness masking the severity of the situation.
But I suddenly stopped in my tracks, my body still too weak to keep up. The toll of my injuries was catching up to me, and I couldn’t push myself any further. "Y/N, come on!" Zoro called out, his voice urging me to keep moving.
I glanced at Chopper, struggling to catch my breath as I tried to steady myself. "Chopper," I began, my voice strained, "remember that medicine I handed you along with the ointment that can heal wounds fast?"
"Yeah, Y/N, I brought a few just in case," Chopper replied, still wounded from trying to keep the kids in place. He was breathing heavily, but he quickly reached into his bag, understanding the gravity of the situation.
I limped toward Chopper, determination in my eyes. "Good, I’m going to need that now!" I declared, knowing this was the only way I could help without being a burden.
Chopper stared at me, his eyes full of concern but also understanding. He knew this was a risk, but it was necessary. "Right!" he said, pulling out a small white medicine pill.
"Here goes nothing," I muttered, swallowing the pill whole. The taste was bitter, but I ignored it, focusing on the task at hand.
After a few minutes, I began to feel the effects of the medicine. My body, once sluggish and weak, now felt energized. The pain in my right leg subsided, and I could finally put weight on it again. "Yes!" I exclaimed, testing my strength as a smile spread across my face. "Thank you, Chopper!" I said, grateful for his quick thinking and the medicine that had given me a second wind.
"You gotta stop the kids before they consume more of it, guys!" Chopper cried, his voice trembling. "The biscuit room is down the hall to the left. There's a girl named Mocha who's been helping me—she's the only child with her right mind!"
"Don’t worry, Chopper, we can take care of it from here. You did good," I reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Tears welled up in Chopper’s eyes once more, the weight of the situation heavy on his small frame.
We finally reached the biscuit room, and just as Chopper had said, the children were rushing toward Mocha, desperate for more candy. Robin quickly sprang into action. "Mil Fleur, Gigantesco Mano!" she commanded, her giant hands emerging from the floor, wrapping around the children, and halting them in their tracks.
"Good, this will buy us some time!" I said, feeling a brief moment of relief.
"Nami, Usopp, Chopper, go help Mocha and the kids!" I instructed, urgency lacing my voice.
"Right!" they responded in unison, rushing toward Mocha, who was trying her best to keep the candy away from the other children.
Robin’s face twisted in concentration as she struggled to hold the kids back. "I’m afraid I can’t hold them off much longer," she warned, gritting her teeth. One of the children bit down on her hand, causing her to wince in pain.
"You can’t have any candy!" Mocha shouted, desperately trying to keep the candy away from the other children as they clawed at her. In a panic, she turned and bolted, clutching the candy tightly to her chest.
Just then, a gust of cold wind swept through the room, carrying with it a flurry of snowflakes. "What is it now?" I groaned in frustration as the exit became blocked by a wall of snow.
"You don’t have to worry about a thing, Mocha dear," a chillingly familiar voice echoed through the room. My eyes widened in shock and anger. "It’s her!" I hissed, gripping my sword tightly. "The nerve of this bitch!" I added through gritted teeth.
"Ahhh, it’s her! It’s the crazy bird woman I told you about!" Usopp yelled, eyes wide with fear.
"Crazy is a nice way of putting it," I muttered darkly. "This woman is downright evil!"
"Monet, help me, please!" Mocha pleaded, her voice trembling.
Monet’s icy gaze fell on Mocha. "Mocha, you shouldn’t hog all the candy. Be a nice girl and share it with everyone," she cooed, a sinister smile on her lips as she sent another gust of snow our way.
"It seems this woman uses sorcery!" Kin’emon exclaimed, readying his sword.
"Oh, it’s more than sorcery, that’s for sure!" I snapped back, my eyes narrowing as I locked onto Monet.
"You know this woman?" Zoro asked, glancing at me with curiosity.
"Let’s just say she and I go way back," I replied coldly, my grip tightening on my sword.
Monet! But why?" Mocha cried out, her voice tinged with desperation and confusion.
Monet giggled, a chilling sound that seemed to freeze the very air around us.
Laws POV… 
"AHHH!" I yelled in agony, the pain nearly overwhelming me. "Damn it! Room! Have my heart come back to me!"
Just as I managed to summon my powers and pull my heart back, Vergo landed a crushing kick that sent me crashing into the nearby rails. I fell to the ground, the pain becoming almost unbearable. My vision started to blur, and I could barely make out Vergo’s menacing figure as he once again clutched my heart.
With his armament haki activated, Vergo landed a devastating punch to my face, sending my hat flying off and leaving me vulnerable.
"Here’s a counter shock!" I sneered, unleashing a brutal attack that made him gasp in pain. 
"I have a message from Joker," Vergo said, his voice cold and indifferent.
My counterattack hadn’t worked, and the realization dawned on me that Vergo was indeed a loyal lackey of Joker. "Well, Vergo," I said through gritted teeth, a smirk appearing on my face despite the pain. "That’s Mr. Vergo to you."
As Vergo continued to clutch my heart, I screamed in agony, my strength waning as I barely managed to stay conscious. Just then, as if by some miracle, the scene shifted, and Vergo came face to face with Vice Admiral Smoker.
Smoker’s imposing figure filled the doorway, and his presence was a welcome sight. "Smoker…" I muttered weakly, a flicker of hope igniting within me despite the intense pain. 
Y/N POV.. 
"Mocha, there’s no way you can eat all that candy alone," Monet said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "You might as well share it with the others."
"No! I can't do that, it's bad!" Mocha protested, clutching the candy tightly.
"My, you're a difficult one," Monet replied with a smirk. "Stop being greedy and share."
"Hey, lady, what are you doing to these kids?" Nami demanded, stepping forward with a fierce glare.
"Yeah, you don’t know who you’re messing with!" Usopp added, his tone defiant.
"Actually, I do," Monet said with a hint of malice. "I do my research, so I know exactly who you are. You’re the infamous Straw Hat Pirate Crew."
"We don’t have much time," Robin said, turning to us with urgency. "Luffy asked me to find Sea Prism Stone handcuffs. Usopp and Brook, go search for them."
Usopp and Brook nodded, quickly heading off to find the handcuffs. Kinemon also left to search for his son, leaving Robin, Zoro, Nami, Chopper, and me to deal with Monet.
I steeled myself, trying to push through the pain and fatigue. "Not yet, Y/N," I thought. "I’ve got to hold it off a little while longer."
Mocha, taking advantage of the chaos, ran away with the children following her. Nami and Chopper dashed after them, their urgency clear. "Perhaps I can slow them down!" Robin said, preparing to act.
But before Robin could make a move, Monet struck with deadly precision, stabbing Robin in the back. "Robin!" Nami cried out in horror as Robin staggered, the wound clearly painful.
Seeing Robin injured spurred me into action. "It’s time," I said to myself, determination filling me. I clenched my left hand, activating its power. I grabbed my sword, pressing the blue gem to summon the ice once more. The blade shimmered with a cold, icy aura.
With a surge of adrenaline, I lifted my left leg and dashed toward Nami and Robin. "I told you... DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!" I roared, my voice echoing with fury. I slammed my sword down, intercepting Monet’s attack with a loud clash.
The force of the impact sent shockwaves through the air, and Monet’s eyes widened in surprise.
. She was flung backward, her blades slicing through the air as she regained her balance.
“Nami, Robin, Chopper, are you guys okay?” I called out, not taking my glare away from Monet. I could see Nami trying to support Robin while Chopper tended to her wounds.
“We’re fine, but the kids—” Nami began, but Zoro cut her off.
“You three do something to stop those kids!” Zoro said, drawing his swords and preparing for action.
“Zoro, stay out of this fight!” I ordered, my voice firm and filled with authority. “This birdbrain’s mine.” I smirked, focusing my full attention on Monet.
“I’m not leaving you,” Zoro said, determination etched in his expression.
“Just make sure Nami, Robin, and Chopper make it out of this room!” I insisted. “Then come back and help.”
Monet, having regained her composure, sneered at me. “Ahh, we meet again, harlot!” she spat, venom dripping from her words.
“Monet, long time no see. Has it really been 30 minutes since you tied me to those chains?” I retorted, my voice dripping with cold satisfaction.
“I’ve been waiting to get you back for mocking me, princess,” Monet growled, her rage palpable. “The brokers will be thrilled to see this fight,” she added with a smirk.
“By the way, how’s your right leg? Vergo did a number on you. That’ll be an easy target for me to strike,” Monet taunted.
“Good,” I said, clenching my left hand. “I can’t wait for them to watch me kick your ass!” I lifted my right leg and clenched my left hand, focusing my energy.
With a burst of speed, I dashed through the air, twisting and spinning with precision. My right leg arced gracefully, the motion fluid and powerful as I executed my move. “Tremor Kick!” I shouted as my heel connected with Monet’s head, sending her crashing down to the ground with a resounding impact. The force created a series of cracks and holes in the ground where she landed.
I glanced to my right and spotted a camera, clearly positioned for the brokers to watch the fight. “Must be where the brokers are looking at,” I thought with a smirk.
“And as for you lovely brokers who are watching,” I called out with a confident grin, “get ready for the ride of your lives.”
I twirled my sword, and the air around me shimmered as the ice shards crystallized into razor-sharp, blade-like formations. The shards whirled around me, their edges gleaming with a deadly light. With a swift, fluid motion, I directed the shards toward Monet.
The shards sliced through the air with precision, their icy blades cutting through anything in their path. Monet, still reeling from my previous attack, barely had time to react as the shards closed in. The air crackled with the sound of ice meeting flesh, and Monet’s eyes widened in shock and pain. 
As she staggered back, I could hear Mocha’s desperate screams as she fled through another door, pursued by the others.
“We can’t let the kids get away!” Chopper shouted, his concern for the children evident in his voice. Robin, Chopper, Nami, and Zoro swiftly headed towards the children, leaving me to deal with Monet.
Monet’s voice cut through the chaos, dripping with malice. “My, that was quite the attack, harlot. But it’s still not enough to stop me.” Her determination was palpable as she started moving towards the escaping group.
“Oh no you don’t!” I shouted, dashing to intercept her. Nami’s eyes widened in alarm. “Y/N! Don’t hit me!” she cried out, but I had no intention of harming her. Instead, I aimed my strike at Monet, who had positioned herself behind Nami.
Our blades clashed with a sharp ring, the impact reverberating through the room. Monet gritted her teeth, her face a mask of rage and frustration.
“Guys, get out now!” I yelled to Nami, Robin, and Chopper as they hurriedly left. Zoro gave me one last, concerned look before turning back to ensure their safe retreat.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes, okay, Y/N?” Zoro called out, determination in his voice. “Protect them and the children!” I shouted back, my voice laced with urgency. With a nod, Zoro sprinted off, leaving me to confront Monet. 
Monet’s eyes narrowed as she licked her lips, her expression a mix of disdain and amusement. “Such a shame,” she said, her voice dripping with condescension. “This fight is between you and me, not them.”
I met her gaze with a smirk. “Yes, it is, but picking at the weak ones is a winner’s strategy.”
Monet’s smile faltered slightly as I chuckled. “You honestly think they’re weak? Hmpph, Law was right about one thing: you really are full of it,” I said, letting out a laugh that I hoped would get under her skin.
Her face darkened, anger flickering in her eyes. “Harlot… I’d watch that mouth of yours,” she warned, her tone icy.
“Oh?” I replied, feigning curiosity. “You mean the same mouth that Law loves to kiss?”
The mention of Law’s name seemed to hit a nerve. Monet’s expression twisted in a mix of rage and frustration. Monet’s frustration was palpable, her strikes growing more erratic as I danced around her with deliberate ease. “You know, Monet,” I said with a smirk, “it’s almost sad watching you get so worked up. You’re clearly not used to someone getting under your skin.”
Her eyes narrowed with fury. “I’m going to enjoy watching you fall.”
I chuckled, dodging another of her wild swings. “Oh, I’m sure you will. But before you do, let’s talk about something a bit more... personal. Like how Law and I had a little moment together.”
Monet’s confusion and irritation flashed across her face. “What are you talking about?”
I sidestepped her attack with a graceful twist, my voice laced with taunting amusement. “You didn’t know? Law and I had a rather... intense encounter. He had me pinned down, tending to my wounds with such skill. But it wasn’t just about healing. There was a certain... intimacy to it. You could almost feel the tension crackling between us.”
Monet’s grip on her weapon tightened, her frustration bubbling over. “I don’t care about your games or your little romance.”
I laughed softly, my eyes glinting with mischief. “Oh, but you’re mistaken. It’s not just about romance. It’s about how he made me feel, the way his touch was both firm and gentle. And this coat I’m wearing? It’s not just any coat. It’s his coat. The warmth of it, the scent of his cologne—it all reminds me of how he took care of me, making sure I stayed warm and protected.” I gave her a teasing wink. “A charming young doctor just knows all the right ways to satisfy a woman, if you know what I mean.”
Monet’s face twisted in anger. “Enough! I’m done listening to your pathetic boasts.”
I leaned in closer, my tone dripping with mockery. “Pathetic? Maybe. But it’s also effective. You’re rattled because you know you’ll never have what I had with Law. The warmth, the care, the connection—it’s something you can never touch. And that eats away at you, doesn’t it?”
Putting away my sword, I pressed my left palm against my right fist, activating the electrical charge with a crackle of energy. “You are so dead, princess!” Monet snarled, lunging at me with fury. I dodged her attack, her movements wild and fueled by rage. But then, suddenly, I felt something cold and heavy stopping me in my tracks.
“What the hell!” I cursed, struggling to move as the snow around me hardened, trapping me in place. Monet’s eyes gleamed with triumph as she closed in, her claws flashing. She slashed at my coat, the fabric tearing apart, falling in tatters around me.
“Now, there’s no coat to protect you,” she sneered, her smirk widening as I strained against the snow’s grasp.
“Damn it, I’m still stuck in this!” I growled, struggling against the snow’s icy grip. But before I could break free, Monet seized my left arm, her claws digging painfully into my skin. I swung at her with my free hand, but she was too fast. With a sinister grin, she spun me around and hurled me against the wall. The impact sent a shockwave of pain through my body, blood spilling from my mouth as I crumpled to the ground. My left arm throbbed in agony—the injury was getting worse, and I could feel it.
Monet approached me with a taunting smirk, her voice dripping with mockery. “Hahaha! My, my, Princess, did I injure your left arm?”
I looked up at her, breathing heavily but refusing to show weakness. “Even if you did injure me, I can still kick your ass with one hand tied behind my back!” I snarled.
With my right hand, I grabbed her left leg in a sudden move. Her eyes widened in surprise. “What are you doing?!” Monet demanded.
“NOW SHOCK!” I yelled, channeling the electricity from my arm directly into her body. The energy surged through her, and Monet convulsed, gasping for air as the shock overwhelmed her.
As she collapsed to the ground, struggling to breathe, I slowly let go of her leg and pushed myself up, clutching onto my injured left arm. The pain was intense, but I wasn’t about to back down. I stood over Monet, my eyes burning with defiance. “You’re not so tough when the tables are turned, are you?” I muttered, my voice low and fierce.
Just then, I heard the door creak open, and I turned to see Zoro stepping into the room. "Finally made it back," he said, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.
Laughing, I made my way over to him, relief washing over me. "About time you got here!" I teased. "And you didn’t get lost! I’m impressed."
But before I could say more, I saw Zoro's expression change. His eyes widened as he looked past me, and I felt a cold dread settle in my stomach. “Y/N, watch out!” he shouted.
“Snow Sword Skin Technique!” Monet's voice rang out behind me, filled with malice. I barely had time to react before I felt a sharp, searing pain in my left arm. Monet’s blade had cut deep, leaving a giant gash that bled profusely.
“Damn it!” I seethed, clutching my arm as I staggered back, trying to maintain my balance. The pain was excruciating, but I wasn’t going to let her see me falter.
Monet seizing the opportunity, grabs me with her claws. Her claws dug deeper into my chest, and I could feel her nails piercing my skin as pressure mounted on my ribs. "Ahhh!" I screamed, the agony shooting through my body. I clutched my left arm, still trying to lift my right leg for an attack, but Monet locked it down with her own, squeezing me into submission.
“Damn it!” I gasped, each breath harder to take as her crushing hold forced the air out of me. My body throbbed as if every nerve was screaming in pain.
“Y/N!” Zoro’s voice cut through the haze, his sword ready as he sprinted toward me.
“Zoro! Don’t!” I shouted, trying to keep him from getting any closer. I knew Monet wanted him to charge in recklessly.
Monet grinned wickedly, her taunt aimed right at Zoro. “My, even in the face of death, she still wants to protect you. How touching!” Her wings began to rise, preparing to deliver the final blow. "One more slash should do it."
Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed through the corridor. “There’s another room back here! Find those children and get them out of here!” shouted a familiar voice.
Monet froze, her attack halting as confusion washed over her face. “What the...?”
I took advantage of the distraction, clenching my left hand, summoning every bit of energy I had. Pain radiated through my body, but I forced it aside, connecting my right hand with my left. Power surged between them. A smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth as I realized I had the chance to fight back.
“Come on, let’s bust the door open!” The voice rang out, clear now. My eyes widened. "Wait, that's..."
“Raaahhh! Save those kids!” Sanji shouted as he burst into the room, G-5 marines following close behind.
Zoro threw an annoyed glance their way. “Why are all those marines after you?”
“The only person I can see is Pirate Hunter Zoro!” one of the G-5 marines shouted.
“Of course, that idiot is here,” Sanji said, exasperation in his voice.
"He really is something else," I muttered weakly through the pain.
“Alright, men! Everyone, make dumb faces at Mosshead!” Sanji commanded, and the G-5 soldiers instantly complied, pulling ridiculous expressions toward Zoro.
“I hope you all slip and crack your skulls,” Zoro grumbled. 
Monet’s grip on my leg loosened in the chaos, giving me the opportunity I needed. Summoning all the power in my right leg, I prepared to strike. 
Sanji, oblivious to the situation, suddenly locked eyes on Monet. “Never mind, we’ve got a hottie right here!” he swooned, hearts in his eyes.
“Yeah, shake those tail feathers!” one of the G-5 soldiers chimed in.
I rolled my eyes. “Of course, Sanji.”
“Pick your jaws up, morons!” Zoro barked at the G-5 marines, snapping them out of their daze. “And you, curly brows, do you not see she’s about to kill Y/N?”
But then, Sanji’s gaze shifted and finally locked onto me. His eyes went wide with sudden realization. “What the—? Y/N!” His voice, usually playful, was now filled with genuine concern. “You’ve got to be kidding me...”
That was all I needed to hear. Gathering the last bit of strength, I pushed back against Monet. With my right leg, I kicked her just enough to loosen her grip. “I’ve got one shot at this,” I muttered to myself, steeling my resolve.
With Monet momentarily thrown off, I activated the anklet around my leg, and connecting a touch with my left palm, letting the fire ignite. “Let’s see how you handle this, Monet!”
With a fierce stomp, I brought my foot down on her wing, flames erupting and sending tremors through her body. The fire spread across her arm, igniting her flesh. “Now, Blaze!” I shouted, watching as her arm was engulfed in flames.
Monet screeched, stumbling backward as she tried desperately to extinguish the fire. The tables had turned. The terror she had inflicted on me was now her own to face. I stood, clutching my injured arm but ready to finish what we started.
Monet, though weakened and scorched, wasn’t done yet. She bared her fangs, her icy wings spreading wide as she prepared for another assault. “You think this is over?” she hissed, her voice dripping with venom.
Just then, she was momentarily distracted by the G-5 marines, who were shouting and catcalling. “Sexiest bird I’ve ever seen!” one of them whistled, while another added, “woohooo! Baby yeah!
Zoro, incredulous, commented dryly, “Call me crazy, but I think she’s actually enjoying this!”
Seizing the opportunity, I made my way toward Sanji and swiftly undid his tie. Sanji’s face flushed a deep red, and I could feel his heart racing. “Y/N, what are you—” he started, but I didn’t give him a chance to finish.
With a quick motion, I removed his tie and began wrapping it around my injured left arm. “There, that’ll stop the bleeding for now,” I said, tying it securely.
Sanji, still looking dumbfounded, watched as I finished. I approached him, pecked him on the cheek, and said, “Did I ever tell you that you look absolutely sexy without a tie?” With a playful wink, I turned and made my way back to the battlefield.
Sanji’s face turned a deeper shade of red, but his attention quickly snapped back to the fight as he saw Monet preparing her next attack. 
Kidd POV…
"Kidd, I totally forgot we had a meeting to form an alliance with both Scratchman and Hawkins," Killer said, downing his fifth beer.
"Cancel the meeting, I don’t give a damn," I grumbled, chugging down my seventh beer. The room spun slightly as the alcohol took its toll. “The way Caesar’s showing the wrong people in this live recording, I don’t care about your poison gas!” I slammed my fist on the table, causing the remaining beer to slosh around.
Just then, the live transponder snail began broadcasting a room filled with children. “Little brats, what is this, a daycare live feed?” I sneered, irritation growing.
Killer chuckled, shaking his head. “At this rate, it looks like that meeting’s about to be more interesting than this.”
“I told you… DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!” came a voice through the broadcast.
Y/N. The voice cut through my drunken haze like a lightning bolt. My mind, fogged by the alcohol, began to spin into a wild fantasy, the lines between reality and imagination blurring.
In my steamy reverie, Y/N’s presence dominated every corner of my mind. I imagined her standing in front of me, her eyes blazing with defiance and raw intensity. The fantasy was visceral and unrestrained. I could almost feel her body pressed against mine, the heat of her skin melding with mine as if igniting a feverish storm. The thought of her lips against mine, of her breath mingling with my own, sent a surge of heat straight to my core.
I envisioned gripping Y/N tightly, her form writhing beneath me, every touch and gasp amplified by the raw, primal energy between us. Her voice, fierce and unyielding, was now a low, seductive growl in my ear, every word a promise of unrestrained passion. The scene played out with explosive intensity: our bodies tangled in a frenetic dance of need and desire, our movements wild and unrelenting.
The world outside ceased to exist, our connection consuming all rational thought. I imagined the intensity of her gaze as it pierced through me, her skin hot and slick against mine. Every touch was electric, every whisper a command that drove me further into a frenzy of lust. I saw us locked together, the heat of our bodies mingling, each touch igniting the other in a relentless surge of pleasure.
Sweat dripped down my brow as the fantasy reached its fever pitch. I could feel the imaginary press of Y/N’s body against mine, the way her hands gripped me, urging me closer, driving me deeper into the madness of our shared desire. Her moans begging me for more, begging for me to go faster. I can hear it now, her voice filled with pleasure, “Kidd… oh Kidd dont stop.”  It was raw, untamed, a brutal collision of passion and power.
As the feed continued, Y/N's voice cut through the clamor, taunting the bird woman with a mix of defiance and strategic wit. That is until she mentioned Trafalgar laws. How he tended to her wounds, how he gave her his coat, how he had her pinned down, Y/N’s voice dripped with a mixture of pride and irritation. “That should be me doing all that!” The words were sharp and deliberate, designed to get under the bird woman's skin. 
My grip tightened around the beer bottle, the fiery liquid warming my insides as I took another swig. I could feel the heat of my frustration mingling with the alcohol, fueling a storm of possessive anger. My mind raced, images of Law's smug face and Y/N's vulnerable position stirring a tempest of raw emotion within me.
Killer’s gaze was fixed on the screen, his expression reflecting the same volatile mix of fury and frustration I felt. His hands were clenched tightly, knuckles white as if they were straining against invisible chains. “I told you, Kidd, we should have gone,” he said, his voice laced with frustration and a touch of regret.
I smirked, watching Y/N’s tactical play unfold. “Damn right,” I muttered. “My fiancée sure knows how to rattle anybody she comes across.” My pride surged with every clever remark Y/N made, each taunt a testament to her strength and cunning.
Just then, my eyes widened as the scene took a brutal turn. The bird woman, furious and desperate, grabbed Y/N with a vicious grip and hurled them against the wall. My heart pounded, the raw intensity of the scene searing through my drunken haze. Y/N's body slammed into the wall with a sickening thud, and I could see the grimace of pain on their face even through the screen.
Killer let out a low growl, his frustration palpable. But then Y/N retaliated sending the bird woman a jolt of electricity.
The way Y/N retaliated, her body moving with an effortless grace that spoke of countless hours of training and determination, was captivating. Her fierce resolve, Her focus—it was intoxicating. The bird woman reeled from the electric assault, her earlier bravado dissipating as she struggled to regain her footing. 
Killer, noticing my distracted, almost transfixed expression, took another swig of his beer, his eyes glinting with a mix of admiration and something darker. “She’s become quite the force to be reckoned with,” he said, his voice low but laced with a hint of intrigue. “I didn’t expect any less from her.”
I grunted, my fingers gripping the edge of the table tightly as I watched Y/N fight. “Yeah, she’s something else,” I said, my voice rough with emotion. “Every time I see her like this, it drives me wild.”
Killer’s smirk widened as he observed Y/N’s defensive tactics. “Looks like she knows exactly how to push their buttons,” he said, his tone dripping with admiration. “And she’s doing it brilliantly.”
My lips curled into a savage grin. “Damn right. That’s my woman out there, showing everyone what she’s made of.” I raised my beer in a celebratory gesture, the pride and possessiveness clear in my voice. “She’s got the fire in her, and she’s not afraid to use it.”
As the bird woman was forced back, her composure shattered by Y/N’s relentless assault, I felt a surge of passion and fury. Seeing Y/N fight with such intensity, their movements a testament to their strength and will, only fueled my desire. I wanted to be there, fighting alongside them, sharing in their triumphs and struggles.
“Let’s keep watching,” I said, my voice filled with a rough intensity. “I need to see every moment of this. I want to see how she handles this.”
Killer nodded, his eyes reflecting the same fervor. “Yeah, let’s see it through. She’s incredible.”
As the battle unfolded before us, the room seemed to shrink away, leaving only the raw, unfiltered passion of the fight and my unwavering fascination with Y/N.
Unknown Viewer…
As the live feed continued to capture Y/N’s fierce struggle, the three of us sat together, our eyes fixed on the screen. Y/N’s determination was palpable, her every move a testament to her strength and resilience. I couldn’t help but admire her, even as a dark plan began to take shape in my mind.
“She really is quite the woman,” one of my brothers remarked, taking a swig of his beer. His gaze was unwavering as he observed the battle. “Look at her stand her ground. It’s impressive.”
My other brother snorted, a derisive laugh escaping him. “And our failure of a brother can’t get enough of her,” he said, pointing at the screen. “He wouldn’t even know how to handle all that woman.”
The laughter that followed was harsh, but I found it fitting. The image of Y/N, fierce and unapologetic, stirred something within me. “She’s feisty, I love that in a woman,” I said, my voice filled with a mixture of admiration and darker intent. “She’s exactly what I’ve been looking for.”
I stood, the weight of my decision settling heavily on my shoulders. “It’s settled, then,” I declared, my tone resolute. “I’ll have father set up the arrangements. Soon, she will be mine, and we’ll be wed.”
My brothers exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of amusement and approval. “And I’ll make sure she knows what true power feels like,” I continued, a cruel smile stretching across my face. “The failure will witness it all, and he’ll be powerless to stop it.”
The laughter that followed was cold, echoing through the room. “Soon, you will be mine,” I said, turning my attention back to the live feed. “And we’ll show everyone what true dominance really means.”
As the scene unfolded, the promise of what was to come hung heavily in the air. I watched with a mixture of anticipation and satisfaction, knowing that soon, everything would change.
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anonymousewrites · 1 month
Pearl of the Sea Chapter Seven
Found Family! PoTC Cast x Teen! Reader
Platonic! Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Jack Sparrow, Tia Dalma x Reader
Chapter Seven: Stranded on an Island
Summary: Abandoned on a deserted island, Jack, Elizabeth, and (Y/N) console themselves, and Elizabeth plots.
            (Y/N) waded out of the water and sat down on the sandy shores of the island. They took deep breaths. Behind them, Elizabeth—burgundy dress gone—and Jack struggled to land after an exhausting swim. (Y/N) wasn’t tired, but they were nervous—scared—about being stuck on an abandoned island without fresh water or food. This could and probably would be their doom.
            Jack stared back at the Black Pearl as it sailed away. “That’s the second time I’ve watched that man sail away with my ship,” he said, frustrated. He turned and stalked into the grove of trees.
            “You were marooned on this island before!” said Elizabeth, following him. “We can escape the same way!”
            (Y/N) nearly followed, but, feeling more secure where they sat, they remained by the sea. Behind them, the argument continued, and (Y/N) sighed. They just wanted to think.
            “To what point and purpose, young missy?” said Jack. “The Black Pearl is gone! Unless you and the laddie have a lot of sails hidden in your clothes, young Mr. Turner will be dead long before you can reach him.”
            “But you’re Captain Jack Sparrow!” said Elizabeth. “You vanished from under the eyes of seven agents of the East India Company! You sacked Nassau Port without a shot. Are the pirate I’ve read about or not?”
            (Y/N) sighed and ran their hands through the sand, trying to calm themself as the threat of death hung over their head.
            “How did you escape the last time?” demanded Elizabeth.
            That had (Y/N) glancing back. They were curious about that since sea turtles felt pretty much impossible, even if magic and curses existed. Jack frowned and turned away from Elizabeth. (Y/N)’s intense gaze bore into him, and he hesitated before speaking again.
            “Last time I was here a grand total of three days, alright?” he said. “Last time…” he opened up a hidden cellar door. “The rumrunners used this island as a cache.” Jack avoided their gazes and went into the cellar. “They came by, and I was able to barter passage off.” He grimaced as he lifted a bottle of rum out. “From the looks of things, they’ve long been out of business.” Jack huffed. “Probably have your bloody friend Norrington to thank for that.”
            (Y/N) sighed. It was more than a little disappointing that Jack didn’t have a way off the island, but at least they had a better explanation than “sea turtles.”
            “So that’s it, then?!” said Elizabeth. “That’s the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow!” She narrowed her eyes furiously. “You spent three days on the beach drinking rum.”
            “Welcome to the Caribbean, love!” said Jack cheerfully. “Now, who wants a drink before we die? Laddie?!”
            “I like to keep my wits,” said (Y/N).
            “What a depressing idea,” said Jack, swaggering off towards the sea to get wasted.
            Behind them, Elizabeth looked at the bottle of rum, and an idea came to her. She looked back at (Y/N) and Jack and decided to keep her plan to herself. For one, she didn’t trust Jack. For two, she didn’t want to give false hope to (Y/N) in case her plan didn’t work out and they got stranded.
            “(Y/N),” said Elizabeth.
            “Yes?” said (Y/N), looking at Elizabeth.
            “Thank you for coming,” said Elizabeth. “It was extraordinarily brave of you.” She hugged (Y/N). “I’m so sorry you got stuck here.” She held them tightly. “I’m going to get you out of here. I promise.”
            “Of course I came for you, Lizzie. You’re my sister,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Elizabeth held them tighter. She really loved this kid. “Come on, (Y/N). Let’s go celebrate that we’re alive right now.”
            “We’re devils, we’re black sheep, we’re really bad eggs!” Elizabeth, (Y/N), and Jack danced around a bonfire on the beach. They sang as they went, and Jack was completely wasted. (Y/N) had drank a bit to keep from being thirsty, and Elizabeth was slightly tipsy. However, despite the varying states of inebriation, they were having a great time. “Drink up, me hearties, yo-ho! Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate’s life for me!”
            “I love this song!” said Jack.
            Elizabeth laughed, and (Y/N) whooped and spun. Jack copied them and swayed on his feet. He fell to the sand, and (Y/N) sprawled back with him.
            “When I get the Pearl back…I’m gonna teach it to the whole crew!” declared Jack, his words slurring. “And we’ll sing it all the time.”
            “You’ll be a singing pirate,” laughed (Y/N), letting free for once on the seashore. “Feared in all the Caribbean!”
            “Not just the Caribbean—the entire ocean! The world!” said Jack earnestly. “I’ll go wherever I want to go, I go!” He grinned at (Y/N). “That’s what a ship is, you know. It’s not just a keel and hull and deck and sails. That’s what a ship needs. But what a ship is…What the Black Pearl really is—”
            “Freedom,” said (Y/N). They gazed at Jack, eyes bright. “It’s freedom.”
            Jack grinned at them. “You’re a bright one, laddie.” He tilted his head and waved his bottle of rum. “You want that freedom, don’t you? The sea air, the waves, the lack of rules…” His face twisted in disgust at the idea of being confined by “polite” society.
            (Y/N) groaned. “I hate the rules. They make no sense.” They sat up and looked out at the sea. “I like it much more out here. With the sea.” They took a deep breath of the salty breeze. “I like freedom.”
            Jack looked at (Y/N), the words cutting through his tipsiness. That was a spirited speech awfully reminiscent of his own thoughts, of his own self when he was their age. Yes, his father had been a pirate so he had always been one, but he, too, had looked at the world and decided that the rules and limitations weren’t for him. Jack wanted freedom; the sea gave it.
            And now a kid was looking at him with that very same look in their eyes—the glint of freedom. (Y/N) had a taste for it, and now nothing would ever be enough if they didn’t have it.
            Jack smiled at (Y/N) and raised his bottle. “To freedom!” A small part of himself, beneath all the drunkenness and braggadocio, hoped that spark wouldn’t be smothered.
            (Y/N) grinned back. “Aye!”
            (Y/N) awoke to a terrible heat on their face. They groaned and sat up from where they had found the shade of a tree to rest. Their eyes widened, and they jumped to their feet. Elizabeth was throwing barrels of rum into a bonfire, and a dark smoke was flying into the air.
            “What the—Lizzie, what are you doing?!” said (Y/N), alarmed at the sudden actions of their usually rational sister. That was the only liquid they had to drink.
            “Saving us,” said Elizabeth firmly.
            “No! Not good! Stop!” Jack ran up from the beach at the sight of the flames, also awakened by the smell of burning alcohol and trees. “What are you doing?! You’ve burned all the food, the shade, the rum!”
            “Yes, the rum is gone,” said Elizabeth.
            “Can you actually explain your thinking?” said (Y/N).
            “Why is the rum gone?” bemoaned Jack.
            “One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into scoundrels,” snapped Elizabeth to Jack. She looked a lot kindlier at (Y/N). “Two, that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire royal navy is out looking for us. They’ll see it, there’s no chance they won’t.
            “But why is the rum gone?!” said Jack.
            (Y/N) sighed, and Elizabeth rolled her eyes. She sat down on the beach and looked out over the water.
            “Just wait, Jack Sparrow. Give it out hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye open, and you will see white sails on that horizon,” said Elizabeth.
            Jack looked ready to draw his pistol and shoot, but a glare from (Y/N) made him freeze. He hadn’t been on the Interceptor when the pirates attacked, so he hadn’t seen the fury their eyes were capable of. Now, that exact storminess was turned on him, and he knew if he tried to harm Elizabeth, (Y/N) would fight to the end. Jack wasn’t interested in that. So, instead, he turned and stalked off in a huff.
            “Do you really think it will work?” said (Y/N), sitting down next to Elizabeth.
            “There’s a very good chance it will,” said Elizabeth, smiling at (Y/N). “And then Norrington and my father will find us, we can save Will, and then we can all go home.”
             (Y/N) smiled up until the final statement. They faltered and looked back at the sea. “Right.”
            Elizabeth furrowed her brow. “Are you alright, (Y/N)?”
            “Yes. I don’t want to be stranded here. It’s just that…” They trailed off and shifted uncomfortably. “I liked sailing. I liked being away from Port Royal.” I liked the sea. The freedom.
            Elizabeth’s gaze softened. “You enjoyed not having my father’s expectations on your shoulders.”
            (Y/N) let out a dry laugh. “I can’t quite live up to them, can I? I can try, but I’m not what ‘civilized’ society wants.”
            Elizabeth smiled at them. “I know.” She nudged them and looked at their clothes. “You left behind the dresses the moment you could, the first bit of polite society you were pushed into.”
            (Y/N) smiled. “Yes…” Their smile fell. “But I must return. I know that. I shouldn’t—I shouldn’t stay on the sea.”
            “I’d prefer you to be somewhere safer, yes,” said Elizabeth. “But don’t worry. I’ll be with you. I promise.”
            “…Even if your father wants you to marry Norrington? You won’t leave me?” said (Y/N), looking at Elizabeth.
            “Never,” said Elizabeth, hugging (Y/N) tightly. “You’re my family. I’m not leaving you behind.”
            (Y/N) hugged Elizabeth back. “Thank you.”
            “Even if you are the stubbornest, most reckless child I’ve ever met,” teased Elizabeth. “Running off with pirates for me.”
            (Y/N) laughed sheepishly.
            Elizabeth smiled as their good spirits returned and looked out at the sea. She froze and stood. A grin split her features. “There!”
            (Y/N) scrambled to their feet and peered over the slight hill of the island. There, beyond the curve of the tiny isle, white sails of the British navy flew against the bright blue sky.
            They had been found.
            “We’ve got to save Will!”
            Elizabeth wasted no time in declaring her intentions to help Will against Barbossa. She, (Y/N), and Jack had been brought aboard the Dauntless where Governor Swann and Norrington awaited them, and she was instantly on the offensive and trying to get them to help her.
            “No,” said Swann. “You and (Y/N) are safe now. We will return to Port Royal immediately.” He looked at (Y/N) harshly. “And we will be having a long discussion about your actions, young lady.” (Y/N) winced at the word and held their shirt tighter. “Helping a pirate escape jail, stealing a ship?! What were you thinking?!” Swann groaned. “You even stole the clothes of a pirate.”
            “Will and I paid for these,” said (Y/N) quietly. Already, they felt the press of polite society and social rules closing in around them, strangling the freedom they’d had.
            “And that makes it alright to go gallivanting after pirates with other pirates?!” snapped Swann.
            (Y/N) flinched. Jack narrowed his eyes. Elizabeth pulled (Y/N) to her side protectively.
            “(Y/N) and Will saved me!” said Elizabeth. “I would have been lost if not for their actions. We cannot leave Will behind now. If we do, we condemn him to death.”
            “The boy’s fate is regrettable, but so is his decision to engage in piracy,” said Swann.
            “To rescue me! To prevent anything from happening to me,” said Elizabeth.
            “If I was in Will’s place, would I be left behind, too, for going to save Lizzie?” said (Y/N), eyes raising to face Swann and Norrington.
            “I—Of course not,” said Swann. “You’re my ward. You are a misguided child.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed as they slid to Norrington. He hadn’t reacted. For a moment, their eyes were stormy with barely contained fury, and they spoke coldly. “But Will isn’t important enough for you?” Norrington and Swann didn’t respond, and (Y/N) knew what the response was. No. Will wasn’t important enough to save. “You’re willing to throw away a life just because he isn’t of high-enough status for you.” (Y/N)’s hands clenched into fists, and Elizabeth saw the same storm stirring within them as it had against the Black Pearl. “Disgusting.”
            “I would watch your tone, young lady,” said Norrington. “It is the grace of your father that excuses you from the harshest consequences of your actions.” He looked at Swann. “Clearly, they have been quite misguided by the pirates. I’d suggest a boarding school to teach them proper manners, but it is your choice, Governor.”
            “Manners? I’ll teach you—”
            “If I may be so bold as to interject my personal opinion,” said Jack, moving between Elizabeth and (Y/N) and the two men.
            After (Y/N)’s speech about throwing away lives due to status, Jack was reminded of the one time he tried to live a “proper” sailor’s life. He remembered what people had deemed cargo fit to buy and sell—other people. Jack had refused to allow that, refused to believe in such a disgusting view of human beings. And now here was the kid, the same one who chased freedom, being pushed around and wanting to help those being thrown away like Jack had. Something in his cold black heart thumped, and he decided to finally speak up.
            (Obviously, it wasn’t so that Norrington and Swann would stop speaking so cruelly to (Y/N). No, it was just so Jack had a chance to escape and get the Pearl. Or maybe it was both. He decided not to consider that).
            “The Pearl was listing after the battle,” said Jack, continuing before anyone could stop him. “It’s unlikely she’ll be able to make good time. Think about it—the Black Pearl. The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate. How can you pass that up, eh?”
            Norrington narrowed his eyes. “By remembering that I serve others, not only myself.”
            (Y/N)’s heart sunk, and they looked at Jack. They hoped he could see they were thanking him for trying to get them to go after the pirates and Will—even if it was just for his own gain since he was undoubtedly going to try to get the Pearl for himself.
            “Commodore, I beg you,” said Elizabeth, moving forward before Norrington left. “Please do this. For me.” She swallowed. “As a wedding gift.”
            Norrington whirled. (Y/N) sucked in a breath. Swann stared at her in shock.
            “Elizabeth?” he said. He was pleased. “Are you accepting the Commodore’s proposal?”
            “I am,” said Elizabeth. To save Will, she’d do anything.
            “A wedding!” said Jack. “I love weddings. Drinks all around!” The air was too tense for him. Norrington glared at him, and Jack cleared his throat. “I know.” He held out his wrists. “ ‘Clap him in irons,’ right?”
            Norrington’s jaw tensed. “Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to Isla de Muerta. You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all meanings of the phrase ‘silent as the grave.’ Do I make myself clear?”
            “Inescapably clear,” said Jack.
            (Y/N) frowned as Jack was pulled to the helm by two guards and Norrington went with him. They knew he’d try to bargain for the Pearl, and that would lead them into danger. However, they had a feeling Norrington was aware of that. That being said…they also knew Norrington had no idea just how dangerous the crew of the Pearl were. (Y/N) did.
            They exchanged a look with Elizabeth, and they found her gaze was as determined as their heart felt. They knew that they’d have to be the ones to ensure Will escaped. They couldn’t leave his fate in anyone else’s hands.
            One more adventure until they lost their freedom—Elizabeth to marriage and (Y/N) to society. They’d have to make it count.
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reneeluv154 · 9 months
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I hope you enjoy it!!!🤍🤍🤍
In this imagine you made it to the safe haven and newt helps you through your emotions while your still struggling with the loss of the others.
(More on my profile if you enjoy this one.) 🫶🏼🫶🏼
⚠️Tw: mentions of suicide⚠️
I stared at Newt, glaring at him through the flames of fire between us. We were finally in the safe haven and everyone was happy, everyone but me. I couldn’t remember the last time I truly smiled, or really felt anything for that matter. How could they be smiling and laughing?
We lost so many wonderful lives and they were just over it? I didn’t understand. Having Gally back was relieving, he was never the nicest person, to anyone, but he had grown, and it showed.
“Y/n, you good?” Minho questioned, Newt’s eyes locked with mine and I quickly looked away. “Yeah.” I sounded cold and mean, I held a little bit of anger against them, I just didn’t understand how they were okay. It was selfish, the others would have loved to be here. Yes, we carved their names on the rock but it just didn’t feel like enough. They deserved so much more.
I stood grabbing one of Gally’s drinks while walking towards the beach. I made it to the shore leaving the dancing and laughter behind. I sat down and stared out upon the endless ocean. I wished I could dig deep into my heart, take my pain, and let it drift out into the sea.
“I miss you guys, It’s not the same without you here.” I scoffed, taking a swig. “I’m so fucking angry, why not me. I wanted to die.” I said looking from the sky to the ground.
I whispered, “I still wanna die.”
“Pretty isn’t it?” I jumped hearing the all too familiar voice of a brown-eyed blonde-haired boy. He sat down beside me staring up at the starry sky.
“Yeah, gorgeous.” I agreed.
“I heard you talking.” I was drowning in embarrassment and grief.
“I just want them to know.” He nodded now it was his turn to take a swig. “They know Y/n, they're watching us every day.”
I shook my head.
“That’s supposed to make it easier?”
He shrugged, “Maybe a little, yes. I’m not saying you can’t mourn, because you can, but you’ve gotta learn to move on.” This made me angry.
“Like you? Five fucking day’s after they were gone.”
He looked at me, clenching his jaw, his eyes were angry. “I had to stay strong for you and the others, I’m bloody hurt Y/n. I’ve been hurt for a long, long time! You don’t get to tell me I was a bad person when I was just trying to keep you and the others alive!” He blew up on me, his voice louder and bolder than ever.
I couldn't look at him, the tears in my eyes rolling down my cheeks. Maybe I should kill myself, He would stay strong so the others would be okay, right? They wouldn't miss me, not like I bring anything good to the group. I would get to see the others as well. “I know that look Y/n, I can see it in your eyes, I’ve seen it in your eyes for a long time and I promise you it won’t make anything better.”
How did he know…
“I’m sure y'all would be fine.”
He shook his head. “Nope, we wouldn't.”
“I’m just so angry.” I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. I sat for a minute looking at the sky when I realized. “It’s like I’m the moon and the stars are everyone in my life.” “
“I think you’ve had a tad too much to drink Y/n.”
“No. The moon and the stars adorn each other. Without the stars, the moon is just the moon.”
“Follow me.”
He stood and began walking, I walked up and stood beside him in front of a cluster of rocks. “I want you to throw that bottle as hard as you can, letting it shatter against those rocks.”
“What?” I asked
He nodded, “Scream as loud as you want, you can even cry if you’d like. Here I’ll give you my glass too.”
I shook my head. “The others will think something is wrong.”
“They can’t hear you from here.” He handed me the glass and backed up sitting on a log behind him.
“Go on. Let it out.”
Taking a moment I took the glass throwing it as hard as I could at the biggest rock there was, it shattered.
A tear ran down my cheek as I grabbed the other glass watching it fly through the air and shatter just as the other one did.
It felt too good tears now pouring down my face, I searched for anything to throw picking up smaller rocks and shells.
“Aghhhhhhh!!!!” I screamed as loud as I could feeling a sharp pain through my head, but I couldn’t stop,
“They should be here!!!”
“I loved them!!!”
“I should have hugged you when I had the chance!!!” I sobbed, still throwing whatever I could find before I ran out of breath and fell to my knees. “It should have been me!” I felt a gentle hand on my back, another on my cheek pulling me into himself.
“Shhh, that's not true love.”
I cried for a long time, even after Newt carried me back to my hut and tucked me in before he sat down in a chair beside my bed to keep an eye on me and calm me down.” I eventually fell asleep having a strong headache but also a sense of emotional relief.
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undercover-bro · 2 months
exit strategy, part two
Dedicated to @missflufffanfics. Your comments in the tags were so lovely, thank you so much. I'm really glad you're enjoying my stuff.
Follow up to this
“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass,” Shayne hissed as he struggled to pull up his pants while running for his life. It was exactly as difficult as it sounded. He coughed without a free hand to cover his mouth, feeling sweat soaking the back of his shirt as the flames they were struggling to outrun drew closer and closer. 
“This is not my fault,” Courtney protested, voice muffled behind the scarf wrapped around her face. 
“You literally shoved me against a wall and pulled my pants down!” Finally managing to work his cargos up over his hips, Shayne didn’t bother with the zipper in favor of tugging up his shirt collar to cover his nose and mouth. 
“You had your hand down mine the entire time we were stuck in that utility closet!”
The sound of a cleared throat came through their coms. “Can you two debate this later?” Spencer interjected, tone dry and exasperated. “I found a clear exit. Take a right, then a left- there’ll be a ladder leading up to the roof. Coroner’s team will pick you up.”
Shayne and Courtney shared a look as they followed Spencer’s directions, one of mutual agreement on what little firebug was to blame for their current predicament. 
“It’s Angela’s fault.”
“Totally. She’s the one who torched the place without checking we were still inside.”
Angela’s squawk of protest was only amplified by the crackle of the radio. “Hey! Hey! It’s not my fault HQ gave me the wrong launch time! Maybe if you two weren’t so busy gettin’ busy, you’d have gotten out early enough!”
“Keep telling yourself that, bug,” Shayne shot back, giving Courtney a boost up onto the ladder before following quickly after.  “I’m sure you weren’t distracted at all by this Detective Canto you’ve met up with three times this week.”
“It’s Lehan-Canto, and I’m just gathering intel! You know Ian sent me to pump her for information on the Creekside case!”
“I’m sure you’re pumping her for something,” Courtney piped in, their adrenaline-filled laughter filling the air and drowning out Angela’s outraged scream. With a background cacophony of blaring fire alarms, the roaring approach of the helicopter, and several staticky “Suck a tit!”s from their explosives expert, Courtney grabbed Shayne’s shirt collar and pulled him close.
The kiss was heady and hungry from the start, deep and devouring. Her nails bit into his skin, his hands bruising in their grip, desperate to pull each other impossibly closer and meld their bodies as one. 
Arasha finally reached her limit with Angela’s yelling as the helicopter came to hover above them. “Ange, just shut up and drop the rope ladder! You wanna climb Detective Hottie like a tree, so what? It’s fine, we all get it. But if you keep me away from naked Trevor Evarts in my bed much longer, I will drop you from this chopper.”
The line went suspiciously silent and the rope ladder dropped down quickly after. Courtney and Shayne broke apart regretfully, sharing one last heated look of promise before scrambling their way to safety, abandoned warehouse continuing to burn on below. 
Shayne buried his face in the comforter he was spread out on, his pained groan muffled by the fabric. “Fuck, I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus.”
“You’re exaggerating again,” Courtney reprimanded lightly, tapping his hip to indicate he should shift. Shayne did as bid, moving from resting on his side to lying on his stomach. Despite her teasing, there was an undercurrent of concern to Courtney’s tone as she studied the red, swollen burn covering his back, popping the top to a bottle of aloe vera-lidocaine gel she began to gently apply to the inflamed skin. He hissed and flinched on first contact and she hushed him soothingly. “Just breathe through, baby. This’ll make everything feel so much better.”
There had only been one instance when the fire came too close for comfort. Shayne had immediately jumped to action, wrapping himself around her and placing his back to the flames. Unfortunately, it had earned him the rough and painful equivalent of a bad sunburn across his back, thankfully without any blistering. 
“We have to get Angela back for this,” he grumbled, forcing himself to stay still as she had requested. 
“Already on it. ‘Rasha and I may or may not be planning something related to that detective ‘friend’ of hers.”
Shayne chuckled. “Have I told you how much I appreciate that beautiful, nefarious brain?”
“A few times, but it’s always nice to hear.” Finished with the gel, she capped the bottle and wiped off her hands. “Ian actually asked us to look into making her an asset, but Ange doesn’t need to know that just yet.”
 “Ian and his ‘recruiting.’ This'll be fun.” 
Courtney snickered. Ian’s recruitment methods were unusual at best, but the  FBI agent impersonation (and accompanying interrogation) he used on Courtney was tame compared to the insanity he put Shayne through. A tired and disillusioned Army Ranger with two tours under his belt, one night at a bar complaining to a stranger about corruption in the upper ranks sealed his fate. An unmarked van, zip-ties, and hood over his head wasn’t the smoothest of introductions, but somehow Ian worked his magic and ten hours later, a job offer was sealed with a handshake and Specialist Shayne Topp was registered as honorably discharged. Everything worked out in the end, but they were all grateful for the subtlety and balance Anthony seemed to provide since his return. 
Shayne sighed, body beginning to relax under a combination of pain meds and exhaustion. By now, her touches had slowed to soothing caresses along the sections of unblemished skin, and he hummed appreciatively. “Sorry I can’t follow up on that great kiss, Court. Holy shit, by the way, top three of all time.”
She laughed softly, leaning down to press a kiss to his shoulder. “It’s fine. I prefer my Shayne a little pink versus extra crispy. Besides, I know you’ll make it up to me later.”
“Oh, for sure. That’s a promise, and baby, I always keep my promises.”
“I know. It’s how I fell in love with you."
14 notes · View notes
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Here With Me
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Chapter 5
Mentions- Explicit Content.
MDNI 🚫🔞🛑🚫❗️❗️
TW-Explicit Content
Taglist - @glitterypirateduck @eustassarm @vicky-09
a/n credit to the artist for the gif. Name is label beneath the gif. The picture for this one. The artist @namedlunagoddess
I do apologize for the delay of updating “Here with me” I’ve been not feeling well. I will try to update regularly.
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Few Hours Later
König walked into the street ahead of everyone. As he was doing his sweep a loud ringing sounded off and the explosion. He flew back into a wall knocked him out temporarily. Sparrow came running back towards the explosion. She smelled blood her mind raced with worry.
There she found König lying on the ground. Not moving.
Rushing to his aid. She shook him.
“König wake up! König! Wake Up!”
König opened his eyes looking around him. His ears ringing, vision blurry. The smell of smoke, dust and burning flesh filled his senses. Looking around he couldn’t focus on the situation around him.
“König we gotta move now!”
“Get Up!”
She pulled him to his feet struggling to walk she limped and groaned holding her side. This didn’t go unnoticed with König.
“Liebling what’s happened?”
“Your hurt”
“A bomb went off and you were standing right beside the building when it exploded some shrapnel and other debris hit you pretty hard.”
“Everyone is okay. It’s just you took the hit the most but your gonna be okay.”
“I’m fine it’s nothing just hit my side a little too hard. Just a bruise”
She held her side but the feeling of hot liquid trickled down her waist and thighs as she kneeled down beside König.
Deep down she knew something was about that explosion. She was nearby when the bomb had gone off. She didn’t say anything to anyone due to the importance of the mission. They needed her just as much as she needed them.
“Captain Price!”
“You gotta move now sir! I’ll give you enough cover for you guys to make your get away!”
“They knew we were coming there’s too many.”
“Don’t worry about me sir I’ll catch up.”
With a heavy sigh Price looked down. Looking back up to her he nodded, holding her shoulder he had to make the decision to get his men to safety.
“We leave no one behind. Don’t be late”
“Wouldn’t dream of it sir”
She turned around walking back to König he stood against the wall collecting himself. He noticed her walking back to him.
Rubbing his eyes he looked down to her holding her hands. Her gaze soften looking at him. But those eyes of hers glowed green. Her smile light up his face.
“König I’ll give you and everyone enough time to make a clean get away. We can’t advance forward. You and Price men are important and I can’t have anyone die out here. I will see you soon okay.”
“Schatz, come back to me please”
“Promise me you’ll come back to me.”
“I will”
She pulled off her glove taking a step back she bit down on her hands. Looking up she gave a inhuman screech and growl. Falling to her hands and knees she transformed into her beast form.
This form was different from the last. She looked to König only for a brief moment then she jumped out the window.
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Running down the streets passing abandoned demolished homes. Burned vehicles she looked around smelling the air. Tasting the air around her. It made her blood pump faster, the feeling of euphoria running through her veins. This feeling and the smell around her only fueled her blood lust.
Running through builds she attacked anything and everything that ran from her. The sounds of men shrieking and crying. The sounds of gunfire echoed the streets as Price and his men made their escape. More enemy fighters were showing up in droves.
Lost in the blood shed she had killed their contact that had spent months infiltrating the enemy’s group inner circle.
The amount of blood that glisten off her blood she stood in the empty room.
The walls and floors covered in visceral and blood.
Falling to her knees she had finally awoken from her nightmare. Looking around she saw what she had down.
“Oh my god!”
She recognized the scarf on one of the lifeless bodies. She scooped him up and held him close. She felt a slight heartbeat. This gave her hope.
Laying him down quickly she placed her hand of his wound. Glowing green she pushed his wound closed. While healing her contact someone had snuck up behind her watching her.
“Sparrow, Sparrow”
“I’ve heard so much about you. I gotta admit you do frighten me a bit. All the bloodshed and all the violence and chaos you do for them.”
The sound of the voice made her quickly turn around guarding her contact she covered his face. Hovering over his body she stared at the mysterious creature that lurked in the darkness of the corner of the room.
“Come out and face me.”
“As you wish my lady.”
“It can’t be.”
“This isn’t real. You’re not real because you’re dead. You’ve been dead for 5 years.”
She stood up looking down and at her hands. Reaching out to touch his face she retracted her hands. But he moved forward capturing her soft delicate hand on his cheek. Feeling her warmth he melted into her touch.
“My Sparrow look at me I’m here on the flesh.”
Holding her hand on his cheek he looked deep into her eyes.
“I missed you more then anything that day they told me that you didn’t make it back.”
She stepped back wiping the blood from her face. Looking towards James she slapped him. James looked down then back up to meet her gaze with a smile. He held his cheek. She was happy and angry all at once.
“Why show up all of a sudden. All these years you decide to show up. Especially in a place like this. Why!”
“Sparrow it’s been hard locating you. I’ve been trying to find you all these years. But now I have you here. Come away with me.”
“As tempting as that is now. I can’t. I just can’t.”
“Things are different now. I’m different.”
“Come away with me. Like we always talked about when we were younger.”
“I can’t do that. Things are different now. We aren’t children anymore. Those were dreams of a child.”
“You made me a promise that if we ever got out together that we would be together forever and we would run off together. Away from Laswell and the government and to be free. Like we dreamed of.”
“I know but that was when we were children. Lost and alone. We were prisoners.”
“We talked about what our lives would be like if we ever got out.”
“You got out!”
“You left us behind!”
“James! STOP!”
“You have no idea what I went through when you ran away.”
She paced the room wiping the stray tears away from her cheeks. Looking up to him with red, watery eyes. Her soft warm blues eyes glowed. Her stifled sobs echoed around them. The smell of smoke and gunpowder lingered in the air around them. The smell of iron was strong in the room.
“James you got out. You should’ve left and lived your life. And should’ve just forgotten about us. But why? Why did you come back?”
“For you and your brother.”
“My brother is dead.”
“He died a year after you ran away.”
“I don’t like talking about how he died. I just tell people I have a brother. I like to think that he’s alive and well living somewhere.”
“I accepted my position and the way things are.”
“Don’t say that (y/n). Please don’t say that”
“It’s what I accepted. After you left after my brother died. I accepted my life as is. I may be government property but I found something, someone.”
“Sparrow what about us, what about me?”
“Look they told me you died and I moved on because I never saw you for all those years. If I had known you were alive I would’ve made me escape all those years ago.”
“If I had known that you were alive. Then maybe. But thats all dreams of a child. I’m a grown woman now. I’m not living and hoping on dreams of a child. Not anymore.”
“You left and you broke my heart that day you left. But I have someone now.”
“This is the reality I accepted”
“You’re their lapdog.”
“Their never gonna let you go.”
“I know”
Those soft blue moons that looks up to James glaze soften his heart and made his mind flutter.”
“You’re just another pawn in their war. And that man that wears the hood will he accept you as you are. All the blood that covers your hands. I know all that blood that covers your hands isn’t justified. You know you spilled innocent blood with those claws.”
“War is coming. War on mutants. They will use you and discard you like garbage. They will use you till they have no use for you. Think about your brother Sparrow. Where is he? They lied to us all those years.”
“James stop it!”
“Just leave!”
She stood up to him he looked down at her moving the stray hairs from her face. He memorized every detail about her face. Her soft blue eyes made his heart melt and his mind flutter.
Looking back at her as he was leaving he couldn’t bare to leave without giving her one last kiss. He rushed back to her capturing her soft delicate pink plump lips with his lips. The kiss was soft and delicate but lasted longer then it should’ve. Lost in the kiss she melted into the kiss.
Static on her radio sputtered then a voice rang through.
“Sparrow, Sparrow do you copy”
“Leave James and don’t ever come back. Leave me behind. I accepted my reality and you need to accept yours. Without me.”
Holding back her tears she smiled to him holding his hands. She kissed his hands and let them go. She turned back to the man on the floor. She felt his heartbeat getting stronger with every beat and she could feel the blood rushing through his veins. She closed every wound and pumped some of her power into his body to stabilize him and hope for the best that he wakes up. She picked him up and carried him to the exit. Looking back she offered a weak smile and jogged out the door. Holding back her tears she looked ahead. Finding somewhere safe she set her contact down.
“This is Sparrow I hear you loud and clear. I’m on my way to the rendezvous point. Have medical on stand by sir.”
König bounced his knee repeatedly looking out the window with his rifle ready he was on edge about his Sparrow.
But as the radio static rang through her voice came through. That relief to hear her voice calm his anxiety down and made him release the breath he was holding in just waiting for her. Price patted his shoulder and gave him a gentle squeeze.
Ghost stared daggers at König. The small cramped space in the helicopter seethe with anger, worry and jealousy.
König was very much aware of Ghost and Soaps anger and jealousy towards him. He made sure to take it all in and ignore them. All he could think about was Sparrow.
Gaz and Price looked at each other and smiling to each other they shook their heads and looked outside. They both could feel the uneasy tension between the three men.
Sparrow carried her contact back to the rendezvous point when a gust of wind blew past her. She turned around quickly.
“Sparrow if I can’t have you then he can’t.”
“James don’t this.”
He ran towards her she dropped the man in her arms to block his attack but she felt his fingers digging into her side.
Looking down she remembered the gunshot wound she received hours earlier.
“I had this bullet specifically made for you. I remembered when Laswell figured out all of our weaknesses I remembered yours specifically.”
“That’s pain. Something your not use too.”
He pushed his fingers deeper into her wound she screamed. Grabbing holding of him she gritted her teeth while digging her claws into his shoulder and his cheeks.
Her screams echoed around them. König heard this and darted out of the helicopter. Running towards the sounds he saw the pair. Sparrow struggling as the stranger lifted her off the ground. She screamed while digging her claws into her attackers face.
James threw her towards him. König dropped his rifle to catch her. Falling to the ground he didn’t mind she flinched and whimpered in pain. Holding her he looked up to see the stranger but he was gone.
Captain Price and Ghost search the small area but nothing. He disappeared into thin air.
“Look at me! Don’t close those beautiful green emeralds! Look at me!”
“Stay here!”
“I’m here with you!”
“Stay with me”
“Here with me”
Caressing her soft delicate face König tears fell onto her cheeks he held her tightly. Covering wound he stuffed more gauzes into her wound to stop the bleeding. She sniffled and opened her eyes slightly. Her eyes glowed blue. She smiled at him with her eyes slightly opened.
“My gentle giant”
“You’re eyes are like pools of an never ending ocean. I could simply get lost in them. Wouldn’t you.”
“I’m sorry I haven’t been truthful about myself and what we do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Hey hey stay with me?”
She fell asleep. Her pulse started to drop as the blood flowed from her wound. König scooped her up taking her back to the helicopter where two medics waited.
König handed her to them watching them treat her. The IV line set up in her arm she laid there lifeless. Her shallow breaths made his anxiety spike.
König kept his distance. Knowing his sheer size would make the medics nervous so he trembled in the corner watching them work.
Ghost kept his eyes on her breathing. Staring at the medics working he lost himself in watching over her. Soap held onto her soft delicate hand stroking her knuckles. Her shallow breathing left everyone on edge.
“ Captain Price, Lieutenant Ghost you’re gonna want to see this?”
Pulling from her wound they held a small bullet that penetrated her flesh. The medic then had a theory they wanted to test.
“For this particular mutant she has the ability to control her own body response to any attacks. Such as before when she was unconscious her flesh was impenetrable. But now she’s unconscious again but this time she exposed.”
Taking a scalpel the medic cut a small piece off her wound to remove the foreign bullet fragments.
Ghost leaned in beside Captain Price. He whispered to him.
Soap looked up to meet Gaz gaze he shook his head.
“She’ll make it. She’s strong mate.”
Gaz offered a small smile to Soap and looked back to Sparrow.
“Something about this mission doesn’t sit well with me.”
The ride back to base was sat in silence. Just as they arrived Laswell was waiting on the tarmac. She was accompanied by Colonel Norris and General Lyons.
Price notices this before landing.
“Gents we have company.”
König waits for everyone exit the helicopter watching the medics carry sparrow out on the stretcher he holds her hand.
He kisses her hand lightly through his mask. Rubbing her knuckles he takes notice of Laswell watching him. He stops and stands tall to his superiors.
Laswell looked down and handed the folders and files over to Colonel Norris. She sighed heavily and looked down. She glanced over to Sparrow. Her eyes watered up and her heart felt heavy.
“Captain you are to hand over asset 16. She is to be under our care and you are relieved of her presence.”
Colonel Norris adjusted the files in his grasp looking at John and Ghost. He held a stoic demeanor.
“What’s the meaning of this?!”
John didn’t like the atmosphere of this meeting and this presence of Colonel Norris and let alone General Lyons.
“Captain! I don’t need to remind you of your position!”
“She is an asset to the US Government. Therefore she is our property.”
Norris stepped forward and pointed at Sparrow as she laid on the stretcher unconscious.
“Property, you fucking moppet. She’s a person not an object.”
John stepped in front of Norris. He stared him dead into his eyes. Laswell sighed and tried to speak but was silenced by General Lyons.
“John I suggest you watch your tone and have your men back down. If you fail to do so there will be consequences.”
Colonel Norris stepped beside Captain John he gaze met Sparrow as she was laying in the stretcher. Pushing his way past John.
“Are you threatening us Colonel”
Ghost stepped up beside John and stared daggers at Norris.
“John I suggest you back down or the consequences will be severe.”
John held back Ghost. Looking at him he nodded to him and Ghost turned around mumbling profusely. König stood in front of Sparrow as Norris approached her.
Before he could be near her König grabbed his hand.
“Fass sie nicht an!”
Colonel Norris looked at König with a sickening grin on his face. Looking at him and back to Sparrow. Her lifeless form laid vulnerable to him and everyone around her.
König released his hand and watched Norris examine his Sparrow.
His blood boiled at the sight of Colonel Norris looking at her. The smug sickening grin on his face made his blood boil with anger and rage. He wanted to so badly break his Colonel hand and bash his brains in for touching his Sparrow.
“Take her away. We leave tonight!”
Colonel Norris walked away but before he could do anything he spoke with the sickening smug on his face.
“Your Taskforce is being reassigned to a different location. John it’s to ensure there’s no distractions and to keep you away from our asset.”
“Who knows maybe we’ll breed another set of wolves just like her.”
Norris laughed at his disgusting comment about breeding her. The joke he made was not at all amusing to John.
“Touch her in any way you’ll answer to me Colonel. Keep your fucking moppets in line and away from her.”
Laswell had to hold back John. He lost his temper there for a moment.
König rushed over to John but was stopped by Soap.
Just the sounds of Colonel Norris chuckle made König blood overflow with rage. He turned around punching one of the boxes that held equipment. As he passed Ghost and Soap, Gaz saw the dent left by König.
He walked away he had to cool off due to all the rage that was radiating from him.
Ghost turned back to Price.
Soap, Gaz shook their heads and watched as they loaded Sparrow up into the plane. Watching them strap her down. She was unconscious and unaware of the situation.
König walked pass everyone as he entered the base. Walking straight to the gym he opened the door and made his way straight to the punching bags.
Throwing a forceful strike he took all his anger and rage out of the bag before it ripped off the holder.
König couldn’t hold back his tears.
Falling to his knees he never felt so powerless and defeated until now. His sparrow the woman he loved so much. The only woman he fell so hard for had been just taken from him. And he stood there while they stole her from him. Those beautiful green emeralds. Just the image of them had been burned into his mind his memory of her.
Price walked over to Laswell he pulled her aside to speak to her about what they encountered hours earlier on their mission.
“Laswell you have so explaining to do!”
“What the fuck were we not informed about another rogue mutant.”
“John that’s classified.”
“We’re way beyond that Laswell. Better start explaining.”
“Not here”
Laswell looked around and sighed heavily she motioned for the men to follow her to a more secluded place.
Awhile the men were being led to a secluded location to discuss the classified information and nature of asset 16 aka Sparrow.
König sat in darkness crying his heart out. His lover had just been stole from him. Right in front of him. He felt so helpless.
“I’ve never felt so alone never have I felt this broken before.”
“I’m not the man I need to be. I have to find a way to get mein hase back.”
König continued his days but he was more quiet. He only spoke when he was spoken too. Deep down he was plotting when he was gonna find his hase and bring her back to him.
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credits to @ave661
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A few days later
“Where am I!”
“You promised me I wouldn’t come back here!”
“You gave me your word!”
She slumped down and held her knees. Tears fell to her cheeks. The collar on her neck the blue prison jumper made all her nightmares come back again. This is where she started and now she’s back to square one again
“König where are you? Please find me?”
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idontknowreallywhy · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
A longish one for a WIP but have been toying with this conversion for a fair old while and it contains one of my most persistent headcanons for Scott.
Set in mine and @sofasurf’s ‘Scott finds a friend he can talk to’ story but you don’t need much of the backstory for this part only that ten years beforehand he saves her in Bereznik but thought he’d failed and made things worse and got her killed.
Is fairly dialogue heavy and that might need some adjustment and it possibly suffers from not including the first half of the conversation but that is less well progressed is is more backstory dependent so I’ll leave it out for today and… <insert more disclaimers and self deprecating blathering here> eh… *throws words*.
If you read it me know what you think? Do you agree?
“So… we covered my fatal flaw and I think we’ve established I would be a very tragic but ultimately tedious Greek hero. Your turn… what do you think yours might be?”
“Probably the same as yours.”
“Uh uh no, that’s cheating, you don’t get to steal mine. Pick your own. Or… I guess you could pick Dare but I warn you I have some pretty evil ideas for those.”
He spun the question card between his finger and thumb for a few moments then placed it down carefully and picked up the cafetière and topped up their coffee cups in a transparent effect to buy time. Estera was surprised to see him absent-mindedly adding a lump of sugar into his. Scott never had sugar! She was about to question this deviation but he suddenly spoke up:
“Alright I’ll tell you but you have to promise not to freak out.”
“Why would I freak out?”
“Because I’m not good at explaining these things and it might sound like something it isn’t. But it’s not that. It’s just… people tend to panic.”
“At this rate you’re more likely to freak me out with the disclaimers, Blue. But sure, I promise.”
He emitted a short sharp laugh and then downed half his cup of coffee, his eyebrows twisting comically as he registered it tasting sweeter than usual.
“I live in the here and now.”
Not what she was expecting. Estera did her best to maintain a neutral expression so as to not give him reason to think she wouldn’t keep her promise.
“Ok. Tell me why you think that is a flaw.”
His lips twitched silently as he appeared to be about to speak then caught himself three or four times before:
“I mean I don’t have a very clear concept of anything beyond now. I don’t imagine my future like most people seem to… like my brothers do.”
She went to speak but held back sensing there was more.
“I’ve never really pictured myself as old, for example. Or with kids… I do love kids, you probably figured that out by now… but I figure I had my shot at parenting with Alan and Gordon and… well they turned out ok I guess so… you know… I did my bit there.”
“I think you’d be a be a great father.”
“Oh I don’t doubt it! Sorry that sounds weirdly big headed… um… I mean I think it would come naturally to me but I just can’t… see it? I don’t think I’m destined to see it.”
“Why not?”
“Dunno. Just always had the feeling I wasn’t here for the long haul? Live fast die young, you know? Had a bit of a hedonistic streak in my late teens which, uh, the less said about that the better I think. But then after… when I thought you…”
He paused and downed the rest of the cup and returned it to the saucer with a clatter than made them both flinch
“Sorry! Uh, when I thought you were dead, that I’d failed you by storming into a situation like the arrogant flyboy I was” he held up a hand to forestall her objection “And I still didn’t die out there against all the odds… Well, I figured that whatever time I had left I had to use it well. I wanted to make up for failing you by helping as many people, doing as much good as I could. Actually thought about training as a paramedic but then Dad came up with the Big International Rescue Idea and everything suddenly made sense.”
Estera was struggling to keep the promise about not freaking out.
“Are you saying you’re only planning to be here as long as you are useful?”
“No! No, see, that’s not what I mean. I would never… I have no desire to, stop. That’s not what it is. I know I’m needed. I can do good. I want to be here. I’ve not got a death wish, whatever Virgil yells at me down the comm.”
Estera suddenly had a vivid recollection of the voice in the cave, before Scott had cut him off. At the time she’d thought the almost-growl she heard over the comm had betrayed barely-contained irritation and had wondered a little at the professionalism of that but now she’d met Virgil… now she really thought about it she wondered if in fact the tension in his voice had been fear.
“So why would you say that is your fatal flaw?”
“I guess maybe it means when I have a decision to make in the moment I only make it based on that moment. Can I make a difference or not? Can I save them or not? I believe my brothers have other considerations, dreams they instinctively hold on to, which complicate those decisions.”
“I see.”
She sipped her own coffee and watched him slump into his chair.
“You think I’m crazy don’t you?”
“But… nothing. I can see how your logic works and it matches what I’ve seen of your personality and your actions.”
“Mmmmm and you’ve told me off for it before.”
“I have.”
She nudged the last scone in his direction and then cleared her throat.
“The part I don’t agree with is that not being able to see past the short term means you won’t have… or don’t deserve a long term. I wonder if you’ve been telling yourself a lie all these years because you were afraid of not being able to predict every outcome of your actions. So you told yourself that if you don’t see it it doesn’t exist so it doesn’t matter.”
He frowned, but didn’t disagree.
“What future do you see for your brothers?”
He snorted “Oh, Virgil will have about twelve children if he has any say in it.” His shoulders relaxed as he smiled fondly “Gordon too would love a family I am sure of that. John… I think when space gets too much for him, academia will call. Alan… I don’t know yet. He’s a little too much like me” Scott’s jaw twitched slightly “but I’m trying to encourage his other interests, he likes racing cars and his gaming stuff. And he’s smarter than any of us so he could be anything he wanted. Maybe he’ll make incredible discoveries or be an explorer.” He chuckled affectionately “Or he’ll go entirely rogue and be world president or something.”
“I’ll remember to stay on his good side then!”
“Probably for the best.”
Scott chuckled and the smile remained on his face but seemed to leave his eyes. He had stopped eating the scone but was rapidly turning it into a pile of jammy crumbs. Estera reached over and took hold of one of his sticky hands, resisting the urge to pull out a wet wipe to deal with it.
“Ok how about this… can you imagine yourself watching them achieve these dreams and cheering them on? Being crazy uncle Scott who allows the kids to do all the dangerous stunts their parents would ground them for… buying John’s incomprehensible books to display in your bookcase and pretend you totally read and understood, and cheering Alan on as he’s inaugurated?”
The genuine smile crept back on to his face. “Yeah.”
“Hold on to that then. Next time you’re out. As a reason to stay. Until you find your own.”
He looked up at her in surprise and appeared about to say something when he was thrown nearly off his chair by a small human cannonball slamming into his side.
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Several Sentences Sunday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
FANON Future Buddie Fanfic Series
First Child (Buck) & First Baby (Buck and Eddie)- Buck's first child and Buck and Eddie''s first babies
New Buddie Fanfic
Part 15 - Chapter 5 will be posted soon.
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First Child (Buck) & First Baby (Buck and Eddie) - Currently 74.8K Words and 4 of 7 Chapters have been posted; Rated: Mature
Chapters will be posted one at a time.
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 5 because a lot happened in Chapter 4. After the Buckley-Diazes moved into their new home, Buck and Eddie found out their surrogate is pregnant and they had a housewarming party. They invited their found family from the 118 and they revealed the news to them during the event. They called their biological families and instead of inviting them, they decided it would be best for them to wait until Thanksgiving since the Buckley parents and the Diazes had already planned to be in Los Angeles.
One week before the holiday, Buck and Eddie went to their surrogate's first ultrasound and they learned they're having twins. They're ecstatic and even though the plan was to have the Diazes come to their new home for lunch the day after Thanksgiving, Eddie got sick after working a 48-hour shift. They shared the news with them but the question is how did Eddie's mom and Buck's parents react to the news about the twins? 👀
Here's a snippet from Chapter 5 of an emotionally angsty conversation Buck and Eddie are having while they're lying in bed.
Buck finally admits, “Babe, I’ve been worried about you for weeks because of all the things we’ve been doing but mainly because you’ve been going non-stop with your paramedic certification course, us getting moved into this house and all the other stuff too but you…”  He trails off and closes his eyes because he's trying to blink back the tears but he’s unsuccessful and they well in his eyes anyway.
Eddie’s attention is solely focused on his husband right now the same way he always is but he can tell whatever he's planning to say is serious and he chooses not to interrupt him.
When he opens his eyes again, he meets his husband’s honey brown ones and continues.  “I didn’t say anything because we’ve uh… both been running around but um, early yesterday morning, you scared me half to death.”
Eddie bites his bottom lip because he’s right and the only time he’s ever complained about it was back when he was struggling with his panic attacks which lead to a lot of other things and he knows for a fact that he scared Buck and Chris because Buck told him they were scared out of their minds.
Buck lowers his eyes and inhales then slowly exhales.  When he looks up again, the tears that have welled in his eyes start streaming down his cheeks.  “Eddie!  We’re supposed to be to—gether forever.  That was the promise we made to each other remember?”
His voice is just above a whisper when he replies, “I remember.  Forever and always.”
“Right that’s what we’ve always said.  I’m afraid you’re going to leave me and I—I can’t lose you.”
Eddie lifts both of his hands, cups his husband’s cheeks and emphatically admits, “Hey, my love, I’m not going anywhere.  I promise.  We vowed to spend the next 50, 60 or 70 years together and I intend to keep that promise.”
“So do I!  But babe, we—can’t keep going like this.  You have to slow down and rest.  We have a son who needs us and we have two babies on the way but ED—DIE!  I NEED YOU!”  He screams and the sound of his voice is so raw it brings tears to Eddie’s eyes too. “I—I CAN’T LIVE WITH—OUT YOU!  I—I DON’T WANT TO AND I WON’T!  I THOUGHT… I WAS GOING TO LOSE YOU… AGAIN AND I—I ALMOST LOST IT.  ED—DIE… I COULDN’T BREATHE… SO BABE PLEASE… WE HAVE TO…”  He’s full-on crying now and his hiccupping sobs are so deep that he’s hyperventilating.
What happened to Eddie that's caused Buck to be this upset? 🙃
First Love Confession -Buck and Eddie share their first real and meaningful love confession.
First Date - Buck and Eddie go on their first date.
First Kiss - Buck and Eddie share their first kiss.
First Argument - Buck and Eddie have their first argument.
First Couples Therapy Session- Buck and Eddie go to their first couples therapy sessions.
First Time - Eddie and Buck make love for the first-time.
First Morning After - The night after Buck and Eddie make love for the first-time, they spend their first morning after together.
First Relationship Reveal - Buck and Eddie’s first relationship reveal.
First Mourning - Buck and Eddie experience their first mourning after a loss together.
First Marriage Proposal - Eddie and Buck’s first marriage proposal.
First Fiancé Introductions - Buck and Eddie’s first introductions as fiancés.
First Wedding Planning & Preparation - Buck and Eddie’s first planning and preparation for their wedding and honeymoon.
First Civil Marriage Ceremony - Buck and Eddie’s first civil marriage ceremony.
First Honeymoon - Buck and Eddie’s first honeymoon.
First Child (Buck) & First Baby (Buck and Eddie) - Eddie’s been a father for almost 14 years and Buck’s been a legal guardian to the same child for 4 years. However, after a court hearing, Buck will become a father to their first child and the title of legal guardian will be given to someone else. Also, one year and three months later, Buck and Eddie will welcome their first baby into the world.
Their Firsts, At Last - 200K Words; Currently 14 completed works and 1 in progress: A multi-part fanfic series about the romantic “firsts” Buck and Eddie share as they journey through life in an established relationship and their lives as a couple will include some of Buck’s individual “firsts” too. It’s filled with the FANON love, romance, fluff and domesticity their relationship should have been allowed to experience in CANON. The second part of the series title was adapted from the song “At Last” by Etta James.
This series of FANON future speculation fanfics is being written on a continuous timeline that begins with the start of season 7 (if it were to start in September 2023). Each part ends at a specific point in Buck and Eddie’s relationship so the next part can begin with the ending of the previous part. Therefore, parts 1-6 should be read prior to reading part 7 and the series will continue in that manner until it’s complete.
Parts 1 - 15 are available on AO3
Part 15 has 7 chapters but they will be posted one at a time. Currently, Chapter 1 - 4 are available on AO3.
Chapter 5 will be posted soon.
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