#I proceded to find that one of the cats may be in my room
pixiis-blog · 1 year
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annebelle93 · 3 years
Obey me boys react to an MC with a Th.D
You just finished your Th.D (Theology and religious studies Doctorate), younger of the class and now you’ve been struggling a bit to decide on what to write. Lucky you, you wake up in devildom, surrounded by all of the figures you’ve been reading about for the last years.
Is a bit impressed at first. You’re so young and already speak Latin? Maybe this exchange won’t be a total waste of time
Then he is annoyed
You just ask SO. MANY. QUESTIONS.
“MC, I swear to Diavolo, if you ask me one more time to teach you Sumeric I’ll lock you in your room!”
After you pester him over and over again with questions, he secretly asks Barbatos to find him a copy of your thesis
It’s about him. 300 pages of him.
The man is intrigued.
“Did you really spent three years writing about me?”
“Yeah, man” you shrug “the history f***ed you up. I always thought you were a much more complex character then described in the Bible”
He will teach you Sumeric now. And ancient Latin. And whatever dead language you ask him.
Honestly, he will marry you if you ask him nicely enough
He doesn’t like you very much at first
Why do you use so many big words? It’s confusing
Very disappointed on how little you know about him compared to his brothers
“What do ya mean not enough lore?”
“I’ll show ya lore”
Lucifer may or may not have to “rescue” you from field trips to the fourth circle
Snake boy is flustered
You know him?
You actually like his stories?
You are i-i-interested in the g-great admiral?
“Why should I share my stories with a normie like you?”
Is very confused by you and he doesn’t like to be confused, so he keeps his distance
Until you slide a copy of an article you wrote about “Leviathan through cultures: similarities and idiosyncrasy”
You are a big obsessed nerd like him, only he likes video games and you books (don’t get me wrong, you like playing too, you just suck at it)
“I’m your Ruri-chan” he whispers after reading it
“Come with me! I’ll tell you every thing you need to know!” *anime pose*
Finally someone who understands the beauty of spending hours reading in a library
At first was a bit bothered to always find someone else using the library
But you are very quiet when you concentrate
And you concentrate. For hours.
Very different from your overall hyper and impulsive behavior
Will happily explain to you all the inconsistencies in human literature
His memory is amazing, so he remembers every single event
Is very eager to explain why Satanás is far superior in literature and not at all the same character as Lucifer
“Why the humans always get it confused? It’s not that hard” procedes to give a very hard explanation
By the end of the program your research is so detailed and refined you can’t even publish it. No one will believe THAT level of details.
Like Mammon, doesn’t like you at first.
Goes batshit crazy when you ask him why he doesn’t have three heads
“You appear one time to one human as an ugly beast after loosing a bet and then suddenly everyone thinks you are ugly!”
Demands you write at least one article proving to the humans he is beautiful
Will send you 7728372 selfies for you to use on the article
Likes to braid your hair and do your nails while you study, because “by Diavolo, you can be quiet when you focus!”
Is constantly worried about you because you don’t stop studying to drink water, eat or exercise
“Who is going to spread my beauty to the humans if you die?”
Secretly he just worries about you, nothing to do with spreading his beauty
Is VERY confused by you.
He didn’t ever remember he was once a god after he fell, how do you?
“What do you mean Mammon is seen as a part of me? Mammon is Mammon, I’m Beel”
Eventually he begins to enjoy listening to you talk about your research. You are very passionate about it and he enjoys when people like his brothers
Was upset when you reminded him about the god thing, because he recalled humans used to give him food offerings all of the time and now they don’t
You walk around with food on your pockets now
Doesn’t like you. Doesn’t dislike you. You are just there.
Thinks you’re weird for writing 300 pages about Lucifer. Who would want to know that much about him?
Eventually he finds out you like to cuddle when you read in bed and “whatever, you are warm, I’m sleepy. I’ll indulge you”
He is like a big cat around your legs while you read
One day he peaks at what you are writing now
It’s about Lilith and how much of a power figure she is through history
You don’t see her as a fragile little girl
He will hide his face, he can’t let you see him emotional after all
But he’s is much more affectionate. He’ll even let you run your fingers through his hair now
Will tell you everything about his sister
The rest of the boys are here now!
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FTTTO Chapter 4
Authors Note: So this chapter switches point of view a lot. Also this one is very, very, extremely long. Well a little hyperbole never killed anyone, all that aside enjoy.
Chapter 4:Now This is Weird
Mike’s POV:
I woke up before the normal, why? I couldn’t tell you. That’s just what my body wanted to do. Except it didn’t feel like I was in me bed. So I slow got up and rubbed my eyes so that I could see. But what I did see was not what I expected. I was in a large room, that had a large couch and two big chairs. It also had a very big black box, along with a lot of other expensive looking trinkets. I then looked down to see a bunch of my brothers and my real brother all laid about on the floor. But one caught my eye, Spot Conlon. I thought about maybe waking them up, but then thought better of it, because if I did I would have been soaked for sure. So I looked around the room some more. Examining all the little things that were there. I didn’t touch anything of course, i didn’t know what any of it did and I was a bit afraid to find out. I gave up on getting out of this room a while ago. The exits where blocked of. After a while of looking around I saw that Jack was walking out. When he got up and looked around he looked just as confused as I did when I first woke up. When he finally turned around and saw me he spoke,” Do youse have any idea what’s goin’ on here?”
I just shook my head and replied,” I don’t know, but dere’s no way out. At least not that Ise can find.”
Jack went silent, they way he normally did when he was thinking.
“First the strike, den dis. Can anything good happen to us?” I thought out loud.
“ Hey wes won da strike and youse gotta look on da bright side. No one’s hurt,” Jack assured.
“ I guess you right, but-” I started but jack quickly shushed me.
“Did youse hear dat,” Jack looked very serious when he asked me this.
I gave him a confused look.
“ I keep thinkin’ I’m hearin’ people talkin’ “ Jack said.
I didn’t hear anything, but I just went with it. After a while more and more newsies woke up,and they all asked questions similar to the one that Jack asked me when he first woke up. Once everyone was up Jack stood up on a chair and made a loud whistle to get the boy’s attention.
“Okay. So I know youse all are confused as to why wes all here or whats goin’ on,” Jack stated,” and I am too-”
This caused a small panic to erupt, but I had trust that Jack had a plan.
“But youse can bet dat Ise gonna find a way to get us outta here. Actually, dis seems to be someone's house. So someone's gotta come eventually,” Jack assured the group.
“ Youse guessed right,” said a mysterious voice that came from the part of the room where the exit appeared to be.
We all whipped around to find a group of three. A boy how was tall, skinny,piercing green eyes, and had silver colored hair. Which I didn’t know was possible. THen there was a boy and a girl who looked basically identical. Both having light brown hair that appeared to have some gold strands in it, especially near the end. They both had freckles, but they were more noticeable on the boys. They also both had hazel eyes, which also appeared to have gold in them.
Brooklyn’s POV:
To be honest that was probably the best dramatic entrance I have ever made, and I have made a lot of dramatic entrances. Immediately everyone in the room turned around to face us. Although all their eyes very clearly landed on me. I should have figured, I mean I was wear some rather short pajama shorts and a tank top. Which in their time could be considered naked. Fortunately for the boys Austin started talking taking all the attention of me, because let me tell you, if those boy looked at me any longer, someone was going to get a broken nose.
Austin’s POV:
I noticed that Ali was getting angry, then realized that it was most likely because she was wearing pj’s. This could get real bad real quick, so I decided to step in.
“ So as you could have guessed we are the owners of this house, well they are, I’m just visiting,” I say clearly. I thanked god that that got their attention off of Ali. It was at this point that I noticed Davey and Les. Davey had just lightly hit Les. Like in the way mothers do when their kids are misbehaving. God he was so the mom friend.  He also mumbled something around the lines of stop staring. To this Les retorted,” But shes got no clothes on.”
If looks could kill, Les would be two times over. I was terrified and she wasn’t even mad at me. So once again I stepped in.
“ Well in our time this is considered decent,” I blurted without thinking. I think only Davey caught on to my slip up with ‘our time’ and was about to say something until Albert stepped up and said,” Well then I’d like to see ‘er in whateva’s considered not decent.”
“ Well I’d like to see youse with a broken nose, but we all can’t get what wes wants. Now can wes,” Ali replied while cracking her knuckles and neck. She started slowly walking towards him. But it was obvious that he wasn’t backing down.
“ Whats a little goil like youse gonna be able to do to someone like me,” he taunted.
She continued walking towards him, her anger almost growing. It was at this point that me and Rocky started to sign for him to stop. Of course he didn’t. Now the two were in each others faces, please don’t kill the kid Ali. I know he was being very disrespectful, but you dont’ have to kill him.
“ God it’s a shame I have to watch another man die tonight,” I say remorsefully was I place my head in my hands. But I took it out and saw that some of the other newsies were now getting scared for Alberts safety. I watched Ali and Albert closely, and then I realized why Ali didn’t immediately swing. She was positioning herself, for what.I don't’ know, but it was bound to be really bad for Albert. I know she has taken like a decade of MMA and fighting classes, so she is capable of causing a lot of pain.
Then with in a blink of an eye she spun him around, pinned one arm to his back, and forcefully threw him on the wall. She got right up in his face and told him that this was just a warning and next time he will end up with a broken nose. She then proceded to walk away calmly, as if nothing ever happened. When she returned to her original spot eh found everyone once again staring at her, except Rocky who was just face palming. Once she took notice she this she angerly spat,” What?” but she also said as if nothing had just happened.
“ Why,” Rocco asked clearly distraught,” why are you like this.”
Ali just shrugged in response.
“ You had one job. Take care of them in case they get hostile, not be hostile towards them,” he added.
“ Hey. I my defense, he was disrespectin’ me. I just defended myself,” Ali said in a defensive tone.
“ Okay would anyone like to explain what is going on here and why you said in our time before this how mess happened,” Davey exclaimed while motioning to Albert, who just stood there in a state of shock.
Rocco’s POV:
Well shit. Now we have to explain, to the best of our ability, because Davey just dropped the question. Now or never I guess. Although I would prefer never.
“ Um… okay. So, um, you may or may have been transported into the future, 2017 to be exact, and before you ask. No we don’t know how this happened. Also we know who all of you are because someone made a musical about the newsboy strike of 1899,” I stammer out as fast as I possible could. Thankfully no looked like they got a word of that.
“ Do you mind repeatin’ dat?’ Jack asked.
“ Ok… so… um…,” I stutter,not wanting to say any of that slowly,” so… you-”
Suddenly I was pushed to the floor and Ali stepped up to take my spot and exclaimed,”Okay dis stutterin’ idiot ain’t gettin’ us anywhere. So youse may or may not have been teleproted into da year 2017. Also don’t ask ‘cause wes don’t gotta clue as to who's dis happened”
Everyone jaw was on the floor. “ Wha … but how?” Jack stammered.
“What did I just say,” Ali retorted.
“ Okay your bluntness isn’t helping,” Austin scolded while helping me up.
“ So yeah welcome to the future, I guess,” I added,” I guess since you’ll be staying here with us introductions are necessary. So this right here is my best friend Austin, but we call him Texas,” I say while motioning to Austin. “ And this is my twin sister, the girl of a thousand nicknames-”
“I don’t ‘ave dat many nicknames,” Ali interrupted.
“ As I was saying, my twin sister Brooklyn, or Ally Cat. Ali for short.”
“ Youse named Brooklyn?” Spot asked.
“ Yeah, but please call me Ali. My actual name brings up some… bad memories.”
“ Okay but if youse twins, den why don’t youse both have an accent,” Ike, I think, asked.
“ Our parents split when we were young, I went with our dad to San Fransisco. Which is where we are from now, and Ali stayed in Brooklyn with our mom.”
“ Wait, so your name is Brooklyn and youse from Brooklyn,” Spot asked.
Ali nodded, and Spot gave her a smile.
“ Of course da strong goil with da short tempa is from Brooklyn,” Race snarked, earnign an elbow from Spot.
“ Wait but if you stayed with your mom in Brooklyn, why are you here now?” Les asked. Davey shot him a look to shut up becasue he was being rude.
“ It’s fine. There was some recent events that occured that lead to Ali having to come here and live with me.”
“ Yeah, and comin’ here was da woist day of my life,” Ali whined,” Especially since I had to give up my crown.”
“ Crown?,” Spot questioned.
“ Oh. It seems that I left out one of Ali’s nicknames,” I said before Ali could respond for herself,” she is also known as The Queen of Brooklyn.”
During this ‘grand’ introduction Ali puffed her chest out and held her head up high.
“ But what’s a queen withouta king,” Spot asked with a smirk on his face.
“ A higher title,” Ali responded proudly, shocking Spot.
“ Back to the introductions,” I’m-”
“ Jack Kelly, and the rest of you are Crutchie, Spot, Davey, Les, Romeo, Specs, Mike, Ike, Race, Albert, and Finch,” Austin stated while pointing at each of the newsies when he said there name.
“ How do you know that?” Davey asked very concerned.
“ We now that because a person made a musical about the newsboy strike of 1899, and the people who portrayed you look a lot like you. If that makes sense,” Austin said.
“ It makes sense, but what’s a musical?” Race asked.
“ It’s like a play, but with a lot of singing,”Austin clarified.
“ Alright, enough with da chit chat. I’m starvin’ can wes go get some breakfast?” Ali begged.
“Well it is the time that we normally eat,” I said. It was already 9 in the morning.
“ And the sun rose this mornin’, are we done statin’ facts.” Ali responded sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes and made my way to the kitchen, and motioned for the boy’s to follow.
Ch. 4 End
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