#I probably won’t post many fics but we’ll cross that bridge later
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When Louittany fanfic.
Im so incredibly sorry this took like 15,000 years! I had the worst case of writers block, then other interests took over. But now that I’ve been thinking about Pikmin again I figured I’d finish this fic finally. Sorry again for taking forever.
(I started writing this fic just before Pik4 came out, so if anything doesn’t line up correctly that’s why lol)
Here’s the doodles that inspired this fic
Louittany enjoyers come get your food (and juice)
Fic under cut 👍
Make Me Like You
An invitation to Hocotate was the last thing the Koppaites were expecting. Apparently after a certain duo of Hocotations had payed off their companies most recent debt, the president of Hocotate Freight had arranged a social to celebrate the Koppaites successful mission as thanks for bringing their most valued employees home safely.
The only thing Brittany was expecting even less was to find herself sitting at the bar having a drink let alone having an actual conversation with a certain blonde.
Two drinks in and they were already chuckling at each other’s words. They both fell silent, but only for a moment.
“I’m sorry…” the blonde began almost throwing the woman for a loop.
“What for?” Brittany questioned. Louie readjusted his posture on the barstool to slightly turn to face her.
“The juice… back on PNF. And just how I acted that whole time. I don’t know what it is about that planet, I’m just not exactly myself there... and I can’t really explain it. But that’s no excuse that I almost jeopardized your entire species.” He answered.
“Don’t worry about it. That was how long ago? Like at least a couple months.” She leaned closer to her glass as she took a sip.
“Oh? You’re telling me to forget about it? Wasn’t it you who got the most rilled up about the situation?” Louie playfully nudged her arm with his own before turning back to face forward. To be honest, Brittany had gotten over it by now. Her aunt always taught her to not hold grudges… for too long. She scoffed as they both fell silent for a moment.
“Sorry for leaving you tied up in the Drake for days. And for being a bit harsh on you.” Brittany rested her chin in her palm and lightly played with her earring.
“All’s good.” Louie finished off his glass then turned and stuck his hand towards Brittany.
“Clean slate?” The woman pondered for a moment then turned and took his hand in her own.
“Clean slate.” She smiled.
Their conversation carried on and it turns out they had a lot more interests in common than they thought. They both knew they liked food and cooking, but it was a pleasant surprise to know that Louie was pretty knowledgeable on plants and that he and his Nana had a garden at home.
The evening continued and eventually the social hall started to thin out as people began heading home. The koppaites decided it was also time to head back to the hotel that the president had generously arranged for them, If only he was this thoughtful of his actual employees. Brittany was the last to leave and after saying her goodbyes she made her way out to the lobby and was about to open the main door before feeling something drape over her shoulders. She glanced back and Louie had caught up to her and even gave her his jacket.
“It’s cold out.” Was all he said as he waved her off, he must’ve been socially drained as he seemed a lot more quieter than earlier. Brittany nodded and thanked him before heading out to catch up with her crew mates.
Lying down in bed Brittany stared at the ceiling replaying the evening over and over. Seeing Louie in a different light was unexpected and honestly a little bit weird.
“Louie is not that bad when he can actually hold a conversation. It was… nice.” She scoffed at her own joke before thinking about the Hocotation once more. Brittany looked back on the man in a newfound fondness and felt her cheeks heat up before shaking her head clear, reaching over and turning off her bedside lamp and curled under the covers.
“Must be the alcohol…” she blamed knowing full well she had sobered up before leaving the venue.
#louittany nation rise up!#I probably won’t post many fics but we’ll cross that bridge later#louie (pikmin)#brittany (pikmin)#🥕🍓#louittany#louie x brittany#luvwrites#pikmin fanfic#Pikmin#Pikmin 2#Pikmin 3
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Fifth Ash short, getting on a mask for the first time, and any mask will do! Also, first heroics!
Follow up to the last fic (Homesick)
No specific warnings
Spoilers for Fallen Hero Retribution. ___________
“So how much for this one?” he asks, going over the many necklaces in the box and taking one.
The owner tells him the price, and he puts it back, moving his hand to pick another… and there. There is the moment where his pinkie and his ring fingers snatch another, a small cross, hiding it from view. There is something intriguing about his method, just pure sleight of hand. A simple trick and nothing else, that’s all it takes.
The shop owner doesn’t realize what’s going on. You’re not even helping, it’s all Morgan doing this. Your role is to distract, talking about your imaginary girl that’s going to be so happy, while your uncle Morgan, helps you buy her jewelry so you won’t get scammed.
In the end, you buy nothing, but the cross is still in Morgan’s pocket.
“Well done kid, for someone so quiet you really talked that guy’s ears off!” he laughs walking alongside you.
“Just some chit-chat,” you say. You could keep doing it for hours if you needed to. Providing distractions is your most basic training “What’s next?”
“Now we sell this little baby here, and maybe we get us hm… 200? Maybe 250? I’ll let you have a 30% cut this time because you were so good, how about that?”
“That’s more than fine you say,” trying to smile a bit. He expects you to be happy, so you have to act happy and smile.
“We can get us a motel if we keep this up! Off the streets, as long as we can!”
You nod, lightly, letting him go on and on with his plans. It was nice to pretend to have an uncle, if only for a few moments.
“There’s a guy over at Richie’s, we’ll let him see the cross, and…”
You keep walking, but then notice he’s not following, and turn his way.
He doesn’t answer, staring at something in the distance. A quick scan and you realize something’s off… he’s not the only one that’s standing still…
At least 10 people have stopped what they were doing, eyes lost in the horizon.
Something’s definitely going wrong and…
“You look strong. Take this!” a guy wearing a weird blue robe cape, and yellow gloves says shoving a bag into your hands. On his head, a white mask with a purple spiral painted on its front, and a hood covering the rest. “Come on take it!” he says pressing a gloved hand to his mask.
You do as told, confused more than anything.
“Follow me” he calls, and instantly, everyone starts marching behind him… and of course, you follow. What is going on?!
“Psst… Morgan” you elbow him, to no avail. He doesn’t respond at all.
Enemy telepaths can be just as sneaky as yourself. You will not notice them if they are targeting someone else. So remember, ALWAYS look for signs on others!
Her words from training come to life with a scan, trying to figure out if this is what you think…
And of course, there it is… A compulsion, pressed against their minds, so frantic that you completely blocked is, thinking it was just a trail of loose hysterical thoughts bouncing against your shields. He’s literally screaming into their minds as loud as he can, telling them to do as he says…
Everything you learned not to do, he is doing. These people will remember being manipulated, will remember the voice of the one who did it, and they will become useless the moment they are let go…
You would have probably ended up recycled if you had ever been this sloppy. Makes you mad.
The man’s little caravan of the damned marches on towards the general bank… and the guards themselves begin to join the group.
You start walking slower, and slower, letting others go ahead, until you are out of formation, hiding your face from the cameras, until you manage to hide behind one of the columns inside the bank, next to a mother and her kid doing the same. The kid’s wearing a ranger mask, you don’t remember which.
There’s a big commotion as he starts his robbery, with several of his controlled followers locking the doors behind them.
“So, the name’s Overlord, and I heard you people were fixing your dampeners today, so I decided to show up, how about that?” he laughs. “Now everybody, be still! STILL, I SAY!” he orders with a mental command, freezing everyone in place.
Morgan and the others begin bagging the money from the cashiers and all you can do is watch, because you don’t have a plan and you don’t know what should you do…
You could just wait it out. Hide and wait until it ends, because this is none of your business… You could just walk out afterward.
But that would mean leaving Morgan under this madman’s control. His control is pathetic, and he is forcing them too hard… he is hurting them.
The mother holds her kid close, shielding him from what’s happening…
“I’m going to need this,” you say taking the mask from him.
“Are you going to be like Anathema?” he asks.
“We’ll see,” you say walking over as the mother pulls him from you.
“Hurry up, I don’t have all day!” Overlord yells
“Hey,” you say tapping his shoulder.
“What the…”
He starts turning, just in time to get your fist to the face. The mask breaks to pieces, leaving him confused. You follow it up with an uppercut to his stomach, leaving him breathless, and finally kick him down.
“Release these people,” you ask, in a calm tone, standing tall above him.
He crawls back, looking at your mask with a bloodened face, pieces of the mask still falling off.
“And who the hell are you supposed to be?!”
“Release these people now” you repeat, not going to answer stupid questions from this human.
“Oh, you release them, if you can! SHOOT HIIM!”
The mind-controlled guards move forward, guns in hand…
You pull their aims slightly off to the left, and sidestep a few times to the right, letting them empty their ammunition each time, repeating it to the right… left…Right...
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Overlord struggles to stand up, but the four guards are out of ammo, leaving you a clear way to walk over and kick him down again.
“Release them now”
“KEEP SHOOTING AT HIM!” he repeats, but you place your foot on his neck, as the guards keep pulling the trigger on their empty guns at you.
“You do know you have to actually order them to reload, no?” you ask, disgusted by this man’s amateur approach to telepathy.
“Who are the fuck are you?!”
“You asked for it,” you say, bringing down your fist down on his face again. You can see teeth flying over the floor this time, and his concentration shatters, everyone around you holding their heads in confusion.
“You can’t… do this…” he gasps.
But you’re done talking, thus you bring down your first once more, leaving him out cold.
Nobody moves, everyone still confused after his control broke, so you walk up to one of the guards, who cowers pathetically, but you just take his handcuffs, and bind Overlor’ds hands behind his back.
The kid in the back, the one whose mask you took starts clapping, along with a few other clients that weren’t controlled.
You don’t pay attention to that, walking straight up to Morgan, grabbing him by the arm, and pulling him to the exit.
“Let’s go,” you say.
“Oof.. my fucking head… at least we got some money out of it,” he says in a lower tone, showing you the moneybag he was gathering from the cashier.
You look down, snatching it from his hands, and tossing it at the guards.
“What?!” he asks
“We’re leaving” you don’t need the police looking for you later because the cameras show them your friend forgot to return the bank’s money.
“Why did you do that?!” he keeps yelling as you come out onto the streets, where a few patrol cars are beginning to arrive.
“Because it was reckless and you would have been caught”
“You’re a coward!” he says pushing you away. “You’re a loser, with those powers you have, it should have been you robbing that bank!”
“... listen, Morgan, we couldn’t just…”
“I don’t care! You’re on your own from now on kid! I don’t need some loser on my tail!” he yells walking away.
“Get lost!”
You watch him go, getting lost among the crowd that’s starting to surround the Bank.
You knew this was going to happen, but somehow It’s…
You don’t even know what this feeling is. You’re not supposed to have feelings in the first place, but you can’t help it in here, surrounded by them.
It’s just another human who got tired of you, nothing special. Why did you expect Morgan to be any different?
They’re all the same, and you’ve always been on your own, so nothing’s changed, you say to yourself, rubbing the wetness of your eyes as you walk back to the bridge, to get your stuff before he returns from selling the cross and steals it all.
You read his mind, so you know without a doubt that he was already planning to do so as he walked away.
The video is playing on a loop, with the guards shooting, and the masked guy sidestepping them, over and over.
“Am I seeing this right…? Did he just start dodging bullets?”
“Totally seems like he did. Jealous much, Marshall?”
“Nah… but I can’t stop watching it… it’s just… too sexy. Look at those moves!”
“It does have a certain rhythm to it, no? Wait here, I’ll go get Sentinel, he’s got to see this!” __________ If you want to read more: My Fanfiction: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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Tumblr’s algorithm picked up my last whumptober post and that unexpectedly rocketed me up to over 300 followers (welcome new folks, I haven’t had a chance to even look at y’all yet). But really it’s quite flattering. (I think at least 10% of them are pornbots, but beggars can’t be choosers.)
So I guess in uh, celebration/woohoo, I’m just gonna post snippets from my WIPs (outside of the whumptober ones as those are coming out in the next couple days) which… well, it’s something. :3 Yes it all has to do with Stephen, I’m going one-trick-pony mode right now and it’s a friggin blast.
This is long and has WIPs of art too, so cut cut cut bellllooww.
The farking Doctor Strange/Sherlock crossover that’s been at 80% complete since July and still has no title
However, before Sherlock got caught up into the cloak once again, he forced his eyes to the man’s hands. A lot could be discovered by someone’s hands.
And what hands they were. His eyes involuntarily widened at the sight of the ragged, and in some places hypertrophic scars on the back side of each finger. He quickly looked to the other hand; they were there, too. Clearly they were crushed in some sort of accident, but an accident that left him upright and without any hint of a limp. It was possible that they were caught in some sort of machinery, but both at the same time? Statistically speaking, a car accident was more likely. A car accident that damaged the bonnet of the car and crushed his fingers between the steering wheel and the dashboard, more than likely leaving permanent nerve damage. Unfortunate.
The age of the scars showed that they were healed over, but their nature made it difficult to determine how long ago they were received. With the overall lack of fading, however, it was likely that the damage occurred within the last few years. He could not see his palms and determine anything from there, but the callus upon his right middle finger determined which hand he wrote with. Or once wrote with, at any rate. His hands could certainly be worthy of further study, if only to attempt to determine their surgical history.
Upon his left wrist was, of all things, a wristwatch. He narrowed his eyes. It was a Jaeger-LeCoultre and it was not a counterfeit by any means, but it was not a model he recognized. It looked very similar to the Master Ultra Thin Moon only just released; was this an early prototype for a new model? Even as the question fluttered through his mind, he immediately chastised himself for his stupidity. There was clear wear on the band that spoke of it being worn for years, never mind the cracked face.
Custom-made, he eventually concluded, though even that answer did not quite sit right with him. Regardless, it spoke of a man who had wealth— or used to, in any case. The wear and damage on the watch told a new picture now, but he seemed to still be connected to some form of influence. His clothing was of a very rich quality, and that was not including the unique cloak. Perhaps he was now connected with someone in the Greater Tibetan area, or someone of wealth in the Indian subcontinent. Or from there, at any rate.
He let his eyes go up the length of the man’s sleeves. Cloth bands decorated the forearms of his otherwise seemingly-plain shirt, likely made of wool and hemp. He indulged himself and studied the embroidery on the edge of the cloak again. He received no further information concerning its origin and make beyond what he had already determined, but there was something about it that was absolutely enchanting.
But enough lingering; he finally turned his body to lay on his side and brought his eyes up to meet the bearer of this very odd ensemble of attire.
And he saw himself.
Within the Shadows (villain!AU) sequel that finalllyyy has a title, Inhibited Lodgings (I think this one is about at 85%! So soooonnnn)
When one of the nurses came in with dinner, Stephen hardly acknowledged him. The nurse set the tray on the overbed table and, after a quick, “Eat while it’s hot!” left the room.
Stephen ignored it. He continued his obsessive perusal of the tablet, shaky fingers managing to steady enough to click link after link after link.
Stark came in an hour later and the tray was still untouched. He quirked his brows up. “Y'know Doc, if you don’t eat, Doctor Cho is going to be very stern with you and you’ll feel terrible after that.”
He raised his head from the tablet at the sound of Stark’s voice, blinking. “What?” He then looked at the tray of food. “Oh… right. I forgot that was brought in.” He looked at the now stone-cold chicken and broccoli with a small grimace.
“I’ll have them make you another plate. Send that info up, FRI.” Stark sunk into one of the chairs beside the bed. “What has you so distracted, anyway?”
Stephen turned the tablet around to show him his screen, which had a list of all the Billboard Hot 100 and Billboard 200 for all genres in 2011. “I only considered yesterday that there might be differences in music between my reality and this one. A check to see if my favorite artists existed here turned into something of a full day project.”
Stark was clearly interested. “No kidding. Did you find any differences?”
“Dozens. In some ways it’s amazing that it’s only that many across hundreds of artists and songs, but I cannot imagine not having Rocky’s training montage paired with ‘Eye of the Tiger.’ ”
“I know I’ve seen a couple of those films, but I couldn’t tell you the name of any training song off the top of my head,” he said. “But I’d probably remember a song with that name.”
He nodded. “Exactly! I can live without the 'Macarena’ and 'Kung Fu Fighting’, but that song made that sequence legendary.”
Stark’s lips twitched in amusement. “I’ll take your word for it. Anything particularly good from your reality that you found missing?”
“I’m still debating if losing all of Journey’s discography is worth never having to hear 'Don’t Stop Believing’ again.”
Time Travel Pseudo!villain Stephen aka Freakin Carmen Sandiego (yes, this is gonna happen. But it’s not happening until those two above are completed, and it’ll be written concurrently with the rest of the villain!Stephen series, as I suspect it will be on the longer side. The outline’s 4 pages long…)
He walked over and crossed his arms as Bruce replayed the video; it was definitely a better quality than the pixelated mess of everything else he’d seen so far. Even with the high-definition, though, the man’s fully-black outfit made him difficult to see against the night sky, and his face was completely covered by what looked like both a mask and hood. He’d be all-but-invisible without the glowing lights all around him. A gasp suddenly ran through the crowd, and the camera swiveled to look at the Palace of Westminster, now bereft of the tower. A few shouts then broke through, and the camera footage swung back to the night sky, but the man was gone.
“Where’d he go?” Tony asked as he leaned over Bruce and pressed both the replay and mute button.
“Uh, according to witnesses, after Elizabeth Tower vanished, he darted under the bridge— probably at the end with the screaming there— and disappeared.”
“I thought that was Big Ben,” he muttered, pressing replay again.
Bruce shook his head. “No, Big Ben’s the bell in Elizabeth Tower. I knew someone in college— British— who got rather annoyed over that misnomer. Really annoyed, actually.” He made a face to himself.
Tony, however, was busy squinting at a bit of the footage he had paused. “Does it look like he has a sort of— something— on his chest?”
The physicist leaned in and squinted alongside him. “Yeah. I’d say it almost looks like one of your arc reactors, but I don’t think your arc reactors do this.”
“But it could still be a power source,” Tony answered.
“Definitely,” Bruce answered. “It looks almost like he’s pulling from it.”
“That makes no sense, but a lot of this alien tech is nothing like anything that exists on Earth right now. I’d be interested in figuring out how it works.”
Bruce continued to peer at it. “So would I,” he said. “If you can keep it from S.H.I.E.L.D long enough to do so.”
Tony makes a face. “They have the scepter to play with. They can have it when I’m done.”
“You’re going to have to catch him first,” he pointed out.
“Pshh, after Loki, this’ll be easy-peasy. We’ll have him caught within two days.”
ARTS (just the two Stephens for now)
I didn’t have time last weekend to work on digital Stephen, but he’s still a lot farther ahead than when I last posted here sooooooo. (I won’t have time this weekend either, so… he’ll come sooner or later).
Annddd I figured out what my ugly yellow corner square is gonna be. I’m doing fan art for a fan fic like a real nerd. Bringing out the prismacolors again. Right now I’m still in the ‘messing around with line art’ phase. I plan to do this while I’m at tabletop gaming on Sundays.

And that’s that for WIPs. Now I need to go work on ficlets.
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Current State of Bandit Fic
The last official one of these was in May, and then the last other update of a general updating schedule magnitude was in July, so...it’s been a while, so it’s time for another one of these, I think.
Under the cut because I know these tend to get long and not everyone wants to read all of it and apologies to mobile users because I don’t think the cut works for y’all. Sorry!
plans for the rest of the year in terms of updates:
I’ve updated my word count this month to 1.5k daily instead of 1k daily and then plan to up it to 2k daily during Nanowrimo - and then if that’s able to hold, I’m hoping to keep that daily 2k up during December (but with the holidays, who knows).
I really like doing those polls before the Monday updates to see what y’all want and then posting that - and I think, with the variations in what I have in backlog, that maybe works better until I have a bunch of backlog for a bunch of different projects (like how I had Carla finished and had Luisa and the Fox finished and so was really just alternating new writing in between ... was it maybe once a month?) - so I think, come November, I’ll probably do that again. That way I’m updating projects I have stuff written for and don’t feel constrained to projects I don’t have written updates for and might feel constrained trying to write updates.
October is still Kiss Prompts Month - I do have fall prompts, too, but other than one, they’re unfinished and probably won’t get posted until November.
October Monday updates will also continue to be for Luisa and the Wolf because that is your spoopy Halloween holiday fic. Huzzah.
November is Nanowrimo, but given the writing this month, I should be okay in terms of keeping up the Monday schedule.
I have:
one (1) chapter of Falling
two (2) chapters of Aftershocks
one (1) fall prompt
two (2) chapters of Bitches Get Glitches
potentially three if i split that third chapter up into two chapters, which i’m still seriously considering doing.
Those should cover the four Monday updates in November if I don’t write other stuff for them.
My focus for the rest of the year in terms of finishing something is to finish the rough draft of the first book of the Roisa HP AU. That’s the book I’m planning to focus on during Nanowrimo, and hopefully I’ll be able to get the rough done so that I can get the first book to y’all sometime next year.
Roisa Secret Santa is a thing! I’m organizing that and I hope that goes off really well!
I may do Christmas or holiday prompts in December - because I really like having short little prompts to work on when I don’t want to dive into a deeper chapter - something short to write instead of something longer is oddly nice - so we’ll see about that.
I also want to finish one of the Christmas fics I started last year, but it’s not good in terms of word count - like...you’ll understand if I post it - but that’s...a high priority.
Other than that, I don’t know what the Monday updates in December will be, but we can cross that bridge when we get there.
general fic updates (aka - i mostly stop using capital letters for whatever reason):
posted but incomplete fics:
if you lived here, you’d be home now:
no one’s asked but it’s been months since an update and it’s not that i don’t want to update, it’s that it’s been long enough that i feel i should finish a reread of what’s posted before starting the next chapter and i keep dragging my feet on that.
i actually have a good idea of what happens in the next several chapters, so that’s not the issue, it’s just getting myself to finish the reread and then actually doing the writing.
there’s still a lot of chapters left. sorry? maybe i’m sorry for not updating more regularly now that ACAL is finished. :/
jane: the real story:
this is on back-burner because, even though i’m really salty, i’ve found that when i hit hey, it’s time to write petra! i run into a wall of okay, but i know people love petra, and i know she has a very specific voice and tone and then i get kind of...overwhelmed and worried that she’ll be ooc. which is probably why i haven’t written the next chapter yet (michael isn’t really like this, but he might be - and raf isn’t like this at all because raf in j:trs is meant to be a commentary on...raf). i think it’s that i don’t have a well enough grip of writing petra closer to canon to feel up to par writing her in this situation. maybe? idk.
i know this is one of the most ... whatever fics on ao3 when it comes to my fics, so like, i’m aware of that, it’s just...back-burner right now.
heart in motion:
i actually started the second chapter of this a while back. i should finish that. if so, you might see it in a monday update poll we’ll see.
luisa and the child:
aka the sequel to luisa and the fox
i have the first...two? three? idk chapters written. i’m still feeling out the plot - i have a good idea of bits and pieces of it, but i’m still waiting on those to come together in one cohesive thing.
similar to the last three chapters of luisa and the fox, i don’t plan on posting these until i’ve got the entire thing roughed out and gone through a second write. maybe a beta. not sure on that one yet.
sin rostro:
this is another one of those petra is an important character who shows up in the next chapter and i’m not sure i’ll write her well issues. holding off on this one.
emilia antonia:
i have a general idea for what happens in the next chapter, as well as a general idea of what happens in the rest of the fic. this one’s a matter of me sitting down and focusing on it and writing it, and i’ve been in a bandit writes lint fic headspace recently, which doesn’t bother me.
i feel like i should go back and resee some of the episodes of hannibal with margot in s2 and s3 and then review a bit of muskrat farm in s3 (as well as some of alana in s3) because that’s where lu is in chapter three. because i haven’t, i’ve been holding off on writing this one, too, even though i...have a general idea of things that happen throughout the fic. but no real ending.
also maybe have a crack fic planned that would technically be a sequel to this one but would really be a crack fic. maybe. we’ll see.
have two new chapters for y’all written.
have a general idea of what happens in the next chapter.
have a general idea of things that happen in later chapters but not sure where those chapters are in terms of how immediate they are, if that makes sense.
the time of your life:
bitches get glitches is completely done in terms of second write, so each chapter would probably just need a precursory read-through in terms of grammar/spelling/etc. and other minor edits.
with the exception of what would be the third chapter if i split the current third chapter into two chapters - the roisa scene probably warrants a little more than just a precursory read-through before posting.
i’ve started the next fic, which is rafael’s fic. the next one would be petra’s.
basically, each of the first however many fics (four) focuses on one character and their encounters with their soulmate timer.
one screwed up family focused on rose, even though it also included luisa’s past with her timer.
bitches get glitches focuses on jane, even though it also includes carry-over updates on what’s been going on with luisa and rose since the first fic.
the third fic focuses on rafael.
the fourth fic focuses on petra.
at this point, i have a fairly good idea of when each of these five characters’ timers went off and when they might go off in future fics (i’d be more specific here, but spoilers!).
after those four, i would want to write a fifth fic that wraps things up - but this is kind of dependent on where things get left off in petra’s fic.
rafael’s encounters don’t finish in his fic, which leaves it on kind of a cliff-hanger, and i don’t think his final encounter happens in petra’s fic, so...fifth fic.
i’m actually hoping that writing petra in this fic will give me the confidence to write petra in the other fics she shows up. so. there’s that.
unposted fics:
where the lightning splits the sea:
aka roisa hp au
as stated before, the first book is my planned main project for nanowrimo and i hope to have the rough draft finished by the end of the year (we’ll see if that actually happens or not).
i have an entire series outline consisting of main things i want to happen in each book, along with their titles, and things that have to happen in specific books to set up for the proper pay off in later books.
the first book is entirely outlined - chapter by chapter.
i’ve started chapter-by-chapter outlines for books two and three.
the entire compiled outline alone is seventeen pages long.
i love this project a lot, and i’m super excited to share it with y’all, it’s just long.
mexican stud:
aka rosalint fic
i have a full working outline! chapter by chapter! huzzah!
this one still comes in bits and pieces and scenes that aren’t always interconnected. i know what happens, but then pick and choose at scenes to write when i want to write it.
this fic will likely end up being fairly explicit - or, compared with other stuff i’ve written, more explicit - simply due to the themes and the content. that may be part of why i take so long to write it - explicit scenes have a tendency to make me uncomfortable when i’m reading them and i don’t feel fully comfortable posting explicit scenes. but....
this would considered part of the epic superhero crossover (see below), even though the events are, to some extent, considered canon to aftershocks (with some exceptions which can be explained...later).
everything’s coming up rose’s:
still excited, still want to write it, but focusing on other things atm.
various other soulmate aus:
one-shot (tentatively titled chorus: romance says goodnight):
still kicking around in my head.
still want to write it.
don’t think y’all will like it because it’s in raf’s point of view.
and other reasons.
but still want to write it.
dreamers often lie:
still at the point where i’ve brainstormed enough that i should start writing it because then i’ll get a more concrete idea of the world and of the events in the world but--
i’m currently focused on the soulmate timer au in terms of soulmate fics right now. oops.
epic superhero crossover:
aka jtv/tick/timeless/supergirl/x-files/agent carter crossover.
hey, look, that’s a lot of things, so expect this to be massive, too.
the more i brainstorm this one, the bigger it gets, and at this point, i think it’ll probably be a bunch of interconnected fics in a series - like the time of your life - the soulmate timer au - instead of one big massive fic. it’s just easier to conceive of that way.
mexican stud is a fic on its own but goes within this crossover.
i want to write a fic about how emma and whitney get together (because they are together before rose gets them and all three of them are together in mexican stud - together as in a group, not as in together, even though emma and whitney definitely are together).
i want to write a fic about how dottie became the way she is when we meet her in the main fic (this would likely involve carterwood and dottie/whitney aspects - either directly or implied - and then it would likely come up in the main fic, there’s a bit from the part i just wrote that i want to be directly an exact quote from this).
i want to write a fic with rhea raising dottie (and potentially use that as backstory on how rhea and lena are...coworkers/acquaintances/partners/surrogate found family/etc. which could lead to complications re: lena and dottie but...idk).
even if lena isn’t a huge part of the rhea/dottie family fluff, i want to write something that deals with rhea in luthor-corp and l-corp and what she was doing after she got to earth - because that one’s different than canon (because i’m using ben’s rhea in a pod au v1 for this).
then there’s the main fic itself - which is where you get a lot of the crossover elements - particularly the x-files elements, which don’t really come up directly in the other fics but are definitely there in some of them (and by some of them, i mean the dottie backstory fic, they would be in the dottie backstory fic). this would also be where the supergirl cast actually comes in (other than rhea and lena and the luthors and maybe astra? maybe astra’s alive in this? since rhea was around maybe she took astra? or lillian? idk haven’t decided yet).
so - like - this one is also a huge massive undertaking but in a different way than the roisa hp au is. the interconnected fics for this aren’t necessarily as linear as the ones for the roisa hp au, and i want the main fic to be enjoyable on its own even if you haven’t read the other fics - the other fics might also stand on their own ish, but like...the random kingdom hearts games - to get the full story, you maybe want to play the main games. ish.
also debating using my trans!mulder here because...like, i love him and i know he got me into trouble but...his story works so well here in context and i would love to use him here. so. it’s. complicated. :/
but - yeah - there’s your update on the state of things. maybe look out for another update at the beginning of january, because i might be changing up some of how i’ve been writing and goals and things - but i think that’s it for now.
#musings#bandit does an update#bandit#iylhybhn stuff#soulmate timer au#roisa hp au#luisa and the child#luisa and the wolf#kiss prompts for october#epic superhero crossover#everything's coming up rose's#rosalint#aftershocks#post s5 fic#emilia antonia#jtv/odaat crossover#1920's au#jtv: the real story#roisa secret santa
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Bye, Bye Lucy: Part 1
In my experience, you're always in for a good time once the author starts off by saying the characters will be OOC.
Surprisingly, the actual events of some of these stories don’t even start before we run into trouble with canon. It’s common for fic writers to mistime Lisanna’s return from the end of Edolas to after the first Grand Magic Games. Often, this isn't even apparent until later on in the story and I'm honestly not sure if these guys realize they're even doing it.
The reason as to why will be important to a point I’ll talk about later. However, if this important detail is changed for the sake of the story, I can pretty much tell already that the writer cares more about their story than working alongside the canon universe. I actually think that time is the best time for a fic like this to happen, but it's off-putting to see such an important detail messed up.
At or before the beginning of these stories, Lisanna comes back and most of the guild ignore Lucy. Her friends ignore her. Natsu starts dating Lisanna and they spend all the time together. There are only a few people that will talk to her.
I feel as though some people might expect me to rip Nali in these stories. And many people probably would if they were to talk about this. However, I’m not going to. Not just because I already made a post about them.
Don't get me wrong, it's kinda weird that so many people are okay with writing Nali in a world with tons of canon problems, including the ones that a Nali relationship apparently entails in these stories and that are clearly worthy of its own post. Still, I want to believe in a world where Natsu and Lisanna end up together immediately after her return and this is the kind of thing I’d want to see in a fan fiction. I have no problem with this. (This isn't going to happen a lot, so don't get used to this.)
Why should I believe the guild would immediately ignore Lucy just because Lisanna came back? The story usually goes that she was just holding Lisanna’s place.
In the entire guild.
That's never implied pre-Tenrou. The closest thing we get is Levy saying that Lucy is kinda like Lisanna.
Even if it's just Team Natsu, which will be important later, it still doesn't work. Team Natsu wasn't made until Lucy joined.
With Lucy as one of the first members.
Before Lisanna was even named as a character.
See the issue?
And isn't the implication of having a spot for Lisanna to take upon her return that they expected her to come back, to begin with? Even though she's been dead for two years?
Besides that, if I was actually supposed to think Lucy was let in as a replacement for Lisanna, I'd hope that the same people that agreed that Lucy had “the most Fairy Tail spirit” would have grown to like her as an individual by the time Edolas arc ended.
If I really try, I could understand Lucy feeling jealous about attention being diverted to Lisanna. There wasn’t as much excitement when she joined the guild as when Lisanna came back. Though, that's because, to borrow the words of the Father in the story of the Prodigal Son, Lisanna was dead and is alive again. And yes, that death was equally as literal in that story.
Anyway, let's talk about the people talking to her because they're really important. It's always a group of the same pool of people talking to her in these stories: Mirajane, Cana, Romeo, Wendy, Carla, Elfman, Levy, Jet, Droy, Gajeel, Pantherlily, Makarov, Juvia, and, on occasions, Gray, Erza, and Happy. I feel like I read one where Jellal talks to her for some reason and that's bad for obvious reasons.
Part of me finds it weird that writers do this. It's like, “No one talks to Lucy except for most of the relevant Fairy Tail guild members.” But hey, that’s an issue with grammar and syntax and not with canon relevance. At least this list makes canon sense, right?
One day, I will ask a question like this and the answer will actually be yes. Not this time.
Some of the people on the list make sense. I’m going to ignore Mira and Elfman because I want to talk about them later. Given the timing of these stories, it makes perfect sense that Cana would talk to Lucy. She actually did start hanging out with Lucy after Edolas. Makarov talking to Lucy is a given and I'd be scared if he wouldn't talk to Lucy. He doesn't usually talk to her as much as the average person would, but I'll go with it. Of course, that brings up problems later, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
There's also no problem with Levy. As Lucy's friend she'd definitely still talk to her. I find it weird that the rest of Shadow Gear goes along with it but that's not a big deal for me.
However, that doesn't mean that Gajeel or Pantherlily would talk to talk to Lucy because of their relationship with Levy. In fact, that reasoning fails because Gajevy had its big moment during the Tenrou arc. That's not to say the ship meant nothing up to that point. It just means that it's too early to associate one with the other, in a shipping sense. (Because it would be okay otherwise.)
There is no reason that anyone in Team Natsu should be talking to her in a story where they will kick her out of their team. And that's not to say that they should kick her out, to begin with. (We'll get to that.) But if you're going to go that way, don't have them do things with her before. Especially Natsu’s (other) best friend, Happy. This includes Wendy and Carla, even though they’re the newest members of Team Natsu at this point in the series. If Gray won't talk to Lucy, then I'm not sure Juvia would either. Even if that wasn't an issue, there's still the whole “love rivals” issue.
Romeo is often lumped in, but it's usually just to pair him off to Wendy. Lucy saved his dad, but that's the end of his relationship with Lucy. If anything, I could see him get crushed by his hero's actions later in the story, but that's another issue.
Stepping away from those issues, why does Lisanna coming back have to be the reason no one talks to her? This is supposed to be before the S-Class trials. Why not have everyone ignore Lucy because they’re all going out and doing missions?
You know, like what actually happened after Lisanna came back and the parties ended.
And come to think of it, Lisanna didn’t even try to get better for S-Class Trials. If anything, that would have been a great time for her to start to get back into the swing of using magic. Next time we see her after the parties, she’s talking with Carla and Wendy about Carla’s new powers. The guild isn’t anywhere close to caring about Lisanna over Lucy. If anything, they’re both being ignored.
Why can’t they talk out whatever issues they may be having out? Is this because of that stupid trope where plots are driven by miscommunication/no communication?
These issues cover what usually is the first half of the first chapter. In fact, this singular post is longer than it takes to know if Lucy is being ignored in these stories. If I’m reading a story and this is the way it starts, I'm obviously not thinking about most of these things as I go through it. Still, I’m not going into it expecting much from the rest of the story in the way of “capturing the Fairy Tail spirit”.
That doesn't mean this set up is terrible. In fact, I think this could be a set up for an interesting story. But if you can’t tell from the name of this series of posts, it doesn’t get much better from here on out.
To be continued...
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Torn Paper Heart (Otayuri)
Pairings: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Onesided!Yuri Plisetsky/Yuuri Katsuki, Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki Rating: G Summary: Otabek and Yuri have been dating for almost three months, but their relationship is progressing slowly. Ever since he lost to Yuuri Katsuki at Worlds, Yuri has been acting more and more depressed. Otabek has no idea why until he notices that Yuri's feelings towards Yuuri Katsuki may be more than just rivals. Prompt: @sageandginger (posted at end of fic)
“Why won't you kiss me?” Otabek Altin thinks these words every time he kisses Yuri Plisetsky. In his dorm room at Yakov's training camp. In the locker room at the rink after practice. In Yuri's apartment down the street. In the dimly lit movie theater during one of their rare dates. Otabek kisses Yuri's cheeks, his forehead, his ears, his hands...but never his lips.
Not that he's never tried, but Yuri always turns his head or says it's time to do something else. And Yuri never kisses him back, not even a peck on the cheek. They've been dating for almost three months. Since shortly after Yuri took silver at Worlds.
Otabek still isn't sure why Yuri cried so much after Worlds. He'd lost to Yuuri Katsuki, but it wasn't a surprise to anyone. They'd been neck-and-neck ever since Victor Nikiforov retired, though Yuri had consistently taken gold at the Grand Prix Final and Worlds for the last two years. It was only a matter of time before Yuuri scored higher.
Otabek barged into Yuri's hotel room days later, planning to force him to stop moping, but when he saw Yuri's tear-stained face, all he could do was comfort him. The night had been spent holding Yuri while he cried and whispering reassurances.
The love confession was an accident, though Otabek initially planned to ask him out right after Worlds. Yuri hesitated only a moment before telling him yes.
But they didn't kiss that night. Or any of the days after. Really, there isn't much difference between their friendship and their relationship. It stills feels like they're just friends.
Otabek signed up for Yakov's training camp this summer, thinking that it would be good chance to change things, a chance to get a real kiss from Yuri. But Yuri was so distracted lately. He messed up often in class, and he consistently performed below Yuuri Katsuki. Was he psyching himself out?
Yuri worries easily, so Otabek wonders if he thinks he'll keep losing to Yuuri Katsuki. How can he give up after only one defeat? This isn't the soldier he's loved all this time. He misses the Yuri that takes no compromises, that tries his hardest, that becomes a beautiful monster on the ice.
However, Otabek doesn't want to give up on Yuri. He's determined to get him back on track. Today. He'll talk to Yuri about it today. And if Yuri can't get back on track, Otabek will comfort him again. He'll do whatever he can to cheer up his boyfriend.
Otabek walks into the foyer of the dorm, resolve in his strong steps, but a hand tapping his shoulder stops him. He turns to see a short bald man holding out a letter.
“Otabek Altin?” he asks.
“This arrived for you today.” He hands the letter to Otabek, then scurries away.
Otabek sighs inwardly. Not for the first time, he wishes he didn't look so intimidating. He's not even that tall, but his presence is larger than life. At least, that's what he's been told.
He drags his thumb under the seal of the envelope, and pulls out a thick card-stock letter. The words are embossed in gold script.
'Victor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki request the honor of your presence at their marriage on the thirtieth of July at twelve o'clock at the Renaissance Hotel, St. Petersburg, Russia.'
The letter shakes in Otabek's hands as everything clicks into place. He'd almost forgotten Victor's proposal all those years ago. “We'll get married once he wins gold.” Yuuri finally won gold at a major competition. That's why Yuri was crying so much after his loss at Worlds. He didn't just lose gold. He lost Yuuri.
How long has Yuri been fighting with that goal in mind? How many times has he pushed himself harder than he should have in order to stop this marriage from happening? How does it feel to watch the person you love be coached by someone they love day after day?
And how heartbroken would Yuri feel after receiving this wedding invitation in the mail?
Otabek sprints down the hallway and out the front door. He needs to find Yuri and comfort him. Yuri can't be alone during this time. At just the idea this might happen, he cried for days. What will he do now that it's really happening?
At Yuri's apartment, Otabek bangs on the door, but no one answers.
The neighbor pops his head out. “Ah, Otabek, was it? Yuri left maybe ten minutes ago.”
Otabek's stomach drops. “Did he seem upset?”
“Now that you mention it, he did look a bit pale.”
“Where was he heading?” Otabek demands. His usual mask of apathy is shattered. Only worry and determination fill him. He's got to find Yuri...before it's too late.
“He said something about Potseluev Bridge. It's across the Moyka River.”
“I know the place. Thank you.” Otabek sprints down the street, shoving past people walking, barely getting in his apologies. Potseluev Bridge. A popular spot for lovers. Its name literally means “bridge of kisses.” What could Yuri be doing there?
Otabek reaches the bridge and panics. Yuri is nowhere to be seen. He runs across the sidewalk anyway, searching, trying his hardest to keep his worst fears from taking over.
Then he sees him. Crouched next to one of the pillars on the opposite side. His hoodie obscures his face, but Otabek would know that long, pale-blond hair anywhere.
He runs across the street, dodging cars, which honk at him as irritated voices shout. He ignores them all, his attention focused like a laser beam.
The blond looks up, startled. His eyes are red and puffy, his hair hanging loose and disheveled. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to find you, idiot.”
Yuri chuckles. “Idiot? That's my line.” But he isn't directing it at Otabek. He lowers his gaze and rests his chin on his knees, no doubt losing himself to memories.
Otabek sits down next to him. The metal bars of the bridge dig into his arm. “I know,” he announces.
“Know what?” Yuri traces his finger along the side of the pillar. He's obviously bored and doesn't care that Otabek ran all this way to find him. In fact, he probably thinks it's stupid.
Otabek reaches over and grasps Yuri's hands. He pulls him in so he's forced to look into his brown eyes. “I know that you have feelings for Yuuri Katsuki.”
Yuri averts his eyes, but he can't hide the blush. “I don't. I'm going out with you, aren't I?”
Otabek studies him closely. If his theory on Yuri's crush wasn't true, Yuri would have gotten angry or laughed, but he's quiet, reserved. And the pain is evident in his hunched-over posture and his inability to meet Otabek's gaze. Really, he's so easy to read.
“Stop lying.”
Panic flashes across Yuri's face, and he shakes his head vigorously. “I'm not lying,” he says, almost like it's a question. It sounds more like he's trying to convince himself.
“Lie to yourself all you want, but don't lie to me. Please.”
Tears trickle down Yuri's face as he stares at Otabek, then crumples into himself. His tears turn into body-shaking sobs. “I'm sorry,” he chokes out. “I can't help it. Believe me. If I could stop these feelings, I would. God, it hurts so much.”
Otabek strokes Yuri's hair, as if he's petting a frightened cat. He says nothing while Yuri explains how he's always been enchanted by Yuuri's skating, especially his step sequence, but he didn't realize his feelings went beyond that until much later. And by that time, Victor had already stolen Yuuri's heart.
“Do you want to break up?” Otabek asks. He doesn't want to, but if it would make Yuri feel better, he can deal with being apart. They can go back to just friends. At least...he thinks they can.
Yuri blinks at Otabek, then punches him in the face.
Otabek clutches his cheek, surprised.
“How can you say that? Just because I still have feelings for Yuuri doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you!” Yuri screams. “God, I'm in love with you. My feelings for Yuuri bring nothing but misery. You make the pain bearable. You bring me happiness.”
“You're in love with me?” Otabek has never heard the word love cross Yuri's lips before, and he's restrained himself from saying it because he didn't think Yuri loved him yet.
“Of course! Isn't it obvious?”
“I don't understand. You've never even kissed me.”
“That's because I've been fighting a war against myself,” Yuri says, his tone sounding more like the hardened soldier. Otabek can't look away from his piercing gaze. A moment passes, then Yuri continues. “If I let myself kiss you, I'll be giving myself over to you completely. I'll forget about Yuuri.”
“Isn't that what you want, though?”
Yuri sighs. “It should be, but feelings aren't that simple. Part of me still wants to hold on to him. So I've been afraid to more forward with you.”
“Victor and Yuuri are getting married.”
“I know.” Yuri pulls out a handful of ripped-up scraps of paper. The wedding invitation.
“It's time to let go of him.” Even though Otabek says the words, he's terrified that Yuri will turn him down. That Yuri will keep holding on to this crush and let the pain of it make him more depressed day by day. He doesn't want to see that, his beautiful Yuri turning into a shadow of a person. “Please.”
“I should do it for you, shouldn't I?”
Otabek shakes his head. “No, you should do it for you. Let yourself be happy.”
Yuri's eyes widen as if he's understanding something for the first time. “Yuuri has been an important part of my life for so long. Because of him, I've become a better skater. He's been my source of inspiration. But he won't always be skating with me. He'll retire soon, and I can't just stop skating when he does.” Yuri closes his fist around the paper scraps. “I need to find a new source of inspiration, a new reason to fight. Otherwise...I'll never win again.”
There he is. The soldier Otabek has missed all this time.
“Yura,” Otabek says, lifting Yuri's chin so he can gaze into his eyes. “You've been my source of inspiration for far longer than Yuuri has been yours. Since we met eight years ago. So, please, let me give you inspiration in return.”
Yuri laughs lightly. “Thank you, Beka.” Then he tosses the ripped-up wedding invitation through the bars of the bridge, and leans in close to kiss Otabek. “Let's inspire each other.”
NOTES: Based on the prompt by @sageandginger: "otabek telling yuri he knows about his crush on yuuri? I was thinking that maybe Yuri’s trying to convince himself (and Otabek) that he likes Otabek (and therefore not Yuuri) and Otabek is like, ‘I don’t know what you’re trying to do but I’m not an idiot??” Although if you had a different idea that works fine, that’s why I left it pretty open-ended at first."
#otayuri#yurabek#otabek altin#yuri plisetsky#yuriyuu#yuri on ice fanfiction#tumblr prompt#characters are 18+
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