#I prefer comics kon's outfit
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This goes on for several more minutes before they’re dragged away from each other by their respective team mates. (click for better quality)
sort of a sequel to this but it can be read on it’s own
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...well, they did say please
@save-young-justice​ , Ask and yee shall receive! (I too needed this interaction)
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lucky-katebishop · 1 month
So I'm back to reading Robin 1993 comics after a few good months! Here are some of my favorite screenshots I took from issues 38-45 :D
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Stephanie's internal monologue being depicted as diary entries are so cute! I think it's so innovative!
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Batman has no fun :(
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Tim wants to be Chandler Bing SO bad...
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Ari's cliche teenage door signs I like to believe she either got ironically or her uncle got those for her because he saw them and thought "ah, yes, teenagers have signs like these"
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I think Tim and Steph's relationship is really interesting in the early comics. Tim has so many problems as Tim and when he's Robin, he's able to shed his insecurities and problems and become someone that's confident. He refers a lot to his civilian life as Tim's and his superhero life as Robin's- they're separated because it makes it easier to compartmentalize, but it also helps him escape his troubles. Although these lines blur a lot- like when he stalks after Ives as Robin in these issues to see why Ives is skipping school and showing up with bruises. But I also see that Tim is able to be more confident as Robin because there's less emotional vulnerability- he's hiding a very important aspect of himself away. And during these issues, he's gotten in trouble with his dad and Ari's uncle and no one is listening to him, so I understand why he prefers to go out as Robin since it gives him a certain credibility amongst adults that would normally ignore him. What's interesting is that he recognizes that his separation of his lives is difficult, but he can't stop doing it.
Stephanie and Tim's relationship is skewed and their relationship exists with several different power balances. She makes him off kilter with her confidence, but he makes her off kilter by knowing her civilian name and referring her as that even in the heat of battle. He knows a lot about her (including her identity) but she doesn't know anything about him other than she's able to fluster him and tease him a lot. And I think that's part of the reason why Tim likes her so much- (besides being attracted to her and of her ability to keep up with him in their vigilante identities) but also he can hide his emotional vulnerability from her because he's constantly wearing a mask. She doesn't know anything about him- he's not an awkward teenager who often says the wrong thing and gets himself into trouble. He's not someone who adults ignore or straight up antagonize- when he's Robin, when he's with her, he's someone important. He's a hero. But he's not being inherently honest with her.
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Some cute Tim/Steph screenshots :) -- (I do like them a lot, even though Tim's being annoying and cheating on Ari with her)
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I haven't read Superboy yet but... this is Kon, right? Steph has a poster of Kon in her room? (If it's not him, please let me know!)
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LOVE her outfit- I adore that we're seeing more of Steph in these issues.
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Tim's love of Crocky <3 <3 <3 (he was fighting for his life with Alfred during this issue)
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No one:
Tim: :D
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Here's some appreciative animal screenshots
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Dana Winters Appreciation Screenshot :)
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Great parenting Jack...
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I am so sick of this character. Why did Dixon keep putting him in here ugh
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Alright thanks for getting this far if you did! I'm back reading comics so here's to more of this silly little series! :D
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ectonurites · 3 years
Tbh I'm also unreasonably annoyed abt that costume?? In general I try not to give a shit abt the CW shows but ughhfgh how are they messing up so bad.. The interesting, complex dynamics of the Superfamily just feel flattened by mishandling into a weird nuclear family dynamic where beloved fan characters like Kon are pushed to the wayside (not that many of the characters they do 'adapt' are comic-accurate, anyway)
Yeah no it's... I kinda gave up any sort of hope with the CW shows back in like 2016. I know there's maybe been some stuff better since then (I know several people that have been enjoying Superman & Lois so far, I've heard good stuff about Stargirl) but as a whole I just... have seen CW shows wreck the public perception of too many things I care about, and completely change things (like what you're talking about, taking interesting complex dynamics and making them into something entirely different) in ways that just aren't enjoyable to me.
The personal preference bit of it is easy to deal with- because I can easily just choose to not watch things that I don't enjoy! But the public perception thing is what makes me... far more upset. Because like... this is the first introduction to these characters/families/etc for a lot of people... and when it's stuff that bears so little resemblance to the comic stories that are out there it's doing just such a disservice to the comics and the characters. Plus it just makes... interacting in fandom spaces more frustrating when you're tryin' to talk about one thing and people bring in notions from an adaptation that they don't even know are irrelevant bc people unfamiliar with source material often tend to assume adaptations are FAR more faithful than they are.
Like... yeah the Jon Kent in this show has little to do with comic Jon Kent, but throwing a character with that name in Conner's outfit like this is gonna cause a whole lot of confusion among more casual fans of stuff who just kinda... hear names and see costumes and don't regularly read the comics. Which is just... a frustrating situation that feels like it could have been easily avoidable.
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
Cassie Sandsmark’s FIRST Appearance! | Wonder Woman (1987) #105
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Cassie Sandsmark is one of my favorite comic book characters and certainly my second favorite out of the Core Four. But she’s undoubtable the most underrated of the four. Partially because they never allowed her to have as much of a dynamic as them as just the boys by themselves. She wasn’t a starting member of Young Justice, and never had a solo either.
So it’s always been harder for many to get as interested in her as it is for the boys, simply because they have a large advantage over her.
However I’ve grown to appreciate her very much so. She’s a perfect mix of clever dork, much like Tim, and some-what troubled troublemaker like Bart or Kon-El.
And you can tell that of her right away.
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They introduce her as disobedient, and shows that she doesn’t like to listen to the rules all the time. She likes to have fun, stay out past midnight, party with her friends. She’s depicted as irresponsible--something that they might as well outright say really, because it’s so obvious. But they do it well. It’s not subtle, but it’s done naturally, and allows you to quickly get who she is without it seeming too forced at all. Very good start to a character.
(Also her outfit is ridiculous. They colored her like a clown without their make-up and wig. lol)
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She just wants to be a teenager, and she very clearly doesn’t enjoy upsetting her mother. She wants to show that she can be responsible and she does her best. She’s a really good kid deep. It’s just her mother is a bit of a stiff, and Cassie prefers to enjoy life’s wilder side.
As she helps though, she quickly realizes she’s in a Wonder Woman comic (not literally) and awakens some ancient clockwork operated robot.
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So, so far you have reason to either like her or not. You can find her dilemma relatable, and her good heart and find her very likable. Or just an obnoxious snot for disobeying her mother all the time and causing massive damage by accident.
However I think they just portrayed her so naturalistic as a kid, and she did only activate the thing by accident while trying to be a good kid that it’s hard to dislike her. She feels like an actual teenager and not some exaggerated stereotype like how Kon-El could come off.
Cassie even shows regret for her actions very quickly.
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And in the end she’s the one that’s clever enough to figure out how to get rid of the mechanical beast without causing (that) much more property damage. In essence she really saves the day from the trouble she made, as terrifying as it could’ve been for her. She was brave enough to do it.
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Can’t get much more responsible than that.
The ending is honestly so cheesy. It feels like a sit-com ending, and it’s...sort of embarrassing to read it’s that corny, but it shows she used to brains and quick-thinking a lot like Tim would manage later on to figure out how to solve the action. So now people know she’s a really smart girl. A clever teen.
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For a first appearance, besides the inherent cheesiness of the ending. I think it’s a great little showing for who would end up being more important than those might’ve thought at first back in 1996.
It gives you enough to be attached from her.
It’s no Lonely Place of Dying though. They didn’t give you everything about about Tim in one go, but they showed you a lot of him, from his motivation, to his personality in basically one issue, and gave more info as it went on. Cassie compared to that, they took more slowly.
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apothecarywormcrud · 4 years
11 and 13 for Masato? 👀 i wanna say all of them for Masato but.
oh i am DOING all of them i wanna talk about masato
or. well. most of them. 
1. Does your insert have a name that’s different from yours? Does the name reflect their character in any way, or is it just because it sounds nice? How did you come up with it?
I’ve talked about this before, but Masato’s name is very specifically spelled 眞人, (the kanji for “real” and “human,” respectively.) I sorta knew from the start that I wanted to give them a name with 人 in it; something deliberately ironic, because Mayuri is a dick who loves a bad joke. 
(It’s a particularly cruel joke in the context of Masato’s original backstory, where they were meant to be an experiment in what happens when you let someone think they’re a real person and then strip that assumption away. But I wanted to give them sick powers, so that was shunted to the sidelines.) 
2. Does your insert have a very strong relationship with a f/o, maybe more than one? 
I talk about Szayel enough on here so I’m gonna talk about Nnoitra instead. In my version of canon, his mask is cracked open by Kenpachi, reducing him to a state similar to Nel’s. (That’s karmic retribution, bitch!) Suffice to say he’s pretty upset about this, and proceeds to skulk about Las Noches refusing to let anyone see him until Szayel gets back to fix things. 
Masato meets him by chance when their powers are still sealed up post-jailbreak (this one’s seal 2: electric boogaloo) and is all like, what’s with this sassy lost pre-teen? Eventually they become sparring partners, since while Nnoitra’s regaining his powers, Masato is the only person in Las Noches capable of fighting at such a low level; and once he’s got them back, they can go hog-wild without worrying about fucking him up too much. Their relationship doesn’t have the same...belligerent romantic tension that Masato and Szayel’s does, but Nnoitra is fond of Masato, even if he’s horrible at admitting it. They’re friends and they suck! 
More abt. Nnoitra actually bc I love this song: nerfing him puts him in a position where he’s forced to rely on other people, and despite feeling totally worthless and vulnerable and having to undergo the humiliation of being protected, there’s also the experience of being told, “So what if you don’t have any power? That doesn’t make me respect you any less.” So he has the opportunity to build his self-worth back up based on something less subjective, and now he can actually interact with other people on the same level, which is great news for Tesla, who gets to strengthen his spine and be truly up front about his feelings, because Nnoitra no longer has any power over him. 
I think, for relationships like these, finding a level playing field is super important! And I’ve always been fascinated by characters who develop in opposition to one another and eventually meet in the middle. Masato and Szayel are also that way, in that they round out some of his edges, and he sharpens some of theirs, and the actual feelings proper don’t start developing until a ways in, and they’re not even admitted until post-canon, because in order to even consider that sort of relationship, the two of them have to come to respect each other first. Enemies-to-lovers is a fucking ART. 
3. Who in their canon are they closest to? 
Kurosaki fam and by extension, Ichigo’s friends. Masato has commissioned at least one custom jacket from Uryu. Also Arrancar Squad and my friend Percy’s insert Juro, who’s a creepy little goth weirdo and a visored.  
4. Does your insert have a backstory? Tell us about it! How does their backstory, if any, define who they are? 
Masato is a mod-soul based off of Mayuri’s quincy research. They’re designed to passively absorb reishi until at max capacity (which is quite large), at which point they can be forcefully “detonated,” destroying them in the process and causing a significant amount of damage to the surrounding area as the stored reishi is released. As a weapon, they’re highly experimental—meant as a last resort rather than something put to regular use. 
Mayuri dumped them in the human world, where their reishi absorption wouldn’t negatively impact the Seireitei, and planned to let them simmer there for about ten years. There’s a seal incorporated into their gigai that not only blocks them from accessing the reishi inside of them, but prevents any outside force (such as hollows) from sensing it. 
Once they become aware of what they are, Masato gets big anxious about anything that implies they’re not a real person. I’d love to salvage Kon’s original personality from before he was relegated to pervy comic relief because I think there’s the potential for some interesting interactions there. 
5. Does your insert have any magical talents or otherwise special abilities? 
Passive reishi absorption, and after Uruhara modifies their gigai so they can access their power reserves, they can vent it from their body and use the force to blast themselves around or add more power to their blows. Their body is about as resilient as a normal human’s, but the only way they can truly “die” is if their soul candy is crushed, which means that injuries that would normally be fatal are just excruciatingly painful. This definitely isn’t just an excuse for me to fuck them up beyond all belief. 
Due to Szayel’s tinkering, they eventually end up as what’s effectively an artificial Quincy. 
6. Do they fight? What’s their weapon of choice? What’s the motivation for them to fight, or to stay OUT of a fight?
They prefer not to fight if they can avoid it, but if shit gets real then they won’t hesitate, bitch. They’re reasonably proficient with a blade after several years of kendo training, and like to bring a practice sword into dangerous situations. It’s not going to do much good against the likes of shinigami or hollows, but it makes them feel more secure, and it’s a good misdirection tactic. 
Due to the whole “functionally unkillable” thing, they’re also far more likely to take risks in battle, and have a tendency to rush in without thinking when one of their comrades is hurt. 
7. What kind of clothing style do they like? What would they never be caught dead wearing? 
It’s all cropped jackets and harem pants up in this bitch. I drew them in that sort of outfit once and now it’s all I give them. They don’t particularly care for their arrancar clothes, but it makes them less conspicuous and also, Szayel insisted on it. Can’t have your prized experiment running around looking like some sort of ragamuffin, after all. I keep meaning to write something where they visit Sastre for a fitting, because what good is having other arrancar OCs if I don’t do anything with them? 
8. How do they fit into their canon world?
A side character who tags along with the main cast but ultimately doesn’t impact events too much. They have their own wholly separate plot going for them and it involves self-actualization and kissing arrancar. 
9. Their favorite foods? Colors? Activities? What do they enjoy in life? 
Kendo, gardening, bike rides through the countryside.
11. How easy is it to make your insert angry? Sad? How easy is it to twist their emotions into negative things? 
Masato’s actually pretty difficult to rile up, unless you’re pushing some Very Specific buttons (personhood is the big one), at which point they become incredibly easy to mess with. Szayel is...uncomfortably good at making them upset. 
13. What are your insert’s goals? 
Up to a certain point, they were happy to live a normal life and protect the people around them when called for. Then they wind up back in Mayuri’s lab and proceed to jailbreak Szayelaporro, retreat to Hueco Mundo, and strike a deal with him in order to gain more power and get mutual revenge on Mayuri. 
Post-canon...they start coming to terms with the fact that their body will never age and grow like a normal human’s, and that if/when they die, their soul will effectively be destroyed, and they decide, hey, fuck that shit, actually, and do a bunch of crazy science until they’ve got that shit sorted out (ultimately becoming like Nemu, if not something that improves on her design). 
14. Does your insert have any family relations? 
Isshin was the one who found them shortly after they were dumped on Earth, and kept them around for a number of reasons (the majority of which involved his Soul Reaper Senses tingling). So Masato’s got what’s effectively an adoptive dad and three younger siblings, who they dote on and bully interchangeably (and whose last name they may or may not have borrowed) (Isshin insisted on it, actually, since it’d make the documentation easier). They have temporary solidarity with Yuzu over not being able to see spirits. 
Mayuri is....arguably family but also like, fuck that. Masato does consider Nemu to be something like a sister, though, and feels particularly protective of her the more they interact. They have just as much a desire to help Nemu escape Mayuri’s influence as they do themselves. 
15. Does your insert have any enemies? What’s that dynamic like? Why are they enemies? Did they ever get along in the past? Is patching up differences out of the question for the future?
Fuck Mayuri me and my homies all hate Mayuri. I shouldn’t really need to explain this one. He treats Masato solely as an experiment and tool for his use. Unlike with Nemu, the fact that Masato is developing on their own is more of an inconvenience than anything, and before they broke out with Szayel, Mayuri was fully intending to wipe their memories and start over from square one. There is some good news, however, which is that Masato does get their revenge and uses their shiny new Quincy powers to seal up Mayuri’s reishi and get him kicked out of the captain’s seat. 
Szayel starts off as an enemy, since you can’t really have an enemies-to-lovers plot without one. He’s done some pretty atrocious things to Masato, but he treats them significantly more like a person than Mayuri ever did. Masato has very little respect for him, and the only reason they start working with him to begin with is because he represents a means to an end. Of course, the more time they spend together, the more tolerant they become of each other...among other things. 
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RULES. repost, don’t reblog. tag ten. TAGGED. @theredwonder (Thank you, friend <333) TAGGING. @b-atmans, @sonofsuperman, @sicutxfur, @perfectedrobin, @ofamazonia, @bludhavensbluebird, @elextrospeed, @fastestboyalive, @canary-noir, and anyone else who wants to do it!
FULL  NAME.   Kal-El (birth name), Clark Joseph Kent (legal name). NICKNAME.   “Smallville”, Supes, Big Blue, boy scout. AGE.   35 (during Zero Hour, 1994). BIRTHDAY.  February 29. ETHNIC GROUP.   Kryptonian. NATIONALITY.   American (legal nationality). LANGUAGE / S.   Clark can learn any language quickly, according to his necessity. He knows English, Kryptonese, some African dialects, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Japonese, Arabic, several more. SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   Bisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.   Biromantic. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   Single (verse dependent). CLASS.   Middle. HOME TOWN / AREA.   Smallville, Kansas - USA (legal), Kryptonopolis, Lurvan - Krypton (birth). CURRENT HOME.   Hamilton County, Metropolis - USA; Metropolis - USA (verse dependent). PROFESSION.   Reporter (newspaper columnist) and author of fiction novels.
HAIR.  Black. Thick, but soft. EYES.   Alien blue (a color that can’t be described by humans). NOSE.    Not too pointy, long, a bit thick. FACE.   Square, sharp, large jaw. LIPS.   Not so thin. COMPLEXION.   Fair, thick. BLEMISHES.    None. SCARS.   Clark’s skin is too hard, and regenerates fast if damaged. He doesn’t have scars for long. TATTOOS.   None. A tattoo needle wouldn’t be able to make a scratch on his skin. HEIGHT.   6′ 3″. WEIGHT.  235 lbs / 107 kg. BUILD.   Athletic, built. FEATURES.   Highly attractive. ALLERGIES.   None. USUAL HAIR STYLE.   As Superman, he leaves a strand hanging over his forehead. As Clark, he usually parts his hair on the left. USUAL FACE LOOK.    Smiley, gentle. USUAL CLOTHING.    Simple suit, tie, social shoes. His Superman outfit.
FEAR / S.   Failure, death of people he loves, destruction of Earth, crossing the line. ASPIRATION / S.  Protecting the world, helping. POSITIVE TRAITS.   Friendly, courteous, sensitive to the feelings of others, honorable, trustworthy, reliable, helpful, loyal, and respectful of “life, love, and the pursuit of happiness”. NEGATIVE TRAITS.   Take things too personally, repress his feelings, overload himself, reluctant to change, too altruistic, idealistic. MBTI.   ISFJ (the defender). ZODIAC.   Pisces. TEMPERAMENT.   Phlegmatic. SOUL TYPE / S.   Caregiver (20), Helper (20). ANIMALS.   Sable. VICE HABIT / S.   None. FAITH.   In humanity. GHOSTS?   Clark believes in ghosts. AFTERLIFE?   Yes. REINCARNATION?   He’s indifferent. ALIENS?   He IS an alien. POLITICAL ALIGNMENT.   He doesn’t have an alignment. He believes in equality, justice and truth. ECONOMIC PREFERENCE.   None. He believes in a world where everybody can have something to eat in the end of the day. SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION.   - EDUCATION LEVEL.   Degree in Journalism from Metropolis University.
FATHER.   Jor-El (birth father) and Jonathan Kent (adoptive father). MOTHER.  Lara Lor-Van (birth mother) and Martha Kent (adoptive mother). SIBLINGS.   Mon-El (Clark sees him as a brother), Kon-El (clone), etc. EXTENDED  FAMILY.   Jonathan Samuel Kent (son), Lois Lane-Kent (wife, verse dependent), Kara Zor-El (cousin), Christopher Kent (foster son), etc. NAME MEANING / S.   Kal-El: star child (Kal: child, El: star); Clark: scribe, secretary, cleric, scholar, clerk; Kent: border, rim. HISTORICAL CONNECTION ?   Rao (ancestor), Kem-L (ancestor).
BOOK.   To Kill a Mockingbird. MOVIE.   To Kill a Mockingbird. SONG.  - DEITY.   - HOLIDAY.   4th July. MONTH.   June (the month his parents found him). SEASON.   Spring. PLACE.   His parents’ farm. WEATHER.   Warm, sunny. SOUND.   Birds singing in the morning. SCENT / S.   The smell of Kansas in the springtime. TASTE / S.   Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. FEEL / S.   The warmth of a hug. ANIMAL / S.   Krypto. NUMBER.   1. COLOUR.   All colors, although he loves red, blue, yellow and pink most.
TALENTS.   Excellent writer, spectacular football and baseball player, Kryptonian abilities, high intelligence. BAD  AT.   Flirting, showing his feelings. TURN  ONS.   Kindness, determination, honesty. TURN  OFFS.   Arrogance, disrespect, lies. HOBBIES.   Writing, flying, reading, working, helping people. TROPES.   The Last Son of Krypton. The Man of Steel. The Man of Tomorrow. The Big Blue Boy Scout. The iconic Cape. The definitive Flying Brick. The Big Good. AESTHETIC  TAGS.   Good. Friends. Family. Papers. Novels. Work. Glasses. Suits. GPOY  QUOTES.   “ Whatever you are, be a good one.“ - Abraham Lincoln.
MAIN  FC / S.   - ALT  FC / S.   - OLDER  FC / S.   - YOUNGER  FC / S.   - VOICE  CLAIM / S.  Tim Daly and George Newbern.
Q1.   if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about? A1.  All I wanted to write was a movie about how good Superman is, and how we need more people like him in the world. Something to show Superman’s essence like the old cartoons of my childhood. I’ve been trying to be a gentle person, a good one because of Superman, so I want the new generation to follow his steps, and make a better world. The style would be adventure, science fiction. I’m not good with names, so -shrugs-.
Q2.   what would their soundtrack / score sound like? A2.   Aww, from Superman TAS, by Shirley Walker (rest in peace). Also, from 70′s Superman’s soundtrack.
Q3.   why did you start writing this character? A3.   To be honest, I never thought I’d be writing Superman one day. It’s a well-known character and very popular. I needed some “light” writing (since I’ve been writing manipulative characters long enough), so I decided to give this character a chance. I also love him a lot. <3
Q4.   what first attracted you to this character? A4.   When I was a kid, I watched Superman TAS, Justice League and I loved Superman (although Batman was my favorite). I grew up with people telling me Superman was too overpowered and too predictable, so I blocked my interest in him until I decided to read comics about him. I saw that people judged his character more because he’s genuinely good, and they prefer reading stories with complicated, even bad characters, because ‘good’ is too boring (-coughs- they prefer Injustice’s Superman -coughs-). Even in real life, I see good people being stepped simply for being good. So, I became very attached to Superman, because I hope one day people will be as good as him. Of course, Superman has negative traits, and that makes him a great char. He’s not flawless as some people say, on the contrary.
Q5.   describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5.   I don’t think there’s something I dislike about Superman? He has qualities and negative traits, but I like him because of those. That makes him unique.
Q6.   what do you have in common with your muse? A6.   I try to help people, to do the right thing.
Q7.   how does your muse feel about you? A7.   I like to think that Superman’s proud of me for trying to be a better person each day.
Q8.   what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with? A8.  All his inner circle of friends and family like Pa and Ma Kent, Jon Kent, Chris Kent, Lois Lane, Kon-El, Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, Bruce Wayne, Diana of Themyscira, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, Arthur Curry, Lana Lang, J’onn J’onzz, Steel, etc and, of course, his enemies like Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Metallo, Cyborg Superman, Eradicator, General Zod, Crime Syndicate, Justice Lords, etc.
Q9.   what gives you inspiration to write your muse? A9.   Reading comic books about him, watching his cartoons, sending memes.
Q10.   how long did this take you to complete? A10.   My whole morning. Sorry for not replying my threads yet ahhhhhh!
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