#I posted it nevertheless to see if it lasts a month without being blocked
grogusmum · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for tagging me @wildemaven @katareyoudrilling @nerdieforpedro @ladamedusoif @connectioneverywhere 💚💚💚
I've posted 4 fics last month, which was very exciting since I've been in a terrible rut for MONTHS. When I felt like I was getting on the other side of it, I prioritized updates like IRL, Mourning Moon for Wheel of the Year, and Class of 74. Only one was a new one-shot.
The next ones I am focusing on are two I've talked about A Kind Hearted Woman, my depression era Ezra fic and A Dark and Stormy Night, my lighthouse keeper Frankie fic, an update for A Galaxy Far Far Away, and one new idea that came to me just recently.
I'm not sure what I've shared already about these two but here are some excerpts (I apologize if anything is a repeat)
From A Kind Hearted Woman-
The pair of travelers arrived at your back gate. Cee traces finger on the small cat carving on the fence post. “It's here, it's really here,” Cee whispers. “As stipulated by our Georgian box car companion,” Ezra assured as he opened the gate. “Yes, but did you really believe him?” Ezra winks and walks the back path to the kitchen porch, he takes off his hat before wrapping on the screen door. Cee waits and a cat comes from the detaching garage and attaches itself to her legs leaning and circling. She laughs at the creaky little meow. After a sharper, though nevertheless polite, knock - “Well, little bird, it seems the lady of the house is not at home,” he concludes. “We should not be caught loitering about. Let's see what this seaside hamlet has to offer a pair of adventurers such as ourselves.”
From a Dark and Stormy Night-
In the middle of the night, you feel a weight on your chest, soft and warm. Your eyes flutter open and blocking the light coming from the woodstove as an enormous shape that presses on you, as your eyes focus, it huffs a breath, and you recognize it as a sleeping dog sound. It was huge, with pointed ears. How did you not see or hear it, when you came in, whether a watchdog or no, wouldn’t it have come to investigate? You continued to asses, its chest full weight is on you as well, its muzzle at your collarbone, a front leg on either side of you, fully caging you in. Your hand came up, fingers sinking into its plush fur, like a husky’s or a wolf’s… you shook your head, not a wolf, of course, but those dogs that look like them. Its steady heartbeat and relaxed breathing lull you back to sleep before you can think, maybe it’s an elkhound you drifted under again.
A Galaxy Far Far Away A Weekend Without You
Din's arms wrapped tightly around you as he stood behind you, chest pressed to your back, his chin on your shoulder, listening, as you went over your list- "... I'll be back Sunday night," you looked at your phone, "my Uber will be here soon." "Still don't know why I couldn't drive you to the airport." "Because you get a lead foot on the highway, Din. Local roads." You turned in his arms," Until we can figure out how to get you a license - Local. Roads. Djarin. Remember what I said about New Hampshire cops..." "They suck?" Din smirked. "Yep, especially the Staties."
This one is the new one His Voice and it's Frankie as a paramedic
“C-can I have an ice pack for my face? It feels like it's on fire.” You heard a sigh, not an exasperated one, it sounds empathic but also about to give you bad news. The paramedic said your name as his gloved hand took yours, warm and wide. Comforting despite the medical gloves. “I promise you I would if I could. But the damaged skin will get too cold and it will die. Benny here's gonna get you to the hospital as fast as humanly possible. And I’m right here. Inthat right Ben?”  “You bet,” called the driver you assumed was Benny. Your hand tightened around his with every wave of pain. “Breathe, just keep breathing slow and deep.” 
I have a handful still on the back burners because they are being difficult, I don't have snippets to share but happy to talk about them if anyone is interested-
A second chance fic with Joel
A return to hometown to get your life back together fic with Dieter
Welp that's all the Plot Bunnies wrought thus far...
No pressure tags go out to @oonajaeadira @insomniamamma @prolix-yuy @ezrasbirdie @firstofficerwiggles @thewayofthemandalorian @mandoblowmybackout
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trapastrology · 2 months
My Decision has been made...
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Good Afternoon, my beautiful astro babes!
A Week ago, I made a poll asking if you'd all rather me go the route of Patreon or Twitch. I want to take a bigger step in my career esp given my upcoming transits and other circumstances.
The poll has officially ended and there was a weeks' time to vote.
Patreon was the WINNER
I actually prefer this over twitch being that i can do more and there be a huge bang for your buck!
My Patreon will include a lot such as...
Lives (will be available to watch even if you missed it)
Exclusive In-depth information
Merch (towards the end of the year)
Discounts for readings, books and classes exclusive to patreon members
YouTube style videos (so those on Patreon will be seeing my face lol)
Classes strictly for Patreon members (the classes will be chosen by them)
& way more!
There will only be one tier. I find that this is the easiest way for me to post quality content between 2 platforms (Tumblr & Patreon) as well as not having people feel "left out" who may not be able to maintain the purchase of other tiers they may really like to join.
The only Tier will be $9. Being that a lot of quality content and such will be produced every month, I find that this is an amount that isn't too, too much but can still be sustainable for me.
I will be very ecstatic for those of you who'd like to join. I will be able to do more with something that I love to do without any outside sources intervening. This will also help me better interact with everyone one on one and giving a specific group of people what they want and need. The information i'll have on my Patreon will definitely be things that you can (& should) apply to your daily life to better your quality of life. This will also be towards people trying to get into the deeper parts of astrology.
I hope that everyone who wants to join is able to join!
However, there is one more thing I'd like to address. As a 1H Jup, I like to ask for signs from the universe for if I should do something or not. I was wondering if I should go on to Patreon/Twitch or if I should continue to stay on social medias strictly being that I've been on here for years.
Yesterday, I was accused of "stealing" my book title name from someone handle. For those of you who have been here for a while & came from twitter, I released Written In The Cosmos, on May 1st and was working on it a month prior to posting about it on April 1st. Nothing about or from my book was ever stolen from someone or something else. The title? Came from my mom. I asked her to help me with title and chapter names and she gave me a few and Written in the cosmos was supposed to be a chapter title but I switched it to a book title. The Artwork? If you've read any of my book promo, you'd know that it is Watercolor Painted by me! I also posted the whole tutorial on my personal TikTok and I painted it way before I thought about my book. The contents? was all me. Experiences I had and gathering information from people I interviewed! This is the first and last time I'll speak on this being that I honestly don't have the energy or anything to prove becuz as I worked on my book, I posted about it all the time. However, she commented on my post about my book, so I dm'd her asking her to clarify the issue and then I was blocked instantly. Furthermore, I took this as a sign to do bigger things becuz as a Scorpio/8H plmnt, if you aren't doing your thing and someone isn't trying to accuse you of something you didn't do...are you doing it right??? LOL
Nevertheless, everyone here knows I only post original content and I'm usually out and about when I think of posts info and ideas so I'll put it in my voice memos and type them out later.
Thank you for everyone who has purchased my book becuz it's meant the absolute world to be being that I thought it wasn't good enough to share! You are very appreciated by me forever and always!
I can't wait to start my New Patreon journey while also continuing my journey on here!
If you got this far, I love you and more content will be loading!!!!!!!
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dawdlecentric · 3 years
Left Brain Right Brain
Revamped one of my favorite Spinel AMVs I did from April last year Changed a few clips that fits better, tho syncing still feels iffy to me but it'll do
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ginnympotter · 3 years
call it even
Chapter 2: for old times’ sake
A/N: uhhh so spoiler or whatever but this has a small amount of pretty mild smut? which i've never attempted i can't believe i'm pressing post on this thing please don't judge me lol you can also read this chapter on AO3
I’m parked between the Methodist and school.
She read the text, looked at herself in the mirror one more time, and braced herself. She took her coat off the hook and as she was zipping it up she heard her mother coming down the stairs. “Ginny, hun, are you going out?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you later,” she said, grabbing the doorknob, trying to get out as quick as she could.
But before she could walk out Molly asked, “You know Harry could have come in, right?”
She looked at her mother’s smug smile and groaned. “Goodnight, Mom,” and swung the door shut behind her.
She walked quickly two blocks down, turned right and crossed the street. It was easy to spot Harry’s old truck, not just because there were only 3 other cars parked on that road, but also because it stuck out like a sore thumb, and also was a staple in so many of their memories. She knocked on the passenger side’s window and opened the car door, hopping into the seat. She looked over at Harry to say hi, and saw him smiling. “Hey, thanks for picking me up.”
“Of course,” Harry said as she shut the door. “But why did you make me park two blocks over?”
“Because I didn’t want it to be awkward, with me staying at my parents’ house, but it didn’t even matter because my mom just knew I was going to hang out with you.”
“Molly knows all.”
“Too much.” She looked over at their old high school building, and then at the field they were parked in front of, nostalgia filling her up. “Nice parking spot.”
“It’s weird working at the school we went to. Where those bleachers are,” Harry responded. She felt a tightness in her throat, feeling both excited and uneasy that he was already bringing these types of things up. “Remember how pissed Molly was when we skipped the prom?”
“Thank God she never found us under those,” Ginny heard herself respond. She and Harry looked at one another, twin smirks on their faces. The school bleachers might not be exactly the ideal, romantic place to lose your virginity, but for them it made total sense. She collected herself before her thoughts would get her carried away. “So, um, where to? Everywhere’s closed.”
“Did you eat already?”
“Oh, okay, um...maybe we could just drive around for a bit? And then head back to my place for a glass of wine?”
Memories from last year flashed in her mind. She nodded and buckled herself in silently. He started the car, the engine gave a loud and disquieting noise, and then they took off. “I cannot believe this truck is still running.”
Harry lightly tapped the dashboard. “She never lets me down.”
Ginny rolled her eyes and sniggered. She looked out the window as they drove down the roads. “Believe it or not I kind of missed this place. Has it changed at all?”
“The same as it ever was,” Harry responded. “But I know you don’t like it that way.”
His eyes were on the road but she could feel what he meant without seeing his face. “I do, sometimes,” she clarified, hoping he would hear her for what she meant. “Is Dumbledore still principal?”
“Yeah, he is,” Harry told her. “And McGonagall still teaches math.”
“You were always their favorite.”
“Dumbledore’s, maybe,” he shrugged. “But McGonagall? She still goes on about my dad. They have tea together like, once a month.”
“But McGonagall let you get away with basically everything. She was just sly about it.”
“Much to Snape’s chagrin.”
“Oh God, don’t tell me he still works there?”
“Unfortunately.” Ginny blanched, and Harry laughed in appreciation. “He was so pissed when Dumbledore hired me. I just avoid him at all costs.”
“I can’t believe you willingly accepted a job where you have to see Snape every day.”
“I know. It’s worth it, though. I really love teaching,” he said. They halted at a stop sign and he used the opportunity to look at her as he said, “You helped me realize that.”
“I was a great tutee, if I do say so myself,” she smiled. “How about the coaching bit? Did the kids ever recover from their loss?”
Harry drove them around all the backroads as he talked about coaching and working at the school. Much of the anxiety she was holding inside her had slowly melted away as they eased back into their regular rapport. Her heart felt like it doubled in size as he talked about his favorite students (though at first proclaiming, “I don’t play favorites, but…”). He asked her more about life in LA and her first year being a starter.
When they arrived at Harry’s apartment, Ginny hung up her coat and watched as Harry’s eyes not so subtly raked over her body before he turned to his cabinet and took out two wine glasses. She sat in the same spot she did the last time she was on his sofa as Harry listed off various wine options. Harry updated her on all the most recent Tupelo gossip as they drank and reminisced on the different characters they grew up with. Every time he smiled she felt a piece of her heart break, she missed seeing it so much.
Harry must’ve sensed it- or perhaps he heard the crack inside her chest- as one of those times his smile dropped to a frown as he looked at her with concern. “You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Ginny tried, taking the last sip of her wine and placing the glass down on the coffee table. She then noticed the People Magazine cover where she was in a little square on the top right for her interview with them last month.
She picked it up and held it in front of Harry, who suddenly turned red. “Er, I, um-” he stammered, and she laughed.
“Fred and George were just making fun of me for this yesterday at their party.”
“What’s to make fun of?” Harry asked, attempting to recover. “I think you did great.”
“Just a bit corny of a profile, I guess,” she responded. “Can I ask why you have it?”
Harry sighed, giving Ginny a very pointed look.
“I have it because I was proud of you,” he replied carefully, taking another sip of his wine. “Is that a bad thing?”
And before she could register exactly what she was saying, the words “You could’ve texted me” flew out of her mouth.
Harry raised his eyebrows. “About the People profile?”
“Sure,” she said. Her brain telling her shut up, shut up, SHUT UP, but her mouth continued. “Or any other time before that. Or after I left this apartment after my brother’s wedding.”
Just as quickly as Harry’s face reddened before, it had now drained of all color. “I, er… I don’t-” he stopped himself, clearing his throat. “You could’ve texted me too, you know.”
“Well, why didn’t you?”
“Ginny,” he said softly, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t want to do this right now. Can’t we just...enjoy our time together while you’re here? Before you leave in a few days? I don’t want to fight.”
“Why didn’t you?” she repeated, more quietly this time.
“You know why,” he said defiantly, in an equally low voice.
“I don’t, actually.”
He groaned, putting his glass down next to hers before looking at her intensely. He looked tired, sad. “Because the only thing I wanted to text you was to ask you to stay. And I couldn’t ask that; it wouldn’t be right.”
She had an inkling that this would be his answer, but it still felt nice to hear him confirm it. “No, I suppose not.”
“And I wanted to text you so many times after, but… I was too afraid of what I’d say. And then too much time passed, and- I don’t know, I’m sorry, Gin.”
“Are you seeing anyone right now?”
Harry blinked, taken aback by the abrupt question. “No,” he said.
“Neither am I,” she told him, and then moved closer to him, so close that their legs touched. “You’re right, you couldn’t ask me to stay. But… how about I stay the night, and we could call it even?”
It took Harry a moment to register her proposal. When he did, he swallowed, his adam’s apple protruding against his throat. “Are...are you sure?”
She decided then to let go of her inhibitions, to act on impulse and burning desire, and placed herself on his lap facing him, her knees tightly against his hips, her hands meeting on the back of his neck, lightly scratching the bottom of his scalp. “I’m sure.”
Harry took a deep breath. “Right, then,” he mumbled, and then his lips were crashing against hers, and his arms moved her impossibly closer to him. She opened her mouth and his tongue swept atop hers; Harry moaned as he did it, as Ginny moved her fingers through his hair and pressed her chest against his. They kissed passionately, slow and hot, then fast and urgent, then slowly again. They fell back into their rhythm seamlessly.
When Ginny pulled away to kiss his neck, Harry’s voice was raspy. “Fuck,” he exhaled. She moved her tongue lightly along his collar bone, up the side of his neck, and to his ear as she ground herself more firmly on his growing erection. He groaned, moving his hands to Ginny’s ass and cupping it. “Fuck,” he repeated. “I missed this. I missed you.”
She was too stimulated to think too much about his words for too long, but nevertheless, they still caused her heart to lurch. And hearing Harry express himself- even just the slightest showing of vulnerability from him- always turned her on even more. She blew hot air on his ear, nibbled on the lobe, and then pulled away to take off his sweater. He smiled in a daze as she got the sweater off of him and discarded it. He didn’t waste another second before throwing off his T-shirt (his glasses momentarily getting caught in the process) and then doing the same to her, so he could have the next several seconds to unhook her lacy blue bra and let it drop to the floor. He leaned back and admired the view of her chest, then glanced up at Ginny before touching her. She gave a quick nod and he let himself feel her breasts in his hands again for the first time in almost a year, massaging them gently, then with more power. Ginny felt herself grow hotter just watching how Harry responded to her. He leaned in and took her right breast in his mouth, using his fingers to play with her left nipple in the way that always drove her mad. She allowed herself to enjoy it fully, moaning as she pleased, arching into him, pulling at his hair as he switched from one to the other.
Before long it was too much, and she grabbed his face and disconnected his mouth from her chest so she could kiss him again. She felt her lips tingle with the touch of his tongue, her skin burn as his hands moved to her back, running down slowly to her waistband, reaching under her pants to touch her bare ass, squeezing and spreading her cheeks gently. God, she loved when he did that. After she kissed him thoroughly enough, and her pants felt too wet to wear anymore, she moved to undo Harry’s belt buckle, which in turn encouraged him to unzip her jeans. She removed herself from him so they could remove what was left of their clothes. Seeing how hard he was for her, full and bare, made her weak in the knees yet simultaneously at her most powerful. She pushed Harry back down on the couch, let her knees give in to the floor, and cupped his balls. “Ginny-” Harry grunted, but before anything else could come out of his mouth she took him in her own, licking up his length, sucking gently as she bobbed her head up and down.
It was only around thirty seconds later that Harry stopped her, pulling her head off of him. “Wait, wait, stop-”
Immediately, she felt embarrassed. “Was that...ok?”
“Oh, God, Ginny, of course, it was more than ok, it was fucking amazing but...but I want to help you out first. Please.”
“Harry, it���s fine-”
“No, please,” he said earnestly. “I want to. I really want to.”
She let go of him and nodded wordlessly. He helped her up, laid her down on the couch, and kissed her gently. He then whispered, “Let me make you happy.”
“You always make me happy,” she whispered back. His features changed from eager to wistful. He kissed her again, much more firmly this time, and then worked his mouth from her neck along her body, over each breast, her stomach, the inside of her thighs, before he reached his final destination. Ginny closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh as he pressed his tongue up and down against her clit.
She didn’t have to think or speak or do anything; Harry knew exactly the way she liked it, no matter how much time in between their sexual activities passed, he never lost track of exactly what made her scream, what made her shake in ecstasy, as she did only a few minutes after he began. As she came down from her high, Harry kissed his way back up her body, until reaching her cheek, which he kissed delicately. “You feel good?” he asked hoarsely.
“Mm,” was all she could respond in the moment, panting from pleasure still.
He chuckled sweetly, kissing her cheek again, then her forehead, then her lips. Once her breathing had steadied somewhat, she heard him speak again. “What else do you want?”
“To fuck you,” she breathed out.
Harry moaned at her words as he pushed his tongue back into her mouth, the vibrations sending tingles down to her toes. “Do you want to move to the bedroom?”
“We can go to your bed for round two,” she told him, smiling widely. “But round one is happening right here, right now on this couch.”
“If you insist,” he said hoarsely, moving over her, wasting not another second. They had already lost enough time.
Behind her eyelids, Ginny could feel the light pouring into Harry’s bedroom. She felt a twinge of joy as she moved her arms to find Harry’s torso, but all she could find were the sheets. She opened her eyes and saw that his side of the bed was empty. Her stomach fell as she scanned the room for him. She sat up and heard a bit of clanging around in the kitchen. The bedroom door was half-open. She rose from the bed, opened the drawer where Harry kept his t-shirts, and threw his go-to blue tee over her head. She stepped out of his room and walked down the hall to find Harry, wearing only a pair of boxers and his glasses, his hair as messy as ever, pouring an omelet onto a plate with expert ease.
“Morning,” she said quietly.
He turned to look at her and grinned, looking her over. “Morning. Nice shirt.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you alone in there. I just wanted to make you breakfast.”
“That’s sweet, Harry.” She went to sit at the island and he waved his hands. “No, no, not here!”
“Excuse me?”
“Breakfast in bed ,” he clarified. “I’ll bring it in, you go relax, I just am finishing up on the home fries and then I’ll bring it right in.”
“You sure?”
He waved his spatula in the direction of his room. “Go on, now!”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes at him fondly before turning around and heading back down the hall. “Fine, but I’m using your bathroom first.”
“Do what you must.”
After using the toilet and brushing her teeth, she settled back into Harry’s bed and scrolled through her phone. Only a few minutes later, Harry entered with their plates, handing one to her and planting a tender kiss on her forehead. Her insides melted at the gesture. She softly thanked him, scooted over and dug in. Harry sat on his side but at the foot of the bed, his legs folded and his plate on his lap, that way he could face her. They ate in silence, exchanging occasional grins. She felt slightly distracted by his shirtless form and the way their feet touched. When she finished she handed Harry her plate. “That was delicious, thank you. Compliments to the chef.”
“My pleasure,” he told her. “I like cooking for people.”
“Perhaps if this teaching thing doesn’t work you can go to culinary school.”
“I know you’re joking, but I’d honestly consider it,” he said as he stacked their empty plates and leaned over to put them on his bedside table. He then sat beside her and grabbed her hand, interlacing their fingers. “What would you like to do today? That is, if you don’t have any other pressing plans…”
“I do have a hot date or two lined up, but I could always reschedule them for next year,” she joked.
“How kind of you,” he replied, picking up her hand and kissing it. Ginny was finding it hard to control herself with all the seemingly small, natural affection he was showing. “But really, anything in mind?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know, I thought maybe we’d sleep in half the day- just for old times’ sake?”
Harry chuckled, glancing at the clock. “It’s already 10am. You want to go back to sleep?”
“Well, maybe not right away,” she said, lacking subtlety. “Thought we could do something to tire us out first.”
“Hmm,” Harry pretended to think. “What could that be?”
She grabbed him by the neck and kissed him, and he sighed, using his free hand to cup her face. After kissing each other sweetly for a minute or two, Harry let go of her hand to grab her and pull her onto his lap. He quickly realized that other than his shirt she wasn’t wearing anything else at all, moaning as he grabbed her ass. He deepened the kiss and Ginny became wrapped up in its intensity, returning it right to him, her hands wrapped up in his hair. Although her body was in the driver’s seat, her mind and heart were racing, thinking about how much this man meant to her, how much she felt like herself when she was with him, how much he made her feel like she could do anything. She cherished every second she could steal with him, before all she’d have is memories to replay until the next time, cementing the feel and the taste of him into her brain. She didn’t want it to ever end.
But not before long, Harry seemed to slow down, and then he pulled away altogether. When Ginny leaned back in to continue the kiss, he barely reciprocated.
“Harry?” she asked, breathing heavily. “Are you okay?”
He cleared his throat and nodded. “Yeah, I…” He looked at her and she could see the storm of emotions in his emerald eyes. He leaned his head against hers and exhaled. “I’m fine. But...can we pause this for a moment? Can we talk?”
A wave of dread washed over her as she nodded her head and removed herself from his lap. Sensing her tension, Harry grabbed her hand again, rubbing his thumb across the back of it. “What is it?” she asked reluctantly.
He inhaled deeply, his forehead creased. “When you leave later today, I… I don’t want it to be like last time.”
“Well, that’s easy then,” Ginny told him, attempting a smile. “All you have to do is text me when I land back in L.A. this time.”
“And what would that imply, exactly?” Harry questioned. “Me texting you, that is.”
“It-” but Ginny realized she didn’t really have an answer- or, at least, she couldn’t give the answer she really wanted. “It would mean that this wasn’t just some meaningless thing to you.”
Harry frowned, tilting his head to the side slightly. “Is that what you really thought? Or what you’ll think if you leave later?”
Ginny considered his question. “I suppose not.”
“Of course not,” he corrected her, speaking with conviction as he squeezed her hand. “Ginny… I still-”
“Stop,” she interrupted him. “Don’t say it.”
She wanted to hear him say it, of course she did, but she would never be able to leave if she let him continue. She felt her heart break a bit at Harry’s disappointed expression. “What do you want me to say then?” he asked, his voice quiet but his tone stabbing. “That I don’t care about you? That I don’t miss you? That I don’t think about you every time I try to date someone else? I’m sorry if that’s hard for you to hear, but I have to tell you, I can’t even fathom you thinking for even one second that anything between us could ever be meaningless to me. I’m sorry I didn’t text you. I don’t know how to do this.”
“No,” she said as she put a hand on his leg. She couldn’t take it anymore. He was right, hearing all of that was too hard for her.  Knowing the feelings are mutual “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean… The meaningless thing was an overreaction, alright? I know… we’ll always mean so much to each other.”
Harry sighed, closing his eyes, his thinking face on. Ginny knew that face too well, and she knew he was trying to work out in his mind how to phrase all his feelings. “I just don’t understand why we gave up two years ago. We did long distance from your senior year in high school through all of college and it was fine. I didn’t want to break up. But you were so insistent that this is what was best once you got a spot on the team and I didn’t want to feel like I had to persuade you to stay together and I just…”
Ginny’s heart dropped into her stomach. There was such an ache in his voice… it hurt her to hear. “I don’t know, Harry, I thought… I thought I was doing the right thing,” she settled on. How could she explain giving up on them to him? To herself? “College was one thing, but as working adults? It just felt like we’d never be in the same place, we’d never be able to actually spend time together… I didn’t want to hold you back. I didn’t realize you…that you would’ve… I thought we were on the same page, I’m sorry.”
“No, I should’ve fought harder for us,” he told her, eyes blazing. “It’s not too late, is it?”
Ginny exhaled as Harry squeezed her hand again. “Harry, I can’t stay here-“
“I’m not asking you to.”
“Well, I can’t ask you to wait for me. I don’t know what’s going to come with my career.”
“I don’t care how far apart we are,” he asserted. “I don’t want to be with anyone else- I’ve tried, and I’m sure you have too, but we always end up back here, don’t we?  I want to be with you. We can figure the rest out as we go. It’s us, you know?”
He smirked at the end of his sentence, and all the feelings she’d been holding in for two years seemed to boil over at once. God, she missed that smile. The same smile as the one she dreamed about every day when she was only 11 and he spent every summer day over at their house with Ron. The same smile that he gave her after their first kiss, and after they skipped the prom and hid out under the bleachers, and when he came home to visit from college for the first time, and when he visited her in her dorm, and when he saw her standing in her bridesmaid dress at Ron and Hermione’s wedding, and then when he took it off of her later that night, and when they bumped into each other at the airport a few months ago, and just last night as she curled up against him in his bed and kissed him goodnight.
Tears warned to spill over, and she cursed herself for blinking one free. Harry put a hand on her face and wiped it for her with his thumb. He looked deeply into her eyes, which only caused more tears to fall. He wiped another for her, and then he kissed one away, and then he kissed her lips so gently she could barely register it.
“What are you thinking?” he asked, a hint of desperation in his voice for some type of answer.
She looked away from him, staring down at their knees. “I still don’t know, Harry. I’m confused. Everything you’re saying… I want that, I do, but it just doesn’t… seem practical. And… I mean, if we did get back together, what about everything after that? Do you want to stay in Tupelo forever?”
“Not necessarily,” he responded flatly. “I love my job now but I don’t know if I’ll still want to be here in a few years… But do we need to be making those types of decisions now?”
“Well if we don’t, then what? We get back together and three years down the line we break up because we realize we’re still not on the same page? I don’t want to waste either of our time.”
Harry let out a defeated sigh, causing Ginny to look up again. The fire in his eyes was being stomped out by disappointment. “Gin, listen… all I know is that ever since I was sixteen all I’ve wanted is to be with you, whatever it took to make that happen. That hasn’t changed, not one bit, even nine years later. I know we can make it work. If it’s not what you want… I don’t want you to be with me if you aren’t fully in it. But I want to be in your life. I don’t know what that looks like for you right now, but however it does, I’ll be there. Even if that’s only as your brother’s best friend.” He offered a sad smile as he finished.
But you’re so much more than that , she wanted to say, but felt like that’d just be proving his point, and she still felt too confused and overwhelmed. Selfishly, she leaned in and kissed him, long enough to memorize the feeling for later but quickly enough to prevent any further persuasion from the magic of his mouth. She braced herself for her own heart’s self-destruction as she opened her eyes and said, “I think I should go home, now.”
Harry’s sadness lingered for a moment, before he channeled his expertise of shutting down, his features flickering to blankness. “If...if that’s what you want. Let me drive you home, at least?”
She wanted to say no, that she’d just order an Uber, but her mouth betrayed her. “Ok.”
He let go of her hand and stood up. “I’ll, er, just throw on some clothes real quick, then run and grab yours and leave you to get dressed.”
She nodded and watched him throw on a pair of jeans, an undershirt, a jumper, and socks rather haphazardly. She listened as his feet creaked across the hallway floors, and waited with bated breath as he made his way back moments later, handing her a pile of her clothes. She muttered a “thank you” and averted his eyes as she took them.
“Take your time,” he told her gently, and made his way back out.
The moment the door clicked closed, she clenched her eyes shut and pushed out all the tears she could, so none would escape for him to see when she would have to face him again. She wiped her face and felt the warmth leave her as she got up from his bed, her haven. She threw off his shirt and put on her clothes from the night before, but folded up his t-shirt and stuffed it in her purse. It was an unspoken agreement between them that she could take as many of his t-shirts as she liked; he bought extras just for her.
She looked in the mirror, quickly threw her hair back in a low ponytail, and inhaled deeply, as if the air entering her lungs would give her courage to move forward as she opened up his bedroom door and walked towards the entrance.
Harry had his sneakers on, her shoes lined up and her coat ready for her in his hands. She slipped on her shoes and against her better judgment she allowed him to slip her jacket on for her, arm by arm. She hated the electricity that crackled through their every touch. She did not want to leave, she hated herself for leaving, even.
As if he sensed her self-deprecation, he took hold of her hand after it slipped through the sleeve. “Gin, it’ll be okay.”
She didn’t believe him, of course, it was just his typical optimism in order to protect everyone he loved, Except it made Harry look out for everyone else’s comfort at his own expense.
He grabbed his keys and led them out of his flat. They got into his car quietly. Without taking the backroads, the ride was relatively short, only taking 3 songs on the classic rock station of his ancient car radio to make it back to her home, the Burrow.
He parked right outside, which was a mistake, as her mother was out in the front with their family dog, Pig. She was wise enough to just offer a wave and a smile and resume walking with him.
Harry turned to her and asked in a low rasp, “Can I see you again? Before you fly back? Will you still be at your family’s for New Year's?”
“Yeah, I will,” she told him. “I’ll...I’ll see you there.”
Harry nodded. He clicked the unlock button for the doors. “Just...just think about what I said, alright?”
Ginny swallowed, nodding back. “I will.”
He kissed her cheek, his lips burning against her cold skin, and as he pulled away he leaned over to open her door for her. She attempted a smile in thanks, hopped out of his truck, and closed the door gently behind her.
She didn’t look back as she walked through her lawn, as she heard him call out to her mother, “See you soon, Mrs. Weasley!,” as Pig barked merrily at him and Harry laughed out, “I’ll see you soon, too, Pig!” before driving away.
She was grateful that her mother didn’t pursue her as her legs worked their hardest to get her to the door, through the entrance, and up the flight of stairs to her room, into her own bed, waiting for a sense of safety or relief that never came.
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gavotteandgigue · 3 years
Ooh something for DickJay week??? That sounds intriguing 👀
This ask was from MONTHS ago, and @bearly-writing​ asked the same thing at the time but I never managed to finish anything for DickJay week because I hit a massive brick wall made up of cement brick writer’s blocks. I ended up posting a snippet of a different fic and 5 months later I got a chapter out, so maybe if I post a snippet of what was supposed to be the fluffy DickJay submission, 5 months later a chapter will magically appear too? Excerpt behind the cut:
Artemis is just out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her long hair. She settles herself down onto the couch in the den of their floating base when she hears it. 
It's a drawn out breath that hisses rather loudly with the inhale, before pushing out in an equally noisy huff on the exhale.
It’s Jason. He’s sitting over in the corner in one of the arm chairs with his legs curled up on the seat. He has a book in hand, which he doesn’t seem to be reading if the way his eyes are staring blankly off into space are any indication.
Artemis ignores him. She reaches for the remote and turns on the television. There’s a reality cooking show she’s recently found that features a chef with a fiery temper. He screams and shouts every time one of the contestants makes a mistake. She likes him. She thinks he’s funny.
There it is again. Artemis glances over to see that Jason has at least closed the book. He’s now just frowning at the cover. It's one of those literary classics he really likes. Pride and Perjury or something. The pages are dog-eared and worn.
Eventually he opens the book again and Artemis resumes watching her show. She turns the volume a little higher just in case.
This time Jason slumps backward into his chair and drops the book on the floor. He groans in frustration and picks up the book again.
Artemis shoots him a glare. "If you're going to devolve into histrionics like a puerile teenager, can you do it in another room? I'm trying to watch a show."
Jason perks up at her attention, and as if he didn't even hear her remark, he says earnestly, "Hey Art, do you think I'm good enough for Dick?"
"By the Seven Beards, not this again," Artemis rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh of her own. Hers though, is tinged with irritation. Artemis turns her head away from the TV to look at him. "I thought you had an agreement. No killing in Gotham. If it's good enough for Batman it should be good enough for him."
Jason shakes his head. "No. I mean like am I worthy enough?" He pulls his legs up to his chest and tucks his face behind his knees as he says it, so that the last words are so muffled Artemis can barely hear them. He looks dejected. 
On the TV, the chef on the show is picking up a pan of chicken and throwing it on the floor. "Shit!" the chef says. "Absolute shit!"
Artemis thinks so too. Something's happened that Jason suddenly feels insecure about his relationship with Dick. She supposes this needs some attention, but it wouldn't do to tip her hand to her level of concern.
So she turns the volume down on the TV, then unwinds the towel about her hair. It's still a little damp, but dry enough to detangle. She motions Jason over and hands him a comb.
He gets up and plops himself beside her on the couch, then dutifully begins to comb out her hair starting from the ends. Artemis nods in approval. 
"It's just that, I thought Dick saw past all the stuff people say about me," Jason starts talking without being prompted. "I mean, I think he does. Maybe. But I didn't expect everyone else to weigh in too."
"Everyone else?"
"Well, I expected Bruce to be a jackass about it. And he was. He put me through the wringer like I was just out to ruin his precious golden boy." Jason sighs again, but his hands are steady as he carefully works the tangles up the length of her hair. "But then Dick’s whole crew showed up while I was getting groceries. Wally, Garth, even Donna. It wasn't exactly a shovel talk, but let's just say that between the three of them there wouldn't be anything left to bury. I thought at least Donna would give me the benefit of the doubt, but Dick's her best friend, so of course she'll take his side."
Jason sounds plaintive and cranky, but it's pretty clear that Jason feels hurt. He stops talking for a moment as he finishes running the comb through the entire length of Artemis' hair. Then he parts her hair into sections starting at her crown. The boy knows how to french braid. Artemis is marginally impressed.
When he starts overlapping the sections, gradually gathering more hair as he moves down, he continues with, "And then freaking Superman showed up. Gave me a talk about it being a good time to work on being a better person if I wanted to go out with Dick."
He's grumbling at this point, but he keeps winding the braid evenly. 
"What did Dick say?" Artemis asks.
Jason doesn't answer immediately, which probably isn't a good sign. He gives another one of those long sighs again, and says in a smaller voice than Artemis is used to hearing, "Dick just brushed it off. Said that his friends are just looking out for him. Which I guess makes sense, if they don't think I'm good enough."
"And who's looking out for you?"
Jason just shrugs. "I don't need anyone to look out for me."
As usual, Jason's wrong. He may have his faults, but it's plain as day that he's harbored feelings for Dick for a long time. He'd probably walk bare-footed over hot coals for Dick if he only asked. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. She doesn't blame Dick’s friends for their loyalty, but the judgement is unwarranted. Artemis won't stand by and let Jason be bullied by his boyfriend's overzealous pals. And if Dick doesn't see what harm they've caused, then he has more than just a few choice words from Artemis coming his way.
Nevertheless, there's no reason to overreact. She'll wait and see what happens, and then make her move if necessary.
Jason finishes the braid and then looks around for something to tie it off with. Artemis hands him a hair band from her pocket and he finishes off the braid by adjusting some of the sections around her head.
"Anyway, thanks for listening," Jason gets up from the couch. "Wanted to get that off my chest. I'm sure nothing will come of it."
He looks a little more at ease as he picks up his discarded book and leaves the room. Afterward, she checks her hair in the mirror. The strands are neat and not too tight, and the style is well suited to keeping her hair from becoming a tangled mess during battle. The weave of the braid is thinner than a normal French braid though. It turns out Jason’s done a remarkably good job at plaiting her hair into a fishtail braid. 
Huh, Artemis thinks. Who knew?
............. to be continued
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mikasaluna · 4 years
⚠ WARNINGS:potentionally triggering content ! graphic suicide descriptions ! self harm ! dark content !
「 Keep in mind your triggers and do not engage if it will provoke negative emotions. You are responsible for your own actions. 」
notes:gender neutral pronouns, angst, fluff (kind of?), 1,640 words
If you need help I recommend posting on r/suicidewatch or searching for your area’s local suicide helpline using ctrl+f on the following wikipedia page.
A/N:Also, I didn’t realise until now as I’m writing the tags, that most people spell Kuroo’s first name as “Tetsuro” without the “u”. I wrote it differently because that’s just the direct Japanese spelling and I didn’t know. Sorry about that.
Haikyuu!! / ハイキュー!!
Kuroo Tetsurou 黒尾鉄朗 
Kaji, hatsu, mame. Kaji, hatsu, mame. Kaji, hatsu, mame. You repeated the radicles to yourself as you wrote out the character over and over, feeling the muscle memory in your wrist kicking into gear. Your head was throbbing, hundreds of kanji readings swimming around in your mind. Now more than ever, the pressure of growing up had began to weigh down on you like a pile of bricks. Trying to make sense of all the pre-set rules in your life was difficult enough as it was, but just trying was never good enough. Nothing ever was. For every happy person in the world, there had to be an opposite, there had to be a person like you. It was pathetic. You were so damn pathetic. 
Your relationship with your mother, who’d left Japan to raise you all on her own, was hanging by threads. Could you really blame her though? Your grades had been falling steadily over the semester, and the scholarship which you’d worked so hard for was slipping through your fingers. You’d given up on yourself, and you wouldn’t be surprised if she’d given up on you too. The things that used to be so easy, laughing together at your little wooden dining table, became so far away, every night like a video tape stuck on repeat.
“What the hell are you thinking! Are you stupid?”
Why should you care? Maybe things would be easier if you just let your life fall to pieces. Maybe once you had nothing left to hold on to, you could finally break free. Maybe all this time, all you ever were was stupid. 
“I don’t know.”
You were lying through your teeth. Of course you knew. You were stupid for ever believing in all the things that made your life worth living, because they didn’t mean a thing at all. Locking yourself in your room, like you always did, isolating yourself. Too craven to face your problems, too tired to care. I can’t do this anymore. You’d been wandering through life aimlessly for so long. Searching for something, anything; waiting for that reason to come into your life, like every other person was insistent it would. Forcing yourself through each and every day, waiting and waiting; but it was time you realised, that reason never really existed at all. It was just another lie people told themselves, to try and make sense of their own existence. You were sure they knew as well as you did now, somewhere deep in their hearts, that their lives, your life, was just another figure on the chart. Another meaningless statistic. Your thoughts were racing, clogging up your brain and threatening to spew out of your mouth. You pulled your diary out from under your pillow;
’Thursday, 24th of December’
「Today’s a special day, isn’t it? I don’t know if I’ll be around for Christmas this year, that’s okay, it was never really my thing anyway. 
お母さん、ごめんなさい。いま、離れなくちゃダメだ。  」
“Okaa-san, I’m sorry. I have to leave you now.”
With that, you couldn’t take it anymore. You’d been thinking about this day longer than you could bear, drafting your final words over and over in your head. But when it came down to it, was there really a right thing to say?
Grabbing your grey hoodie, you plugged some headphones into your i-pod. You’d figured that leaving your phone behind was a better idea, it meant that no one could call or track you. You’d do it right, and this time you’d make sure not to wake up ever again. Reaching the pavement outside, you began moving along you streets. You walked slowly, taking the time to look along the streets one last time. It was almost nostalgic, dream-like in a sense. The urban road you grew up  which you had never payed much mind, was calming. For once in a long time, you felt truly at peace.
There was a parking building nearby, one which your Okaa-san often parked in. It was tall and old, reaching 7 storeys into the sky, surrounded below by solid, grey asphalt. This was it. In the elevator ride to the top floor your heart was beating hard in your chest, thoughts so loud you thought they’d grow out of your mind and become real. You couldn’t allow yourself to look back now.
Standing by the ledge of the building, you looked out over the city, and wondered if anybody could see you up there. What would they think of you, somebody who’d throw their life away so easily? Hitting play on your i-pod, 生きていたんだよな (ikiteitandayona) by あいみょん (aimyon) began to play. The lyrics were tragic and bittersweet, but the rhythm made your adrenaline pump. You teetered even closer to the building’s edge, legs wobbling. The height made you feel dizzy as you peered down off the drop, and all the way down to the pavement below. But not for a second did you feel scared.
♩ ‘On the cold asphalt, their blood flows.’
♩ ‘That red is beautiful, beautiful.’
How long would you fall? You thought, sitting down and swinging your legs over the side of the building. You almost wanted to laugh. It reminded you of all those times you had snuck onto the school roof with your classmate in high school, what was his name again? Kuroo? Right, Kuroo Tetsurou. On the last week of school while you were skipping last period maths together, you had convinced him to smoke a joint with you right there on the roof. Those were the final memories you had ever made together, since you’d each left for different universities. Why were you thinking of him now, of all times?
♩ ‘Their last goodbye,'
Standing up, you leaned back and looking out over the view, one last time.
♩ ‘screamed to nobody but themself.’
You took a breath in, deep enough to feel your lungs burn. Tears stung at your eyes, but you bit them back and closed your eyes. Part of you wished you could fix this all, but you didn’t know how. You didn’t have the energy to try and make things better.
鳥になって 雲をつかんで
♩ ‘becoming a bird and grabbing the clouds’
Shuffling your toes over the edge, you had made the decision in your head.
♩ ‘becoming the wind...’
Your muscles relaxed, and you allowed yourself to fall off of the edge.
“WAIT-!” You heard a scream for a split second, a hand grabbing hopelessly at the back of your hoodie as you began to descend. It was too late now. The wind in your ears blocked out the voice yelling from above, muffling the sound. It was strangely tranquil here, floating down off the the 7th floor, the clearest your head had felt in months. Nevertheless, you couldn’t help but wonder.
Was this the right choice?
Finally, the concrete embraced you as your body slammed into the ground.
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[This artwork does not belong to me. I saved it to my laptop a long time ago and now I can’t find the source, if you know the artist please send me a message so I can credit properly.]
Your eyes fluttered open and bright white light flooded your vision.
Where the hell am I?
Everything hurt. Your head was pounding and your mind was fuzzy. Cotton sheets lay underneath your aching body and a mess of black hair lay beside you. Someone was sitting on a chair next to the bed, his cheek resting on your arm, shoulders rising and falling slowly in his sleep.
“Tetsurou?” Your voice came out broken and hoarse. 
He lifted his head slowly, eyes red and swollen, had he been crying? 
“W-where am I?”
“We’re in the hospital,” he said shakily “the firefighters caught you when you fell.”
The memories came flooding back. That’s right, you jumped. So, that wasn’t the ground you felt back then? Your head was filled with questions, but you weren’t sure where to start. He probably thought you were pathetic too, but part of you was just so happy. Happy you were alive to see him again. Kuroo had to be the only friend who ever really understood you and your stupid humor, having him there reminded you of that. Maybe it had impacted you more than you realised, not having a single person at uni who really got you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He uttered quietly from beside you.
“Tell you what, Tetsurou?” You looked over, sitting up steadily. His eyes were filled with pain.
“I was so scared, why didn’t you tell me what was going on!” Kuroo covered his face with his hand, but you could still see the tears falling onto his lap as he spoke. “I-I love you, you know that right? I still love you, and I would do anything... so why the hell didn’t you come talk to me!” His confession was broken and hurt, but it made your stomach twist. You couldn’t even understand it yourself, why you felt like this.
“What was I supposed to say? I’m pathetic, I don’t have any other reason.” It was true. Compared to most people, your life was easy. You had a family, a home, friends, education. What reason did you really have? To try to end your life, to be unhappy at all.
“I don’t care about that, just please... don’t leave me again.” It was the first time you’d ever heard Kuroo being so serious, and it almost scared you. Tears were stinging in your eyes at his words. You felt his big arms wrap around you, enveloping you in a safe, warm hug as your tears stained his shirt. Were you really so oblivious that you never realised how he felt about you?
“O-okay... and, Tetsurou?” 
“I love you too.”
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sleekervae · 4 years
The Neighbour [0.2]
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Eva clung especially tightly to Pluto as she followed Remington back to the front gate, her cheeks burning red hot with humiliation. It didn't help either that this kid happened to be wickedly handsome and sans shirt all the while.
Remington wasn't so bothered by the incident, worse case scenario he could convince the guys to order a pizza like he was craving. Nonetheless, he didn't blame Eva; he tried to put that across by keeping the friendly smile on his face and putting her at ease.
"You know, it's not a big deal -- with the food and everything," he assured her, "We'll just order a pizza or something,"
Eva shrugged, "I know. It's just -- you know, I guess this isn't how I expected everything was going to go," she said, "Moving is tough enough with everything going on, and now it seems I got to get a play cage for this little monster,"
Remington patted the top of Pluto's head, "He's not so bad, just a little hungry. Cute little guy, aren't ya?" The pale tabby closed his eyes and rubbed his scruffy head against his palm.
Eva smiled a little, "He likes you. You should be honored, he doesn't warm up to strangers so easily,"
"Well of course he likes me. We have the same hair colour," Remington grinned, subconsciously running a hand through his black and blonde hair.
"You could be twins," Eva chuckled sardonically.
Remington opened the gate for her, "So... do you like the neighbourhood?" he asked.
"It's nice so far," Eva nodded, "I'm still unpacking all my boxes and shit so I haven't really had the opportunity to explore. And given the circumstances and... I -- I forgot my face mask too, fuck,"
Remington shrugged, swallowing the ball of nerves creeping up his throat, "You look pretty healthy to me," he said.
Eva smiled politely, hoping she could attribute the flush in her cheeks to the heat. There was something about him, he was familiar to her. She didn't come right out and say it, perhaps he just had one of those faces one sees and recognizes from somewhere else.
"Well, I should get going. And tell those guys I'm sorry again," she said, walking backwards to the sidewalk.
Remington simply shook his head, "Honestly, don't even give a second thought. Welcome to the neighbourhood, Eva"
"Thank you, Remington,"
There was something about the way his name rolled off of her tongue that sounded so sweet to him. He continued to stand at the gate and watched the pretty young girl cross the street and back into the apartment courtyard. Eva turned and took one last fleeting glance, a zing of electricity zipping down her spine when she saw Remington was still standing there.
Slamming the door to her apartment, she placed Pluto back on the floor, washed her hands thoroughly, and went back to her kitchen to continue with her baking exploits. She tied an apron around her waist, pulled out her ingredients and tried to find a good recipe on her phone. She also made sure to close the window.
She was unbothered when Pluto jumped onto the counter and took a seat, staring at his owner curiously. Eva stared at him just as intently, having half the mind to shoo him off the countertop. He seemed to almost be smiling at her.
"And what are you looking at, sausage thief?"
Some days passed; days filled with doing absolutely nothing. If everything was normal, Palaye Royale would have been smack in the middle of their European tour. Instead, Remington was sitting in his room, bored out of his mind as he continued to press the buttons on his xbox controller. He had played this game so many times, it was too easy. The challenge was gone.
Today was Friday, another Friday that was filled with perpetual boredom and misery. Riding around on his scooter wasn't fun, video games weren't fun, even trying to annoy Emerson wasn't as fun. There was little drive for him to do the bare minimum; it was just an achievement alone that he forced himself to shower this morning.
Lying back on his bed, he stared up at the empty ceiling, closing his eyes and trying to go back to sleep. Maybe the time would go faster if he slept more, like a hibernating bear? However, the notion of sleep was swiftly yanked away when he heard the doorbell ring.
He groaned audibly and turned over, his dark brown eyes still shut tight, "Emerson! Someone's at the door!" he called. There was no response, not even the shuffling echo of feet. Was Emerson even home? Maybe he'd ordered something off Amazon again and conveniently forgot to tell Remington while he was out.
If it was a package and he'd missed it, he didn't want to hear Emerson going off about having to drag himself down to the post office to sign for it -- in a pandemic no less. A month in and this pandemic was already getting to be old news.
Nevertheless, Remington pulled himself out of bed and jogged downstairs, hoping the Amazon guy hadn't left yet. He didn't take into account that he was only in his indigo dotted shorts and nothing else, throwing open the door without a care. However, he was surprised to see a plastic bag at his feet, at the gate was Eva.
Eva had just pulled back the latch to the gate when she heard the door open, and she was no doubt taken aback to see Remington standing there... again without a shirt. He looked weary and tired, the complete opposite to Eva's glowing face and yellow summer dress.
"You're not the Amazon guy," Remington spoke candidly.
Eva cocked her head, "Uh, no. Afraid not," she shrugged, "You expecting a package?"
"No," Reming shook his head, "I mean, my brother might be, but he's not home and I have no... um, nevermind. What brings you over here?" he leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms, trying to collect himself a bit more.
Eva pointed to the bag at his feet, "I made some bread. The recipe made three loaves and I don't need that many carbs," she chuckled awkwardly, "I thought maybe you guys might like one?"
"Oh," Remington picked up the bag and pulled back the plastic, finding a round, crisp loaf of bread inside, probably a bit bigger than Mishka, "That's very nice of you,"
"I just felt bad about the other day --"
"I told you, it's no big deal,"
"I know," Eva nodded, scratching at the skin behind her ear, "I ... jeez. Just being neighbourly, I guess?"
"I'm the one who should be fucking neighbourly," Remington grinned, "You want to come in for a drink or something? ... Or maybe we should sit on the lawn instead? That's social distancing, right?"
Eva smiled sheepishly but shook her head, "I actually have to stop by my storage unit and pick up the rest of my things. I'm just looking for a Waive,"
"You don't have a car?" he asked.
"Well, it was either the apartment or the car, and I figure I can survive off public transit for the next little while," she replied.
It was then a truly incredible idea entered Remington's head, "... I can drive you over, if you want," he said.
Eva smiled graciously, "Oh no, that's okay. There's one up four blocks from here, and I don't want to be a bother," she replied.
"It's no bother at all," Remington grinned, "As long as I'm back in time for my set schedule of nothing, followed by nothing, and then more nothing," hey, it was at least a reason for him to get out of the house.
Eva crossed her left leg behind her right, clearly a little unsure. It wasn't advisable to get into a car with a stranger when circumstances were normal, and now couldn't have been an exception.
"I don't know, Remington,"
He could see the apprehension spread over her delicate face, and he didn't blame her for being on the edge. He wasn't even sure if she should've even been in his backyard the other day. Then again, he knew he was being safe, and as far as he saw Eva never went anywhere, or had anybody over.
"I get it if you're uncomfortable," he told her, "But I don't go anywhere. And the only people I ever really see are the people you met the other day. That's it. I just... I wanna' do everything right so we can go back to normal as soon as we can. And you seem like a nice girl and I would hate to know you're having to suck up quarantine by yourself,"
Eva took a minute to think it over. She glanced down the street, maybe thinking she could catch sight of the shared car her map was telling her was within a four-block radius. Then again, she wasn't all that comfortable having to use a car-sharing service since the pandemic started, but she couldn't take her stuff on the bus and she couldn't afford Uber rates. Besides, Remington was only one guy...
"... If you don't mind," she said finally, "Maybe we can just leave the windows down and have our masks on?
Remington tried to hold back the big grin that wanted to explode over his lips, "It's seventy-five degrees out, you bet your ass I'm gonna' have the windows down," he said, "I'll just go throw on a shirt,"
"Do you have a habit of going without a shirt?" she asked.
Remington smirked, "Only on Wednesdays... and when beautiful women happen to be around,"
Eva rolled her eyes, but she was smiling nonetheless. She actually found him to be quite charming, "Well, it's not Wednesday," she took a brief look around, "And there are no pretty girls here,"
"Oh, come on, don't sell yourself short, Eva," he winked coyly as he rewrapped the bread in the plastic, "Just outta' curiosity, is this --?"
"Sourdough," Eva nodded shyly.
"What is up with this sourdough fad?" he asked.
"I don't know," she threw her arms out, "I just wanted to fit in and be cool, I guess,"
"You named your cat after an Edgar Allan Poe book, you're already cool,"
Eva waited patiently outside as Remington dashed into his room. However, he stopped short when he found a post-it note was stuck to his door. He must've blown past it when he went to answer downstairs. It was notably written in Emerson's chicken scratch and he read it to himself.
"Remington, I'm off with Shy to the beach. Text me if you want to cook or do take out, unless of course I come home before you open your door... and you won't find this note," he glowered at the dark blue ink, "Seriously?"
About an hour later, having collected the rest of her boxes from storage, Remington followed Eva up three flights of stairs to her little corner apartment. Eva had a bit of a rough time trying to put the key in the lock without dropping her box, but she was finally able to get the door open and push her way inside. Pluto was in his bed, none too bothered by his owner's presence. It was only when he smelled the unfamiliar scent of men's soap and hair product that he turned his head to Remington.
He was quick to leap up and come trotting over, nearly scaring Remington out of his skin when he started rubbing up against his leg, "What the --? Oh, hi Pluto," he grinned at the pale and black-striped tabby.
Eva huffed at her cat, setting down her box and going to scoop him up, "Pluto! Let him in before you start whoring," He gave a yrowl of protest before he was dropped back into his bed.
"Sorry about that," she said.
"It's no problem," Remington wasn't shy about having a few glances around her small studio space. It was cozy, yet not fully furnished as the walls were still bare and her shelves were empty. On the right hand side, two perpendicular walls separated the kitchen space from the bedroom (it was more like a bed cubby), and on the other side she had a small couch with a glass coffee table, and beside that a desk that prescribed the definition of 'messy'. Looking out through a sliding door, Eva had a small balcony with two chairs and small dining table -- where she had a perfect view of his house.
"Please forgive the mess, too. I'm shit at organizing," Eva said, having now pulled down her blue medical mask so it rested under her chin. Remington did the same.
"It's definitely a lot cleaner than my place," he said, still gripping tightly the cardboard box, "Where would you like this?"
Eva set down her box on the kitchen counter, took a glance at the writing at the side before directing him, "Just down by the bookcase, is fine," and she started pulling apart her own box.
Remington set down his box and opened it as well, astonished and impressed to see rows of vinyls lined up and packed tightly. She had music that ranged from Billie Holiday to Harry Styles; some sleeves more worn down than others. Unable to help himself, Remington had a flip through her music, you could always best judge somebody by what they threw on the turntable. Remington's smile grew when he found his own record, Boom Boom Room Side A.
"You have good taste," he said, turning and holding up the vinyl.
Eva turned from her box full of novels, a tinge of red spreading over her cheeks when she saw him crouched over her music and holding a record. But when she realized the worn down sleeve was for Palaye Royale, it suddenly clicked in her mind where she'd seen Remington from. A small warmth flooded through her gut.
"I knew you looked familiar," she blushed, "Your hair's different, that's why I didn't recognize you,"
"I take it this is your only record of ours?" he smirked.
Eva shrugged, "It was a birthday present. I liked a lot of what I heard, though," she ruffled a hand through her short hair, "There was one song I heard and I just fucking loved it. It went something like... oh my gosh, like um..." she started humming the chorus to something that sounded like Mr. Doctor Man.
The melody was instantly recognizable to Remington, but he let her carry on longer than necessary to watch her, the giggle she let out while she hummed simply delicious. He could never sing that song the same way again after hearing that.
"I think that's supposed to be Mr. Doctor Man," he chuckled once she had stopped giggling.
Eva pointed a finger at him, "That's it! I loved it because it sounded like The Killers!" Eva couldn't believe she just hummed that song to Remington fucking Leith. She wasn't sure why she had let Palaye Royale fall off her radar, having remembered how much fun she had jamming to that vinyl in her old place. And the voice on Remington was so sexy, she couldn't help but be so enthralled by those raspy high and low notes he would hit.
"That's probably one of the best comparisons I've had, yet," he told her, "They also happen to originate from Vegas,"
Her cheeks were still burning but she lifted her eyes slowly back to his and gave a tentative smile, "What is it with all you cool rock bands coming out of Las Vegas?"
"Like they say; Vegas is built on hopes, dreams, and crazy people," he gave her a wide, toothy grin just to make his point.
"Who said that?" Eva asked.
"I don't know, but it makes a fuck ton of a sense," Remington replied, "Would you like me to put these in the shelf?" he pointed to the bookcase.
Eva shook her head, "No, you don't have to do that. You didn't even have to help me haul all this shit upstairs," she said.
"And leave a lovely lady to break her back on her own? My own mother would be so ashamed of me," he scoffed back, waving his hand at her, "And besides, as your new friend I insist on helping you out,"
Eva cocked her head, "So, you and I went from acquaintances to friends all within an hour and some?"
"Well, if you had hummed my song earlier, we would've been friends before Pluto even stole the sausage," Remington grinned, then glancing at the tabby, "No hard feelings, Pluto," The cat simply stared back at him.
He glanced back at Eva, "... Why does he keep staring at me?" he whispered.
Eva smirked, "He's a very personable cat. Either that, or he wants your shoes,"
"So, if I leave my sneakers on the stairs of my house, he'll come over and actually make a meal out of them?" he asked.
"I've lost so many shoes to this cat, I swear I have to keep them locked up in my closet," she replied.
Remington glanced at the cat again, narrowing his eyes as though to mockingly challenge the feline, whispering menacingly "I got my eye on you, bitch,"
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shinjihi · 4 years
Received a few minutes ago. Please read and share widely. Michael Green From Gregory Ervin: Dear Patriots: Some of you may recognize my name. I have daily briefing with POTUS and have posted here before a handful of times as a “helper”. What I’m about to disclose is the most important post you’ll read before the inauguration. Q will not post here again, at least not for a while. The operation is ongoing but must run silent at this point. Once we wind down you will not hear from Q again. Don’t let this worry or upset you. We are in perhaps the most critical juncture of American history. POTUS is fully aware of the gravity of this time period. We have prepared from before 2015 for this exact moment. I am not asking for faith in us. Q should have already used logic, reason, and multiple proofs to establish our credibility. What happens this week will change history. We are asking you for now to stay in your homes and do NOT under any circumstances interfere with the operation. You’ll soon see things unfold that many would think impossible. POTUS is insulated and 100% safe. Our plan is almost complete. The DS has already lost. Everything you’re seeing in the MSM and on Twitter is a last-ditch attempt. Why has Kamala not yet left the senate? Where is Joe? Where is Joe really? Hunter has turned himself in. We asked you at the beginning to prepare. Your role is crucial, and your task is to help the population deal with that is about to be revealed. Those patriots who have been here from the start will understand and recognize this directive. Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn. Do not believe the MSM over the next week. Do not, for a single minute give them any credence. We have legally won this election and what comes next is the greatest mop up job in the history of the world. Patriots, we thank you. We could not have gotten here without you. Now is our time. Hold the line. You will receive no further message on this channel from us until the operation is over. At that point, the entire world will know. Thank you and God bless. Pray for us, POTUS, and the United States of America. We are in the most dangerous phase and the stakes could not be higher. Military takedowns and arrests begin this weekend and will continue forward for the next 13 days/nights. Some international raids have already started. Italy has also been found complicit in our election fraud. Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones, tvs, radios internet. It will override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time. Do not to be scared of what's coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold. DO NOT travel to any large cities (especially Philadelphia) for the rest of the month. Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities. People will start rioting once this intel breaks, thinking Trump is a military dictator. He only has 13 days to put this dog down. The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol and was marked by Trump’s broadcast to the people to disband and return home. This broadcast wound up being blocked, for the most part, by the media. Nevertheless, his address fulfilled the requirements to initiate the Act. Marines and National Guard troops are being moved as needed for the riots that will start after the national release of the intel. The intel will be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that will be several hours long. The system was just checked by the FCC a few days ago alerting ALL media that they cannot block the flow of intel under federal regs. Trump will be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family.
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joontier · 5 years
Tumblr media
--> Pairing: Yoongi x reader
--> Genre/warnings: SMUUUUUUT, that is all, thank you
--> Words: 2.5k
--> Summary: Yoongi can’t keep his hands to himself even if you’re just sitting there beside him…sans-underwear
—> Note: I haven’t had the time to fix the links yet, but you guys can check parts 1 and 2 in my masterlist
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
March 06, 2029
Yoongi sits up in bed, eyes squinting as he scans the dimly lit room, the sunlight trying to break through the curtain slits. You were snoring softly on a pillow, considering you stole the same from him the previous night. He yawns as he moves his foot around, blindly looking for the other pair of his slippers.
It’s been exactly three months since you gave birth to Byungchul, and the responsibilities of a father and a husband were taking its toll on Yoongi. Your husband’s stress levels definitely reached its peak this time and with the insane sleeping patterns – which he still hasn’t gotten accustomed to since the start of your pregnancy until your son’s birth – Yoongi looks worse than a clapped-out junkie.
Having had the mentality that all the fuss would’ve been over once the baby comes out, Yoongi was overjoyed when you gave birth on the sixth of December the previous year. One look at Byungchul was all it took before tears started rolling down his cheeks. Mainly because the realization of finally being a father overwhelmed him at that moment because he thought he would no longer have to deal with your midnight cravings and bizarre antics during your pregnancy.
Boy was he wrong.
First week into parenthood, Yoongi gulps down at least three mugs of coffee a day, rushing over to Byungchul’s crib when he hears the slightest of cries. Both your mom and mother-in-law demanded that you rest for a while after having dealt with nearly a day in labor. Hence, Yoongi had to take on the responsibility of taking care of Byungchul as well as most of the daily chores.
Although there were countless times when you offered to help your husband, Yoongi was caring and understanding enough to decline each time because he knew he’d end up doing it altogether if you did try to ‘help’ him. Just like that time when you said you’d clean up after ordering Chinese take-out for dinner and when he returns from putting the baby to sleep, he sees you snoring against the couch in the living room, clutching a pair of chopsticks to your chest.
Today seemed like an exception though. Your husband didn’t wake at the sound of Byungchul wailing for the first time in what felt like forever. When he tried to lie down again to get back to sleep, he just tossed and turned for a few minutes before sitting back up, realizing he wasn’t going back to his slumber anytime soon. It was like he was already anticipating Byungchul’s cries ringing through his ears in the middle of the night.
Heading over to the baby’s crib, he peeks and leans over the plastic columns and traces light patters on his son’s pajama-clad tummy. He smiled as he remembered the first photo of his son he released to the public. It was a photo of Byungchul sleeping with arms and legs spread in all directions, resembling a starfish. He’d accompanied it with a zoomed-in picture of his son’s bun-like arms, captioning it with a bread emoji.
Yoongi pats Byungchul’s head gently a few times before he heads to the kitchen to start the day early.
Flipping the last pancake with one swift motion, Yoongi sets the pan down and turns off the stove, bringing his plate of the Min-Yoongi-pancake-special recipe over the dining table. He sat down on the wooden chair and crossed his legs as he squeezed a generous amount of syrup onto the stack of pancakes.
He cuts a large slice from the stack with his fork, closing his eyes for a moment as he savors the self-proclaimed excellence of his own specialty breakfast. Yoongi hears muted footsteps on the carpeted floor, momentarily pausing his eating to watch you pad slowly towards the kitchen, solely depending on your sense of smell as your eyes remain shut.
Yoongi pulls out a chair for you beside him and you plop down and rest your head on his shoulder. Before your hands could grab a bite from his plate, Yoongi swats your hand away and slides his plate farther from you. He tells you that he’s left you another serving on the counter and you mutter a curse before getting up and stomping exaggeratedly towards the counter.
As you stand a few meters away from Yoongi, your husband’s breath hitches as he finally takes in what you wore to bed last night. It literally wasn’t much. You were wearing one of Yoongi’s favorite white large shirts. But the way its hem just reached your thighs and assumingly, the fact that you weren’t wearing anything else underneath so you cold-induced nipples were trying to poke their way out of the shirt made something snap inside Yoongi.
This was only one of the many charms you had that convinced Yoongi to ask you to stay with him for the rest of your life. He always let you knew that you looked sexiest when getting up from bed – despite the nest-like hair, flammable breath, and that line of dried saliva on your chin, there was no greater honor to him than waking up to that sight. Yoongi still loves you nevertheless, wondering how you always managed to look beautiful even in the unlikeliest of times.
It was driving Yoongi nuts, looking achingly seductive like that, even if he only saw your back and a glimpse of your side profile. Yoongi takes a swig of the water beside him as you rummage through the drawers looking for cutlery, eventually bending down to check the bottom ones. How could you possibly not know where they’re placed when you’ve been living under the same roof for nearly three years already?!
He isn’t even the slightest bit doubtful that you weren’t doing this on purpose (well, you had the tendency to be quite dramatic from time to time) and he gulps as you bend over one more time, his shirt riding up your legs and finally confirming that you were, in fact, not wearing any underwear, at all.
Well, shit.
He quickly looks away, blocking all the indecent thoughts before they consume him and failing miserably at that. As Yoongi tries to peek one more time, he comes face-to-face with you, eyes nothing short of worry for your husband. Instead, he sees a glint of playfulness in them.
“Yoongs, is something bothering you?”
Was that even a question? His eyes travel down your cheeks to your neckline and when he gets a glimpse of your breasts due to the looseness of his shirt on you, all hell seems to break loose. It’s been too long since he got to touch you, feel you. Yoongi doesn’t know how he lasted a year without sex if it weren’t for the busy schedule divided between work and taking care of you and Byungchul. You return to your chair when he doesn’t respond, acting as if the tension isn’t as clear as day.
Fuck, you looked so enticing just beside him. Sans underwear, hair tied up in a messy bun, smothering whipped cream all over the pancakes. There was nothing he could do when he felt his cock straining against his boxers, knowing that you were the only person in this world who could give him an instant hard-on doing the most mundane of tasks.
Min Yoongi is known to be an avid risk-taker, that’s why when he sees an opportunity, he grabs it – regardless of how it may end. Which is why when you accidentally spread whipped cream across your cheek trying to gobble up an entire pancake, your husband closes the distance between you two, swiping his tongue across your cheek to clean up your mess.
A giggle escapes your lips and his heart wrenches, feeling bad for having inappropriate thoughts this early in the morning. Of course, you probably still needed your post-natal rest – the unimaginable pain of giving birth recently. “You could’ve just told me Yoongs, no need to go Holly on me.” You reprimand him in a playful tone, pinching his cheek as you grab a napkin to wipe his saliva off your face. Yoongi gives you back your personal space, trying to picture Namjoon wearing a sailor moon outfit to get his dick back down.
While Yoongi proceeds to finish his cup of coffee, you muttered something that had Yoongi choking on his drink, spluttering drops of coffee on the table. “Don’t think I don’t see that problem of yours down there Min Yoongi.” He finds your hand slowly massaging his thigh, circling dangerously near his crotch. Ah, fuck it. He was about to get lucky this early in the morning, and Namjoon in that ridiculous costume isn’t about to spoil it.
Yoongi swallows when your hand travels inside his boxers, fisting his dick while you finish the rest of your pancakes. “Take that off for me,” you order, releasing his cock from your grip as you bring the plates to the dishwasher. When you return, you tilt your head towards the table, motioning him to sit on it so you won’t have to deal with sore knees afterwards.
Your husband slowly gets up from his chair and onto the table, cock already twitching in anticipation. Yoongi takes your hand and pulls you between his legs, kissing you feverishly. You waste no time in letting your hands roam his body, enjoying the way he’s gained weight since your pregnancy, indulging in your pregnancy cravings as well.
You lower down on your seat, your fingernails prickling his skin with goosebumps, enjoying his reactions. You lick your lips before you slowly dive in, teasing the tip and circling your tongue around the head, gauging your husband’s reaction. Yoongi grunts when you take more, throwing his head back when he feels his cock disappear between your lips.
He nearly loses it when you suck around his cock, a low hum escaping your lips. The feeling is familiar but foreign at the same time, a prominent baby bump proving to be difficult to deal with during sexy time with you. You’re still just as skilled with your mouth, though definitely hotter this time. Must be the post-natal glow - Yoongi notes mentally, picturing getting you pregnant again if that means he gets to reap what he’s sown so wonderfully.
You draw your mouth back slowly and sink down on it again, taking pleasure in the groan of bliss you draw out from Yoongi. Slowly and steadily, you fall into a rhythm of sliding his cock between your lips, occasionally taking a peek at your husband whose grip in your hair tightens by the second. He’s close, you reckon - tell-tale signs all etched in memory from your shared intimacies in the past. Yoongi gasps loudly when he cums, his whole body quivering as his cock softens in your mouth.
Yoongi hoists you up for him to sit where you’ve been and pulls you down to sit on his thighs. You feel his dick almost ready again as he sits you near his crotch, the only thing separating you is your husband’s oversized shirt. His cold fingers wander beneath the large piece of clothing where Yoongi finds the need to fulfill his desire of touching you, large hands groping your breasts and tracing outlines on the expanse of your skin.
“You’re so fucking wet,” Yoongi states, sliding a finger through your folds. Dangerously testing the waters by shallowly dipping a digit and removing it and repeating the action all over again. “Yoongi,” you hiss as your grip on his forearms tighten. “I need your cock. Now.” He spares no time in removing his shirt on you, knowing that you have a secret clothed-sex kink from a drunken rant he’d accidentally listened to while you were talking to your friend while he was away for a concert.
He lays you down on the table, feet dangling off the edge and legs already spread open for him. Yoongi slides into you with ease, resisting the strong urge to cum on impact. He nestles himself deep within your walls, reveling in the feeling of his cock a snug fit inside your warm pussy. It’s been so long and it’s with a particular squeezing of your walls that reminds him that his palm could never identify with how your pussy feels.
“God, princess,” Yoongi moans, steadily rocking his hips back and forth. He takes his time with you, pushing his cock so deep that every thrust still has you clutching on the edges of table. “Yoongi,” you moan softly as his eyes close for a moment, savoring the feeling. With one hand on your hip, he trails the other beneath your shirt, lifting it up a little so one breast is exposed and the other still hidden under its confines.
You can tell how much he’s missed this as much as you. He looks down at you with lust darkened eyes, chest rising and falling in time with his hips. As much as you enjoyed slow sex with Yoongi, you can’t help but goad him on whining when you tell him to go faster.
Yoongi grabs hooks his hands under your knees and straightens your legs so they’re resting against his shoulders. You can’t help the loud cry that escapes your lips when he draws back and thrusts into you at once, impaling you with his cock. Your vision is getting blurry as your husband continues to drill into you, that familiar feeling at the pit of your stomach growing drastically by the second.
It’s with this particular angle that Yoongi is hitting that sweet spot and in a few seconds you and Yoongi finally reach your high and it’s the most beautiful thing ever because you rarely climax at the same time. Yoongi continues to back and forth between your folds, riding out his high.
Your orgasm is so strong that your legs are still trembling slightly when Yoongi guides them down from his shoulders. He peppers kisses on your thigh first, then your neck and your cheek, sitting down on a chair when he deems his post-sex pampering over.
Yoongi looks blissed out, a lovely rosy tinge coloring his cheeks. He feels like he’s been provided with renewed strength despite what just transpired a few moments ago. You sit up, only to enjoy what a view Yoongi is after times like this. There’s a sheen layer of sweat on his torso, giving it a slight glimmer when the sunlight slipping through the curtains touches his skin.
You open your mouth to say something when you hear the baby’s first cry of the day. Yoongi looks up at you from the chair and gets up, assuring you that he’ll handle it. Once he’s taken a few steps away you call at him, “Where’s my dessert?!” Yoongi scowls hard as he turns back to face you, pointing a thumb against his chest. “That wasn’t enough dessert yet?” Yoongi’s scowl turns into a sinister smile before he walks away again.
“Better get ready for round 2 later then!” he says with a wave, disappearing from your sight.
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kieraslifestory · 4 years
Under a cut, cause I really can’t confirm this in the slightest. My sister was talking politics with a friend, this friend had a thing from her mom, here it is.
I don’t know what to think of it, really.
It’s just very aggressive and more than a little creepy to think of. But I guess if such a broadcast really did happen then that would give this a lot more credence than I want to give it.
Received a few minutes ago. Please read and share widely.
Thank you.
Michael Green From Gregory Ervin:
Dear Patriots:
Some of you may recognize my name. I have daily briefing with POTUS and have posted here before a handful of times as a “helper”.
What I’m about to disclose is the most important post you’ll read before the inauguration. Q will not post here again, at least not for a while.
The operation is ongoing but must run silent at this point. Once we wind down you will not hear from Q again. Don’t let this worry or upset you. We are in perhaps the most critical juncture of American history. POTUS is fully aware of the gravity of this time period. We have prepared from before 2015 for this exact moment.
I am not asking for faith in us. Q should have already used logic, reason, and multiple proofs to establish our credibility. What happens this week will change history.
We are asking you for now to stay in your homes and do NOT under any circumstances interfere with the operation. You’ll soon see things unfold that many would think impossible. POTUS is insulated and 100% safe. Our plan is almost complete. The DS has already lost. Everything you’re seeing in the MSM and on Twitter is a last-ditch attempt. Why has Kamala not yet left the senate? Where is Joe? Where is Joe really?
Hunter has turned himself in.
We asked you at the beginning to prepare. Your role is crucial, and your task is to help the population deal with that is about to be revealed. Those patriots who have been here from the start will understand and recognize this directive. Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn.
Do not believe the MSM over the next week. Do not, for a single minute give them any credence. We have legally won this election and what comes next is the greatest mop up job in the history of the world.
Patriots, we thank you. We could not have gotten here without you. Now is our time. Hold the line. You will receive no further message on this channel from us until the operation is over. At that point, the entire world will know.
Thank you and God bless. Pray for us, POTUS, and the United States of America. We are in the most dangerous phase and the stakes could not be higher. Military takedowns and arrests begin this weekend and will continue forward for the next 13 days/nights. Some international raids have already started. Italy has also been found complicit in our election fraud.
Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones, tvs, radios & internet. It will override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time.
Do not to be scared of what's coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold. DO NOT travel to any large cities (especially Philadelphia) for the rest of the month. Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities.
People will start rioting once this intel breaks, thinking Trump is a military dictator. He only has 13 days to put this dog down.
The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol and was marked by Trump's broadcast to the people to disband and return home. This broadcast wound up being blocked, for the most part, by the media. Nevertheless, his address fulfilled the requirements to initiate the Act.
Marines and National Guard troops are being moved as needed for the riots that will start after the national release of the intel. The intel will be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that will be several hours long.
The system was just checked by the FCC a few days ago alerting ALL media that they cannot block the flow of intel under federal regs.
Trump will be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family.
This is very important Share with your friends
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Urgent message from QAnon
[News "Truth" / Urgent message from QAnon] [ 2021.1.12] 🔥🔥🔥Breaking News 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥Very important 🔥🔥🔥 Received a few minutes ago.  Please read and share widely. Thank you. Michael Green From Gregory Ervin: Dear Patriots: Some of you may recognize my name. I have daily briefing with POTUS and have posted here before a handful of times as a “helper”.   What I’m about to disclose is the most important post you’ll read before the inauguration.  Q will not post here again, at least not for a while. The operation is ongoing but must run silent at this point. Once we wind down you will not hear from Q again.  Don’t let this worry or upset you.  We are in perhaps the most critical juncture of American history.  POTUS is fully aware of the gravity of this time period.  We have prepared from before 2015 for this exact moment. I am not asking for faith in us.  Q should have already used logic, reason, and multiple proofs to establish our credibility.   What happens this week will change history. We are asking you for now to stay in your homes and do NOT under any circumstances interfere with the operation.  You’ll soon see things unfold that many would think impossible.  POTUS is insulated and 100% safe.  Our plan is almost complete.  The DS has already lost. Everything you’re seeing in the MSM and on Twitter is a last-ditch attempt.  Why has Kamala not yet left the senate? Where is Joe? Where is Joe really?   Hunter has turned himself in. We asked you at the beginning to prepare.  Your role is crucial, and your task is to help the population deal with that is about to be revealed.  Those patriots who have been here from the start will understand and recognize this directive.  Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn. Do not believe the MSM over the next week.  Do not, for a single minute give them any credence.  We have legally won this election and what comes next is the greatest mop up job in the history of the world.   Patriots, we thank you. We could not have gotten here without you. Now is our time. Hold the line. You will receive no further message on this channel from us until the operation is over. At that point, the entire world will know.   Thank you and God bless.  Pray for us, POTUS, and the United States of America.  We are in the most dangerous phase and the stakes could not be higher.   Military takedowns and arrests begin this weekend and will continue forward for the next 13 days/nights. Some international raids have already started. Italy has also been found complicit in our election fraud. Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones, tv's, radios & internet.  It will override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time.   Do not to be scared of what's coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold.   DO NOT travel to any large cities (especially Philadelphia) for the rest of the month.  Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities. People will start rioting once this intel breaks, thinking Trump is a military dictator.  He only has 13 days to put this dog down.   The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol and was marked by Trump's broadcast to the people to disband and return home. This broadcast wound up being blocked, for the most part, by the media. Nevertheless, his address fulfilled the requirements to initiate the Act.   Marines and National Guard troops are being moved as needed for the riots that will start after the national release of the intel. The intel will be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that will be several hours long. The system was just checked by the FCC a few days ago alerting ALL media that they cannot block the flow of intel under federal regs.   Trump will be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family. 🔥🔥This is very important Share with your friends 🔥🔥
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Striped Carnations and Anemones
Summary:  This was my personal idea of an alternate ending: What if Robin escaped but becomes the Snatcher anyways? Also a sympathetic approach to Queen Vanessa, but doesn't change the fact that she literally froze a kingdom.
I have posted this story on Archive of Our Own, incase anyone wants to check it out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25423690
The cellar grows cold each passing day, or was it a week… or month...maybe longer? Prince Robin would’ve guessed immediately if it wasn’t for his hands going numb to tally off an hour as his arms hung from the chains. But nevertheless, he no longer can care about his body as it is going to expire anytime right now. He had guessed why his beloved would make such decisions, but it was no excuse for her to go insane...He can still hear the children scream as the ice captured them like a rapid plague. If only he had saved them, they are like his own children. Robin hung his head low, wanting to give up the ghost, yet something told him that he doesn't want to die like this...If he ever dies, it should not be in the cellar that was turned into a makeshift dungeon. He wants to be back outside to the forest, an odd choice to draw out your final breath but all he wanted was to see the stars…
"Ummph…!!" Was what he let out when the rusty chains broke, letting him fall to the ground. The cuffs are still on both his back arms, but he can move them a bit, which means…He looks up to see a torch that hasn't been lightened…'This place needs to be a bit warm.' Robin thought and like on command, the torch was set ablaze and the cellar took on a golden hue...but the Prince felt something else warm up in his body, it was what he had felt after crying for a very long time. He turned to leave the cellar, his body was weak but the fire in him helped as he walked up the stairs and out the cellar basement.
In the living room, the green wallpaper dulled when the darkness engulfed the manor, the only light there was near the portrait of her and her Prince, but it was dim. Vanessa played on the piano, remembering her lessons her mother had forced her to practice every single day when she was a little girl, then she smiled when she remembered how her Prince would surprise her with a duet as he played the violin. It made her horrible memories go away, she swayed with her fingers that played a love song that had a somber tone. Then the door behind her opened, she turned and expected that it was the wind who blew it open, no...It was her Prince. He looked directly at her, his Queen, just as she wanted it to be. Vanessa couldn't be happier as she waltzed her way and embraced her beloved Prince, "I miss you, My Prince~ Now we can be together forever~" she whispered softly to him like it was a secret, she rested her head on his chest, not minding his clothing that was slightly chilly and picking up dust. Her Prince looked down at her and gave a soft smile, "'Forever' you say, My Queen?~" he asked in a tone that would make her melt. Vanessa nodded her head, nuzzling her cheek against her Prince's disheveled cravat, she sighed when he placed a hand to stroke her darkened blonde hair on her head. She was drawn to his embrace even more.
"...I don't love you anymore." So calmly Robin said as he pulled himself away from Vanessa, who looked up at her Prince alarmed. He looked down at her with his amber-gold eyes, she saw no emotion, no glint of happiness or love...not even anger, that Robin hid well. "You're bluffing...you always tell odd jokes…!" Vanessa tries to reason while in denial, her Prince? He doesn't love her anymore? That's preposterous! She chuckled and giggled but she was the only one laughing, Robin kept staring at her blankly with a serious aura. Vanessa's ruby eyes gleamed in fear, "My...My Prince...Why…? Why don't you love me…?? What have I done that made you feel that way?" She then remembered why he was chained up, her eyes scowled, and prepared her claws to permanently keep her Prince for herself once and for all. "Was it that red-head who sold flowers?!! Did she change your mind?? Are you falling for her while you're engaged to me??! ...Explain yourself, Prince!!" She can only scream in the empty living room at Robin. He took her clawed hands calmly, keeping his sights on her, "Why would I love you when you destroyed our home…?" Vanessa's face went blank, she looked at Robin like a deer in front of the hunter. Now that he mentioned it, she might have done minor damage around the Subcon Manor after what had happened. Robin let go of her hands and folded his arms sternly, he had never done that gesture in front of Vanessa as he narrowed his eyes at her. She tries to come up with a reason "...Because I love you so much and was willing to fix what we had accidentally destro-!" Robin raised his hand to interrupt her, "I'm sorry, ' We '? I don't remember allowing you to turn our citizens to ice sculptures. And I definitely was absent when the kingdom was, how you put it, 'accidentally' destroyed…!" He controlled his volume to not scream at her, he wanted to express how distraught he truly was at her, yet he remained calm again.
Robin and Vanessa were both silent, Vanessa had now seen what she had done, "I was...I...You arrived days after Mother's-" she was interrupted again, "I knew. I knew that you needed me after her passing, that was why I had put a hold on my studies just to comfort you...I knew that you were scared of suddenly being the Queen without me being by your side. That is why I would still call you 'My Princess', so that once I am back to stay, I'll help you get ready...I was a fool who was deeply in love with you." He wanted to cry as his heart kept breaking, Vanessa wanted to comfort him but she couldn't, "My...My Prince...I am truly sorry for hurting you."
"You did more than just hurt me, my dear... You killed me. " Robin stated as he looked dead at Vanessa's ruby eyes. Her jaw dropped, how could her Prince say that?! "P-Prince…?!" She exclaimed, but was ignored by Robin. "I never thought that you would do this to not just me, you killed my love for you, you killed what was left of our dying affection...and you killed our home, the kingdom we were meant to protect...just for someone you didn't entirely know...How cruel are you exactly, Queen Vanessa?" Robin addressed Vanessa with such poison that it made her wince.
"Better yet, you are the Queen, have you always seen me as your prince rather than a king?? Do you even remember my name?" The last question was meant to be a cold joke, but when he saw Vanessa's widened eyes as she covered her mouth with her claws, she wasn't fooling around.
"You...You really have no idea who I am…" He numbly said as he bowed his head down, he realized that there was truly no hope to save what was left. He didn't hear Vanessa's efforts to comfort him as she tried to get closer to him, she kept calling him as "Her Prince" and at times "Her King" as if that can make him feel better. Robin looked up at her tear-stained face, she felt truly sorry for what she had done and repeatedly asked for his forgiveness. Suddenly, there was a soft low chuckling from the Prince as he kept his head down but his body shook with the sound. Vanessa jolted back when Robin's soft chuckle turned into a full-blown hearty cackle, she had found his "normal" laugh unnerving. He laughed extremely hard that tears streamed down his cheek, just the sight of her Prince in utter despair made Vanessa's heart ache.
Robin calmed his laughter and wiped off his tears, he looked at his now-former lover with an unsettling calm smile before turning to exit the room. Vanessa followed him to the manor's main door, wondering where he was going to. "My Prince…?" Robin ignored her again when she asked quietly, as he then opened the doors. Heavy gusts of icy winds blew directly at his face and he remained apathetic, it was when he took one step out the door did Vanessa had started to panic. She grabbed his arm tightly, "Don't leave!!! Please don't!!" She had begged him to reconsider, but she looked up and saw his piercing gold eyes one last time, glaring directly at her soul...silent with concealed rage, a growl before a bite.
She fearfully lets go of his arm and watches him shakingly walk through the snowy storms, away from what was once their home. He crossed his arms close to his chest to retain his remaining warmth and kept his small smile despite the warm tears continuing to fall to the snow. He didn't stop when the winds had gotten worse, or when he heard his Vanessa roar in self-loathing, followed by a big bang from the manor doors closing. He doesn't want to stop just yet, he knows when to stop when he gets there.
It was a miracle that her frost curse didn't reach the forest, it remained untouched with the sound of crickets and the calm rustling of the leaves. Robin felt serene and looked up at the sky, thankful to see the stars one last time. He knelt down and rested his body on a patch of dirt and grass, ready to join the restless nature and those whose lives were snuffed out. But yet, he had a small thought, 'If only I had lived longer...What can I do if I remain free...after all this time…?' He chuckled to himself breathlessly before...
A masked soul wandered around the forest as they tried to look for their friends, they were fine with the fact that the forest wasn't covered in spikes of ice or blocks of snow. But they didn't expect the inmost part of it to be in flames, they almost surrounded the soul, it wasn't scared yet they felt like they were watched, so they felt paranoid instead. They turned back to where they entered from, only for a wall of fire to appear, trapping the soul inside, now they are aware that someone or something knew of their trespassing. Then a pair of gold eyes appeared in front of the soul through the fire along with a wide eerie smile that made the soul freeze in their place. The next thing the soul knows is darkness, shades of amethyst and violet surround their vision, they shake in fear as they start to see snake-like phantoms from a distance, who watch the soul with blank glowing eyes. The masked soul was no longer in the forest but in a supernatural plane where the ground is not visible and the exit above is non-existent.
A dark rumbling voice spoke out, "Why, hello there~ Are you lost, young one?~" he said with a low purr from behind the soul, who turned and met the yellow glowing eyes of a dark apparition who towered over them. The eyes behind the soul's mask shrink and cower because of the apparition's wicked smile. "Now do not fret. I too was lost, but I don't want to be found...or else, I would get hungry~" He remarked with a dark chuckle, eyeing the small soul with a tinge of hunger, scaring them more. 'Poor thing...they can't remember how they got lost…~' He thought before getting an idea, "I'll tell you what. I am in need of souls to build a little place where you can feel safe from the cold. I had witnessed the Queen's powers and how it damaged my forest...Safe to say, I was more than furious." He stated while extending a boneless arm. The masked soul looked at him confused and watched his clawed hand get set ablaze with blue flames, only to disappear and be replaced with a rolled-up scroll. The taller ghost leaned to the soul and rolled out the scroll, letting the lost soul read it. "As written in this piece of paper: I would need your lost friends as well, and I would make each one of you all a body so that we'll start making a place you'll call 'home'... Do we have a deal?~" The ghost asked the soul as his eyes and grin glow together.
Notes: I am working on an AHIT AU fanfic series, but I want to show you how I am as a writer because I enjoy making stories as much as I like to doodle a lot. I headcanon the Prince's name as "Robin", just in case you're wondering why he's not named "Lukas". So this is basically a surprise quick story before setting the stage. If you want to find me, I'm on Ao3 , Twitter, DA and YouTube.So please, leave your thoughts on this fanfic and not half-a!@ed insults/compliments. -Giftbox
P.S. I also headcanon that Prince Robin would later learn Flower language as an indirect way of expressing his true feelings when he became The Snatcher. Hence, the title.
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bryan360 · 4 years
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Hey guys. You know something that I keep my wired/wireless headphones after my thoughts or using them was good, but thinking I could've testing them to see which of my headphone sets is better to hear in good quality; whether using the tablet to listen to music/videos through YouTube or playing games on my Nintendo Switch. So today, I'm showing off my three headphones to bring my thoughts of which one is better for it's audio quality to listen and some details that I happen to write down on from yesterday; just in case. It'll be for my P-Pal @murumokirby360 as I promised to since we talk through in message months ago. Hoping I can get it right to deliver this. Without further ado, let's get into my thoughts about my three headphones and it's audio quality.
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Brookstone Wired Car Ear Headphones
This one I obtain back in Nov. 7th, 2017 is the most huge headphone that it created; if you counted the cat ear speakers reached on top and hard to get around while sitting the car seat in front. ^^* It's branded by Brookstone Store and to other products that I would check it out later. For it weight (that I look through Amazon.com's info) was 2.49 pounds and inches of 10.04 x 6.69 x 3.15. I don't know what is which of inches, but guessing it was like that. Also if I remember that it included the detachable mic to communicate to everyone, detachable cable to plug in as well, and turning on LED lights and speakers by buttons, but only will lasted up to 5 hours til it needs recharge again. Now for the audio quality that I tested out was pretty great actually when I turned up the volume high for my tablets and my Nintendo Switch. So when I checked on Amazon.com to look on more info. I discover for it's frequency response was 20Hz-20KHz, 32 Ohm impedance, and 40mm drivers. Whatever it was, it was a good one when I'm using this headphone that has a great audio quality and helps to block background noises from what family doing. The cat ear speakers work great as well that had a same frequency response numbers, but difference of 4 Ohm impedance and 32mm drivers.
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JBL T450BT Wireless On-Ear Headphones
My first bluetooth wireless headphones that my mom give me since back in June 15th, 2018 really works of how it easy to flat folding to put on pocket on pants. It's a really fitting headphone that weights 5 ounces and inches of 1.81 x 8.54 x 7.17. The paddlings is soft yet small to compare from my Brookstone headphone. It's feels nice for my ears though while wearing it and listen to music about 11 hours til powered down; after that I had to charge it up for 1 to 2 hours with USB cable. Now for the audio quality with being good of 80 frequency response, 18,000 Hz and Impendance, and 16 ohms that I look through Amazon.com's info. The audio quality was good, but almost to blocking any background noises nonetheless.
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Vivitar Lvl Up Pro Gaming Headset
Lasty since August 31st of this year, my mom give me a surprise gift for me that it'll do works on Nintendo Switch/Xbox One/PC as a gaming headset. I know about this third headphone gaming set that I already covered from my previous Tumblr Post (Link Here) However, I was curious about it's frequency response or it's weight that I tried to look up through Google searches, but hard to find. So I'm picking that it had almost weight and inches from my Brookstone Headphone, but at least lighter to carry around and while sitting in the front seat car. The sound quatily was good, but not enough to block off some background noises whether using my tablets or playing on my Nintendo Switch. On the upside, I happen to test the foldable mic part by going to mictests.com. (Link Here) It really works when I testing saying "Hello." Wonder if it works for my Brookstone headphone? I could saved it for another time soon.
The results was good for my headphone's audio quality, but I'm definitely go for my Brookstone Headphone Set of how it handle well for it's frequency response, the padding design that fits my ears, and addition of cat ear speakers that it's good to use on parties, but not inside of familie's home sometimes. ^^* Although it had some misses like for example it supposed to light up LED Lights on four parts, but for mine was kinda broken that it now light up just one on the left side headphone. Bummer is that I didn't know how to fix it up....<=(
Nevertheless, I can still using my Brookstone Headphone for my tablets and Nintendo Switch as long if it last to hold; Otherwise I could get another one eventually. At least I got other two headphone that are still working to use, especially with my wireless bluetooth that I'm only to bring while sitting through my mom's car or at my program's bus. Hope you'll like my thoughts about my three headphones that I already test it out for it's audio quality and details. =)
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winecross8 · 4 years
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How often can you do Cryolipolysis?
More than one session may be needed to achieve a person's desired results. If more than one treatment sessions is needed, the next session can't be performed until 6 to 8 weeks after the first session. what's new in lipo-sculpt's Coolsculpt Lancashire is because it can take this long for damaged fat cells to be eliminated from the body.
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eves-library · 5 years
Lost & Found // Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You lost your agenda in the morning rush, where you kept not only your work life organized but also your personal, with random thoughts, poems, and quotes spread here and there. A certain super soldier founds it and when he tried to look for any information that could lead him to its rightful owner he can’t help his eyes as they wonder just a little through the small notebook.
Word Count: 2443 
Warnings: None
A/N: Finally!! I finally have something to post. I’m so sorry for the delay but I do have a small surprise for this month. Now, this is my first time posting for Bucky Barnes and I hope you guys liked it! You were sat at your favorite spot inside your favorite coffee. Every day you woke up thirty minutes earlier so you could come in here, have a cup of coffee and read the book you were currently reading. It was a little routine you set on yourself so you could get a moment of peace before you head to your hectic job. You loved your job, however, you knew if you didn’t do this you would probably go crazy. You are the PA to one of the most important editors in New York City, aspiring to soon be one too. Today was different though. Today your alarm didn’t go off on time, nevertheless, you managed to get to the coffee shop to still enjoy your morning coffee. Sadly you didn’t have time enough to read much of your book, so instead, you took out your agenda so you could at least have an early start to your day at the office.
You knew that with all the new technology you could easily maneuver your office and personal life with either your phone or tablet, but you were old school. You prefer to write everything down on paper, it helps your ideas flow easily and it had a soothing effect on you. You looked at the time on the wall of the coffee shop and saw that you still got 10 more minutes to enjoy your coffee. You look through the chores and pending topics for the day when suddenly your phone started ringing, startling you. You picked up a little confused to see the name of your boss lighting the screen. Apparently, she had arrived earlier to the office and realized that three manuscripts that were meant to be delivered three days ago, were missing. She needed you to get as soon as possible to the office so you could help her not only fix the problem a clumsy messenger had caused but also rearrange the day as most of the appointments for the day will be either postponed or canceled until this problem was fixed. 
“Sure thing Sarah, I’m already on my way, I’ll be there soon.” You hurriedly answered at the same time you got up from your sit. With one hand you grabbed your pen and agenda while you hold the phone between your ear and shoulder as you grab the cup of coffee with your now free hand. You needed one more shot of caffeine in your system before getting to work, on what promised to be a crazy and stressful day. As you set the cup down on the table again you grabbed your coat and bag letting your phone drop inside the last one, without looking up you quickly turned around, not noticing the figure behind you. You crashed right into the person, everything that was being held in your hands went flying as you tried not to fall face-first into the floor. 
The person you crashed into had reflexes good enough so only a small bit of his drink got spilled on their hand at the same time they used their other hand to hold one of your forearms so you could regain your balance and not crash into the floor next. You let out a small squeak and you could already feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment. Once you completely regained your balance you looked up to find icy blue eyes already looking right back at you. “Are you okay, miss?” asked the man who was still holding your forearm a small frown of concern on his face. You shook your head bringing yourself out of your stupor, answering back. “Yeah, thank you so much. I am so sorry for bumping into you. I was in a rush and didn’t look up…” You were cut off by an amused chuckle and the sake of his head. “It is okay, miss. there was no harm done, but I do think you would like to get your stuff from the floor.” He said, a small smile present still on his face and the tilt of his head to the direction your things went flying to, you let out a small “Oh god” and he let go of your arm as you went to kneel so you could get your stuff. 
Your cheeks got a darker shade of red as you gathered most of your things, the kind stranger helping you out with stuff more out of reach from your current position. As embarrassment overtook you once again you messily drop everything on your bag not really making a double-check. You got up and accidentally stood a little closer to the stranger. You wanted to bolt so you hurriedly say, ”Again, I’m really sorry for almost running you over.” and then you make a sprint for the exit. 
You made it outside and quickly caught a taxi, your office was just a few blocks away, however, with the time you lost you decided to pay a few bucks to get there as soon as possible. In the end, you still got a long day at work waiting for you. 
Bucky watched as you run out of the coffee shop and got into a taxi. He was amused by you, by how embarrassed you seemed. As the car drove away, he realized he was in the middle of the coffee shop, and he decided to get out of there. He still got a meeting to get too and he was in no mood get his ear chewed off by Tony about the importance of punctuality. He started to move towards the door but his shoe kicked something on the floor and his sight moved downwards, finding an agenda lying on the floor. He quickly picked it up and made his way out of the coffee shop. It was obvious the agenda belonged to the girl that crashed into him a few minutes ago. Neither of them had noticed the agenda laying on the floor and now the girl was gone. Bucky decided he would take it with him and find a way to give it back. 
Once he was back at the compound he made his way to the conference room where Tony had summoned the team. Cup in one hand and agenda in the other he took a seat next to Sam. “Hey man, I swore you were going to be late again,” Sam said with a chuckle and Bucky chuckled back and shook his head. “Sure, as if I wanted to die from annoyment. Tony wouldn’t let me live this one out, you know what this is about?” He set the agenda next to his cup of coffee and that caught Sam’s attention. “No idea man…” Sam said distractedly and turn the agenda so he could get a better look. Bucky soon set a hand on top of it in hopes to take it away from Sam, but he realized his mistake too late. “I didn’t know you used an agenda Bucky,” Sam said with a small amused grin on his face.
Bucky sighed and decided to be straight forward. “It’s not mine, birdman. A girl in the coffee shop dropped it, I’m going to give it back.”
Sam hummed before speaking. “A girl, uh” he had a cheeky grin and he took the agenda from Bucky. Bucky sighed and try to get the agenda back which caused Sam to stand up, catching the attention of some of the other avengers that were already in the room. Bucky stood up too and just like kids he started to chaise Sam around the room. Sam had opened the agenda to the first page and read aloud, “Property of Y/F/N Y/LN, apparently, she works at BOOKS & MORE the publishing house.” 
“Who works there?” Tony finally asked. “Bucky’s girl,” Sam said giving the agenda back to Bucky. “Bucky’s got a girl?” Natasha asked and Steve shook his head by her side, “Thought you would tell me first Buck, not Sam.” Bucky groaned and took a seat again. “She’s not my girl, she bumped into me at the coffee shop and drop it, she left it behind. I’m just gonna give it back.” 
“Is she cute?” Nat asked to which Bucky answered “None of your business.” looking directly at Nat’s eyes. A grin appeared on her face and softly answered back, “Oh, she is.” Bucky rolled his eyes and turned to look back at Tony. “Didn’t you have something to tell us?” Tony clapped his hands and loudly spoke, “Yes! We have important matters to discuss. Barnes, you should ask the girl out when you give back her agenda,” he said pointedly before continuing. 
The matter seemed forgotten as the meeting began, however, Steve and Natasha stole a few glances in Bucky’s direction and saw that after a few minutes he opened the agenda and started going through it. He couldn’t care less about what Tony was talking about, as soon as the word “party” had left his lips Bucky zoned out and focused his attention on the agenda. He found appointments are written down, or little notes like “Buy milk and eggs” he also found small notes with quotes, mostly written on the margins and there was one that caught his attention, “The beauty of winter captures my soul, wild and ragging, belovingly cold.” -C.C. Bucky was intrigued by the girl from the moment she bumped into him, and he thought maybe Tony’s idea wasn’t so crazy after all.
You woked up early, your sore limbs screaming at you to stay in bed but you had a lot to do. The day before you had left your agenda in the coffee shop and didn’t realize your mistake until you were heading to your boss’s office and couldn’t find it. You panicked for a solid five minutes before you got your ideas straight, and headed to your desk. From the top drawer, you took out your tablet a notebook and a new pen. You always had a backup in the calendar app from your tablet in case anything like this happened and even though you had been able to help your boss save the day it had been exhausting, you only took 20 minutes for lunch and had gotten out of the office around 10 p.m. You certainly needed an extra rest but first you needed to get your agenda back. This is the reason you were at the coffee shop 40 minutes earlier instead of 30 as it was your habit. 
The coffee shop was fairly empty as it had just opened 20 minutes ago. You stood in front of the counter and tell the barista your order, once he had charged you, you finally asked if yesterday someone had given them your agenda as you had forgotten it here and really needed it back. The barista said he didn’t know anything about it but he would check in the back and ask his coworkers. It took him five minutes but sadly they didn’t have your agenda on their power and said nobody knew about it, he gave you your cup of coffee and assure you that whoever had found it would soon contact you to give it back. You sighed and turned around almost bumping into the figure standing behind you. “Great Y/N run over someone, again.” You thought. “I’m so sorry.” You said trying to just move to the side but the stranger’s hand stopped you and you looked up at the same time he said your name. “Y/F/N Y/LN?” You saw the same stranger from the day before and your cheeks heat up. “ Oh god, I swear it wasn’t my intention to…,” You stop your sentence when you realized he had said your full name, and as much as your mind had block your embarrassing encounter from the day before you do recall you had never introduced yourself. “How do you know my name?” You took a step back and furrow your eyebrows. A look of realization crossed Bucky’s face at how him approaching you like that must look, so he took a small step back himself and held his hands up. “I found this yesterday after you ran off, I just thought you would want it back?” he took out your agenda from the pocket of his coat and relief washed over you. You stepped forward once again and took it from him. “Oh my god! Yes!” Bucky smiled at your excitement. 
“It was on the floor but you left on a hurry, I saw your name on the information section and wanted to call you and let you know I had it, but my day was crazy busy so I thought I could just drop by here and hope you would come by,” Bucky explained “I’m Bucky Barnes.” he extended his hand and you shooked it. “Thank you very much Bucky, you have no idea how you saved me. Can I buy you a coffee as a mean to thank you” You asked and Bucky nodded.
 You were seated next to Bucky on one of the tables and you had been chatting for about 20 minutes now. You needed to get going soon even if you didn’t want to. “I know I already said this, but thank you for giving my agenda back, you saved me a lot of trouble.” Bucky smiled. “It’s okay doll, it is what anyone would’ve done.” He looked down with a small shy smile on his face, he shook the nerves out of his system and spoke again. “Y/N I liked having this coffee morning with you, and I know this may sound weird, but I accidentally saw you have free time today at 7:30, think I can convince you to have dinner with me?” 
You felt your heart skip a beat and a grin draw itself on your face. “Accidentally, uh?” You questioned and Bucky chuckled, “Okay so maybe not completely accidentally but I do would love to have dinner with you.” Your smile widened and you nodded. “I would love to have dinner with you too Bucky, want me to give you the address of my office building or you have that already sorted out too?” You asked teasingly. Bucky chuckled once again and grabbed a napkin and the pen tucked inside your agenda, dragging them closer to you “I’ll pick you up at 7:30 then Y/N.” 
You quickly scribbled the address and soon after said your goodbyes. You never thought that by losing your agenda you will get a date with a charming stranger.
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jojparasol · 5 years
storms [part three to silver springs]
Ah, it’s finally here! I apologise for not posting in such a long time but here it is. The final part. As usual, it’s a Fleetwood Mac song. I’d like to thank everyone who has read all the other parts x
Part one , Part two
The one where Y/N is getting back up on her feet but then they meet again.
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: swearing and angst??
Y/N had to admit, life’s quite alright. She felt like she was free with no sort of worries on her shoulder, staying at home with no care in the world. So when her friend invited her to lunch, she happily obliged, getting out of the usual scenery of her cosy apartment. It was refreshing, to say the most. But once Y/N had finally gone out to see the outside world, she realised how much she preferred a familiar view rather than a crowded one. 
So when a few hours drifted away, Y/N waved her goodbyes to Brielle, clutching onto her handbag under her armpit as she ambled in the other direction. Her small heels made a slight clicking sound against the hard concrete floor as she adjusted her sunglasses on the bridge of her nose. She cursed slightly at how far she parked because the restaurant Brielle insisted on was quite the tourist attraction with quirky drinks and mouth-watering food. Hearing a ding from her phone, Y/N couldn’t help but pull it out. Now, she knows it’s a little dangerous to walk on the streets with her head in her phone and quite annoying to any passerby but to her defence, it would be the quickest glimpse.   
But of course, it was dangerous. And she learnt her lesson when she bumped into something and with the sudden startle, her phone left her hand as the sound of it kissing the ground ringed through her ears. 
“Holy shit.” 
Taking off her sunglasses to get a clear vision, she looked up and frowned at the all too familiar face.
“Always told you to look where you’re goin’.” Harry chuckled, running a hand through his hair as she stepped back, leaving a generous amount of space between Harry, the phone and her. 
She let out a heavy breath, shaking her head in disbelief at fate as she bent her knees to pick up her phone, examining the now cracked screen. “Fuck.” 
Y/N pulled the sleeve of her cream sweater with her fingers, covering the palm of her hand so she could rub circles around the black screen. Harry watched in amusement at the whole situation, thanking his luck that he got to see her again. He took advantage of being able to note every single detail on the way she looked today since Y/N was too distracting in testing if her phone works or not. 
Harry realised she had her hair curled a little more than usual and got a small trim. She was wearing makeup but it wasn’t much - only gloss and blush. She also looked a little taller, considering that she had replaced her old Nike shoes with a beige strapped heel. But other than that, she didn’t change much. She still looked just as gorgeous as before, maybe even more. 
“I could pay for it if you want,” he offered, shoving his hands in the back pockets of his jeans as she glanced back up, her eyebrows knitted together as if he had just said something offensive. 
“Course you could,” she remarked, a hint of anger lacing in her voice as she caressed the small cracks on her phone.   
“Y/N…” He trailed off, sighing at the fact that she was clearly bothered by his seemingly nice gesture. 
Shaking her head, she realised her attitude so she snapped herself back to reality, shoving her phone and sunglasses into her unzipped handbag. Finally focusing her attention back to the man in front of her, she admitted that damn, did he look good as if nothing’s changed. 
“Don’t worry about it. Do you want to move over to the side, y’know where no one’s at?” Y/N pointed to her left, a little walk down and there was a closed shop patio that held an empty spot away from the moving crowds since she didn’t know how long the conversation would last. Y/N always knew to be cautious with Harry out in public which he was grateful for. Nodding his head, they ambled towards the designated area. 
“So how have you been?” She painted a small smile on her face, facing her body towards him where she could also peer at the footpath where everyone else was. His figure was faced her instead, so no one would know who she was talking to. 
“I’ve been well,” he answered, nodding his head. “Started writing more songs for the upcoming album. What about you?” 
Y/N nodded along. “Yeah, haven’t been doing much but it’s been alright.” Something in the back of her mind refrained her to ask about Delilah. She didn’t know if she was ready to but deep down, she needed an answer. “Anything else going on?”   
Her hint was taken well as Harry cleared his throat. “She said yes.” No, she didn’t. He’s been lying straight to her face. Whenever he picked up his notebook, all his lyrics were scribbled out. And Delilah did the opposite of saying yes. He didn’t know how his voice managed to pull through his ongoing lies, but he was used to it by now.   
Y/N shifted her body to one side, her shoulder tensing as her eyes dropped to gaze at the concrete floor, her view filled with her pointed heels and Harry’s worn-out shoes that she’s also worn countless times before. She could feel her heart pulsing out her chest, the driven pounds laced to her brain. All her feelings ran back to her body and she almost forgot why she ever left him. 
Glancing back up, she bit the inside of her mouth before a small parting between her lips created a whiff of breath before she spoke up, her voice like a delicate whisper. “Congrats." 
Harry’s lip stretched into a modest smile before taking a deep breath. He knew he wanted to see her again. God, it was refreshing to see her again. To Harry, it didn’t seem like that night happened. She was still Y/N. His best friend, Y/N. “Do you need a ride?” He asked, attempting to make his time with her long and worthwhile. Even if it meant asking stupid questions, it still meant that he’d be with her for just an extra second.   
“My car’s right there.” She shook her head, pointing behind him were a few blocks down, her car was parked. Although they couldn’t see, it was self-explanatory. Harry followed her direction, turning his head, nodding as he realised he had probably strolled past the little black vehicle without notice. Y/N decided to skim through her handbag, attempting to find her car keys with a hum to occupy the silence. “Besides, don’t you have other plans?”  
Successfully finding the keys with a metallic jingle, she laced it around her index finger as Harry shook his head. 
“No, was jus’ taking m’ daily stroll.” Lies. Lies. Lies. He could feel his phone vibrate in his back pocket, probably from all the ongoing texts from Jeff because Harry was supposed to meet him at the studio. 
Y/N thought his answer was odd considering the fact that Harry never takes morning strolls after 9am and he wouldn’t ‘stroll’, he runs. Nevertheless, she ignored it. 
“Do you want to come over?” He thought he would’ve regretted asking her but he took his chances. He asked her because he missed her. He really did. She was finally in front of him and it wasn’t just his imagination. It was her. His y/n. Her whole physical being and all he wanted to do was devour himself into her presence before she disappears for probably even longer than the dreadful three months. 
A breathy laugh emitted from Y/N, she almost found the idea ridiculous. She’s been going alright without him but at the same time, although it was ridiculous, she could also see herself easily accepting it.   
“I don’t think that’s a very good idea, Harry,” she denies, trying to shut him down before she has the urge to drop down on her knees and hail before him. It was useless, spending endless days building up all her walls before torn down by the same man. 
“C’mon, Y/N. Doesn’t have to be too long. ‘avent seen you in ages,” he almost begs, he was almost scared that she would vanish in the warm, humid air. He hadn’t seen her enough. Only a few hours would satisfy him. He reached out to touch her hand, holding on to it.   
“There’s a reason why you haven’t,” she grits the words between her teeth, feeling herself being tugged towards him but she left his hand there.   
“Jus’ this one time.” He stared at her right in her blurry eyes, trying to speak through his gaze, adjuring her to say yes. For one last time. 
And Y/N received his feelings well. Almost perceiving that he was looking straight into her soul and Harry knew her weaknesses. He knew she would say yes. She convinced herself that it would only be for a few hours. Maybe a small chat here and there to sort whatever they had left - if they even had anything left. 
Then her walls were officially knocked down with a simple nod of her head. At least she can say she tried.   
The sound of Harry’s keys jingling as he unlocked the apartment filled her ears as she stepped back into a haunted memory. They had obviously driven in separate cars since she didn’t want to leave her’s out in the street. The apartment didn’t seem too different, it still had the homey feel to it. But from the truth, Harry didn’t want to do anything that would remove her out of his life so he didn’t bother decorating his apartment like most people do. 
“Where is she?” Y/N didn’t dare to say her name as if it was an unbounded curse surrounded by rose thorn bushes. 
“Not here,” he replied simply as she welcomed herself onto the couch. She felt uncomfortable, knowing everything that happened in this place - she didn’t belong here anymore. Her eyes settled upon his guitar in the corner of the living room and she had a sudden rush of flashbacks. But it was all too quick when Harry interrupted her. 
“Apple juice?” He offered, knowing well that he had a carton in the fridge and that she’d prefer that beverage over coffee or tea. 
“If you have any.” She seems distracted, observing the room like she had just discovered a new area. Like this place wasn’t familiar anymore.   
“‘f course I do,” he mumbled under his breath, strolling towards the kitchen to grab her a glass. To her luck, she had heard him but didn’t react, only pursing her lips. Heck, she wouldn’t even have known how to react if he knew she heard. 
A few minutes pass before Harry comes back to the living room with a cup of apple juice gripped in his hand as he takes a seat next to Y/N who watched attentively. With a quiet thanks, she brings the glass to her lips, taking a small sip before setting it down on the coffee table in front of them. 
Placing her hands on her lap, she didn’t know what else to do. What if Delilah walks in? What if she sees her car outside? What if- 
Her thoughts cracked when a pair of lips crashed onto hers. And it was an instinct to kiss back. God, she was finally able to feel the warmth of his soft lips upon hers and the second she kissed back, she felt him smile. But as he did so, she was quick to pull away. Their breaths were uneven, she was still close to the point where he could feel her breath fan against his lips.   
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” She stared into his deep eyes, almost feeling herself sinking into him. But when he didn’t answer, she gave up. Bringing herself back to his lips, he happily obliged. They missed this feeling. Both of them missed the way their mouths moulded together perfectly.   
Before they knew it, they were breathless. So Y/N was the first to pull back again. God, she knew she was back to falling in love with him again. 
“I missed you so fucking much,” he breathed out, swallowing his thoughts. 
“Delilah should be home soon right?” Reality drowned her. She realised that he still didn’t love her the way she could. It was all just ‘I miss you.’ Not ‘I love you.’ Why was she expecting him to say ‘I love you’ after that kiss? 
“Why am I here?” She ignored him again. She didn’t know if she was asking Harry or herself. What did she expect when coming over to Harry’s? Clearly whatever it was didn’t happen. Maybe she wanted him to really confess. After three months, she thought he would’ve. Or maybe she thought they’d run the same route to bed.  At least he could’ve said something worth coming to. 
“Cause I missed you,” he choked, knowing she was slipping from his hands unlike before. 
She shook her head, knowing that when she kissed him, she expected more. “You and I both know that. There’s more to this than ‘I miss you.’” He could tell her softness started fading away, she was testing the waters. 
Harry never really liked the way Y/N always searched for an answer to things, she was always persistent. Well, he liked it when he questioned others because he would always observe how she could crack them easily. Until she tried figuring out Harry. He finally knew what it was like to be the victim of her limelight. And from then on, any questions thrown at him would only result in her winning.   
After a year with broken heartstrings, it seemed like a lifetime's past. And Y/N couldn’t deal with the road that Harry tried paving for them when they were best friends because her love seemed to shatter everything they had. She never really dealt with Harry well. But when Y/N gathered her courage, it was his turn to break - and with that, it leads to the infamous night that haunted both parties. 
“Why am I here? I mean, I said my goodbyes already. I left you with something more than you deserve,” she continued, watching as he remained emotionless. “You miss me but god forbid, do you love me? Cause that’s why I'm here, right? You kissed me and maybe then I thought there was a reason to why I’m here with you right now. But I don’t know anymore. Tell me why I’m here Harry." In that instant, it became frail. Her voice becoming a deadly call to Harry’s heart. 
“No. Y/N, you know I love Delilah,” he finally spoke, managing to show no sort of emotion. He was good at that. 
“Fuck. Then why am I here?” She cried out, her frustration ripping at the seams. Her faith crushed into tiny pieces that she couldn’t pick up anymore.   
“I don’t fucking know.” Yes, he did. 
What broke her was when she finally took a good look at Harry, he almost seemed fine. Like he was not being affected at all by Y/N crashing right in front of him. He wasn’t bothered. 
“This one time, Harry. This one time wasted.” She pointed a finger, standing up as her knees felt weak. But she held up her pride, standing strong as she swaggered towards the closed door. Her instincts told her to take one more glimpse before she once again, disappears but she fought herself, cursing that she needed to not be the weak one here. 
Harry seemed to be frozen in time. He couldn’t process anything. All he did was watch Y/N but the thing was, he couldn’t seem to move. Inside, he was practically screaming at himself to stop her - stop her before she walks out forever. 
“Please,” he gasped out just as she opens the door to be greeted with a breath of fresh air. “You’re here because we both feel something,” he admitted to her and himself as he realised she had stopped in her tracks, waiting for Harry to answer her. “God, Y/N. I’ve heard that door slam shut way too many times. Someone’s always walking out of that door. They’re walking out of that door and out of my life. Please don’t, I can’t let you leave. Not again."  
Turning around, her heart already broken but it felt like it was clinging on as if there was one last hope. She wanted him to continue so she stood there with her arms crossed, protecting the leftover pieces of her heart as he recollected himself, putting the puzzle pieces into the right words. 
“Delilah said no. She knew there was something wrong with me since I ignored 'er for months with no end. I had to ignore her when all I could think of was you. Heck, ‘verything reminded me of you. You’re hauntin’ me and I know if I don’t admit what I’m feeling, you’ll follow me to my grave." 
Y/N stayed still, containing all her overwhelming emotions in one sport before they spread like wildfire. She felt conflicted. Part of her loved him but there was still that over-consuming thought that she was better than him. After all the shit she’s been through, was there really anything worth it? 
“So after all those times ‘ve asked you with the highest hope that you love me back, you lied?" 
Harry knew lying always created a mess. His mother would always tell him with a disapproving finger that ‘lies brew up the perfect storm.’ And as simple as it sounds, he realised that Y/N and him were a storm - the perfect one. 
The storm that would gather the darkest clouds to form the brightest strike of lighting. The storm that would hurt anything with its blinding flash. The storm that thunders against the ground, rain washing everything clean. The storm that Harry would use to hide from, his fingers covering his ears because his five-year-old self couldn’t handle it. The storm that Y/N would sometimes flinch at, even today. They were a storm. 
“’m sorry. I’m fucking sorry about everything. Delilah was there to fill some void that was left and to you and the world, we were a couple but it was nothin'. When you told me you loved me, I couldn’t bring m'self to say anythin' and I don’t know why. Bloody hell, I don’t know what 've been doing at all. But one thing’s for sure, I love you Y/N and I’m so sorry for everything. God, please let me make it up to you." 
It’s almost like everything’s been a joke to Y/N. Like this whole thing’s been wheeling her into a roundabout of lies and knives. She almost wanted to laugh, finding everything humorous. Like all the excruciating pain she suffered through was for nothing. And the sad thing was, Harry watched her. Watched her fall under him, for him to simply knock her down. 
“After all I’ve been through. Jesus Christ, it’s like whatever I’m getting at the end of this battle is not worth it because every night you broke my heart. Your ‘I love you too,’ doesn’t seem real, nor does it seem enough. I’m done, H.” 
And Harry had this feeling where he knew that it was the final straw. He was gonna lose her for good. He knew that their storm could’ve turned into a rainbow. But he knew he wouldn’t be to see it. At least one things for sure, Harry would be waiting on the other side. But Y/N loved him from the start, just not till the end. 
With a shut of the door, he was left alone. Their broken hearts became heavy. Their rose garden dreams were set on fire by fiends. And not all the prayers in the world could save them.
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