#I played with the kittens while Katya was out.
movingpawns · 5 months
We haven’t done much yet.
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jarofstyles · 4 years
Fan Club VI
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A/N: After the emotional turmoil part 5 caused, here is some sweet sweet redemption from Mr. Styles. One part left to go after this!! - n + d
send feedback and requests here
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warnings: smut, drug use (weed)
word count: 15k
It was good. The whole thing was going spectacularly well and Harry couldn’t be happier. Y/N had gotten him out of his shell a little bit and while it had only been a little while, he was adjusting very well with being with Y/N for real. In fact, he got quite clingy. He was nearing in on thinking he may love her. His Aquarius side made him double back and check but every sign was there. So he made an effort to do much more than what was asked of them. He had her over a lot, and visited her at the bakery nearly every morning for coffee, and he texted her all the time. Enough that she had gotten scolded at work about it. 
‘Hi, kitten. Can you come out with me for lunch? Casual. Just miss you. Xxxxxx’ 
Harry wanted to see her for both of their lunch hours. It was something he really was trying to do right by them. Make time for them even in the most hectic stages.
Y/N was nearing her break time, fully ready to go and grab something to eat. It was quite slow today, so she had been catching up on preparing dough to freeze. Now that she was officially dating Harry the bakery actually saw a lot more customers. They often had to bake off more goods throughout the day, which never used to happen. If there were any fans that came in, they didn’t act like they were. Her phone vibrated in her apron and she smiled, seeing as Harry had asked her out for lunch. Katya didn’t mind letting Y/N go out during her work day if it was to see Harry, she knew he was a busy man and that later in the year she wouldn’t see him much at all. 
‘hi bunny, where abouts shall I meet you? 🥰’
‘Little cafe a few streets over. I’ll meet you there.’
She had never been happier. Y/N let herself go completely with Harry, everyone had noticed how much cheerier she has gotten since being with him. Also the regular sex helped. “I’m going for my lunch. Meeting Harry nearby, so... I’ll be back in an hour or so? Text me if there’s a rush.”
Harry was beyond excited. It was the neediest he had ever felt in a relationship, if he was being truthful. Y/N took it all in stride but he would get Whiny when she couldn’t stay the night, or always asked for one more kiss. It was most likely because he was finally comfortable around her. Vulnerable. He was okay with pouting and hugging at her and she took it all with a wide smile on his face. And now that his mother and sister knew they were really dating, they were dying to get to know her. He had gotten a few texts that they’d followed her Instagram, which had amassed half a million followers. In branding terms, it was one of the most successful relationships in PR. It was real now though. Harry was going to insist she take the money for it because she had to deal with him, even if she didn’t use it on herself. He pulled in and got them a table near the back, waiting patiently for his girl to come in. He missed her and it had only been a few hours since he’d come in for coffee. Of course the bakery staff loved when he came in, because he tipped heavily and gave high praises.
A short five minutes later Y/N had made it to the cafe, spotting Harry near the back as he often tended to do. She had seen him earlier, but she really couldn’t help but mentally comment on how cute he looked. Be it the fan in her piping up. Y/N smiled one of her wide smiles at him, jogging a little to him with open arms as she got closer to him. 
“Hi baby.” She cooed, hugging him before pecking his lips softly. “How’s your day been so far?” 
“My, sweet girl.” Harry sighed. It was a relief to feel her back in his arms. It was a bit embarrassing how much Harry worried about her. It was sad because there had been 2 times he would panic and she would call him back and promise she was okay, she was showering or driving. But now that he had a person he cared this much about, it was overwhelming. It was like once he let go of that fear a bit, the emotion flowed in very quickly and absorbed into his brain. Harry loved it though, really did like how he felt so much for her. She looked utterly adorable in a rainbow striped shirt and some cuffed jeans, and it made him want to coo. “Look so cute.” He sighed, squeezing her hip before helping her sit. It wasn’t needed but he wanted to. It had been a long day so he had gone casual. 
Y/N was a smiley mess when she was with him, she swore he’d give her premature wrinkles on her baby face if he kept at it. “thank you, so do you... that shirt makes your chest look good.” She commented on his outfit, genuinely enjoying the sight. She liked his casual attire.
“S’been okay. Went to the gym and then down for album clean up. You know how it’s been lately.” Hectic. “Wanted to bring you with me to the studio tomorrow, actually. If that works. I want you to hear a few songs.” 
“You want me to come with you?” Y/N said excitedly. “Tomorrow? Yeah I can do.” Y/N nodded, knowing she kept all of her days off free for him. “I’ll go home real quick after work and grab some things and I’ll come over.” She nodded, knowing he’d want to see her tonight because he was being extra needy. Y/N looked over the menu, finding something she was in the mood for. “Is it weird to have pasta for lunch? Cause I want pasta.” She spoke half to him and half to herself. “I’m gonna get the gnocchi in the red sauce. There is tons of cheese on it.” Y/N rubbed her hands together with excitement.
“Not weird at all, baby. Don’t worry.” Harry really didn’t think Y/N could do any wrong at this point. She was lighting up his life. He hadn’t been this happy in a long time and he would do anything to keep it going. The fact she was sleeping over again was even better to him. It meant kisses and cuddles and perhaps a good round of sex. That was something else he looked forward to. It had been amazing. Something he couldn’t ever forget in his life. Harry was set for it. 
“That sounds perfect. Think m’gonna get... a veggie burger probably. Sweet potato fries. They’ve got that organic raspberry lemonade here, so I’ll get that as well.” He was on a bit of an organic kick, another reason he suggested this place. They wouldn’t talk about the dominos he ordered 4 nights ago after good sex. Nope.
Y/N smiled at how excited he was about the raspberry lemonade, he was so cute. “That sounds tasty, I’ll have one too.” She said, closing the menu and setting it to the side. Dating Harry was like a dream. He fed her well, gave her attention, fucked her good. There was nothing else she needed. He seemed happy as well and that is what was most important. 
The fans feedback was something that surprised Y/N. She tried to stay offline mainly because she had a nasty habit of reading comments. To be honest, most of them were really nice and made her smile, others were— filled with jealousy. There were a lot of comments about how they’d never seen Harry this happy and how they loved that she was a normal girl. It’s what she liked to hear really. 
“I’m actually really excited to go to the studio with you, Aw.” Y/N smiled, “it’ll be fun to see you in your element.” She was beyond excited to meet everyone on his team on the music side of things, his band mates. Y/N loved the music side of things, she would love to see how it was done.
“I just am excited to get you into all the aspects of my life.” It was weird. For how commitment-phobic Harry had been before, he was ready right now to integrate her into every part he possibly could. Weave her into any fiber and keep memories wherever he was able to get them. Maybe it was a bit of fear of losing her but, majority was just because he was truly falling for her every moment. “Everyone is very excited to meet you, my darling. Especially my mum...” He winced as she choked slightly on the provided water. They had to act casual when the waitress took their order, but he felt her eyes burning into him as skin as she left. “Babe... she called me and I couldn’t stop talking about you and how we had been hanging around a lot and s’why I haven’t called much. I told her what happened lately and now she’s been biting at me to try and get the both of you together. Gems as well.” He knew Y/N was a little intimidated by his mum and sister but there was no reason to be. They already quite liked her from what they saw. “Oh— and I dunno if you follow them but, they’ve followed your Instagram.”
His mum? Oh god. Y/N couldn’t have been more nervous now that Anne was aware of her existence, knowing what was out there on the internet. It was a natural step though, she knew Harry would want her to meet them at some point. But being a fan of Harry’s meant knowing who his family were and adding them on socials. Y/N took another sip of her drink as he told her that they followed her on Instagram, she nearly choked again. 
“They did?” Y/N asked, setting the drink down. “Of course I follow them, babe, been a fan for a long time of course I’m going to follow your mom and sister. Do you even follow me on Instagram?” She thought that was actually sweet that they had gone and followed her before having met her. Y/N knew she had nothing to be nervous about, but she was. They were so important to Harry and she wanted them to approve.
“Wait... I don’t.” Harry wasn’t huge with social media at all. 9/10 he was playing phone games or messaging someone or watching videos but he hadn’t realized he hadn’t followed her yet. That was the stupidest thing. So he took the phone out, handed it to her with a large grin on his face. “Type it in for me, but I wanna be the one to press the button.” He was being silly but he knew that the fangirl in Y/N would be grateful for that. He loved it too. How she sometimes got giddy looking at him. It was easy to tell. 
Y/N took his phone and searched for her name, shocked when she saw the sheer amount of followers she had gained. “Can’t believe you’re mom and sister followed me before you.” Y/N laughed, shaking her head as she handed him the phone. 
“Wait wait wait, let me take a video.” Y/N giggled, pulling out her phone and hit record. “Here is the moment I’ve been waiting for, go on babes.” She cooed, smiling as he hit the button and continued to film just because she thought he looked cute. She did that thing where she zoomed in on his face, “Ugh choke me king.” She ended the video after catching his reaction and laughed. 
Harry heard her phone ding. Finally. “Feel like an idiot. You’re with me every night and not even following you.” He shook his head. “Never gonna unfollow now. Unless you stop making lemon bars. Cause... I’d be very upset with you.” He teased. He really did eat his weight in them. “But they already really like you, love. Really. My mum keeps sayin’ how cute you are and how sweet you seem.”
“Honestly, it’s fine. A follow from you is not worth as much as a quality cuddle.” Y/N admitted and took a sip of her lemonade. Harry’s social media presence was always under a microscope but she was positive that people didn’t question why he hadn’t followed her. “aw wait really? She’s an angel. I watch her Instagram stories of the cats and they make my day.” Y/N blushed, “but I am excited to meet them. Nervous, but excited.”
“She’s probably got a kitten lined up for you to adopt. Swear. She sets up all of the people I bring around with cats. My sister, her boyfriend. My childhood friends. She’s a cat whisperer.” Harry wasn’t even kidding. Anne has a way with them and matches them to humans. “Also, why did you ask me to choke you? I mean, I will. But later.” He was a bit stupid when it came to fan language, but Y/N seemed to know that type of stuff. He figured she had an account but he only went on every so often. It was amazing to think that she was already familiar with his habits. Some may find it weird but he loved it. “You’ll get both that and a quality cuddle at home but, you’re an odd biscuit.” Harry sniffed out a laugh before putting his phone down. He would be searching through her account far and wide today and have questions later. 
Y/N laughed a proper laugh at his comment, “you really don’t check twitter as much as people think you do, huh baby?” She asked and reached out to take his hand just cause she wanted to hold it. “It’s like... when you find someone really attractive, in Internet culture it’s common to say things that are super outrageous that you would think to yourself but usually not say out loud.” Y/N tried her best to explain but it was just a strange concept. “So when I say, choke me king, I mean it... but also it’s just another way of saying you look really hot.” Y/N smiled, laughing a bit because she felt like it was common knowledge, but then again Harry wasn’t a hardcore stan. “promise me you won’t judge me for what I’ve said about you on the internet.” She knew better wouldn’t, but he would tease her. 
“Not going to judge you, my love. I don’t judge other fans whether. Everyone has their little vice. Their words. Their hobbies. Some people have me as their hobby or distraction? That’s great. I’m happy I can be that for them.” He had an appreciation for them that ran deep. Every single one. “But I’m interested to learn what it is. The lingo and all that. I want to learn about the culture and be more aware of it.” He suggested. “Can you teach me tonight?” Y/N would be the perfect tutor. She was a fan for years. “Now. The real question— what did you want to do for dinner tonight? Go out or eat in.” He figured eat in. “Probably will do take away because I’ll be too tired to cook. But you’ve got your key, yeah? I’ll leave some cash with you when we leave and you just order what you want for when I get home.” He could come home to Y/N in his house and that was incredibly amazing.
“You read my mind.” Y/N hummed, “I’ll figure out something for food, just text me when you’re on your way.” She had wanted to cook for him. She figured it would be something nice she could do for her man after a long day at work. It was essentially just a domestic simulator. She also wanted to pick something else out to wear underneath one of his t shirts. She had a really good idea.
“I’m excited to hang out with you tonight, love. I know it’s every night but I just don’t get tired of it. You make me so happy, you know that?” Harry's voice dropped, a shy smile on his mouth as he grabbed her smaller hand. “I hope m’not annoying.”
Y/N pouted in awe, squeezing his hand a little tighter at what he said. “Aw angel.” She said softly, “I swear I’m the happiest girl in the world all because of you.” She spoke quietly to him. Harry got shy around her sometimes and it made her heart swell up because he was her baby and he was the sweetest man alive. “Could never annoy me, you keep forgetting I’ve been enamored by you for nearly 10 years.” It was true. She doubted he could ever annoy her, she has spent every day of her life of the past 9 years thinking about him in some way shape or form. Y/N loved his attention and truly felt like she needed to be smothered in it after being so deprived.
Harry really did fear annoying her. He was still working on making it up to her for hurting her. It was clear that Y/N was basically over it and thrived off of the coddling and attention she got now but he still worried about it. From his past relationships, he was told he was a bit clingy and smothering and boring. Y/N hadn’t made him feel any of those things. 
“It tickles me that you were a fan. I love it. Makes me sad that I didn’t meet you beforehand though, at the shows... we could have been together for a long time before this.” Harry knew that he would have found her incredibly attractive even before. There was just something so incredibly drawing about Y/N that had Harry in awe. “I’m so lucky I met you.” He often became soft when it came to Y/N. The girl pulled things and emotions out of him he had never really been comfortable showing. “I’m happy that you aren’t annoyed though. Cause I plan on being around you for as long as you let me.”
Never did Y/N think that she would end up in the position that she was in right now. With Harry sitting across from her, looking and speaking to her in awe. She felt like she was the real life ‘Y/N’. Everything that happened in the last 5 months would say so. “Well you don’t really meet fans that much do you? Have to be insanely lucky.” Y/N said, stirring the straw in her drink. “You really think you would have fancied me?” She blushed at her own question, “would you have seen me and wanted to get to know me? I can’t imagine you’d ever do that.” Y/N said softly, feeling like it was unrealistic. Sure she thought she was beautiful, but she didn’t think she was show stopping or anything like Harry was making her out to be. Especially in her younger years. “We are lucky to have met each other.” Y/N smiles fondly, squeezing his hand a bit more. She really was lucky that Jeff had found her and picked her out of a bunch of contenders. She wondered what made Jeff pick her, wondered why she was the first person they asked and that they were insistent on having Harry date.
She truly didn’t understand just how attractive Harry thought she was, or how amazing he found her. Which was sad but also, he could understand. Millions adored him, apparently, and he couldn’t process how or why. Still. He wished Y/N could see her how he saw her. 
“I think I would have. But I know you won’t believe me, so.” He chuckled at her, shaking his head before he finished off his food. In the front, he could see two fans patiently waiting. “Hey— Wait, Y/N? There’s two fans up there. I want to go say hi and thank them for not interrupting but I dunno if you want to come or not.”
They hadn’t run into many fans at all because of their planning times, but now he was quite excited to. He did keep to himself and met fans when he came across them but he knew how to camouflage or blend into the streets. He was to himself and both he and Y/N had gone to get purposely photographed, but this was different. It was his favorite when fans waited for him and didn’t just interrupt.
Y/N turned her head to look at the fans, smiling at them and waving. She then turned to Harry, “I’m sure they just want to meet you babe, I can’t stay back it’s okay! If you want me to come with you I will.” Y/N said softly, genuinely not wanting to encroach on Harry’s time with his fans. 
If she was in the fans position, she’d want personal time with Harry and though she knew the fans quite liked her she still didn’t want to assume they wanted to meet her when they actually wanted to just meet Harry. She felt like the girls were super kind though, seeing as they had the decency to wait and not interrupt when they were clearly on a date. Y/N didn’t mind him going to meet his fans at all, in fact she would let him take his good old time. She knew how important it was for the both of them, and frankly, Y/N wanted everyone to love up on her boyfriend. She’d have all the time in the world with him.
“Come with me.” Harry suggested, taking her hand in his and throwing some money on the table. Enough for a good tip, and then some. Her small hand felt secure in his as he approached, only dropping it when he went to hug the both of them. 
“I’m sorry if we’re bothering you.” One said shyly. “We didn’t want to interrupt.”
Harry just smiled. “Not at all. You didn’t interrupt, I appreciate you waiting.” The girls were giddy, and it was adorable. 
“Oh— Y/N, right? we follow your instagram. You’re so pretty. All your photos are amazing but you’re even prettier in person.” 
“Oh my god, thank you so much.” Y/N cooed, going in to hug them without them asking. They were so sweet, they deserved all the hugs possible. Harry was proud of that. People were complimenting his girlfriend and loving her and he was thriving because of it. Everyone loves Y/N. That’s how it should be. 
“You did really good, Harry. She’s so nice.” The other one said shyly. He could feel his ego expanding as he nodded. 
“I did indeed. Now. Did we want photos?”
“Here, let me take them.” Y/N offered, taking about twenty photos on each of the girls phones at different angles because she knew that’s what she would have wanted. “Give me a silly one now, go on.” She directed, knowing that it would be really cute if each of the girls had variations. Again, it’s what she would have wanted. “Do you guys have Twitter?” Y/N asked with a hum, “mind if I give you guys a follow?” She asked shyly. She really liked stan Twitter and just because she was dating Harry now didn’t mean that she wouldn’t still tweet about him.
It was a few photos and chatting, and Y/N had stolen the show. It’s just how it was. She giggled with the other fan as they took their photos and when they switched so the other girl could take her pictures, it was the same thing. Y/N had her own little friends now. Harry’s interest was stroked. Oh? A twitter. He hadn’t even thought about that. A damn Twitter. Fucks sake, she had a fan account! He had to find it. There had to be some funny and sweet things tweeted on there, right? He sure as hell hoped they were sweet, anyways. Some of his fans could drag him to filth and he knew it. While funny— he wasn’t sure what Y/N would be like. 
“Yes! Yes, we would love that.” 
Y/N followed the both of them, smiling as she saw they were already following her and it made her feel all soft inside. It was really sweet. “okay amazing, I’ll be seeing you on my timeline then.” Y/N hummed and pushed a few pieces of hair behind her ear. 
Harry watched with a little smile as she exchanged twitter stuff with them and was so fucking happy. None of his other relationships had gone too well with fans. Same with the girls. They’d not really been the biggest fan of the fans, ironically. They could be invasive and rude to protect him but, he knew it was all in the love of their hearts.
“I hate to cut this off ladies, but Y/N has to go back to work. Her sister will be a pouty puppy if she’s late.” He said regretfully, gently placing his hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “Lovely to meet you both!”
Y/N looked over at Harry, almost forgetting that he was there for a moment but he was right. She set her hand over his, “it was so nice to meet you, have a great rest of your day!” She spoke, watching as the two of them turned to walk off before going to give Harry a hug. “That was so cute.” Y/N hummed, “can’t believe they were so nice, I was almost expecting them to just give me a small hello but that was— Aw.” She was truly happy they accepted her as his girlfriend. She knew that fans had never been approving of his girlfriends so it meant a lot that she made the cut. “You’re also so cute with them, I cry.”
“It was incredibly cute, but you were the reason.” Harry laughed. God. He adored this sweet thing so much. “It’s so nice to see fans love a girlfriend of mine so much. They really aren’t huge on people in my life and are so overprotective— well, you obviously know that.” He forgot for a moment that she knew all too well because she had been a fan once. “Speaking of, actually... I want to know what you all thought of my other relationships. Think about it and tell me tonight during my cute little fan talk lessons.” He had to part with her at his car, pouting slightly when he kissed her a few times. She tasted like the raspberry lemonade they’d been sipping on. “Here’s the money for the take away, just order whatever you want and go home before me.” He didn’t realize he was calling it home so much. But it was too soon to ask her to move in. Right? Yeah. So he just tried to get her over as much as possible.
Y/N raised her brows as he told her he wanted to hear about what she thought about his past relationship. “Are you sure you want to know?” She asked, pecking his lips quickly because she couldn’t resist it. Plus, Harry was okay with them kissing in public which was nice. “Alright, baby.” Y/N hummed, pecking his lips a few more times before giving him one last hug. “I’ll see you later. Have fun at the studio.” She told him before going off into the bakery where she was met by her smiling sister. Katya was just so happy to see her so happy.
The rest of the work day went by pretty quickly and Y/N was happy about it. The little break in between really did help. She quickly nipped home to pack an outfit to wear to the studio tomorrow, but also to change into something more cozy adding something saucy underneath. He wouldn’t suspect a thing. Y/N had also decided to pop by the grocery store on her way to Harry’s, getting some ingredients for a nice stir fry that she intended to cook up in time for him to come home to. She felt like it would be much more sweet than take away, they always ended up ordering out when they were together.
Harry had a long day in the studio, and he was tired. All he wanted was to curl in the bed with Y/N and play the food television channel and have her play with his hair. It had been on his mind all day that he was going home to her and he was so unbelievably excited about it. 
‘Comin home now my kitten (: xxxx’ 
He had sent her that before getting in the car, sighing happily as he turned it on to start the journey home. He was buzzing over the idea of Y/N just living there. Coming home to her and not having an empty home. Maybe she could expand the bakery chain they had to LA and stay there when he did more recording? Wishful thinking but, he wanted to have her at all times even if it wasn’t possible. However the day got even better when he got home and stepped into the kitchen, seeing a sight that he was beginning to hope was a forever thing. Y/N had the music on his speaker, swinging her hips as she sang along to some music. But more importantly, she was cooking dinner and there was a plate of lemon bars on the counter. 
“Think I’ve died and gone to heaven.” Harry was incredibly down for a domestic night in. What others had said was boring, Y/N was voluntarily doing it for him.
Y/N started cooking when Harry sent her the text, wanting to make sure it was nice and hot. She had taken the liberty of making herself at home as she usually did, connecting to the speaker and just jamming out as she took over his kitchen. Y/N wanted to make it as thoughtful as possible considering Harry had been so sweet to her, setting the table all cute with some candles. She also had made sure to bring some lemon bars over for him to have on hand. He loved those things. She heard him come in, lifting her head up and smiling one of her wide smiles at him for the third time today. Y/N was always happy to see him. 
“Rightly so, cause you’re an angel.” Y/N commented, running over to greet him properly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and got on her tippy toes to be level with him so she could kiss him. “You sir, go change and get all comfy. I’m just finishing up with dinner, it should be around 5 minutes.” She told him, pecking his lips once again. Y/N wasn’t sure what’s gotten into her today, but she was feeling super appreciative today. Even more so than usual.
“Mm, I dunno...” Harry muttered. “Should just have you for dinner, hm?” He playfully nipped her bottom lip and felt the girl squeak and giggle as he gently tickled her sides. There was something about her in his clothes, in his kitchen and making the both of them food that was utterly arousing to him. Beyond it. He wanted to bend her over the counter but his stomach had growled in protest. “I’ll change and freshen up. Keep lookin’ proper fit and making good food.” He playfully swatted her behind before placing his keys on the counter and working up the stairs to his room. He changed into a Grey sweater and some basketball shorts, leaving his feet covered in socks. A beanie was thrown on too, knowing that Y/N had mentioned it to him a few days ago when she saw it in his closet.
“Later, later...” Y/N hummed, smiling smugly at him at his comments. She was just so glad he was home, she felt like she could finally relax and she was finally content. “go.” She pecked his lips again, deciding she too would smack his ass as he turned around to head up stairs. That really was her man. 
Y/N was getting lit to her playlist, various types of music on there including some trap, because who didn’t love listening to some trashy trap music from time to time? It was good hype music too. “You know why these bitches love me? Cause baby don’t give a fuck. I be fixin' the weave while she suckin' my dick pull it out, then I titty fuck” She rapped along to the lyrics of ‘Cash Shit’, startled as Harry started to speak. 
“It smells amazing, sweetheart.” Harry walked into the kitchen to see her swinging her butt around, yelping when he spoke. “What? Why are you stopping the show?”
Y/N turned down the music a bit, blushing a bit and went to plate the food as it was ready. She looked at Harry as he asked why she stopped the show, shaking her head. “Cause you can get a private one later.” She shrugged, deciding that would be more effective than whatever she was doing in this kitchen.
Harry brows raised up and he took her word for it. A private show? Hell yeah. When he had been spooked at the strippers for his 19th birthday party, he would be very happy to see his Y/N run around and dance for him. Especially in his clothes. 
“I’m hungry, so I can wait for the show.” He laughed, turning the music down and grabbing the plate she had made up to bring it to the table. He grabbed the drinks and set the table up for them, humming as he did so. It hadn’t been very long at all with Y/N being his real girlfriend, but it was the most comfortable he had ever been with someone. He would tell her that later but he was relishing in the comfortable and warm energy in the home.
Y/N walked over to the table once everything was in order, taking a seat next across from Harry. She lit the candles she placed on the table, winking at Harry as she did so. “Some romantic ambiance.” She teased, setting the lighter down before looking down at her food. She loved stir fry and asian cuisine in general, she thought it was delicious and quite easy to make. Y/N took a forkful into her mouth and moaned, doing a little dance. It was really good, she hoped that he enjoyed it. 
“How was the rest of your day? How’d the studio session go?” She asked, genuinely curious because well, she loved hearing him talk about music. Y/N was sure he never got tired of talking about it, but also, it was different talking to her about it than an interviewer per say. “The bakery was quite busy... it’s getting super busy lately and I think it’s because of you actually... you’re a loyal customer and now everyone wants to try.”
Harry loved her reactions to food. She always got so excited and pleased with it and gave adorable little reactions that had him nearly cooing. Even before they were together together, he had found it endearing. 
“The session was good. Finishing up a song. You’ll be at the tail end tomorrow which is kind of boring but also interesting. It’s a lot of re—recording things that aren’t just right, moving things around, trying different takes. But I think you’ll enjoy it. You always seem interested in it.” He felt that she would be the perfect candidate for a third ear. “I’m glad we can get people in there to try. They’re bound to end up repeating customers too.” He had no doubt. “I’m excited to see how much it grows from now on. If I can help in any way, I would really like to.” It was an honest offer. When he took a bite, he hummed happily. “Hm. This is really good, baby.” He complimented. “‘Not only a little baker, but a cute chef on my hands too?”
It warmed Y/N’s heart to know that he wanted to help her with the bakery the best he could. She and Katya put her heart and soul into it, so to see it start to take off was truly incredible. “Thank you baby.. and I’m glad to hear you had a good day.” It just seemed like the two of them seeing each other throughout the day improved their work ethic too. They really were so good for each other. “A domestic goddess I am.” She joked, taking another bite because she really was hungry as well. “I figured it would be nice to cook for you since we’ve been eating out so much. Have a nice relatively healthy meal.” Y/N shrugged and took a sip of her water. She truly didn’t mind cooking either, much like baking it was one of her passions. “I’ve known you for how long now? Like 5 months and we’ve been properly dating for like a month?” Y/N wasn’t exactly sure, she had to look, but roughly those were the numbers. “Wow...” she chuckled to herself, realizing just how deep she was in already. Y/N often fell deep for guys, giving them 100% straight out the gate and kept it consistent. She’d never really had any proper luck. Harry was her first actual boyfriend. “I usually eat a lot healthier, but I like to focus all my time with you on you, so I haven’t been cooking much.” When she went home before he would cook himself food or order from nicer places or go out with other friends but now he didn’t want to waste a moment. Not when Y/N was around.
“A proper month, huh? Feels a lot longer for some reason.” It was just an incredibly comfortable dynamic between them. They just got one another perfectly. She hadn’t given up on him when he was an asshole and he was always going to remember that. “5 months sounds correct. Although I wish I hadn’t been such a tool the first few, I’m glad I get to make it up to you now.” Y/N would soon even be flooded with gifts and a huge surprise for her birthday. He had stopped by the bakery to tell Katya on one of Y/N’s off days so he could figure out how to help with her absence. He was having a friend from Cheshire come down to help while Y/N was away with him. “It feels a lot more comfortable with you. Like... dunno how to explain it but it’s something that I haven't felt with anyone else. You know?”
Hearing Harry say that made Y/N incredibly soft. All she had ever wanted was to make Harry feel comfortable and loved. He deserved it. She felt like all his previous relationships, from what she knew about them, he felt like he had to prove himself in some way and it hurt her heart to think about. 
“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that.” She started, “you’re so special to me. I know I don’t say it a lot, mostly because I’m still so in my head about trying not to freak you out. I always knew that if I ever got to date you that I’d make you the happiest man in the world... and I’ve made that my mission daily.” Y/N blushed, looking down at her food before taking another bite because she felt like she could ramble about how much she cared about him for hours. If she wasn’t careful she’d end up saying the L word. She loved him. Properly. Not just in a fan way, but in a true romantic way. Y/N had grown to get to know him and all his quirks that many didn’t know about him, she’d gotten to experience him as a lover, as a friend, as her number one fan. And she loved him, she was positive.
“Angel... I don’t want you to censor yourself around me. I want to know what you think. Even if you think it’s cringey, I can almost guarantee I want to hear it.” Harry promised. Any thought of Y/N’s, he would die to hear. “I mean it. I want to know all about your little likes of mine. I went on twitter today and poke around quietly to see some fan accounts. It’s interesting to me how little things I do, they like so much. I know that in the band it would freak the other guys out a little but... I guess for me, I’m intrigued with how it works and what things my fans really like me doing.” He was an innocent puppy when it came to those things. “But let me tell you... that you’re already making me the happiest I’ve been. So you’re right on track. Especially cooking me good food and giving me someone to come home to.” His smile was genuine and soft to her. “I had been lonely for a long time.”
“Okay but like, I don’t think you understand the extent.” Y/N blushed, knowing he said he could handle it but she was nervous because she knew it would come off very obsessive even though she just really cared about him. So fucking deeply she cared about him. It was only amplified now that she consistently had him as a part of her life. “Baby... that’s so cute.” She pouted, wanting to smother him in kisses. Y/N constantly just wanted to squeeze him, attack him with kisses as he often did with her. Everything he did just sent her. “You can um.. look through my Twitter after dinner if you’d like. I post a lot about you on there.” Y/N explained, it was strictly a stan account. “You’re never going to be lonely again. And I mean that.” Y/N said genuinely, knowing that if things continued to go this well she would happily marry him. She had been wanting nothing more. Dating Harry was even better than she had ever imagined, and though she knew they could get in little fights here and there, they’d always find their way back.
Harry didn’t plan on this having an end date. His Aquarius sun had fought him a bit in the beginning, being so sure that Y/N wasn’t the one, but once they’d decided on being together? He was keeping her. There was a lot of stubbornness in Harry, and he had decided Y/N was the one for him. 
“I’m not lettin’ you go so I’m glad you've come to terms with it.” He smirked at her. God, he adored this pretty girl with his whole heart. It was entering love territory though, and that oddly didn’t scare him as much as he thought it would. Sure, it was scary in some ways. Letting her have his whole heart in his palm. But he trusted her. “But you’re giving me your Twitter? Oooooo.” Harry wiggled his brows. “Gonna read all your direct messages too. I’m very excited to see what you could possibly have on there.” He knew there had to be some real shit because she groaned and blushed. “Can’t take it back! Nope. It’s fine for me to know the true fan in you. But it isn’t going to freak me out, baby. After dinner, we can settle on the couch or even in bed and cuddle a little. Been lookin forward all day.”
A calm feel over Y/N as he told her that he wasn’t letting her go. She believed him. She actually believed him and that was the best part about it. Never in her life had Y/N ever felt truly cared for and accepted, never had she expected it to be Harry. She had always wanted it to be him, dreamed about it being him, and the fact that he was suggesting she really was the one for him? God she couldn’t put that feeling into words. 
“Yes I am, don’t make me regret it.” Y/N said in a stern tone though it really had no bite behind it. When he mentioned direct messages she fumbled with her fork. “Oh god, I don’t even know what I sent—” Y/N shook her head. He didn’t follow her on twitter but she had had someone put her in a group chat with him and then leave. Essentially gifting her a dm with him. A cuddle did sound really nice though, she’d let him read through it though just so she could listen to his voice and relax with him. Y/N knew there would be some funny tweets and some emotional tweets. Just a roller coaster of things really.
Dinner was relaxing and calm and he found himself on the couch with Y/N in no time. They’d cleaned up the dishes together and settled in, Harry sending Y/N to find the nice big blanket in the ball closer. When he came back, he found a little Y/N burrito in the blankets and swore his heart melted. 
“Dunno where my pretty girlfriend has gone. All I see is this burrito. Looks awfully similar though.” Harry smirked at the joke and she sent him an eye roll but obviously found it cute by the blush on her cheeks. “Now, if my burrito girlfriend will unroll, let her boyfriend inside said blanket burrito and give him said phone to look through the twitter app, it would be appreciated.” He sat on the couch and waited expectantly for her.
Y/N giggled, rolling herself out of the burrito with ease. She crawled into Harry’s lap and sat sideways with her back against the arm of the chair so she could watch him look through her Twitter. This would be fun. 
“Okay so, the best way to do it is this...” Y/N said, typing in her at name and the word ‘harry’ into the search bar revealing all the tweets about Harry that she has made over the years. Oh boy. “My first tweet dates back to 2012, are you ready?” Y/N shook her head, handing him the phone so he could begin to scroll through. 
A lot of the tweets were just his name or saying something along the lines of ‘harry is so hot’ or ‘I love harry’. All of which were true, it just shocked her because of the sheer amount she had tweeted about him. Hundreds and hundreds of tweets and those were just the ones with his name in them. That didn’t count all the photos she had tweeted or videos she reacted to. Harry couldn’t believe how many tweets there were. He was in awe. Y/N hadn’t been lying. Not that Harry has thought she was but this just solidified the fact that she was a mega fan. All else aside? It was fucking hilarious. 
“Wow... my god, Y/N.” He giggled. “You’ve been a fan since... you were a wee sperm? And now you swallow my sperm. Talk about character development.” Harry snickered. Y/N gasped and smacked his shoulder lightly but he wasn’t going to stop. Oh no. This was too good. “The screenshot. You think I’m cute and want to fuck me? Even on that day! I appreciate it.” It was incredibly funny and surreal to see how she has genuinely been tweeting at him for years and years. “Another December girlfriend... that's cold. Considering you were a December girlfriend for a time. Life’s crazy. But now you’re my all seasons girlfriend, so you win.” He kissed the side of her head and continued on. “Hmmm. Love my butt. Want to suck my dick! I can’t say I’m not having the time of my life. This is the best ego boost.” He smirked. “Wait... I spit at you?” He widened his eyes and a large smile on his face. It turned dirty quicker. “So... went from loving that you had water spit on you, to now asking me to spit in your mouth. Such a good grown up situation.”
Y/N blushed deeply, shaking her head to herself as she read through some of the tweets herself. But despite her embarrassment, Harry was enjoying them so she let herself go a bit and just accepted that she was cringey when she was younger. 
“Harry I was a minor!!” Y/N shook her head, laughing at his comments. “But they did age well. All accurate. Still think you’re cute and wanna fuck you at the same time, I was your December girlfriend but now I’m just your girlfriend, also... love your butt and want to suck your dick still so... I’m consistent if anything.” Y/N said as a matter of factly. “Where do you think that kink came from?” Y/N chuckled, looking at him with a raised brow. She cupped his cheek and just looked at him in awe for a moment, “you know how surreal this is? For me? It’s documented how I’ve been dreaming about this for 9 whole years...” Y/N truly got emotional thinking about it. Her thumb swiped over his bottom lip, smiling fondly at him for a moment before pressing a sweet and kiss to his lips and pulled away to nuzzle her face into his neck. “Okay continue.”
“Mm. I know. I wouldn’t have made a move on you back then if you were a minor. I don’t do that. Unlike other band members.” Harry shrugged. What? It sat with him wrong that Liam was dating a girl when she was underage and lied about it to everyone possible.
“Oop.” Y/N said with a giggle, knowing exactly who he was talking about. It was weird for Y/N to suddenly know all the ins and outs of the band and things in Harry’s life, but it made a lot more sense and explained why Harry is the way he is and why he acts a certain way. 
 “I’m glad though. That you get to live this out with me. Cause if you weren’t a fan we wouldn’t have met... but we are so suited for each other.” They truly were the most suited for one another that he had ever seen. The photos of them faking were very real looking because they both harbored those feelings. “You’re something else. My god, Kiska.” He chuckled as he placed a hand on her thigh as he continued to read. “There's a whole lot about my dick here. Been dirty for forever. And then you get soft... aw. Sayin’ you want to wear my sweater. The purple one? You can. It’s put away in my little chest but I can dig it out for you.”
Y/N picked up her head from his neck, “really?” She asked with eyes full of wonder. “I think you should at least wear that color more... we all went crazy. You just looked so cute and soft and it made your eyes look nice.” Y/N’s tone was so gooey. It was clear to tell that she had been very invested. “You gave me all those shirts to wear and like... all of them are so iconic among fans. If only you knew.” Y/N commented, wondering what else he had hidden in that chest of his. Maybe she could find some old gems. Y/N knew twitter was a safe option for him to scroll freely on. Something that she hoped stayed a secret was her tumblr, but she had a feeling fans would dig it up somehow.
“Well tell meee.” Harry whined, handing her phone back. “Memorized your user and stuff so I will look at more later. But I want my lesson in what you fans like.” He leaned back against the couch and wrapped his arm around her, letting her settle into his body. “Want to know what drives all of you crazy and what you hate and love. It’s so interesting to me.” He was so intrigued by it all. Y/N knee more than anyone else he knew though. “What is the lingo and stuff? I feel like a middle aged father when it comes to learning the hip things. Also... don’t think I didn’t catch those other tweets. Calling me daddy since then, huh? That’s interesting. Considering how often you use it to get what you want now.”
“So you want to know the tea?” Y/N started off, getting properly cozy with him on the couch. “Do you know what tea means?” She asked, wondering how basic his knowledge was. Y/N felt like tea was a common word used so he should know it, but he probably still struggled to grasp the concept. “Tea is gossip. Do you want to know the gossip?” Y/N felt like she could teach him easily, but it would take a while. Maybe some observing on twitter will help. “Contextual clues help as well, but let’s get into it.” She hummed and thought about his question. “So, we love seeing pictures of you anytime anywhere doing anything. Your fans are essentially all like girlfriends, they all want to love and protect you.” Y/N smiled as she explained. “We love when you just act like yourself, when you’re goofy and just do your quirky Harry things. Like that nose scrunch you do and rub your nose with your knuckle. And you picking your lip.” Y/N pointed out a few harrisims. “The way you say the word ‘obviously’ like ‘ovishly’” she giggled at that one because it was just really cute. “Don’t really hate anything besides the fact that you didn’t really have good friends around you till recently. People would stalk the people you hung out with and report back to us, essentially giving us all the insights... a fan background check if you will. That’s why all your previous relationships weren’t as successful. They didn’t have a good track record.” Y/N explained to him, “mines flawless, obviously.” She winked.
“It’s so odd to think that those things are so normal but you all like them much. Not in a bad way at all but... it’s just incredibly interesting to know that things I don’t even think twice about are your favorite things.” Harry was shocked. The nose thing and how he said certain words weren’t conscious decisions. “Also.. tea? I’ve heard someone say the phrase before but I wasn’t paying all that much attention if m’honest.” He admitted to Y/N. She would get that he wasn’t at all that current and stayed off of socials usually. “Obviously... I’m not the most up to date. But I like learning. I feel good that you are at least in the know about this stuff. Can always ask you about them. I have a question though. Do people mean it when they ask me to run them over? It seems a bit excessive and I would never, but I see a lot of people telling me they want me to and I don’t get it.”
“I know baby, we just love the things that are unique to you. Being a fan is not different than having a crush I think.” Y/N explained, “it’s a strange relationship between artists and fans... because the way artists’ speak to fans like, telling them they love, appreciate, support, and accept them? that can do a lot for someone who is impressionable.” She would know first hand. 
“it puts fans in a headspace where they feel safe with that person because they feel seen and heard. It’s quite special. I think it’s really lovely that you’re curious to know what it’s like... it shows so much about your character and I know for a fact your fans know just how great you are. We fight for you... but everyone loves you.” Y/N felt like she was rambling but he needed to know all of this. Y/N snorted a bit when he mentioned the run me over trend, shaking her head. “No, baby, they don’t mean it.” She said, combing through his hair with her fingers. “Best way to explain it is, when you're so attracted to someone to love someone so much that it’s overwhelming, you would rather feel intense pain? A lot of it is for comedic effect.” It was harder to explain than she thought. “It’s a more extreme version of ‘choke me daddy’.”
Harry absorbed all the information. It was a lot to take in but truthfully, he was in awe. They loved him so much, didn’t they? He always knew that, of course he did. But it was something else completely when it came down to it. He was some people’s happiness and truly, Harry couldn’t understand it fully. 
“Kind of like with you. Like you so much that wanna bash my head in sometimes. Always thinking about you.” He pulled a quick move and rubbed her to straddle his lap. His arms wrapped around her waist and held her to him, fingers sneaking up the shirt to rub the bare skin of her back. Harry has found that she melted with just a little bit of back rubbing. “I do like when you tell me to choke you, though. S’fun. We have immaculate sex.” He hummed. Sex hadn’t ever been this good. Ever. Y/N was adventurous and kinky. “Speeeeeaking of. Is there anything you’d like to try?” He’s meant to have this conversation earlier. “We really kind of just... hopped into it. I think we can just tell what we like. But I wanted to ask if there’s things you like and don’t like. Be more open about it.”
Y/N giggled at how he did his best to make a similar comment, he was adorable. She squeaked a bit as he made a quick move to have her straddling him, it was her favorite position really both for sex and for cuddling. It felt properly close, like she could hold him completely just like he could hold her. 
“Course you do.” Y/N snickered, pecking his nose softly. “We do have immaculate sex, truly have never had better.” She agreed, watching his smile widen as it always did when she gave him compliments like that. Harry really did just tend to every need of hers and she was always eager to do the same. “Um... well, I’d be truly willing to try anything as long as you’d be up for it.” Y/N said truthfully, thinking a bit about what they could try that they haven’t tried just yet. “You’re an actor now, maybe you’d like to experiment in some role play at some point.” She teased, “haven’t tied me up yet either... haven’t got any toys either.” Y/N brought up, wondering what was on his mind when it came to these things.
“Hm... would like to do all of those, I believe. I think that it would be good. Toys would be fun. Know those little wand vibrators? Would be fun to tie you up and use one on you.” Oh, Harry could be evil in that sense. Over sensitivity was fun because Y/N got so whimpers and whiny, her legs would shake and he was obsessed with making her little noises she would make. “We’ll have to order some toys. Trying to decide if I should just order some fun things or have you help me, though.” He said in faux thought. Of course he would include Y/N in it. Through their many many sexual rounds, he found that she was rather submissive. Liked when he took control and ordered her to do things. Was an absolute pro at sucking his cock. Truly... he loved it. But what he had found out was that he was a slut for licking her out. 
A lot of the time he would wake her up with his mouth between her thighs. It couldn’t be helped. The girl tasted so sweet, her cunt was beautiful, and she would wake up and make the cutest noises. A few times she tried to physically push her away from sensitivity  and he just held on and continued for another two orgasms. She fell asleep back after that. It was weird but he felt like he was on a high every time he did it. Some men didn’t like it but Harry has a growing obsession. 
“Speaking of again.. can I eat you out tonight?” Harry loved making her blush when he asked them so bluntly.
Y/N’s eyes darkened, excited to hear that he was willing to try everything she had mentioned. “Could do both... order some things with me and without me. I like surprises.” Y/N smiled mischievously, relaxing into the feeling of his hands against her back. The one thing that shook Y/N to her core was just how much he liked eating her out. He would use any excuse to go down on her and it was truly a blessing. Never had she had a man worship her pussy the way Harry did, she felt like she was some godly creature with the way he took pleasure in pleasuring her. Her face went red, tingles sent directly to her core at the mere thought. “You don’t have to ask, you know that..” Y/N said shyly, fully wanting him to know that she would be okay with him eating her out whenever he wanted. Literally whenever. She’d never be opposed. They both had a high sex drive and it sometimes got the best of them, neither of them would ever say no. One of them was in the mood and then the other always got the other in the mood fairly quickly. “I want to know what else you’re into... like wildest things.”
“Hm. Sounds like a conversation over a blunt, hm?” Harry and Y/N had only smoked together 3 times but it really was nice. Sex was a bit wilder too. They let down their inhibitions and generally had a lot dirtier things come out of their mouths during so he figured it would be a good conversation to have over smoking. Y/N perked up, and Harry laughed. His girl did quite like it. “I’ll tell you some wild things, dirty ones. But I need to be high to not be a little shy about it.” It was understandable though. The both of them were very much open but sex was their golden area. It only took a few minutes before Y/N was back on his lap, sitting with her thighs over him now. Harry took a hit, letting it settle for a moment before breathing it out. He swore, there was some kind of kink he had for Y/N when she smoked because it always looked incredibly sexy. 
“Alright, princess.” He settled in. “You want to know kinks? Or fantasies? We both know I’m a very dirty man.”
Perks of dating Harry meant good quality weed and pre rolled joints and blunts. Y/N was pretty good at rolling herself. It was Y/N’s biggest vice next to sex. She watched as he lit the blunt, taking a few hits of it before handing it to her. Y/N breathed in the smoke, holding it in her lungs for a moment before letting it out. It truly was one of the most relaxing feelings, especially someone like her who seemed to be tense all the time without even realizing it. 
“Mhm, anything you’re willing to tell me.” She said and took another hit, feeling herself relax even more. Her filters were going away, her mind more open to creativity as well. “You are a dirty man, my dirty man though. Always know what I want somehow.”
“Hm. It’s weird that we haven’t had this conversation before now but, we are just starting off, huh?” Harry thought out loud. “It feels a lot longer. I dunno, I just feel like I know you.” He still had so much more to figure out about her though. “Hm. Okay... I have a kink for public stuff.” A bold beginning. “Like... when I played with you at the club? That was one of the hottest things.. I like the danger. People may see. It’s so hot. Like, head or fucking in the car. Dressing room or bathroom sex. Fingering under a table. That shit really gets to me.” He cleared his throat, taking the blunt from her again. “I really like messy. Know you know that but. When it’s really hot and dirty, lots of cum and all of that. I dunno why it gets me off. Spit. That’s beyond sexy to me.” He was trying to think of more but there was a lot. “I like spanking you. Being in control. That’s the hottest thing to me, I think. You trusting me with being in charge and being able to tell how much you can handle. That’s so good. When you get a bit sassy and I spank you? I’d like you to be a lot more bratty sometimes so I can really spank you. Make you melt.”
Y/N listened to him intently, admiring him with hooded eyes. He really was kinky, but it wasn’t anything Y/N felt was wild. It was perfect for someone like her who loved being dirty and really letting go during sex.
 “It’s good we are talking about this because sometimes I have these moments where you’re fucking me so good that I like... get into this headspace where I would legit do anything you asked. Think it’s called subspace? I did research on it the other day.” It was one of the hottest things she felt like she could do. It made him hot and that fueled her even more. “I like all of those things. Very much so.” Y/N said with a nod, taking the blunt from him once again. Even just talking about sex got her in the mood. “Did you know I can squirt?” She asked with a smirk, taking another hit from the blunt while she watched his reaction. “It kind just happened one time when I was getting off with a vibrator, I tease the fuck out of myself all day... it was like this one really sensitive part of my clit and it hurt a bit but in a good way, and it felt like I was going to wee but it just fished out and I was so in shock I couldn’t register that I had actually done it.” She spoke in her slow and raspy voice. “Could have phone sex or FaceTime sex as well... when you’re away though, not yet. While you’re here I want to have fucking me till I cry.” Y/N really was a whore for Harry, she couldn’t believe the extent that she would go for him but she liked that she felt comfortable like that. “Be careful what you wish for...” she said when he said he wanted her to be more bratty.
“You can? Well... s’my mission now to get you squirting.” Oh, 100%. Y/N would be getting the bed all messy and that was that. It was a hot thing he hadn’t known she was able to do but was about to make sure it happened very soon. He was also very happy about being able to get her to subspace. It was beyond hot in his opinion because she opened herself up to him and gave him exactly what they’d both needed. Harry control, and her loss of it. “I will definitely be getting you into that space more often. I love making you over sensitive too. When your legs shake and you tell me to stop but you don’t mean it. Or when you can’t even get words out and just sounds. That’s amazing.” He sighed thinking about said things. It was lovely. “However, I am aware of what I’m wishing for. I’ll give you hints when I want it though. You’re usually such a good girl for me. I will definitely be ducking you until you cry tonight. The only tears I want are tears of pleasure and happiness.” He stated. “How do you feel about the other type of sex.” Harry wiggled his brows playfully. God, he was a slut for some ass but he knew it was a hard limit for some. “And about me watching you get off. Cause that’s something hot I’d like to see.”
“You’re quite good at it... I tried to hold myself back from falling completely into it because we hadn’t had a proper conversation about it. But now that you’re aware, I can go all in.” Y/N hummed, “didn’t want you to be caught off guard.” Y/N explained farther knowing that Harry was more than capable of coaching her through her subspace. She whimpered at his words, beyond ready for him to fuck her till she was crying. “Anal? I’ve never actually done anal.” Y/N said honestly, “but if I’m going to do anal with anyone it’d be you... also wouldn’t mind if you wanted me to return the favor.” She had to offer because he probably wouldn’t ask on his own. Harry was quite a dominant person naturally, but even the most dominant people needed a break sometimes. “We’ll get a vibrator and I’ll get off for you.” Y/N started, “you like when I’m all whiney and begging to cum and I usually can cum multiple times with a vibrator and fuck—” she really did miss it. “My fingers are great, but yours are far better. You’re just far better in general. A vibrator is a whole other animal, can just sit back and watch it do what you do to me.”
“Yeah? That sounds so fucking good though, baby.” Harry was beset drooling at the thought. His Y/N cumming over and over... that was a fantasy all in itself. She looked so pretty when she was cumming but to sit back and watch her. “Got to get you a nice vibrator then. Thinkin’ a nice pink? Know that you’d put it to use. Get money's worth.” God, he was obsessed with her. There was just that intense attraction there that had him wrecked every time. She got him good every single time she begged or whimpered or asked for her ‘daddy’... yeah. It was bad. “We can try it. M’not sure if I’d like it or not but for both parties we can.” He shrugged. Open to anything. That’s how he liked it. “But I’m obsessed with the thought of my cum inside both of your holes. That’s so hot to me. Erotic. Think it’ll take some getting used to, but we’re both dirty fucks.” He noticed that she was squeezing her thighs together. “Hm. Do you want to touch yourself while we talk, angel? Can just take off those shorts and do it in your panties.”
Y/N felt her pussy throbbing a bit, desperately needing relief but she was enjoying the conversation. She liked the tension, liked being teased though she would say she hated it till the cows came home. Harry knew just how to press her buttons though. 
“Can I?” She asked softly, looking at his eyes to make sure he wasn’t just saying that to see what she’d say. Y/N did have a massive kink for people watching her, only when she was people she trusted like Harry. Once she got confirmation from him she went to slide the shorts off, relieving some nice lacy red panties she had on underneath. “You’ll see the rest of this later.” Y/N smiled at him, shifting so her legs were a bit more spread and so she could use her right hand to rub over herself with slow and teasing movements. “We can try anything really... any ideas you have, let me know. Really. There are very few limits.” Y/N told him, letting out a small sigh of relief at the feeling of her fingers gliding over her pussy.
“I can tell that. You’ve got me very intrigued with what else your own fantasies are.” There was something erotic about her laying on his lap and her hand between her thighs. She was needy for touch and Harry knew that. She always got impatient when it came to that. “You’re so open, just like me. A whole world of possibilities. That’s what makes us so dangerous.” His hand settled on her belly, rubbing circles into it. He adored giving her any type of attention, but it was different when it came to her rubbing off on his lap. “Trust me. There’s a whole lot I want us to do. Want to fuck you on a plane. Make you cum with people in the room. Have you squirt all over the floor. Finger fuck you in that same club. Want to finish what I started. Tell me though.” He really wanted to know. “What are your deepest and darkest fantasies? The dirtier the better.”
A moan left her lips as he told her all the things he’s got planned for them, feeling herself get even more slick than she was. “Always knew you were a kinky bastard, but I didn’t think you’d be like this. I love it.” Y/N really had thought about what Harry would be into. She’d just about imagined everything under the sun, but her mind sort of drew a blank when it came to telling him. “My deepest darkest fantasies?” Y/N hummed, slowly circling over her clit. “You know I used to get off to the thought of you? Like that was the one thing that was guaranteed to make me cum.”  She admitted, knowing he would like hearing it. It would blow up his ego even more. 
“I thought about all kinds of things... always thought you’d be the type to fuck me when I’m on my period. Also thought about you inviting your friends over to watch us... quite like the idea of you watching me fuck a girl— but only if you’d want to watch. I’d be too jealous to let her touch you. I thought about a lot of the things you mentioned actually. Kinda like the idea of us filming ourselves and watching it back.”
Harry’s ego was beyond blown. She got off to him before he had even met her? That was the ultimate ego boost. He was thriving right now, knowing that he was the source of her orgasms. She had been liking him since she was younger and now got the real thing. 
“Hm. Yes to both of those. Little bit of blood doesn’t scare me. Certainly won’t stop me taking your pussy. That’s when you’re especially horny got it.” He wasn’t squeamish when it came to that. “Fuck. You’d do that, baby? I would love to see that. All of those. People watching us.. you’d make such a pretty show. Especially if we could get you squirting... you’re such a gorgeous picture when you’re fucked out. Needy little cockslut when it comes down to it.” His cock was throbbing. Holy shit, he loved those ideas. “As for you fucking a girl... i’d be very interested. I don’t need to touch her. God... the idea of pounding into you while you’ve got your tongue in pussy... jesus.” He took a second to groan, leaning his head back. Yeah. That was some good shit. “We can film whenever you want. Got our phones, can attach it to the tv to see it. You need to see how desperate you get and how hot it is.”
Listening to him speak was already doing a lot for her, she loved how his voice made her react and it was even better when he was saying such dirty things and she had her hand on her pussy. “Yeah?” She sighed out, adding a little bit more pressure to her clit. “I can tell you like those ideas.” She could feel his cock hardening beneath her. Y/N was taking subtle and slow deep breaths, teasing the shit out of herself and trying to stay as focused as she could. The combination of being high and being horny really fucked her up. “Is it really that bad?” She blushed, nuzzling her face in his neck though she was smiling. “You just get me so riled up, just want to cum for you. It’s always the worst too because you tease me so well and it tests my patients because I barely have any as it is..” Y/N moaned, “I’m such a whore! I always need to fucking cum and you make it so hard!” She pouted.
“You cum a lot. I love it so much. It is really that bad but it’s absolutely a good thing. I want you to be dirty for me. You want my cock and tm fingers and my mouth a lot but it’s relaxing for me too, sweetheart.” Harry cooed. God, he had become a lucky bastard. Y/N was dirty and sweet and made him insane. The best type of person. “Love that you know you’re a whore for it too. So refreshing. Don’t even try and deny it to me, just know that you are.” Y/N was a whore though. In a good way. She wanted it often and thoroughly and wasn’t ashamed to ask for cock when she was really needing it. They’d been properly dating for a month but he was slowly realizing that this girl was the one he wanted forever. That alone had him even more focused on learning her pleasure. This wasn’t a fling.
“It’s pretty hard to deny considering how often I ask you to fuck me. I just own it. Know it turns you on.” Y/N really did know what buttons of his to press, glad that he too was open with her about what he wanted and when he wanted it. Harry was such a private person to the world, but to her he bored it all. It made her feel special, which only added to how horny she was. “I like when you make orders, my pussy throbs every time. I really like when you go all daddy on me and give me permission to do certain things you know I’m holding back on doing. I like when you get that roughness in your voice and your accent goes really northern.” Y/N’s eyes rolled back a bit at the thought combined with the feeling of her fingers against herself. She had been going at it for more than half of their conversation, she pulled her fingers out and brought them to her mouth. “This what you rave about, huh?” She smirked, pointing out his obsession. Y/N really liked the sensation of sucking on fingers but also getting her fingers sucked on. It was a win win really.
Harry loved when she got dirty like this. Eventually they wouldn’t even have the weed to have them like this, he had a feeling. But it felt so natural between them. He wanted to have this all the damn times. The intimacy between them. 
“Fuck, yeah. That’s what I love. You taste so good. Get high off of it. Makes me crazy, I just want to taste it all the fucking time.” His eyes were dark with lust as she sucked on her fingers, finally feeling what he did. “Like when I boss you around, huh? When I tell you to get on the bed or bend over? Get your pussy all wet when I tell you you’re being a good girl and just m’gonna fuck your cunt until you’re a sobbing mess.” That was the goal, ultimately. To have Y/N writhing on the bed, eyes crossed with pleasures he was giving her.
Y/N giggled, a giddy bubbling up at his compliment about her pussy. She had been eating lots of fruit, her favorite were all the different melons, strawberries, and kiwi. Ironic, she knows, but it was really good. “It is really good... I get it now.” She hummed after pulling her fingers out from her mouth. “Yes, daddy. I love it.” Y/N purred, shifting in her seat once again. “What do I do that drives you crazy, hmm?” She asked, “I want to have fun making you all frustrated too, daddy.” Y/N confessed though she knew that would only get him harder. He had wanted her to be more bratty and bratty she would be. She just needed a better tool kit.
“All of it. I love when you wear my shirts. When you give me those little pouty eyes. It’s so hot. Acting innocent while you’re touching my cock, like you don’t know what you’re doing. But on the other side... when you’re dirty and don’t care. Just let go and let us both be filthy.” He hummed. “I love when you whine at me. When I’m fucking you hard and all you can get out are those little ‘uh’s and they go high pitched. I love making you lose control.” He did. Y/N getting unhitched was a turn on for him. “I love when you come and crawl in my lap and talk to me but you’ve got that look. When you know you want to fuck but don’t want to say it out loud so you grind a little bit and pout until I turn you over.” He had a whole list, truly. “Hm.. when you wear those tops that showcase your tits— like the dress that night. When you show off your curves because I’m weak when it comes to you. Those red heels you have.”
Harry really did seem to have a mental list, it was like he was reading right off of it. She felt a cheeky smile creeping up on her face, knowing exactly what he was talking about when he mentioned all those little things she did. Y/N was just glad they worked effectively because that was always her intention. 
“Good to know my methods are working.” She teased, keeping her hands on his chest how they were this whole time. They were building up tension, so much so that they hadn’t even kissed this whole time. It must have been an hour that they were sitting here like this. “Red heels huh? That one caught me.” Y/N said, passing the blunt for him to take a few hits. “I can't believe you remembered them..” She continued thinking about how she could bring them back. “Reckon I could pull them off in a naughty school girl outfit.. what would you do if I turned up here looking like that?”
“Fuck me... seeing you in that? Probably would cum in my pants.” Harry groaned. Yes, he wasn’t even kidding. Y/N would truly get him if she did that to him. That was asking for disaster on his part. Or a beautiful Thing, in Y/N’s case. “What would you do, angel? Come in and ask for some extra credit, hm?” He could totally be down for some role play. His acting stuff had given him a large amount of courage when it came to that. “Come in to suck my cock? Or perhaps offer up that pussy of yours for me...” He murmured. Yes. Yes, he would love that. 
He took a few more hits, before taking a hand and running it up and down the shirt. From where her cunt started to between her tits, he was tracing it up and down as a tease. “What else would you want to play as?”
Y/N smiled triumphantly, “yes sir, I really need an A.” Y/N spoke, already putting on a different voice for the sake of the role. Harry would look damn good in a tie, he could even use it on her. She swore her head was spinning at the mere thought. She’d live out all her favorite fanfics like this. “Could do doctor and patient.. could do prince and maid..” Her mind wondered for a moment. “Officer Styles sounds hot.” Y/N smirked, taking the blunt from him once again. “Also sort of like the idea of you being merciless one night. Obviously I consent to it now and what not, we can go over safe words and stuff.. but in theory.” Y/N began, “could just properly dominate me, like completely. If you’re ever in that mood. If it was random for me? That’d be so hot.” All these fantasies floated through Y/N’s mind on the regular, she really wanted to try everything they’d been talking about. They couldn’t obviously try it all in one night, no they were brainstorming for months ahead of time. That within itself was already getting her hyped. Her birthday was coming up as well. She was curious to see what he would have in store.
“All of those... we could do them all. Trust me, I know we will have the best time doing it too.” Harry knew that. Y/N would be the best possible role play partner when it came down to it. He had a feeling she could act incredibly well. “I’ve never had that sort of trust with someone before. You know? S’good to me that we do. I would love to try that especially. A day where I’m relaxed though. Wouldn’t want to go off the rails and really hurt you.” He had such a temper on him. Most people didn’t see it but he did. “I’m genuinely ready for anything. I want to try everything with you. You’ve made me so happy, my angel. Swear that my cock jerks every time I think about you. Wanna know though... When did you start getting off to the thought of me? What did you think about?”
Y/N did trust Harry, with anything. It was really important to her that they both had a mutual understanding. Their communication skills were great and obviously the two of them had only really been together for a month, but she had a feeling that even in their bumps in the road they’d get past it.  
“You’re too kind.” She smiled fondly at him, nearly slipping up there and telling him she loved him. Y/N found herself in that state constantly, wanting to say ‘I love you’ but always being afraid that it was far too early for that. “When I started? Really young.” Y/N blushed, “I remember I once read this like, fan fiction blurb thing about you and I was like... what is this feeling.” She said biting her lip. “Full on sexual awakening because of you... now your ego is gonna grow five sizes.” It was true though she couldn’t lie, he probably didn’t realize how many girls felt the same way. “I really just thought about being close to you.. having your hands on me. Pictured you eating me out, me riding your cock, and you fucking me doggy style. Definitely the most popular thoughts.”
Holy shit. Harry had literally been her sexual awakening? She had joked about it before but, to know it was real was oddly arousing and pleasing to the ego. He wanted to know more but was In shock. 
“Fuck. You really did?” He whispered, sliding his own hand down to her cunt and pressing over the fabric. “Sit in bed and rub your precious little clit while thinkin’ about me, baby?” Y/N had him going. He loved that. Harry was the one she had always wanted sexually and that was relieving.  He couldn’t believe it. “Used a vibrator... your fingers. Anything else, my sweet girl? I want all the details. You don’t know how hot it is to me. Not a clue.” He felt like he could burst. Pressing his hand over her pussy, he could feel the lace of the panties dampen. Her hips moved up to his hand and he snickered, pressing down right over her entrance.
Y/N jumped at the touch, having waited for him to touch her since he had gotten home really. “Y—yeah, I did.” She spoke softly, feeling her body melt into his properly. Y/N was really fucking high and really fucking horny. Her mind was cloudy and she was ready to tell him anything he wanted to hear. “a pillow.” She told him, trying to remember if there was anything else but it was really only ever those three things. Y/N wasn’t really one to try the shower head method, she felt like it didn’t really work for her. Y/N managed to learn a lot about her body fairly quickly. “Sometimes I’d just... play one of your interviews and just zone out and listen to you talk while I was playing with myself.” She told him, feeling her breath become choppy once again. Y/N whined as he pressed down against her, feeling super needy now that he had given her a little taste.
“My sweet, dirty girl. Fuck me... can’t believe how filthy you truly are. Sat there and humped over your pillow while listening to my voice? Look at you.” Harry groaned. Her body moved up to try and get more of his fingers. It was a fun time. Finger fucking Y/N was amazing. She provided him with every bit of sexual need he wanted, being whiny and pressing up because she just wanted more. And then she would whimper for her daddy and hold his wrist, hump his hand. Make him stay still for a moment while she did so. And then Harry would take the control back. Y/N needed him to take over most of the time. 
Yep. Harry was never letting her go.
[part 7]
A/N: AHHHHH the next part is the last part so we’re a bit emotional... We enjoyed writing these too so much so please, feel free to send in ideas for blurbs! - n + d
let us know what you think!
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty *this is the longest chapter I have ever written! So make sure you bring your snacks and strap yourself in;)*
Word Count: over 6k
Warning: sex without consent, smut, fluff and heavy angst
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You did not get much sleep on that night and neither did your beloved. His heart rate did not lower as the hours progressed. His jaw stayed clenched at the thought of his friend's attempt to kiss you. You are very beautiful, he gives him that, but that gives him no right to kiss his wife. He would never do that to Katya, so why would he do this to him? Oh, that is right. Him and Katya shared a kiss on that one night before the battle to win Kattegat back from his brother Bjorn. But how could Prince Oleg know? He pondered that question in his head over and over again. The only possible reason for him to do such a thing is because he found out about him and Katya's quick moment. She must have told him, or someone else did but he was not stupid enough to ask such a question. So he stayed still as he watched your eyelids struggle to stay closed. He knew that you were not sleeping either, but still, he held you in his arms and never let you go. And he made sure that his ax was by his bed and his dagger was on his waistband. He was not letting anyone touch you, or harm you in any way, shape, or form. You are his and his alone. If Prince Oleg thought differently, he has another thing coming for him, that is certain. 
Soon enough, the sunshine crept its way through the windows of your chambers and Ivar lifted both of your bodies up from the warm pillows. You both sigh from the lack of sleep but he knew from the look on your face that you are struggling more than him. With you being several months pregnant, you need the sleep for both you and the baby. 
Ivar "Sweetheart, you did not sleep at all?" You shake your head no, "Why? I was not going to let anyone-"
"I know, I know.."
Ivar "So why did you not sleep, hmm?" He places stray hairs behind your ears.
"Just an unnerving feeling. I don't like perverted men, Ivar. I thought that he was your friend."
Ivar "He is."
"Friends do not try to get their friend's wives into their bed, Ivar. He even offered!"
Ivar "I am aware Y/n. I will take care of this."
"If Hvitserk hasn't done that already." You snapped. 
Ivar snickers, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Hvitserk stopped him last night Ivar, that is what I meant."
Ivar "You-do not sit here and tell me that I never save you, that I never protect you! I am your king! I am your husband! Treat me like it huh?!" You laugh at his reaction. But it made you think: has Ivar ever saved you? Has he ever helped you? Helped you, oh absolutely! Saved you, no. Hvitserk has always been the one to save you. Hell, you were taken from your own home while Ivar slept beside you. So you laugh and get out of bed. 
Ivar "And where do you think you are going?"
"I need to stretch my legs..beloved." You put on a fur blanket around your arms and chest to cover yourself up a bit before leaving the room. You had to walk away from Ivar, or else it would be a fight and you did not wish to have one with Ivar. It is useless. You would both feel like they're right so what is the point? It would only bring on a migraine, to which you already have one from the lack of sleep. Ivar just watches you leave and puts his head into the palms of his hands at the realization that you are absolutely right. Hvitserk was there for you last night..he was not. Hvitserk seems to always be there when you need him the most, but it should be the other way around and that makes Ivar feel like a horrible husband and king. He will never forgive himself for that night, because he could have stopped King Harald.
Ivar "What can I do?" He whispered to himself as he looked at the door his wife just left. 
You meet Katya in the hallway and she stops you out of concern from the look on your face and the dark circles. 
Katya "Oh darling, are you alright?"
"Oh yes, I am fine. Thank you."
Katya "Do not lie, there is no need for that, Y/n. I know that I met you yesterday but I have grown to like you. I am here for you, woman to woman, queen to queen..are you alright?"
"Just very tired. This baby is becoming too big for my body." You force a laugh because it was a lie. Your belly is very large but nothing that you cannot handle. You just did not feel like talking at the moment.
Katya "Oh, alright then. Could I do anything? Run you a bath, perhaps?"
"Oh that is too kind, but no thank you. I am actually going to go out for a walk-"
Ivar "Not without me, I hope." He says as he comes up from behind you. You look at him and then back at Katya. Her smile quickly fades when she sees that your smile is obviously not sincere. 
"Of course, my love. You can walk with me." He smiles. 
Ivar "Good morning, Princess. How was your night?"
Katya "It was fine, thank you for asking. And yours?"
Ivar "Just as fine, thank you. Now, If you'll excuse us."
Katya "Of course." She moves out of the way and lets the both of you pass her in the hallway. She can tell that something is off but she doesn't not know what. 
Once you and Ivar are out of the doors of Prince Oleg's kingdom, he opens his mouth. 
Ivar "I am sorry." You do not respond. "You do not accept my apology?"
"What exactly are you apologizing for, Ivar?"
Ivar "For not saving you, like I promised. I did not save you on-"
"We've gone over that millions of times, I forgive you."
Ivar "And I am sorry for not being there last night. I sensed something was..wrong when it took you so long. But I ignored my own thoughts. And I shouldn't have. I am sorry."
You nod, "Thank you. And I forgive you." He walks closer to you and kisses you on the forehead. 
Ivar "I love you Y/n. I love you more than everything."
"I know. And I love you too-"
Prince Oleg "Ah, there you two are! Good morning!" You jolt when you hear his voice and you walk a few paces backwards. 
Ivar "Mm, hello Oleg. Good morning."
Prince Oleg "What is the matter?! You two seem so down on this bright and lovely day."
"No sleep."
Prince Oleg "Oh, that is a shame. Was it the bed-"
Ivar "No, not at all. It was someone's actions that made the both of us uneasy." He says with direct eye contact, making Prince Oleg take a step back. 
Prince Oleg "Oh, well..today is a new day. New beginnings! So, in celebration of your return..I have arranged a little play to be had in my front field, in a few hours." 
"And what does this play entail?"
Prince Oleg "Uh uh uhh, that will be discovered when you arrive."
Ivar "We will be there.."
Prince Oleg "Wonderful. I will see you two very soon." He says as he pats Ivar on his shoulder and walks in the opposite direction. You look at Ivae in shock.
"He does plays now?"
Ivar "He has a weird skit thing that he does..little Igor even have dolls that he uses for reenactments."
"Wonderful. Why did you fail to tell me how Oleg really is, hmm?"
Ivar "I did tell you."
"All of the good things, but none of his strange tendencies."
Ivar "If you do not like him, why don't you leave? You are a queen, you can come and go as you please. If you do not like Prince Oleg, you can go home to Kattegat."
"I know that you do not mean that Ivar. So I am not going to take that to heart. But if you do not take care of what happened last night, and not take responsibility and accountability for me, I will be taking Ryuu and I will be gone within an hour. Do you understand me?" He smirks and chuckles a bit but then his eyes start to fill with tears. He does not speak, he only nods 'yes' and you walk away from him yet again.
Hvitserk finds you sitting on the balcony, talking to the daughter in your belly and he stands there for only a moment, to admire you. You catch him and open your arms for him to hug you. You need his comfort after the long night and the argumentative morning that you have been having. 
Hvitserk hums once you are in his arms and you just inhale his scent that engulfs your senses and warms your soul. 
Hvitserk "I've got you." He says as he rubs small circles around the small of your back and you smile. 
"How did you sleep?" You say as he lets go.
Hvitserk "Not even a single hour..and you?"
"Notta.." you both laugh at the deliriousness. 
Hvitserk "I just sat in the doorway and kept an eye on your room. I didn't like what happened last night."
"You did that?"
Hvitserk "Of course I did."
"You did not have too, Ivar slept with his-"
Hvitserk "Dagger. Yeah, he always does. Ever since that night, he always sleeps with it on him.. or next to him. But, a dagger is useless if you do not wake up in enough time to use it, aye?"
You nod, "Yeah, I guess you are right."
Hvitserk "What is on your mind, kitten."
"I am just looking forward to going home. Ivar and I have been arguing all morning."
Hvitserk "I figured that. But it is normal..it is okay to have arguments. It is okay to have outbursts and tiffs..but you fight with love. It's never anger, it is out of love."
"That is a great way to put it, Hvitserk. I will have to remember that."
Hvitserk "So, what were you telling our little angel in there?" He says as he places his hands over your belly. 
"Ohh, just a lullaby."
Hvitserk "Sing it to me." He smiles once you smile and he lies his head on your belly as you sing it to him. You fiddle with his braids as you sing and he rubs your belly for you. And occasionally kisses it, making you giggle because it tickles you. 
Hvitserk "You aren't ticklish there when we are in bed-" your jaw drops and you smack his arm playfully, making him burst out laughing. "I am not wrong."
"I know but shush, come back and let me finish my lullaby." He complies and you sing until the very end. Once it ends, he leans up and kisses you before helping you up from the lounge chair.
Hvitserk "That was beautiful, princess."
"You think she heard it?"
Hvitserk "Of course she did. And she smiled, but we cannot see that yet."
"Hmm. Prince Oleg has a play..it is supposed to start in a hour or so."
Hvitserk "Ah yes, I remember his plays. They are quite interesting."
"Help me pick out a dress, will you?"
Hvitserk "It would be my pleasure." You walk back into the home and he helps you pick out a beautiful white dress for the scheduled play. Today is going to be a warm day which excites you and Hvitserk. Because your little one is going to be born in the summer season!
Ivar thinks long and hard on how he is going to confront Prince Oleg without it becoming a huge fight and someone ending up hurt or worse. Having two ill-tempered kings is not a good mix but somehow, they are friends? Nonetheless, he found Prince Oleg talking to a few of his people, trying to prep them for the play when Ivar interrupts him. 
Ivar "We need to have a little talk, Prince Oleg."
Prince Oleg "Can it wait?"
Ivar "No, I'm afraid it is urgent." Prince Oleg looks at his people, whispered a few words and then they left Ivar and him to talk in private.
Prince Oleg "What is it, my friend?"
Ivar "It has come to my knowledge that you made advances to my wife, last night."
Prince Oleg "And who told you that?"
Ivar "My wife!"
Prince Oleg "And you believe everything that woman tells you?"
Ivar "Of course I do. I love her and she loves me-"
Prince Oleg "Ohh, poor Ivar..so nai-"
Ivar "I am telling you right now, if you do not keep your hands and your perverted mouth away from my wife, you are asking for a war. Do you understand me, huh?!" Ivar was not going to allow this man to twist his marriage when he was in the wrong. So he shouted that, for his people to overhear and they began to stare. That made Prince Oleg feel the pressure and realize that he needs to agree or he would be having a war in a few days time. 
Prince Oleg starts to laugh out of shock and nervousness, "Okay, okay..I heard you Ivar the Boneless."
Ivar "Have I made myself clear, my friend? She is mine and mine alone. She is not a slave nor is she going to be your play-thing...understood?"
Prince Oleg sighs, "But she is-" Ivar takes out his dagger and places it to Oleg's throat. Specifically, right on his vein that would kill him in a matter of seconds if cut. 
Ivar "If you want to play this game, Prince Oleg...would you like to die by my blade.. or by dragon?" Prince Oleg stammers and looks at the massive creature that is licking his lips as he stares at the man that his father has a blade to. 
Prince Oleg "Oka-okay! We have an understanding! I am sorry, just get off of me!" Ivar backs off and puts his blade in his waistband. 
Ivar "Good. Now, go on and finish getting your people ready for this play of yours. Wouldn't want to displease us, now would you? You have already been so rude to your guest, wouldn't want-"
Prince Oleg "She will love the play, I am sure of it."
Ivar "Good, that is good huh?!" He playfully hits Oleg on the shoulder. 
Prince Oleg "Of course. I sincerely apologize Ivar.."
Ivar "Good. After the play or before..you can apologize to the woman that you treated with disrespect. And see if she accepts your apology." He walks away before Oleg has the chance to respond. Leaving him out of breath from that shock of fear, it was startling to say the least. He looks at Ivar and back at Ryuu who is still gawking at him with his fangs out. Prince Oleg hurries his way to his people and pretends like nothing happened.
When you are finished getting ready with Hvitserk, Ivar is coming into the doors of the palace. Katya is goofing around with Igor in the foyer. She smiles when she sees you walking in the room.
Katya "Well, don't you look gorgeous!"
"Thank you, beautiful! So are you." She thanks you and gives you a quick hug while Hvitserk walks up to Ivar.
Hvitserk "Did you make it clear?"
Ivar "Of course I did, my brother. "
Hvitserk "What did you tell him?"
Ivar "Ahh let's just say, it was either he died by my blade or by Y/n's dragon so he apologized." They both burst out laughing, making you and Katya look in their direction.
Katya "What is it?"
Ivar "Oh I just scared your husband a little bit..!"
Katya "Oh, of course you did. You can't help yourself, can you?"
Ivar "He deserved it."
Katya "What did he do and what did you do?" Ivar crutches his way over to Katya and looks down at you and then back at her. 
Ivar "Your husband tried to touch and kiss my wife." She looks at you and you look down. That is all the confirmation that she needed. "So I told your husband to stop his perverted attempts at getting with my pregnant wife or me or Y/n's dragon will take care of him for his actions."
Katya "Y/n I-I am so sorry! I had no idea-"
"Katya it is okay."
Katya "It is not okay. You are now my friend and I care for you. Why didn't you tell me?"
"I just wanted to forget about it, to tell you the complete truth. I have been through a lot in my life and I am used to that behavior..so I am fine, trust me."
Katya "What do you mean? How could one get used to that?"
Hvitserk "Alright, let's go outside and enjoy this weather..shall we?" 
"Mm, yes. Ivar, is it warm out yet?"
Ivar "It is warming up, my love."
"Good! Let's go then-"
Igor "Are you alright?" You look down at the young man and you place your hand on his shoulder, and smile down at him.
"I am now, thank you for asking. Hey," you crouch to his level, "how would you like to pet a dragon?"
Igor "I can pet him?"
"Mhm. He is very kind and very gentle." 
Igor "Then I would love to!" 
"Okay, let's go see him then." He takes your hand and you thank Ivar with your eyes and he smiles at you with pure love. 
Hvitserk "Let's join her." Katya and Ivar nod and walk after you. Katya is in shock that her husband did that and she had no idea of that even occurring. Normally, he would brag about it to Katya to make her feel worthless but not last night. This was news to her and sad news at that. She has grown fond of you so to know that that happened, angers and saddens her. But thankfully, Ivar took care of it. He saved you. This time, he saved you.
Igor spent a good long while with Ryuu: bonding with him, pet his scales, he even got to hug his leg! He thanked you for that opportunity and hugged you for what felt like an eternity. A hug from a child or in this case, a young man, is a hug like no other. It brings you a joy that does not come from an adult or an elder. It makes you feel so good about yourself and it makes you feel a sense of adoration that no other age can offer. Hvitserk and Ivar watched as Igor clung to your waist with smiles on their faces. Knowing how wonderful of a mother you are going to be. 
Katya "Alright, young Prince..let her breathe now.."
Igor "Oop, sorry!"
"No need to be sorry! I love your hugs!" He smiles and you kiss Ryuu's snout as a 'good boy' because Igor and Katya do not know that you can communicate with your dragon(s). So with that kiss, he knew that he was a good boy. Then suddenly, a bell was rung and everyone was meant to gather around to watch the play.
Igor "Bye Ryuu!" He said as he ran to the front yard. You all giggle at how cute that whole encounter was. 
Katya "How did you train him to be so..tamed?"
"I raised him. I got him along with two of his siblings. They were given to me for my 20th birthday. Ever since then, I have raised them and cared for them. Along with Ivar and Hvitserk."
Katya "You raised dragons?" She looked at Ivar.
Ivar chuckles, "She is giving me too much credit. When I met them, they were very little, but not quite babies. I simply helped feed them and cared for them. Y/n did all of the hard stuff."
Katya nods, "Well, you are an incredible woman Y/n. You should be proud of all of your achievements."
"Thank you, Katya. That means a lot to me." She smiles and she continues to walk with the three of us to the front yard to join the people of Kiev.
As the play began, everything was normal and simple. Very complex and artistic play that was very amusing. That is until Prince Oleg called his wife down to join him for a skit. She hesitated for a minute and then gave into his need because he gave her the 'look'. 
"Oh gods, what is he going to do to her?"
Ivar "Nothing bad, I am sure of it."
"If he starts, he is going to become ashes.."
Hvitserk "Shh, kitten. He's not going to hurt his own wife." Ivar looks at him and then he remembers that Oleg killed his first wife. One of the reasons why him and Ivar bonded was because Ivar did the same thing and Prince Oleg admired that, for some sickening reason that Hvitserk could never comprehend. 
Hvitserk "Nevermind..just relax Y/n. Katya is strong, like you. She can handle her own." You don't respond, you only keep an eye on her and his movements. 
Prince Oleg began to talk his nonsense and started to dance with her. It was sort of beautiful to watch two lovers dance before your eyes. Your nerves calmed down quite a bit, however, that was only for a split second. Prince Oleg switched like a light switch on a wall, and pinned her to the ground. You look over at Ivar and he does not move, his emotions just change. 
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Hvitserk "What the hell.." Hvitserk could not finish before Prince Oleg undressed his wife in front of everyone in Kiev and used her to please himself. You had to get up and walk away because she was screaming in agony, not ecstacy. Hvitserk follows you but Ivar stays to watch. 
Hvitserk "Are you alright?"
"Flashbacks..I'll be fine I just need to catch my breath."
Hvitserk "Hey, shh shh shh..I've got you." He holds you close and walks you far enough away from the yard to where you could not hear Katya no longer.
"I want to kill that man."
Hvitserk "You cannot kill him, Y/n. If you could, I would help you..but we cannot."
"He deserves it after what he is doing to her. He is humiliating her, torturing her, using her-"
Hvitserk "I kn-"
"How can I stand there and watch a woman go through what I went through? What can I do to help her?"
Hvitserk "I do not know, kitten. He is the king-"
"And I am a queen."
Hvitserk "Yes you are, but you are not in Kattegat. You are in his kingdom."
"His kingdom..we'll see about that." You push your way through Hvitserk and rush your way through the crowd that is dancing around Prince Oleg and Katya. He is still using her when you push him off of her. When he is on the ground, you help your friend off of the ground and hurriedly get her covered up. When she is covered up, she punches her husband so hard in the mouth that his lip spits. You pull her back and she just bursts out crying on your arms, almost pushing you over because you are so off-balance being as pregnant as you are.
Prince Oleg "How dare you defy me?!"
"How dare you do this to your wife?! How dare you use her like your slave? How dare you humiliate her in front of her people? You should be ashamed of yourself." He is speechless. You walk her through the ground when all of a sudden, you hear women start to cheer for you. Cheering for your bravery and your strength to stand up for women like you did. When you look around you, you find Ivar standing up and clapping for you. He mouths, "I am so proud of you." You just smile and continue on walking Katya back to the palace. 
When she gets in, she stops you and hugs you so tight that you can barely breathe. You just hold onto her as you ride out the emotions with her.
"I could not let him do that to you any longer. You did not deserve, nor will you ever deserve to be treated in such a way."
Katya "I am used to it. But this, this was the first."
"I am used to it as well."
Katya "Ivar-"
"No no, never Ivar. For a long time, it was my own father, then it was another king who took me from Kattegat and tortured me for many days. So yes, I know how you felt. How you feel right now."
Katya "What did you do?"
"Well, for a while, I just took it. But when I found Ivar, he gave me the strength to do what needed to be done."
Katya "Tell me what you did."
"The king that tortured me in my own father's dungeon...was burned to ashes as he stood. And for my father, well...he ended up with the same fate."
Katya "Oh my gods.."
"Men like them should not be allowed to continue."
Katya nods, "I will take care of him. When I am strong enough. But as of right now, I am in a lot of pain, I am going to take a shower. Y/n, thank you so much for what you did back there. I don't know how I could ever repay you."
"There is no need. I am glad that I was there to help you. Go on now, but remember to take it easy."
Katya "I will, I will see you when I can." You nod and when she is out of your sight, you walk your way to a chair that is the closest to you and collapse on it. 
Ivar "My love, are you alright?" He shouts when he finds you sitting there.
"Fine, just fine."
Ivar "You always amaze me, my love. You are stronger than I am."
"I just stand up for what is right. I could not allow him-"
Prince Oleg "How dare you?!"
"Me? How dare you?" Hvitserk and Ivar stand in front of you to guard you from Prince Oleg.
Hvitserk "Back up!"
Prince Oleg "How dare you interrupt me!? I was almost finished, you know!"
Ivar takes a few steps forward and gets in Oleg's face, "I know why you did that to Katya, Prince Oleg."
Prince Oleg "Oh..?"
Ivar "You did not get my wife last night so you used your wife instead." He does not answer, only smirks. "I bet, you imagined fucking my wife..didn't you?" He chuckles, "That is all of the validation that I need. My love, we are leaving now."
"But Katya, how can I leave her?"
Ivar "I care about your life and your safety, not hers. We need to leave."
Hvitserk "Ivar is right."
"I need to say goodbye, keep him out of her room." They both nod and keep an eye on you as you rush into her room. She is still in the shower but you do not care. You hug her and whisper in her ear, "I have to go, my friend. I am not safe here any longer, but I need to tell you something. If you ever feel unsafe, please come to my home. You are always welcome and you are more than welcome to stay for as long as you need. Please, take up for yourself, dear friend..be safe."
Katya "Thank you, I will." You rush out and take your husband's hand and rush out of the palace.
Prince Oleg "Please do return soon! You are always welcome in my home, Y/n." Hvitserk helps you up on Ryuu and Ivar gets in his carriage. 
Ivar "Do not expect to hear from me or any of us, ever again.."
Prince Oleg "Oh do not be like this, Ivar! You are my friend."
Ivar "I was, not anymore. You stay away from my family." He strikes his horse once Hvitserk is mounted on his horse and you lift off on Ryuu. Gladly heading home.
The journey home felt like it took forever. Your energy is completely spent and your body hurts from the lack of sleep. All you can think about is being home with Ivar and Hvitserk and seeing Ubbe and Torvi. Then you realize that you were supposed to stay for a week! A week in that kingdom! All you know is that Ubbe is definitely going to ask questions but you are honestly dreading answering them. Hopefully Ivar will do the answering for you so that you can rest. Hvitserk can sense your exhaustion and just wants to make you feel better and at ease. Hopefully once you are home, you will feel ease. 
Neith and Eldr fly up in the air to greet you and Ryuu. You swear that your dragons are just as needy as toddlers even though they are massive in size. 
"Hi, my loves. You have been good, I hope." Ryuu lands and you use his wing to get down gently. Ubbe is already by your side as soon as you look up from the ground. 
Ubbe "Hey sis..why are you-"
"Long story. Maybe ask Ivar or Hvitserk what all went down in Kiev but I am so glad to see you." He pulls you into his arms and holds you for what feels like hours. His brotherly love is what you missed and what you needed. 
Ubbe "Are you alright? You seem sad, Y/n."
"I am just glad to be home, where is Torvi?"
Ubbe "She is inside, feeding the kids." Ivar and Hvitserk ride up and you hug Ubbe one more time before going inside to search for Torvi. Your people stop you of course, telling you that they are happy to see you but questioning why you are back so early. You inform them that everything is fine but we all just needed to come home. They did not question any further and let you get inside. You find Torvi in no time at all but her daughter runs to you first. 
"Y/N!!" She runs to you and you pick her up in your arms. 
"Hi my lovebug!" 
"You are home early!"
"We are! We all just missed you so much."
Torvi "Alright, you are hogging her..it's my turn." She takes her daughter from your arms and places her back down to the ground. You get choked up once you are in her embrace but you knock yourself out of it. "Are you okay?" She whispered to you.
"I am now." 
Torvi "What has happened? You all were supposed to stay a week, maybe even longer."
"It is a long story. But we needed to get home."
Torvi "Well, whenever you are ready to tell me, I am all ears."
"Okay, I love you."
Torvi "I love you too. I am glad that you are home." 
"Me too." Soon enough, Ivar and Hvitserk come in with Ubbe and Ubbe looks infuriated. You gather that one of them told him what Oleg has done to you and Katya. 
@hvitserkmarcosource @a-mess-of-fandoms @youbloodymadgenius @ivarsgoddess @heavenly1927 @saldelys @herestherealproblem
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wonkookiemon · 6 years
Good Ol’Fashion Fuck (Taehyung x Reader)
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WARNINGS: mature content, mature language, sexual content, oral play, mild (sexual) violence so please if you are not about it don't read it, cum play, marking kink.
a/N: read at your own risk cus im sparing no one XD
Horny. That's what you were at this point, horny as hell and nothing seemed to be helping. Being the player that you were you had a couple guys to choose from but not a single guy can give you what you need. They were all either vanilla or none of them knew what they were doing.
So in destress you went to the only person who might know how to solve your dilemma. Your old roommate Katya. She was by far the craziest person you know and she knew just about everybody.
“Talk to me Kiska” Katya cooed lovingly. She always knew how to make you feel loved and adored when you were with her. 
“I need that good dick Katya and the guys I’m talking to right aren’t cutting it for me.” She nodded her head waiting for me to continue.
“I need a man who knows what he’s doing. I’m tired of coaching a guy into pleasuring my body, its just so tiring Katya.” you groaned sinking deeper into the couch.
“I’ll tell vyou vwhat, I know a guy-he owes me a favor so it will be free of charge”
“Wait what” you laughed getting up.
“Lets just say he knows exactly vwhat hez doing, you’ll love him Kiska”
“Are you sure?” you asked tilting your head skeptically.
“Have I ever steered you wrong Kiska?” she smirked.
“I can’t recall” You smiled back. “You’re the fucking best Kat”, you got up and tackled her with kisses.
“So where did I leave off” she asked after you settled down into her lap.
“oooh! Oh, uh-He tied your wrist to the head board” you nodded.
“Right! and after that he shoved a gag in my mouth telling me I talked to much-”
After you spent the day with Katya she let you know on your way out that her friend agreed to the favor and he should be calling you within the next couple of hours to set everything up. It was now or never and there was no room to be ashamed of how desperate you were to be fucked at this point. 
It was around nine o’clock and he still hasn't called you making you worry if this was actually going to happen tonight. That was until your phone ringed as you were eating your dinner.
Swallowing what was in your mouth you sat up straight and answered the call.
“Hello?” you said unsure but still trying to appear confident.
“Are you alone right now?” his voice low and timbre.
“ye-yeah I’m alone right now.”
“Your place or mine” he asked.
“Mine” you said without thinking.
“Okay, are you on birth control?”
“yes, do you use condoms?”
“Always” he husked out.
“My rules are simple, I know that since you are Katya’s friend you know what she’s about-” you nodded your head but realized he couldn't see you,” yes I do”
“So you can take everything I dish out. You will  listen and obey. As far as my preferences go I don’t have any but remember this night is about you. I want you to pamper yourself, take a bath, you don’t shave cus I don't care. Put on something sexy for me, I want to see your body, and I want your hair behind your shoulders so I can see that pretty neck of yours is all I ask from you. Do I make myself clear?” He said with a tone full of authority and power. You were just wet hearing this man talk. you didn’t even notice the whimper that escaped your lips until the line went silent. Shit.
“Fuck.” he cursed.
“I’m sorry I jus-” 
“Don’t worry princess i’ll take good care of you” he cooed softly.
“I’ll send you the address”
“-Its Taehyung by the way” 
“uh- what?”
“My names Taehyung” He said confidently.
“Taehyung?” you repeated slowly.
“Just so you know who's name to scream.” you could practically hear the smirk that was on his face.
Ending the call you go up unable to finish the rest of your food you scrapped the rest in the trash and washed your dish before heading to your room. You couldn't believe this was happening. Katya is a fucking G.
Following each instruction you looked at yourself in the mirror in awe. Your outfit screamed fuck me, starting with your matching red lace bra and panty set to the see through black cami you wore over it. Finishing the look off you added tear drop diamond earings and made sure your hair was pushed back and over your shoulders. 
It was now eleven o’clock so you made your way over to the living room couch to wait for his arrival. Wasn't long before you herd a knock at your door. Doubts immediately raced through your mind as you though of all the ways this could go wrong for you. ‘what if he was ugly, what if it was a scam, what if he didn’t-”
You opened the door silencing your thoughts and there was absolutely nothing that could have prepared you for the sight.
Taehyung stood towering over your small frame. His hair long and in a beautiful mess that hung over his brown eyes and flowed down to the end of his neck. Which drew your attention to his structured jaw and sculpted nose and his plush lips. He looked just as edible in his loose fitted dress pants and exotic button up.
“Are you gonna keep staring or are you going to let me in?” Taehyung smirked.
“Oh? Sorry” you laughed nervously. Stepping out the way you watched him as he went past the frame and into your house. Looking over his shoulder he smiled before taking off his shoes and placing them next to the shoe wrack.
“Thank you, most people think its for fun display” 
“I totally get it” Taehyung said while looking around your house.
“Would you like anything to drink” You asked walking over to the kitchen.
“Bring to glasses of water to your bedroom, I’ll met you there” You could tell by his tone that he wasn't asking you to do this but he was commanding you to. You then thought of the words he said to you over the phone. ‘Listen and obey”.
Making your way to your room with two glasses of water you froze when you caught a glimpse of Taehyung standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed and his eyes dark with arousal. Quickly you went in and placed the glasses on the bedside table and made your way back in front of him.
You stared at your feet out of respect for his authority. 
“Good girl” He praised making your heart swell. 
“Mhmm you like being called my good girl don't you?” Taehyung spoke softly. His hand caressed your cheek affectionately.
“Yes sir I do” you answered confidently.
“Who trained you” he asked taking your chin and lifting it up so you could meet his gaze.
“Uh, no one sir” you breathed out.
“You know what I am?”
“Yes, sir I do”
You dropped to your knees and awaited his next command. Your heart was basically beating out of your chest at the sexual anticipation that clued through your brain.
“Mhmm so pretty kneeling at my feet” Taehyung smiled while kneading his fingers in your hair.
“What's you’re safe word?” He asked letting go of your hair.
“Take off my pants” Taehyung ordered. You’ve never been more excited to follow each command given. 
Jumping at the task you scooted closer and let your hands graze over his thighs earning you as soft moan from his lips. Inching your hands to his crotch, looking up you made sure to look up at Taehyung who in return looked at you with his half lidded gaze. Your bottom lip caught in your mouth at how sexy he looked from this angle. Keeping eye contact you took his belt from the loops of his pants and proceeded to undo the zipper on his pants.
Wanting to take in the sight you broke your gaze and proceeded to look down at the angry bulge pulsating through his tight briefs. Licking your soft lips you hooked your fingers on either side of his briefs and slowly pulled down the fabric. You watched in awe as you caught the sight of his full length, you couldn't help the whine that escaped your lips when you saw how big and engorged the head of his cock was.
Surprising yourself you licked a longs strip on the underside of his cock and wrapped your tongue around his leaking head.
“Fuck you’re soo dirty” Taehyung choked out.
Finding no use for teasing, knowing you needed to please him in order for him to give you what you needed. You took him fully in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down before pulling off using your hands to spread the moisture from your mouth down the length of his cock. Looking at him once more he looked down at you looking pissed as fuck.
“Hands behind your back” He growled hitting your cheek with the palm of his soft hands.
“Did I do something wrong” you asked panicked.
“Who told you to fucking speak?” Taehyung growled making you shut your mouth quickly.
“Open that smart mouth of yours” 
Following his instruction you slowly opened your mouth, only for it to be filled as Taehyung harshly thrusted his length down your throat causing you to gag. You looked up at him with water eyes as he continued to abuse your throat with is head hung back in pleasure. He kept letting out these animalistic growls and grunts each time you hollowed your cheeks. With a pop he wrapped his hands around his cock and stroked it over your flushed face.
“Get on your back” Taehyung spoke pointing to the bed.
Doing as you were told you brought your body to the headboard of your bed and waited for his next command. 
Curiously you watched as he picked up a brief case and set I on the bed. You almost opened your mouth to ask but Taehyung glared in your direction as if to warn you to keep your mouth shut. He pulled out one of the biggest vibrators you’ve ever seen and he placed It on the bed. Surely he didn't think you were dumb enough to use something that he used on other women. You were just about ready to say your safe word till he spoke up.
“I just bought it before I came here kitten no need to worry, I have the receipt” He smirked knowingly. Nodding your head for him to continue you watched as he put the briefcase down on the floor and got on the bed. His body hovering over you as he took the time to look at you up and down. 
“Mine” Taehyung growled looking into your eyes possessively. You could feel your vagina soak at the statement. Your whole body arched up inviting him to touch you were you needed the most.
“Tell me what you want” he husked out.
“Please touch me” You begged shamelessly.
“You’ve been such a good girl so far, I’ll give you what you want this time but if you cum without permission that will be your last orgasm for the night. You need to earn this dick” Taehyung looked straight into your eyes as he said this with a smirk. His hand began to trail from your hips down to the inside of your wet thighs.
“The fact that you got so wet just from sucking me off makes me want to fuck you.”
You gasped when his slender hands ran up and down your slick folds. The sensual caress drove you insane and you couldn't hold back the sounds coming from your flushed lips.
Taehyung continued his ministrations slowly adding one finger knuckle deep inside your tight pussy. Your needy body practically sucked his finger straight in as if one wasn't enough. Your hips met the thrust of his finger searching for more friction making him chuckle at how desperate you were.
Again giving you more Taehyung added two more of his fingers completely filling you up. Grabbing his wrist in shock you looked up at him as his began to pick up the pace. “Oh gawd” You screamed when he continued to hit your g-spot, your body sank back into the sheets and your eyes rolling to the back of your head in pleasure.
“Please more” you found yourself screaming out unable to hold back your greedy lust filled desires. The pleasure was taking over you and your body was now aware of everything that was going on, from Taehyungs sexy concentrated look as he watched his fingers pleasure you with his hair hung over his dark eyes, to the pool of arousal that covered your thighs and his fingers. Your hear was beating so fast you could practically feel it in your throat. You wanted to cum- No you needed to cum that it took every bone in your body to keep you from doing so.
“Let me cum” you yelled out.
“Ask nicely you bitch” Taehyung growled and before you know it your body completely started to spaz out. Taehyung was fingering you with one hand and with the other he placed the rotating vibrator to your swollen clit. Your body tried to move away from the oversimulation he was giving you but he held your body down with his thighs, making sure you had no way of escaping.
Putting all pride aside you looked up at Taehyungs heated gaze, “Please let me cum Sir”
Tilting his head to the side observing the way you squirmed and moaned because of the pleasure he was giving you made him nearly bust in his pants. How could he not grant you your orgasm?
Your whole body shook at the power of pleasure coursing through your body. Your pussy gripped tightly around Taehyungs fingers as he let your ride out your orgasm. He took his hands out and slowly rubbed the vibrator over your abused pussy. It was probably the most hottest thing you’ve ever seen when he stopped his actions to suck the mess you made on his hands.
“Mhmm fuck you taste good.” he groaned smiling. Still in the aftershock of your orgasm you could barely move let alone form a complete thought, all you could do was look at him in awe. 
“Drink all of your water, I want you face down ass up by the time I get back” Taehyung smacked your pussy possessively making you squirm.
Taehyung then left your room and you did the best you did to crawl over your bedside where you placed the two cups. Your body ached deliciously as your swallowed down the water. As you regained consciousness you started to think of where Taehyung went in your apartment. He could honestly rob you for all you cared with the orgasm he just gave you. This man could take anything he wants. You chuckled to yourself at your ludicrous thoughts. 
“What's soo funny?” Taehyung came in with a hidden smile.
“Oh-uh nothing” You smiled back at him in the position.
“Face forward” Taehyung wiped the smile off his face and replaced it with a dark yet blank expression.
All laughs aside you faced forward sighing as you felt his warm hands caress the globes of your ass, trailing up to the arch of your lower back he stopped when his hand reached your neck.
“Such a beautiful body” he murmured to himself. Gripping your neck he pulled your body up till your back was pressed against his chest and his hard cock against your ass.
“This is just you and me now baby, I want to feel every inch of your body. You have my permission”
“Your permission to do what Taehyung?” you asked knowing the scene you did before was well over.
“To cum as many times as you want cus I’m not going to stop fucking you. Not even if you beg me to.” He said darkly into your ear before he slowly entered you. Gripping your throat tightly Taehyung waited patiently as you adjusted to the size of his cock. Taehyung pushed himself further up going balls deep inside your pussy, the stretch hurt yet through the pain you couldn't help but be turned on.
“You can move” You choked out.
Moving his hands from your throat Taehyung grasped your hips and began to thrust slowly into you. The friction of his warm hard cock rubbing the insides of your walls caused ripples of pleasure to go though your body. Your back arched into his the quicker his pace got and his thrust were no longer gentle. 
“Fuck, you feel so good” Taehyung moaned into your neck. His lips sucking bruises into your soft skin. All that came from your lips were the soft moans and whines of pleasure. The louder you got the harder he fucked you. By now you could barely hold yourself up right, sensing this Taehyung lowered your body. Steadying himself he held onto your hips and continued to thrust. At this angle he was able to go even deeper in your heat making him moan at the way your pussy gripped him tightly.
Wanting to hit a new angle Taehyung flipped you over while still being fully buried in you, raised both your legs till they were over his broad shoulders. He began hitting your g-spot over and over with no mercy giving you your second orgasm of the night.
“Ohhh shitt that's it” Taehyung cried out as he came hard. His head dropped into the crook of your neck biting hard as he rode out his orgasm.
Pulling out Taehyung slide out of the condom and threw it in the bin beside your bed. He grabbed another condom from the bedside and ripped it open with his teeth before placing it on his still very erect cock.
“How are you still soo hard?” you asked amazed looking at him through heavy lids.
“I haven't had sex in a while” Taehyung shrugged crawling over to you. He switched positions so that you hovered over his built frame.
“How long is a while”  peered at him observing his handsome face.
“two months” Taehyung bit his lower lips unconsciously. Your eyes traveled to his plump pink lips then back up to his eyes where he met your gaze. You lowered your head to hover your lips over his.
“Round three?” You whispered over his lips. Without words he thrusted into you gripping the back of your neck and hips. The slow grind rhythm the two of you created simultaneously moving your bodies together was pushing his cock deeper and deeper. You honestly didn't think you could cum another time, the over simulation caused such a painful build up your body collapsed over Taehyung who took over but grabbing your hips and rolling them over his hard cock.
‘Taehyung I don’t think I can-” You panted into his sweaty chest.
“Yes-you-can” he thrusted faster and pushed his hand in between  your bodies and rubbed your abused clit till you screamed in his chest.
“Taehyung” you moaned in blissful agony.
“That's is, cum all over my cock” He growled. Your vision blurred your body came undone shaking at the force of your orgasm. You didn't even notice Taehyung cum again till you came to and saw Taehyung throw his head back in pleasure as he moaned your name over and over. It was by far the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.  When he came too a lazy smirk came over his handsome flushed face. 
“you’re fucking amazing” Taehyung closed his eyes. He looked so content considering the fact that he was still inside you. “I don't think I can move, if I’m being honest with you.”
“Mhmmm look at the mess you made” Taehyung opened his eyes and glanced down between you.
Gathering up strength you looked down and gasped. “When did I-” you looked up embarrassed.
“When I was rubbing your clit you blacked out and uh-
“-squirted all over your chest?” you finished his sentence burring your head in his neck.
“Yeah, that” He chuckled.
“I’m so-”
“Don't be, really that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen”  Taehyung smiled softly. It was such new look on him compared to the way he was looking at you while you fucked.
“you ready to get out of me” you asked amused he was till keeping this up.
“who said I was done with you?” Taehyung looked down at you through thick lashes.
“I seriously don't thing I can take anymore Taehyung” You said shakily.
“Remember I said this was all about you today baby” Getting up you moaned as He slid out of your oversensitive pussy causing you both to groan at the exit.
Putting the condom away Taehyung slid down in between your thighs and looked up at you. “Lets get you cleaned up huh-” he smirked before placing his lips around your swollen clit.
“No-ohhhhh mother fucker” you screamed.
“its not my name bitch” Taehyung hissed rubbing your clit with his thumb.
“Taehyung please” You cried out, unable to move from the painful pleasure.
“That's it baby” you should see the way your pussy is clenching on nothing, you don't even know how badly your pussy is begging to be fucked again.” Taehyung snickered.
“I can’t come another time please Taehyu-”
Your words were cut short by the guttural scream you let out as Taehyung pushed two fingers in your pussy, pumping in and out relentlessly.
“That's it baby cum for me” Taehyung then latched his mouth on your clit once more kickstarting your fourth orgasm of the night. Puling his fingers out of you Taehyung planted gentle kisses in your inner thighs and trailed his kisses up your body, till he reached your lips.
“Now I’m done” He smiled kissing you softly you could barely feel the pressure of his lips on your own.
“I’ll be right back” He kissed you once more before making his way to your bathroom.
At this point this all felt like a great dream and you were soo fucked out you couldn't even make out Taehyung’s figure as he cleaned up your body with a warm towel.
“You did so well” Taehyung cooed softly. Getting back on the bed with you he pulled the bedsheets and covered the both of your bodies.
“Did you turn off the lights” You mumbled half asleep.
“Course I did, get some sleep. You’ll need if for the morning” 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” you whined.
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pvrestwolff · 6 years
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---- that's right, pleased to meet you, i still won't tell you my name. don't you believe in mystery? don't you want to play my game?
trident’s task 005; character questionnaire number two.
---- basic character questions
first name? ekaterina. surname? kashkanov-zamolochikova-markovy. ( usually just goes by markovy as a last name ) middle names? mikhailovna aliena. nicknames? erica, kat, kati, katya, nina and kitten. date of birth? eleventh of january, nineteen eighty-eight. age? thirty years old.
---- physical / appearance
height? 5′4″ weight? 135lbs, but has lost muscle and weight since being on the island. build? slim, slight and lean. hair color? honey brown. hair style? thin and soft but abundant, naturally curly, normally sits a little longer than shoulder length but has gone uncut since being on the island. eye color? blue with a hazel ring around the pupil. eye shape? almond/round. glasses or contact lenses? both. distinguishing facial features? eyes, lips, cheekbones, jawline. which facial feature is most prominent? eyes. which bodily feature is most prominent? biceps. other distinguishing features? hands, legs, waist, tattoos. skin? tan/olive. hands? slender palm, long fingers. make up? concealer and foundation with a nude lip and simple eyeliner for everyday use, concealer, foundation, highlighter and contour with a bright red or pink lip, complementary colours of eyeshadow and dramatic eyeliner for functions, parties, appearances or photoshoots. scars? straight, deep cuts all across her body at varying angles from sword-fighting practice that have faded to be near unnoticeable, a scar from a switchblade she copped while trying to protect charlie, scars across her knuckles from punching either a face or a bag too hard and splitting the skin, and small indents from chicken pox when she was a child. birthmarks? a mark on her forearm that is similarly shaped to a rabbit; she shares the mark with her mother. tattoos? a tiger on her left middle finger, a butterfly on the back of her neck, four birds on her left forearm, a sun and two stars behind her right ear, a tree on the right of her torso and hermes wings on the outsides of both her ankles, the word “cariad” in looping script, on the left the side of her ribs. physical handicaps? short sightedness and astigmatisms. type of clothes? neat blouses, skirts, heels, vests, a jacket, comfortable pants and the heaviest boots she can find. how do they wear their clothes? fitted if they are for show, for function if they are not. what are their feet like? her feet are well taken care of, has calloused balls and heels from dancing and running barefoot. usually wears comfortable and clean socks with whatever boots she can find that are wearable, even if they are a little too large. will wear heels for a party, however. race / ethnicity? caucasian ( russian, belarusian ) and ashkenazi jewish. mannerisms? miming out piano scales on surfaces while she is thinking, stretching her hands, tapping her thumb and middle finger together, tapping her foot to an imaginary beat, furrowing her brow while reading, tracing her fingertips over the lines of her visible tattoos. are they in good health? yes, for the time being. do they have any disabilities? borderline personality disorder.
---- personality
what words or phrases do they overuse? “i am fine.”, ”shut up.“, “idiot/pizdabol'.”, “fuck/kurva.”, “whore, slut, bitch/bliadz’.”, “fucking whore/kurva piardolanaja.”, “bastard/bajstruk.”, “no,”, “fuck you.”. there are many more and they are all offensive. do they have a catchphrase? “no.” or “fuck you.”. are they more optimistic or pessimistic? both. are they introverted or extroverted? both. do they ever put on airs? without a doubt. ekaterina is incredibly good at acting or pretending to be someone she is not, or feeling what she is not. what bad habits do they have? catastrophising, focusing on details, smoking tobacco and weed, drinking alcohol and coffee, swearing (though she doesn’t consider it a bad habit), needing to know everything, pursuing activities or people that she knows are bad for her. what makes them laugh out loud? children falling and completely eating shit, instant karma, dark and morbid humour, shakespeare’s comedies acted well. how do they display affection? ekaterina does not like PDA, usually. part of her enjoys the idea of a little PDA in order to make it known who belongs to her. in private, however, ekaterina is much more affectionate, and she can act extremely different. if they are new to it, she might touch someone on the chest or arm, perhaps even caress their jaw, but if she is well acquainted, she might straighten out their clothes, trace over their skin, neaten up their hair and brush locks out of their eyes, hold their hands, hug them and if they happen to be lying down, she might bury her face in their neck or hand while holding them. it very much depends on who it is she is showing affection for. mental handicaps? borderline personality disorder. minor depression. obsessive-compulsive tendencies, sociopathic tendencies. how do they want to be seen by others? ekaterina truly wants to be someone that people fear or respect, as she knows deep down that she is the kind of person who could do something earth-shattering if she set her mind to it. she wants to be seen as strong, unfailing, reliable, mysterious, perfect and perhaps even unattainable. how do they see themselves? the furthest thing from desirable, and as a truly evil creature. how are they seen by others? probably as an angry, mean yet just person who will fight anyone who sets her off. strongest character trait? determination. weakest character trait? intrapersonal emotional intelligence. how competitive are they? extremely. ekaterina is the type that wants to win everything, even if winning does not mean anything. do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? it depends on the situation. if she is bombarded, she won’t take the time to ponder, but if she is far more at ease, she tends to allow discovery before she judges. how do they react to praise? sometimes awkwardly, sometimes she will brush it off and other times, she will gladly accept it. how do they react to criticism? that depends on what someone is criticising her on. if it is her personality or who she is as a person, she will snap on them, but if it is about something that she does, she can accept it. as long as it’s constructive. what is their greatest fear? rejection, failure, losing her loved ones and being totally alone. what are their biggest secrets? she murdered a man when she was fourteen to save charlie’s life, she has killed other despicable people while in league with the belarusian mafia, she enjoys torturing people that have done abhorrent things, and takes special pleasure in drawing out their deaths so that they suffer until the last second. on a lighter note, she had a two long year secret relationship with grace ( that people still are not aware of ), she slept with luka ( several times ), and they have still not yet told his friend, the other prince who vied for her attention. she knows that the guilt weighs on them both but they have chosen to not speak of it. and finally, she is intensely attracted to roman tulach. ( @gunnerflanagan​, @classiciisms,​ @luka-rossi​, @roman-tulach​ ) what is their philosophy of life? talk less, smile more. don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for. when was the last time they cried? when she realised that charlie was both alive and well, and now a pirate. what haunts them? a few nights in her lifetime where she was coerced into sexual acts while she was not sober and had not properly consented. the mornings after those encounters ekaterina felt as if she could say nothing to anyone and so has kept it to herself, giving her a warped impression of her value, and the death of her cousin, lorne dùghlas. she had been rather close with him, given their similar ages and it broke her heart to learn about his murder. what are their political views? she is a liberal in some aspects, but has slowly been losing faith in the current ideology the world shares since she was thrust into meetings and talks that her mother insisted she learn about. when it comes to running a country with absolute monarchy, she does not agree, and believes that the people need a voice as well. what will they stand up for? justice above all else, no matter the cost. who do they quote? niccolò di bernardo dei machiavelli, william shakespeare, friedrich wilhelm nietzsche, socrates, rené descartes, george orwell, f. scott fitzgerald, joseph conrad, vincent van gogh, oscar wilde, albert einstein, mae west, dr seuss ( yes, look up his quotes ), marilyn monroe. are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? both. what is their sinful little habit? a drug-fuelled orgy or murder seems a little obvious, so perhaps it is her pining for and silent flirting with either ex-lovers, or taken/unattainable people that she quietly adores. what sense do they most rely on? instinct. how do they treat people better than them? as long as they treat her with respect, she will do the same. how do they treat people worse than them? as long as they treat her with respect, she will do the same. what quality do they most value in a friend? loyalty and patience. what do they consider an overrated virtue? purity or honesty. if they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? ekaterina is the kind of person that would change everything about herself if she could, but she would never truly be happy, and continue to change each aspect on a whim, eventually losing all that used to make her, her. what is their obsession? absolute perfection, blades, lingerie, leather, literature. what are their pet peeves? when people chew with their mouth open; ignorance; stupidity, unreliability; self-centredness; being used for her status; people who expect respect when they have not earned nor given it; people who complain to complain; people who corrupt their morals for material gain; people who tell her to speak in english if she is speaking in one of her mother tongues; people who dog ear books to bookmark their page. what are their idiosyncrasies? when observing a fight, she will add in comments to fuel the anger between whoever is arguing in order to turn it into a brawl; smoothing out dog ears on pages in books; continually adjusting her glasses ( when she has them ); chewing on the end of the pencil or pen she uses to journal or document things; arranging objects on a surface so they are straight and line up with each other.
---- friends and family
is their family big or small? who does it consist of? her family is quite large, including three royal branches. the markovy family adds six members; her mother, her father, ekaterina, nikolai and her two middle siblings; the nikolaevna family adds another six; her aunt, her uncle, tatiana and her three younger siblings; the dùghlas family adds another seven; her aunt, her uncle, ainsley, her three older brothers and one older sister; also included would be her paternal grandparents, her grandmother on that side being her babushka, her maternal grandparents, all of that brings the total up to twenty four known relatives, alive or deceased. ( @nikolaimarkovy, @tatiana-nikolaevna, @hrhxainsley ) what is their perception of family? ekaterina would give anything for her family, and that is the utter truth. no matter the request, no matter the risk, she would do whatever they asked of her; family is extremely important to her. do they have siblings? older or younger? ekaterina is the eldest of four, with two sisters in the middle, and a brother, nikolai, the youngest. describe their best friend. over the years, the title of best friend has changed hands many times, though she can confidently say that her brother is one of her closest friends and  regardless of who else may hold when she was younger, it was her father ( whom she still calls her daddy in an innocent way despite the fact that she’s thirty ); then the second eldest ukrainian royal; it fell to charlie while she was in paris; after that, she floated about without many friends to speak of, none of them coming close to that connection. in fact, it is her cousins and siblings who were often her best friends in that period of time. however, after a personal bodyguard was hired for her and they began to bond, she considered him her best friend; of course, all of those were ex-best friends, in the kindest of meanings. when she met lola through mutual connections, she felt as if she had found someone who she could truly call a friend again, and as they bonded, she became more and more attached. the island has only strengthened their relationship, and she would consider lola to be her best friend now. though, it is starting to feel as if the fine line between friend and possible lover is becoming exceedingly blurred. ( @lola-gutierrez ) ideal best friend? ekaterina likes a best friend who can challenge her, but also show patience in the face of her mental and emotional struggles. she wants to be able to trust her best friend with confidence, and for them to be there for her as she would be for them. describe their other friends. it would be safe to say that her friends are people like nikolai, luka, charlie, tatiana, ainsley, nael, grace, ottavio. ( @princenaelxdlf, @ottavioxrossi ) describe their acquaintances. carlos, oliver, rhys, and roman ( though it is more attraction than an alliance/acquaintanceship ) ( @blueblxod, @first-mate-sebastian, @rhys-tclford ) do they have any pets? two dogs; daisy, a maltese shih-tzu and jay, a labrador kelpie. who are their natural allies? her family, grace, charlie, lola, people who believe in justice, and people who do not jeopardise the safety of others through impulsivity. who are their surprising allies? i mean, this one has to be roman tulach.
---- past and future
what was your character like as a baby? as a child? ekaterina rarely cried as a baby, only gazing up at her parents with her now well-known big, blue intense eyes. as child, however, she was very selfish and upset when she could not see her parents due to their royal commitments. she still holds resentment for that fact. did they grow up rich or poor? very, very rich. did they grow up nurtured or neglected? neglected. her parents were not there for her formative years, though her father seems to be only one of the two who regrets that. what is the most offensive thing they ever said? from what she can recall, it was: “call us fags once more and i will shove david’s star up your cunt.” it was said to a female orthodox preacher who harassed her and a girl she had taken out to dinner as they walked by holding hands, both for being gay and for being jewish. what is their greatest achievement? managing to maintain a semi-normal relationship for as long as she did with grace and reducing crimes in belarus through deals with members of organised criminal syndicates. what was their first kiss like? like fireworks. they’d been running through a cobblestreet alleyway to avoid her bodyguards when ekaterina tripped and scraped both of her knees, causing her to yelp in pain and scoot away from the line of sight down the path. in an attempt to distract her from the pain, charlie kissed her. she’d wanted him to kiss her for a long time and although it was clumsy and awkward, as most first kisses are, she wouldn’t have changed a thing about it. what is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? she turned luka on his best friend as both of them fought for her affections, eventually sleeping with luka and keeping it a secret from his friend to avoid adding fuel to the fire. truthfully, she wanted both of them, and still wishes she could have had a night with the other prince. she also distanced herself from grace after their break-up because of her own pride and stubbornness. what are their ambitions? true freedom, and to make an impact on the world and never be forgotten. what advice would they give their younger self? bad times will always come with the good, but do not let what happens to you define who you become. what smells remind them of their childhood? the smell of books, old and new, from her father’s library. what was their childhood ambition? to make an impact on the world and never be forgotten. what is their best childhood memory? when she was finally allowed to take up sword-fighting as a hobby. what is their worst childhood memory? the first time she was announced officially as heir to the throne and had to give a speech to the public. did they have an imaginary childhood friend? no. when was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? when she realised that charlie had become a pirate. what past act are they most ashamed of? she turned luka on his best friend as both of them fought for her affections, eventually sleeping with luka and keeping it a secret from his friend to avoid adding fuel to the fire; she also regrets reacting so harshly toward grace during and after their break-up. what past act are they most proud of? saving charlie’s life. has anyone ever saved their life? her personal bodyguard was stabbed before, when a girl rushed her at a club. she is still forever grateful for his actions. strongest childhood memory? lying awake and listening to her father read her stories/sing to her.
---- love
do they believe in love at first sight? no. are they in a relationship? technically yes. she is betrothed, though she does not consider it a relationship. how do they behave in a relationship? usually the same as she does out of one. there just happens to be more sex and more emotion to it. when did you character last have sex? god only knows. SHE NEEDS IT THOUGH. what sort of sex do they have? all kinds. she enjoys slow, gentle sex but also loves rough, animalistic sex, and enjoys incorporating BDSM into her encounters. has your character ever been in love? yes, with charlie and grace. have they ever had their heart broken? yes, by charlie and grace.
---- conflict
how do they respond to a threat? usually with defensive action. are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? both. what is your character’s kryptonite? grace, someone who can match her mind games like roman, strawberries on pancakes, or someone she loves crying. if your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? it would depend on what’s inside. likely her dogs, or her family if they were still trapped. how do they perceive strangers? as strangers. she does not judge until she learns a few things about them. what do they love to hate? herself. what are their phobias? autophobia, atychiphobia, atelophobia. what is their choice of weapon? knives, swords, guns, fists, or anything she can find. what living person do they most despise? she has killed most of the people she truly despises. have they ever been bullied or teased? yes. where do they go when they’re angry? usually to her private space so that she can be alone, lest she be provoked into a physical altercation. who are their enemies and why? anyone who stands in the way of her goals, anyone who is despicable enough to commit crimes like rape, child abuse, human trafficking and nazis.
---- work, education and hobbies
what is their current job? crown princess, heir to the belarusian throne, grand duchess of vitebsk, killer for hire. what do they think about their current job? she does not particularly enjoy being royalty nor being the heir though she knows she has no say in it. she does, however, love the vigilante justice that comes with killing horrible people. what are some of their past jobs? none. what are their hobbies? exercising, fencing, martial arts, fighting, reading, playing piano, exploration, sketching, creating/using ciphers for her journals, assassinations and murder. educational background? has a masters degree in history of piracy with a minor in cryptography. intelligence level? 135 IQ, superior intelligence. do they have any specialist training? yes. fencing, martial arts, sword-fighting, gun-handling, cryptography, cartography, scuba diving, basic latin, history, history of piracy, etiquette, ballroom dancing. do they have a natural talent for something? strategy and leading. do they play a sport? are they any good? yes; fencing, sword-fighting, lacrosse and cross-country running. she trains intensely in order to excel in the sports she attempts. what is their socioeconomic status? upper, royal.
---- favourites
what is their favorite animal? a tiger, or a bird. which animal to they dislike the most? she doesn’t loathe any animal, but spiders are not exactly on her favourites list. what place would they most like to visit? the parts of the world that she has not yet seen. what is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? the ocean. what is their favorite song? la vie en rosie by édith piaf or dream a little dream of me by the mamas and the papas. music, art, reading preferred? all. what is their favorite color? purple. what is their password? usually something unguessable, but she won’t tell you what it is. favorite food: strawberries and pancakes. what is their favorite work of art? the creation of adam by michelangelo simply for the scientific secrets within it or the birth of venus by sandro botticelli for the same reasons. who is their favorite artist? antoni gaudí i cornet, leonardo da vinci ( if only for his similar approach to coding his work ), vincent van gogh. what is their favorite day of the week? thursdays.
---- possessions
what is in their fridge: usually a lot of fruit and vegetables, yoghurts, basic ingredients for meals, white wine, prosecco and vodka-- but usually not anything filled with sugar. what is on their bedside table? a book or three, a glass of wine, phone charger, watch charger, remote, a jewellery box that holds her ‘engagement’ ring for her betrothal, the ring from her previous arrangement and her family’s signet ring. there was a frame photo of herself and grace there before, but it was put it in her forgotten box. what is in their car? not much, usually a bottle of water. what is in their bin? crumpled up codes, sketches, old receipts, what is in their purse or wallet? in her wallet: her id, her credit cards, business cards and numbers to call, photographs of her family, a small amount of money and international sim cards for when she travels outside the country. in her bag/purse: her phone, her wallet, a deck of cigarettes, a small flask of whiskey, a lighter, a pen, a taser, make up for touch ups, her passport. what is in their pockets? usually nothing. she keeps her possessions either strapped to her body or in her handbag. what is their most treasured possession? her forgotten box, as it is a place she can keep sentimental items, but lock them away so she is not constantly reminded of them.
---- spirituality
who or what is your character’s guardian angel? grace thomas, or the devil. do they believe in the afterlife? no. what are their religious views? she practices jewish and eastern orthodox holidays, but does not really believe in either religion. what do they think heaven is? she doesn’t believe it exists. what do they think hell is? life on earth. are they superstitious? no. what would they like to be reincarnated as? a feline of some sort. how would they like to die? drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra. what is your character’s spirit animal? a tiger. what is their zodiac sign? capricorn // rabbit yang fire or tiger yin fire.
---- values
what do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? sexual assault of all types, being sold into slavery, drugging a child, the judas chalice torture-- though she would take pleasure in any of the aforementioned perpetrators of such heinous crimes being placed upon a judas chalice. what is their view of ‘freedom’? for ekaterina, freedom is living her life as she pleases, with no one dictating what she does and being able to love who she wants to love. when did they last lie? all the time. everyday. all the time. what’s their view of lying? it is better than a horrific truth. when did they last make a promise? to grace, that her family would not be harmed in this revolution. did they keep or break their last promise? she hasn’t had the chance to do either yet.
---- daily life
what are their eating habits? ekaterina is a vegetarian, and tends to eat infrequently but it is always good food. do they have any allergies? no. describe their home. her part of the palace of snov is neat and tidy. nothing is out of place. she has a large bed, a very effective heater, a mounted television on which she streams movies and documentaries, a desk with her computer and other papers and books neatly stacked with stationary close by, a vanity where she lines up her make up and other products such as perfumes. her room also has a large window with a beautiful view of the rest of the grounds. are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? a minimalist. anything she doesn’t need, she passes on to someone who can use it. what do they do first thing on a weekday morning? go for a run or go to the gym. what do they do on a sunday afternoon? participate in her sword-fighting sessions. what do they do on a friday night? if she is feeling up to it, she will make an appearance at a club, drink and take drugs and dance until it is six in the morning. what is the soft drink of choice? none. what is their alcoholic drink of choice? whiskey, vodka or rum.
---- miscellaneous
what is their character archetype? the rebel or the ruler. who is their hero? vincent van gogh. what or who would your character dress up as for halloween? either alice liddell, or daisy buchanan. are they comfortable with technology? yes. if they could save one person, who would it be? her father, nikolai, one of her sisters. or, the person who would benefit her the most. if they could call one person for help, who would it be? her father. what is their favorite proverb? “if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” what is their greatest extravagance? her rare buell motorcycle, or her engagement ring that she received from her first betrothal or any gift grace has ever give her. what is their greatest regret? never standing up to her mother regarding her role as heir. what is their perception of redemption? one who has made actions to prove they have changed. what would they do if they won the lottery? donate all of it to lgbt+ charities in the eastern european region. what is their favorite fairytale? the snow queen. what fairytale do they hate? sleeping beauty do they believe in happy endings? if one puts in the effort and makes it possible, then yes. what is their idea of perfect happiness? freedom and the opportunity to be with the people she loves. to marry grace would also provoke total happiness within her, but she isn’t sure how, if or when that could ever happen. what would they ask a fortune teller? nothing, she doesn’t believe in them. if your character could travel through time, where would they go? to the future, to see if roman’s plan achieved what he wanted. what sport do they excel at? fencing, lacrosse, cross-country running. what sport do they suck at? none, really. if they could have a superpower, what would they choose? she would not want one, but if there were no choice, pathokinesis.
#trident;task#task005#☾ [ ** 𝘢 𝘱𝘶𝘻𝘻𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘵𝘺 ⁎⁎ ] TASKS#♛ [ ** 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 ⁎⁎ ] PRINCESS EKATERINA#♛ [ ** 𝘢 𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 ⁎⁎ ] ERICA MARKOVY#☾ [ ** 𝘪 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯 ⁎⁎ ] GRACE#☾ [ ** 𝘮𝘺 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 ⁎⁎ ] CHARLIE#☾ [ ** 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘶𝘳𝘬 𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘸 ⁎⁎ ] ROMAN#☾ [ ** 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 ⁎⁎ ] LUKA#☾ [ ** 𝘢 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 ⁎⁎ ] NAEL#☾ [ ** 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘥𝘴 ⁎⁎ ] OTTAVIO#☾ [ ** 𝘴𝘰 𝘣𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘴𝘰 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 ⁎⁎ ] RHYS#☾ [ ** 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘰𝘷𝘺𝘴 ⁎⁎ ] BELARUS ROYALTY#☾ [ ** 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳 ⁎⁎ ] FAMILY#th: the queen of belarus#th: the prince regent#th: tatiana#th: ainsley#th: carlos#th: ollie#th: daisy#th: jay#th: woman's best friends#//** idk i tried#☾ [ ** 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘥 ⁎⁎ ] LOLA
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Mrs. Needles, Thank You (Shalaska) - Josie
AN: Hi!! I originally posted this fic on ao3, but I’ve decided to submit it here, too, as a way to get more feedback n stuff. It’s basically pure smut. It’s the first thing I’ve written in years and it was originally supposed to be a oneshot but I’ve decided to keep updating it whenever I find a new weird/dirty/crazy kink that I think would be fun to write lmao. Anyways, Sharon takes the role of a trophy wife in here and Alaska’s a lawyer, which is (kinda??) important to the fic once I start posting more chapters. I hope y’all like it because I refuse to read it.
“Sharon, I’m leaving, I love you!” Alaska called out into the bedroom where her wife was currently sitting on the bed, still half asleep. No matter how many times Alaska woke her up at six in the morning she would never get used to it. Sharon walked over to Alaska rubbing her eyes and kissed her on the lips.
“How long are you going to be at work today, Lasky?”
“I don’t know, sweetheart. Not too long, hopefully. I’m finishing up the case.” Alaska smiled, patting Sharon’s scraggly hair down. She saw the little glint in Sharon’s eye as she did it. Sharon pulled the blonde into a hug, yawning into Alaska’s neck. She could fall asleep right there. Alaska pulled back and kissed her on the forehead. “Go back to sleep baby. I love you. I’ll see you later.”
Sharon mumbled an incoherent ‘I love you too’ as Alaska left the house.
Alaska reached her work building with a yawn and a scowl, seeing her coworker’s rig outside. He always tried to hit on her, apparently not getting the face that she was a lesbian with a wife. She enjoyed the attention, though. Pulling her hair up into a loose bun as she walked into her office, she saw Russell on the other side of the room talking to their boss. He turned around quickly and smiled, and it took everything she had not to roll her eyes.
“Morning, Russ.”
“Good morning, miss. How are you?” Mrs., she corrected in her head.
“I am fine. Please leave my office.” His smile faltered for half a second before getting up and leaving, closing the door gently behind him. At that exact moment, Alaska felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She swiftly opened and unlocked it to see a picture message from Sharon. She was in the shower. It wasn’t uncommon for Sharon to send Alaska pictures of herself at work, but so quickly and boldly was unusual for her. Alaska stared at the picture lovingly, noticing the drops of water cascading down her wife’s body, following the line that starts directly under her perky tits down to her belly button. Alaska got up and closed the blinds to her office, locking the door and sitting down in the desk chair.
She unbuttoned the button on her pants and looked back at the photo, silently thanking God for her wife. Her fingers dipped below her waistline, feeling the lacy panties she had put on that morning. Fingerpads made their way across her thighs to her clit, lightly rubbing. Her fingers felt lower, spreading the wetness that had accumulated up to her folds. A slight moan left her lips as she texted Sharon back.
You shouldn’t have done that. Bad girl. But I’ll forgive you.
She opened the photo in full screen, staring at her wife’s tits, wandering lower and lower, to her belly button, and even lower, until the picture cut off. She fantasized about what was below the black edge of the picture, about getting her wife off, telling her she was a bad girl. Her orgasm was building and she shoved a finger and then another into herself, curling them up to touch her g spot, and she let out another moan.
It’s no fun without you here., Sharon replied quickly.
You know I would be there if I could., Alaska responded, typing quickly into her phone so she could get back to the picture. She could feel the heat in the pit of her stomach building, two fingers stretching her and hitting her g spot with every thrust, all it would take was one more thrust and she would be coming, in her office no less, and she would finally be able to focus for the day and-
And then she stopped.
If you’re a good girl for the rest of the day you won’t be punished. She sent with a quick tap on her phone screen. The rest of the day was going to be hell, and she wasn’t gonna make it without seeing her wife until she gets home.
Message from Cupcake
She opened the text seeing a picture of smiling Sharon, this time with clothes on.
“We won the case, sir.” Alaska announced proudly to her boss. She had just gotten back from the court after working on a case with a foster kid. After being stressed about this case for months she was relieved to have finished it off the way she did, putting her heart into it. Her fingers reached up to unclip her loose bun from her head as she walked into the breakroom, running them through her long blonde hair to make it go flat again.
The light blue couch where Alaska usually sat during her breaks was taken, so she settled into a gray armchair in the far corner of the room and pulled out her lunch. She let Sharon pack her lunches usually. Sometimes Alaska would end up with sweet notes or fruit cut into hearts. Sharon, Alaska thought. Sharon would be happy to hear about the case. Alaska would watch how her light grey eyes sparkled as she congratulated her and gave her kisses, her wavy hair bouncing with every movement.
“Alaska,” She whipped her head up to see Russell, her coworker. He was second chair in court today, working along with her on the case. “Boss just informed me you can leave early today. You don’t have another meeting until tomorrow.” He said, nodding at her. His eyes floated down to her white blouse and blazer where she had subtle cleavage showing, but the sudden movement of Alaska’s phone coming out of her pocket made his eyes drift back up to her face quickly before smiling and walking away. She saw how his eyes stopped on her breasts for a moment.
Alaska video called Sharon three times before she answered. “Hey, baby.”
“Sorry, I was cleaning up.”
“Yourself or the house? You look nice.” Sharon smiled at her comment and blushed. Alaska’s eyes crinkled at the corner and she moved her hand to the inside of her thigh, thinking about earlier.
“Momma’s bringing you home a present today… I won the case!”
“Really? Yay! I’ll make cookies for when you get home!”
“What do you want for a present, angel?” Alaska said, winking. “You’ll have to behave though… naughty girls don’t get presents.” She saw Sharon’s eyes glaze over at the statement almost immediately.
“It’s so hard for me to not be bad when you take so long to get home…” Sharon replied quickly, playing the game her and Alaska knew so well. She was so, so hopelessly turned on just because of one comment. The blonde saw Sharon’s arm make her way down to her legs.
This was aggravating; Sharon knew she couldn’t talk like that at work, yet she still wanted to break the rules her and Alaska had set in place. She knew what she was doing, toying with Alaska like that. “Baby, don’t. You’re such a pretty little girl. I would hate to have to punish you for denying one simple rule.” Alaska pulled her own hand away from her thigh and rested it on her chin, placing her elbow on the arm of the chair. She lightly grazed her fingertips on her high cheekbones putting her pinky slightly into her mouth and Sharon whined. Alaska’s eyes narrowed and Sharon pulled her hand back up to her face.
She knew Sharon was probably so wet by now. It was probably dripping down her thighs, soaking her panties. She would have to throw those panties away.
Maybe Alaska would bring her home some new ones. Shove the other ones in her pretty baby’s mouth to get her to shut up.
Alaska was at work. She shouldn’t be thinking these things.
“Yes?” Sharon’s eyes lit up at the mention of her name after the dead silence.
“What did you pick out for today?” Oh, code words, Sharon knew this one. She slowly pulled the strap down on her dress down to her waist for Alaska to see the bright red bra she was wearing. Her tits spilled out of it at the top, and Alaska bought it too small for a reason. Her cream colored skin was so nice to stare at. It was one of the previous presents from Alaska, one from a while ago, but she took great care of it because she knew the blonde loved it. Her petite C-cup breasts barely even needed the push up from the bra, but she appreciated it anyways. After a few seconds she pushed the straps of her dress back up. “So, what’d you do today?” Alaska asked her after deciding not to torture her wife any more than she already has.
Sharon would do anything for Alaska. She was wrapped around her finger. Right now Sharon was ready to unravel with just one word from Alaska’s mouth. She wanted to melt and mold herself to be whatever Alaska wanted.
“Invited Katya over and watched movies, but she left to go to Trixie’s. I miss you.”
“I miss you too baby. I can’t wait to come home and bring you presents. But you have to promise to be a good girl while I’m gone, angel, or else no presents anytime soon. You know the rules.”
“Yes, mommy.” Alaska shivered at the nickname, and twisted strands of her hair around her fingers, gently tugging. She could feel the heat at the pit of her stomach sending small shocks down in between her legs.
“Can you do the dishes sugar? And put on your nice clothes for mommy when she comes home. That dress is far too… conservative. You want to look extra pretty, kitten.” Sharon smiled wide, Alaska gazing softly at the round edges up to her face leading to her sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones. Her plump lips her a deep, alluring red, telling Alaska she was waiting for her all day. She wanted her to beg, wanted her to have to get on her knees before Alaska even touched her.
“Mommy.” Alaska cut her off. “Babydoll, you know not to call me that.” She saw Sharon’s eyes narrow. She was losing patience. She needed release. “Don’t be naughty, doll. It’s not my fault if you break the rules.” She said, nonchalantly, clicking her fingernails together. Sharon had to be wet by now, dying for Alaska to come home and fuck her.
Russell walked back into the room with his laptop and seemingly more paperwork. “Alaska, do you have a daughter? You seem like such a good mother!” He said enthusiastically, a poor attempt at trying to flirt with her.
“Got to go, babydoll, be a good girl before Mommy gets home and I’ll bring you something.” She smiled, and Sharon smiled back, before ending the call.
Alaska stood up, putting her lunch back into the fridge to eat later, and directed her attention to Russell, who was trying extremely hard to drag his attention away from her ass.
“No, that was my wife. She’s waiting for me at home.” She smiled a grin, watching Russell’s mouth gape open.
“O-oh. Sorry. Have a good day, miss Needles.”
“Mrs. Needles, thank you.” She closed the door to the workroom with a bang. What a prick.
She headed out to her car, a nice red convertible she’d had for a couple years. There were bags in the back full of clothes and some papers she had yet to drop off.
She headed out of the parking lot of the huge brick law firm and onto the highway it was conveniently placed on, and pulled into a new little bakery that she hadn’t seen before. Apparently they specialized in cupcakes, had been on some show or whatever. The door rang as she walked in, still so turned on she could barely focus. The woman behind the register had dyed grey hair and pretty blue eyes. She smiled at Alaska when she came in, but seemed timid. Fragile, almost. She moved gracefully, too, and Alaska appreciated the gentleness of her actions.
“I’ve never been here before, I want to get something for my wife. What do you recommend?”
“Um, well, personally I like the red velvet. It’s really good. But if you’re not into that the vanilla is also amazing.” She smiled, pointing down into the glass case to point out what ones she was talking about.
“I’ll take both, thanks.” Alaska smiled at the woman and got her wallet out of her purse, pulling out ten dollars in cash. “Keep the change.” She said, walking out the door and making the commute home.
Pulling into her house was like waking up on Christmas, exciting and alluring. Sharon was so close to her- probably sitting inside reading, or watching a movie, with a glass of red wine. She’d been waiting all day for this.
Sharon watched as the door open, waiting to see Alaska’s reaction to her in the finest lingerie, a black and nude corset, black thigh highs, a thong, and garters with just a sheer robe covering her. Her thin waist and thick thighs were accentuated in the lingerie she had chosen, with her boobs practically fully on display, spilling out of the cups on the top. Alaska finally saw her and sucked in a breath, not being able to stop her hips from rolling at the sight. She’s been waiting for this all day, all fucking day, she needed her and she needed her now.
“I brought cupcakes.” Alaska said sweetly, regaining her composure.
“I was good, mommy! I promise.” Sharon said back. She smiled proudly and wiggled a little bit.
‘Good job, cupcake! I’m proud of you. Come here.” She grabbed the box with the cupcakes in them and set them on the table, watching Sharon slink her way over from where she was standing on the couch. Her hips swayed seductively, catching Alaska’s attention. Once she got close enough, Alaska twirled a finger around a lock of Sharon’s hair and tugged, making Sharon moan. “Sit down.”
“I missed you today.” Alaska said, unboxing the red velvet cupcake and placing it on a plate, and grabbing two forks. Sharon was sitting at the small dining table with her legs crossed and her fingers twirling two strands of her hair together.
“I missed you too! A lot. I made cookies, they’re in the fridge.”
“I’m more in a cake mood right now princess,” Alaska replied softly, setting the plate down onto the table in between them. Alaska picked up the fork and took a bite off the cupcake with it, holding the fork out to Sharon. Sharon stared at the fork for a second before leaving in and eating the bite off of it, pressing her lips over the fork tightly and slowly leaning back, releasing the fork from her mouth. Alaska took off her jacket and unbuttoned her shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Sharon knew that. Alaska fed her another bite before standing up.
She quickly unbuttoned her pants again, pulling them down her thighs and eventually onto the floor, with her ass in Sharon’s face. “Don’t touch, kitten. You don’t want to get in trouble now.” Her wife whimpered and crossed her legs tighter, staring at the visible space between Alaska’s tits, watching how the fabric of her unbuttoned shirt grazed over her nipples. She was in nothing but the shirt and a lacy white thong now, and Sharon could see the discoloration in the panties where Alaska was so obviously turned on. Her stomach twisted as shots of heat spread down to her thighs. Alaska sat down on the table, carefully making sure that none of her breasts were visible as she fed Sharon another bite of the cake. Sharon shuddered with every movement.
“Lasky,” She said, closing her eyes. She was shaking, she needed to be touched, right now. Alaska looked her straight into her eyes and stood up.
“Take it all off. I want you naked and I want you in the bedroom. Now.” Sharon made a beeline to the bedroom, leaving Alaska to whatever she was doing.
After a few torturous minutes Alaska walked in the room. Sharon was on the bed, sitting with her calves tucked under her ass, the skin on her hips pushed out. Alaska almost moaned at the sight of it. “God,” Alaska said before coming up to Sharon and kissing her passionately, letting her tug off the shirt she had on and then putting her knees on either side of her hips. Sharon was biting at her lips every so often, and every time she did Alaska moaned. Alaska’s fingers made their way across Sharon’s waist, up and over her tits, squeezing for a brief second. Sharon stopped kissing Alaska to let out a loud moan.
“Sharon, baby,” Alaska said between breaths. “Get up, stand over there.” Alaska pointed at the area in the front of the bed. Sharon quickly got up and followed orders. The blonde followed, sitting at the edge of the bed in front of Sharon. She let Sharon’s eyes wander down her body for a few seconds before giving another order. “Give me your hands, doll.” Sharon gently placed her hands on top of Alaska’s when Alaska pulls a small piece of rope out from behind her, tying her wrists together in front of her.
“You shouldn’t have sent me that picture at work today. I’ve changed my mind about forgiving you.” Alaska said in a pitying voice, lacing her fingers through locks of Sharon’s hair, before tugging so hard Sharon yelps. “Spread your legs, put your arms out in front of you, use the bed to hold yourself up.” With that order, Alaska stood up and got behind Sharon while she used the bed for leverage. Her fingers traced the cream colored skin of Sharon’s ass, watching how pale it got the harder she pressed into it. She noticed the wetness that had gone from Sharon’s pussy to the insides of her thighs. She let her hand go in one more circle over her before lifting it up and bringing it down hard onto Sharon’s ass, leaving a red mark as Sharon jumped. She spanked her three more times before Sharon spoke up.
“Please, Alaska,” She whispered, panting.
“What was that?”
“Please.” She whimpered, trying to stay standing. Her legs had practically almost turned to jello, leaving her wobbling.
“Ok. Fine. Stand up.” Alaska said, sounding bored. Sharon stood up and walked over to Alaska, her eyes following the blonde’s curves all the way down to her ass until she felt the rope from her wrists being untied. Alaska let her go and walked over to the bed, laying down and spreading her legs. Sharon got the memo almost immediately, pulling herself onto the bed and settling her face between Alaska’s legs, kissing the inside of her thighs. Alaska gasped once Sharon finally came in contact of her clit, rubbing her tongue over it, fingers still playing lightly with the area around her folds before pushing one finger in slowly. Alaska pushed her hips up, moaning loudly. She pulled her hand away from the headboard and grabbed a handful of Sharon’s hair, tugging and pushing her head deeper into her. Alaska was a panting mess now. Sharon put another finger in, curling them upwards, feeling Alaska contract around her, becoming completely undone.
Sharon started kissing her thighs, still thrusting into Alaska. Alaska’s moans couldn’t be contained anymore and she was sure the neighbors could hear her. “Sharon, baby, I’m gonna come, please,” Alaska moaned one more time before finally convulsing around Sharon’s fingers as she fucked her through her orgasm. Alaska’s hands had never left her hair, still pulling and tugging at the wavy strands while climaxing. Soon enough Sharon felt Alaska slow down and her hands left her hair. She gave Alaska’s thighs one last kiss before leaning up and kissing her on the lips. Alaska brought her hands up to Sharon’s neck gently and put her knees in the dips of her waist, Sharon’s fingers grazing along her outer thighs.
Alaska pulled away after about a minute of just kissing and sat up with her legs dangling off the bed. Sharon followed, trailing behind her and slowly moving her hair across her back to kiss her neck. Alaska turned around, kissing her on the mouth again, leaning her back and pushing her onto the bed.
“Wait here, don’t move unless you want me to punish you, doll.” Alaska whispered into Sharon’s ear, Sharon squirmed and elicited a moan from the other girl’s words as she walked out the door.
Alaska headed straight to the secret closet in the bathroom- a small safe that sat under the sink in the cabinet. It was built into the wall for discreteness. She unlocked it quickly using her birth date and grabbed the only thing that was in there- a pair of pink painted handcuffs. She walked back into the room and made a rattling sound with the handcuffs that made Sharon giggle. “Thought you said you weren’t going to punish me, Lasky?”
“This is hardly a punishment for either of us and you know that.” She retorted. Sharon giggled again letting a devious grin take over her previous smirk. “Here, baby, give me your hands, put them around- yeah,” Alaska said motioning to the bedpost behind Sharon’s head so she could put the handcuffs on, using the bedpost as a way to keep her from moving.
“You’ve been waiting all day for this, huh, doll,” Alaska said, walking around the bed and sitting down on the corner. Sharon stayed silent. “Answer me, brat!”
“Do you want me to touch you?” Sharon felt her hips roll up as the heat in her stomach and face pooled down.
“Yes.” Sharon replied, exasperated. She loved when Alaska took control like this.
“Beg for me.” Alaska moved her hands down to Sharon’s legs, playing with her skin. Pinching, pulling, biting.
“Please, Alaska, I need you to touch me so bad,” Alaska looked uninterested, still playing with Sharon’s legs, running her hands up and down the sides.
“I’ve been waiting for you to come home all day so you could fuck me, please,” This got Alaska’s attention, finally letting herself move her hands to the insides of Sharon’s thighs and spreading her legs apart.
“Keep your thighs there.” Her fingers crawled up her wife’s body and into her parted lips. “Suck.”
Sharon immediately went to work, sucking and licking at Alaska’s fingers, lathering them. When she finally pulled them out of her mouth there was a tiny strand of saliva connecting the tip of her middle finger to Sharon’s thick lower lip. Alaska went to work quick, wrapping her mouth around Sharon’s nipples, licking and sucking at them as she rubbed her clit, going from fast to slow.
Sharon started shaking, sobbing as Alaska touched her. Her moans couldn’t be silenced even when Alaska covered her mouth, letting out one more moan before coming all over Alaska’s hand, soaking the sheets underneath her.
Alaska was the first one to leave the bed. She slipped on another pair of underwear and an old t-shirt from their previous vacation. She grabbed another t-shirt for Sharon and threw it at her wife, who was still chained to the bed post trying to catch her breath. Alaska walked over and lovingly undid the handcuffs, letting Sharon sit up, before grabbing the t-shirt off her lap.
“Hands up, love.” Sharon listened to Alaska, putting her hands in the air so she could slip the loose XXL t-shirt over her. “I love you so, so much. You know that, right?”
“I love you too, Alaska.” The blonde curled into Sharon’s arms and lied her head back on her shoulder to get Sharon to lean down onto the pillow, gently spooning her.
“G’night, Lasky.”
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artificialqueens · 7 years
A story about love //Chapter 6// (Vatya/Trixya) - Polly
Author’s note: Shout out to Kitty, big thanks and bless our chat! Also massive thank you to Yaskara, just like in general and specifically for the cat names.
So this chapter features emotional turmoil Katya, Courtney Act, the BOTS girls adopting kittens (blame Sharon), Vatya bondage (half assed bondage at best because Katya is an idiot and Violet is weak willed) and a talk that’s long overdue.
Inbox // AO3
Warning: Bondage (light ish)
(NON AU, Violet, Katya, Trixie; she/her; Flashbacks in ••• and past tense)
Summary: ‘Them letting each other back in time and time again, so easily, so foolishly, so alleviated, it scares Katya. It scares Violet too; Katya can see it on her face when her eyes take her in now.’
This is not a love story. This is a story about love.
Katya: Beautiful Goodbye
// I count the ways I let you down On my fingers and toes but I’m running out //
Trixie is perfect. Katya knows it. Katya loves it. Katya hates it.
She knows that Trixie would be worth the effort, that a relationship with her would be perfect, because Trixie fucking cares, fucking wants you to be happy. And Katya gets her, gets the in and outs and up and downs of Trixie Mattel and knows that Trixie gets her too, its what makes them work. Or used to, at least.
She remembers times when she made a joke, nothing unusual, Trixie shouldn’t have known, Katya was a master at hiding, but Trixie had known that had upset her. Because the thing is, Trixie knows, Trixie always knows when there’s something going on with Katya.
She doesn’t ask Katya about it. She takes her hand and she hugs her and she lets her cry and she’s there but she doesn’t force Katya to talk and Katya loves her for that. Because really, that’s what she needs sometimes and Trixie knows.
She thinks that, maybe, Trixie wants to know what’s going on in Katya’s head but that, maybe, she can’t see her upset. And Katya gets that, she really does. She’s too close, almost, to see her hurt. So she doesn’t ask and Katya doesn’t tell.
// When did the rain become a storm?
When did the clouds begin to form? //
She hates putting Violet and Trixie up against each other because it’s not fair. But they’re similar in ways she hadn’t fully realised before. Bitchy, bratty, frankly kind of ridiculously needy in bed, sharp, no bullshit approaches to life, honest, direct, defense mechanisms high up (Trixie has her humour where Violet has her ice queen exterior); but also kind, gentle, caring, smart, beautiful, generous, caring, and able to make Katya happier with just being there. Katya hates herself a little, maybe a lot, because she’s not sure which of them she tried to substitute with the other.
It doesn’t even make sense because there’s also so many striking differences; Violet is hard where Trixie is soft, Trixie is hard where Violet is soft and it kills her because she doesn’t know what’s better or if better is even a word you should use when describing the people you love.
Everyone likes to think the world revolves around them and it does, in a way. When Trixie was there it was all Trixie, Katya was living in Trixie world, her entire attention on her. When Violet was there it was all Violet, Katya was living in Violet world, her entire attention on her.
It was like a fucking fucked up double agent life that was bound to explode into a million burning suns that were destined to hurt everyone that stood to close to Katya. So that’s what happened eventually, it hurt Violet, it hurt Trixie, it burned Katya to a miserable pile of ash waiting to be swept by the low breeze of change. She hates herself a bit more because she’s thinking in weather analogies instead of facing her poor life decisions.
// Yeah, we got knocked off course by a natural force //
But the low breeze of change is not that kind and caring. So instead of time healing all her wounds as quickly as possible, it sends her Courtney Act to make sense of the mess.
Katya hadn’t really left the bed since Trixie had left ten days ago. She keeps refreshing Trixie’s instagram that is filled with colourful costumes, pink lips, bright smiles and golden sun brought to you directly by the ProvinceTown shows of your dreams starring Trixie fucking Mattel looking tan and carefree and happy when Katya knows that can’t actually be the case. Probably.
So that’s how Courtney finds her: unshowered, maybe slightly underfed because really living off of dried fruit and cigarettes does no one’s body good, tired, defeated, and her heart lost in the wallowing sea of pain and longing somewhere between Violet Chachki and Trixie Mattel.
But Courtney is Courtney and she hugs Katya for ten minutes even though Katya smells bad, she forces her into the shower, she buys food while Katya lets water mix in with despair and tears and she knows she’s a bit dramatic at this point but it’s all a goddamn travesty so it can’t be helped. Courtney cooks food for both of them and it’s pretty decent for being vegan, Katya cries more about Trixie and keeps quiet about Violet, Courtney nods along.
She doesn’t look surprised by anything Katya says about the break up, that maybe it was never right and that she misses her best friend and that Trixie deserves someone who’s perfect for her and that that would’ve never been Katya and that neither really paid attention to that even when they should’ve known. Katya thinks that Violet had known that better than Trixie and Katya did, thinks that Courtney did too and wonders what it is about losing all rationality when you’re in the situation yourself.
Courtney nods along some more and smiles in empathy and listens and does Katya’s dishes and Katya is pretty sure that Courtney talked to Trixie before she talked to Katya.
// And let them go, let them fly Holding back won’t turn back time Believe me, I’ve tried //
She lets go off hoping on Trixie because there’s no way to pretend they could be fine any time soon. But they will be, one day. Maybe. Hopefully.
Because Katya doesn’t think she wants to live the rest of her life without Trixie in it. It hurts and she knows it will hurt for a long time but she’s done pretending. She knows Trixie needs her time away from Katya, to figure everything out, to figure herself out and deep down Katya knows she needs that time too. Because the truth is, maybe they were a bit dependent on each other because now Trixie is gone and Katya has lost who she is, in a way. They need time off of each other but Katya hopes, knows, that, maybe, eventually, one day, they can be friends again.
Maybe this is her time to believe in fate. Maybe she can let that be the thing she learns from Trixie. That what should be will be, maybe not in the way you expect it but what should happens will happen. Maybe you need to make it happen but Trixie believes that everything will always be alright at the end.
// Beautiful goodbye
It’s dripping from your eyes
Your beautiful goodbye //
Trixie believes in love as the core of everything. Katya thinks, maybe, after all, there’s some truth to it.
Because she doesn’t call Trixie. She won’t for a while. Because she loves her and because she knows it’s for the best, at least for now, to give her space. She knows that it’s love that makes her let Trixie go.
// All the pain you try to hide //
She wants to let go of Violet too, in a way, to give her space too but she can’t. Maybe it’s because she can’t lose them both or it’s because Violet feels like home to her and she never fully gave up on that.
There’s a part of her that stayed in their New York summer, that stayed there when she left. She can’t fully let go because, maybe, it felt like everything. And she tried to hide the pain that came with hiding for so long and it didn’t work, her emotions are catching up with her and she knows that she needs to talk to Violet.
Courtney says she needs to run errands and that Katya should come with because she needs to leave the house again eventually. Courtney drives as if she’s slightly manic and Katya fears for her life while Courtney happily talks about the show she did with Adore recently. They drive until they’re at the outskirts of town and Katya leaves the car, looking around surprised.
“We’re at Michelle’s place?”
“Yeah.” Courtney smiles at her while closing the the car and pulling a key out. “She’s not here.” She unlocks the door and three cats swarm Katya’s feet. “Surprise!” Courtney says. “I’m feeding them while Michelle is on vacation.”
“Oh,” Katya murmurs before taking her shoes off and taking the cats in. “They got so big.”
“I know,” Courtney says while making her way to the living room and sitting on the carpet cross legged.
“Aren’t you going to feed them?”
“I was here before I drove to your place but I thought I’d take you here. I thought that might cheer you up.”
Katya sits down next to Courtney while the cats bump their heads against her legs. Katya lets her fingers run through the soft fur of the black one and does indeed feel comforted, if by the memories or the cats themselves, she doesn’t know. “Thank you.”
Courtney nods at her with a smile. “Remember when Sharon found them? And Alaska and Michelle were all like ‘We have to take them to animal rescue?’” Courtney laughs quietly.
Katya joins in for a moment. The scene playing out in her head: Sharon Needles emerging from the dark, cold night, holding five dirty, abandoned, underfed kittens and demanding that they would be the tour cats while Michelle, Alaska and eventually Jinkx tried to talk sense into her. Unsuccessfully, obviously. Instead they had taken them to the doctors and had taken care of them in a too small tour bus during the last week of tour. Two of the cats lived with Sharon while the other three were running in circles around Courtney and Katya now.
“Remember when you and Adore were too busy to properly name your cat and ended up with calling her Baby?”
Courtney picks Baby up now and strokes through her fur while grinning at Katya. “Should’ve named her Bianca, honestly. With those panda eyes.”
Katya shakes her head with a grin. “I still don’t get why Alaska, Jinkx and Sharon got to name one cat each all alone while you and Adore and me and Vi had to share naming responsibilities.”
“Early season privilege.” Courtney mimics Sharon with a grin.
“And Alaska wasted a perfectly good opportunity and named hers Alley Cat,” Katya says, trying to sound genuinely offended while looking at Alley Cat biting into Courtney’s toe.
“It’s a pun. Because it’s like the name Allie but also it’s a cat that Sharon found in an alley,” Courtney grins dumbly and rolls her eyes.
“It’s dumb is what it is.”
“Judging from the fact that you and Violet ended up with the name Leonardo DiCatprio I’d guess that you won that one though,” Courtney grins.
“We about fell out girl,” Katya says, remembering the almost fight her and Violet had gotten in over naming a fucking kitten and smiles at the ridiculousness. “I think in the end she accepted my creative genius.”
“Or gave up.”
“Or gave up,” Katya echoes with a grin. Courtney doesn’t say anything and Katya looks up from where she had let her hand run through Leonardo DiCatprio’s black fur.
“Did you know that Violet comes here every time she’s in LA? Like comes here straight from the airport to visit the cats?” Courtney says nonchalantly while keeping her eyes focused on her fingers in Baby’s fur.
“She does?”
Courtney looks at Katya and nods. Katya can feel Courtney’s intense stare on her when she lets her eyes follow Leonardo DiCatprio and Alley Cat who are play fighting on the rug before Katya’s feet now.
It’s the exact information you don’t need when you’re trying to kind of get over someone, a reminder of why you fell in love with them.
It’s stupid. It doesn’t make sense for Violet to be this… soft.
But there’s those glances, those contradictions that kept Katya hooked.
Violet likes to pretend that nothing can touch her, Katya knows differently and she loves her for that.
Violet, when performing in the damn finale for Drag Race season 7, had worn her very first burlesque costume. It was so uncharacteristically sentimental it had made Katya do a double take.
One of the few times Katya and Violet had been dumb enough to actually hook up on tour, they hadn’t even gotten that far because Adore and Courtney had called, drunk and melodramatic, but Violet had left immediately to take care of them.
Violet, with an eyeroll but no protest at 3 a.m., listening to Katya talk about everything and nothing.
Violet who says she doesn’t smile in photos because she looks stupid with crinkly eyes.
Violet who comes to Michelle’s house every time she gets the chance to play with cats.
It breaks Katya’s heart because she longs for her. And she doesn’t want to fuck it up again. Doesn’t want to hurt Violet. Doesn’t want to hurt Trixie. But she did and she hates herself for it.
“I saw her three days ago,” Courtney says now and Katya looks up.
“Yeah.” There’s silence for a moment. “You should talk to her.” And just like that Katya knows that Trixie had told her everything. She’s okay with that she thinks because she’s definitely not in the mood to talk about it herself, at least not with Courtney, maybe with Violet though.
“I know. I will.”
// And now I’m kissing your tears goodnight //
••• Katya looked after Trixie for a moment before fixating back on Violet who appeared like she was about to go into hysterics and closed the door.
With Violet’s hand in her own she maneuvered both of them to the couch, worried, abut  pretty certain what this was about.
“What happened?“
Instead of answering Violet started to cry and Katya’s heart couldn’t take it.
“Vi.“ She pulled Violet against herself and felt wet trails of tears on her neck.
They sat like that for a while, Katya stroking over Violets back, Violet clutching onto Katya, occasional sobs leaving her lips until she began to calm down. •
// And I can’t take it, you’re even perfect when you cry //
• Violet leaned back and Katya was fascinated by her.
The intensity Violet did everything with was both a mystery and a hazard.
She was like a fucking thunderstorm on a beach at night; dark, mysterious, a force of nature.
Beautiful in a way you wouldn’t expect her to be; steady waves crashing onto cliffs and soft tears on pale skin.
“What happened?“ Katya asked again, her thumb rubbing over the back of Violet’s hand.
The sharp inhale of Violet’s breath filled the room for a moment and Katya was worried she was going to cry again, worried that she couldn’t take her strong Violet crying again, worried that Violet was in pain.
Violet sniffed. “I didn’t get the job.“
Katya nodded, she had expected this, given Violet’s current state.
Unlucky at cards, lucky in love, Katya thinks. She didn’t say it, of course she didn’t. Violet would probably smack her in the face.
“Did Fame get it instead?“
Violet sniffed again, tears collecting in her eyes. “No! She didn’t. They gave it to some dumb french whore that’s like fucking 19 years old with a great ass.“ Violet paused and looked at Katya with a surprising intensity for a moment. “I have a great ass.“
Katya couldn’t help the snort that came out and her heart fluttered a bit at the small smile that was playing at the corner of Violet’s lips now. Katya tried to mimic Violet’s intense look and spoke, matter of factly, dead pan voice, serious gaze. “You do! You do have a great ass. It should be on the cover all the magazines.“
Obnoxious, loud Violet-laughter filled the apartment for a moment and Katya smiled at her, the world so much more beautiful when Violet laughed.
Violet looked at her thankfully for a moment before letting out a sigh, more dramatic than upset now, really. “Am I becoming old and irrelevant and ugly now?“ she paused and stared at Katya. “Am I becoming you?“
“Bitch!“ Katya hit her in the face with a pillow, Violet laughed.
There was comfortable silence for a moment. Comfortable silence and Violet’s hand in hers.
“It just sucks,“ Violet sounded calmer now, calmer and heartbroken. “I had like ideas and shit.“
“I know,“ Katya said, not sure what else there was to say. She leaned back against the couch, pulling Violet with her, her body in between Katya’s legs, arms around each other, Violet’s head resting on Katya’s chest right over her heart, probably hearing the steady beating. “I know, love.“
Violet didn’t react to the pet name and Katya was glad. She felt Violet’s hand that had somehow found its way under Katya’s shirt rubbing slow circles there and smiled. They just lay there like that for a while, taking the city noises and each other in without saying anything.
She placed a fast kiss on Violet’s temple and stroked some hair back. “I vote chocolate cake. Or sex“
Violet smiled up at her. “Why not both?“
“I like your thinking, Miss Chachki.”
Violet let out a laugh and Katya looked at her, truly a thunderstorm at a beach at night sometimes and thought that thunderstorms and nights didn’t stay forever and besides, a beach during sunlight was more beautiful anyway.
// And I remember your eyes were so bright //
••• There was an excited glint in Violet’s eyes when she finished closing the cuff around Katya’s left ankle, Katya’s legs still in the thigh highs, the rest of her naked. Naked except for wig and high class whore boots she had been wearing since performing a few hours ago.
Violet was similarly serving looks; a red short wig with bangs, pasties still on her nipples, the garter belt and stockings on, no panties, her and Katya’s red lipsticks all around her mouth, looking like some kind of manic love child of the Joker and a 50’s underwear model and well, kind of really hot.
Violet leaned down and pecked Katya on her mouth before straddling her. She smirked and dug her fingernails into Katya’s skin, scratching over her chest, causing Katya to hiss at the pain and judging from Violet’s face there were more marks to be left on Katya’s body tonight. Katya tried to figure out why that appealed to her.
Violet leaned down and licked over Katya’s neck before moving her mouth to her ear. “You need a safe word.“
”What?” Where was Violet going to take this?
“I doubt you’ll use it but you need one.” Violet paused her tongue’s journey over Katya’s neck and leaned back to lock eyes with her. “You look panicked, are you panicked? We can stop.“
Katya tried to form a coherent thought. She wasn’t panicked just a bit… surprised? “Uh… no.”
They looked at each other for a moment, well really more Violet looking at Katya calculatingly while Katya looked at Violet’s body and was genuinely sad that she couldn’t touch her now.
Violet raised her eyebrows and smirked at her while letting her hands travel over Katya’s chest, no scratching this time, before leaning down and kissing her hungrily and Katya really wanted to discard Violet’s wig and bury her hands in her hair, to pull at it a little and she wasn’t sure if she was actually going to enjoy being tied up.
“Purple Rain,“ she said before biting down on Violet’s bottom lip aggressively.
Violet’s head jerked back while her hand moved to her lip. “What?“
“That’s my safe word. Purple rain. Get it? Cause its like the song and because you’re Violet.” Katya broke out into laughter while Violet looked back at her, an unreadable expression on her face.
“Mhm, smart,” Violet said in a deadpan voice.
“Thanks, I thought so too,” Katya answered, trying to mimic Violet’s tone.
Violet snorted lightly and moved her fingers to pinch Katya in the nipple hard. "Bitch,” she laughed with Katya joining in. Violet sighed softly. “Fine, whatever.“
She pecked Katya on the lips again before getting up to go to her drawers, opening one that Katya knew contained various kinds of toys, and began to search for something.
“Well, isn’t that fun just chilling here, all tied up and waiting for my mistress or whatever to fuck herself on me,“ Katya said, admittedly purely to annoy Violet who let out an angry breath while lightly shaking her head. Katya dropped her head back against the pillow with a smirk.
“Sometimes silence can just be silence, you know?“ Violet’s voice sounded annoyed and Katya was satisfied.
She stayed quiet for a moment, trying obedience. Probably.
She stared at Violet’s ass, at the garter belt, the stockings while Violet continued to search for something in her sex drawer and grew impatient.
“Speaking of silence,“ Katya started and Violet groaned. "The movie title ‘Silence of the Lambs’ technically makes very little sense. Have you ever been close to sheep? I have! And they’re not silent at all,“ Katya said with a smirk while watching Violet slightly shaking her head and turning it to look at Katya over her shoulder.
“You’re literally the worst person ever to do this with.“ Violet took her wig off and opened her bun, her dark hair cascading down her naked back now, contrasting with the pale skin.
“Well, I’m also the only person who’s here so whatcha gonna do, babe?“ Katya smirked and watched as Violet finally closed the drawer again.
"I hate you so fucking much,“ Violet said with a smile before getting up and walking back to Katya.
"The bulge in your Dita von Teese panties suggests otherwise.” Katya did her, arguably horrible, RuPaul impersonation while Violet looked at her somewhere between amused and annoyed.
“I’m not even wearing underwear, you whore. Also, ever heard of hate fucking?”
“Ever heard of fucking a giraffe? Cause that’s what sex with you feels like.”
Violet looked at Katya with wide eyes for a moment before letting out a small chuckle. “What the actual fuck, Kat?“
Violet sat next to Katya on the bed again and Katya properly looked at the items in Violet’s hands. A ball gag and a smooth looking piece of fabric and she felt slightly shaken now. Being tied up was basically taking all her power already and adding not seeing and speaking to that?
Violet paused her trying to get a knot out of the blindfold and raised her eyebrows at Katya. “Are you really sure you’re okay with this?“
Katya was pretty sure; the proposition of Violet ‘taking care of her’ did sound too delicious to pass up. She was just nervous but seeing Violet smile at her so warmly, so understandingly, it made it more comfortable. “Yeah, it’s fine. Sorry for talking the entire time.“
Violet held the ball gag up in her hand and Katya nodded.
“It’s okay. I get it,“ Violet said while positioning the ball gag in Katya’s mouth and closing it at the back of her neck.
“You keep talking because you would feel too vulnerable otherwise.“ Violet smirked at her and her voice sounded stronger, more dominant somehow and Katya did feel a bit too vulnerable now. Violet seemed to sense Katya’s discomfort and kissed her cheek softly.
Her hand slowly stroked over Katya’s chest. “You’re okay?“ she asked, dropping character again, her lips still lingering over Katya’s cheek.
Violet’s skin on her own, the movement of her fingers so tender and her voice so soft sent a wave of affection through Katya’s body.
She looked up to Violet; her Violet, hair messy and sweaty now that it was freed from her wig, the exaggerated fake eyelashes gone, both their red lipsticks messily covering half her face and a fond smile on her face and Katya needed her.
She had never been one to shy away from new experiences and there was part of her that was weirdly allured by the prospect of getting to see a more dominant Violet, of giving herself to her fully. She nodded.
“Okay,“ Violet said before pressing another fast kiss on Katya’s cheek, right next to her ear. “The ball gag is fine?“ Katya nodded again, if she was going to do this, she wasn’t going to do it halfway.
“Right.“ Violet looked at Katya for a moment as if gauging at any sign of discomfort Katya’s body could show. She spoke again, still a gentle tone. “So the safe word doesn’t really work anymore,“ Violet smiled. She moved her hand to stroke over Katya’s wrist, resting it right under the handcuff. “Can you snip?“ Katya snipped loudly.
“Good. Do that if anything makes you uncomfortable. I don’t expect that to happen, I’m not going to do anything unusual but just in case.“ Violet shrugged her shoulders and Katya felt a lot more comfortable now. “I’m also going to watch your body very closely.“ Violet paused, a smirk on her face. “Because I want to,“ she winked while her finger danced around Katya’s lower abdomen and was dangerously close to her hardening dick.
“Well and to look out for any signs of you being uncomfortable too. But…“ she smiled and let the sentence hang in the air while looking at Katya’s naked body hungrily. “The thigh-highs are really it,“ she said and the familiar tone of desire in her voice certainly did things to Katya.
Violet smiled at Katya softly again before pressing a kiss onto her chest. And Katya appreciated Violet explaining everything, she really did, but she would also appreciate Violet sucking her dick about now.
As if she had noticed Katya’s shift in mood again, Violet grinned. “Well,“ she said while picking up the blindfold and moving her hands behind Katya’s head, tying it there. “Here goes.“
The silk was soft against Katya’s skin and was successful in robbing Katya of her vision. There she was, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to see and fully at Violet Chachki’s mercy and it was just a little bit thrilling.
She felt the bed move and the material of Violet’s stockings rubbing on her naked skin and assumed that Violet had moved to somewhat kneel next to her.
“I know you, Katya.“ Violet’s breath hit the side of Katya’s neck, a warm, soft stream of air, mixing in with Violet’s voice, smooth and controlled, and Katya felt a stirring in her lower abdomen.
“You don’t like to give up control.“ Her tongue on Katya’s collarbone. Her hand digging into Katya’s hip.
“You’re afraid to give yourself to the moment.“ Violet’s lips on her chest while she spoke, causing shivers to travel through Katya’s body.
“I want you to give yourself to the moment.“ Her tongue circling Katya’s nipple.
“Fully.“ Her teeth digging into Katya’s skin.
“Shamelessly.“ Her mouth wandering over Katya’s stomach, surely leaving a trail of red lipstick everywhere.
“Indefinitely.“ A kiss on Katya’s lower abdomen, inches from her hard dick and Katya couldn’t breathe.
“How does that sound?“ Violet’s face was next to hers again, her teeth biting Katya’s earlobe softly, her hand digging into Katya’s chest. Katya nodded weakly and for once was thankful for the blindfold and not having to look at Violet’s self satisfied face; besides she could feel the smile on Violet’s lips on her neck anyway.
“Are you going to be good for me now?“ Violet’s voice was low and controlled and her index finger was softly stroking over the side of Katya’s neck. Katya nodded again.
Only feeling Violet’s movements was an interesting sensation and Katya understood why Violet had also gotten the blindfold. Everything felt more intense, the soft material of the handcuffs on her wrists, Violet’s hand on her hip, her other at her jaw, softly tilting Katya’s head, she could hear Violet’s breathing for a moment, Violet’s soft lips on the side of her neck, sucking at the skin there for a while, leaving a mark, circling it with her tongue, could hear the need, the possessiveness in Violet’s voice. "To show the world who owns you.“
It was insane, absolutely ridiculous, and Katya was thankful for the ball gag stopping her from speaking because surely her voice would be filled with pathetic need, words she maybe meant a bit too much, leaving her lips. She would be Violet’s. Wanted to be Violet’s. Wanted Violet to be hers. Fully, shamelessly, indefinitely.
Violet placed a soft kiss on Katya’s jaw before leaning back, the ends of her hair tickling Katya’s skin.
Violet straddled her and dug her fingernails into Katya’s chest roughly, painfully, and when she spoke again Katya could hear the smirk in her voice.
“I’m in charge now, slut.“
Lips on her nipple, sucking on it roughly, biting, while Violet’s fingertips lightly danced over her lower abdomen and Katya could barely breathe. Maybe it was the ball gag or maybe the fact that she had never felt this defenseless, exposed but liberated in a sexual setting.
She gave in, Violet’s touch on her, her voice in her ear, all lines were crossed, all trust was given, she let herself fall, lost herself in Violet. It was something Katya had been waiting for, maybe, experiencing the beauty of feeling possessed.
“You’re being so good, Kat.” Violet kissed Katya’s stomach softly, just over her dick. ”You’re being so good for me.” Violet’s fingers were around her dick, rolling the condom on slowly and Katya was thankful for the ball gag allowing her to bite onto it so hard it hurt a bit.
The gentle tickle of Violet’s hair on her chest again. “I want you. I want you so fucking much, Kat.” Violet’s hand cupped Katya’s face lightly and the contradiction of the sweet touch and Violet’s raspy voice set her body on fire.
Violet always felt good around her but this was different, this was Violet controlling every move, the pace, the speed, the rhythm and Katya would let Violet do just about anything to her.
It was surrender, capitulation to Violet’s every touch and Katya was fully giving up; was giving up on fighting for control now, was giving up on fighting her feelings for Violet when she so obviously could never stay away, was giving up keeping her walls up, was giving herself to her.
She thought that maybe Violet could tell, her voice, filled with quiet moans, next to Katya’s ear. “You’re so beautiful when you’re not thinking so much.”
Violet’s hands were on the back of her neck, opening the ball gag, taking it out off Katya’s mouth, pressing a fast peck onto her lips before digging her fingers harshly in Katya’s chest again.
“I thought the point was so that I wouldn’t talk for once,” Katya said in between moans as soon as Violet’s lips left hers.
Violet let out a quiet giggle and Katya wished she could see her now, see her and touch her and show her just how much she appreciated this, loved this, needed her, wanted this.
The feeling of hair tickling her chest again, Violet’s hand cupping Katya’s jaw. “Kind of, but I miss hearing you. You’re close-” she moved her hips up and down a few times and Katya couldn’t suppress the desperate moans and really wished she could see Violet riding her. “-and I need to hear you, babe.”
Violet moved around her with harsh, fast movements now and Katya was sure she was touching herself, her low moans mixing in with Katya’s own.
“Fuck, Vi,” she moaned before coming hard. Violet moved around her for a moment longer before Katya could feel Violet’s body shaking slightly and hearing those moans she had grown so accustomed too, she had a pretty good idea how Violet’s face looked now but she wished she could see her.
Violet moved off her and disposed the condom before Katya could feel fumbling on her ankles and then her wrists. She didn’t move once she was freed, bathing in the sensation for a moment longer, and felt Violet strip her off her thigh highs, the blindfold and remove her wig carefully.
Katya turned her head and watched as Violet stripped out of the garter belt and slowly rolled her stockings of her legs, sending a wink to Katya, before laying down next to her, both of them just looking at each other for a moment.
“This was amazing, Vi. You’re amazing.” Katya sounded like an idiot but it couldn’t be helped.
“Dito.” Well at least they both sounded like idiots.
Violet smiled at her and let out a small giggle, Katya watching on helplessly as Violet threw her head back and her eyes crinkled, ‘I love you’, she thought. •
// So in love that night //
• It’s what she had known at the back of her mind for the longest time, really, that one day Violet would steal her heart, it’s what she had tried to avoid. She didn’t want to deal with the fear that came with loving Violet.
She finally moved and leaned over Violet instead.
The giggles died down and Violet locked eyes with Katya for a moment before smiling at her again while letting her thumb run over Katya’s bottom lip, surely no lipstick left on it anymore.
Car honking, chattering and general New York noises filled the room, Violet had opened a window before stripping out of the last of her clothes, and Katya felt the energy of the city in the room but wanted nothing more but to stay in the quiet of Violet’s bedroom.
She marvelled at the epiphany that she loved Violet for a moment before kissing her. She put it all in the kiss; ‘I trust you’, ‘I’m happier when you’re around’, ‘I miss you when you’re gone’, ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m scared’. She couldn’t say it, not yet, not now, but she really hoped that Violet would know. •••
// And I remember your eyes were so bright //
Katya drives to Violet’s apartment after Courtney drops her home and after she takes another quick shower because there’s cat fur everywhere and then leaves immediately. She feels as if this conversation can’t wait any longer now.
“Katya. What…What are you- Why are you… What?” Violet says when she eventually does open the door. She looks tired and Katya wonders if she had already been asleep and feels a bit bad. But Violet being sleepy right now helps her a bit because at least she’s not screaming at her.
“We need to talk.” There must be something in her voice because Violet stares back at her for a moment, hair wild, T-shirt crinkled, her legs barely covered by the shorts she is wearing, and steps away from the door to let Katya in.
Katya can tell that Violet lets her in against her better judgement when she steps away from the door. She looks at Katya, her eyes soft but wary. Violet probably wants this all to be over with, wants to save herself from further hurt and Katya gets it. Violet is rational, they both are.
But Violet also opened the door for Katya and let her in, like Katya let’s Violet back in.
Them letting each other back in time and time again, so easily, so foolishly, so alleviated, it scares Katya. It scares Violet too; Katya can see it on her face when her eyes take her in now.
“Trixie and I broke up. Trixie broke up with me.” They’re still in Violet’s hall and Violet crosses her arms over her chest.
“I know. Courtney told me.” Violet looks at her calculatedly for a moment. “Why?”
Katya lets out a shaky sigh. “Can we sit?”
Violet sighs as well and lets her hand run through her hair in a way that Katya knows means she’s nervous. “Okay.” She leads them to sit on the couch.
Katya stares at the magazines on the coffee table for a moment, at Violet’s laptop, the empty wine glass and takes a deep breath.
“Trixie and I broke up because it wasn’t right. It never was right as a relationship. And we should’ve know and I’m sorry.”
“Okay?” Violet sounds wary now and Katya isn’t sure what to make out of it and she’s not sure if it was fair to just spring this talk onto her but it’s what’s happening now.
“I need to tell you something and it’s important and I need to say it and… I… and you can’t interrupt me, okay?”
Violet looks back at her with raised eyebrows and Katya hopes that she is at least curious enough to hear her out. “Okay.”
Katya couldn’t tell her what she had felt last year.
Couldn’t tell her that the reason she asked Violet to stay the night even when Katya was busy wasn’t to fuck her but because Katya felt better when Violet was there, lighter and grounded at the same time somehow.
Couldn’t tell her that she liked having her next to her at night, hearing Violet’s voice last thing before she fell asleep. Couldn’t tell her that her heart ached when Violet was upset as if it was her own pain. Couldn’t tell her that Violet looking so conflicted when telling her about how she admired Katya for being so easy to like was one of Katya’s most treasured memories; because she let her walls down, because she let Katya in, let Katya see her heart. Couldn’t tell her how she missed Violet the minute the taxi drove off. Couldn’t tell her she loved her then.
Couldn’t tell her she loved her when the morning sun was dipping her in golden light and her lips tasted like mint, her movements unsure but like she had a goal in mind. Couldn’t tell her she loved her when Violet brought home Katya’s favourite food after a bad day. Couldn’t tell her she loved her when she let out a sigh, moved closer, resting her head on Katya’s shoulder, her breath on Katya’s neck and talked to Katya all night, a smile playing around her lips even though Katya had woken her up at 3 a.m. Couldn’t tell her she loved her when she was kissing Katya, a warm September day, only hours away from a flight from New York to Los Angeles Katya would be on. Couldn’t tell her she loved when she was standing on the sidewalk next to a taxi Katya was in, staying there while the car drove away, looking after Katya when Katya had expected her to walk back in straight away.
And Katya wants to tell her everything. Everything she never said last year, wants to tell her how she remembers all the moments from last summer. Wants to tell how she thinks that she thinks that she, maybe, will never be able to fully leave that summer because it was… everything.
If there was a way to turn back time, she would. She would tell Violet how she’s the only person who ever got to hear Katya’s middle of the night doubts, how she’s the only one Katya was that vulnerable for, how for Violet’s eyes only, Katya had bared her heart.
It was almost as if she had had no choice other than let her defenses down, as if her body had taken her heart and her feelings and her everything and had just given it to Violet; ‘this is all I can give you, for when the world is a bit too much, you will at least have this, will have me, if you want.’  
The all too familiar urge to leave, to make a joke, to downplay it overcomes her. But she can’t. They need to talk about it, for closure, for a beginning, for an ending, for what it’s worth.
She could name 100 things she likes about Violet and wouldn’t even have started; way too many adjectives and bad comparisons and it would still not be good enough.
It could never be enough because it’s stupid, because love is stupid and Katya is scared and defenseless and she says it anyway, says it all.
“I like you. I just like everything about you.” Violet’s expression is unreadable but Katya keeps her eyes locked with her anyway.
“The way you dance on stage and I like how it’s way different from the way you move normally. And the way you talk, even when it’s a bit bitchy at times, and I like the way you walk and hate it when you walk away and I know that sounds dumb.” A small smile creeps into the corner of Violet’s mouth for only a second but it’s enough to make Katya’s heart light. She can’t bear the eye contact once the smile is gone again. She stares at Violet’s hands instead.
“I like your hands. I like the way you don’t think you’re they’re pretty, how you think they’re mismatched to the rest of your body because it’s stupid,” Violet laughs a little but it sounds weird, careful almost.
“And I like that you laugh about jokes that you didn’t understand just because I started them. And I love the way you care and how you’re kind and gentle and I hope you understand that I’m not good at this but I hope that you know.“
Katya looks up Violet looks at her and she looks scared and Katya isn’t sure, maybe she’s crying a bit.
// And I can’t take it, you’re even perfect when you cry //
“I…,“ Violet starts, voice trembling. “I don’t know what to say.“ But she takes Katya’s hand between both of her own and Katya loves her a little more.
"I loved you,” Katya says and Violet’s eyes widen and then Katya surprises herself because she continues talking. Continues even though her voice is breaking and her hands are shaking and she can’t look Violet in the eyes. Violet’s hands are warm and safe around her own. “I love you.”
Violet takes in a sharp inhale of breath and Katya looks at her to meet her gaze.
// And I remember your eyes were so bright When I first met you, how in love were we that night? //
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artificialqueens · 7 years
weak (trixie/violet/katya), ch. 2/? - kitty
AN: this chapter is from Violet’s POV! I had a bit of trouble with their narrative voice so hopefully you guys like it <3 as always questions/comments are always appreciated and thanks so much to anyone who left notes on the last chapter!!
chapter summary: There’s a part of them that’s always seeking to please Katya, and Violet hates it, loves it, doesn’t know how to deal with it except through sex and biting comments.
They watch Katya flick Trixie’s ear, and wonders if they’ve fucked too. Wonders if Katya’s as rough with Trixie, if she holds him afterwards, or whether she just leaves the hotel room with a wink.
There’s something very right about seeing Katya and Trixie together. Something that makes Violet feel hollowly alone, yet oddly warm. Violet doesn’t get the warm and fuzzies. They don’t get attached, per se. They love their friends, yeah, in a way that sometimes translates as bitchy. Okay, fair, Violet knows they’re a cunt. It’s their brand (and where’s Fame when you need her, right) and it’s true, as well. Violet’s never been the type to give out false compliments, to try and make people feel better. They’re a survivor, and sometimes that comes at the cost of other people. During drag race, Violet used to wish they were like Katya sometimes. They’ve watched their season, they know that the other girls laughed about them getting picked last and they get it, they do. Violet was a bitch. Is a bitch. But there’s something kind of quietly awful about winning a challenge, the first challenge, which is what everyone came here to do, and being picked last. And there was Katya, the whole time, universally loved for her funniness and her weirdness and her kindness and her honesty. There was Trixie, who managed to balance shade and humour in a way that Violet never could. They’d always envied Trixie, quietly, for being bitchy yet likeable. But that was quiet, the inner Violet (the Jason, really) and they’d kept silent and won challenges and played strategically and learned how to compliment and then they’d fucking won.
 And now, they’re sat on Trixie Mattel’s couch, watching Katya and Trixie bicker like an old married couple.
“I still think we should livestream us watching Contact. Can you imagine the views? The views, Trixie. I could Periscope it!”
“You are literally the only person in the entire world who still uses Periscope.”
“Fuck off whore, Courtney did one last week.”
“It’s Courtney, she can do what she wants”
Violet tunes them out. It’s an odd combination of isolating and pleasant, seeing them together, painfully close and full of love.
In truth, Violet doesn’t know why they chose to come here. In the heat of the moment, on the back of 36 hours of plane flights and who knows how long of touring, Trixie seemed a better option than Katya. They knew Trixie would roll his eyes and let him crash because Trixie was, secretly, a good person. With Katya there was always that expectation, slightly under the surface. Violet remembers the feeling of Katya’s teeth, of her hands everywhere, of her whispering into their ear. You’re being so good, aren’t you. Violet shivers involuntarily at the memory. There’s a part of them that’s always seeking to please Katya, and Violet hates it, loves it, doesn’t know how to deal with it except through sex and biting comments.
They watch Katya flick Trixie’s ear, and wonders if they’ve fucked too. Wonders if Katya’s as rough with Trixie, if she holds him afterwards, or whether she just leaves the hotel room with a wink.
“Whatcha thinkin, Vi?”
 Katya’s looming over them, wide grin on her face but a trace of something else in her eyes.
Violet grins up lazily.
“Just thinking about whether you hold Mattel after sex. He strikes me as the needy type.”
Katya look at them for a second before her eyes widen and she squawks a laugh and hits Violet with a pillow.
Trixie gives them a look from where he’s sat at the table.
“Okay, first off, we all know that I’m the hypothetical big spoon in this dynamic.”
Katya and Violet share a disbelieving look.
“Fuck both of you, get out of my house.”
“I think you’ll find this is actually a condo, Tracy”
“Katya, please take Violet. She’s like the abandoned kitten that follows you home and then destroys your curtains”
“Please, Firkus, I haven’t destroyed anything. Yet”. Violet stands up and stretches, aware of the shirt riding up their stomach, and walks back over to the bedroom. The, they turn around and wink at Trixie. “Maybe your bed, if you’re lucky.” 
Behind them, Violet hears Katya’s answering cackle and smiles. 
Whenever Violet and Trixie are together, there’s tension. Violet supposes they could be classed as frenemies. For three years, they’ve been biding their time, waiting for the inevitable hate fuck. Waiting to get Trixie out of their system, waiting to get rid of the uncomfortable itch that plagues them whenever they’re around him. Violet hasn’t quite figured out whether Katya eases or abates that tension. They’re out for lunch together, the three of them. Katya’s talking passionately about her new show, hands flailing everywhere while Trixie watches, butting in occasionally with a suggestion or a criticism. Violet watches Trixie watching Katya, watching the endearment in his eyes, and hates themself, slightly. They see why the two of them are fan favourites (has always known, from season 7, that they would be adored in a way Violet never could be). When they’re together it’s natural and hilarious and joyous. Violet knows they’re not funny like Trixie or Katya. Remembers seeing an interview, once, where Trixie said that Violet was actually funny, and remembers the hot squirmy pleasant feeling it had ignited. Not that Violet would ever admit to watching videos of them. Violet rarely feels alone, on tour. There were always other queens, always Pearl and Fame a text away, always the trade.
Violet didn’t quite know why they text Trixie. Usually it was after the latest boy (Alaska called them race chasers, and to be honest it was pretty accurate) has scurried off with a selfie and a story for reddit. Violet would turn on youtube and watch unhhh. It was stupid and ridiculous and funny and Violet doesn’t have much of a self preservation streak. For some reason, Trixie knowing that they watch his videos doesn’t seem awful. It’s like Violet’s silent message to Trixie that they like him, at least enough to watch his stupid show. And Violet likes to meddle. They never reply to Trixie’s responses, like to imagine him confused and hot and bothered. Especially the mirror selfies. They always want to look their best for Trixie. Violet is choosing not to analyse that any further. But sometimes, there are things that Violet sees that they know Trixie would find funny, or interesting. They send them, because it matters but it also doesn’t. Sometimes they see things for Katya, and send them to Trixie too.
Again, Violet’s not analysing it.
 They tune back in to Katya asking a question.
“So you’ll come, yeah?”
“What?” Violet shakes their head and Katya rolls her eyes in a sort of fond way.
“I’m doing a show tonight. Twitter’ll have a field day if you’re both there.”
“The wife and the mistress in one place,” Trixie snorts quietly into his mug of coffee.
Violet thinks for a moment before letting a slow smirk spread across their face.
“I have a better idea”.
Violet can hear Katya talking to the crowd, amping them up. It’s her last number and the audience is electric. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of a really good show, of the audience engaging one hundred percent in what you’re doing. Violet can feel Katya’s high and is buzzing with it. Trixie stands next to them, and Violet gives him the appraising once over. He’d taken some convincing before finally giving in, and Violet is glad. He looks…well, he looks fucking hot, in a business suit with his tie knotted loosely around his throat, top button on done. He has makeup on, enough to be stage ready and he’s sweating lightly. They make eye contact with each other and grin. Katya’s about to bring them on stage.
Katya looks hot too. Katya always looks hot in drag, it makes Violet feel weird sometimes. They remember on tour when sometimes Katya would come into their room in drag and Violet would ask her to keep her makeup and wig on while they rode her. She’s in a red corset and panties and it’s so un-Katya, so different to what she usually wears and it’s turning Violet on, frankly. Particularly as it’s their panties she’s wearing.
“Now, for this last number, I have some special guests.”
The crowd whoops, excitement and anticipation so thick that Violet swears they can feel it like a cloak.
“Don’t get too excited folks, they’re nothing special.” With that, electronic music fills the speakers and Violet steps on stage, swinging their hips to the beat of their own voice. 
I’m a good housewife, I respect and obey.
They’re in a little gingham dress and it’s fucking cute and the crowd recognises them and starts screaming and Violet is ready. They lisynch, dancing slowly and out of the corner of their eye, Trixie walks onto the stage. It’s doing things to Violet as Trixie sits down on a chair in centre stage and spreads his legs. Violet and Katya are both lipsynching and she sees Katya slowly sink into a squat, pulling faces at odds with the sheer sensuality of her pose.
Not wanting to be outdone, Violet stalks over to Trixie, placing their head on his shoulders as if she’s whispering in his ear.
It’s so nice to have a man around the house.
On the lyric, Violet puts their foot on Trixie’s knee, rolling their body. They see Katya slinking towards them.
Dinner’s ready
 Katya sinks down into a split doing her patented pussy pop. The audience is living and Violet smirks and rolls her eyes to herself. Slowly, they swing their legs over Trixie’s and clamber onto his lap. Trixie is looking at them, eyes wide and face twisted into a smirk.
 Bettie needs a spank.
 At this, Trixie grabs their legs and hauls them up in a surprising display of strength. Violet lands on their feet and moves in front of Trixie, bending over to grind their ass into his crotch. They feel, rather than see, Katya move behind Trixie. Violet has no idea what she’s doing but the crowd is so deafening that they can barely hear the music. Violet loves this. This feeling of immortality and energy coursing through them, the feeling of Trixie’s big hand on their hip, the combination of sheer elation and sexual frustration gripping them. They roll their hips again and the song is coming to an end. Breaking out of Trixie’s grip, they lift up their skirt and smack their ass, winking at the audience.
Bettie fades out and Violet turns to see Katya grinning manically and Trixie smirking, arms crossed. A shiver runs through Violet as Trixie turns the smirk toward them.
“Thank you Ms Violet Chachki and Mr Trixie Mattel!”
Katya has to shout over the roars in the small room. Violet is off stage, Trixie right behind. They make it to the dressing room and Trixie collapses on his ass on the floor.
 “Holy shit”
“Right?!” Violet can’t help it, they’re excited and buzzing and actually really fucking horny.
Violet moves to remove their wig, a black pin up style one, when Trixie stops her.
“Leave it on”
Violet stares at him in the mirror, but can’t read his gaze. Seconds tick past slowly, and Violet feels like the room is doused in honey, slowing down everything except their heartbeat.
Trixie smiles and slowly approaches until he’s stood behind them, holding their gaze in the mirror.
‘Daddy needs a wank’, he whispers quietly.
Violet’s face cracks, and they give a shout of laughter as Trixie grins as well.
“I hate you.” They hit him and he grins, reaching across to grab a makeup wipe and Violet’s stomach rolls hotly, their face still flushed.
“Trixie, I-”
Trixie turns to them, wiping off the stage makeup. The tension in the room from moments ago is back and Violet falters, wonders if this is where they kiss Trixie, where Trixie rejects them, where they never text him again. Trixe makes an aborted movement, as if to reach for – something.
“Shit!” Katya barges in, yanking off her heels, and Trixie and Violet jump backwards. Violet feels like they’ve been caught, but doing what they’re not quite sure.
Katya glances between the two of them and Violet prays she’ll ignore it, prays she’ll say something funny and then they can all go home and Violet will sleep on Trixie’s couch and pretend none of this ever happened.
Instead, Katya walks towards them – slinks, really, if Violet’s being honest.
They stand in a triangle, Katya’s eyes flicking between them. They look ridiculous, Trixie with his makeup off in a suit and Violet dressed like a housewife, Katya oddly dominating in her lingerie. Trixie looks like he wants to say something and suddenly, acutely, Violet doesn’t think they can bear it if it’s a joke.
Slowly, Katya grins.
“Fucking finally. Let’s go.”
“Where?” Trixie’s voice sounds strained.
Katya grins even wider. 
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artificialqueens · 7 years
little light (7/8) (Trixya) - Elissa
A/N: Part seven of That One Where Katya is Trixie’s Brother’s Best Friend™
(full fic is up on ao3 at yekaterinunhhhh, come say hi on tumblr at tempfixeliza)
Chapter warnings: light smut, D/s
They’ve been at the mall for a couple hours now, and it’s nearing dinner time so they make their way toward the food court. Adore, Farrah, and Katya all order quickly, but Trixie is stuck wandering around looking for a vegetarian option she’ll actually eat.
By the time Trixie settles on a slice of veggie pizza and sits down with the other girls, Adore and Farrah are both almost done eating. Trixie picks up her fork and starts methodically removing the black olives from where they’re embedded in the cheese of the pizza.
“Why didn’t you just order something that didn’t have olives in it?” Farrah is watching her with one brow raised, talking between sips of her soft drink.
“Everything either had olives or meat on it,” Trixie sighs. “I wanted plain cheese pizza but there was one dude working the counter and it would’ve been another twenty minutes.”
“If you don’t want the olives I’ll eat them.”
Trixie looks up at Katya, sitting across from her next to Adore. She wrinkles her nose. “You like olives?”
“I’m pro-olive, yes,” she nods, popping a french fry into her mouth.
“I mean, you’re entitled to your own opinion, but you’re wrong.” Trixie scoops up the little pile of black rings, placing them on the edge of Katya’s plate before picking up her now olive-free pizza.
Katya munches happily on the olives while Trixie eats. Farrah and Adore are done now, both texting away on their phones.
“I think I’m gonna go to the sporting goods store,” Farrah announces, standing up and shuffling her garbage onto her tray. “I promised my brother I’d bring him home a new soccer ball.”
“I’ll go with you,” Adore volunteers. “We’ll meet you guys back here in an hour?”
They agree and Trixie watches them as they leave the food court, balling up her napkin and dropping it on her empty plate.
“Is there anywhere you want to go?” Katya’s elbows are propped up on the table, her chin resting in her hands.
Trixie hums, thinking for a moment. “We could go see if Kim is working.”
“She works here?” Katya looks surprised and Trixie just shrugs.
“There’s not any makeup counters in Two Rivers.”
The two girls take care of their trash and head toward the department store, their shopping bags dangling from their hands. Trixie’s knuckles brush against Katya’s and she wants to reach out, wants to hold her hand, but there are bags in the way and they’re in public, in the midwest, and Trixie doesn’t know how people would react. She’s had a girlfriend before, and she’s out to her mom who doesn’t care who she loves as long as they’re a good person, but it’s not like her and Katya are wandering around in New York City or San Francisco. They’re in the middle of the country where people are still clinging to Bibles and their hunting rifles for dear life. She wants to hold Katya’s hand so badly, more than she wants most everything else in the world, but she doesn’t dare.
Kim is standing behind the register ringing up a pile of products for a old woman with stark white curls on her head, and Trixie’s impressed. Kim has mentioned how good she is at upselling people, but Trixie has never really seen her in action before.
Trixie gives her a small wave when they make eye contact and Kim returns it, tearing the receipt and sliding it across the counter for the woman to sign.
Katya and Trixie hover near the lipstick display until Kim is done with her customer and walks over to them. Katya is leaning in, examining each of the shades with her bottom lip tucked between her teeth and her hip popped out so her weight rests on one of her wedge-clad feet and it’s driving Trixie crazy. The muscles in her calves and her thighs have been driving Trixie wild all day.
Trixie can’t help herself anymore and she lets her fingers slide up Katya’s thighs, under the hem of her dress. She can see the blush blossoming on Katya’s cheeks, but Katya doesn’t move away from her touch.
“Good evening, ladies, can I interest you in our newest anti-aging eye cream?” Kim says, her lisp drawing out certain words. “Any fifty dollar skincare purchase comes with a free gift, valued at sixty-five dollars.”
Trixie giggles, rubbing tiny circles into Katya’s thigh, hidden on the other side of the counter from Kim. “I don’t think we need anti-aging eye cream just yet, but thanks Kim.”
“Speak for yourself.” Katya’s laughing, poking at the skin around her eyes in the mirror.
The three of them talk for a while, Kim eventually coaxing Katya into the chair for a demo of the brand’s new lip liner so that she looks like she’s busy at work. Kim turns her back occasionally, and every time she does Trixie’s hands are on Katya, trailing up her thighs, over her arms. She kisses her shoulder when Kim walks over to the register to ring up the liner Katya has decided to buy. Katya pulls Trixie in and kisses her hard, backing off when she hears Kim open the drawer to make change.
When another customer comes in, Kim says her goodbyes and Trixie and Katya wander into the home goods section of the store.
Trixie is looking at a sheet set when something hits the side of her face, and she turns to see Katya with an armful of a couple throw pillows and a wicked grin on her face.
“Oh it’s on, bitch,” Trixie sets the sheets back on the shelf and picks up the pillow at her feet, catapulting it back at Katya.
The war is short lived, an employee coming over from the customer service desk and asking the girls to leave the department. They apologize, giggling as they pick up the pillows to put them back into their respective spots.
Their pulses are calming as they leave the department to find another, adrenaline still coursing through their veins. Katya’s hand is in hers, pulling her along through the rows of shoes and socks. Trixie wants to kiss Katya again, wants to grab onto the toned arms she had just watched flex to launch pillows at her. She’s not sure how they end up in the men’s department. She’s certainly not sure how Katya has somehow talked her into the quiet, fancy dressing rooms, but no one is around to tell them off or kick them out and each room is completely enclosed with floor to ceiling walls so Trixie doesn’t mind.
She’s pulled into a small dressing room, door slamming behind her and she registers a bench along one wall and a mirror along the other.
“What about Adore and Farrah?” Trixie suddenly realizes. “We’re gonna be late to meet up with them.”
“They’ll live,” Katya huffs a laugh, hands grasping Trixie’s hips. “You really think they went to get a soccer ball?”
Trixie furrows her brow, “What do you mean? Of course they did.”
“Trixie, they left to go make out somewhere.”
“No way,” Trixie shakes her head. “No, they’re not-” The look on Katya’s face stops her from finishing her statement. “Oh my God, are they?”
Katya nods, hands sliding down to grab at Trixie’s ass through her dress. “Are you done worrying about them, now?”
Trixie murmurs a soft “yeah” and leans in toward Katya, ready to kiss her.
“Not so fast,” Katya pushes Trixie and her back collides with the door, Katya’s hands pinning the younger girl’s above her head. Her teeth drag over Trixie’s neck before nipping at her earlobe, a shiver rippling through her.
“You think it’s funny to tease me, babydoll?”
“Don’t think it’s funny ,” Trixie manages, though her voice is a bit shaky with the intensity of her desire. “But I think it’s led to a pretty fun place, don’t you?”
Katya shifts her grip so quickly that Trixie almost doesn’t notice until her hair is being tugged harshly, pulling her head to the side. She can feel the wetness pooling between her thighs at being manhandled by Katya. Both of her wrists are still pinned above her head, now by only one of Katya’s hands.
“I’d find it more fun if my babydoll was being a good girl,” Katya snarls, dropping both of Trixie’s arms. The click of the door locking reverberates through the small space. She releases her grip on Trixie’s hair and moves to sit on the edge of the bench.
“Come here,” she husks, crooking a finger with a smirk playing on her features. Trixie steps forward without a second thought, captivated by the dominant edge in Katya’s voice.
Katya pulls Trixie in roughly, lips meeting in a messy, desperate kiss. The taste of mint and a subtle undertone of cigarettes washes over Trixie. As quickly as the kiss started, it ends, Katya’s fingers knotting into Trixie’s blonde curls and pushing her to her knees.
“You look so pretty down there, babydoll,” Katya coos, hand suddenly brushing through Trixie’s hair, gentle toying in sharp contrast to the harsh action just moments ago. “You’re always beautiful, but you look so much better down on your knees for me. Like you belong there.”
Trixie leans into the gentle touch, eyes slipping closed blissfully. She had no idea words could have this effect on her, but then again, everything with Katya seems to be exciting and uncharted territory.
The hand in her hair tugs her forward, though it’s much kinder than before. Trixie opens her eyes and is met with Katya’s dripping entrance, the skirt of her dress having been pulled up around her hips and her panties tugged to the side.
“Go on,” she encourages, thumb brushing over Trixie’s cheekbone. “Lick, kitten.”
Trixie leans forward hesitantly, peering up at Katya through her lashes before averting her eyes back to her core. Her bottom lip makes its way between her teeth without her permission, displaying her hesitation.
“Trixie? Are you okay?” Katya’s voice is nearly back to normal, a twinge of concern slicing through. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, I’m sorry if I pushed you too far.”
“No! That’s not- I want to, I just…” Trixie isn’t sure how to admit to the hottest girl to ever exist that she’s a virgin without dying of embarrassment.
“You just…” Katya prompts, raising a brow.
“I just, um…” Trixie’s cheeks are crimson, a flush burning so hot the color peeks through her makeup.
“You… you’ve never been with a girl before?”
Trixie shrugs at the guess, looking toward the door in a pitiful attempt at nonchalance.
“You’ve never been with anyone before?” Katya corrects. The distinct lack of judgment in her tone calms Trixie’s blush a bit, and she dares to look back at Katya.
“Oh,” Katya frowns, standing up and letting her dress fall back down her thighs. Her hands grasp Trixie’s and she pulls the girl to stand. “You should’ve told me before”
“I was just afraid that you- nevermind.” Trixie can feel her heart sink. Katya doesn’t want her. Of course she doesn’t.
“That I wouldn’t want you if I knew you were a virgin?”
At this point Trixie is pretty sure Katya can read her mind.
“Yeah. And that’s totally cool, it’s whatever,” she lies, counting the tiles on the floor. It’s anything but cool.
“No, Trixie,” Katya’s hands cup her cheeks, tilting her face up to make eye contact. “I still want you.”
Trixie has been on a goddamn rollercoaster of emotions, currently cruising through a spiral of confusion, and she’s about ready for the ride to stop. “Then why are you-”
“You’re too special for this to be your first time. On the floor in a fucking dressing room in the men’s department - you deserve so much better than that.”
“You really think so?” She asks incredulously, her voice barely above a whisper.
“I do,” Katya smiles, and Trixie nearly loses herself in her sparkling eyes. “Let me prove it to you.”
Trixie tilts her head with a soft “Hm?”
“Tonight. Let me prove it to you,” Katya’s hands find Trixie’s and she laces their fingers together. “Let me show you how special you are. Let me treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”
“But where would we even-”
“My parents are out of town for the weekend. You can… I don’t know. Would Adore cover for you? Like, tell your mom you’re spending the night at Adore’s?”
Trixie shakes her head, frown covering her face. “My mom hates Adore, especially since I didn’t tell her I was staying there last time. She thinks Adore’s, like, unstable and promiscuous or something.”
“What about Farrah?”
Trixie shakes her head again.
“There has to be one friend your mom doesn’t hate,” Katya’s hands squeeze around Trixie’s.
Leaning back against the bathroom door, Trixie runs through the list of friends she has. There’s Adore, Farrah, who her mom thinks is “vapid” (though she’s actually quite intelligent), Courtney (but she’s more Adore’s friend than Trixie’s), and – that’s it!
Katya jumps at Trixie’s sudden outburst. “What?”
“Kim, she’ll cover for me.”
Katya smirks, taking a step to close the distance between them. “Perfect.”
“Absolutely,” Trixie nods before she leans forward to press a chaste kiss to Katya’s plush red lips.
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Kitty Boy (Shalaska/Katlaska)- Squeaky
AU where people are born with cat ears, which they lose when have sex. Those who no longer have animal features are differentiated by society as “adults”.
OR: The story of who took Justin’s kitten ears, and the first pair he took.
Girls are generally expected to lose their ears by the end of high school and boys by the beginning.
Realistically, “Loose” Lucy has already lost hers by the sixth grade and had to wear fake ears for a year, so her mother wouldn’t know. Boys whisper in the bathrooms that a girl could lose her ears if she sits too hard on a bike. By the time the summer of eighth grade rolls around, google searches for “faux-ears” have soared.
They show in movies how as soon as a boy loses his ears, he transforms into a man. Any boy with ears after ninth grade is seen as a “fucking faggot-ass pussy” and ridiculed by everyone from the local jock pack to the lunch ladies.  
Justin finds himself grouped into those losers. He’s a theater kid, alright? He’s only ever known his right hand to give him a helping hand. Besides, the concept of “virginity” is inextricably tied to heteronormative, penis-in-vagina sex, and is used to shame both gay women and men. At least that’s what he tells himself to feel better.
“You need to stop reading internet meta, sweetie, and get your dick wet,” Sharon Needles tells him the day that he meets her.
Justin has just dropped out of high school and is chilling at the local gay bar. Unfortunately, no one wants to hire him with the set of “baby” ears that he’s sporting.
He stares up at the local bar queen with a pout. She’s beautiful in a sloppy sort of way, with mascara artfully dripping down her cheeks, and a naughty twinkle in her eye. When she leans over to pet him, Justin can’t help it as his ears perk up. His tail happily flicks as she rubs at his ears. It’s considered rude to pet somebody without their permission and unheard of to do it in public, but, for Sharon, he’ll make an exception.
“Want me to take you home, pussy-cat?” she whispers in his ear, and Justin shivers. He’s tired of being a loser with ears, and she looks like she knows how to fuck him right. Justin accepts the shot of alcohol Sharon pushes into his hands.
She pats her lap, and Justin is only too eager, practically purring, as he makes his way onto her knee. Sharon Needles runs a hand down his back and whispers all the naughty ways she wants to have him. Justin can hardly breathe. 
The bar owner is looking at him like ‘boy, what are you getting yourself into?’ But Justin is desperate, and he’s always had a bit of a crush on the local queen. Besides, he needs to lose this set of ears if he’s ever going to get a job on the club scene.
“I want to ruin you, kitty boy,” Sharon Needles teases as she presses a kiss to his cheek and pulls at his ears. His cock twitches in his jeans at the low rumble of her voice, and the way her fingertips keep tugging at his white ears. The gleam in her eye makes him shiver.
“I’d like that,” he whispers, nuzzling into her neck. He wished that he’d met her a year earlier, so he hadn’t had to go through all this humiliation. A boy in high school with his ears still intact was an easy target.
They’re in the cab, and Justin is on Sharon Needles’ lap. He moans as she kisses his neck, sucking hickies into his skin. Justin whimpers as she reaches forward and squeezes his cock through his jeans. He’s helpless in her arms.
“Aw, are you a virgin?” She teases, flicking his ears.
“Just figured that one out, huh?” Justin growled as he twisted back to try and steal a kiss, but she bits the corner of his lip instead. He hisses. This isn’t exactly how he’d pictured his first time- Sharon Needles is a snarling ball of pain. All her edges are pointed and sharp, and her fingers are like claws that scrape down his back.
By the time he’s gotten back to her shitty apartment, Justin’s wondering what he got himself into.
“I’m wearing nails, so I’mma need you to start fingering yourself while I take these off. There’s lube on the couch table. Go ahead,” Sharon Needles leisurely orders as she slumps onto the couch and slowly peels off one black nail.
Justin has always been a performer, so, sucking in his breathe, he shimmies down his jeans and boxers. He’s glad that he shaved everywhere this morning. Under Sharon’s dark eyes, he slowly squeezes lube into the palm of his hand. The way she’s watching him plus her earlier teasing has left him painfully erect. Justin flinches as he slowly sinks one finger between his thighs and rubs it inside him.
“That’s a good, little kitten,” Sharon Needles purrs, as she snaps off a second nail and kicks off her heels.
Justin whimpers at the praise, and he knows that his ears must be perked up. His tail, which he usually hides in his pants, has wrapped itself around his waist. Justin sinks a second finger inside of himself, eyes on Sharon as he does.
He bits his lip, thighs trembling, as he waits for more praise, but she’s holding back on him. Justin moans as he expertly fucks himself against his fingertips. He’s looking at her hands, watching as she peels a fourth nail off, and wishing that it was her doing this instead. Justin had always wanted to be fingered by someone else, and Sharon Needles looked like she’d fingered a lot of boys before.
“Keep going, kitty-boy,” she orders. “I’ll give you a treat once you’re all nice and prepared.”
Justin licks his lip, face furrowed in concentration, as he buries a third finger inside himself. He feels so full already, and he can’t imagine what a cock will feel like in between his legs. He watches, flushed, as Sharon Needles pushes up the black folds of her dress to palm her own cock.
“I want you,” Justin rasps, and he’s relieved when she snaps off the final nail and pats her lap.
He pulls out his slick fingers and settles onto her lap. Justin is naked while she’s completely dressed, and the difference leaves him feeling vulnerable. Still, he’s eager and breathless when she runs her cold hands up his bare thighs. Goosebumps rise on his neck.
“You’d look good with a collar around your neck, you know that?” She whispers as she reaches up to pet him again, paying special attention to his ears. “But even better with my cock inside you.”
“F-fuck, yeah,” Justin whimpers and buries his face into her neck. It’s pretty taboo to pet someone’s kitten features, but it feels so nice when she does it. His cock is hard, pressed up against his stomach, and leaking onto the folds of her black dress.
“Such a good, little kitty-boy. Aren’t you?”
“Mhm,” Justin whines, back arching, as he ruts into her stomach, the action is so animalistic and embarrassing. Still, he can’t help himself when she’s playing with his ears like that and calling him these names.
When she pulls on his tail, Justin shudders. He doesn’t want to cum just from this because how pathetic would that make him look, but he secretly loves it when people abused his kitten bits. Yeah, maybe that makes him one sick fuck, but Justin loves it anyways.
Then she’s pulling him down for a soft kiss and slipping one finger inside his already well-lubed ass. He whimpers into her mouth as her fingers stretch him open again. He can feel his tail happily flicking as she presses another two fingers inside of him. Her fingers are a little bit thinner than his own. As they rub against the spot, Justin’s back arches and his toes curl under him.
“You want a treat, kitten?” Sharon Needles whispers as she pulls back. There’s a strand of saliva connecting their lips and a bubble of cum dripping down Justin’s cock. He feels himself so close to coming undone.
“Yeah, A-arron,” Justin begs. “Want you. Need you.”
“Good, get on all fours- I always wanted to try it like that.”
He does as he’s told, and Justin whimpers as his tails protectively wraps itself around his bare thighs, shielding his hole. Needles pushes it back as she pulls down her panties. Justin shivers as she rubs her firm cock against his slick taint. He’s so wet that she could easily just slip inside of him. The drag of her cock against his ass is so sinful that it makes his eyes flutter. Why hasn’t he ever tried this before?
“Good boy,” Sharon Needles breathes as she pushes inside, and, wow, he’s never felt anything so good. Justin’s back arches as he leans back into her. Slowly but surely she fits herself inside him, and he moans as she triumphantly pulls at his tail. Justin has never even seen porn like this- ‘kitty boy gets roughly fucked by drag queen?’
It takes a moment to get used to the drag of her cock inside him, and the way she pulls at his tail every time she slams her hips inside him. It’s kinky as hell. Justin kind of wish he was wearing a collar, so she could choke him a little with that. Instead, Sharon Needles reaches forward and tugs on his baby ears.
“A-ah,” he pants. “Aarron.”
“That’s it, baby, that’s it,” she says and gently strokes his spine. Justin has tears in his eyes from how good it feels, and he’s not sure why he waited so long. She pulls out and cums all over his ass and tail in long, white strokes. Justin whimpers as she flips him onto his stomach and takes him in her hot mouth. All it takes is one suck, her cheeks hollowing around him, and he’s cumming with a pathetic whimper.
“Again,” Sharon Needles pants. “Your ears will be gone by the morning, and I still want to cum all over them.”
“Fuck yeah.”
After Justin goes on Drag Race, he’s had so many offers to take boy’s ears. They practically throw themselves on him, and it’s not cute. Aaron cheats on him with some tiger-eared-looking-bitch from Texas. Justin sleeps with a lot of older men after that, whose ears have been gone for years and years.
He meets Brain when she’s Katya, and her ears are hidden beneath a platinum wig. Justin still hasn’t outgrown his bad habit of kissing drag queens, so he pulls into her bathroom stall and presses her up against the wall. Justin reaches down to grope her ass and jumps when he feels the twitch of a tail under her pads.
“Shit, sorry. Forget to warn you I still had ‘em.”
“Really? You?” Justin scoffs, coming off a lot more like a dick than he intended.
“Men pay a lot more if you’ve still got them, you know? It’s a fetish thing. So instead of twenty dollars for a blow, I can charge fifty.”
Justin laughed: “Fuck, that’s a great scam you’ve got going on. You win oldest twink of the year, Katya Za…”
“Zamolodchikova. I mean virginity is the biggest scam there is. Like I can suck off all the men I want and finger myself, but so long as their dick isn’t in me…I’m a virgin? Like, there are so many lesbian “virgins,” whose pussies have been fingered by all of downtown LA.”
“It’s stupid.”
“Exactly, so I’m gonna keep these ears to keep old men’s wallets erect,” Katya explains as she takes off her wig. Justin runs his hands over her soft, black ears, tugging at them slightly. If Katya is offended by him petting them, she doesn’t show it. Instead, she leans forward into his touch.
“How much to take yours, Catya?” Justin asks, remembering how Sharon Needles did that during their first time. The image makes his stomach twist with something close to longing.
“Catya? Ha. Never heard that joke before. But you can’t afford me.”
“100 bucks?”
“Try 10,000.”
“I gave mine away for free.”
“Bad business,” Katya scoffs. “But I’ll let you come on them if you give me a blowjob. Equivalent exchange.”
Katya looks quite beautiful, cheeks flushed and black ears twitching, stained in his cum. Justin wishes that he could have taken a picture. Still, the image of Katya ruined, tail curling around her midriff, finds itself crawling through his dreams. That’s how it should have ended. Just a wild night with a local queen.
Justin is surprised to see Katya on drag race in a month. A drag queen with ears isn’t unheard of, but one so cute is. It causes quite a stir on Reddit. The amount of people who want to fuck Pearl is well matched by all those that want to take Katya’s ears.
Katya is backstage before the finale doing her makeup, still in half drag, when Alaska sees her again. Alaska interviews the other Brian first, and tries not to glance over too much. She can see the swish of that black tail out of the corner of her eye.
“Hiiie, Katya. So,” Alaska touches her lightly on the arm. “Say your full last name for us.”
“Zamolodchikova,” she recites without a pause.
This isn’t the first time she’d heard Katya say it -that would be the night of club- but Alaska looks over her shoulder at the camera, comically widening her eyes.
“Okay. Use the hashtag Katya Zamolandnshhhh…” she trails off.
Katya reaches over to run her hands through Alaska’s blonde wig and plays with the tips. Alaska swallows, hard. She can tell Katya is avoiding looking up into her eyes. The image of her down on her knees, cum splattered on her face, flashes through her mind. How many nights has she dreamed of that scene?
“My friends and my roommate want to fuck you,” Alaska said in her usual deadpan, and Katya shifts in surprise as Alaska confirms it with a soft ‘yeah.’ Alaska twirls her fingers around the piece of hair that Katya has just been playing with.  
“No. You’re joking!”
“You must get so much of that,” Alaska says, voice burning in the back of her throat as she dragged out the ‘so.’
“Never! I never get that,” Katya answers as she rubs the back of her buzzed head. “I look like a retired math teacher dying of cancer.”
“So you’re not retired?”
Katya has to duck out of the camera shot to cackle, ears perked up all the way.
“No, but I’m definitely open to a lot of sexual possibilities,” Katya confesses, ears nervously twitching. Alaska wonders what she means by that, but she can’t linger too long. Not with the cameras here.
“In episode two, Trixie and Miss Fame had a thing. They were like,” Alaska says instead and then drapes her hand over Katya’s bare shoulder. She can’t help but stroke it a little, surprised at how soft Katya was under her touch.
“So who do you want to win?” Katya asks as she holds up the microphone to Alaska’s face.
“I can’t say because I’m with the press, but…” Alaska rubs her hands over Katya’s wrist as she takes back the mike. Katya smiles at her, and Alaska’s heart flutters. Fucking hell, what is Katya doing to her?
“Can I assssk you a question?” Alaska dramatically spins. “Who do you want to win?”
“I don’t know…I’m still reeling from Season 5 when Roxxxy Andrews was robbed.”
Alaska cackles.
“Can I just say?” Katya touches Alaska’s wrist again. “I’ve never met a queen like you?“
“Aw, flattery will get you everywhere.”
“I think about you every day,” Katya said. She saw the genuine flicker in Katya’s eyes before she tightened her lips.
“Every day,” Katya repeated, giggling at Alaska’s ridiculously smug expression and then turned to the camera. “I think about her every day.”
“You heard it here first on ‘Can I Asssk You a Question?’”
Katya’s still in her shimmery, red one piece when Alaska approaches her in the changing room. There are no cameras in the changing room this time. They are finally alone.
“We really have to stop meeting up like this,” Katya teases with a grin.
Alaska’s padded ass settles next to her at the dressing room table as she returns Katya’s coy smile.
“Your wig is horrible,” Alaska simpers, pulling at the stringy edges, and her cold fingertips brush against her Katya’s warm neck. Katya flushes and tugs off the wig, so Alaska can see her black ears again. They twitch. Alaska hasn’t tucked very well under this green dress, and if she shifts again, it’d be painfully obvious. 
“So’s your makeup. It’s terrible.”
“That’s copyrighted, bitch,” Alaska flirts back. At least she hopes Katya is flirting and that Alaska hasn’t completely misread the glint of Katya’s eyes as suggestive.
“This is the first time we’ve been in full drag together,” Katya wonders aloud as she runs a slow finger over Alaska’s hip and settles her hand there.  Oh yeah, fuck, definitely flirting.
“Mhm,” Alaska hums softly.
Her breathe curves against Katya’s neck, and she wants to reach forward, cup Katya’s face, and kiss her. She wants to reach up and pet Katya’s twitching ears. She wants to hold Katya on her lap.
Instead, Alaska coyly asks, “So have you gotten any more offers to take your ears? One? One thousand?”
“The real question is how many have I considered accepting.”
“How many?”
“None…except for yours.”
Alaska leans forward, inhales deeply and kisses Katya’s neck. Katya mewled in delight and her tail flicks Alaska’s thigh. The first time that they had met Alaska was drunk on the rush of the night, but, this time, she hesitates and glances down at Katya through her thick lashes.
“Can I asssk you a question?” Alaska says.
“Is the price still 10,000?”
“No, it’s just gone up to ‘not for sale.’”
Alaska only cups her face and kisses her like she wants to own her, and Katya leans into her touch for a split second before pushing back. They’re flushed and panting, and Alaska isn’t sure what’s the problem.
“The ears are part of my brand now, Lasky,” Katya confesses. “But I’ll let you come on them again for free.”
Alaska’s painfully hard in this dress, and Katya’s being a cock tease. Still, she respects her wishes with a sigh. It’s not everyone, after all, who gets to see Katya in half drag, on her knees, with her lips parted. Alaska’s eyes flutter shut as cum drips down those twitching black ears.
If Virginity is a scam, Justin has been scammed hard. For one thousand dollars, he pays a desperate twenty-one-year-old boy for his ears. He’s blonde instead of brunette, and his ears are grey instead of black, but it’s close enough. When the boy hollows his lips around Justin, he moans and pulls at his ears. Justin holds him on his lap and pets him and kisses him all over.
Still, when the time comes to take them, Justin can’t do it. All he can think about are a different set of eyes and ears. He pays the boy and sends him off with an apology.
“Fuck, Brian,” Justin mutters to himself afterwards. “What are you doing to me?”
He watches porn, but it just makes him want it more. This obsession isn’t healthy, clearly, but Justin doesn’t know what to do besides suppress these feelings. That’s why he’s glad when All Stars comes around because it’s something to take his mind off the desperation.
Until he walks in and sees his favorite kitty boy. Fuck.
Justin throws himself into Alaska completely. He keeps on winning challenges. Everything has to be perfect. It’s not healthy to derive one’s sense of self worth from a Drag Competition, but here Alaska is, deriving it.
“Are you ok?” Katya asks him the night before Alaska’s breakdown. She nods even though she should shake her head.
The crown makes her feel better the same way that a band aid can hold together a gaping wound. It’s just one more thing to take her mind away, but, at the end of the day, Alaska isn’t satisfied.
The night after her crowning, she finds Katya in her hotel room. They’re not allowed out, but the crew will turn a blind eye for Alaska.
“You’re driving me crazy.”
“Why? You won,” Katya deadpans, tugging off her wig. Her back is rigid, tail sadly wrapped around her thigh.
“No, I mean you, Brian. I want you.”
She reaches forward to pet Katya’s ears, but the queen pulls away from her. Her eyes are dark and narrowed. 
“Yeah? Well, you can’t have me,” Katya snaps. “No one can.”
Alaska leaves, closes her hotel room door, and then childishly kicks at the table. She throws off her heels, buries her face in her hands, and doesn’t cry. Instead she just sits there, bent over with pain. Katya has always been an enigma, that’s part of her brand, so it makes sense that she would want to keep her ears. Right? It has nothing to do with Alaska.
When Justin sees Brian again at a party, his ears are gone. Just like that. They’re just….not there. Justin squeezes his glass so hard that it shatters in his hands. The pieces fall to the floor, cutting up his palms.
“So who’s ‘no one?’” Justin spits. “How much did he pay you?”
Brian doesn’t answer him. Someone in the crowd is holding up a video camera, and this drama will end up posted all over Reddit in the morning. Justin doesn’t even care.
“Just because Sharon Needles took yours, and she never paid you for them doesn’t mean you have to take it out on me. You got scammed. For what? Love? How long did that last?”
Justin thinks about slapping him, hands trembling, and then he doesn’t. Brian doesn’t owe him anything. They were nothing, and they still are nothing. There will be nothing between them in the future. Who cares if he sold his ears to some dirty, old man?
He doesn’t realize that he’s crying until he’s in the Uber. Justin rests his head against the seat, muffling his sobs. I do care, Justin realizes. If I didn’t care, it wouldn’t hurt this much.
Then his phone rings, and Justin knows who it is without even glancing at the caller ID.
“Justin, I’m sorry. I…I didn’t sell it to anybody. I gave it to my boyfriend, alright? I just didn’t want to tell you that. I didn’t want to say it in front of all those people. But I’m sorry for hurting you. I am. Can you…forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive. The ears are stupid.”
“But they meant something to you, and I…I’m still in front of the bar. You want to go out? We could talk more about it then?”
Justin wipes his cheeks: “I’d like that.”
Katya’s sitting, perched in his lap, and she looks beautiful with those black ears on top of her light wig. He reaches up to play with the soft, velvety fabric.
“So cute, Catya.”
“I guess I really am now,” she purrs.
Justin kisses her quite as he continues to stroke her ears. God, she’s so soft and pliant in his arms, just like he’s always dreamed. 
The faux ears are a convincing illusion, and it doesn't matter that they’re not real. Katya isn’t real either, technically, but she tastes and feels real against his body. So what’s the difference?
“I want to ruin you,” Justin whispers as he pushes up the folds of her dress. He squeezes her cock through her red panties, palming it in his hands. As he rubs, Katya makes these cute, little noises, and her cock twitches under his fingertips.
Then he’s pulls the panties back and slides in a lubed finger. Katya eagerly grinds back against the digit, mouth parting. Justin slides in another. He loves how easily he can squeeze inside of her, how tight she is.
Then she’s squirming and mewling on his lap. Justin’s got three fingers inside of her tightness, and he crooks them to rub against the spot. They kiss again as Justin flips their positions, so he’s between Katya’s thighs.
“Such a good, little kitty-girl. Aren’t you?” Justin gently teases as he pulls out his fingers. Katya whimpers under him from the loss. 
But she doesn’t have to wait long until he’s pushing his cock inside her. Justin groans at how amazing it feels inside of her. He bites his lip as he slowly cants his hips forward, until he’s all the way inside. Katya’s toes curl as she wraps them behind his back. 
“Such a stretchy, little kitten,” he praises. 
“Such a slow owner.”
The taunting words make him groan and increase his pace. Justin buries his face in her blonde hair. His own hair is plastered to his forehead. 
“J-justin,” Katya moans, back arching, and she’s coming all over her stomach in long, white stripes. 
 "That’s it, kitten,“ he breathes. “That’s it.”
Katya leaves the faux-ears on even after they’re finished. She curls up into his side. He yawns and buries his face into the crook of her neck. They should go and shower the illusion from their skin, but, just for a moment, Justin wants to lay still. 
“Virginity might be stupid,” Katya yawns. “But if I could do it over again, I would give it to you.”
“For free?”
“Nah, 10k via paypal.”
“Stupid,” Justin laughs and flicks her ears. But if he could do it all over again, Justin would have also saved it for Katya. Instead of letting himself linger in the regret, he leans up and kisses her.
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artificialqueens · 8 years
It's all about Barbie - Chapter 2 (Trixya) - Djoodi
A/N: Hey guys, I’m back with the second chapter! Thanks for all the positive comments! I’m so happy you guys like it :) If you didn’t read chapter one, here it is: http://artificialqueens.tumblr.com/post/156474539024/its-all-about-barbie-chapter-1-trixya-djoodi
Hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks for reading, and sorry if I made any mistakes :)
Trixie arrived work with a cup of coffee on her hands and her pink heart-shaped sunglasses on. Trixie had so much pink in her life that sometimes her friends - and ever herself - asked themselves if she wasn’t related to Kitten Kay Sera, that woman from TLC’s ’My Crazy Obsession’ who lived life with everything pink. 
She saw that Violet was already there and smiled at her, before quickly going to the employees lockers to let her stuff there. Her face was beautifully painted with the classic ‘Trixie Face’ which was consisted basically in very geometric winged eyeliner that complimented her sky-blue eyes, harsh contour and pink lipstick  covering her huge lips. She really looked like a real life Barbie Doll.
Violet looked like Burlesque dancers from the 50’s. She could rock anything with that attitude and her tiny little waist, even the simple MAC uniform which was a black shirt and leggings. Trixie, on the other hand, said herself that the uniform didn’t match her 'Barbie Doll Fantasy’ aesthetic, although it really accentuated her curves very well. 
“Tell me how it was!” the blonde girl asked, as soon as she arrived on the counter.
“Oh, it was quite nice.” Violet smiled “Jamie said that she knew it already. Like, not 100% sure, but she had always suspected. She said she was happy that I told her the truth and asked me if Pearl was my girlfriend or not.”
Violet took care of her sister since she was eighteen. She was going to college in Boston and her parents thought it was a great idea for her to take her nine year-old sister with her to study there, since they were both too busy working and didn’t care to raise their daughters. At first, Violet thought it was a crazy and selfish idea, but  then she realized that it would be much more traumatic for her sister to live with her problematic rich parents in Atlanta, so she basically was the one who raised Jamie. 
“And what did you answer?” Trixie smirked, watching the purple haired girl roll her eyes. 
“That we are not, bitch.” Violet got her hair in a ponytail.
“Why?!” the blonde gasped.
“Because we are not. At least not yet.” she winked “Anyways, you’re coming to Pearl’s party on Friday, yeah? I’ll kick your butt if you don’t." 
When Trixie met Pearl on Tinder, they automatically clicked. They knew from the moment they started talking to each other live that it wouldn’t work out as a relationship, neither as just sex. So, as they started becoming friends, Trixie ended up introducing Pearl to her other friends, including Violet. Since that, the two girls started this 'casual sex’ kind of relationship, although everyone thought they should definitely date.
"Of course I’m going, bitch. She’s one of my best friends.” the blonde answered “I just don’t know what I’m going to do with Barbie.”
“Why don’t you let her with Kyle?” the other girl asked, putting some cotton swabs for the costumers to wipe something if they needed too.
“Because Kyle is a dick.” Trixie arranged one of the lipsticks “Yesterday when I saw those five missing calls from him he said that ’I wasn’t doing what we agreed with’ and that ’He wasn’t prepared to stay twenty minutes more with Barbie’, well, fuck him! And you know what else? He left Barbie in the park before I arrived! Alone!”
“Wait, what? He can’t do that, no way. She’s a child, Trixie!” Violet replied “Why did he do it?!”
“He said that he had something to do, I don’t fucking go into details when speaking with Kyle, plus he hung up.” the girl gesticulated while explaining “Thankfully a friend of her from school, Melanie, was there.”
“And her hot babysitter was there too.” Trixje though about adding, but decided it was still early to say anything about the Katya situation to anyone who wasn’t Kim.
Trixie was surprised earlier by the friendship request on Facebook she had got from Katya. She didn’t know how the girl found her, although she was fully aware that she had, in fact, told the Russian her full name. At least that meant something… Right? She didn’t knew.
“What are you going to give Pearl?” the blonde asked “I think I’m giving her a vinyl.”
“That’s cool. I’m thinking of something more…” Violet was interrupted by Trixie.
“Girlfriendish?” she raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh, fuck off, Tracy.” she answered, and Trixie cackled “Let’s fucking work, the store is opening in two minutes.”
So they spent the rest of their shifts doing little jokes when there was no one to paint, and also telling the clients about what products were they using on their faces, and helping them to find the right shade of concealer. Trixie liked her job.
Katya looked at her watch, waiting for the other woman. When she went to pick up Melanie at school, she had not seen Barbie, which made her assume that the little girl was already in the park with her mother. But, when she arrived, there was no sign of Trixie or Barbara.
“She is probably on the traffic or something. Her dad picks her up in a car.” Melanie explained, as Katya did two buns in the ginger’s hair “Are you making me look like Pucca again?”
“Why, do you prefer Princess Leia?” the Russian asked.
“No, that’s fine.” the young girl giggled “Look, they are coming!” she pointed at the two blondes holding hands, walking in their direction.
“Fuck!…” Katya almost messed up all the work she had done in Mel’s hair, but fixed it.
“My mom told you not to swear in front of me, Kathy.” Melanie teased, because she knew it was the nickname her mother called her friend. She was a younger Ginger, for sure.
“Tell her that she was the one who basically taught me how to swear, Ginger 2.0.” she said, finishing before Trixie and Barbie arrived “Well, hello there.”
“Hey, Barbie’s mom.” Melanie smiled, and grabbed her friend’s hand “C'mon, let’s play!" 
"Be careful, honey!” Trixie yelled before the girls started playing “Oh gosh… I mean, hi! How are you doing?”
“Good! I saw you added me back on Facebook. I saw your little tutorials, you are really talented!” Katya said, moving so Trixie could sit next to her “I mean, not that I spent time stalking you. Not at all. That would be creepy.”
“Relax, I wouldn’t mind if you did. I know I’m amazing.” Trixie theatrically flicked her hair over her shoulder, making Katya laugh “I kind of saw your page too, and noticed that you do have problems with patterns." 
"It’s called high-fashion, darling, you wouldn’t understand.” the Russian faked a Valley Girl accent, making Trixie wheeze “But I’m dressed kind of basic today, huh. We are both kind of looking the same to be honest. Like, black legging and a shirt. Although your shirt is all black.”
“Yeah, I’m still in my uniform. I work at the MAC counter at Macy’s.” Trixie made a bun out of her her big blonde hair “What the hell is written on this shirt you are wearing? I can’t read it, the font size is too small." 
"Oh, it’s just the entire "Bee Movie” script, you know.“ the Russian tried to say it seriously, but she couldn’t help but laugh at Trixie’s surprised face "You didn’t like it?”
“The question is: why?” the younger woman giggled, making Katya laugh even more, but then she just gasped “Oh. My. God.”
“What’s wrong?” the older asked, actually worried.
“Please don’t tell me those are crocs that you are wearing.” Trixie pointed at the baby blue shoe that the Russian was wearing.
“What? They are super comfy! And I even put those little charms on them, the woman in the store said that they were called Jibbitz, I guess.” the woman picked one of them up “This one has this 'unicorn cat’ or some shit like that from ’The Lego Movie’, Spiderman, and the lesbian ’My Little Pony’. And the other one” she picked the crocs up “has this cool butterfly, the hand Mickey Mouse uses to jerk off, and this pink tiger. I don’t know who the fuck is he, but he looks like he’s having a great time." 
"First of all: the lesbian ’My Little Pony’ has a name, and it is Rainbow Dash.” the woman explained “And second of all: crocs are fucking ugly. They are, like, the most ugly shoe ever. The other shoes are ashamed of crocs." 
"Fuck off, toe shoes are way uglier than crocs. Plus, I’m sure your opinion would change if you saw me in nothing but them.” she smirked, lifting on leg up and saw the other blush “Too soon? Sorry.”
“You are gross.” Trixie joked, faking a grossed face, and the Russian cackled.
“I’m just wearing them because I went to yoga today, though. That’s why I’m wearing these clothes. You saw on Facebook how I prefer to dress up, so this is just for especial occasions, I must say. I also don’t really like wearing my hair in a ponytail, I feel like a fucking cheerleader or something.”
“So you like yoga?" 
"Totally! I used to be a gymnastic back in Russia, but there was this crazy twist of fate and now I’m just here looking for a job as a yoga teacher. I’m flexible as hell.” Katya answered, and her phone ringed “Ops, just the second, it’s Ginger.”
“That’s fine.” Trixie smiled.
“Hey, Ging. Yeah, it was fun!” she gesticulated a lot more while talking on the phone “I’m at the park right now. Shut up, cunt. Yay, finally a day that I won’t have to take fucking Melanie off the couch! Do you want to talk to her? Fine, gimme a second. Melanie!” Katya screamed to the girl who was upside down on a play structure.
“Yes?” she asked.
“Come here, Ginger wants to talk to you!” the girl immediately ran towards Katya and stole her phone “Alright then.”
“Is she working?” Trixie asked, and the other nodded.
“Yep. She works a lot, so this kid always ends up sleeping on the couch waiting for her. But she will come home earlier today, which is really cool." 
"That’s sweet.” the younger blonde smiled, tenderly.
“Hey, uh, I wanted to ask you something, you know." 
"Do you want, like, to go out or something? We could lunch or, I don’t know.” Katya asked, and Trixie gave her a big smile.
“This would be amazing!” she answered “We can go out tomorrow, if you want to. My lunch break is at 12:30 until 1:00pm. We could eat something at the Mall, what do you think?”
“Great! Do you have any preferences?”
“I’m simple. I just don’t eat meat, and that’s all. The MAC counter is at Macy’s second floor, one of the firsts counters.” Trixie said, picking up her phone that was inside her purse “Here, add your number.”
The Russian woman typed fast, and they saw little Barbie coming towards them. As Melanie ended the call with Ginger, she gave Katya’s phone back.
“Let’s go, mom said she will be home at any minute!” the girl grabbed Katya’s hand and pulled her from the chair “Goodbye, Barbie, see you tomorrow!”
“Bye!” the blonde girl waved.
“I’ll text you later!” Trixie laughed at the Russian being pulled by the six-year-old.
She looked at her phone and saw the name ’Melanie’s hot babysitter Katya Zamo’ and shook her head while giggling.
“What’s up?” Barbie asked, holding her mom’s hand.
“Nothing, sweetie. Hey, tell me about your day!” she smiled, walking towards the place she had parked her car. It was basically at the other side of the park, so they had a long ride.
“Oh, it was just normal, you know.” the young girl walked around a water puddle.
“Well, what do you mean by ’normal’?” Trixie asked.
“I mean, we drew a lot. And played some games, too.” the girl seemed distracted by the ducks she saw in the lake “I ate my lunch and we drew some more after that, and the teacher told us a story. And then dad picked me up. How was your day?”
“Normal too. Sold a lot of MAC’s new highlighter and some liquid lipsticks too. And did a lot of girl’s makeup.” Trixie answered, and thought it was a good opportunity to bring something up “Violet said she told her younger sister she likes girls. What do you think about that?”
“Why wouldn’t she like girls?” Barbie asked, like it was the most obvious thing in the universe “They are half of the population of the world, I think. And they are  really nice! I like girls too." 
"No, honey.” she laughed at the innocence of her daughter “She loves girls. Like… Like Barbie loves Ken, do you get it?”
“Just like you! Now I got it. I think is fine. If girls love her back, it is even better.” Barbie answered.
“Oh. Yeah, just like me.” Trixie was kind of shocked “Get inside the car, sweetheart." 
”Yup, she’s definitely aware.“ she thought to herself.
Katya and Melanie were watching Steven Universe on the living room when they hear keys opening the front door. The young girl ran so fast that she almost took Katya down. When Ginger opened the door, Melanie almost killed the woman by jumping on her.
"Holy Jesus, Melanie, you’re going to kill me any day.” Ginger snorted, putting the girl down “You know that I’m a overweigh asthmatic woman and you keep trying to jump on me.”
“Maybe someday you will pick me up.” Mel laughed, and Katya cackled.
“And you, Kathy, how are you?” the woman said, sitting on the couch and taking her shoes off.
“She likes Barbie’s mom.” Mel smirked, and Katya pulled a hand to her own forehead “They are going to get married on the park." 
"Wait what?” she locked eyes with the young girl “Where the hell did that come from, Melanie?" 
"Okay, they are not getting married.” she admitted “But they are going out." 
"Honey, go take a shower while I talk to Kathy over here.” Ginger sniffed “You’re smelling like grass and wet dogs." 
"I think I’m the one to be blamed for the wet dogs scent, but Melanie is definitely the one who is smelling like grass.” Katya whispered as the little girl went to the bathroom.
“So tell me more about this Trixie stuff, bitch.” Ginger asked.
“Well, we saw each other on the park today again. She indirectly told me that she had stalked me on Facebook, which is fine because I’ve stalked her too.”
“How did she told you that?”
“She said my clothes looked normal today because she saw what I usually wear.” Ginger wheezed at the answer.
“And she wasn’t wrong!”
“Oh, shut up. Let me finish.” Katya rolled her eyes “Then we had this discussion about crocs, you called, we decided to go out tomorrow and I gave her my number.”
“And she didn’t give you hers?” Ginger asked.
“No, because Melanie was using my phone.” the Russian answered “She said she would text later. I’ll take a shower now because I really am smelling like wet dogs. But the wet dog was so cute, I couldn’t help but hug him.”
Katya had a quick shower. She was used to take so long there, but her anxiety kept telling her that Trixie could text anytime soon, so she forced herself to be quick. She made dinner for the three of them - and, by dinner, she meant macaroni and cheese - and not one sign of Trixie.
“Calm down, Romeo.” Mel said before taking a sip of her juice “She’s probably just doing normal things that Barbie Dolls do, you know." 
"Your daughter is the snappiest six-year-old in the world, Ging, you do know that?” Katya looked at her friend, who laughed “Plus, what makes you say that I’m Romeo?" 
"Because you are waiting for Juliet, Kathy.” the young girl rolled her eyes.
In the middle of dinner, Katya’s phone buzzed, and she almost broke the table with excitement.
“Holy mother of Jesus, can you please don’t go breaking my house?” Ginger asked.
“I couldn’t if I try.” Katya sang, and immediately opened the messages on her phone, and read it out loud.
Hey, It’s Trixie here! Sorry I didn’t text earlier, I was showering :)
“What should I answer?” Katya asked.
“That you were almost going crazy because she wasn’t answering you?” the young girl suggested.
“No way, she’ll think that I’m a psychopath or something.” the Russian said, still thinking “Okay, I got it.”  
That’s fine :D How are you?
“What a filthy liar!” Melanie screamed.
“Oh, shut up, Ginger 2.0, let me live my life.”
“I can’t believe I let you paint my daughter, Naomi.” Trixie said, looking at the girl finishing Barbie’s eyebrows.
“She’s going to look even more like a Barbie when I finish.” Naomi smiled.
Whenever they weren’t at Trixie apartment downstairs, they would go to Kim and Naomi’s place. Naomi used to be one of the popular kids in school, although she was still really close to both Kim and Trixie, who weren’t popular at all. She would often work as a model for different companies. 
She was really tall, skinny, and had this straight beautiful dark hair who went all the way down to her lower back. She was definitely one of the nicest people that Trixie had ever met, ever. 
“So, Barbie, is there any attractive interesting boy at your school?” the brunette asked.
“The boys at my school aren’t really interesting type. The most interesting thing I’ve seen one of them do is eat a worm. And it wasn’t really attractive.” Barbie answered, trying not to move.
“I love your kid, Tracy.” Naomi giggled.
“She learned everything from me, of course.” Kim told them, and saw that Trixie wouldn’t look up from her phone “Tracy, you are so quiet today. Please continue quiet, your voice is annoying.”
“Fuck off.” the blonde didn’t even look away from the phone.
“Who are you texting so much, huh?” Naomi asked “Did you get back on Tinder?”
“Ew.” the blonde rolled her eyes “I’m never going back on Tinder. Pearl was the last one.”
“She’s texting my friend Melanie’s babysitter, Katya.” Barbie revealed.
“How do you know that?” Trixie asked, finally turning the phone off.
“You said it on the park that you would text her later. It’s tickling” the kid giggled as Naomi’s brush touched her face.
“Who’s Katya? That cowgirl you’ve met yesterday?” Kim ate some chips from the bag that she was holding.
“Now close your eyes, Barbie, I’ll glue some falsies on you.” Naomi shook the fake lash for the glue to dry a little bit.
“I’m not sure if she is a cowgirl.” the girl with closed eyes answered.
“Yes, is her. And she’s not a cowgirl.” Kim took the phone off Trixie’s hand “Hey!”
“Why is her name ’Melanie’s hot babysitter Katya Zamo’?” Kim asked, and the brunette girl laughed out loud, along with Barbie.
“She choose it, not me. Now give me my phone back.” she told them, and the pink-haired girl gave her the object “Thank you. Now, before you guys say that I never tell anything to you, Katya and I are going to lunch together at the mall tomorrow.”
“Wait are you serious? Why didn’t you tell me this girl?” Naomi asked “Don’t move your lips, sweetie, or I’ll mess up." 
"Well, we’ve met yesterday and she asked me out today.” Trixie gesticulated “I said yes, and that’s basically it. It’s not like we are dating or something." 
"She wants to, though.” Kim murmured, and Trixie mouthed a 'shut up’.
“Okay, I’m completely done!” the brunette said, and Barbie stood up showing a complete painted face “What do you guys think, huh?”
“Well, she’s definitely looking like 70’s Kylie Jenner.” Kim joked, making Trixie wheeze.
“Shut up, she’s looking amazing.” Naomi snorted. 
“She is.” Trixie smiled “You did a great job.”
“Yeah, you kind of did. Props to you, miss Nicole Paige Brooks.” the asian girl said.
“Fuck off, Kim, you know that I think about this until today!” the brunette screamed.
Nicole was a math teacher back in high school who liked to dress up as a teenager but didn’t look really good while doing it. Once, the woman made Naomi stay after the class just so she could tell where did she got her outfits from. A couple of days later, the girls realized that Nicole was using the exact same outfit as the young brunette. Naomi was so ashamed of it that she actually made her mom bring her some other clothes. And, since then, Trixie and Kim kept calling her Nicole Paige Brooks.
The brunette took some pictures of the young girl, and Trixie did the same. The three friends ate some vegetarian food that they ordered and Kim even made some chicken nuggets for Barbie and herself. They watched “Mean Girls” for the thousandth time, while Trixie and Kim shared some ice cream. When she saw that Barbie was almost falling asleep, she decided it was time to go.
“Thanks for painting me, Naomi.” Barbie smiled “You are really pretty and really good at makeup.”
“Awn, thank you so much!” Naomi bent so she was at the girl’s size “I can paint you whenever you want.”
“I think she might need glasses, Trix, she said Naomi is pretty.” Kim laughed, and Naomi gave her the middle finger.
“See you guys tomorrow, then. Goodnight!” Trixie answered before entering the elevator.
When they arrived home, Trixie changed into her pj’s. She was without any makeup since she had showered before going to Kim’s place. Barbie also changed to her pj’s, but she was still had makeup on, so Trixie just took the little girl to her room and helped her take it off with some makeup wipes.
“How do you do this everyday?” the kid asked, and Trixie just giggled “Not just taking it off, but actually putting it on?”
“You just get used to, you know.” she shrugged “Just like drawing. But on your face.”
“Well, I can draw pretty well. I don’t know about makeup, though.” she tuned her nose up “So, you are you really going out with Katya tomorrow?”
“Yeah, is that a problem to you?” Trixie answered, afraid of Barbie’s reaction.
“No, she’s really nice.” Barbie smiled “Melanie told me she is Russian. And that she used to have a raccoon pet. Oh, and that she loves Indiana Jones. Melanie talks quite a lot about her, but she’s interesting." 
Trixie took a a deep breath, relieved. "She really seems to be a very interesting person. Are you sleeping with me tonight?”
“Can I?” the girl’s eyes shined.
“Yes, sweetie.” Trixie kissed the top of Barbie’s head before standing up to turn the lights off. She then went under the covers and closed her eyes “Goodnight, Barbie, I love you.”
“Wait, can you sing for me?” the girl held her mom’s hand in the dark “Please?”
“Barbie, I’m tired.” Trixie cried.
“Just one tiny song, please. I know how much you like to sing.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll sing a bit of Landslide just because it’s my favorite.
Oh mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Well, I’ve been afraid of changing
'Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time made you bolder
Even children get older
And I’m getting older too
Oh, I’m getting older too”
60 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 8 years
Art and Anatomy 3 (fem!Trixie x trans!Katya) - Pink Shrooms
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It’s a new year, but old drama from first semester isn’t as dead as Katya would have hoped. Trixie decides to become a Youtuber. Katya decides to become a full time art hoe. Neither of them are prepared for what comes next.
OR: Shame is temporary, but the internet is forever.
“You know, I like the way that the flower just kinda opens and how soft the petals look. You have a real eye for this kinda thing, Katya. A real eye.”
“Yeah, sweetie?”
“That’s a vagina.”
“Oh, well” Pat says, Boston accent growing thicker as she struggles to find the words. “Uh, it looks lovely, sweetie! But where did you find a model?”
Trixie chooses that moment to stroll in: “Hello, Mrs. Zamolodchikova! Enjoying the art?”
“Mom, hey, so- Trixie’s my girlfriend,” Katya word vomits as she tugs on her black dress. “Cool. Who wants to see a jar covered in my toe nail clippings?”
Pat chokes on her drink.
Katya tries to fill in the awkwardness with: “They’re all different polish colors depending on the season.”
“Katya! You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend! I- I thought you were gay! Oh- wait…”
“Mom!” Katya exclaims and flushes. “I’m bisexual,”
“I know that! Just testing you,” Pat says and then wrangles both of them into a bone-crushing hug. Katya would sigh in relief (if she could breathe).
When Pat lets go, Katya looks at Trixie’s face for any signs of anger, but the blonde is happily showing her mother the ‘Barbie-doll-head-necklace’ that Katya had made her for the occasion. They had strolled through Target for an hour trying to find the perfect Barbie to decapitate.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell her sooner,” Katya pulls Trixie aside as her mother is grabbed by a stray Alyssa Edwards. Their club leader and mentor will talk off poor Pat’s ear for the next ten minutes until the gallery officially opens, so Katya is free to rest her arms around her girlfriend’s shoulders.
“Don’t worry about it,” Trixie reassures her with a soft kiss on the nose. “I figured she didn’t know as soon as she got here.”
“Uh, aside from the fact she asked you if there were any cute boys at ‘your nudist club?’ You also get really nervous and fidgety and do that skirt-tug thing.”
Katya puffs up her cheeks: “I will not have my name or skirt be slandered with these lies.”
Trixie laughs and pulls out her phone to record the moment. Lately, she has that phone glued to her hand to film ‘footage for her vlog.’ Katya doesn’t know the first goddamned thing about Youtube (other than the endless Bob Ross videos you could find), but she enjoys when Trixie records her. It feels safe considering Trixie only has fifty followers and most are people from Facebook.
“Katya. Will you give us a quick tour of your art gallery before it opens?”
She does a dramatic spin, leans close to the camera, and whispers, “You wanna see all the naked women I’ve trapped inside squares? It’s whateva.”
“Why are you doing a thick Boston accent, Katya?”
“Who’s Katya? I’m Trish, and I snuck into this white room to hide flower-vaginas. Lemme tell you something about vaginas and being a real woman. Optional.”
The camera shakes as Trixie buckles over with laughter.
Katya cartwheels over to her favorite piece- a human sized canvas of Trixie’s lips made out of bottle caps. She slowly caresses her hand down it (“Remember kids. Don’t touch used art in galleries or used condoms in the streets. Unless they contain your bodily fluids.”)
Trixie follows her while she recounts the origins of all her art babies in perfectly inaccurate detail. She ends the video with a slow split as Pat enthusiastically claps in the background.
Then the doors open. Katya needs another drink.
Pearl and Violet come first, hand in hand, wearing matching FEMINIST graphic tees. They look so aesthetic that Katya aks them to pose under the flower-vagina and snaps a shot of them kissing for Instagram. Talk about photogenic couples.
Sharon strolls in, without Laila or Lala, and spends an uncomfortable amount of time looking at the toe nail jar. Katya remembers that Sharon made a portrait completely out of her own period blood. Sharon’s weird.
Observers slowly trickle in, and then all at once the room is flooded. Phi Phi is sitting on a bench with Willam, whispering. Huh, are they together now? Courtney is admiring a statue made of miniature hands. The nail jar and flower-vag are drawing most of the crowds.
Katya vaguely feels like a proud mother as Trixie zooms the camera around.
“Look at ‘chu, gurl,” Mrs. Edwards says as she squeezes Katya’s shoulder. “You were just an itty-bitty-no-titty, shy thang freshman year and now you’re all grown with an art gallery. I invited Ms.Betty to come too!”
Katya wordlessly hugs her. She tries to choke out ‘thank you’ but then tears up. There’s no way that she would have gotten all these pictures up or even finished without Mrs. Edwards’ help. Katya would have broken down and gone into hibernation. She hopes a hug could say all that.
Ms. Betty scowls at everything and then gives Katya a firm nod. Wow, she loves it!
Katya taps the microphone: “Hello? Is this thing- Okay, thank you. I just wanted to thank you all for coming. I know this means a lot to my classmates and myself. Thank you to Mrs. Edwards for her tireless support.”
Trixie is still holding her camera and she mouths ‘love you baby.’ Pat gives her a thumbs up.
“And I had a rough start to the semester, but, in the infamous words of Thomas the Train- ‘I think, therefor I can.’”
Katya hands the microphone off to the next speaker then makes her way back to where Pat and Trixie are standing.
Katya freezes. She smells the artificial perfume before she sees her. Blonde hair. Bored eyes. Alaska does a little finger wiggle ‘hello’ as she stands at the back of the gallery near the fragile glass sculptures of Soviet cities.
Katya waves back nervously and then goes to see some of her other classmates’ artwork until the evening ends.
Pearl and Violet are the first to come and they’re the last to leave. Everyone’s congratulating Katya on her work, but Katya can only give them a weak smile. Alaska, if she was even here or if she was just a hallucination, is long gone. What did she come for?
“Did you see her?” Katya vaguely makes a gesture to her glass towers. Suddenly she gets anxious and feels sort of faint just thinking about the memory.
“Katya! Katya, you’ve gone white like you saw a ghost. Sh, baby, sit down on the bench and take a deep breathe. That’s it. Just take five deep breathes, and we can try again.”
“But did you see…?”
“See what?”
She only shakes her head and buries it into Trixie’s shoulder. Ever since what happened at the Slumber Party from Hell, Katya has had these anxious attacks. Luckily, Trixie’s always there to hold her and kiss her. Katya feels guilty using her like a safety blanket.
“What happened, sweetie?” Pat sits down next to them and presses a kiss to Katya’s forehead. This should be a happy day. Why is this happening to her now?
“Nothing,” she lies.
Shit, Katya used to tell her mother everything, but, lately, it feels like there’s so many gaps in her stories. Dark holes that grow larger and larger, threatening to suck her under. Moments where she catches herself from saying what she means.
Violet comes and offers to take them out for food, and Pearl guiltily squirms behind her.
Katya just shakes her head and buries it deeper in Trixie’s neck. She plays with the necklace, rubbing the soft fuzz on Barbie’s head. She vaguely wishes she could just dismember her own stupid head and live without the constant reminder of the past. The past is a bitch.
“I’m sorry guys. Maybe another time? I just need a moment to breathe. Or cocaine. Either one will do.”
Violet laughs and promises to bring her back some chocolate covered pretzels from the student store. Pearl opens her mouth like she wants to say something but then leaves without a word.
Pat has to leave to get back to Boston for work, so she just kisses Katya’s forehead and begs her to skype more.
“I will. Sorry, mom. I know you came out all this way- and I should have told you Trixie was my girlfriend months ago and then I have these moments…”
“Sweetie, it’s fine! We all got rough spots. Some uglier than others. If you can’t change it or buy a cream to soothe it, don’t pick at it.”
“Sound advice. Oh, and I also noticed blood in my pee. Do you think I’m finally getting my period?”
Her mother blankly stares at her, and they both burst into laughter. Katya rolls her eyes to show that she’s just joking.
“I’m glad you got that Trixie girl to look out for you,” her mother says abruptly, and Katya’s caught off guard. A lot of times she does things and doesn’t tell her, but -to have her mother’s approval?- it makes her blush. She dosen’t know what to say so she just changes the conversation to Alyssa Edwards as they walk towards her mother’s car.
Her mother leaves her with a jar of her homemade ‘chowdah’ (“You look like you’d weigh less than a wet kitten!”) and kisses her on the head. When she leaves, Katya is standing in front of her dorm.
Instead of going inside, she wanders the parking lot, even though it is a quarter to ten and she has class tomorrow. Katya snuggles into her jacket, hugs the jar to her chest, and sneezes. A snowflake lands on her nose.
She tries to make sense of everything that happened today. Vag-flowers? Barbie doll heads? A camera? Alyssa Edward’s hug? Betty’s firm nod? Blonde hair and sickly-sweet perfume?
It all comes at once, and Katya can’t sort through the fragments to form a coherent image. It just seems like an overload of information, and she feels lost and cold. She sneezes again into her coat sleeve.
Where have u gone? -T
Casually dissociating with a big jar of clam chowdah -K
And snow -K
Come back to planet earth pls -T
I made you a cup of hot cocoa and Vi dropped off some pretzels <3 -T
Katya???? -T
She stares at the texts, smiles, and wipes the corners of her eyes. The jar is warm against her cold fingers. Katya’s not alone.
Sry. Be there in a few <3 -K
“Where were you?” Trixie asks as she opens up the door and brushes the snow from her hair.
Katya just kisses her and warms up in bed with Trixie’s arms wrapped up tight around her waist.
She tosses and turns with nightmares of her headless ghost, searching desperately for her missing piece. It calls out to her, but she can’t quite reach it. Katya tries to answer the call, but her ghost has no tongue.
Katya continues to have moments of dissociation and darkness. She starts to stay up later and later in the studio, falling asleep with paint still on her fingertips.
Sometimes she wakes up with a dream so fresh and real that she rips off a sketchbook page and starts to scribble down the image of her floating body and the blur of her missing head. But it never looks the same. Never looks right.
It sounds too silly to put into words, even for Katya. When Trixie asks her why she has bags under her eyes, she just yawns and says that it’s another late night at the studio.
Trixie throws herself into recording and editing. Katya’s noticed her followers slowly starting rise by the hundreds and now the thousands.
She wakes Trixie up on Valentine’s day with kisses, showers her with Hershey Kisses, and a ‘Congrats on 10K’ cupcake she frosted herself.
“What did I do to deserve you?” Trixie purrs as she tackles Katya to the bed and sits on top of her, completely naked. The sunlight highlights her breasts and the cupids bow of her lips as she leans down to kiss Katya.
Katya stiffens with the weight of that curvaceous ass pressed against her. Trixie leans back and slowly licks the cream off of the cupcake.
Katya squirms, flushed, as Trixie’s thick thighs tighten around her.
“No,” she exhales slowly. “What did I do in a past life to deserve you?”
“Must have been a saint,” Trixie teases rubbing off the last of the cream onto Katya’s chest. The sugary white goodness drips down her pink nipples.
“Or a sinner,” Katya gasps as Trixie’s mouth wraps around the pink nubs. She’s in her pajama pants, but her cock strains against the seams.
Trixie places the cake into Katya’s mouth, like a gag, and continues downwards with kisses. Her lashes flutter against Katya’s overheated skin, tickling her, and Katya squirms as Trixie’s breathe warms her clothed cock.
The cake is melting against her tongue as Trixie pulls down Katya’s pajama pants. Her cock is leaking against her thigh.
The softness of Trixie’s lips is sinful. She meets Katya’s eyes as she slowly take the tip into her mouth, sucking it. Then she goes down, cheeks hollowing.
Katya’s toes curl with effort as she tries to stop herself from cumming. Trixie’s wet tongue is swirling around Katya’s cock as she bobs her head faster.
“A-ah,” Katya moans as the cake falls from her parted lips. “T-trixie.”
Trixie lets her go with a ‘popping’ sound, a second before she can cum, and a strand of saliva connects her pink lips to the tip. Katya shivers.
The blonde is smirking as she climbs up Katya and presses the length of her against her neatly trimmed pussy. Katya can feel the wetness and the heat from the outside. She bites her lip and squeezes her eyes shut as Trixie pushes down.
“Shh, baby,” Trixie says sweetly. “Can you hold that for a minute?”
Katya’s only response is a helpless whimper, hands fisted into the covers. Trixie rides her hard, heavy breasts bouncing, as she takes her pleasure.
So warm…oh god, the pressure…too much…
“Just one more second-” Trixie demands, but Katya is cumming with a strangled moan. It feels like she’s not even control of her own body anymore. Can’t even stop herself.
“Sorry,” she squeaks. “It was just so tight and, uh, what can I do to make up for it?”
She can tell by the line of Trixie’s lips that she’s annoyed as she still hasn’t orgasmed.
“Lay back,” Trixie orders. “Since you can’t keep it up, you might as well stay down.”
Katya does as she’s told, and the tense muscle in Trixie’s neck makes her spent cock twitch again. She hates how much she loves to be obedient. Why is she like this?
Then Trixie straddles Katya’s face, thick thighs squeezing down once more, and fucks her mouth. Katya can barely keep up with her pace, content to just let Trixie use her for her pleasure.
Soon, Trixie arches her back and cums with a muffled groan. Trixie’s so heavy against her face and nose that Katya can barely gasp for breathe. The feeling of helplessness has her hardening as Trixie rides out her orgasm. Black spots blocking her vision.
Katya gasps for breath: “Oh my fucking god.”
“Too much?”
“Again,” she says with a grin.
They spend all morning just rolling around in bed like that. It feels better than their first.
Katya doesn’t want to put on clothes, but Trixie tosses Katya her shirt.
Trixie sets up the camera, and they sit on the edge of the bed, naked waist down. There’s something erotic about filming a video like that. Oddly intimate.
“Hello! To all my new fans!”
Katya raises her eyebrow as she hugs her stuffed Build-A-Bear cat with the blonde wig, Catya to her chest: “And old Facebook lovers.”
“My name is Trixie Mattel AKA The Barbie you always thought might be possessed and this is-”
“Her girlfriend, Katya Zamolodchikova who puts the ‘end’ into ‘friend’-”
“As in end it please,” Trixie cuts her off with an eye roll.
Katya cackles and folds herself over into Trixie’s lap, pressing a kiss to her naked inner thigh. Trixie’s hands tighten on the back of her neck as she yanks her back up.
“And we are doing the Girlfriend Tag! Because I saw that so many of you guys have been requesting it, and Katya is in almost all of my videos, so…here goes everything we got.”
She sits back up and stuffs Catya in her shirt: “And everything we don’t got as well. This is Catya” She waves the stuffed kitten’s paw at the camera.
“Where did we first meet, Katya?”
She’s rubbing her stuffed shirt like she’d pregnant and makes eye-love to camera as she slowly growls, “Vell, I vas thick inside vomb of uncertainty, pregnant vith possibility of change, vhen I stumbled tit first into ze devil’s room-”
“We live in room 666 for everyone confused by what she’s talking about.”
“And then…then I saw her. And she saw me. And our nipples vanted to dance timmy-tango, but it took two. Two. And our minds vere still not one.”
“We, uh, we had a misunderstanding,” Trixie translates. “It’s actually a long story, but I’m just gonna skip forward and tell you that it worked out great in the end. Obviously. In fact, today is kinda our anniversary of when we first started dating.”
“Allegedly,” Katya whispers then grunts as she pushes Catya out of her shirt. She cradles the stuffed toy in her hands and kisses Catya’s cute little nose.
“Hm, boring…boring…oh, what would I eat everyday if I could?”
Katya smirks: “Cupcakes.”
Trixie flushes and pinches her thigh.
“And you would eat…” Trixie grabs Catya from her. “This pussy.”
Katya sing-songs, “Pussy good pussy sweet! Puss-”
“Anyways, what eye color do you wish I had?”
“Purple,” Katya says and tries to win back Catya from Trixie’s grip. “You could be a Targeryan born.”
Trixie faux-whispers to the camera, “She’s been watching Game of Throne and is in love with the blonde dragon lady Dani. Gay.”
“Hey! She’s a certified bad ass,” Katya whines as she leans back to grab a pillow and hit Trixie with it for making fun of her and stealing Catya.
The blonde squeaks and tackles her.
They have a semi-epic tickle fight that ends with Katya yelling ‘uncle!’ (“Oh, yeah, bet that’s not the first time you’ve screamed that before, huh?”)
They finish off, out of breath, with a couple more questions. Katya’s just realized that she’s been bra-less this whole video, and, she spends the last minute rubbing her nipples. Trixie pushes her off the bed when she notices and shuts off the camera.
Trixie starts to edit it, but Katya’s starving, so she drags Trixie through the snow to the cafe, where they had their first date.
They both order hot cocoa with extra whipped cream and sip from each other’s cups. Katya notices Willam and Phi Phi out of the corner of her eye, whispering. Hm, are they dating now?
Before Katya can point them out, the cafe door slams open. Alaska’s marching straight towards them with a look in her eyes that makes Katya slink back further into her booth. Trixie covers her hands.
“Where were you?” Alaska demands, hand on her hip.
“What are ya? My mother? I was out, bitch. O. U. T.”
“This is the third meeting you’ve missed, Willam” Alaska hisses as she slams her hands down on their table. “I can’t keep covering for you. All the RU girls have noticed you breaking the rules.”
“I’m living my life and that’s a problem? I signed up for party poppers, but all y’all have given me is a goddamned headache. Talk about a party pooper.”
“Yeah,” Willam says slowly. “And your mocktails and cocktails are shit too.”
“Maybe if you started helping around- I wouldn’t be the only one holding us all together-”
“Holding what together? A bitchy clique?” Phi Phi jumps in.
“Stay out of this, Pheef,” Alaska snaps in a low voice that sends a shiver down Katya’s spine. It’s that voice. Phi Phi must recognize it too because her cheeks go red.
“You’re just jealous that I’ve moved on! That I have Willam. Isn’t that it? Now, Sharon and I are both happy in new relationships without your controlling ass and-”
“Don’t,” Alaska snaps. “Please. Don’t bring her into this.”
“I said don’t so-”
“Because you loved her?” Phi Phi sneers. Even Katya can hear the sad, unspoken and you didn’t love me.
Trixie covers her mouth and her eyes meet Katya’s.
Alaska crosses her arm and shakes her head, voice smaller now: “Just…just come to the meetings Willam.”
Then she’s gone, and Katya swears that she saw something glinting in Alaska’s eyes. Tears? Phi Phi is whispering fervently, and Willam’s shaking her head ‘no.’
“Well, looks like the RU girls are still bringing the drama, huh?” Trixie comments and sips her hot cocoa.
Katya is tempted to text Phi Phi and ask what she’s up to, but she also doesn’t want to blow up their hiding spot.
“Some bombs are better left un-fondled,” Katya nods in agreement. They wait until Willam and Phi Phi leave, hand in hand, before they finish their date with a snowball fight.
It’s a magical evening that ends with Trixie uploading the video and cuddling Katya tightly in bed. Katya easily falls asleep, blissfully unaware of what’s to come.
Katya should have known something was wrong when she woke up not only fully rested, but also in a good mood.
She went to shower, jerked off to her favorite fantasy (cumming on Trixie’s breasts), and happily hummed as she put on her bathrobe. She’d had a dreamless night, thank god, free from any floating heads-
Shit. Trixie’s wearing the barbie-doll-head-necklace.
“You never repeat any outfit,” Katya says slowly as she stares at it. Trixie’s curled up on the bed in pink overalls, fingers gently curled around the head.
“I try not to, but this is just so cute. Wow, Katya, our video already has ten thousand views! And I only put it up last night. You have to come read the comments,” Trixie begs and pats her lap.
Katya has a Russian class in twenty minutes, but, instead of getting dressed, she crawls up into Trixie’s lap. The necklace pearls brush against her damp shoulder, and Katya shivers.
GrandeQueens: This is the first time I actually liked a Youtubers gf…she’s pretty and funny? More Katya!
Crazy4CookieDough: oh, man, I’m soooo gay for these two
GoddamnMermaid: I found this easy to masturbate to.
It’s all pouring in at once, and Katya can’t look. Problem is she also can’t look away. She flinches at how deep her voice is. Will people suspect she’s trans? Is it obvious?
Trixie’s staring at her, waiting for a reaction, but Katya’s face is blank. Her mind is blank and racing, all at the same time.
“I have to go to class,” she finally says and pushes Trixie off her. “I’m glad your channel is doing so well.”
Trixie doesn’t answer, scrolling through the comments again. Katya goes to class, but she shouldn’t have bothered. She can’t concentrate with her phone lighting up with notifications.
Violet slings a hand over her shoulder. “Aw, look at my new internet-famous friend. That Skyler Goat-ly reblogged Trixie’s video and it’s blowing up. I had to see your ugly mugs in gifs all morning and-”
“Can we not talk about this?” Katya snaps, and she dosen’t mean to come off so sharp. Violet raises an eyebrow.
“Sorry,” Katya sighs as she settles at the cafeteria table and flips through her sketchbook. “I think it’s cool but I…I’m not out to the world about being trans yet. I’m out to my friends and family only, you know?”
Violet just squeezes her shoulder and buys her a strawberry smoothie. The sugar and sweet friendship lifts her mood until she makes the mistake of opening up her Twitter. 21,000. She had only a 1000 followers this morning. Trixie must have linked her twitter to the video.Yep, Trix is up 15,000 followers.
Katya hopes that’s the end of it. Teenage fans- fine. Gifs- fine. New followers- fine.
It doesn’t stop there though.
The next morning, Trixie shakes Katya awake. Trixie looks paler than Katya has ever seen her.  
“Is it the video?” Katya yawns and rubs her eyes. “Sorry for overreacting, Trix-”
“No, Katya, it’s not- it’s- you have to-”
She’s never seen Trixie like this before. She’s holding her phone so tight that her knuckles are white. It feels like some surreal dream.
“I have to warn you,” Trixie stops her from pressing play and squeezes her hand. “It’s the party. I don’t know who took it or where it came from but…it’s spreading like wildfire over twitter, so I figured you should see it.”
It can’t be..? Katya’s face is already burning as she presses ‘play.’
The camera’s shaking, but it’s clear enough to see the dark puddle under her, the piss dripping down her shaking legs, and Alaska pushing up against her. It’s clear enough to see the obvious bulge between Katya’s legs.
She can’t look, but she also can’t look away. It feels like Katya’s seeing herself from the other girl’s eyes; she looks pathetic.
“I…” Katya tries to speak but her throat is dry. There can only be one person malicious enough to leak this video. Only one she-devil.
“Shh,” Trixie kisses her cheek, misunderstanding her silence. “We can stay here all-”
Katya pushes Trixie away: “I have to see her.”
“The bitch that leaked this to the internet.”
“Katya, please, you’re not thinking straight. Why would Alaska even leak this? She’s got nothing to gain-”
But Katya has had enough of playing the victim. She’s had enough of being on the receiving end of the camera, enough of Katya-The-Headless-Circus-Freak. Show’s fucking over, Katya thinks as she grabs her coat and runs out.
Trixie’s chasing after her, but Katya slams the car door shut. She jerks on the ignition and hits the pedal. This is long overdue.
Katya’s never been confrontational, and, by the time she’s pulled up in front of the RU sorority house, the rage has simmered down. Why would Alaska leak the video? Because she’s evil! But also…why?
She shakes her head as she marches up to the front door. Still, she hesitates for half a second before banging on it.
A bedraggled Courtney Act throws her arms around Katya.
“I’m so sorry about what happened Katya, but we’ve trying to find, pardon the term, the leak-er all morning. Alaska’s lined us all up, and she won’t rest until one of confess.”
“She did it,” Katya says, less convincingly than before, and pushes past her to the familiar basement, just as damp and cold as ever. There Alaska is, in all her bitch-ress glory, and, fuck, it would feel good to slap her. Instead she stares up at her and demands-
“Why did you do it?”
“I didn’t.”
Alaska stares up at her, cheek bright red: “Feel better?”
“Why did you do it,” Katya whispers but this time she’s not talking about the video. This time she’s talking about what happened, demanding to know why Alaska pushed her back against that wall. Why she held her down the way that she did. Why she kissed her cheek afterwards and fucking smirked.
“The power,” Alaska admits, voice low. “But I didn’t leak the video, Katya. The RU house is all I have left, and this will destroy us.”
“Good,” Katya snaps even though she feels anything but good. Courtney is standing at the top of the stairs, tears staining her face. This hellhole meant everything to them, didn’t it? Katya looks around at all the faces from Courtney’s tears to Alaska’s red cheek to-
“Where’s Willam?” She realizes.
“Gone. She was expelled,” Detox responds stepping forward and placing a hand on Alaska’s shoulders, “We thought it might be her, but she likes you, Katya-”
“She hates all of you,” Katya realizes.
There it is- the horrible and anticlimactic truth. This wasn’t a move against Katya, even though it’s her name that’s blowing up all over twitter because of Trixie’s video. It was a tactical move to slander Alaska and shut down the sorority. Fucking genius.
“I really am sorry,” Alaska pleads again, but Katya’s tired. It’s all so petty and bitter and toxic. She goes back to her car.
She looks at her phone as she cries, alone, in the car. She texts Willam, on a new confrontational streak apparently.
I didn’t do it -W
Been framed like Roger Rabbit -W
It was your video??? -K
Yeah, it was my vid, but I got receipts that I can send to show that I didn’t leak it myself -W
Idc -K
She texts Trixie that she’ll be ‘back late’ as she turns off her phone and heads to the studio. Translation: I’m going to dissociate and dissolve into a canvas. Bye. Katya paints a glowing face with gentle shades of yellow. Then she takes the red and slices it away. Off with her head.
“What’s with the decapitation?” Sharon Needles asks, perching on a stool. Katya hasn’t seen her at all this semester.
“It’s a metaphor,” she makes up as she takes the bristles of the brush and flicks red paint.
“For what?”
“Loss of virginity,” Katya monotones.
Sharon laughs. She’s a fucking weirdo, like her, and Katya wonders why they never hang out. Then Sharon pulls out a plastic bag of coke from her pocket. Oh, that’s why.
Katya should ask her to leave, but she likes the company.
“Did you know I’m famous now? Viral video. The whole internet has seen me piss myself.”
“Yeah?” Sharon lines up the white powder. “Enjoy your five minutes of fame. Doesn’t last. Trust me.”
“I was a child star. Mouse prostitution,” the dirty blonde says with a sniff.
“Disney channel? Rough,” Katya cackles, and she does actually feel better. Nothing like a trainwreck friend to make you feel like less of a wreck.
“Fame’s shit, so just make a bunch of T-shirts and sell ‘em while the blood is still warm. Maybe ‘Urine Trouble?’ Trust and believe that they move on quicker then,” Sharon snaps her fingers and shivers. “And then you’re left wondering what it all means.”
Katya takes red and draws delicate veins into the eyes of her damsel in distress. Sharon Needles has started to rant about her relationship issues with Laila the Clingy Goth, so she’s zoned out.
“…it’s almost as bad as what Phi Phi did to me…”
“Wait, what did she do?”
“Motherfucker betrayed me,” Sharon takes another sniff. “Alaska and I had a beautiful thing going until she came between us. That tired ass show girl will do anything to sabotage Alaska.”
Katya thinks back to the Valentine’s day fight. Willam and Phi Phi were whispering…Oh.
She turns her phone back on -tired off isolating herself from her issues- and reads the receipts Willam sent her. She’s tearing up as she calls Phi Phi. She’s that girl, and maybe Katya always knew she was.
“Why did you do it, Pheef? I thought we were friends. Willam I could take -I barely knew her- but I thought we were real friends?” Katya hears her voice echoing against the studio walls.
The video is flashing in her wide eyes. Wet puddle. Hard bulge. Puddle. Bulge. Over and over and over and-
“You should be happy, Katya. RU is done, didn’t you hear? It worked. University is revoking their sorority license, and the internet thinks you’re a fucking legend. It’s a victory!”
“You outed me, Phi Phi. Exposed me. Humiliated me. EXPLAIN TO ME HOW THAT’S A VICTORY?”
Katya throws the phone down, not caring if the black screen cracks, and breaks down. Sharon fucking Needles -The Certified Mess- is more composed than her right now. She buries her face into the skinny blonde’s neck and sobs.
A hand slowly rubs down her back, and all Katya wants is her mother. That’s all she wants. Or Trixie.
She picks up her phone and speed dials ‘HOME.’ Katya needs to hear Pat right now even if she dosen’t explain everything to her tonight. She rocks back and forth, cradling the phone, as she just babbles nonsense.
“The video and the floating head and Phi Phi and- shitshitshit. What should I do?” She asks as she wipes her face, breathing hard.
“Just try to pick up all the pieces you have, baby. Relax. Pick up all the important ones, and the rest will fall into place.”
She goes back to Room 666, and she finds Trixie. Home, Katya knows as she buries her face between her soft breasts, breathes in her familiar scent. She takes a deep breathe as she pulls out her phone and types out-
U didn’t deserve that slap. Or maybe u did before but now…I know that Phi Phi did it -K
Somehow I’m not surprised, bitch is cray -A
Remember when she posted that nude pic of Trixie you drew in front of the party? Last Halloween? -A
Don’t remind me -K
But I really am sorry -A
I don’t want it to be this way forever -A
U want to do something for me? -K
Yes, of course. Anything -A
Katya remembers how Sharon wiped mascara tears from her cheeks onto her sweatshirt.
Try to forgive Needles for whatever the fuck she did, k? -K
I already have -A
Then what are you waiting for? -K
The…perfect moment -A
Fake as fuck -K
There’s just now and here -no such time as perfect- and we can’t waste our lives waiting to find our heads -K
I don’t deserve her or you or anyone. Phi Phi was right, ok? I got what was coming. I’m an evil snake bitch, and I deserve this -A
Don’t make me slap u again -K
U don’t think I wish I was whole and healed and healthy? -K
U don’t think I deserve happiness? -K
Of course you do -A
Then u do too! -K
Maybe it won’t ever be right between us…but please just speak to Needles -K
I’ll try -A
Let’s pick up all these broken pieces and make something new -K
Katya finds herself sitting in front of the camera again, but this time she’s the one who’s in control.
“Hello, this is Katya. Local internet star famous for rubbing her nipples on camera and…pissing herself. Before you ask, you sick fucks, no, I am not available for porn. But if you want to see my ‘leaked’ nudes…oh, I guess you guys already have.”
She bits her lip and looks up at Trixie, who gives her a thumbs up.
“So recently a video of me spread around the internet faster than herpes in a free love festival…and, yeah, it was fucked up to be outed as trans. If you don’t know what I’m talking about- now you know. I, Katya, being of sound mind, am a transgender woman. A woman full of lots of woe and a bit of man.”
“Do I have RU-grets? Absolutely. Would I change some of it? Fuck yeah. But out of all my worst moments come my best. From the night of Halloween, when I wet myself -notice a common theme?- I ended up dating Trixie,” Kaya explains and hugs Catya to her chest.
It’s hard to be this raw and real.
“To the night of…that video…After I quit the sorority, I ended up starting my club ‘Art and Anatomy,” Katya takes a deep breathe and slowly exhales. “Then all of this comes to light on the internet, and I guess, to misquote Kayne West, that bitch made me famous.”
“So, yeah, Kardashian built an empire off her humiliating tape…why can’t I? Buy my merch. Be prepared for more videos. Oh, and download Same Parts on Itunes.”
Trixie rolls her eyes in the background and snorts.
“And tweet my girlfriend thanks for all the cock-sucking therapy. Cum really wonders for your complexion, Tracey! You’re glowing!”
Trixie turns off the camera. “I’m surprised you managed to stay serious for that long.”
“Me? Serious?”
“A concept. I know. Now, come on, Needles and Alaska are hosting one of their lit ass parties, and I don’t want to be late.”
Katya wraps her hands around Trixie’s waist and kisses her. “I think I’d rather spend the night here.”
“Tired, baby?” Trixie teases.
“Never of you.”
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