#I played something like 20-40 hours of this when I first bought it but then put it on the backburner for years
kermakatti · 1 year
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Some assorted screenshots of my playthrough of Final Fantasy XII
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shaunamilfman · 8 months
Jackie Taylor with an s/o that plays video games
pre-crash headcanons
Jackie Taylor is for sure a hater of any hobby you have. Why would you want to have a hobby when you could just watch her being pretty?? 
she’d definitely approach this with the intent of getting you to stop playing and pay attention to her at first. she’s laying all over you absolutely astonished that you’re still playing video games while she’s there. You seriously have a pretty girl in your lap and still want to play minecraft?
She’s realizing the error of this plan as you assume she’s interested and start explaining what’s going on in your game. It wasn’t her intention, but she figures at least this way you’re still paying her attention. She’ll get what she can get.
Jackie would end up getting really interested in the story line and would get upset with you if you even thought about playing it without her. she asks you so many dumb questions about game mechanics and makes you go through every single dialog option that it takes you like 40 hours to finish a 20 hour game
Jackie would get really into competitive games on your behalf. like she'd sitting there cheering you on like she's watching a fucking soccer game. Jackie buys you headphones with a mic so she can start shit talking people you play against. she gets really into the spirit of the competition man. 
Jackie talking about you embarrassing her after she shit talked everyone and you died like 3 minutes in lmao. all “how could you do this to me 😔” and shit. i just know Jackie Taylor would be an absolute menace on a mic regardless of if you had the skill to back it up
it's even funnier because she'd be so so bad at it herself. Jackie blows herself up with her own grenade like every time because she hits the wrong button. pouts and gives up after one round. isn't she dreamy?? 🥰🥰
Jackie trying to get into playing games but it's just her running around frolicking in the tall grass and handing you the controller whenever she had to fight someone
speaking of which I just know she went out and bought the pink controller. your black controller was not cute enough for her 
Jackie looks up guides for you whenever you get stuck on something. you think it's sweet but she just gets bored easily
Playing Minecraft with Jackie but all she does is build the house and accidently screw you over. Jackie moves the bed while your gone and completely fucks your spawn point up. Jackie's just like “i wanted to put carpet there 😔” Jackie also dies from falling off the house at some point and is at spawn getting farmed by mobs till you come get her. 
Jackie has you off in the mines for days because she wants an iron block accent wall. she only ever wants the expensive blocks I just know it. she's building your house out of the wood block instead of the planks, and she'll be damned if she's gathering those resources herself
Jackie taking your diamond armor to wear while she builds the house because “it's prettier than iron 🥰🥰.”
You come back from a long day of mining and Jackie wants to show you the heart shaped leaves on the trees that took her an hour to do. 
Jackie's house gets blown up by a creeper and she's beside herself over it I just know it
you make the mistake of showing Jackie the Sims because you think she might like it. she's obsessed immediately. 
she plays it on her regular laptop and it sounds like an airplane taking off 
Jackie has a painstakingly perfect recreation of your place with you guys in it, and she will make this your problem
sim you cheats on sim Jackie and she won't speak to you for days. she texts you a picture of the notification like “wowwwwwww. okay.” it does not matter to her that it was a video game lmaoo
catching Jackie recreating a girl who flirted with you so she can lock her in the pool to drown
Jackie picking your outfit out one day and you're just staring at her suspiciously
"what? 😁" / "these kind of look like the outfits you put us in your game" / "pffff. whattttt?”
you'll fall asleep to Jackie playing it and wake up and she's still there. it gets so bad you and Shauna have to stage an intervention. 
Jackie gets pissed whenever your character can marry/date another character. She found out you married Haley in Stardew Valley and still glares at you whenever she sees a coconut. “why don't you go tell your WIFE 🙄.” my petty queen. 
trying to get Jackie to play a resident evil game but she cries like ten minutes in because she's so stressed/scared from the background noises. three creek floor noises and she's gone. hasn't even gotten in the house yet 
Jackie grows to really love the fact that you have a hobby she can also enjoy/participate in with you. Jackie loves to spend all her time and energy with you, even if you aren't giving her your full attention like she'd prefer. 
Jackie makes you pick all the nice dialog lines because she'll get upset if your character is mean. She has such strong opinions about dialog choices that she'll argue with you for like ten minutes over why you should pick a certain choice even though it has absolutely no impact on the story
Jackie definitely cheats at choice games and knows all the possible consequences for every single choice. you go to steal a candy bar or something and she's like “NOOO!”
slightly unrelated but Jackie would totally pick bae>bay without hesitation. Everyone in the town is dead? small price to pay for lesbians
going feral over the idea Jackie Taylor sitting across your lap scrolling on Pinterest while you have your arms around her holding the controller as you play
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neonnoir-ao3 · 10 months
Caine and Pomni falling in love in the Circus and making it out together only for Caine to realize how warped all their personalities were compared to who they actually are in reality, but especially Pomni’s.
Okay literal train-of-thought word salad from here on out, prepare yourselves accordingly.
• Like he knows Pomni as an anxious little jester but they love each other and she’s cute and funny and affectionate and all that fun stuff. But once they’re in reality he follows her like a lost puppy because he has no idea how this place works and gets to see how she actually lives.
• Pomni is basically an accidental femcel when it comes to vibes. A complete girlfailure, if you will. (socially isolated, chronically single brunette with glasses, you get the idea)
• A “nice relaxing night for her” is playing a random YouTube video essay that’s like three hours long while lounging on the couch and not wearing pants, eating an entire bag of chips and probably hitting her bong. She gave up on dating in college due to failure after failure so she’s accepted that she’s gonna die alone… or rather she says she has. (She read that “I’m not doing to be loved in this lifetime, am I?” quote in a TikTok slideshow and proceeded to down an entire bottle of wine that night while sobbing)
• She wanted to get a cat to ease the loneliness, but she doesn’t feel good enough— a cat deserves more than just a shitty apartment with a wreck of an owner in their mid-20s.
• He goes back to her apartment— it’s dingy and shitty but it’s the closest place to the office that she can afford. Her half of her pantry is ramen she bought in bulk. She’s medicated to high heaven and her kitchen counters look like a pharmacy.
• Pomni is either so fucking embarrassed when Caine sees how her life is in reality or the Human Depression™ in her Human Body™ has already set back in by the time they get there and she’s just miserably accepting of it. There is no in-between.
• She showers for the first time since The Incident (she didn’t need to bathe in the DC, her clothes were literally attached to her body there/hygiene was a total nonissue in that world) and she just breaks down and spends a good 30-40 minutes taking a scalding hot shower (as all the depressed girlies do) while sobbing her heart out. It’s cathartic as fuck to be able to lose her shit for once without the threat of abstraction, but it also hurts so fucking badly at the exact same time.
• Something about mental illness in real humans versus their digital avatars really messes with Caine. At the very least he could create a zany adventure to get their mind off of things, but then there’s some days where Pomni just stays in bed all day and doesn’t say a word. This world is so harsh and dull and colorless in comparison to the world he was made for, and there are fleeting moments where he wonders if it would’ve been better if they had both stayed there.
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thathomestar · 1 year
The 3 main things wrong with Destiny 2 right now
I've been enjoying my return to Destiny 2, but this has mostly been carried by the sublime gameplay. Most other aspects of the game are in desperate need of refinement, but these three are the major problems that are truly keeping the game bogged down in mediocrity.
Complete lack of narrative cohesion
It's no secret that "sunsetting" was one of the worst possible decisions Bungie could have made for Destiny 2. Removing whole swaths of the game that people paid real cash money is obviously awful, but the knock-on effects of this have been somewhat dire, primarily the fact that you can no longer experience a fairly important chunk of Destiny 2's story within the game itself.
New players starting Destiny 2 for the first time right now have no real entry point to the story. They get the New Light tutorial quests, which are terrible at introducing the world compared to how it was done in Destiny 1. If they bought the DLC, the earliest campaign they can play is Shadowkeep, one of the weakest stories in the game's history and one that makes no sense to new players. Not to mention that the seasonal story model, where you buy a battle pass every three months to access the new story content, locks out the story after the season is over. If you missed the big story moment from a past season, it's fucking gone forever! Fuck you!
There's not even an in-game cutscene viewer or a bare-bones written summary of the events that have transpired. There's an in-game timeline, sure, but it only gives you a sentence or two about the general events of a given DLC's story. It's basically nothing. Do you seriously expect people trying to understand the basic story of the game to go watch hours of Youtube videos to catch up? That's complete horseshit.
Confusing and aggravating pricing model
Some Destiny Youtubers have been stirring the pot recently about microtransactions, and this is not really about that. I'm talking about straight up purchasing the game. A recent change Bungie has made is a Legacy Collection, which bundles all the previous available campaigns together in a single pack. This is good! Why are they still available to purchase separately from the bundle? Like seriously, look at this store page:
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This is a whole bunch of redundancy, and it only serves muddy the waters. "This is so people who have some of the DLC don't have to rebuy the ones they already own when they buy the bundle" that's stupid. There's two solutions to this: either A) have the bundle recognize which DLCs you own and offer a discount based on that (this is possible to do on Steam already), or B) just lower the price of the whole bundle to the price of the latest included expansion (which is Witch Queen, so $30) so people won't feel that bad about rebuying something they own. The latter is what FFXIV does. Buying the latest expansion gets you all the ones that came before it bundled in for $40. Easy. Makes sense.
Then we have the Forsaken Pack and 30th Pack. The Forsaken Pack should just be included in the free to play portion of the game. The fact that they culled Forsaken from the game but still charge money for that content is insulting, though the 30th Pack is arguably worse. $25 for a single dungeon and a single exotic weapon. For the record, dungeon keys, which give you access to two dungeons, is $20. A complete slap in the nuts ripoff.
Speaking of dungeon keys, the fact that dungeon keys have to be bought separately from its corresponding expansion is moronic. Regardless of the reasons Bungie does what it does with dungeon keys (or excuses people come up with for it), it ends up feeling like squeezing people for every dollar they have.
I know at the end of the day, Bungie is a business, and they need money to pay their staff and survive as a studio, but they really need to give some thought into how people actually purchase their game, the process they go through, what they see and encounter along the way, because for a lot of people it's really, really off-putting.
Lack of meaningful player interaction
So Destiny's whole thing is that it's an MMO, right? At the very least, it takes a lot of elements from more traditional MMO games. Something it does not do very well is get people to actually mingle with each other in a meaningful way.
When I play FFXIV, I can strike up a conversation with people hanging out in the main cities if I so desire. There will be people willing to engage in some small talk at the very least. You might tell someone you think their character looks cool, you emote at each other, maybe even add each other to your friends list. You basically cannot do this in Destiny. Text chat might as well not exist with how little I see people use it, and almost nobody opts in to voice chat during activities. People occasionally emote at each other in the Tower or in the field, and that's about it. I've made friends with random people playing FFXIV. I have not made friends with anyone playing Destiny.
Destiny also lacks a proper Group Finder feature common in most other MMO games. They've toyed around with adding matchmaking to raids, but that feature has been in Beta™ for roughly 7 years, so it's safe to say it's never going to properly get off the ground anytime soon. People trying to find pick-up groups for harder content have to use external sites (or know a guy who knows a guy, which is how I've gotten through most of D2's raids).
They have taken a small step in the right direction with player commendations, where you can rate whether people on your fireteam were fun to play with, were a stout ally, or fashionably dressed. This is good! But they really need to make it easier to communicate and form groups outside of matchmaking from within the game to truly take a big step forward.
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just about the most interaction i ever managed to get in the tower
To summarize, you can't experience a large portion of Destiny 2's story within the game, trying to buy the game itself is convoluted and the pricing structure is all over the place (and kind of high in my opinion), and for an always-online MMO-style game, it's challenging to find groups or even make friends with other players. Destiny 2 feels like a game that is in desperate need of some true backend maintenance and development, but that kind of work doesn't translate into profit, so it is heavily minimized.
A player starting for the first time right now is not going to know who Cayde-6 is outside of a couple of references. He has been effectively excised from the game. Why should they care about his return in The Final Shape?
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daydream-the-demon · 1 month
1: Name
2: Age
3: 3 Fears
4: 3 things I love
5: 4 turns on
6: 4 turns off
7: My best friend
8: Sexual orientation
9: My best first date
10: How tall am I
11: What do I miss
12: What time were I born
13: Favorite color
14: Do I have a crush
15: Favorite quote
16: Favorite place
17: Favorite food
18: Do I use sarcasm
19: What am I listening to right now
20: First thing I notice in new person
21: Shoe size
22: Eye color
23: Hair color
24: Favorite style of clothing
25: Ever done a prank call?
27: Meaning behind my URL
28: Favorite movie
29: Favorite song
30: Favorite band
31: How I feel right now
32: Someone I love
33: My current relationship status
34: My relationship with my parents
35: Favorite holiday
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
42: When did I last hold hands?
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
45: Where am I right now?
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
49: Am I excited for anything?
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
55: What is something I disliked about today?
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
57: What do I think about most?
58: What’s my strangest talent?
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
61: What was the last lie I told?
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
64: Do I believe in magic?
65: Do I believe in luck?
66: What’s the weather like right now?
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
69: Do I have any nicknames?
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
71: Do I spend money or save it?
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
74: Favorite animal?
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
78: How can you win my heart?
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
80: What is my favorite word?
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
86: What is my current desktop picture?
87: Had sex?
88: Bought condoms?
89: Gotten pregnant?
90: Failed a class?
91: Kissed a boy?
92: Kissed a girl?
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94: Had job?
95: Left the house without my wallet?
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
97: Had sex in public?
98: Played on a sports team?
99: Smoked weed?
100: Did drugs?
101: Smoked cigarettes?
102: Drank alcohol?
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
105: Been underweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109: Been outside my home country?
110: Gotten my heart broken?
111: Been to a professional sports game?
112: Broken a bone?
113: Cut myself?
114: Been to prom?
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter?
117: What concerts have I been to?
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Learned another language?
120: Wore make up?
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122: Had oral sex?
123: Dyed my hair?
124: Voted in a presidential election?
125: Rode in an ambulance?
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
129: Peed outside?
130: Been fishing?
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
133: Broken a mirror?
134: What do I want for birthday?
skip the weird ones/ones your uncomfortable w
All of them under cut:
1: Name
I just realized what I wanted to be called. I'm Alexander Cifra Hyde now!
2: Age
3: 3 Fears
Death, nothing being real, [insert existential thought].
4: 3 things I love
My friends, fandoms, Tape Five.
5: 4 turns on
Uhh. I read fanfiction so here are fanfiction ones: Cannibalism, MC being insane, power dynamics, older characters.
6: 4 turns off
Also fanfiction: Can't think of anything except AWKWARD MOMENTS THAT YOU JUST HAVE TO CRINGE AT.
7: My best friend
8: Sexual orientation
Repulsed Aromantic Asexual, but also Aegofictoromantic Aegofictosexual.
9: My best first date
Never had one and never will. Being single is a liberty if you think of it as one.
10: How tall am I
155 centimeters or about 5'1".
11: What do I miss
I miss a lot of things. Mostly miss the time I was actually happy.
12: What time were I born
Two days ago! August 12th is my birthday!
13: Favorite color
Black (all-timer), Gold, Blood-Red... That is my favorites.
14: Do I have a crush
Nah. Well friend crushes? A couple.
15: Favorite quote
"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." It helped me not feel like a failure. I like this quote. I think about it quite a bit.
16: Favorite place
My home I guess. Old Town Cottonwood is also amazing.
17: Favorite food
I made my own recipe: Rice, fried grated carrots, eggs, cilantro, and
18: Do I use sarcasm
Sometimes? I mean I don't really use it but on certain occasions I will. Sarcasm seems rude to me in certain context, or I'll use it as joking if I just did something and then go "What? I didn't do that. Yep, totally didn't."
19: What am I listening to right now
I am in love with the song Forever Young by Tape Five.
20: First thing I notice in new person
Usually their voice and manner of speaking and how they look. Though I'm not quick to judge a book by its cover.
21: Shoe size
6'5 women's and extra wide I'm sure.
22: Eye color
23: Hair color
My natural hair color is dirty blonde, and due to how my hair works, it keeps getting darker. (When I was younger I had completely bright blonde hair, now it's dirty-blonde, and then it will be dark brown like my dad.) I have it dyed red though!
24: Favorite style of clothing
SUITS! SUITS. Victorian Era or 1920s style? I can't have enough of it. I wear a tuxedo every day!
25: Ever done a prank call?
I barely even do calls on my own. And no. It's just not- No.
27: Meaning behind my URL
Well, I am Daydream. I'm Daydream because I am a Maladaptive Daydreamer and I create things from my daydreams! I'm a demon. I'm a demonic entity. I have liked too many demons in my time and ever since I was 7 I would draw pentagrams for no reason. I am just demonic.
28: Favorite movie
29: Favorite song
Forever Young by Tape Five is my current obsession and favorite song.
30: Favorite band
Tape Five if you couldn't tell.
31: How I feel right now
I'm happy, I just got the Book of Bill and I am thrilled. I also love answering questions!
32: Someone I love
@author-of-the-year and all my friends. I don't think I could live without them... (Literally-)
33: My current relationship status
Single? Taken? Honestly weird-ass shiz. I do have a "boyfriend" but he's not really my boyfriend but yeah. I just say I'm taken so I don't have to explain what being AroAce is.
34: My relationship with my parents
I don't talk to them. They're transphobic and it's hard to live with that. I plan to move out and go no contact. They give me things I want and I'm living an okay life, but in constant anxiety.
35: Favorite holiday
Christmas!!! You get to scam your loved ones out of objects you want!!!
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
I want to get an orbital earring on both ears! I also want a tattoo sometime. Something small but meaningful or something. I'd draw on my body anyways.
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
When I learned Bill Cipher was a Tumblr sexyman, I just HAD to go to Tumblr. My first post is of Billtober and of a drawing of Bill Cipher.
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
Not related. Single and always was.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
Yeah!!! From my very sweet discord server.
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
I never kissed anyone before. Except like on the knuckles, but I don't text her.
42: When did I last hold hands?
With my mom probably. I don't like physical contact at all.
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
I usually wake up at 6 AM or 6:10 AM and finish getting ready at 6:40 AM. Putting an entire suit on and then getting everything I need for the day AND breakfast in about 30-40 minutes? That's right!
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
I don't shave. Makes me feel manly also I don't ever want to feel razor burn AGAIN. Legs are also useless to shave since I always wear dress pants anyways and my hair is light.
45: Where am I right now?
In my chair in my room in my house in my state in my country.
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
Probably myself in this hypothetical scenario. I don't usually have anyone to rely on. If my online friends were with me though, they would take care of me.
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
My mom says it's too loud but I think it's reasonable.
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
I live with my mom and step-dad, my biological dad is in Russia.
49: Am I excited for anything?
Reading the Book of Bill, and whatnot. Drawing.
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
Opposite sex? No probably not. Opposite gender? Yes.
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
That, my child, is called autistic masking!!! I do it all the time!
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
My mom because she asked, like a couple months ago.
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
Never kissed anybody. Also I'm not a jealous bitch. If it was in the context of cheating? Their problem, not mine.
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
There is always a reason I trust someone. Real trust doesn't come easy with me.
55: What is something I disliked about today?
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
57: What do I think about most?
Art, and fandoms, and songs.
58: What’s my strangest talent?
Hm... I can put a leg around my head. I have hyperflexibility (but I'm not as flexible now).
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
Small dogs. They just creep my out. I don't like small dogs. Also some thoughts relating to existential crises some people would consider weird.
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Not sure what this means. Oh! I am a model, of course I have to be on camera! I'm a youtuber and a star!
61: What was the last lie I told?
"I'm not trans."
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Ghosts? Not really. Seems untrue. But aliens? SURE AS HELL! They exist! In all the parallel universes and all the free open space in this universe we have with thousands of stars with thousands of inhabitable planets... Yes! It's proven they exist! Though none have reached Earth (as far as we know) and that we haven't reached any other lifeform... YET!
64: Do I believe in magic?
Depends on what type of magic. Though usually, I would say no. I don't believe in magic.
65: Do I believe in luck?
Well, statistically there is a concept of luck where odds are outbeat by other odds. Not like as a magical thing though, though I do have "lucky" objects I keep.
66: What’s the weather like right now?
Sunny, warm, and dry.
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
Ew no. I don't like strong smells (even freshly cut grass and lavander piss me off).
69: Do I have any nicknames?
Daydream is my nickname, also Alex.
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
Broken wrist probably.
71: Do I spend money or save it?
Usually I save it and then I have a period where I'd spend it all. I'm pretty responsible with money.
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
I have a pool floatie, an axolotl toy, my plants are pink, I have an old pink toy.
74: Favorite animal?
MOTHS! I also like axolotls a lot!
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
Staying up late looking at BillFord on Tumblr-
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
Oh huh. I don't think he has one. It's just Satan.
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Almost any Tape Five song I have an obsession with at the moment.
78: How can you win my heart?
Just be a good person to me, and CHAOS and WEIRDNESS!
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
I want my friends' words written on it. I want to be known that I was truly loved.
80: What is my favorite word?
Cannibalism, murder, evil... These are some of the words included in my vocal stims.
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
I can't really chose. I guess donniipao, calp0sa, author-of-the-year, timedoutradio, and every blog is great as long as there's content and they're a good person!
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
"I am god." I have to assert my dominance somehow!
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
No. Not that I know of.
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
TO DAYDREAM ANYTHING UP. That's my official superpower. I can daydream up anything and everything I want.
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Oof this is a hard one. Depends on who is asking and what the question is. I have a lot of secrets to hide.
86: What is my current desktop picture?
Bill Cipher because he is my Ford's babygirl.
87-93 were deleted.
94: Had job?
I plan to have one! I want to be an art commissioner soon.
95: Left the house without my wallet?
Many times.
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
Yeah. I used to leave hate comments.
97 was deleted.
98: Played on a sports team?
99: Smoked weed?
100: Did drugs?
I'm a good boy, no.
101: Smoked cigarettes?
I tried once.
102: Drank alcohol?
I tried beer before, not that good.
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
I'm mostly a vegetarian in my diet, though on rare occasions I'll eat fish or meat.
104: Been overweight?
105: Been underweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
Yes! It was one of my favorite days. I was really young, I remember distinctly putting a bunch of stick-on googly eyes on my face because I am silly like that.
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
Bitch what kind of question is that? I'm chronically online. I also draw a lot on my PC and I can get sucked into it.
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
Like a couple times.
109: Been outside my home country?
I currently live in the USA and I'm from Russia, so yes.
110: Gotten my heart broken?
My friends have said to me things I am very deeply sad about.
111: Been to a professional sports game?
112: Broken a bone?
I once broke my wrist because I fell backwards from sitting on the windowsill onto the floor.
113: Cut myself?
I have SHed before, so it's a specialty!
114: Been to prom?
115: Been in airplane?
Aeroplanes are so cool! I've been in a couple, going from Russia to the US, and going to my step-sister's wedding.
116: Fly by helicopter?
Nope. Though I live near an aeroport!
117: What concerts have I been to?
I've been to an AJR Phoenix concert once! It was so cool.
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
I'm gay. Yes- Okay but seriously I'm aroace though I radiate gay energy so yeah no-?
119: Learned another language?
I learned English, and I'm currently trying to learn Italian.
120: Wore make up?
I'm slay! Of course I did! Though I don't do it often.
121-122 were deleted.
123: Dyed my hair?
My hair is dyed red currently, and previously I dyed it black.
124: Voted in a presidential election?
I'm not old enough to do that yet.
125: Rode in an ambulance?
No, I don't think so. If I have, I was really young.
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
Sadly no. But my tumblr mutuals have a lotta followers!
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
I stalk some people, especially tumblr mutuals I want to be friends with but am awkward with.
129: Peed outside?
130: Been fishing?
I want to do it sometime.
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
I never confessed so- Never even tried because being loveless is amazing.
133: Broken a mirror?
134: What do I want for birthday?
Well, I already got everything I want- Lol. I got my Book of Bill and I am ecstatic! I want a debt card though so I can finally start online commissions!
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exquisitesimp · 2 years
Caring for Kunikida after a tough day at work
A/N: Hello to everybody reading this! I'm back with a Bungo Stray Dogs short story for the Kunikida lovers (he's so underrated imo)! This time, the reader (F) is taking care of her favourite blond after a difficult and exhausting day of work at the agency. Sweet, with a hint of comedy. Thank you so much for reading and liking my post, it means a lot to me! Stay healthy, eat well and drink plenty of water! - Sam
Tags: Bungo Stray Dogs, Kunikida Doppo, Comfort, Fluff, SFW
Word Count: 2k approx.
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Your relationship with Kunikida has been stable and secure since day one. It was obvious from the very beginning that he was taking what the two of you shared seriously, and making it last was something he truly wished for. And when he suggested that you moved in together, it became evident how much he wanted to keep you in his life.
Kunikida is one logical man, which is why you found it strange at first. He’s not the type of person to wear his heart on his sleeve and put such an idea forward just because he’s lovestruck. Besides, at the time, it seemed to you that your relationship was in a stage too early for this.
“Are you sure about this?”, you remember asking in uncertainty over lunch that day. “I mean, we’ve spent the night together many times, but actually living together… I don’t know, isn’t that quite a big step?”
“It’s a decision that would be beneficial to both of us”, the man replied, opening “The Ideals” and searching through his notes.
He then proceeded to read out a gigantic list of advantages, which he had prepared beforehand and took up a good amount of pages of the notebook. You didn’t need such…extensive reasoning to be convinced, but you found it endearing how much effort he put into it.
Many of his points made sense too, like cutting down on living expenses, helping each other out, keeping the home and the workplace separate, and most importantly, not being under the same roof as Dazai - he insisted that the latter would grant him a particular sense of relief. 
You ended up moving together shortly after in an apartment close to the Armed Detective Agency. It’s been a couple of months now and things were great, just as you expected. Both of you lead busy lives - Kunikida more so than you, and you were each other’s support system on difficult days, and today was one of them. 
You happened to leave work a little earlier than usual, so you decided to spend the rest of the afternoon cooking a nice meal for dinner. You dropped by the supermarket, bought all the ingredients you needed and headed straight home. It was just 18:00, which gave you some time to have a quick shower, change into your homewear and get some rest before hitting the kitchen.
You got some relaxing tunes playing, put your hair up with a hair clip and started cooking. Since you had the luxury to be home early, you decided to prepare a more traditional japanese dinner, which included a variety of smaller plates. While cooking, you softly swayed to the music, thinking to yourself that you couldn’t wait to treat your hard-working partner to some nice, warm food. 
The hours passed. It was 21:40, dinner was almost ready, but Kunikida was not back and you were still alone. Slightly concerned, tired, and no longer in the happiest mood, you turned off the music. The sizzling of the pork cutlet in the frying pot was the only sound filling the silence of what felt like an empty home without him.
You respect his work immensely, and you understand that there are gonna be days he’ll be home late. His job is very difficult and dangerous after all, and he is especially responsible and serious about it. You tried to reassure yourself that it could be an emergency and that things like that happen all the time, but your worries got the best of you.
“He never comes home later than 20:30. Did something bad happen to him? What if the Agency is under attack? What if he got hurt as he was investigating? No, it can’t be… But if he’s fine, why hasn’t he texted or called at all? How do I know if he’s safe? If something bad happens to him I don’t know what I’m gonna do-”
Your inner paranoid monologue got interrupted as you heard footsteps from outside and the turning of keys in your door. 
“Honey, I’m home”, you heard his deep, exhausted voice from across the hall. 
You sighed, relieved that your love was finally back
“Welcome back, darling”, you shouted, trying to make yourself heard over the sound of the burning oil on the kitchen counter. “I’m so glad you’re back! It’s so late, you scared me to death! Is everything okay?”
There was no reply from him. 
It’s okay, perhaps the oil was louder after all and he couldn’t hear you. 
“Dinner’s almost ready! Have a seat and I’ll serve you once it’s done” 
Moments later, you felt his warm embrace softly surround you from behind.
“Darling, is everything okay-” you were about to ask, turning to face him, but he held you tighter.
“Can I hold you like this for a minute and not say much… please…?”, he whispered. 
“Mhm” you nodded. It was the first time you saw Kunikida this tired. 
You felt his chest gently press against your back in intervals as he took some slow, deep breaths. You lovingly caressed his forearms, which were tightly wrapped around your waist, while his chin rested on top of your head. 
You cherished this sweet moment you two were sharing. Being held in his arms was so calming, it made you forget how late it was getting and how worried you were. Kunikida probably felt the same way, you noticed that his tense body was slowly relaxing.
“Thank you”, he said after a while, leaning his head down to kiss your cheek. 
“Long day, darling?”, you asked. 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
“Not before dinner”
“Alright then”
“Is that Tonkatsu you’re making?”
“It smells so good…”
“I’ve prepared may other side dishes as well”
“Perfect. I’m so hungry...” 
“I can also prepare a warm bath for you while you’re eating”
“No thanks, let’s have dinner together. I’ll shower afterwards”
“As you wish”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t do this. I’ve been wearing these clothes all day”, he said, relaxing his hold on your waist.
“Don’t worry about it”, you replied, turning around and untying the red ribbon on this collar. “Let me just… get you a little bit more comfortable…”, you added, undoing the buttons of his beige waistcoat and the ones on the collar of his black shirt. 
“There you go”, you said with a soft smile.
“Thank you”, 
“Now, take these off, have a seat, and I’ll join you with the food shortly, okay?”. You gently cupped his face with both your hands.
“Okay”, he replied, before turning to leave, then coming back to hold your shoulders and plant a small kiss on the back of your neck.
“You look beautiful with your hair on a claw clip”, he whispered, making you subtly blush at the spontaneity of the compliment.
“Thank you darling, I’ll be there shortly”
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“How do you like it?”, you inquired.
“It’s delicious”, he responded with his mouth half-full. You quietly giggled, you found it so cute.
“So, how was work?”
"Why did you have to stay so late?"
“Dazai and I were responsible for arranging the agency’s archives for the new season. Tons of paperwork, basically…”
“Dazai’s not very good with that, is he?”
“Oh don’t get me started on HIM…”
“Was he the one that threw you off schedule?”
“Obviously… Half of the work was on paper; old cases, and very confidential ones that we couldn’t afford to reveal in case a hacker attacked the agency”
“Okay, and the other half was digital, right?”
“Exactly, that’s how we work with new cases now. We decided to split things like that and work at the same time to make the process faster. And Dazai insisted on taking the digital ones”
“‘I pRoOoOoMiSe, KuNiKiDa-KuUuUuNnNn, I’ll gEt iT aAaAaAaLL DoNe, I wOn’T gEt DiStRacTed!’”
You laughed at the accuracy of that. It’s true, Kunikida is very good at making people’s impressions.
“That fool got zero work done. When I looked at his computer screen, I found exactly 67 open tabs”, he ranted, as he took out his notebook, “including, but not limited to:”
“Oh my god…” you mumbled, knowing you were about to hear some very ridiculous things.
“A reddit post on how to download Goat Simulator for free, an ugly picture of me in high school - I have no idea how he accessed it - , and - stop laughing, it gets worse - his newly set up dating profile on Tinder, with his bio stating that he is ‘looking for a beautiful lady to commit double suicide with’”
This was just too funny not to laugh at.
“Poor thing…” you said, actually feeling sorry for the fact that he has to put up with Dazai’s antics, but still laughing. “I do wonder what that picture looks like though”.
“As you can probably tell, I ended up doing everything by myself, which is why I came home so late”, masterfully avoiding the remark on the high school picture.
“Yeah I can tell… It must have been exhausting”
“Yes it was… It gave me a terrible headache, but I took some aspirin before leaving the agency, so I’m fine now”
“Okay, I’m glad to hear that…”, you said, reaching out for his hand and warming it in your palms. You locked your eyes in his, making sure that he listened to every word you were about to say.
“I want you to know that I am very proud of you and the effort you’re putting in. You are very responsible, and I really admire your dedication. Rough days are expected, I’m sure you know that better than I do. It’s on days like this that I’m gonna be here for you, no matter what, and do everything I can to make it easier”
Kunikida’s expression softened. His eyes and eyebrows were now relaxed, and a little smile appeared on his lips. 
“Thank you so much… It’s very important to have someone during difficult times. You might make dinner for someone every day, but on a rough day, that dinner will matter a hundred times more. I’m so grateful for your care and everything you did for me tonight”, he responded sweetly, still holding his gentle gaze. 
After finishing your meal, you went back to the kitchen to do the dishes, while Kunikida was taking a shower and getting ready to go to sleep. Once you were done and went to your shared bedroom, you found Kunikida waiting for you in the futon, reading some notes from his notebook. 
“How long have you been waiting for me?”
“About a quarter”
“Why? You really need to rest. Tomorrow is a brand new day”
“There’s one thing you’re forgetting about”, he pointed out, taking off his glasses and leaving them on the floor next to him
You shook your head in confusion as you lay down next to him. You were tired too, something must have slipped your mind.
“Goodnight kiss. Seven seconds on the lips every night. Releases oxytocin and reinforces feelings of connection and bonding”
“Oh, that’s right. I thought we were skipping that because you’re exhausted”
“The rules are rules”, he proclaimed as he turned to face you and show you the importance of staying disciplined.
Kunikida merged your lips together in a slow, tender, loving kiss, which slightly exceeded its assigned duration. You found it incredibly sweet that he remembered it despite his fatigue. 
“Thank you for everything once again. I’m so lucky to have you by my side”, he said, pecking your forehead. 
“Goodnight honey”
“Sweet dreams darling”, you whispered, gently stroking his head. Just a few moment have passed, and Kunikida was already drifting to sleep.
“About this high school picture of yours…”
Blunt and expressionless, he didn’t even bother to open his eyes.
“Not happening.”
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A/N: The image of Kunikida wearing his black shirt with its buttons undone (especially if it's all the way down) is fueling my dirty little mind, but I'll keep it for a future piece heheh
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 3 months
multiples of 5 <3
5. Most memorable gaming moment?
that moment in Momodora 2 when Momo finally defeats Dora turned demon queen and jumphugs her to save her is the first thing that comes to mind which definitionally fulfills the question I imagine
10. Game you’ve replayed the most?
hmmm SM64 probably? Celeste on second place perhaps... Helen's Mysterious Castle might also take 2nd place though, it's quite short and I have 30 hours on it on steam
15. Hardest game you’ve ever played?
Touhou Koumakyou ~The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil~
20. A game that made you cry.
if we count visual novels then a whole bunch of Key VNs, like Rewrite and Little Busters! and Clannad had me absolutely sobbing, as for a game game, Shinyomawari/Yomawari Midnight Shadows
25. Favorite environment in a game?
whenever there's an area that sucks super hard if you don't know your way around, like Deepnest in Hollow Knight, or Blighttown in Dark Souls, but then you come back the second time and you know the ins and outs and it feels weirdly at home and somehow more relaxing than a less fucked up level would be? the entire map of the first Yomawari was like that once I had finished the game and was just searching for collectibles, there is something so good about feeling at home and safe in a place that is horrific
30. Favorite aspect of a game (e.g. exploration, combat, fashion/customization, environments, graphics, bosses, roleplaying, etc.)
exploration wins that contest by a mile, the environments/aesthetics do need to be up to par to facilitate that so they probably take second place?
35. Do you own any gaming themed memorabilia? (e.g. collector’s editions, posters, prop replicas, statues, clothing, etc.)
got a Celeste Strawberry pinned to my handbag, a Hornet pin that I don't have anything I could attach it to and I have a Celeste mug in my room, oh and I am literally wearing my Hornet shirt rn; but you would know all that you bought most of them for me <3
40. Best game cover art.
judging from my steam library and my various emulators:
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jodilin65 · 33 years
TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1991 It’s so hard to believe I’ve only been here for 23 days. It seems like so much longer.
Kim and I have continued to have great times together. Can you believe she bought me $75 roller skates?! They’re so nice too. They’re the boot kind and they’re indoor skates rather than my old outdoor sneaker skates. The boots are white with neon pink wheels. Since I got my schedule pretty much normal, I’m gonna go roller skating this Thursday night.
Next, she’s talking about a new spring jacket. You know me, I never ask and she won’t take no for an answer, but it feels weird. Only my parents would buy me stuff like that. But then again, Brenda bought stuff here and there till she came into money problems and I helped her out. I was more than happy to return the favor, but not for crack.
Kim may have gotten a job at the doctor’s office where I went to follow up on my asthma. He gave me a new inhaler and in between that and the clean fresh air, my breathing better. Also, my skin looks and feels better and my hair is growing faster and my hair always grew like a weed to begin with.
This Earth Day thing has hundreds of people spending many hours cleaning up the Mill River. They wait till I leave to do it.
I spoke with Jenny who called earlier and we had a nice chat. Bill hasn’t called back yet but I’ve spoken with Hank and Nervous and have yet to speak with Jessie, Steve or Brenda. I’m not sure that I will but I’ve got to contact Jessie to arrange for her to either bring the bathing suits she borrowed up here or mail them. I don’t know yet when Tammy’s coming up yet or when Mom and Dad are.
Oh, almost forgot, I spoke with Andy yesterday and I played him new edits.
I do have more to write about but I’m in one of my phases where I’m not in the mood to write so, I’ll continue updating later.
THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1991 I had a really good talk with Kim last night and she bought me something that cost between $20-$40 and has 20 or 30 pieces and also 5-6 colors but insists it’s a surprise. She says I’ll love it and that she can’t wait till I see it. She also said it was something I mentioned once or twice when we first met. She kept giving me all these weird clues and even drew part of it from two different angles. I still have no idea what the heck it is, but I guess it’s music-related.
Tammy also called to tell me she may be here the weekend after next but she’ll soon let me know for sure. Lisa still has strep throat and I spoke with her, too, briefly. Tammy also said that a cat she’s been feeding had two kittens under Lisa’s bed. She may give them to me, but I have to wait 6 more weeks before they’re done nursing. I also told Tammy how Kim feels about Mark and how she feels about me.
TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1991 Kim came over and we chatted for a while. This week she’s gonna take me to get the discount form for the heat/AC bill. Also, I’ll go to SS and welfare about my food stamps. I don’t need to sign up for next winter’s fuel assistance program till this July or August. I will not transfer banks till my book of checks run out and I’m now on my last book. The other thing I’ve got to do is get a new address label for my license. Thank God I don’t need to renew it till ‘93 or ‘94. All I have to do is get this little sticker you stick on the back of it. I remember that when I moved to Oswego St. Of course, moving back to Woodside Terrace, all I needed to do was peel the sticker off.
I watched a little TV earlier with Mark and when Kim was here I played her the slurred edits. Of course, she was amused. I mean, they are so funny. I’ll never get sick of any of my edits although I need to start doing more which I’ve got to send to Andy along with other stuff. Old stuff that he never got that got edited right after he got the tapes I made for him and that was quite long ago. I think the last thing Andy got was Donna A so I’ll pick up from there if that’s where I left off.
I’ll write more about my hair and weight later. I may verbalize it a lot but haven’t written about it in a long time.
MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1991 Damn, am I bored! I wish Kim were here more often. I guess I’d still much rather be bored here than in Crack Alley. I am, however, going out Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Shadow didn’t go roof climbing today but he sure did once again yesterday. I made the perfect leash for him too, or so I thought. I took an old necklace that wasn’t too tight, nor was it loose enough for him to slip it off over his head. Then I tied a long ribbon securely to the necklace but he managed to snap the necklace in half. I’ve got to get a real leash.
Other than that I did nothing spectacular today other than walk to the store to buy smokes and watch A Current Affair.
There is something me and Kim are working on. The same fun project as what we did with that Dr. Statz. You know, snooping. Of course, as I mentioned before, the doc is gay. Or bi, I should say, but is married to some rich lawyer. Well, it’s this cop and you know I’ve always had a thing for them. I don’t know her name, therefore I’ve given her the name Jamie. Like I said long ago, every now and then I’m attracted to one where you can tell. Remember? It’s once in a million years with a feminine one and once in a billion years with a half-butchy one. Never a diesel butch. Well, maybe I should keep that last line and change the rest. Every 15 years with a feminine one and every 50 years with a half and half. You can tell but she’s pretty at the same time and Kim agrees.
Kim tried snooping around yesterday but couldn’t get her alone. She did hear Jamie say how much she hates Springfield and when she has kids, she’s not raising them in Springfield. Kim then asked her if she was married and Jamie said no and then quickly changed the subject.
Kim is like me. We both know things instantly about all kinds of people. Things that most people never know unless they’re told or find out somehow someway. My gut feeling is that she’s spoken for. She’s a cop. Not that God would allow me to have her anyway and if he did I’d dump her real soon of course. Or, of course, she’d dump me if I didn’t dump her. Anyway, it all comes down to what I said before about snooping and playing detective. It’s fun and the chase is always better than the capture. I like to be wondering and guessing even though I know I’ll never have her.
Oh. I never mentioned how I ran into her, but it was by asking for a light at the ER while waiting for Brenda to pick me up. I also think I may have seen her a little over a year or so ago late at night when Andy and I were out. Another thing is, and God I hope to hell I’m wrong, but I think that when I was dragged into jail for calling that pig, she might have seen me there.
I’ll keep writing about what happens (nothing).
SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1991 I just spoke with Andy who’s still doing just fine and loving Phoenix. He reminded me that our clocks here go ahead an hour but they don’t change out there. Weird, huh? He’ll now be 3 hours earlier.
I played him the slurred edits, where I had the pause button partially down. They are so funny. I may do more editing later now that I have two tracks in working condition.
I fell asleep near 5 AM yesterday morning and woke, as usual, 4 hours later with an attack. Not a killer one, but a very annoying one. Kim is picking me up a refill on Alupent on her way to Springfield to work at Baystate. I’ve got a doctor that Kim called to follow up with this Monday.
Also, I stopped my Theodur like a jerk, but you know I hate any kind of drug. After the Navane, I’ve been really paranoid although that too has been better since I moved. What a major curse Springfield was.
Kim is so great and so sweet. She’s everything I look for in a person. I feel I can never express how grateful I am for all that she’s done for me. It’s like being rescued from Valleyhead. She’s a person that comes rare and is far and few between. I will just repay her by being a good friend.
Also, I was right from the very beginning as I may have mentioned before. She is very attracted to me and who I am. It’s amazing too, as I’ve always said, “Is there anyone out there who’s sane and upper class but yet will accept me for who and what I am?”
Sure enough, as we both agreed, we’re a lot alike. Not all serious, not all nuts. We’re both half-sane, half-insane. Also, she’s like me in always wanting to help others. I feel guilty, though, as I have no money to give her if she needed it. She doesn’t need it but part of me wishes we could swap incomes for a week or so, so I could do for her what she’s done for me. I wish she were here with me now. I could use the company and I’m bored but I don’t do walks at night even though I can usually defend myself quite well. I did cruise up and down Elm St. a bit today at around 2:30. It was 80º today and I got a great breeze through my windows, even though Kim and I have yet to figure out how to open the skylights. Thank God cats are sure-footed as Shadow went roof cruising for an hour or so. Can you believe it? I was scared shitless for him at first but even though he enjoyed it and was not hurt, I’m getting him a leash. That way he can also accompany me on walks. I tried taking a big ribbon and tying him up to one of the posts on the deck but he just kept slipping it off of his neck and going about his tour.
I feel so happy and safe since I’ve moved, but at the same time, a little lonely. I miss my friends and I can’t lie, you know me, but the urge for a lover is picking up here and there. I hate that feeling. I’ve learned now, that those feelings don’t mean I’m weak and yes I know you can be with someone and still be independent, but I still wish I could want to be alone 100% of the time. Oh well. I couldn’t get someone if I wanted to as I’ve written about 10 billion times before.
Getting back to Kim, sometimes I wish she were here to give me a hug and just hold me, but I try to keep my feelings inside. There’s no point saying anything. The last thing I need to do is make her feel depressed or burdened in any way and I don’t want her to feel used. I only hope I haven’t talked too much already. I also feel like a jerk cuz all my bottled-up frustration came out earlier today when I had that attack. Sometimes that’s the only way to vent it out, though, and get it out of me, rather than trash my place or something stupid like that. Those days are over and I haven’t slashed my wrists since age 17 and even though I was trapped, a minor and couldn’t and wouldn’t hurt the ones hurting me. Like I said, they’re over.
I don’t want to lead Kim on either, as I am not attracted to her.
Time for some hot chocolate.
I want to be a singer!!!
Wait till I tell Kim about that call.
FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1991 South Deerfield…
Boy, do I ever have lots to write about. Yes, I’ve finally moved and man oh man is it quiet here. No people yelling. No horns honking. All you hear 2-3 times a day, but only during the day, is a train passing by. It runs right by Kim’s apt. I like trains, though.
Today is my father’s birthday. He’s 60, but he says he still feels young. No one in the family looks their age except for Tammy.
Tammy had told me she was writing a farewell letter to Mom, but she and Dad could call to keep in touch with Lisa, Becky, and Sarah. However, she must have spoken to them or maybe only Dad cuz he said earlier tonight that Tammy said she was gonna drive up this weekend but Lisa got sick.
I feel like I’m on some luxury vacation in a big beautiful hotel. I mean this place is huge! I never thought I’d laugh my ass off about the Woodside apartment. I had so much fun using my dishwasher, Jacuzzi, trash compactor and my washer and dryer.
It also is easier to breathe here for sure and the temperature was 72º today. Therefore, I had my big window door open and other windows and I got a hell of a breeze. We are more up in the mountains and cuz it’s further north, it’s colder and it snows more in the winter.
Shadow loves it here. He seems much happier here and causes less trouble. No more eating my napkins or going in the pails.
Like I mentioned before, we each have our own stairwells. There are 30 stairs that go straight up and Shadow loves it when I toss his balls down and he chases them. His litter box is down there too, along with Gloria’s pictures. I keep him there at night with a bowl of dry food. His canned food is up in the kitchen. And, of course, the toilet paper in the bathroom.
The day before I left, Jai came over and we had a great visit. I saw his place too and says he and Jenny will come up sometime. Also Steve and Jessie and hopefully Brenda, too. Also, Nervous came up the day before I moved and helped Kim and I drain the waterbed. It really was easy and lots of fun. I really enjoyed Nervous visiting, too.
I just finished listening to my stereo. I used that $488 fuel assistance check but I got a great deal on it anyway. It’s sort of like my old stereo which Brenda now has. It looks a lot like it and it came with the same kind of stand. I got it all for only $275 and that includes a turntable, dual cassette, AM/FM radio, and the CD player. The CD player was a separate unit. Editing works out great and the only thing I hate is the continuous play. I can’t rewind a tape while I’m listening to another. I have one speaker on top of the bedroom. The bedroom is the only one with a lower ceiling and is basically in the center of the place. The cathedral ceilings slant down over that and the rest of the place. The bedroom ceiling does slant too and part of it is straight. It’s super hard to describe. You have to see it.
Earlier, I had pork chops for dinner with Kim and Mark.
Mark saw the place since it’s all been fixed up and decorated and he freaked. Kim saw it when I got it all done 2 days ago. I love to decorate. I guess it’s the creativity in me and also being artistic.
So that’s it. Other than that, I spoke with Tammy and Hank, painted my nails and drew a picture.
0 notes
one-without-fear · 7 months
25 Things Ep. II
26) Your idea of a perfect first date?
First? Hmm breakfast date or going to an arcade. Mornings tell you a lot about a person, and competition also shows you who a person is.
27) What is something most people don't know about you?
I’m terrified of deep water, doesn’t matter what or where. I still think a shark is going to get me in a public pool.
28) What makes you feel the happiest?
Watching tv and feeling my dog at the foot of my bed.
29) What store do you shop at most often?
Walmart or Target.
30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving?
At first, tbh I despised it. There was no way my mouth was going there. I just didn’t want to, I had a girl do it and she sucked lol. Also, it hurt and that probably played a factor in receiving. Now? I’ll give all day long, I don’t like to receive because I’m afraid it’ll be bad or it won’t be done right.
31) Do you believe in karma?
I do.
32) If you had an hour left to live, what would you do?
I’d make a 20 minute goodbye video, if you’re on it, you were important. The last 40 minutes, I’d want to be having sex. Hopefully I just disappear once my hour is up lol. Not just cease to exist in the middle. Awkward.
33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?
Neither. Had written letter. Flowers are stupid, they die. And candy? Did you eat mine first and that’s why you’re sorry?
34) Are you a good swimmer?
I’d say so.
35) Coffee or Tea?
36) Online shopping or shopping in person?
37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
38) Cats or Dogs?
39) Are you a competitive person?
40) Do you believe in aliens?
I believe in aliens more than I believe in ghosts.
41) Do you like dancing?
Nope, I don’t. I physically can’t lol.
42) What kind of music to you listen to?
Rock, country, emo, rap, all kinds.
43) What is your favorite cartoon character?
Tommy Pickles. He was a pretty smart baby lol.
44) Where are you from?
45) Eat at home or eat out?
Depends on what, and who’s cooking.
46) How much more social are you when you're drunk?
Far less. I don’t talk lol.
47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
48) Why do you think your followers follow you?
Depends on the platform tbh.
49) How many hours do you sleep at night?
Not enough.
50) What worries you most about the future?
That I don’t know what I want or need to get to who I want to be. I don’t even know who I want to be, or what I want to be when I grow up 😂
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
366 of 2023
Done and want to do part 1
Put the things you have already done in bold and the things you would like to do in italics 01. Bought everyone in the pub a drink 02. Swam with wild dolphins 03. Climbed a mountain 04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive 05. Been inside the Great Pyramid 06. Held a tarantula 07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone 08. Said ‘I love you’ and meant it 09. Hugged a tree 10. Done a striptease 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea 14. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise 15. Seen the Northern Lights 16. Gone to a huge sports game 17. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa 18. Grown and eaten your own vegetables 19. Touched an iceberg 20. Slept under the stars 21. Changed a baby’s diaper 22. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon 23. Watched a meteor shower 24. Gotten drunk on champagne 25. Given more than you can afford to charity 26. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope 27. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment 28. Had a food fight 29. Bet on a winning horse 30. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 31. Asked out a stranger 32. Had a snowball fight 33. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier 34. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can 35. Held a lamb 36. Enacted a favorite fantasy 37. Taken a midnight skinny dip 38. Taken an ice cold bath 39. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar 40. Seen a total eclipse 41. Ridden a roller coaster 42. Hit a home run 43. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days 44. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking 45. Adopted an accent for an entire day 46. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 47. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment 48. Had two hard drives for your computer 49. Visited all 50 states 50. Loved your job for all accounts 51. Taken care of someone who was shit faced 52. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 53. Had amazing friends 54. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country 55. Watched wild whales 56. Stolen a sign 57. Backpacked in Europe 58. Taken a road-trip 59. Rock climbing 60. Lied to foreign government’s official in that country to avoid notice 61. Midnight walk on the beach 62. Sky diving 63. Visited Ireland 64. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love 65. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them 66. Visited Japan 67. Benchpressed your own weight 68. Milked a cow 69. Alphabetized your records 70. Pretended to be a superhero 71. Sung karaoke 72. Lounged around in bed all day 73. Posed nude in front of strangers 74. Scuba diving 75. Got it on to “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye 76. Kissed in the rain 77. Played in the mud 78. Played in the rain 79. Gone to a drive-in theater 80. Done something you should regret, but don’t regret it 81. Visited the Great Wall of China 82. Discovered that someone who’s not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog 83. Dropped Windows in favor of something better 84. Started a business 85. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken 86. Toured ancient sites 87. Taken a martial arts class 88. Swordfought for the honor of a woman 89. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight 90. Gotten married 91. Been in a movie 92. Crashed a party 93. Loved someone you shouldn’t have 94. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy 95. Gotten divorced 96. Had sex at the office 97. Gone without food for 5 days 98. Made cookies from scratch 99. Won first prize in a costume contest 100. Ridden a gondola in Venice
0 notes
lalal-99 · 2 years
For the Drabble game I’d like to request 40, 123 and 162 with Han jisung please? 😇
40. "You started it. Now I get to finish it. 123. "So I bought this new horror movie but turns out I can't watch it by myself." 162. "Round two?"
Han Jisung x afab!reader | Best friends to Lovers trope | smut | 2.6k words
Synopsis: A seemingly innocent movie night with your best friend turns unexpectedly.
Note: I have a bunch of requests in my inbox so I'm closing it for now.
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Movie Nights
"I'm sorry but I don't understand. Why did you buy a movie you don't want to watch?"
You shouldn't have been so surprised. Your best friend was known to throw his money out the window whenever his latest paycheck arrived. And the easily excitable side of him was kinda cute - at least when you had still been in High School. But having all this grown-up money and nowhere to put it, he was bound to make a huge mistake at some point. Maybe not with something as trivial as a DVD, but at some point, you'd have to talk to him about it.
"My friend from work told me about it, and she said it is just too good to miss out on. What she failed to mention is, that it is a horror movie. So I bought this new movie but turns out, I can't watch it by myself."
"And now you need me to hold your hand through it?"
As Han plopped down onto your bed he let the box of what you assumed to be an hour and a halfs' worth of jump scares fall onto the mattress next to him.
"Because I'm so much better at watching Horror movies?" The sarcasm was laced thick in your tone as you crossed your arms in front of you. When he had told you that he needed your help with something, you hadn't expected this.
"No, but you're fun to watch. Your reactions take the edge off completely."
"Okay, let me get this straight. You want to watch me watch a movie with a chainsaw on the cover because you can not not watch it after spending.."
"You spend 39.99 on a DVD? You heard about Netflix, right?"
"Well, it’s not just one movie. It’s a boxset,” he explained as if to justify the huge amount of money he had paid. When you didn’t react to his statement, he simply waved you over. “Just get your butt over here and watch it with me. Please."
The pout engrave on his face caused a sigh to leave your lips as you uncrossed your arms and made your way over to him.
"Fine, but we have got to talk about your spending habits at some point."
The triumphant smile on Han's lips as he took the first DVD out of its case made you shake your head a little as you turned the lights off. Maybe not the most intelligent idea, seeing as you were about to witness a massacre on your 15-inch laptop screen.
"Is it over? Please tell me it's over!"
Your desperate try to get something out of Han was quickly put to an end as you snuck a peek, unexpectedly, yet not unsurprisingly being faced with a psycho chainsawing the neck of one of the innocent bystanders. A scream left your throat as though it was you being decapitated by an escaped mental patient, making the boy next to you laugh in amusement.
"It wasn't over. Why would ask me if it was safe to look and then not wait for my answer?" your best friend questioned as he seemed to relax every time you had just any sort of reaction.
"I thought it was better to know than to not know. I was wrong," you explained your thought process as you pushed your face into Han's chest, to make sure you wouldn't look the next time you actually didn't want to know what was going on. "Tell me when the bad part's over."
"It's a horror movie. The bad part won't be over for about 20 more minutes until the movie is over."
As the scene kept playing out mere metres away from you, you tried your hardest not to trust your false sense of safety. Thankfully, Han's chest was broad enough so that you could press your whole face up against it. Thinking about it, it hadn't been that broad the last time you had watched a movie with him. Thinking even more about it, you noticed that his abs had gotten a little harder as well as your hand was pressed up against his stomach for support. And, on top of that, he smelled nicer today. As if he had put on some sort of perfume right before heading over. When he started doing that, you couldn't remember at the moment.
"You might want to stop feeling me up, you know." The words leaving Han's lips made his chest vibrate against your cheek.
"Sorry. I'm just trying to find something to distract me from the movie," you explained looking up at him through your thick lashes.
When you noticed him shifting below you, apparently in a little discomfort from the way you were laying almost completely on top of him, you moved away slowly. It was with that motion that your hand involuntarily brushed against his crotch, somehow having fallen asleep below the weight of your head. And what you felt right there was just another thing you were utterly surprised by. Just like the way you had been surprised by Han's new toned form as well as his musky perfume.
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry," you quickly apologised as you realised that not only did your best friend have a penis - a fact you had somehow been oblivious to before - but that it was also slightly erect. Just enough to not be noticeable right away, but enough that you had felt it.
"It's fine. Whatever," Han brushed you off as he shifted so that his parts wouldn't be right there in front of you. "Just to clear things up, this just happens sometimes. Randomly. It's not like the movie turns me on or anything."
Surprisingly, Han didn't even try to hide the fact that he was aroused. As if it was no big deal that it was you - his best friend - who had laid on top of him when he started feeling a little on edge.
"It goes away. I just have to wait it out." You watched him in wonder at his nonchalance, your lips slightly agape as you tried to understand the gist of it. This happened randomly, not because of the movie, and it would be gone soon. Things would have been just fine, hadn't Han felt the need to open his mouth again, trying to break the somehow tense silence. "Or you could help me out a little. I find that to be the most effective way of getting rid of it."
Honestly, you didn't know how to react to that. You weren't even sure if Han was being serious or if he was just playing you, trying to get a laugh out of this rather awkward situation. This could have been cleared up with the simple addition of a 'jk' or a 'ha, you should see the look on your face'. And for a few seconds, you waited for him to add something to his joke - if that was what he had made. A silly prank at your expense. A fun memory you would reminisce about in the future.
When he didn't say anything, your mouth decided to simply act on its own. As though you had no control over it whatsoever.
It went really quiet after that. How long Han was looking at you in utter shock, you couldn't recall, as it felt like forever and a second all at once. And you couldn't blame him for that either. What had just happened, the words that had just left your mouth - they could change the whole way your friendship worked. Even if he had started it all, this would still, in a way, be on you.
"I-" his voice got cut off as he tried to regain his composure. "Are you for real?"
"I don't know." And honestly, you didn't know. You had never thought of him like this before. Though, when you had told him that you'd help him out, you had somehow meant it. "I guess. Yes."
You could tell the second you had confirmed his question that Han was unsure about this. And you could also tell that it wasn't because he didn't want to do this. Your best friend wasn't hesitating because he didn't like the idea of your helping hand. He hesitated because he didn't know if you did. Even if you had just assured him of that.
Something within you clicked that very second, the same curious person that had agreed to do this in the first place causing you to place your hand back over his crotch. Exactly as you had done previously, though this time, it was intentional. Because, somehow, you wanted this.
As you let your fingers freely roam over the fabric of his jeans you shifted your weight, so that you were straddling Han's hips. All the while, your eyes focused on his face to see his reaction. And they stayed there while you unbuckled his pants, pushing them down his thighs before pressing your hand against his erection yet again. This time, with only his boxers in the way.
Han swallowed hard as he watched you feel him in his most vulnerable state. A little bit of the unsure look still lingered on his face, though when you let your fingers dip below the hem of his boxers, the expression was long gone. And all that remained was pure enjoyment as he threw his head back at the feeling.
"Oh, dear god."
The moment you had rid him of his confines, and you were met with the fully unconcealed sight of him, you felt surer than ever that you wanted to do this. Something about the way he was looking at you, as though you held his future in your hands, made you feel stronger. More capable.
It was when you leaned down, coming face-to-face with his erection that he stopped you one last time, his fingers finding your wrist to grab your attention.
"You don't have to do this. If you don't want to, we can forget this ever happened." The hope in Han's voice made a smile appear on your face. As much as he seemed to be concerned for your well-being, he undoubtedly wanted you to keep going.
"Just let me do this, okay? You started it. Now I get to finish it."
The moment your lips touched his length you felt him relax against your grip. Every doubt he had previously had seemed to crumble as your mouth wrapped around him, the sound emitting nothing short of delicious.
As you let your head bob up and down on him, slow motions followed by harder ones as you hollowed your cheeks, you felt his thigh tense up against the palm of your hand. It felt good, empowering, to know that you had this sort of control over him.
Your tongue danced over his tip, down the shaft and towards the base as your hand handled everything your mouth couldn't fit. The combination of soft and fast seemed to get the wanted reaction from Han which was why you kept it up. When he started moaning at your movements, you decided to let yourself enjoy this as well. As much as you did this for him, you also wanted yourself to get the best out of the situation.
You closed your eyes, simply appreciating the moment as you lost yourself in his response. The way he was moving against you, meeting your motions in the middle, made you hum around his length. You could feel the vibration it sent down his shaft in his thigh as it tensed a little harder, a little longer. It was those non-verbal cues that showed you just how much he was enjoying this.
"Fuck, you're good at this. How are you so good at this?"
His question hung in the room, unanswered, as you simply took it as a compliment.
It was with one particularly strong flick of your tongue over his tip that you felt his hand reach for your head, fingers tangling in your hair. And just like that, with his hand giving you the slightest instructions of where to go and what to do, you felt him get closer and closer to his inevitable release.
How long it took him to get there, you didn't know. It couldn't have been more than a few minutes filled with wet sounds and arousal arising in between your thighs, though you didn't have the mind to count the exact amount. All you could focus on was how much Han seemed to lose himself in you. This was most likely the hottest thing you had ever done.
"I'm close." The warning was quickly brushed off as you straightened your back, wrapping your mouth around him a little fiercer to show him that it was okay to let go. That you were more than willing to finish him off like this. "Fuck. This is so hot."
With the simple hollowing of your cheeks and one last, strong suck, your best friend came undone in your mouth, filling you up with warm liquid you had never imagined tasting. It took him a few more seconds to stop pulsating against the inside of your cheek as the afterglow settled over him, his length relaxing against your tongue as soon as he did.
“Damn. I can’t believe you just did that.” The stupid grin on Han’s face was met with your expression, full of disbelief as you realised that you, indeed, had just done that. And on top of that, it had been good.
As your best friend got dressed again, that glow still hanging over him, you noticed that the ending credits were rolling on your laptop. The movie must have ended a while ago, and you weren’t at all mad you had missed whatever had happened.
“So, what do we do now?” you questioned as you pressed the spacebar on your laptop, bringing a sudden halt to the background music. The question of how the two of you would go from here wasn’t an easy one. To you, at least, it was quite clear that things couldn’t just go back to how they had been.
“I don’t know,” Han told you with an awkward laugh as he was trying to think of something to say. “Round two?”
Not exactly what you had implied but that didn’t mean you weren’t up for the idea.
“If you want me to go again, I need to get myself a glass of water first.”
An amused laugh left Han’s lips as he shook his head at your words.
“I was referring to the movie,” he quickly cleared up the misunderstanding. “There are still two more parts. It’s a box set, remember?”
“Oh.” The embarrassment was written all over your face as you tried not to blush at your assumption that he wanted you to blow him again. “Sure. Sorry.”
“But if we were to do something like this again, I think it should be you on the receiving end. If you’re up for that, of course.”
You bit your lip at the thought of it, only realising now how on edge you were after helping him out. A little help from him, therefore, couldn’t hurt. Han seemed to understand that from the simple look on your face as he turned on the second part of the movie before making his way on top of you.
And that stupid grin never left his face as he took off your jeans and panties in one quick, excited movement.
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bluesest · 2 years
A Father
Otis was a 20-year-old man, however, not mature, he always likes to be with his friend Zack, who was also 20 years old, both were like brothers, Zack always invited Otis to his house, and Otis always invited Zack to his house, it was a normal day, when Otis received a call from Zack: "Hey, do you want to come to my house and eat something?" Otis was home alone and didn't know much about cooking, so with pleasure, Otis decided to go to Zack's house for lunch.
It was 2:30 pm, Otis rang the bell, Zack's father who was 40 years old received him there, they both already knew each other and had also developed a respectful friendship, the father said: "Otis told me that you were going to come, but you know that this It's also your house" behind the father was Otis, they both greeted each other and Otis entered the house, Zack's house was spacious, the first thing you see when entering the house was the sofa and a medium flat screen television, together with a staircase that goes to the second floor where the family rooms are located next to the bathroom, when leaving the living room, there is the dining room, a long oak table, behind the dining room was the kitchen, of the kitchen exuded a strong delicious smell, Otis went and saw a roasted turkey, along with salad and tartar sauce, Otis's appetite was instantly whetted.
Otis, Zack and Zack's father prepared the table, they put tablecloths, cutlery, and the turkey in the center of the table, Otis was the one who grabbed a turkey leg, Zack took another turkey leg, Zack's father was going to take a piece of turkey, but Zack interfered and said: "Dad, you know you can't eat this, that's why I bought salad for you to eat" Zack's father replied: "Don't worry, nothing will happen" then he takes a leg of the turkey and cooked it with a lot of tartar sauce, annoyed Zack said: "It's fine, but I won't take care of what happens to you" the father laughed, Otis didn't understand what they were talking about, but soon the topic of conversation changed Otis asked, "Where is your mother Zack?" and the father said: "He went on a trip to buy medicine, he won't be back until tomorrow", Zack added: "That's why I invited you, there is no problem if we are only 3 people, normally my mom doesn't let me buy this type of food, especially Dad."
Half an hour had passed, after lunch, Zack and Otis were ready to play video games in the living room, but Zack's father would prevent it, he said: "Zack! You have to go shopping at the supermarket more than a week ago, there are so many things to buy", Zack said:"I'll do it tomorrow, don't worry", the annoyed father said:"You know your mom will be very upset when she arrives and discovers that the pantry is empty", Zack reluctantly agreed, He said: "Otis I'm going to take about 3 hours if you want you can watch TV here and wait for me to come back" after saying these words Zack left the house, 20 minutes passed, Otis was playing on his phone, when the father came and He lay down on the sofa where Otis was sitting, this did not matter to Otis since many times Zack's father slept on the sofa at this time, Otis heard some gurgles that came from Zack's father, the father already lying down looked at Otis and said: "Damn, my stomach hurts", after finishing that sentence, the father grabbed or his stomach, he turned upside down and farted, it was long and dry, its smell reminded Otis of the smell of tartar sauce, the father with his hand fanned his butt and said: "Sorry Otis, he's out of me without warning", it was the first time that Zack's father farted in front of Otis, Otis felt a strange sensation and said: "Don't worry, it can happen to all of us".
After Otis said that, Zack's father fell asleep face down, Otis concentrated on the sensation he had experienced, he felt his heart race and his muscles tense, Otis didn't want to think about it much, so that he played again on his phone, 5 minutes passed when a fart came out of the unconscious father just as intense as the previous one, the sensation had returned, he did not know what was happening to him, 2 minutes passed and another fart came out of the father, this time Otis discovered what was happening to him, it was an indication that all men have when they see something that attracts them, Otis had an erection, Otis was quite surprised since he considered that farts are disgusting, half an hour passed and Otis he continued with the erection and the father continued farting while he slept on the sofa, he looked closely at the father's butt, and with remorse, he began to slowly lower their pants, that same step he applied with the underpants, it was a pale butt and something hairy, Otis grabbed his penis and brought his face closer to the father's butt, from the father a choked fart came out, Otis desperately sniffed the father's butt while groping himself, but this stage did not last long.
As Otis sniffed Zack's father's butt, a wet messy fart came out of it, then a huge explosion of diarrhea splashed on Otis's face, Otis went for toilet paper and saw the father's underpants and was shocked, they were full. of poop of a color similar to the brown of the turkey, there were several lumps and small green herbs, the shape reminded Otis of the ground beef cooked with BBQ sauce and some spices, the smell woke up Zack's father, surprised he wanted to go to the bathroom, but the pain did not let him move, the father said: "Otis, please help me to go to the bathroom", Otis's erection grew and without saying anything he grabbed the father's hand and helped him, the father said: "I'm really sorry Otis, Zack told me not to eat that since I have a stomach illness, that's why it was Zack's mother's trip", Otis comforted him, when they went upstairs, the father said:"Otis I need you to help me, I don't want to make a mess the house, and another anal explosion is on the way, put your hand on my anus and blocks diarrhea", Otis put his hand in Zack's father's underpants, there he felt several hot lumps, the texture was thick, Otis could feel a great wave of diarrhea coming out of his father's anus, when he got to the bathroom , Otis helped the father to sit on the toilet, several farts came out of it, they rumbled with the porcelain of the toilet, Otis looked at Zack's father's penis, it was big and a little hairy and it was stained with poop, The Father appreciated the help Otis, Otis left the bathroom, and behind the wall that separated anal blasts from Otis, Otis began to masturbate.
PD: This story was made thanks to the concept of a fan, if you want a story, send me a message with your own concept and maybe I'll make it a story.
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Everything's going to be all right
You weekend didn't go as planned. Accident happened when you least expected it. Luckily both of you managed to save the situation.
One shot, yelena belova x reader, Fanny as a part of the family
You were anxiously waiting for this weekend. Finally you with Yelena far from your work, her work, constant messages and calls. You already has had zoom fatigue for a few weeks. And Yelena could finally catch a break from her so demanding missions saving the world.
You rented a small, cute cottage house near the lake just for three days, bought enough food for both of you and of course Fanny. You couldn't even imaging going somewhere without this dog. She was part of your tiny pack.
Trip to the lake was perfect. Laughs, songs, stories. It took you a little bit more than six hours to get there. But sometimes you had to remind Yelena that she wasn't racing with anyone on the road. "Princess, take it easy on the turns".
Your first day there was amazing. Yelena started it with a 10 km run. She had to, she could even say her life depended on that. And you didn't complain. Sometimes her extra stamina was a good thing. You tried to hide your smile in a pillow when she returned high on endorphins with a all consuming confidence in her eyes.
You were lucky and you knew that. Yelena had to pull the blanket from you so you'd finally cook a breakfast for her.
Russian pancakes were perfect for the occasion. All the time you could here Yelena's laugh and occasional sentences from the outside. When she was playing with Fanny everything else didn't matter. "Davai, malishka. Ty zhe horoshaya devochka." (Come on baby. You're a good girl)
You lost yourself the moment. It took just a few seconds for everything to change. Silence. No barking. No happiness.
"Y/N come here! Now!"
You left everything and ran as you were. Barefoot.
As soon as you were outside you saw your girlfriend shaking over Fanny. Something was terribly wrong.
Yelena was shaking over the dog whimpering.
"I don't know what happened... I was just... we were..." She was running out of air.
"Babe, look at me. Everything's going to be OK. Let me see." You caught her glance and faked a smile. "Please."
Only now Yelena noticed that she's been unconsciously covering Fanny even from you.
You didn't believe your own promise. The dog was hardly breathing, squealing and trying to move closer to both of you.
"What should we do?"
You've never seen your woman like this. If only you could stop all this. Rewind time to just a few minutes ago and save both of them.
"I need you here with me, love. I'll carry Fanny. You go start the car." It was your call. You couldn't stay here. You were running out if time.
"Are... are you sure? Maybe we should call someone."
"Love, trust me." You squeezed her hard hard enough for her to feel at least something.
She quickly nodded and in a few minutes you could hear the engine starting.
Fanny wasn't heavy and you were strong enough to carry her. And yet you felt like you were walking for ages. Slowly, one step forward, two steps back.
"How is she?" Yelena wasn't shaking, obediently waiting for you in a front seat. Something's changed. Instead of panic there was determination.
"She'll be fine. Are you sure you wanna drive?"
"Well, this is a thing I do the best. Being under pressure. Google for the nearest vet."
You did as you were told. Two hours. You groaned.
"Don't worry. We'll be there sooner."
It took you 40 minutes. Who knew Yelena's skills could save your dog's life.
And the panic was back. For both of you.
"Love, just breath ok." You were kissing Yelena's eyes. "If something was wrong they'd tell us."
Fanny was with the vet for 20 minutes already.
You both jumped.
"You don't have to worry. Yes. A severe allergy. But now everything's fine. You can see her now."
Yelena sighed with relief.
"See, babe. Your pack is not going anywhere." You kissed her hand and let her run to see her furry companion.
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ismaelo04 · 2 years
Ask ME :D
1: Name 2: Age 3: 3 Fears 4: 3 things I love 5: 4 turns on 6: 4 turns off 7: My best friend 8: Sexual orientation 9: My best first date 10: How tall am I 11: What do I miss 12: What time were I born 13: Favorite color 14: Do I have a crush 15: Favorite quote 16: Favorite place 17: Favorite food 18: Do I use sarcasm 19: What am I listening to right now 20: First thing I notice in new person 21: Shoe size 22: Eye color 23: Hair color 24: Favorite style of clothing 25: Ever done a prank call? 27: Meaning behind my URL 28: Favorite movie 29: Favorite song 30: Favorite band 31: How I feel right now 32: Someone I love 33: My current relationship status 34: My relationship with my parents 35: Favorite holiday 36: Tattoos and piercing i have 37: Tattoos and piercing i want 38: The reason I joined Tumblr 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? 42: When did I last hold hands? 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? 45: Where am I right now? 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? 49: Am I excited for anything? 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? 55: What is something I disliked about today? 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? 57: What do I think about most? 58: What’s my strangest talent? 59: Do I have any strange phobias? 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? 61: What was the last lie I told? 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? 64: Do I believe in magic? 65: Do I believe in luck? 66: What’s the weather like right now? 67: What was the last book I’ve read? 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? 69: Do I have any nicknames? 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? 71: Do I spend money or save it? 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? 74: Favorite animal? 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? 78: How can you win my heart? 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? 80: What is my favorite word? 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? 83: Do I have any relatives in jail? 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? 86: What is my current desktop picture? 87: Had sex? 88: Bought condoms? 89: Gotten pregnant? 90: Failed a class? 91: Kissed a boy? 92: Kissed a girl? 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? 94: Had job? 95: Left the house without my wallet? 96: Bullied someone on the internet? 97: Had sex in public? 98: Played on a sports team? 99: Smoked weed? 100: Did drugs? 101: Smoked cigarettes? 102: Drank alcohol? 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? 104: Been overweight? 105: Been underweight? 106: Been to a wedding? 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? 109: Been outside my home country? 110: Gotten my heart broken? 111: Been to a professional sports game? 112: Broken a bone? 113: Cut myself? 114: Been to prom? 115: Been in airplane? 116: Fly by helicopter? 117: What concerts have I been to? 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? 119: Learned another language? 120: Wore make up? 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? 122: Had oral sex? 123: Dyed my hair? 124: Voted in a presidential election? 125: Rode in an ambulance? 126: Had a surgery? 127: Met someone famous? 128: Stalked someone on a social network? 129: Peed outside? 130: Been fishing? 131: Helped with charity? 132: Been rejected by a crush? 133: Broken a mirror? 134: What do I want for birthday?
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mr2swap · 3 years
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My powers were always unpredictable but this is crazy enough, I'm pretty sure waking up in my dad Greg Universe's truck in my dad's smelly sweaty body is not one of my powers.
It all started with my dad's 40th birthday party, me and the gems organized a big beach party for him, we bought a lot of pizza, drinks for the adults and for the kids we even managed to rent a karaoke which was being a complete success and we already had a waiting list to use it so big that all the names of people I knew in beach city were written there. However, despite the fun party, my father did not appear anywhere so I went to look for him, I found him inside his truck with his old guitar in his hands looking at the ocean, I approached to surprise him but the closer I got I could notice that he was not at all happy with his birthday.
I sat next to him and we watched the sea in silence for a couple of minutes until he started talking - the older you get the birthday parties start to get sad, I never thought 40 years would go by so fast - I didn't dare talk while he unburdened me - I envy you a little son, you have your whole future ahead of you, you are young strong and your back doesn't hurt when you bend down, I hope you enjoy it while it lasts, but it's not time to be sad let's go back to the party and let's show all those fans how to use karaoke- I watched as my father slowly walked back to the party, He was right now he was bald and old I just wish I could do something for him. During the whole party I couldn't get that thought out of my mind especially when I see my old father struggling to stand up, he was obese so with his huge stomach it was not at all comfortable to stand for 20 minutes.
Slowly the party was ending and while the first guests went back to their house my father said goodbye to everyone -Enjoy the party guys! I'm dead from partying, see you tomorrow! - Steven couldn't stop thinking about how old his father had become as his father headed to his truck to sleep -I wish I could help dad, make him feel better by least one day-
When the party was over Steven and the gems headed home to sleep and while Steven lay quietly in his bed that last thought he had as his father walked away came back to him "I really wish I could do something…" That was it. last thing steven said before his eyes closed completely and he fell completely unconscious.
A lot of strange dreams came to Steven's head while he slept, he could see his father's tired and fat body slowly changing, his height, his wrinkles, his huge belly even his bald head everything was transferred to his body, in his dream he now had his father's body and in front of steven was an exact copy of his body.
Suddenly a metallic sound woke up Steven, the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the old and rusty roof of his father's truck, then he realized where he was in his father's truck Greg, everything felt so strange and there was a strong smell of sweat permeating the air, Steven looked down to see a huge hairy stomach, "Wasn't it a dream?" Steven said in his father's thicker, louder tone of voice.
Steven put his hands up and began to shake it like a water balloon -WOW THIS IS AMAZING! -Steven was enjoying this without thinking that his father had woken up in his body hours ago and had gone to enjoy himself with his new and young friends. The sound outside the truck caught Steven's attention it was a couple of guys playing with a beach ball and it had collided with the truck, the weather was hot and humid right now it should be 1 or 2 pm lazy body of his father had made him sleep for hours, but despite everything he could sleep 10 more minutes.
Hello! If you want to see how this story continues and see more of my stories you can visit my patreon page, I also do commissions like this, I hope you like it and take a look at my page, it would help me a lot.
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eclipsedpascal · 3 years
Lavender Bruises
Older!Duncan x Female reader
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A meeting with you and your father’s company’s buyers, leads to the shocking realisation that you had unknowingly slept with it’s new owner, Duncan Shepherd, just the night before. You needed to hide this sinful secret from your father, which left you stuck between wanting to make him proud and the unsatisfied craving you couldn’t ignore for Duncan to claim you as his personal toy. But you could manage both. Right?
Warnings: mentions of work (ew), alcohol, one night stands, large age gap, daddy kink, size kink, unprotected sex, public sex, fingering, oral (female receiving), intercourse, spit kink, slapping, spanking, hickeys, bruising, degrading/teasing, mouth fucking with fingers? is that a thing?, hair pulling and a ring kink ig:)
Notes: I've been writing this for fkn MONTHS now bcs I kept loosing inspiration, so this is actually the first thing I ever properly wrote! it's kinda complicated ig? idk like the parts in bold are a time skip to the night before and the fic goes in-between the meeting the reader is at and the previous night, meaning there’s two separate smut scenes so!!! but yeah i'm a whore lmao. Also ik hickeys don’t show up the same on certain skin tones and i’m sorry for that. i tried my best to be as inclusive as possible nd didn’t mention anything to do with the skin tone. Also!! if you're interested, I was listening to Cherry lips by garbage most the time I was writing this nd I feel like it fits it pretty well😌
Word count: 8.4k
Going over the logistics of a content deal with the conglomerate that had recently bought your fathers newspaper wasn't the most preferable way for you to spend your lunch, but unfortunately it was necessary.
You know how these “lunches” go; business meetings disguised as casual discussions. They’re exactly the same if taken place in a conference room. Disagreeing and having to come to compromises you’d rather not, with the only differences being there's more chatter and cluttered noise of dinnerware coming from the restaurant around you.
You much preferred being in the office for these kind of things, but it was at the request of the new owners that you meet here, meaning you didn’t really have choice.
As you arrived at the restaurant you saw your father inside, waiting for your arrival just past the main entrances oversized, glass doors. You were almost 10 minutes late now and you knew he would be pissed. Honestly, you couldn't blame him.
Having to rush through a traffic riddled DC to get home at 10 in the morning because you had spent the previous night in a strangers hotel bed wasn't your proudest moment. Was it worth it? Yes, but it didn’t exactly leave you with much time to prepare for the lunch only two hours later.
You payed the driver and stepped out of the cab onto the drowning, wet sidewalk, desperately trying to shield yourself from the relentless rain that had been pouring down on the city all morning.
Looking up at the grand building on front of you, you could tell the place was going to be expensive. The entrances steps were 12ft wide and made of a pearly white marble that was now soaked with cascading rain water, making them even harder for you to run up in your heels as you tried escape the cold.
“Y/N, where have you been? You're 10 minutes late and these people don't like to be kept waiting." The people your father was referring to? the owners of Gardner Analytics. they had bought what seemed like hundreds of press company's over the past few years, especially those in the DC area. Their most recent purchase being the Washington herald, of which your father was the Editor-in-chief. You had been working there for a few months as your fathers assistant and helping out at these meetings had become routine.
“I'm so so sorry, my alarm didn't wake me and I-“
"It's fine" He interrupted "It's fine, just please tell me you have the documents I asked you to bring?" You could tell he was stressed out from the way his voice was wavering and how often he was stumbling over his words, so instead of trying to explain yourself any further you stayed quiet and did your best to take in as much of the information he was relaying onto you as you possibly could.
As he led you through the dinning room he explained to you who else was there, telling you that the others from the herald who were attending the lunch had already began talks with Gardener Analytics at the table ten minutes prior.
The closer you got to the table the more your fathers voice faltered, trying to round off the conversation so he could properly introduce himself when the time came. "Now Bill Shepherd had to cancel last minute, said it was something to do with his health unfortunately. But not to worry! I've spoken with him over the phone and he's informed me his nephew is filling in for him, okay?”
Before you even had a chance to reply he turned from you, reaching over the table to shake hands with a man you recognised as Seth Grayson; their director of communications, and an older woman who you assumed was Annette Shepherd. She and her brother Bill were the owner's of Gardner Analytics and your father had said it was important he got on their good side.
As your father greeted the others, you began retrieving the documents out of your bag, knowing they would be needed by Seth right away.
"..So sorry for the delay Mr Shepherd, you know how DC traffic can be" Your father chuckled slightly as he shook the man’s hand, making some light small talk. Mr Shepherd? that must be bill’s nephew, you thought.
You felt even more unprepared now; you didn’t even know the man’s name.
"This is my daughter and assistant, Y/N" Upon hearing your father introduce you to the mystery Shepherd, you slotted the documents under one arm and reached out to shake his hand with your other.
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Shepherd" But as you shifted your gaze up to his own, you realised that there was no need for introductions.
He smiled gently, a kind of smug delight obvious in his eyes as he looked you up and down, taking you all in. "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Y/L/N"
He released your hand from his grasp, moving to clasp his own behind his back. “But please, call me Duncan.”
Duncan fucking Shepherd. how could you be so oblivious? The two of you had spent hours together last night. How hadn't you figured out who he was? As panic ripped through you like a wildfire, you wondered if Duncan was feeling the same way; but from the look on his face, he was enjoying this.
11:34pm previous night
It was getting pretty late now, and meeting someone who could fuck the stress out of you was becoming less and less likely by the minute. so deciding to finish your drink and leave, you took in the room one last time; making sure you hadn’t missed anyone interesting.
The fluorescent red and blue lighting of the expensive hotel bar was just bright enough for you to spot an older man you hadn’t noticed before. He must have been at least 40. He was sat in a booth with five or six others, all drinking, laughing and joking, yet he was staring at you.
Taking the seat next to you, he called out to the bartender. “Bourbon. Neat.”
You'd been waiting for him to come over ever since you saw him. It had been 20 minutes or so of quick glances and smiles to each other before the group of men he had been with dissipated. You had heard one of the men he was with refer to him as ‘Duncan’ when he had said his goodbyes, but other than that all you could assume about the man was that he was rich; judging by the all black LV suit he was wearing.
"Can I buy you a drink?” Turning to face at him when you heard him speak, you were practically stupefied by how attractive he was. His hair was full of shiny grey streaks that aged him. His stubble complimented his cheekbones perfectly and the speckles of grey throughout it helped bring out the brightness of his piercing blue eyes. His lips were full, and you couldn't help but notice how soft they looked.
“Vodka and coke” You smiled, trying your best to be confidant, but they way he was looking at you was giving you butterfly's you couldn’t swat away.
“I.D?” The bartender asked. You grabbed it out of your purse, proving your age to the bartender before watching him walk away to make your drink.
There was a brief silence before the man spoke again. “I hope my staring didn’t bother you, I just couldn’t take my eyes off you.” His flattery almost made you blush, but he wasn’t going to get you with a line that bad.
“Didn’t bother me at all, though i’m sure your friends there must have been envious” You chose to ignore his cheesy line, knowing that as much as you wanted him to take you there and then, you would much prefer making him work for it.
He chuckled slightly, knowing the game you had chosen to play. he looked away from you and down into his glass before taking a swig of the golden-brown liquor that occupied it. “Well I’m known to be quite a busy man, so I’m sure they understood.” He turned to face you slightly, waiting for some kind of reaction from you.
“Busy enough of a man to be drinking on a Tuesday night?” You questioned him teasingly, Ignoring that you yourself had the most important meeting of your young career in just over twelve hours.
“Is that really such a surprise? Most times being so busy is the main reason for drinking” He joked with you as he flirted, making it hard for you to keep eye contact without going red at the thought of such a beautiful man seeking your attention.
Duncan could see how nervous you were under the confident demeanour you had put on, I mean you were practically screaming it out to him at this point. The way you were fidgeting with the chain of your silver earring as you leaned against the bar and the fact you couldn’t even look at him for longer than 3 seconds without blushing was evidence enough for him.
“Well, that’s true.” You giggled a little as you spoke in your anxious state.
Taking a hold of your drink, you wrapped your lips around the paper straw and moved your gaze over to the bartender who was now serving someone a few seats down, attempting to distract and ground yourself from the situation at hand.
You were gripped back into reality quickly when you heard him speak again.
“There’s no need to be so nervous, I’m not going to eat you.” You found his use of the phrase quite ironic, being that’s exactly how it seemed. His eyes were piercing into you in an almost questioning manner, but when he gazed over your body, taking in your satin, black slip dress covered curves, the swipe of his tongue against his plump bottom lip gave you a very different impression; an impression he wanted to devour you. It was as if he thought you were that sweet snack he had been craving all week.
“No? That's a shame” You faked a frown, pouting as you moved to rest your chin on your hand.
“Well I think we should at least be aware of each others names before making such wild propositions, don’t you…?” His smirk never seemed to leave his face as he spoke.
He was good at this game, better than you at least. Of course It was obvious he was going to have had more experience with his age and all, but the way he was charming you so easily with just plain old conversation and confidence was getting harder and harder to match.
“Y/N, my name’s Y/N.” You batted your eyelashes at him a little, for some reason feeling smaller upon revealing your name to him. You felt as if you had lost the upper hand in the conversation suddenly.
“Hm, Y/N. That’s beautiful.” You rolled your eyes. Of course it is. Thats what they all say. You thought.
“Aren't you going to ask mine?” His ego now showing, you decided to make a bolder move.
“You rather fancy yourself, don’t you, Duncan?”
He finished his drink and moved closer to you. “Oh, so you already know my name?”
He was close enough to you now that you could make out the many beauty marks which decorated his cheekbones and hear the rasp of his voice even better than before. It was thick as honey and just as sweet too.
“I heard your friend call you it.” You quickly replied.
He scoffed a little, finding amusement in what he was about to say. He brought his face down closer to yours and began to run his fingers through your hair. “Hm, well he’s an old friend sweetheart. Most people would call me Mr Shepherd.”
You felt yourself grow hot, Duncans words casting a haze of complete lust over your mind.
You did your best to stay confidant, doing everything you could to ensure you didn't loose this game the two of you were playing. “Really? Is that what you like? Mr Shepherd.”
Your faces were so close to each others now that you could smell the bourbon on his breath when he let out a loud chuckle. His pearly whites showing as he did so. You even felt him graze his stubble against your cheek.
“Mhmm.” He ran his finger over your lips as he spoke slowly. "So tell me, what is it that does it for you Y/N? Hm? I mean a girl your age doesn’t decide to stare at a man like me all night just for the hell of it. So what is it? The power? The money? Or is it the age gap so big I could be your father?”
You squeeze your legs together as his sentence finishes, letting out a hushed whimper. Of course you were attracted to older men, that was obvious, but hearing him say it out loud in public whilst being so close to you turned you on even more than you thought previously possible.
He chuckled a little, “So it’s the age then, is it sweetheart? The idea of having a man more.. experienced pleasure you, instead of a man who would leave you to fend for yourself after finishing in less than five minutes. You want someone who can make you cum so hard you’d be begging him to make it stop, don’t you?” Every move Duncan made, every word he spoke was calculated, and it was all in pursuit of teasing you just because he knew he could.
You made a mental note of his nickname for you as you looked up at him. You felt his fingers run across your cheek and then push some stray hairs back behind your ear as you desperately tried to think of something smart to say, anything to say; but he had won. He knew what you wanted and he wanted it just as bad. You didn’t even care anymore. You were more than ready to give what little of a resolve you still had up to him.
He whispered to you as he moved his spare hand up the small of your back. “Now little one, I have the presidential suite of this hotel under my name tonight. So what do you say we go on up? Since now we're just so well aquatinted."
Having to take part in a meeting with your father and the man double your age that you had fucked for hours the night before was NOT what you had planned for today.
“Mr Shepherd, I apologise that I didn’t make it here on time. I had a pretty hectic morning.” You did your best to keep your chill in your now shocked state, but with everyone watching the two of you it wasn’t easy.
“No don’t worry, I know how DC traffic can be, especially in this weather. As long as you're here now.” A wide smile was planted on his face as he spoke. The same as last night. He never broke eye contact with you, and you found yourself wondering how he could do it so easily.
“Please, sit.” He gestured you over to take a seat as he pulled out the chair next to his own. You thanked him politely and sat down, your mind racing and spiralling out of control at the thought of your father discovering the sinful deeds you and his new boss had taken part in just hours prior.
You felt him tuck you into the table before sitting down next to you. You could hear the voices of the restaurant that surrounded you and the others at the table coming at you. Every noise was muffled, as if your head was suddenly underwater.
“Y/N?” You were quickly brought back to reality when you heard Seth question you.
“From my understating you have the merger documents in your belonging, yes?” He looked at your father for reassurance this was definitely case as he spoke. So with everyone at the table’s eyes on you, you slid the documents over to him.
“Yes! And uhm the specifications for the more politically based content changes are detailed on page 25. I was told that was of high interest today?” You got yourself back on track, trying to stay as professional as possible whilst ignoring Duncan and the predicament you had found yourself in.
“We were briefly discussing the more major changes before you arrived Mr Y/L/N, but I believe you’ve already been made aware of most them?” Duncan addressed your father, kicking the meeting off. But you couldn’t concentrate. You were listening to the conversation, you really were! It was just that you were so wrapped up in Duncan’s voice you couldn’t actually understand what the fuck they were all talking about.
Seeing him so invested in the crucial conversation he was having with your father and the many other associates at the table was just doing something to you.
Observing the way his hands were moving when he spoke, you noticed how he would often clasp them together when he was explaining things, and how he would tilt his head slightly as he listened. His bronzed curls were combed to perfection, resting delicately on the right side of his face and when he licked his bottom lip, it sent a shiver down through your spine all the way to your cunt. You were entirely captivated by him.
Hearing your Father ask for your opinion on the subject being discussed, you shook off the spell Duncan’s attractiveness had casted onto you and responded, giving your perspective on the subject.
Duncan relaxed into his seat a little more as he watched you talking. He knew you had been staring at him, but it was cute, he thought. Almost endearing seeing you get so flustered at just the sight of him. He had seen you squirming around in your seat whilst you watched him and decided the accidental teasing wasn’t enough; he wanted to toy with you more. As much as he possibly could.
“You know, if you’re trying hide what’s happened between us then you might consider making your staring a little less obvious, sweetheart.” He was speaking quietly enough for nobody else to hear and not looking in your direction, pretending to still partake in the tables back-and-forth. Still the fear of your father, who was sat just across the table, overhearing Duncans remarks was petrifying.
You knew you couldn’t let your craving for him and the confusion from not knowing who he was last night effect the meeting, but there he was with that nickname again, stirring your desire even further.
“How are you even here?” You let your frustrations out onto him as you talked back, his cocky attitude getting to you too easily with the stress you were under. “I’m trying so hard not to ruin today and this situation isn’t helping! They’ll fire me if I mess this up and I’ll be fucked! Which surprisingly, I’d prefer not to be!” Your whispering was pretty aggressive, but could you really blame yourself?! This kind of coincidence was rare, so you had every right to be mad at the universe for letting it occur on today of all days.
His ego not faltering for even a second, he chuckled. “Oh you don’t wanna get fucked? Funny, because I remember you saying the exact opposite last night.”
He grazed his hand across your inner thigh, massaging it gently before diving underneath the little black pencil skirt you were wearing to grip onto your flushed skin.
You scoffed at his words and looked up at him, shocked at how bold he was being and expecting some kind of response from him, but he didn’t even look your way. You assumed this was so no attention was brought to the two of you and so you followed his lead, turning away from him just as fast as you had looked.
With the heat of your cunt having grown far too intense to bear, any friction that wasn’t your own thighs pressing up against each other was to be welcomed. So you decided not to stop him. In fact you did the exact opposite, spreading your thighs wider for him, not having the self control or restraint to keep yourself from him any longer.
His hand moved closer to where you needed him most, diving under the crotch of your underwear to swipe his fingers over your slick folds and immediately begin rubbing circles onto your neglected clit.
You stifled a moan, leaning onto the table on front of you to keep yourself steady as he touched you. Finally, he moved his gaze to rest on you, watching you as you struggled to stay silent. He whispered once more, “Always so wet for me, aren't you princess?”
As soon as you entered the suite, Duncan gripped onto your waist, pushing you up against the door and cradling your cheek with his spare hand before smashing his lips into yours.
His tongue slipped past your lips, dancing with yours whilst he moved his hands all over your body, clutching onto your breasts and then moving them down to explore the rest of you.
He lifted your dress up just enough so he could grip your ass. Pulling you closer to him and making you feel his bulge against your hips, you were too short in comparison to him to feel him where you wanted to most.
He spoke to you in kisses, telling you of how ravenous he was for you and that he was going to savour every moment. He moved his lips down, trailing open mouthed kisses from your neck to your collarbones and to the top of your breasts.
“This fucking dress” He took ahold of the bottom of your dress, pulling it up above your head with urgency as you lifted your arms to better help him strip you. Throwing the dress down onto the floor and hearing it land somewhere behind him, he admired your body and it’s curves.
“The perfect wrapping for such an enticing present.” He finished his sentence. Immediately grabbing at your breasts, sucking and kissing them.
You couldn’t speak, too enthralled with the technique of his tongue swirling around your nipple to do anything but moan in response to him.
You threw your head back against the door, staring up that the beautifully patterned ceiling in pure ecstasy. You felt him drag a callused hand down to the waistband of your Lacy white panties, tickling the sensitive skin of your stomach as he traced his fingers over it. His finger tips running across the little white bow that centred the waistband.
He collapsed down to his knees, yanking the delicate lingerie as he fell, leaving it to puddle around your ankles.
He teased your heat, moving from kissing the skin of your thighs to your folds, but not yet reaching the lengths you wanted him to, only adding fuel to the fire in between your legs.
“Please Duncan-” you begged him, desperately needing some kind of release from the binds of lust he had managed to wrap you in over the past 45 minutes.
“Ah ah, don't you remember? You don’t get to call me that.” He spoke.
“I’m sorry, Mr Shepherd.” You corrected yourself, recalling the conversation you had with him prior to coming upstairs.
“Mhmm, now as magnificent as that name sounds coming from you, I know that there’s something else you’d rather call me.” He hummed in disapproval, calmly redirecting your choice of name for him and reassuringly pressing his lips onto your clit.
You let out a stuttered gasp, you did want to call him that, but now you felt nervous due to the build up he had created.
“Com’n, sweetheart. Do you think I don't know why you’re here in the first place? Why else would you be sat all alone in the bar of a hotel you weren’t even staying at? You’re just another slut with daddy issues, sneaking down to an expensive hotel to scavenge for any man good enough to fuck you into submission. Isn’t that right?”
Mildly insulted at his all too accurate observation of you, but enjoying the effect his degrading words have on you none the less, you gave him what he wanted. “Mm yes daddy!” You whimpered out, admitting your ploy to him.
A low rumble emitted from his chest, your words setting off some kind of animal inside him. He dove his face down into your pussy, starting by sucking on your clit gently, flicking his tongue over it and applying more and more pressure as you writhed above him.
His mouth was closed around you now, his grey, speckled stubble scratching your already inflamed skin. You were taken aback by his skills, intwining your fingers through the curls in his hair and tugging on them with every wave of pleasure that hit you.
He snaked his large hand around your thigh, lifting it up to rest on his shoulder while he ate you out. Enjoying the new angle he was utilising, he hummed, sending vibrations through your nerves up to the pit of your stomach, bringing you closer to your climax.
“Mmh.. fuck daddy, i’m gonna cum!” He didn’t let off, his tongue perhaps fucking into you even faster since you told him how close you were. You locked stares as your orgasm took over your body, your lips forming an o as you screwed your eyebrows together in rapture.
He came back up, letting you taste yourself and he placed his lips on yours again. You eased into the kiss, a relaxed haze having taken over your body in your post-orgasm state. Feeling a slight breeze flow up the side of your form, you realised that Duncan still had all his clothes on whilst you had none. Deciding you needed to change this as soon as possible, you began unbuttoning his suit’s matching black blazer and shirt, rushing to feel his skin on yours.
He helped you, shrugging the shirt off his shoulders as you began to unthread his leather belt from the loops of his trousers. “You’re so impatient, little one.” He spoke.
“I think I’ve waited long enough, daddy.” You smirked, dropping the belt at his feet.
As soon as his shirt hit the floor you reached up, gliding your hands across the expanse of his bear chest, taking notice of how small your hands appeared in comparison to him. He watched you, relishing in the glimmer of entrancement that shone through your eyes as you ingested him.
He lifted you, his strong arms carrying you bridal style towards the king sized bed and throwing you down onto its crisp, satin sheets. Grabbing your ankles, he dragged you down the bed towards him and finished taking his pants off. His cock sprung free from the confines of his boxers, smacking against his stomach.
He clambered onto the bed, resting on his knees as he jerked himself in his hand, reluctantly groaning out at the first contact his neglected cock had received all night. His pressing cock had made it unfathomably hard not to just fuck you up against the door when he saw that sweet little way in which your face scrunched up as you came.
You were practically drooling, watching him fuck himself into his fist as his eyes scanned across your naked body. Not being able to wait any longer and wanting to finally feel his cock on your skin, you sat up slightly and reached out to touch him. But before you got the chance, he shoved you back down. leaning over you, he held your wrists down against the pillows with one hand and wrapped his other around your delicate throat.
“So greedy, baby” he stoked his thumb over the skin of your neck as he made his observation, watching you struggle underneath him.
“I just know what I want.” You toyed, your voiced coming out slightly muffled with the pressure of his large hand covering your voice box.
“Such an attitude, too.” His cock brushes over your cunt as he sways his head from side to side in disappointment and disproval. “Now sweetheart, you’re gonna stay exactly where you are and daddy’s gonna fuck you just like this, okay? So he can see that pretty little face of yours.”
You gulp at his words, anticipating the feeling of having him inside you. “Please just fuck me. Please.” You knew you sounded absolutely pathetic, but you didn’t care. Just needing him plummeting in and out of you as soon as possible.
He chuckled at your neediness. Taking his hands back from your wrists and grasping his cock, lining it up with your entrance and slowly pushing in, he let you adjust to his size.
Moaning out, you dug your nails into the bed sheets, watching his head drop down to yours as he closed his eyes in pleasure.
“Fuck, you take me so well.”
He slipped his ringed finger into you, pushing against your spongy walls whilst you made a desperate attempt to suppress your moans. You bite down onto your nails, your elbow resting on the table as you put all your weight onto it for some kind of crutch.
He began with a slow pace, making sure you would feel every little movement he made. You heard him join into the conversation once again, mentioning something about an article he had seen from the Herald last month which had impressed him. You weren't even sure. You couldn't think for the pulsing beat of your own heart that filled your ears.
“You all right there, Y/N?” Your heavy breathing must have been a dead give away for something being up, being your father was now questioning you.
You felt Duncan stop his movements momentarily, joining the rest of the table in their standstill, staring at you as they awaited a reply, but his little act of sincerity didn't last too long.
“Yeah, uhm-“ you felt him slide a 2nd figure in, making you fake a cough as to stop the cry desperately trying to escape your throat from doing so.
“Yeah, I’m uh, just thirsty.” Hoping this would ward off the worried looks you were receiving, you were shocked when you heard Duncan chime in. “Oh don’t worry, we can get you something.”
He called the waiter over, asking him for a pitcher of lemonade and thanking him as he walked away, back towards the kitchen. You would have preferred some water, you thought, but you were far too focused on what was going on underneath the table to say anything.
“Now, where were we?” Seth began talking once more, bringing the attention back to where it should be. But Duncan? No. His attention stayed on you. Even more focused on fucking his fingers into than before, he sped up and began going even deeper now, curling them upwards until you were twitching.
You looked up at him pleadingly. You were getting too close to cumming for your own liking, so you grabbed onto his thigh and dug your nails into his expensive black dress pants, warning him. He shot you a devious grin, scissoring his fingers inside you and pressing his thumb down to rub sweet circles on your hooded clit, letting you know he didn’t intend on stopping.
He looked behind you suddenly. Following his gaze, you snapped your head to the side, trying to get a good look at what had grabbed his attention so abruptly.
It was the waiter. He had arrived with the pitcher of lemonade in hand and yet Duncan was still plummeting his hand into your pussy with such a speed you began to wonder if someone had actually noticed what was truly going on. I mean the waiter must know.
At this point you had let far too many questionable gasps leave your mouth, your breathing had become even more erratic as you grew closer to your orgasm. He knew you were about to break before he swiftly pulled his fingers out of you, wiping the juices that coated them back and front onto your skirt so he could pick up the glass on front of you, leaving you unsatisfied.
You scrambled to collect your thoughts and breath as he picked up the pitcher, pouring the ice cooled lemonade into your glass.
“Here.” He spoke. You lifted a shaky hand up to take the glass from him when the grasp he had on it ‘slipped’, spilling the contents of it the onto your lap.
“Oh!’ You jumped up, making the sweet, sticky liquid run off your skirt to your thighs, dripping down your legs and eventually onto the floor. The now empty glass falling with it.
“I am so sorry, Miss Y/L/N.” He picked up the glass, sitting it on the table before joining you in standing. Now he was stood, you could clearly see the dark tint of his cock straining against the constrictive fabric that was his dress pants. It sent a pulse of lust through your cunt.
“Duncan!” Hearing Annette voice her annoyance at her son for being so clumsy almost made you laugh. It was quite amusing seeing his mother reprimand him, being he was a grown man in his 40s.
“It’s okay, don’t worry. I-I’ll just go clean myself up in the bathroom. I don’t want to distract the meeting anymore than I already have.” You made eye contact with your father as he rubbed his temples.
He was annoyed at the scene you and Duncan had caused. You gave him an apologetic look, feeling bad for stressing him out even more than you already had with being late, but knowing it was technically Duncan’s fault and not yours.
“Please, let me help you clean up.” Duncan pushed his chair in, quickly grabbing some napkins off the table and resting his hand on your back to guide you towards the nearest bathroom, walking as fast as your weak legs would let him.
His hand stayed delicately placed on the small of your back, until you were out of the tables sight, at which point he took hold of your arm, clutching it like a vice as he dragged you through the bathroom door.
He locked the door behind him in preparation for what was to come. He needed to make sure nobody would be walking in on what he was about to do to you.
Looking back towards you, satisfied as ever now he had you alone, he waltzed on over, pinning you up against the counter with force. You could smell him on you again, same cologne from the night before. Dior, you guessed.
“You’re not very good at staying quiet, are you, Sweetheart?” He mused, hoisting you up onto the counter and forcefully cradling your face with both hands as he moved to kiss you deeply. His tongue ravenously re-familiarising itself with your mouth.
“You almost got us caught back there.” He spoke in between kisses. “Your poor, naive father, watching you. He was probably wondering why you kept squirming.” He voiced a dark giggle, moving down to suckle on your neck and push your skirt up your thighs.
“I almost got us caught? No. Y-you almost got us caught when you decided putting a second f-FUCK, finger into me whilst I was talking to him was a good idea!” You choked out, doing your best to fight through the pleasure of his lips finally grazing your skin as you watched him pull your panties down and slot them into his pants pocket.
“Awh poor baby. Did you not want your daddy knowing that you’re a greedy little slut for his new boss? Hm?” He admired the blossoming lavender and cherry bruises now forming on your neck as he teased, marvelling at the idea they could be noticed by your father once you finished.
He quickly opened his fly, pulling his dress pants and boxers down just enough that he could pump his cock in his hand. Gripping onto your hips for purchase, his fingers dug into you so viciously you could feel the marks he had left the night before. You knew after this, there would surely be more.
He thrust himself into you, earning a loud wail to fall from your lips. You arched your spine at the feeling of him pounding into you, making your head fall back against the mirror behind you. His hand shot up to the it as he gathered more speed, his pace growing far faster than you had anticipated.
“Was it too much for you? Taking my fingers in your cunt whilst you were trying oh so hard to concentrate? I almost made you cum on front of everyone.” You moaned out at his grotesque words, pulling your head up to rest your forehead on his shoulder.
“Answer me.” He pulled your chin up back to look at him, still pounding into you. The sound of your skin slapping against one another’s felt even louder in the small, tiled bathroom.
“Yes daddy! It was too much for me - AHH!!” You let yourself go limp against the mirror, giving yourself up to him entirely and wanting nothing more than for him to use you like his personal rag doll.
Your throat was growing hoarser with every squeal you made. Duncan had been fucking you ruthlessly for what felt like hours now, constantly changing his pace from calm to aggressive and back again. His lips were mouthing over your peaked nipples, tongue slathering trails of saliva across your skin and teeth scrapping over dozens of tiny goosebumps.
“Such a filthy, fucking whore for me.” Squeezing down on your neck with one hand he uses his other to slap you. His ringed hand coming down across your fleshy cheek with a loud crack.
You gasped out, shocked at this move and feeling reinvigorated by the suddenness of it. His abuse only made you more attracted to him, causing your cunt to puddle its juices around his cock.
Slowing his thrusts down to an almost complete halt, he grabbed your jaw, yanking your mouth open just enough that when he dripped his spit down you could catch it. You moaned at the filth of his actions, tasting the bourbon he had drank earlier at the bar.
Following the thick thread of salvia that connected the two of you to each other, he brought his face back down to yours, bringing your sloppy lips together. Never giving you the chance to close your mouth before he slid his tongue into it.
Your lips part, foreheads leaning on each other with eyes locked as you scream and moan at his brutal fucking. “Such a good girl.” He praised you.
“Thank you daddy!!” You cry out, feeling tears brimming in your eyes at the deepness of his cock. You knew he was going to be good when he first pushed you up again that door, but this was insane. You had never felt his turned on before. Loving being completely at his mercy, but receiving none.
He pulled out suddenly, wrapping his hands around your stomach and flipping you over to your front. You got the just of what he wanted and clambered onto your hands and knees for him. He pushed his cock back into your folds, hips ricocheting off your ass immediately.
He pulled at your hair, lifting you up to his chest as he gruffed and groaned. He was much larger than you, making it easy for him to pull your head back enough that he could see the expression on your lust enthralled face.
“Tell me what you want, baby.” He demands, spanking your ass cheek and twisting your hair around in his hand. His other hand moved to your gaping mouth, pushing two fingers inside so you taste the metallic bite of his silver band.
You gag as he fucks your mouth, mumbling around his fingers in a desperate attempt at begging him to allow you to cum. You were getting so close now. You guys had been going for so long and your impending release wasn’t going to wait much longer.
“Fuckk, don’t worry sweetheart. Daddy’s close too.” He took his fingers out of your mouth, bringing them down to your clit and swiping at it furiously. You could feel your own spit on his fingers as the coil in your stomach tightened.
“Ohh Daddy’s gonna come so deep inside you, little one.. would you like that?” His breathes were uneven. Thrusts uncontrolled and sloppy.
“Yes!! Fuck, fuck, FUCK Daddy I’m cumming!!” Your cunt pulsated around his shaft, squeezing his own orgasm out of him even sooner than he expected as you screamed. You could taste the saltiness of your own tears, them having run down your cheekbones and into your agape mouth.
His cum flooded your walls, filling you up with his hips pressed against yours as he enveloped you in an embrace from behind. He uttered out a shudder against your temple, his breathe feeling hot and damp on your skin.
He set you back down on the bed and pulled his softening shaft out of you, moving his large hands back to your hips as your own gave out and fell underneath you, pressing your face into the sheets. You eventually rolled over to lay on your back, wanting to let your aftershocks roll through your quivering limbs more comfortably.
He fell down onto the duvet next to you, propping himself up on his side slightly and pulling you closer to him so he could plant a kiss on your swollen lips. “You alright? I didn't hurt too bad now, did I?” He stroked your face, words alluring as ever now your resting bare bodies were tangled up together in a complete stand still.
“Nothing that I didn't enjoy, no.” You joked, lightly drawing intricate shapes on his arm with your fingertips, still harnessing the blemishing sting his ring had left under your cheekbone. “I’d say we're pretty well aquatinted now; wouldn’t you, Daddy?”
You could feel cool drips of perspiration slipping down your heated skin from your forehead to your collar bones and all you could do was hope they hadn't taken any of the concealer you had applied earlier this morning with them. You had needed to cover the bruise Duncan’s ring had so easily left on your cheek the night before, since you really didn't want your father or anyone else from work seeing it.
Duncan’s cock was curving in all the right places as he hammered into you. His pace and brutality showing you stars. He seemed even more confident than he did yesterday. Having had experience with you, he knew that you could take his most heinous savagery with delight and didn’t hold off one bit.
His huffs and groans were tantalising, growing louder and more uncontrolled as he fucked you into oblivion. His hand squeaked as it fell down the steamed mirror he leant on, leaving the glass behind you and finding its way to your jaw. He brought your face to his own and kissed you, loudly moaning into your open mouth.
You giggled through your mewls. “Mmm.. I thought I was the loud one, daddy.” You were amused that he had been teasing you so adamantly about the volume of your pleasure, when he was now the one making all the noise.
He paused, quirking an eyebrow at you before slamming his hips into you with a thrust so strong it made you practically scream out. “Oh, my apologises, sweetheart.” He smirked as he picked up his pace once more.
You wrapped your hands in his perfectly styled hair. You no longer cared who knew what was really happening in here, the thought didn’t even cross your mind. All you cared for was chasing your high. You rutted your hips on his and took his length entirely, feeling dangerously close to cumming.
“Fuckkk baby, daddy’s gonna cum okay?. Cum with me princess. Fall apart on my cock.” His unfocused thrusts had you coming undone in seconds. You held onto him tight, digging your nails into his shoulders and pulling at his curls as you cried out in ecstasy.
He shot his seed into you, feeling all his pent up frustrations from earlier at the table leave him as he pushed himself deep into your abused cunt. He didn’t even attempt to stifle his moans, too invested in finally receiving his release to realise just how loud he was being.
He rested his forehead on yours, your sweaty skin pressed against each other as you both attempted to catch your breathes after such a quick, ruthless fuck. You started laughing, finding it utterly ridiculous that you had spent the majority of a meeting you had been terrified for, getting fucked by your new boss (and the man you had fucked the night before) in a restaurant bathroom.
He joined in laughing, clearly finding humour within this strange situation too. Interrupting your laugh, he pushed his lips into yours, kissing you as if your lips were some kind of prize. You felt his cock slip from your cunt, his seed immediately spilling from it as you were left with a sudden, empty sensation.
He made quick work of zipping his pants back up and fastening his belt. You tugged your skirt back down to your thighs, being reminded of how Duncan had snatched your panties and stashed them in his pants pocket. You guessed you wouldn’t be getting them back anytime soon, which you were okay with, you just hoped nobody saw his remnants leaving you left the bathroom.
You flattened out your skirt and felt the wet sticky lemonade that still coated it. You had completely forgotten to clean it. “Fuck, my skirt's still sticky! Why would you order lemonade?” You whined; still mad he hadn’t just ordered some water.
Awaiting a reply, you turned to check your make up in the mirror. Luckily it was pretty light today, so it still looked good other than the bruise on your cheek now being slightly more obvious than before. What really concerned you was your neck. It was covered in every shade of purple and red you were aware existed. If your father and coworkers didn’t know what was going on from how weird you were being at the table before, or how long it had taken the two of you to finish in the bathroom, or the noises that were emitting from it, they would definitely know after seeing all the claims he had left on your skin.
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t think that spilt water would have been a good enough excuse to get you all alone in here.” He chuckled to himself, leaning over to rest his chin on your head and wrapping his arms around your waist as he joked over his mischievousness.
“But we should probably head back out there. I’m sure your father’s going to apprentice the beautiful mosaic I’ve painted across your neck” he kissed the bruises he spoke of as he watched you through the mirror.
You scoffed at him, gifting yourself one last look before completely giving up on finding a way you could make your face and neck appear more presentable for heading back to the table.
Duncan opened the bathroom door, nodding his head towards the hallway and waiting for you to hurry up and join him.
The two of you started walking back, your legs struggling to take your weight with how weak they had become. Your heels clicked along the floor, making you far more aware of how soon you would be sitting back down with everyone from work. Like a clock counting down to all the judgmental stares you would surly be receiving.
You kept your eyes trained on the floor as you took your seat at the table. Seths voice trailed off upon seeing the two of you sit down, leaving you both in the middle of an uncomfortable silence that felt near suffocating.
“What took so long!” You could hear the anger and perhaps embarrassment in Annettes voice as she whispered to Duncan. She looked towards you, glaring and scowling before retiring her vision back to him. She was probably hoping that what she assumed to have occurred hadn’t, but from the marks clearly decorating your neck, she would have known it to be true.
“Oh, we just couldn’t get the lemonade out of her skirt.” He tut as he spoke to his mother, smiling and playing off any obvious suspicions. “I’m sorry, really.” He placed a hand on her shoulder, dripping with a sincerity you knew to be false.
“So what was it we were discussing?” he speaks louder now, addressing the rest of the table.
“Uhh actually, I think we have a deal.” Seth replied, looking over at him and then the rest of the table. You heard your father mutter something in agreement, but it was meek. Quiet. He must have felt the awkward tension too. It was ripe in the air, like a shiver you couldn’t shake off. You didn't even want to look at him, knowing If anyone there felt most uncomfortable, it was him.
Saying their goodbyes and finishing up with any last details, everyone stood to shake hands and bid their farewells. You felt your fathers scowl as he came and stood beside you, but you didn't dare look at him. You were too ashamed to face him whilst still with your coworkers.
Duncan walked over to your father, looking more satisfied than ever with his eyes still focused on you as he thanked him for meeting and shook his hand firmly.
“It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Mr Y/L/N.” He let go of your fathers hand only to take a hold of yours. He grasped it delicately, a touch more gentle than he had ever shown you previously. Assuming he was trying you shake it, you were more than surprised when he raised it to his lips, kissing your rosey knuckles; still red from the tight grip you had, had on his hair earlier.
“I look forward to working with you in the future, Y/N.” He graced you with once last signature smirk as he walked away, leaving you with your father who was waiting for an explanation and apology for your disgusting and foolish behaviour.
Maybe it hadn’t been the worst way to spend lunch.
Tags: @sojournmichael @dark-mei-rose @ntxoza @angelicmichael @jimmason @michaellangdonstanaccount @blakescoven @7-wonders @ghostangels @fernfiction @brattylovee @melodylangdon @brooklinn13 @instincts-baby
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