#I pissed myself then as well ahaha.
The universe works in such funny ways aaaaaaaahhhhehwhwiaus I keep being stupid on this app but man I must share
Sooo like I keep saying I'm not spiritual and stuff, and that's still true
but man these weird coincidences do be happening to me a lot. And alwayys at the right times.
Today I was coming home. There was no reason for me to be melancholic, but the feels just hit me a bit lol.
Then, moonlight escape came on shuffle. Since I've been listening to it a lot these past few days, it already felt greatly timed, as if it "showed up" to comfort me ahaha
So I said in my head "It’s weird how I can sense you being around so often, yet I can't see you"
And guess what people
I was looking out the window, but for no reason?? I decided to look behind myself after I said this??? And look!!!!! What I saw!!! I thought I was gonna have a heartattack lol.
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I haven't seen the moon in soo long since the city is polluted as hell here. But it was so big and visible tonight ahahh!!!
I guess you are here after all ajau8ahaiauahia
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reixtsu · 1 year
ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕦𝕖 - ✾ Shared Interests ✾ - Soukoku x Female Reader
So I decided to post this on Tumblr too!
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Third Person POV
"Shinju wa hitori dewa deki nai~" a man hummed happily underneath the sunset of Yokohama. It was quiet where he was. No cars, no people, just him on a pier over the water.
The pier was high above the water. The salty breeze tickled his nose and dances around his coat. The waves cascaded on the waves repeatedly, creating a soothing ambiance as the man stared into its watery depths. The water constantly moving, never still...what if he went in?
"Oi, Dazai. What are you doing here? Trying to do another attempt?" Another voice remarked.
The said man, Osamu Dazai turned around to look at the shorter male. His face was enigmatic, as if contemplating his decisions in life. "What do you want, Chuuya?"
"I was gonna clear my mind but then you're here," Chuuya growled, placing a hand on his hip as he stood besides the brown haired man. He kept one hand on top of his hat, making sure it doesn't fly away from the violent wind.
"Ew. A slug is next to me," Dazai dramatically gagged, acting  as if he was going to barf.
Chuuya side eyed him, too tired to deal with  dramatic suicidal maniac.
"Oi, bastard."
"What do you want, hat rack?"
"Tch," Chuuya refrained himself from lashing back, despite his muscles really wanting to punch the other man in the face. Dazai just smirked at him. "That new girl in your agency...what's her name?"
Oh? That was something Dazai did not expect Chuuya to ask this soon. Dazai smirked, placing his elbows on the rail as he gazed at the painting of warm colors in the sky.
"Didn't think you had nice taste in women, Chuuya." Dazai said humorously. "Well, her name is Y/n L/n. Quite the beaut, I'd say so myself. She's the new therapist assigned to work for our clients in the detective agency."
Chuuya hummed, his deep voice catching onto his throat slightly as his blue orbs stared at the water. The sunset seemed to melt into the ocean, adding a tint of orange upon the water's surface.
"That so? Good to know," Chuuya muttered pensively.
Dazai side glanced Chuuya, quietly observing his features as he figured out the meaning behind them. "Ah. Shortie has a crush now? Oh wow, and here I thought you were married to wine!" He said in a silvery tone.
"Says the suicidal mackerel," Chuuya retorted, feeling his patience slowly dissipating. "So what if I find someone attractive!"
"So you do admit~" Dazai let out a light hearted chuckling, making Chuuya jump away in disgust.
"How about we make a bet, hm?" 
"Bets with you would be the death of me," Chuuya muttered, glaring daggers at Dazai. To the taller man, Chuuya looked like an angry Chihuahua.
"A challenge then. Wine will be the prize~"
"...What is it?" The ginger grumbled, taking off his hat to place it over his chest as he turned to look at Dazai's profile.
Dazai looked back at Chuuya with a shit-eating grin that made Chuuya want to kick him into the water. The wind made both of the men's hair flutter gently at the rhythm of the breeze.
"I'll make her fall in love with me in 15 days or less!" Dazai smirked confidently.
"Oh yeah? As if I'd let you!" Chuuya stomped his feet like a child, looking pissed at Dazai's challenge. 
Chuuya's response only make Dazai' grin bigger and much more irritating.
"The timer starts tomorrow at eight in the morning. Good luck! You need it since you don't have her contacts~~~ Ack- Chuuya you're chocking me!"
"Kinky bastard, give me her number," Chuuya growled. He kept his gloved hand grasped tightly around Dazai's collar as he stared into Dazai's dead eyes.
"Ahaha. Left my cell phone in my house, aka trash can~!"
And overwhelming about of disgust crashed onto Chuuya, causing him to let go of Dazai.
"You dirty bastard! Nasty! No wonder you get rejected so often."
Dazai had never gasped so dramatically until that moment. He jumped back multiple times as if he had been struck. Slumping back, he laid his hand over his head, emotionally offended.
"Don't involve the waifus into this."
"Ha! Waifu?! You got no bitches!"
"Gasp! Neither do you."
"I have my wine! Besides, I'm 'bout to steal this Y/n L/n before your filthy hands touch her!"
"I've shaken hands with her."
"You will NOT make me jealous now!"
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Next: *none yet*
I might add a tag list. If you wanna get tagged, let me know in the comments or just dm me!
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call-sign-jinx · 1 year
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw - Her
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Summary - you’re Bradley’s best friend and he tells you who he loves which breaks your heart
Warnings - fluff, swearing, drinking
A/N - hiya me luvlys! how r u luvly people doing today? also, for whatever isn't requested specifically, the reader will always have a northern british accent, like a manchester accent. just a preference sorry ahaha xx
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x fem!reader
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Bradley has been my best mate since I moved to America. I moved in right next door to him with my mum and dad and little sister Alya. We moved to America because my dad got a new job and thought it was best for all of us.
Bradley then became my best friend very quickly. The first day we met to be more precise. He stuck up for me when I were getting bullied during my first week of my new school. Some bitch decided to take the piss out of me and Alya cause we’re fucking Polish? Okay mate. Anyway, I’m getting side tracked here.
Bradley stuck up for me and Alya right off the bat. He was so sweet and he gave Alya his lunch cause them kids decided to fucking take her lunch which is just classic stupid ass bully shit from films.
Now god knows how many years later, we’re in the Navy, as Naval Aviators, went to different academies, and we’ve both been called to Top Gun. He was the first person I called to tell him. And I was the first person he called. We immediately went down to our favourite bar to celebrate, Alya coming as well cause she’s part of our group. But in all honesty, me and Bradley are closer.
Currently, me and Bradley are sat in his Bronco on our way to the Hard Deck to meet some of the other aviators. Hopefully there’s another woman there, if there isn’t I’m gonna be too overwhelmed with testosterone. I already get enough from Rooster over here.
Anyways, as soon as I got into the Navy, people gave me the callsign Fox (you can change the callsign and why you got it but I’m going to use this 😊) because “I’m a fox”, meaning I’m sexy, according to everyone at my academy. Which consisted of all men and one woman who was a WSO who soon retired to be with her family after a training scare. God I miss her, her callsign was Nyx. She was amazing. Bradley said I got my callsign because “I look cute but I’m a silent killer”. I like that reason better.
Back to the Hard Deck. Me and Bradley walked in talking about some shit we did back in high school. Which I am not proud of because it mostly consisted of making out with lads and getting stupidly drunk at parties which led to Bradley taking me home while I sang California Love.
As I looked around my eyes instantly landed on a woman with military uniform on and my eyes lit up. I quickly made my way toward her, accidentally leaving Bradley, and introduced myself.
“Hi, oh my God, you don’t know how happy I am to see another female aviator here…” I looked to her name tag and saw her callsign, Phoenix. “Phoenix! I’m Y/N. But my callsign’s Fox. It’s really nice to know I won’t suffer with too much testosterone alone.” I was rambling at this point, but she didn’t seem to mind. She smiled and nodded at everything I said.
“It really is a relief, before you came over here I thought I would be alone with all these guys. And I love your callsign. How’d you get it?” Phoenix gave me a inquisitive look and I smiled remembering the day some jackass gave it to me.
“Because I’m ‘foxy’ then everyone started calling me it and it just stuck. Because of some fucking wankstain that gave it to me.” Phoenix then burst into laughter as I said “wankstain”.
“Guys are like that all the time, especially Hangman over there.” She points to a guy and he looks like a real life Ken doll.
“Just this moment I thought he was a 6’2 Ken doll. He looks fucking plastic. Wondered why the Hard Deck would put a Ken Doll display up in here.” Phoenix then began laughing to the point she had to hold her stomach.
As Phoenix gained composure, I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I turned to look around and saw Bradley. I smiled up at him and rested my head on his hand.
“I see you’ve already met Phoenix.” Bradley stretched his arm across my shoulder and smirked at Phoenix. Does he like her? Why would I care anyway? Do I care? Does he like her though?
“Yep, and I like her more than you already.” I turned my body to face Bradley and he placed his hand on his heart in mock hurt.
“That hurts my feelings sweetheart, how dare you.” The new nickname brought heat to my cheeks. I looked down to my feet quickly then looked back up to him and put a smirk on my face.
“Aww poor Bradley, come on Phoenix we need to give him a hug. He’s having a bad day today.” I made a pouty face and Bradley just stood there with a pissed off smile.
“Shut up Y/N. You know you love me.” I rolled my eyes as Bradley came up and and hugged me by my side.
“Bro, I can’t be arsed with getting up so early just to meet who we’re gonna be trained by.” I said to Rooster as he took a swig of the shared bottle of Apple Sourz that I got an hour before meeting up with him in his Bronco.
“Best not be some prick who’s full of himself. I swear if he is and he tries anything wiv me, you, Bob or Phoenix am gonna spark him out.” Bradley lets out a hearty laugh and pats my shoulder.
“You British people sure do have a way with words sweetheart.” There it is again. The nickname. It brings heat up to my cheeks yet again and it’s not dark enough to hide so Bradley can see it.
“Are you blushing Y/N?” I immediately look away as my worries were confirmed. Bradley saw me fucking blush. Great.
“No why?” I pretended to be oblivious to the raging red covering my face. It got even darker as Bradley squinted his eyes at me, getting a better look at the rouge covering my whole face most likely.
"You're as red as a tomato Y/N. Is something wrong then? If you're not blushing then why is your face red?" I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me, I may be called Fox but I don't think I can get myself out of this one.
"It's getting a bit hot? That's why. It's getting hot." Bradley rolled his eyes at my answer. But he didn't press on it any more. We sat in silence for what felt like forever. Until I broke the silence.
"Bradley?" Bradley sat up and turned to look at me before nodding his head for me to continue.
"How come you've never had a long term girlfriend? I'm sorry for asking but I've always wanted to know because, not gonna lie you are quite easy on the eyes so I just don't understand it." Bradley's eyes widened in shock. I was lying when I said he was "quite easy on the eyes" he's fucking gorgeous! He's fucking perfect for God's sake!
I immediately regretted what I said and before he could even open his mouth I blurted out, "Shit! Sorry! I don't know why I even said that. Just ignore it, you don't have to-" Bradley cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth.
"It's okay Y/N/N, I'm fine with answering any questions you have for me. We're best friends after all, aren't we?" I nodded in response.
"It's because I never truly or fully like or love them. There's something stopping me from doing that. Because I like that thing so much better and all I do is compare them to her." My eyes widened and heart broke, he was in love with someone? That's why he's never had a long term girlfriend? Because he's in love with another woman?
"Her?" Is all I could say. Tears threatened to come out of my eyes, I couldn't cry in front of him after he said that. It'd make it obvious that I was in love with him.
"Yeah, and she's amazing, I think I love her in all honesty. She's smart, she's funny, she's beautiful and she's brave..." I had to look away so Bradley didn't see me cry. She already sounds so much better than I could ever be and he only named 4 things about her.
"And she's got a Callsign that she hates but I absolutely love..." He grabbed my chin with his index finger and thumb and made me look at him.
"And do you wanna know what her Callsign is?" I nodded my head, wanting to know this amazing woman who made Bradley swoon for her.
"Fox." My heart literally stopped. I couldn't breath. The tears completely stopped and I couldn't help the massive smile that was painted across my face.
"Me?" I just wanted to confirm it. Confirm I wasn't imagining that he said my Callsign.
"Yes you. You're the reason I've never had a girlfriend for longer than a month. Because to me, you're so much better than all of them combined. And before you ask, the reason I didn't tell you is because I thought that if I had told you, you wouldn't feel the same and it would ruin our friendship. And yes I know that that's what every guy says to his girl best friend in most of the movies we've watched. So don't even comment on that." In response to his confession, I threw myself on him in a big hug that knocked him onto his back on the bonnet of his Bronco.
After I pulled away from the hug, I looked into Bradley's eyes and smiled. He loved me. Bradley fucking Bradshaw loves me!
"I love you too Bradley. I always have and I always will." Before he could reply, I connected our lips as I ran my hand threw his hair. His mustache tickled my top lip and it made me giggle slightly. Bradley almost immediately kissed back as his hands trailed down my torso to my waist and pulled my closer. I swiped my tongue across his bottom lip asking for permission and he quickly allowed it. Bradley then squeezed my waist which elicited a slight moan from my mouth.
When we both finally pulled away, Bradley had a look in his eyes that I've never seen before. I furrowed my brows, confused at his expression. "What?" I questioned him and all he did was smile more than he already was.
"I've just realised that my life is perfect now that I have you. And no one else can have you." I rolled my eyes with a playful smile on my face.
"You have to pop the question before you can say that, Rooster." We both now had the same smirk on our faces.
"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He had a charming mixed with excited smile on his face. One I couldn't say no to of course.
"I would love to be." With that, he pulled my into another kiss.
I finally felt at ease with him. He is basically my emotional support animal but a human. He's always been there for me and now he's my boyfriend. I couldn't be any happier than this right now. Nothing can beat what I'm feeling right now.
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brownchav · 5 hours
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POV Me and my paki mum get blocked by these men:
4th lad: Oi lads check this out a bunch of brownies heading our way let me do all the talking.
Oi what u looking at then?
Me: nothing I swear I’m not looking for any trouble.
4th lad: Yeah well guess what I’m trouble and I’m looking at you.
Please I’m begging you let us through.
4th lad :Nah I don’t fink so not until your marge sucks my balls ahaha.
All lads: laughing
Me: okay I’ll ask her then will you let us go?
4th lad: 😂😂😂😂 oi lads you hear that he’s gonna ask mummy if she can suck my balls listen u little shit I wasn’t born yesterday this ain’t a game you don’t belong here.
Me : I’m sorry I thought that’s what you wanted? I was being serious also she doesn’t speak much English I could trick her into doing whatever you want and you can also do whatever you want to me but just please let us go at the end.
5th lad : bruv if he’s serious let be shag her round the back alley shed as if she knows what a shag is you know I ain’t had one in while I don’t even need a condom I ain’t gentle eiver mush let me have at it c’mon.
4th lad: calm your tits tiger if this is gonna go down you lot need to grab her get her on her knees I will whip my cock out she can suck it I might force it in anyways and you boy will watch me mess your mummy up don’t cry little boy you asked for it we don’t play games.
3rd lad: I really need a piss now I didn’t go we was gonna shag people.
Me: you can piss in my mouth if you want?
3rd & 5th lad : get in
They all grab my 🧕 mum push her to her knees 4th lad gets his hairy uncut cock out whacks it on my mums face, at first she’s so confused she looks at me I watch as she gets forced to suck it. The others pissed down my throat then they pushed me over and went back to mum starting ripping her clothes off touching her up one by one they all put their cocks deep inside her body while I watched on. Kept asking myself if I’m a bad son but I got so hard I was enjoying myself it was free entertainment it was at the cost of my mum but she eventually looked like she was enjoying it too.
At the end they all took another piss all over my mum and me they took lots of pics of us. They said you can go now but if we see you here again it’s round 2 time boy and you ain’t going nowhere. That’s the moment I knew these chav lads owned me and my mum.
Ps don’t get offended it’s just my dirty fantasy.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Shin Dark [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts in Kino’s manor
Kino: So Shin demanded a meeting with me, huh...? Founders sure think they’re the shit.
Yuuri: ...Will you go? 
Kino: Of course I will. Still...I wonder what he wants to talk about...?
Fufu...Just thinking about it gets me excited...
Yuuri: ーー The location is Kaminashi Tower. He wants you to be there by 11 PM.
Kino: I see...I’ll go by myself then. 
Yuuri: ...! No, I shall come with you.
Kino: No need to worry. 
Carla might be a different story but...You really think I’d lose against someone of his caliber? 
Yuuri: ...I understand.
ー The scene shifts to the emergency stairs of Kaminashi Tower
Shin: ...
ー Kino walks up to him
Kino: Hey, you’re here early. Dying to see me, I guess?
Shin: ...Could you shut that damn mouth of yours?
Kino: Uwah, scary...
Kino: Hey hey, are you here order me to stop hunting down Demons as a Founder?
Shin: I’m not. It’s just...I want to know why you’re killing them. 
Kino: Eeh? And why do I need to answer that question?
Shin: You must have some kind of reason to take out the Demons in the human world, rather than just focusing solely on the Demon World, no?
Kino: Heeh...I thought you were just a brainless fool, but you’re surprisingly cunning.
Shin: Che...!
( This guy really knows how to piss me off... )
( But If I lose my temper now, I won’t be able to get any information out of him. That’d be badーー )
Shin: ...So? Tell me your reasoning.
Kino: Let me thinkー ... I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough, so might as well spill the beans now.
The hunting down of Demons in the human world...Was an order from the Church.
Shin: ...!
Kino: They aren’t too happy with the fact that many Demons are living here.
Shin: Haha, I see...?
So that’s how you’ve been murdering Demons here in the human world...Until you’ll be the only one left.
Kino: Ahaha...Exactly.
The Ghouls who work for me are being forced to live under many restrictions at Rotigenberg. 
For them to be freed from all those prejudices...The human world is utmost ideal.
Wouldn’t you agree with me?
Shin: ...
...But you never mentioned anything about that when you showed yourself before us, did you?
Kino: Back then, I still believed that we’d just have to make it work in the Demon World. 
I talked to the Church afterwards...and that’s how we got here. 
Shin: ...Smells fishy.
Kino: How rude...I’m just genuinely trying my hardest for them...
Shin: ーー Oh well, whatever. I got the answer I was looking for. See you.
ー Shin walks away
Kino: ...That’s all you want?
Shin: What?
Kino: You’re only going to do what your dear brother asked of you?
Shouldn’t you...try to use your own brains to try and come up with the optimal strategy? 
Shin: ...Do you want to make me mad? 
Kino: Oh come on, don’t get your panties in a knot. I’m obviously just joking. 
I do have an offer for you though. ーー Won’t don’t we work together?
Shin: Haah...?
Kino: We wouldn’t mind helping you two out. But in returnーー
You need to promise that you’ll stay clear of the human world as soon as the Demon World falls into your hands. ...What do you think of that condition? 
Shin: Don’t be ridiculous. Fouders like us don’t join forces with other species. 
Kino: Ahaha, you didn’t even consider it! ...But I’d kind of like to ask the Founder King for his opinion first.
Shin: You guys don’t gain anything from joining forces with us, do you?
I’m sure you’re aware that there are very little of our kind left?
Kino: Of course. But the immense powers you possess are very appealing to me. 
Besides...Wouldn’t you agree that we’d get even less out of a pact with any of the other clans?
Shin: ...Anyway, I’ve heard enough. I’m heading back. 
ー Shin leaves
Shin: ( Stupid guy actually making sense... )
I better report back to Nii-san once I’m back. 
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Yui: ( It might be strange to rely on them after everything that happened but... )
( I just couldn’t sit still, so I ended up coming here... )
Ayato: Heeh...Now this is a visitor we don’t get every day!
Laito: Bitch-chan...Did you miss me, perhaps~?
Reiji: What are you here for?
Yui: Reiji-san...I do realize that it is rather shameless of me to ask for this but...
Do you happen to know anything about Endzeit? I’d like you to tell me.
Reiji: That is a shameless question, indeed.
Yui: ( Uu...I knew it... )
Reiji: ...Well, I suppose it is fine. Actually, there happens to be something on my mind as wellーー
I was going through the documents at Father’s research facility the other day. And then...This popped up. 
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: A study...?
Reiji: Yes. It is on Endzeit.
Yui: ( I-I can’t read it at all...I wonder what language this is? )
Reiji: Don’t tell me you can’t read it? 
Yui: ( He’s looking at me coldly... )
Reiji: I suppose it cannot be helped. ...Hand it to me. 
To start things off,
Reiji-san told me,
what kind of disease Endzeit is. 
Once infected within this disease,
and within one month after its outbreak,
bruise-like marks start to appear,
all over one’s bodyーー
Then shortly after,
one will start experiencing symptoms,
similar to tuberculosis amongst humans.
It is an incredibly terrifying disease,
eventually leaving the body in a state of necrosis,
to the point of leaving one unable to move...
Furthermore ーー Endzeit is an illness,
which only Founders can contract. 
Apparently the logic behind their infection,
has to do with the consistency of one’s blood,
or something along those lines...
Not even Karlheinz-san’s study,
could give a detailled explanation of this.
Yui: ...Thank you very much.
( Carla-san will eventually develop necrosis... )
( What should we do? )
...Reiji-san. May I perhaps...borrow this book for a while?
Reiji: I do not mind. ...Howeverーー
...Would you perhaps consider returning to this manor?
Yui: Eh...?
Reiji: You see, Subaru has been awfully emotional unstable as of late...
It appears to be difficult for him to control his own powers.
I figured that if you were to be here with him, this might improve somewhatーー
Yui: ( Subaru-kun...I see... )
( But I can’t leave Shin-kun’s side right now. )
...I’m sorry.
Reiji: Well, I figured you’d say that.
...Feel free to come here whenever you change your mind. We will welcome you with open arms.
Yui: Thank you for everything you’ve done for me so far. ...Now if you’d excuse me.
ー The scene shifts to the hallway
Yui: ( Still...I can’t believe Reiji-san would ask such a thing. )
( Subaru-kun must be having a really hard time... )
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overwatchfics · 2 years
hm.... this request is definitely not this specific because of me (haha) but kiriko x anxious + musician headcanons
Kiriko w/ Anxious S/O
A/N: Ahaha no worries I myself play a couple instruments and am a slightly anxious person so here you go! Also your name absolutely slays I am also a kirikosexual
Kiriko, being the adept healer she is, picks up on your anxiousness right away
Once you come home to your shared flat, she notices how skittish you are and quick to get some alone time.
She swift steps to you and pulls you by the waist back into the living you
Oh no you don't
Kiriko pulls you down onto the couch with her and has you on her lap
what's wrong baby, you can tell me you know.
You try to look away, but her hands gently tilt your head to look at her.
It's alright you don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable to, however you're stuck with me until I see you aren't going to bolt on me.
in her philosophy, quiet lazy cuddles answer all problems, but as she lays down with you, she whispers words of encouragement of how well you're doing and how much being with her has made her happy.
If you're still stressed out, she'll tell you the story of how Genji pissed off Hanzo so much, Hanzo dragged him to the nearest toilet and gave him a swirlee.
As far as being a musician, Kiriko has a deep fondness for music and if it's an avenue that helps you calm down, she'd LOVE to be your audience
Kiriko would like to join you, and would love if you could teach her to read music and to point her in the right direction of learning an instrument
The first time you actually played a song for her, she tackled you to the ground (Safely away from any instrument you played of course) and kisses you aggressively.
If you perform GOOD LUCK KISSES, she'll pepper your face in them.
God damn I love her so much fuck you Blizzard she didn't need that nerf
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Big Ocean - Mischief Villains 1
Author: Nishioka Maiko (with Akira)
Characters: Hinata, Yuuta
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Ahaha, I didn’t expect to synchronize with you when it came to this~."
Season: Winter
Location: Starmony Dorms Common Room
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Hinata: …Hmm.
Yuuta: Watching anime again, Aniki?
Hinata: Yuuta-kun!
Nah. I couldn’t get myself to fall asleep, so I’m just lounging around. What about you, Yuuta-kun?
Yuuta: Same as you. Couldn’t sleep, so I went out for some water.
By the way, Aniki, you’re hiding something, aren’t you? Isn’t that why you’re having trouble falling asleep? Did you think I wouldn’t notice?
Hinata: Eh, but that’s not true?
Yuuta: But it’s obvious. You can’t fool me, you know. Just how many years have we been together? The number of years I’ve been by your side is my age, Aniki, don’t underestimate me.
That’s why I’m telling you. Come on, just come clean.
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Hinata: ……
I’m really not hiding something, though. I just don’t know how to explain it. I’m at a loss because I don't know why myself.
Yuuta: Mhm. How so?
Hinata: …Preparations are going great. All that’s left now is to give the best performance we can on the day itself… That should be the case, right? We’ve come up with only correct answers.
But it just doesn’t feel right to me for some reason.
Hey, Yuuta-kun. Is this Repayment Fes really alright?
Yuuta: ……
There’s something I haven’t told you yet, Aniki. Or rather, I wasn’t ever planning to.
Hinata: Ehh! A secret held from your Onii-chan!? You can't be rebellious like that, Yuuta-kun!
Yuuta: …Just which one of us should be saying that? I’m not gonna touch that mess, so I’ll ignore it and just tell you.
I’m the same. My excitement would rise as preparations progressed, but there are time’s where it’d just simmer out… Over and over again.
Hinata: Huh. So, you’re in the same boat as me, then?
Yuuta: Yeah, guess so. But if I went and told everyone that, it’d put a damper on things. Even if I am thoroughly excited for it.
I didn’t want that to happen this time… so I thought to keep quiet. But you seem to be feeling the same way, Aniki, so I’ll admit it.
Hinata: Ahaha, I didn’t expect to synchronize with you when it came to this~.
But why is it that I feel this way? What is it that I don’t like? I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, trying to figure it out~.
Yuuta: So that’s why you’ve been out of it lately, Aniki, huh?
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Yuuta: Y’know, I’ve been thinking. With how things feel off, and how what feels right feels wrong… It’s because we’re not really good kids, are we?
Hinata: Wha?
Yuuta: The right way is to put on a great performance for your seniors, yeah? …But that’s just doing what a good kid does.
Nothing’s changed since we both chose to act like good boys with a mask of smiles on our faces, keeping our distance so we wouldn’t collide with each other, hast it?
Hinata: …Yeah, maybe.
You’re amazing, Yuuta-kun…! That’s probably it. That’s probably what got me cornered as well.
The stage is right, but… It’s definitely not right for “us”.
Yuuta: Yeah. But y’know, I have an idea. So lend me an ear.
Hinata: Hm? What, what is it?
Yuuta: So, you see—…
Hinata: Hmm, hmm?
—Ahhahahaha! That’s great! The best! ☆
Yuuta: Isn’t it? So let’s do that thing, and let them get pissed off as us for it, both of us. Just like how we always used to at school…♪
Hinata: Nihihi, sounds great, let’s do it, you and I! That’s the performance best suited for “us”! ♪
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mosviqu · 1 year
huge engene yes true no lies were detected in ur statement!! they do be sounding like slam poetry but i love it ngl.-. DONT EVEN START DUDE I DONT THINK BELIFT WILL REMOVE IT CUZ THEY PROBABLY THOUGHT THAT THIS WOULD HAPPEN BUT BOY WAS I PISSED WAKING UP TO KENGENES SENDING A TRUCK OR EHATEVER AND THEN SEEING THE SUNGTAROOKIES NEWS WAS THE WORST MORNING I HAD IN A WHILE LITERALLY DIDNT GO ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THAT DAY I WAS SO UPSET so yeah i saw it lmao😃 if i really try to i kind of see it but i would have never thought about it ngl but now i love it even more🤭 it do be screaming camp rock vibes!! and i'm so glad u like the album🥳😭
i hope zbone wont do noise music cuz i will be pissed oh god;-; SO TRUE BRING THE CUTE ONES BACK PLS!! idk if u talked about it or heard about them but the new hybe boy group does have happy vibes with no noise music but somehow i'm just so not vibing with it.-. i'm trying my best to do so cuz we have 3(!!!!) 03liners in there lmao
i think my minecraft addiction shows here as well but i would be so happy to find that out lmao i think i would probably have the same reaction when i found out giselle made lps videos when she was younger (although idk if that was actually her) i so understand the wilbur brain rot!! YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND WAS A CULTURAL RESET IM HAPPY HE LIKED IT
no cuz same i stared at the video for a while💀 i think seventeen atp will just remind me of u cuz i saw dino pink hair and i also immediately thought of u upon seeing him!! it would be so great if they did the tiktok part of it atleast wahhhh
I COULD NEVER DO A BRITISH ACCENT AND THAT MAKES ME SO SAD but im glad u are living the best british life in ur head sometimes lmao😌 we will see but it will stay like this for a while till i figure out something more okay lmao (liebestraum anon💕💗💞)
AHAHAH nothing bad with slam poetry At. All. 😌😌 ngl i do get where youre coming from, they must have expected this reaction. I am honestly glad they kept it despite the trucks and all 😭 but are those fans not embarrassed. like bestie......get a life 😭😭😭😭 dont even mention sungtaro tho bc i am still mad and heartbroken over this 🤠 they really debuted them....for no reason..? oh lord. im burning the SM building down as we speak!
LITERALLY like noise music had its era but i think we can put it behind us now.....please.... like some of the 4th gen debuts are a whole CIRCUS 😭😭 AND I DID TALK BAOUT BOYNEXTDOOR ACTUALLY AHAHA i listened to one of their songs and i actually vibed with it so hard ive been waiting for a fresh concept. THREE 03 LINERS ARE U KIDDING ME now if this doesnt lure me into stanning 💔
GISELLE DID WHAT NOW ???? I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT THAT 😭😭😭😭😭 iconic. sO iconic. Your new boyfriend was a cultural reset but i remember my brother showing it to me before i knew of wilbur and lovejoy and i was like what the actual FUCK is this.
jihoon had us masmerized 🤡🤡 omgomg thats so sweet actually 🥺 svt are one of my ults hhh i recently got back super into them hhh also dino reminding u of me as he should!! boyfriend ❤😌 still waiting for treasure super challenge altho i think we are not getting it 😔 at least i got cix seunghun version to ease the pain💔
NO BC ME NEITHER my account is like the weirdest mix of everything bc i taught myself english pretty much,, so my source of accent is whatever media im obsessed with in that moment 😭😭😭 but my british accent sounds very bad thats why it always stays in my head only❤
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pennboy · 4 years
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does an evil little sketch dump that pisses them off
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shysneeze · 2 years
🐌* is that all you have to say?
i promise this is under 1000 words by like two words but it’s still a blurb, okay???? anyway, ty for requesting - - also this is for robin for everyone else ahaha
warnings: robin rambling… a lot. robin is a nervous wreck pls let me hug her, fem!reader, swearing (?)
Robin Buckley has planned a speech. It's played in a loop in her head since she left the florists', and continues as she climbs the steps onto your porch, hesitating before your door. . Gathering the courage to finally knock, she grimaces as a few moment later, door swinging open, she can see your neighbourly smile drop at the sight of her, eyes settling into a glare as you fold your arms across your chest.
You're pissed.
"Robin, what are you doing here?" You quiz, "I think you've made it clear that you don't want anything to do with me."
Robin's speech is falling apart in her head, and her lips fall open only to produce two sad little words:
"I'm sorry."
Your brows twitch in disbelief.
"Is that all you have to say?" You demand, "You stood me up, Robin! Not only that- you lied about it too. If you didn't want to go on a date with me, you could have said no. Instead, you cancelled on me last minute and lied about having to work!"
"I- I know how it seems-"
"No, Robin! I went to the video store like an idiot in my nicest outfit thinking I could bring the date to you because you sounded so disappointed on the phone, only to learn from Steve that you never had to work at all!"
Robin flinches at the anger in your tone, though she knows she deserve it. She's grappling with the scraps of her well practice apology in her head, the one she made Steve listen to over and over, the one crumbling into nothing behind her eyes.
"And all you have to say is 'I'm sorry'?" You conclude, "What the hell, Robin?"
She promised herself she wouldn't ramble, that she'd be calm and collected and win you back for her stupid mistake, but as you stand there, with that hurt expression, the words come welling up her throat before she can process what they are.
"I'm an idiot, okay?" She gasps, "I-I panicked. I really like you- really, really like you, and you asked me out and I was so excited! Then, then I got in my head like I always do and I realised, I have nothing to wear, and I talk to much, and I would be a terrible date who talks to much next to the prettiest girl in the room."
As she talks, as always, with her hands, the roses sway back and forth, passed from one hand to the other, petals falling sadly to the ground. Yet, she can't stop, there's no turning back. And so she stands on your doorstep, and spills every single embarrassing secret.
"I told you I had to work, but really I stayed home with a pint of ice cream and half a dozen sad movies like a walking, crying, cliche." She rambles onwards, "Then when Steve told me you came by the store to try and cheer me up for missing our date I felt like such a loser. Who passes up a date with someone willing to do that?"
"So then I listened to Steve's advice on how to apologise and he said to get you flowers, and I was going to get you something better than these stupid roses- I was trying to remember what flowers meant 'I'm sorry' and 'forgive me' but then I realised I don't have that sort of money anyway."
"Robin, please-"
"So now I'm here with these sad roses and I'm throwing the petals all over the floor, "Robin continues, voice tight with emotion, "and I had an entire thing planned but now I'm just rambling like I always do and I'm such an idiot-"
"Robin!" You interrupt, hands on her shoulder, holding her still. "Slow down, okay?"
It's not until your hands are on her cheeks, thumb grazing a path below her eye, that she realises she's worked herself up to tears, that you're gently wiping them away before she's even had time to process that they're there.
"Now I'm just embarrassing myself more," She sniffles weakly.
"No, you're not," You tut softly, dropping her cheeks with a sigh, "I don't know where to start."
"You don't have to," Robin mumbles, wiping her eyes on her jacket sleeve "I'm sorry, I'm making it worse."
"You're not," You repeat, taking her free hand in your own, "Robin, why would you ever think I would care about what you wear, or how much you talk? I asked you out for a reason, you know. I like your clothes and the way you talk… I like listening to you ramble, I think it's sweet."
Robin's eyes widen a little in surprise, nerves dissipating slightly at the way you smile to yourself, tracing your thumb across her knuckles.
"You really didn't just change your mind?"
Robin's heart twists at the uncertain, forlorn sound of you voice.
"No, of course not," She assures, "I'm so sorry I made you feel that way… I really did want to go, I just got so nervous and-"
"You panicked," You nod, "I understand now."
Robin stands there, heart in her throat. Awkwardly, she glances down at the dishevelled roses, grimacing at the sad sight of them.
"I won't insult you with the roses," She mumbles, going to hide them behind her back.
"What, no," You scold, reaching out for them with your free hand, "I want them… please."
Robin hands them over, blushing.
"I really am sorry, you know." She says, "Can I make it up to you?"
You lift your eyes from the roses to meet hers, lips quirking into a smile.
"You can take me on a date, Robin," You explain, "Wearing whatever the hell you want, because you always look perfect, and with the intention of talking my ear off… I'm sure I can cope."
Robin's lips split into a toothy grin, cheeks fading from embarassed red to flustered pink.
"I think I can do that,"
3k celebration
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docholligay · 2 years
As someone who read a LOT as a kid but as an adult, I am kind of burnt out from reading even though it has been a good amount of time since i graduated, (Gifted Child Program so I was going through several books a week) I want to start reading again but I have no idea where to start without having burnout.
So we're familiar with my work, before I answer this. I am a very straightforward person and I don't often mince words. I can't be sitting across from you, and so you can't read my body language. So you'll have to trust that while I'm gonna be a little hard on you, it's done with a smile and the understanding that you wouldn't ask me if you didn't want an honest answer.
First off, we're all a little old to be blaming being a gifted kid. I was also in Gifted and Talented. I am, realistically, neither. That is not me dogging on myself. I don't think I'm a useless or whatever person. I just think, I'm just as gifted and behind, in a patchwork as anyone. I think some people trip on discovering, when they get older, that they were never ever special, they could just read well or do math good or whatever, and it didn't spin out to success in life.
That's...actually not the G&T program's fault. We can argue if the G&T program is a good thing--I think it's mixed bag--and we can argue that one's parent's made you think it meant something, but: We're all adults now, and the statute of limitations on blaming a program that told us we were SMART when we were, what eight to twelve? For our lack of motivation now, is pretty much over. We gotta own our own bullshit, friend. That's the start.
I graduated with a whole-ass double major in literature and history, despite being an ADHD sack of shit I cannot TELL you how many books I read in a week, and how often I read a book in a DAY sometimes because I put it off. I still love to read.
Having read a lot of books when you were ten is not the problem. I say this with my hand on your knee and a kind eye, but its the truth.
You probably loved to read when you were a kid because it was your form of escapism, and as we've gotten older, forms of escapism have gotten incredibly sophisticated and made specifically to encourage addiction/addiction-style behaviors in us. It's your phone. I'm talking about your phone. Flash games, social media, etc, its all designed to fuck with us. And whenever I say this, its ASTOUNDING how many people are like, "well fuck can't do anything about it then" instead of getting pissed off. I got pissed off ahaha. I don't like to be taken in!
So let's take the word "burnout" off the table. I don't find it helpful. I guess if you find it in some way a useful tool, more power to you, but let's refocus our way of thinking about our behaviors as things we control rather than things that happen to us. Just try it on for size for me.
I think reading is a fantastic tool to reteach us how to focus our attentions, and help us regain things that technology intentionally seeks for us to lose. You can absolutely sit and do something for an hour or two, I know this because I would be willing to lay every dollar of money in my bank account on the fact that you can sit and play on your phone for an hour. This isn't me saying you suck, or you're stupid, or anything like that. I can also get caught up in bullshit.
You have to set up specific time to allow reading to work for you, and that means renegotiating your relationship with technology, often. For me, it is reading in the bathtub and putting my phone in another room. I'm not going to get out of the tub, walk into another room, just to see if someone hearted my comment*. I read in bed at night, and at night? My phone gets turned all the way the fuck off. This has helped my sleep immensely, for starters. After 10 pm, or so, I am dead to the world. If there's an emergency, I trust the pony express. The odds are low.
Before I had the baby, Shabbat was specifically set up as a time where I didn't have my phone at all, it got shut up and put in a drawer, and I HAVE to get back to that, it was such an incredible reshaping of my mind and my relationship with myself.
So, like so many things in life, it's SIMPLE, even if it isn't EASY. Pick up a book you know you like--I'm a big believer in pushing ourselves with our media but first things first**. And make time to read it. Start with a half hour three times a week. The phone is not allowed to be around. Let yourself dip back into WHY you liked reading. Let your imagination run wild, let yourself live another person's life, learn to see things in your mind again! Anyone can do it, if they want to. And it's okay...not to want to. If you genuinely would rather play video games and watch anime, that's actually fine. Just be straight up. "I don't like reading. I like to play video games and watch anime." Honesty is the best policy. Don't just say "I love to read but I can't but" just because you wish you were the kind of person who loved to read.
It's like I often say to myself, 'The shitty thing about calling myself a distance runner is it means I have to run distances' as I trod off to run another ten miles ahaha. Like, I think it would be easy to say, 'Oh I love to clean and organize, but I can't because I have a baby" Bitch I love to clean and organize, except for the fact that I fucking hate every minute of it, and my behavior bears that out. I clean! But because I have to, to be a partner and family member. I will NEVER EVER take my spare time to do it outside of my chore cahrt that I force myself into. NEVERRRRRRR. Even with all the time and label makers in the world.
This is because I don't like it. Same with other shit I wish I liked doing: strength training, sewing, drawing.
But I believe I could learn to like those things, if I made it a part of my life. I believe that thoughts often follow actions. Whe I started running, I did not like it, and sometimes I still don't, but overall I love being the person who runs, and I love how I feel after a run.
You can be the person who reads!
*Again, I am human! I also desperately want the validation and connection of these things. But I ALSO know I need to be wary of such.
**Another good way to do this, initially, is to allow yourself comfort with books but not tv/movies. If you watch tv or a movie it has to be something challenging instead of comforting, but in books it can be ca comfort read. Just to start changing associations.
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doublefaceliker2808 · 2 years
Spring Evening's Respite - Adasakura 1
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Niki: Sigh… to think the store manager would find us just to go and insist that we “Don’t worry! Please taste-test to your heart’s content!”... 
Being forced to stay there until the store closed was the worst… Don’t schools teach you that you don’t eat if you don’t work? 
Rinne: My bad~ But well, aintcha working there anyways? It’s only fair if you listen to what the manager says, right~? 
Niki: Ughhh… so that’s the excuse you’re using…!? You’re a monster of a customer! 
Kohaku: You two, ‘s already late, so stop bickerin’ over nothing. Who knows what kinds of complaints we’re gonna get if we don’t shut up? 
HiMERU: It would be irksome to lose sleep over this idiot, so HiMERU will be returning to his room now.
…Oh dear. HiMERU accidentally said what was on his mind without thinking. Apologies, Amagi.
Rinne: Oooh? Has Merumeru come around to voicing his thoughts out now– 
Tell me more ♪ Bare your truest feelings to me ♪
HiMERU: What’s with this? You’re creepy. 
Rinne: I meaan, if you are capable of showing off your deepest thoughts to me, that means we’ve become real tight knit, yea? 
So c’mon, tell me what you really think. Pretty please, HiMERU-chan? 
HiMERU: …….. (silently leaves the room) 
Niki: He completely ignored you.
Kohaku: Of course he ignored ya. Aren’t ya lucky he’s not completely pissed off? 
Rinne-han, you’re gonna mess up soon enough if ya keep teasin’ everyone so much. 
Rinne: Right. Sucks but I guess we’re done now that Merumeru’s like that. 
It’s time for me to see a new tomorrow and sleep! I gotta wake up for the pachinko parlor’s opening ♪
Niki: Is gambling the only thing that comes out of your mouth~?
Ah well, I can’t say much myself since I’ll be checking out the preopening for this new restaurant in Saison Avenue tomorrow. 
I’ll go now. Goodnight, Kohaku-chan ♪
Kohaku: Mmhm. See ya later, Rinne-han and Niki-han. 
Off they go. Jeez, you could mistake us for hurricanes with how noisy we are. 
Aight. I’ve got a personal job tomorrow, ‘s ‘bout time I head back to my room. 
…Hm? No one’s around, but the TV’s been on this whole time? I didn’t notice ‘cause of all the ruckus. 
(...I see. Looks like the news is broadcastin’ cherry blossoms right now.)
(They’re bloomin’ early this year… Spring’s right ‘round the corner.)
(Thinkin’ about it, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom last year– back when I was let out of my zashikirou.)
(It’s already been a year since I became an idol. So many things have changed, huh?)
(When I first became a part o’ Crazy:B, I reckoned it’d be best if we retired as soon as possible. And yet, we had a full resurrection during MDM.) 
(And then there’s me allyin’ with Madara-han in Double Face.)
(To think my life could be as fulfillin’ as it has been just from this past year.)
(I can’t wait to see what new things the next year has in store–)
(...Aha, it’s a bit too early to get excited.)
Err, where did the remote go… It’s usually around here… 
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Madara: If you’re talking about the remote control, I’m preetty sure it fell under the table? Here, is this what you’re looking for? 
Kohaku: Madara-han? What are you doin’ with all that luggage? 
I can guess that yer not on some late-night excursion, but aren’t ya dressed up a bit weird for the dorms? 
Madara: Ahaha, is this more interesting than finding the remote? 
This is actually skiing equipment. I just came back from some modeling shoots up in the snowy mountains.  
I hit it off pretty well with the producer there, you see. So they gave me secondhand skiing gear in hopes of introducing skiing culture to more of the youth, and I just had to take up the offer. ♪
Kohaku: So that’s why I wasn’t seein’ yer face lately. 
Honestly, I was quite worried 'cause ya disappeared so suddenly. 
I’d figured the ever-so-elusive Madara-han would come back as soon as ya left, but can’t ya try at least try ta check HoldHands?
Madara: Hmhm. “I may be goin’ abroad next month, is there anythin’ scheduled for Double Face in that time?” Well, I’ve checked now! 
I mean, Double Face is more akin to a side job for us, so you don’t really need my permission for anything… 
There’s nothing planned for Double Face at the moment, so fly to your heart’s content.  
That Gatekeeper was an unexpected threat during SS, but he’s already left. We can enjoy some peace, even if it’s only for now. 
Because of that, wouldn’t now be the perfect time to also want to stretch your wings? 
I’m not one to say, but you should still show some filial piety towards your family while you still can! 
Since the Oukawa family’s named after cherry blossoms(1), how about you pay your house a visit when cherry blossoms are in full bloom? 
Kohaku: There ya go, talkin’ bout irresponsible things again… 
Who do you think you are to lecture me on this with that unfilial mouth, huh? 
Madara: Hahaha! I’m the kinda guy who’s telling you to learn from others’ mistakes ♪
Your entire clan’s safe, right? I made sure to check. 
I understand that it’s your duty to watch over Tsukasa-san since he’s the head of the family, but I think now’s a good opportunity for you to visit home again. 
Since they’ve been broadcasting cherry blossoms on TV lately, you could excuse yourself by saying they made you feel homesick ♪
Kohaku: Cherry blossoms are just fleetin’ flowers that drop dead as quickly as they bloom. They’re nothin’ but creepy to me. 
If they’re gonna bloom, can’t they hang on a lil’ better? What’s the point of lettin’ em collect in muddy ditches like dead bodies? 
Oh wait, we’ve been talkin’ a while. I gotta wake up early tomorrow, so I’ll be headin’ off. 
Goodnight, Madara-han. 
Madara: Of course. Goodnight, Kohaku-san. 
Madara: ………..
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“Cherry blossoms are creepy”, huh. That’s the complete opposite of what I think.  
(It feels especially like so lately, but I guess we aren’t compatible after all?)
(From the beginning, our relationship’s always been on a rocky boat— It should be about time for the tides to tip it over. In the end, all I’m doing is entangling you further into the underworld) 
(Truth be told, you’re so dazzling when you’re next to Crazy:B that there’s barely any trace of your past. It makes me worry beyond belief)
(I was never able to become a hero after all, huh.)
(Sorry. It’s supposed to be my role to guide you, who knows nothing of the outside world)
(I’d become so desperate to give Kanata-san that flower field that I’d never had the chance) (2)
(At the very least, let me play the role of a villain. I must carry out my role, right?)
Oukawa in Japanese is 桜河, where the 桜 (ou) also means sakura/cherry blossoms 
Reference to Madara’s first !! themed scout story, Myriad of Colors and Flowers. I very heavily recommend reading it if you’re interested in Madara (and his relationship with Kanata + his family)!
 From some quick googling "adasakura" seems to be from a buddhist monk’s poem, referring to how cherry blossoms fall very quickly, and is a metaphor for the fleetingness of things.
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hnychn · 4 years
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pairing: poly! bakusquad x gn! reader
summary: why settle for one lover when you could have five? 
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 🐝: ugh i love the idea of all five of these assholes in one relationship !! it just makes my heart 😫. lmk what you thought of it, i appreciate any constructive criticism that'll help me improve 🤍 i'm also working on a shoto work next so!! PS. this ended up being a lot longer than i thought, so i'll be making it into diferent parts!
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 || 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞
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ur their baby
don't make the rules 🤷🏻‍♀️
so first and foremost, how you became a part of their relationship.
surprisingly, it was bakugo who brought up the idea to the others 😳
you're not in 1a, but you are in the support class. you make them gadgets 😌
and bakugo met you when the last student who was supposed to be responsible for his costume design and other shit refused to work with bakugo anymore
that was the sixth guy to quit
so you offered to pick up his work 😌
otherwise the storyline wouldn't continue
so bakugo goes to you after school and is like, "listen here you fucking extra-"
and that's as far as he got before you interrupted him and was like:
"no yOU listen you hot-headed cyndaquil! the only reason you should be talking to me is if you want to submit a request for your costume. other than that, don't look at me. don't speak to me. don't even breathe near me. GOT IT?!"
and he was just. . .😳 damn
highkey thought your yelling was hot
so the weeks pass and surprisingly he listens to you and doesn't speak to you outside of making requests for his costume or giving feedback
and your relationship with him is relatively stable
you're not friends but you can live together without ripping each other apart
there's a term for it but i forget what it is
he starts coming by more often because there's a kink in one of your gadgets
so you ask him to stay after school to test it out and figure out what the problem is
you end up talking
and you realise he's not as much of an asshole as you thought he was
and your relationship turns into more of a "friendship" but not if that makes sense?
like, "ok so i don't hate you, but i still hate you."
does that make sense? i how it does
the two of you start saying hi in the halls or nodding at each other
bakugo's babies see this and are like ??
yes. yes he did 😌
so kirishima and mina try and convince him to introduce them to you
"why would i introduce you to that dumbass? they're nothing special."
he doesn't mean it, he's just flustered.
so kirishima, mina, kaminari, and sero start looking out for you in the halls
and they start picking up on your routine
without knowing they basically know your schedule
it's bakugo who points it out when kirishima said it was time to go
🦈 "oh! it's time to go guys!"
💥 "why? lunch isn't even over yet"
⚡️ "y/n usually goes to that vending machine by their art class during this time"
💥 ". . . how do you fuckers know that?"
and they're all silent like. . . how do they know that?
that's when it hits then that without them knowing, you slipped your way into their heart
because here they were,
right next to the vending machine where you always go 20 minutes before lunch ended to get a small snack
and when you get there and see bakugo surrounded by a bunch of people looking at you with starry eyed
". . . hi?"
mina lunges at you and asks how the hell you tamed bakugo
"easy, i beat his ass."
and you just snort at his reaction and put some coins into the vending machine
"why do you think your gauntlet backfired yesterday, dumbass?"
and he blanks like. . .wait. . . wAIT A MINUTE
you nod, "wish i was there to see it though."
and you pout
and they all just feel their heart go doki doki
so the bell rings for class to start and you say goodbye to them and kaminari promises to show you the video he took of bakugo's gauntlet backfiring tmr at lunch
and while they're walking to class, none of them are talking
which is very unusual
but they all know their thoughts are only of you
it's kind of like an unspoken agreement that they're all falling for you
they have a hard time paying attention in class that day.
so you rush over to the bakusquad and practically throw yourself at kaminari
because you wanna see that video
you don't notice he's a blushing mess and the others are staring a bit bitterly because
:I i want that
so he shows you the video and you start laughing so hard
and it's so contagious and soon they're all laughing
except bakugo because he refuses to laugh at himself
but they suddenly hear someone calling your name
and you all look over and see some guy who's also from general studies
they see you roll your eyes and mutter, "fucking hell" under your breath
so it's safe to assume you don't like this guy.
"hey l/n."
"hey tanaka. . ."
the boy shoves his hands in his pockets, "so about that date saturday-"
you might have slapped the bakusquad in the face with a fish because holy-
they never considered you were seeing anyone and now they're kinda heartbroken because oop-
caught feelings too quick 🙊
but you grind your teeth, "it's not a date tanaka. the teacher paired us up for a project because he knows you're so incapable of doing anything on your own you have to be watched like a child."
kaminari snorts a bit before slapping a hand over his mouth
mina grabs kirishima's arm and burries her face into his jacket to stifle her laughs
kirishima and sero and just staring at each other with wide eyes and slowly growing smiles like "bro did they just say that?" "dude i think they did!"
and bakugo. . .
he's staring at you with the proudest look in his eyes and a smirk because yeah, that's his baby
wait what.
now the boy is a bit embarrassed that you said that in front of some of the school's top heroes
so he sputters a bit before walking away with a red face
💥 "damn i didn't know you had that in you, spit fire."
you stare at him a bit with a small blush at the nickname
and you sputter out a thanks before making an excuse to leave (something about banana milk)
and they all stare at each other
⚡️ ". . .did they . ."
🦈 "was that a-"
🍊 "holy fuck that was-"
💥 "-adorable."
mina is took shocked to say anything
during this time, you bang to realise your feelings for the group as well
but you thought you were being selfish for wanting all five of them
so you kind of avoid them for the next few days in hopes of your feelings going away
you change up your schedule
and when you see them or one of then in the halls you turn around and go another direction
they were a bit confused as to what they did
but kirisima assured them that you were probably just working out your feelings and they should respect that
so they did
and they pretended it didn't hurt when you suddenly dart the other way when you see one of them
they gave you your space
and they thought you would come to them when you had everything worked out
until bakugo cane storming into the dorms one day
he was obviously pissed, but his eyes were also a bit glossy
so they all dragged him to kirishima's room since it was closest and asked him was was wrong
💥 "that dumbass quit from making my items."
and they were all kind of shocked
like wtf ??
uhm, for why?
you had assured bakugo that you wouldn't be another one of those losers who resigned because of his eccentric personality
and yet here we are
they spend the rest of the night in kirishima' room comforting bakugo
because he really took it the hardest
like sure the others liked you too,
but bakugo spent the most time with you
and developed a deeper relationship with you than the others
so the next day,
kirishima wants to talk to you
so he goes to the support room and bumps into hatsume as she was walking out
he asks her if you're in
"oh, yeah they are, I'll go get them for you."
this is a lot longer than i thought it would be uhhh oops
so you come out, not knowing it was kirishima asking for you because hatsume was vague
only telling you, "someone wants to talk to you"
like ok specifics??
you're like. . . oop heyyy. . .
because you knew what he was there for
the two of you don’t say anything for a bit
you’re just staring at your shoes and he’s looking at you with a small frown on his face 
lowkey he’s kinda disappointed in you
so he finally speaks first
“you quit.” 
it’s not a question, or something you were expecting 
but you nod 
there’s another silence 
you fiddle with your fingers for a bit. 
now this was a question you were expecting, though, you didn’t want to answer 
kirishima is a patient boy though, and waits for you to gather the courage to tell him 
he’s not leaving without an answer
“i just-” you begin, “i. . .” 
kirishima is still waiting patiently for your answer 
“i don’t want to be selfish.” 
now he surprised. wdym selfish. please explain.
“it’s just- you all already have such an established relationship and i don’t want to interrupt that. you guys have a schedule. adding myself into the mix would only mess all of that up, and no matter how strong my feelings are for all of you, i could never mess up your relationship like that. it would be so selfish of me to put my feelings before all of yours, so i thought the only way to get rid of these feeling as to distance myself from all of you...” 
“starting with bakugo...” kirishima whispered after your rambling came to an end. 
you nodded 
kiri was at a stand still for a bit 
and it was silent once again in the hall
kiri knew his lovers had feelings for you too, and would have no problem adding you into the relationship, 
but he also knew he couldn’t fore you into anything 
he was about to reassure you that you wouldn’t be interrupting anything and that they would love to have you in the relationship 
but then you were tackled 
to the ground 
by kaminari 
and smacked your head against the floor
really hard
like, you passed out 
ahaha. . .
when you wake up, your head feels like it’s going to split open
and the loud voices aren’t helping 
so you let out a groan, “shut the fuck up...” 
and everything goes silent. 
until someone SCREAMS AGAIN
it’s kaminari 
bless his soul
poor baby is a bit slow 
so you groan out again and clutch your head
bakugo slaps the back of kaminari’s head
“shut the fuck up, dunce face!” 
he whisper shouts
mina hands you some pain killers recovery girl said you give you when you woke up, and sero hands you a glass of water 
they’re all watching you as you take the pills 
it’s silent for a bit 
and it’s making you anxious, so you fiddle with the empty glass for a bit before bakugo snatches it from you, 
“dumbass...” he muttered as he refilled it and handed it back to you
sero rubs the back of his head, “so...” 
mina pulls at the hem of her sweater, “we heard everything you said to kirishima.” 
kaminari sits next to you on the bed and whispers, “sorry for tackling you. i just got a bit emotional...” 
I'm so sorry this is getting so long 😭😭 i'm trying to wrap this up so if it gets a bit jumbled, my bad
so they all reassyre you you're more than welcome into their relationship and wouldn't be interfering with anything
so you agree
and they're all so happy 🥳🥳
and while everyone is celebrating
(quietly because your head still feels like shit)
bakugo comes up to you
"you better start making my items again, dumbass. those other dipshits in your class don't know what they're doing."
bakugo only said that because they weren't you but he'd never outright say that to you
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infinityonimmortals · 2 years
omfg Korn was fucking awesome, MUNKY MY BELOVED HE STOLE THE FUCKING SHOW MAN. God it was so awesome. Almost got a pick from him but ahaha I can't fucking catch lol but I did get smacked in the face with a pick from the Evenescence guitarist who was playing a badass short scale 7string... which I didn't know existed (I know what I'm buying myself on black Friday)
I got to see them set up the stage and everything (seriously their techs are like, amazing)
It was funny how Head set up and tested his own pedal board while Munky,,,, well, idk what he was doing lol
RAY FUCKING KILLED IT. He really deserves more credit and I'm glad a lot of new fans actually like him, he is a spectacular drummer. (There was one point where his drumstick slipped and it was kinda funny,, he's a pro tho. Just grabbed another one and kept going)
Some of the BEST VOCALS EVER from Jon. He fucking KILLED IT. And the duet? FUCKING HELL DUDE (honestly I was kinda worried I wouldn't like it bc I saw a few videos where vocals from both of them weren't great....BUT NOT AT MY SHOW MOTHERFUCKER) Dude seriously knows how to work a crowd. He said they'd come back to Lubbock, I am so TOTALLY GONNA BE HERE AGAIN WHEN THEY COME BACK
Goddamn had Fieldy been there, I would've actually cried, I almost did as soon as the set started anyway but that's besides the point. Ra Diaz killed it tho. Great fill in, great energy and everything.
Oh fuck when they started ball tounge? That fucking bass rattling sound? If I died right then I'd die happy lol (actually I'd be pissed I missed the rest of the set)
HEAD IS THE OG THO, still dropping low like they did in the old days... Just wow. Dreads just swinging everywhere MAN, So Fucking AWESOME. (at one point he covered his eyes and tossed one of rays drumsticks into the crowd and man, I know their tired but he's gotta work on that throw lol, same for Ray at the end who made a face like he smacked a guy or something)
Just overall, I can't fucking believe my first concert was Korn and Evenescence man (don't even get me started on the openers. I already listened to both Dana Dentata and Palaye Royale and they fucking KILLED it too, great stage presence (more love for Dentana tho she's a queen))
Didn't record anything, just wanted to experience a concert as if I was in the 90s/00s man and I got it. Only proof I was there is the shirt and pick I got (and the covid I might have attracted lol fucking worth it tho)
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Subaru Dark [Prologue]
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ーー The one who inherited Karlheinz-san’s powers,
was none other but Subaru-kunーー
The happenings of that day,
remain vividly engraved in my memory.
When Subaru-kun and I,
went to the Chamber of Time together,
where Karlheinz-san was waiting for usーー 
ー A flashback ensues
Subaru: ーー The fuck!? You’ll entrust me with your powers? Don’t just decide that by yourself!
No way in hell I’m acceptin’ that shit!
Karlheinz: ...
Subaru: ーー Ugah!? 
Yui: Subaru-kun!? 
( He’s suddenly frozen to the spot... )
( Could it be, did Karlheinz-san...!? )
Subaru: ...Guh...
Karlheinz: You are not allowed to decline. It has already been established that these Powers shall be passed down to you. 
I have decided that I shall entrust you with them and I do not intend to change my mind. 
You do not have the right to turn them down. My son, Subaru.
ー Karlheinz approaches him
Karlheinz: I shall give you, my everythingーー 
Subaru: ...! Cut it out!!!
Karlheinz: The wheel has started turning. There is no longer anyone, who can stop this. 
I shall leave...the rest in your hands. 
ー The flashback ends as the scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Yui: ( ーー Subaru-kun has been awfully glum ever since, and even more irritable than before. )
( But I suppose I can hardly blame him after he was forced to accept those powers which he cannot even properly control himself... )
( Besides, it’s made even worse by the fact that those powers previously belonged to Karlheinz-san, a man he personally loathed... )
*Flap flap flap* 
Reiji: ...However, this is rather troublesome. 
Yui: Eh...?
Reiji: The intruder who seems to have vanished in thin air. 
Those mocking words he spoke. I can only assume that was a warning of some sorts. 
Yui: ...Right.
ー Yui recalls the inruder’s words
???: Ahaha! You guys really are a bunch of fools. …Don’t disappoint me now, will you? 
Yui: ( On top of the powers which were passed down, there’s the case of the intruder as well. )
( There’s so many things to think about... )
Reiji: ...I shall return to my room now. You lot should keep your guard up high as well, understood? 
Yui: Yes...
ー Reiji leaves the room
Yui: ( I suppose I’ll go to my room as well. But...I’d rather not leave Subaru-kun alone by himself... )
Subaru: ...
Subaru: Che, don’t look so damn worried!
Yui: But...
Subaru: Shut up! Why are you pissin’ your pants over some guy whose true identity we don’t even know yet!? 
Subaru: ーー Oi! I don’t know who you are, but show yourself!
I bet you’re still lurkin’ ‘round somewhere, aren’t you!? 
Yui: Subaru-kun, calm down...
Subaru: Shut up! You keep quiet!
Subaru: Listen. The idea of some random fucker sneakin’ ‘round this manor, pisses me the hell off!
Reveal yourself if you’re there! I’ll teach you a lesson!
Yui: S-Subaru-kun...
( It doesn’t seem like Reiji-san or the others are going to step in...Which means it’s up to me to stop him...! )
B-But! If they came here because they’re scheming something, I doubt they will show themselves so easily...
???: ーー Why not? I have no issue showing myself. 
Subaru: !? 
Yui: Y-You are...
Kino: My name is Kino. I made an appearance because you called for me.
Subaru: ...So you finally show your ugly face, huh? I’m gonna beat you to pulp!
ー Yui quickly stops him
Yui: Y-You can’t! Calm down, Subaru-kun...!
Subaru: Che, don’t stop me!
Yui: B-But...!
Kino: Fufu~ You’ve got such a short temper, Subaru. Geez~
ー Kino approaches him
Subaru: ...Ah? What’s the meaning behind that hand?
Kino: I mean, come on. I’m a Vampire as well, you see. 
Subaru: Aah? So what?
Kino: In other words...I don’t see why you need to be so threatening towards me, when we’re both part of the same species? 
Why don’t we try and get along? ...In various ways, okay? 
Subaru: Aah? Fuck off!
If some random shithead goin’ in and out our manor without permission isn’t damn suspicious, then what is!? 
Kino: Ahaha! I guess you have a valid point there.
Subaru: You bastard...I don’t want to hear another fuckin’ word from you!
Yui: !?
( Did he just use his powers...!? )
Kino: ーー Woah there. I guess you really did inherit Karlheinz’ powers. 
Subaru: Oi, don’t run away! This time for sureーー
Yui: You can’t! Subaru-kuーー 
Yui: Kyaah!? 
ー Yui collapses
Subaru: ...Yui!
ー Subaru rushes to her side
Subaru: Are you alright!?
Yui: ...Y-Yeah. It just lightly grazed against me, I’m fine. 
Subaru: But...!
Kino: Ahaha! Hilarious! I guess she’s your weakness, huh? 
I see. Fufufu. I gained some valuable information~
Subaru: ...!
Yui: Subaru-kun...! Please, just calm down...?
I’m sure you’ve got a lot of questions for Kino-kun, but he won’t tell you anything if you let your own anger get the best of you. 
Subaru: ...
ー Subaru calms down
Subaru: ...You said that Kino’s your name, right? What did you come here for? 
Kino: Hm? Just to say hello. You know, ‘I’m going to inherit those powers of yours next, so nice to meet you!’, something like that? 
Subaru: ...Inherit these powers?
Yui: You’re talking about Subaru-kun’s powers, right!? 
Kino: Yeah. I mean, I have the full right to inherit Karlheinz’ powers.
Subaru: ...What do you mean by that?
Kino: ...I’m actually one of his sons as well, just like you and your brothers.
Yui: Eh...!? 
Kino: I’m more of what you’d call an illegitimate child though. Seems like you guys were unaware of my existence as well. 
Subaru: ...Don’t be spoutin’ crap! Are you tryin’ to fuck with me!? 
Kino: It’s not a lie, you know. ...Bang!!
Yui: ーー !? 
*Rumble rumble* 
Kino: Ahー My bad. I didn’t think it’d wreck the whole wall. 
But...Hey, hey, won’t you believe me now, Subaru? 
Subaru: ...Kuh...
Yui: ( To be able to unleash such a strong attack here in the human world...I wonder just how strong he truly is...!? )
( ...He might actually be the secret love child of Karlheinz-san... )
Subaru: ...What are you, for real? What do you mean, you’re that Old Man’s son? 
Kino: ...That’s a tricky question. I mean, I’ll tell you since you’re my brother...
I don’t know who my mother is. Also, I’ve been living in Rotigenberg since my birth. 
I’m sure you’ve heard of that place? The land where the Ghouls live. That’s where I was abandoned.
Subaru: Abandoned...?
Kino: Exactly. ...Just like your mother was. 
Subaru: ...!
Yui: ( Right...Subaru-kun’s mother was also... )
Kino: The Ghouls who found me apparently spotted Karlheinz-san there. 
On top of that, I happen to possess incredibly strong magic powers, right?
Those powers were the clue which led me to figuring out that Karlheinz must be my Father. 
Subaru: ...
Ayato: What was that just now? ...Uwah!? This whole place has been turned upside down!
Kanato: My cookies were crumbled to bits because of the tremors...!
Kino: Whoopsie. ...I feel like this will get messy, so I’m going to dip for now.
Yui: W-Wait! Kino-kun!
Kino: Don’t worry! I’ll drop by again! See you, Eve! Subaru!
ー Kino leaves
Yui: ...Ugh...
Ayato: Oi, Subaru! What happened just now!?
Kanato: Is this your fault, perhaps!?
Subaru: ...
Yui: Subaru-kun, are you okay...?
Subaru: ...Please give me some time alone.
Yui: Eh?
ー Subaru walks away
Yui: ( He looks sad watching him walk away... )
( I want to go after him but...But I don’t know what to say to him. )
Subaru-kun has recently lost Christa-san,
ーー his mother.
She was taken as Karlheinz-san’s wife,
against her own will,
as a result,
she allegedly lost her mind,
or at least that’s what Subaru-kun believed to be the truth...
In reality,
it appears that Christa-san,
actually continued to harbor feelings for him all along.
But with Karlheinz-san,
unable to return her love,
Subaru-kun became upset at his father,
growing to loathe him. 
In the end...
Christa-san passed away,
never having those feelings returned. 
I am sure that this whole thing,
still weighs down very heavy,
on Subaru-kun’s mind. 
ーー Hence. 
I can only imagine he must be rather shocked,
by the appearance of Kino-kun,
someone who has gone through a similar situation. 
Yui: ...Kino-kun was his name, right?
( I wonder if he truly is Karlheinz’ illegitimate child...? )
( Just when I thought he had finally recovered from his Mother’s death... )
( ...Perhaps I should give him some space for a bit. )
ー The scene shifts to Subaru’s room
Subaru: Damnit, that shitty Old Man...! He’s the one guy, I will never be able to forgive...!
ー The scene shifts to Kino’s manor
???: Welcome back, Kino.
Kino: I’m back. Hey, Yuuri. Where’s the good stuff? 
Yuuri: ...Right here.
*Rustle rustle* 
Kino: Thanks. ...Nn...
Nnh~ There’s really nothing as delicious as a glass of Guava juice. 
Yuuri: ...Judging from your mood, things must have gone well. 
Kino: Yeah. It’s going smoothly. I think it will be easy to take advantage of him. 
Fufu. I can’t wait.
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sparktls · 3 years
A Delinquent Protector | Bradley SR Translation
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Translation under the cut!
- The One Who Gifts The Taste Of Victory (1) -
Bradley: Helpin’ out with this festival’s a pain in the ass, but at least plenty o’ shops sell booze. Hey, can I order…
White: My, Bradley, ‘tis noon. You are already drinking?
Bradley: Whaddya want? Ya’ said that if I behaved and stayed ‘round here you wouldn’t be watchin’ me.
Bradley: I hafta’ protect those kids later, so just lemme drink.
White: ‘Tis but a jest. Never would I be so boorish at a festival.
Bradley: Then whaddya want from me?
White: Do you know of the Sage’s whereabouts? They were most hardworking for this festival. I would like to do something for them.
Bradley: How the hell am I supposed to know? I’ll have this drink.
Shopkeeper: Here you go.
Bradley: Huh? What’s this, a die? Is this supposed to be a snack?
Shopkeeper: Haha, it isn’t. It’s something for our customers who come with their kids.
Bradley & White: With their kid…?
White: Does he perchance think that I am your child, Bradley?
Bradley: Don’t even think about it, that sounds absolutely disgusting.
Shopkeeper: You’ll get a special extra something if you win at a game using that die.
Bradley: …Oh? I hate that we’re getting treated like some parent and kid, but that sounds interesting. ‘Kay, I’ll do it.
- The One Who Gifts The Taste Of Victory (2) -
Shopkeeper: Congratulations! It’s your win, Sir.
White: Wow! Father, how amazing!
Bradley: I told you to stop with that, it’s gross. Now hand over that special something.
Shopkeeper: Of course, here it is.
Bradley: …The hell is this? Smells super sweet. It’s not booze, is it.
Shopkeeper: It’s a drink made with very sweet, delicious chocolate. Available for a limited time during the festival!
Bradley: So that’s why it’s only for parents with their kids… Can’t even have it with booze. …Here.
White: My, Bradley, are you giving it to me?
Bradley: You’re looking for the Sage, aren’tcha? Then give this to ‘em. Bet they would love this kind of childish drink.
White: Bradley…! My word, you’ve grown up to be such a kind boy… How proud and happy you make me feel!
Bradley: Don’t hug me! If that’s all you need, then hurry up and go.
White: Hohoho, no need to get so embarrassed.
Shopkeeper: Haha, you two get along so well.
White: Indeed, we truly do!
Bradley: What are ya’ even talking ‘bout?
- Card Episode: Close Parent and Child…? -
Akira: Bradley, thank you for that chocolate drink you gave me at the festival the other day. It was very tasty!
Bradley: Oh, so it did end up gettin’ to ya’. Glad ya’ liked it.
Akira: And I heard that at that shop, you and White were mistaken as a parent and his child… Can I ask about your… thoughts? On it?
Bradley: Ya’ think it’s gonna be anythin’ other than that it was the worst? Just how many thousands of years older than me do ya’ think those geezers are?
Akira: Ahaha, you’re right, I might have mixed feelings if that happened to me…
Bradley: And we don’t look related at all. Why did this hafta happen to me…
Akira: Maybe you two seemed to get along as well as a parent and their child. I’m sure the shopkeeper didn’t mean anything by it.
Bradley: If they did, I wouldn’t have forgiven ‘em. Ugh, just thinkin’ about it pisses me off…
Bradley: I’m gonna go back to that shop and shoot it up.
Akira: N-no need for that! You’re wild and youthful and cool, Bradley!
Bradley: Hey, you get it.
Bradley: Fine, for ya’ sake I won’t go destroy that shop.
Akira: (Thank goodness…)
Bradley: Instead, Sage. Buy me a drink tonight, won’tcha?
- Home Screen Voice Line -
I’d rather steal what I want for myself, but… Well, I don’t mind this. I’ll have your chocolate.
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