#I personally think it's both hilarious and sad tbh.
travalerray · 7 months
I love the Twin Heroes/Twin Prides promise because not only does Wei Wuxian claim that they would grow up to be sect leader and subordinate just like their fathers but also just like Gusu has its Twin Jades, Yunmeng would have its Twin Prides.
And considering how both the compared to relationships went, it's very ironic
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poisonpercy · 9 months
Ok just finished the 3rd episode of the show. From a completely outside perspective without comparing it to the books, it’s a fine episode. The writing does fall flat imo, and it doesn’t keep my attention. It’s also still very hard to see what’s happening when it’s supposed to be dark. When will Hollywood let dark scenes be visible again?
Ok, now for more specific thoughts:
The scene with the Oracle sucked in my opinion. Idk it just seemed so much more grander in the book. The scene in the show lacked the mystic and off putting nature of the Oracle, so it kinda just didn’t work for me. I did like that they remembered that Gabe was the voice of the Oracle in tlt, so that was nice
How Percy chooses his quest mates in the show is different in the show than in the books. This isn’t a bad thing, but I do miss Annabeth volunteering herself to be Percy’s 3rd quest mate like she does in the books. Idk I just think it really showed her eagerness to prove herself and get a quest. The show scene doesn’t do that, but I’m not mad at the change
The interaction between Grover and Percy when Percy tells Grover he was chosen to go on the quest was so cute. I love those 2 boys. Besties for life
Percy telling Luke that he thinks the drachmas are from Chuck E. Cheese was hilarious
With Luke in mind, I love how manipulative he is. Like he is so nice, but it’s because he has ulterior motives. I do like that his manipulation is not overt, so you don’t know that he’s the one that ultimately betrays Percy
I personally didn’t find the “she met a pine cone’s fate” line that Percy said funny. It honestly came off kind of rude. It’s definitely something that Percy would say in ttc when Thalia and him are beefing, but not when he finds out about her death. Percy is supposed to be kind and empathetic, and he shows so much sympathy for Thalia and her fate when he hears her story in the book. Idk just felt like that line was ooc during this moment in time
Grover’s song was so cute and funny, it had me cracking up fr
Percy trying to get all of them to vote throughout the episode is hilarious. My boy just wants to have a say in things
Annabeth grabbing all that candy was perfect. It really shows she’s just a 12 year old girl that didn’t get to experience the joys of childhood (also, I feel like overall that the show is forgetting that Annabeth is not a stoic character. Like she very much acts her age. I hope the writers let Annabeth have more personality in later episodes)
I miss the book fight sequence with the furies on the bus. It was so chaotic and there was so much tension. Percy steering the bus and crashing it and the bus exploding was perfect, and I’m sad that they got rid of that in the show. The fight scene in the show was just so underwhelming. I feel like those should be the knock out moments of the episodes but they breeze past them so fast and give no tension. It just falls flat (curse you Mickey Mouse!! I know it’s your fault!)
I do appreciate that Grover keeps trying to diffuse the fights between Annabeth and Percy. They are both his friends, and he can see why they keep butting heads. If only the 2 would listen to him
I do miss how the trio finds Auntie Em’s in the book. Like Annabeth and Percy were dumbass 1 and 2 that followed their stomachs while Grover freaked the fuck out. That was so fun. The show had Grover find and follow the smell instead which is fine, but the og scene was better imo
That being said, they guessed that it was Medusa way too quickly in the show. I like the mystery of Auntie Em’s identity in the book better tbh
“I definitely trust my mom” <- Percy exceeds the momma’s boy standards
I don’t mind the change to Medusa’s character. I actually really enjoyed her (the actresses voice is so gorgeous and calming). I like how she’s like “we’re not our parents until we choose to be them.” It really sets up the ultimate direction of the series imo
Regarding the fight scene with Medusa, it sucked. To begin with, you can hardly see what’s happening bc it’s so dark. Also there was no tension or chaos. It kind of just happened? I also didn’t like that Medusa was killed when Annabeth’s cap was on her. I know it’s because Disney probably thought the death would have been too graphic or whatever, but I would have liked to see what happened
It was cool that Percy used Medusa’s head to kill Alecto
I felt so many emotions when Grover said “He’s not like the others. He doesn’t look afraid” about his Uncle Ferdinand
The beginnings of Percy’s and Annabeth’s friendship is so good. Annabeth not taking the deal with Alecto to give Percy over and killing her sister. Percy not taking Medusa’s offer to get rid of Annabeth and Grover so he can save his mother. It’s perfect. They’re going to become each other’s chosen person and they don’t even know it yet
LMM as Hermes jump scare. Still not a fan of the Hermes casting
Anyways, overall the show just isn’t working for me. I do appreciate Walker, Leah, and Aryan because they are perfect. They are honestly doing such a great job! The writers, however, are not. I’m trying so hard to think of this show as its own entity so I can enjoy it more, but I haven’t been able to so far. Despite that, I am excited to see where the show ends up going (even if I end up not liking it)
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lost-in-fandoms · 26 days
I know maybe you're not in the mood right now but any thoughts about Tarzan!Max? I'd accept thoughts about any of your pics because everything is amazing tbh but there's something about Tarzan!Max discovering a new world through Daniel and discovering how amazing is to fall in love.
Does Daniel take him to his farm? I think Max in Daniel's farm would be hilarious, amazed by everything and finding a family in Daniel's family too.
babe i am always down to talk about my boy in all and any situations! sorry this took a while, i took a little nap and then couldn't think about anything but!!!
(the first thing I thought was like..how do you get a whole person through customs. obviously max doesn't have a passport or any form of id so would they have to go through a sort of immigration procedure? but he's not emigrating from anywhere???? i guess i'll leave that problem to them sdfbdjhbf)
I love the idea of Daniel taking Max to his farm.
I'm imagining like. The jungle is Max's home right? But I imagine he's a little less in contact with his monkey pack. He likes to wander around and he has his own little hidey holes and his own places to sleep. So when he imprints on Daniel, he sees Daniel's "pack" as his new family. (and I am now thinking about Max trying to "groom" Daniel or Josh or whoever, gently raking his fingers through their hair and fiddling with their clothes and cleaning dirt smudges away after licking his thumb).
So when Daniel asks if Max wants to go with them, both because he can't imagine leaving another human being in the jungle and because he can't imagine leaving Max behind, Max goes. And in whatever way they manage to do it, Daniel brings him to his farm.
He understands that Max will probably never be ready to live in a city or close to a lot of people, he needs to be close to nature, and even if the nature in Daniel's farm is different from the jungle, it's still better than most options.
I imagine at first Max will struggle to adapt. He is used to have a lot of space to roam, to have trees to swing from, a whole different climate, a whole different diet. and now Daniel asks he wears at least underwear and a tshirt most of the time, he has to eat different foods, it rains so much less? where is the rain? how is he supposed to be clean if there is no river?
Daniel has to really help him through a lot. it helps that Max is learning to communicate more and more every day, but sometimes they bump into a new roadblock that they weren't expecting, and Daniel is reminded about how different Max's life has been so far. (would love to explore an overstimulated-by-electronic-noises max when i have more energy maybe. or a deeply-sad-because-where-is-my-jungle max)
But I think Max also really enjoys learning new things. He is delighted by some of the simplest things, which makes Daniel look at life in a different way too. How did he never realise how amazing forks and knives are? why does he think so little about how incredible it is to be able to make ice in his own freezer? the wonders of a ceiling fan???
I can picture Max spending long minutes just staring at things. Clocks, the washing machine, the fan, the turned off television, the kitchen sink tap. turning lights on and off. flushing the toilet over and over. And I can also picture him taking apart stuff and then (try to) put it back together, like the toaster (was never the same), the blender (was left with several pieces on the counter), the tv remote (tried to eat the buttons).
Max being terrified of Daniel's phone and then, when he gets used to it, absolutely fascinated by it. Asking so many questions about everything that Daniel doesn't know the answer to and forcing him to look them up because Max will simply not stop asking until he has a satisfying answer.
On the other hand, Max taking care of the vegetable garden and the animals. Being so incredible at it that it becomes mainly his job. They're different from the animals he's used to, but he is amazed by the chickens and loves them so much. Sometimes he likes to just sit with them and pet them softly. He becomes best friends with the donkey and the alpacas. maybe Daniel gets him bunnies and at first he's worried Max will kill them when he's hungry, but Max is so so gentle with them and loves them all so much.
And in all this, Max loves Daniel. He does his best to make Daniel food, gives him little "gifts" (eggs from the chickens, tomatoes from the garden, a clean sweater straight from the drier, a glass of water with clinking ice), curls up around him at night because he always refuses to sleep in his own bed. He's very protective of Daniel and gets upset when Daniel needs to leave the farm for errands or other things.
And Daniel shifts from I am very fond of this weird jungle boy to I would very much love to sleep in your arms for the rest of my life with a side of oh my god when is this beefy jungle guy gonna rail me. He sees how gentle and sweet and smart Max is, how quickly he learns about things and adapt to this new life, how interested he is about everything, how he takes care of Daniel, the farm, the animals, and can't help but fall in love with it all.
And the first time Daniel kisses Max at the farm, they're on the couch, Max watching something on the tv, almost without blinking, and Daniel watching Max. He calls his name and when Max turns (because Daniel will always be more important than anything else, even if the guy in the tv is cooking beef and Max is kind of hungry) Daniel kisses him. Max stays still for a bit and then when Daniel pulls back Max licks his cheek in response. It's not perfect, but Daniel can teach him. and Max always learns.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen do couples yoga
requested by anon: "Can you do Svt doing couples 🧘‍♀️ pls?"
notes: i have Never thought about svt doing partner yoga before, so this was absolutely hilarious to imagine
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probably didn't want to do it, saying he's going to make himself look like an idiot. ends up doing it anyway though, bc he's weak for you when you get all sad and pouty on him. screams if he has to hold a position for more than 5 seconds, but all in all he's actually pretty good at it. you two go and buy junk food after to take back the calories you burned
i genuinely cannot see this man doing couples yoga, or even yoga in general. asks you if you're okay with taking chan or someone instead of him. ig he'll eventually cave in the end? only does the poses for like 15 minutes tho, and then when you both get tired you just sit there and watch the other couples in the class struggle with the yoga
probably signed you guys up tbh. if you're a little sceptical, he'll beam rlly wide and be like "it'll be so much fun, i promise!!!" the thing is tho neither of you have the best balance n so you end up trying to hold yourselves up while also trying to help hold the other person up which really is a bit of a mess and you end up falling down on the mats more than actually doing the poses
"sure! sounds fun!" is totally down. knows he'll make a fool of himself, but he doesn't mind bc no one looks cool while doing yoga. is holding you up half the time bc it's hard to balance okay. lowkey finds it extremely fun, especially bc it's with another person and that other person is you. asks if you're up for another session together sometime
tries to (gently) push you over while you're doing the poses. can't help but burst into laughter at some of the incredibly strange poses that they instruct you to do. was looking forward to doing those crazy poses where he holds you in the air by his feet, but it was a beginner class so he didn't get to n he was very disappointed about that </3
found it really fun, to his own surprise. was originally rlly reluctant and only went along bc you really wanted to do it, but he liked the idea of couples yoga strengthening the emotional connection between two people. his favourite pose was that one pose where you essentially just sat cross-legged opposite each other and hugged with your foreheads touching
good luck trying to get this guy out of the house/ his studio lmao. almost bursts out laughing with you at the very strange poses you have to do, but manages to keep it in by Not looking at your increasingly confused and alarmed face. he feels fine as you two are leaving the class, but he wakes up the next day with his calves aching so bad
another person who probably booked the session for you two. you've both done yoga before (him bc he wanted to and you bc he'd insisted it was good for you) and couples yoga sounded fun so you both wanted to do it. grabs onto you like a lifeline and giggles every time he slips or almost falls over. is already thinking of buying another yoga mat for you so you two can do this stuff at home
almost fell down a total of 5 times. is Determined to do the poses well tho, bc he doesn't wanna make you look bad in front of the others even tho you don't mind bc they're literally just strangers. kind of enjoyed it? he's not sure, he's just wondering how cheap the budget of the building was for them to make the ceiling so low that his head is only 3 inches away from it when he stands up
his center of balance is pretty firm, okay, but he has really sweaty hands which is kind of a disadvantage bc most of the poses involve you two holding hands. tries his best not to scream so loudly, instead lets out the most adorable yelps when he feels wobbly. had fun!! would definitely do it again… maybe in like 2 months
he is Offended when he heard you booked a beginner class for you two. complains about it on the way there, and then struggles during the class bc what do you mean you're going to have to put your feet on his knees??? he can't hold up your legs like that. very loud. and dramatic. has managed to make friends with at least 2 other couples there. somehow. 
initially tells you that no thanks, he's not up for that bc he is definitely not flexible enough for yoga. eventually ends up agreeing tho, and is sitting next to you on the mats listening to the instructor and wondering how the hell he ended up coming here. kind of zoned out the entire class, but you tell him you had fun so he guesses he did too. 
LOVES the idea of couples yoga. was waiting for you to suggest it and then immediately says yes when you offer. goes out and buys the two of you matching yoga pants an entire week before the session. he's a little wobbly, but he helps balance you whenever you look wobbly and is beaming so hard the entire time. has a great time. has the greatest time, actually.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Bughawk is soooo underrated and it makes me so sad. Please tell me you see how grand this vision is
I am personally more of a Shuggy/Crocobug shipper but that's mainly because Mihawk isn't doing it for me much?? I love him and his gold autistic eyes staring into my soul and his classy attitude and vampiric looking aesthetic, but I wish he had more screentime to figure out his personality better and enjoy him more. But I do like him! I swear! And tbh one of my favorite ships is Cross Guild, like, the three of them together, even if I have a bit of a preference inside of the trio. I do love them and tbh I think Mihawk and Buggy's relationship would be really funny to explore. Especially within the fanon portrayals of the characters because god forbid Oda gives the cool edgy swordsman more than three minutes of screentime and more than five words per episode.
Okay, so doing a mix between fanon and canon and "whatever the fuck I want to see these characters as because I am the princess of this blog and I can do whatever I want": I think their relationship is fucking hilarious.
Unlike with Crocodile, Buggy doesn't really know what to do with Mihawk. Crocodile at least is easy to read and he's usually the one to make the first move, but what the fuck is Buggy supposed to do with the swordsman sitting in front of him, legs crossed and staring into his soul like he's about to bite his neck and suck him dry. Scary. And also very hot. But mostly scary. But turns out Mihawk is like, way more peaceful than what he thought. He likes reading. And classical music. And swords in a very weird obsessive way that the clown should not speak about. And not much, honestly. Cooking, too, apparently. Buggy keeps learning new things about him every day and the guy opens up little by little, because even if he's quiet, the very few words he says speak a lot for himself. He's also a fucking sadist and loves teasing Buggy all the time to the point of making him cry of frustration, but, well, when he's good he's really nice to be around <3
They both have history with Shanks. You know the movie "The other woman"? The one about this girl who discovers her boyfriend is married and then becomes besties with the wife and start hating him together? That's the energy I'm getting from this triangle. Stop making Mihawk cry over Shanks not loving him and a past love!! Make him go "Oh. Yes. Red Hair and I had something. Pretty sure he still felt something for you, clown, so I am not happy about that" / "What?! Why would you be angry at me for Shanks' shitty feelings that have absolutely nothing to do with me, by the way, our thing ended years ago when his stupid-" / "No, no. I am referring to him. Moron. I like you" / "You do???'' / "Sometimes. Sort of. Maybe. Your existence confuses me". And then they start dating because nobody can tell me Cross Guild isn't just a poly relationship doing business together.
I think Mihawk likes Buggy because it gives excitement to his boring life and also he's fun to bully. Besides, he's more than what he looks like and he actually has a dream and pirate spirit, so maybe he's not as useless as he used to think. He's still annoying, yes, but oddly comforting. Mihawk can't quite figure out what he wants with this clown, so he just sticks around with him. Buggy is like a chihuahua. A very loud chihuahua. Mihawk is definitely a black cat. They don't match. At all. Not in the slightest. And yet, Mihawk likes his company. And Buggy actually loves seeing all the soft and interesting sides of Mihawk and realize that he's not as scary as he looks like. I mean, he could slice him in half if he wanted to and he's still scary and hot but, y'know, he has a very domestic side that Buggy likes.
Thinking about them being established is pretty sweet because I think Mihawk would like reading out loud to him and Buggy would make the funniest comments about the story. And they would cuddle. And it would be so uncharacteristically soft of them and it's something they only do in private. Crocodile stares at them from the corner of the room and,,, He likes having them there. He's not alone and it's kind of sweet.
Also overprotective Mihawk with Buggy my beloved. In the sense of: He cooks for him because his eating habits suck. He makes him go on walks and do a bit of exercise. He makes him read, too. Listen to music that it's not only commercial pop or circus music or musical/Broadway tunes. He takes care of the clown when he's not bullying him. I think Mihawk treats Buggy like Sharpay Evans treats her dog.
And following the Shanks thing to end this post: Bughawk is really cool because I think it would break Shanks' heart and I love angst.
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Markus isn't boring, you are simply racist.
Hi. I'd like to tell you all my story with Markus.
I entered in the DBH fandom recently because I recently played the game for the first time when I finally bought a PS5 (I couldn't play it sooner because I didn't have the console) but I actually was curious about this game since it came out in 2019, but at the time (and before playing it) I knew next to nothing about it.
All I knew was that the three main characters were two males and a female robots, which one was the guy from Grey's Anatomy, one was a police officer and the female one wanted to protect a little girl from her abusive father (Kara's story was actually the one I knew better, I think it's because I watched some gameplays and I remember feeling really anxious about the chapters with Todd). I also remembered there was another female android which was North obviously, but I truly had no idea what her name was or what her face was and I had absolutely no idea about the existence of Josh, Luther, Ralph, Daniel, Simon (which is hilarious since he is my fave now) and literally any other character.
And now I'll be 100% honest with you.
When I went to the store to buy the game and I saw Markus in the cover, I was annoyed. Why you ask? Easy.
All I could see was Jesse Williams.
Do not misunderstand me, I never hated or disliked Jesse Williams, I have nothing against the guy, but to me he was the guy from Grey's Anatomy.
Tbh I always hated Grey's Anatomy but unfortunately one of my best friends love it as much as I hate it, and she has the biggest crush on Jesse Williams' character, Jackson Avery, and she made me watch, too many, oh god believe me, too many times his scenes that at one point everytime I saw his face all I did was roll my eyes and sigh. So when I saw him in DBH I thought "ugh this guy again".
So my first approach to the game was being very careful and being really interested in both Connor and Kara's storylines, but when a Markus' chapter happened I just sighed and wanted it to end it to play the other two.
Then the chapter of Markus in the junkyard happened. I was less annoyed by Markus at this point because he started to growing up on me but I still had too prejudice to admit it to myself, but that chapter moved something in me. I didn't know what, but it did something, and when Markus found Jericho and met North, Simon and Josh.. well, I was curious.
And then, finally, at the Spare Parts chapter, I started to realize how great Jericho's, and consequently Markus' storyline, was. As the story progressed, I started to realize how much I was beginning to love Markus, how everytime I looked at Jesse Williams I didn't see the Grey's Anatomy guy anymore, but Markus. Suddenly, the situation had reversed: there weren't enough chapters about Markus to me there wasn't never enough of him and at every chapter of Connor and Kara all I could think of was wanting to see Markus and the Jericrew again (I still found Connor and Kara's storylines interesting, but they were nothing compared to Markus). By the end of The Freedom March I had shivers and realized how much I cared for Markus and his story and I had the realization that if my choices towards the end would lead to his death, I would be really really sad all this while thinking what a great, inspiring character he is.
The way he is the leader of an entire species and the most important person of Jericho, and yet he is ready to risk his life for every broken single android. The way he worries for North when he heard shoots, the way one of his first thoughts when Jericho is attacked are Simon and Josh and wondering if they are okay despite being in risk himself in that moment. The way he forgives Connor without even blinking even if he is responsible of the destruction of Jericho and of the death of a lot of his people, and the way he still has no hate towards him even if he tries to kill him because despite everything, he is still one of his people. The way they are in a desperate situation and he has a lot on his mind and yet he promises Kara, an android who he just met, to help her because he can't possibly not help every android who need help. The way he is scared and worried and has doubts of what to do because he just wants the best for his people but they are getting killed and yet he never asks for help because he can't let himself to pass this burden to another android he is the one who has to deal with it. The way he accepts everyone in Jericho and let androids be themselves, never forcing them to join him or die for the cause. The way he cares. For everyone and everything. He cares he cares he cares.
Markus is all of this, and even more.
I started the game not being thrilled of him being there solely for a stupid, idiotic prejudice based on nothing, and I ended it being over the moon for this selfless, brave hero.
Despite what I was feeling at the beginning, I ended being totally in love with this amazing character and surely I won't let you all classify Markus as "boring". I won't let you. Not anymore.
I won't let you call boring a character who is nothing but positive.
I won't let you call boring a character who sacrificed himself for freeing his people.
I won't let you call boring a character for whom you would all simp for if he was white.
Markus isn't boring. Just admit you are racist and leave.
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ineffabildaddy · 8 months
6, 8, and 21 for the soft asks <3
omg hiii hehehe
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
oh god okay, physical: my tattoos are sick, my beard's coming along nicely, and ermmm i'm stacked in the back lmfao
non-physical: i try to be a friendly person, i'm very organised and clean at work which i'm proud of, anddd i'd like to think i know a good amount about music
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good
this bit's gna be long so i'll put it under the cut dlfjlkdg
@raining-stars-somewhere-else he's an inactive king atm but he's my bestie and i love him<3 so so hilarious and observant and talented and kind. he's my dude and he means a lot to me go away
@sad-chaos-goblin i feel like i can be totally insane around you and you'll get on my wavelength immediately, it's amazing dlkkkljgfjkld. also i feel really lucky to be friends with someone so well-rounded and driven and fun, not to mention compassionate<3 i'm really really lucky to have met you and i hope we get to do irl adventures in the nearish future!!! until then we're great friends from afar!!!
@omens-for-ophelia we're just perfectly matched for our headcanons and kinks and shit and i absolutely love it. u get me, i get u, we get each other on this front and on many others!!! ur an extremely nurturing person too. i also love having u around bc ur full of fun facts and passion and energy, and of course ur art is absolutely incredible, i'm scratching at the walls just thinking about it dklkjldfgjkl. can't wait to create more absolutely feral works of crowley and aziraphale [redacted] in various ways hahahhkshjdf. and also hopefully have some london hangouts soon<3
@queer-reader-07 of course i've gotta mention ya because you're one of my fave blogs! i feel so warm and welcome reading all your posts and tags because you're a very lovely individual, and you've also got so many valuable things to say and i really look forward to seeing your takes on everything<3 also as i said before ur a very funny person and i enjoy that heh. i always get so excited when u pop up in my notifs i'm like little old me????
@foolishlovers bestie your writing makes me so happy but chatting and things makes me even happier<3 you're a really enthusiastic friend to have and you've got so many wonderful qualities that i just wanna share the love as much as possible hehe. i'm very glad we're doing shhh it's a secret together and that we've become close in general uwu
@crowleyslvt ur a little lad who's always got something hilarious and insightful to say about literally anything i come to u with, whether it's fkn silly memes or an existential crisis lol. you have such a unique way of looking at the world and i really enjoy it. also having a giggle with u is always top tier and on top of that ur a very supportive king<3 and of course u writing's delish at all times in any context
@voluptatiscausa i can literally tell you my most redacted thoughts and you'll be like yeah this is just another day at the office dkffjddgl. you're a silly and goofy guy (gn) who's simultaneously very easy to open up to which is always a comfort<3 the fact that we both like mitchell and webb makes us collectively Not Like Other Girls and we need to capitalise on that more tbh. also i greatly enjoy ur writing ofc
@bowtiepastabitch you're jokes. also we're very different and yet somehow the same brand of fucked up which i love<3 the lore could not be more disparate but the vibes could not be more immaculate. pls continue to be my friend smh
some more legends i love @crowleyholmes @fearandhatred @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @celestialcrowley @sabotage-on-mercury @quoththemaiden @ineffable-rohese @crawley-fell
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
probably this - one day you're going to start sticking up for yourself, i promise<3
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seoafin · 10 months
Not massively into cucking tbh but sumn about ripmc makes her hilarious material for it specifically because she'd rlly just not GAF😭 her ass would straight up see her loved ones getting screwed and just be like :) hehe I am so happy for you shall I watch or can I keep recording this documentary on mummification And it's like ????😭 whatever u want beautiful...????
Like it's partially kinda sad cus it's evident she's like this due to 9th circle of hell levels of shit self esteem; sis has thoroughly internalised the notion of being inherently undesirable to such a degree that OFC to her nobody would think she's enough and OFC she'll always be the worst option and if it's another girl her lover(s) are fucking well OFC she's being straight up replaced; it's only logical and fair given she so cruelly replaced her mother's life when it's her all along that should have died (oh jah es ist over für mich)
I'd say that personally (cannot speak 4 others ofc) I feel as tho ripmc's cuckability kinda depends on how you the writer would frame it. I feel like an actual realistic in depth look into why she's okay with being cucked would actually be one of the worst most depressing and horrible things ever written, low-key nauseating even, as it goes into how fucked and defeated her sense of self-esteem and dignity is and well, if u jerk off to feeling gut-clenching vom inducing angst then yeah that would work lol... but going in the opposite direction you'd have a literal comedy on your hands especially cus my personal theory is that rip!mc is actually the same breed as Yuta in that they are both low-key lady killers, they are both sickly lookin timid milquetoast loser types that are somehow hidden womanisers. Like yes stsg would fuck whichever 4th is in their bed real good but sumn about how earnest ripmc is with people pleasing and administering praise would have her spoiling said hypothetical bedmates, esp if they were a woman, to the point where honestly...? She'd have some one night stands falling in lov w her I think LMAO, like if that broad Meiko ever tried some shit again I wouldn't be surprised if somehow ripmc managed to seduce her like yeah stsg cock and balls shaboing boing but have you ever felt the tender touch of ripmc caressing your ear and gazing at you in the eyes like you're the rarest star in the sky as she murmurs about how precious and not like the other girls and lovely you are and she means it too cus how the fuck else would she remember u wore versace bright crystal the one time u dropped a bobby pin next to her outside the woman's toilets... She would b making the girlies have a Lois running away w the hot girl cashier family guy moment I fear (the Target laser is stsg)... Like pls, w the way these womens trad husbands treat them she'd have the Real Sorceres Wives of Tokyo considering hettie conversion therapy 💯🙏trust
HELP there are so many crazy points of this message but I can't get over the way you described ripmc and yuuta as "sickly looking timid milquetoast loser types" like....that's poetry baybe
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quinnslogan · 1 year
This movie feels so surreal, the quogan content we got after decades!!! But we were robbed of so much when it easily could’ve happened.
1.) I hate how we didn’t even get to see the ceremony?? They could have easily fit in the vows, the movie is based off of THEIR wedding. Give us more insight on their feelings for one another. To tease Micheal giving a great ceremony and not show it is cruel LOL.
2.) how the rehearsal dinner speeches about them were cut off / zoeys ruined because of her reality tv show dude. would have been a perfect moment to get some history about quogan. how their friends felt when they found out, etc.
3.) Quinn and Logan’s parent basically being furniture, again could have been good background to some history.
4.) the lack of any alone moments of them, besides the cute but quick makeup scene.
5.) Logan’s second little proposal was so short (sweet) but short. I needed a “we fell in love here” kind of thing. There was 0 mention of PCA being significant to their story and why Quinn loved the set up so much.
6.) chase and Zoey telling their stories to the jewelry store workers should’ve been quogan
I guess you can relate all this to being a movie with Zoey as main compared to the series where everyone had subplots. After years I can’t complain too hard but we did get the absolute BARE MINIMUM. It’s sorta sad.
Yeah I def agree ESPECIALLY about the ceremony. I can get over the lack of Quogan alone scenes because I got more than I expected but tell me how you make a movie about a wedding and don’t show the actual ceremony. It becomes especially frustrating when you realize Micheal’s role in the movie was basically he’s their officiate and they didn’t even let him do that??
We know there are deleted scenes I would bet good money they did film their actual wedding/Chase’s full speech but cut it for time reasons. It’s annoying bc literally who’s watching this movie for anything other than quinn and logan but alright. I will say though I am a quality > quantity person and I absolutely LOVE the scenes we did get so I’m not super disappointed just kinda annoyed personally but I do get where you’re coming from
ALSO THE JEWELRY THING! When that happened I wanted so badly for Zoey and Chase to continue pretending to be Quinn and Logan and tell the jewelry lady their love story but instead they told their own lame one 🙄
FOR THE REPROPOSAL I HAD SO MANY EXPECTATIONS but also I don’t think anything Logan said would’ve beat I love Quinn Penksy I love Logan Reese so again I could live with it 😭
The parents annoyed me so bad the number of scenes Logan’s dad was just standing there and didn’t say a single word was hilarious tbh😭 like he was basically just an extra they could’ve had their parents not there wouldn’t have made a difference. I do think again they did have lines but they were cut probably
But yeah overall a few more lines AND A TWO MINUTE CEREMONY would’ve made such a difference and I too am annoyed and blame j*mie tbh. ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT ZOEY AND CHASE GETTING BACK TOGETHER AT THEIR SECOND WEDDING LIKE WAY TO STEAL THE SPOTLIGHT?? I hated both of them this movie like sorry
But I’ll make my peace because this scene I never expected and i’m irrationally obsessed with it
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juminsswife · 7 months
my thoughts on Netflix's ATLA live action
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As an adult who watched this show growing up and was there for the countdown to the comet (iykyk!!) I have thoughts!
Best: Zuko. angsty, teenage boy depression, father issues, determined to a self-destructive degree. The actor is great at capturing all these facets of Zuko's conflicting, complex character. Really great with the choreography/martial arts too. Its not easy to pull off Zuko's mostly shaven but with a ponytail haircut, but this actor manages it. And yes, the opening scene with him seeing the beam of light from the iceberg and saying, "Finally." did give me some chills. Honestly the actor just captures Zuko really well. Great casting.
Worst: Katara. has the personality of an elegant yet unassuming well watered house plant. Its more because of the writing than the actress… she's doing her best with this depressing egg whites version of Katara she's had thrusted upon her. It's not going to be convincing when Toph comes along next season and calls her sugar queen.
Aang: never has any fun. spends every episode staring into the distance being sorrowful and melancholic. *teardrop rolls down cheek* he is a depressed 40 year old in the body of a 12 year old. He has no fun side to him anymore- an important side for a 12 year old kid to have! Also spends the entirety of season one (you know, titled "water"!) and doesn't learn a lick of waterbending, not even from Katara, who spends a lot of it learning from the waterbending scroll!! Why??? However the actor is doing a great job and I think he captures Aang's essence really well. He is young and I think next season he will improve a lot.
Sokka: I almost forgot to write thoughts down for him, which I think says more than anything else. He's essentially been boiled down to the same old overprotective big brother, but now he comes complete with daddy issues. It's a little hilarious that Katara's worst memory is watching her mom get burned alive by a firebender soldier while Sokka's is hearing his dad say he's disappointed with him. Kind of ruins the moment tbh. They really took all the fun aspects of the main Gaang and dulled them down completely, its sad. At least he's cute though- and imo, the chemistry with Suki's actress was there.
The previous avatars: every single one meets Aang just to berate & yell at him and tell him he shouldn't have friends and where has he been for the past 100 years without giving him a second to speak. What?? Sadly it seems any dignity, grace, or wisdom the previous avatars had in the original, has been completely wiped out in this live action. Also, this idea of them telling Aang about things that are going to happen makes no sense. Did no previous avatar tell Roku his friend was going to betray him, let him die on the island, and start a 100 year long war? Also the idea of Aang being able to communicate ONLY if he's in one of their temples is stupid. What is the point of the avatar state, then? Will Roku be able to teach him anything at all?
Princess Yue: yes I wrote an entire paragraph about her lol. She is one of my favorite minor characters. I think they wanted her to look so accurate to her original counterpart that she just looks too much like a cosplayer, with such a stiff and lifeless looking wig. This is the one and only time I will concede I prefer M. Night's version of Yue as far as costuming goes, though both funnily enough forget her eyebrows shouldn't be dark. The actress was fine. But this version of Yue is quite a different person from og Yue, I can't really compare. Plus, it feels like we see her for a good 10 minutes before she dies for the moon spirit. I couldn't buy into her and Sokka having feelings for each other because it felt like they knew each other for a good 2 hours at most. Ideally, I think these two versions kind of fused together would be perfect.
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Azula/Mai/Ty Lee: Grouping them together because. Azula is the most unconvincing out of the characters for me. I don't buy that this girl is supposed to be the princess Azula for a second. I'm neither intrigued nor intimidated, and that's pretty bad as Azula was one of my top favorite characters from the original. The costume is fine, the wig feels cheap, her dialogue is horrendous, the actress can't convince me. Azula isn't smart or cunning, sharp, or collected, and her "working with Zhao" just made her look dumb when the entire plan flopped. She is a whiny, petulant little girl stamping her feet in every other scene. It's not for me. Also, the way her relationship with Ozai is depicted here makes Ozai look like a loser, too. It's like they want us to not be afraid of either of them.
As for Mai and Ty Lee. Ty Lee is fine. She looks okay, the actress is fine for how little we see her. On Mai, the wig is just so bad I don't get what happened. It's like they're struggling on the line of being realistic with the styling, or leaning completely in cartoon-character-came-to-life. I don't think the actress for Mai here was a good choice.
Dialogue: the worst part of this show. When they're not completely quoting word for word from the original, it's.. just bad. Everything is always exposition and thats not good. The few moments that aren't are just... idk.
CGI: not bad. I was expecting worse. Fire, earth, and air all look great. Water feels a little slow, mostly when its just water and not ice but that can be improved I assume. Koh was pretty cool, as was Wan Shi Tong.
Settings: Beautiful!! Omashu looked great. South and North water tribes looked great. Ozai's throne room looked incredible and I was annoyed every time we see it, he is just standing around and not sitting on his throne. It just reminded me how amazing the buildup to Ozai and Azula's reveals were in og season 1.
Costume: Its either a hit or a miss. There's strangley not much in between. Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Iroh, June, Ozai, Jet, Suki, the Kyoshi warriors, all look pretty great. Then you have characters like Azula, Mai, or Yue, who just look like half decent cosplayers. It kind of takes you out of the moment when it looks like the person is a cartoon character, rather than just a normal person. For example, compare how Katara looks compared to Azula.
Music: of course it was fantastic. A lot of it (I think most) was from the original show, which has one of the greatest soundtracks an animated show has ever had imo.
Final thoughts: Ultimately, it was kind of what I was expecting. You can't condense 20+ episodes worth of development into 8 and expect it all to flow perfectly. However, there are also a lot of changes that really don't make sense to me. I am very curious to know how on earth they will do seasons 2 and 3, as season 1 is the slowest in pace compared to the next two seasons. The original's finale was split into four episodes! Unless they add more episodes for next season, it's going to be a big jumbled mess of lore being shoved into our faces. I am also concerned about Toph. The Gaang so far has been stripped of their fun/unique personality traits. Is Toph going to be the same?
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
darling for the ask game obv let's get the important one out of the way
😭 idk if this was meant to say darkling but I'm doing him anyway
how I feel about this character: I love him. he's an interesting character that usually gets misinterpreted by the majority of fandom. I like that he has so much potential as a concept, but it makes me sad that that potential is rarely actually realized canonically. all in all, he's a character I really relate to for many reasons: his isolation and loneliness, his depersonalization and dehumanization, his high levels of empathy, his relationship with oppression and repression, and his drive to help others at the cost of his future and his sanity. I also really love his complex relationship with rage and apathy at the injustices of the world, which gives fascinating insight into his existence as an immortal and as a naturally idealistic person who lost faith in others
all the people I ship romantically with this character: mostly alina and mal! I also like him and nikolai together sometimes, and I can see the appeal of luda. plus of course any poly combination of any of these.
my non-romantic OTP for this character: aleksander & ivan is a hilarious friendship tbh. also I'm so in love with the ways genya parallels him and is so similar to him that I adore seeing them together on screen or in fics or basically anywhere, even if just for the horribly tragic tension that really brings out the depth of both their characters.
my unpopular opinion about this character: I have a lot lol. he was right about most things, but I don't think alina was wrong to leave him. I think he's a good character in the book, less so in the show, but in both he suffers from such bad writing that he ends up acting ooc half the time anyway. he's clearly empathetic and caring, and he is obviously able to feel love - but this has no bearing on his morality or any justification for his actions whatsoever. tbh I have so many unpopular opinions of him that it doesn't bear repeating them all lol.
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that he died better in the show (and that he was written better overall with actual real depth). that he was never resurrected in the books (or at least that his second ending wasn't what it was)
my OTP: malarklina! 💖💕
my cross over ship: none
a headcanon fact: he's still afraid of the dark to this day. he's always cold and alina's always hot. he's very good with kids. he speaks so softly because his mother is abusive garbage and his experiences with men all suck. he's demisexual and biromantic and agender. he dissociates regularly due to both trauma and regular dehumanization, and this affects the way he views his personhood as well as his gender. he always knows the time of day because he can feel the shadows around him. he operates at some level on inhuman instincts tied to the nature of shadows & light.
give me a character (x)
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nono-bunny · 7 months
Istg Futari wa Precure villains are like. A lot sadder than I would've imagined
Like literally they WILL die if they don't all manage to sustain the Dark King's existence, and they're genuinely treated terribly by him because of how expandable they are. None of them so far really seem to particularly relish what they have to do, but that's just it- they HAVE to, or else, they die. Honoka getting angry at them for being selfish for not wanting to die was bizarre tbh, like, yes, of course they're in the wrong for dooming other races/worlds, but also? Like literally they're just trying to survive and it's really sad!! I feel bad for them like, all the time, it's really tragic in a way! I know they have at least one redeemed general (which I gathered is what the minibosses are called in PreCure?) and honestly, yeah, absolutely, that checks out with their portrayal so far and what we see of their circumstances!! Probably they're all gonna die still rather than like, idk find an alternate way of co-existing peacefully with the rest of the world so it's still gonna end in tragedy for their entire race or whatever but. I do genuinely really like the way they handle the villains here
Also I was genuinely surprised to see Honoka having to deal with killing a person for a hot sec before the show remembered it's a kids show and obfuscated the whole thing with a "he's reborn in the ether" metaphor or whatever- that scene was both heartbreaking and hilarious because of that, ngl
Btw for context, rn I think I'm at Gekidrago's last episode? Ngl that dude was much funnier than I expected, I enjoyed him a lot! Probably not as much as David Bowie Pisard the piss (or maybe pizza?) wizard, but still!
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humanoidtyphoons · 1 month
no i got things to say about gun x sword
-genuinely sad the opening did not commit to the bit of silhouettes revealed and remaining silhouettes if the characters had died. ray dying broke my heart but i think he should have remained a silhouette in the opening after his death, but at some point the anime stopped doing that and it’s a real shame bc i thought the way it initially did things was sooo fun
-didn’t expect to like ray so much but he’s a foil to van in a way that gradually became really pleasing. also him thwarting the claw’s plan, even temporarily, was super satisfying!!!
-the claw was such a good villain. trying to suss out why things don’t add up with him, what people say about him vs what he’s doing. meeting him in person, being underwhelmed, baffled, cautious and temporary insane about how things don’t make sense before coming to the conclusion that he’s actually insane so the dissonance is… intentional? he clicks in a way that’s really great to process tbh. like the good intentions he has just don’t work with his logic, he doesn’t seem to realise he killed people when he gives them hugs, and doesn’t really care if people die so long as his dream is fulfilled?
-it’s a little embarrassing to be in denial about his blatant madness, and i should have figured it out sooner, but ngl he flummoxed me for episodes bc people couldn’t hate him and apparently found him so charismatic that they joined his cause??? so i. convinced myself that there was going to be this super complicated reveal that would explain his bizarreness in a convoluted way, that would explain everything… and the simplicity of it being. he’s just insane, actually. so much more effective.
(-knives out glass onion with benoit blanc going “you’re not smart! you’re just stupid!!!” is the closest comparison i think i can get but it’s just… wasn’t satisfying for that movie, (i did like the movie, tho, with nitpicks) whereas gxs… me coming to the realisation about claw… sometimes as the audience, you doing the legwork is what makes the figuring out and making it make sense satisfying??)
-i really like that van wastes no time killing claw in the final episode. bc we’d seen something similar with ray, who also wanted revenge for the death of his wife at claw’s hands. claw talking and being dismissive. we’d seen in the previous episode, van and the claw talking, in which the claw repeatedly calling van an idiot. it was clear that they were never going to get through to each other. so van quickly cuts him in two, and honestly? so fulfilling. so satisfying.
-found myself shipping van/pricilla and joshua/wendy. ofc they didn’t end up together, but i’m super relieved van/wendy didn’t happen either and they remained platonic til the end.
-ngl van kinda inexplicably hating joshua soooo much made me laugh so much! it’s so mean and i love both characters but it’s hilarious
-i kinda do like wendy vs her brother michael and her telling him off bc she explored the planet with van and gained new experiences
-docked a point for the fan service tho
-i’m not… particularly happy about michael once he sleeps with his teammate tbh? idk how i would have written it but… uh… not like that tbh?
-honestly the story is nothing new but the characters are so fun and likeable and that matters more tbh! ngl my attention span wandered at times but when it was good, it was very very good
-but also i liked that van wasn’t solely motivated by revenge. not like ray. ray lived for nothing else but revenge, but van… as cranky as he was, still had connections to the living.
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daphneroar · 1 month
Fukigen na Mononokean, chapter 1: The beginning
hi everyone! as I said a few days ago, i wanted to read fukimono again because i was feeling nostalgic, and this manga was once basically my life. said and done, i just finished the first chapter, i'm glad i decided to return to this beautiful story. let's get to it!
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first of all i think the cover of chapter 1 was a redrawing of a barakamon illustration? or maybe the other way around? if someone can confirm or correct me...
anyway!! as we all know our beloved fukimono begins with ashiya hanae (my son) being possesed by a youkai. and i love fuzzy so much is not even normal. well our ashiya boy is going to meet abeno haruitsuki very soon, with the hope that he exorcises the youkai but... he'll end the chapter with a stable job. so good for him, i can't relate.
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i find so funny that ashiya keeps hitting fuzzy because it's like darling you are going to LOVE that thing. of course at the same time it's sad because poor fuzzy just wants some attention, but that's the whole point of the chapter.
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i love picturing abeno making that flyer for some reason it looks amusing in my mind
one thing i was thinking while reading is that both ashiya encoutering fuzzy and ashiya finding abeno's flyer seem kind of contrived. but on one hand, ashiya would encounter another youkai sooner or later, and he would end in the same situation. and on the other hand, ashiya and abeno are classmates, so they were bound to meet in one way or another, and eventually ashiya would get abeno's attention. so what happens in this chapter is just one of the possible paths, it was going to happen no matter what. and i personally like the fate perspective. the idea of characters being connected in a superior way, having an objective or a mission... of course they need to have range to act, but i like when fate is involved (or when i feel that fate is involved).
summary: ashiya and abeno were destined to meet! yay!
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ok but fuzzy's paws........ baby
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important: abeno yelling at ashiya for the first time
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seriously he's roasting him :___ and this is chapter one come on
one of the main strenghts of fukimono and probably what got me hooked since the beginning is the dynamics between ashiya and abeno. their personalities are such a powerful combination, their constant quarreling is hilarious... but at the same time it's so emotional, even in chapter one they are already bonding. and i have to say, i do ship abeshiya, in fact it's the ship i have supported the most in my whole life, but their relationship is so solid even if you don't ship them? they simply work together, no matter if you think of them romantically or platonically
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this moment got me !!!! back then... i was like WHY WHO WHAT WHEN... the theories wow we knew this was a key moment ahhh i really want to keep reading
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guys i just think they're cute
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the first time we see the gate to the underworld!! omggg so many first times i'm travelling back in time at the moment see you in 2016
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the bond between ashiya and fuzzy tho... i love them. and to see ashiya getting so attached in a matter of hours, he's the sweetest.
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i've always loved this tender side abeno shows to youkai too. his connection to youkai is one of my favorite things in the manga.
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the en bills look so cool if i had the minimum artistic talent i would make some for me tbh but sadly that's not the case lol
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and so my obsession with a monthly manga began ugh seriously thank you wazawa kiri because you kind of saved me. i was so depressed when i started following fukimono.........
such a good first chapter. it's a perfect introduction to the youkai world, even if we don't know that much about it so far. the characters shine from their very first appearances. the soul of the story is already there. it's funny and it's touching at the same time, and that's basically fukimono.
i want to go little by little, i don't want to binge the whole thing, so in a few days i'll get to chapter two. when i posted about revisiting fukimono and stuff the other day i got like 5 notes? and i was so happy because i wasn't expecting interactions at all!! it's good to see that people still remember it. so if you stay with me, that'll make me super happy, seriously if this post reached only one person, that'd mean the world to me.
also sorry my first language is not english as you can imagine anddd it's soooo hot here and i'm sooooo weak against hot temperatures. so yeah sorry if this was a hell to read.
i guess... this is only the beginning???
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justcallmesolll · 1 year
My silly little top tens
yeen rambles #10
stealing this idea from the wonderful @whitestorm4prez bc originality is dead!!!!!!!!!!
anyways ive only read the first arc but most of the major shit was spoiled for me on the internet.
#10 Thrushpelt. i love him!! he's such a nice guy. i feel really bad for him for his one-sided love of Bluestar. she missed out frfr. but even when Bluestar makes it super clear she doesnt like him, does he hold a grudge? no. does he resent her? no. what does he do? become her friend instead. amazing man.
#9 Darkstripe. i think he's both the most hilarious and fucking balling my eyes out sad villain ever at the same time. dude just got fucked over most of his life. i mean i find him sily because every time he tries something, it fails horribly. but at the same time, he's got fucking no-one. he's alone. no friends, nothing. the one guy he trusted with his life turns out to not even care about him at all. i mean seeing him scramble to revive what little there is left of tigerstars plan, seeing everyone leave him, him realising that nobody was truly on his side. his last moments preaching for a dead man who never cared for him. his life being over like that. he never did anything meaningful, and he died like that. im gonna write more abt this a some point but yea!!
#8 Tallstar. his character arc is one of the most heartwarming things ever. yes, he was a shitty leader, but do ya know what? he grew as a person. he changed and made himself better. i also think him and Jake r cute and i LOVE the headcannon that he thought fireheart was jake coming to save him and his clan.
#7 Bluestar. RIGHT OK. i know i say i hate her but by god how can i not like her at the same time???? i mean all her life was just horrible shit. and she stuck through it. i know she was a real bitch coming towards the end of her life, but she stayed, stone faced and understanding to most cats around her. tigerclaw was just the straw that broke the camel's back. but most of her life she was so awesome.
#6 Cloudtail. i think hes such a silly guy!!! he's a big hot-headed atheist!!! silly guy. him and brightheart are so cute together. and yea thats it literally hes just silly thats why i like him
#5 Longtail. I LOVE HIM SM OMGGG the fan service he gets is so good. but the most important thing is his character arc. from being a bully, but all round loyal cat, to desprately trying to prove his loyalty to firestar by any means possible. longtail thinks that firestar sees him as disloyal, but firestar proves him wrong, asking him to come on the journey with him the relationship between them is so nice to see.
#4 Greystripe. what a guy. hes amazing. he puts up with firheart way more than he should have to. i mean fire is a straight up dick to him alot of the time and he sticks with him like a loyal friend. i love him hehehe
#3 Ashfur. if u cant tell already, i like villains. i like Ashfur alot actually. cant help feeling bad for him. mans had a rough time. grew up without a mother, was practically ignored by his mentor, when he finally found someone who gave him a little attention who does undeniably treat him like her mate, she just turns around and goes "yeah no lol i was just w u to make brambleclaw jealous lmao." he was plunked right on his head and left alone with no-one to care about him. the only person who slightly cared about him was his sister, and she was too caught up in her own shit to help. its the sticky feeling you have knowing that if he were just cared for right, he could have turned out just fine. instead, he was neglected and left to become what he did.
#2 Hawkfrost. i love the fan service hawk gets honestly. im a huge fan of the artwork he gets. hes cool. i like the idea of him feeling the need to prove himself to his father. but yea hes just cool thats why i like him tbh.
#1 to absolutely no-ones surprise, my #1 fave warriors character, is SOL. hes so silly. but no fr, hes the funniest fucking villain ever. he sucks ass at being a fucking warrior and he comes accross the clans and is just like "yea yk what im gonna fuck with em." he literally gaslight gatekeep girlbosses all 4 of the clans and he actually gets away with it. i also just like his whole asthetic, and THE FUCKING FAN SERICE HE GETS???? HOLY SHIT ITS SO COOL. i swear you cant make Sol fanart look bad bc hes just so fuckin cool. silly little guy!!
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aho-dapa · 1 year
Tamlin x king of hybern
i dare you to make a ship fic out of this XD surprise me! Take me off guard! Make it sad, or toxic, or a surprise fluff! Go crazy!
TW: uh dark themes like corruption and what it takes to get there, vague dddne vibe
Okay okay so like any villain flavored ship, it can go three ways: horribly, tenderly, or both.
Let's see, could go really dddne the way it could would Amarantha, mind break flavors, or even the slow corruption arc that's only painful (meaning Tamlin looses his sense of self completely)
This is still a mind break corruption route, but if we used canon: since we never actually see the KoH until ACOMAF and he's described as someone plain in the books (please sjm I'm gonna start a petition to allow your villains to hot fr)
Let's have KoH infiltrate the Spring Court during ACOWAR as Just Some Guy who gradually gains the trust of the Spring Court and integrates himself pretty well in their daily life. Maybe he went there to see the situation and maybe even take down the Spring Court, but guess what? Hilariously, he doesn't even have to lift a finger. Feyre destroys it herself and not just the Spring Court, but also deals a devastating mental blow to Tamlin. This leaves him open to manipulation even especially if Lucien leaves with Feyre. Especially if he spirals into what we saw in ACOFAS where Rhys eluded to Tamlin not even protecting himself by keeping the manor unguarded.
Meaning that this gives the KoH plenty to time to literally be the sole person by Tamlin’s side especially if he can glamor himself or even has some new ability like the ability to possess people (which could explain his age and why he might be older than Beron).
Maybe it even goes so far that Tamlin begins to rely solely on the KoH and falls for him because he just wants to be cared for rn and no longer have to push himself to be someone he's not as the High Lord of Spring
Plot twist?? Maybe (in sjm's all fae but villains are carved by the Mother herself) the KoH was actually human and was the first to use the Cauldron to become fae and that's why he knew he could change Nesta and Elain. And that's why he just knows how to use it.
This would definitely add more layers of complication towards how Tam would eventually grow closer with him because I honestly think he could get to a point where he just wants to rest and be treated kindly so he could ignore what the KoH is doing in Prythian, but that he would have difficultly if he had to live with cruelty surrounding him (given that he's already moved to Hybern). So he would definitely hate it if the KoH didn't rule fairly or reinstated slavery.
Then again, KoH motives for this can be fleshed out into a manipulation tactic or wild, maybe the KoH still actually sees himself as human and is trying to destroy all the fae as like a weird moral excuse. Or it could be that the KoH had the Cauldron before this and actually had slaves as a cover where maybe all the slaves in Hybern are actually a super secret saiyan humans and are undercover to infiltrate courts and all lands because back during his time, humans couldn't move freely in the world without being a slave or subservient to the fae. But at that point, it's getting very conspiracy and ends up trying to excuse a lot for him so that Tamlin can actually have a relationship with him. Tbh, if the slavery thing isn't addressed, I could see Tamlin snapping out of it and in a very climatic battle where everyone thinks Tamlin's basically become the co-ruler of Hybern, he kills the KoH and just sobs over his body
Extra tragic if Tamlin doesn't feel like he can be forgiven and dies with the KoH
Okay so this would rework the KoH and give him an even more tragic backstory. Given that I already mentioned human KoH, what if it's actually where Amarantha and Clythia have been ruling Hybern for over a millenia. And using the KoH as a puppet king they crowned long ago after turning him fae in their Cauldron experiments. And then that neatly explains why Hybern killed all their human slaves before setting them free. They wouldn't want evidence of their world domination plan using human turned fae magically bound to them to get outside of Hybern.
The slave bargains they use on humans still goes over when they're Made fae, similar to how Feyre's bargain with Rhys is still intact after becoming fae. The only way to be free of the bargain is if the ones who made it die.
Of course, there's a limit to how many people they can control and they limit it to a very small group in Hybern.
That also means that they can put themselves in positions of power in their court without having the same risks as a ruler would. Like imagine the multiple assassination attempts and general inhumanization (hah) the KoH would have to go through for what seems like a literal eternity. And their the ones actually starting wars in Prythian and the reason why Hybern surrendered is because Clythia died and Amarantha is the younger sister and she definitely relied on her in their impossibly immortal lives (not before getting personal revenge on Jurian tho who definitely learns about the KoH)
Or Amarantha surrenders after Clythia's death because Jurian found out about the Cauldron and destroyed it into three pieces (like in canon but with it actually being broken not that it needs to stand on three legs) and the humans hid it from her
But Amarantha only discovers this after she kills Jurian and tries to bring Clythia back, effectively killing off the few people that know about the Cauldron
In this, Amarantha would be the main antagonist and she does eventually collect the othe pieces but conquers prythian and utm to find the last. She resurrects Clythia and Jurian (so that he can be tortured more) and they go back to their plan of world domination.
Maybe feylin happens or something else does but Tamlin does eventually takes sides with Hybern and becomes Amarantha's High Consort as the High Queen of Prythian while Clythia goes on to fulfill her childhood dreams of becoming Empress of the Continent.
(Also, kinda nice that the evil sisters always have each other's backs and will never betray each other and that's also what makes them a threat because no one can shake that foundation)
Eventually Jurian does tell Tamlin that the KoH is literally the oldest Cauldron Made Fae outside of Amarantha and Clythia. They scheme to set him free and they eventually kill Amarantha (with the help of literally everyone else).
But before that it plays out that Amarantha sends Tamlin back to Hybern after their wedding ceremony so that she doesn't have to worry about him (both for his life and so that he can't conspire against her) and so that she can secretly move the Cauldron back to Hybern where it's kept safe
But because Clythia and Amarantha are both not at Hybern, the KoH has a little room to act as he wishes. He acts on their orders and can never reveal his true personality but he does strangely enough do his best for Hybern and ruling its people because they've also been living under years and years of tyranny (through him). So when their not watching he can take steps to express some of his desires.
He married only once a long time ago to have a heir but Amarantha killed his child as punishment because he started doing little things that made the court question him. Basically the KoH has no hope for freedom and just lives like an actual puppet and has become somewhat desensitized to his surroundings.
But because Clythia died, Amarantha now is the only one who can actually control the KoH, so now the bargain that was placed on him forever ago is weakened. (Meaning Clythia needs to remake the bargain with the KoH to reinstate her control over him. But because neither Amarantha or Clythia have died of old age, they don't know that the bargain has weakened)
Cue the suspicions Tamlin begins to have about the KoH and Tamlin actually exploring Hybern and learning lore until he eventually finds the Cauldron slowly discovers the truth
He learns that Amarantha and Clythia are the oldest fae alive and can actually steal the powers of others but can only manage one at a time and they have to learn it again once they relinquish it. Amarantha used daemati abilities to literally take complete control over Prythian and even a young Rhys. That's also how she's able to completely control the KoH without anyone knowing because she can command him through her thoughts. She's fully had a leash on the KoH for so long that she feels okay with leaving him be because she can also harm his citizens (who he has somewhat grown attached too)
This would be a great way to actually flesh out Hybern and not have it just be a place of misery and oppression. Even Amarantha and Clythia know how to rule in ways that gives them power. Amarantha uses fear tactics but eventually plans on letting up when her rule stabilizes (even the Romans enjoyed brutality when it wasn't them actually experiencing it). Basically, the people are willing to suffer through a cruelty if they are content and will not endure someone incompetent with their needs. Meaning that the KoH's (forced) cruelty is not just because, it's about gaining and keeping power. Clythia had a great balance of this, while Amarantha prefers more violent tactics (which is also why she had all the slaves be killed instead of giving them up).
It's during this time that the KoH and the other puppet fae begin to hope for the first time for freedom, and the KoH eventually breaks a rule that set up by Clythia and Amarantha.
During this time, Tamlin and the KoH get close. Also, guilty pleasure, but they also have an affair because Tamlin is technically married to Amarantha but neither of them care about that (but they do have to hide it which is honestly the best part).
Eventually, Amarantha dies and Hybern stages a revolt as the KoH is no longer bond in a slave bargain.
Clythia is killed as well after more plot and the KoH eventually explains everything publicly utm. Amren can confirm he's a Made fae and he does eventually get redipped in the Cauldron to become human again. Maybe he stays immortal or maybe not.
Also maybe, to tie a little plot hole, they Made his appearance different as the original KoH (if he was an imposter instead of just a puppet king) and he changed back to what he originally looked like as a human once they both died??
Or it could even be that Hybern was originally a human kingdom before it was conquered by the Fae and the KoH was made a slave after Amarantha and Clythia conquered it with their father (?) the original KoH forever ago. And then that would add another layer that they basically deposed their dad.
This could tie into different endings where either the KoH abdicated and goes with Tam to the Spring Court, or they both fuck off and become wanderers, or the KoH stays the KoH (in a different body) and rules over Hybern peacefully (or enacts a council or does something else) and reclaims Hybern for humans (especially if we're going with the HC that the Treaty only works between Hybern and Prythian and the only current free lands for humans is below the Spring Court).
I'm personally biased to that the KoH was a human king who was conquered by the Fae and then Made Fae (which was forgotten to history) by Amarantha and Clythia after enslaving him into a bargain. That means that the KoH doesn't change his appearance and then reclaims Hybern for humans. And Tamlin rules with him while Lucien OR Feyre (or both who knows) can look after the Spring Court. Especially if it came down to the fact that the KoH can't leave his kingdom to anyone rn but Tamlin can.
It could also be a nice breather for Tamlin especially if he found the Spring Court to hold too many bitter memories for him and/or he doesn't feel like he could go back to the Spring Court as the same person he once was. Also Hybern could just feel more freeing to him personally because he's no longer has to play the part of High Lord with all the expectations of it. He doesn't have to contend with nobles about his status as a bastard that had been conceived on Calanmai outside of wedlock (which would actually make more sense than that all the nobles left because he was a warrior) and never feeling like he could mold himself into the fancy trappings of the spring court.
It would be interesting to have Tamlin see Spring as something eternally stagnant because the seasons don't change. Eternally beautiful and eternally brutal. The Spring Court could be filled to the brim with nobles and there fancy clothing and how Tam sees it all as a farce, as an excuse for cruelty (since i often base my Spring Court on France during the revolution). Maybe because he's spent centuries trying to change it but he never feels like he's making progress. Especially if the succession system is like canon. He couldn't refuse his title, and the nobles were stuck with him and he had to live in paranoia that someone would test the family magic he had to the Court itself and see if they could replace him. (They don't because of their potential fears).
I also like the idea of Tam being demi and genderfluid and just feeling stagnant like the Court itself with their expectations of him. And since I'm petty, I like to think evil Hybern is actually more nuanced and feels more free to Tam. He can remake himself there where no one is looking. He finally gets privacy to be himself. And that's what he found even while as Amarantha's High Consort.
Imagine he was given many of the expectations a woman would be given because his roles were switched with Amarantha. Even if she bears him children, he will be the one to raise them and with how he would have limited say on most things in her High Court.
I'm also a personal fan of soft Tam and just letting him become even softer. In this way, he likes helping the KoH but he doesn't want to rule. Of course they're equals, it just tastes different because Tamlin no longer has to be forced into those expectations. He likes the idea of raising his children instead of spending his days debating with nobles on policies. He likes the idea of tea parties and gossip and things typically feminine in comparison to his peers. Basically, he's just very genderfuck.
basically I wanna see Tam in some historical irish dresses and running barefoot in the rain
Uhhhhh, so I rambled there uh
Hope you enjoyed me spiraling because now I'm definitely planning on writing the tender part of this journey
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