#I now am growing basically every herb and basic edible you can think of
ghostlyfoliage · 4 years
I once read an Amazon review that said "I had no idea that growing my own weed would turn me into someone that's growing everything I can get my hands on"
And... big mood.
#I seriously grew my first cannabis plant about a year ago#I now am growing basically every herb and basic edible you can think of#I have two indoor grow spaces and they're currently both PACKED#I have plants in my windows#and I'm starting to plant stuff outside#which has suddenly become a huge project that will eventually be a food forest#the first phase of my food forest is herbs and stuff from the onion family#this creates a layer of pest deterrent#I'm also starting with a serviceberry tree#next will come basically all the edibles#then the ground cover#the rest will build up over the years#but to start I want to encourage benefitial insects and discourage bad bugs#as well as a ground cover to cut back on the weeds trying to take over the area#which I've spent a lot of time getting rid of#but that's digging them out... which makes it easier for more to take up that space#so I'm going to plant a no mow low water wild 'lawn'#which is mixing ground covers like clover with wild flowers and such#just so there isn't room for the weeds to come in#the clover also traps nitrogen which will increase the fertility of the soil#I'm laughing all the way to the bank at all these people and their fucking lawns#bro... that grass is doing nothing for you but sucking up a lot of water#you could do other things and still have a lawn that you can still walk on and enjoy that takes little to no water#doesn't need to be maintained really and still feels nice and looks great and keeps the weeds out#seriously... unless your lawn is stuff like fescue and bluegrass like drought tolerant grass stuffs... wtf are you doing???
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headoverjojo · 4 years
I hope it counts among the AUs, can I order a scenario of the witch AU with Leone? He is found and rescued by a young witch when he was a child and he never wanted to leave her. They both grow up together, but they don't trust each other because they know that at some point the witch will stop growing and will be immortal. Until finally it happens and things get awkward between them, to finally end up together?
Hello there, darling! That was such a good prompt!! Thank you for sending it :3 and sooo, here we go, then! I hope you’ll like it :3
Witch AU: Leone Abbacchio is rescued by a young witch as a child and they grow up together
(Under the cut for length!)
Do not enter the ancient forest, old people said, or the Witch who lives in the black tree will eat your heart. It was a scary story that Leone had heard since he was a little child, basically a toddler. Do not play in the forest, and don’t hunt there when night falls. Ancient forests like that were full of traps and secrets that should stay unrevealed; it wasn’t a place for children.
Leone was from a family of knights, people who protected cities and villages from every kind of danger, being this human or supernatural. And Leone wasn’t weak, nor he was afraid: he wanted to protect who needed him, no matter how dangerous it was.
And so, the child, no more than ten years old, put his father’s helmet on and grabbed his short dagger that, in his tiny hand, was as big as a sword. He was tired of hearing about the dangerous and scaring witch who infested the forest and prevented everyone from going there: he would have slain the dark witch, being a valorous knight like his father.
He sneaked in the forest at night time, covered in a dark cloak. As soon as he stepped into the forest, all the sounds from outside seemed to be muffled. Leone could hear just his breath and his heart fastly pounding in his chest. He wasn’t scared, he wasn’t scared… he was a brave boy, sure he was!
He frowned, as the grip on the dagger grew stronger. He had a mission to do. He started to walk, paying attention to the big roots and the dangerous forest floor. The night moisture had soaked the fallen leaves, making them all wet and slippery; it was easy to fall down and break an arm or a leg. His nerves jolted every time he heard a strange noise: a sudden crack of branches, a sound that seemed a heavy step, the rustle of leaves, the cold wind that ruffled the foliage… animal sounds too. Sometimes they were far, but, sometimes, they were too close for his likening; fear was starting to root in his heart.
Unfortunately, that deep fear made him be careless: his foot got stuck in a root, and he stumbled forward. He rolled down a small hill, landing on his back, all aching and without breath. Everything hurt: his head, his arm… but, especially, his foot. He tried to move it, but whined, in pain. It seemed broken…
Suddenly, a lantern light blinded him, for a second. He saw a silhouette, and the person was wearing a pointy hat… Leone felt his blood curling. That was the witch… that was the dark witch of the forest! He had found her! Well, the witch had found him, but it was a detail. Now, it was the right time to slain her!
“Uh? Who are you?” Leone didn’t even hear the witch’s words, as he was busy trying to get up and lifting the heavy dagger. It was more difficult, now that his arm wasn’t at its prime…
“Stay back, witch! I am… I am here to end your life! And to free the village!” he screamed, lifting with difficulty the heavy dagger. He tried to hit the evil witch, but he missed, as the witch had had all the time to avoid it.
“Mom, come here! I’ve found a boy!” Leone frowned, incredulous: mom?! So that meant that…
The lantern’s light dimmed, and he could finally see the witch’s face. It was a little girl, no older than him, and she was looking at him with curiosity and wariness. Leone’s jaw dropped: so that was the witch that scared the villagers?! A kid like him?!
“A boy, sweety? Oh dear, it seems like he got lost…” Leone put the dagger in a defensive stance, as he had seen his father doing so many times, when he heard a second voice approaching. Soon after, another witch, a woman, emerged from the bushes, looking at him with curiosity. It was obvious that she was the little witch’s mother.
“I’m not lost! I’m here to slain you!” the witch huffed a little laugh, shaking her head and approaching him. Leone tried to draw back, but his feet, that traitor, gave up on him. He fell on the ground, grunting in pain. Not now, not now!!
“Oh, you’re wounded! It’s all ok, we’re going to heal you, ok? Here, let me pick you up…” the woman gently blocked the dagger, picking it from his hands and giving it to her daughter; then, she picked him up, quietly ignoring his threats, and carried him with her; her little daughter was trotting behind her. Soon, Leone fell silent, as fear made its way in his heart: he had failed… the witches had imprisoned him. What would have they done to him? Maybe they would have tortured him, or made experiments on him or… or whatever a witch did. What did witches do, usually, in any case?
“Here, we’re home. Now we’ll check that foot, hm?” Leone tried again to wiggle out of the woman’s grip, but she was way stronger than him; he grumbled all the time, while she was laying him in a comfy bed and then checking his foot. He glowered at her, trying to see what she was doing; maybe cutting his foot off and roast it for dinner? Or…
He sighed, feeling a soothing coolness on the aching ankle. It was so nice… and the smell in that house, it was… one of some kind of herb, and flowers, and hot soup… it was comforting. Almost… homey.
“Are you hungry, dear? There’s mushroom soup for dinner.” the woman said, getting up and leaving her daughter at Leone’s side. Leone whispered a “yes, please”, and then stared at the little girl, who was already shamelessly looking intently at him. It was kinda unnerving… and he felt like he couldn’t trust her. Not now, at least. Well, his beliefs on witches were basically a lie, so… maybe she was trustworthy, somehow. But, right now, his biggest worry was not to burn his tongue with the hot soup; his trust issues would have waited. - He ended up staying at the old house in the forest. No one was waiting for him at the village, and everyone already thought he had died in the forest, so… he had no reasons to go back. And, also, the two were alone… it wasn’t chivalrous leaving two women alone in such a dangerous place; he had to protect them. The witch mother hid a soft smile, when he grumbled his intentions, and she let him stay. She and her daughter taught him how to move in the forest, to recognize the paths, every tree, every rock… they taught him which herbs could heal, and which ones could kill; which mushrooms were edible, and which ones were not. Leone grew up strong and confident, learning from the witches and the forest to be valiant and fierce; and the little witch grew up too, becoming powerful and benevolent, a feared and respected witch as her mother. However, the two seemed just… not to get along, at least most of the time. The reason was apparently simple, but it was like a thorn into their heart: they were too different.
He was a human; yes, a kinda special human, as he had been basically raised by a witch, but still a human: a vulnerable and, mostly, mortal human. She was a witch, and this meant that she was immortal. One day, she would have stopped getting old and she would have stayed like that forever, in an eternal youth, ‘till the end of the days. How could he even think about his feelings for her? Any kind of relationship between them was absurd, ridiculous…
But if it was so, why couldn’t he stop thinking about her? He saw her, so strong, and beautiful, and good, always ready to help a wounded animal or to bring back someone lost in the woods; he saw her smile, bright like the sun that filtered through the leaves, and her eyes, glittering like the stream of clear water near their house… he had tried to stop to think about her, oh, he had tried many times, but it was useless. She was in his mind, and she didn’t want to leave.
She would have reached her full maturity at twenty-five years, and, after that birthday, she would have stopped to get old, achieving her people’s immortality. That day was nearer and nearer, and Leone feared that day. It was like… like he was going to lose her forever. He didn’t want it. Maybe… maybe he should confess his feelings? It wouldn’t have changed the fact that she was going to be immortal, but at least she would have known. Or maybe he had to keep it a secret, and just to let her go? Maybe she would have been happier, that way…
He spent so much time pondering and thinking that her birthday came in a rush. While Y/N was celebrating her maturity with the mother witch and their coven, Leone was almost grieving. The time had come, and he had lost his chance. What a fool…
He tried to keep it just for himself as much as he could, but it was hard. Sometimes he slipped, and he showed a bit his true feelings, in the tenderness of his touch, when he helped her to hop down from a high root, or in his lingering gaze on her when she was focusing on her studies or on a potion. He could see that she was confused by his behaviour: one moment he was tender, the following he was cold and distant again… sometimes he spotted even pain, in her eyes, and it pained him deeply. If only he could make her happy as she deserved…
“Do you care to tell me what’s happening, Leone? It’s getting awkward.” Leone frowned, hearing her voice so near. He put aside his sword, turning to look at her, trying to find a good excuse… an excuse that didn’t exist. He could already see the pain in her eyes, like she was expecting him to lie again…
No, he thought, not this time.
“It may get even more awkward, Y/N.” he said, stern, averting his gaze from her. He heard her sighing, and sitting down next to him. He could even sniff her herbal smell…
“It is already awkward. C’mon, Leone. Be honest.” Y/N replied, with a tired sigh. Leone bit his lower lip, uncertain. How could he confess to her with the right sensibility and sincerity? It was an important moment, he didn’t want to screw it up, he had to be delicate…
“I’m in love with you, and I’ve been for a while. But you’re immortal, and I’m a human, so… well, forget it. I’ll eventually let it go.” he grumbled, in the end, almost stumbling on his words. He closed his eyes, cringing internally, realizing how much he had screwed it up. Well, fantastic, now she would have thought he was a creeper and an idiot too…
“For real?” Leone just nodded, at her whisper. He couldn’t bring himself even to look at her face; he was too embarrassed. He almost jolted, when he felt her fingertips tracing his hand’s back, and then interweaving in his ones. Her hand was so warm…
“I’m in love with you too, you big idiot. And… and, well, we could try it, don’t you think? We’re just being sad, now.” she said, with a small pout. Leone dared to look at her, surprised. She felt the same for him…? And… and even wanted to try? With one like him? It was so wonderful it almost seemed untrue…
“But… how will we deal with our… different lifespans?” he asked, frowning a little. She softly smiled, and he felt his heart melting at that sight.
“We’ll find a way, Leone. But now we could just… enjoy the moment, don’t you think?” she murmured, resting her head on his shoulder, with a quiet sigh. Leone hid a small smile, closing his eyes and resting his cheek on her hair, feeling way more lighter than just a few moments before.
Enjoying the moment, she said… well, maybe she was right. Surely, they both would have been way happier than how they were now.
They would have faced their future, side by side, when the time would have come. But, right now… they would have enjoyed the moment, and nothing more.
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thegreenwolf · 6 years
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Note: this blog post was originally posted on my blog at A Sense of Natural Wonder at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/spirits-in-the-kitchen-honoring-the-remains-of-our-food/.
[Main photo: rice and cheese stuffed crimini mushrooms, roasted acorn squash and red onion, and sauteed vegetables and mushrooms]
The older I get, the more important food has become to me. For the first quarter century of my life, I couldn’t have cared less about domestic duties. In fact, in my misguided desire to break out of traditional female gender roles, I eschewed anything associated with the household for many years. I remember a friend coming over to visit, and being shocked at how scarce kitchenware was in my home. I was basically living like a stereotypical bachelor(ette).
Then I ended up living with someone who insisted on taking over all the domestic duties as a way of “taking care” of me. Unfortunately, their cooking skills were…less than advertised. After entirely too many pans of cheap chicken thighs or pork chops covered in cream of mushroom soup and then dried to the consistency of shoe leather in the oven, I finally decided to learn to cook in self-defense. I started with my mom’s chili recipe, a piece of comfort food from home. And I found that I loved cooking–the flavors, the alchemy, the transformation of a pile of ingredients and a recipe into something artistic as well as edible.
While I am in no way a professional level cook, and in some ways am still barely competent in the kitchen, I’ve acquired a decent collection of cookbooks and flavor manuals, and I have a much better set of utensils. After years of gardening and foraging and preserving plants, and even raising and slaughtering my own meat, I also have gained a much deeper appreciation for the quality of the ingredients I use. I can’t always afford the pasture-raised meat, but I try to have a bottle of genuine olive oil no matter the recipe. (Costco has become one of my greatest resources.)
One thing that has always been central to my cuisine, even from the start, was respect for the animals, plants and fungi I was about to consume. We literally are what we eat. The vast majority of the molecules in my body came from something I ate or drank, and every time I sit down to a meal or a snack I am aware that part of what I am about to enjoy is going to become a long-term part of my body. After all, I’m only borrowing it temporarily before it gets returned to the ecosystem, so I should be appreciative of those recently deceased whose remains are actively being recycled by my digestive system.
Why is this awareness important?
–Connection with nature on a spiritual level: My paganism has always been nature-based, even if the exact interpretation thereof has evolved over time. As a naturalist pagan, I don’t invest myself in supernatural concepts–even the idea of spirits, to me, is something that I don’t actively try to prove literally. Instead, my path is firmly rooted in the idea that I am a part of something deeper and greater than myself, the concentric rings of community, ecosystem, planet and universe. By being mindful of the living beings whose now-dead remains are about to nourish me and keep me alive another day, I am reminding myself that I am part of that greater cycle, and that I am just one tiny part of the great community of nature. Even when the being who is feeding me–a fruit or nut tree, for example–is technically still alive, I still want to honor the sacrifice of their energy-made-matter and their potential offspring.
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Some of my chickens enjoying kitchen scraps that they will later turn into eggs
–Consideration of the welfare of other beings: I know there are people who will argue that anyone who isn’t a strict vegan can’t possibly be acting for the welfare of animals, at least, and that plants and fungi don’t count since they don’t have animal nervous systems. I’m not going to get into that debate because that’s at least three more blog posts, so leave it be. As someone who is an obligate omnivore, I’ve found the best solution for both my health and the planet is Michael Pollan’s advice: Eat [real] food, not too much, mostly plants. I am not currently in a place where I am able to grow or raise all of my food, but the farm my art studio is on has a nice garden going, with plans for improvement in subsequent years. I also have access to several farmers’ markets in the summer, though I’ve yet to find a good local CSA. And starting this past year I began raising chickens for both eggs and meat (though they’ve ended up being pets as well.) The more I can control the source of my own food and how it was grown and raised, the better I will feel about my role as a consumer of food.
–Mindful eating: This is a way to slow down your consumption of food and to be more aware of the experience of eating. It serves to not only reconnect you with something that can be quite enjoyable, but slowing down the act of eating can help reduce indigestion and other problems. Moreover, I feel it gives meals more meaning. As someone who eats alone 95% of the time, it can be easy for me to just zone about and shovel food into my mouth while I wander around online or read a book. Mindful eating makes me appreciate what I’m eating more, which has encouraged my already active interest in home cooking. And it helps me to remember again that everything I’m eating was once alive, as I am now alive, and that is something to respect.
I don’t really do special rituals or magic with my food; instead, having mindfulness infuse the very acts of cooking and eating is ritual in and of itself. That being said, you’re certainly welcome to toss a little kitchen witchery into the process if that’s your practice. Here are a few ideas:
–When preparing your work area, consider lighting candles or incense, or cleansing the area with a wash of salt- or herb-infused water. You can also put out crystals nearby that represent your intent. Some pagans like to have an apron or other adornment they only wear when preparing sacred meals (though I consider every meal to be sacred.) Consider it a way of making sacred space for the beings you are about to prepare into food, welcoming them into your home.
–Say a prayer over the ingredients for the meal you are about to prepare, thanking them for being there and asking that you be able to treat them with respect as you turn them into nourishment for you and whoever else you’re feeding
–Bless the herbs and spices you add to your meals. You can even look up magical correspondences for them, and add ones that match the intent of the meal. For example, cashews are often associated with financial success, so a meal of cashew chicken might be a good thing to have just before an interview or important business deal. Ask the spirits of the plants and minerals to help you with your goal.
–Create magical art with your food. This is especially easy with baking, and plenty of magical groups have celebrated rituals with cookies or cakes decorated with pentacles and other symbols. Try baking a layer cake where each layer is dyed with food coloring in shades that reflect intent–green for fertility and growth, pink for youth and joy, yellow for sunshine and health, and so on. Ask the wheat (or oats, or rice) in the flour, as well as the eggs, milk or other ingredients, to carry that intent for you.
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Cream of asparagus soup with homemade whole wheat bread and Tillamook butter
–Decorate your table with reminders of the animals, plants and fungi you are consuming. You might have plates that have chickens on them, or add leaves of lettuce and fresh mushrooms as an edible centerpiece. Let the meal be a celebration of these beings and their gifts to you.
–If eating with others, take time to discuss the sources of your food and why you chose them. Even if the answer is “This is what I could afford and what I had access to,” that’s valid. Talk about where you think the plants were grown and the animals raised, and if you want to be able to change your sources–even if you can’t do it now–brainstorm ways in which that can happen at some point.
–Let nothing go to waste. Leftovers are love, as far as I’m concerned, not the least reason of which being they save me a night of having to cook again. Should you have chickens, pigs or other omnivorous animals, give them your kitchen scraps. Other pets can have limited types of scraps; dogs and cats love meat bits, various small critters love vegetables and fruit, and rats and some parrots will eat just about anything you give them. As for the rest, if you’re able to compost outside, tend your compost pile with care. Apartment dwellers may look into vermicomposting–composting with worms–which can be done indoors with few problems. Just don’t leave food scraps where wild mammals can easily get to them; this encourages them to lose their fear of humans and makes them dependent on us for food, which rarely turns out good for anyone involved. If you garden, let your compost be a gift to your plants (and fungi, if you grow dirt-loving mushrooms.)
Even if you don’t take the idea of spirits literally, these practices can still help you maintain awareness of where your food comes from and how you are connected to everything in a greater webwork of relationships. At a time when more people than ever are divorced from the sources of their nourishment, and take for granted the soil and the beings that it supports, it is crucial for us to regain that appreciation for our food. We are already destroying the land, the water and the air, and we need these if we are to continue having food available to us. If we start with changing our awareness, then that awareness translates into actions for the better. Let it start in your kitchen, and move out from there into the world.
Did you enjoy this post? Consider a copy of my book Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up, which includes even more practices to connect with your bioregion and the beings within it! More info on my books can be found at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/books
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grumpygardener · 4 years
Getting Started
The thought, “I think I’m too emotional for gardening,” has been ringing through my head a lot.  One day, I go outside to find a new sprout or that something has grown and I am over the moon, so excited, bursting at the seams, can’t contain my joy.  I feel proud and accomplished and wonderful.  The next day I go out and find an issue - unexpected sprouts growing in our compost (that was a BIG issue, to be fair), or a break in the cardboard under our sheet mulching or half of the tomato sprouts were eaten overnight by a bug.  And then doomsday sets in.  I am discouraged, sad, frustrated, angry ...  So basically, gardening really brings out two extreme emotional states for me - bliss or dispair.  It makes me feel unstable!
Now, truth be told, it isn’t really gardening that’s causing the instability.  It’s just highlighting something that I struggle with, and that is control (or lack thereof).  When I lack control, I feel unsafe and ungrounded, which triggers a whole shitshow of negative emotions.  And that can happen when I am not in control but also when I perceive that I’m not in control.  The thing is, how often are we really, actually, truly in control in life?  If COVID-19 has brought anything to light, it’s that the entire world can change on a dime and all of your efforts to be in control can’t stop it.  
And COVID-19 is really what sparked all of this to begin with.  My partner, Adi, has been wanting to put our land to use for years, with garden plans in mind.  I, on the other hand, had next to no interest in gardening.  In fact, a few summers ago, Adi planted a few flower beds and an herb bed.  Due to chronic illness and logistics, the task of watering the beds shifted to me eventually and I hated it.  It felt tedious and boring.  It meant getting up an extra 10 minutes early for work to have time to water.  Adi even wanted me to do gross things like stick my finger in the dirt to test how wet it was - YUCK.
The day I found out my school was closing because of COVID-19 (I’m a middle school teacher), I stopped by the grocery store on the way home and it was apocalyptic.  We live in New England and in the winter, when there’s a blizzard on the way, often the grocery store shelves will be barren as people stock up for the storm.  The day my school closed for COVID, it was worse than I’d ever seen.  Empty shelves, people frantically filling their carts, employees struggling to keep the place organized.  It was disconcerting, to say the least.  And while it sort of got better(ish) as the days and weeks went by, it really cemented for Adi the idea that we have land (not a lot, we’re in suburbia) and we should put it to use to grow our own food.
I was starting to warm to the idea and Adi got to work researching.  Hours and days of looking into different styles and techniques, methods and systems, brought Adi to the plan for us to do permaculture - no dig, raised beds (which, in theory, would mean no weeding!!) - with the goal of eventually transforming our backyard into a food forest.  For those of you who don’t know what that means (like me), basically we’ll have a little forest in the back yard full of edible plants where we can just forage and pick and eat!  Nature’s grocery store out back.  A large factor in choosing this method was that Adi wanted to minimize the work that I will have to do.  
As mentioned, we’re dealing with chronic illness and that means that the physical labor falls to me, while Adi does meticulous research, planning and directing.  It’s sort of a perfect set up ... well, except for the part where I get really emotional about things and can be kind of, um, stubborn, and occasionally a little, er, combative, and I get particularly angry when doing something new and different and unknown to me.  And everything I’m doing out on our property is brand new to me - I have 0 experience with all of this.  So even though Adi was working hard to create a system for us that wouldn’t tax me too much, the beginning was rocky.
Of course there are other reasons for going with permaculture and creating a food forest.  Sure, let me be a lazy gardener.  Also, we are interested in gardening in harmony with nature - no chemicals, no pesticides.  One of the goals of permaculture is to create a balances, healthy ecosystem that is self sustaining, one that invites nature (critters, birds, etc.) to live in their naturally balanced state - as undisrupted of an environment as possible.  We are surrounded by neighbors who regularly spray their lawns with chemicals and work to have the perfect green carpet of grass.  Those chemicals severely exacerbate Adi’s health issues, so that’s never been something we could do.  But we wanted to take it further than that.
At this point, we’re about a month into the magical makeover of our property.  I seem to have settled down in that I’m not having angry fits or breaking down in tears every time I go outside to do something.  There’s some growth!  But recently, as the seeds have started to sprout and the sprouts are starting to grow and we are expanding, this issue of emotional extremes has been coming up.  I have this underlying frustration that I’m not one of those gifted gardeners with the green thumb who wanders blissfully through my garden, connecting to and understanding all the plants.  I wish I were already an expert or at least somewhat versed in the plant world.  I want to be good at this already.  I want to be a natural.  Instead, I’m bumbling around, mostly feeling clueless and terrified that I’m going to kill everything because of my incompetence.  I’m a grumpy gardener who is surprised at every turn and falls into pits of despair at the slightest deviation from my vision of what should be.  It makes me want to give up, on a really surface level, but also is an opportunity for me to maybe do some personal growth (in addition to growing food).
And so, I thought I’d start this blog to both have a record of our progress out there, and to work through some of the emotional stuff that gardening brings up for me.  That feels so silly to say - gardening makes me emotional... really?  But, it’s true.  It’s what’s happening.  And maybe if I take an honest look at it, I can find some more stability and grounding and learn to better manage anxiety issues that have been a constant in my life for a long time.
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wellnessroutines · 7 years
100 Best Paleo Diet Recipes We Love
Full disclosure: I had no concept just what the paleo diet regimen was till I began creating this post. I presumed it was an additional vegan-ish diet regimen, with no meat permitted and also insane limitations, however it's actually a diet I could support. Not only does it sound incredibly healthy and balanced, yet the 100 paleo dishes I rounded up look past tasty. My loss schedule is now full of paleo recipes I cannot wait to prepare up!
What is the Paleo Diet?
If you're brand-new to the paleo diet like me, it's also recognized as the "neanderthal diet regimen." It's a diet plan based upon the foods apparently eaten by our hunter-gatherer ancestors consisting of fruits, veggies, meats, fish and shellfish and nuts.
The concept behind it is that the food that modern (will certainly) male is eating today is causing health and wellness issues as well as persistent conditions not faced by our forefathers, as well as if we eliminate these foods, we're a lot more most likely to live healthier, much longer lives. We require to go back to consuming actual, entire unrefined foods that profit as opposed to hurt our bodies. Basically: ditch the wheat, sugar, lab concocted foods, and also chemically refined vegetable as well as seed oils.
What's Off-Limits On The Paleo Diet?
A large component of eating paleo implies a grain-free diet plan. That includes all grains, no matter whether or not they are gluten-free. (Gluten-free diet plans as well as the paleo diet plan are various in that gluten-free diet plans still allow some grains like rice and also quinoa - basically grains that don't contain gluten.)
There are a great deal of various opinions available on just what it means to be paleo, and you can determine exactly how rigorous you intend to be. But a strict paleo diet regimen is totally grain-free. Rigorous paleo likewise indicates no dairy products and also no beans like black beans, garbanzo beans or kidney beans. I was certainly a little went nuts by the prospect of eliminating every one of the tasty cheese, yogurt and also hummus dip I like to snack on. One glance at my lengthy checklist of paleo diet regimen dishes makes those worries go away since these concepts look amazing!
It's additionally absolutely feasible to follow a "mainly" paleo diet regimen and also simply concentrate on reducing out all fine-tuned and processed grains, sugars as well as oils, and eating mainly vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, fish and shellfish and also some nuts.
If you want to know more concerning the paleo diet regimen, I advise the complying with books to obtain started: Paleo for Beginners: Basics to Obtain Begun, The Large 15 Paleo Recipe book, and The Paleo Diet plan: Shed Weight as well as Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Developed to Eat.
There is a lot of science out there around the cases made by individuals that are really pro-paleo, so you can determine for yourself if you think your health might benefit from making the switch. Some advocates think a stringent paleo diet plan will certainly help improve autoimmune conditions, and virtually every person proclaims the weight-loss benefits. (Be advised, nonetheless, since there are a plethora of paleo-friendly dessert recipes available on the internet!)
100 Best Paleo Diet Recipes!
Regardless of whether you go full-on paleo or simply dip your toe in the water a couple of evenings a week, you are going to love the meals I have scoped out for this checklist. I wish you enjoy these beyond delicious paleo diet plan dishes as high as I am going to!
These are the 100 ideal paleo recipes I might find!
No Fail Paleo Pancakes, Gluten Free (Keep Fit Mother)
Dairy Free Frittata with Treasure Tomatoes (Bravo for Paleo)
Sweet Potato Hash with Sausage and also Eggs (Delicious Meets Healthy and balanced)
Paleo Chocolate Piece Banana Bread (Bakerita)
Veggie Breakfast Casserole (Paleo Jump)
Paleo Delicious chocolate Waffles (PaleOMG)
Easy Paleo Ham and also Egg Cups (Paleo Novice)
Lemon Poppy Paleo Muffins (Prepare Eat Paleo)
Paleo Morning meal Cookies (Gluten Free on a Small)
3-Ingredient Paleo Dessert Potato Waffles (YURIELKAIM)
Paleo Banana Bread French Toast (Paleo Gluten Free)
Paleo Morning meal Muffins (Gal on an Objective)
Paleo Sugary food Potato Hash Browns (Bravo for Paleo)
Paleo Chocolate Zucchini Bread (Growing On Paleo)
Whole30 Breakfast Hash (Little Coconutty)
Nut-Free Lemon Blueberry Scones (Well balanced Bites)
Paleo Pumpkin Coconut Healthy smoothie (Chef Consume Paleo)
Paleo Coconut Pecan Morning meal Bars (Mother Youthful in the house)
Simple Hemp Seed Porridge (The Tidy Dish)
Buckwheat Granola (Win Success Food)
Cuban Picadillo Lettuce Covers (The Beneficial Premium)
Paleo Egg Roll in a Bowl (Genealogical Nutrition)
Paleo Buffalo Hen Pizza Poppers (Evil Spatula)
Paleo Artichoke Pesto as well as Sausage Pizza (Real Straightforward Excellent)
Bunless Chicken BLTs (EMeals)
Paleo Balance Bowl (Little Little bits Of)
Whole30 Paleo Cabbage Rolls (This West Expense Mother)
Mexican Paleo Super Bowl (Honey as well as Figs Cooking area)
Paleo Sweet Potato and also Rocket Salad (Cultivate Charm)
Paleo Egg Salad (Bravo for Paleo)
Crazy Excellent Peanut Noodles (Kelley as well as Cricket)
Super Gyro Meatball Bowls (Paleo Parents)
Cilantro Lime Fajita Salad with Honey Lime Vinaigrette (My Natural Family)
Paleo Pizza Soup (Jay's Baking Me Crazy)
Paleo Avocado Tuna Salad (Cook Eat Paleo)
Healthy Broccoli Salad with Cashew Curry Dressing (Food Faith Physical fitness)
Taco Salad with Creamy Cilantro Dressing (Well worth Cooking)
Cajun Garlic Shrimp Noodle Bowls (Lexi's Tidy Kitchen area)
Whole30 Poultry Tenders (Littles Of)
Avocado and also Dijon Turkey Burgers (My Healthyish Life)
Paleo Swedish Meatballs (Layered snappy)
Easy Thai Carrot Soup (Vegan Family members Recipes)
Paleo Nut Power Bars (Tastes of Lizzy T's)
Asian Cucumber Sesame Salad (A Saucy Cooking area)
Healthy Coleslaw (My Natural Family members)
Rosemary as well as Sesame Paleo Crackers (The Healthy Foodie)
Chicken and also Zucchini Poppers (One Lovely Life)
Creamy Cauliflower Soup (Lows to Luxe)
Guacamole Deviled Eggs (Elana's Pantry)
Baked Carrot French fries (Healy Eats Genuine)
Sausage, "Potato", as well as Spinach Soup (Sweet Potatoes as well as Social Modification)
Paleo Samosa (My Heart Beets)
Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites (Worthless Spatula)
Bacon-Wrapped Dates (Our Savory Life)
Chipotle Stuffed Mushrooms (Jay's Cooking Me Crazy)
Ultimate Paleo Path Mix (Nurture My Gut)
Dark Chocolate Dipped Paleo Snack Bites (Take 2 Tapas)
Cauliflower Pizza Bites (Worthless Spatula)
Sugar Free Caramelised Nuts (The Huge Male's Globe)
Pumpkin Pie Energy Bites (Paleo Grubs)
Paleo Honey Sriracha Hen (Ancestral Nutrition)
Lemon Garlic Herb Crusted Salmon Dish (My All-natural Household)
One-Skillet Paleo Mediterranean Chicken (Paleo Novice)
Spaghetti Squash Chow Mein (Little Little bits Of)
Salmon Hamburgers with Avocado Garlic Sauce (Real Food Dieticians)
Creamy Mushroom and Pork Covered dish (Foraged and also Enthused)
Honey Sesame Hen (Jay's Cooking Me Crazy)
Gluten Free Pizza Crust Dish (Bravo for Paleo)
Adobo Chicken Burgers (Food and Sunlight)
Crock Pot Cauliflower Poultry Chili (Chef Consume Paleo)
Turkey Pot Pie Soup (Ancestral Nutrition)
Barbeque Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potatoes (Living Loving Paleo)
Easy Moroccan Beef Stew (As well as Right here We Are)
Bacon Herb "Pasta" Salad (The Curious Coconut)
Paleo Beef Kebabs (Rubies and Radishes)
Easy Butter Poultry (Lows to Luxe)
Paleo Cajun Burgers (Versus All Grain)
Shepherd's Pie (Joy-Filled Sustenance)
Korean Design Spicy Poultry (Eat Drink Paleo)
Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff (Wholesomelicious)
Paleo Pumpkin Coffee Cake (Jay's Cooking Me Crazy)
Paleo Crepes with Strawberries (Noshtastic)
Crunchy Coconut Paleo Macaroons (Paleo Hacks)
Homemade Twix Bars (Bakerita)
Paleo Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Donut Holes (Texanerin)
Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies (Our Grain-Free Life)
Chewy Coconut Bars with Mango and also Pepitas (Foraged Dish)
Paleo Cinnamon Rolls (PALEOHACKS)
Paleo Edible Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (Wicked Spatula)
Coconut Strawberry Lemon Night clubs (Gastro Detects)
Key Lime Cheese Cake Bites (Paleo Hacks)
Paleo Cake Pops (Civil Caveman Cooking)
Snickerdoodle Paleo Cupcakes (My All-natural Family members)
Crazy Great Paleo Blondies (Frisky Lemon)
Paleo Apple Crisp (Paleo Newbie)
Chocolate Pistachio Mousse (My Whole Food Life)
Paleo Dual Chocolate Baked Donuts (Lawn Fed Lady)
Paleo Cookie Dough Fudge (Bravo for Paleo)
Paleo Blueberry Lemon Fig Muffins (Advantage as well as Fork)
Paleo Blueberry Muffins (Living Loving Paleo)
There you have it, 100 paleo diet plan recipes to load your dish schedule and your tummy. Whether you're a paleo novice or enthusiast that is searching for some new options, these paleo recipes are the most effective of the best!
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witchlingsway · 7 years
Herbs & Plants Masterpost
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Since a lot of these spells are taking up my blog randomly I decided to add them all as links for easier viewing. NONE of these are mine, just spells I reblogged and was interested in.
Constantly Updated(Last Update: 06/27/2017)
Basic Info
A Quick Spell to Dispel Previous Spells
Blowing Out Candles
Magic Failure: Why Wasn’t My Spell Successful?
Taglocks and Magical Links
The Very Best of Taglocks - An object that forms a link with the individual to be manipulated.
To Break a Spell You’ve Cast(2)
To Reverse a Spell
Why Aren’t My Spells Working? - A break-down of why your magickal intent may not be taking effect in your life.
Witchcraft 101: Taglocks
Basic Info.: Herbs & Plants
Alternatives to Lavender
Common Toxic Herbs and Their Effects - This is not a complete list by any means, but these commonly noted plants, herbs, and flowers should be handled with care or avoided altogether.
Good Plants for Beginners - These are a few plants that I’ve found to be more difficult to kill than others. For those who want to start gardening but are afraid that they are going to kill everything.
Herbcraft - Lingo on what you can create with herbs.
Herblore - Lots of links
"If you have done the homework on the plants you are gathering, learned how each plant needs to be dried, and followed the proper steps, storing your herbs in glass jars will not make them mold."
"... I see a lot of people posting herbal remedies. Please, please include the cautions and contradictions with an herb when you recommend it..." - A detailed warning on injesting herbs.
Magickal Folk Names for Herbs - "... these names were used merely as descriptors to help remember them easier. Most plants were given names descriptive of their uses and others were given names for something they generally resembled. Spells written by witches in ancient times were often written with such descriptors..."
Poisonous Doppelgangers - Difference between some harmless and deadly plants that look similar.
Study Tips for Herbalist - Lots of information.
The Etiquette of Herb-Gathering
Herb Grower’s Cheat Sheet - Which ones can be grown inside, when to plant, when to harvest, and how to care for them.
Mama Cat’s Beginner Witch Garden - If you are interested in flowers, here are some plants that are easy to grow and tend to take care of themselves. They are also great for attracting bees.
Offerings & Gifts to Plants
The Nine Easiest Herbs to Grow
Banishing Herbs Masterpost - Banishing negative energies/spirits comes in three steps. The initial banishing, then purification of the space to clear it of anything that resides and lastly protection is put in place to prevent negative energies returning.
Herbs and Spices Associated with Money Magic - A list of all herbs and spices associated with money magic. Common/easily attainable ingredients’ names italicized.
Herbs and Their Uses - Many, many herbs.
Herbs Associated With The Dead - Here’s a quick post of herbs used to summon, talk to, or celebrate with the dead. It was created to invoke ancestors specifically, but I hope this helps all of you guys!
Herbs for Banishing and Cleansing
Herbs for Curses & Hexing - So here’s a list I have devised that are good for curses/hexing. Please be warned: many of these are icky and poisonous. Please do your research before handling and please do not ingest. Some of these herbs require a mask and gloves!
Herbs for Divination - You can use herbs, herbal incense, herbal oils, and a whole lot more to aid you in divination.
Herbs for School, Studying, & Education - The following herbs are for all those students out there!! The following will help repel insanity, increase concentration, and promote success. Please do not digest any herbs before doing your research, some of these are poisonous.
Herb Magic: Rose Colors and Magic
Necromantic Herbs: Plants of the Dead - There are a number of plants which can be extremely useful to the necromancer.
Plant and Herb Properties by Name Masterpost
Plants Used in Smudge Sticks - Smudging or smoke cleansing is the burning of certain herbs and flowers to create a cleansing smoke bath which is used to purify negative energies on yourself, in your home, or objects.
Edible Magickal Flowers and Folk Lore - Adding flowers to your food can be a nice way to add color, flavor and a little magickal whimsy. Some are spicy, and some herbaceous, while others are floral and fragrant. The range is surprising. Flower petals can be used in salads and as garnish for desserts, but they also inspire magickal creative uses as well. Use them to make floral spirit water for rituals, as a medicinal tea, or add to a healing spell or love potion…. the possibilities are endless.
Herbal Tea Remedies - 60+ different recipes.
"Just because you’ve brewed it in a teacup doesn’t mean it’s safe to drink. Just because it’s natural or a herb doesn’t mean it can’t hurt you..."
Magical Herbal Teas - 15+ different recipes.
Nine Tea Recipes
A List of Basic Herbs - "... Here is a list containing a few easy, basic beginner’s herbs to gather for your witch cabinet/magick tool collection! If you do not have access to all of these in their herbal/spice forms, remember that oil is always a good substitute."
"... Do you happen to maybe have a list of some kind for what would make a good basic herb collection? I'm a kinda broke baby witch and would love to start a herb collection, but am kinda overwhelmed by the choice and verity. What herbs are the most versatile and commonly used? ..." - An Ask.
"Do you think there are any basic herbs that witches should just have around (common ones used in spells etc)?" - An Ask.
Herbs for Your Medicine Cabinet - 15 different herbs.
Ten Herbs to Keep Close By! - If you’re a Green Witch or just have a penchant for herbalism and herbal witchcraft, this is a helpful list of herbs that are always good to have in your cupboards, or jars… or shelves.
Herb Tricks - Eighteen tips.
Nine Easy-to-Find /ingredients Every Aspiring Witch Needs
Poisonous Herbs - I’ve seen quite a few post going around about potentially toxic or harmful herbs so I just wanted to make a list for me and other witches to use.
Ten Useful Herbs for the Everyday Witch
Top Ten Herbs for the Lazy Witch
Top Ten Magical Herbs
The Fifteen Most Powerful Healing Herbs in Your Kitchen
Difference Between a Witch and a Herbalist
Herbs, flowers, fruits, wood: The substitutes you can count on!
How to Subsitute in a Spell - Not all witches have the same budget or spell ingredients readily available to them, so when one witch writes a spell with ingredients they consider easy to procure, it may not be the same for the next witch that wants to try that spell.
"I've heard the terms 'kitchen witch' and 'garden witch' before but I've always wanted to know about these types of witchery. Could you tell me more?" - An Ask.
Specific Herbs
Herb Spells
Enchanted Sleep Balm
Good Vibes Brew - This is a steeped or simmer brew, meaning I boil the water first and then pour it over my herbs.
Happy Atmosphere Bag/Jar - This is a great spell jar or spell bag to upkeep a happy and tranquil atmosphere in your house, apartment, bedroom, dorm room, hotel room, or wherever else you may be staying. It’s made for indoor spaces, so it should work for any indoor space, including offices or lockers as well.
Heal Thy Heart Powder - To relieve heartache, heartbreak, loneliness, grief, and other emotional pains.
Herbal Sleep & Dream Pillows - Combine any of the following herbs into a lovely sleep sachet, or sew them into a pillow for yourself, or as gifts for others.
"... I was wondering, is there any spell 'to find the truth' like is there any spell to help me find out an answer? ..."
Pigeon’s Wreaths for Protection and Happiness - These wreaths are meant as a means of extra protection of happy home magic. They are hung on doors and windows to ward off evil spirits, bad luck, and misfortune.
Plant Growth Spell - A spell for helping plants/herbs grow and stay alive.
Psychic Tea - This is good for stimulating psychic powers. I like to drink some before I do any divination. It’s also good for clearing your mind and focusing before spell work.
Witch Attraction Powder - Want to bring other witches into your life? Sprinkle this powder around your home, on your shoes before you go out or dust some onto a burning candle.
Satchel for Anxiety Dreams
Satchel for School - For protection and added strenght.
Simple Cleansing Tea Potion - Teas are some of the best herbal potions and remedies! Different teas, like herbs, have different powers. For cleansing teas, I suggest green teas. Now, please understand that the quality of tea is extremely important, so do your research on the brand you buy!
Stag's Healing Powder
STFU Powder - To bind tongues, silence gossip, and get loud-mouthed jerks to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Storm Witch’s Sex Drive in a Sachet
TerraBellaTarot’s “End of the Rainbow” Spell Bottle
Witch Tips!
"Do your enemies have gardens? Landscaping? Throw weeds onto their property. Just be sure you’re not introducing any new invasive plants to your area. Nature gives us many potent and hilarious weapons, so don’t go biting the hand that gives you ammunition."
"Make your own blessing candles by warming white tea lights and sprinkling in your chosen herbs. Let the wax solidify and use them for your rituals."
"Make herb infused vinegar to give your spells (especially curses, jinxes, and hexes) an extra magickal kick."
"... Metal tea strainer just like the one above. Put just a pinch of herbs inside. Hold the mesh over a candle for several moments. You will be able to see the herbs begin to burn. If you just need a little smoke, they will smoke immediately and go out quickly when removed from the flame..."
"My website includes an article on the various herbs you can use INSTEAD of White Sage for smoke-cleansing. Also, if you’re dead set on using White Sage, you can buy some seeds and grow your own. Have fun!"
"Just came across this cool site that has over 100 different vintage inspired botanical illustrations for use with common & botanical names for your herbal grimoires!"
"Reading correspondence lists is a great way to get a general idea of what types of energies herbs/crystals can have within them, but keep in mind that your spells work on your own intuition and your own energy. Some correspondences will click with you and some won’t. Don’t try to force yourself into someone else’s mold..."
"Reuse your salsa or queso jars to store your herbs. I used a queso jar to store my mugwort lol! And if you don’t like the lid of your jar (like me) you can always paint over it and even paint what herb you store in it on top!"
"... So I was wondering if I could take the herbs out of tea bags to keep? ..." "... Yes! ..."
"... Store herbs in breathable bags and keep them in a cool, dark, and dry place. Herbs inside of jars will only be good for a maximum of a month, depending on the herb. Some will develop mold after only a few days, depending on climate."
"When you’re sprinkling herbs on thresholds/mats/doorways/windowsills or floors please, please be wary and careful of pets and animals! If a herb is poisonous to us when inhaled or ingested it is likely poisonous to cats/dogs/birds/rodents and many other forms of wildlife!"
"Witch Tip: Use an oil diffuser, instead of charcoal, for resins and other herb mixes. Slow melting and gentler on the eyes and nose. This would probably be useful for closet witches too." + A recipe.
"You know those dryer sheets you sometimes find in your clothes as you fold laundry? You can use those to make sachets! Simply add your herbs to the center, and tie up all of the corners! Or, you could sew a little square full of herbs. Either way, it’s a cheap and upcycle-y thing to do!"
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imascientistofmusic · 7 years
Im a huge fucking nerd
final LYRICS FOR ENDOLPHINS AND MC FOUCAULT EP Welcome to Kirby’s Memeland (MILLIPEDES FOR THE MOLEMEN) Got it so hot y'all give me standing ovations while I'm spamming the squat[1] like my whole family's Croatian if my dad's Jackie Chan[2] am I Hispanic or Asian? please understaånd this equation ()[3] me no panic just blazing at any random location i’m your romantic liaison killa Beys in formation[4] the doctor's[5] now handling patients I put the wots in tarnations[6] I put the spots on dalmatians I move the block with my cadence Now time just stops when i say shit But the beat goes on cause i made it Alex Strong[7] in the paint and Singing So Long[8] to fake friends We can roll out the Save ends[9] Y'all kittens tryin my patience I need to find an oasis Pass me that blunt and i'll face it Why y'all stuntin so basic? Im kinda something like LASIK[10] take your quirk and erase it[11] If there's something to say then I'm Malcolm Little and Dakin[12] Welcome to Kirbys Memeland[13] Im a giant herbing with green hands[14] Defiantly serving up steamed hams[15] Yo shuhei hold up i got remands[16] Misery[17] in the moment Missouri in the mornings[18] Mysteries in the motions Miss her seas in this ocean[19] (oh shit) ALL AT ONCE (HOW HARD JAMES HARDIN GOES WHEN HE GOES HARD IN THE PAINT) One day i’ll kill all the white men take back the land we’re missin[20] Im Diego's street art and they're banksy's vandalisms[21] Like the second coming of yeezus[22] and he's risen Built a religion for giant robots[23] called it animism[24] My flow is so fucking preposterous Patrol the land rarer than rhinoceroses[25] Get your heads out the sand yall lookin like ostriches Didn't kill the cat[26] but we checked it into hospice I know yr feeling that and baby one i got this My boys swing the bats like my last name was ausmus[27] Best rappers who aren't black you know i top the list prophets foretold my path (my birth) it was an (heavenly) auspice Imagine how hard james hardin[28] goes when he goes hard in the paint Well i go harder than that On my level you ain't I'm smart as The Bat[29] I'm like double your rank I just started to rap But the devil remains In the details im valued retail theyre resale[30] i'll continue my never ending quest to impress you[31] I’m obsessed with the things that pens do Allah bless this mess because i swear i intend to Decompress and recollect about fucked things that friends[32] do Parenthetically my memes are better than y’all’s Im aesthetically[33] hiding in vectors too small Interjecting my dreams while dissenting all leans[34] Exquisitely dining on minds here at the end of all things [35] We bout those movers and shakers We bustin loose of the matrix[36] I get my fruit at bodegas Im bound to move to NEW VEGAS[37] Matthew McConaughey (HARRY AND THE HUMAN CENTIPEDES) Another space time anomaly[38] An Interstellar[39] odyssey Alright alright alright Im Mathew McConaughey Im unfuckingstoppable the impossible possible The whole world's my hospital not a gd thing is inoperable[40] Credentials are laudable Essentially i got it all Took a look at the d And then called an audible[41] Obliterate any Obstacle Precipitate like waterfalls Instigate a kinder cause Evicerate a haunted ghoul[42] When i fucks with physics the laws get more lax my words carry weight like the world's biggest snorlax[43] Come at me son yr gonna need more VATS[44] carried this town[45] for So Long[46] im getting a sore back their love for me like a tree to the Lorax[47] My lyrics paint pictures so i call them a Rorschach[48] my bones are telling me bad weathers on the forecast a storm is rolling in this is the calm before that Past five centuries all of them regrettable[49] Just like entropy i am inevitable[50] I was meant to leave my head it was full Fundamentally i'm so far ahead of these fools Down five hennessy's trying just to deaden this pulse[51] Iron sentry's lining the edge of the mall[52] 100% dying to dismantle this wall[53] Johnny five empathy no disassemble this bot[54] Quintessentially im X at the head of this school[55] Intermittently you slept in my bed it was cool incidentally we had sex in the end of the pool Human centipede[56] that ass it was my edible[57] G.O.A.T. (NIETZSCHE DIDN’T KILL GOD, I DID) Like JD[58] I’m the GOAT[59] Billy[60] hashtag Swag[61]gert[62] Worlds most accurate fact checking rapper This is a game to me Chutes and ladders[63] Here's where the bangers[64] be girl you know i had ‘er My flow the yangtze[65] i spit venom black adders[66] Opposite of banksy[67] or some bullshit “all lives matter”[68] Fuck the president[69] that dude cant get any badder[70] Cooking up some poppy tea[71] mix it up like cake batter HEY DON'T LOOK AWAY DON'T LET IT GROW ON YOU IT'S NOT OK Engrave the following on my headstone: “They[72] died getting head stoned peepin Tombstone[73] While eatin a tombstone pizza[74]" I’ve gone full blown nietzsche[75] said hello to the abyss "it was good to meet ya"[76] Behind this mask's a terrifying creature[77] Who would gladly cook you up and eat ya Every track i’m on mc foucault's the feature Threat level dragon[78] when im hittin the road again Like shang tsun out here looking for some souls to bend[79] Other rappers words are last years memes im so over them Like neil in the 80s its the weight of the world im shoulderin'[80] Tho ive been there once couldnt tell you where denver starts and boulder ends[81] Rockin california fishes like them pennsylvania colder pens[82] I spit fire like dylon[83] and i left the studio smolderin Sitch is Dire like sylons you used to know as older friends[84] Minds expired with prions[85] when i take theirs skulls and open em Im entirely high on the spirit taking time up and folding it[86] unlike battery acid im so hella caustic[87] Such flattering assets with a tongue so toxic Made saturn's rings spin on a cosmic cross stitch My staggering spit it god agnostic[88] [1] “Why do Slavs squat?” is a satirical catchphrase associated with imageboards and forums discussing Eastern European people and cultures http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/why-do-slavs-squat-slav-squat [2] My dad and jackie chan are aging to look like the same person [3] I use medical marijuana to treat anxiety [4] Beyonce - Formation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDZJPJV__bQ [5] My initials are DRB and so many folks call me Doctor or Doctor B [6] “What in Tarnation?” is a rhetorical question meaning “what in damnation?”, which is often associated with Americans living in the Southern United States expressing incredulous bewilderment. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/what-in-tarnation [7] Drummer of Endolphins and one of the progenitors of this particular beat [8] So Long is my queerpop band SoLongNaota.Bandcamp.com [9] A saving throw in D&D http://dnd4.wikia.com/wiki/Saving_throw [10] Corrective laser eye surgery [11] Boku No Hero Academia character Shota Aizawa “eraser head” who’s special power is erasing others’ special powers http://bokunoheroacademia.wikia.com/wiki/Shota_Aizawa [12] Church of The Three Cats is at the corner of Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little) and Dakin in Lansing, Michigan [13] Gamboy title Kirby’s Dreamland but with memes [14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Giant but with Weed [15] Simpsons shitpost classic http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/steamed-hams [16] Once I beat magic the gathering hall of famer Shuhei Nakamura in a Grand Prix with a timely remand [17] The first Endolphins release was called North of Misery as a nod to their being in Iowa [18] In 2015 I toured with Endolphins and had two amazing mornings in St Louis, s/o to KPAX and calcifer [19] Sometimes you meet someone who forever changes the way you think about things like water, and then you drown in thoughts never actually able to grasp anything completely again [20] im native as fuck http://www.corteidh.or.cr/tablas/24777.pdf [21] Artist Diego Rivera vs Banksy [22] Kanye West's ego messiah and eponymous album [23] giant robot anime trope for example: neon genesis evangelion, flcl, gundam... [24] Animism but with Anime https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animism [25] Rhino’s are near extinct everywhere https://www.savetherhino.org/rhino_info/rhino_population_figures [26] Slang for giving a person with a vagina multiple orgasms [27] Detroit Tigers skipper Brad Ausmus [28] James Hardin is a professional basketball Superstar [29] Comic book protagonist Batman [30] Price you get for selling an item new (retail) vs used (resale) [31] A certain person who since i have met has inspired most of my creative endeavors [32] See directly above [33] in a way that gives pleasure through beauty [34] biases [35] Comic book character Galactus, Eater of Worlds https://marvel.com/universe/Galactus [36] 1999 science fiction film The Matrix [37] 2010 video game Fallout: New Vegas [38] My favorite Star Trek trope [39] My favorite Matthew McConaughey film [40] See note #5 [41] In american football a quarterback will notice something about the defense and change the play at the line of scrimmage, this is called an audible [42] These are hearthstone cards [43] Snorlax is a very large and heavy pokemon that can only be moved by playing a special flute [44] Vault-tec assisted targeting system in Fallout video game franchise, the more skill points one has the more they can do in combat before an enemy reacts [45] I have been a pillar of the diy community in lansing michigan for 20 years [46] So Long Naota/Collective see note #8 [47] Dr Seuss character who is the protector of nature [48] The Rorschach test is a psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of inkblots are recorded and then analyzed using psychological interpretation, complex algorithms, or both. [49] Since Europeans have arrived on the shores of North and South America they have brought only misery and genocide [50] The second law of thermodynamics requires that, in general, the total entropy of any system can't decrease other than by increasing the entropy of some other system. Hence, in a system isolated from its environment, the entropy of that system tends not to decrease. [51] Drinking is a mostly self destructive behavior for myself and I tend to only do it when i wish to self harm [52] Episode 3 of the 1997 anime Beserk [53] Fuck borders fuck walls freedom is not possible when they exist [54] 1986 film Short Circuit about a robot that gains sentience and learns of death the term for which is dissassemble [55] Professor Xavier from the X-Men comics who runs a school for Mutants [56] 2009 Dutch body horror film Human Centipede tells the story of people sewn mouth to ass [57] Analingus [58] The Mountain Goats frontman John Darnielle or JD aka thrashkitten member of the sooper swag project [59] GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) is a term used in hip hop to talk about the best rappers ever [60] A billy is a male goat [61] #swag is a song by rapper GMCFOSHO who is a friend of mine [62] Jimmy Swaggert was a televangelist who was defrocked for multiple prostitution scandals [63] Chutes and Ladders is a metaphor for life. As such, it is arguably the most philosophical of all children's board games. Based on the ancient Indian game Snakes and Ladders. The historic version had root in morality lessons, where a player's progression up the board represented a life journey complicated by virtues (ladders) and vices (snakes). [64] Banger is a term for a particularly moving composition [65] The Yangtze is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world. The river is the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country. [66] A venomous snake that lives in europe and east asia, also a nod to the lyric earlier about chutes and ladders (snakes and ladders) [67] “Some have criticised the "obviousness" of Banksy's work, and accused it of being "anarchy-lite" geared towards a middle class "hipster" audience.” [68] A slogan used to silence the #blacklivesmatter movement [69] Donald Trump [70] 1998 Arcade game Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja later ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System known widely for its intro cut scene in which the protagonists are asked if they are bad enough dudes to save the president [71] Poppy tea is any herbal tea infusion brewed from poppy straw or seeds of several species of poppy. For the purpose of the tea, dried pods are more commonly used than the pods of the live flower. The walls of the dried pods contain opiate alkaloids, primarily consisting of morphine. [72] I am non-binary and use they/them pronouns [73] 1993 Western Tombstone starring kurt russel and val kilmer [74] Very cheap frozen pizzas of dubious quality [75] Nietzsche claimed the death of God would eventually lead to the loss of any universal perspective on things, and along with it any coherent sense of objective truth [76] Nietzsche once said: “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” [77] Nietzsche also said: “All great things must first wear terrifying and monstrous masks in order to inscribe themselves on the hearts of humanity.” [78] 2015 Anime and Manga One Punch Man’s shout out to Neon Genesis Evangelion describing a monster that is a threat to multiple cities [79] 1992 Arcade Fighing game Mortal Combat’s main villain who stole people's souls [80] Neil Young's sleeper Weight of The World from his amazing foray into new wave on his criminally unheralded album Landing on Water [81] I visited colorado for the first time on tour with Endolphins and tho enjoyable it was mostly mountains and urban sprawl and legal weed [82] The 2016 battle for Lord Stanley’s cup between NHL’s Pittsburgh Penguins and [83] Chappell show sketch about Dylon who thought he was the GOAT because “dylon spit hot fire” [84] Battlestar Galactica plot twist [85]Kuru is a very rare, incurable neurodegenerative disorder that was prevalent among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea. Kuru is caused by the transmission of abnormally folded prion proteins, which leads to symptoms such as tremors, loss of coordination, and neurodegeneration. Most people who develop it are cannibals [86] The quantum physics theory of time travel [87] Acids are corrosive and bases are caustic [88] God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it? — Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Section 125,
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junne-basketcase · 7 years
Is landscape gardeners Still Relevant?
Please RT #interiordesign #decoration #architecture #home 12 professional insider tips for landscaping http://tinyurl.com/hkt5b5k pic.twitter.com/akwPyukQH2 — Architecture Minds (@architecminds) December 4, 2017
For a gardener who's taking on some landscaping it will be important for them to know the basics of landscaping. There are particular components of good panorama design. When most people think of landscaping, they consider a beautifully decorated entrance yard. But what in regards to the again? There are various reasons why you need to consider yard landscaping, if you haven't already. Some of them embody: - To take pleasure in for your self. Writer: kathy jhones A patio within the backyard is indeed an thrilling thought to make your private home look stunning. It is a beneficial and great addition to the home. Patio is the place where the inmates of the family can have a get collectively and chill out through the week ends and holidays. Publisher: John Desert landscaping is different in comparison with different varieties of landscaping since it requires the use of desert plants.
Are you aware the key about natural gardening?
Provide safety for your tender or early flowering plants like rhododendrons, camellias, azaleas and daphne by staking round, then covering them with burlap if a severe chilly spell is forecasted. Go to your local STIHL Supplier to service your lawn and backyard tools before spring arrives to save you weeks of ready through the rising season. Also, have your lawn mower serviced to sharpen the blade(s), change out the air filter and set up new spark plug(s). Have you learnt the key about natural gardening? It is not any totally different from common gardening.Sure , you did read that right! There may be little or no difference between the 2. You continue to must plan your garden and your work whether or not you're growing vegetables the organic way or the regular way. In this article I'll look at both the similarities and variations between organic vegetable gardening and common vegetable gardening. A very good mower will mow wet turf and pick up clippings higher. Consider a mulching mower, it permits a lot of the water and nutrients within the clippings to return to the soil, thus decreasing the need for watering and fertilizers. A very good edge to the turf keeps the lawn trying great and creates separation between bed areas and turf. A gas powered edger works properly, but a weedeater held vertically may also do the job. Edging every other mow helps keep grass from growing into the beds. You did you really could having slightly make it easier to labored to use what sources you had available to you you used your natural talent and the nurturing you still have. Landscaping Tips Springtime If you are a fan of golf you should have known these courses as it is often featured or played on by the likes of Tiger Woods and other golf icons. Landscaping Tips Springtime BEER Fall is recognized as as beer season which means that there are wide ranging beer festivals occurring for the pair of you recognize! If you are having a tough time discovering beer festivals take a look at this hyperlink and register! I'd also cant assist but recommend making a necklace out of pretzels assistance soak up some for the booze you drink at this stuff! Writer: Michelle Day There's nothing to make one recognize a shade garden greater than the blazing heat of a summer season's day. Shade gardens present a cool and soothing place to chill out, and will be the ideal place to entertain mates and family outdoors during the recent days of summer time. They can be an especially gratifying house if they're filled with stunning and fragrant blooming flowers. Publisher: AgneS CelinA The term landscape backyard is expounded to the English garden design and elegance which is the characteristic of the eighteenth century. A landscape gardener is a one who designs, develops, maintains and remodels gardens and landscapes which beautify the environment. Writer: Dennis Dees I beg your pardon, did you say you have been planning an elaborate rose backyard. Each work needs proper planning to succeed, and likewise landscaping additionally required an excellent workable plan to do correctly. A superb plan has the nature of adjusting the yard into an oasis, so first an individual want to assemble all particulars relating to the world to place every component corresponding to garden art, boulders, statuary, gazebos, and rocks. Also, appropriately map the places of any timber, flowery gardens, bushes, and completely different plants in the garden. Create a visual relationship between the home and the site by using plants discovered growing naturally on the location, repeating architectural strains of the house and using constructing materials that blends effectively in the natural setting. Your design ought to give attention to the flow, scale and rhythm among all residing and non-dwelling objects. A great steadiness of development and plant supplies is a characteristic of a nicely-designed panorama. Don’t overlook about these non-living gadgets akin to brick, fencing, benches, backyard furnishings, birdbaths, lighting, and so on. These construction and accessory items may help express individual tastes and preferences. Planning a good looking landscape could be a daunting task. There are numerous options in choosing a design and supplies. Have enjoyable with the hours of thoughtful planning and a joyful setting is sure to come up.
It may be seen by simply clicking on this hyperlink.
It's also possible to ask your customers’ permission, perhaps even by providing a low cost, to put a sign of their yard. A passerby probably won’t name you after they see the signal, however over time, as they see multiple signs in that neighborhood, they might start to recall your company as the one that companies that neighborhood. In different words, it’s not about attempting to go out and discover new shoppers. It’s about recognizing your greatest followers (or creating extra of them) and investing in your relationship with them to drive referrals.
Keep cats out of the yard
Encompass susceptible trees with shredded leaves
Easy e mail advertising
Choose plants that flower or fruit through the spring or fall migration and attract insects
I am sure you're aware of the large amount of data and guides out there on the web pertaining to natural gardening for rookies. But, there's excellent news! You see, what I am about to share is without a shred of doubt, the best method of organic gardening for rookies. Belief me, when it come to making an organic vegetable garden, I can say that I have been there, accomplished that! External note: For visual individuals, overview of this system is introduced by way of video format. It may be seen by simply clicking on this link. You just name it okay…Things like cycling crops - a technique which many dedicated gardeners make use of to avoid the diminution of sure minerals within the soil. Resting the garden beds and planting inexperienced manure crop for the purpose of adding nitrogen and so forth. read what he said So there you go. Vegetables, herbs and flowers will be grown organically indoors by using pots, hanging baskets and quite a few different garden clearance (click here to investigate) containers. Just be sure to match the vegetable or another plant you wish to grow with the proper sized container. Publisher: Rob Ethrington Beginning an organic vegetable backyard is remarkably simple if you employ nature oriented gardening principles. What is nature oriented gardening ideas? Simply put, nature based gardening methods lets you harvest more food with considerably less effort than typical gardening methods. The vast variety of edible plants planted compactly will assist increase nitrogen amount, thus eliminates the necessity for planting inexperienced manure crop. This additionally acts as a natural type of pests' management. Compost is generously applied on bare areas to fortify soil structure and also for topping up nitrogen. Some plants are permitted to go to seed to additional forestall weeds from growing. When a niche house seems as a result of harvesting or consumption, one other edible plant will take up the area. The finest technique of natural gardening for inexperienced persons has gotten easier to setup thanks to a set of simple to observe video tutorials. Be sure you watch the downloadable movies on methods to set it up properly and also print out the detailed step-by-step guide.
Discover this methodology in 10 seconds from now.
Running one is bloody onerous work! Nonetheless, last year, I discovered a extremely efficacious gardening method that requires extremely limited quantity of maintenance work. This is the easiest and most convenient means of operating organic vegetable plots. Uncover this method in 10 seconds from now. Natural Vegetable Gardening in the Southwest - Sure You may! Publisher: Laura Rairigh I've lived within the Phoenix area for a while now and the thought of getting a vegetable backyard by no means entered my thoughts, by no means researched it either, simply thought it wasn't attainable. We All the time had a garden in the east so why not here. Upon some internet analysis and information from a buddy I found out we actually have the best weather for one. Publisher: Paul Vincent As people these days are becoming extra environmentally concerned, you could have requested yourself what else do you have to do to contribute? Being environmentally conscious does not end at simply using things that aren't harmful to the setting. The thought of greenhouse organic gardening can be useful to the surroundings.
Why Select Natural Vegetable Gardening?
Sure now you can grow a backyard organically although it could also be hard to believe. Writer: Francis King If you wish to go natural, it is very important plan the design of your organic vegetable garden for optimum yield. An natural vegetable backyard would utilize only natural substances to grow the vegetables. Publisher: paul empey Additionally, develop backyard garden organically grown veggies taste much better since it is not tainted with anti-biotics. Give it some thought like powdered juice versus the kind that is naturally squeezed. Log in or Create Account to put up a remark. Why Choose Organic Vegetable Gardening? Writer: Julie R. Holland Why is organic vegetable gardening better for you and your loved ones? Learn how natural gardening can benefit your garden too. Writer: Paul Vincent Contrary to what most individuals assume natural indoor gardening is very a lot attainable even when they are living in a metropolis condominium. So so long as you might have several windows, you may grow virtually all vegetables in containers.
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benjamingarden · 7 years
Holiday Gift Guide for Homesteaders (and Chicken Lovers)
The 2017 City Girl Farming Holiday Gift Guide for Homesteaders and Chicken Lovers
It’s that time of year again when we all scratch our heads to figure out what to give to to those we love. I’ve put together a few things to help you out this year. Gifts focused on the chicken lovers, the gardeners and the general homesteaders (and folks who long to be homesteaders but aren’t there yet) in your life.  Here I present to you the 2017 Holiday Guide for homesteaders and chicken lovers on your list. May it get your holiday creative juices flowing!
Holiday Gift Ideas for Chicken Lovers
Because I am one of those chicken lovers, let’s start with them first. There is tons of stuff on the market these days that targets chicken fanatics (because our ranks are growing). However, not every chicken-themed object is a good gift.  Here are some I’ve  come across that I think are fun, cool, or somehow unique. Some of them I’ve used as gifts for the chicken lovers in MY life and they’ve been a hit.
Chicken Wine Cork: Okay, this isn’t just another chicken-themed thing. Well, actually, it IS, but it’s hysterical! I’ve bought them for people who have LOVED them. Remember the rubber chicken from childhood? This is that, in miniature form, crafted to fit inside an open bottle of wine. (Bonus: It’s a great conversation starter at parties!) Get it here.
Chicken Stickers or Stamp for Egg Cartons: This is something I’d LOVE, but would feel guilty buying for myself. There’s lots of options out there from stickers to stamps. You can even get them at the City Girl Farming Zazzle store here.
Other Customizable Chicken Items: As a matter of fact, there’s all sorts of customizable chicken related gifts over at the City Girl Farming Store. Mugs, T-shirts. Pillows. Tote Bags. And more. Check out the whole selection here.
Chicken Forage Seeds: I love these for my girls. It’s a variety pack of seeds (Annual Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Buckwheat, Flax, Millet, Forage Peas, Red Clover, Alfalfa ) specially blended for chickens. They also make for a great bee garden with a variety of cute blooming flowers creating an easy to grow, blooming garden to make everyone happy. My girls LOVE it. Here’s proof (if you look close you can see several hens enjoying the garden:
Chicken Coloring Book: Creative Chickens Coloring Book was a project I modeled after my own flock, combining my quirky personality with their whacky behavior. There are 20 original, hand drawn whimsical chicken drawings to color.  Great for children and adults. You can get it here.
Gifts for the Garden Geeks
Permaculture Cards: This deck of playing cards was thought up by a guy passionate about permaculture. He took his idea to Kickstarter and got it funded and now they’re available. Each card is full of fun facts and great photos to help educate the players of the card game.
Gardening Apron: This isn’t just any gardening apron! The Roo Joey Apron is the ultimate gardening apron with a huge pouch to fill and a chute to empty the pouch without any mess (or residue left behind).
Seeds: Okay this might seem kinda  boring to you, but think about a gardener! SEEDS are everything (and they’re somewhat addictive). There are some great ideas out there. For example, how about an Heirloom Survival Seed Kit?  If you’re worried about being to specific on your selection, what about a gift certificate from a good seed company like Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds or Territorial Seed Company and then they can pick out what they want. (Trust me: a gardener never tires of seeds…of trying new seeds…of stocking up on old favorites…a Seed Catalog is like the toy catalog for kids. Bright, shiny, and oh so alluring.)
Heirloom Beans: This is dinner and seeds all at the same time! Rancho Gordo sells a wide variety of heirloom beans (for eating). Your garden lover can sample savory meals all winter long featuring hard to find heirloom varieties of beans. If they save some along the way, they’ll be able to plant their favorites in the garden next spring. Eat now. Eat Later. What’s not to love about that? (Not to mention that Heirloom beans are WONDERFUL. If you want to know more about them, check out my blog post on the subject–I’m an heirloom bean addict!)
Kid Gardeners: Cute seed kits (that come in egg cartons) and are a variety of themes (pizza, salsa, etc.) but my favorite is the Summer Fun seed kit that contains seeds to grow Birdhouse Gourds, Luffa Sponges, Sensitive Plant, Spaghetti Squash, Big Orange Pumpkins and Mammoth Sunflowers.
Holiday Gift Ideas for Homesteaders (and Homesteader-wannabes):
InstaPot: I LOVE LOVE mine! I’ve been wanting one for over a year and finally got one. I’m not disappointed. If you’re not familiar with the Instapot, it basically does everything: Pressure cooking, slow cooking, sauteing, baking, a warmer, a rice cooker and some models have a yogurt maker. Pretty much everything you need in a kitchen appliance (except for still needing a good blender!) There’s different models, sizes and options all designed to make life easier! Here’s one to look at.
There’s also great InstaPot cookbooks and ideas galore as well as much inspiration on Pinterest for what to cook and how to use this amazing all-in-one machine.
Fermenting Kit: Give the gift of good gut health with a fermenting kit.
Sprouting Kit: Another great gift for good health is a sprouting kit.
A Big Basket of Organic Fruits and Nuts: Even better if you can buy it local.
Local Handmade Gifts: Think soaps, local honey, hand knit items, etc.
Fatwood: I’ve heard people talking about Fatwood, but only recently experienced it. Fat wood is wood kindling that has been made from the base of the tree, where the resin is more highly concentrated. You can light a fire WITHOUT paper or kindling just with 2 tiny pieces of Fatwood. It’s amazing! Plus, added bonus is that it’s all natural. No added chemicals or anything else. And they’re sustainable. They take the stumps from trees that have already been cut and put them to good use.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Fatwood. I’m hooked!
Essential Oils: Give the gift of health (and all sorts of DIY homesteading solutions). I use essential oils daily, both inside and outside the house. I use them on the chickens, too, when they’re sick or wounded. It makes so many things much more simple. And healthy. And non-toxic. If you’re interested in the kind I use, check this out. Or message me. I’d be happy to help you out.
For Homesteading Kids:
Don’t Throw it, Grow it: 68 Windowsill Plants from Kitchen Scraps: This book ROCKS! And it opens the curiosity for kids (and adults!) to see what will grow from the kitchen. (Think: the spices in the cupboard that are still in seed form (not ground), the end of the celery you chop off, etc.) Great book for curious children to open them up to a world of gardening.
Educational (and fun!) Board Game: Wildcraft Herbal Adventure Game. This is a cooperative board game that actually teaches about edible herbs and their uses, focusing on medicinal and first aid situations.
DIY Projects and Time
Lastly, it’s not all about what you can BUY. Sometimes the gift of TIME is the best gift of all and there’s hundreds of ways to do it. For example:
Who wouldn’t love free babysitting so they could go out one night?
Or help painting/fixing/cleaning something around the house/homestead?
What about ‘gift certificate’ for an afternoon of weeding or helping muck out the coop (you might enjoy it more than you think).
I have a friend who just gave a YEAR OF SOUP to someone.  Once a month she makes a big pot of soup and delivers it to her recipient. Mmmm. That sounds wonderful.
Get creative. It doesn’t have to cost anything but a little time.
Or, if you’re into DIY projects, things that I make that are oft-requested items are these:
Lemon Curd
Salsa Verde
Blackberry Jalapeno Jam
(All of the above recipes include canning instructions but don’t let that put you off if you’re not into canning–you can make it fresh and deliver it in a nice jar for refrigerator storage, or put it in cute packages and freeze it.)
Make Pine Cone Fire Starters
Another fun idea I’ve done is make Snowmen in a Jar kits for kids. They were a big hit. (And I even include labels you can print!)
Snowman in a Jar Kit
No matter what you do, nor what you celebrate, when it comes down to it, it’s all about your relationship with people. Hopefully this holiday gift guide for homesteaders and chicken lovers will get your creative juices flowing and you’ll think of even more perfect things than I’ve listed here. Have fun.  And happy holidays!
Holiday Gift Guide for Homesteaders (and Chicken Lovers) was originally posted by My Favorite Chicken Blogs(benjamingardening)
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benjamingarden · 7 years
Holiday Gift Guide for Homesteaders (and Chicken Lovers)
The 2017 City Girl Farming Holiday Gift Guide for Homesteaders and Chicken Lovers
It’s that time of year again when we all scratch our heads to figure out what to give to to those we love. I’ve put together a few things to help you out this year. Gifts focused on the chicken lovers, the gardeners and the general homesteaders (and folks who long to be homesteaders but aren’t there yet) in your life.  Here I present to you the 2017 Holiday Guide for homesteaders and chicken lovers on your list. May it get your holiday creative juices flowing!
Holiday Gift Ideas for Chicken Lovers
Because I am one of those chicken lovers, let’s start with them first. There is tons of stuff on the market these days that targets chicken fanatics (because our ranks are growing). However, not every chicken-themed object is a good gift.  Here are some I’ve  come across that I think are fun, cool, or somehow unique. Some of them I’ve used as gifts for the chicken lovers in MY life and they’ve been a hit.
Chicken Wine Cork: Okay, this isn’t just another chicken-themed thing. Well, actually, it IS, but it’s hysterical! I’ve bought them for people who have LOVED them. Remember the rubber chicken from childhood? This is that, in miniature form, crafted to fit inside an open bottle of wine. (Bonus: It’s a great conversation starter at parties!) Get it here.
Chicken Stickers or Stamp for Egg Cartons: This is something I’d LOVE, but would feel guilty buying for myself. There’s lots of options out there from stickers to stamps. You can even get them at the City Girl Farming Zazzle store here.
Other Customizable Chicken Items: As a matter of fact, there’s all sorts of customizable chicken related gifts over at the City Girl Farming Store. Mugs, T-shirts. Pillows. Tote Bags. And more. Check out the whole selection here.
Chicken Forage Seeds: I love these for my girls. It’s a variety pack of seeds (Annual Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Buckwheat, Flax, Millet, Forage Peas, Red Clover, Alfalfa ) specially blended for chickens. They also make for a great bee garden with a variety of cute blooming flowers creating an easy to grow, blooming garden to make everyone happy. My girls LOVE it. Here’s proof (if you look close you can see several hens enjoying the garden:
Chicken Coloring Book: Creative Chickens Coloring Book was a project I modeled after my own flock, combining my quirky personality with their whacky behavior. There are 20 original, hand drawn whimsical chicken drawings to color.  Great for children and adults. You can get it here.
Gifts for the Garden Geeks
Permaculture Cards: This deck of playing cards was thought up by a guy passionate about permaculture. He took his idea to Kickstarter and got it funded and now they’re available. Each card is full of fun facts and great photos to help educate the players of the card game.
Gardening Apron: This isn’t just any gardening apron! The Roo Joey Apron is the ultimate gardening apron with a huge pouch to fill and a chute to empty the pouch without any mess (or residue left behind).
Seeds: Okay this might seem kinda  boring to you, but think about a gardener! SEEDS are everything (and they’re somewhat addictive). There are some great ideas out there. For example, how about an Heirloom Survival Seed Kit?  If you’re worried about being to specific on your selection, what about a gift certificate from a good seed company like Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds or Territorial Seed Company and then they can pick out what they want. (Trust me: a gardener never tires of seeds…of trying new seeds…of stocking up on old favorites…a Seed Catalog is like the toy catalog for kids. Bright, shiny, and oh so alluring.)
Heirloom Beans: This is dinner and seeds all at the same time! Rancho Gordo sells a wide variety of heirloom beans (for eating). Your garden lover can sample savory meals all winter long featuring hard to find heirloom varieties of beans. If they save some along the way, they’ll be able to plant their favorites in the garden next spring. Eat now. Eat Later. What’s not to love about that? (Not to mention that Heirloom beans are WONDERFUL. If you want to know more about them, check out my blog post on the subject–I’m an heirloom bean addict!)
Kid Gardeners: Cute seed kits (that come in egg cartons) and are a variety of themes (pizza, salsa, etc.) but my favorite is the Summer Fun seed kit that contains seeds to grow Birdhouse Gourds, Luffa Sponges, Sensitive Plant, Spaghetti Squash, Big Orange Pumpkins and Mammoth Sunflowers.
Holiday Gift Ideas for Homesteaders (and Homesteader-wannabes):
InstaPot: I LOVE LOVE mine! I’ve been wanting one for over a year and finally got one. I’m not disappointed. If you’re not familiar with the Instapot, it basically does everything: Pressure cooking, slow cooking, sauteing, baking, a warmer, a rice cooker and some models have a yogurt maker. Pretty much everything you need in a kitchen appliance (except for still needing a good blender!) There’s different models, sizes and options all designed to make life easier! Here’s one to look at.
There’s also great InstaPot cookbooks and ideas galore as well as much inspiration on Pinterest for what to cook and how to use this amazing all-in-one machine.
Fermenting Kit: Give the gift of good gut health with a fermenting kit.
Sprouting Kit: Another great gift for good health is a sprouting kit.
A Big Basket of Organic Fruits and Nuts: Even better if you can buy it local.
Local Handmade Gifts: Think soaps, local honey, hand knit items, etc.
Fatwood: I’ve heard people talking about Fatwood, but only recently experienced it. Fat wood is wood kindling that has been made from the base of the tree, where the resin is more highly concentrated. You can light a fire WITHOUT paper or kindling just with 2 tiny pieces of Fatwood. It’s amazing! Plus, added bonus is that it’s all natural. No added chemicals or anything else. And they’re sustainable. They take the stumps from trees that have already been cut and put them to good use.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Fatwood. I’m hooked!
Essential Oils: Give the gift of health (and all sorts of DIY homesteading solutions). I use essential oils daily, both inside and outside the house. I use them on the chickens, too, when they’re sick or wounded. It makes so many things much more simple. And healthy. And non-toxic. If you’re interested in the kind I use, check this out. Or message me. I’d be happy to help you out.
For Homesteading Kids:
Don’t Throw it, Grow it: 68 Windowsill Plants from Kitchen Scraps: This book ROCKS! And it opens the curiosity for kids (and adults!) to see what will grow from the kitchen. (Think: the spices in the cupboard that are still in seed form (not ground), the end of the celery you chop off, etc.) Great book for curious children to open them up to a world of gardening.
Educational (and fun!) Board Game: Wildcraft Herbal Adventure Game. This is a cooperative board game that actually teaches about edible herbs and their uses, focusing on medicinal and first aid situations.
DIY Projects and Time
Lastly, it’s not all about what you can BUY. Sometimes the gift of TIME is the best gift of all and there’s hundreds of ways to do it. For example:
Who wouldn’t love free babysitting so they could go out one night?
Or help painting/fixing/cleaning something around the house/homestead?
What about ‘gift certificate’ for an afternoon of weeding or helping muck out the coop (you might enjoy it more than you think).
I have a friend who just gave a YEAR OF SOUP to someone.  Once a month she makes a big pot of soup and delivers it to her recipient. Mmmm. That sounds wonderful.
Get creative. It doesn’t have to cost anything but a little time.
Or, if you’re into DIY projects, things that I make that are oft-requested items are these:
Lemon Curd
Salsa Verde
Blackberry Jalapeno Jam
(All of the above recipes include canning instructions but don’t let that put you off if you’re not into canning–you can make it fresh and deliver it in a nice jar for refrigerator storage, or put it in cute packages and freeze it.)
Make Pine Cone Fire Starters
Another fun idea I’ve done is make Snowmen in a Jar kits for kids. They were a big hit. (And I even include labels you can print!)
Snowman in a Jar Kit
No matter what you do, nor what you celebrate, when it comes down to it, it’s all about your relationship with people. Hopefully this holiday gift guide for homesteaders and chicken lovers will get your creative juices flowing and you’ll think of even more perfect things than I’ve listed here. Have fun.  And happy holidays!
Holiday Gift Guide for Homesteaders (and Chicken Lovers) was originally posted by My Favorite Chicken Blogs(benjamingardening)
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