#I never thought I'd be the one to doom their yuri
crabapplesinc · 1 month
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What if I told you this was originally Farcille and I completely finished the drawing but I hated how Falin looked so a few weeks later I just removed her and put the funny familiar there instead
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trashmammal69 · 6 months
Heyo! Noticed you posting a lot of Yukaham thoughts lately, and that's what your fic is about, but I have no idea what that is! This is your formal invitation to talk all you want about what that is, why you love it, and what you're writing! ^3^
So Yukaham is a ship from Persona 3 (the best one), with Yukari and the female protag! Femc has a bunch of different names, but the one used for ships is Hamuko, even though most people (including me) prefer the name Kotone. This is bcuz the male protagonist's name is Makoto, so it'd be impossible to tell if any ship with "koto" in it was with the malemc or femc. Ends up in really dumb sounding ship names for femc lmao. Girls can't even have a nice ship name! Smh,,,
ANYWAY, I just absolutely adore these guys. It's my OTP for p3, even though most people just ship Yukari and Mitsuru (Totally get it, though. Every scene between them has enough gay tension to cut with a knife). To be honest, I'm not quite sure why I prefer Yukaham. Even though Kotone is far and away my favorite protag, she's definitely not as well developed as any of the actual characters. Maybe that's why I like her so much? There's not as much as other characters, but there's just enough to build off of from her goofy dialogue choices, making her great for fan content. Also I just love her design! Also she's super gay.
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I also adore the other half of the ship, Yukari. She is far and away my favorite persona character. She's just so well written! She has a lot of interesting dynamics with the other characters as well, especially Mitsuru and Junpei. Her fits are great too, and her design in general just exudes 2006 girly girl energy that I love. She also has a lot of interesting insecurities and weaknesses to explore, like her unwillingness to rely on others, which stems from her relationship with her mother, and not wanting to end up like her. Sidenote, I love when characters focus so hard on not failing in one aspect that they fail in all others and end up self-sabotaging. Oops! Additionally, I find her abrasive personality meshes really well with Kotone's upbeat, bubbly attitude. Also she's super gay.
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As for the fic I'm writing, a warning first: IT HAS HUGE PERSONA 3 SPOILERS!! If you have any interest in p3, I'd really recommend playing it before reading ahead!!
That out of the way, I really wanted to focus on Yukari dealing with the grief of Kotone's death. In The Answer (an add-on to the original persona 3 and the biggest media literacy check of all time) Yukari is clearly miserable, and her dealing with her grief heavily impacts her decisions and behavior throughout The Answer. That add-on, however, is only available for the male protagonist in the FES version of p3, which doesn't include Kotone as a protagonist. So, I thought it might be cool to explore what might happen to Yukari after the events if p3 if she never got closure and development from The Answer.
Basically, I just wanted to write a fic about Yukari reconnecting with her friends after pushing them away, learning to rely on people and how to ask for help, and finally unpacking her grief regarding Kotone's death. All while sprinkling some doomed yuri (my beloved) flashbacks in between. A good ol' fashioned smash'em to bits and pick up the pieces fic! And I'm having a really good time with it!! It's the first time I've ever been this pumped and motivated about writing, and it feels so nice!
THANKS SO MUCH FOR ASKING THIS MADE MY DAY!!! I'll never pass up an opportunity to ramble about some of my most favorite blorbos,,, Have a good one!! :D
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moonstone-vibe · 7 months
Fic writer (of doom) interview :))
Thank you @melodious-tear for tagging me! 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
How many works do you have on AO3? - 83 (whaaaat? :)) okay, but I started writing some 15 years ago)
What’s your total AO3 word count? - 1,462,003. Like I said. And to quote that meme, 'some may be good, some may be shit'
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? - 1. Age of Astaroth (Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist), 2. You don't need a (fucking) quirk (僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia), 3. Are we still playing (Haikyuu!!) , 4. Compensation (Haikyuu!!), 5. Reactive (Hetalia: Axis Powers)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? - ALWAYS!!! And I also put lots of hearts and bunnies and whatnot, for mysterious reasons. But seriously, I love comments, and not just positive feedback. It means my work has caused a reaction with the reader, stirred some emotion. I'm always grateful.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? - hmm, I guess the angstiest would be Resentful (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù) , but Bai Lin's lament (琉璃 | Love and Redemption (TV)) is quite sad too. But usually I avoid angsty/sad/unhappy endings and strive to give my characters at least some silver lining if not a fully happy ending. I'm a sucker for happy endings, me.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? - The Embrace of Death and the Kiss of Life (Soul Eater). This immediately comes to mind
Do you write crossovers? - I was about to say never, but in fact I recently wrote one. For smut purposes only :)))
Have you ever received hate on a fic? - I have received the abundant pleasantries of the infamous Guest reviewers back when I was active on fanfiction.net, but those people either had a problem with the sacred guidelines or were just there to troll but never related to a fic itself. On AO3 there was the very dedicated XiYao troll, but again, they had a problem with the pairing in general rather than with my fics.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? - I wrote both het and BL, but only BL was ever fully explicit (influenced by my absolute shifu sectionladvivi/Daniel May. I'm hardly on his level though). I never wrote yuri and I wouldn't either.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? - I don't think so.
Have you ever had a fic translated? - Yeah, Rise of the Emerald Princess (Soul Eater) was translated and that person also asked me if they could write a prequel one-shot/spin off. I was beyond flattered, you guys!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? - I have, but just once. I'd like to give it a try sometime, but it's a commitment. Maybe a one-shot.
What’s your all-time favorite ship? - When it comes to ships, my muse is as faithful as an incubus, I have no control over this thing, you get the picture. So, no. Why settle on a fave anyway? :))
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? - I will strive to finish all my WIPs (I have like 2 :))) Normally when a fic is hopeless, I just delete it.
What are your writing strengths? - that sometimes I can write :)))))
What are your writing weaknesses? - that I have no control over my muse whatsoever and that includes long periods 'on the dry'
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? - it's cool as long as it's a language I have at least some vague knowledge of. Walter Essner speaking French is everything :)))
What was the first fandom you wrote for? - Inglorious Basterds
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? - nothing comes to mind right now...
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? - hmmm, can't decide between Boy in gold silk (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)) and White man's coffin (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)) 
tagging @estbela @starsmadeinheaven @doodlin-moons , @someone-you-do-not-know , @coffeewithcutcaffeine, @roseszirnheld and anyone else who might want to give it a try ;)
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swannkings · 2 years
so i finished s4 of stranger things
my biggest questions:
what happened to the school counselor, max's mom, the hawkins police chief and officer, the other members of hellfire club, the one other henchman of jason's that erica dick kicked, the rest of the sinclair family, dustin's mom?
what happened to dr owens?
what happened to dmitri?
what was the reason lucas' black team mate was yoinked by vecna? if guilt is a factor and none was explicitly given for him, are we to assume it was because he felt terrible being part of a mob headed by a white jesus freak, who can be entirely interpreted as a white supremacist, that was hunting down another black teen?
my biggest issues:
i mean, the racism. the duffers are really good about making racist characters (and even making them somewhat sympathetic) -- having those characters in the time period and setting of the show is fine, however, none of the white characters ever say anything contrary or stick up for the black characters.
as much as i enjoy max and lucas, it's kind of weird max never acknowledged billy being a racist pos and neither did any of lucas' other friends.
i'm still stuck on the part where mike doesn't understand why lucas would want to fit it. LOOK AROUND DUMBASS.
the part where erica is chased down by the white high school boy and held down was stomach turning.
the entire hopper/joyce/russia plot. i can do without anymore russia plot in this show. i can do without prison camps and cold war red scare shit. it's bizarre to have this whole international political sub-plot when the duffers can't bring themselves to acknowledge what was actually happening on american soil.
yuri wasn't a funny character.
the jokes about hopper losing weight because he was imprisoned and starved for months weren't funny.
for some reason poverty seems to be played as a joke on this show. but most of the characters do come from middle-class republican families so that shouldn't surprise me.
the queer quotient:
robin and vickie will probably get together at the very end of the series, if they both survive. or they'll be secretly dating because it's 1986 in indiana, but it'll be funny. homophobia is a lighthearted joke, remember? boobies!
will is a gay teen boy in 1986. i do not expect him to come out to anyone other than jonathan and joyce. i don't think there will ever be a chance of him directly telling mike how he feels. the best i'd hope for is he comes out, mike gives some heartfelt speech about how being different is a gift or something, and then will moves back to california and meets someone new.
worst case scenario: season 5 spells doom and will dies to save the world and no one ever knows he's gay.
mike wheeler being a shit:
he's always been like this.
i kind of suspect mike is a duffer insert.
i have never liked the part where mike clearly has been infatuated with el since s1. it isn't love, it's infatuation. it's a problem the show has and the characters have never been allowed to be self-aware.
like, he literally says he's based everything about his and el's relationship around the fact that she's "special." she has powers, he doesn't. she's cool, he's not. she has no real grasp of being an average kid, he does and she has to rely on him because of it.
mike says he loves el and doesn't notice something is wrong with will because mike isn't a character, he's a device. he has no personality other than being told he's a leader. he has to say he loves el because that's the trope. he has to ignore will because it creates drama.
no offense to finn, but mike is a paper bag puppet and i wish the duffers would let him grow a personality other than being incredibly dense, ignorant, and unintentionally bigoted.
final thoughts:
this whole season was a hate crime. visually appealing, great soundtrack, but insensitive, dismissive, and abusive. more so than previous seasons, and that's including billy "certain type of people" hargrove's whole ass showing in season 2.
i feel like filming in a former nazi prison camp where thousands of jews and rroma were murdered, having a season long plot of a black kid being singled out and culminating with him being at gunpoint of some righteous white guy, and having every character with authority buying into eddie being a satanic murderer long enough to form a mob with the intent of killing him (and the police just stand there with their thumbs up their asses) is appallingly, disgustingly bad.
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