#I never got into blurr but he’s growing onto me
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ghoulishconey · 2 months ago
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The names not “zippy”
Another one bites the dust. Blurr was a fun one to do really.
I can see him being such a mumbler. Especially if he’s talking to himself to de-escalate the situation.
Based on a fanfic called “A-Ok” by @revelboo
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gengar-pixel-2 · 25 days ago
Transformers animated liveblog: Season three, part 2: SPOILER WARNING!
Fight with the headmaster was kinda fun to watch, optimus calling him a noob made me giggle lol. ALSO YAYY!!! The family bond is mending! I continue to have mixed feelings about isaac sumdac, but his character moments in this episode were really nice, and I liked them a lot.
the origin of omega supreme is like?? realllly fucked up?? They made him to be nothing but a weapon, and made him HAVE to rely on others for commands, so he doesn't think about the destruction he's causing?? holy shit?? okay like. i know i know, the whole point is with the decepticons and autobots is that it's not black and white. I know. it's not "oh the autobots are perfect saints never do anything wrong and every decepticon ever is cruel and heartless and irredeemable" like. i understand. thats a big thing in transformers and all. I also know ultra magnus's whole character is that he's a good leader but a flawed one. Which is very interesting to me and a good thing for my brain to crunch on, love this kinda stuff. I'M JUST SAYING! thats! realllly fucked up! I'M just pointing out the obvious. ...Much like ratchet calling them out for this! This entire backstory makes the relationship between him and ratchet all the more sweet to me. the fact that he says "Friend" not "Mentor," how far he went to get omega back online, how he said "I'm not gonna lose you a second time!" AND HOW HE TREATED THE SHIP BEFORE ALL THIS?? BEFORE WE LEARN THE SHIP IS ALIVE?? LIKE?? AT FIRST I THOUGHT HE WAS DOING THE SAILOR THING YKNOW. TALKING TO THE SHIP. BUT NO HE WAS LITERALLY DOING IT BECAUSE THE SHIP IS ALIVE AND HE CARES ABOUT HIM DEEPLY. HE DOESN'T VIEW HIM AS A WEAPON, HE VIEWS HIM AS A FRIEND. HE SEES THE SPARK, THE LIFE IN THEM. AUUUGHHH-
there's. another thing about this episode. something special. (dialog in alt-text btw.)
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...So this is it. And then, to my horror, even though I knew this was coming. I knew it was gonna happen. I knew at some point, blurr's demise would be shown, I knew about it before me and my sister started watching. My burden...
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It didn't make this any less horrifying.
The look of horror as he realizes there is no escape, the desperation, the sickening crunch, the sounds of blurr struggling, the sound of pain?
And to know what happens after, in the next episode. The state they find him in, the state my sister doesn't know. As if it couldn't get any worse. Seeing this actual scene further cements why this death, in anything I've seen from this franchise so far, show wise, feels so.. visceral to me. ..So yes, if you are asking, i find this disturbing.
That being said, things just kept getting worse. Megatron has control over omega supreme, and while they found bumblebee, they brought monsters with him. Not to mention, sari.
Also, even though it was obvious, me and my sisters theory was.. correct! She was a cybertronian protoform, and how she got her organic shell was from sumdac's touch, because he accidentally molded her into his image!
also this entire plot of her upgrades being getting older and more powers, reminds me of ninjago except. that was like, life or death no choice and they didn't even address it until the soft reboot so. ..No it really isn't never mind- ANYWAY
She's probably been eight like, her whole life. this is the first time i've seen a sci-fi show that gives an explanation for how the robot child character grows up and all, so I'm content with this. She gets a magical girl transformation AND a cool new suit?? Man! wish I got those when I got older.. /silly
anyway, however, as though it couldn't get worse it. it did, actually. I got scared when sari couldn't control her new powers and then uh!! oops!!
Anyway, with that cliffhanger, I'm excited for part three! expect liveblogs to come a bit slower and longer since stakes are really being raised and I'm only liveblogging certain episodes! ..Also, to cope, I made this.
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oh-three · 3 years ago
7, 11, 17, 18, 34, 41, 58, 65, 78 and 94 for the ask game
7) Tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote.
Oh god.
It was a Transformers fic, three chapters long, about Hubcap (red version) getting kidnapped by Decepticons then rescued by Blurr and Ironhide. It's actually pretty cringey, and I hate the dialogue so much. My writing has improve so much since then.
11) What’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? Also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
[TW- slavery]
I don't worry about research too much, unless it's like historical or medical stuff (occasional Wookieepedia use aside).
I did write a Pirates Of The Caribbean fic a year and a half (or two and a half years) ago, spent days researching slavery. I learned all kinds of stuff from that, stored it on a document for safekeeping. Have this on there:
Slaves were scrubbed and their wounds filled with hot tar before auction. The unsold and frail were often sold by scramble auctions, where after agreeing a flat rate, plantation owners would race to grab the best workforce.
17) What is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
I don't really memorize them, but whenever I look back on a fic and read one of them, I remember how much I love it. For the sake of saving time, here's one from A Hand In Refuge:
Because even though his master had discouraged the voicing of his opinion, the desire to share had lingered deep beneath his rigorous teachings, waiting oh-so-patiently to arise.
18) What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
My most favorite part of writing is watching it turn from outline material into fully fleshed out conversations and ideas. There's a certain magic to watching it happen, to comparing the two afterward.
My least favorite part is figuring out how to pick something up again from where I've left off. Really struggling to start the next chapter of my Cobb Vanth series at the moment. I know what I want to do, I just don't know how to execute it.
34) How do you name characters and places?
Honestly? I usually just run a name generator until I come upon one that just fits. Something that I like the sound of aesthetically, something that feels like it suits the personality of the character receiving the name.
41. What is the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had?
I'm part of a (now -inactive) Discord server with a few other Pirates Of The Caribbean writers. Went to a feed store one night, shared a few pictures of chicks staying warm.
That turned into me writing a story about Jack Sparrow smuggling a couple pocket-fulls of chicks onto the Black Pearl. It's the most random thing I've ever written, and I love it.
58) What is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
"hyperspace lane"
Yeah, I was trying to figure out what skylanes were called. I got there.
65) What is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written? 
Me, who's written over four-hundred fics: ...
I've Seen Things In This House I've Never Spoken Of is a good one. It's a Spider-Man fic, the title itself being a quote from one of the characters.
When The Suns Grow Low, The Fight Only Gets Tougher is the title of the first fic in my Cobb Vanth series. I don't even remember how I came up with it, but I really do love it a lot.
Solus Tome (Alone Together) is another favorite, the fic surrounding the Bad Batch and Fives, an AU in which he survives and they find him. The first part of the title is in Mando'a, the translation being the part that's in parenthesis.
I'm going to stop there before I get ahead of myself.
78) How do you choose where to end a chapter?
Yeah, that's always a tad difficult.
I usually just chop it up between scenes to make it a bit more natural, though I sometimes cut it in the middle of scenes for the sake of length consistency or dramatic effect.
94) Do you prefer dialogue or description?
I really like both, if I'm being honest. I can't say I prefer one over the other. I love description, going in-depth on how things look, but there's just something about nailing a character's line that is pretty magical itself.
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bunnirs · 4 years ago
Scarlet Crossroads:
Chapter 2: Breaking The Ice
Scarlet Crossroads Masterlist
It felt like hours before most of the exam contestants arrived. Of course, you happened to be exceptionally early, being only examinee 113.
You wish you could’ve said waiting was boring, but a few of the other examinee’s made it extremely difficult to settle down.
There was a wide variety of other characters, their personalities most likely to clash further into the exam, dragging you into the crossfire.
One man stood out to you. He was short, rather full looking, and had an ugly ass beard. Maybe he was a child… seeing as he certainly acted like one. This child of a man was Examinee #16, Tonpa the Rookie Crusher.
It was obvious to you that he was bad news. I mean, he reeked of mold and broccoli. (Well, you thought it was broccoli, but you could’ve been wrong on that. You were hoping, no praying, that it wasn’t the case.
He shifted uncomfortably underneath your stare, somehow growing nervous as he tried to speak. It seemed your aura was suffocating him, how typical.
Anyone who isn't strong enough to withstand it seemed to have that reaction. This just proved he was up to no good.
Your Nen Ability was something close to a Trump Card of sorts. No one would know it existed until it was too late. This poor man had already succumbed to it though, seeing as he was choking on his words.
With a quick inhale, your aura dispersed, leaving the short man to choke on the air that shot into his throat.
“You run a mile or something? Asthma?” You said curiously, a sly smirk seemed to pick at your lips, a laugh growing in your throat.
“No, no! I’m just thirsty! About that, what about a drink? You must be thirsty from your way here? What about we become pals? My name's Tonpa! How about you girly?”
Ew, okay gross. Did this man just call you.. girly? Yeah no, he’s not worthy enough to hold your drink, much less give you one.
With that conclusion, you gave him a forced smile, your eyes narrowing as you stared him down. “That’s really nice of you to offer, but I don’t take things from strangers.”
“Oh huh, really? That’s too bad!” He thought aloud, his expression faltering as he paid close attention to your expression. With each second your eyes got darker, the sides of your mouth twitching as you grew aggravated. Damn, something was up with you. “Your mother must be proud! The whole ‘Stranger Danger’ lesson worked huh?”
“Ah.” You paused, your smile dropping. Looks like the muscles in your face were sore now. Just great. “I didn’t have a mother.” You spoke calmly as you shifted your weight to the other leg, looking down at your fingernails.
With that realization, his eyes almost poked out of his head. He began to spew apologies, falling to the ground in a bow. It was painfully obvious that it was a forced reaction, but you took pleasure in watching him kneel. Okay maybe that’s coming off as too strong? Yeah, maybe it was just funny to you.
With that, you turned on your heel, signaling him off with a mere wave of your hand. Damn old men, they really did freak you out. Usually Chrollo or the Troupe would’ve killed him on sight, but they weren’t with you. The familiar faces began to run through your mind, distracting you from the small white blurr standing in front of you.
In a split second, you could feel your aura activate itself as you collided with another examinee. As if it didn’t startle you, the small kid seemed to be falling off his board. Everything seemed to slow down for you, his surprised face turned into one of anger, and his pupils locked with yours.
You quickly shot out your hand, grabbing his wrist, holding him up so he wouldn’t fall on his back. His skateboard flipped in the air, but it seems he had already caught it. You thought to yourself, ‘Hey that was kind of cool’, and let go of his small wrist.
He shifted uncomfortably, his hair covering his blushing face, his hands clamping up into small fists. “Hey why don’t you watch where you’re going?! If I was someone else, you would’ve been dead the minute you touched me! But you got lucky this time, I don’t really want to pick a fight with anyone just yet.” He smiled confidently to himself, laying his board back onto the ground, his left foot pushing it back and forth. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t come after you, you old hag! Man, people like you won’t ever pass this exam! Especially when you can’t even walk without bumping into people?!”
You didn’t even get to open your mouth before he jumped back on his board, weaving through the crowd, blowing the small strands of hair from his face.
What a spoiled brat. Who the hell does he think he is? Telling you that you won’t pass the exam? Hell, you’d blow through this thing like it’s nothing. All you had to do was get your hunters license, and then shove it into that kids face.
Yeah, sounds simple enough.
That declaration of yours was made almost an hour ago, and now, waiting was getting old. For said hour, you’ve been sitting against the wall, playing with a small rubix cube. Instead of its natural colored squares, small little pieces of duct tape covered the surface. What was written on said tape, were the names of each troupe member.
You remembered Pakunoda spending an hour just writing the names down, wanting them to be spelled perfectly so you could read them correctly. This was years ago, probably when you were nearing age 5, the withered adhesives almost giving up.
Seeing as there were no school opportunities for you, Pakunoda mostly took charge of your education, wanting you to be as smart as possible. She really was motherly in a way, even when she denied it.
Her teaching certainly worked its wonders. Even though you came off as an idiot, your mind worked faster than what was natural. You could tell peoples moves before they even acted them out, which seemed to help greatly in the troupe’s line of work.
It seems they raised you to be a Phantom Troupe member, the spider tattoo being embedded in your mind, almost like a nightmare. It was truly Ironic, considering that you hated the very idea of joining the Spiders.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the elevator, and the doors slowly opened to reveal a group of three.
They were oddly fitting for a friend group. One of them was obviously a child, his innocent face matched his horrible sense of fashion. Next to him was a rather greasy... business man? He looked to be at least in his late twenties? It was an understatement to say that his limbs were of average length, because damn, those arms were long.
Your eyes then glanced over to his other partner. He was shorter, but much younger looking. He looked to be your age, which was very exciting for you. You never had a friend that was actually close to your age. Maybe you’d sneak in a word or two during this?
The longer you stared, the more you noticed about him. He had blonde hair that stopped right behind his ear, his eyes were soft, a calming grey color. If you stared at them any longer you were sure to get lost. It sounded cheesy, but you ignored that thought.
To be honest, everything about him screamed Mom friend, almost reminding you of Pakunoda in a way.
You watched as Beans, the Secretary that approached you not too long ago, gave them their badges. They were numbers; 403, 404, and 405.
They were likely the last ones to get here, which was good news in your book. Finally, the Hunter Exam was about to begin!
A few more minutes passed, and you shifted uncomfortably as you watched Tonpa walk up to the group. You didn’t necessarily care about the two older ones, but the kid seemed to bother you.
That’s when you decided to take your chances and try to rescue the trio. As you thought to yourself, you figured you most likely wouldn’t make it in time to stop them from drinking it, so you did the next best thing.
Your mind spewed apologies as you looked down at the rubix cube that resembled your childhood. With one last glance, you lined it up with the kids' drink. With a strong over handed throw, it spiraled towards the can, completely tearing through the thin metal.
Juice had sprayed all over Tonpa’s face, it’s orange contents seeping into his clothes. Maybe, just maybe, that would help him smell better.
With a quick smile, you cautiously jogged over. You held up one hand, waving as you came in peace. The closer you got, the more you noticed the blonde boy’s eyes. They seemed empty almost, like they were hiding something behind them. Tough childhood huh? You could relate.
You stopped as you got in front of them, rubbing the back of your neck as an act of nervous behavior. Good act. Keep it up. “So sorry guys, sometimes I forget I’m surrounded by other people! I kinda just threw it y'know?”
“That was… so cool!” The smaller boy piped in, his eyes adorned in admiration. “My names Gon! Gon Freccs! What’s your name?”
“Oh.” You were generally surprised by his positivity, seeing as you just knocked his source of hydration from his hands. “The names Y/N.” You held out your hand, taking the kids palm in yours. “Sorry for spilling your drink.. but I can’t say it was purely an accident. This guy has been trying to mess with people, I just felt like I had to warn you.”
With that, the blonde boy and his accomplice poured their drinks out, a disgusted look on their faces.
“Oh really? I thought it smelled weird! I’m glad to know I wasn’t having allergies or something!” Gon muttered the last part, rubbing the surface of his index finger underneath his nose, as if to wipe something off.
You nodded, a small smile reaching your lips. “Well Gon, and his…” you paused for a minute, your eyes meeting the blonde boys. “Accomplices? Besties…? Caretakers?”
“Friends is a better word.” The grey eyed boy said quickly. “My name is Kurapika, and this?” He gestured with his hands, pointing at Leorio’s stomach. “This is Leorio.”
“I think I can introduce myself, you damn blonde!” Leorio interrupted him, yelling in his face, his finger pointing into Kurapika’s chest.
“Oh, it’s quite alright. Seeing as I got it the first time” You said quickly, not wanting to hear it again.
You ignored the taller man as he started to spew nonsense, most of its contents having to do with insults directed towards you. Your small smile seemed to falter, suddenly remembering the very item you had used to save them was not in your hands.
That’s when your eyes dropped to the floor, searching for the old rubix cube that contained most of your memories of home. You felt your heart spike, the feeling of disappointment taking over.
On the outside you remained stoic, your shoulders merely shrugging as you let out a small groan of annoyance. “Damn, I lost that old thing again?”
“What thing?” Gon interjected, standing on his tippy-toes as he rocked back and forth. “You mean that toy?”
You cringed, your teeth grinding together as you glared him down. “That ‘thing’ is not a toy, it’s something very important to me.”
“Must not be ‘very important’ if you throw it at people.” Leorio retorted, rolling his eyes as he adjusted his suit sleeve. Why he wore it to an exam was beyond you.
“Well, no matter how important it is, I’m sure you’d like it back?” Kurapika cut Leorio off, trying to prevent whatever fight was about to break out between the two of you.
“Huh?” You broke your gaze with Leorio, only to meet the cold, empty eyes of Kurapika. “Well of course I’d want it back. It is mine after all.”
Leorio started to grow annoyed, most likely with the fact that you were ignoring him. “Hey! Don’t give him that crappy attitude! We’re being nice to you, so don’t overstay your welcome!”
“..You make it sound like I’m at your house.” You looked to him, your face forming into a scowl.
This sent the overdressed man into a blushing mess, his words coming out as broken stutters, his hands fumbling with the hems of his suit. It seems he did that a lot.
“Please ignore him.” Kurapika sighed, obviously embarrassed by his friend’s behavior. “But regarding the object of discussion, I think you should have it back.” With that, he reached his hand out, your rubix cube in his hand.
Your eyes quickly rushed down towards it, your hands quickly snatching from his own, scared that if you touched him, he’d know everything about you.
You let out a soft sigh of relief, putting the cube back in your small bag. Unbeknownst to you, the tape that once held your brother's name, was now somewhere along the ground.
“Thanks.” You muttered, your fingers tingling from where they had brushed against his. “..So, why not break the ice a little? Why are you guys trying to become Hunters?”
The small child opened his mouth to answer, but it seems it was cut short by a blood curdling scream.
You all turned your heads to the noise, being greeted by the sight that was Hisoka.
It seems someone had bumped into him, seeing as they were now in a fetal position on the ground, their arms missing as they disintegrated into little flowers. At least the flowers were pretty.
If matters couldn’t get any more interesting, the large door that you presumed was a wall opened, revealing who looked to be an Examiner.
He wore an all purple suit, his white hair almost looking like a soft lavender. His mustache seemed to cover his mouth, hiding whatever lurked inside of it. His name didn’t matter to you, frankly, none of these people did.
Atleast, that’s what you kept telling yourself.
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creednight · 5 years ago
No Place Like Home
Yes, you read that right. This is Chapter 11. Chapter 10 here. Don’t get too excited I’m just getting back into this. So have a filler.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
    You wake with a start and glance at the clock next to your bed. “It’s 6 in the morning!” 
    The door creaks open and you hear Connor’s laughter. “It’s spring break, I’m back. Let’s go.”
    “Where?” you sit up and ruffle your hair. “And why so early?”
    “I have lots of stuff planned,” he kneels beside the bed and places a hand on it. “The Jeep is all packed, I made some snacks, everyone else will join us this afternoon. But this morning is you and I.”
    “Oooh,” you wiggle your brows at him. His face reddens and he uses his hands to cover his cheeks. “I’m kidding!”
    “I’ll be waiting downstairs,” he gets to his feet in seconds before dashing out her door. 
    A smile grows on your face at his antics. You fall back on your bed with a happy sigh before rolling out of bed and getting ready for the day. You sort through your closet pulling out clothes for all situations. Since it’s supposed to be hot out, you pull on your bathing suit under some shorts, a loose tank top and a light cardigan. 
    You grab a beach bag from below your bed and fill it with clothes, socks, sandals, sunscreen, your water bottle and anything else you deem necessary and head out. 
    In the kitchen, Connor avoids eye contact but slides a plate with half a large breakfast sandwich on it and nods at you to take it. He holds up his to yours before taking the biggest bite you’ve ever seen. 
    “Where are we going first?” you ask as he grabs his keys and marches towards the door. You notice he doesn’t look tired and it makes you frown. “Why are you used to waking up so early? Do you ever sleep in?”
    “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” he replies between food. 
    You stop in your tracks, as funny as you think it is, for some reason it hits you harder than you expected. In the doorway, you watch him hustle down the steps wondering why it bugs you. He pauses at the bottom and turns back, his dark eyes light and playful turn serious when he sees the look on your face. 
    He’s back in an instant. “What’s wrong?”
    “I-I don’t know,” you blink at him. “Sorry, I got sad all of a sudden.”
    “I was kidding,” he brings to fingers to pretend to pinch your nose. “I won’t die on you, (y/n).”
    You blush at your overreaction. “I know. Come on, let’s go already.”
    He grins, takes your bag and jogs over to the car. You follow him with a little more pep in your step and climb in the passenger side without a care in the world. Connor takes the driver’s seat and off you two go. He plays the radio and time seems to fly by, one second it’s 6:30 and the next it’s 8 and you’re staring at the most beautiful mountainside. 
    “You want me to hike?” you groan as he opens your door. 
    “It’s a short hike,” he laughs. 
    You can’t help but laugh as well and follow his lead as he pulls on his hiking pack and marches towards the trail. The sun shines down on the two of you as you watch the scenery change and grow bigger. Animals skirt the edges of the dirt trail, birds cry out overhead and you hear the sounds of a river nearby. 
    After all that excitement, fresh air makes you feel lighter and happier. Connor tells you about the land, teaching you tricks to find your way when you’re lost and how to pick trees that are easy to climb. He passes you snacks along the way and stops for water breaks every half hour until you reach a spot with a gorgeous view. 
    “Whoa,” you whisper as trees fill your vision and a lake gleams in the distance. “This is so beautiful.”
    “I like to hang around out here sometimes,” Connor digs around in his pack. “Stand over there, I’m going to take a picture.”
    “Only if you take a selfie with me,” you retort. 
    “Yes ma’am,” he responds with his camera ready. 
    He gets his photos and you pulls him to your side and hold up the phone. You twist and turn it, trying to get his large frame in. “Why are you built like this? Were you a large baby?”
    He bursts out laughing and takes your phone from you. “I’m not telling.”
    His angles work much better and you guys head back down the trail. With the day just starting, you find yourself smiling bigger and bigger. He takes you kayaking around in a large lake, another walk and then to town for lunch. By the time it’s 1, he finally takes you in the direction of the beach. 
    “The others have a spot, they’re excited to see you,” he explains. 
    “You mean, Ezio and Jacob are excited to see me,” you laugh. 
    He rolls his eyes. “And Evie, and Arno.”
    “It’s going to be great!”
    “(y/n), love!” Jacob waves you over to their line of towels. “Get your clothes, we’re going to play volleyball.”
    “That’s not how you get a woman’s clothes off, you animal,” Ezio glares at Jacob. He gets to his feet and trots over, giving you a full view of his delicious body. “You have to do it like this.”
    Connor steps in front of you, blocking the italian from getting to you. “Let’s just have some fun, right? No need to get (Y/N)’s clothes off.”
    “But that’s part of the fun!” Arno hoots while holding up a volleyball. “Who’s playing?”
    You’ve never seen so many grown men try to outdo each other so hard in your life. All the muscles attract hordes of people to the match as they run around and smack the ball. Ezio and Jacob strike the most ridiculous of poses to get you to look at their bodies for as long as possible. Connor is a beast at the game, he stands at the height of the net and blocks any attempts of a spike.
    You and Evie dip out an hour into their repeated challenges and head into the water. It’s so nice to feel the waves push and pull around you. Evie stays close and then tugs you along as the men arrive to cause a commotion. 
“Gotcha,” Ezio pulls you close and hoists you above his shoulder. “I got her boys!”
“Hold up,” Jacob comes up and pulls you from Ezio onto his shoulder after a nice shove to the chest. “I have her.”
“No, no, no,” Arno walks up and pinches Jacob’s nipple. While the british man is in pain, he picks up (Y/N) and holds her bridal style. “Come with me.”
He turns around and you bump into Connor. His dark eyes gleam in the sunlight as he glares down at Arno, arms crossed over his toned chest. You giggle as Arno places you in his waiting hands. Your skin, already on fire from being handled by everyone, turns electric as Connor holds you in his embrace. 
“Actually,” Evie taps Connor on the shoulder. “My turn.”
He tenses at her icy stare and passes you with no argument. 
A blush forms on your face as Evie’s arms hold you with surprising strength and she presses a kiss to your cheek. “There we go.”
    The boys start a playful brawl in the water that leaves you drenched and feeling weaker than ever. Eventually the sun starts to go down so everyone starts to pack up. Connor gets your things situated while you change into comfy clothes and buys you a fruity drink from a stand. 
    Dinner is a breeze of laughter and stories you can’t believe happened and how any of the people, Evie included, are alive. Your eyes begin to droop and one by one your roommate head out to their cars. They give your cheeks a peck as they walk by Connor’s Jeep, Jacob tries to prolong it, but Evie pulls him away to have her turn. Ezio winks after his and Arno goes for your forehead. 
    “They’re really testing the waters,” Connor comments while opening your door. “Come on, you look like you’re about to pass out.”
    “That was so much fun today,” you slur while climbing in. 
    Connor buckles you in, as if you were a child, and rounds the car to get in. “I’m glad you had fun.”
    “I still have a week of break left, you know,” you remind him with a yawn. 
    “Today is all I had,” he laughs. 
    The drive home is a blurr for you. Connor plays gentle music in the background and hums along while you fall in and out of sleep. Once home, you feel his arms encircle you and lift you out of the car, again like you’re a child, and takes you into the house. Murmurs sounds from all around, but you can’t tell who is who. 
    Finally you feel the warm gentleness of your bed and you smile. “Connor?”
    You sit up, waving your arms at him to come closer, and grab his face. You peck both cheeks and smile. “Thank you so much.”
    “Anything for you, (Y/N),” he whispers back and you feel some warmth on your cheek. “Get some rest.”
    You think you say something but you’re passed out by the time your head hits your pillow with a smile on your face.
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fanficsrusz · 6 years ago
Show You My Love - Jack Traven Smut
A/n: someone requested this last week but i never got around to writing it because i had writers block BUT GUESS WHO FINALLY GOT OUT OF THAT 😂😂😂. Also guys im crying at how kinda you all were about my face reveal thingy. I honestly thought people would hate me but nope youre all amazing, well apart from that one anon 😂😂 oh well enjoy.
18+ only please
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Jack wanted nothing more than to be inside, away from the heat and away from the buzz of people going about their daily business. 
Leaning against his car, he watched as people passed by him in a blurr, too preoccupied with where ever they were going to enjoy the sunny day. He looked down at his watch and noticed that there was only an hour left of his shift before he could go home and relax with his girlfriend. 
“Stop watching the clock jack, it will only make time go slower” he turned to see Harry leaning on the other side of the car. “I wouldn't be watching time if you hurried up in there” he laughed as his friend ignored him as he climbed into the car. Jack followed suit and the pair began to make their way back to the station. 
The ride was mostly filled with a comfortable silence until harry broke it. 
“Hows that girl of yours? I haven't seen her in a while?” Jack smiled at the mention of his girlfriend and looked out the window as he tried to hide his grin. “Yeah, she's doing good. She moved in with me a few months back”. Harry side eyed jack as he smirked.
 “How's that going for you huh? Lots of sex i bet” harry nudged him as he parked outside of the station.
“Shut it” jack joked as he climbed out of the car and made his way towards the building. “What? Anyone would be lucky enough to have a sweet ass like that at home”. Jack stopped in his tracks, turning to his friends with a stern stance. 
He opened his mouth to make a sly remark back to him but stopped when someone called his name. 
“JACK!”. He turned to see y/n half way down the street, a smile growing across his face as he watched the girl run through the crowd before she leaped into his arms.
Jack span her around as he hugged her tightly,  placing a small kiss onto her lips.
"what are you doing here babe? You remember Harry don't you?" he gestured to the man who just smirked at the pair. 
Y/n gave a small wave to the man "how could I forget him. I still can't get the coffee stain out of my shirt" the group laughed as recalled the memory of when y/n and harry first met, him spilling coffee all over her. 
She took a step back as she releases jack from her hug. 
"I finished work early so i thought i would come surprise you" he watched as y/n gave Harry a quick hug before beginning to walk with them inside the building. 
"well you surprised me. I missed you y/n, the day just seemed to drag on. Come on, I'll see if I can get off early" y/n giggled as she followed him inside the building. 
“Hey jack! You're popular with the girls today” someone called out to him as he walked past the reception desk and jack stood confused. “What do you mean?” he asked as he shared a confused look with y/n. 
The guy had only pointed to the waiting area where a young woman was sat. she beamed at jack and he smiled at her as well before she stood eagerly. “Annie? What are you doing here?” he ran off towards the girl and y/n felt her heart break. y/n recognised Annie straight away, she went to school with her. 
She was beautiful, all the guys loved her and y/n saw how she looked at Jack, anyone could tell that she liked him and whoever Annie liked, Annie got. 
y/n hung her head down as she felt her world come crashing down around her when she saw her kiss his cheek.
 y/n felt as if she had no chance against annie.  Harry placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder as he noticed y/ns sudden sadness. 
Jack grabbed Annies hand as he pulled her over to y/n. “Annie i want to introduce you to-”
 “y/n” annie interrupted him as a smirk played across annies face. 
Annie and y/n didn't exactly get along at school either, annie was the popular girl and y/n was the quiet girl that no one really noticed. 
Jack looked at the pair as he smiled. “You two know each other?” Annie nodded as she placed a hand onto his chest flirtatiously. 
“Yeah we went to school together didn't we y/n” she spoke sarcastically before turning to smile at jack who just beamed at the pair. "I would have never put you two together" she spat bitterly and Jack turned to Annie with an awkward smile on his face "wow that's a beautiful blouse Annie." he tried his best to get rid of the awkward air that had formed between the group. 
‘That's it. I've lost him’ y/n thought as she felt tears in her eyes. 
“I'm sorry. I need to go jack” she pushed past him and ran outside making her way towards their shared apartment. 
Jack watched as y/n ran out of the building and he was confused. 
“You have fucked up royally jack” harry said and jack was confused and pushed annie of him as he ran after y/n. 
y/n pushed open the apartment door just as the tears fell down her face. She walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water trying to calm herself down. 
The door of the apartment slammed open minutes after and jack rushed in “y/n?” he called out and y/n just stood still hoping he wouldn't notice her. 
She felt his hands on her shoulder as he hugged her from behind. “y/n? What happened?”
“Jack, how can I compete with someone like Annie?”
“What?” he spun her around so she faced him.
“Even when we were at school, she couldn't let be happy. She would bully me, make up rumours and steal my boyfriends. She likes you and she's right, we don't belong together" y/n hung her head low and Jack laughed as the girl spoke.
“Why are you laughing?” y/n asked and jack ignored her and picked her up, placing her onto the countertop in the kitchen. 
“y/n. I know exactly what type of girl annie is. The only reason i know her is because I helped her with a case many years ago" he reached a hand up and he grabbed her wet cheeks. 
"you know I love you and only you." he smirked at y/n "in fact, let me show you exactly how much i love you" 
His moved his nimble fingers so they danced across her rosy lips and y/ns tears halted instantly as she looked up at him knowing exactly what he wanted to show her. 
Her mood changed instantly and she moved to take his thumb into her mouth, her lips wrapping around it with ease. She moved her tongue around the tip and jacks eyes went wide as he watched the girl move.
He watched how y/n's pretty little lips moved around his thumb, her movements teased him and he felt his cock harden in his pants. 
"as much as I want my cock in your mouth, i need to be showing you how much i appreciate and love you right now" 
jack pulled his thumb from her mouth with a pop and replaced the spot with his mouth. 
Y/n moaned when she felt his lips on hers and wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers reaching up into his hair as she pulled him in closer. 
Jack pushed his tongue into her mouth and began to explore her cave. 
No matter how many times he had kissed her, he would always find something different. 
Jack pushed his free hand down into y/ns pants and reached into her pants where he slid his finger in between her folds. 
Breaking the kiss momentarily the pair stared at each other before y/n laughed and helped Jack take her trousers off. 
Jack reconnected their lips once again as he reached down and flicked her clit in one quick motion, sending electric shocks through y/ns body as she jumps at the sudden sensation. She pulled her face away from his as a moan falls from her mouth. 
Jack grabbed the sensitive lump between his finger and thumb, gently rolling it in between. Jack smirked as he watched how y/n's mouth fell open, her eyes clenched shut at the feeling. 
He slowly moved his fingers around her clit, making her squirm in front of him. Her hair fell onto her face, sticking to her forehead from the sheen of sweat that had formed. 
Jack moved to play with her entrance, the wetness of her pussy making it easy for him as he pushed a single finger into her hole. 
"Jack please" his name fell from her mouth as he pushed deeper into her, her walls slick with her juice. Jack's eyes were full of lust and he wanted nothing more than to shove his cock deep into her but the feeling of making y/n feel good was more pleasurable than anything else he had felt. 
He pushed a second finger into her as y/n grabbed onto his shoulders to steady herself. 
He began to pump slowly in and out of her at first, he could feel the bumps of her walls against his fingertips and he growled deeply as y/n let out another moan when he touched a certain spot inside her. 
He moved his thumb to rub her clit and watched as y/ns head fell back, almost hitting against the cabinet behind her. 
He felt how her walls began to tighten around his fingers and quicken his pace, repeatedly slamming against her g-spot. 
Y/n's legs tightened around his hand as she began to feel a burning sensation in her stomach. She rolled her body to match the rhythm of his fingers as her release approached. 
John leaned down to her ear so he could whisper to her. 
"I don't know why you think I would want anyone else other than you when you look this beautiful cumming for me" 
"ahhh jack please faster" he began to pump faster and harder as her moans got louder. 
He watched as her face scrunched up and her mouth fell open as her climax hit her hard. 
Jack continued to move his fingers in her slowly as her body jerked with ecstasy, her release covering his fingers with a shiny sheen. 
Y/n breathed heavily as she recovered from her climax, her eyes remained closed. 
Jack watched as y/n slowly composed herself, she looked like an angell to him. 
Once y/n opened her eyes, she blushed as she saw Jack staring at her intently and she moved to cover her face. 
"what are you doing y/n? I literally just saw your sex face and youre hiding your face?" 
"it's embarrassing" she giggled and jack pulled her hands away from her face. 
"y/n you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. You should never be embarrassed to show your face to me. I love you so much it hurts. You don't think that I lay awake at night thinking you deserve more than me? Do you know how many times Harry or other guys at work tell me how lucky I am to have you? I don't even know how i managed to get you" y/n leaned to cup jack's face with her hands, he leaned into her touch and smiled. 
" thats so stupid jack. Why would i ever leave you?"
"then you thinking Annie is better than you or i would leave you for anyone else is just a stupid" y/n stared at him before laughing, burying her head into his neck and jack kissed a light kiss onto her hair as laughed along with her.
 "touché" y/n leaned back before placing a soft kiss onto his lips. 
She looked down at his crotch to see a tent in his pants, his cock obviously hard from the display she had given him. 
Y/n pointed down to it and laughed "you want me to help you out?" Jack blushed and looked down before shaking his head "no. This is punishment for me making you feel like you're not good enough"
The end
@gwenebear @celestiaelisia @blondieee-me
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teggywrites · 5 years ago
A Blind Kind of Love{Mitsuhide}
Mc knew full well the dangers she faced in this time of great distress and war. Her country, Japan, the one she grew up knowing only peace and worrying about if she wanted to eat cheap or get something actually good for dinner. Others here live their lives running off of what the earth provides and trying to stay out of the fighting, not wanting lives lost or pain to fill their hearts with great sorrow. But then there was the brave souls who chose to fight for their lords and country, being promised freedoms, food, and safety for their families. Who wouldn’t choose that? When things were hard and your families were struggling the men had to do what they had to do.
Mc tried her best to stay away from the fighting. Obviously not made or ready to get into any wars or fights after coming from a comfortable life. She wanted to go back home as much as any other person would, and if that meant staying away from danger, she would very well do that. But life with warlords meant she had a target on her back every step of the way. Many times people tried using her against Lord Nobunaga, calling her his concubine and trying their best to get him to come out of hiding so they could kill him, but none of the lords would allow that. It was rather sad that she was seen as an object to be used by others to hurt her friends… But the first incident happened when she first arrived, she was walking in Azuchi feeling some soft fabrics and invisoning kimonos and other things her skillful hands itched to make.
Before long, as the sun began to set and the moon shined down on the light filled streets, Mc felt a warm hand cover her mouth and rip her away into a dark alley. She kicked, screamed, squirmed, and tried her best to get away from the perpetrator, but growing up without the need to fight meant she was weak, and this man was clearly made for war. She continued to fight against, breaking away for a short second after nailing the man in the nose with her elbow, but the little escape was short lived before he hit her across the head with something. Her head spun and went blank, feeling light headed and breathing hurt, before the far away lights of Azuchi’s streets blurred into nothing but darkness.
The moment she woke up, she was in a room she had never seen before. The lights were low and the place reeked of smoke and sake, filling her nose with unpleasant smells. How late was it? She glanced up at the window to see the moon high in the sky as panic began to flood her senses. This was it. She was going to be killed, or raped, or whatever else these sick men wanted to do with her. Should she just roll over and let it happen? No she had enough dignity in her to fight with all she had before giving into to these disgusting men. But the real worry was if anyone knew she was gone.
It seemed like hours before anyone made a move to enter the room. Things had been knocked over, scooted around, and broken from her desperate attempt of finding an escape, but the room was sealed tight with no escape…
“Trying to escape?” One man asked as walked over to her and grabbed her by the hair, laughing. “Your head with fetch for a pretty price after the devil shows himself. Heard he was on his way now, but we’re ready.”
Mc scoffed, did this man really think he could bring down Nobunaga? The man was a beast when it came to fighting and his vessels too. He was clever and powerful, two rare combinations. And his right and left hand men were no different. She didn’t much care for Mitsuhide… Everything about him sent red flags up her head and sirens to going wailing. But Hideyoshi? He was like a mother, or father, to everyone always looking out for everyone and taking great care of Nobunaga. Though she would never say this, Nobunaga was like a child sometimes and Hideyoshi was the mom who would scold him.
The man let her go as sounds from outside caught both their attentions. “So it begins!” He laughed, Mc cringing at the awful smell of his breath. That would be smart. Get drunk before a fight. But anything could happen and before long it did. The door burst open, revealing none other than the white haired kitsune of a man. The last person she wanted to see. Luckily Masumane was beside him, giving a smirk at her, making a smile form of her face. At last she was saved!
Every night after that she refused to go alone into town. Many people attempted to take her even when she had guards. But every time she would be saved by Mitsuhide… Was it he just wasn’t doing anything and everyone else was kinda busy? Or maybe Hideyoshi or Nobunaga told him to go… Thinking about it made her a little sad and disappointed, but she pushed the thought away as fast as they came.
That night something felt off as her fingers weaved the needle into and out of the fabric. The air was filled with something sinister, but she thought it was just her being paranoid. After a few more minutes of sewing she packed up her mess and made her way to bed. But something still didn’t feel right as she tossed and turned under her sheets. Sleep was not coming tonight apparently…
As she stared up at the ceiling above, a shuffling caught her attention. Her face lit up thinking Sasuke had come to her, but the shuffling was to loud… He was always so quiet when sneaking in. She sat up and began cautiously making her way to the door, sliding it open and stepping outside, only to bump into a hard object. The man stared down at her with cold eyes and a malicious aura surrounded him.
“Exactly who I wanted. Seems Lord Kenyo was right about your room,” he spoke quietly. Before Mc could scream the man wrapped his hands around her throat, slamming her to the floor with brute force. The fall cause the wind to get knocked out of her and her desperate clawing at his hands around her throat only worsened the lack of oxygen. Panic was rising along with her heart race, her vision going from black to color to random spots as it changed. How long was this to go on? Till she was dead?! Why did she get the short end of the stick in her life? The faint blurr of something white moved across her vision before she was succumbed by the infinite darkness.
The darkness was not temporary either… Mc woke up from sleeping from who knows how long to nothing but darkness. Was she still asleep? Was this some nightmare? Maybe she was dead and someone decided to not give her vision? The thoughts were endless as she felt around her. The sheets were familiar and the room felt warm, which meant it must have been day time. A sad realization finally sunk in… This wasn’t a dream and she could not see…
The door slid open her head turning towards it and panicking on who it could be. “Why are you staring at the wall?” A familiar sassy tone filled her ears and mind with relief.
“Ieyasu! I-I can’t see!” She said frantically as his movement quickened towards her grabbing her face abruptly and gazing into her eyes. He cursed under his breath as he moved quickly. “Ieyasu, what’s going on? What are you doing?!” She asked before hearing him leave. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she stood up feeling her way to the door before opening it. “You can’t just leave me like that Ieyasu!” She cried out gripping onto his arm. Mitsuhide looked down at her with surprise as she gripped her arm. Something was immediately off about her, she stared at the ground and was touching him. The latter would never happen in this life time.
He said nothing as he lead her back into her room, only humming and making sounds so she couldn’t detect he wasn’t Ieyasu. She rambled on about how scared she was, Mitsuhide staying silent and letting her confide in him. But the moment was short lived as Ieyasu walked in.
“Who is that Ieyasu?” She asked looking to the door only to get an irritated reply.
“What do you mean? I just walked in,” Ieyasu spoke. Then who had she been talking too?! The person didn’t give any signals on who they were or any sounds for that matter. So who?
“Seems I have been discovered… Such a shame, I wish you well.” The deep voice shook every fiber in her body. She had been talking to him?! Mitsuhide of all people! The one person she didn’t want to ever trust or associate with. But he listened to her this whole time… Not saying anything and just listening… Ieyasu would have told her to stop talking cause he needed to work on her so he could hurry home, most likely complaining the whole time. But Mitsuhide stayed and let her confide in him, knowing she didn’t like him. It was honestly really sweet of him. A part in her finally decided that he wasn’t so bad.
And it didn’t stop there. Ieyasu came to the conclusion that when the guy had choked her she lost blood circulation to the eyes and will have temporary blindness for a while. He said for her to rest but how long was a while? An hour? A week? What if she was blind when her three months were up and couldn’t go home? Anxiety was a pain in moments like these… But there was no way she was going to sit around in her room waiting for the magical moment her vision returns.
Mc was not going to let her eyesight stop her from her duties as Chatelaine. She needed to learn to adapt in case it lasted forever. So that morning she got up, dressed her self with the help of a few maids and made her way out of the room. It was the first time in a few days she had been out, her hand on the wall as walked down the halls.
“What are you doing out of your room?” A familiar voice filled her ears as she smiled. Warm hands grabbed her arms and started leading her back to her room. She came this far out she can’t turn back.
“Hideyoshi I’m fine!” Mc exclaimed as she stopped and smiled. “I can’t let this stop me from doing everyday life activities.” She tried to reason, but mama Hide was not having any of it as he pulled her along, a gentle hand on her back.
“Rest makes the healing process quicker. You and Lord Nobunaga need to learn that,” he said firmly making her roll her eyes.
“If you went blind would you just quit being Nobunaga’s vassal?” She asked. Yes she was pulling the cheap Use-Nobunaga-To-Get-Your-Way trick, and it had worked cause he stopped and sighed. It was quiet for a few minutes as he thought to himself before speaking.
“Fine. But I’m assigning someone to help you around. Most likely a maid or something. Your happiness and health are first priorities.” Hideyoshi sighed as he patted her on the head. “Stay here okay?” He asked, Mc nodding in response, as he hurried off to go get the person he knew would best fit the role.
He knocked on the door of Mitsuhide’s room, waiting for the door to open. Mitsuhide and Mc were not as close as everyone else was with her. Others have noticed her anxiety towards him and Hideyoshi wanted them to get along better and hopefully not have her think he is all bad.
The door opened revealing the white haired man himself, who looked clearly surprised Hideyoshi was at his door. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Mitsuhide spoke in a smooth tone, his eyes narrowing slightly as a smile formed on his face. Deep down he had feeling what Hideyoshi wanted, but he wanted the pleasure of knowing he was right when the man told him.
“Mc is wanting to be useful, I don’t understand why she won’t just listen and rest. She is as bad as Lord Nobunaga!” Hideyoshi stressed as he crossed his arms, shaking his head.
“How dreadful…” Mitsuhide said sarcastically as he smiled even more at the man's frustration.
“I’m asking you to watch over her and help her around.” Hideyoshi’s words shocked him greatly. Him help her? But why was the question. After the first day incident Mc had not spoken to him and he had not spoken to her. But his questions were answered quickly, “You and her need to learn that you are allies, not an enemy. Become friends maybe?”
Mitsuhide simply laughed at the words. They were far from enemies but far from allies. Maybe being ‘friends’ was okay with them. Though he wasn’t to sure about actually being her ‘friend’. He had no use for them. After a short discussion Mitsuhide agreed and was off to the spot Hideyoshi left her.
Mc stood there, greeting people who walked by as she held onto the wall so she didn’t lose her place. “Hideyoshi are you back?” She called out smiling in his direction as another pair of feet walked close by.
“Yep I’m back, I got a cook from the kitchen to help you out. Mc meet Ayato.” Hideyoshi said smiling at the name he came up for Mitsuhide. Though the white haired man didn’t seem to pleased with the name change, but played along nonetheless.
“Hello my lady,” he said in a softer voice. Mc didn’t notice a thing before smiling at him with a clueless face. The day went on after that, her talking to him about anything and everything while he helped her navigate and do her daily chores. The hardest part about being blind was that her feet had no sense of what forward meant… So her arm was around his most of the time when they walked. Mc couldn’t help but notice the muscles he had under the kimono… How could a women not? It was right there and she just couldn’t resist ‘accidentally’ feeling his arm up.
“Enjoying my arm?” Mitsuhide, or Ayato, said chuckling softly. Mc’s face went red when she realized she was caught.
“W-what? No, I can’t see anything right now and was just… Feeling around to get a grasp on things,” she only blushed more as her mind screamed at her to just shut up and stop talking. They both began laughing together, helping her calm down from the embarrassment.
Days went on like this. The two getting closer and closer as they both helped each other out, talking about issues they both had. She even trusted him enough to say she was from the future. It shocked Ayato but he was extremely curious about where she was from. How did she live? What did she do? Where did she live? What was a car? Women do what now? The war ended how? Mitsuhide must say he was taken aback but the future concept, but how else did she mysteriously appear that night?
Mc had made an image of what Ayato looked like in her mind. A tall buff man with blonde hair and blue eyes. Handsome at that too. She never bothered asking what he looked like, feeling it would be rude and his looks didn’t matter much to her. He was sweet and caring and helpful, the looks were nothing compared to it. But after a month she could officially say she was adjusted. Still requesting him to help her around a lot, just to have him near to talk to her.
On the first week of the new month, her eyes had begun to feel weird, maybe it was because she was blind? Or maybe she had an eyelash in there? She didn’t know, but she gripped onto Ayato’s arm as they walked, him saying he wanted to take her to lunch in town. Happily she accepted, getting a tiny bit dressed up for this and walked to her door. The walk wasn’t a long one as they entered the place and he helped her sit down. Mitsuhide whispered something to the waiter, who laughed and nodded. “What was that about?” She asked looking towards him.
“Nothing my dear,” he spoke smiling at her as they ordered some food. It was delicious, even though she couldn’t see it her taste was heightened by the lack of eyesight. They talked and laughed with one another for a while, telling each other jokes and talking about what they wanted in the future. But all good things end eventually, but this time it was a good end. Stuffed with food and tea, they paid and walked back home.
As they walked into the doors Mc smiled, she could see lights! “Ayato I think my vision is returning!” She spoke excitedly as colors morphed to make shapes around her.
“It seems my help is done here,” He said smiling at her as he kissed her hand, “It was a pleasure of being to your service my lady, but I’m afraid I’ve been slacking with work these past few weeks and Hideyoshi and Nobunaga are most disappointed.” He said in his normal voice. Mc frowned, but before she could say anything, a glimpse of golden eyes and white hair, though blurred, caught her attention. Damn snake… she thought but smiled at him anyways. She was going to get him back when she her sight returned.
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sugarfreeslushies-blog · 8 years ago
Practice makes perfect?! { Michael Mell x Reader }
A/N: This is based on an AU Fic I’m currently developing, it’s slightly based on Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea (more like, I got inspired by the soundtrack to write it) ; I might make this multichapter, maybe not, I’ll see. The full work would be way darker, this is a more lighthearted version, to be honest.
Quick rundown, Reader is a Royal, Michael is their childhood crush (and Jeremy is their childhood friend??), this is sent in a Fantasy-ish setting with ~magic~ , the original game plan was Jeremy/Reader for this AU but this scenario fitted better for Michael/Reader, so idk, in this AU they are in a Poly Relationship? I’m not sure, it was a wild idea of mine.
TW; light injuries (nothing serious) ; swearing
Wordcount: 1,871
Fresh, salty air fills your nose and you take a delighted sigh. You adore your little, secret spot by the cliffs.
Here, you usually are alone, here is your place to blow off some steam and be for yourself.
The only noise you're having here, is the more or less vigerous crashing of the waves against the rocky cliffs beneath you and today, there wasn't much noise.
You were thankful for that, it was exactly the calmness you needed today since you weren't feeling your exact prime today.
Grazing your fingertips against the rough and dry periderm of the tree you were leaning against, your gaze goes to the Horizon. The Ocean is glistening like a sea of diamonds and pearls under the bright sun, the waves move soft and easy today.
Shifting your view to the harbour of your hometown you see a countless amount of ships, the small ones of the fishermen and bigger ships, from foreign kingdoms, you suspect.
All in all, there should not be anything to be upset or worry about. Today, is a mellow and beautiful day, a day that should be lived without any worries.
You know better though, there will be a banquet soon, where way too many royals from other kingdoms would be attending, you'd be under stress to keep up a good posture and make your family name appear in a good light-
„{Y/N}?“- You scoff a little, how come you imagine the voice of your childhood friend and crush, the son of the Royal Judge and a mere Swordsman, Michael M-
You feel a nudge on your shoulder and a shriek escapes your mouth, you scramble and grab the nearest object to defend yourself with against the intruder. Your magical powers were limited to a pitiful amount,
A wooden stick. Panting you begin to actually register who is standing infront of you. The dark haired boy looks just as terrified as you, he has stepped a bit back, not to be too threateningly close to you.
The stick drops from your grip and you quickly get up.
„M-Michael, oh god, I'm so sorry“, you begin to apologize to the recovering boy, who just nods a little irritatedly and starts to make gestures, showing you to calm and most importantly, slow down.
He finally clears his throat and speaks up, „{Y/N}, hey, uh, it's okay? I guess? I mean, you tried to attack me with a stick just now, but, uh, really it's cool.“ His expression is still a little twisted into a confused and threatened one but he recovers.
A comforting smile graces his lips and it makes your heart sing.
It relieves you to hear he isn't mad at you for your childish move.
„So“, he begins again, motioning you to sit down with him again, you note, he made the time to see you and it honours you, „What's wrong {Y/N}? When I saw you in town this morning, you seemed pretty low.“
Totally ignoring his question, you shoot „How did you find me here?“ right back at him. He sighs and runs his hand through his short, dark hair.
„{Y/N}, you know you told me about this place before, right?“
Oh, you do remember telling him about it, Michael is intelligent and doesn't forget things like these too easily.
A sigh escapes your lips and you nod slowly. The boy deserves his explaination now.
„Actually, yeah, I'm not feeling too good right now“, you reply and fumble a little with the sleeves of your navy tunic. You're glad he's here with you and is willing to listen to you.
„You probably heard of the upcoming banquet, yeah? Well, it kind of stresses me out, you know how shitty I am with magic and I definitely do not want to cast a negative light onto my parents' name.“
Towards the end of your vent, your voice gets quieter and you drop your head so your forehead touches your knees.
„When's the banquet exactly, I kind of forgot“, he inquires and you feel his eyes on you.
„In about a month from now on“, you reply and you furrow your eyebrows and return his look, „Why are you asking?“
„I, uh, I might want to help you feel more secure with your magic?“, as soon as he finishes his sentence, your eyes grow a little wider. Was he serious?
„You, you would honestly do that?“, you pressed on, a hopeful and slightly fearful glint in your eyes.
„{Y/N}“, he begins, dragging your name a little, you swear you can make out an amused glint in his eyes as well as an expression of „if-i-wouldn't-be-honest-i wouldn't-suggest-it“. So you interprete it as his way of telling you „Yep, I'll help you“.
You feel the dread slightly churn in your stomach. He's honest, he wants to help you.
'God', you think and look a little longer at Michael's features, his striking dark eyes that are framed by his glasses always catch your attention, 'He's so amazing for wanting to do this but-'
„Michael, listen, I don't think I can do this“, you speak this part aloud, insecurely wrapping your arms around your legs. Your gaze dips to the horizon again as the boy speaks up again and catches your attention.
„{Y/N}, listen, we're going to try at least, alright?“, he encourages, flashing a gentle smile at you, „Also, I've been told it's supposed to rain soon, so I think, this would make the perfect opportunity, right?“ After a short moment of self doubt, you nod slowly.
There's no going back now. You realize, albeit a bit too late.
It is raining almost endlessly now, you don't know if you were delusional, but you swear to have heard the growling of thunder sometime or saw a lighting in the sky.
You and Michael made your way to a glade in a forest nearby your hometown, so the two of you could peacefully practice. It was and is still beyond you how you had honestly agreed to this. Maybe you agreed in the heat of the moment, because you didn't want to feel like a wimp infront of your crush or for the honour of your family, but now it is official and you are here alone with the dark haired boy.
Despite your insecurity about the current situation, you take a deep breath. You assure yourself with the thought that rain makes your magic stronger, thus making you more capable of performing it. You will not be totally screwed.
Michael Mell is one of the mages, that used electric energy as their magic. It’s common for children to adapt this kind of magic, since it is the easiest to deal with. Though you swore, that something about the way Michael expressed his seemed special and unusual to you.
It’s a small misfortune that the dark haired boy’s powers are enhanced during this weather too.
You see him open his palms, small, white flashes already zapping from it and you feel your legs tremble slightly. 'Now would be a good time to turn around and just make a run for it', you note and actually consider it for a moment.
However, you decide to keep your shit together. It was definitely not in your interest to look like a weakling infront of the guy you have been somehow into since childhood.
Oh no, you would not go down without a fight, even if you'd totally get your ass kicked in the process. It had been clarified that neither of you would purposely hurt the other and if either asked to stop the fight, it would done, no exceptions.
You mirror his movement, your palm slowly opens as well and as soon as it does, you see raindops shoot together to a ball of water just inches above your hand. A confident smile graces your lips as you send the ball flying in Michaels's direction. He charges his attack the moment you do, both collide.
The waterball you had formed doesn't stand a chance against Michael's flashes and explodes at the impact. You frown as the water splashes to the ground right infront of your feet.
A wave of disappointment rushes over you. You had expected better.
It would have been great to successfully charge an attack, you think a little bitterly.
All of a sudden, an idea comes to your mind.
'How long would it take for me to control and channel the rain so it would come down on him like a wave?', you feel like it is a silly idea.
Indeed, in the end you don't get to make your plan reality. It is a little bit too far fetched for your current level of handling your magic, anyway.
You are put into mild discomfort since you feel that Michael is slightly trying to sabotage you here. It's illogical he would and in fact, he isn't. You know that, but you can't help but feel like that.
The both of you do fight a little and even that surprises you. Michael never seemed like the guy to use his magic for anything other than practical purposes. He helped repairing lamps in the castle and among the folk, he makes sure certain machines run well.
On the street he shows tricks to kids, who are yet to learn to use n
His caringness warms your heart. 'Michael Mell is a wonderful person', you hear and you whole-heartedly agree everytime. If the possibility was handed to you, you would get more involved with him, actually date him.
He even shows tricks to children on the street, who have yet to learn which magic they can control best.
The realization that it probably would never work out anyway, clouds your head and takes away your awareness of the situation for a moment, a moment that ends critically for you.
You are struck by an attack. A loud pained groan errupts from your throat as you collapse to the ground. While you are panting and try to blurr out the pain from your leg, you feel a soft touch on your shoulder. Michael kneels down besides you and you can sense his alertedness.
„Oh my god, {Y/N}“, he sounds horrified as he looks softly touches your arm, „I'm so sorry, I swear to god, I really did not want to hurt you.“
He stutters out a few more apologies until you look at him. There is still a pained look in your eyes, but you try to keep it together. „I-it's okay“, you press out through your teeth, „I-I can handle it, it's probably just a gash, you, uh, didn't get me properly I suppose.“
„Still, we need Jer to look over this, alright?“, he speaks, you just agree under your breath and immediately inhale some air sharply as you feel him wrap an arm around your waist and ordering you to put an arm around his neck. „I can't teleport, so, uh, we need to walk.“
You oblige, already worrying about how to get to the Healer and most importantly, how your further „training sessions“ are supposed to look like.
You quickly come to the conclusion you don't know. You're not a fortune teller, afterall.
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years ago
Apr 18 Blurr’s Horror Stream - The Similars
It was like a really long Twilight Zone episode, in Spanish.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He thought you might like to see yourself as he knows your kind.]] B l u r r: / wrinkles nasal / Gratitude? ItsyBitsySpyers: *A quiet point in Rumble and Frenzy's directions.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[For -their- gifts.]] B l u r r: Ah, well. No need to thank me for that. B l u r r: I like your little squadron ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Then for safeguarding Frenzy.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Either way, you are welcome to keep it.]] B l u r r: ... Well, thanks, Soundwave. /flicks finials / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Small nod.* B l u r r: / smirks and looks to his left/ We'll watch it later. /mumbles and walks to his couch / B l u r r: Looks like it's you and us tonight, mech. /points to Soundwave and co. / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[That's fine.]] B l u r r: / nods and settles./ You should let me know what else your mechs like. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Considers this* FakeProwl: *wow, he didn't miss any* B l u r r: Hey, Rumble. B l u r r: Question. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He lives with a hunter, an artist, a fighter, a... construction mech, a fuel hound, someone who likes anything simple and happy, and one who likes puzzles and games.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Decides it's not his place to tell Blurr that Rumble writes.* B l u r r: / nods and takes mental notes / ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hmm?//' Looks up from the book. //Yeah?// ItsyBitsySpyers: *And Soundwave pings Prowl hello.* B l u r r: / chin claws / Who would you be in the great American Musical, hn? Are you more a Hamilton? FakeProwl: *pings back. sits with Soundwave* B l u r r: / wave at prowl / B l u r r: [[ lemme know when yall are ready ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //Oh. -Oh.- Um. I mean...// He's suddenly rather awkward, no? //I - I dunno. I ain't a human.// ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ready when you two are)) B l u r r: Oh, come on. Personality wise? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soft or hard light today?* FakeProwl: *there's nobody here to hotspot off of. unless Blurr's on Cybertron, it's soft light.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He scratches his head a little.* //I dunno. I like the whole - y'know, them whole four in the start.// ItsyBitsySpyers: *And in that case, Soundwave will be careful not to swipe his arm through Prowl's avatar while rearranging himself for comfort's sake. Bad habit otherwise. Mustn't develop that.* B l u r r: Yeah? /leans back in his seat/ I don't know. I think I would be more... Lafayette. /wiggles claw/ Little bit of Hamilton. B l u r r: More Lafayette. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Heh. Ya got the ships.// B l u r r: And guns. FakeProwl: ((ready when you are)) B l u r r: [[ cool ]] B l u r r: [[ btw i am not sure if this movie is in english lmfao ]] B l u r r: [[ I don't think it is ]] B l u r r: [[ EITHER WAYm SUBS IS FINE ?? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((unexpected but fine)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((puff u can practice ur spanish) FakeProwl: ((apparently lol)) B l u r r: [[ sorry. ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((np!)) FakeProwl: ((it's fine)) B l u r r: In any case, if you want other things from Earth, let me know. B l u r r: *you guys B l u r r: I frequent the planet often. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah, I will ItsyBitsySpyers: ! Honest!// ItsyBitsySpyers: *Zori crawls up onto the couch on Soundwave's other side and buries his face in Soundwave's arm. So much rain and thunder!* FakeProwl: *glances curiously at Zori, then back at the movie* B l u r r: /crosses arms and tilts helm at the movie / ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt): Acid rain feared. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Is it common on your Cybertron?» B l u r r: / flicks finials / B l u r r: I always had a soft spot for Earth's many languages. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[As does he.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Not yet. Other ally's. Stories heard. B l u r r: This language sounds a lot like what they spoke in various parts of Iacon back home. B l u r r: Well, when Iacon was alive. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Do you have recordings of it?]] B l u r r: Of Iacon? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And of its inhabitants speaking.]] B l u r r: Well, /I/ speak it. B l u r r: But, I'm sure I have some recordings somewhere. /looks to his left/ I remember you taking some on that trip- yes, you remember. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Stares a little harder at Blurr. What was...?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tiny helm shake. Glances back at screen.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[When you have the opportunity to look. You need not trouble yourself right now.]] FakeProwl: (("I don't think now is the best time to bring a baby into the world." "Well thanks for that suggestion, I'll go eight months in the past and let myself know.")) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((LOL)) B l u r r: [[ LOL ]] B l u r r: Well, I'm sure we have it. /shifts and vents/ Dodge says he'll help me look after the movie ItsyBitsySpyers: *That makes two who have fallen and shaken. Is there a plague?* FakeProwl: Asking her if this has happened before WHILE it's happening seems ineffective. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Again? Interesting. He'll listen to Blurr's thoughts a little closer than usual for now.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Thank you, Dodge.]] B l u r r: / flicks finials and waves a claw/ He says you're welcome. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THIS GONNA BE ZOMBIES?\\ B l u r r: I don't know about zombies... FakeProwl: Why were they so alarmed about hair growing on a human's face? That's normal, isn't it? B l u r r: Zombies would be up by now. FakeProwl: The seizure isn't, obviously. But hair is. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He does not know. They grow hair many places. He sees no reason for alarm.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Beyond the contagion.]] FakeProwl: ... I think the mother is more of a problem than the child. Drugging him for speaking. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Agreed.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //...I'm seein' scrap. How's the same human in all them places?// B l u r r: I'm confused. /tilts helm/ FakeProwl: ... Maybe it happened to him first. FakeProwl: Has he looked at himself in a mirror lately? Maybe he doesn't know. FakeProwl: ... Has he given any indication yet that he realizes they look like himself? FakeProwl: Obviously he can see they've changed, but does he know they've changed into HIM? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...He does seem confused by why they think he did something.]] B l u r r: I'm confused as all frag... FakeProwl: ... That seems like an extreme reaction. B l u r r: / looks to his left, then right / Are you guys confused? - Well, don't look at me! I don't have the answers. B l u r r: / looks back at the screen/ Things are clearly coming out odd. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Velocity is here?]] B l u r r: He's always here. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And on the right?]] B l u r r: ... /tilts helm/ Velocity is to the right, yes. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Hmm. Understood.]] B l u r r: ...How'd you know that? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\WHAT WAS ALL THAT STUFF 'BOUT MAGAZINES?\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You spoke to Dodge on your left.]] A pause. [[And he can hear them.]] B l u r r: /flicks finials/ What do you mean you can hear them? FakeProwl: Ugh. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He said what he meant.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *A glance at Prowl. What? Why ugh?* FakeProwl: *a doctor finds out a child has a disorder that clearly distresses him and immediately asks to EXAMINE him.* B l u r r: ...That's odd. No one else has ever heard them before. FakeProwl: *not to help him. but out of CURIOSITY.* ItsyBitsySpyers: #acid rain! #no ItsyBitsySpyers: *Burrow burrow* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They are not telepaths.]] FakeProwl: Show us the magazines already! ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEAH!\\ B l u r r: True. They're not telepathic. FakeProwl: We know the magazines are important and the only reason we haven't seen them yet is because nobody's listening to the only sensible character. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...If it is acid rain, why is the canine outside alive?]] FakeProwl: It's not acid rain. On the radio one person asked if those rumors are true and the expert denied it. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ah. He missed that.]] He was thinking about Blurr's companions. FakeProwl: For primussake. FakeProwl: Why doesn't she just TELL them what's in the stupid magazines. FakeProwl: This is the most frustrating, pointless extension of suspense. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Finally.]] B l u r r: These people are being obnoxiously bland. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Most people -are-.]] B l u r r: Mm, yes. Most humans are. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Now he's just plain puzzled. How do static, existing pictures change?* FakeProwl: ... This implies that it's a hallucinogenic of some sort, rather than an actual transformation. FakeProwl: And also helps explain why that one person is so baffled. FakeProwl: *go, child. run from your drug-pumping mother. be free.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[But why would they all share the same hallucination? Why -that- hallucination?]] FakeProwl: Good question. FakeProwl: But static images are changing, and one person straight up can't see what the problem is. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...He is telekinetic at the very least.]] FakeProwl: ... Hmm. FakeProwl: ... Did the child create the rain? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[To create it on a worldwide scale...]] FakeProwl: Incredibly powerful. FakeProwl: Rain and such mutations. FakeProwl: ... Or perhaps it's already happened, and he's reversing it. FakeProwl: He said that only somebody who was truly different could see that they were all the same. Maybe he's making them different. Maybe at the start they wre already all Ulises. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Telling someone to kill someone else for their escape is not reversing it to be helpful.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It is a game.]] FakeProwl: He could be reversing it as a game, then. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He doubts that. The mother said he was 'bad' at the restaurant.]] FakeProwl: I doubt the mother's morals. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Points to the smile.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You doubt that?]] FakeProwl: Well, I never said he was good. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Finger tap.* [[Blurr? Your opinion?]] B l u r r: .. Hn? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Is the boy amusing himself while reversing it or is he amusing himself by causing it?]] B l u r r: Personally, we're confused. But, the boy being amused is interesting enough. FakeProwl: It could be either. I'm just proposing a possibility. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He is simply curious about personal interpretation.]] B l u r r: So, is he like. A witch or something? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Or something.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You were right.]] FakeProwl: ... He's dying. Is this really the time to show him what he looks like? B l u r r: Well, he's dying. B l u r r: He may as well know. FakeProwl: Stress can kill him faster. FakeProwl: This begs the question of whose face IS the boy replicating. I'd suspect his father—but then his mother would have realized earlier. B l u r r: Maybe it's someone only he knows. FakeProwl: All in all, this isn't the worst game he could possibly be playing. FakeProwl: I mean. He killed a man. But outside of that, all he's done is give everyone the same face. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You forget the rest of the world.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The announcer was begging someone to leave her alone.]] FakeProwl: So the rest of the world has the same face. B l u r r: If she has that parasite, do you think it'll look like that guy? FakeProwl: Yes, she was begging to be left alone. I don't know why. That doesn't fit with the rest of this so far. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[If these eight were panicking, it follows that others must have.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy snickers at Blurr* B l u r r: / smirks / B l u r r: Oh, there it goes. Parasite. FakeProwl: Panic aside. Giving everyone the same face isn't the worst possibility. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What would be?]] FakeProwl: ... Instant death? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...He will give you that.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy throws a snack at Blurr. Looks like Blurr was right too.* B l u r r: / flicks finials/ Hn? /throws the snack back/ What? K-Kyeheheheh. FakeProwl: Or a murderous rage, maybe. B l u r r: So, the little cretin can control his surroundings and people? B l u r r: So, if it's all a game to him, he's playing it rather dully. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Primus.]] FakeProwl: PFF— FakeProwl: *claps hand over mouth* ItsyBitsySpyers: =Ugh.= B l u r r: Wait, why save him... FakeProwl: How do you know she's saving him? Maybe she's reciting prayers for the dead. B l u r r: Well, that's pointless. B l u r r: Hes dead. Toss the body and move on. FakeProwl: ... If nobody else remembers or sees it then effectively nothing has changed. Except for the panicked consequences of the night before. FakeProwl: And he's probably learned an important lesson about playing games. FakeProwl: ... Or perhaps not. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Very strange. But interesting.]] B l u r r: More or less... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Small stretch.* B l u r r: Even so, I think it was all strange enough to watch again sometime. /scratches helm. B l u r r: */ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A second viewing may make more sense.]] B l u r r: It's possible. B l u r r: / dims optic and shifts in his spot. Snickers and stretches out/ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Regardless, it is good to know we do not have any outliers with reality warping abilities... for now.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The Well does what it does.]] B l u r r: I mean, honestly... B l u r r: Terminus is about as fragged as it gets. FakeProwl: How would we know if we did. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He would have heard them thinking about their actions. Maybe.]] B l u r r: My reality is alread fragmented, I wouldn't be surprised if I was living in a different setting. /snickers/  Velocity gets it. FakeProwl: Unless you didn't cross paths with them. FakeProwl: Or their powers also shielded their true thoughts from you. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\MAYBE YA OUGHTA CHECK. Y'KNOW. CENSUS IT UP. "YA EVER THOUGHT 'BOUT MAKIN' EVERYBODY LOOK LIKE SMOKESCREEN?"\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ew.// B l u r r: ... Ew. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Something about the thought of a reality warper who can hide from his telepathy unnerves him a bit. He fidgets slightly.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Well. As he said... for now.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Feel free to tell him if you're hiding that power from him.]] FakeProwl: Hm. The human child modeled the new human faces on a useless hunk of junk that has plastic instead of a brain. FakeProwl: Our equivalent WOULD choose Smokescreen. B l u r r: Honeestly, I don't think I'd like to read minds. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HA!\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Oh? Why?]] B l u r r: Mine is already busy. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It is.]] B l u r r: Mm... B l u r r: It's not that busy to /me/ B l u r r: but I suppose it sounds busy. B l u r r: I just have a lot on my mind at all times ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It is busier than most.]] Shortly after, he sends Prowl (txt): Amused. B l u r r: So they say. /motions to both sides of him/ But, it's nice not having to completely translate for them. K-Kyeheheheh. FakeProwl: *acknowledging ping. he got one laugh and one amused. the joke was Successful.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He does not mind the additions. Usually. They provide clarity he has never found elsewhere.]] B l u r r: ... How so? FakeProwl: *isn't sure what they're talking about. since it apparently involves the content of Blurr's head, figures it would be rude to ask.* FakeProwl: *that's not stopping him from listening in.* B l u r r: I mean, honestly, a lot of mechs don't believe me when I talk to them. But, it's interesting to know they're...audible to you. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[In general? He knows when he is being watched or overheard. He knows the feeling of a crowd before anyone speaks.-- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He knows when others are lying, and when he has found weaknesses, and... there were moments when things made -sense-. --]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...But those are unimportant. Tonight? He has finally introduced himself to Dodge and Velocity. That is the most recent incident.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You do talk to them. Of that, he is certain. You may say so, if asked.]] B l u r r: Mm... /tilts helm/ I find it interesting. So do they. B l u r r: / they're both talking at the same time while Blurr is / I wonder what it's like to hear them from the outside.. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They... echo.]] B l u r r: Do they? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is dead certain Prowl is listening, but Blurr's not complaining, so.* B l u r r: They sound solid to me. FakeProwl: *well of course Prowl's listening. He's still here, isn't he?* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No doubt something is lost in translation. You and Prowl are unlikely to hear the same vocal interpretation of his thoughts. What Prowl's voice sounds like to him is different from what we hear.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Why should they be different?]] B l u r r: /flicks finials. Dodge is trying to size Soundwave up personally / B l u r r: I'm not sure. I hear them one way and only one way. I've never been told B l u r r: that someone else hears them, too. B l u r r: I wonder if they sound like I hear them... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[That is something he cannot tell you without more than a skim.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And he is not prepared to do that at this time.]] FakeProwl: ... Is it? *what does Prowl's voice sound to other people. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Of course. The vibrations from the vocalization device in your frame travel through you in ways Blurr's cannot, never mind the position of your audio receptors compared to ours.]] B l u r r: I just wonder if you hear Dodge's accent. Or that grind in Velocity's voice. B l u r r: / chin claws/ That means you could talk to all three of us. You now understand that when you talk to me, you're talking to three. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He does.]] FakeProwl: Oh. I knew about that one already. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No. No grind or accent.]] B l u r r: Odd.. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[But as he said... imprecise 'vocalization'.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...He does wonder what voice each of you have assigned him.]] B l u r r: Ah well. /smirks/ Sounds like you can tell the differences. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nod.* B l u r r: Honestly, you don't sound like my Soundwave, and that's better than anything I could ever ask for. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He has heard Soundwaves like yours. It pleases him to know that.]] B l u r r: Ugh, trust me, if I could trade you two, I would. B l u r r: Soundwave caused nothing but problems for us. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No.]] FakeProwl: ... You sound like mine. *even though Prowl has heard an alternate of this Soundwave speak before.* FakeProwl: *admittedly, it was only four words, but.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...No. He would not trade.]] Distracts himself by looking to Prowl. (txt): Worse heard. Acceptable. B l u r r: And I like your... deployers? I like them more than my Soundwave's. B l u r r: His cassettes were annoying. ItsyBitsySpyers: *A rumble of agreement from Ravage* B l u r r: When I look at you mechs and I think of who I used to work with... B l u r r: It's a little odd. B l u r r: Sometimes the multiverse still amuses me. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It should.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Bobs his helm. That is probably enough distraction for the night. He should let Prowl catch up on rest and Blurr manage his fleet. There is much for them to do as well.* FakeProwl: *... okay, okay Prowl has to ask* B l u r r: Mm.. it's endearing. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Well, if it's an interesting question...* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «When you say that he does talk to them, do you mean that they're indeed separate people from him that only he can hear? Or only that he is genuinely hearing voices in his head?» FakeProwl: *he's betting on the latter but reality is strange enough that it may well be the former.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Mixture believed. FakeProwl: *slow blink* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave hears Blurr echoes. Blurr hears separate. Blurr: comfortable. Interference unnecessary. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He sees no reason to fiddle around or mess with the status quo unless Velocity convinces Blurr to do something horrible to himself.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... I'm asking if they exist independently from his mind.» FakeProwl: *Prowl doesn't want to DO anything, he just wants to know their state of existence.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Negative. Echo. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «All right. That's what I thought. ... Sort of.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Suggestion: Maintain previous public 'understanding'. B l u r r: / has been chatting away with his mental council / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is filing away all he can hear, whatever that might be.* B l u r r: / it's a lot of jokes and laughing / FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Since this is what I believed in the first place, I see no reason to change my behavior.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Acknowledged. What [][][]sort of[][][]? ItsyBitsySpyers: *He'll mostly pass the jokes on to the deployers later then, and not tell them where they came from.* B l u r r: / good. pass them along / B l u r r: / velocity is judging soundwave tho / FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Well, I wouldn't have termed it an "echo." But I'd expected they were audial hallucinations.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's been judged by everyone short of Quintessons. Bring it, Velocity.* B l u r r: [[ omg prowl. dont forget, blurr sees them too ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt) Literal echo effect heard. Mental vocal translation. Telepathic interpretation sometimes... creative. B l u r r: / Velocity wants to know what's with the weird flat arms. Dodge is chastising Velocity. And Blurr is doing the same, swatting the air/ FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Does EVERYONE'S mental voice sound echoy? Or just audial hallucinations?» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Absently.* [[His arms are this way to serve as sword, shield, and wing.]] B l u r r: See? /swats the air/ I told you that Soundwave had them for a reason! B l u r r: K-Kyehheheh. He doesn't know what to think about you. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Few hallucinations heard nearby. Echo effect, theirs only. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He tends to have that effect. It is fine.]] B l u r r: It's all right. Eventually, they'll get used to it. /smirks/ They're not used to being heard by others. They need to keep it together. FakeProwl: *hm. interesting. why echoes?* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt) ...Prowl mental voice not Prowl audible voice. Rare. Personal habit: once heard, matched. Prowl also static crackle, unidentified rumble interruption. This, heard before deal made. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They may ask questions if they have them. He will answer them as he does your own. It is fine.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Consider it lasting permission.]] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... They sound different??» FakeProwl: *he doesn't hear his mental voice very often. he mainly numbers.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «And—why static? ... Does it indicate damage?» *PROWL'S NIGHTMARE* B l u r r: /smirks/ Well, they'll ask when they have meaningful questions. B l u r r: Dodge simply doesn't trust you. B l u r r: But, don't take it so personal. He doesn't trust a lot of people. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Slower, mild 'distance' sound. Soundwave not math-built. Belief: Translation difficulty. Static not damage; Soundwave does not possess. Interference. Similarity: rumbles. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Note: If belief: correct, this, not minded. Natural effect. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Dodge will live longer.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[So to speak.]] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Then what is it? A—bug of some kind? Somthing left behind in my head?» B l u r r: Kyeheheh. Yes, I know. Dodge just isn't sure how much he can trust you. FakeProwl: *maybe it was natural—another side-effect of being a custom job. The same thing that made him unusually resistant to computer viruses.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Theory: Large someth-- someone. Followed? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He can be trusted to do what is in line with his priorities.]] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Ah.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): If Constructicons encountered, test possible. B l u r r: Yes, he knows that much. He isn't worried about you as much... Not when it comes to me. You're not threatening me. FakeProwl: *acknowledging ping* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He has no reason to, at the moment. He would prefer it stayed that way. He is a busy mech, and threats take so much unnecessary time.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Another stretch.* B l u r r: Well, Dodge has put up with worse. In any case /moves to stand/ My fleet has to make a move. B l u r r: We've located a boagie in the weeds. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Then he will let you attend to it.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Glances over to Prowl* (txt): Departure confirmed? FakeProwl: *small nod. he'd better head home and get to work.* FakeProwl: *by "get to work" he means "take a five hour nap."* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He was about to say, in asterisks.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Goodnight, both of you.]] To the crowd at large: [[Return. We depart.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *AND SUDDENLY SMOTHERED and probably on his way.* FakeProwl: *disappears* B l u r r: / wave to all /
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anotherlifefic · 5 years ago
Chapter 24:
I must have fallen asleep for a moment, because when I opened my eyes, the water was a lot cooler and someone was touching my shoulder. „Rebecca?“ Link was standing next to the tub. „Oh... sorry, Link. I must have dozed off. Where's Gareth?“ „He just fell asleep. Looks like we'll have some time to ourselves.“ I felt the familiar tingle in my nether region at the suggestion, but then I glanced towards the door. „What if he wakes up?“ „We'll hear him“, Link said gently, kneeling down next to the tub so we he was on the same level with me. „If you don't feel like it, you just have to say it.“ I let out a soft chuckle and kissed him. „Oh I definitely feel like it.“ I had been thinking about sleeping with Link several times after he returned. But I wanted to give him time to adjust after the war, so I had waited for him to bring it up. His fingers were drawing small circles on my bare shoulders, and I felt myself relax under his touch. He leaned over me, his lips lightly brushing my ear as he whispered:„Let me get out of these clothes first.“ Then he got up and took a few steps back before loosening the belt around his waist and pulling his tunic and undershirt over his head. His boots and pants soon followed, so now he was just wearing his undergarments. Before he could pull them down, I stopped him with a gesture and whispered:„Not yet. Come here.“ He approached with a raised eyebrow. I turned so I was kneeling in the tub, facing him. Then I kissed his stomach while hooking my thumbs under the upper hem of his underpants, slowly pulling them down. I let my mouth follow the motion, peppering soft kisses on his heated skin along the way, until I reached my target. He smelled... off. Not bad, but not the way I was used to, either. The scent of steel and blood stuck to him. I tried to shrug it off. Link had been injured a lot during the war, so maybe that was the reason for this. Link moaned as my lips touched his member, and I could feel it twitch as it reacted to the contact. I let my tongue run down the entire length, taking in his taste and causing his breathing to become faster. My lips wrapped around the shaft as I took him into my mouth, moving my head back and forth. At some point, Link grabbed my head to stop me. „Ah.. Rebecca... You should... probably stop, if you still want to get your part of the fun.“ I let go of him, and he completely pulled down his undergarments before climbing into the tub with me. I pulled him into my arms and kissed him lovingly, letting my tongue trace the line of his closed mouth und burying my hands in his hair, pulling him closer to me to deepen the kiss. I had spent the better part of a year with little intimacy, and now I wanted to catch up on that. I wanted to kiss him, feel him, let him know just how much I had missed him. So I wanted to draw this out as long as I could. Still, I felt myself grinding my hips against him as we kissed, his erection twitching between us. „Link“, I whispered hoarsely once our lips parted. „Take me. Make me yours again.“ He kissed me and lifted me onto his lap, slipping into me in the process. I had to break the kiss to let out my loud moan, throwing my head back. No matter how many times we made love, I could never get enough of this feeling; pleasure like the tides, building up and receding in tandem with his thrusts. I bucked up against his movement to feel him deeper inside of me, crying out in pleasure and at the same time hoping that our neighbours wouldn't hear us. But soon, it ceased to matter. I didn't care if they heard us; I just wanted more. My world had become a blurr of ecstasy, and I wanted to savor it. I felt my climax build up, far too soon for my taste, though it still overwhelmed me when it came, making me see stars for a moment. The last thing I felt before regaining the rest of my senses was the heat of Link's seed as he came inside of me, letting out a choked cry against my shoulder. We remained the way we were for a moment, panting and shaking in the aftermath of our climax and feeling the water grow cold around us. This was even better than sleeping with him itself. The closeness afterwards, the quiet intimacy of dozing in eachother's arms. „Come, let's get ourselves dried off“, Link mumbled after a while. „We can cuddle once we're in bed.“ I let out a loud yawn. „I guess you're right.“
The thought of what I noticed during our lovemaking did not leave me during the night. Link had always smelled earthy, like the forest. And there was another think that bothered me: I hadn't seen Navi in a while, and Link hadn't mentioned her ever since she disappeared. I turned my head to Link, saw him sleep next to me. His left hand was resting close to my face, and I could see the Triforce mark on it. There was something off about it. I narrowed my eyes, and then it dawned on me. The Triforce on Link's left hand had the lower left piece highlighted; the Triforce of Courage. This one had the upper piece highlighted. I tried to keep myself from panicking. As calmly as I could, I got out of bed, making sure not to wake this man that wore the face of Link like a mask, took Gareth out of his cradle and walked downstairs. If only I had already bought a weapon for myself... Right now, there was only one thing to do: Inform Princess Zelda.
I left the house, my son tightly pressed to my chest, praying to the Goddesses for him not to wake up, as it would alert the intruder in my bed, and walked up the road that led to the castle. The guard in charge of the main gate looked at me like I was a ghost as I approached him, pale with shock, barefoot and in my nightgown. „H-halt! State your business!“ „I need to speak to Princess Zelda“, I hissed. „It's a matter of life and death.“ The guard looked closer. „Oh! It is you. Master Link's wife. Is something the matter with your husband?“ „I fear so. I must inform the Princess at once.“ The guard gave the signal to his colleague. „Of course. Right away.“
It did not take long for me to find someone who could take me to Zelda. She had been working late again, so she was still awake and awaited me in her study. She looked overworked and worried when I entered. „Rebecca, by the Goddesses, what has possessed you to come here at this hour?“ „The question isn't what has possessed me, but what has possessed Link“, I replied, sitting down in front of Zelda's desk. „Have you noticed anything strange about him lately?“ „I barely saw him as of late, so you'd know better than me“, she replied. „But yes, there as something off about him when he last came to see me.“ I took a deep breath, holding onto Gareth to calm myself. „I fear that the man that came back with the troops is not Link. He has been very distant lately, but I tried to blame it on him having been at war until recently.“ I lowered my voice. „I took a close look at his Triforce mark. The top part of it is emphasized a lot more than the other two.“ „The top part-... Oh Goddesses“, Zelda groaned. „Ganondorf's mark has the top part emphasized!“ I felt sick at the thought that the Link I had shared my bed with for the past weeks had been Ganondorf in disguise. „But how would he do that? Ganondorf looks nothing like Link!“ Zelda sighed. „You must remember that Ganondorf is a very powerful warlock. Changing his own appearance, including height, would be easy for him, especially with the power of the Triforce.“ Well that didn't help the dirty feeling at all. I shuddered and closed my eyes. „But if that man in my bed is Ganondorf, then where's Link? He can't be... dead, can he?“ Zelda shook her head. „I don't think so. I think I'd know if he were.“ That at least was a relief. „So what do we do now?“ „Reinforce security here at the castle. And I would suggest that you and your son stay here.“ I looked at Gareth, and my heart ached at what I was about to do. „Is there someone in the castle staff who recently had a child? Someone who could maybe feed Gareth as well?“ Zelda gave me a surprised look. „There is, yes. Why do you ask? Are you not producing enough milk for him?“ „That's not it.“ I sighed. „But I have started to learn how to fight. And I swore to myself to protect my home and family.“ I looked up. „What about you? Will you become Sheik again?“ She seemed to ponder that for a moment. Then she shook her head. „Ganondorf already knows that disguise. And I don't plan on running away this time. I am perfectly capable of fighting without being disguised as a man.“ I lowered my head. „I will need a weapon. Things like halberds, spears and naginatas seem to be best suited for me. Do you think the royal armory has something like that for me?“ „Of course it does.“ Zelda got up.
We brought Gareth to one of the women who worked as a gardener in the castle garden. She had had her daughter just a week before Gareth was born and was willing to take care of him while I was gone. Then Zelda led me to the armory. We startled the guard in front of it out of his nap, and once we had explained the situation, he ushered us inside so we could arm ourselves. Zelda put on a dress-armor combination with gold-plated greaves, pauldrons and a golden crown. I put on a padded shirt and pants, a chainmail tunic and over that a white and blue tunic with the crest of the royal family on my chest. This was usually worn by new recruits. They even had a naginata for me; it was made of light wood and polished steel for the blade. Once we were done, I followed Zelda to the royal stables, where her horse was waiting for us. We would pick up Glory on the way out of the city. Limited as my experience was, I was itching to get fighting, more out of anger than excitement. Ganondorf had laid hand on Link one too many times, and if I could manage, I would make sure he regretted it.
„What exactly is our plan?“, I asked as we left the city. „We had to get out of the city first, so Ganondorf would have no easy access to me and my piece of the Triforce. And now, we'll travel to the supposedly abandoned fortress of Ganondorf. Maybe we can find Link there. Or at least clues that could lead to him.“ „What about the city? Won't Ganondorf attack it while we're gone?“ „That's a risk we have to take right now.“ I took a deep breath and turned around to see the silhouette of the city slowly fading into the horizon. Oh great Goddesses, please keep the people of the city safe, I prayed silently. And please... help me find my husband.
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