#I needed to let it out of my system ; _ ;
puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 113
“I seem to have been taken hostage.” Batman’s words almost had Superman panic if not for the wry tone, a tone which the others didn’t know if their freaking out was to go by. Clark sighed through the comms, tired after battle and honestly wanting to go to bed now.
“I’ll be right over, what child has latched onto you now?” He asked while switching to a more private channel. 
“I can already hear you making fun of me…” Wha- Oh. Clark bit his lip to keep himself from laughing as he took to the air. “They appear to be a pair of twins with…” 
“You gotta’ say it Bruce, you gotta’,” Clark couldn’t stop the chuckle when he saw his friend on the top of a building, cape curled around his form in a way usually reserved for the robins. 
“... with dark hair… and blue eyes…” That was it. Clark absolutely lost it in laughter. 
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willgrahamscock · 1 year
willgrahamscock -> angel-crowley
letting the brainrot win (for now)
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kiivg · 4 months
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.please please please please please pl.
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timethehobo · 3 months
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Sketching tonight. He’s really taking over my brain.
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zaahvi · 9 days
a little breakdown of the new mural:
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the context: this is part of a quest named "regrets of the dread wolf" in which rook uses a wolf statuette to "restore" this damaged mural in the lighthouse. it's referred to as a "regret" and seems to echo a memory linked to the events shown in the mural
"[Solas'] history, along with the history of the other elven gods, is baked into the Lighthouse, and you learn more and more about the threat you face as you unlock Solas' murals with various wolf statues. You even get to see some of his memories firsthand." [source with timestamp]
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first, the imagery:
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these "star" symbols are the same as on the "death of a titan" mural from trespasser, and even have similar halos. there are three visible in the circle here, which itself is cracked and there's a beam of light coming from above, sort of mirroring the titan mural:
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it's interesting that the beam of light is coming from above, and is hitting the circle at the bottom, illuminating the outline; it seems like the light itself is what "cracked" the circle? there's also light shining from above, and elgar'nan is looking up at it, so... maybe it's the sun? the halos around the hands are also reminiscent of the left figure on the titan mural.
for triangle symbolism enjoyers... there are triangles around the light beam a little further up 👀
this is also our first look at mythal <3 she had dark hair and her headpiece is silver like flemeth's, a nice contrast to the golden crown elgar'nan has! they're like the sun and moon...
elgar'nan appears to have silver hair here, much lighter than the dark greyish he seems to have in-game. i'm thinking that either the blight darkened it, solas painted it differently, OR that the lighting that we've seen him in so far just hasn't shown off the colour properly. on his robes there is a sun pattern on his shoulder :) the bottom of the robes seem greenish and has patterns similar to the lyrium veins(?) on the titan mural above, and now that i look at them side by side... he kinda looks like the figure on the left, doesn't he?
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solas with hair real!!! and he has his signature wolf pelt :) he's standing among some kneeling elves, and, notably, none of them have vallaslin.
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these leafless trees - usually used as symbols of mythal - are almost framing the piece. the blue coming from the cracked circle is also interesting: solas rarely uses blue apart from his murals inside skyhold, so maybe it means something? it could be lyrium, or the titans' power?
the story:
remembering the context: this is one of solas' old memories, and a "regret" of his. looking at the imagery and pairing it with the dialogue seen, the events portrayed become clear:
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Elgar'nan: They need strength. Mythal: And wisdom. Elgar'nan: They need gods who can protect them. Solas: We are not gods. You will learn that.
this is the evanuris first declaring themselves gods, seemingly after whatever war the elves fought; possibly with the titans, judging by the hints in these murals.
elgar'nan and mythal came first, which lines up with the dalish legends. i'm very curious if they were actually a couple or if they were just paired together in legends because they were the first gods (like how falon'din and dirthamen were paired as twin brothers in dalish tales but had no familial connection in elvhen lore). and from what they say... using "they" to refer to the elves rather than "you", implies this was a private conversation, which leads me to believe that they did originally intend to protect the elves. for instance, if they'd said "you need gods who can protect you", that's a whole other story which could be clearly interpreted as installing themselves as rulers in order to gain power and oppress the people. but this? the elves need strength, and wisdom, and protection? it's our first real clue that the evanuris were not always tyrannical, and that is just so interesting! i am very excited to see the story of how they became corrupted 👀
solas has an interesting line here also. using "we" instead of "you"... there's a popular theory that solas was a spirit of wisdom who was asked by mythal to join her, as implied by these lines from cole:
"He did not want a body. But she asked him to come. He left a scar when he burned her off his face." "Bare-faced but free, frolicking fighting, fierce. He wants to give wisdom, not orders."
so maybe solas was a general alongside the evanuris, and was clearly opposed to becoming a "god" like the rest of them. i find it interesting he doesn't have vallaslin on the mural here. the cole lines implied he had mythal's vallaslin, and i would've assumed he "burned it off" when he started his rebellion. the only thing i can think of is that the vallaslin may have originally acted as a spirit binding (like binding a spirit to a body) but if it could be removed then... idk.
finally, circling back that this is referred to as a "regret"... i suppose this is his regret of not having stopped them before everything that followed. and with regret mentioned as being one of the key themes of the game... aghh this is gonna be so good
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raggedy-spaceman · 1 year
I’m a bit late but is there anyone discussing how when Aziraphale and Crowley did a teeny tiny little miracle together it was actually absurdly powerful? Imagine what they could do with a big ass one.
I bet this is why Heaven wanted to separate them. Together they could be unstoppable, and they came this close to figuring that out.
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nouverx · 8 months
The thing I love the most about Alastor is that we can't truly know what to think of him, if he is being truly manipulative or if there's a genuine undertone behind any of his words, and that allows people to interpret him differently from one person to another. Like "oh he's being so sweet and supportive", to "no actually he's just saying what people want to hear because he's an evil manipulator". Maybe some fans are being too trustful, just like Charlie, and falling into his lies. BUT maybe there's a true genuine undertone to everything he says, maybe he can be a sweetie behind his evil mask. And maybe he'll turn out redeemable. Or not at all. Who knows?
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His character could go in two completely different directions in the next seasons and we have no way of telling how he'll turn out. It's still fully open because he showed he can be awful and evil and manipulative, but since there's been very few hints here and there that he could get attached to the hotel, that means he could be sweet despite all that. The mystery and uncertainty is keeping us thinking and hoping and I LOVE that. He's such a unique and amazingly written character.
On a personal note, I think the two different directions his character could take should coexist. Yes, he's going to be a main villain in the future seasons and betray Charlie and the hotel, yes he's an evil manipulator, BUT he could also get attached to them and show redeemable qualities at the same time. For me it would make the heartbreak even greater and his character even more satisfying.
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holographic-mars · 8 months
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(Wip) he was supposed to love me
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silvrrsun · 14 days
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Peer reviewing equations was suddenly more enjoyable for both of them…
Plus a closeup because I love details even if there’s not that many ragghhshh
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witchyafterdark · 27 days
— Ominis Gaunt Headcanons; pt. 4
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I'd like to believe that should Ominis not meet his untimely death and that he escaped his family's fate, he most likely would have physically flourished.
In the game, he looks quite like his namesake. He does have a melancholic, gaunt look. He looks perpetually tired, thinner than Sebastian, borderline having an unhealthily pale complexion, and his overall posture is a little hunched.
He has a defeated look on him.
But I firmly believe that Ominis would grow up to be a healthy man if he made a run from his family. He would be able to focus on himself and regaining (or probably rediscovering) bodily autonomy. He'd be able to eat anything he wanted, focusing on honing his body to become reliable and sturdy. As he's steadily eating well, new weight would fill his once skin-and-bones physique.
Being able to finally sleep better, his exhaustion would slowly dissipate from his ashen face. Color would permanently settle on his now-plump cheeks. Most importantly, he would grow taller and larger, proving to himself that he is capable of transcending his traumatic childhood beginnings.
His build would be strong, putting on a healthy weight for a man his age and height. Ever since gaining a healthier body, he started to straighten his back and fixing his posture. Thus, his now-muscular chest is clearly noticeable. He would be properly filling in his Oxford shirts, and his trousers would no longer look lousy on him. The strength in his arms and legs would be evident without much effort.
But most importantly, he looks and feels happier.
The lightness and ease he would gain from emancipation will make him look younger, looking like his actual age. Nightmares would be a rare occurrence now, and his magic would actually flourish along with him without the constant pressure of performing well for the sake of the family.
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(None of the images belong to me. All credits to their respective owners and creators!)
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jeremy-heere · 1 month
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squandering astronomic probabilities / i just want to have a silly, aimless chat
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m-art-i · 2 years
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series finale predictions:
some years later, miri helps papa rei with a hard level
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and she makes it
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moonsvillain · 6 months
have been toying with the idea of an au wherein shen jiu, after burning down the qiu household and running away, comes across xie lian rather than wu yanzi poaching him immediately afterwards:
i'd imagine in this verse he runs away to town rather than immediately being found in the aftermath of what he's done. at this point, shen jiu would be too paranoid to consider reaching out for directions to cang qiong mountain even if he wanted to make it there: what if they knew what he did? or figured it out if he did know? (if he even had the mind to think of these things through his panic)
he doesn't want to end up begging on the streets again, though—too alike his childhood and last time he was in that position, shen jiu ended up with the qius in the first place
so he takes refuge in temples that he comes across, stealing food when he can before moving to a different part of the rather large town he's ended up in so there's no clear pattern of when he shows up at whichever food stall
despite not holding that same respect and unwavering belief in gods (how could he, after everything he's gone through? shouldn't they have stepped in, sometime? what god would let him suffer as he did, separating him from the only person he loved?) he knows better than to try them, and begrudgingly thanks them for the shelter (because this he did appreciate, at the very least, if nothing else)
winter hits hard when it does, and shen jiu, after spending so many years in the qiu household, forgot how the cold seeps into your skin and bones without solid walls to keep out the frigid breeze.
he quickly falls ill with nothing to protect him from the elements but his threadbare clothing, and when he grows ill, he becomes slow. shen jiu nearly gets caught stealing, running away before he can be dragged to a town guard for his offence, but earning himself a nasty wound to his leg as he retreated
sickness + the cold + the wound leave him weak and wanting: missing qi-ge, reminiscing on nights where they'd curl up together for warmth, still cold but not alone, the two of them steady against the storm that raged on ahead of them
fever-ridden and teetering close to death, shen jiu wanders into a temple late at night and sinks to his knees, falling to his side, heart-rate slowing. in his delirium, he misses the figure taking shelter from the storm in the corner, watching him
shen jiu wakes up (he doesn't expect to), warm while he hears the wind whistle. he's still in that temple from earlier, but it's considerably... cozier. a small fire warms the inside and his clothes aren't as damp against his cold skin. his fever's broken, too—he doesn't know how long it's been, but he's glad he didn't die: never realized that he wanted to live until he was close to forfeiting his right to
here is where he meets his accidental saviour: xie lian stood over a slowly bubbling pot of stew that smells heavenly to shen jiu—he'd eat just about anything at this point, starved
his immediate distrust of xie lian stops him from being truly excited about his appearance
their relationship is veryyy shaky at the very beginning: shen jiu refuses to trust him and xie lian refuses to abandon this strange child he found on the verge of death
(there's a strange sort of bond built up when you nurse someone back to life, dragging them away from the brink of death and xie lian isn't interested, but he's curious about this kid who stumbled into his temple at the dead of night on a midnight in winter)
shen jiu's torn between distrust and this desire for company he didn't know he possessed; after being alone with no one but the qiu household [before he went on his massacre] he didn't realized how much he wanted to share space with someone who wasn't actively hurting him until he was afforded the opportunity to experience non-violent company with xie lian
his distrust slowly declines when he finds out that xie lian is a cultivator. despite being arguably too old to learn cultivation to the fullest extent he could have if he started a few years earlier, he still desperately wants to learn
xie lian, perceptive as ever, slowly starts teaching him bits and pieces of the basics, teaches him to meditate, takes care to keep his distance when it looks like shen jiu's getting overwhelmed
shen jiu can't help but get attached. he hates it
shen jiu decides to test xie lian before resigning himself to this
he was snappy, impatient, and argued with xie lian, when he came over, one day, waiting for some form of punishment to come, bristling like a spooked cat.
nothing came of his experiment but a slight frown from xie lian, which made shen jiu feel almost bad—xie lian almost reminded him of qi-ge, which made him feel doubly bad because he desperately wants to find him
shen jiu came to xie lian the next day with a pastry [that he stole] as an apology. and a request:
"teach me how to cultivate so i can be a disciple at the cang qiong sect"
xie lian agrees easily enough: he's been around shen jiu to see that despite the late start, he has potential to be great [especially untouched by wu yanzi and his twisted form of cultivation]
shen jiu throws himself into his studies, working himself to the bone
xie lian is concerned by this and after trying to soften the load of his work doesn't make shen jiu slow down, he becomes stern: warns him against trying to chase too much frivolously
this leads to a breakdown of sorts—where shen jiu gets angry, dismissive, before becoming upset. the average emotional depth of a teenager but, like, 4 times worse because of the circumstances
xie lian coaxes the story out of shen jiu here; qi-ge [the first time he's mentioned aloud by name], the qiu household [only the barest of details. shen jiu refuses to dwell], and the night shen jiu made qi-ge leave, as well as qi-ge's promise to come back
shen jiu finishes by telling xie lian he needs to make it back to qi-ge, needs to see if he's still alive, he's been selfish for sticking around as long
shen jiu tells xie lian that he needs to figure out as much as he can, as fast as he can, so he can leave and make his way to cang qiong mountain with some sort of base knowledge to make it in. and that he's not sorry for pushing himself because he doesn't have time
xie lian is quiet for a while
puts a comforting hand on shen jiu's shoulder and tells him he understands; he knows someone who would do anything to make it back to the one they loved, understands the pain that comes when time and distance separates the two
however, xie lian tells him, he can't let shen jiu push himself. he'll only stunt his progress by hurting himself rather than speed things up
shen jiu is ready to argue again before xie lian offers to make the trip with him
shen jiu doesn't believe it at first—who would bother with helping him for this long if they weren't getting anything out of it? he already found this hard to believe, let alone the fact that xie lian would drop everything to travel with him for weeks on end
xie lian doesn't shake in his resolve, though. shen jiu figures out he's being serious and wants to argue, but he's just—relieved
so many people have stood as roadblocks on his path back to qi-ge; xie lian might be the first person actively trying to help them
it almost reignites hope in him; someone other than him believes in them. someone other than shen jiu thinks they'll make it back to each other and succeed in reuniting. xie lian's faith in him is like a gust of wind beneath his wings
he agrees to their road trip
[xie lian makes sure to tell his beloved he'll be away for a while]
[shen jiu doesn't notice that xie lian buys steamed buns off the same stranger in nearly every town they stop by for a night of rest in the following few weeks]
[xie lian notices, years later, when shen qingqiu doesn't recognize him upon their first meeting in decades. shen yuan doesn't know xie lian, but xie lian knows this isn't shen jiu, anymore]
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tcfactory · 7 months
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Broken System
I love it when the System breaks and gets shut down permanently, but what if it left its marks on its main user? Shang Qinghua won't be able to get out of explaining this even if he really, really wanted to.
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# going through it but in Italy (x)
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kaeyx · 13 days
leo... imagine showing our appreciation to knight chuuya by giving him head 🥵
(you got me in A Mood so. more under the cut)
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Oooh imagine he resists... Not actually trying to pull away, he just looks so surprised and a little uncomfortable when you sit him down in your room and kneel between his legs. If anything it should be him kneeling before you and not the other way around, and Chuuya tries to point this out and help you to your feet. He wants you so badly and he'd be so grateful if he was the one shoved between your legs, just that is more than he should ever have, he can't even fathom you being the one servicing him. It's so damn cute watching him splutter and go red in the face, uncharacteristically shy, telling you he doesn't deserve that much.
So you just ask him "who do you belong to?" and Chuuya of course answers "you", he doesn't even have to think about it. Which is the perfect time to tell him that since he belongs to you, you should be allowed to do whatever you want with your property. Cue some more huffing and his blush spreading down past his collar, but Chuuya can't really rebuke that. Plus it really turns him on to be referred to as yours, even if it's property.
And that's how you get to slowly undress your favourite knight while he grips the armrests of your chair and squeezes his eyes shut, already desperately straining against your fingers. Chuuya can't look because he knows he'd cum immediately, and he's not going to let this end so soon. He doesn't have your permission to finish anyway, and the last thing he wants to do now is somehow disobey or annoy you. He feels like the luckiest man in the whole kingdom.
Somehow I feel like it would be worse if he'd never fantasized about you before, because having the real thing hit him with no prep is so much more overwhelming. Chuuya's hips are constantly twitching, brows knitted together, he's damn near whimpering; and you haven't even seen his dick yet! He's too sensitive, just the feeling of your fingers squeezing him through his underclothes makes him throw his head to the side and arch his back, messing up his hair. His whole body is tense like a bowstring and he's breathing so hard, gasping whenever you rub his bulge or move his tunic up to get a look at his hips and tummy. You can't help but admire how beautiful he looks all splayed out for you, his chest rising and falling, head thrown back to expose the long column of his throat.
And when you do pull his clothes aside and get a good look at him, oh. It's the kind of dick you could fall in love with. Framed by a thick tangle of ginger curls that run up his stomach and down the inside of his pale thighs, already painfully hard, flushed a dark pink at the tip and leaking non stop. He's decently thick, and your first thought is how good it would feel to take him inside you and let him stretch you out. It twitches in the cold air and the man above you groans, his thighs tensing on either side of your head but not closing. You admire his self control, but also immediately decide that you need to make him lose that control. He already looks so debauched and you haven't even touched him.
You press a lingering kiss to the underside, just below the head, and Chuuya lets out the prettiest moan you've ever heard. He begins to shake when you grip his base and squeeze a little, continuing your kisses all over the tip, even pulling back his foreskin so you can get at the sensitive skin of his cockhead. You brush your free hand down his thigh and tell him to breathe, rubbing little circles with your thumb into his upper thigh half to soothe him and half to indulge yourself. Chuuya, endlessly loyal, takes a deep breath and goes boneless in the chair, running a hand down his face. He's half tempted to cover his mouth because it's quite embarrassing to listen to himself, but he remembers to drop his hand. If you want him to shut up, you'll tell him to. As for you, you're too busy tracing your tongue up every vein you can find, rubbing your cheek up against his length to feel it twitch, to relish the weight of it on your face. This is definitely something you'll be making a habit of.
The instant you take his cock into your mouth, Chuuya cums. It's so sudden he doesn't even have time to say anything. One of your hands is around his base and the other is playing with his balls, and the instant he sneaks a look down to see if you're upset it's like his orgasm doubles in intensity. It's the hottest thing he's ever seen, something he didn't even dare dream of: you, your beautiful face and beautiful hands, clad in fine clothes, fingers adorned with rings and hair full of pearls, with your perfect mouth wrapped around him and your cheeks hollowed out, sucking him off. Your eyes are closed as if you're savouring the experience, truly enjoying the fact that you're kneeling at his feet.
Despite the position it's clear who's in charge, Chuuya's thighs spread wide and his hands curled around the sides of the chair you pushed him into, not daring to touch you even as his eyes roll into his skull and he cums down your throat. This must be what heaven is, he thinks to himself. You don't pull off him even when his cock is spent, your hand still pumping him slowly and now lubricated with a mix of your drool and his cum spilling down your fingers and slicking up his skin. Your knight mewls but the thought of pushing you away doesn't even cross his mind, this still feels too good, he's so glad that you didn't stop. He almost feels drunk, his body going slack as you keep indulging yourself in his body, taking more of his cock into your mouth and pressing your nose into his bush, your hands finding his thighs and squeezing.
"Chuuya," you say, pulling off and looking right at him.
He obediently opens his eyes and drinks in the sight of your flushed face and the string of drool connecting your lips to the tip of his cock. "Yes, your highness?" His voice trembles.
"We're going to do this again." You don't even bother to phrase it as a question. Usually you ask him for things with a please and thank you, and Chuuya finds that he likes it like this too.
He nods, putting one of his hands on top of yours. "Of course, your highness."
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