#I need to just delete something off my ps5 so I can update it
babymorte · 29 days
when they cancel plans to help you finish some games you’ve been stuck on for months 😭
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refinedpet · 6 days
So obviously Concord failing miserably is very funny (except for the devs, them I feel bad for)
And it's astounding that the game did so poorly it didn't last two weeks online and they refunded the like 25k units sold or whatever
But what's VERY not cool is Sony actively deleting the game off people's Play Stations
Like, obviously it'd just be a home screen and ultimately not anything of use. But just them showing the ability to delete a game off these "basically have to be online to run" consoles really is a good reminder that you just don't own digital games.
When games get delisted when the license runs out, usually you can still play them. The Scott Pilgram game wasn't avaliable for purchase but if you downloaded it, you still had access to it.
They can delist Jump Force from stores, but it's still playable.
But just showing a willingness to delete games off your console isn't something that should just be ignored. Because whats next?
Oh a company what's a tax right off so a game that underperformed at launch gets "recalled" and deleted forever so they can call it a loss? Yeah that sounds ridiculous, but let's not forget what Warner Discovery did with movies and shows a couple years back.
There's nothing stopping them from doing that. And while in the modern era of updates and DLC, physical games aren't as good an alternative as they used to be, at least on PS-X-Box where you need to download it off the disc anyway, physical media you at least actually own. Once you own it, it can't be taken away
Physical games are an pro consumer thing. You can lend them to a friend, you can sell it after you finish it, you can buy the game for less than full price, the Wii Shop might be shut down, but my copy of Kirby's Epic Yarn still works, and someone could buy a Wii on eBay now and still buy games for it.
But with Sony and Microsoft offering consoles without disc drives, and now with the PS5 Pro making it so you HAVE to spend extra for the disc drive.
That's blatantly for their own interest, not ours. It means they decide what their games are priced forever when you don't have a second hand market. They choose how you can play your game.
As we move forward, if physical media doesn't stay, it means the games we're playing now might be impossible to play 10-15 years from now without emulation.
And Sony absolutely will. Higher ups at the company blatantly say shit like "who cares about older games we just want you to play the new ones" but that's not how art works, that's how products work
I have way more intrest in my PS3 and playing games on that thing than buying a PS5 for it's one exclusive. But if Sony had it's way we'd just not look back at what was before and enjoy our Triple A slop with the occasional gem sprinkled in.
My point is, people need to be bitching about this more, we can't just accept a switch to Digital only, to not owning games. People complaining saved the PS3 Digital store.
If you care about a game and think you'll wanna keep playing it in the future, buy it physically.
Obviously not everything can or should be bought physically and digital storefronts absolutely have their place. They give sales, they let smaller games be released without the price of producing physical media. Spending 10$ for something that takes up storage space you can get back is less of a commitment than Spending that same amount on a physical object. They can be more convenient since you don't need to switch a disc or cartridge out to change games. Digital games have their place, but they SHOULD NOT be the only option. I want to still be able to play these games 10, 20 years from now instead of 5 years out seeing an article that someone sued the company so they just deleted the game from existence, or a company wanted you to buy the new one, so why keep the old around.
It's not an impossible future now that we've seen they can do it. Even if this situation isn't a big deal, it sets a standard
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