#I need to finish Marleybone but I am stalling
wizardgame100 · 2 years
I have to tell a story.
A LONG time ago, when Wizzy was young, I was approached on my Level 40 death mage for help by a low level wizard.
I agreed to help in exchange for "A favor to be named later"
I helped this guy, over the next week, get the whole way through marleybone and into Mooshu where he reached where I was. I then bid him adieu and he moved on. But I reminded him to keep me on his friends list because I'm gonna want that favor later. Well, I sort of left that character alone for ages while I quested on my main. One day, I decided to finish arc 1 with her. Note: This was still in the days when you couldn't physically solo Malistaire due to dungeon requirements.
So I get to the final dungeon and I message the guy. I tell him it's time to pay back the favor.
It's been at least THREE YEARS since I helped him. He's max level (for the time) at that point. But he still remembered me.
He laughed and said that he thought I'd never call in the favor but he was happy to help me breeze through the dungeon.
After that, I said farewell and I never really saw or spoke to him again.
That death wizard is in Avalon now, stalling her a** off instead of fighting the Jabberwock. I kind of wish now I had asked for two favors.
I want this framed up on a wall in Ambrose' office lmfao That's amazing
I never quite understood people approaching for help or like. People who randomly will just friend you. I mean we all know the people who will just sit there in commons like Gift??Gift??Gift?? but I've come across a few people who immediately try to breeze through things and I'm like You're literally Level 1, you're okay, I believe in you, you're gonna do great, it's literally the Tutorial Saying this like a parent dropping their kid off at daycare for the first time
But I'm also very much so a person that even while playing multiplayer games, I do a lot of things solo.
Like I've breezed through everything with my Death/Storm purely out of spite of trying to solo everything, tho I worry for my sanity as I'm approaching the end of Marleybone
But the one Rando Wiz that I remember fondly was David FrogEyes (Level ~40 Storm) and I've told my story of him on here I think, but he literally invited me and another wizard to "Beat up NPCs for the Wizard Mafia" And while I usually steer clear of others, curiosity got the best of me.
And I don't regret it one bit! He was W I L D This guy had his house set up like he was dying to tell a story and told us said story of how he was raised by a bear after his wizard dad went missing and I'm like hahshsd Just following him around his house with this other fire wizard who was like Level 100 And we're just watching him ramble about how he proposed to the most beautiful wizard in the garden and she dumped him right then and there and I'm just W o w
He literally ended his shenanigans by telling me the Wizard Police were after him and that I was the next heir to be the Godfather because he "ain't gonna live through the night" before unfriending me and vanishing like he died
David FrogEyes if you're out there, I miss you man
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