#I need to crawl behind that desk
ozzgin · 7 months
Yandere! Demon x Gloomy! Reader
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As much as you'd like to spend the rest of your life secluded away from the world, you need money. Conveniently enough, a new detective agency in town is hiring, and the salary is ridiculously good. The catch? Oh, you'll see once you sign the contract right...here. Congratulations! You've sealed a lifetime bond with their one and only employee, a demon from the depths of Hell!
Content: female reader, monster romance, dark humor, perverted goat demon yandere, based on ‘Yondemasuyo, Azazel-San’
[Part 2] [Monster masterlist]
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There’s still enough time to go back, you think. It’s loud and crowded and you’d rather be home. The temptation is beginning to creep its tendrils over your mind, so you quickly pull out your phone and check your bank account. The numbers remind you why you’re here in the first place: if you don’t get a job soon, you’ll run out of savings.
Come on, it can’t be that bad. In fact, it’s the best offer you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Minimal interaction with humans, short hours, and absurdly good pay. A new detective agency opened in your town and they’re looking for an assistant. A regular person would most likely be put off by such shady circumstances. There must be a catch, but you couldn’t care less either way. What are they going to do, kill you? Sell your organs on the black market? They’d spare you the time to plan your own demise.
You climb the stairs and knock on the door. A deep voice tells you to enter, and you sheepishly make your entrance. The office is rather small and somewhat cramped, with stacks of papers scattered over the floor. Behind the desk sits a man – maybe in his thirties? – with messy black hair, sunken eyes, and an irked expression. Is this the detective? He looks like an angry thug. Not that you’re one to judge, given your overall gloomy aura that deters passersby with ease.
“Yes?” he asks curtly, not even looking up from his book.
“I’m here for the job offer. The assistant role?”
“Ah, yeah. Completely forgot about that.” He rummages through his drawer and pulls out a sheet of paper, slapping it on the desk. “Here’s the details. Same as in the ad. Here’s where you sign. Do you have questions?”
“Hmm, I guess not.” You hum, indifferent, and scribble your name.
The man finally glances at you, faint intrigue on his face.
“This went unexpectedly smoothly. What if it was a scam?”
“Then what?” You stare him in the eye with a flaccid smile. “There’s nothing to take from me. If it is a scam indeed, you’ll be the one disappointed in the end.”
His eyes narrow in an eerie grin, and he stands up.
“Perfect match.”
“Excuse me?”
He walks towards a secondary room and waits for you to follow him. Once you’ve joined, he turns on the lights, and you immediately notice a strange seal painted on the floor: Geometric symbols resembling a pentagram, surrounded by words in a language you don’t understand. You’re carefully observing the strange sight, so entranced that you don’t sense the detective lifting your hand and casually piercing your finger with a small scalpel.
Before you can react to the sudden attack, he presses your hand onto the contract you’d signed earlier. You wince in pain and swiftly pull your hand away, glaring at the man.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” you demand angrily.
“I thought I’d already introduce you to the main tool we use to solve our cases.”
The sigil on the ground begins to glow and the edges move in a circular motion. A black ooze erupts from the center, rapidly expanding outwards. You glue yourself to the wall for safety, unsure of what is happening.
A clawed hand emerges from the cursed muck, grabbing onto the edges for support. Within seconds, a creature crawls its way out. A humanoid figure with curled horns and long locks, its body ending with goat hooves instead of legs, stands up and stretches before your terrified self. You tighten your jaw in anticipation.
“You always summon me during my best naps, damn it!” the demon barks.
The detective approaches the monster, completely unconcerned, and slaps its horns nonchalantly, earning a groan from the demon.
“Skip the unnecessary whining. This is our new assistant and your owner as of now.” He explains, dangling the contract before the horned creature and pointing a finger in your direction.
“The fuck? You said you’d end the deal if I completed that mission. You lied to me, you-!” the beast finally notices your presence and abruptly stops. “Well then, what do we have here?”
A wide, perverted smile replaces his frown, sharp fangs glistening with malice.
“Aren’t you a miserable one! You reek of apathy”, the demon exclaims, clacking his hooves in your direction. “Boy oh boy, I could just eat you up! Tell me your name.”
You open your mouth, but no sound comes out. You wonder if this is some bizarre dream after all. The demon clamps your lips back shut.
“Tempting offer, but I don’t need head right now. Save the gesture for later, alright? Let’s try again: Name!”
Your brows furrow in disbelief at his crass insolence.
“I-it’s (Y/N).” you finally manage to blurt out.
He strokes your head lovingly, as if he’s praising some house pet.
“Good girl. You can call me Zzy.”
For a moment, you completely forgot about the detective being in the same room. He places the demon under a firm hold and shoves him away from you, then hands you a thick, leathered book.
“This is his grimoire. Read it once you’re home. First day is tomorrow unless you need more time.”
“Tomorrow is fine”, you answer in a daze, fumbling to find the exit and ignoring the horned monster waving at you enthusiastically.
You’re lying in bed, still a little shaken from the events you witnessed earlier today. A detective agency that uses a demon to solve matters, and you’ve just been coerced into selling your soul for a lifetime bond with him. You sigh in exhaustion. At least the pay is good, you tell yourself as you trace your fingers over the old text of the grimoire:
“Great President of Hell, ruling three legions of demons. Brings insanity or great sorrow to any person the conjurer wishes. Feeds on sadness and fear. Causes people to end their life.”
Hard to believe that depraved buffoon holds such power. Although it does explain, at least, why the detective was eager to use you as a replacement. Or why the demon showed such intense interest.
“Who’s a buffoon?”
The voice is so close that you feel its hot breath on your ear. You scream and jump back in panic, tumbling out of the bed and scrambling onto the floor. You rub your eyes just to make sure: the half-goat creature is lounging under your sheets, gazing at you with a bored expression.
“Christ! I thought you’re not allowed to leave the office?” you inquire, baffled.
“That’s why I snuck this in your pocket!” he says as he procures a small coin. “I can track down cursed items. Hehe~”
As if remembering a vital detail, he throws himself up and joins you on the ground:
“Oh, but don’t tell Mr. Detective about it, or he’ll feed me to the dogs. It’s our secret.” he pleads, hands put together in a praying gesture.
“What are you even doing here?”
“I figured it’d be useful if we got to know each other as soon as possible, seeing as we’ll be working together from now on.”
“And it couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”
“Well…I also got really horny thinking of you and decided to just visit instead. How about a quick fuck?”
“Absolutely not. Eat a raw potato or something.”
“Don’t be like that! At least let me touch your boobs. Help a partner out, eh?”
Perhaps being scammed was not the worst-case scenario. You slap the demon’s groping fingers away and return to your previous spot in bed. It will be a long night.
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hotchscoffeecup · 2 months
summary: stuck inside an elevator with your boss, aaron hotchner, isn’t what you had in mind when you left work late. perhaps, you can get your supervisor to relax just a little. SFW
tags: minor blood, stuck inside an elevator
pairing: hotch x reader
word count: 3k
a late birthday fic for muffin <3
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“Alright, goodnight Hotch. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?”
“Hotch, it’s late. I’m tired. It’s hotter than hell outside. Trust me, when I tell you that all I need is some late night takeout, a shower, and eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.” You let out a short laugh. “I’ll be fine.”
He nods in farewell; offering a tired, albeit, tight smile before parting ways and moving toward his SUV a few spots down from your sedan. It had been a long day, and an even longer evening. The rest of the team had gone home hours ago, but Hotch had volunteered to stay behind and help you on your case report. Your skin bristles at the thought of the last 72 hours and you feel the tension pulling each one of your muscles as you reach into your purse and feel for your keys. After a few seconds of rifling around, your brow knits together when you don’t come across the key fob.
Releasing an exasperated sigh, your shoulders slump. “Dammit.”
“Everything okay?” Hotch asks, pausing after opening his car door.
You incline your head and wave a hand through the air. “Yeah, I just left my keys on my desk.”
A car door slams and the sound of Hotch’s footsteps echo as he moves towards you. “I’ll walk with you.”
You blow out a breath and wave him off. “No, go home. It’s just going to be a few extra minutes. Go see Jack.”
“He’s with his aunt until tomorrow evening, then hopefully I’ll get to spend the entire weekend with him before duty calls.” He gestures towards the elevator. “It’s no trouble, really,” he insists.
You can’t help but feel like a nuisance, but you don’t argue any further. A humid breeze blows through the parking garage and thunder rumbles off in the distance. Hotch presses the button to summon the elevator and as the gears rumble to life both of your cells start pinging.
Hotch reaches into his pants pocket as you reach into your purse. You both check your cells where a severe thunderstorm warning flashes across the screen.
“Hotch, really, you can go.”
Hotch arches a brow, sparing you a look that says not-a-chance as the doors open. “Come on, if the weather kicks up before we get back down, I’ll drive you home.”
He stretches an arm out to hold the door and you reluctantly step inside, accepting that he’s not going to leave.
You push the button for the ninth floor and cross your arms over your chest. “My car can handle a little rain, Hotch.”
He blows out a breath and shakes his head. “With the weather they’re calling for, your car will become a boat.”
“Careful, Hotch. That was almost a joke.”
A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth, but he doesn’t reply.
The elevator pings as you ascend higher and higher. By the time the elevator crawls past floor four the sound of rain pounding against the building echoes inside the elevator.
“Damn,” you curse quietly. “I can only imagine what 95 is going to look like with this going on.”
“I’m sure it’ll—” A loud clap of thunder explodes outside, cutting Aaron off.
You startle, gasping loudly and feeling yourself immediately flush red with embarrassment. Your eyes flicker over to Hotch and he looks calm and collected, unshaken by the burst of sound.
Suddenly, the lights go out and the elevator screeches to a halt, throwing you off balance. You stumble as the elevator rocks violently and in your heels, you’re unable to catch yourself before you fall forward and hit your head against the wall; dropping your purse and scattering its contents in the process.
Pain splits your brow and your hand flies to your forehead. Blood, sticky and wet, trickles into your eye and you wince. The emergency lights kick on as you and Hotch both collect yourselves and stand.
“Are you ok?” Hotch asks.
“I hit my head.”
“Here, let me take a look.”
His hand curls under your arm as he uses the other to tilt your chin up. His eyes are hard in the dim red light.
“I can’t tell how deep it is in this lighting.” He presses his lips together and reaches for his cell. “Dammit!”
“Let me guess,” you say. “No signal.”
He snaps his phone shut. “None, what about you?”
“My entire life is on the floor right now,” you quip, gesturing at the ground.
“Right, sorry.” His eyes scan the ground and quickly locate your phone. He scoops it up and after flipping it open, he shakes his head with an exasperated sigh.
“Well,” you reply. “Guess we better make ourselves comfortable until the generators kick in.”
You kneel down and begin sweeping your belongings toward you. Hotch crouches and helps you without asking.
“Let’s at least see what you might have that I can use to help clean it up and stop the bleeding.”
“Oh yeah, let me just reach into my Mary Poppins bag here and pull out an EMT’s jump bag.”
He aims a hard look at you that he usually reserves for whenever Penelope makes a comment that teeters the line with HR.
“I’m the one with my head split open, I think I’m allowed to be sarcastic right now.”
Hotch breathes out sharply. “Split open, that’s a tad dramatic, don’t you think?”
“Two zingers in a row, Hotch. I’m impressed.” He shakes his head but even in the dim lighting, you don’t miss the smile on his lips. He picks up a couple of items and hands them to you. “Here’s your,” he pauses to examine the items in his hand. “Lipstick and tampons.”
A furious heat races to your cheeks as you snatch them out of his hand and shove them in your purse.
“Wait, give me one of those. I can use it to stop the bleeding.”
“Hotch, I’m not giving you a tampon.”
He levels you with another hard stare and when he says your name, you can hear the amusement in his voice. “It’s either that or your sweater, and I know that was a gift from JJ on your birthday. Besides, I was married for a long time. I’m not embarrassed by tampons or pads. You know I keep a supply in my desk, right?”
Your brow pinches, but a smile plays about your face. “Ok, I’ll bite,” you say as you pass him one. “Why?”
He pauses before tearing open the packaging. “You wouldn’t happen to have any hand sanitizer in there, would you?”
It takes you seconds to find the mini Purell inside your handbag and pass it to him. He squeezes some into his hands and scrubs it over his skin. “One time, Penelope dropped a file off in my office. She was in a rush and not acting like herself. I could tell she was stressed.” He tears open the plastic and pushes the cotton portion of the tampon out of the applicator. “I asked her if she was okay and boy, was that the wrong question to ask.” Hotch turns his head, looking around. “Ah, thought I saw that.” He scoops your half finished water bottle off the ground and pours a small bit of water onto the cotton to break it up. After working it into a small square, he gently presses it against the split in your brow. You wince and he apologizes. “She burst into tears and told me that her cycle had snuck up out of nowhere and she was unprepared and needed to run to the drug store. I told her not to worry and that I’d go for her. I’d forgotten to ask what exactly she wanted me to get, so I bought a little of everything. She took what she needed and I told her that I’d keep the rest in the lower left drawer of my desk in case an emergency ever arose again.”
“Hotch, that’s actually really sweet.”
He feigns a pained look, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Your use of the word actually cuts pretty deep, you know?” He lifts the makeshift bandage and inspects the injury. “It’s still bleeding. I’m afraid you might need stitches.”
You blow out a breath. “Great, and what do I tell them? Hey, I fell face first into an elevator panel. Patch me up!”
Hotch chuckles and applies more pressure to the wound. You hiss and again, he apologizes.
“It’s okay,” you say and realize this is probably the closest you’ve ever been to your supervisor. In fact, from this angle you notice just how long and thick his dark lashes are; the way his coffee colored eyes glimmer in the low lighting.
Holy shit, what are you thinking? That’s your boss you’re ogling.
“It’s hot.”
You blink out of your momentary stupor. “I’m sorry, what?”
“In here,” Aaron answers.
“Well yeah, the AC is out with the power. What do you think is taking the generators so long to kick in?”
Hotch’s brow furrows as his eyes flick about the space. “I’m not sure. It’s highly unusual though.”
You shrug out of your sweater and take over holding the makeshift bandage against your forehead, your fingers brushing against his hand as you do so. Bunching your sweater into a ball, you place it behind you and lie back.
Hotch laughs awkwardly. “What are you doing?”
“It seems like we’re going to be stuck here awhile, might as well make myself comfortable.”
He pushes himself to his feet and presses the emergency call button. You’re not shocked when the only response is static. You watch as he paces, pushing the button every few minutes.
“This is where Reid would say something like ‘the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.’”
Hotch tucks his hand against his belt and pushes his suit jacket back with his other fingers. It's a gesture you’re all too familiar with, the one he uses when he’s exasperated. He swipes at the perspiration beading on his forehead with his opposite sleeve.
“So, what, we just wait?”
A smirk pulls at your lips. This shouldn’t amuse you as much as it does, especially given the fact that you have a head injury and probably need to get checked out.
“What’s so funny?”
“You’re so,” you hedge, searching for the word, “high strung.”
Hotch’s brow climbs toward his hairline. “Excuse me?”
Did you hit a nerve? It was a fairly bold statement to make. Situation be damned, he was still your boss. “I don’t know, Hotch.” You release a short laugh. “You can’t really be in control all the time, can you?”
“Doesn’t this team have an agreement to not profile each other?”
You roll your eyes and prop yourself up on an elbow, wincing as pain pulses behind your eye. Hotch’s lips part as he instinctively moves toward you and you wave him off. “It’s not about profiling, Hotch, look at you. Stop trying to solve everything all the time and just say ‘hey, this shit sucks!’”
He holds your eye for a moment, his expression unreadable.
“You’re right,” he says. He shrugs out of his suit jacket and drops onto the floor beside you. “This shit sucks.”
You smile and he returns one. It looks good on him. It’s something he doesn’t do often enough.
“Let me check your head.” He leans forward and you let him inspect the gash in your forehead. “I think the bleeding stopped.” Placing his palm against your jaw, he tilts your head toward the red emergency lights. “Everything looks,” his eyes glimmer and drop to linger on yours. “Fine.”
Your lips part, but you don’t find words. Has Hotch ever looked at you like this? Well, that implies he's looking at you a certain type of way. You clear your throat and Hotch drops his hand.
“Sorry,” he whispers.
The words are out of your mouth before you can think. “Are you?”
He says your name then, barely a whisper. He’s so close, close enough for you to smell his aftershave. You feel your heart rate begin to pick up, pulse pounding in your ears. Hotch’s chin dips and his lips are a hair's breadth away from yours. Before anything can happen, the elevator’s gears suddenly grind to life. The sudden jolt of movement causes your foreheads to bump together and you groan as pain splinters behind your eye.
Hotch immediately apologizes and holds your face in his hands, making sure the minor collision didn’t reopen the wound that had barely stopped bleeding as is.
Your hand reaches up to cup his against your cheek and you meet his concerned eyes. “I’m fine, Hotch.”
He holds your gaze for a moment before dipping his head. “Okay,” he says tightly. “Okay, let’s get you up. There’s a first aid kit in the break room.” He grabs hold of your forearm and loops an arm around your waist before helping you to your feet. You stumble as you rise to your full height, your blood not yet having the chance to properly circulate through your body.
Hotch’s grip tightens around your waist and you place a steadying head against his chest; fingers splayed against the muscular plane beneath the fabric of his dress shirt.
Only when the elevator dings, signaling your arrival at the 9th floor do you remember that it's your boss with his arm around you right now. You startle apart and laugh awkwardly.
“Here, let me—” His voice trails off as he drops to a crouching position and sweeps the remaining items of yours off the floor along with his jacket and your sweater.
You walk in semi-comfortable silence, letting Hotch lead the way to the break room. When you arrive, you let him pull out a chair for you and take a seat. He moves quickly, rummaging through cabinets until he locates the first aid kit. He sits opposite from you and opens the white box. After pulling on a pair of disposable gloves, he makes quick work of opening several gauze pads. He squeezes rubbing alcohol onto the gauze and apologizes in advance.
“It’s going to sting,” he cautions as he begins cleaning the area around the wound and the blood that had dripped down your cheek.
“I’m a big girl, Hotch. My dad cleaned my skinned knees when I was a kid.”
Hotch chuckles, and it rumbles low in his throat. “I certainly hope you don’t see me as your father.”
You nearly choke on your own spit and feel a furious heat blossom across your face. Hotch sees this and the smile stays plastered on his face. He presses the alcohol soaked cotton to the wound.
You hiss at the contact and dig your nails into your palms. “Fuck!” you curse, though it’s mixed with sharp laughter. “I don’t remember it stinging that much!”
Hotch laughs as he apologizes and works as quickly as he can to clean the affected area. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He finishes up and applies two butterfly bandages, which effectively close the gash. He discards the gloves and soiled gauze. After washing his hands, he uses a disinfectant wipe to sanitize the table and replaces the first aid kit in the cabinet.
“Efficient, as always.” You observe.
“I’ll have to fill out an incident report,” he says as he wipes his hands on his pants.
“Yeah, but that can wait until Monday.”
Hotch presses his lips together, not liking the sound of that.
“Oh, come on Aaron!”
His brow quirks. “Aaron? You never call me by my first name.”
You smile and gesture toward your forehead. “Head injury, I don’t know what I’m talking about.”
“It’s nice,” he says, a dimple in his cheek on show as he smiles. His expression shifts immediately towards worry. “Though, you might actually have a mild concussion. We should probably get you to a doctor.”
You wave him off. “A doctor is just going to tell me to rest, take ibuprofen, don’t sleep the first night, et cetera, et cetera…Frankly, I’d rather avoid the bill.”
“There's a protocol for this…paper work, workers comp.”
You slap your hands against your thighs. “Fine!” you relent. “Let’s go!”
Hotch smiles, relief evident on his face. “I’ll grab the paperwork.” You scoop your sweater and purse into your arms as he dashes out of the break room.
As you make your way back toward the elevator, Hotch joins you. “Forgetting something?”
Your eyes widen and you feel like you could smack yourself. “My keys!”
Hotch tucks the manila envelope under his arm and fishes around in his pocket, withdrawing your key ring with a cheeky grin on his face. You quickly grab them out of his hand and shove them into your purse. “The whole reason I’m in this mess,” you grumble.
You slap the button to summon the elevator just as thunder crashes outside once more. You and Hotch exchange a look. “On second thought, why don’t we just take the stairs?”
“Good idea,” Hotch agrees.
As you descend the nine flights of stairs, you can’t help but think of the long night you’re about to be in for. When you reach the parking garage, you can smell the rain in the air. You press the button to unlock your car.
“What are you doing?” Hotch asks. “No way, I’m taking you to the hospital.”
“Hotch, I’m going to be there all night.”
“Okay, so I’ll buy you breakfast in the morning.”
You freeze and Hotch does too. For a minute you just stand there holding each other’s gaze and in that moment, you both know something has fundamentally changed between the two of you. What that change is, neither of you can tell; but something in your gut tells you it’s a change for the better and you can’t wait to find out more.
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ladycaramelswirl · 15 days
Aaron Hotchner x girlfriend reader
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Summary: Hotch is a workaholic and you’re just… helping everyone out (mouth fucking him senseless). Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: reader is kinda bratty 🤭 Hotch is canonically a giggly kisser and weak to teasing, sooo… I did what I had to do. Idc. Porn no plot. warnings/tags: adult content, mdni. Sex in public? Don’t do this at your workplace guys. No use of y/n. Praise kink if you squint.
enjoy 🤍
You wait until everyone’s distracted to slip into Hotch’s office and close the door behind you. He smiles at your presence.
“Hello”, he says softly. 
You walk over to seat yourself in his lap and he wraps an arm around your waist to keep you steady. 
“Want to do something fun?”, you tease, playing with his tie. He looks at you apologetically.
“Honey, I have so much work to do”.
Lying workaholic. He needs a break and you both know it. You give him a playful shove.
“No you don’t. You’ve already finished everything for today. Let’s go home”, you insist. He rubs his thumb against your hips. 
“I know, but I want to get this extra stuff done today”, he says, taking your hand off of his tie to kiss it. 
You take the other hand and palm him through his trousers and he groans. You grin, sliding in closer and grinding against him. He doesn’t do much to stop you, losing himself in the movement of your ass on his cock.
“L-look”, he stammers, his breath hitching in pleasure. “Maybe later we can-“
He stops talking as you unbutton your blouse to reveal your breasts, held in place by lacy black lingerie. He groans into your neck and you grin, feeling his cock swell under your hips. You lean in to put your lips to his ear.
“Want to see the matching underwear?”
His eyes immediately darken in interest, and he practically picks you up and places you on his desk. Giggling, you unbuckle his belt. 
He smiles as he leaves soft kisses down your neck.
“You’re so perfect”, he murmurs into your skin.
It almost makes you feel bad to push his face away start buttoning your shirt back up. He frowns.
“What are you doing?”
You smile at him not-so innocently.
“I thought you had to work?”
He smirks. 
“If you don’t take off your skirt right now-“
A rap on the door makes you both freeze.
“Agent Hotchner? It’s Anderson. May I come in?”, a shaking voice asks.
You look down at your half open shirt and his unzipped trousers. Shit.
You push Hotch into his chair and crawl under his desk. You hadn’t exactly told anyone you’re dating yet and this is not how you want them to find out. So somehow you find yourself on your knees in front of Aaron’s cock, with an agent only 10 feet away. 
Hotch straightens his tie and you settle into a slightly more comfortable position. The precum from when you were grinding on him earlier glistens in front of you. You feel yourself throb at thought of it in your mouth.
“Yes, come in”, Hotch calls out. 
You pull his chair closer into the desk. You know you shouldn’t, but you can’t help but run your tongue up from the base to his tip, lightly sucking the head. Hotch takes a sharp inhale, barely stifling his gasp. You grin as you slowly lower your mouth onto his cock and see him grab onto his desk for dear life. This was what he gets for refusing to go home on time. 
Anderson walks in, his anxious hands fiddling with a file.
“Sir?”, he asks. “I was wondering…” 
You hear him shuffle his feet on the carpeted floor. Hotch furrowing his brows in a desperate attempt at a poker face was probably not helping the poor agent’s nervousness. Hotch runs a hand soothingly along the top of your head, trying to signal to you to slow down. It only makes you hollow your cheeks and squeeze the underside of his cock with your tongue, causing his stomach to flex in restraint. The young agent is still stammering.
“Spit it out Anderson”, Hotch grits through his teeth. 
From his angle, he can see the way your lips look on his cock and your breasts peeking out from your barely-there bra. 
You make sure to catch his eye before taking him all the way all the way to the hilt. It makes your eyes water a little, but the way he has to literally close his eyes to take a deep breath makes it totally worth it.
“I was wondering if I could go home early today?”, Anderson asks. “I know that I’m-“
“Yes. Sure, just go”, Hotch says breathlessly. But your movement makes him frown in an attempt to stifle a moan, which gives Anderson the wrong impression. 
“Sir I know that it’s last minute and I should have asked earlier, but I just want to say-“
You use your hands to move with your head up and down his shaft which causes Hotch’s hips to buckle up slightly. 
“Anderson”, he hisses. “Go. Home. Now.”
The poor agent scurries away, barely remembering to close the door. 
Now without the threat of someone overhearing you, Hotch whimpers, which only makes you move faster. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck”, he whispers breathlessly.
He’s desperate to not make any sounds but he can’t help but let out a soft moan. You feel his cock twitch.
“Sweetheart I’m- fuck- I’m going to come-“, he splutters. “God, you’re so-“
You cup his balls and fuck him so good he sees stars, throwing his head back in ecstasy as his cum explodes in your mouth. He’s gripping his chair so tight to keep himself from shouting out your name. 
When you’re certain he’s come down from his high, you release him. He brushes your hair away from your face and pulls you up into his lap.
“I can’t believe you just did that”, he whispers.
“You liked it”, you smirk, giving him a kiss. He smiles, but doesn’t deny it as he kisses you back.
“I’m going to get you back for it someday”, he grins. 
You raise an eyebrow. He is going down.
“You still haven’t seen my underwear”, you tease. Hotch immediately perks up.
“I’m calling it an early day today! Everyone go home!”, he yells through his closed door. Outside Hotch’s office, everyone looks at each other, confused. They can’t tell if he’s joking and no one moves to get up.
You, however, get up from his lap, seating yourself on his table and bringing your hands under your skirt, slowly peeling off your now soaked underwear. In the process, Hotch catches a glimpse of your glistening cunt.
“If you don’t go home now I’m making you do 2 hours of extra paperwork!”, Hotch barks.
You giggle as you hear everyone frantically packing up their things. 
Hotch watches as you drop your underwear to the floor, followed by your shirt. 
“You’re going to be the death of me”, he whispers. 
“Lock the door”, you tell him. 
He looks at you with a glint in his eye, and you know you’re about to get exactly what you deserve for being so naughty.
It’s really only fair that he makes you come so many times he has to carry you to his car.
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teddybeartoji · 5 months
im gnawing at puppy!satoru.... like pookie.... i didnt know I'd be obsessed with that.......... IM DESPERTLY WAITING FOR PUPPY!SATORU 😭 😭 😭
18+ mdni; gn!reader
puppy!satoru, who sits in front of your bed with the biggest and prettiest wide-eyes. tears pool in the corners of them, wetting his angelic eyelashes in the most beautiful way. a pretty baby blue collar hangs from his neck – it's tied to one of your desk's legs and it's the only thing that's keeping him from lunging at you. whimpers fall from his wet lips and drool dribbles down his chin; his tongue hangs from his mouth as he pants in desperation. he wants to taste, he wants to touch – but he's being punished right now.
he has been a bad pup.
a muzzle rests on his face, the straps sink into his soft flushed cheeks and you can already see the faint red marks that they're leaving on his perfect skin. you almost feel bad. almost. his hands are tied behind his back and he's completely at your mercy.
sitting down on his knees, he slightly bounces up and down on his legs just to get some relief. his tail thumps against the floor so hard that you can hear it. his fuzzy ears are bent back and he looks oh, so cute like this. they flop a little every time he raises his hips from the ground and you coo at him.
the sudden murmur makes them perk up again, his eyes growing even bigger than before. please, please, please. you grin at him from your place on your shared bed.
the thing he desires the most, the heaven that sits right between your legs, your soft thighs – it's exactly at his eye-level. this is pure torture.
he watches you touch yourself, play with yourself with slow movements; he can see the slick glistening on your sensitive skin and he'd do anything to lick you clean. he just wants to make you feel good! white tufts of hair fall in front of his eyes; they're starting to cling to his forehead from the way he's sweating. it's too hot in the room - he's not even wearing anything other than he stupid collar!
his rock hard cock bobs in the air, his balls twitching every time it hits his own lower belly. there's pre-cum smeared all over his happy trail and he's making such a big mess even without your help. your dirty pup...
another pretty little mewl tumbles from his swollen lips and he tugs harshly at his leash, but winces when it doesn't let up. a soft gasp followed by loud panting, his tail smacks against the floor. c'mon, he's being so good. he's so good for you. please, just let him taste you.
"does puppy wanna play, hm?"
his eyes roll back into his head at your sultry voice and he's nodding his head so strongly that he starts to feel a little dizzy. the collar around his neck only seems to be getting tighter and tighter, his airways getting blocked by his suffocating desire. a glob of pre-cum spills from his slit and it slides down the side of his shaft. he feels it. he imagines you wiping it off with your finger, with your mouth. he's so fucking hard.
his eyes are glued to your center – his least meal, his only solution to his unquenchable thirst. he wants to bury his nose into your crotch, he wants to breathe you in, he wants you to be the only thing on his mind.
(as if you aren't just that already.)
more. he needs more.
the silk ropes around his wrist dig into him, and even those just seem to be getting tighter by the second. he can't stop moving around, he can't sit still – he's the one that's making it worse. it hurts.
he likes it.
satoru's glassy eyes follow your free hand as it trails all over your thigh and your stomach and he can't surpress the saddest little whine that crawls up his throat. your lips stretch into a wide grin while raising your hand to play with your nipple. your other hand stays playing with yourself, filling the room with the slick delicious sounds.
you watch him lick his lips, you watch him pant, you watch him yank at the collar again – he's like a magnet, drawn to you always and forever.
he humps the air and a tear falls from the corner of his eye.
"aww... you crying, puppy?" voice far from sincere, his cock twitches. your teeth sink into your lower lip and your eyebrows furrow in a fake, mocking expression. "oh, you poor thing..."
his sharp fangs glimmer in the low lights of the room. "please..."
his tail swishes behind him, he can't help himself. he has no control over his own body.
"please what, baby?"
"taste, please, can i have a taste?"
you laugh at his neediness and you hear the little metal parts of his collar cling together. he's getting impatient now. "i don't know... can you?"
pushing yourself off your back, you crawl over to your pup. he's sitting so pretty, harboring a big aching mess between his legs. you reward him with another teasing coo as you situate yourself on the edge of the bed – close enough for him to drown in your scent but far enough to shed another miserable tear.
his eyes fall shut as he lets you properly fill his nostrils, all of his senses. a shiver runs down his spine when he feels your fingers on the side of his face and his pretty blues snap open in an instant. he's staring up at you – hungry and eager to please, ready to take whatever you'll give him—
—ready to give whatever you'll take.
you push his head back a little, tilting his head so he's getting a good look at you. in this position, you tower over him so easily and he feels like putty in your hands. combing through his hair, you scratch right behind his ear and watch him lean into your touch with hearts in your eyes.
but then you tug on his white strands, intoxicated by the smallest sounds that keep falling from him. forcing him to keep his gaze on you, you widen your legs in front of him. it's so, so hard for him to obey you, to be good, when it's right there. his lip wobbles behind the restriction and another quiet plea echoes the room.
"are you gonna behave, puppy?"
"yes." the speed at which he answers is almost ridiculous, but you can't tease him for it. not when your own stomach fills with butterflies aswell. you want him just as much.
loosing the grip in his hair, you let him slowly sink toward your center; he keeps his eyes on you, not daring to look away for even a second. the scent is so strong now, his balls twitch as pre-cum dribbles down them. just another inch, just a little more. he's right there. right fucking there.
the muzzle barely bumps against your crotch and eyes fall shut with a dramatic sigh. his ears flop down so fucking cutely; he's literally a breath away but the damn thing is in his way, it's ruining him, it's killing him. and to add to that, it seems like the collar is just about an inch too short aswell because there's a big vein running on the side of his neck – a clear sign of him not getting enough air.
but he doesn't pull away. his tail thumps, it never stopped. he bounces on his heel and tilts his head to meet your gaze again. he rests his cheek on against your thigh and you take the second to admire the mess he's made already. his skin is all flushed, from his chest and up to the tips of his ears; red markings peek from behind the straps of the muzzle – the contrast between those and his marble skin is just exceptional.
drool trickles through the miniature cage and straight down onto your thigh but you don't mind. he looks absolutely fucked out like this. you allow yourself to card through his hair again, unable to keep your hands off of him for more than two minutes and he hums at your soft touch.
"such a cute, pup, hm?"
you cradle his jaw as best as you can and hold his face to yours again before leaning down and pressing a kiss onto the muzzle, just above where his nose would be. and then another to the side of the thing. he squirms in your hold, overwhelmed by your sudden touches. he feels like he's going to melt into a puddle when you press the next one to his jaw.
he can smell your arousal. it's... so fucking good. he hums as he tries to nuzzle further into you. all he can think about is filling you up and giving you his knot. c'mon, he's been so, soooo good... he deserves it, right?
you will let him breed you, right? you're gonna let him have a taste? gonna let him pump you full? gonna let him give you his knot?
+ @staryukis & @ohimsummer hiiiiiiii guuuyss.... puppyboy!satoru on my mind so i just had to tag you two too hehehehe:333
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yuvany · 27 days
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OT7 enhypen x female reader 𖦹 GENRE / WARNING(S) :: fluff + slight angst + kisses + est relationship + not proofread&& ;; CHECK BOX !!
( reblogs + feedback always appreciated !! )
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He came home from a long day at work, his eyes showing nothing but tiredness. You stayed up late to welcome him back home after a long time, and Heeseung had requested that you should go to bed before him, but you insisted. "Hee, baby! Welcome home!" You run into his arms and feel his arms lazily wrap around you as he hums gruffly. "Honey, why aren't you asleep?" He asked, his fingers combing through your hair. "I was waiting for you, of course," you replied. "Well, then it's time to sleep. Good night, baby." Heeseung pulled your hair away from your face and kissed your forehead before walking over to his desk. "Aren’t you also going to sleep?" You asked, tugging on his sleeve. "I need to do some work first." "Can't that be done tomorrow? You're very tired." You suggested, and Heeseung let out a yawn. "Please?" You said, and after enough persuading, he gave in.
was sitting by the desk in your room to keep you company as you lay in bed to fall asleep, but you were unable to do so due to the bright lamp that Jay used to do his work. "When I asked you to be with me when I sleep, this is not what I meant, honey." you say tiredly, turning around in bed to lay on your side as you observe your boyfriend type on his computer. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I just need to finish this before I can sleep." Jay explains, and you groan at how insisting he is and how extremely exhaused he was, which you had previously commented on, but he refused to take your advise. "How much is left?" You ask, and Jay replied, "Not much, baby." He quickly types, and you get out of bed, and pulls him away from the seat. "Then that can be done tomorrow." You seat him on the bed, and crawl in beside him, hugging his waist so he doesn't go back. You know you've won when you hear him sigh.
was hunched over piles of papers and pens scattered across the table. The clock was showing that it was nearly midnight, surely far too late to be studying. You walk into the dining room to see Jake scrolling on his computer with flows of texts covering the screen and a calculator by his side. "Are you still studying, my love?" You asked, sitting beside him, watching as his fingers scribble somethingin his notebook. "Of course, gotta work hard so you can be proud of me, angel." He says. "I'm already proud of you, and I want you to get some rest." You say, and Jake nods his head. "Just a minute." Both of you knew that wasn't true, but you gave him a chance and rose from your seat to get some water. "I don't think this is the best way to study." You explain and place the glass of water in front of him. "But I'm not tired." Jake argues, so your hands glide across his back and eventually massage his back, which he almost falls asleep when he relaxed "See?"
Was still up after returning from a very long trip back home. Sunghoon was packing up his stuff, as well as cleaning the house that hasn't been taken care for almost over a week. You stepped out of the shower, feeling refreshed and ready to go to bed, but you see your boyfriend prance around the house with a mop. The feeling of curiousity piques your mind, and you trail behind him, watching him mop the house for a while. "Are you not tired?" You utter to him, and he stops what he's doing, turing around to face you. "A little." You scan his face and see how droopy his eyelids are, like he is dowsed in sleepiness. You take the mop away from him, "Why don't we clean together tomorrow, babe." You say, but Sunghoon is silent. "I promise that'll be the first thing we do when we wake up." You engulf him in a hug, rubbing your palms along his back till he gives in. "M'kay..." he whispers.
Was in bed, but he couldn't fall asleep. Every second felt miserable to him, he was tired, but his mind refused to let him sleep. Sunoo looked to the side and saw you lying beside him, which offered him some comfort, but not enough. He tried again, he closed his eyes, taking in and letting out deep breaths, but to no avail. He gave up and thought that maybe he could just lay there all night under the warm blankets in a dark room with nothing else to do. Sunoo let out a yawn and shifted in bed, accidentally kicking your leg. "Baby, are you still awake?" You stirred out of sleep and propped yourself on your elbow. "Not really." You realised he was lying and inched yourself closer to him, wrapping your arms around his torso. "Thanks, sweetheart." He muttered, his heart and mind finally feeling content.
"You should sleep, Jungwon." You've called for him a couple of times now, being way to exhaused yourself. Jungwon continues to write in his notebook before he says, "I just need to recap this last chapter." You're dumbfounded when he says 'chapter' and climb out of bed. "Is the test tomorrow?" "No, on Thursday." So in three days. You place a warm hand on his shoulder, and Jungwon looks up, distracted from his studies. He wraps his arm around your waist and seats you on his lap before picking up his pen again. "My Love, please rest a bit." You plead with him, and he stops writing. "Just this last part, honey." He replies, and you slide out of his arms and return to bed, turning your back towards him. A while later, you feel someone else get under the covers by the way the bed dips beside you, so you turn around and see Jungwon. With a smile, you kiss his cheek and cuddle close.
was still practicing his dance, and you began to worry for him. It was already past midnight, yet he practiced with immense amount of energy in his moves. As you make your way inside of the practice room, you hear the music being played from the loud speakers, and see Riki glancing your way with a confused look on his face. "Babe, what are you doing here?" He asks, and stops dancing, making his towards you. "Just visiting you." You say and Riki wraps an arm around your shoulders. "It's late, you should be sleeping." You think it's hypocritical to say that, but you shrug and kiss him on the cheek. "You should also be asleep then." You make your way to a wall and sits down, making yourself comfortable. He follows you and sits down too. "If I sleep, will you also?" Riki asks, and you nod. "Then, let's go." He says and turns off the music.
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
With your hands full, you use your elbow to push the doorknob and nudge the door open with your shoulder. You enter Ghost’s office, shutting the door behind you with your foot.
He stands with his back turned to the door, focused on the map spread across his desk. He looks over his shoulder and narrows his eyes as they fall upon the box in your hands. Although he doesn’t say it, the message is clear—he’s waiting for an explanation. You don’t blame him; anyone in his shoes would do the same.
“I need your help,” you announce.
“Absolutely not,” he replies, returning to the map.
“I’m serious.”
“Me too,” he murmurs, scribbling something on the paper. “Out. Now.”
“Seriously, man?” you protest, stomping your foot once on the floor.
He stops mid-writing, lets the pencil fall, and slowly turns halfway towards you. It must be the casual “man” you threw at him; otherwise, nothing would explain how he looks at you now, with one of his eyebrows so high up that it’s threatening to escape his forehead and shoot out of his balaclava.
“Please,” you whisper. “Just this one time.”
He lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes. “What do you want?” He asks.
“I need to hide this,” you explain and slightly lift the box in your hands.
He throws a brief glance at the box, then back at you. “Elaborate,” he orders. “What is it?”
“Cake,” you reveal.
“Cake,” he repeats and gestures with his hands to speak further.
“For Price,” you explain. “It’s his birthday.”
“I know,” he says, shrugging. “Why hide it?”
“It’s a surprise,” you reply. “He doesn’t know.”
He clicks his tongue and turns his attention back to the map. “I think the captain is well aware that today is his birthday,” he murmurs.
“Will you please stop with the jokes?” you plead, throwing a quick glance at the door. “He saw me carrying it, and I think he’s suspicious.”
“Nonsense!” he chuckles while continuing to write on the map. “There is nothing suspicious about someone wandering around a military base holding a....” He turns back and looks at your hands. “Pink and white striped box with gold lettering embossed at the top; what the hell.”
“What can I say?” you snap. “Lulette’s patisserie ran out of camo boxes.”
He huffs and redirects his attention to the map, sketching out little arrows and making notations. He gets on your nerves like that, yet he never fails to lend you a hand when needed. You just need to be more pragmatic. Convince him.
“Please,” you beg. “This is the safest place to hide it; nobody dares to come here without permission.”
He tosses the pencil again on the map, this time more forcefully, and swivels his entire body towards you, crossing his arms and leaning on the desk.
“Yet here you are, in my office, permission or not,” he barks and points toward the door. “Out, now.”
“It’s an emerg-”
“I won’t repeat it.”
There’s a knock on the door. You both turn towards the sound.
“Who’s that?” Ghost asks.
“Price,” the voice responds from behind the door.
You turn your head towards Ghost, and he meets your gaze. The once scornful expression he had is now replaced with urgency.
He quickly looks around and motions for you to get under the desk; it has a modesty panel that graces the floor, making it a good enough place to conceal yourself and the box. You run toward your hiding spot and crawl under it while mouthing an “I told you so” to him. He brings his index finger to his mouth while pushing your head further into the opening. You bring your knees to your chest and balance the box there. Ghost quickly sits on top of the desk and picks up the phone.
“Come in.” He shouts.
The door swings open, and Ghost theatrically shuts the phone. He apologises to Price for the delay, explaining that he “was on the phone with one of the Sergeants discussing the upcoming mission.” You hear Price approaching, and Ghost dives right into the mission details without letting him get any closer.
After the lieutenant finishes his briefing, there’s something about the operation being on a tight timeline, how the captain needs everyone to be on point and Ghost assuring him how prepared the team is. They then delve into specifics and strategies, and you hear the map rustling, tapping fingers on the wooden surface above you, scribbling with the pencils and some subtle shifts in posture here and there.
Suddenly, Price’s voice changes direction, and you hear him walking around the desk. Ghost walks towards your hiding place and pushes his office chair closer, squeezing you further towards the modesty panel. You look up and listen to papers being lifted up. You hold your breath, and your heart pulses in your ears.
“Are these the documents for the mission?” Price asks.
“Yes, sir.” Ghost replies.
“Good.” The captain exclaims. “Let’s meet with the team and finalise the plans in the briefing room in an hour.”
“Understood,” Ghost says, and you hear Price distancing himself from your hiding spot, leaving the room.
Ghost waits a few moments, ensuring the door is closed, and Price is far away, before knocking on the desk twice, signalling that it is safe for you to emerge from under the desk. You put the box on the desk and slowly crawl out.
“I told you it was an emergency,” you repeat. “You didn’t listen.”
He doesn’t respond but grabs the box and walks towards the bookshelf.
“What cake is it?” He asks as he squats in front of a cabinet and places the box there.
“It’s a fruit tart.”
“Christ’s sake,” he grunts as he shuts the cabinet. “Who in their right mind picks a bloody fruit tart for a birthday cake.”
“Captain likes fruit tarts.” You remind him.
He stands up and walks behind his desk. “Be back in half an hour,” he states, looking at his watch. “We’ll do it after the briefing, where everyone will be present.”
“Yes, sir.” You nod and walk towards the door.
“And no poppers, no sparklers, no party horns.” He clarifies.
“What about party hats?” You ask.
“Party hats are fine.” He murmurs. “They don’t make any noise.”
“Should I save one for you, sir?”
He slowly shoots you the same look he did when you stepped into his office. “I don’t know.” He murmurs as he tilts his head. “Should you?”
“I guess not.” You whisper and clasp your hands.
“You guess right.” He whispers back. “Now, and for the final time, go.”
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worldlxvlys · 7 months
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i can’t stop thinking abt these clips so i was thinking of an idea for a fanfic where reader sees these clips and notices that it looks like matt enjoys it so she gets an idea to ride him and choke and cover his mouth with her hand to muffle his moans and it turns him on
please 🙏 this would be so hot 😫
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drive you crazy
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: smutttttt, degradation, choking, use of blindfold, p in v, cream pie, squirting, cursing
a/n: enjoyyyy 🫶🏾🫶🏾
every time i opened up tik tok, i was met with my boyfriend’s face.
i tended to like and repost the fans’ edits of the triplets, so it wasn’t unusual for my for you page to be filled with them.
lately, however, i’ve been seeing a clip from one specific car video more and more frequently.
“how disrespectful is this motion, matt?” chris asked as he reached his hand to matt’s face, covering his mouth.
matt’s head fell forward as chris let go, smiling and covering his face with his hands.
“ohhh that drives you crazy, i know it did” chris yelled.
chris did the motion again, covering his mouth as matt continued to smile.
chris was right, it was driving him crazy.
i quickly saved the video, before continuing to rewatch it several times.
when i scrolled, the next video was an edit of nick choking matt.
his hands wrapped around matt’s neck from behind, and matt’s head fell back.
his eyes closed as his mouth hung open, he clearly enjoyed it.
i felt a dull aching between my thighs as i rewatched the clip.
i saved the video, before an idea popped into my head.
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on my way out, i spotted matt’s white bandana laying on my desk.
i had been meaning to give it back to him since i realized he left it here.
i quickly grabbed it before heading out, sticking it in my pocket.
when i got to his house, i let myself in. i passed chris and nick in the kitchen, quickly greeting them before making my way to matt’s room.
when i walked in, i was met with the sight of matt sitting at the edge of his bed, naked.
he held his phone in one hand, jacking himself off with the other.
he was letting out light grunts as his hand slid up and down his hard cock.
i closed and locked the door quickly behind me, before making my way over to him.
“what are you looking at?” i asked as i glanced at his phone.
“you” he whispered as he showed me the mirror pictures that i had sent him.
“i’m right here, baby” i spoke as i grabbed his jaw, pulling his lips to mine.
he moaned into the kiss as he placed his phone down on the bed, his hands wrapping around my waist.
“you said i could do anything, right?” i asked as my lips hovered over his.
“of course, i trust you ma” he responded, gently rubbing his thumb against my waist.
“good” i said before wrapping my hand around his throat, watching his eyes roll back immediately.
he let out a low moan as i squeezed my hand, applying light pressure to his throat.
“you like that, matt?” i asked.
his eyes fluttered open, half-lidded as his mouth opened slightly. he nodded his head slowly in response.
i used the grip i had on his neck to pull his lips back to mine.
“fuck” he whimpered against my lips. “i need you so bad, it hurts” he said as he squeezed my arm lightly.
“yeah? scooch back” i said as i pulled my shirt and bra off.
he obliged, moving back towards the headboard to lean his back against it.
when i pulled off my pants, matt’s bandana fell out of my pocket.
once i pulled off my panties, i grabbed it off of the floor, planning on placing it on his nightstand.
seeing it in my hand, he perked up slightly. “you’re gonna blindfold me?” his eyes widened slightly, but the tone of his voice almost sounded excited.
i tilted my head at him, before crawling onto his lap.
“you want me to blindfold you? such a little freak” i spoke as i gripped his jaw, tilting his head back.
“i love it” i grinned down at him before tying the bandana around his eyes.
he looked so good, and it only made me wetter.
i waved my hand in front of his face, checking to make sure he couldn’t see anything.
when he didn’t react, i grabbed his hand and pulled it down to my pussy.
his fingers ran through my folds, making us both moan out.
“you feel how wet you make me, matt?” i asked, eliciting another moan from him.
i pulled his hand to my mouth, making him gasp in surprise at the feeling of my tongue swirling around his fingers.
“oh my- please, please, i need you so bad. don’t tease me, please” he whined.
in response to his neediness, i wasted no time in lining him up with my entrance and sinking down on him.
“ohhh my god” he groaned loudly, making me place my hand over his mouth.
“shhh, don’t want your brothers to hear” i whispered into his ear.
he groaned and whined into my hand continuously as i began to find my rhythm, bouncing up and down on his cock.
his fingers dug into my waist, his head flying back.
the headboard thumped against the wall as i rolled and lifted my hips on him.
“how you feeling, matt?” i asked as i continued my movements.
“how you feeling matt?”
how am i feeling?
i had never felt this much pleasure at once and i could barely handle it.
the way she silenced my moans with her hand was driving me crazy.
due to my sight being taken away, all of my other senses were heightened.
not being able to see allowed me to focus on the feeling of her tight pussy wrapped around my cock.
her walls gripped my dick tightly, holding onto me as she slid up and down my length.
if she was tired, she didn’t show it as she continued to fuck me at a relentless pace.
she seemed to keep her composure, keeping her moans low enough for only me to hear them.
i heard the soft moans clearly as her mouth was right next to my ear.
“you look so pretty like this, matt. how does it feel to know that you’re powerless? can’t talk, can’t see. just gotta take whatever i do to you” she whispered.
my eyes rolled into the back of my head when she choked me again.
“love this blindfold on you, but i wanna see the pretty faces you make when you cum inside of me” she said before pulling the blindfold off, throwing it to the side.
i moaned loudly into her hand at the sight of her tits bouncing in front of my face.
i looked down at where our bodies met, watching her take me effortlessly.
she moved her face closer to mine, her nose hitting mine as her hand pressed harder against my mouth.
“i told you to be quiet” she whispered down to me.
she glared at me squeezing the hand around my throat, as my head dropped back into the headboard.
“look at me” she spoke as she tilted my head down to look at her.
“you gonna cum?” she asked, making me nod quickly in response.
“yeah? do it. fuck your cum into me, matt.” i cried out into her hand as my body tensed up.
i held her hips down against me as i shot my load deep inside of her, coating her walls with my cum.
“f-fuck, i’m cumming” she moaned out as she moved her hand from my mouth, her head falling onto my shoulder.
“i got you, baby. let it out” i whispered as i hugged her close to me.
she gasped as her body shook against mine, her arms wrapping around my shoulders.
she lifted herself off of me, her juices shooting out of her and onto my dick.
“fuck” i groaned in surprise at the feeling of her pleasure dripping down my length.
i watched as my seed dripped out of her stretched hole and down her thigh.
“god damn” she whispered as she laid down next to me, catching her breath.
“so” she began, a cheeky grin forming on her face, “did you like it?”
i rolled my eyes at her playfully, shaking my head, “shut up”
“hey, i’m not the one the was whimpering and moaning uncontrollably”
“and who’s fault is that ?” i asked, raising my eyebrows at her.
she shot me a small grin in response.
she got up, holding her hand out to me, “let me clean you up in the shower?”
“yeah” i agreed.
“do you need help getting there…or?” she teased.
i grabbed a pillow off of the bed and chucked it at her, making her burst out laughing.
“i just wanna make sure you aren’t sore!”
tag list: : @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @heraakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @rootbeerworshiper @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @mattsnymphette @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock @junnniiieee07
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dccomicsimagines · 29 days
A Sight for Sore Eyes - Jason Todd x Reader
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Warning - Gun Violence
Requested by Anon - Can I have Jason Todd run into his ex-wife? Maybe the heat is still between them????!!
Author's Note - I finally finished something! Also this is more like an estranged wife than ex. Hope that's okay!
"Stay here," you whispered to the maid who was nervously biting her nails. "I'll take the tea in."
"You sure? I hate that man." She looked around the kitchen as if the walls had ears. They did, but you doubt they were listening to you now. Not with the big meeting going on.
"I'll be fine." You flashed her a smile to hide the butterflies in your stomach.
She added the last cup. "Thank you." She went to go sit in the corner with her head in her hands. Her face pale.
You understood her fear, trying not to feel it yourself. Touching the necklace around your neck, you pressed it against your collarbone. It took you a moment to gather your courage, but eventually you picked up the tray and headed out of the kitchen doors.
The Falcone residence oozed old wealth and a posh lifestyle. Almost like it wasn't funded by blood money.
You paused by the door and reached up to adjust the red rose pin on your shirt. Something Mario Falcone, the current head of the family after the blood bath that was the Holiday murders twenty years ago, added to all the Falcone servants' uniforms.
As if you needed a mark to prove you worked for Mario. You were literally in his penthouse serving tea.
You tapped the pin three times, hearing the slight beep of the recorder.
A lump formed in your throat as you prayed for any help from some higher power. You took a deep breath and quietly entered the office.
"And you want us to help you how?" Mario said from behind his desk. You walked across the plush Persian rug and set the tray on the desk. He gestured for you to stay. You backed into the far corner and folded your shaking hands behind your back.
The man in the other chair squawked. "I need men." You dared a peek. The Penguin looked older than you last saw him. He had a black eye. You wondered who punched him.
Mario leaned back in his seat, holding his fingers together. "What do you have to offer? I know Batman is breathing down your neck." He pursed his lips. "I'd rather not get that kind of attention."
The Penguin wiped sweat from his brow. You frowned slightly.
Mario motioned for you to pour the tea. You did, keeping your eyes on the floor.
"You see..." The Penguin took the cup of tea before you finished pouring. You stopped the tea just in time to barely miss his hand. He took a loud sip. You eyed him before pouring for Mario.
Mario raised an eyebrow. You added sugar to his tea and started to step back.
"If you don't give me men, I can't stop what they will do to you." The Penguin looked up with such genuine fear. Your heart stopped. From the widening of his eyes, you knew Mario's stopped as well.
"Who's they?" Mario glanced at you. He frowned. You quickly moved back to your place by the far wall.
The Penguin shook his head and dropped his cup. "I've already said too much." You stepped forward and knelt down to pick up the cup. Taking the towel you kept in your pocket out, you dabbed the tea stain.
The Falcones spilled. They were hot headed bunch after Carmine passed.
Although from what you knew of the Penguin, he never spilled. Your gut told you something was very wrong.
"Well, I can't help you." You heard Mario stand up. "Not if all you can give me is veiled threats."
"You don't understand." The Penguin stood up, almost hitting you with his cane. "This is your only chance, boy. Don't be a idiot."
You winced as you heard Mario take a sharp breath.
Glass shattered. You saw tea dripping down the far wall. "What did you call me?!"
Not again. You crawled back and stayed near the wall out of Mario's range.
Mario threw as many objects as his sister, Sophia. Neither had regard for who they might hit with those said objects. You had a cut on your arm to prove it.
"You stupid brat. As dumb as your father!" The Penguin's face flushed. "You just dug your own grave and probably mine."
Suddenly, screams echoed from inside the penthouse. The Penguin's face went white as a sheet. He flopped face first onto Mario's desk, spilling the rest of the tea tray.
You winced as everything shattered. Mario grabbed a gun from his desk drawer.
"(Y/N)." Mario tossed it to you. You caught it. It was heavy in your hands, bringing back old memories. You pushed them away as you swore you heard a gurgle on the other side of the door.
Mario took out another gun, loading it. He moved toward his fireplace. You watched as he pressed three different stones on it. A secret door next to it popped open. "Stay here and defend," Mario ordered.
"What?!" You watched him enter the secret room and shut the door. A lock whirled as it resealed. "Bastard," you mumbled.
You tapped the rose pin. "Help."
No response. You hoped it meant they were on their way. The office door rattled. You ducked into the shadows in the corner of the room.
Another scream echoed through the penthouse. The maid. You swallowed hard. You'd have to get to her.
Suddenly, the office door opened and an animal-like monster fell through. It had long claws, crawling on all fours. It sniffed at the Penguin.
You held your breath. It turned your way. It had an owl-like black mask that reveal part of it's jaw. You could see the bone. Zombie?
It let out a terrible shriek. You flinched. It saw the movement and sprang toward you.
You fired, getting it in the face. It flew back against the wall.
Not wasting a moment, you ran out of the room. Another scream came from the kitchen. You ran toward it, bursting through the door to find two more of the zombies surrounding the terrified maid.
Without hesitation, you shot both. They flew against the kitchen cabinets. You ran for the maid, grabbing her hand and going into the pantry.
She seemed to wake up from her shock to slam the door shut.
"Block it." You pointed your gun at the door. The maid ran, tossing bags of rice against the door. When she ran out, she grabbed everything off the shelves to add to the pile with no logical thought in her mind.
You let yourself feel the nausea in your stomach, the adrenaline shaking your very bones.
"What are those?" The maid whispered, freezing as more gunshots and screams echoed from somewhere else in the penthouse.
"I don't know." You swallowed hard, keeping your gun aimed at the door. "Do you have your phone?"
She nodded. "Should I call the cops?"
You shook your head. "I doubt they'd be much help." You held out your free hand. "Let me call a number I know."
The maid eyed you, but scratches on the door made her toss the phone into your hand. She got behind you, shivering.
You sighed and typed a number you knew by heart. It rang, much to your relief.
Your finger twitched on the trigger. The door began to rattle just as Oracle's voice came through the speaker.
Jason punched the last Talon. It spun before collapsing in a heap on the rooftop of the Gotham News building. "All clear here," Jason said, holding back a yawn.
He hadn't slept well. If anyone asked, he claimed it was the new bed, but he knew it was because you were no longer sleeping beside him.
Six months since you left. You hadn't bothered to contact him since walking out the door.
Jason stewed. "Red Hood, meet Batman and Robin at Falcone's penthouse. Talons are overrunning the place," Barbara said through his comm.
"Good riddance." Jason turned to look out over the city. The lights shined on the wet pavement. He took a deep breath of the damp air.
Barbara clicked her tongue. "Jason, (Y/N) is there."
Jason's blood ran cold. Your disappointed face flashed before his eyes. His feet were moving before his mind.
"Keep calm, Jason. I was just on the phone with her." Barbara's voice was faint. Jason grappled off the closest building, flying through the air before grappling to the next.
He didn't realize how fast he was moving until he saw Falcone's building in the distance. His legs burned, arms aching.
Jason couldn't let that disappointment be the last thing he remembered of you.
Nothing surprised Bruce much anymore. Years of being Batman had led him to expect the unexpected.
However, today was different.
He and Damian crashed through the skylight of Mario Falcone's penthouse to find a blood bath and several feral Talons.
What caused the Court of Owls to make a direct attack against the Falcone family? Why so many Talons? Why were they taking out everyone?
Questions he had to worry about later. Hopefully, you could shine some light on the subject. If he could find you.
Bruce threw a Talon against the far wall before dodging the blade of another. "Robin, find (Y/N)."
"TT." Damian's huff reached his ears just as the Talon next to Bruce shrieked. Bruce threw an ice grenade at the Talon. It exploded upon impact, freezing the Talon in place.
Damian ran out of the room, cutting down two Talons as he went with his katana.
More Talons crawled out of the vents. Bruce grimaced, catching a knife thrown by one of the Talons.
He let out a slow breath, calculating the best strategy before the far window shattered and a flash of red barreled in. The red took out three Talons from their momentum alone. Gunshots rang out quickly, almost making it impossible to identify them as separate shots.
Bruce's eyes widened. All the Talons fell. "Where's (Y/N)?" The flash of red turned toward Bruce. He finally could make out Red Hood, Jason.
Bruce nodded to the Talons. "That was...helpful."
Jason grunted. "Where is she?!"
"(Y/N)'s camera pinged in what looks to be the kitchen," Oracle said. "I'll lead you there."
Jason charged out of the room. Bruce followed, taking out a Talon hiding in the shadows of the hallway.
He hoped they weren't too late as they passed several fallen Falcone guards.
A fraction of the door broke off. A clawed hand reached through. The maid screamed. Everything in you wanted to shoot, but you held yourself back. You had two shots left, had to make them count if Bruce didn't make it in time.
Fuck Bruce for taking so long.
Please don't let Jason fall apart if you died. You doubted he was doing well since you left him, you couldn't imagine what he'd do if you died on a mission for Bruce.
"Grab something to fight with," you told the maid as she clung to the back of your shirt. "Anything."
She didn't listen, muttering prayers under her breath.
More chunks broke off the door. You let out a slow breath.
The first zombie started to crawl through, bending to squeeze through the small hole. You waited until it was halfway through before shooting it in the head.
The maid screamed. She pulled at your shirt. You had to fight to not fall back on her. The zombie went limp.
It blocked the hole, but soon it's body was pulled out and another zombie started to crawl through.
You shot that one in the head. It blocked the hole again, but the whole door started to shake. Scratches on the wood.
The other body was pulled out and just as claws enclosed on the edge of the hole, a shout came from the other room. Your heart skipped a beat. You lifted your hand to prepare to throw the gun.
You heard the slice of a katana followed closely by a remark of how disgusting this whole situation was. A smile pulled at your lips. "I think we're saved," you told the maid. She looked up at you before turning to throw up.
Gross, but you couldn't blame her. You wrinkled your nose and patted her back. "I'm sorry," she coughed. "You're so calm. Are you used to this?"
You bit your lip, wanting to say you married into it. However, all you could do is shake your head. "I'm not used to zombies. Not these kind anyway."
She looked confused, but you focused back on the door. "(Y/N)!" Jason's voice echoed from behind the door as it started to shake even more than before.
You froze. How did Jason get here? Bruce promised he'd keep him out of your mission. "Red?" You asked, raising your gun to throw just in case.
"Open the damn door. It's safe," Jason demanded. A rush of anger filled you.
The maid looked at you with wide eyes. "I thought you said you didn't call the cops."
"I didn't." You didn't look at her, keeping your eyes on the door. "How do I know it's you, Red?"
The irritated sigh that followed confirmed it for you. He did that to you a lot. One of the problems in your marriage actually.
"(Y/N), the area is secure." Damian's snotty voice made your anger cool. "You may exit now."
The maid grabbed your hand as you moved to shove things out of the way. She didn't help you, just squeezed your hand until you thought your bones broke.
You opened the door to find Red Hood flying forward to crush you against him. All the breath left your lungs.
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach, but this time it was for other reasons. Reasons you weren't going to think about for now.
"I'm fine, Red," you whispered to him.
"You better be." Jason pulled away when the maid cleared her throat.
"Robin, guide her to safety," Bruce ordered, nodding to the maid. The maid squeaked at being addressed.
Damian opened his mouth to protest, but one look from Bruce silenced him. "Come along," Damian said, taking the maid's arm.
"(Y/N)?" The maid looked at you wide eyed.
"I'll be fine." You flashed her a smile. "Don't worry. Robin will keep you safe."
She bit her lip, but let Robin drag her out of the room.
You looked around the kitchen at the zombie bodies on the floor. The counters were cracked, cupboards pulled down, glass from the dishes covered every surface. Luckily, you were wearing thick shoes.
"Report," Bruce said. You pursed your lips and looked at him. He looked no worse for wear.
Jason tensed. "Wait a minute." He shook his head. You wished you could see his face, but the helmet hid it. "Is this where you were this whole time? You were undercover for him?!" He was glaring at you. You hated when he did that with his helmet on.
"You aren't the only one who can disappear for months," you snapped, narrowing your eyes.
He flinched. "That's low."
"Oh that's low. Isn't it low to not tell your wife that you're running away to space with your ex?" You crossed your arms.
"Enough." Bruce stepped between you and Jason. "Work this out later." He turned toward you, giving Jason his back. "Report."
Jason huffed. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling at the sound. "Mario had a meeting with the Penguin." You tapped your pin. "I recorded it."
"Where are they?" Bruce studied you. You felt touched your sort of father-in-law cared enough to check you for injuries.
"In Mario's office. Penguin fainted once the attack started. The zombies left him alone for the most part." You gestured for them to follow you toward Mario's office.
Jason bullied his way in front of Bruce and next to you. "Talons, not zombies."
You hummed. "So this is the Court of Owls?" You glanced back at Bruce.
"The court has decided to come out of retirement." Bruce frowned. You stepped over a few bodies of Mario's guards. You knew them, but you didn't let yourself feel anything yet.
Jason touched your hand. You allowed yourself to take his hand for a moment before pulling away at doorway to Mario's office.
Penguin was stirring from in front of Mario's desk. Batman went over to him and dragged him up onto the chair.
You went over to Mario's secret door. It was untouched. "Mario is still here," you said.
Jason followed you. "He in a secret room or something?"
"Safe room. Left me out here to defend him." You bit your lip when Jason's head snapped to you. "Stop it."
"Were you his bodyguard?" Jason's shoulder tensed. "Or more?"
You gagged. "No, god. Don't even suggest it." You slapped his arm.
The Penguin squawked awake, blubbering as Bruce interrogated him.
"What am I supposed to think, (Y/N)? You walked out, said you needed space, but then disappeared for six months," Jason growled.
You pursed your lips, narrowing your eyes at him. "Now you know what I was thinking when you ran off with Starfire, huh?"
Jason flinched. It didn't feel as satisfying as you wished it did.
You knocked on the hidden door. "Mr. Falcone, it's (Y/N). It's safe to come out."
"Starfire isn't really my ex. We just slept together once," Jason grumbled. You rolled your eyes. He was making the same excuses he did six months ago. Nothing changed.
"Doesn't help your case." You punched his arm to shut him up.
Mario opened the door. He smiled when he saw you, but froze at the sight of Red Hood.
A unmanly shriek came out of Mario. He tried to close the door, but Jason grabbed the corner and ripped it open.
Mario backed into his safe room, eyes wide with terror. Jason followed him in. "(Y/N), did you call this thug? I'll have you burned alive." Mario spat, grabbing a gun and aiming it toward Jason. Jason kept walking toward him unbothered.
"I didn't call him specifically." You leaned against the doorway. The adrenaline was wearing off. Your hands trembled as everything sunk in. "By the way, I quit."
Mario shot Jason in the chest, but it bounced off his armor. You covered your ears. The gun shots echoed loudly in the small room.
Jason knocked the gun out of his hand and picked him up by the front of his shirt. He held him up until his feet were dangling off the ground.
You couldn't help feeling warm from seeing Jason was still as strong as ever.
"You don't threatened her." Jason's voice was colder than ice. "Forget her name, forget her face. She was never in your disgusting presence, do you understand?" Jason brought Mario's face close to his helmet. "Do you?"
"Yes." Mario shook like a leaf. You swore you saw the front of his pants darken.
A hand touched your shoulder. Bruce moved you out of the room. "Watch the Penguin. I want to have a word with Mr. Falcone."
You snorted, stepping out to find the Penguin unconscious on the floor. "What a rough day for you." You nudged his side with your toe as Mario screamed from his safe room. "A rough day for all of us."
You sat down in the chair and crossed your arms. Taking a shaky breath, you tried to keep your emotions locked up, but tears still filled your eyes anyway.
"Red Hood, wait outside," Bruce ordered. Jason dropped Mario. Mario crumbled to the floor, blubbering.
"Fine." Jason stomped out. He saw the Penguin unconsciousness on the floor. Worrying his lip, he saw the top of your head as you sat in an armchair facing away from him.
A sniffle came from you. Jason's stomach dropped.
He moved to your side and knelt beside the chair. You recoiled, quickly wiping your face with your hands.
His heart fell slightly. "You okay?"
"I'm tired." You sighed, "This was...a lot."
Jason nodded. He reached out and laid his hand on your knee. You relaxed under his touch. A little hope blossomed in his heart.
Even though he was madder than heck to know you were working for Bruce for six months. That Bruce didn't tell him and you didn't try to contact him at all. That you were with Falcone this whole time.
He still wanted you home. Still wanted you to be his wife, partner in life and beyond.
Bruce stomped out of the safe room. "We need to go. The police are on their way." You jumped up at the sound of his voice. Jason slowly stood, grabbing your hand. You let him.
"I should wait here for the cops," you said softly. Your hand trembled in his.
"Not necessary." Bruce pursed his lips. "I'll give a copy of your video recording to Gordon. It will be enough."
Jason squeezed your hand. "I'm taking her home." He stared at Bruce, daring him to say something.
You looked at him slightly surprised. "Our home?"
"Is there anywhere else, sweetheart?" Jason's voice cracked. He cursed his helmet for hiding what he hoped was the love in his face.
"No." Bruce laid a hand on Jason's shoulder. Jason tensed.
"What do you mean no?" Jason snarled. You squeezed his hand gently.
Bruce stepped closer. "It's best if (Y/N) is kept somewhere safe since she is a witness. You remember what the court does to witnesses." Jason pulled you into his side suddenly, his arm around your waist. You gasped, but relaxed into him.
"Our place is safe." Jason bit his lip. He tried not to think about you being pinned to a wall by Talons, bleeding to death as you screamed his name. A lump formed in his throat.
"It is, but you know the cave is safer." Bruce's lips pursed. "(Y/N) needs to be cleared for any trackers as well."
"He's right." Your voice shook. Jason studied you, noting your trembling lips, widening of your eyes, a sickly pallor overtaking your cheeks.
Jason swallowed hard. "Fine, but I'll take her."
Bruce nodded. "I wouldn't expect anything less. Take the batmobile." He pressed the remote key to the batmobile into Jason's free hand. Jason looked at it before closing his fingers around it.
Jason started to lead you from the room, but you stopped. You pulled away from him. His arm felt empty without you. "Please make sure Mia is safe. She's the maid, she doesn't know anything,"
"She will be safe." Bruce rested his hand on your shoulder. You and Bruce shared a long look. Jason's stomach tightened at the sight. When had you and Bruce became so close? "Now go."
You nodded, quickly using your sleeve to wipe your face. Jason stepped toward you at the sight. You took a deep breath. "(Y/N)," Jason whispered, reaching out to you.
You flinched. "Not now." Brushing his arm away, you walk past him and out the door.
Jason watched you go with a sigh before quickly following you.
"Good luck," Bruce said so softly that Jason almost missed it. It was only the threat of leaving you alone that stopped him from going back in and unleashing his rage onto Bruce.
"Thank you, Alfred." You gave him a hug, even though you were only wearing a oversized robe. It did little to protect you from chill of the batcave, but you had to toss your clothes after going through several scans and a bug sweep.
"You're welcome, Miss (Y/N). It is good to have you home." Alfred patted your back before pulling away to look you in the eye. "Now head upstairs. I have clothes waiting in Master Jason's old room." You frowned slightly, but Alfred held up a hand. "And Master Jason knows not to enter unless you give him permission."
You smiled at the thought of Jason being locked out of his old room. "Thank you again." You turned and headed upstairs.
Bruce's study still looked the same. You paused at Bruce's desk as the grandfather clock door swung closed behind you.
The gold frame caught your eye. You traced it with one finger, smiling sadly. It was you and Jason on your wedding day. You were wearing a nice dress you got from Walmart, he in jeans and a button down.
That day had been magical. The beach was warm, sand soft under your feet. Jason had a boyish grin through the whole ceremony.
You shook your head. No point staying in the past now. You left Bruce's study and made your way upstairs.
The manor was quiet. You closed your eyes to enjoy the peace, the safety.
A lump formed in your throat as you remembered the blood, the bodies of people you gotten to know over six months.
Tears burned in your eyes. "Damn it." You covered your face and hurried to Jason's old room.
The room smelled of lemon and fresh laundry. You opened your eyes, taking in the familiar ACDC poster on the wall, the red comforter on the king sized bed. An old pair of pajamas was folded neatly on the bed.
You picked up the pjs and headed into the bathroom.
Turning the water as hot as it could go, you waited to let the steam fill the room before you let yourself grieve.
Jason carefully balanced the tray he prepared with one hand and knocked on door with the other. Steam rose from the mug of tea and bowl of soup he had made for you.
He hoped you would accept them. That you would let him in.
A long moment of silence followed his knock. "Come in," you said weakly. He heard the roughness of your voice. His heart ached at the thought you had been crying.
Jason turned the knob and slowly opened the door. You were sitting on the bed, towel draped over your head and his old pjs on. Warmth flooded his gut at the sight.
"I brought you something to eat and drink." He walked past you and set the tray on the side table. You pulled off the towel at his voice, staring at him with a calculated gaze. Your eyes were swollen and red.
"Thanks." Your gaze dropped to his body. Jason couldn't stop himself from blushing. "Did you lose weight?"
"Haven't been eating as much." Jason turned away. He went to stand by the window, looking out at the dark gardens below.
You hummed. He heard you sip from the mug of tea. The silence that fell was thick. Jason almost couldn't breathe.
"I see you are wearing your ring," you whispered.
"And you aren't wearing yours." Jason spun to face you. You cupped the mug in your hands, staring down into it.
"I was undercover, Jason. I couldn't have a wedding ring." You reached for your neck. Jason blinked when you pulled out a simple gold chain necklace with the ring attached. "But I had it on me."
Jason's voice caught in his throat. "Why did you go undercover and not tell me?"
You sighed. "It was only supposed to be for a few weeks. Mario Falcone was doing business in Italy. I came to Bruce and asked him if I could get away, he offered the job."
Jason sank onto the bed next to you, but left a decent distance between you and him. A distance that honestly hurt. "And it turned into six months?"
"I was working as a waitress at a cafe Mario was frequenting there. There was an attempt on his life. I saved him, he hired me on the spot." You sipped your tea. "I was still angry with you, so I took him up on it."
Jason leaned forward on his knees. "So you were being petty? Disappearing because I left you? At least I left you a fucking note."
"You left me a note saying you'll be gone for months in space with Kori." You narrowed your eyes. Jason scowled back at you. "On our anniversary."
"It wasn't our anniversary." Jason stood up and paced in front of you.
"Oh, right. It was the day before." Sarcasm slipped into your tone.
Something snapped inside Jason. "Nothing happened between me and Starfire! We slept together once a long time ago!"
"That's not even the point!" You set your mug back on the tray.
"Then what's the point, (Y/N)?!" Jason threw his arms in the air.
You grabbed a pillow from the bed and threw it at him. Jason caught it easily. "You idiot! Maybe the point was that you didn't tell me in person?! That you didn't even discuss it with me! I'm your wife and you ran off to space without even bothering to check with me!" Tears filled your eyes.
"Fine, it was a mistake not to talk to you about it!" Jason threw the pillow back onto the bed. "But you don't get to just disappear on me! What happens if you died while you were with that bastard Falcone?! You would do that to me?! Leave me to find out from Bruce that you died on his mission!"
"Like you couldn't have died in space and did the same to me! At least I was on earth!" You straightened your shoulders.
Jason towered over you. You glared back at him.
The red faded from his vision. He dropped his shoulders, taking a step away from you. "This isn't getting us anywhere."
You sighed and turned away from him. "We're just going in circles."
Jason studied your back. He closed his eyes and took a soothing slow breath.
Alfred told him once after he started dating you that relationships sometimes meant swallowing your pride. Letting go to move on.
He also said sometimes an apology can fix more than you think.
"I'm sorry." The words left Jason's lips freely. "I messed up. You were right. I should have talked to you about going to space. Even if it wasn't with Kori, I should have discussed it with you."
You peeked over your shoulder at him. "I'm sorry too. I should have gotten a message to you. Let you know where I was and that I was as safe as I could be."
"You shouldn't have left in the first place. How were we supposed to work it out if you weren't here?" Jason grumbled, smiling when you let out a little laugh.
"I guess we're both to blame." You bit your lip. A moment of silence passed between you.
Jason wanted to ask you to come home, be his wife again...but what if that wasn't what you wanted? Maybe you didn't want him anymore? He rocked on his ankles.
"What should we do now?" you asked softly, eyes on the floor.
Jason put his hands in his pockets. "I don't know."
You pursed your lips and sank down onto the edge of the bed. "I don't want to give up on us."
Jason dropped to his knees as if you stole the air out of him. "Sweetheart, I don't want that either." He shuffled until he was knelt in front of you. You took his hands. He frowned at how cold you were, trying to rub warmth into them. "I love you. Always have, always will."
You looked at him with a glimmer of a smile on your lips. "I love you too."
Jason leaned forward. You met him halfway. The kiss shattered any resentment or anger Jason had left inside him. He could only think that you were here, you loved him, you wanted him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck. Jason picked you up, chuckling when you gasped in surprise. He kissed you again as he laid down on the bed with you.
You woke to the late afternoon sun shining through the window. Stretching, you felt Jason's callused hand on your bare hip. He squeezed gently before sliding his hand up around your waist to pull you back into him.
He was warm, a human furnace. You rolled over, opening your eyes to take him in.
Jason had dark circles under his eyes, his face thinner than it was before you left. However, he was still the same. You reached up to trace his lips with your thumb.
He mumbled in his sleep. You leaned forward to steal a quick kiss. Jason's eyes opened the moment your lips touched his. He rolled over, pulling you halfway onto his chest.
You laughed, grinning down at him. "Morning, handsome."
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Jason smirked back at you. His fingertips tickled your back slightly. "God, I missed you."
"I missed you too." You rested your chin on his chest, watching him. Jason's hand moved to the back of your neck. You blinked when you felt them touch the clasp of your necklace. "What are you doing?"
Jason undid the clasp and pulled your necklace off. Your wedding ring sparkled in the sunlight. "I want to put your ring back on your finger where it belongs."
Your heart melted. "Okay." You watched him slid the ring off the chain and take your hand. He slipped it on your finger. "I remember you missed my finger a few times during the ceremony."
"Because I was too busy looking at you." Jason sighed, holding up your hand to study your ring. "Beautiful."
Your face burned slightly. "Bruce has the photo on his desk."
Jason hummed. "How did he get a picture?"
"Must have made a copy of the one we gave Alfred." You closed your eyes, turning your head so your ear was pressed against his skin. His heartbeat soothing some of the worry in your belly.
Jason laid a hand in your hair. "Can we promise that if either one of us has to leave for a long mission, that we'll take the other with?"
You opened one eye to look at him. His jaw firm. "You're serious?"
"I am." He looked at you without wavering.
"Okay." You smiled, opening your other eye. "But I doubt I'll go undercover again. It sucked."
Jason hummed. "And space sucked. All the food was terrible and all the alien girls wanted to fuck me, but I told them I was married to the most beautiful woman in the universe who would kicked their asses if they laid a hand on me."
You snorted, kissing his chest. "Charmer." You sobered when you thought about last night. "What are we going to do about the Court of Owls?"
"Well..." Jason groaned, pulling you fully on top of him. You rolled your eyes when you felt how excited he was. "Right now, I think we should celebrate being together."
"You mean celebrate again?" You raised an eyebrow, sitting up as you straddled his hips.
"And maybe again afterward? If you're willing?" Jason smirked, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Then once we're completely done celebrating, we can see what intel they found last night."
You couldn't stop yourself from grinning back at him. "Fine." You leaned down to kiss his lips. "I love you."
"And I love you." Jason suddenly flipping you so he was on top. You laughed before you lost yourselves in each other.
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spideyhexx · 9 months
tw dark coriolanus? dom/sub dynamics.
Coriolanus cocks his head, studying your expression as he answers your question.
You joked about how easy it is for him to get hard around you. How he must always be horny and without a beat he said those words and you felt any confidence you had left in you start to diminish.
“Or, to correct that, I always wanna fuck you, bunny.”
There it is. His lips curl as it rolls off his tongue and he's about to roll his eyes at how quickly you're on your knees in front him, pawing at his thighs, waiting for any sort of permission.
Coriolanus crouches down to your level, his icy eyes searching yours. His hair is fixed to perfection and you long to mess it up, deprave him of this clean cut look he's trying on.
You have no idea what's running through his head and it's killing you.
"Do you need your mouth filled?" You tell him yes and Coriolanus' gaze darts to your neck as you swallow. He tsks.
He stands back up and walks over to his desk. When he sits down in his padded chair, he sees you're still in the same spot.
"Are you coming?"
You go to stand and he holds his hand up to signal you to stop. Coriolanus needs to say nothing. He's trained you well and your mind flashes back to his sweet little name for you. You always used those as a means to tell you exactly what mood he's in.
So you crawl over to him. He's not that far, but with every move you make, your insides are burning with a humiliation so deep and you're glad Coriolanus is the only one who gets to experience it.
Once you're on your knees beside his chair, he's presenting his fingers in front of your face, the tip of this thumb brushing your lips.
"Drool around these until I'm finished working, bunny. I'll stuff your mouth with something bigger later," he says, without another glance to you as he focuses on whatever work he needs to get done.
You hold his wrist gently, taking two, maybe three of his fingers into your mouth. You'd try to tease him, lolling your tongue around them, sucking on them, anything, but Coriolanus has the most self control you've ever seen.
And you'd sit there, his fingers stuffed into your mouth, your hand caressing his wrist and Coriolanus would ignore you the entire time.
He'd work slower just cause he knows you're waiting for more. But regardless of his teasing, when he does finally let you have his cock in your mouth despite the ache in your jaw your mouth and chin covered in your own spit, he's oddly gentle and caring. He helps you slowly bob your head on him, cooing about how he knows you love his cock, thick and heavy in your mouth. He relishes in your little whimpers and the way he can see you drool from the corners of your mouth. Coriolanus loves that you're sloppy with it. It's something that only he gets the pleasure to witness and isn't that one of his most powerful turn ons?
But Coriolanus still likes to be mean.
He doesn't let you swallow his cum, despite your cute little protests and the way you lap up any pre cum beading from his tip as he takes his cock out of your mouth.
Coriolanus makes you take it in your cunt, laying you on your tummy, his weight almost completely on you as he fucks you from behind. He's reciting back his words from earlier as he pounds into you, his hand snaking to hold onto your throat, his lips ghosting at your ear.
"I always wanna fuck you, bunny. Cause this? This is all mine," and he makes sure you know that every single time his length twitches inside of you. "Your pussy, your mouth, your love, your life is all mine," he'd growl and make you repeat it to him before he finally lets you have all of him.
let's chat about coryo, here :)
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ratskinsuit · 8 months
•𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭•
Hazbin Hotel Lucifer Morningstar x gn!Reader
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“Lucifer has been very stressed lately due to all of the work being piled onto him, the things going on in heaven, and Charlie’s hotel idea. So as his loving partner, you decide to help him destress a little bit in a very fun way.”
Tags: Smut, Oral sex, Lucifers little whimpers, exhibitionism? , Dom!Reader (Kind of), Sub!Lucifer, x Reader, Office blow jobs
(Please enjoy this fanfic, it may not be the best because I haven’t written smut before, criticism is welcome.)
You have noticed that recently your husband, Lucifer, has been more stressed than usual. He has been neglecting his needs, locking himself in his room and burying himself in his work. He hasn’t been eating as much and he has bags under his eyes. You rarely see him out of his office, never seeing him at any meals.
So you decided that you would go and try to convince him to take a break. You made him some tea and something for him to eat, a grilled cheese, some warm tomato soup, and some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. After gathering all of the food on a tray, you head off to his office. Once you reach the office you put the tray in one hand and knock on the door three times.
“Come in.” You hear his tired voice say from the other side of the door.
You grasp the door knob and with a hum push it open and step inside, closing the door behind you.
At his desk Lucifer looks wrecked. He is sitting in his dress pants and a dress shirt, wrinkled and messed up, his sleeves pulled up to his biceps. His face furrowed in concentration, his eyes slightly bloodshot, with bags under his eyes. One of his hands is in his hands in his hair, gripping it tightly between his fingers in frustration, his bling licks messy.
He looks up as you enter and smiles tiredly. “Ah hello my love, do you need something?” He asks, sitting up straighter and trying to fix his shirt to not worry you.
You hum and bring over the tray setting it on his desk. “Well I know how stressed you have been lately, so I brought you some lunch and tea.” You say, setting his food out for him.
He gives you another smile, hey this time Warmer. “Oh thank you so much hunny, I completely forgot about eating.” He says, taking a sip from the tea and sighing.
You smile at him, and go behind the desk, stroking his hair with one hand, and the other rests in his shoulder, his face softening as you play with his messy locks, a most comfortable look now on his face.
“You really should take a break you know, all this stress isn’t good for you.” You say, and in response he lets out another sigh. “Well I can’t just take a break whenever I want, I mean I have duties hunny, I can’t just abandon them.”
“Are you sure? Not even just a tiny break?” You try to reason, your hand continuously petting his hair, and the other massaging his shoulder, trying to convince him. It seems to be working a bit, as he relaxes into the chair his eyes half lidded, yet his stubbornness still prominent.
“I don’t know…” He murmurs, rolling his arms as you massage them.
You pout, taking your hands off of him, causing him to whine a bit. You think for a moment, before an idea comes to you, a mischievous smirk making its way onto your face.
He notices it immediately and gives you a questioning look. “What are you thinking about hun?”
”Well how about I give you a little stress reliever while you work, hm?” You say, and before he can say anything getting on your knees and crawling under the desk.
“W-wait hunny what are you doing..? We can’t do this, s-someone might walk in, and- and I have to…” He trails off with a whimper as you begin to unzip his pants.
“Just keep quiet and keep doing your work and nobody will know.” You say with a wink, as you take out his red, already leaking cock.
He stares down at you before resting his arms on his desk, and whimpering, already breathing noticeably harder, even though you haven’t even touched him yet.
You stroke him a couple couple times. “Go on handsome, keep doing your work.” You say teasingly, and he whines a bit, grabbing his pen and trying to resume reading and signing.
You move your head closer to the head of his throbbing member, giving him a few kitten licks causing him to jolt,
“D-dear I don’t think I can do m… my work like this…” He say quietly, looking at you with a pleasing look on his face.
You ignore it, giving him a quick smirk as you begin to lick all around the shaft, starting from the base and moving up, earning you a groan from the man above.
You suck on the tip, swirling it around in your mouth with your tongue.
“F-..fuck darling ple- agh.. please stop teasing me…” Lucifer whimpers, squirming in his seat, panting harder now.
You continue to ignore it, your your tongue pressing against the slit, a loud moan rumbling above you.
You glance up to see your husband looking worse than before, his cheeks red, eyes watery, and hair somehow even worse than before. “My lah… love please…” He begs, more tears welling up in his eyes.
You decide to give him a break, and slowly start taking him into your mouth, going deeper down his shaft as he lets out a moan.
“Oh h-hell please p-p-lease oh agh… hng…” He moans, and squirms, obviously very pent up. He tries to thrust up into your mouth but you place my hands in his thighs, digging your nails into them, pulling an unhappy whine.
Once you reach the base you begin bobbing up and down, your tongue massaging his shaft.
“Oh h-hu- d-darling… please, I- Hng… I… hah.. fuck.. please..” Lucifer squirms and and moans loudly above you, one hand tangled in his hair, the other on the desk, breathing heavily, his eyes closed in pleasure, cheeks flushed.
With one of your hands you massage the inside of his thigh, causing him to get louder. “Please, I want- darling- m-mmm, nhg… please.. wanna, I need to- fuck…gonna- g’nna c-“ He babbles above you, barely able to make sentences, yet you can tell his close.
While you desperately want to tease him you decide against it, knowing he would probably break down with how stressed he already is.
You begin to suck and bob faster, you husband whining and pleading above you, you determainef to make his reach his peak.
“W-a- agh.. c-come.. fuck, gonna HNG, d-arling oh s-sa- Ang..” A few moment later mr moans out and releases, you swallow it all down, riding him through his orgasm until he is overstimulated and trying to get away.
You release him with a pop, standing up and wiping your mouth. Lucifer looks 10x worse than before, his hair sweaty and sticking out in all different ways, his face flushed red, his eyes half lidded and teary, still shaking from the aftershocks.
Despite this you give him a kiss on the forehead and a pat on the head. “I expect to see you at dinner tonight.” You say, before leaving.
Well there is my first ever smut fic, and first fic in years! Criticism is accepted. Hope you enjoyed!
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mallowsweetmiri · 13 days
Best friend!Remus with no boundaries leaves you alone with James
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
It was another sunny afternoon spent studying in Remus’ dorm. You sat on his bed reading your Herbology textbook as Remus worked at his desk, finishing his Potions assignment. James was sprawled in the sunshine working on his Charms homework next to the open window.
“Y/N, can you pass me my vile of asphodel,” Remus said over his book, pointing to his potions trunk next to the bed. You hummed and leaned over the side of the bed, trifling through the case of potions ingredients.
“Erm, I think you’re out,” you replied, holding up the empty vile next to your face. Remus frowned and came over to the bed. He took a seat on the edge and took the vile from you. You crawled closer to him, resting your head in his lap as he flicked the vile. He sighed and ran his hand down your arm.
“I’m gonna have to go to the storage and get some ingredients,” Remus drawled, stroking your shoulder and neck with his long fingers. You hummed and closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of your bestfriend’s hands on your body.
“While you’re at it, can you get some snacks from the kitchen? I can’t focus when I’m hungry,” you looked up at him through your lashes with a pout. He only chuckled at you and squeezed your cheek.
“Of course,” he grinned, scooting out from under you. You sighed as you rolled back on your stomach to read. Remus tsked and pulled your cotton shorts over your bum.
“You need to get a new pair of shorts, Y/N. I think you’ve outgrown those,” Remus said as he walked towards the door. You heard James chuckle out a breath from his bed. You stuck your tongue out at Remus as you sat up to pull your shorts down. Remus chuckled and left the dorm, shutting the door behind him. You huffed and fell back onto the bed. James laughed and shut his book.
"Remus' sure has a lot of opinions on your outfits," James teased, sitting up to stretch. You guys had been studying for a while.
"You know how he is. I don't see why my shorts being short is an issue though," you pouted, standing up and stretching over arms your head.
"Well, I think they look lovely, Y/N." James smiled at you. He was just the sweetest.
"Awww, thanks Jamie. You're always so kind," you gushed and sprang towards him for a hug. Even sitting on his bed he was nearly your height, but he had always seemed like a big teddy bear to you. James chuckled and he wrapped his arms around you.
"I'm just telling the truth. Just because Remus is your bestfriend doesn't mean his opinions are right," James joked. Your smile grew as you pulled back.
"You're so right, Jamie. Maybe I should start to listen to you more," you beamed, liking the idea of spending more time with James. He was right. You were always hanging around Remus so much, you had neglected what a good friend James was.
"I like the sound of that," James half grinned, his hands falling down to your waist. You blushed and smiled back. You'd never really been physically close with any of the other boys before, your friendship just wasn't like that. But why couldn't it be? James was nice to hug anyway.
"Can we take a break from studying?" You asked, playing with James' soft curls on the back of his neck. James hands stroked your hips as you stood between his legs.
"Isn't that what we're doing right now?" James laughed, still smiling at you. Gods, his eyes were so pretty. You couldn't focus on anything but his hands on your hips and his lips curved into that pretty smile.
"Well," you breathed, "What do you want to do?" You leaned in closer to him. James swallowed and let out another chuckle. You were starting to realize why you weren't so touchy with other friends.
"I can think of one thing," James charmed, pulling you by the hips towards him. Your lips landed on his, soft and warm as his tongue began to ask for permission. You let out a sigh and relaxed into his body, his hand coming up to your face to deepen the kiss. Another sigh escaped your lips as you moved to straddle his lap. He groaned as his hands found your hips once more, pushing you down onto him. You groaned when you felt him underneath you, rubbing up against your shorts. He was a good kisser too, biting gently on your lip as his hands made their way under your bum. If this was the result of wearing tiny shorts, you were going to wear them more often. Your thoughts escaped you as James' hands guided your hips over his, the rhythm matching the movements of his mouth. He was making your come undone with all of your clothes still on. You couldn't even imagine how good he'd feel with his clothes off. He groaned as he pushed you down over his length, his thumbs squeezing the front of your hips. You felt yourself starting to reach your edge as your hips began to take movements of their own. His tongue deepened the kiss while you moaned into his mouth. It felt like he knew every inch of your body already. Everything he was doing was sending you. Your sounds filled the room as his lips left yours to kiss under your jaw. His strong arms were wrapped around your middle as he teased down your neck. Your body was suddenly missing the friction, but James' arms were holding you still.
"James," you whined, squirming his arms. He chuckled into your neck.
"Just be patient, my love," he breathed, going back to nipping at your ear.
"We don't have time to be patient right now," you groaned, desperately needing to feel him. James hummed and gave your neck a soft kiss.
"You're right, we don't have time right now," James guided your head to look at him.
"But I'll see you tonight?" He asked, a grin still plastered on his lips. You bit your lip as you smiled.
"Yes, I'll see you tonight." You blushed, giggling as you pulled yourself off of James. Maybe you'd gotten a bit carried away with your study break. James chuckled as he reached to pull your shorts down over your bum once again.
"Maybe Remus was right about these shorts," he smirked, thumbing the hem. You giggled as you heard the door open. Remus came into the room with an armful of viles. You and James let out a laugh. Good timing.
"Maybe," you winked at James and walked back over to Remus' bed. "Hi Rem. Did you bring snacks?" You plopped down onto his bed. Remus walked over and placed a tray in front you filled with sandwiches and crisps.
"Save me some," Remus nodded as he began to organize his potions supply on his desk.
"Do you want some Jamie?" you asked politely, turning to see James blush at you. His grin hadn't left his face. Remus' head perked at the nickname, but was too focused on finishing his assignment.
"I'm okay, Y/N. I'm actually gonna go run some quidditch drills. It's so nice out," James said casually, getting up to grab his quidditch bag.
"More for me," you shrugged and began to eat one of the halves. You watched James get his shoes on. His fingers looked so strong...
"Well, I'm out of here. Remus," James waved at Remus who responded with a nod. He turned to you, "See you later, Y/N." With a smile he ducked out of the room. You chuckled as you ate your sandwich, reaching for the book next to Remus' bed.
"Y/N," Remus sighed as he scribbled something onto his scroll, "why did James just say that?" You felt a smile tug at your lips.
"What? I can't hang out with James?" you chimed, flipping to your chapter in the book. Remus shook his head and tsked, continuing to work on his paper.
"It's those fucking shorts." You let out a snort.
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helluvapoison · 8 months
imagine you work at the hotel and become the newest victim of a certain spider
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˚✧₊⁎ Angel Dust ⁎⁺˳✧༚
warnings: suggestive themes
• Every hotel needs a receptionist, right? Truth be told, it’s a glorified title for your position. You sit behind the front desk to answer a phone that doesn’t ring, take reservations on an ancient computer that doesn’t even work and greet guests that don’t show up! It would almost be completely boring if not for the antics of the regulars
• Particularly, Angel Dust. He’s constantly in your personal bubble! Don’t think you’re special for that one, he invades everyone’s space
• He’ll sit on your desk— thrice he’s tried to plop himself in your lap only for you to scoot the chair back at the right second, having him land on the floor to glare up at you
• He drapes a pair of arms over your shoulders and asks if you want to watch one of his “movies” on the computer
• He calls you from his room and harmlessly offers you to come up and join him
• He asks you to drop off towels then answers the door naked!
“Mr Dust, would you stop that!?” You shout, red in the face.
“Not my fault if you always fall for it, honey.”
• When he’s not working, he joins you on your lunch breaks and steals bites of whatever you have. He makes up for it by leaving inappropriately shaped sweets on your desk now and then
• Angel’s also the first, and only, to ask you join him after your shift. A real, genuine invitation. Recently slender fingers have stopped trying to crawl up your knee
• “Evening, Mr Dust.”
“Thought I told you to cut that shit out. I ain’t no mister,” He leans over so your eye level with his chest floof and winks, “It’s just Angel, baby.”
“Whatever you say... Angel, baby.”
You can’t help but smirk when a rosy blush glows across his face
• Angel: 129 | You: 1
• You’ll still count that as a major win. Somehow, you think it’s no easy feat to make The Angel Dust blush
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oizysian · 25 days
Bad Puppy | Wanda Maximoff & Natasha Romanoff
Summary: Y/N isn’t in the right headspace today, and when Wanda lets Natasha go too far with her punishment, she has to make it up to her poor puppy.
Warnings: pet play, spankings, dirty talk
Word count: ~2.5k
AN: I’m so nervous about posting this because I’ve never really written anything like this. I hope you all like it!
“Bad puppies get punished,” Wanda said without looking up from her work. “You know that, pet.”
“Yes, mommy.” I responded softly, not wanting to antagonize her further.
“And today mommy is far too busy with work to punish you, so I’m having Tasha come and do it for me.”
My eyes widened. Natasha was coming to punish me?
“But, mommy -”
“I don’t want to hear it.” She took a break from typing to crack her knuckles, then looked at me. “Unless you want Tasha to stay over tonight.”
“No.” I whimpered. “I’m sorry.”
“Good girl.” She looked down at her paperwork, picked up a pen and scribbled something down before typing again. “She’ll be here any minute so go lay down. You know how she likes you.”
I almost started crying at her words. I did like playing with Natasha, really, but I didn’t want to play today. Puppies didn’t talk back to mommy so I couldn’t tell her how I felt, so I just went and laid down on the pullout couch she had in her office.
I lay pouting when Natasha walked in, dressed in a pencil skirt and plain white top, and high heels to finish off the ensemble. She closed the double doors behind her and approached Wanda’s desk, completely ignoring me.
“Wanda. I hear someone’s been bad.”
She took a moment to look up at the other woman, nodding as she did so.
“Very. My little pet needs to be punished, but I’m just swamped with work today.”
“I see.” She said as her eyes scanned over the various piles of paperwork she had on her desk. “So that’s why you called me.”
“Exactly.” She leaned back in her chair and looked up at the older woman. “I know you’ll dish out the appropriate punishment for my little pup.”
Natasha finally turned to look at me, spread and waiting for her on the luxuriously large couch.
“She’s well trained, at least.” She walked over to me and ran her hand along the edge of the couch, fingers brushing the soft, silk cushions.
“She’s well trained for you.” Wanda rolled her eyes. “She’s been a bit of a brat lately.”
“It’s because you’re working too much and too hard.” She walked back over to Wanda and stood behind her chair, reaching over and massaging her shoulders. “You’re gonna work yourself to death.”
“Mm,” she moaned, her head lulling back against the headrest as Natasha worked out the knots in her upper back and shoulders. “You’re right, but I need to earn a living.”
“Wanda, you’re one of the top five richest women in New York.” She leaned down and pressed a kiss to her neck and Wanda tilted her head to give her better access. “You need some time off. You need someone to take care of you.”
My ears perked up at that, watching them from my place on the couch.
“Not today, Tasha.” Wanda finally sighed and Natasha stood up straight, returning her gaze to me.
“I know. Today is for the pup.”
I trembled where I lay, watching as her hungry eyes ran over my bare body. I didn’t want to play today! I wanted to be with mommy!
Usually Natasha and Wanda played with me whether I said I wanted to or not, but they always listened for a safe word. I’ve never used it, always coming around and wanting to play after a while, but today wasn’t like that. But, puppies didn’t talk back to their mommies.
Natasha walked back over to me and climbed onto the pullout bed, crawling over to me like I was some kind of small prey. Wanda stole a glance at us, her eyes hovering over me before returning to her computer screen.
Natasha rolled me over and rubbed her hand along the swell of my ass, propping herself up on her elbow as she laid next to me.
“Wanda,” she spoke as she caressed me. “Why haven’t you painted this ass red already?”
“I figured you’d rather do the honors.” She continued to type. “I know you so enjoy a good spanking.”
“I do.” She slapped my ass and I whimpered, gripping at the sheets beneath me. “Especially when someone deserves it.”
“Mommy,” I whimpered, turning my head to face her, but she didn’t even spare me a glance. “Please.”
“Mommy won’t help you if you’ve been bad.” She smacked my ass again. “She might actually enjoy hearing you cry.”
“I think I might.” She said with a smile, tilting her head slightly so she could see Natasha spank me.
Natasha spanked me again and again, causing me to cry into the pillows. My ass was red, burning and raw once she was done, which felt like hours later. I had been bad, yes, I had disobeyed mommy, so I deserved this.
“I love it when she cries.” She directed at Wanda, but kept looking at me. “You really have the most perfect pet.”
“She’s perfect when she listens.”
“I’ll listen, mommy, I promise!” I cried and Natasha laughed.
“She says she’ll be good, mommy. What do you think?” She said as she rubbed my ass, causing me to hiss from the pain.
“I don’t believe her.” She said, resting her head on her hand. “I don’t think she means it.”
“Maybe her pussy needs a spanking too.”
“Mama, please, I’m sorry! I’ll listen to you! I won’t disobey you again!”
“Mhm.” She hummed and Natasha laughed again.
“I’m sure she’ll listen, mommy. At least she definitely will once I’m done with her.”
I buried my face in the pillows, crying freely. Why wouldn’t mommy believe me?
Natasha flipped me back over, running her hand over my mound. I cried when my ass hit the sheets, and covered my eyes so I didn’t have to look at them. I was embarrassed that I couldn’t be good enough for mommy that she had to call Natasha over. I was embarrassed that I had been spanked.
“Look at Natasha, detka.” Wanda said smiling. “Look at her when she spanks your pussy.”
I removed my hands from my face, balling them up at my sides. I sniffled softly as I watched Natasha pet me, my chest heaving as I tried catching my breath. She wasn’t hitting me yet, but my body trembled in anticipation.
“She’s shaking.” Natasha said with a smile. “She must be excited.”
Wanda got up from her desk and went into her bag, retrieving a rose gold buttplug with a little tail on the end. She walked over to us and handed it to Natasha, who eyed it excitedly.
“I was in such a rush this morning, I forgot to put this in.”
“Keep those legs spread, pup.”
Natasha spread me further and tried to insert the plug into my ass dry, causing my muscles to push her out.
“Tasha,” Wanda chided. “You need to get it wet first.” She gestured to me with her head. “Use her mouth.”
“Open wide.” Natasha brought the plug to my lips and slipped it into my mouth.
I pulled away from her and she grabbed at the leash attached to the collar I always wore and pulled me back toward her to take the plug in my mouth.
“Get it nice and wet.” She said softly, a sadistic smile on her face.
Tears stained my cheeks as I swirled my tongue around the plug, doing as she asked. I was taking the punishment I knew I deserved but I wasn’t sure how much more I could take today.
“She’s such a needy slut. She needs all her holes filled up, doesn’t she?”
I didn’t respond. She popped the plug out of my mouth and pushed me back down on the plush cushions beneath me, spreading my legs once again to insert the plug into my ass.
“She’s so tight.” Natasha said as she attempted to push the plug in again. “I love it.”
I let out a grunt as she finally got it through my ring of muscles, relaxing at the familiar feel of my plug in my ass.
“There you go. Puppy’s got her tail now. I thought something was missing.” She reached up to pet my head, touching the ears I had clipped to my hair.
“I do love when she’s all dressed up for me.” Wanda leaned over and tugged at my tail gently, drawing a low moan from the back of my throat.
“She likes her ass getting played with, huh? She really is a whore.”
“Mommy …” I looked up at her with teary eyes, but she continued to examine my tail.
“I might need to get her a bigger one for when she’s bad. Maybe one that’s a little longer and with a little more girth.”
“I’ve seen some pretty ones in the shop,” Natasha chimed in. “They’ve got a lot of things your pet would look delicious in.”
Wanda smiled at her before walking back over to her desk. She went in her drawer and pulled out a wooden hairbrush - one that was not used for hair - and brought it over to Natasha.
“I need to purchase a few different things. Paddles in different sizes are one of them.” She handed her the brush and Natasha ran it over my slit.
“A hairbrush is classic, though.” She tapped it on my mound gently and I nearly jumped right out of my skin. “It’s got a different texture than the paddle.”
Wanda hummed in agreement and Natasha began spanking my pussy, sharp, lingering strokes of the brush.
“Count for Natasha, pet.”
I was unsure of how many times she had already hit me. I opened my mouth to speak and she gave me another smack, and all that came out of my mouth was a whimpering cry.
“She’s too dumb of a whore to count.” She continued to spank me, my pussy red and raw, and I cried, attempting to close my legs to cover myself.
She pushed my legs open and spanked me harder, ignoring my cries. Wanda watched as Natasha punished me, her eyes hard and unwavering.
“Thank Natasha for spanking you, detka.”
“Thank you, Tasha.” I cried, blubbering like a baby.
“How many was that?” She asked Wanda and she raised her eyebrows.
“Twenty. My obedient pet should’ve been counting.”
“I’m sorry, mommy.” I just wanted to get back in her good graces.
“Hm,” Natasha slid her fingers into my heat, causing me to cry harder from the pain. “She’s wet. Dumb slut even gets wet from punishment.”
I couldn’t control my body, but everything hurt. My heart just wasn’t in it today, I wasn’t feeling good anymore.
“Red, mommy. Red.” I finally squeaked out, her eyes widening as she finally looked at me.
“Natasha, could you wait in the other room for a minute?”
The other woman nodded and climbed off the couch, straightening out her clothes before leaving the room, quietly closing the door behind her.
“Detka.” Wanda said softly, coming to sit next to me, resting her hand on my bare thigh. “What happened?”
“I don’t want to play.” I cried, covering my eyes with my hands. “I deserved to be punished, but I don’t wanna play.”
“Why didn’t you say something earlier, baby?” She rubbed my thigh, comforting me.
“Because I deserved it.”
“Hey. Look at me.” I peeked at her from behind my hands and she waited until I was fully looking at her before she continued speaking. “You deserved to be punished, yes, but not if you weren’t in the right headspace to be punished.”
I sniffled softly, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.
“You need to speak up when you’re not feeling good, okay?”
I nodded.
“Are you still mad, mama?”
“No, malyshka. You took your punishment, you did good. But, don’t do this again. If you don’t feel right, we won’t play, okay? This isn’t fun for mommy if it isn’t fun for you.”
“Okay, mama, I’m sorry.”
“I know. Come here.”
She held out her arms to me and I climbed into her lap, curling up in her embrace despite the pain on my ass and pussy. She held me close and rocked me, petting my hair.
“You’re my good girl. You did so good today. Do you want to sit with mommy while she works?“
I nodded and she pressed a kiss to my head.
“I’m gonna go tell Tasha we won’t be needing her anymore today, okay? I’ll be right back.”
She put me back down on the couch and got up, walking out and talking to Natasha.
I laid down and waited for her. My breathing finally evened out as I relaxed and calmed down. Mommy wasn’t mad and now I didn’t need to be punished any more today. I would get to cuddle with mommy and everything would be better tomorrow.
She walked back into the room, her gaze softening as she saw me curled up and practically falling asleep. She went and sat in her office chair, patting her lap for me to sit with her. I climbed off of the couch and almost ran to sit with her, letting her wrap her arms around me as I got comfortable on her lap. She began typing again and rested her chin on top of my head. This was all I wanted. I wanted to be with mommy today.
I nuzzled my face against her neck, taking the sensitive skin in my mouth and sucking gently. I slipped my hand up her shirt and palmed her breast, playing with her nipple through her bra as I sucked on her neck. I couldn’t be happier.
She ran her hand along the swell of my ass, hushing me when I hissed from the pain. She was just trying to comfort me.
“Do you want the cream?”
I shook my head slightly, not wanting to let go of her. I could handle the pain that I had deserved. I didn’t want us to part and I didn’t want to be a bother to her. I knew she had a lot of work to do.
“If you change your mind, let me know.” She pressed another kiss to the side of my head and continued to work.
“Mama?” I asked softly, looking at the dark mark I left on her neck.
“Do you … need someone to take care of you?”
Her brow furrowed in confusion before she remembered the conversation she had with Natasha.
“No, detka. I have you. I don’t need anyone else.”
I smiled to myself and rested my head against her.
“Am I more important than your work?”
“Of course you are, baby. What a silly question.”
I was important to her. I was hers and she was mine. Now that everything was settled, I couldn’t wait to play with mommy and Natasha again.
@boredandneedfanfics @hailee-steinfelds-girl
464 notes · View notes
sluttywonwoo · 8 months
So wonwoo likes to sleep naked eh… that’s um, useful information
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you’ve had hundreds of sleepovers with your best friend, that’s why you don’t think anything of it when you slip into bed beside him— only to feel his bare hip brush up against yours.
you hadn’t told him you were coming over, hadn’t announced yourself when you slipped into his room, hadn’t thought you needed to. mingyu, his roommate, let you in without a word when he saw the state you were in, jerking his head in the direction of wonwoo’s room before disappearing into his own.
you figured your best friend must still be awake, likely hunched over his keyboard with his noise canceling headphones blocking out the world. but his room is dark when you enter and you can hear him snoring softly.
you smile to yourself and set your bag on his desk chair. you had been looking forward to talking to him, looking forward to the advice he’d give you (that you probably wouldn’t take) when you told him about the new shitty guy you’re seeing, but that would have to wait. for now, you’ll settle for crawling into bed with him and praying for rest.
only, now you know you won’t be getting any sleep any time soon.
what the fuck are you supposed to do? try and sneak back out? what if he wakes up? and it’s not like you can stay. that’ll only make it weirder.
“hm, what time is it?”
you freeze, hoping he hasn’t noticed you lying right beside him, even though the fact that he’s speaking out loud implies that he knows you’re there. his brain takes a second to catch up, though, and then he’s scrambling to rip the comforter from your grasp to cover himself— even though you couldn’t see anything before anyway.
“what the fuck are you doing here?!”
“mingyu let me in!”
“i didn’t ask how you got in, i asked why.”
“i… couldn’t sleep at my place.”
he softens at that. “nightmares?”
you shake your head. “it just felt… wrong.”
he nods even though you’re sure he doesn’t understand. how could he understand?
“i keep telling you not to let them sleep over,” he mumbles. “they always leave weird energy behind.”
so maybe he does get it.
“i’m sorry,” is all you offer.
he’s the one to shake his head this time. “you know you’re always welcome here. just, send a guy a text next time?”
you snort. “what, you don’t want to wake up naked in bed with your best friend?”
“i never said that,” wonwoo clarifies. your smile wanes as you process what he’s implying. “i’d just rather her also be naked.”
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mydearlybeloathed · 24 days
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: without a major, eye catching skill, you attempt to make up for it by doing everything for everyone all at once--the crew only notices when it all comes crashing down.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: strawhats x sanjissister!reader, minor zoro x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.6k
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: reader is sanji's sister, reader is bad at emotions (same), first fic of college! woo!, injuries, stitches, blood, angst and comfort, requested
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Being the Strawhat Boatswain was no easy task, but you held it with determination and pride. Even when your crew made the job more than difficult.
You took in a deep breath and let it out slowly; Someone had messed with your inventory. 
You stood in the storage room, wondering who had the gall to come and move things around. The cannonballs were no longer in the crate by the window, but behind many other crates of lantern oil. The box once full of toothbrushes and toothpaste was down to its last bottle when it should still be half full. And to top it all off, the medical supplies shelf was out of order. The bandages were at the bottom and the disinfectant was next to the gauze!
It was enough to make your skin crawl.
Taking another deep breath, you shook out your shoulders, went through five stages of grief, and accepted the mess at hand, swiping a roll of bandages from the shelf and leaving the room to deal with some other day. 
Inventory was a job you liked. You took your role seriously, always on top of what was needed or wanted, ensuring it was acquired. Day in and day out you thought of everyone else, desperate to be useful.
You took this responsibility so seriously that your own self-care had gotten lost in the mix of Luffy’s food requests, Nami’s financial ledgers, and the weekly task of inventory. You’d lost sleep and skipped meals in the name of keeping order. 
Because if you didn’t, who would?
It didn’t matter anyway. You loved taking care of everyone. It made you feel useful. And as someone not as skilled with a sword or as knowledgeable with maps, that was worth a million hours of (much needed) sleep.
So you yawned and pushed open the door to your and Nami’s shared room, finding her hunched over her makeshift crate desk, squinting through the lamplight. Her forearm was still bleeding, splotches of red seeping through the first bandage. 
“I’ll handle this,” you startled her. “You fix that.”
Nami hadn’t seemed to notice the condition of her injury, chuckling dismissively as she worked at redressing the wound. “Thanks. My eyes needed a rest.”
Your own eyes longed to rest as she said it, straining under stress and overwork to finish doing the math of how many pounds of sugar, flour, and grain you’d need for the next stretch at sea. You picked up the sheet and made to your own desk, plopping down.
You underlined the last calculation as Nami tied off her bandage. Leaning back in your chair, you threw down your pencil and rested your eyes, knowing there was more work to be done despite the dark hour. As if on cue, the potter pattering of small hooves led up to your door, followed by a soft knocking. A smile spread on your face instantly. “Come in, Doc.”
The reindeer peeked his antlers and eyes in first, stepping inside when all was clear. “Is it a bad time?”
Nami swiveled to straddle the back of her desk chair. “Never. What’s up?”
His eyes blinked up at you first. “It’s time for your physical. Do you want to do it now?”
Immediate sirens went off in your head. “Physical?”
“We’ve all had one,” Nami piped in. “It’s just to make sure we’re all healthy. Your turn.”
“Good one,” you chuckled dryly. “I don’t do check ups, Doc. Sorry.”
Chopper’s little brows met instantly, his hooves falling to his sides. You shifted around to avoid his narrowed gaze. “Y/N, it’s important. I need to know where your health is so I can plan for the future.”
“My health is perfeclty fine and if anything changes,” you laughed, “I’ll let you know, Chop. I’m fine.”
But Nami wasn’t giving you a grin when you turned to her for support, her lips downturned. “I dunno. If Chopper thinks he should check you out then—”
“I said I’m good,” you snapped more sharply, going on in a concerningly peppy tone, “If I need help, I’ll ask for it.”
The way Chopper defleated nearly had you taking it all back, but you stood your ground, trying to make him feel better with a smile. His ears only drooped further until Nami said, “Can you help me, actually? I need to redo this bandage.”
She raised a brow over Chopper’s shoulder, silently asking a question you didn’t catch, so you grinned and shrugged it off. Standing, you caled over your shoulder, “I’m seeing if anyone needs anything.”
Chopper heaved a sigh as the door shut behind you. Nami pat his head gently, lips pursed. “She’ll warm up to it. Give ‘er time.”
“I know,” Chopper sighed. “I’m just… getting worried, I guess.”
“What do you mean?”
Chopper thought back to the past few months he’d been on the crew. Overall, you didn’t exhibit any alarming behavior. You worked hard and cared deeply, that was all. But… Chopper couldn’t place it, but he wanted to make sure everything was really all right. “It’s nothing.”
Hopefully, you warmed up to check ups quickly, at least for his own sake.
જ ⁀ ➴
You'd been careless—that’s what you blamed it on, at least.
The opposing pirate crew hadn't exactly caught the Straw Hats off guard. Nami was on watch that early morning, and she had a great record of raising the alarm. So when the enemy ship sidled up to the going merry and the dozen or so pirates jumped aboard, most of the crew was ready.
But you hadn't been at your best for days, maybe even weeks if you really admitted it. Sleep was so far away and your hunger was on this odd anxiety–induced strike. You barely felt real anymore, simply wandering through the ship doing various tasks that presented themselves, but never really taking time to breathe. 
You weren't entirely surprised when a pirate caught you off guard, coming at you from behind and getting a nick at your side—not a nick, actually. His sword had marked a pretty deep gash at your waist, and even when you thought the flow of bleeding was done, you somehow had more to give.
In the aftermath of the fight, as much as you attempted to brush off the concerns of the others, your heaving breath and greenish complexion were giving away everything. Besides, Sanji had known something was up since the first time you'd told him you "weren't hungry enough for dinner."
So as the sun rose above the horizon and the cleaning of the Merry's deck was completed, there was no escaping your fate. The haze of night no longer concealed your wounds.
Usopp was the first to notice. His gaze caught your stuttering breaths and the very obvious grimace you gave when trying to haul a dead pirate over the railing. He took the weight of the body in seconds, tossing it over.
"You don't look too hot," he observed, to which you scoffed and flicked your hands in nonchalance.
"It's nothing I can't fix." But you hadn't realized just how much blood was soaking in the fabric of your shirt, and one turn of your body displayed the vast crimson to him. Usopp's sharp inhale caught your attention, and with a grunted snarl you griped, "What?"
By now, nami had walked past, her own eyes catching your shirt. You glanced down and cursed at the sight. "I'm fine, okay? It's not that bad—"
But Nami already called out, "Sanji!" 
You rolled your eyes, gut bubbling anxiously. "Relax, would you? It's just a scratch. Honestly, we should use supplies for worse wounds—"
The breathy gasp behind you was unmistakably your brother's, and you swiveled to find him staring at your abdomen. "Pip…”
"What?" you snapped, self-conscious as your crossed your arms.
Luffy and Zoro had joined the show as well, causing anxiety to burn a hole in your good sense.
Sanji couldn't move, couldn't say a word. As you fumed up at him, all he saw was his baby sister, her face growing paler by the second, the flutter of your eyes weak, the red staining your clothes growing larger—
And then it hit him: The battle had occurred several hours ago. His eyes snapped to meet yours. "How long have you been bleeding out?"
"Stop," he said, and you did, your jaw snapping back up. His eyes skimmed you over with a hundred different thoughts, before he broke the contact and gently approached you. “Let's get this cleaned up, yeah?"
He sounded so soft, so much like how he used to when you were just young enough to still get by not knowing how shit the world was. It made you flinch away from him, not at all fond of the warm feeling of vulnerability welling up inside. "Shove off, Sanji. You're shit at dressing wounds."
"I'll do it then," said Chopper, stepping forward. In the little reindeer’s eyes was far too much concern. It left your skin crawling.
"No." You backed away from them till your back hit the ship's side and tried to ignore how featherlight your head felt. "Don't waste good supplies on me. It's not worth it."
Sanji gaped. "... What?"
You sighed, frustrated, and made to storm back to your cabin to sulk away the pain seeping through your limbs, raising your head to snap at them again.
Immediately, you found Luffy's eyes locked on you, all your words falling flat. He had never been scary—he was Luffy—but right then, well, you were frightened by the look in his eyes; it was something like confusion mulled with frustration.
"Not worth it?" He echoed.
Glancing around for help and finding none, you shrugged.
Luffy blinked, and you felt like apologizing, but he spoke before you could. "It's not waste if it's used on you, Y/N."
Sanji sighed like he was suddenly out of breath, catching your eye again. His eyes were shining, and not in the charming way. It was a heartbroken kind of look, and it ate away at your insides. "You didn't tell anyone... because you thought it wasn't worth it?"
"Well," you stammered. "I mean—it's not as bad as it looks."
You felt their stares—how each of them was looking at you with such pity it made you sick—and you cracked, sputtering. "Just back off! It's a little blood and I'll heal. Zoro did!"
The swordsman in question stiffened as you thrust a hand at him, his ever-deathly gaze boring into you. “Yeah, ‘cause I wasn't being a stubborn bitch about it."
You were in the middle of an eye roll when the headache started. Honestly, why did they care? It was you keeping up with their asses half the time. You didn't need the same treatment. You had your own shit handled.
You tried walking away, and you thought you'd had it handled, but then the world started spinning, and your side really did ache, and suddenly you were in sanji's arms as he gritted out your name.
You were tired, very tired, so you blinked up at him, and fell asleep.
As one can assume, the entire crew lost their shit.
જ ⁀ ➴
In the eight hours you were unconscious, nobody sat still. Someone was always pacing, arguing, tapping something—agitation just sat over the whole ship. 
Sanji would say those eight hours were the longest hours of his life. He would say it rivaled the eighty-five days on that damn rock. It rivaled everything, because it was you. His sister. 
He couldn’t bring himself to debrief all that you’d said and what it meant… but him mind brought him there anyway. Sanji beat himself up over and over. If only he’d noticed something was wrong—he should have noticed… which made him realize he hadn’t a clue what was wrong.
He was in the middle of cooking your favorite meal for when you woke up when the image of you fainting in a graceful arc crossed his mind, and how he’d lunged to catch you. Maybe it was just being in the kitchen, but it somewhat reminded him of when you were kids.
You, so much younger and frailer, were prancing atop the counteertops of the Baratie, playing the part of Red Leg Zeff with your boots covered in marinara. The real Zeff, not so Red Legged, battled you with a wooden spoon as he simultaneously fought of his growing fondness. You tripped over your own slimy boot laces and, ever the dramatic, used the opportunity to swan dive to the floor.
Yet you hadn’t made it to the floor, not even close. Sanji had you safe in his arms the second your foot slipped off the counter. When he scolded you for being reckless, you grinned and chirped, “I knew you’d catch me!”
Sanji had caught you again, but not fast enough this time. Lately, he was never fast enough to keep up with your ever-growing mind. Each day you got quicker on your feet, jumping to accomplish task after task after task—Sanji paused as he prepared the food. When was the last time he saw you take a break?
When you woke up, your head was anywhere but in your body, the sensations of the room around you slowly drifting back to you.
Groggy, you shuffled in the sheets, skin sticky with sweat. Your eyes adjusted to the brightness, fluttering open. You sat up groaning, blinking fully awake, only to pause. Sat on the stool across from your bed was Zoro, solemn as ever. He looked half asleep, but the sound of your rustling startled him awake, eyes lazily widening to take you in. 
He made to ask something, but you beat him to it, woozily wondering about the odd tick in his brow. "What's up with your face?"
His brows screwed together, but that look never left his eyes; you couldn't place what it was. "What d’you mean?"
"You look..." Your eyes flickered all over him, and you thought maybe, he looked relieved. "Nothing. Sorry. I feel weird."
“I’ll bet.” He leaned forward to glance you over, and you settled on yes, Zoro was definitely concerned. He'd never looked that way before, and the oddity had you leaning closer subconsciously. Zoro jerked back instantly, blinking quickly. "You feel better, though, right?”
You did a quick check of your body, sensing your limbs and tapping at the bandage covering your abdomen. “I think so.” 
Zoro nodded stiffly, eyes flickering all over the floor. “Want me to get Twirly? I mean—Sanji?"
Typically, you weren’t the transparent type, but your head wasn't where it should be, so all your thoughts suddenly came out as words. "Is he mad? He usually gets mad when I get hurt."
Zoro moved to kneel at your bedside when you started to prop yourself up, eyes glued to your lap. He watched you carefully. "I don't think he's mad at you."
"But I got hurt," you exasperated. "I wasn't watching my back and got—got skewered! He hates it when I get... skewered." You rubbed at your temples and let out a weak laugh, brain fog fading. "Am I making sense?"
You raised your gaze to find a hint of amusement on Zoro’s face, his lips tipped upward. "Barely, but I follow."
You felt at your side, wincing at the pricking pain of the wound and the bruise forming around it. Chopper had done a good job with the bandage, though it was about time to change it.
"Hey," he said, dragging your wandering attention back to him.
Zoro's face grew cold. "Don't ever pull that shit again. You get hurt, you tell someone. Even if you think it's a waste."
You averted your eyes. "Yeah. Cross my heart and shit."
He wasn't satisfied, but he leaned back and raked a hand through his hair, leaving it alone for now. That was when the door opened, and you felt his presence before you ever turned your face.
"Oh, God," Sanji gasped. He rushed to your side, falling to his knees and setting a hand on your shoulder, just staring at you like you weren't even real. He passed a hand over your hair and sighed like he had the weight of Atlas on him.
"You're okay," he said, not so much a question, more of a reassurance. Neither of you noticed when Zoro slipped out of the room, nor when he knocked into the doorframe as he went.
"I'm okay," you said.
Sanji's hugs had always been lethal, always too tight for comfort but too sweet to turn away—and this was no different. His arms were careful to avoid your side as he pulled you to him, your head finding a nook against his chest as his chin rested on your head, and he squeezed you tightly.
Silently, you let him hold you, remaining still against him. You felt his tears, but never heard them. You felt his grip on you like a brand, that same old discomfort crawling through your gut the longer the intimacy went on. But you withstood it, an odd kind of burn creeping up your throat.
You choked on a cough—no, you weren't coughing. You couldn't fool yourself into believing such a lie, not when your eyes slammed shut and forced streams of tears down your cheeks. Your hands clawed at his sleeves as a warbled cry claws its way from your lips. 
"You're worth everything," he whispered into your hair. "Oh, God. I really thought..."
"But I didn't." you calmed your ragged breaths. "I'm fine."
He nearly laughed. "Fine? Pipsqueak, you were out half the day!"
You pulled back with a grin. "Eh. Just a scratch."
Sanji shook his head, smiling, before it fell instantaneously. He held you by your shoulders, shaking you slightly. "Why would you... was it something I did? I would never—"
"No! No, it was nothing you did."
"Then why in hell would you try to walk off a wound that needed sixteen stitches!"
"I don't know!" you looked away. "I just... there was too much to do. Everyone would need things done after a battle like that. I wanted to be, I dunno, ready and able."
Sanji still didn't understand. "What things?"
"You know," you started. "Things." He gave you a look. You sighed. "Like... sometimes Zoro lets me polish his swords, and in exchange he'll clean the little nicks he claims won't give him infections. And I think Luffy's hat needed fixing. Usopp never organizes the canon balls right and it makes me nervous, so I always go back and redo it… And on top of all that someone went through my inventory."
He took you in for a moment, and you felt very, very transparent all of a sudden. "None of that is your responsibility alone."
"Yeah, but, who else is gonna do them? Everyone’s so busy doing their things. I don't have a thing, so I do everything, I guess."
Sanji tilted his head, brows knit. "You do too have a thing."
"I really don't, Sanji. I don't cook or kick people like you. I'm not amazing with swords or a slingshot. I can't navigate for shit or heal wounds... so I help. If I don't, I'm pretty much deadweight." In the following silence, you mumbled something you never thought you’d have the courage to say. “Face it. Luffy only invited me because I’m your sister.”
Perhaps you should go back to the Baratie, as much as the thought sickened you. Zeff would never turn you away, and he’d even be happy to have you back. 
“Not true.” You looked up, heart dropping at the sight of luffy in the doorway, the rest of the crew behind him. You shot Zoro an accusatory glare, wiping furiously at your face. Perfect. A waiting audience.
You rasped, “What?”
Luffy moved into the room, face sullen, his hat and curls shadowing his face. “I didn’t invite you because of Sanji.” Luffy ducked down to be eye level with you on the bed. “Honestly, I didn’t know you were related till a few days after you joined.”
“Oh.” Sniffling, you ducked your eyes. “Then why? I… I don’t contribute much of anything, and when I try I wind up passed out for half a day.”
Nami scoffed, “That wasn’t your fault.”
You scoffed right back. “I shouldn’t have left my back unguarded.”
“You shouldn’t have been skipping sleep,” Zoro rebuttled, eyes steely. “And meals.”
Swiping at your cheek again, “Screw you.” You picked at your nails and refused to look up at all costs. It was difficult with Luffy right in your face.
The captain had his brows screwed together. His eyes bore into you till he grew tired of your avoidance and lightly pushed at your shoulder. Your gaze flicked up to meet his, quick to glance at the wall over his shoulder. 
“Y/N,” he muttered, “We care about you. And you worried us.”
And just like that, all your work to keep the tears in crumbled; one rebellious tear escaped, leading a dangerous path down to your chin. “Yeah. I know.”
That got a whisper of a smile back on Luffy’s face, and his hand came to plop down on you shoulder. “You’re part of this crew because we need you.”
“For what?” you dared to scoff. Instantly, Luffy’s eyes narrowed further than you thought possible. 
He echoed your words back to you like they felt weird on his tongue, and gave no further reply, simply staring right through you. You had already shirvled into yourself by the time Sanji stepped in.
“I can never keep track of how much food we go through,” he said, nudging your shoulder, “but somehow you always know exactly what we need and how much. As a chef, you inventory is vital to me.”
“I’m convinced you’re a mind reader,” Usopp added on. “Still no clue how you knew I wanted marshmallows last week.”
You chuckled dryly, gaze still heavy, obviously hesitant to take them serious. Nami sighed deeply.
“Listen,” she started, moving to kneel in front of you. It was times like this Nami felt much older, when her eyes peered into yours and it felt like home (a home so distant you ached to remember it). “It doesn’t matter what you believe. You contribute so much to this crew, more than you need to most days.”
Chopper bobbed up beside her. “Yeah! You do everything and then you never let me look after you!” It was hard to focus on what he said when he was so cute, but somehow when he narrowed his eyes all angry like, he held your rapt attention. “Let me do my job, so you’re able to do yours!”
“On the topic,” Zoro grunted, “quit overworking yourself. When Usopp fucks up the canonballs let him fix it himself.”
You barely withheld a smile. “But… there’s still so much I can’t do—”
Zoro rolled his eyes. “You wanna learn how to fight? I’ll teach you. Just—quit being stupid and sleep, dammit.” His cheeks dusted pink and his eyes darted to the wall, unable to catch your tentative expression.
Luffy squeezed your shoulder. “You’re our boatswain. Just like Nami is our navigator and Sanji is our cook. The only one questioning your position is you.”
You sniffled, looking right in his eyes, and something in what he said finally broke through. You couldn’t cook or fight or navigate—but you had a damn good memory, you kept the ship organized, you made sure no one ever wanted for anything. You were the Strawhat Boatswain. Surely that held some weight.
“Okay, yeah, I get it,” you muttered, palms pressing against your cheeks as you cleared your throat. Glancing around at them all, you shoved down the creeping feeling in your chest and grinned cheekily. “But whoever’s been screwing with the storage room better knock it off, or I’ll be up all night fixing their mess.”
Silence enveloped you as everyone glanced around for suspicion, when Chopper burst forth with watery eyes. “I’m sorry! Really sorry! I didn’t realize I messed it up, I—I—”
“Slow down,” you smiled. You caught Chopper’s hooves in your hands and squeezed them tight. “It’s okay. I’m not really upset.”
If it was anyone else, maybe the story would be different, but all you felt was warm affection staring down at Chopper. He nodded swiftly. “I’ll help you fix it! Don’t worry.”
“I’ll help too,” offered Nami, none too subtle as she jabbed her elbow in the crook of Luffy’s side. 
“Ow! What—Quit that!” Luffy nursed the sting in his side, brows screwed together. “Me too, I guess…”
“We all will,” Nami declared, eyes scanning the room in search of an objection. She found none, a pleased smile gracing her lips. “See? You don’t even need to ask. We want to help you. Remember that next time you feel like everything is on you.”
“All right,” you conceded warmly. That familiar affection tugged on your heartstrings. You slid your legs off the bed and made to stand when a hand clamped down on your shoulder and nearly knocked you down. “Sanji, let go.”
Your brother’s jaw was set and gaze resolved, scaring the stubbornness right out of you. “You need rest. We can fix the storage room tomorrow, Pipsqueak.”
“You’re actively bleeding through your stitches,” he cut you off, grinning when you pouted. “Tomorrow. Your inventory isn’t going anywhere.”
You were left gaping at him, eyes scanning for someone on your side. Nami raised a brow. Zoro’s expression was blank. Usopp avoided your eye. Chopper looked so sure of himself that you didn’t even try. So instead, you puffed out a breath and readjusted yourself on the bed. 
“I expect everyone’s attendance tomorrow morning,” you grumbled.
Usopp gawked at you. “Morning?”
One glare was all it took and his jaw snapped back up. Your temples began to throb fiercely, the gradual increase in pressure suddenly erupting into a full ache. The base of your neck was sore too and your lash line weighed down in gentle flutters. Sanji’s hand on your shoulder kept you from floating away into the delirium, your gaze searching as it swept over all your friends.
That tight tendril of awkward affection curled around your heart, as it often did, and it felt as undesirable as always. But no one pressed for any outward expression of it; your friends simply stood in your midst, wearing there hearts on sleeves of various vulnerability, not a hint of expectation anywhere on their faces. 
Times like this, you thought maybe you could bare to ditch your fears. Then again, maybe not, but you dismissed the hope fondly. 
“All right,” Chopper grunted, cheeks puffed. “Everyone out. She needs lots of rest—starting now!”
You chuckled dryly as the little doctor shooed everyone away. Nami shot you a quick little wave and disapeared into the hall, Sanji squeezed your hand, and Usopp gave a brief thumbs up. Zoro was left holding the door, solemn as ever, and paused int he act of closing the door. He appeared between the door and the frame, not quite in yet not quite out either.
“I was serious,” he said lowly.
You tilted your head. “About overowkring myself?”
“Well, yeah, that,” he stammered. “I mean about learning to fight. I’ll teach you.”
You’re sure your eyes glimmered, heart thrumming unexpectedly. “Really?” He nodded, crossing his arms. “Sanji won’t like it.”
“He doesn’t like a lot of things.”
“Primarily you.”
A scant smirk, one born of mischief and misdeed, crept up his face. “Primarily me, yeah.”
You shook your head and fought back a smile. “I don’t have a sword.”
He paused long enough for you to notice. “I’ve got three.”
“I couldn’t,” you said instantly, jaw falling open. “Those’re important.”
Zoro rolled a shoulder and combed at his hair. “I trust you.”
He was gone before you’d finished gasping, eyes wide as the door swung shut in his wake, and unsure when a sudden heatwave had flooded the room.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @100520s @murnsondock @kryscent
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pseudowho · 9 months
Defending Your Honour
A series in which the JJK guys stick-it to the creeps and perverts bothering the reader.
A multi-fic in a series ❤️🫖☕
Part 1 (Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru, and Todo Aoi) link here!
Part 3 (Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara, Inumaki Toge and Fushiguro Toji) link here!
More JJK men and women to come
Trigger Warning: spreading false sexual rumours, stalking, being followed home
Higuruma Hiromi
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You had to leave. You had to get another job. There was no way to come back from this; office-culture spread rumours like the plague, and whether they were founded or not, you still felt the pierce of dozens of judging eyes on you.
Your clothes felt too tight, too revealing, your skin prickled and your nose stung with tears as you gulped, chin held high but so exposed and vulnerable. A filthy rage roiled in your gut at the injustice of it all. The irony did not escape you, as you hot-footed away from the whispers of the legal office.
As you gathered files, clunky and unwieldy in your arms, you felt a hand pretending to be affectionate on the small of your back that made your skin crawl, covered in worms and mud.
"When you're ready," a low voice sing-songed to your right, smirking, gleeful, "just hop along to my office, and we can work something out, yeah?" You jolted with shame as the hand clapped your bum. The eyes flicked back onto you. The whispers spread, infectious. You were a leper, now.
Hiccuping as you ducked your head, you felt hot rancid tears stream down your cheeks, darting down a corridor and reaching for a door any door to take you away from all of these eyes and whispers and accusations and this one was usually empty so you snuck in and slammed the door shut behind you and--
"Oh! Hello," a low, warm voice offered, surprised. You gasped, clapping a hand over your mouth, unable to hide the tears and anguish. The man was tall, slender, his unruly black hair escaping in flicks over his temples, but he looked so genuinely concerned as he rose from his desk, that you sobbed, apologising and sinking to the floor with your face in your knees.
You felt the man crouch beside you, his hands on his thighs, his presence sincere and welcoming. He sat for a moment, apparently awkward and unsure how he could help you.
"It's okay," he reassured, "it's a fucking ugly office, I hate it too, it makes me cry--" You huffed out a wet, genuine laugh and heard him smile, amused puffs of breath from his nose.
"Really, though," he continued, "I'm happy to help...if I can. Not sure if you need a lawyer, or-- or for me to catch a spider for you, I mean I hate them too but I can certainly--" he stopped himself from rattling away. You sniffled, looking up at him with a cute watery smile that made his heart thump.
"You could get me a new job, maybe? Or just a new boss?" You wiped your eyes now, embarrassed by interrupting this lovely man. The lovely man raised his eyebrows, now sitting in front of you, cross-legged.
"And what has your boss done to make you cry?" He inquired, black eyes like beetles, reading you.
You fumbled, uncertain of yourself when explaining the crimes of a man to another man, "I think he didn't, uhm...didn't take being rejected very well and uh--" tears poured, unbidden, as your face crumpled again, "--he's started a rumour than uhm-- that I sleep with him and uhm-- I don't but everyone believes it, and he wants me to come to his office now, after he's just touched me, and I don't know-- I don't know what to do--"
You broke down again, weeping into your knees, as the lovely man before you simmered, his lid rattling with unbridled rage at the unfairness of it all.
He smiled at you, though, gentle and open, "Your boss...the sweaty one? Big guy, thinks he's all that?" You laughed wetly again.
"Oh, you know him?" You grinned together, and you blushed, painfully grateful for being treated with basic respect. Hiromi nodded-- he didn't know your boss. But, he knew men like him and they filled him with bitter disdain, a core loathing and disgust that informed his choices every day.
"Well then...you can share my office today," he insisted as he stood, rubbing his hooked nose between two long fingers, "I've got...something to do." You blinked owlishly up at him. He helped you up, pulling a chair to his desk for you. You perched, confused, but not arguing.
Some time later, your boss headed back to his office from the vending machines, impatient for you to come to his office, feeling sickly gleeful for having punished you for humiliating him, and his heart leapt hopefully, because maybe he could offer to deny all those rumours, and then you would be so grateful that maybe you'd give him a--
He opened his office door, having just enough time to click it closed behind him before hearing a quiet, angry voice from somewhere above the doorframe.
"Domain Expansion: Deadly Sentencing."
Plunged into a different room, ostensibly not his office, your boss shrieked in terror as two terrifying black figures loomed over him, only one of them human.
"What the fuck are you-- where the fuck am I-- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!"
Higuruma looked up at the Judgeman with a humourless smile, and back down at your boss, who scurried backwards until his shoulders hit the domain's edge, blind with panic.
"You've been a very naughty boy," Hiromi sang, "shall we see how naughty?"
You jumped as the office door swung open, and Higuruma (you had worked out, from the lanyard he left on his desk) re-entered with two hot drinks. He smiled a wonky, loping smile.
"Coffee machine's finest," he offered, placing one in your hands. He stood for a moment, bouncing on his heels, chin and nose dipped in consideration.
"I should think... your days of problems with your boss may be over," he said, blasé and cryptic. He did not elaborate, but reached into his pocket, before slipping his card across the desk to you.
"My office is, uhm...hiring a new legal assistant, though. I can put in a good word for you." Hiromi looked into the distance across the room, one hand in his pocket as he continued to rock on his heels. He glanced down at you, eyes glimmering at each other as they met.
Ino Takuma
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I loved meeting you last week. I thought we made a really special connection. I'd love to meet again. Call me.
You smelled so good today. I love how you're being such a tease. Can't wait for you to call.
I can't stand seeing you talking to other guys! Still haven't seen this so-called 'boyfriend' of yours though. He can't be that into you if he's letting other men near you. Call me.
You didn't answer when I knocked for you, but I know you're home. Bet you were upstairs being naughty, hope you were thinking of me, hahaha, jk. HMU, seriously. I miss you.
I know you're such a little slut behind that 'good girl' act ;) Quit playing hard to get. I finish at 5, I'll meet you from work and we can finally go on that date you owe me.
I've never been this in love before. So disappointed you ditched our first date. I'll catch you another time. I love you so much.
Hope you got the flowers I left on your porch. I love you so much.
I love you.
Good morning baby. I love you.
You're a nasty little bitch and you're gonna die alone and you deserve it. If this is how you treat a nice guy like me, how do you treat all the others? You should be grateful.
I'm sorry. I've just had a really bad day baby. You're my whole world. I love you.
Your hands shook as you scrolled through unanswered text after unanswered text. How had being friendly at a work conference gotten so out of hand? Your head spun as you recounted the memories; were you too flirty? Did you give hints of wanting to be more than just acquaintances? Did you dress too provocatively? Did you touch him?
In a desperate hunt for answers you blamed yourself. I should just be a standoffish bitch in the future, you thought, trying to hold back tears.
Leaning over your desk to pack your bag, you began to feel the walls close in around you, terrifying and claustrophobic, a rat in a maze, and you saw tears splash down onto the leather of your work diary. Would he be waiting outside work again today? Or would he be just outside your office door? Would he be waiting in your home?
You felt a pair of warm, strong arms wrap around your waist from behind, "Hey gorgeous! Guess who got off work ear--"
In a shrieking panic, you lashed out, spinning with your hands raised in attack and defence. Your wonderful, kind boyfriend, Takuma, threw himself backwards, alarmed and apologetic, raising his own hands in placation.
"Whoa, whoa, hey! Oh babe, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you--...what is it? Why are you crying? What's happened?"
Weeks and weeks of trying to ignore your stalker, hoping he would go away and forget about you, tumbled out of you at once. In a wild babble of explanation, he keeps texting me, and I'm not interested, and he won't leave me alone, and he leaves things on the doorstep, and I'm so, so sorry.
You had thrust your phone into Takuma's hands, and he held you close to him with one arm as you sobbed into his shoulder. The other hand scrolled through messages from your unwanted admirer; Takuma's face grew quiet with rage, his lips curled in disgust, a flush of anger smattered hot and pink across his cheeks.
"Babe," he started, "why didn't you..." Swallowing, Takuma stopped himself, "This is not your fault. This guy, there's...there's something wrong with him. Have you kept everything? All the stuff he's left you? All the messages?" You nodded as Takuma gripped you by the sides of the shoulders, your face crumpling as his hand raised to cup your cheek, staring deeply into you, leaning forward to press a desperate kiss to your forehead.
"Okay, listen, I'm gonna fix this," Takuma nodded hard, staring into you again as you started to shake your head, "no, no no, trust me. I promise I'm gonna fix this. Listen, you're...you're gonna go to Nanami's place. I'll call him. He'll understand. There's this lawyer at the school now, we'll gather everything and get it to him. I've...I've got to go out. I'll fix this, I mean it. I wouldn't let you down."
Takuma's heart wrenched as you continued to sob, apologising to him as if it was your fault. Within minutes, Takuma had called Nanami, and put you in a taxi. Sticking to the alleyways as he headed out into the streets, Takuma pulled his balaclava down, his eyes ferocious and vengeful as he took to the hunt.
Your stalker was grossly familiar with your routine now. What you ate for breakfast (he had gone through your bin bags). What colour underwear you preferred (he had seen you through the gaps in your curtains). Which work events you were going to attend (he had scoured every inch of every company calender).
Thanks to some sloppy administrators, he even knew where you lived. Grinning to himself, he felt such a satisfying possession over you, knowing you inside-out. Hiding behind your neighbours' fence panels, he peeked, waiting for you to get home.
One hand leaned past his face, resting on the fence panel beside him, and his stomach froze into knots when he felt himself doused in the icy presence of some dark, unknown force. He opened his mouth to scream, and a second hand pressed over his mouth with horrifying strength.
"Hey, big guy! Wow, you really must be a hit with the ladies," air hissed through Ino's teeth and he sighed in feigned disappointment, "Not with my girl, though." Your stalker squeaked as blackness closed in around him. Ino let out a noise of disgusted amusement as the man's trousers darkened down one leg.
Ino continued, letting the man cry and shake under his hand; "Here's how this is gonna work..."
Several days had passed since Ino had arrived at Nanami's to collect you, with a deeply satisfied smirk on his face. You had received no more messages. No more flowers. No more thinly-veiled threats. A dark cloud lifted off your mind, and you breathed easy.
Curled up on the sofa that night, you stroked Takuma's chest, listening to the clockwork thump of his heartbeat under your ear. Your curiosity got the better of you.
"Takuma...what did you do?"
Takuma grimaced, "Just showed him the error of his ways, babe. He won't be bothering you again."
While grateful, your belly swirled with fear, and guilt that even if your stalker left you alone, he'd just find someone else, another woman, and harass her just as he had harassed you-- or worse. Takuma read you like a book.
"Look, I-- I didn't want to force anything on you the other day. But I promise you, this guy knows that if you go to the cops about him, and he doesn't 'fess up, it'll be more than just me after him."
Ino smugly pictured Higuruma and Nanami, ready, Misters. Law and Order, prepared to flex their quite complementary powers of threat and legal representation.
You smiled, surrounded by an impenetrable wall of support. Leaning up, you tangled your fingers into Takuma's hair, and he let out a sweet hum of happiness as you kissed him deeply. Nose to nose, you took delight in showing your appreciation.
The next day, wearing a mantle of quiet bravery, you walked into the Police Station.
"I'd like to report a crime."
Itadori Yuuji
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You had chosen absolutely the wrong shoes to go out in.
You shivered in the chilly night air; your skirt hadn't been this short all night, had it? The cold had a way of exposing things the mirror didn't. Still, you smiled to yourself as you leant against a lamp-post, removing your heels with a sigh of relief, certain you'd be comfier taking the last few streets before home barefoot than in these beautiful monstrosities.
You could not bring yourself to regret such a fun night. Waving your friends goodbye, you had foregone taking a taxi home. Tokyo was a safe city, anyway. It was only a short walk home. You could do with sobering up a bit.
Feet padding gingerly on the cold concrete, you tapped away on your phone as you began to walk home. Within a few minutes, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, cold prickles running down your spine.
Running a hand through your hair, you shielded your glance backwards; a man. Some distance away. By the lamppost you had removed your shoes at. You gulped-- it's nothing, you lied to yourself, just on his way home like me. But, just in case, you started walking faster, the soles of your feet stinging as they clapped against the floor.
Feeling tingles at the base of your skull a minute later, you felt the man closing in on you and bile climbed in your throat, feeling the alcohol threaten to come up into your mouth, options running through your head at breakneck speed, to scream or call the police or stop and fight or try to run faster or--
It was no use. He was almost on top of you now; you rounded the corner to a tree-lined street. You could smell the sweat on him, and you spun to face him, losing your footing and falling backwards onto the floor--
All at once, you screamed, a dark mass plummeted from the tree above you, and there was a sickening crunch as it flattened your pursuer to the floor.
The black mass, burly and pink-haired, stood up and turned to face you, opening his mouth--
You screamed again, still panicking, throwing a shoe at him, "What the hell are you? What are you doing?" The young man crouched, eyes wide, both hands in front of him, bleeding from the lip from your shoe.
"I'm a Yuuji, I'm a Yuuji--"
"--a Yuuji?!" You raised your hand again and he flinched. Your pursuer groaned underneath his feet.
"--I don't know if you know, but this guy was following you-- oh shit, you're not friends are you-- please don't throw another shoe at me--" Yuuji squeezed his eyes closed, hands still raised above his head in arrest. You surveyed him from the ground, your panic slowly abating.
He's cute, you thought as your head spun violently, and you rocked to the side, vomiting all over the pavement. Yuuji crept over to you, hands uncertain at first, but eventually settling on holding your hair back as the alcohol evacuated your stomach.
Patting your shoulder with upbeat reassurance, Yuuji turned to look at the man on the floor with a scowl.
"Creep," he grumbled, crushing the man's hand under his shoe. As the man squirmed and complained, Yuuji gave him an effortlessly hard punch to the side of the head, knocking him out cold in an instant. Rummaging in the man's pockets, Yuuji pulled out a drivers' licence.
"Oh hey, he lives nearby. Want to drop him home with me?" Yuuji asked you with a shit-eating grin.
"Think that'll do it?" Yuuji dusted off his hands, surveying his handiwork with satisfaction. Tied up in the offerings of the man's shed (some old garden hose, with a wooden freshly painted sign hung around his neck), the man was dropped unceremoniously onto the doorstep. You snapped a quick photo on your phone, hand over your mouth as you laughed to yourself.
Yuuji pressed the doorbell, and grabbed your other hand, pulling you behind a hedge as you giggled like children together.
"I FOLLOW GIRLS HOME" read the man's sign, as his mother opened the door.
"--so anyway, I should probably get back to work, I guess...after you get home."
You rested your chin on Yuuji's shoulder as he piggy-backed you home, your shoes slung in one hand as he ambled, slowly zigzagging along the tree-lined street. Your eyes drooped, breathing in your new friend's soft, cosy smell, still occasionally giggling to yourself.
Arriving at your doorstep, Yuuji lowered you to the ground, and brought one hand up to awkwardly scratch the back of his head. His face blushed crimson when you leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. He grinned, shuffling sweetly, bidding you goodnight, but hesitating. You bit your lip, head tipped, waiting. Yuuji didn't get the hint, turning to walk away.
"Hey, my hero. All that, and I don't get your number?"
Yuuji's smile could have split rainclouds.
Higuruma waiting on the ceiling above the office door like
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Coming next: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Toge Inumaki, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara.
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